HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-9-12, Page 3BLAU I Y I AIkS i OX WOMEN : A I'ro:esslunal (Ikea a I ew Hints un Preserving Yuur Appcerauce. d• ++++++++++++++++++++++t+++++++4++++++++++++++++++++++ N'reikler in the face are uucou- belounly wells, one might ray. fur who wOaW willingly pruduee such 411.1igurrweute If we could but remember that every time we squint at the run, ill trying to keep it out of our *lee, we make little wriuklee .mr.,ly lbw proem who ie equlnlhlg tat -,the sun would 'ewer the curtain of the window Into whltk the rayN come and remove all cause for the clueing ed 'mem eye and the making of much n face. Duce the wrlltklee are wade la the fame. it is aoh'u eloamy to this ea removethem. lures, but with pa vv.t the wily method by which it ,.4,44 1113 aee•exupliehe.l tr through Ina tsegf1. '1'o, give nntNwtge properly rPqulree eared deal of practice and :t thor- ough knowledge of the uuat.Wy of the face. It IN a mistake be Mundy ut any u your that haplpe facto and to wutk with t but *the right fingers every "W using every movement but the cor- rect 410.'. You N1/uu01,1 gt. to wurk to as scientific a manner ltd yet eau, for threw move entr, ,liven taw:wetly. will do more g.x..1 than a down earelemr tucker. First, get a chart, one on which the ouretes of the face are ehow44 a1u1 dlagrattted plainly. You wall enaily see what r the trwWt' when you look al the chart, for your 'ammeter are rtlnktd, and when you hate Iueatetl the little Iuu,cles that are 1•., lender and numerous ue.ar the corner of tire rye -for 'hid la the ,uu .rankle -rat luau, dip your fiu- gerN lightly tete a gteel er,•aw, iund 1114•11, plauhtg 111e hand 111 11 ppsttiou .o (hitt lbw wrist Ixtinte me%ar.d and the fingers toward the node, ,k•merlbe little circler upward and .attward on the wueelel, which you will bo thio to locate by feeling of year 'toe and Joking at the chart. \over massage toward the '.entre .,f the face and never downward. 1,.r the skin it like a piece of bilk :cid If It la folded the wr.41g way a rumple will be the rerun. .Uways remember to wash the face. in warm water before massaging 11, roe If ytrt don't, -arid there is for least bit of dust on It you, will rub tlwt (111)41 ;hike tit.' pores and the remelt will be little Wackiteadl. Thio i, not 1emlb10 If the kande •and tact' are flat washed and a purr . rne's* which brim been kept in a rotrrel Bream jar, IN used. .allow the cnrlu to stay nn the Low all eight and wash nwny with warm water and good Nuap la the m..ruing. Poor hair. You can haver u.ce hale ft ycu wast it, and, U you g, at it right It need take only a few day1. There is really no wirers fur 1MM,r hair, It IA h0 truly to make 1t thick 01441 gloomy. First, U the hair la dry and breaks, It le a eIgn that the sealp need.; nour- ishment and that the circulation le ammo • should then be o.od, and with it a go' This is an excellent formula, and *Iambi be ute 1 with fri tlee every night: Cologne, eight (.users. Tincture of Ito ntlutrhh'x, two ounce/. Fiddle of camphor, tau /anew. When lbs cls Maki at Is rtstul y.1 to Me lent' the glower w)Hl- _ the uneven hair will by degrees grow a1..1 once agate the hair will b; ..'i t fair way to good health. Lewd this, my meet woman with the thin leeks, nnewer rota rrrntlitii.n 3'_- A hot iron tN certainly injnrione le. the hair, and it would be the better of two ways to .lo It up at night In tuft papier Or kl(141. Even s., the hair should not be dont up every tf.ghl, though every other night will not be re. Iutrmful. _ If the hair Is very atralght there :ire curling fluddx that will help to keep it in curl for some tlm,r, but' very little of It tW alt be netel. Curling Y'Inld. Di*wrlve in three-quarters of n pint of water (hot' one ounce 4,1 gum arable, one-lutlf onoee 01 g.Mr1 exist sugar. When the ioluti.n Ie c0111, add tau fluid ounces of pure 0ln14431 Nov Craton of biehlorldr of mercury, tiv (1:11114 of nal ammoniac. Tat Inst Iwo 4411011111 be. d4rw.lvrtl in the nlalooi le4ore being nnk'et int -tout mixture. I rubbly, add enough water t.) mike the mixture n pint. Perflm • with -_ _ f.rdogrte or lavender water. I'1 get- ting up this mixture. It 1.1 a Ip•o.1 thing to get a drugglet to 11.1p fuel. There umed to lie, in our grnnl- rnothev'x time, a rule wide!' wan 4 44Iuge the Itaie. You cannot Kluge the hair your re11, but 044 &subtlest can du title its u very little time. l:urub the hair thoroughly ; then, taking email strands of it, 04444 at a tine, twist them loosely. cul with a lighted cup o• Nluge quickly ; lake care not to lu,ld the tater hill fur a min- ute., but wove It quickly Mimi the rtrund of hair which it held in the hand. Cure fur Dad Blood. if you nerd ruwething for your blued Irg the old sulphur and nee lames r•tu dy. (let 5 cents' worth of near of sulphur. Put two teaspoon - rule In the bottom of it glees. Se' that there are no lumps la 11. Pear ►la teas"ufldt of uwlasrer 011 the sulphur. Iltir. 'Cake olio teaspoonful Ir( the mixture before breakfast and one Jost b fore gulag to bud for three days. (Milt for three days. Repeat told umlt for three days, until you have taken the preparation for .nine days. 1f rtughnese of the skin Woke like a ringwprm It 1. probably .romethIng of that nature. Try this ointui•nt: Slily:111e acid, 120 grainy. i1ua,Ilne, half ounce. Fresh lard, half ounce. Apply at night and remove in the morning a ith warm water and n bland soap. A h'uman'e Anguish. There pathetic verrea were found phlnl'd un 111P cord:* a 411 n Comely young wow:u1 who had ewnullt191 IMICIde hi a Cincinnati perk. The nail of mental anguish running all throughout the prowl would Indicate that the girl herself. or oke who found herself in (► like perdition, had penned It : Sit Ong alone by the window, Watching the luonolit •treet, Bending my he:ui to listen To the well-known round of your feet. I have been wondering, darling. Dow I could bear the pain, When I watch with gighs and tear - wet eyes And /rail your coning In vain. Fur I know tint n tiny approaches When you will the of •tae; When b,.' the door and gate I may watch and wait Fur a form I will not see; When the love that ix now my hea- ven, The time.' that slake my life, You will Iestow On another And that other will be )'oar wife. You will grow weary qi. sinning Though you do not call it so. Yon will log for a love that is purer Titan the love that we two know; (lord knows I hare loved you dearly, With n passion •trtxlg and true, But you will grow tired and leave MMP, Thought i gave up all 'w you. I Man nit pure as- the morning hen I first looked on Sour face; I knew 1 never on In your high, exalted place. But 1 looked and loved and wor- shipped. As a flower might worship a star, And your .yrs shone down upon rue, Anil you seemed so tar, so far. And tlu•n :' well, then you -hoed tae. -Loynd tnP with all 5..oi. heart. But we could not .stand at the altar. We were so far dpart ; It u .lar wadd wed a flower A sitar mu111t dross from the sky. Or the flower In trying to reach it Would droop on Ito stiiek and MP. But yo. Wald that you loved me dearly, Aud xwo:o hy the hen%ena above That the Lord and all His angel, Wo -all sanction and Wens our love And I' I wax weak. not wicked, My. 1040 wax as true and pure, And sin Itself sewmel it virtue When only vita -reel by you. Wehave been happy tofether. Tlicrigh undor the clued of ,Mn. lint 1 know that 11.1. day approachr'm Whorl my cliamtening meet begin. Yo:l have been faithful 111111 tender, But )'or will not always be, And 1 think 1 had better 100te )ut While )'our thoughts are kind of me. (]•m, lion: I could never fear It, It wo lei madden my brain, I know; And 1.0 wltllo you Tuve me dearly 1 think 1 had bolter go. It in /tweeter to feel, my darling, To knew an I fall asleep, That erne one relit Remelt gad turns me, That some nn' LI left to weep. That 10 die as 1 would In the fu- lur To drop in the street home ley 1'eknwn, unwept and forgo.tro, When. yeti hove carat m.• nwny. re f' v 1111 r 'e 1- bit al of tit a 1 1 slue w lit e 1 (alt wa:,h my goretell l„ clenn; Pereltancu I may drink of the wnler That flaws through the pnetnres Perchance we may meet in heaven, And walk In the .'reels above, With nothing to grieve or part UM, Since our ginning wee all through love, Gal myth "love one anotheri" And down to the depths of 11 sir N'lII lie wend the g0111 of a woman B,cn11w0 who Toted and fell? Porehnnee if We had never met, 1 Inn' been tittered thlm Inst r et, '1'Itle endTete .trlving to for Anil yet, 1 cold not bear the pain or never Ieebng thee atrA114; A11 ! Iet4' me not, i love hat thew P.Irepwing or enrse whh•h ere them 1w ; 011! be ns thou 1`aut born to nor. Forever and forever, INFANT MORTALITY. Nasty Deaths Leretely Due to Ignor- aree on las Part ut Mothers. 1'e disorders of ohildreu steou to the rugged and hearty grown per- wu' to be simple and out 'truce larly darttperuur. Mie point of view on the part of puroutr ham been the cause of the loam of thousanda ul baby lives. You will aiwuy) find that the Willer* who are .uooerdul in bringing up fawllier Of hearty. hap- py children with ecarcoly a Jay's elmknebu, are always Durso who are careful to cute the slightest evi- dence of Illness and to cheek the difficulty at once. 'they do not belong to the class of mothers that Mutely their child- ren with Weeping draught. su3rim- Ilar malit'inee containing opiate.. %hey '.tick to the purely vegeta- ble, healthful medicines which cure Infantile dlsorderr quickly, and of theme Baby's Own Tnbletr are the best of all. For colic, Wmple fever.. eroup. cu11111141lluo. diarrhoea.. Irritation when teething. Indigestion rind rlwplasner., these tablets are n quick, effective, never -falling care. Dlmsolved In water. the emalleat herby will take them without the ellghtt'tt objection. Do not trifle with medicines concerning which you known toyilme, when here IN n time -tried remedy which Ie used constantly and with the best re- otultr In thousands of bowel. Mrs-. 11. If. Fox;, Orange Ridge, Matt.. tatya : "I have found Baby's Own Tablets a perfect medicine for ehlldren of all torve and would not be without theta In the house. They are truly a baby comfort nod mo- ther': friend." Baby'. Own Tablets can be fermi at drug .toren, or will be meat prepald upon receipt of price, 25 sent., by nddrelring The I)r. N'illinul'' Medicine Co., Dept. Brockville. Ont. HERE AND THERE IN THE OLD LAND. •��-' Notes and Gleanings That Will Interest Many Britons. 71" J>f7r7r7r7P ve- r Tip. painful story who It r. min Ir one only' too forcibly Id Slukeep. are'+ linen, "The evil that men •4. darn- after tlwm ; the good ie ell later red with tie Ir boner," bring 11(111 a prominent topic of town tclk, any- thing relating to Byron Ir of lutea ret. "Byron r Tumb," which, Rout Its ttuwox'latlun with the author of "Child., 'Herold," everyone who goers 4e. Harrow sakes a faint of vleitWg- Hu 11 letter to Mr. John Murray, from Leghorn, in hili:', be P%prexted a wish that his daughter, ".1liegrn," then recently dead, should he buriktl lu Harrow Chstroh, and rem:trke: • There Is It .gent In 1110 church yard, rvwr the fu.tpath, on the brow of the hill, looking towards WIndror, and a tomb under a large tree (bearing the 1111100 of Yeacht•or Peachy), where 1 owed to tilt for hours AIN] 'Durr when a boy. Tide was my favorite spot." The writer, wink knower the spot well, may in conclusion elute, that the grave referred to by Lord Byron har tenet) been railer' over with Iron rail- ings at the aides and aenr,d the top Tib* grave le to l'eac•hie, it young officer who' served In the Indian army and was mei !retell). klllyd withstood the assaults of the storm4 of nearly f► century, and to -day it Mande a- noble monument to Its en- ergetle builder. The following lines were Iasi rlbe4r In the album fit the 1141 11o1'k by Sir (then Mr.) Walter Scott, wlwI' On a vigil there tis 11411: Far nt the bottom of the deep. O'er there wild rhelveN my watch I keep A ruddy gem of changeful light Bound of the dusky brow of night : The meaneun bide ray lustre pale, Awl acorns to strike his timorous sail." Ar we are now da quite the thick of the river reason, It 1. Interesting to note that to -day' Gird of August) IM t11110 tit^ 1281.11 anuI4ersury u( the Matt English regatta, the idea of withal really came frau Venice. The venue ed thin hlrtorie regatta eau b:'tween London Bridge nod Mill- bank, and the date, of course, Aug. aril, 1775- Oa this occasion nu much rte hell a gtluea war paid for a seat In a coil barge, and after the ar- rival of the Lord Mayor had been tut- nwuIcell by a salute of twenty- • gats there, was a vast evening prey e...Won 4A bate to R401P690 and buck. One, evidently an old -tint!• chronicler, whose forte war not that of nlinimiring matters. declares that 110 leen than "2(IJ,(Xel pe rmunm were wt the river at the same time." That b•lug mu, it is every way 44:etimfnc- THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT'S GIRLS 9 co O lD O 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0O 0 0 0 o (3)o 0 0 0 .0110:0440 9 .Q • 44.41 'IL fREpER"1( W11H" \\ U • a _carried out to the letter. This rule wive tint t1, 4 lenlr should iwe brushed stew night with a hundred etrlkes. \1t In-si mince been broken because of Die fact that the bent nnt►w,rlliit \tell not that ton mar+ brnnittng of the \tenlr in- InJurlonm. Tor brand, en • t1v'nk m the P Itnl r while Ir the nomh. 11 properly- placed ht the hair, wet . pa ms though 11 with eYlk,n sat lr g I hair. But be mire that your ,omh Ir placed etralght In your hal., and then too not drag tt through a tangle -au --Neagh yl,u wrTP raking the garden. in retiring for the night the hair - 'tush noway be brnlleil loomely. If It fliem about the face it tnnieem and when dremsing In the morning 3011 break It. The Sh.mpoo. ,l great drat of core Nhnuld he Mittel In mhnnlpaing the hair. There are I. grin t many .hampxom tint are not at nil good to one and which leave toe heir 'dicky. Other mlutmpwoM are excellent and contain nothing In the lu Jnrinne. Rut jurat n word shoot tete way your shampoo yorlr hair. Do per throw It cnrelexmly ever your head, to the front, and then. with tooth hanim, rah it In such n way an to tringle and make it an nenoMt iwgel'mm mat ? If you too yho Inhere your hair more in one ensiling than yen can repair In one month. Before you wet your hair eomh It thoroughly no that there are no Innglcw; titan bring it enrefldly over your bend end shampoo your 111-4441, roving the fingers enough, but 4101 Iry mnPli a way as to tangle the )Inlr. When you have thoroughly writhed the snip tnkt the hair In your hams and gently wash It !net am yon would a fine pfilce of linen - 1.111.11 it 1a ready to rine' and the rinsing should be very thorough - three or four waterm. Soap Shampoo. Milt a enke of purr he ..II norm In n quart of boiling water Thin win mnk. altnoat ev Jelly. Take nb.mt two tal•lespoonfnla of this ):'IIy and piece of common wa.ltIng sole ety,wt the Mtn of n filbert . slit the two together, nn.l, after wetting the hair, rah 1honnlghly In. Kg/ Ahernpo4. Pit 1n a pint of M.1 rnin anter ons sane' of eidrltn of rnmemnry on,I the well beaten yolk of nn egg MIA (Mann legretlente tboronghly nasi rah Into the mrnlp. 1f there 10 dandruff In the hair title browned tomato.. to a hot pintler, yhampoo wll be very good to nee. pour over the droning mud serve. p OA RV E T 0 On 000 CIO OOerOOeIT®C10 00 Frelerick Wilhelm, the German Crown Prince, is Said to !lave a =Czerowitz of Russia is Sweet on the Other. Lover's Eye on One of CATTLE Al PAN-AMERICAN. Some Results of the Milk and Cheese Tests. 'there Ir no other condition which the ouwe - have to centred with which makes as much variation In the flow of milk as- tkx'r that of atmos- pirer10 temperature. Su hong us- the temperature Ir about the rr%euUer the cows keep up n weed: (401) ilea la milk, but Just as w,uu ss the ther- mouteter goer up in the eighties. Mowll row the Milk, 1141 matter what the fetal Is, Green torn, cut, and green Millet hate taken the place of *nage for the part 10 days, and the cows were dung well on this fret until the present IN)t emit came epee us which commenced un the 19th lnrl, tend the °owe aro uuw Nu/ter- ing from the hetet us- mulch as- tile) have I1u00 at any thy.. ranee the test commenced w111, a coIrepuent rinrink- age In Milk. There le the greater' variation in the heavy milking breeds, they drop the wast when the to0d111onr are urifavor LI,l , and they respond more qutokly when the con- ditions are favurablt. The week raid- ing July ":Ire' wttr the wort trying week of the .Pawns until the pre- sent, 1114(1 when the ctxoler weather Came In about the Bret of Augurs there mut n gook increase• In both milk and butter hi wort of the breeds, but at the purest writing the thermometer solitude from 85 de- grees to 80 degrees and the 1n11k 111144 again 11111.1 off badly. lip to tie pre - rent time all the cows have been Milked 'eraser Tinier (Polly, Them 1. Curiosities ita h Of E . P P Y Yep?_ .•� Art I'.IIghsII correspondent „.'111 e thin collection of curious epilnph„ The following Ppitnpll to to 1)' found in the churchyard of Upton - on -Severn: Beneath tide stone, in hopes of Zion Doth lie the landlord of the "Lion" Hix 111)11 keeps on the buminea4 st111. Resigned unto the Heavenly wilt- ('horeling-le-('lay, In Dorsetaldre, rejoice,' ht the next. After record- ing the death of him beloved wife, Ann i111gIu., the afflicted tombanl brenkm forth in this pions xtrain : Who for below thi„ lash doth rest. line jolitel the nrnly of Mobbed. The Lord ham tt'en her tootle xkA. The „Jtilltm rejoice and so du I. At 1'tuhbrwoke, In Northumberland, Matthew Hllting„hod deplore.' his nn - timely doom In theme linm it will b • observed that nithongh Mntthrw i„ (ermined:wted he is by 111) /110/11111 grain unntient : Herr lieth Matthew itulling„hed, Who died from cold cangllt In him head. • it brought on fever and rheunuttis, Which ended nae _for here 1 is. Tnmcrib s-1 In n churchyard close to iMelee,' Commons, London, vis., St. IL'nnet's, Paul'. Wharf: Here Item one more, and no more limn he. One ,,ttwe and no more I flow can that he l Why one more and no more may well he here Meese - 11d1t here item 011P 111,re, and that ---MOs-,'„ otP--- .. in a churchyard near Thornton, Yorkehlre: Here lies ler John Trollop, IVito made theme stoner. In run tip, When (int Almighty took him moral rip, 111. body went to fill this hole up. Mir John npp:'nrm to have been the architect of the church In the yard of which hit memory In thug quaintly 041111 rn'Inniora tell. Fpr.tetpti 4344 n libertine: Here Ile„ the vilest drat of the min - Nivel wretch That ever the Devil delay'd to fet'h But the render will great it wail n.erU4nm he 'honed, When he enw he wait coming nM fait ea he could. WhittlesPn churchyard, Fay. ('nmbmt ilrere Meth the body of Ellsnbeth /411.11...n.- John, Ler mon, And old Roger to come. • • • • • • Anil po In the moonlight he found her, Or hotel her beautiful clay- Llfeleem and pallid and mnrbl•, For the ripirlt had flown awny. The farewell words elle had writ- ten Site held to her cold. white breast. Anil the hurled blade of a dnglrer Told how she had gone to rent. Deviled Tomatoes. (1,013.1) firm, !Argo tomatoes, and rat throe. In rnth.r the k slier. with I.nt peeling. thud encl. with omit and pepper, dlpl In flour nnl manmeekly te qckly In hot butter. In tit-' meantime ,ream well two table'ponfnlm of hiller with one tablespoonful of powdered anl[n r, one-quarter of n tr•neps.nfll .d molt, one -holt of it ten.Ip. ttfnl of ,Iry mustard and it depth Of enyenne. Into tha mamba! yolk of n lintel hotlrrl erre work tonin l.itly one raw egg .lightly h.nten nal Iwo table etewonftee "f v Inognr, nd,1 to the ,•renme.l miltnre R1141 ever hot anter nnlll thiekrnnl Trent/fee the when polo playing. Tit •r.) is a mug- nUieen• 1I, w amuse (rete the Har ruw churchyard to U teura x' Castle, and ou tier tomb of 1'euichie, Myron, lying at full length, ureal to Hurd) when Ike att'uded l iitrruw College. Marrow in unr of the prettlemt pieo,eg of country to be found on' inc not- btirtm of the big city -London. Lines found in Lord Uyron'N "Within thin awful %(;lime lien The mv44tcry of wyaturlee. On! IwppU,r, they of human race, Te whom our laud lute given grace To lour, to read, to tear, to prey, To IUt the latch almd force the way; Put better they lord nsoer teen born Whit read to doubt, or read to worn." The writer Iwne recently In the Putney ohurch)nr•I. Matey 411 the . 1d racing men of Arne -Tien will remember ti" celebrate' nein honest I:nglIrh Jockey, 0eor;re Fordham. On bi. grate in /PPP : "It is not the miler we travel ; 'tin the plee that klub." Aa•h under the above hie dying wor.'r: "1 11111 welting for the full of the flag." In Brampton chnrch%nrd, 1n Devon- shire, la it very abanrtl(,Inseriptlon mon the stone /*reeled over the 'on of the parl.h clerk. who was killed by nn lelcl' frnctnring hie skull; It runs thus: WPM( any I -I-1-1-1-1.1, Here 1 1100 in n and pickle Killed by icicle; In the flier Amur D/NNI11 1770. • tory to !enter that only seven per - Miner were drowned. Near (:ark there le another old and well known public, called Nue "Lion's Den." The proprietor slime 'short time since removed his menagerie to the oppntlte whir. of the street, and abolished the old sign on which Daniel and the luras had m, long oc- cupied it prominent place, snb.tltu- ti ng.the announcement that 111m !muse w11„ now,: '.The Lion's Den, Renewed again. With 114414.mila1 and ('rawford'■ porter. Stene years ago the following might 1* Mren on a mlgn-basad In front of a bum.' at Blarney Ione, In the city of ('ark. The linea are euplel from n clever crayon picture of that time by J. McDonald In which( the houme with It. snrrotndIngs are truthfully hxrrtrayPit. T1LPIr nppoaraoce. low - ever, r.ndere doubtful the truth of the awferlkxt that eil.rnm the Nlfro- inNtrd, that there may ire had hy the pllgram from Blarney, or PIsewhere, (he quemtIMla1r11• benefit of "fry Iwelglhgs" -"Offline., (fewer roots, m reis anal 'weber, (fermi-hlut• plants, and foreign Bclbrmu hton t, • u ch v a rd Worcte- g b r terahire, le. 1110 memory of Richard. Phiip:,ts, of the lull 1111., /loll End, who died In 1700: 'To tell 11 merry or n wutderowf tale Over n cheerful glare of nappy n le, lu t.nrMIPON mirth wan hit supreme delight, To plenae his guests or 1rientlet by' day er night ht . But no fine tale, how well weever • (Awld�mooke the tyrant death Ito stroke withhold ; Tint fatal etruak has laid him here 1n (lust. To rise egnln once more with Joy. we treat." (ort the upper portion, of thin Chris- tian monument are oturve1, In full re- lief, n punch I.ow1, n. flagon, and it 1Krttle, rnibi$t*0* (tT Tlnf /lNCtaIer1'w fnHh. 1 preemm4, nisi of three team which Mr. 1'hltp.tr delighted to fill. Near to thin is n. fine tombstone to the enevetr v of Paradise Buckler. who 411o1 In 1/15, the tlnngkter of n Bliley king. The pomp that attended her funeral le well remembered hy many of the Inhabitants. I'have heard that the t(IpM10e borrowed a dozen of the !beat demerit naphtha (fur the coffin h, emllerr)-noon tett those of the very legit gmlity Nilo; :accepted for the Inlrpee'-nn1 that 1hley were duly re- learned, beautifully "got ep' anal oriente. The king and hie family Weer encamped h1 n lane Deer by. and lila dnagliter, a young fltrl of fifteen, tiled In the cnmp. - t Lighted for the fit et time In Feb- rnary, IR11. the 1Se11. Reek Llghthoum' at the Scotch ron.eti hes ai,ceesfull. 5 a.m., 12.:10 p.m., toil 8 p.m., but there lute - been motet debating am to whether this b the wiriest vourme under such trying eutditlolm, with the result that throe of the Am- erican henbane!' broke over the Muer yesterday. and are now milk lug oily twice per day. The result will be closely watched during the next mouth. an pomoclalm that more milk and butter w111 be produced It) three mllkinge than by two mllkingm, and those Interested will dl, well to match the remelt, which will be given front time to time as- the ler' goes on. During the noel weather the Hol- 44trine made the greatest Baine, with the exception of Meg, ter she had a week'm elckhesr, which pout her back very much in her milk. The c(Nt of feed, however, eta' keep.' them down to 4th or 5th place on • the butter test. The uuernseym, Mar) Mershon, has again asserted her Nuprrwaey as- seats of law barn, anti Iw`uJlrl the lit with t;2.(0) profit, while laud week she gave a profit 441 *2.37. The Jerrf•y, Prinlros", which headed the 11rt two weekw ager with $2.3:t, stool rewind purl week, $2.22 profit, and titre week with *1.91. , Jersey Record. - Tlte Jereeye, as breed, snood al the head past week, with alea,l of 95 cent,, but tlti•y have• port heatily during the week keit end- ed, Aug. '...0th, and the Uuer)iMeym have Increaaexl their lead by 50 cents,, .muting their total lead at present $0.06. It may not• be gen- erally understood how the liuerureyr got much a lead of the Jerdeye during tete fret month, but, In justice to the other breed(, It might be. Mate! that the tiurlitr)s were all in fine working trine at the beginning of the test. Four of them fyenihen- ed in April'(two of• them after the) arrived 011 the ground). The •fer•N'). Primrose, had been milking two +++++ Wits before the test commenced. and Reline did not calve until the eel of Lite second week after the test -commenced, and -she -war pny- lug for her feed in the me•altlaw, which put her back abut 94. The lied Polls are making reiutark- ably good record, tad Mayflower 1101,111 emend place of total profit lines' May let. Mary Marshall ((iuernaey), standing flat with R.01.03 ; Mayflower (Red Pull), .:n(1, $ P17:). ala I Prlmrodr IJersey), 1133.63. 'rite whole of the heti lune In the test are owned by Capt. V. T. liths, of Delaware, Ohio, who )unr made some remarkably good sales as (t re- sult of his cows' record here. the Canadian Cuw•. as a whole, are making it guonl re- cord, and are u much finer lot of Telephone No. M. (owe than their competitors, and they will all gne a good account of them.eh'em by the time the teMt is closed. There eel heir prizes, given In this teat -erne fur moat profit 1,n emti- utntrl butter as revealed by OP Bab- cock Leet, the butter veinal at 25 melte per Ib ; unr prize for must but- ter by the chert test ; ono prise for total mettle in. the milk. valued at U wines per Ib., wed 0110 prize for total milllle phut the gain or hoe in 11emh of the cower, valued at 3 (tenth, per 1b. The float is creithtg the greatemt Int'reet, and is the tele on which the, profit", se far. 101 %P been based and 1Nlblirbl't The churn twit is not row metered 5 - metered to IN' at all reliable on Ile- ol,ant of lady one day's milk from emelt herd per week being Nepnntt..l anal eunrnaal. the result for the week b'tdtg eetuwtte)d trout that 0441 4111y'M churui1g. Therit aro Its many 1 10111111- 1 ,1 rake to h tend art 1rPrmlww which neigh d affect the prok14 t of (MP particular okay that the rmldl can only be ale pr. xlmn,te at brat. The Prize for 'Total Solids be based on the ♦also of the whole milk no foul, ,trtlmatel from the whoireraje price for city delivery. nal In. this, the sugar of th4 milk 1Igureil very largely. forming about :1:4 per cent. of the total rNdietu. In the making of cheese the greater part et the rumor mussed off in the whey, ant c:onlprlwew nb4.l 71) ter cent. of the *otitis in whey, and of P which no account would betnk n 11 a unease teat had. hetet used o,( o bole for,n prize. but lit tide( lest for tutnT molls a pound of milk megur fignrie the iminerl4r n pound 441 5..14ein or a poutair 01 inn 'fat. Iti the competitlnn for this prate the swiss elf the herrtw is completely dlnngot, rind nt the present writing they x1111,1 am h ill.,w.i F11AORANT °ZQR9U!J s cerise liquid dsatltrlss isr qts Teethan+ Mouth New Stre SOZODONT LIQUID• Zk 25, SOZODONTTOOTH POWDER, Zlfe Large LIQUID lad POWDER. Tic At all Mama or by Keil fur the pries. HALL& RUOK[L. MONTREAL Itluudlklrety University Yell. Every man know.' the old jingle: Melt new, poor man, beggar luau. thief, Ikxetor, lawyer. merchant, chief. The Hyraces* University freshman -waive" have trail/401'111el It 111.0 the fol1.114'1ng Irtnollthlrtly e1ogau Well man, hlek nuts, dead tnaut..tl(f, Dig 'em up, cut 'em up -went'. the 4Bff? lhunwrouN, tumorous, blood and gun+' Syrlwume medics. 1904. The Signal 11 rU ru•aro iV11(4 T11t'It1*IAY HORNING RV 11, M,UILLICUDD7. .J Tarn,► of trbeerlptLaI One month, in adranee three months, „ 41. uloo'br, " nue fere. •• Advrrtleing Rai... Legal and ether ...mei a•Iv•rt wn,wv. LM oer I.ne for dr d 1.1..11,1*,. e,1.1 3 .1gnr gs( Ilse for tomb anb.enuent Iu.erUon. Mo.•ured M . nonpareil . ale. lii104M• cards est. lines ..,d under. $4 a• t e.r Ad wort 'semen ts of Lest. Fouw1„ 1111 u•tion+ Vac tut M1ta.,he w Uu.iuer, Chance. Wa ebbd, •ot e t lines nn„parell. $1 pct month. Houses on Sale and .arms .n Sale. slat Is • mord t lines. /IJor first =oath. 166. see S equent mouth. larger 14.. l• Any epeoi.l gotten, e u •ol of promote the p•ouutery bobcat of .ay ual or oompenr, to be oourterl}}}sad .n rid mend and nh.rg•d 400urditn . eo. Iwl noel. w In nonpareil type ooe moot *� word. uo notice less then 15e. Loo.' uotlee• I• ordderrr resdltlg ty• tae o enls per word. No 'wild fro Ins Sono.+ tor churches and ether awl benevolent institution., kal'1 rat.. Subscribers wile tall t. receive Tet,. Sie.*% regularly by mail will confer a fee'ar Ile .o ,tuluUug no of the Gant at •. 7 . data r poe•tble. Wlte'n • nkmn/* of address 1• dsslr.l, bot/ the old sad the thew add oars should Ito stage rubll.lter'• N.U1•. 1. K. Le To,..!. of (l dw►ka ln, e ►erp •P pointed loeal Travailing Ag.et fir me ship' of Oudertch. Colborne, Ash sad W. w •no•b. Local postmaster' over lI. 4141rt041 sue Woe empowered to receive atiDeml,nose W TES elu'ss1- ♦U • ioamuale•Ueos must M atimpog D. HoOtt Ll T.Igboa• Cell le. T111'I;: loll', 1.1"I'. I 1901. ' TRA V e:LLING ' aviDIL GRAND TRUA11 RAILWAY. £01111V1. Mined il am. M.tlapd/xDtMu I}�Li Mlz MI.alm M•11 rad R.preer Fs► WrAaT. Mall and giprea. T. ai Yell and Repress. 1 a` >,.d 1 sem D<y1T11Ta*. ,r( NICHOLSON. L.n.n.. 1T1 a DrwT•L mlyaex, Room opposite the feet O0.. Gold neat!, Crows and Arida* West • / poo1.111. II Team' Izp.rlacs. "Um e,lo.ed et• n'cdu.rd•y afternoons et 1 p.m. from May to October Inolnetv1." ✓ Y. MARRK 9.13.41 i«n .-11Wer l -J• nurgeon_(*11.4 surd opvr.ee4 m for all dental operations. PriewresaM• of e at teeth ..elcetre . OgeeCM. e t tednd NearsteNearsWhtap ..I2W lletroes r wast Ot11ce cI.ae,l on Wedeeodal 14 from May (;e Ga., Israel nmiPm ; 0ard'nhlg In g'n'u dun In stile, Enquire within from I'nt'k. Doyle." "N. it. Dry Iwwlgdllea." Fite minutes' walk from Totten- ham is the Horner.), ('hurchynrd. Tom Moore, who IN e,1 ,at Muswell 11111. ju„t near the churchyard. Ca - Wised "Lnlln itopkh" at Muxw•'ll 11111, received 1.:10104 (15,000) from Long- man. the pIbliNhlrr. NIIw,re'N estate Is now in the market for and^. it in- n fine property. Ipltapu In Born- eo.), Churchyard: i1eMenlb•r me nm you prism by AM you are mew. N0 enee wad I; 1 aye .Ave. au _you mull b0,.: . Prepare yotlrMPlf 0, follow me. Near the slate can be e`en the O'r9CO of ,Tenn Meep''M daugh!er. .. Epitaph ih the Ind N'eoleyua Chapel yard, Tottenham, 1111111144''44x: The fnmlly grave of William nasi \Inry Ann itlellardeon. !tiered to the memory of WIllinm Iticllnr'lsort. son of Ile above, wh diel 7t11 January, 11429, aged 1:1 years. W114•n the nrehnngets tramp 4h;111 „naiad, 4 And bottle to Indies }Mn, Mtlhonw will wteh - ihrti ` -step on earth 11/01 been ns short nu t4ue. tk'vern1 very handsome dheienting pinerm of worship have recently been erretel In phim parimh. alike crellt- nMr to the founder, as Illustrative of the progress of events. ITspreeedentsd Thoughtfulness. Mr. funep'r-1 nm tiering to have the courts look Into tha /trinity of that 'man who liven next, dons, Mrs. (184p'r- N'hy_7 11r. Dna wr--Welt. fn's taking lea. Poole on a horn, nn1' told s1 If Ida rearing ametyed ata 40 would lehre' up Framing. tsle'nee 1s a virtue In those Who are 'Overlent In nnderMttnding.-lku- hotr,. ..4 4 What hoe *ought. "Madame,' said tire handwr.m t nnil well-mannered nnlveretty man who to turning nn honemt penny nm n mintier of the Pan-Amerl'an reward, "are you locking for an exit f" "No, sir. 1 am not," Kalil the Indy from Penn Yen, with mach nap'rlty. "1 nm looking for a way to glt out." -Buffalo Courier. The mummer girt steels her (tenet In order that It may not bn Melon. 11,,1MtPhlm 4vrehlreN Brown Pixley, Yhortherll 1 1:. pix OuernNPy .."., - sass« .,. _.... 113:15 Ike! Tolle ,,..,, 142(11) Jeer:err : - 13e4 36 French ('nnarllnn ' 114 743 I'ullwl .J'ruey 19:1 79 Dutch Belted 110 7(1 At the Werld'm Fair In 1.5(98 the test extended (1401' e.nly three month's, while till„ tont 1n- Ptpt•'tMI tit 1'11,%Pr n p04hAl hf 441% month's, nn 1 It w(11 11' II t of weltur.lntt. Standing of the hrvdm In the hilt• Iter fat teat for the week meting Ault. 20th : J- Y. TURN*UL D.DJL. L).a.-IiiUM- • nal Surgeon. Irately ••w.nlMed vt •rdold •n4 rial rttarl l teethhm mounted o� edf on gold or aluaRme Moe. Spacial attoutton glia to IM �glrevfegle• odes of tb• natural teeth. Odes In • Oat it Lsan'• naw book. •' Um.x cl.we,d on WM11 ,46Y •Pernooe.. .t 1 p.m. from May to October Inclusive." I'roflt. *17:1 9 1 1412 .5 11.12 LIMAN.. \r�s� L(,4 CAMI'ION. u.0.-HARR1I4' s+��/�i I'd. alter, Notary. to. OMs. over Ys•YY (pall. square, Oodorloh. Ilk f 0. JO,NSTON-UAILIII0'iglt. aOLI- Nis slew. t ommin-ort. 41Ia�4� lfwtwo1, to Ion. Oskar: ('or. Hamilton and St Ac6rew .17.410, Uodwiob. Out �!lRlt�' Pi10011'001' A RANT DWntli 1pr eolimton•, notaries entalc, pro(o/ee In W M.rlthoa l'ouA Its Ofllout . rth at.. nest door yuimae ofllnR Private YanIL to lerd al owemt raise of interred. t•s.e W. PKouurocT. R. ('. 1(1Yu. ("JARROW a OARROW RA R7t, • AetorrloYs Ihltore Mr.. .3 {(�1 aL T. Darrow, 1L11•. Charles Garrey. 1 Solicitor. HOLT. Q. f.. BAMS, i PoUo1Wr. a Square. kiln .iw Oatal ams . ld.Courtbyoro Nqulre, Uorwr 1. 1M M IA law rate* of'MorM, DICHINn0N a HOLMfr$ - 84111111114 r tars Solicitors, .dtartatte liar.. Mossy L DICKIIISON. aDUDI. HOLMIUM. (MAK SHAMIR - BARRI/VI101, jr‘ ii notary sand 0onvense.1. I�iM on HamIllon Meet1 opppevlts Ma 0olb/rM Itetel. llo/erlch. Private tend* te Mad es Mortgagee at A p•• Dant IoM7..1 YeeYd cots .•1144. _ O wARR. CONv/- vex alt,hw,ASV _...._ J• enoe.beleeer 1 or t.k.ng and ree•dete/ nw1n1ra14c.4 of bell. .1ad.vn. 140 a/torr Unn., depositions or solemn deal.nt la as enamernin` any mettwr, end or p the 11imh limit of Jostle& tit. (`.arts A for Ontario. nr In any *aunty or IN Court Alt t' ay.ntien. carefully sad preen ---- orocnted. Itetldeuw and P. 0. .44remo- afte ganunn, (InL Profit (inernxey _.-- - M $11.06 Jersey «.. le 10 7 62 7:17 11 07 ... 8 82 47 11 A 17 51)0 Ayrmhir44 It'd Polbel Brown tawimr Ilol.tctn Polled .1'rsey... Frenelt ('anatilans Shirt Born. - Trebel 11011m1 S 0A Jamom Rtoneelo'iwe, 11(o411`1 Dalry LOAN/ ANE, tUN/tr><ARO>L rj (OMIT TO T.101D-A 171 et Private Fonds few A/ set rates and row 41014,45)0. I) Inn l/t 1,14 rl'-aa' W4(4'. u x • lune••. Itcnl •:.twin and .e.ftlwwr A N,att. only find nlma co.n4a.7w re Mm,0y 10 loud en .vr.igbt loam al i►• nl. of ln4'.e.( *ol14. 1n any ay to et borrower, ()Mr*: I1.00ud ,Soar from kdeartt some Gedsrlrh. faLV AVCTIONMERI*O. ele11OYA8 OUNDIRY AUCTIONUR AND l Vaigmtnr. liorlerI..1, (Ml. Nells nitenl.d to In luny part of the .aunty. .T007.1. IwnA arra, N HNO;St 0edrt• (1s- ii :. Mg bed IswoWorabl. esee N*e• • w •a. Uoneerlwtrade, he h. ■ • por1tl,a 44 1404 sitarr(gt with thsmngh 1t1.r•etlen JI ars. �tIll. as *nu•eta.I to him. Urdera at�rN�/t 11g M� p•.tort'+ Betel, or ...ter .4.11 to hl JON•e io1.rlek P.O., carefully attended to 111 0007) ii wU .l'eenty Aletlea et. tittle HARRI•OE iicr Sled. t.11,111, 1/It(TRR or 11Analop Pan Amerfran Expneltion. s sear*wM► Oat �dl