HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-29, Page 88 TuvaaxAT, Aug. 29, 1901.
New Cloths for
Tailor-made Suits
This season promises to be as large if not
a larger suit season than last. No costume is
more useful or stylish than a nice TAILOR-
MADE SUIT. We can give you entire satisfac-
tion in an ordered suit. Our stock of Cloths is
most complete - every shade, every kind.
Come in and look over our values, see our
styles, have a talk with our Dressmaker. We
can assist you to decide, and we guarantee sat-
In now shades and small pat-
tern*, good weight, of nice finish,
suitable for Misses', Girls' or La-
dies' Suits.
Special at 50c. a yard.
Wide widths, all shades of greys.
dirk greys, browns, blacks and
blue greys. Regular $1, for 75e.
For swell Rainy -Day Skirts, dif-
ferent shades and plain on the
opposite side. ,
Special at $1.75 a yard.
In range of new shades, heavy
Cheviots, with taffeta silk plaid
revers an i silk strappings on
skirt made to your order. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed.
Special at $10.00.
This is the newest thing for
Waists, in plain colors with em-
broidery to match, in black,
natty, vieux rose, bluette, car-
dinal, pink, at GOc.
NEw BRAIDS, Nttw RiHRors, NEw
Have you seen those new,
swell Jackets for Fall, -1901. We
havo them long, graceful and
stylish, in new dark greys and
blacks. Semi tight -fitting back,
double-breasted and high roll
collar or lay down collar. A
comfortable Coat. Come in and
try one on. A big stock to
choose from.
in mer .videripes, at SI 00
School next week.
That boy will like-
ly need a new Suit
or pair of Pants.
We have a big se-
lection to choose
from and we dor 't
ask much for them.
New Fall Suits,
new Overcoats, new
separate Pants, new.
Vests. Complete
Special heavy plain Hose for Ladies and Misses,
at 3 pairs for 25c.
Smith Bro's & Co.
PORTER'S HILL. line my, Aug*.,yvb
Andy Torrenoe Sandayed •t the hot& of
his emote, T. Hillock.
Mir Eton 'liohberne 1e vl.ltlog het
friend, Mir Maggie l'ox.
Fred Moore, of Mitchell, 1. the guest
at relatives to this vicinity.
Jas Remittent, who has last returned
from Woomera, called on c.1d friend. hero
last week. He ears there are .11 kinds of
work and good pay oat then.
Tucson. Ang. 27.
Jobe Sohaenhste has purchased • new
Mrs. Robert Duenln 'punt Sunday with
her paresis here.
MIs. Mabel Thorley, of (loderloh, to
here for • short visit.
lospeotor Tom paid an otfi:lal visit to
the school on Monday.
Mir Vote", of (.odertoh, 1s visiting her
Motor, Mrs. H. Hayden.
Mr. and Mn. Chas. Hawkins, of Wind-
sor. spent a day In this v'ctntty last week
A party of young folk" from M.fektog
had • moonlight pistol, by the lake Let
Frei Irwin, of the American Soo, • for
mer resident of this village, is renewing so
TDcvnAy, Aug. 27
Mur Ins Thomas, of Toronto, Is visiting
be parents hers.
Mir Ethel King, of W ingbam, visited at
Gee. MacDaaald's
Rey. W. .1. West prom/died In Moleo-
wertb last Sunday evening.
Mies farrow, of (Soderioh, flatted Mrs.
R chert Mammon' this week.
Mrs. H. H. Bargees sod daughter Look*.
of Owen Sound. are ytetttoir 'HAWN to
R. N. Doff, of Manletigoe, Mioh., "pest
Sunday with his faintly beret
Mr. and Mrs. John Molatosh, of Molt..
worth, visited at Thos. ('oott's this week.
Mies Lillie Oliver retrieved to llodertoh
last Friday atter having .pent a Meath with
her gtaodpsrente here.
Rev. Wm. Smith, an old Bluevale hoy,
Is visiting his parents here. He will presets
In the Methodist church next Sunday eve.
Tolima, August 27, I M1.
Herbert Andrew', of (ioderiob, 1e the
guest of 11. A. Horton.
Hugh Chisholm has been vidtlog his
daughter, Mrs. Bumbler, at fort Huron.,
1) Fotheringnsm, of Brumfield, bee been
visiting hie stater, Mrs. Chutes, mid other
111. Le'r Tnng•ntvo.-For the part
forty.fiee years our well known rations,
Jas. 1.'aklater, has annually had thetbre,b-
Ing machine at his form but on Tuesday of
last week It was for the Ieat time, se he h.&
rented hie farm to his brother, o h, will
toss poasse.1on of It In March of next year.
Mr. I.1ak1&ter, though he retires from the
term, will not go to swell the population of
any of tits adjacent towns, es so many of
the retired farmer/ do, but will abide in our
midst and will undertake an occasional
dayo work me an sxerol.er amongst hle n!1
neighbor., who do not wane him to remove
from &monist them. His presence among
them always bring• book pleasant memories
of his ambience of nearly hall • century
here, daring which time we may say he has
seen three generations of many of the
families In the community lin le one of
the pillars of the 1'reebytertan church here ;
he donated the site of the present kirk about
twenty Ihres ,years ago and •t precut le
Its treasurer.
School.. r
STORE •e..
We have a full supply of all the new School Books auth-
orized and recommended for Public, Separate, Model, High
Schools and Collegiate Institutes.
In Exercise and Scribbling Books we have, as usual,
something very special. They are linos shown only by our-
selves and can he seen in our show windows.
Rulers and Blotters given away with School Supplies.
PORTER'S Book Store,
Orr Telephone is No. 100 H. Court House SQoare, linderic.h. rrThe place to buy all llar(!waro cheap.
Norton.- The loosl &senor to Uungsouos
foe'bus S 4INa1. ie at the u1loe of J. U. Want),
ocove))ancor, to.. who will receive or
dere for subworiptious. advertising and lob
work, and le authorized to give receipts for
amount. mid for the rine
Tuar,oAY, August '!7
Dittstott Conti? -Ga Friday, 30th duel.
Divisions Court will bs held here. All eon
o erocd may goVero themselves aeoordtogly
M,.tuarues --Mrs. Andrew Dr.ney, o
('ranefurd, happened to ia11 ruoatr ly break
togs bone In her leg. We hope the t ener
able lady will to duo time ho all r11;11: me
A Pi.Noissr le:out it; -- A pleasant sena•
1og ono day last week wits spent at the reel
doom) o1 Thomas Biel •y, Wait. Wit
warmth, it being tie celebration of the
birthday of bliss name N,•ytns, daughter
of Juba Novius, of Blyth.
\lux'ctr.0 ('orsrll. -l) l Monday. Sop•
tendon. 2 Ad, the muoiatpal tether. of West
t\ awanoeb .111 meet In the township hall
at 10 o'clock A. 0. sharp, All concerned
take note. 1'athmasten are red seated t•,
Brod to the clerk the road Rets, also echoed
trustee boards are •eked to send In tnetr
amounts to be levied for school purposes lot
1001 on or before the morellos of council.
})r,'esnt. rte A Axitati:L5
Saturday of last week themes Moods, sr.,
departed flue life, Iwvtog lived to the good
o'd ape 01 /hint nIoety.cae years of sae.
'rue mule of decease was ON life and nal•
u ral decay. Ilia romaine wets foliated in
l)angsimon cemetery un Monday, 264%
The obugulen were soleamlg conducted by
Rev. Mr. Goldberg. The deceased was
shoot one of the first settler. in West We.
waoush, he having Ieen's resident for uCi\.
wards of silty years oo the lot on which he
then Ieoated, belag ouarher 13, con. L', W.
Wswanosh, A. • alt', 'n the yeueraLle
gentleman was highly esteemed, •n0, al
though ho in common with o'l'er pioneers
endured many hardships and privations lo,
i 'dent to pioneer Isle, by perseverance and
Ise int coy he secured a good oomlortableibomc
for h1m,111 and family, It being one of the
bat fume •nd dwelling houses In this yl-
uiaity. His wile predeceased blm some
years. He leaves surviving him two
eons, Thoma,, on 11 a homestead, and
George, public school teacher eit Whined
villa, also two d.ugbtere at home, who have
the sympathy of friends and •cgueiot anus
In the benayemet,t
'l'*i t, I5 ruts BUD. -Ws regret to have
to state that Mr. and Mrs. William Sher
wto1, near Crewe, in Ashfield, were bereft
of their ldf*ot son' list Friday. He uo
l.-tunately tell hind foremost into a vessel
of water, which mused Ms sudden end sad
death. 4s to in as pouible Ile. shoe wee
seat for but was too late. Tits child passed
away ere the messenger arrived at the doo
tcr's oft es. The remains wero interred in
Dungannon cemetery on SalL.tb but.
Bev. T, McNair caoducted the ouatilules.
Mr. and Mi s. Sherwood have the sincere
sympathy of the oit'+ on of the yluinity in
the sudden and end demos' of their child.
Oa last Filmy the remains of the la -
fart child of bit. and Mrs. 1:odtrs, Hall,
township of Ashfield, were Interred Is Dun-
gannon oemetety. Roy. R Fairbairn, It.
A , cusduuted the obaectuies, The fitment
sympathy of the community is extended to
the bereaved puce," On Mondav,yee-
terday, (h. Infant child of Mr. and Mrs
Charles EI;ntt, di1irted this lite. 'fhel
cbltd bad been to delicate heal'b for some
time &ad mmo.mbed. to an utak of
dumb.&. Mr. 1101 11rs. Elliott bare 0,-
sympathy- of their friends bpd si.j) lntenoea
in the deo.r.ure of their first -burr. The
burial tikes place In Dingennoo cemetery
no Teenier, 270:1.
Mosul other Reformer, were doers at the
l stdeuoe of lbs well boowa leader et the
ward looklog over the new tasters' Pete of
1' abort a tor 1901, a dlrolple of Hleekatoa.
from (loderloh 000ferrlog with them.
The road bas been gravelled pat the Es -
Maas 00 the lake other, aide an : also some
, discoing hes been done (n the daybeds ins the
It 11 leading to the brldgfano the north t hat
ureses the born. .1. H. Barker era the
000li•utor and K. Quaid she lospeotor.
If FEE A.11 Tuatt, -Sirs. 1i. DO/ dao,
to merly Mies McClaky, has been orngagto
to coodact the public whorl due itt the tall
term In S S No. 5, Ashhe'il. On lust Sat
urday Mrs. Sharp and two daughters,
Mimes Munson and n.•ynolde. of L,ke ('ity,
Michigan, were tie guests of Mr.. D. Mo
Nevin ....las Menotti, of (I ntoo, w
comparted by hie Mother to law, Alex
S'ob:e, of Sosfortb, aucilayed with rola
live" and friends lost Sabbath Mae
tris Nat and Herb, seas 01 0a1 genial clerk
of the Di+talon (' .err., spat Int N.bbatb
et It relatives The ►Lace Mary ,lar
dine 11111.1 Aorta R.meoll, of Toronto, end for
mealy of At,bfeld and Craadord, who hove
been for about three weeks' holidays sojny
ing themselves visiting relative', friends
and renewing former associates, left for To
r ante 0o Tue'd.y of 1r s' week. The young
ladles look well and s if city life agreed
with them. ...Miss Mand Why-ard, pub
lie school teacher, lett here at the o!oe of
the hsbdeys for OJog y II., to resume tesih•
Ing for the fall term, having hada pleasant
time visiting the homestead and resewing
former • iluainten's hips. \\e wish her
the hest of .0:0,.. In her situation at Otter
villa Mils Nettie Heart, of l'esewater,
after having a vete pleassot ylsit for some
time with her ,pole and aunt, Mr. and M►r,
David Sproule. left bete for home reoenity,
hung accompanied by her °outdo. Rites
(leonine aprnub., wt n tutored* rioting
friends al Tasewater. ....Mies Lzzie
Smith, formerly of Dungannon, and now of
Shnrtavllle, Whiten, In on a yleitirg tour
to her uomnrous friends and arrpnointsnnee
. Mus Mbonle O Connor, of the City et
the Smelts, Michlg•o, being 'computed
by her b-otber, Mester I;tweed, of Scutt
Ste. fdarie, daring 111‘5week kat a pleasant
time visiting Mr cud Mrs. J. Id. O'Connor
Mr. end Mn. id. Fo:ey, et Colbxne
township, •lotted their sou-irlow in
Jaoghter, Mr. mud Mrs. J. 111. O'Connor, on
Monday. t\'e were Owed to see the
venerable c"uple in the enjtym.nt of good
ALtvnay, /Magma 26, 1901.
jinn hoop rat is about here Iqe week
did much gJo1 and are considered by many
the salvation of the late potatoes that were
planted In thin middle of .lune.
An apple tree at (ieirbreid,whioh le In the
oroherd laid our by the lore ,inrnpb Mortis,
was alit In hall by the tweet rainstorms
I'robttly this tine bete the first apples to
to teweshtp, ever edify year. aaa,
Junes Lioklster and ,ladles Chisholm and
lire. t\'m. Niobium!! ,lowed her pleasant
volt of tome weeks het• and at Goderiob
by golog home to t\'ind.or by boat on Sat-
urday, Mr, Niebergall arrived Tuesday
Whitt of last week ant with her made some
farewell &tile on bet many friends bora. Mr.
and bit.. ('has. Haw.
kis were also up and
visited a number of
ofd Meade et oiled
1'ort Albeit. Sheep ird
tea gad here.
Out popularreeldeot, kin. Alien, ruched
Austin, Musitobs, on the fourth
day atter leafing here on the 14:11
inst. On the way rhe stayed all night at
Winnipeg with her sitter -in law, Mrs. Geo
Cal, of lbodesloh, who 1s at present vatt-
ing her deaghter, Mrs Rey Ham110oo
Witte. Old Mends In Dunlop wc'b be
pleas( f to loans that both Mr, and Mn.
Morris are well and they had both many
*equities to make after their old friend"
about here. lite. Allen hes not yet eteo
Hrs..) C. Currie, as she Seaway from Win-
nipeg,tsitirg at Owen Sowed.
Tbc a ason of fall talcs and the commence;
ment of the theatre wawa rem nil nae that
,suI Omer 1. going. If you want a wool suit for
11 wear, alt at Proms,. is. A futl range of
l newest awl beat materials.
Moil lay next will bo ',slur Day.
(o rt Goielioh, C.O. F , will meet nee'
Tuesd • evening,
M si "Ills Harris Is rcooverleg irom lark
recent ss re illness.
'15.tows schools will re ,pan for the
fall term 00 "&day next.
I'be organ otory le .hut down until
September 3rd • allow the annual "tock
bags Isabel altaa has taken a position
Inl'.intonas slaw cher and typewriter
for Hodgson tiros.
Some of our eaobanom al Vi the dates of
the ilunisenon fall show a l latober it aril 9.
Cowl. r 10 and 11 are the co reef data.
A wtilr•up of the ren -An Dao ethibi
don has bad to be left or not next week
on account of lata of space In thlsmene,
11. C. Moaning" on Saturday fiol ,ed hi.
contract on Wm. ('ox's new house. e 1s
putting up on his own ".:Dunt a story d•
a half frame house on Ittock "treat.
Nolte) flay", eon of t county Cr on 'Mot
Hay. of Satorth, who has been emoloyed
to • Inge book oaabluhment in ('hioago
for same yawn, ba been appointed chief
mower el this buslnets at a salary of
$2,500 • year.
Rev, R. Whiting, pastor of the Mitchell
Methodist church, who hes been maintain
log a militant attitude In connection with
municipal alfalfa in that town of tete, was
• prominent member of the excursion party
In town last Tbnreday.
Zurich Herald : Mr. J. J. Merner, who
h1 some months ago tor Alberta to mirage 111
ranching, has dlep -ell of ht- stook and we
earn he'- again behind the ,• :voter, felling
tenors! mcrchan.ltee. J .1. for more at
nt in Willi the seinen end yard meueure
chit the lariat
Mrs. Allan, of Detroit, rendered the solo,
"Calvary," to Knot ' burch on S mday
to • few months Pope Ino X111 w111 be
gin the twenty fifth year of h n pootitlaete,
and • call to the Roman Catholic world for
the nelebrotlon of the event has been Issued
through the bidrnpe. A Nato .1 of the
special acts of devotion which are therein
commended is a great pilgrimage to lhs
tomb o1 the apostles and the feet of the
1'upe, during the second hall of April, 1902
Last Sunday, In the absence of the nate,
Rev. M, Turnbull, in Kincardine, k v, E
Buel, who 1e spending • vacation In town,
preached both morning and steno, In Si.
George's ohuroh, and his sermon, were
listened to with much appreolatton. Ills
discourse in the evening was delivered with
• gond deal of •ner.v and was an 010f Hopi
Imposition of the diffareooe bs:ween • time
repentance that le.& to the fruits ot rlght-
eousness.nd • mere sorrow and compunction
for do without the forsaking of the sin.
Ths'a-m0000emenbthat an outside boat
would give an excursion Sunday last from
Goder(oh called farth • "Ireton. and last
&sanitation from Koros ohu•oh pulp 1. At
the Mote of the sermon at the m•.reing ser
vlo-, the pastor, 11.v, J. A Anderson, said
-"I wish here to Deter try emph•'ir pr)
tat against an even' that lies been advents
eel to take place in onr town this afternoon
Not glare 1 hscsm • (Atm th 01 (; edenoh,
over thirteen years apo, hoe there been Inch
an open sod daring attempt to decorate
the Lord's Day, and to outrage the millet
one rensdbtlltles al the community, as In
(bit aneuuna un •nL that a boat from !'ort
Huron would land mour1'ontste here, and
Inter in the day give an excursion to our
onr. rens. Whatever may be the legal asp.et
of this ant, it is a 11.erant violation of the
.prit of the lord's Day Act of our land.
and a shine ful detisn a of the low of (Sed.
I believe that the Lord'. Dry t• a divine
Institution, pod that the only sura founds
Bon upon which the mime/mot of Its Ince
fits can rest is a strong oonytotton on Our
pert of ill Pa -red character I trust the
promoter• of this aoheme have diwnyrred
ere thio tut they hose uaderrat.ed the
moral and religicue sense u! our Dimple, ant
Mat We is an indignity to wh'ch the great
maj:.r.ty r our cit(aeos will not quietly
eubmtl, '1'o allow •uoh • thing to take
plaoe wbhtut • vigorous protest would be
e gad momentary on the rellg-oa, sentiment
of our town. 'though the thing will not be
permitted,doee not detract from the wicked-
ness of the attempt."
Weddi\,%,T edd i n Those
ngs.. Tho e looklog for use
ful Presents should earamine our stock before
We carry n wolf-as-.orted' line of Silverware, the very
hest male (Aleridon, Britannia or Rodgers 11447 brands).
Our stock being fresh from the factory, all the de-
signs aro new.
Seo onr combination ('ream and Sugar. They are ad-
mired by all who eco them.
Our stock of Spoons, Forks, etc., is complet ranging
in quality from tin to sterling silver. We havo exception-
al valve in a Tea Spoon that will always wear the same
at $1.00 per dozen.
In Carvers we never had better value. In fact our
values in Cutlery of all kinds are remarkable. No have
a largo assortment.
We are always pleased to show our goods, whether
you wish to purchase or not.
For the Sick .
The doctor can do you no good esu
lea, his prescriptions are properly put
up from reliable iugredienta.
That s where we midair invaluable
odd to the doctor,
We compound prescriptions as they
ehould bo.
F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
(RUGG'S r•
L', riser or West et. a0d the 6ctuare.
A soap at SrawAkTi grooty- 3 Ila d
sleet raisins for 253.
Get rubber tlreson Wear Carriage at tb
Dominion Carriage Works,
S.y, Pat, did you see that rubber tired
baggy.. tie Dpmloloe Carriage 1Votki'' It's
W. Brltgows & Sun have received a fuss
shipment o1 No. 1 timothy seed which they
are selling reasonably.
Allan 11 Mclean, of Mal.eaa Bros„ le c n
hie way home from (ilugow, Sootland, with
a chola), pereolally sr!.oted stock of the
oswae goods to Sootah and 1':ugluh tweed,,
trnweeriege, eta.
Krt.n'e hook Store are olfstive • splendid
fountain pap fres as • ptumluu+ wltn eve')
$2 00 worth of school supplies, also• beau'(.
ful souvenir writing set of pen toenail and
eraser with every $1 00 worth of school sup -
plias pin. based .0 their store.
Itloycles from $10 up, al th. Dominion
Carriage Works. We all the celebrated
Columbia hioyul*, the but on earth, of the
I)amteion ('arrt.ge Work', sloe the "Soots -
named after the ship that oonvsyed
the first Canadian matinee*, to Mouth
IonToaoyrobxatnrTtor. --Rot urn ticket s
t• Toronto will to leaned commenting 1 ties -
d Aug. 27, at 54.05, and oo Aug. 29 6
and pt. 2nland 4.b at $295, all rood to
return • p till Sept. 9.6. state to this great
('ao A rlc.n at Buffalo, $5 05, good for t
day. Ti- et• and all Ialorm•tlon eon be had
from F.F. As Rasa, Town Ticket Agent,
U.T. k., U
Mr. W. (ile. , Campbell ben warned
Iron his boltda trip end will resume h s
,lases to planutor pipe orgao and theory,
next week, Sept. 21 , Pupae are prepared
for Toronto Conway ory of Music exams.
Primary, first cul re 'nd year work ex
aminotlooa held to Gude ch at midsummer.
For terms, etc., attire's. Mr. CAM rret.L,
Brltub Exchange Hotel, U • • snob,
Shoe for Wop1en
The rucceee of "Quern Quality" Shoos has Lem so complete sad mu iiunuchete
wherever they have been introduced that it coo proprrly Is, termed "pheuumeusl "
Something more than the prim has achieved this 'twtalt. There are other shoes at the
Ramo price it is THE SHOES THKMNKL\'NS and what they furnish in satisfaction
to the eye and the foot that hes male them world famous and loaders ill women's high.
guile footwear.
That rare oomb:netion-so difficult to secure at any puce -is furnished in "Quueu
Quality " shote et full the prion eniutuonly demanded. They are made of the best and
most fashiuuable leathers, in the latest " up to date " styles, and by the very best tuurth•
tele of conetruction Wu ask of the Mellish of our town an opportunity W prove vur
claims for there shone.
Ail stylus -Street, Dress, (louse, Outing.
BOOTS, $3.75
OXFORDS, $3.00
P. T: HgLLS,
Sole Agent for "Queen Quality " and " Walk Over " Shoes. GODERICH.
tripe. The 9•et trips in the general late
trade by the steamers of the A orth • tt *stern
Steamship Compute will be mad* by the
Norte Eastern within the nett week, when
she will go to Ksossaba te food Iron ore for
Late Erle ports. The North -Eater' hue
been chartered for two tripe to Escapaba
for Iron ore. She is now at the shipyard al
South Chloago undergoing repairs to her
boilers, which have given poor eatlafootlos
ever done the steamer started mt. It will
be four or five days before the work is
When the big limits Crete was rdweed
from Limekiln Crc.,irc oo Saturday, and
Victoria Opera House
Presoaks, that W hlrlwlad of Mirth and Meek
"A Breezy Time
Lntirely Re -written and up to the Momewt.
bee oarge of stool rails reloaded, Use sheriff
at Amheretburg libeled the boas on a wain)
of $3,500, the result of • suit for damages
arising from • oolllsion between the Crete
and toe Canadian steamer Carmen'. '1'5.
CON was In tow of the Mesmer Sheets.
dean when brie collobon ,marred Olaf Sat -
01. In June, 18'99 The plaintiff. In the
rase ere the Leoratts Bey Narlg•tloo Com -
pony. ('•p1• Junes Davidson, owner of the
Vele, wan at Amberetbarr supertnbeodieg
the work of the totems of the boas, sed at
ones gave bonds to the Aomlralty Court,
and had rte beat teleran id.
Sept. 3rd
Returning until
No.. Jrd
Sept. 17th
Returning misfit
Nov. 1170.
It has hoes wale' at the huhu PIM
Willi. The Pittsburg and Gotfr•g maon
their regular naps and the ate. 1' tor o1 Hol•
land was In Sunday afternoon with an 1-
ourdoa from fort
The North Wsstern Steamship Compri
ha, deftnhely decided to abandon roam
Watch for the Golf Olub Band
Concert at 7 to 7:30 r. NI.
('rices 25, 35 and 50 cents.
Seats on sale at Porter's
ook Store.
Mooso,nln ..
Swan River
Regi. .. . .. 1 I30
Yorkton 1
lgaryAtt»n 1 $3[
Macleod 1 lJ
Red Deer t
Edmonton i
Atom eel) points In Canada, (looping. Boom
ate. Merle. wladeor and hast.
Mor pamphlet wiring further particulars c,
ply to the Dearest Canadian Paola, Agent or to
A if NOTMAN. Aset. Ono. Parr. Agent,
I ling Street cart. Taranto.
NIBS BALL. Agent. Ooderich.
Tgl.l.PMSTP. \w. r5.
1.d DNB 'PUT err
Getting tt1ed
OWING to the changes being made in our st e we have been doing business at
a disadvantage during the past two weeks. Now the confusion of remodeling
is nearly over and stocks are rapidly getting settled in their proper quarters.
By the time this paper reaches you the alterations will be practically complete,
and this will be a better and more convenient store in every way. Come in
and see for yourself if that is not so. the fall stock we are gathering together
for this remodeled store will be a good stock in any way you like to take it.
Values will be good, the best that ready money can find. Above all, qualities
will be good. If we know it no inferior goods of any kind will be allowed a
place inside the four walls of this store. Should we be deceived in any case and
you at any time get anything that is not as it should be return it and get your
money back if you want it.
New Taffeta Silks,
50c a Yard.
This lot of taffeta silks are extra good value. All the pop-
ular shades are in it and you will find it a good quality for
trimmings or waists. It will give satisfactory wear and be
found the equal of lines sold in most places for a good deal
more money.
T R+us silks to .hada et off -milky. pink, old rose, tnrrquob, aardl,al, navy
ann L'aok, &good wsertav ault•h'n ter walsM and trfmmisgs, sx-
tru 'petit] value at, per yard 50C
New French
French flannels are more popular than ever this fall. This
season's patterns are triumphs of the French printers' art and
handsomer by far than those of any former season. Many
new lines came to hand this week. (;orae and see them be-
fore the best patterns are picked up.
Ilaadeome design. In Fritsch fansel•, polka dote, Palley patterns and fancy
stripes on pile blue, navy, gray, iewn, red and blank ground*, 'cry fine
90.1105. per yard
School Hosiery.
Wo remind you again of the extra
giving in cotton hosiery. If your hoy
pair or two before commencing school
pocket. buying any of these lines.
Thrix Pairs for 25c.
Children'. 'deck cotton
hose, medium and
'm1'11.17.40, fat hleok,
pair, ciboria new at 25C
4 pain for. ....
Two Pairs for 25c.
Children's blaek cotton
hose, pl do or ribbed,
medium siege, fast
Mack, lass pairs of
Ilnee that sold at 20o
to Me per pair, eludes
now, 2 pairs for....
special value we aro
or girl needs an extra
you will he money in
15c 1 Pair.
Itnys' heavy ribbed int
ton hoe. wide rib,
rut black, e•smlees
fees, largo afros, ruse
las Rio, nlearleg at,
Der pair
Black D • ss
Serge, 50c\
We have another s ia1
bargain in black dress o s.
Ka K
It is a line of all wool chevi
serge, and makes a serviceable
as well as stylish costume.
All pore wool black cheviot serge,
w111 not catch the dost, firm weave,
rood weight, makes • very stylish 5p,,
salt. Special value at, pet yard.. ii0c
Selling out some of our
lines of dollar corsets at 57e a
pair is getting the stock down
nearer where we want It."---
When they are once gond we
will havo no more as good at
this price.
Standard line, of dollar onnots, made
of strong eo. anA eaa111, aseel .nil
mea filled,.11,Ines.reept 21, every
pair made to sell at 51 00, ,leerier e
at, per pair. tlI
September Designer
and Patterns
Are Now in Stock.