HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-29, Page 7rem ---- ___.-_-..__- gerortak, Erlg,�(.e garter ; Maoha ._ ___ -.__ ~._.--_- ._______ lag ma Inoteaut of Ing, its RETURN dkxlurp Rrlg. (ltrt lturv[as; \'unlrrr er do rlrullull a little farther duce fila stroll HFUCEIS ,k,rp, Brig. -(tun, (I. iyamlitwl. U G G E D CRN name atreat. Not far away lie was discussing ttee points of the came, 1 i , duet by two rempectablo dreaded ter of the faire signatures, "Men CIINSUI, S1'UWK IN I.ONDIIM. such simple l°takes." pay fere- m ,riling mea, wbae eecatti•,d tit Torhe ecvlde°c0 Will be taken at the Lord Milner Warmly Wel Inquiry In felt, of course, and the butt (faked `o be ceresin tto u carder -Say• TO PRETORIA There is r (treat RYtYfA fur NOT WHISKIII uAlkte,l hule4 whbh they uaeuwl. Mr. Seaedrr- s South Afrlea Atter tks dares.son Ammo all will fill their pulpltr too - tubi them that ew lis was a morrow ,tousual, London, Aug. 20. -Jar, G. Stowe, POLiCE !alar-retlua. The young men raid Informalstranger hu ouuhl not glvo them 24" tlw C'nitexl 8tntur Ouurul Uuueral let - _- that they also were rtrnugerr to (,up" Towh, has arrived here from NO CHANCE IN POLICY. Syratxtse+, and inquired where Mr. Kitchener Reports ore Boers South Africa. To a n•µkereutullva• of the Assoclatt41 Press he The Strange Adventures Saduretook cuwe frum. Till repllsd Live lKlected to succeed E'Atber of said le- day: of two 1A1>tl. "Ulf, wo aro from Carta ila, too," re - Killed Captured, Etc. p • T� South African problelu let un_ ,Iwbtedly difficult Two Ministers. tureact the young luau. "Wd tills In Montreal. Perthshire grit mon Lute leen en - and complicated• 79w topography of the• country anti tomtme4l. A rescue prtlrty tof four de- fluor pleamant it to to went C,wia(tlans In an American oily!" -__ this mobility of the' Boerm, whomWith return. It ts fearwl that all have at ppratWlaW Of gencruur feelfug pertshel. tileEngllsh culutuilr are unable to - - one of them drew from Ills {woket it NEPHEW CAUGHT' lwu rsuo Individally, reader opera- tioud the British Jiggle l:ummlrdioner In hex supposed to contain the finest to KRUCER'S gullet difficult. The Britldh aro feeding any m MRSANDERSON DRUGGED ca Lady. Imudod `Ile box to 'lir friend, helped hitudielf tlmahartic reception. lleplying to an primmers and arepro vldlug for thuubauds ler Boor fami- . who to dile twt[dy, and then proffered It to ills able determination of the laerple and Iles, all of which Is very ince un the -_new (;aaadlan cumrade, and Mr. here to their South African policy. part or EnRlrtud. But in the mall-- learl Kenett Hit Agate. '- Sauderrua accepted tills supposed (/um past Denounces Kltrbenrr's while the war dralrts on. Thera is loam striated toe unlike of Furl Itudarll d Wildness fapartook of the candy. Proclamation and Says the W ar a great future for Huuth Africa And Ills \\'.Ltah Stolen -Ile is Also tie tustk two or three beadles from will tie ort--Yeomsury Scoot Ilm,•k when pence IS pcural. The rurf.Leb lillm ral wealth IS meareply e1•rutPh_ l,ocke.t Up I'he Story Told by the hoz and pinioned one to Ida mouth. lie did not mttotl like the tante, but Consul Stovse Says 'There 1. n 411. Iludewbtelly England Is prepa►r- Bim.rlf.Lull try Bev. lir. 3h Am- concluded It would till better the Great Future for South Aft -Ices. ed it) solve (he problem of re-uuifi- lett mond- I he Wuman't btory--Ie- murex he tuuk. It war out Tung alter this wheat a feeling of rluplduerm T.4uuwtwlxtrg, Aug. a.-Uwlug t.' calluM whin that will im•e•ur certainly no laceration at the i'nptr it t'rrllaatlos to be llebl• came over him, aull what uwurrexl -16e iucrrumlag railway fapldlL•w, (leu. aMe to wt!" Hmlth'r Falls tit- Loh -This nfla+r tea' during the next lour will relualn fur- S uvor u secrot, as Mr. r4wders,u ilea Kitchener her granted apt! perultm �- --- noun. Bet, 1'unt(-r MOAmatoapl, pouter no clear knowledge of what immed- fdr !lir n•lune of rrfugcls:. Tiler •Ira drPw lair revolver $Laid fired. Later, dal churchon At Perth, f the M[). legato fd It ou may that t. titin will bat lwaell to thorn wh.. carr BODIES 8 illi !tet D. C. tluulorJton, pedlar of C. til Liuw( hound firma I+luaelf In the house of the suits lit till- greatest dlstre°s. It it hoped thltl MelhaMitsl CieUr'h AL Almoltr, % tt'ldlnetil %vlkr►a• namelYQ,Illllx`lfel Whf1 the case. Abolit half -part 1, having t1�:,t the penal of banishment for mors bore and demuudel leu fuvrutl- which have been list"c, negalueel partlil (x,urciuuaaemm, h,• 'that loy:ili,•tr ts ue•arlug all cud. Tills TO XTOR191nutleNt ileeton uuwu lit oonuectlua with u recent deb- m llift Wan n lues ouyliggthu 111r watule war genu, uud thus hu i,.muo of permltr will help Alleviate Miss Wovilm war pronounced the most, vir[t paid by them to Syracuse, N. Y. wis►led me to auuu and the hicreasiug terrible dirtrerm on --- Rev. J. Tullman Vitcher. of riguith's E' lis, b the Chairman of the district, help him f11141 It. Haviuc �• 1 immediately Ili, cuamt#. A local commAtee hum ---_-+_---- up[7 to fatal Mersrr. tlualers,u and ,dare ith Went and too luhingager to Lila burro, and lm, -u harmed to hells the (Institute. ,ria lulperial Clovernmeut, wLille Twenty-one the III TWenty'one Bodies MCA mluuttI (tmaily' made thele appeal for 11 trial. They exprtwseri u desire it'urld him still to a wad ,tate. mprnating bun Ireilr let 1,ha,usanals let of to preetat the newspaper reports of L inquire.! about the it, I but tile could get no clue an lit it 1 then potands muntfily to help the Boer Fated Islander Missing. their exmil.tencea lit Syracuse am clmrgeme against then ewes, aloof de- rimed M,. $trade ' rrs!It and took lliw r.•fugees, has only devoted I;W,O(X) tsuerePJ that It nay let their mlulrterLll Into the freali air. I rtcurtxl a cup aRugsuherfilauglythelluperbalecl.ef brthreu would draw up Other chnrgtw, rat that the whole mutlrr tearof y effect, bad roc(nahuwar Iraalu- f y fund for helping Jtlrtltute loyalists. unit b^ ufred tarnd their lnnocence vl-- guucIt lluuself. I askevl biro where li •len mines are now working, In eluding the llbhual$, fns wldpli por- NOBODY WAS TO BLAME. dloat,d, they wuuld regurd It us no- thin; but u friottlly act. lit+ thought ght Ilia watch war, atilt lie dull he id he buss ►tart ndIt. ht anis wli 1 arils went with t' .% detective etbaiun has been given. Thada Fileted E xasgerited hyruruse Storied. W ren It We could gel any claw to err running 885 mtumps. ESaa!(11 hull- The r pui•te upon which the t harges lila watch. We weal to t.vu or Bred stamps requires u hundred white are boarad come fruits Hyract se, ural nitre- places where the gueareager 11(1 land 1,5Unitive Workluen +u the nor- they have already twee shstwu to be- said Ilem:tw air. Sanderson with tank working fore:, lutloading develop. Corourr's Jury Declares Tbdt floor Irweenrate In several emsentFel du- tail[. There it no evldence which cull two men, out the partlea bat theme places denied that hr lad been nivut work. The men on Aitch ]suit- \Yreck W'.Ls Not Due to Any flue',. tie brought agallet the accumed ex- tilers. The prospect for finding the ,fret stamps require 135 truck Tombs Carrlesssess - tioveruor Russ . .collot 1.Im which,4 �cuntn►nod in:, a watch dela$ not very bright, we, lel alliteration a mouth, Including fowl- •Arrives With the Bodies of lllm s'tu tills' tWifraphod from the other proveedtd fn the direction of our .tuffs. Usher mines ar(: b•Lng pumped W ifs, CIIW dud Niece, mid4\ ural It Ir, briefly. that the mirl- le•tera went to Syracuse oti exceedlug- Istel. Oil the 'way homo we, last It polieemun, Who gav,o h+s 11+11"a a, ant. S'.dinges are being built from tier \'lotorla.'ll r., dempatch-W7th her IN short napes, that they apeat risme !Inky. I told him about the loss 1•.dilwey to the mine,e. 6verytldtig it, two days In that city, that the namae of ties watch: I.-ing stone to facilitate the �rwwmp- flagm at half seal and lite caskeLm eutered iipou a hotel regiLter by Appeal to the 1'oJlep. u,.n of Work, flee new 30 -wit coal till* lt4 are arriving. No difficultyin of suer• of tier dead of tike ldlawler them wire nut their own, that Rev. Mr. Sltnderarnl spat dome little lime After some conversation, in wijle)1 anticipated ix obtaining a auffh .eel (Ilaarter op her decks, the V. I'. N. lit at house of g•itetiotlable reputation, lie reald he °thought lc waa,lwpxleu. t.uiuber of natvem for the gradual sGeemehip tinting returmri from un,1 thud Top wimi detained at a pe.!Ice lit eapnect to find it, Iw advised us, to to the 'Police Islt accelerated +Iddulu tion .of work. I", lis north to-do She Wax mat by y uffleo aro witopelf lit If, CHAO Ile e, Idub gat L%Ief of and glvtl him u dencrlpthm call the watch. eutewd netysrit/ fa rudlin TMs over fire J+wtdre4l lx(rpnle, ullhuuglt :l iu,toriolw woman, known axil 1't-nrl Ambley, was ch:trg,.1 with the theft and se the femur of us, the Iv..,ltce- .g,m•Ir. at present Is wholly ia>,ufficlent ca all the railway., nad liters, had been no warning of her iJ n wntcfl ts-lunging to him. Thier tuna, na'ssenger boy, lir. &tnder- many of the tru•kd now in trot- urs• 'obNoletu e("uing. Trus steamed attend:uat It, (nets fore frankly adm►ttal. hat It is 1011 and myself, w.eitt liver to ppilre lleudqu;erteru, and gave the descrip- -•( typed. It Is naresa,iry that landing of the balled were pltl- rm.ple Just'oc to say ilia" the ne(•u4ed hntve- ark lnlwepnt expinuation tion and tho address to which the (Let several a inesaud mtainu trucks Keary engines be ubtaiatd wild- fol. Ar alto after mother the five With taken away Elle ugly hook which the- watch Wait to W sent it it war delay; raaakets were carried ashore, there rltory hors on its flat nprpear:unen In t(und b tic �nlemtti� iug' +luau sat ,out „let were Inlative cries frog ilia assent the the Cliarf,• uK y emphAtie __ p - p __1NItVt1JLR91_XllgHKW CAI'ONr. Islod relative* as they hurriOJ for- \11t: M'AMMOND'S STATE141K, prutck oto til ]!r. 8aaderrce to -- _ - cerci �o claim their dead. Governor Mr. Snnderaixl onuf to -day that he taken to the cells, a procedure -. ,___�- which struck me an being kltekeser treads Another LI , Ilii - wits atilt suffering from the effe•tm as excep- t. H. Ray4a, Artgulalrtrat(Ir u[ the 11(rhnL A -duan to bet Leld' as n cmn- Captured, Killed, tae- of the drag which had been give- mou priwnur, whose only crams was Yukcu, who stnrluat lmiq Dacron ilial, bat Mr. llcAmmuud glove to tic 1(i"n' of lair watch!. The uhiet wire» tubd him the - - - -------_-....._, ......... d-. 't..t.,_ - .. .. . . Lord Kitchener soya: 'glace August hath 3_ Bo•rd have bleu killed, 119 have been made pri- sooers, and 185 have- surrenderol. including Kruger, a nephew of the .-x-for# mident. 'The colulnnd Are meeting with no appreciable up{sesltion to Cape Cufuay. That, rebels and armed bawls area folding nod n%oiding aur columna wide roma succeed, (lerteral Bruton alowt hnving been In routact with ttw' e(vtmnandu of 3cher{w•r, what- Ito Ir driving north." . YF0311ANICY SENT U.,ICK. Platy Were Unable M:Ither to Itlde or Skool. Southampton, Aug. meq. -Mr. Stowe, 1,114, united Stated Consul at Cups 7'uwu, who recently remlguel his Ito N vel tu,l a IIa.- i1,1un, earl h:•r ay d at { i - aengerr on a British tra"whlp. Ile ex- pands Lee have lA wait mrveral wreka ber ore he will W, ablo to mecure lammnge on a el -a ravr for Now York. ,-veru of tier rocontly raked Yet) uutnry air" lneludA among tine tel db•rm nberal tb,• tr,Kipabip. Tlwy "pro rejected after reaching Eu•uth Africa, being amah;, W ride ur Mal.it. WAR )LUST GO ON. Kruger Bitterly Denounces Kllch- ' ener's Proelrmatte to. Luroolon, Aug. ''T. -A rprcial eor- rrspondrht of then Telegraph land had site intervl(•W with Mr. Kruger at 110h.•rmum. Hr mnym he found the ex- Tsrushhent lienithlor than nl Holy time miner him arrival in Far,,(),. ilt- Ilmto f%I with kt-enrr Interest and arltuel ulth fall- r Int,•ro•St than evt-r. Him gPnrrrtl lu,nith and him syr. might hnve been hilly romtorel. The intprvlPwer Haskell 11 tin If he last any ,111j"•ILL(mm to (Leto-rnl Kilchent-r'm poaN•iaunation, haxaal on loV.rnnt:o"Al Inw. air. i:ruger ruplied bani!y: "Ynnr r,dinlry renoQnised the Boerx no bel- Iegt-rentN- Now tilt- proclamation "ri ea a1Het as bells er- a tiler will iN• g ,• r a - II(M P N' 1/• oll�l lichen C where talc ib r p toted will he pun(xheef He, relle'ls. Moreover, they are to be, continually wPightef down by the th4might that to ofL'ring IpRltimate rrmlxtnnce they are bringing rain upon thPlr wive" and children. It that ix interns- ti,gool law, then international law- lo,o npos would ba better, for antler I it -verVbrdy would defend hinixplf." l! r. Kruger nngrily rrpu(]Ilaleel the Phnrge that the Ikeer tatrtles hall bP- P4"Me irreRwlar and guerilla -like. lie maid that they err, nil solwnyo, tnpttem rot dofenre, He Related flint tit emtory that lhp real panne of the wnr wn#s n ennxpirncy against (;rent Britain on lhp port of the two republic" wan Ab4olntel,v fnlme. A more dlahelical lip hall never linen "Hell #since conn !trill appeared an the globe. In (•onclonle n, Mr. Kruger mal -1 that ponce was only ponxlbir on tier bnnhl Of the In(]rpp.ndenee of the Iworppnblien tend free pardon far ilia, a',44salnl Afriknndarx who bw,l tnkon part In the War. STAlrIOX COUXAdi7S. ..6- r I.Ist or ro 4910*1 of Ike t'arloas Ofll- care In glionth Africa. Tllr following is thr prrepnt dlalrf- I"itlsn at the rotation 4lommnu+lm lit `enlRh Africa: $losmfruttelR, Llr•ul.- (4-It Sir C. Tncker ; llnfrismilh,Ma J ,r- p;on. Sir Lewllp Rundle ; Natal, l.leut: (;en. Sir it i111,1yard; mat for Pret,r rill, 1.IPlrt-4;,mel. Sir A. $kind ; forr•- t1l"In. Mnfor-(len. Barton ; rnstern I'nf%„ f'olony, Major -Gen. Hart ; Stnn- ,lertnn. MAJnr-(IAn. (,I,,t�t laiis ; ( apP o' -L-411. district, MnJnr-(Tan. wynAp ; II•Irhrrtnn MAJnr-(Ern. Stpphruxe'n ; It"111rltmrg. 11nJnr-Gert. Coupler ; to- al"tIb'pr,<. MnJnr(ien. F. W. Kitohrnrr; I:rootstold. ]tistjor-ff". W. Knax; \nxnwp-,ort. Mn)nvllrn. Jnnew; Kim- '"I".r. Ma jo,r4irn. Pr tymnn ; wept ,of .TohHnnswhlrg. AfAJnr Orn. W'linan ; \Pvtpnatio. $rig. -GM. Morn-Mnrfl4wh IrepP, MrIC41pn. (11nnlnRhartl ; Plat - "And, 11ft-QN. IG Weelltoe j Rre- news, arrived by the etvamo-r. ac -7 companying the remelted of Idtiwife.1 her rllece and child. Their bullied, together with those of the lute Captain Foote, master of the lost vessel; Dr. Jolie A. Duncan, and Mrs. Minute ]ails, word brought to, victoria. It In tort known whothPr float rrmalnle of airs. Roar and the family will be taken east, for ftilk uu,k-rst(x,.1 that the parents of the dead woman here desire that they rate interred focally. Purser Bishop plaoem the death list At forty, made up. am folhyws : Pale.twngers-E, D. 311111s. Mrs. (Pri Phillipe and Dorotay Phillips, J. W. Pored, Thr. lnlncrin, Miss Kate Lttr- kln, Marta. Minnie Rods, A. W. Jerry, J. Dahl, 11. J. 110(wcfeu. Mrd. nicker - sun, lira. Russ And chl" Andrew Keating. it inlWonain•, and Ida nun, Arthur Keating,t. k gars F. ltekate, Mrs. J. (i. Henderson, ll.T. 1:090rx, Will. Nea(fon; M C''ssprr--bad. 1,0411611, MCKay: Crew--(nptalit Foot P, Il. Fitwlrr. Miles.lock, L laude Burkhohkr, K. Per ti -r, Curnian Law, K J. I ltts, (;rorge Aldus, A. Kendall, 11. Burke. Jamem Hatch, ,lams Baird, (i(xarye Miles, coal psd,ser, Sam+ niknown; .ihree Chhorde, The following bodime have been rP- c.)vered: biles lint- Larkin, U. T. Rogers, lira. J. K. Row retel'e4WA, fir. lsuttcan, IN,rothy 1 hi hpp, Ain. .MinnieItalians, Joet•p!u Initial, two pars - wog, -re, An tie unknown; A. W. Jerry, or Jorg, Thais. BrocAten. Alfred Ken- llnl, K J. Pitts, A. H. Yette, China- man, Mllne k.ck, Hugh Porter. 1'. Burke, t'nprtnfn Foote, TlsawA -take 19 oat of 40 lost. To, entyTne bodies rare olid outdoing. The ful'owing billow were burleI on Rntordny last at Juneau : .1. !hili!. psrm, ng, r. 'r. Rogers, pnasrugvr; Alis - Nato Larkin. psaes-tiger; nn unknown pimernzer; S. .T. Hite. Cook; A. Ken- -InT walt,•r ; K. Porter, coral lam°rr ; Nhinrwr• tidy helper. Oil 64mulay ono Yeknown pna,ernger most Burke, the oiler, worn buried, 1 Three were first recovere.l uud hence Omelet W nK bekept I toil nr. r ire ew( (Tar. li(•I.. Tlrnwtr, x(rnt ng I of the C. 11. R., Rat I to -tiny that tile, bodices of the victims bnrip-t In Jammn would be brought down to' Victoria n.4 soon an arrforig .menu Can 1" made. The rpeovery of the remains lmme,lintely after tier neel- dent Ileee#ssltated their temporary hunted at Jigne:n. Wrtafe of the' I"rilese re•orcrM At .inneau have, been mote,f by the In4Inns, who have hen open paddling nrnongst the wreckage, nnl purinlning tiny vntnabien they euntl bar 0444a• hands on. Tate United Stilton mnrNhnl nt .Intrnln has gone in pur- Halt of the indlnnx to endeavor to ornfetor+e theme chnrgod with hassling the bottles. I An fnquewt bean held at Juneau on the handy M Dr. Duncan. and the fol- lowing verdlrt rendrret : " We, tilt- Jury, emp-inelted nn,l aware In the mntter of the Ingncol upon the Ixliy Of Dr. J. A. Monorail, drerAsrd'find that hr. rnmo to title donta nn AnR. 1Sth, JIMI, by the wrmk of Vin +•tnnmlehlp idhtn,ler, nal by elhlone- protnrell we find that we cnu blame Halon for ilia, nCrident. (EigYrei) J. J. Wenattle, foreman, onthe northbound ntmmer it rrp- rrmrntntlre of the c. P. it. and Lloydm (agent will goo to take Into mnsd.lern- IIon the Question of snlvinp; the Islander. SMUGQLER CAUGHT. And llix 0:10,000 Worth of te"Ods .srized by Collector. Now York, Ang. 24. -An attempt to om11irg1n thlrtio-selx lonlox of imported rloth, rnloel at $10,001. arrO.Ut the Cnnadlnh barter wns dlme(lvrred Iaxl night, and the rinth wen" welue.l At T1urlInrjon Tt., fry -ax rrailooptor. A "prt:lnl to Lha T1mrn from Mnrlington Pnyd Ilan eloth wild whlpprl froom Montreal to nolynlle. Mn'". it I snbjert to duty nrarly equal to It. frill region. No arrests hnve- yet into" made. mint rot the cane. Ile wan aske,I re- gar,hug the Accuracy of the n•wm- pap.r reports, and bre eMd: 1.\Via hnve risen to wonderful notoriety In nvery little while, for only last llendirt we were comeubn, ordinary Mrthoellst prencbers, Having de- aided to take a little trip tip the lit,-_-Latereace, my purpume wan changed by a telephone m -9 - from my friend, Mr. Fander4un, on SAturdaty night last, Inviting HIP l.o come to PrP'OCott SnmLPild, Paying thud together we sldould.Olin rP the trip. Mr. Sanderson wits then at Ir(Nluolr, visitlag the fnntily'of Mra. Hnudt•rmon. Wel did moot at Ogdrnm- burg, tot that fort Herons the river from Prescott, where the bont l:anti- ei oil Monday. Two attractions were open to tis for file nel'. days, one nn excursion to Kingston, and one a trip to Maomcn, 4pringm. Mr. Kan - detracts, preferrel going to Mnmmenn, Springs, And illy chacor wnA A trip' ua the St. Lawrence to Kingston. Not b Ing able to agree. Mr. Sand -r - Ron propusrd no a t•,ernprornlwe, that We take a trip either to Watertown or to HyracHae. We finally took a train for 83.racnne, and arrlred In that laity the same nigiol abwult lai.a0' eicluc•k. We went to the Mannlon Hotel, Herons the road from the sta- tion. Mr. Sanderson arranged for accommodation for the night; and the nest (LILY we proreedeal to take in the sights of the benntlrot City of K3 Falcone. When night came It wan Illy tarn to provide necammo ebttlon, and the incident of which so match capital line b,,,Pn made occur - rel. During ihe,day.I lint] b"pn so_.: costed ori the itrprrt Ly rt mtranger,. who fronr illy priestly reppearanre mistunk inn for to Father Lindmi-y, and May frlonl, Mr. Sandermon, wait aleso necrsatrd by another Ptrangrr nm "Mr. Thouson," anti NR daring tilt- n•uahel•r of ties day Mr. 14andt-r4on Jocalnrly C -i11 d me •'Nether Loomis - ley;' atilt i, returning the, Jest, re- ferred to him its air. Thommom When P P of Il t the p- lutrl [ L I L o h. r tit the 1 pt p ghetef,+--Mr. Elauder/u1n. adopting a ##light Trials brugue, wnhl: "Now, Father Llndsley, you register first:' 1 Carded Out the Jett. and wroto "Llndsley,'• tonbletltnting monist common rtirtntening nam:, for the word "fnther." Tie- Anmp I aimed wax CNP tlrst that cane- Into Huy hand and, I do not rerarmb•r It note. Turn Ing to Air. Random,-., oth• rwimo "Thomnun," I nsb.l If I w„ul,l write hln adorns. In title# Joking way tilt- named he names am re IArtiel erre regUterPil tr-r in". All, wee Meal -tor kava at an early Iuoar to rf•turn home we, droonlrn It advisnble, to retire not poorly -nm loom- slble. Oil rearbing ohr room we found yhe windows still down find the rn•inl lntrnnay clove ; alter capon- ' int( the wintinww wtN I want. downstnlrm find (tilt on the direct to obtain It breath of mors Mr. A long lino of In 11, were menton In front or tho hotel, We we etrolleel Blown Ihr street to a quiet corner, where wp Pont tinw•n to rest and talk over tN• bmutlful slghtse of Syracumi•. iie n Ilttln whll, Mr. Snnderann got up and w•n1ki4t Arnnnrl the, rorner ter the PotrrIot. E7xrlpeting him, of courne, to return In n hors minnV-4, i waited for him, halt nor he slid not tarn up i follnwM the- rothra,• he had taken, but eoul,l not ~ himi i waited, anti book- ed for hie return for a ronnddernble time, no f pxprated him utak rrery moment. f eonludool tllnt lin find gone bnrk to the moms, anal J re. lancet pip strpx to tM hotel. On sir- rlying there, f faund that lift find not rpturn,•fl, find on. after making rather preporntktno'For oma early Morning mtart, I rellrel nna wam aeon In drenminnd. Abont hair paot 1 n'cl&k in the morning to mrpwroper hay Aw,ekn m,o and told m^ that my friend wait down Ptr-pt enol wan In trouble nvrr the IA4le of his wnleh fined wnntal mot to road, flown awl belp him find It. Mr. Ren Itorroa'm Itsp"IriMtch. I must now toil yawl of the Hnfor- tnaate ooeorrenoa, as rolAtel to me by NIP.�fittltedoemti hlwealf. ecce after bini arrested tile, woman in �Lues- tiun. That morning, at half-I)ASt y -'clue{: the cube wall calle'l in court. 1 requested the Judge for prrmlm- slon to estate Notate fiwLd l„ucluug the case, which peralundun wild grants! uud ieo at once Hus.ornbly Dlrchdrged Mr. Sanderson. Wo retlrel farm the roum, boL-beftire duing_saHt.T.r(rlueht a,l this ro-porters present to be kind en tough to rups{Iremm Lha facts, whb-h were of list importance to the public. They jut,! the r[•spounalblllty on till- a4!1tord and I had an -Interview with tau. managing elltorn of the vuriewm pattern, amt urg,•utly r,41uemt:A that late undue publicity b,) given true mat ter. This le how my own nam a comem to bis mixed rap In the unfortunate oceurreneik Inm askril my nam) -ilia[ refumeol to mliko It known unirm assuranc,- Nla Dulil iwrr gl n mr, t1anL It would simply 1m nsmvtasa .-. act of !maxi faith, and ,on this condition I gats my full name Awl address. H-eing that Mr- Snndrr#sOn line] not yet fully ro. enverel, one of the rrpolrtero klniily ,ILrertr.t ne tie a pbyetician, who, un examination, found that Mr. Snrvl(-r- nen wan 114,111 suffering from true if feetn of the drug, and Rave )Lint an hypndermle lnj-etlan, whirls Janet it most salutary atilt rapial Affect In restoring him to his usual 11•^alth. Stich to tho bailor outline of the mo - called Pxciting experience we Ind In thnt American city. TLP whale for fair be, to Nay the It -ant. unfortunate. and I deeply regfet theft Inmy of fort to nld my friend #anti to motet what seemed to Ire n grave InJndtice -to--hlm, I should myself bre Involve,t in Vin unexpreted notorietywhirl) Tins on, suddenly come to me." Put In the cells. On lonvinst the Axiality bonne tilt - two men rat Allen. proeeedk,l to the poltrn station to report the fallen of UTA Watch, and, much to the Annoy- ance, and dloagust of both gentlemen, Rev. Mr. Snndproeon woo@ pincr,l in tile - roll+. Thl4, Mr, M,Ammon,l declarer, a entirely I r r, woo nUr Iy 1 rr all 1 /or n d m o n wt "njgnt, null RMIInPJ tllr rightPoudla- dipvnllon of !meth of them. 'nip woman wax nlmo went fur nn.l lint In Ilia, collie. The next morning she, ane] the clergyman were or- rniffnel before the magistrate. Hhe charged both air. Handsormon ami Mr. llrAmmeand with having Morn At her tontine nn TneNPlmy aftoraa,n Ikaj agnln on Tlnpmalay night. No evl. deren of having the lomt watell wan offered ng^!ns.t her, And Niee wild (fix- mlmmel. Roth lir. Mndprm on and Mr. McAmmond xtrenuouiely (forefoot lits w•ataaft e-61IIATAW mire silly tilt- rtrrvm• mtnn(•Pn were an miatal. An Inquiry ion Twepuley. no enquiry, which will tip loo -gun by the chart -11 court next Ttw%,lay, 'Witt hail col the trNrdt wems,rehhiR char - sorter. As rhalrman of the ,Iimtrl,•t. nor. J. Tallman 11Iicher, of thim p111rt-, hnn nlretl(]y npfiolntp,l the court, which will ropie wt nt three membern' from thin dlstrlet, one from the Matlldn And one from the Mr(x'kvllle' rtlmtrlet, with Tier. Mr. I'lteher as prPNhlinpf officer. According to till, elinreh law, the nccntYtal will mot he reermkterl to barn IPXW representa il•M prrxent, n114 wpi prepare their own defence. Rrr. Mr, Pftrher Onto] to roar nor- remlandent to -night that no Chndr- mnn of the iloahl of faventigntnn he desired It to be known through- aqt the eonntry that the tnveatign- t(M MN for, "loot complete stall thorough, cowl that on xtonp will he left nhturnel In the effort to hrinlr ont the real facts. "We shall go to the bottom of ate whole mat- ter;' paid Mr. filcher. "and there will he no whitewrtxhing. WP arA nil frl'ndm of ih-Ro mxa. I hnvalknown tho-fin trlymplf aver mines, they enter - M the minlmtry, first hef.IrA, enol help Alwnym rxlormal them high - Ito; but we hnve at ditty to Irerform, a Ant�i� to them and illourrhureh." Mr. plirhpr wnldd lint pay whi- ther he waldd rndes►ror to sarure Any •valence In Syracuse. Hs! n^ld that he believed the 000mlttee New York, Aug. .:G. --The three- i Ilona for, pence have come to the Un - wean stolen from the ducks of the 8harptuwn. Md., Marine Railway dome time on Saturday night. A tlpeelal to the. Tribune from Laurel, Ih•lawarP, 'Onyx that the ve,aeel halt Just been completed and was valued [at $60,000. She ivas taken ■tealth- fly from her moorings at about mld- 'eight by an ocean tug. The work wait w rtulckly alone (fiat even the brt•Ige tender wan not awnlrened. The Marvll wits owned by Laurel capital - late. . t{old Itogus 8toek. Clevrland, Ohio, Aug. ''$.-The npe- elal grand Jury called to Investigate the crib ailxaster has returned an Indictmocat against W. G. Marahall, of Bonton, charging him with sell- ing and (fixpoaing of bogus stock In it deal with A. B. White, manager oft e tap American tale ' a C h Company, find don of ex-Conm greoonan W. J. White. It IN a11PgM that White was given box" stock in a 8t. "Ls lead company In excllnnge for a tallyho, a III'',000 horse and four notes for $-,(XIJ pacl►, Death Mather Than Housework. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. L6.-4'ha%rles Eutin, at" 76 years, porn mlLtel sulcide test night beCauxe he (etIM1 houre-work unsuited to his tunics. A week ago his wife tell down stairs and broke leer leg, since which limn E:utin had been doing the household dutlrm. FOUND DEAD AT FES. Grand Trunk Conductor's Strange End, INVESTIGATION IN P Niagara i'allm, N. 1'., Aug. 20.-$ tw"ll 12 and 1 o'clock thin morning the bat (it A -f y man was sand on the New York Central !r$Leke near the � brewery. A peril In has pocket. indl- cnte(1 that he wits Jahn llelntyre, i of S.irnln, Ont., a conductor on the Grand Trunk Railway. Thin morning lits body was hleattli" as that of McIntyre, but film friend cannot lie - count fair his death. He Ilia 1 imt leen run over, boat a put nn the f evad ran.! it mw'olirll eye Indienteol that ht- had fallen from n patnmtng train. Curr- li (tree fill,. .in hash rhtargb-eF- -ease, j There wan a rumor in this city tilts morning that VWn-f-rFe-Toi ai Tpch' found with bin threat cut, Mit from rho above drgratch thin appear° to Ile 1111(rne, 711e dMpAdpel wM well' known anti very popular among ilia tradesmen bore. He lomeard lhrungll' the city on 1114 wily to the Fnlbm early yesterday. brand Trunk offlrinln from the London d(vlmlon went to the Fee lle to -Jay, to investlgnlo the rlfadr. _ THE ALLIGATOR'S TIT-BiT. Kxhlbltlon iteptile Annexed argot. ger le'rom Keeper Vitxarrald. 'Mento, Aug. 6. -John Fitzger- ald, of Loalsvll:e, Ky., keeper of the Alligators at the F,xhlbltWn grounds, Im minum the first digit of his Tett hand, and a big rreptlle tip there, whkh M twelve feet long amt weighs 4110 poon(ix, In Table to that extent. ThlnklnR the alligator had taint re- covered from this effects of strata which hall been Riven It, Fitsgpr- nl,l vrnturoel In the encloaupe with the reptile to remove it rotten from nround Ian neck. Iter Iperr Alligator wan not Poo "dopey;' though, and, with n snap IIkP that of it dre.IglnK mmchlnp, Ito claws ahead over th- krfppr'o left hamt. The hurrieol Iwlthdrawnl of his hand left tha first finger in the keeping of tqp reptile. tits strikers throhughout any of tate Interinediartes aanlnd to Pittsburg despatches, and it was stated nt the offien of tlae company to -day that alone wits expected. J. Y. Morgan re- turniA to the city to-(]ny, but it was maid that his return hail nothing to ills with the strike. Tills Is Official. An official of tits U. H. Steel Cor- pmade tine following; state- ,:orationitont : Tito reports that there nr,p opeotiatlonse for a meltlentenl of the steel strike step. erroneoom. The Ua- it,d Slated Steel Corporation loam re- crived leo proposals for It Nrttlp- went anti ham made, name.MaAy of Uor Mart are returning to work, unr! many others are demlronm of rpnam- Ing their places. The mlrike can be - met tIM emettIM only by the return of the men to their placer---- Strergth of the Strikers. The Journal of the twenty-ahth annual session of the Amalgamated Amwicatiun, fit Milwaukee, from May C:L to June 7, !him your, shows that when the Amalgamated en- tered Into tl►ere, present warfare with Use mteel corporation the as"ocis- tioe Iliad 1M0 active muh,rdin-ate lodges, with it total of 13,892 mem- lterN, and it hasatue In the treasury of $74.h9S. In 18921, the year of the Ilomentead N t I e l P r k the membership wnm not quite _t.000. ltd largest du- hnrmemealr, covering the colt of time Nomemtead strike to the or- garifrnlirnl, were $150,319 lit 19021 and $17S,741 In 189:1• In thosie two yearm Ilm totn► rereipte- were $418,000. In tho Insist year Ism re- ceipto were $119,059, and its ex - pe -romps, witlm•ut a big /make on hand, were :614,700. CRASH ON THE RAiL. i+'rel h s Collde .Lair t t i g oro Trelrwen are hllled. Gnnanogor, Aug. ^T.=At ftT7g Ya- ,Iray an rl►at-bound and went -bound rrelglit collided at T11oustand Island .function on the O. T. 14 Two of tate trnhimen were instantly killed. An past bounol freight on down track war crooning to tip traek tie give it cledr trapk to No. % trade, tits- F.nsterd flyer. W'hpll about halt way on tiv- aroma over freight was Peril eomlnit on tale up track. Thp morning wnm very foggy. The eon- dl/ctor of t1u?-rnmt botinl frOght Nighnllwl thud nlhiroaclting Irvin, which wan coming tit n grant rat.- 'it ateest Apee1;-4heuatrakeaman was alas) mignalling the west Wound train. Neither of these mignalm were on - towered uutil.the west bound WHO sellout 1'9l feet Away, when E:!1- gluppr Mirorn rapplip.l the einer- gelrey bratkop, heat it wnm tan Int,•, he ernmhoil Into the rest bound train, demulldhing tell card, containing flour and tnerchnirllap. True Id,dy, of Brakexlnan Stone wan found Hour the tenter of the Pngine. .Friglnper MlmYn was abler killed. film body Is now, at ;. p: m.. pianPd un- der tate engltie, with from (lie wal,st Irl) vxpoNed, The fireman Jnulmot and Im test injured at nil. CONDUCTOR CRUSHED Caught Iketween the liumpers at New Ilmotherrg. Now lfandlearg, Oil(., Aug. 'IT--(.on- duetor John ldorrham, of No tl reg»- Iwr G. T. IL pltaspngrr train, from f.ondon to Tl4rs11t0, wall mptpn•ly In - Parcel At the mtatiom herr this mnrn- Ing. He wfoP PlVanining the nlr-lsr.,ke ecuplingd. W'hon lion gratin tmarkel up be motel hnckwnrda, raising bile hand, which was caught between the Iron hgmpPro and swverPly ernohpd, ren derinK Morrison unronsrliolo Br, wan 141, here under mPdlcnl attendnner. 1110 rPfaprt Is that tits injury 14 probably fatal. FRENCH MINISTER QUITS TURKEY, Leaving an Attache of the Embassy in Charge. STATEMENT OF DISPUTE, Ili \ihlch It Is l.earaed That Abdul IS \'cry Untrustworthy- Ills Pro- mlre of ldllle Value-Itelalloas Practically Broken loll. Purim, Aug. 27.-A ieml-of/trial note I has been Issued announcing that the Torte, not ltuving carried out Its un- %lertukingr with regard to the dle- puled quertionr between the French AMT the Ottumuu Uoveromegbs, $i. rouatans, tits French Ambassador, under inatructkrna left Conslnutlu- l4o leu Aug. '8th, An urraugemrut Hall been effected on Aug. 17th, and its tormti drafted by the Ottoman Foreign Minister, with tits approval of Thu &al►tui, who had promised M. (UAttalla that the text would be Handed to film too Aug. 18th. M. Con- stalls telegrapsl►ed to Yards on Aug. loth title& tarns of the prumues had nowt' full Bled, and 11. De11•arde on Aug. -tat telegruplled U. l'ourtaud that in %few• of alu Il+igrunt it dbregat•d let the uladerlaeklugm, the aegutiatluns could ,.let luugt-r• be continued, and request - n1 M. (uuslalle tie Inform the forte -hut lite had recrlved orders to leave koubttlit inutile. Un Aug. '_13rd AL :ourtaua cumlu lliestei with tile$ tbrts, llal-g Aug. Latta ar the date If hill delearture; uud am tilt- engtage. meats ware still. unkept It. Constants Heft cuualtautlnuple on that day. With the departure of M. Coudtana ho rehttluaw 7•tween France and Turkey let" be regarded as broken off. Mlmlr Bey, the Turkish Amtlna- oidol• to Fiance, ham been telu- 10•apleed not to return to Parts. Usepst In Charge CourtautWople, Aug. _7. -During the absence flout fit* Hurt of M. c4w- .itaur, 4110 French Amlaasmador to Turkey, who mtartet yeaterday fair Paris, It. liapat, councillor of lite mislesy will act ler charge d'affalrem. Ties caorreop(mdegt of the A'OrOCLaI- ,d Prued wear Informed to -day from thte b.•st s„uree that while the cur- rent affairs of tb:t two emba,olem cuuhl tae cam -ml tort by taw+ C'liarge d'Aftafrem all n4•gotlatioax of a fw- litical nature would b:? entirely ran. pelndeil untif tate Sultan should yield Le the French demandn. The French tioverument cundtlera that tho Hul• Lan lab brokan Ida word. Tito fwd prumb:el hull payment of them long "tand]aig IndPmuitlis it, Frenchmen nmuuntlag to twelve million ireacs, i n lie IWWd_ w pity the full amount And ofherod a rtvturtd mem, wbk•h wag refunel: U. Gmesitans hall arrivool at Strom bowl, wluera, he wan to take the Ori- ent express, when a court cltnmtx•r- Inln reached thete in p+st'taato from tho Sultan b egging M. Conietanm to return to Thrnpin, and loruml.sing that vvrrything would tin ontimfav- tortly mettleal. M. Constans declined W return, derlaring that the time ruer pronnlstle wns„part. It was for the 'initial$ G, hdfil him undertakinam. Tho .French GovPrnownt will take two further steps in the matter, but will wltlt for tlw Sultan to move., unit it In IKK thought tile, Sultan will at IOW the present mltuallun to Joliet very long. Frailest Means Basluess. tbnoluntinopele, Aug. 'e. -The fol. lowing wan the position of affairs lmmrdiately preeeling the depar- ture, of the French Anlbamsador, M. Con.tnnm : . True Turklmh Government was mhow- itlg n dIN]x,xition to rpgnrl tate Fronch drnlntlda an mottled by the Irade relating to the quays monolith" Albanian ['anti selsures. The French Bmhammy, !n order to prevent a into - under tit wrote yesterday to Tr•wfik PaNhn, Minhter of E'or- 41gn .Affairs, that Fratre, ill addi- Lion, expected the me.ttiprnent of two other claims, Included In the de- mands made August It. Snot unt"ss they were concealed before noon lu- day M. Vonmtana would leave and llu- ,ilr Iley, the Turklmh Ambamsa,lor to France, went(] rrcelve Itln paxmports. The Porte. Instead of yielding, amk- ed for twenty -tour futures' delay and mndr alternative prreperdtonp, which were mat unnrepTitablr that M. Con. aslant, tilt tort reply to them. MOURN NO HANSOM, Yukon Miner Left to Die in . --_ a '-- Deep Shag. . _ ESCAPESANDREACici 0% WSON tieatte, WaXII-, Aug. ''7. -Edward 'Mortimer, a miner, ars years old. In tho erntre of a mtory emnnnting frnne lhtwmstn,, whe-re he in Said to hnve, Men kidnrappel and lowered Imre n dPe'p ghnft on Tfllelle t'reek, 17 miler from-Latirsua. His captor___,_._, 11rmrenatM $11,0011 An the price IL( re- "`omP, hat on being told that he ",I Hao tneorwy, wt hien M rmorW.'I --- - itler twelve 11f"irN' effort ties old ""I" NIICreMled in Climbing to the worfnas, ref tier ahnft amt Mter.wawr ,ering eight miles, familial n ranoc\ which br(wtKht him to Utawoon, where ho "ought police protection. !lhoking the I'lum 'force. IVnmlahsgton, Aug. 27. -Tho Presl- (1plit to -.Illy mndr the following Ap- lwnrttmrntn: William lit Hunt, New \sten, (klamul at Tamat+sveti Ma•la- gamenr; Julul ,ienkina, NPlt1•aaka, !•4mmnl-fie He•rnf nl Most Salva411,r, Sal- vndaor; Allen Is. Cameron, Marshal ter ' (he ratted State" Von-aular 0XII't at TlankeNl, Ch►na, While thn pilleft Are Inveatigating ties Pnoe of ,lamp" Walker. who a ctrr- oner'm Jury Ply wail munlerptl lad f(P111d dPnti 1n the barn of the Ctces. mercLul Ilut"l on ,larvi" street, To- r(entas,. they the not tater much stock In the, murder th4.Wy. 1►eteetive Me. draft in loss. nolling the matter. Attorney-Gpneral ('nnsph•11, nr Mnnilnlet, nrrlvold In attotitronl on film wily INlek trom Lon hm, where lir wao Im(Gnye1 In arguing the romp far the alnnit4tila prvhlhltiom Ilghoow net lip fore tilt Priv (•(caned. HP ezpr►swo) till, opint, flint tlwo art Woade] be maintaln:: Judgment will be ghee In Octotow. TEN MINIRS -shnall decide upon that point. Yer- sonally, Ina was of lila -pluton thatleu roUnaaro could be placed upon thelmrtlmony let a woma►u like theper- a high tribute to Lila two mtoaxturs aon thtowu ae to t Arhlry. Htl t�ld[NTOMBIO.' who will come before the committee, and while he property refrained from discussing ttee points of the came, he remarked, In referring to lite mat- ter of the faire signatures, "Men such simple l°takes." pay fere- m Torhe ecvlde°c0 Will be taken at the Lord Milner Warmly Wel Inquiry In felt, of course, and the caro is expectedto last several clays.corned Cape Town. Both Mr. Henderson end Mr. Me - at Ammo all will fill their pulpltr too - morrow ,tousual, __ _.- POLiCE SHOOT NO CHANCE IN POLICY. MINISTER'S SON 1l Afrlrr Karl No a- t.unger r)tra(dlr.Llc- -A l'un.ervre a,unig - Conote Live lKlected to succeed E'Atber of list Iluuse of Cuurmous. Famous Pan American Beauty 11111a, Aug. ''7. -By a land rub- Nldenee tit the Duniloiatle v,dliery In Model Dead. Perthshire grit mon Lute leen en - tomtme4l. A rescue prtlrty tof four de- rcended, Isnl there ribs, hailed Ili return. It ts fearwl that all have pertshel. STOLE A THREE MASTER. Alllrer Il Crape 'Pawn, Aug. LT -Lord Milner, the British Jiggle l:ummlrdioner In South Africa, arrltad here to -day • from England. Ito met with an en- Vven Bridge Tender Did Not )abs tlmahartic reception. lleplying to an f(ler- Verdict Agaluxt Heller .of addrtsm of welcume he will there was Ito doubt wlato%or u( the uuchasagi- BOgw $tock Aped .flan Suleidso able determination of the laerple and to>':scapeHousework, Government of (;rout Britain to ad- here to their South African policy. Chicago, IIF. Aug. _8. -David Linda- learl Kenett Hit Agate. '- kogl son Of Rey. Herman Llndrltog, Loudon, Aug. :7. -Tho Government pastor, of St. - Angrgarlus Swedish loam striated toe unlike of Furl Itudarll Ephicopial Church for 15 years, was trout the Itst of 'lierk►htre ti Igloo- trated. shut and killed yesterday by police Farl Rummell was seulencell July officer James H. Wiley. The shoot- 10th by ties Htrltme let Lurdal, to Ing took place within fifty feet of three months' Impriwinment ler n the rectoryt and the minister faster- first-class guiwlemeunant, :after hav, !leg been convicted of bigamy. Ing the shots ruslsed out of the isolation A Conservative Klected. fault aided the policeman to lift hisP Landon, Aug..1tl27.-The 1 nrllnmeut- dying son Into the ambulance, ury election held yesterday to till Tile policeman declared he fired ltw sent In the Ifuude of rumnloomi, while defending himself against an for the Andover dlvialou ,of finials - hire, uta le vacant by the death Ili find b e0W In the habit of congregat- W'. B. 111vs. father 4,f tilt - Ing at (Auk and 8adgwick streets. House tilt hours of l-(ttllwaons. rernlltt Kiley was badly cut and bruised to return , Edmund Beckett 1^alter, F the encounter. Seeing that he was t tonrrrvatleP, w►io recetvwl alt9ti to 8,375 cast for his Liberal oppon- unable to cope with the gang 6e ent, Ueorge Judd. drPw lair revolver $Laid fired. Later, three young mend paid to have been companions of Lindnkog in tree fight, ONI Y ONE Whr ani were urrewted. L r Pan -Americas Beauty Dead. Itirminghnm. Ala., Aug. 28.-A prl- rate telegram from Charlottesville, Va.lo announces tele death of Miss Strike Can be Settled Only by Maude Coleman Woods, in that city. Miss Wovilm war pronounced the most, Men Goin beautiful .woman In America by n Back. connnittee of the Pan-American Ea- Position, and her profile adorns all _ the medals 11irlled by. the Board of STRENGTH OF THE ASSOCIATION Awards. _ ___ ___ __ __ Stole a Schooner. New York, Aug. 27. -No negotla- New York, Aug. .:G. --The three- i Ilona for, pence have come to the Un - wean stolen from the ducks of the 8harptuwn. Md., Marine Railway dome time on Saturday night. A tlpeelal to the. Tribune from Laurel, Ih•lawarP, 'Onyx that the ve,aeel halt Just been completed and was valued [at $60,000. She ivas taken ■tealth- fly from her moorings at about mld- 'eight by an ocean tug. The work wait w rtulckly alone (fiat even the brt•Ige tender wan not awnlrened. The Marvll wits owned by Laurel capital - late. . t{old Itogus 8toek. Clevrland, Ohio, Aug. ''$.-The npe- elal grand Jury called to Investigate the crib ailxaster has returned an Indictmocat against W. G. Marahall, of Bonton, charging him with sell- ing and (fixpoaing of bogus stock In it deal with A. B. White, manager oft e tap American tale ' a C h Company, find don of ex-Conm greoonan W. J. White. It IN a11PgM that White was given box" stock in a 8t. "Ls lead company In excllnnge for a tallyho, a III'',000 horse and four notes for $-,(XIJ pacl►, Death Mather Than Housework. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. L6.-4'ha%rles Eutin, at" 76 years, porn mlLtel sulcide test night beCauxe he (etIM1 houre-work unsuited to his tunics. A week ago his wife tell down stairs and broke leer leg, since which limn E:utin had been doing the household dutlrm. FOUND DEAD AT FES. Grand Trunk Conductor's Strange End, INVESTIGATION IN P Niagara i'allm, N. 1'., Aug. 20.-$ tw"ll 12 and 1 o'clock thin morning the bat (it A -f y man was sand on the New York Central !r$Leke near the � brewery. A peril In has pocket. indl- cnte(1 that he wits Jahn llelntyre, i of S.irnln, Ont., a conductor on the Grand Trunk Railway. Thin morning lits body was hleattli" as that of McIntyre, but film friend cannot lie - count fair his death. He Ilia 1 imt leen run over, boat a put nn the f evad ran.! it mw'olirll eye Indienteol that ht- had fallen from n patnmtng train. Curr- li (tree fill,. .in hash rhtargb-eF- -ease, j There wan a rumor in this city tilts morning that VWn-f-rFe-Toi ai Tpch' found with bin threat cut, Mit from rho above drgratch thin appear° to Ile 1111(rne, 711e dMpAdpel wM well' known anti very popular among ilia tradesmen bore. He lomeard lhrungll' the city on 1114 wily to the Fnlbm early yesterday. brand Trunk offlrinln from the London d(vlmlon went to the Fee lle to -Jay, to investlgnlo the rlfadr. _ THE ALLIGATOR'S TIT-BiT. Kxhlbltlon iteptile Annexed argot. ger le'rom Keeper Vitxarrald. 'Mento, Aug. 6. -John Fitzger- ald, of Loalsvll:e, Ky., keeper of the Alligators at the F,xhlbltWn grounds, Im minum the first digit of his Tett hand, and a big rreptlle tip there, whkh M twelve feet long amt weighs 4110 poon(ix, In Table to that extent. ThlnklnR the alligator had taint re- covered from this effects of strata which hall been Riven It, Fitsgpr- nl,l vrnturoel In the encloaupe with the reptile to remove it rotten from nround Ian neck. Iter Iperr Alligator wan not Poo "dopey;' though, and, with n snap IIkP that of it dre.IglnK mmchlnp, Ito claws ahead over th- krfppr'o left hamt. The hurrieol Iwlthdrawnl of his hand left tha first finger in the keeping of tqp reptile. tits strikers throhughout any of tate Interinediartes aanlnd to Pittsburg despatches, and it was stated nt the offien of tlae company to -day that alone wits expected. J. Y. Morgan re- turniA to the city to-(]ny, but it was maid that his return hail nothing to ills with the strike. Tills Is Official. An official of tits U. H. Steel Cor- pmade tine following; state- ,:orationitont : Tito reports that there nr,p opeotiatlonse for a meltlentenl of the steel strike step. erroneoom. The Ua- it,d Slated Steel Corporation loam re- crived leo proposals for It Nrttlp- went anti ham made, name.MaAy of Uor Mart are returning to work, unr! many others are demlronm of rpnam- Ing their places. The mlrike can be - met tIM emettIM only by the return of the men to their placer---- Strergth of the Strikers. The Journal of the twenty-ahth annual session of the Amalgamated Amwicatiun, fit Milwaukee, from May C:L to June 7, !him your, shows that when the Amalgamated en- tered Into tl►ere, present warfare with Use mteel corporation the as"ocis- tioe Iliad 1M0 active muh,rdin-ate lodges, with it total of 13,892 mem- lterN, and it hasatue In the treasury of $74.h9S. In 18921, the year of the Ilomentead N t I e l P r k the membership wnm not quite _t.000. ltd largest du- hnrmemealr, covering the colt of time Nomemtead strike to the or- garifrnlirnl, were $150,319 lit 19021 and $17S,741 In 189:1• In thosie two yearm Ilm totn► rereipte- were $418,000. In tho Insist year Ism re- ceipto were $119,059, and its ex - pe -romps, witlm•ut a big /make on hand, were :614,700. CRASH ON THE RAiL. i+'rel h s Collde .Lair t t i g oro Trelrwen are hllled. Gnnanogor, Aug. ^T.=At ftT7g Ya- ,Iray an rl►at-bound and went -bound rrelglit collided at T11oustand Island .function on the O. T. 14 Two of tate trnhimen were instantly killed. An past bounol freight on down track war crooning to tip traek tie give it cledr trapk to No. % trade, tits- F.nsterd flyer. W'hpll about halt way on tiv- aroma over freight was Peril eomlnit on tale up track. Thp morning wnm very foggy. The eon- dl/ctor of t1u?-rnmt botinl frOght Nighnllwl thud nlhiroaclting Irvin, which wan coming tit n grant rat.- 'it ateest Apee1;-4heuatrakeaman was alas) mignalling the west Wound train. Neither of these mignalm were on - towered uutil.the west bound WHO sellout 1'9l feet Away, when E:!1- gluppr Mirorn rapplip.l the einer- gelrey bratkop, heat it wnm tan Int,•, he ernmhoil Into the rest bound train, demulldhing tell card, containing flour and tnerchnirllap. True Id,dy, of Brakexlnan Stone wan found Hour the tenter of the Pngine. .Friglnper MlmYn was abler killed. film body Is now, at ;. p: m.. pianPd un- der tate engltie, with from (lie wal,st Irl) vxpoNed, The fireman Jnulmot and Im test injured at nil. CONDUCTOR CRUSHED Caught Iketween the liumpers at New Ilmotherrg. Now lfandlearg, Oil(., Aug. 'IT--(.on- duetor John ldorrham, of No tl reg»- Iwr G. T. IL pltaspngrr train, from f.ondon to Tl4rs11t0, wall mptpn•ly In - Parcel At the mtatiom herr this mnrn- Ing. He wfoP PlVanining the nlr-lsr.,ke ecuplingd. W'hon lion gratin tmarkel up be motel hnckwnrda, raising bile hand, which was caught between the Iron hgmpPro and swverPly ernohpd, ren derinK Morrison unronsrliolo Br, wan 141, here under mPdlcnl attendnner. 1110 rPfaprt Is that tits injury 14 probably fatal. FRENCH MINISTER QUITS TURKEY, Leaving an Attache of the Embassy in Charge. STATEMENT OF DISPUTE, Ili \ihlch It Is l.earaed That Abdul IS \'cry Untrustworthy- Ills Pro- mlre of ldllle Value-Itelalloas Practically Broken loll. Purim, Aug. 27.-A ieml-of/trial note I has been Issued announcing that the Torte, not ltuving carried out Its un- %lertukingr with regard to the dle- puled quertionr between the French AMT the Ottumuu Uoveromegbs, $i. rouatans, tits French Ambassador, under inatructkrna left Conslnutlu- l4o leu Aug. '8th, An urraugemrut Hall been effected on Aug. 17th, and its tormti drafted by the Ottoman Foreign Minister, with tits approval of Thu &al►tui, who had promised M. (UAttalla that the text would be Handed to film too Aug. 18th. M. Con- stalls telegrapsl►ed to Yards on Aug. loth title& tarns of the prumues had nowt' full Bled, and 11. De11•arde on Aug. -tat telegruplled U. l'ourtaud that in %few• of alu Il+igrunt it dbregat•d let the uladerlaeklugm, the aegutiatluns could ,.let luugt-r• be continued, and request - n1 M. (uuslalle tie Inform the forte -hut lite had recrlved orders to leave koubttlit inutile. Un Aug. '_13rd AL :ourtaua cumlu lliestei with tile$ tbrts, llal-g Aug. Latta ar the date If hill delearture; uud am tilt- engtage. meats ware still. unkept It. Constants Heft cuualtautlnuple on that day. With the departure of M. Coudtana ho rehttluaw 7•tween France and Turkey let" be regarded as broken off. Mlmlr Bey, the Turkish Amtlna- oidol• to Fiance, ham been telu- 10•apleed not to return to Parts. Usepst In Charge CourtautWople, Aug. _7. -During the absence flout fit* Hurt of M. c4w- .itaur, 4110 French Amlaasmador to Turkey, who mtartet yeaterday fair Paris, It. liapat, councillor of lite mislesy will act ler charge d'affalrem. Ties caorreop(mdegt of the A'OrOCLaI- ,d Prued wear Informed to -day from thte b.•st s„uree that while the cur- rent affairs of tb:t two emba,olem cuuhl tae cam -ml tort by taw+ C'liarge d'Aftafrem all n4•gotlatioax of a fw- litical nature would b:? entirely ran. pelndeil untif tate Sultan should yield Le the French demandn. The French tioverument cundtlera that tho Hul• Lan lab brokan Ida word. Tito fwd prumb:el hull payment of them long "tand]aig IndPmuitlis it, Frenchmen nmuuntlag to twelve million ireacs, i n lie IWWd_ w pity the full amount And ofherod a rtvturtd mem, wbk•h wag refunel: U. Gmesitans hall arrivool at Strom bowl, wluera, he wan to take the Ori- ent express, when a court cltnmtx•r- Inln reached thete in p+st'taato from tho Sultan b egging M. Conietanm to return to Thrnpin, and loruml.sing that vvrrything would tin ontimfav- tortly mettleal. M. Constans declined W return, derlaring that the time ruer pronnlstle wns„part. It was for the 'initial$ G, hdfil him undertakinam. Tho .French GovPrnownt will take two further steps in the matter, but will wltlt for tlw Sultan to move., unit it In IKK thought tile, Sultan will at IOW the present mltuallun to Joliet very long. Frailest Means Basluess. tbnoluntinopele, Aug. 'e. -The fol. lowing wan the position of affairs lmmrdiately preeeling the depar- ture, of the French Anlbamsador, M. Con.tnnm : . True Turklmh Government was mhow- itlg n dIN]x,xition to rpgnrl tate Fronch drnlntlda an mottled by the Irade relating to the quays monolith" Albanian ['anti selsures. The French Bmhammy, !n order to prevent a into - under tit wrote yesterday to Tr•wfik PaNhn, Minhter of E'or- 41gn .Affairs, that Fratre, ill addi- Lion, expected the me.ttiprnent of two other claims, Included In the de- mands made August It. Snot unt"ss they were concealed before noon lu- day M. Vonmtana would leave and llu- ,ilr Iley, the Turklmh Ambamsa,lor to France, went(] rrcelve Itln paxmports. The Porte. Instead of yielding, amk- ed for twenty -tour futures' delay and mndr alternative prreperdtonp, which were mat unnrepTitablr that M. Con. aslant, tilt tort reply to them. MOURN NO HANSOM, Yukon Miner Left to Die in . --_ a '-- Deep Shag. . _ ESCAPESANDREACici 0% WSON tieatte, WaXII-, Aug. ''7. -Edward 'Mortimer, a miner, ars years old. In tho erntre of a mtory emnnnting frnne lhtwmstn,, whe-re he in Said to hnve, Men kidnrappel and lowered Imre n dPe'p ghnft on Tfllelle t'reek, 17 miler from-Latirsua. His captor___,_._, 11rmrenatM $11,0011 An the price IL( re- "`omP, hat on being told that he ",I Hao tneorwy, wt hien M rmorW.'I --- - itler twelve 11f"irN' effort ties old ""I" NIICreMled in Climbing to the worfnas, ref tier ahnft amt Mter.wawr ,ering eight miles, familial n ranoc\ which br(wtKht him to Utawoon, where ho "ought police protection. !lhoking the I'lum 'force. IVnmlahsgton, Aug. 27. -Tho Presl- (1plit to -.Illy mndr the following Ap- lwnrttmrntn: William lit Hunt, New \sten, (klamul at Tamat+sveti Ma•la- gamenr; Julul ,ienkina, NPlt1•aaka, !•4mmnl-fie He•rnf nl Most Salva411,r, Sal- vndaor; Allen Is. Cameron, Marshal ter ' (he ratted State" Von-aular 0XII't at TlankeNl, Ch►na, While thn pilleft Are Inveatigating ties Pnoe of ,lamp" Walker. who a ctrr- oner'm Jury Ply wail munlerptl lad f(P111d dPnti 1n the barn of the Ctces. mercLul Ilut"l on ,larvi" street, To- r(entas,. they the not tater much stock In the, murder th4.Wy. 1►eteetive Me. draft in loss. nolling the matter. Attorney-Gpneral ('nnsph•11, nr Mnnilnlet, nrrlvold In attotitronl on film wily INlek trom Lon hm, where lir wao Im(Gnye1 In arguing the romp far the alnnit4tila prvhlhltiom Ilghoow net lip fore tilt Priv (•(caned. HP ezpr►swo) till, opint, flint tlwo art Woade] be maintaln:: Judgment will be ghee In Octotow.