HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-9-12, Page 20 n The Signa a earusarD t avgftT THU"dDAY NORNINO I aT D. a✓•ILLICUDDII. —1 1 'bt, Serf like general health Ir geed. rotas which shoul,i hove it favorable earlux upon ilia chances ill recover. ire. McKinley Is A year younger halt her hu obsead, and she loss Iona mr•n un IIIva11W OuIY u few mullthe W , Illi C'allforuin, her life wits dog THITIW)AY, SEPT. 13, IW)I. offearfnl of, an:1, there Is grave reason f to four that the sfltock lel yeMtprdny'a Ituaarll• the Itloftde Mklway spicier + ext Im-f of lIlo l an-Aster►can, is to w Joel& Matiles u Nurt�ul Douglass ifili-tuu, thio statucryne {xsser, In A liun'r den. Toho affair maY be typl- cul of the career they are entering helou11. ---- - tcrurre►ce may er,htnger her life. trRIF:N1 1I.V SU('IItTY ItATI1.14. That W lhe�first thing lir. MCKIM-9, Waif at Jim re- "Pel"a tO have thought of, after he Too• F' diton I Congas knew he wile sl' it. "Ile careful nb,ut , rens segfav I ( Det iii e%prnvur* alt. wife ; tt) nut tell her," wero (h•' Ileolt In favor of a minlmnm Inrnr' worJr he spoke to kis acerpinrJ, and ■tree rate to he fixp.t by law for all his Instruction■ wera folalw• of ""ill friendly ixx'lttles, each rate to be nut Il had bawl naeprtained thkt thrre less than the mortWity table In the ware u Itlnnnce, fur him recovery. Apart uwUo tw 1411 w•hielu ham l,wn w) wuclh it -sen the vbiaaloe element t(, Ire found dl (used; anal that it apply to 1111 la every oowntry, the people of the societies In lift- 1'nitrd Stltem after 1'nitel Staters lune n liking fur thus. July 1, 11'03. -tw-o of i Illy"*,-, 11IIHaun nt t Ida Me 41ds pave id In levering with the Klllry, N'home faudly life has ever adorn of that tilnrm. la Canal'► til•• lwrti n n,wlel to ilia- nation, find wh't friendly poelcttrx sort, in much better Ifi,+e rennin hlulplr And unuffccted thnp- thin in the Coital State', 1115.1 ii ,twlthstandhhg their change o: the' (dnvernment@ li.lvc damp norm tit p:wrlou. " . snfrgunrd the lntrretS+ of thplr m,•m -, - hers. But there ft- much yet to b•-tt01.01KK C1,01,fIKri. Cone. Ritter in many mu"t b- ralme'1, Tile ehaug:, In soldiers' clothing Anel rare must Is• rxerc•iw•,1 Ili their from aeirtsl to khaki'' was liecewl- management, if trouble H to t1e' tater by the cu(Jitl.nls hl the reverted. Thr noel first them"clX •s Nfauth Afrlenn wear, ter red luhic of- recognite that, and etimr of them ferirlg tot good a !argot for the lint" already moved In lint dlres- Iloer rCl•. It wan under Cromwell. tion. Il In tnneh better that tllry wvldlit the king wan still on ter. plauld mnkr Ihrmerh'rs safe of tilt]• own volition, for nsoholy can eltoubt throne, that a whit!., army vi clad 1'( Nearlef. Ties artillery corps of tont Othent w within adroit time t)rum, fillies were dressed in :t tawny I.iw#. o c n would b• npprl('p► to fur ...t'(rm, perllAVM tele forerunner of law( to control ratfw ifi til" int",rel _torr m(,irrn ghat!• 1Vdih--Lill excep of ter mrmtr[4, if m"rr !nl'urei were fleet lit the Ilenpe•lol)td Cacfllry and F Intl niolCon Thr Selina tri ter the Ordnanc.v Curtis the clothing Of FrnlrrnSl ('nngrraM rhnw-d that It . appreviltlri the eltuatl"n. list• army stn:+ frnnl nn early period up to 1433 (cupplleri by th'• cfiluaclh - of the warloeim regiments. who re - A 1).tUGII I'K11 01r W. IT. ,,Itrd a lixe,l Mum for eilch mast Tilt- )IAUKFNLIK. colonel Supplied c'uthhlg according fo Elizab t h Jlarkenxie. daughter of patterns Selected by n board of geu- the late Wlllbam d.you . Mackenzie. oral officers appointed by the eov- M. P., .tied est St. Luke's HodptuL .-reign. The clothhnq of the Household Chlengs- on Sunday Inst, nn 1 wni t'ninlry wool multiplied In fl'•• Name buried in Toronto Nepro{x,h., this manner up to 1780, whole the mys- Afterno on. Her father Mot,'] hl Tor• tem was altered by royal warrant. onto on August ^_8th. 1801, Jual Thr clothing of the Ordnance Corps forty years ago, find tier gtrntror,l Wit* alwhys provldexl by lit- Potent o! Beacon of that week reworked tent Ordnance by contract. ThAr e(yn- "no history of Canada rain be conn- tern mt vartchum pert Aie formed till plete In Willett hl,s name lines not nlbjt•cl of inquiry by RuJnl Cuoomla o ccnroy n conspicuous, nmL we rri t Jnam nnd'Purilnmontary Cnauu,itteess add, nulw•ill(xtanding him errorn, nn Th,, first cif th•'sc Inqulrl •S took plac, honorithir pwltior. tt'batever may Ja 1744, ami they e(onlitiii tat lif thrive been the meanM he employ"t], lipid repe--tlrfllY until IN:,S. Tb( kir +limn were lioncat nlet public- hoard of Or.hhujeo %ii abdlihtd 111 spirited." Jur. Jteckenzln wad hare: hM55, and flan i:Lrto!lx udurluistra- hn Itundere, In Mt, and dlel In Ills five d"pnrtilendo of .illi• Barmy Con- �67tc year• •110 cAme to Canada lit solkluted L•trd Italmeratoni Guvern- 18G0, Anil was employe) '3y )Ir. Burnt introduced a new ."yrtem Jrricletl Leslie, of Toronto, tom'tu- nudf•r wblell all clothing, except In age thlr branch store ht Dundalk. At- the cant. of tilt, Honoehold Cavalry tprwnrti he removed to Qu: enaton wens to M proli toy public contract. and setnrtt•d n mercantile buslnpsM and a clothing drp►rtment was as- Ot 1114 own, which lin sol,] (rut In Uthib(hed at that War Office for this lA'_'t to commence the publirntinn duty. Rural warrants hl the stun, of file Colonial Advocate. fit that dear relieved the colonel+ from all time -the- only L , • r , atlem ronuccted will' el•)th nR, ono In i'pper Canada. The office of pub- abo4tolset lite B,Ard lir Orneral Offi- licntion wool afterwards rettttive.l ifi vers. Two years Looter a Government Toronto. IIn 1&'i1, Ire trite el;'ctet fa ctor) was estaWlshed at Wool- t(e first Itinyor of that city. The w•ieh fm' making the clothes of the etnry of hie Inborn, impriwmment'L artillery and eagtwex►s, which hat expulmlons Tram Parllamclit, ' hi'l- - - - htlJil'rUi Fs•cii 'mai%-B� LrblltlaCt: Sharp to the rebellion of 18-'tT-39- - - Jobs elute anti his return to Cann :'s orR,%U"a i\ Fltl'II,. nal re-election to parliament Ir Imippeoly. r have been alylulnte,l by well known. When Willinm Ly3n ht, Dominion (iovernseli to entcorel Mackenzie died, the pr(mpsMlntl which .ht-, frail marks net, which 14 intrude• necompeniel hill remnius in 'Lha Ne- cropoils war half a mite In length. 'r I'1, vithe f or c (o the raCklnto fndl either fur cxp(rL lir ft- m,ftp It His wife, to whom he wage married ,hr bums• market. The Olorhe Nay In iS:S_, wan Imabel Rrtxter,. a kiNCer then "u enol+ rnwe under til(• ta)flce of Mr, Serge Bmaler, Leacbel for forufPSmr Ro1wrtrsnr anal tilt- In Of ibis Royal Gropmm�r 4chuol n1, dull e1t+PYe t1, Kingetal. Th(•y Icff ■even ,;iiL'1Th1f: s_uu S:t1 ur_hLy ue•cessity fur nu ncl of much as nature - T:tt.y opene I at nrn,tone In n wh. le4al TIIKATI'AC•KONTIIF-PI K-411) %I w•nr(I,rupP lu T(runtu fi paekng•• For the third thue Within forty i.enchrs that were nutrke,l Im•" Jenrp, a President of the united IK'^t-hes. Thor were owning nx til Stated hnr b-pn shot by an aMeasaoin Ra'(oNer .Intl shipper real them I Fi+,• larg.• peaches wcerp on the tis Tilts Meripn of oitragee cannot h^ re- ,)r tho Immket, nal ulrlernenth titer garJ,d ax a Special rispretch to the +Tito a lot sof mcrubby culhi, about til great Ntrrth American Itep ibl)c, nor Ise lei a Inrgq putrblr, Bawl Abite nr an arl pettrrnt Agnlnat tlhis rpptmb` Intrly uselrmm ellher for taW+r time f itcan form of government, for France, • r alfinlug. Any-fartler_mlch cum Italy, Anstrin send Rnamin hatiPunder• ./ piLlent frawl the lasrectcre a go,te similar rnlamitieM, and nn more !n roettrl to deal with severely." lhnn (map Oceaxion attemptm have W enfl mupply another rise. ben mitdp IIp(m the life lel g(w•t I{i4tw�--last ,Mr. Anira:w ltur Queen t'letoria, tine Irate ruler Of bougal A basket of fine laking Crn Brent Britain. Line,sln and Ourfl�ld -ort] pitt•hen leu tile. Ilnmllton ma► died of their wounds, the one gnlckly kit ain't to:,k them ham Tile bank And the other after n hard and pro- arentaina1 N3 to, Ulf LMftchon, sif will halted rtrmggl! for life: there In cast Ji to a0 were brut --gent goon) pinch room for hope that Ivr"wMenf MrKtn- whk9u hair lotto st, tuft cuttn t1Mt w' bey may recover, for tilt• firmt ballet ,mut for nothing wh••n {Anch••i in 1f frown tilt- nomn"sin'll 041.01 lmlgpd hnitnat or the• brtmk(•t. yl••. Munk wgnlwst !hw brpnnt-b,aia Sud ofd I1t- hap til" ifnekrt with 1,h" {weckr tie harm, "}Idle ler near rut di,I not hnevel- one It, fin 1 h" It w•IPIng to g1, touch ilia henrt. Thr prnl Pr• of nsll .14 r vldPrhrp in w -der U) panl,h t lissi in funny Inside will be offered, frnuA of whlrh Ir• Wnv the vi(•tim. that the dastardly Inlenfi,m of the fi•w proaecutiona (mol eomicllmnm w miscreant wen Shot 'lir. McKin),eJ tx• neo.amtry tCh rfrnvince tilt, cru,lf falser h.e frustrated, and that the l+re•- fruit men that the tater Ix really nld,•nt nilly h• Spared to np-rva opt 'rrf+t. --. - flim fill terns In tilt- 11101 ,office to p y p ytt� wblich he whir rle!ted by the voteg of - (J U ll l Go IM 1. Ido colnlrrmen. _— There, Ito no reaonnalole rxphnallnil Firmt Lln(•nln, ttM" , est of the act of Nieman, nr ('tl)lgom \IrKinley. tits amassln. Tho Unile,l State's alit - for under loo dlnaWitty or grievance Chi,rip XJill ill haw twcn dabh "I wbtek oke do"k of- •Lha l'rrrldenl ••hatrtrtntror." would rrmnve, or mitigate. Tie Sac- --- Compton of Vlce.-Preeldrnt Ronae%elt It Ix Soifer iso be it (tar tit Rua to the Presidency would bring n^ than a I'reteldent of the Unl jurp&Tempnt to the condition of any ,StntPp claw of t hr pwVlo. IMr. iMcKinley find __ amid fr dons, nothing to aroane. puts- Thnt nt+ttlps It. There will b' Inc gintsRohiimmm. Tors altaot up)n elm „pal me soft est tluffalo" hr t leftkw like lip de ed of s, notoriety- Dake of f%ornwntl. bunter of the GBaltean @trumps altbough It ri hnvn hppu prompt- Wnm)dn;etofl Ix,litirinna :are est poll by R)sne Annrrhlnt mocletJ, pledg talking sof RrantinR n txnnstp ed to enmity ngitlnat Gii%prn- frail rxiwwtn. tYhy nut leu wh =onto of every kind. Tte amm�ssln, and corn exports? whatpTer bite motive or the source - a)f Ilia Inspiration. went At hon wort j,rrpl,bPnt Kruger lind'tol r h withort any rpliard tut film own away fnion the 17nite,l Slntea. I wwfpty, wilMmt any {orpparati,m for A bad ph,ep few f+mettirnts. escape, and with no thought of Pon- w-oseld be. Safer In one (If 1 Oral=ent. That lie parappi the tm- Nitel.ener'le roncrntrntion Tampa. ssediate vpngpaner or tWelp who were eye-wltnownos to film crimp Is A Tfir(mto conn obJerin In he Creditable to the Ruffnln pollee. tallied ole him capital nal tn%Prl nR Willlnm MCKh11ov WARIVIt" at INIlpp, ,gi the• lfa,"me which It prtwbxee's, Uhl", •iaii L'Atb, llt4:t. anti M .,eght tit thnrdc hM Starts thnl n thereh,re in hip fift)-ninth Jrnr. H!re ifeniorn tnt mothob he mmopen p IcAbite of life have always been Cor- Ing tarso on Sa1M mmount. TIIE PRESIDENT 4 WII.I. I.IVE.6 >UNDAY SCHOOL I ;M 1y It 1'1'1LIt:A'I'IU�A1. Lb:aal►w ati. X1. a bhl'1'K11UKIt IS, tU01. J Ip nub % htu+,r With loud. li.e. ):: 1-7/. I, be (, �ectlon Night prayer lit Jacule TWW in of 1,160 Jt/@ of the patrisli ,r ghly lurtruetivr- Ili vlt•wing I e, a + re r ret Ilfn there tlting a Dry pnolp- ,.ot : 1. film res,olleetluu of (1,x1 m e my alit] truth towards kin. Tht•st+ nob reallaml were uusenant teraw. Mercy" relating to Lha glvlag .dtk„ ,centers, and "troth" to their fut- Intent. lie Less doubt re=emtwre.l l3ohlutler, thur'dlvkLx h(vhrr:' wh, , CO IBIENTARY.-Thoro deeuls to �a1'r mercy nt jJethrl, weer(, tilt+ but little doubt that Jacob had two' co etu►nt slit to+floa Ltimerr wiry M serving u three feu iths' w•ntrl:c+' - -_-_- renrweal, ani slur(, that Limo ho batt with Labuu forty years. it is now experlenetrf Its laacbum prutectl"n at- a common drunk, rays lines urn" in sig te.Ip- B°tLlk'• S:y)l. d.--Tlu•shugUuut this l'ubtul't 1,i that iha1W ocou.4loo nrlSe ukLu gnuernlly behsval that she Hu nt•Ynowlatgt•rV��dh �,e hand t,1, every 1,+'n isam.eetwr the Rifts 1 slit. t, prnedful $rbfiutb eTery w•urid they themselves would have tudeeido N his n•lunrieublts e+:t and itr- lug "I't nn u1, culthate 1 sfule." It ,, b - lint] prtxaolste thtl existence of the dor• twenty yvurr ufeptluntlol Ip lien. xxtL oriber "all the mercies'• ht] has re - Ierod ('britt, llulklh a lint] \IahfimpJ 'that cnenn from the big, v leu-cluul ability. Tile Smprewe Court, they ray, 88, xxxi. 41. err nut the r;tlne years, c,Ivl%I to the 1ps,lueme, of li,rl, III•- rrceral rein- Iwuro In Delaware avenue, la wblolt Codd not do we, nm there would bs no but that Juootr reform to"uuo tweW cfurh,g ht.4 own unhvorthlueem. ii lens Nrre n1,: nae I,'repn In the a int)11 C'hlrt Ma9lstrnte of rte way In wldch tile ydwltlwn could b3 ywtrr" that he oared for LaWtn's fJoeael�bfuwrf waslelther Impl"wflK pxtl enrnatturee� nation Illy G►ttlln9 ("r Ili+, was so- rained before that tribunal. flocks 1,v. 88). and "another twenty rfity or Lowly s eith r it the w11va- After being out rel rinkc four reassuring, and to-ulght the chanced ad t'nhrareal Slnspath ytistrr" that he servexl hUu ill kir tion made pomslble by Chrlrt'r ,ImILh nvn.tbs the ;illi Jewry l'rnlrfil car illi nrovery oro ru grexrlly Improved Tire Interest Ili the Predldeut'm con- house, uutking forty to ab. l+ All of grace. We merit nothing \ rrpalrer,r wlrh to return to work on that all of those who hl%Yts kept the dltiuu war much across the Cuuadlau L Went oil his way -la Mollie way fruar Odx1. file (Ii ternw; Wit fhut that new lratli•nt vigil est Ills brleld'i feel bu,derr tth to furfe du p,u lethl tela Gud mud Mpoltrn to Jaaub Mud told Prrl now I�rrJt dYul"ltmlutk»mrnta 7 p strongly that hnr life wltl Ix tJw. w+ r + k men wh+) hose !taro em IuJe 1 w1, I nut n,ntting to oto rrllat hr ten obunhsr elm to return to hnr natlre land. Oca. Mayr : ' 11ronlel. The file+! of Gael. b• dircbuKgid, t-3 that dome lit the •rhe deveiopmeutd (,f last ed`ht and in l;aeba, Montreal thud Tor--ptu, itad xxxi. S. 7410 Lord woahl not per- Tiro patriarchal r•evelatlofl at Ile ,#trikers must seek work elsewhere, to -day were dreaded, but hour after uu+uy Irt4luoints of a rinlllar churae- Ishi The mala point, Ili@ personal ( u !surely rulirGwlury, s•1r11 bur x►ar@d, Sad fl',• dixtugul-fIletl ter came direct to tlecretary Uortel- colt blue to remalu away langur, fur wrestling of this believer With the Slrhk w r 1 1 you (oma dltferrnl Jwurl� of the 4t] wlght bnouwd perverted In hnr rt-- angel of dellvorancr. Throtugli !fiat to the whup.-rs• There is nurely n bast- patient, struggling there b nt.ath the 1.111te t stutter. The mesmst es of ,yin- lig)uuse life mud forget the prouirdr xeeue Jawte, pleasant lntti the full en - i rt- wvl c cuu,li""'i lrateliful eyes of IbyIclume anal 141111I from ull over tite Culted Stater of which ha was heir ; mud than, Am Joyment n( conflstene" to Jehovah. ler way tiff fit 1 e B man wremtfietd with him. The wrpst- tr11luotl nurses, slowed not an un �are r fuirl) overwhe: utdlNecretarY ILub1 n1, tfwad limo fur lllm tear L r ling W+Ia a typo of that lntlmato f,l• flurry ellr. w•ho caters to ter. favorable symptom. Ftrn tlmor our- C.urtelyou. '�wo more Whlto $Arne Angeles of Opd--A host of uugels. See luwrllgt which spiritually hlwntlh 14 Illousetlent of the "4110," recently lug the day the ruiteut surgeons ,vteriogralli have been sent fur+ g Kings vk. 17, mot how-LlterulJY, the tnctivldunt ch ld of Uod with tilts orR,;dlzal a doi; receiAt"ll at �+'w• 11,1 ourg(our arremblerl tarn conrulta- read uplift their arrival. perbLPN to- "caul*,, drew stator to film" "Thur Father through the mMn C'hrist,Jonim -.:on, anal rndi tlmr the verdict woe nrll)rrow, eomo of the more imlwrtant Jacub war taught, To whom Ile owed The pilgrlm op hnr way Is IIPM•e Ix.rt, wltIl +!inner xrried In ctiurdrx, mewangra will ba m(Ide public. Almost Ilia Into mercies. Tho true source of forth ten prince, having {,rover w)th fur lilt. nnlugement of mwetldom. All unanimous that w►tat change had (x- rI -ry t;overuniont In the world has likes prutectiol. And Iris tulth wheat Oat told with mon. It U a great Ice wfalt well until stupe dug• imltulhlR careful was fur the tx'tter, N,t till Ila((, hoer) from, wart of the Clown- confirmed." Altar Ilia recunciliu- owl on rerevalllnR prajer. Tofu lane rliglhtest premonittiry Symptom of c+1, honda, of Euro{,+ neuding personal tion with Lubau, Jacob proci•ed.f on nor of the patriarch wymbdlxf•d tlo• 111+ 111111/111 l)N'illyd, dillel'Yl1 111, '1 hPYr lir, and iBuluedkartorly there petrltollitla uppaarvil, till.t ten fresh I rRilrt'll., 1:mp'rorrfWitIan, htilRi! Iris way, and at- nge wow rho trlalr fife of dh entrnce up,n whl'h lo• favored c r eral fight, ill welch two hop. inwo with the morning Brew KIngoof Portugal, Itnly Mal Sweden, o'fon hilt] the areng were ■eat to P1tt11cr'ursurrende a tan beforre.m-•Ys vil►d n R.r► dncwOutloo nod Mtrepgtheu elm. . ft] !;Cgs ye•Ilw`d Sud bit xtralpgrr find rlrungcr ns the day ted- nail tote 8ullaul of Turkey. 1'N'e•IJl'ul Oat's Ilurt-Tito angels lieu call- file gun taxa upon him hp hnittrl up- 1,uu tis Inlubet, of the Itrpubllu of France, g "f all scratcfied 'Intl emnmh: 1 furnl- "1110 d, until tow•an1 evrnlug tae e•On ed hcom a kion thele rom tucks ole Ido thigh." a war the n„rata et- and tore lacer atn,l fldenee expressed in the Yrr•Ident'■ latus lits) enb;,xi kis @Jnlp+tthy direct. 3• F1uw thele order. 3. From tllsir a 11rw Ilihingn Info d turn'• c.rn- usre nnd,dlrh power for the ,prutectioa of the rpesfxt notblmgnes@ tend (iexf'r nunl- ,iiks. There was some excitem-lit r(coirry seemed elm pot tow stsgT•Ine. Mite to tVhlr. related sufficiency. 1Mendal W Milli, fax (t time, but the dear ladder au+v Folosouse Dt1rY(•"u Agrees• -One of tho mnrt touching meeSagea Sotiuta. - L+uogrs Yal(an bla a "Two are tlut't the ep(a t a+rt- ” retll Dr. Charbem McAurny, the famous thus far reeceived was troika Madame eaueps."-Jl•trgin• "Prubse, akudla - :f c1, vel .' \est Yurk surgeon, who fwd Warn wla k+tc u1eJ UreLvfu"MW fills (amour m vltf withetl'ut lit IO,xI�'vJYahupaiD' 1u y ' .11111Bakull("I fu c(,usultutlu 1, utter +t tfhrl est Itunuaw. Mase. Mcllauley con- war rltnutral 1,u Oilond. N n cf NrbruNka, whom'$ ria .q (xaryination, In w'bicll he tintless to War up bravely, rend her s, fietrt merrengerr-There iueeoe11. C 0 M M R i s 0 0 TIeC, {x to 4160 onpes, rlfiWl's nn1 clutrptles w"n1 'staid Ile hn•1 found n H a singti un last regarded ad rc Vee clai One of S Ir ger, wore t Ot Ably . fo Ile.) N t, 1+•mua+hed b a wilttl storm n" \Nell- rel in ten lust regarded at- rtcsent, •. One orf her row the ret lei d soo, fur they elle, y orablo bJ•mptum, Ju`•l. dearest and ckweat tel+ut]a, Dire 1,u lu►vo retunred roue ufle[ oil's I „•RIl►y night. rfrcel their lives by- attertiou" trallallu, which dea:ured Hand, of Wasti.4lgtou, hail arrived L+ta:d ori tills -'-Thor Is ow tike marl P V I IED i t tete collars. TI1AVI, 'resldrut'd condition watt here•, and wla probably re•amin with mud mouth of the Dalai Sea." D 1 110. w, n fugc In ) tent til+.• 1 hr• way til"y usfrl to take care Of zatl•faciory Lo all Idtyrlclunr pn•ecnt. err during tblm rtel o forrit, 4• 1, of me turd-Yiei.:dug 4.Ju_" -____ rtewrt.tary (ortels•uu, In whore• great uffenure.-Ecc1eJ: x• 4. Jetul: ;lie women and children at IL.ublmrJt It 13 not atrungi, therefure that the handr the management of every- ,umlrted hlma -If- before laid bru.ber, Then the Briti•ill And tilt- French Ytce-l'reshleut, wtulb•ree lit flu Cab- thing seems to b•, wall alit.- to take r,s ogufxdug hila at- hie turd, and Iwo- rere• struggling for the mastery "r inet anti other dL,tlugul►hed.,%blterm some rot tills morning for the first ,,Ilig Iduldi f down at-. a Servant. Nineteen Boers Killed, 'a2 hb counts Tl a beet prrMrrve,t time deice the tralr dy- lllm cape0- d. Coweth to m lit thee -The mind y, tel o culler! rams awlly N Jlh I:Bl'tp'r Ity for work in marvel u@i awd lie of Esau was In that wuverirt; stat. ,onion" of the old frtificatlutp heart» and more 1luoyaph trela.l, Rod eve ne Ln utter straager to fattgae, when til.• dllghtert incident might Wounded, 62 Prisoners. .sblub tort France fo,eW,00i livroso gave expresalun til 4ha, mwmt optimlm- . __�- _ .. --._ ,ax)Uuo film Into good will, u1 ire the cnchette+ t1Y which the nun- li, rentimpnts, aril the Joyful 1,1,100110 President Will *Ot 1)110. aruuse flim to vengeance. went out brytwh{ tilt] Wue-ctxtttrl 7 Greatly afraid -The tole lit Ills rrmtmltnuts (,seal to be stowed while Buffalo, ' Sept. '8. -Fur reasons of brother w•as tho d(r.ct cunrcyuene( irjng wvto going On, lArket lilies to gladden the hearts v►t @tate It became necessary yerster- of Id,+ eel, the sin that embltterew tENKIILEQ EICHTWOUNDED -- - the silent throngs Rrrtheretl there. ,lay afternu,u to secure, lit the de- hid whit life.-ltI.Awtson. Marshall Irl, IJ, tit • grunt ,('111"119„ Ane, yet, demolte all ael4 opuunbm, nand of li lei-Prerldeut Roosevelt, a t1,. O Oust of my father Abraham- f tr • goo t" enen•Iwnt, ix di•rcrllwd W like President of file UPPLetrlie Ir by I definite rtut++urout as to whether In this grrat i ntergtlrzy le had re. _ pray.. L H T p{vada tore tail . U. Aikens 1:1, til+ S w Turk 11 rail! leo meant tint o/ndl+gess of 'ci@ art- - the le(fectu f I oaf wouuL The Irl - Biu bill- 1. "lex a.:ting in tib dluwc( d hnr pl'ymlcinns, is the` gr+•aLcel rmanufuchic(•1'. " v.1drrx wino are tuhuttaxl tat the Ili- : 14"aus hesitated, ill ,dew 3Jr tilt• w the ulslei - cummaud, and therefore rue !.nes t!Be IIr111,b Suneced -two ay gess 1,r 1'u tl'd wuritl. it • has fuc tier councils, Ilam tilt' trueerlly to go ' laundterr uncertainly' surruuntling at, bad u right su r> Jr at duvnue pre l'ununnnslwwls slid 1'au KraeFor, orf.•+r Its a hgery country ca the Willie tp flu rel that. Put it the President I Iauch a ctmf% b1t that order for a coa- toetlon. .viler+• cotton, wows vt nn I silken curltinue" to et- ve for onew Ick tmchcu manoerera bio barm•0KNO ro- predation •inw-littlu a using belles tlr AAItuR 'Ikwe C,.ptdrea -The day. the long i1e 1 Sultan Trying to Get Ahrrd of 1,k• ,,o,ab are manutarturel In qu uttiliew' lm ,nowt dreaded, will have praetiOaRy I fural, yvaalua lir equisocutiun. mercy •a" ; that Is, tau little to have Lie owns encores of enurtnou4 factort'•d di„appr+tra"i• Fl+e rurg,stma J Anod in ter consul- res ived ; Irs.i than alt. -Altura. With French G wernma•ut. 3 I rugLCuJ, Irelthn 1 an 1 W tic �ant]. Tlo Trete erred oar lit til doctors I tatkxr, Drs. of t uLer, 1v louvr, Ma"u, lily xtaf(-W hen h • parr •d lice, thhe lh(puste Ors house wou'd be the Unalt I Hardin unit Turk. Every phase of the •Jur:fau ho had hutting but him staff, ill h:lrburg, Cap• Colony, !tryst s a:ovlocem of France 41r• d,.ltted will' t filo danger truru tent souycc, but auws war txnmUled, dlr0uamd rend out frust he ham whirl and children-1-olter'x entire c,,mmfuide hAtil+rrn niHr &wood by Marshall .Fi I I. Th, ILIA Marro C onsetrvative_-eoltm.gtle-s i d(++ctruuted. All posslWlltI,ass, at- far as .nil flocks and bards. LntL'II by Major Sc(oMI, 'oath ..f •butter lir the Marshall F1, 11 ILuu1` believe that at leant _4 hours, Ix,e u"lcAl skill cam di.tguute, were tut- 11. Tho hand of my broth„,�yn Petcrpburg. One hul,lrel ea I i f heard In Spain, Italy, G:•rmany. rilkl :3& frotu tills time mus11Ila me I in Itho c-mmdero ivli a cu fortes Nota xowardr INl uilwlLho�sn f►rmy nn lih�, tMre priaonprtl were capUirrl, tuhtrla amt I:nsalit. Nur in the Ori tit brier+• the p;mse va of U V 8 4 tou►tlx ,hall pare canigIled. That w b� (,Iflrb!IY ronlfennt. After rcaan- hrtnrt the w(rr+rt. twelve 14rrm Wrre kit e.1 lint] fur! �- 1r• r Isfpute,r u . ptleatious laug tow 1'r-w,h t'r cuudiltun_ tr. like 1::•_Than mot. mt-t:o 1't- , p _ x wouai e.. wu W t a �'T'^�-- rb•adiaq ('I:iurs• lint akiNcd .fup-f are diel furter. ever) slewpulnt, a uifv:Luour ver+ the tura• ground of till our b -,pea, an,. nuubrr+r1, i t1,,• thtwrth-d ole tilt• diot war rdachrl by the owurultallou "to remind (ion of hi+ proulm d 1. .il+u were captured. a'ualpiiealleu May flee. of rnrg+rour which was r.•pirted to -)Flip of the privileged of prayer.^ littrbeme ilepurt. ,)ley roll or -tile Cbl:ago w'rehant and Blood polfo(sning might set in lir au the high oft ebli whu taut dumaaded 18. A present fpr Enuu-Jacob dt' uaanufucttore•r. On tho other sale lit abmees" furor whore the bullet tol im- Ilio peonulwiawcuto, ill the doiluw_ alit regard praying sa a Mub"titut- I.ondnn, Rept. i. -Lord hllchew-r's .he u{tutt(,r nor vast wuollrli wills bfdded LA the muncl••s of the -back. ilig words; :ter the eons of means• It war rather report from Pretoria to the Wkr Of - 1 Tuw tar Lha 1ol►11 lel tlee asMssela. t(td;r u careful bcrutny lit she a Ruhfe, nn laapirdtlow from Gat fa let's covering the capture of 1,IA- y4_1 1 nlla.-and JJffi chuln_ext,•ntir_ lee dUU 14 Wo busty, giv£u.tile I•r,patl,lentaa,ndil►"M tikIll�Lintocon._ thrix ass 5 .frmt'rintbn all deeeJ.,Irmrntr, actually ��. T~^Tioi,Tr-1!ic=tt'E-Clot cl+mmnada,lftvestitsfflfwe+ae- .o South America, with flectort •m in pfaysiclafip no anxlet •, tut If life Jrazll and In other of the neighbor dlghtrst Inflammatlon appiter@ to the Oren rRf or liable `to acenri-oer-eou- 1Mra.samethlag of his great . prom, .IS-tBlael. 57_ wama-lad Nal -AL - uric-- - -. region of Lilo lead It will by imm(rd- cluMion b . Lust 'Hoa E>cdlcncy'r pe illy from the tact tk'It this preso a: �� uawoutrled. Tire pnm,oen fu- wR rcpubacs Wit have not seen nay lately extracted. No difficulty is nu- chances of rtCUTery nor the bright. ter TbnU eaxlafeted of b81 Mltlnuels, lrusee apo1+ ftr.-l_»{.yr--lark • lit _+Ipd_r.. U.nasegnrd. _ as azJiea�rv_rtmri -:j CvuYdsureby lucmeelw■-7 he elude• Commatllnnts Lotter and of peritonllla b Ing Lep only clement ' xoa tint n + J'TrZif(wnt 111- a�ettl-1Lirwri+. i Ygors--Among - -- ,xttrlutlsnl In Inventing Ido• money One of Ede)WAl beat X-ray machines u untrh•e and gh'Ing em. and ills mutt skilful and trusted uI► of dangra sevfral droves, to lowing one another Kruger, and Llrut sho('rn+rn• Am"nt; I,'I foreign co erator, Ur. 1,i. .t. u1, fund, ref itel le- Hnnhp ral4fird with the cprl.ra art Intervale, was suet, sea to re•p•at Int:• khl,rt were the two Vuslers, no- ,< duyment to for, lgn labor la prefer• wording of til" ro,port ail tie,• c uTer- i day• Tie batteries wore charged and !lie favorable tmpritmsl(rn male by table rebels, .rice to Arn-mean. It Is finite Ips- the machine W ready for Instant use e•nce the udmluletration triRcltl tie- +Inch. ns, th-y sereemsively came be The 13rlllrh camttaltlem wee! 111 c IWo that nil• would purer to have Witt, it tho-pity'alclann may there If' Intended Imperatively : fore ficin, acc•on)ptenleb with a con- killed aa.t 8 wuuatl(;i. da woollen factorl^s in the United not tiro etiKlltext ctnubt that the ball - ,fill he lisp or dl" ? • clllntorJ me mote llamas Agrlsrt` Trrkey. can be located perfectly t"r an op- "fie will )ITP," wits the answer of -0• Will nirroes(te, him -Jacob Pow eft , itutrd UIsU ad of Anstra,ia and eralkxn. Tla•y des not deetp It ndilw the surgeon aha had crnUeye,l ter to pnclfy his brother nest] tura away C'oaslawtiwuple, tf,0ptti.-Tl►e !tete. jitutll :tmerh 1, if the ll:ng►ry duller abto to wap ton) of into Isreait]• nt'n rploort of the c"ilsultuti„n. file anger by the prf-ii ; tend by it las said, Is rmdeavorinR to cline ,n 1mI,Q tssl wool dt I not stand In Strength at thin lime. All the Pref- `- the, octet] riff arrvan s, to Imp NAd Lu a Malas wclaima is wlllt .he way (If obtnlning ch ap raw mn. dent's reserve force tis needed now 1wtr110ted Irl@ srrcants to Slwak to t�af Ottoman Golvr•rruwrnte tthupitlg er1aL to realist tiro danger of peritonitis In the 1•rrmldrut's t hsarcb,% I!amu. and iweptic pdm)nlnR• Benidem, If fn- WO@1111161,011, 8 •1st. e. -!tri. It It Rias up that night-"Jewob, took. thus to detai the French O,ov- t UifJammntl(wl (k)em nut net In around lib family ncnrmm In the nlRht when ernmeal of Its grounds fur action. \Ay;or, prlsWluq cl.ler of the 11'n.h there would be no o rtunitry for tt I1 ten bullet, It will roan become en• h'g oa Vonf,reoce, conducted serol e. Tbli A hush Urd.•r. cyrted. f nn t•reshlent McKinlr s church w- br)k-q til) sew or to Air s . eam .Tab R t r o,1 ^ NOWN � KROH THIP' y InkITie liaJor wnf,n stream flow- (slu o. Ill.• r,•tit. stria xp Ni ytud 1'rrfes;tty cteolr. flay. lluring t11s rermun Ito salt : 'Tlip irtg Into Lilo Jorh►n abut two-thlydm lralu of nue ran treating liaport- _ ,ill the effects of the other which otrurrence- lit Buffalo falleates that .,I that distanen from the flan of (tail- ant fi•ttern from Australia, iwhireses- wfl t administered when the rstai no man he waft from tee rhatt'L Chf ;Ice to the Dead Pe - ed to Jswa•ple (7lamberlatn and other lion was performed on the Lxl,rsl- death, And Willie I [have ever Men 21. Was left none -To be left alone high offscJaho of the British Omern- �oes Through Whirlpool 'Lbw:- gtoundim hied Ill W""t tills ictyaf to thos law acrd -lave �r-twou- with ckxttlw-tine-unty-trae�strmt Burnt-artfvt'+d -,or - M liven t"',.b'ar- ,r morning. Anti the fir, IJonl'e intuit tenthed for Ito strict enforcement, 1 riving est n prat toowlsign of our- fington & Quincy 1tnilroad al Y.ih Ra ids in a Barrel, wens perfectly claer during life time mngl guy that til • nf6alr of 4 oiclow•k ytivre Anti our w•fiva.-('. H• 1f. Thprr a. m. In tinter cntc•h the skSoth e �_To -day for. _Inset FrAny Iran attu oot cutl%ertetL 1a' wrastiatl='1'r-ua Boom x11- 4 - we muaptuu steamer, which leaves JfPC ___.._------- -----_._..- hr waw ewwka to -day. re - the first time he enjnyed natdrsl Into an ahucate of lynch low. Sure.!y Iwfirn that th,o wresrttlnR of Jneoh 1'utk to-nurruwt nn effort Int M•- - sleep. Willie :te MAN Still mere or tiler(• waw Io (K-eamion, n,) renation for Wae trot mrrlily n physical rxerrinr hyo made to break fill ror•t,r l,4 t" Oa AKEN 11tlT UNCONSCIOUS. 1,.».w unirr the tnRdencs lit nn•t••s•' that dreaf1ft11 deed, anti N-hf•Lher ter telt nlsao n aroiritfinl nap.•• A morn- rnlcb ter l.ek,• Stwrt- "flyer.' r bis h elects tletles his Slumber was restlear and work d a :•ane man lir a Innate, 'i'Lls wait doubtless the• Lord .Tpmum Irrl here est m.:p) n. m. The mail +v•1, Ningarit falls, N. 1'., Sept: S. -Thos dtaturbrrt and dd hie -flute- goul. [herr Can be mo Jurtiilentlun Ioe;tl.' Christ. - truflmf,erral horn to another t11` w- fe•ond N,omin to gti throngh the Ttrday between i/ and 4 o'O"Ilt be _� ::,5. Not prpvrallel n )t -it would have (•fail train, avel prllel by an Pm4(t„ r- a1►Irliaool rap de In It IMirrel perform- ind tiff• heari (if natural slumtwr Cansti \terse. been onpily ainion h for the Angel to will, a record nr 100 mde.4, en 11'"11-. wt •,1 !hl. tent thim evening. Her nnmr for nb)nt four hourm, and thto phy gnockiWP, Ont., fS(pt. ti.—'rho est- prevntl phydeally, hilt the i.ord was send in charge, l)f tiff)"Info ft] ff' 10 Murtha F•. Wagerfluhrul. `She wnn rlcianm Stated unofficially that hie trmpilld agiean isiath "i lit l'tisld"111 'n"lrnvl)ring to 1pnd.inenb to n cofTM L+tkt Shirr L allrin lel t"atlu•r, cIt gilt in f.ermani hilt now lived in sleep end been quiet anti rep.oneful �IchlnfAy est kuf(uln Iwo uwr•e tluau plptp ahnn,onment or himself. Me Knllway, left here set IG u'cto;•k o' Lis luffiflo It wage :,.tri Web)et l'efore and end helpp.l the sufferer +►great McKilg i At 11 t lit i"m 1,vl,, ll touchrd......hip thfgh-Tlnn thigh 1t- hot pur"ult lit the flyer. tis( .h+• iwrnt rturtel to few--the-barrel deal. . MISS Mnu•1 ilf,vinan, the wnrn:• in rharg• ter pillar hb n mann strength ; Jncins ao ,lit In the river, nal at 6.88 o'cl"ek car till. Prest,lent, Is a Brockville w^e tens @irolcn hdm utter belpippappati hr Irarrrl wail set ndrl[t- Five min- F'.rht Noterteluuelit• yoanR Indy. Mlnw Motwn tinny Iert 'nI de-{oelldienoe on Go I. sPIl step Inter II pnosed under tile- T(rdey nlw) for ter fire rima here Fri,hty at o(msn after spending `8' 1 will tint, etae Re my tills DIEU TQO SOON. from ter heart Ig t,c secret of all ___ r eulf•red the kelt wOwtl". rt tJue.o tieeltr' htolWay-wWa_.luas--.._---- res ) l Iger nasi uuurinhment was ndminlalerr 1. t A. II kept lin the crnfrp untH ntwnit wow In Ibpril form. +and stint in- tnothrr, fire. k. Muhnn. On geectr Lasso �f h. Kerr ung ural ds- Ilelr to INIl1!ow1 Kllls Illmself In 1„• ,1411; through the rapi.lm, and then wAn Ilypxinrmienily to avoid till- log Buffalo Friday night a'carriage 1Ilrhe nn filo pert of .l whin "The it sw-nng to the' Cnuallin gids, IL p,risibllity of Irritating ilia- w•111r of w -ad In waiting Lu convey hr r to the ►ghost hprolem of Yne b Nes m forth I•uv, top A tx)k lint three Mlnutell ffrr it to ler ptrwnnrh where the niturphe nrn Milburn rpodd.•ner, to which 1'ree'l b1, ihen' (or Go” on t he me -The L11 LYtmIMC, 1Vi@.. rty)rl: Alter• 11 ;inch the whirliwol, tut ft drifte,i file stt. blas"n115R (+f Gnd nn the heart la of nr O. 12. Bknar retirnel to tills et! -titre until night nettled, and the d(n1t \IcKinL y has b.•cn rrmnret. Y csirRr waw In dnrkltr•rx. Thr rztrrlrx• wnnnd stns dn•sdr,l _- t;rrnter valna t1,In ler toest Lhfs city to -div after eenrrhing for amt I„ till,. morning awl in progrexringtertt- world can Rlv(. locating H(very Broumon in 'an 11 ►'r1, nip of ihr Wilman hurried to Ixfnctcrrlly, Chrrrd 1'ur ole Areuau, �T. R'hnt Ix ter nnmr-e:nd dl Lake City, who, though IeadlpR tip ,lila city al sdcce"ded III gettaaR a rPetei Attention too him flame aw rpp- life' oT a eolultion day fatmsrer, wit- grnrebliglrl car to ran down tilt, plot'- ('nblnt•I yloli In Itufrulu• Chicago, Supt. 7.--Chleagh, .%nor• repenting hie chnrnctrr. fie "Aid, low heir to nn agitate in Norw:.; roc lint- tit tilt- water's edge, but 111 ter menhir" orf til.• ('abin.•t chlxtri In reerware to a call Issu s1 Jneanto. Thatt iet, •'mapplantpr." Thum vuluel lel sever.0 ml l•nns. At Salt pnat about the llme the Searchlight aro n(nv herr, except W.4•r••InrIP4 tbrv•(r days ago, intt IAmt 11lglit 1:, n ,:fl Jnr•Ob ndndt ter ireio 'statT+ of l,eke City Attorney sknar war in w•um 1.1um not(od the whinisool, Burn maluuu leu Wf-mt Clel:e o avenue, and Mm hpnrt 1n confeppinR hiol nam". form^t! Pfonpatn hal commlttl'd mu' .on 11 u.. 1'amtdlan. nLl�_JUttl- e-looI hi Ilny nn•1 Lurtfi- Thn• former torte- R v .. chin. aa...Ihe [estllt of cttrrm! p'+m graldtis.t tera)ay Lunt hes woul.l Mtnrt (t1,-+eusael the nttrnq)ted ns"a+plhun .A. 1)rnel-A prince est Ood, Or naw �w •nptnring the brtrrrol nett Feeing ii rrty a few weeks previous io Tit frown \rwborrry, N. 11., to -morrow, > to l'Tp`attT7tt nIi'1C7'Rit!T:'tt10 rtq( pawprtu/ vgttli tort. tmi find tinifdtt ttdtore. They found It nec•oxmtry to prsrbnbly In tomo to be here to- )nsa for ter lnSoirance lit the call fur titan that him greatent enemy wnm vloit. Bronfaou end spwtut nearly all renk In rho bend lir the bfirrol to morrow night. Secretary I"snR Mal) this Burr ting could not b: learned not Eenu Mit hlmmelf." Power with ,if Ida Ills+ among Lilo westrru hnr- 1 t. aT thew Wniterrinlunot, whir wws fruue thude premeut. Tl mudu_.au liod-Tie only stere way of having 11- 11 p xlgniflp(ilik *11ol;-thn, fm vrn,4 a W11- mourrt or the fact tbat the andel• power with men In to have wer eget fhMw, p'ilattems, yet a = d11nh►e Iti help hrrsetf. 13e'shre mile Ing, hat did Writ epeciry the tittle. y lase licnnlre. ntrml !hr Irwvrtrl slew {Istel lmbitr(ed Tlhr `fitbinet nfrtcftrn fort it tw Ins pared sumethL,ig of welch ill y Re.ght Wilt, Got Drift. F.arnpstnc-fM, perso- .ery freely of liquor, anti It ie high- their duty to he here In thin erfst@ ta►Ik, however. In the apepelson ode- vcrnnce, Submiss'on, fart( -theme will sin ty probabip tort She did not know to meet nap r•naprRenelt-". T1nry are, livered In German), mention of the move loth Gr,l and man. Hint pro- Fell to 111• 11eath. anything almost the trip. Sh,• fitiled h(oIdInR nn L+rm•al mpetingm, ni- +Iitme of )JleKinl. y Drought forth pries vatted-n1i of (:nd'm people are wrert- lal w pall lila• pinR that woubf IuavP opt lit condemnation, an•l there were tern. Imndtto. Ont., Sfept. d.-(]errgr fMll, ;nor oll the a reel. t)rn1uRh there are w)mn 1111 g of chwer" for the t'rerklpnt'so uwnallant• So. Ppnlpl-r)r Penuel (v. 81). a mnchinLtt vmp!oyal try the MAII'm b •tome pay She was not In the Ifni- pkbllc hnxinpew which they 'billy i.uke p. Coolo-ran, CINpf of JMte•. manning "the face of Clod." My Itfp Mnehine and Elevator C(,mtx)ny, fell dimpnnx Informally, and floe !x)wolilslp tivex, concernin the Anarehla,fm ar. le reperved-Ther^ word" have a ,k)wn an Heintur mhaft In the M(• - n„ orf est all, but tlu•rn ix rl'llablo des- crrntlnRellehpS phould the Preetflent R D (ornlalion that she wnx. Her tNV row wnrmp are also) tho urughly rrgital InnL nlRbt, mold,: T t]ocp Spiritual m"wninR. TI►w only way (brmlPk binenit fnrtnry hers this II'• form m, Iupg drbyel that file rnswtI R found upon rimmining them that they In which the life can tae prpxwrvpd evening and died while beinit rPMO%' "i had heft tha river banks• having ,onnvamed• have been In China. Switzerland, in to meet the anRrl-{hrirt; he 1S to the Victoria' Hospital. He hn'1 wnllpt] Impatiently In the hot pun not for Teddy. Frnncr, England, nermany, nol,•mht lilies lire, and hp (only I@ Able toglve Men repnirin9 the elevators In that all the nftern(pn. rind knowing. They rlalm tory Jiro murr and prpsterve llfe, fnrtory when ,flip accident IlnppPne.t. ,N. Torr fin net b•Ilevp til11t there M radk•al than Paraona send Nploa w,re. 81. The run roeC Rep MAL Iv. 2• Ile lenven n wldo , and srvernl Small the Boost rpmOtp poswibilt•v that They h•Ileve In no ballot tx)x, hilt In The rfs•Ing pun wan a type of the cfdidr(en. tin O.T.R. ENGINEER DROWNED. vice -President Roosevelt will hes - eat Rmrrnm'•o0 by Rrnnpn asst cont pirir11na1 annrlwe upon big Roll. Halt- --- _ entled upon to exercise the fdnctlopm rabrim-" ed, etc.-Whpthpr Jaarh WAR herlat Derth of fl. iD. )1'Cafeochle illi t'ompamlun riwam law Itooro lit of Chief hinglatrmto tender the file- Chirf O'Nt H est the Palter Deport est thin time, or wan ever after a nblllty clang•' of the, Conatitntksft, merit, received a tPtegpnm from Chlpf crlpplp, Is mere conjecture. Toronto,aSept. 0. -After n short lay I.srus and team moved, whlh ills. President lives• t hull, of Rnffnln, giving ' fnit little Illne"n. if. D. Me. norhlp, travel)^r Thornhill), Vept. D.-WO?d wan rt-• Vlep-prt•eldent Roonevelt wOldd not forn(tatlon far it- bAlsof tttnt the PRA(,TI(!AL SflRVEY. f(vr MoCall Brox. L Co., of field city. 1 Ip ,•rived In ter city tri the drowning haver of match a course• Still, In the pont originated In ChlrnRu. The tont Withanalm wan the place of singNlc dlat In ler hrwpllwl at Galt ypmU•r- He on Snndny of .John Hnglaman, A fig, profit ft] grnvp Intprftatlowal romfoll- of the telpgrnm follnws: ••Tire tlave revelation to Jamb, implying t]tvinp tiny Afternoon. Mr. ll,e(V"(whip hnd ord T. 1t. englnror, running tint of Mid cati(xum, an emerg�y might nretir• Ito rumtndy T,am ('xnlRon (Fr• J C. prrltretlon. Thin vtetntlon ramp, been with Me(-nll Prom. for thittrrn land. ddaRrrmAll WAR cit fn a rano and the• fillPatloe has arimet In their Nirmain) thee Itrotel,lent'e aamallant, T.n• After "Rep find toren marlo with tip ypnrw, And wtea nnn of tllo bpnt- wlth Capt. Nickerason, of tor• +rtr+tmer minds an to who Should proclaim th^ erste, if pswidhlp, t., J. F•eirek, who Io father -In-law, pal .Inexsb wan on his known and moot fiber ennlmer- Vity Qne^n. dionbilltr provided for by the ronwtl- .K.. of Rom• mvelnllstle paper." way to bring absat repnncillatkws clal men on the roar . Tern nr IhrM+ ills t Rtnall Stru^k til a runO• Sot] turn- tntlmi. That Inntrvkmpat I@ wlho"t (w1, with an offended brother. Divine days SRn hp wnm @@.Iml will, pert ,Ile, pd it river. Nlrkprfron owam ton honm the p"bjt-ot. ,More is no preroedpat to tprtlon nlwAyn rrppe tekw1R fila Lentula and rnioldlp gunk. Tho )wily Hp of tnRw amt waw rw►•wvl; but 19aRoto• follow. lbtrinR the wrN�tr'teted Iliwpswr i►t'"XIN1*t--jrhM M the Mpt hair re• line of runty. Jim following (d ppao� will be taken to him Old hnmw g1, ,,leg Bunn realist not rwtm, and it orP (M pgealdwnt 0iR IIteM hpfirp hip ml(r[pr nn til” n,nnitpt. with nil men anti beauty M (;lased TMnhnrton, where the fnnerml will tpn.4t- wh•) Had pat Ont rould rrttril dpnth, Vlra-ivrpslAput Arthur was ('wwlnrwer-Hnw dl) ymi know? fortnight the "two hoetm," that to Ills- Ink" pine" In -morrow. Prof. MC('nn- ay- :tlm he hall pink In forty f'rs Of wm not cfilled upfm to wet. The eongpnans Prefggbt--flow d) I ktxsw? Why, twe-fold defonce, heforp anti behind (whip, l)f Toronto Univwralty, Is a ter. The body has roof been rook to oplsbo aneng tM mobere of the I mels It tipsstf• Iltahanooko was the plans of retro- brother. Ked. l a r • II s BLAU I Y IALkS f- Uri + A l+ro:e + Prater% i+yiiiiiitil+ii•>t+t•tit+itt++4 Wrinkles in the face are uncon- wk,,U.ly made, title ahfght say, fur who %ould willingly pruduttd -fuel' i ilk",Wureweuls V if we could taut rruauueber that r %vey time we "'Julut lit the wum, to trying to keep it shut, of our f•y,.n, we Bunke little wrtukiea murt,ly i list pers(ru who Ir rqutnLing ut.,tlle „flu woul.l lower tile. curtalm of the f wiuduw lilt(, which this raym costo unit remove all eau,fu fur life Mooing tot ape's eye and lire Buukh,g u1 duceh u face. uuce the wrinkles are insde Iu the fuer+ It b lieu eythin (talk b b>w. Ixll with pa yet the uf11y method by welch Il cnli las SCCowplidued im lhruugh ukAusf1ge. •ru glio m+twwW4I properly nrluired It I{iwsl deal of prru•tce unit :r Utter- +digh kuuwkalge of tilts auutu'll lit flat face, It Is a miotalfco to Intl any -ream tial huppenr to b, handy leu your ,title and to war but i thhe ur fingers In every 'Ne timing every mu+euirnt but Life co• - lie miliclouti(ie ml It Ulannmr lad wylNn 1,u eta eau. fur thew• wuivuo•utd, ,Ilvpn correctly, will du entire gun! Ulan u dose(, carelemm stroked. 1'Irst, get a chart, woe on which lilt• euawlos of tier. face are Atli olid dlagrauu(d r)IMiuly. Y.,u c+uu Irssily @1•e what r 1,h! lrwWo wla•n ),g1 Its,& at the churl, for your uusres'd are relaxed, au,I when You lm%e hx'utel the little tuuwivid that fire w tender and nuluerold uenr I t Int• ranter (if lite rye—for till,# Id the tuft winkle -oft down, dip your fiu- germ lightly iplu a Mowll cream, fuel Ile•n, placing Ills hasm,l hr a pu,.ltlou iso that the, wrist pdnlr upward .tim the flnRera it'ehi the uodt\ ,I+•ir•rltte little circles upward fault +dlt+racrd leu tilt• ueumclem, which you will b+ able to Itd•ate by feeling of ).,our film mud I.wiktuit lit the chart. \t,1r•r massage toward the t,enlrc ..f low+ lues and never ,luwnw.ar,l f,.r tow• Stlp Is like u piece lit bilk ufi,I Ir It Ir fuldexl ler wrvuhg w•ay i, rumpb willlre the result. Always rcmrButter to waist, the face ill warm water before inaeru9khR it, for If yuan duui :-and tl,ere !x the ipaht bit of dust on it you will rub Ile+ duet tutu tier Aired :all the nrsulI will Its little btaekheads. Thiel is mol pomlbM, If ter hands un,l facq are first wanhrd anti n burr e•ro"* which fond Imran kept ill a eovereal crenm ytr, is safe"1. Allow the crt•iltu Ili slay on chi Law all night and stn"h AWAY Wit" A warm water anti gawal n)lap Ia till' .In,r (dreg. I Noor (lair. Tau cap have, urea le.ile It yc•a want Il, and, u you g o lit it right it 114.1 talks• Chilly a row days. There is redly Ito excuee felt poor Itlilr. It u ell ewy to make Ii l►1ck n nd giosmry. First, U true hair Is drys wad tricks, It IS a ►Igo that tilt- m•u p nerdy laur- Ihhmrut and that the e4rulutiou 14 1�--R�i��pitam�iK • m�huuld thele b• used, and WIth it +t RuodTSfr-%to " � Tlda it an excellent formula, inti should b• ase l with frietlol: every night : Cologne, rlgbt ounces Tincture of caritmrl.les, two ounces. plilrits of c:►mphur, two ounces. t Whose the cin dlisi Ir redtul �.l to --ttl. sTAII) the sia.. WHi rf,%Nru mi the Uneven hale_ will bp• 41pgr4ma Ilrow ar..1 ones. agates the h,tar will bas -e1 I L1lr way fo RtIod health. Dosed ibis, my good woman With the thin hm•km, follower your-rnwtVA4"w-�--------------- A hot iron be certainly InJnrfogq til) the hair• and it wuultl be rile better of two ways to 'k) It ftp at night In soft paper or khix. Even st) the hair Should mut til+ done lell every if,Rlil• though every other night will nut bas R, harmful., If the hair in very otralght there are curling flulds tint will help to teal) It to curl for dome tint,•, hilt' very little of It ph•rd1 Ise uR•.1. Cuellar Fluid. DiFsolrs In three-quarter@ r,f a pant lit water (hot) enc ounce of gu'm arnlal(•, onf-half nnn(`O or R,+tri m But sugar. When the solution b cull, add two iIAUI ounces l)f pure nP44". SIN ¢rfil in of Idrlilorldn of mercury, Sl% I•r:0114 of Mal nmmoninc. Tito Inst two mhould be (tLwdved In ter tetcfolol before bring +1th'ed to - the mixture. ,.;,&fly, Mdd ponugit water t3 make tilt- inlzturer n pint. Perfume Witt' gv,l4,gns or laveshi water. I.1 gPt- 1InR up this mixture, It IJ a RleRt thing to gds a druggist to help yoie. Tierr used to Los. In our gr n n,l- n„lhiWoo time, A rllle tahlch wan carried out to the letter. 1101..4 rule west] that thn hair slx)"11 be tershi ,•+try night with a buttilretl stroke". II finBe Since been broken because l)f tilt• fact that Ilse beat nnllorittes telt ex that ton much trashing fit ter t ilr 1s Injurious- Th- hnimh cntell"o (Jud breaks the hair, while the arms, if prc)perty placed to the hair, wtll pnSh through It iiia t breaking n hair. Rut fu% Sire that your ,•nmh I• pineal'strnight In pour hair, anti fiber fon not drag it throrgh n tarrttlr-w' --tlx)ngh y,m were rattling the garden Tn retiring for the night the hall phnnl'l nlways lop broldel loomely. I 11 flip" About the fare it tangtei . when droalling In the morninl Jou break It. The ahampoo. A great (trot of earl• Shnnld bas tnkPI In rhnnlpeoing the hair There nr n grent man,v othamppS that are no, est nil Rofesl to time and which Il.nv the hnfr sticky. other Mlutnelofix nr exileflwAt sad contain nothing in th I11Jar1Oela, R"t Juset a word alont til wny you sheamloo veer hair. DO ole throw It enrelpiesly five }oar pad, to the front, an'1 thrt with both bandit, rub it In Suell way am to tanR1P And make It a nlnromt hapelsom mot? If y"hi d y(m tnjtrp your -hair more in "n waelrinR thea yew can repair in o l npnth. Befor+i ole wet your hair Points thoroughly wti lhAt there Art, n lnnRipm: then bring it raarrftll oirr your )rend And Shampoo Yol hind, Bottling (hot fingere enough, iII not by e"eh a way As to tangle if hair. When yon have thorough wil0el ter Renfro tate the hair ranter hand@ Anti gpntll• wash It !11 am yon Would a fine punto of Ione Th,hi H Ir ready to rinms find tt rinming ahrndd bas very' ihorough 1hreP or four water". Roap rihansilnn. Mf Il n rake of Jerre o'i%e til) Pili Il' re gnarl of boiling Witter TI will mnkr almnml n Jplly Take nM, two tamprpoonfnla of tblr 1.111 n a plree of common wnnhing no Shunt the Bohm of a filbert . fill% t I+TO together, And, nftpr wettlnirt luilr, rah thurnughl.v in. RRs Rhampos. 1'ot In n pint n( hal rnln wA'' one ,mare of Spirits of ronrmAry n ter well l+pntrn yolk of An erg I throe„ Ingr"dlsonta thoroughly n rill, Into the R+nlro it there to dan drnff In the hair t /hampot will be very good to use.