The Signal, 1901-9-12, Page 1THREE aaA.E'e
ADv'T8 A,re
eISiOrl, S I. 11 10)1.
F.11 Wheat+_ 0 a1 to a1
Ylour. family. per ewe.... ,...... 100 10 1 . )
n ewt. patent. per ewt , M to 9 50
teres toe.._..._-. .r U M toll 00
S horts, • toe .... 1/ 00 tole 00
ScreenWar, per ewt 1 W to 1 1.1
Faye pr bush 0 40 to 050
Huelwheat, per boob 0 eu to 0 50
Oaee (i bosh ....._.. 3) to 0 '10
Pear. 9 boa►...._ .. »..... .. .. re to 0 el
Harley, par bush 0 38 to 0 to
I(al, •los • 10 00 Loll 00
Potatoes, P bush., sew 50 to 50
Butter, . 14 to 0 45
Chasm. oar Ili 10 to 0 Il
I]ggo.!, tresb ospsaked, 9 doe10 to 0 11
WOOd _.. _. -. _...... _.. _ 10 4o e 00
Hides. .....- • • -- --- -- - 50 Io 5 00
felts . 95 to 0 11
live Hors 50 to 4 40
!tressed Hoer 50 to 8 oo
laoon. r. _... - 11 to 0 18
Ilam. per lb.. .........._.-.._-.. 15 to 0 le
Lard. per 10. 11 to I1
1 lrwed Heat ton quarter 00 to 0 r)
Droved Best. hind 00 to 0 ( )
Cattle. Rupert 75 le 4 50
Ordloar9 a to 3 . )
Ike station. about a weeks ago. • pair of
spectacles with white met al rims and etral.hl
arms. The ander will be,ultab4y rewarded on
leavieg tb. setae ar this oalee.
P'or Bale..
c n A uulesee street to tot •Iter the 10th
O 1 eeprembr. AyO l7 L* Mrs LOUISA 11.14),
Lakeview. ttoderlob. 1t
I1OLrSE FOR YALE 1011 1'0I.F:1.-
11 The house on L.3hthouse street now
oocupe.. by m) self. brick,t w o stories; two good
welts. doter°, •table. fruit tree. garden. .1
oo premises. Poesee.loe ives eerie le Ooto-
tea. Appal to H. J. HORTON. um premise.
Lr at Moro Ira the Square, Il
1: cornmodious rrMoacs on Montreal street
known as the Sr. Lawrenoe. Reason for sell
Yas, sot large seouan fob acconmodattoa of
summr guests. Aopll to MRS 0. BECK,
The 8t. Lawrsoor. Oodrlob. 46
eat 3rd concession Kest Wawanosb. ire
acres cleaned. balance hardwood bush Uood
hour a•d modern barns, well watered sod
feooed, ie good state of Oulu vat loo. A cho)es
farm. THOd. BROWN. Auburn. 11 9m
rA • Balt, will purehaw that large
Mone hour with six -roomed *d4ltloo,situated
cn Plewa Street. Golf an acre o' lend with
all the outbwtldlars thereon thrown Ie. Yo r
furthr psrtioalat0 apply to TII CO, .4 M001
HOUSR, Bayfield 1'. ntr.
A C imoo. MnvtuaL EvarT -As organ
reoltal will be Riven Is Koox ohuruh by A.
1). Jordan, of Iirantlord, oo I riday •ve0log
of neat week. Mr. Jordan has this summer
filled a very nuooewful engagement at the
Pau American exblbluoo, and u he Is not
unknown to the youple of Uoderlch he will
doubtless be greeted by • large eudteooe
Milton Tyndel', 01 I'btlelelpbla, lormerly
of lloderleb; Mies Illanoh. 'Temple, con-
tralto, of Brantford, and H K. Jordan, of
town, will asset In the program. Further
particulars will be anooaoued later.
W®T Hu,ON'e P.rrrsrroN, -- Tu■
Siui ti. has eeoured the !*Mowing
tlgurse .howtog the population of the yarl
out muololpaltuee in West llurmo •e shown
by the fount °ensue :
Uoderloh 4 158
Clraton 2 550
Ashfield 3,494)
Colborne 1,868
East W •waaosh 1 962
West Wawaoo.b 2220
Uoderlcb Township . 2 629
Total 18,786
Dura TH■ "1'Av,"-" Pot me off ab But
la's" was ebe surto if the song which
was trilled by Aldermen Culloden and Mar-
oey and (' ty It'hotrloal Engineer Ke11y as
they boarded the 2 34) trato os Monday.
The trio was streo7tbeur,t by the baro pro
(undo tones of E. Belcher, who .lav was
journeying to the elty of the )'an -Am. The
munlolpal delsgatloo were gu'og down to
the big .bow to see the elootrloal display
and gel any new Ideas that might be 0u,og
with • v ew to using them 1a °activation
with the town'. eleotrlo.l department.
They would not fall to visit the Midway,
where electrlotty b put b a variety of
IvlslTg AlikAso gar tT" Nor,\ rr Moot:
-Lt.•Col. Veroue .nd the other otticier" of
h. 33rd regiment hsye been In , ;o.nitatlob
rsgrdlny the regiment's pruolWUno to
the review at Toronto b.lere the Duke of
York and l'ornwall, hot deffalt. strange -
moots have not v.1 been °occluded. nor is
the exact d.t. of departure for 'fo, ,n)n
koowo An announcement from I)ttawa on
Monday is of Interest to the member. of the
regiment, le states Ibat .n ordr In (:Gwm-
oll has beau pawed m.kiog It compulsory
oe .11 the troop. who are to figure a the
proposed militia reviews to •meed. The
militia are called out In the same mooner as
for settee servlo..
A'v-i'stn or TorrT,-Rtohard Forden, a
}IORSAI.R.-LOTS 95, 96, 117. 118. 119 lad of .IRhteen years .4 ape, was appre-
•nd It. In Hntchtso.a y all le bended at Bayfield'1 bursday sight of tut
Ooderloh. rr prtlouleu• a pDly to week by Constable Tho.. (lantry, and bas
I'HIILIP (HOLT. been oommttted for trial on the abaree of
Barrister. kc.. Ooderich. stealing *29 from Jas. Hays' livery stable
March Iith. 1900. ett-tl
u0 the day previous, Wedoseday. The
money was 1n the pocket of • pair of
trouser, Mloeq,on to .1as. Webb, the livery
driver, whioh was left to a room .t the
Mable, and when Webb returned.fter beteg
absent for • while the pocaet was empty.
F'ordeo was around the stable .t the time
and after his arre.t a portion of the money
was found In his boot. $20 In all was re-
ooyred. the .doused was before ,fudge
D.yle yesterday, end was remanded until
Monday for election.
InalirafOO, oto.
slat dor .oath ltd. of Wer street.
over U. 1'. It. Omcs.
Jorrespoadeot: J. V. MOANIY t Co.
AU orders promptly exeosted. a
ANCE and real estate agent. Otsoe, one
doer east et P. O.. Ooderioh. Agent for aha
Ieaalat a n ul ars Iasural°. mm o*nte, and.
Seedier stock compoulee.
Mereutli. and m•na(scturlog risk• --7t
lowest rates. Call at omoe.
TV Aeoesntant.and Isenranoe Agent.
Hooke sad 0o°osnte made up.
Buildings rested sed rent. oolleoled.
Etre Iasara•0e la British and C*nadlan
Orae. -la I'road(oot k Hays °Moe, North
trees hoderleh. 411
SUItANCE ani (teal Estate agent,
Fara, IAfe. Aooldo.tand !'late Ois.s Insurance
effected on mutuel or °ash plan as lowest
rates pawlble.
Beet Rngllah and Canadian companies rep
Owes next door to (hrrow k Oarrow. lar
Meters Ilamilton Street.
SICIAIIB•wdtlhereose. Odea In Bank
of Commeree beadle& west side of Square
Night halls at r.eldeeeee• ter. Oallow.
1t-. Nhan"on,
pld roslde.os, hepMr et. JIRtnF t-oa. 00.
'!'hone 44.. ' p
Pubilo Notltn.
i\ noes and leaving tows. all aeoounts not
rented by the let of Oebb w will h) handed In
for collection. II, J. HORTON. It
1 nntk'w that anyone bathleg off the
Islands. using or tampering with the ferry,
shooting or treepam dog upon any pert of our
• p▪ lrerety ATTR be 4 rrested and proeoontwd.
hARI.Yl.e-MCVl''AH.-Da Tur't•y Miss
UII•s MoVlear was married •t the home of
her sister, Mrs. W. S. M011.y, Quebec
serest, to AlexandrCarlyle, 11.A., of Edin
burgh. Sco.lend, 4. .blob olty the bride
was a resident for a number of years. The
ceremony was performed by ttee Rev. ,les.
A. Andersen. K. A , Ila the preeeoc0 of
Immediate relative. of the bride, who..
costume was • tr•vellleg suit of grey. Miss
IBe11e MoV'toar, oleo. of the bride, was
bridesmaid, and William McVloar, the
brl'le's brother, was groomsman. After
spending • short Urns vleIUog trends in
Canals, Mr. end Mrs. Carlyle will sail for
Sootland •bent the end of September. It
le Interesting to know that the groom la a
nephew of Thomas Crlyle. th. author.
A N"N HART, ARK FIK.,-An 'I,'erest.
log and important burner annownoement
ie that George 1. Allan and I)an. McIver
have purchased the hardware nueiow of A.
Mc1). Allen. and from Monday next the
well-known stand at. the onrnor of North
street and the `quare will be under the
*entre! of the new firm of Allan A Molvor.
loth members of Me tlrm aro y000g mos,
bur have hat •aluable experlrooe In the
hardware trade and are thero0Rhly fitted to
e trry on a large betimes. They Intend to
keep ! hl Op with the times le their trade
and hope to merit • good share of the pat-
ronage of the peepl. of the town end
oouotry. Mesera. Allan and Molvor are
an avDllnstlow will be merle st the next
*toe of the LeRlsiatnre of the Provler of
tee nt '.
nor on • es of
rlo f
wens 0
fns the folk+wfng Darpow, *tongq other
(at To eonstrnnt, equip. md•talo and oper
ate an electric rallwny, railways or radial
railway system from a point In or near the
town of 9merich to • point In or soar the
enlace of Locate w. to the county of Hruce,
Glenne through the county of Heron to •
point le or near the town of W Ingham. thence
to the v111•!e of Brureeln. In said nonny,
thenen to the town of Seaforth. In raid You,
ty. thence to the village of Bayfield, In maid
ronety, and tisanes to a point In or near thw
mala town of Ooderinh with power to eon-
ntrurt, rcolp, mslnfeie and operate • branch
lloe from • point In or nnar Carlow• In the
township of ('.olborne. to a point In or near
Aehnrn, in Raid manly and thence to a point
In or nnal' the village o! Blyth . and femn a
point la or near Dunlop. la the township of
t 'olborne. thanes through the township M
Ashfield, to s point In ore Kincardine. In
the c eta of Braes. theses t A palet In nr
nor fort Ig1n. In „IA mon y, th
ane, to a
A not
0tham n a 1 m
pear too to
Oti t m er D
lar n
lel In M near too
erne 44 co b po
Lho PIA ronety of livers, and with Dower to
construct, equip, malotale anti 0(11 . e •
branch line from s point on the Juno{los of
the railway between the nIlleges of Iyy Meld
,mod Brneefield through the townshl of
Stanley and Hay toe point .t or neer Credit-
on, in the township of 'tnphen. and thence 10
• point upon rMrer the new •xlsting line et
linos of rellway, and upon and over 'nett
streets, hl hways and hands ea may be
autherlsed the mnntolpettlsa companies
nr In4l.Mnae h*ving Inrisdlntion ov.r or
owning to game.
eh) To enable the enmp.ny to make ar•
rangeteede re4*relnO the time or aro usition of
streets, hlgbways and lends and to expropri-
ate lain for the purposes n the company.
wi04 To sable the nompp sn) to ama)gamn'e
th, meetr• the etook. bott1• franchises and
Meets of. sad to nter Isco traffic or other
arra esu gel* other oorpo-atl toe nompan-
les er D"reOY.
Id) '07 m*ke pa ment" In paid up!rooks or
bonds fr right of- way, matral pvlant, ra11
wn stook or other srvices fnrthering the
lel To m00afantnn,setl ee lea.w electricity
or els0Mr power to any person! or torpors -
Oen atone an part of In railways, nod to
"00Mrset • op/rete telegraph and tole-
DhOse erste le e0enection with the rail-
(11 Te r.os1v0 .olds,. from mnnlctpsl:-
tW tee individuals by way of ambulates. bona s
es ea the guarantee of t he eempany'! hoods er
ether O,lS u 1 for otter pnrpeor.
(r) Te !wild. &Mules, Mem, °barter or Isar.
navigate sad tar steam and ether yessla, and
10 Imeld, eowetrset.nd walnlaln all nerwasee
wherry and warehouse , Mor a *•d doet0. for
the enrollees of the enrnpay.
et(IH Te •eeslrs land for the porpoi of one
•ar 0berstteg, .ed with power so
Mees tee Ilse rail .em N! r lwoh pl*wr
oval of the eompan7 r
I lay IN t °171It t of Jely. •
tlttuattons Vacant.
thirteen to elx eel year" of ego. One
t . f wn ferred.
f m the north Or eas t to
ro nr pre
Kxtrn Moat waRce. ('l1ARi.ItH R. BHAW,
Omer.l Yir0 Insurance Agent, Ooderloh.
70ene mon, 18 years and upward, to
learn trsdte of iron moniding, tlnemlthtng,
, lave mounting. OIJRNRY VOf',IDRY CU.,
Limited, Toronto, 1t
ling at home. We furnish yarn old
machine and evereth'n0 nee gantry to do the
work. tae) wort, goo! pay. Hand Scutum'
also wanted. Seend sump for partloulars to
Stannard 11one ('o.. Toronto, Ont -
oheeP.t the rolhnror Henna. ADplr
to MR9. O ). Pt'XTON.
t o t
n Toros
• anent eernn to
Ire*. A
Iro a
to ; nn washing ; roferc0ow regm
nurse wn•ed. Apply te MRS. HIATON,
Itl4gewood I'.rk.
Card of Thank/.
lr --
We Inks this means of tender'ng nor thnnks
to The (lore IHetri n Mntnal Flre Inenrenee
I'ompany. of Oalt, for the prom t an I astlr-
tutory mnner In whlnh they paid our loee of
eilp*age by smoke to our stook whim watt oe-
cae4eoed by the fire In the next etre to a1 o•
or .0eut .loly 13n1, 1)141.
(MAM101.. Aug. 7th, 10)1. e'1'V1 Y (vtr t
CharleeR. Shaw, Oeoeral AIwy, INoh.
this means of tenderingtt Onr thanks to
the irovowi. , Mnn At. Fine twat 'turret
( ,wrawv, of Pertln. for the promos and eat
tef*Otery manner In whlnh they p.ld our lees
br fire on our gr0dery stook. welch ownersd
nn Jel Mrd 19)1. H. R. SMITH n CO.
CHARI.Re I . 81HAW. Owers! Agent,
11 I m Oaderteh.
bath well koowo and well liked, and w
lifts no doubt they will b) able to bolld up
• large and pro.potous bneioeu, L qui for
their auoououement to our advertalug
column, next week.
UoDk$Ielt Es;'RxsngN ITN SY\l,-ATl1 Y. --
In mot risme with a resolution pawed by
the town ousnoll uo F.Iday oveuing Mayor
%V'Ihaoo eo Saturday seta the following
message to Washington :
Uoderloh, Sept. 7, 1901.
Secretary of State, Washington, 1). C.
At • meeting of the town uououll held
hero lest evenlog It was resolved that the
symp.thy of the people of (:,Jerlob be ten-
dered Mrs McKinley and the Amerlcao
nation on the blow Ind:oted oo them by
the hand of an assassin, and they hope
that the Rules of patiens will spare 1'resl-
dent McKinley to his people. J. \VuroN,
1. reply the tollowlog was received :
Washington, D. C.. Sep/. 7, 1901.
Hie Honor Jas. WIleum,
Mayor. Uoderich. gratelol thanks for your sympa-
thaio mwage.
A.ak, voting Secretary of State.
Homs A,AIN.-A. 1'. McLean and son,
Allan D., retuned last Friday a'ter an •b-
oners of about seven weeks oo a trip across
the Allentlo. !'hey went by way of Mon-
treal and returned via New York, havlog a
pleasant voyage both ways. The m.J ,r por-
tion of their time io the Old Country was
• pent In 4c,Sl•od, where Mr. MuLe•n the
, hitt paid a v1e11 to hie native heath. 'Pbey
saw many pointe of tot.rssl throughout the
land above the Tweed, and were both de
I Rbted with the lovely mceesty wbloh Old
Scott• afford.. At 4. ullen they e•Iled on
George Seivwrlght, end upon .loho Sete.
wrlgbt al Aberdeen -two gentlemen whom
many to Godrlch will remember. A Li.y
week was /pool 1" old Louden seeing as
m.ay as posstble'of the e'ghu of tbu metro-
polis. Hoth gentlemen are enthusiastic oyer
the trip. the only regret being that the time
at their disposal was too abort to allow
hem to au es mach of the 01,1 Country M
they should have liked.
M A sr,M'i1Brics `last. l'.1 A 1.tN'.tTt.N.-
A de. patch from O.taw. says that 1,diata
glass maoulaoturers are to oommuniu•Uoo
with the Immlgratioa brooch of the Depart-
ment of the Interior, with a ylew to lowli-.g
io thin country 11 they ova obta,n cheap
fuel sed ►he reoulstte grade of sand. The
Indiana manufacturer" have been relying on
the supply of nature' gas for their fuel, but
thl. gas Is fstling, and to substitute other
fuel available In lodia,a will tot moat ex•
pensive A deputation from the macula°
torero will visit eaatlrn and western Cana-
da looking for sites. Here a an Opp, r.unity
for our enerpetla business men b' secure the
establishment to Uoderloh of • substantial
industry. The Indiana men •re not look -
tog, apptrently, for bonuses or loaoe ; what
they want is a good location, and as the
sand atonable hen In soon largo rioa0t,ties
has been tested by ao expert and doolarod
to be:the right thing for elites maklr;; IL
might be well to draw Meir •tteotlou to
this loot. "Poe gneetlon et fuel supply
would perhaps be more difficult, but might
be oupsile of •elation.
lite LA•. air>T Ba Ue.rr.. r. u. -Toe taxa
that there are so many oases of vlo:atloe of
the now b flaw befre the i'ohce Magishate,
and more especially- canoe of • second or
third o0enee, e"sms to lodlo.ta • dispoel-
tlon on the part of o.rtaln p.rsoo" to Ignore
the law and to resist the enforcement of the
will of the majority of the citizens. The
streets were eo long r )mmol p•1tarare %has
apparently these person" fall to Roe that
they are eeuming • great deal in refusing
to sokoowledge the right of the ratepayer,
to say whether the streets, which •re the
property of all, eh•l) or "hall not be used by
• lew as a pasturage for their bests. The
town oonstairle and the Police Magistrate,
agalost whom there seems to be • certain
amount of ill feell04 in 000usation with the
prn,soutions, ere only psrformlog their
plain duty In these matter. and would be
draerviug of censure If they were to allow
the law to be violated with Impunity. '1 he
people of the town have decreed that the
streets must not be overrun with cattle;
ani them who are wise will give up any
Idea that they may hays entertained that
they nae kick against the pricks without
being hur0.
Taulbee of frletcber mnalr method, sTI!11 re
Marr pupils at ser studio. rt- iv,. Mr.
ls'nra.00 .foo.. Ilam' II w et re. t. dolor
motion apply either at st*dln or at s
Ht Patriot a straw.
Org*sed sae meeteal dlreear of Nort44L
1Nteshwean o theory. wfll be pleeeeA oore
Mattte er a p*pll'iskeeasmOteW Est tit at dl
l ltmesea t YsM Ntrw weat-aa. Tiff
Nowo tlp)M 1111 HaRn,R.-The first er-
go of new mein to reoob this port this year,
and the fres also to leave Fort William,
was brought into port on Toeedav by the
ser. Myles. Th. cargo was for itichardson
A Soos, of Kiontoo. The 41.000 bushels
were unloaded at the bg elevator In • little
over 'even hours. The Myles was still In
port yesterday, on ecoount of the adverse
wind The ser Minnie M., which was
put on last week as • tube'Bole for the sty,
O.ufra),,•, broke down and bad to be towed
to Detroit for renalre. The Onitrage Ls
taklog Its regular tun again ....The lug
Alpha wee towed from the I:eoralan IB.T
last week by the lug N. Dyment and to now
lying In the harbor. IVblle the N. Dyment
sue here measurements were taken for •
new engine to be built for her by the Gode-
rich envine work■ ...... The es hr. 1 1,.
Qolmby last week brought In • load of hard.
Wool lumber Irom Stoke" Bay for the (4ode•
rich Organ l'n., and left, light. on Monday
for the nosh. ..The Bohr. 'I'odman •r
eiv d In port oo Sstorday and pas taken up
winter ,I•l,trters Th• survey ear. It+y
field yesterday was taking measurements In
Ohe harbor 'Chs Ing Evelyn hu been
making good lift" lately.
Hr1ov Mgntrot. Axees-IATIoN. The
}tomo Medtoal Association held an interet-
Ing seed, -n rn the ocutwit chamber at ('linton
Friday afternoon. Then was a rood •tt..-
l.nos. 1'he annual e'oltloe of ofli'era took
w' nil w reesle : President
lane tab tate 1 e b
R r
I)r. ,1 ►1. i)un.more, Srrstf, r 1 ;vine preel
dent, D-. Barron th, S 'aforth ; monetary,
Dr. Shaw, (Meters. De. MoKeer.., o1
Monktor,n•d • p•Der on L'ghtamg stroke,
and nervous dile.esa to children." He
dealt with the best method of ren.oltstIna
• patine who had received o bohtnlnp
stroke whioh had not proved feat. Other
papers ware read as follows : i)r. Donald
Smith, Mitehell, "A 4,1Aon1{r In the dlag-
seefa of smallpox"; Dr. Shaw, Clintno, "The
hostelry of the treatment of the prostrate
"lend ;' I)rs. Graham •ed Gomn, "Medical
end surgical treatment of the prostrate
g land " !'hese papers were dIscue,ed at
length by i)rs. Barrette, et 4'oafnrth, T i'o
h all, of Uoder)r ti, Woods, nl R.yleld, Mo-
(Lllam,of Clinton, and Robertson and I)una-
more, nl S ratterd, In thediwossion many
Interesting pelee were brought ane on the
Mbovi subjects, whlob are meeting consider
at I+ Interest le the mod a .1 or0'eeslon •t
ruethod" in whioh the telephone people and
the to. n eleotrio hrhting departmeot die
posed their poles -the telephone poles In a
line with the trees, wheat they ware hardly
n utlo.eble, and the electric IIOht poles in ao
ugly row down the outer edge ut the boule-
vard Mors still, the telephone poles were
painted and kept oleao. while you could tell
the other poles by the posters plastered
over them. Mr. l'orter said the liu'1'lel.
phone Company was giving the tows •
• p'eod.i .0,7400. but the article to Tim
Si,: vsl displayed a oertaln lack of •,*prsola•
tloo of Its efforts.
A WEDDINo 1N New ONTAatu,---Many
Godertch people will no doubt be Interested
to the annouooemoot of the wedding of Miss
E lith Porker, daughter of Richard Parker,
of Uno Park, lake Temiso•mmgue, to F. J.
Stouffer, of Albs.. 'The ueremooy wee
pertrrmed by the bride's uoole, Rev. J
LMwrr.x, at bis home, aims, on Wednes
day, September 4tb, Levi L. Llwreoo.,the
bride's oousia, was d(rec'"r of ceremonies,
and In the abeenoe of her father gave the
bride away. At the t ur of 2 r. so. the
groom took his apto,nted plane and the
bride aporoaohed Isaotog on the arm of her
cousin and looking oh.rmiogly sweet In her
travelling drw of grey, trimmed with
white silk, rloh lace .od numinous pearl
buttons. Amidst great palpitation of beams
and breathlrs silence the solemn words
were uttered, the vows given, tee minister
said, " 1 pronounce you bunband and wife,"
and MIr F.lith Parker became Mrs, F J.
Stouffer. 'roe di awing room wee then de
sorted for the refreshment room, where all
did ample justice to the glands bountifully
served. At 4 e to amidst a storm of rir
and old torts the happy oouole tot out for
the 4:55 train for the olty. Toe honeymor
will he spent In Toronto, Niagara Fall, and
Altos s, retorniog to Roma for a short yisU
before settling down to their home at Uoo
Park, Ltke 1'emiaoamiegue. 1'he w:AJing
peweots won many, good and wisely of us
en. Alii og the gamut were the following :
4. ! iton Stouffer, Alrona ; Mire Annie
reoo., Toronto; Mus kbbe Cook, Orillio;
Miss Edna McPhee, Howrd McPhee, MIes
M. lirown, Atherley; Rey. J Jassy!,, Min-
nesota, and others. The young oo.tIr.
many friends wish them all the good things
imagattble, long life and much happ!oes'.
E,.ii rT Ye. 1',oTT. In this ie•, Chief
.lusUcs F'aloonbrldge at Orgoods Hall on
Friday last gave judgment ea appesl by
plalnt:ff Irom order of loc.l .Judge at Uode
rich refusing •n Injunction and a receiver.
Tho action le to test the ownership of $6,
100 deposited In a b.nk prior to his deoeass
00 August il, 1900, by the late John R.
Penny, io has name " or Mary Trott." An
antlon hu been Instituted by the admiota•
trator. (Reek v. Trott) In this behalf, but
the o'a iota! here objects th.t 1t will not be
protecul.,l In good faith. The lnoal judge
found *het the premse plainti! Is non oom-
po. mantle, and would not have allowed an
• mendmeut addles n next friend, but, lot
Iooing Slater v. Sitter, 3 Coy. Ch•mb. 1,
and V',vlan v. Westbrook, 19 Gt. 461, held
that the adm .btr.tors could not bo sued
by • person entitled to a distributive share
nt the tv.ate within a vitae from the death
of the intestate. Hsid, distisgulning the
above cues, that thi. boot an applioatloo
by • beneficiary to get a distrlbu'iv" shre
of an estate, but a prayer to the court to In
tarter° to prevent • lou of ae)ete whtoh
mai beloog to the estate, and; under the
clrcametaocea. she le entirl.d to relief as to
the substantial object of her aatfos, .4* , to
prevent the sotlon brought by the adminie
trators prooeeding to trial without her In..
tetventton. Amendment dinoted and ap-
peal allowed with cuts here and below is
the cause. The case of It )ok v. Trott need
not go to trial, Immo; to It will havo to be
re-ootstltuted, but adm(m+:ratora should be
indemnified against the prooeedier. tiles far
takes. J. H. Moss and F. W. (Badmen
(Exeter) far plaintiff. J. B. Clarke, K C ,
for delndaut. admiotslrattu. W. I'roud-
foot (Coderlch) for defndant Trott,
'tile GARR.w'-SHIPHAKI N1'eTIAI-e -
A very gotet but pretty September wed.
ding was celebrated les St. (ieorge'e ohurob,
(ioderioh, on the 5.t- Inst., the contracting
patties being Marion, eldest daughter of
Capt. A M. Neephard, and Charles, second
son of the Hon..1. '1' Darrow, K. C. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mark
Turobell, reotor. The decorations of the
edifies were oars led nut io • graceful ar
raogement of golden rod sn,l ferns. The
bride made a lovely titular° in a rloh drew
of Ivory duchess* satin, with • garniture of
pont de Venice lace •od chiffon, the veil
being fastened with orange blossoms and a
pearl crescent. Mise lleln Shepherd, Eur
yanoror alter, 8'.1.4 the position of maid of
honor, the bridesmaid. heioe Mess Em,y
Shephard, Mies Darrow and ►Ito Bestrio.
Darrow, all of whom were Roamed In Ivory
t.ffeta silk with black looture hats and oar•
✓ ied bouquets of dark crimson rnsee. F: F.
(lartow attended the groom. In the un
avoidable absence of Captain .Shepherd the
1 A • Igen aw• b her mnther. The
)rl ew sr
usher. were Fred nd Charles Shepherd and
Philip Horton. The bride'. mother wore
an exquisite oustume of violet crepe de
chine with ohlffon •od lace. The mother of
the groom was handsomely gowned to
duchess° 1.o. oyer pale green taleta. Alter
he ceremony the wedding party adj nrnei
to the re dder M of tho bride's par.nt.,where
o dainty breakfast was served. 1'he usual
teast. were givn and reeponso. mal., an
Interesting feature of this pare of the pro-
ceeding. being the eloquent and tnuohing
remarks made with reference to the bride
anti groom by Rev. Robert (Jre, 1). 1). The
number and value of the gifte made to the
hride testified to the high regard in whioh
she ie held by her friends. Mr..nd Mrs.
Ostrow left by the 2.30 trsm for eastern
t is at at 1 d
lou. A at old he • t wes
D" Iw
Y o0
the tiion to the bride of a bouquet In
Trinity colors ey some of her ce-Irge friend,
es • happy rem oder of her alma meter. The
bride and groom are among our molt highly
esteemed ye0ng people, ani • great deal of
p'eNant Interest rue aken In the event, In
onnneotlon with whioh Tile Smoot, extends
ie heartiest oongralnetlons and grad
Tut OTHte Sinn or lT -There are al-
ways teen sides to a gentles, and when last
week Tne SItI,AL voloed the oompla'nn r f a
ottlee0 resardlag the ,+stlon of the Kell
Teephone Go. a anteing a tree on Vlo-
torls.'rest the loo.l manoger of the Com-
pote r,ma ever to this effi,e and n ad
he Ride of til* ase• with Mnddershle tiger.
He stet•d that the Mee was set (111.1 d to
Ike Blightast,het was rather nnell tee by t1.
trimming whlnh 44 had rot, and that It had
bees done with the p.rmle.len et the town
authorities. Moreover, he olalm0d that
i.. B.11 'I elephone l'a. wee the best asn-
4.101 el all tis. ismtigres* the' seed the
p.hlle streets and ,elated Ie North attest
se M reaspie of the digres45 between tit
these qualttle, wh(.b esJ.areI him
t , these •mus• whom he labored were
• thorough knowledge of his business,
an 01d oohing regard of duly aol •
great oapauity for hard work, wbloh made
him one of the most noosseful pr•otltloaers
in the oouoty A br!uf sketch of his hie
will not bo out of plane here. He were bore
la the oouoty nt Leede, soar lirockville, six
tysight years aro, being the eldest Boo of
the late Jobe Sha000n, who outs to the
country faon the county Mayo, Ireland, to
1830. The family allerwar,s removed to
the oouoty of Oxfotd,where lleer.e remelted
his surly ednoattoo and attended the old
Woodstock grammar school. He then went
to the Uulver.ity of Toronto, t•klov his
mcdlai degree In the year 1857 as one of
the graduates of the old R,lph
School of Medlolne. 1e erasUte4 first
for •bout • year at New H•mtarg, then
for a short time at Clinton. °orator to Oode-
rlch In the a•itumn of 1859, so that his prao-
tice In til) town extended over • period of
m,re than twoimoh0 Seat+. Io 1864 he
married the widow of the late Dr. Hamel•
too, • daughter of the late Jamr Watson,
merchant, of Uoderlch, and by her had one
son, John Reginald, who died, as nolo.t
above, to January, 1900 As the time of
the Fenian raids of '66 and '70 he held the
lmperlal appointment of surgeon to Her
Majesty's gaol),ste ('nerub •ud Primo. Al
hart, doing duty during the whole period
from 1865 to 1)70 In Canalito waters A
Conservative eu political eynipathles, he
too► no active interaet In party wartare,but
devoted himself entirely to hie prufusslon,
oecupyiog no public position *mutat that of
county gaol surgeon. A remarkable peeled
of his life was that during whioh *e was,
for urteen %oars, prao0o•Ily totally blind.
This *111 °tion would have deusted any
ordinary man, but with Iodoml1ble plunk
he continued his pr•ottoe and during these
many year■ was never heard to oomplaln.
11 Is many years since his sight was
restored, bat It will be • long time
yet before the people of Goderiolt oetae
to speak of this tllustratloo of the
Reclor's wonderful spirit and pl beau.
Besides his widow, he loaves throe sisters,
Miss Shannon, oI Brantford ; airs. Bowbeer,
of Oakville, and Mee. Shuttleworth, of
Deaver, C,Iorado. Two brothers, who
Ilved at Brantford, and I line slaters pre-
deceased him 11r. C. J. H.mlltoo,
of Cornwall ; W. C. Remiltor, K C.,
r.t Regina, N.W. T., and MIr Hamilton, at
Lome, are his step children. Mrs. J. R.
Shannon, of Toronto, his daughter.ln law,
also wart present during his last illnw.
The funeral took pleo* en l'uesd•y att.r-
noon and the servloe5 at the house and •t
St. (,serge's church were largely •F
tended. Key. Mork Turnbull, rooter of
Sb. George's, was the ntliolating clergyman,
Toe pall hearers were 1);• W,J. K. Holmes,
F. Jordan. l'hilip Holt, K, ('., .loho (lalt,
Sheri! Reynolds and M. ll. Usmeron. The
remains were Interred 1'•,lde those of his
son in Maitland cemetery.
Now 1e the time to trot your fa11 suit. You
ran get the beet value for your money In style
end price at le J. Prldham'•• theclothir,
MIr Ethel Aoheson will re organ'ze her
olaeses In pianoforte this week,
W. A, Kest, Rruce •Musa--iw-adding-.
second dory to his house -. -
Mrs. Nell t'ampbell has bre 111 the past
two weeks, but le now, we •re pleased to
learn, recovering her health.
Three firms are shipping apples from the
station -U. Canteloo, of l'linton ; It. 14
inog, •f Exetr, and Smith A 1'o., of
Mus Andrews' miry friend. will rrg,rt
to learn that she 1. all of typhnid fever •{
the tone of hor sister, Mre. Perry, in i;',
The Uoderloh Turf Auoaatloo, havieg
leased the race track at the agrloultural
grounds from the town, give eu,;e that no
treepasdng will be allowed upon the same.
Stralford Herald : Mr J. P. tirown has
sold,bu residence on Haroostreet, 1or many
vearsoccupied by the late .1as. Maof•dden,
to 1)r, .1 F: Brown, of Arkona, for $1,500
Little Helen Rothwell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Rothwell, has been offer•
Ing from a serious attack of •ppendioltle,
but it showing signs of improvemnts the
past few day',.
An *djaereed meeting of the King's
!toughie's will be held In the grand jury
room to theoonrthouse, os Saturday event•,"
of thin week, .t 7:30. All the members
are requested to be p .
The vct 0g °onto.% hotween Cnn tive,
1.betal end i•deoeodent candidates to take
plane at Ft. Peter's ohuruh bazaar i0 I:.a.
tlo'. hag book, St. Joseph, Oat., will be •
log ('anva,sing is lively, nd great
etolie are already being put forth by the
partisans of each candidate. But It a bard
to prod'it the winner. The 2660 lost. will
tell. Prepare to oast your vote for the oan-
didale of your cbolco,
Shannon's brief illness terminated totally on
Sunday, nd the whole oommnelty mnnrne
the event• 11e onttaned his practice up to
wlthln a week of hu death, which was the
result not of any soeolfo ailment bat of
q I prostration and the breaking down
of the haeyane .pmt that had ferried h'm
en welt three2h a strenuous I,f•, The
death of his son, Dr. "Reg" Shannon,
whir -h oocorred in January of last year,
was a severe blow to him, but with admir
. h), emnrate he ra Ilei from the •hark and
oo•tlneed h1. weak right op to the end.
Any perfnnclery trlhnt• to hl. memory
would he Impossible to one why knew him
as he went ,. and nut among.% the people
of the town anti oouotry, fighting
.r.d pale and 'leath. and hrtnging life snit
eemfort and health In their .toad. HIs
very premium e+rrred with 1% an air n
eheettnln•.e and hope that was in 1W14 •
potent mallets•. anti the warm hand grasp
and th• medl.l salaaUos were a boos to
all with whom he name In content. ie many
• hems "the old I)netor" will les missed as
weold he • member n1 the family lie
loved hl. profession, hal eves saere rill hie
hert was with the pee b whom he
telalesered, awl the ( tel of a/sett..
oewtd sot bet be reelproslsd. Healed
("Gen Iv, Lord, O gently lead es," the lull
obolr joists," la the last pert Ind givlog •
very eredltable reedltloe.
Al st V,da Bell has ben appointed or-
ganist of Victoria street Methodist ohuruh.
W. W. Stoddart on Sunday took Rev.
Jas. Hamilton's work at l.e.born and llolon
ohnrohes, Mr, Hsmllton b)ing absent.
Rev. 11r. dental, of North street Metho-
',ttt church. and Rev..). W. Robinson, of
Victoria street, exoh•ngel pulpits last Sun-
day mornlrg
John Lawson w•• Io Toronto last week.
Mies Mary Salkeld is *Cottle" at London.
J. P. Brown wits up from Stratford over
Mln 1.abel ,tncban was home Irom
011.400 over Nuoday.
('. G. Newton was one of the visitors to
the Western fair this week.
W. I'roudfoot was In Toronto this week
on buslnes. at Osgood* Hall.
The Mlsee Malr have returned from the
millinery °mintage 10 Toronto.
11•rfres Dunlop left 01 Taesd•y for
Toronto to attend the Sobool of Ph.rmaoy,
Miss GIby arrived last week to resume
oba•ge of itmith Bros.' mllloery depart-
men t.
KA. James Hamilton and Mra Hsmllton
hays returned home aflur yut(iog la Perth
Mrs. 1. Martlo •od ehlld returned to
Hamilton oo Monday after a tooth's Sieh
In town.
Miss Collins, of Ki.oardihe, who load
bee. vlsdhng Mies F:l.0 Fleber, returned o0
Chas. Shannon left last week on hie re•
tarn to Dawson ('ity alter • two moothi
vtsio al home.
Mrs. George Stewarl'Yd Mrs. 1I. Mor-
rleh are 'pending a few ks to the l'an•
Amerloan olty.
Mae, Graoe I.e.wso., of Dunlop, lett on
Monday to eased the l'reebyterlu IAdh+'
College at Ottawa.
Miss Bertb• Walker returned to Strat-
ford on Monday after spending the summer
•t her home here.
('has. Chisholm left on Meterd•y to take
a position with Ham & Nott, refrigerator
maout•ottrere, Brantford -
Will Elliott and Arthur (arrle left 'ues•
day morning on a wheello. trip to London,
('hatham and other places.
Mra, Robertson and son Harold, of Al-
moate, were visiting the past week •t the
residence of I'rlo. 1pal Stewrt.
Key. It. l'lement, of Kugsyille, spent
several d•ye ►ere the past week visiting kb
daughter, Mrs. H. h:. lledgeoe.
K, h:. Smith left Mosley morning for
London. We were pleased to see him
•gain after his extended Illness.
Mr. and Mra. McKim have returned from
an enjoyable trip to Toronto, Niagra Fall*
anti the Psa•Amerloan .xblbltioo.
Mr. sod Mee. E. Lindsay Elwood htes
retuned to their home In the Northwest
after a 'Omit to their relatives here.
Mrs. r..1ward has returned Irom Toronto,
whither she went with her grandchildren,
who had axe. spending the summer with
Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Nitro left on Men-
del. ort • tripto Q..heo. after wh,,h they
wh 1 visit; the PaatAmerloan exhibition at
Ted Carey, why returned a short time
aro from Duluth and Superior, left on Mon•
day for Toronto, where he may take •
Mrs. Ann Morrie, who ham been visiting
her daughter, Mr. M. C. Swanson, for two
week*, returned last week 1. her home in
Mr,. Joseph Wilson, Huron read, re-
trned lrrlday lase from • month'. visit to
her sone -In-law, Bert Dyer, Rnmpton, and
J. 0lt(too, Toronto.
.l..f Wright, of the I'olee Farm, wd
('has. Humber, je., .f town, were on the
Pan•Amer:I grnand. when !'resident
MOKIn1.7 was *bot,
Mies i)uffos has returned ro town atter
attending the mill'nnry openings a Toronit+
and Ostroi' and fa •rain les or:. ge e1 W. A.
McKlm'e mllllaery department.
MIss M,nnie S'okes hos 'Mien poeIthon
1• Luadoa and Miss Hattie Spence •toosds
her as stenographer and bookkeeper Ie (i.
W. Thomson A Son's mu.lo empt riam.
Mr. and Mre A. Shaw, of Kingston, have
teen the guests this week of the fnrmet'a
oousio, 1'. no)Dal Stewart. lir. Shaw i•
here In his otbcled °speedy as customs In
Mise liurr, who bad been visiting rela-
tive. near (lodertoh during the summer
months, Isis on Tuesday morning on her re.
turn to Knoxville, Teae.. to resume her
position n■ the staff of Knoxville College
for the Colored.
Mrs. ►1 C. swattenn sod son, Morrie,
returned on Saturday from a visit to the
Pan-Amerloan exposition. They were nn
the rounds and In the immedia
te lol•it
of the Temple of Mudo when the shooting
of !'resident McKinley took plane. Mra.
Swanson amorlbes the excitement whioh
ensued u tremendous.
IJre Stewart, left by train on Saturday for
Toronto, where he took the steamer for
Montreal, In order to view the beauty of
the Thousand Islands and other grand
scenery. ale will this term pursue hls
Mettles In arts at Mo(1111 °allege, Montreal,
and lelt for that olty early l0 order to see
the Doke and Iluchw of York and ('orn-
The financial meeting for the Coderlch
dletriot of the Methodist ohnroh was held •t
Sealorth on Tuesday. Rev. 1)r. Daniel,
Rev. J. W. Robinson and R. W. McKenzie
resent. e
were tr m eke tows.
The 1pwnrth League rf North street
Methodist ohn-oh will hold s reception for
stu.lent' en 1 ntner strangers In town next
Tuesday eveoing, In the looter" room nl the
nhoroh, A Marty inviatin b extended
by the member" of the mogas. The m.el-
Ieg will oommenoe at R n'clo.k.
The Salva'1)e Army will begin their fall
and winter series of Indoor meetings next
Saturday night. The ordinary open-air ser•
Sloe will he shertened nd a meeting held In
the barrack, after.n-d.. The eereloe" orm.
memo. in the open alr at 7.30 r t. All ars
Invited to those wireless, both In the open
•Ir and Indoor,.
The Christian Endeavor Society of Knnx
church held • remotion on Tots'ay evning
for students and other young people lately
oome to town. There was * large attend
ante of (lolleglae institute and Mnd.l
Snhool eiudents sed other.. Afar the reg
ol.r dsyetlmsal .0retoe, • program of yonal
and lestromental mune wee given, and the
wee followed by an invitation to the re
freshmn% room, where ail were pleasantly
seterta10 4.
The reryie. for ynnng men le Konx
ohereth last Sabbath evealep wee ateeedel
by • eery large enngreg•Ilen. The mermen
by the pester, Rey..)as. A. Anleresn, wee
Irom the words In Proverbs 20a'(, 'Tbe
glory of ynnne tee a (heir street)►," and
was 11■t.ned to with intermit The
elide for the weenie, wee eempoesa
o1 yen.* mea, above a score to member,
and their staging added mach (e the,f
foetlsesw of the Wyles. Miltes Tyedall,
el Philadelpiels., whew setae bred frequesl-
ly to be heard la Regie shank lima
Get rubher tlresno your oarrbage at the
Damlelem °irrl•ge Work*,
S• P• did ou ase that rubber -t r d
v. a Y I .
buggy .t thtg Dsmldos C.rrlageWnrin! 1t's
• beauty. \
Rutterlek lin den sheets for botcher are
now reedy fr fres distribution at W.
Acheson A Sone. They show . 1 of the
fashionable tendenofee nl the ooming win-
We M111 a gond assortment of wed-
ding presentee. Oor eolleetlnn of sii•erware
arts pearl goods Ie handsome. Some p0oplo
think we hay. too good gond. foe Uoderloh.
We try nothing le to. good for lloderloh
o)ople. M.'Keene & Howu,a,
Annuunooment-McKeor.le A Howell.... 1
Annouoocmene-W. Aokesoa d.Son 1
Ituy Wanted -('ho, E. Shaw 1
House to 1 t --Mrs. Louie* Reid 1
House for 14ale or to Let --H, J. Herten, 1
Notlw--IL J, Horton 1
Pan Amerioau-- Y. F. Lawrence 1
Planuforle Classes -Mar lithe* Aekeeas, 1
Ya Peter's Church }saaaarat Se .Joseph. 1
Tenders for ityfleld Pler-Diepartmeat of
1'ubllo Works 1
]'Dune Men Wanted-Uurn.y Emmert
Co., t'oroato 1
Links That Count-N,D. Re•gvle 4
We Want You to B. Particular -W. 0.
Prldham 4
Autumn is Hme-W. A. Y.Klm.. b'
M•golfio.noe is itrwGoods- W.Aubeew
A Son . ....... 5
Sole 1s Over -5e. Geo. Price 4
Fall Millinery -else Com.ron 8
Handsome Fall Drw Sufis -Hodgen
Bros 8
House FuraI.htng- McKenzie A Howb11, . 8
tyre Dals',alttl.R •r the risk l'.srt or Jaw
flee. •
Chief Justice Falooabrldpe presided at
the tilrh ('ourt of .40.14 e, whisk held Its
f.11 nttties for the l'ounty .f Huron this
week, eommenolog on Monday.
Court opened at 2 e. M. sad the grad
Batry was sworn In ae follows : H, W.
ll, Uoderloh (toremae) ; A. J. Bright,
Seaforth ; John Balfour, Tuokar•mkh ;
Kobert Forrest, Stanley ; Kiobrd Could,
Exeter : Ntobola• Horton, Ts•ker.tlth ;
K. W. 410.tiag., 'Tarnberry ; John H. L1nd-
nay, Uoderloh ; Rubers Merrleen, 1ltonby ;
Jetta Masses, Manley ; T. J. Pridh*a,
(oderieh ; Thomas Sb•pt.s, Stepkes ;
Peter n coley, Hy.
Laird vs, Sage was the flnt action, *blob
was taken against Mrs. Sege,an bet.Ltesp.r
Mt Walton, for ■eghgeoce In gtvlog the
plantlff • drink of lye la mistake for Raver
beer. Laird's throat was badly burned.
Hon, .1. 1'. Uarruw, K.U., and J. M. Bose
(Seaforth) for plfl. J. Reverses (Toronto)
for dell. 1 he levy returned a yerdlot few
plsntlff for :300.
The print sr part of the sec".d day was
taken up with the ease of the hirer{ Natohe.
Bank vs. Coleman, 1'he plaintiff bank,
which le located In the Stele of loalsiaaa,
look action on • promissory note for *2,000
signed by E. C. Coleman, of Seaforth, who
was dlrootcr end president of • lomber
°empaov doing badness to the same State.
This one was tried without a jury. A. B.
Aylt:sworlh, K. ('. (Ton,nt.), and IL 8.
Hays (Oeaforth) for plff.. Yon. J. 1'. Ofer-
row, K. l'., and .1. I.. Killoran (Sedtrtb)
ft r deft. Judgmeal was reserved. ___
hook el al ve. Trott wet an 01100 111 RN
aside as alleged gift inter vivo.. Philtp
ilolt, K. U.,.nd L H. Dlokeon (Exeter) 1or
pal. l'ruudfoot A Heys far deft. A party
other than the present plaintiff having by •
court order got the 000duct of this Anil, His
Lordship ordered It to be struck off the
dooket for able sittings.
Ituohanan vs. Stephen et •1 -an lojono-
tlnn 101100. 1'. McPhillips (!models) for
pal. J. C. Judd (London) for dee. (ndo.
meat In terms of 0001.01 mionW.
Peers et al. ye. Peacock tet al. -an action
for tam coastrnation of the will of the lase
Richard 1'eers, et Ashfield. Philip Holt, R.
l' , for pile. W. 1'. MoMallen (Wood-
stock) for defendant Rlo►ard 1'eers, enema-
tor, no one .ppering for the other adult
delend*ats. Hoo. J T. (terror, h.. G, ter
infants. Judgment was removed. •
Donovan vs Arohtbald et •1. was pest.
peoed to the Deoeraher Rifting' el the Dona.
ty ('ourt.
Burns vs. ('lark -an .0tion for malicious
prosecution. The ease was tried before
('hied Justice Armou,,wko dlctals.edlthe so-
t ton, ►na no an appeal to the i iMetanal
(',ort a new trial was greeted. The plain-
tiff, Mrr. hune,remides al hayfield, and the
defendant Clark *u formerly a hakr at
Seaforth. l'hillp Hole, K. C., for pill., ne
one appearing fr deft. Verdict fr pi@,
for *350 and non's.
The sittings of the ('barb was eoncluded
Tuesday evening,
l'HK.tetMlNT nY Tilk •Rahn .rrRY.
Tho Hon. Utile( Justine of the King, Bench:
W., the Grand Jurors(of oar Sovetel
Lord the King, oosrr.tulato year Lord-
ship, and the county, on the freedom of
Huron from crime of • serious nature.
As dirsoted, we vomited the oehoty jell,
and saw the primes's. The I•H was dean
•od neat, and those 000fioed thre-
lo were apparently *onteated. Fiv. were
charged with lunacy, two with ygr0soy,
and nue was awaiting trial for larony.
Wo congratulate the comity n Ike *OL
tion of a suitable realdeooe for the govern-
or of the jell, nd the ouanty "•nosy os ks
prugreseivene.s In the mattr,
We, your grand lurou, hears with
regret that Dr. G. C. Shannon, who had so
efftoleelly fi11ed t►e pnaltion of jail surgeon
dormer the past tweoty-sight years. was
lying dead at his realdeao..
Ae nor re0eot eustom, we vlslterd the
house of refuge at 011otoo, and load 14
well kept and everything in rood order,
There were seventy Inmates, fosrty-fear
melee, and twenty six females, .11 of whom
were "stashed with their ondltioo.
The court kouse and its offices ware 1.•
epsoted, nd fnand 4. 100d order.
The residents el Ho.on heard w,tk deep
arrow of the dastrdly attempt es the life
of Preeldeat McKinley. end we bee to tie -
press that "oruer t.e the I'reeldesl and the
peop'0 of the Coined States.
We, your grand jurors, o.nnot ole,. our
presentment without ezpreeing the whits
that t e
b oomin vl"IC of ek•
C heir *pp.rem/
b the throne of the Brltbh Empire may be
pleasant for tumuli nd far the Princes•
May, and the hope that the wnetleg et Rim
Royal Htghee*. the i)uke of Yort with the
Canadian subject. of King Bdward ta.y be
of happy memory, and may frge •oetbr
link In the chain thea binds ns to the
"Greatest Empire that b0s bean."
llr.nd Jury rrom, H. W. B41.1.,
loderloh, Sept. 10th, 1901. Foreman.
itloyclee from fl0 np •t the Demhele.
(orrisSa Works. We sell tM) Mtebr•ted
Columbia Mnynle, the hest nn earth, at the
Unmtaloe ('arriage Weskit, also the "Soots
man," named alter the ship that etwtveyed
ehe first (enadtn cnitineenl to Sosth
An illustrated looters oe the Holy Land
will be glen *soh evening Aeries N' 1'eter's
church baour, Sept. 24, 26 and 26 !'lays
and mnslc will ntArksln all present. Re•
freshmnte w111 he served. Buy 7oer Mak
Ma an4 .earr* ohms*. on a gold w•teh, all -
ver wa4obee, eetnpleta dinner eat and
sweaty other rtlolss. Hee pink tlnkete.
PAN.AM,Rl14N F Pootemv, I)?- ,or,,,
42 65.-Ttektite will to lowetd by revolts.
traas Frid*v, September 13, valid to r.
t.n by rmgulet train* oetll Sept 1M.h, for
42.64. All tichea good to step ever at
Niagara Falls. 8s ears to psrehae• Tsar
tiebeta from F. F. bowman. e, town tlrke{
•4tee. Enloe hears 6 A. r. b 10 r, M.
14 y refended 11 Mekel. wet tired.
(Additional list.f Palm* on peg., at
ToHaaoAyr, Hope. 19th. --Amities fah. of
tarm stock and implements, ea .1 41, Mn-
emnies 13., twomile.s month of Men-
obester, '011mee.lme .t 1 e'nleek s r
Yrs. Joni Gnvltit, propriet's". Jai.
Erni, meoeloseee.
Tho organization of -St Peter's oharea
barter Is prnrreeslsg rapidly. Fw. large
roam. Is ('ntIn's Ne Meek, SI. Jeesph, are
a.mly oempeled. Ample .eeemmedatle.s
for hexer sad rige *111 b. provided la the
hasomnt. Nothing velli w esgleetort %h.t
would viva @atbtlastin and eajoymeaa to
•11. Program will be p.hleh.d next week,
t'AI)I,YLT M,'ICAK- Allis rsl4nes of
the brl.te. sister. Mre, W. a Y.Ky, (J nee
her M.. ied.deh Ont., ea Tan*•T. ops.
loth. 19(11• t-1 R.,. Jr. A. Andessne, B A.,
Aexeader(:erl le. H. A . of Sliatwtrrlt
Ysotlsn,. to I.4 m., fe0MA danghter of th.
late Adam a lea,. Ooderteb,
,4IIANWON h A- , an gttpdy i.po,
yea 1011, S. C.. lr. D.. e%s0 fee