HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-29, Page 6� - - to W fel in it Ing will her. cls LIN ritel I1 tui rfet sh Ilia ADVICE TO OLD MAIDS . tl. Give yair frontlemnn friends good tea, at is unnecessary. to go to as India for a Mw1-soon. cab Lead packets. All gTpeerr. fu r til — N���*+��NN���+b4i F F��+N� F+ rN r RAL�INE'SORT�JNES I It y "In the sleeve yul w,•:,1,, tx•fure , ntrL' WOyelh fire Or rix-perh'kpr not to H,taven do sat." b"a. Ii• tMresu't Ili@ hon.. you know , l 1 -oedy vointr to moo hu brother. Ito ft lie undertfw^I Icer. and. n•"'llog %•:w h -ro all last night playing r:trdm truth in 11"t eytr. he let her mti h111 vcilb hies uP W r:evwt u'c!o•k thus i,urk lie rntls(ipd. :Lied he wile right, for her lett-salt tit+ hs•at way W cure hint, answer was tlemu•rt.1 her Inv(' f11r e r I i,euke laAd W fell h'M ; but hu m:1hl we Jluwird W.te that of a mutter for A Its brother war +lull down h••rr, a4d Jc fallen brother. stns she had• no fear. brs•thtt hard of him that, tl1:,n;it IW •. that her heart stools r,er lo:. Nlirr ,krl'L cart fur curds, bt`andelf, IW dot to e1 by a doielwr p:ds+iun fur ally man. up lust tut liter hitu{ tip u bit. He'd a Tlw next uaorn•Ng, when: lint came ro.hl devot#a1 11vnoth•r, And Mamf•r tk'wn fu br•ukRst, in t{.Ile cat her• WirrY h:•1,•"-}•rking Iter Imad hs the ' weir Ns• war relieved to fin•1 her dirw0iiii or til • n,ou1-" 0"Al 1soL worth n bQ41and wad gone. Full tit like ex• rep b de,ol'"l-that'm Lay ordulo n' sit a citement which wrW now her-trnlr h:'N ncrt limn to bmt At nil; h:s just h • hal,pine.wr, blip, fluttered (rout nrni lrrn mityrhhtq a, thv refs." u rte. r.■nu, body with, preparations ror "Well. I -1 tkin't think I'll mea him tier own departure: nnJ wilt u, lairs ihir uorninq; I trout think It weld In tho day. she awl F:Ifxstticth and b • 1,t mu h than-", I Aurelio started. It needed ull tier :`1te wow utterrmytoll by a volc0 from melfax,ntrol to hill(• the fact th:kt the• hole" calling, "Mra flicks!" Y m)mething of more Interest than rid Govrnh9ae started atDlently, And• u ing bi mems watt ill(, reawrt cat her gabopuig fur briently stelvved the land- J mud anxiety to gu to lawn. la, ly a.+ t1r+ latter was abaft W en- ( Aar slea diel nut carr what Rudpirlol's tar t.lr rwsn. I rh,. might "none, i( only rhe rduld ',fell gel; I may emu well ate+ him," I gel her diffknllt bad daagersusf bled- mitr whimpered, hurriedly ; and, (ven- I nwrl (over beftro iter htimband sold Ing time tkorr, solve found herself In a lacar Of later mysteriots' pno•eedhmgN. rith.vr mall frcwot sitting -atom, dt- thew very next morujug she lilt the' vi,ird by hair -own, fuldlulg ,k,tre,frau i otel alone, anti, watching care• a similar orYm at the+ back. fully to b, cure that oho ws but Thr Air waselome ant heavy; the � fulowool. she walked a little waY window, obscured by tau' tangle of INlfure [lea gut foto a hana,m and hey heaoging uvvr It, let In Loot Bttl" 1 told the man to drive to .Waterloo Itgblt ; n small fire turning in the I Station, having consulted "Brad- gr#Aw Inereaemd Ilse Ol,premriet of blutw" the night tefare, and found the atnmrphere..In nn arm -chair ►mtrtk•ulars Of tile+ train to Uhlewlck. drawn up to turn hearth rug dot A I When he asked. "Maio 11110 Or Leel# nuts WiUh IIIc back to the wlodow ; I line, ma'am?" .hr began to feel npr• Isis hewtol tear streak upon hid breast, 1 voile• bemuse in her ignora nve, "he #Anti his eyes were ch*sed. He did not hod to tell him dile w•Into•1 to go hook up am (heral,ihne, after clawing to Chiswick; however, it' was nut the flute with trembling handos, crept I likely that tie wt„uhi he nble tomake n'arpr and nearer to ilii", until tlatlgerotlr use of thin, infer slrotching ouot Ixle hand• vile to,uch- watkoa, and there was no ed trtr of his, which tins hanging list - help fir it. She cauight a trait) k•stly over the Arm of hos chair. %tbach left Lotaxsw at fl,e minutrN "Jarn•e:'tmhe whirprrod• faintly. amort tweivt, not t..14 ,, ask tlrot til' P}Ism Ntuplil.11y Alnl sftared at Iter• Khe cat T wittuter p+am rfttionn /or Ifankal.k. l',ottabt'm. and betook uimlen her therm In front of him, 'vax tUrnrted to :k row tsf mmall house Au•I took tits n•rvchest hand In her facing Lh" river. 111 mummer time• m/rlt warn, quivering fl'ngera tot Uit•ni were let In hRhting14 t,• row- 'Aton't y(u• khNrw use. da.mer?" ing-,Don, city clerks, yeeng mfm•kbhek• 1140 sums qulvorod ,n Iwra. A glim cis, A,sl tlw like; bit Do»v itswlntpr. niter of light rume, LOW hill dull tyre, with dead creeper's hanging like huM anti bur@% Into full rrv,gnitiuu am ht• o•obwetter odds tie dirty wall$, they Ituirted forward in hie Outir and lomdtee,I (bump, d(werteed", tinct in" IMt him other hare! ulmst her mhoul- pretmittly dreary. Mr. 11111suhotld, whP ter. tiler roarutp ter lo,,nowt nrtn. mhowrd "c{oraldlne, Gernldinee!" he i•rird, tdAgntar taste in his choice of a re- doubtfully, inquiringly. "W it mnlly mhk•n e.e. y(u ?' (wraldine round No. it n,•enlel too "Why, yew; won't yews seP Utat It beer W hook drivtrier. nwrr ,]rmedAtP be?" little replied, in nn uomteluly y(oIrP. thonn ado melt. A green stain spread "Y+rw veen't sloe ur very well. verLtln- fmm tilt end of a bhoknen writrrpipr tv; bit dkn't you knew my vo1/w7 ocPr one aids• Of the dingy brick front havo yen fe)r•gott en your little tda- of time Immune•, and a great hlmh "f nn- for so utterly as that ? Fepl." tidy i,y M.ragglirl Aen*(R the other Hho remlood hlv hetet lovtttglT tot )ter whit. and 11unw cover use low•pr win- drew. him impatiently, Imprrioamly flow. Tho bell wire WA,v brl.ken. give towArl the window ; hilt lie mtaRRer- weirt tirrrigh the half+op,•n gate. e•J am he followed her.' Tthpre were Along right or tan feet (d barren two horde -hair eovernl chairs there, Imrde•n, up thee short flight of lit- and mile made Jilin sit (1)wn On one kevpt steres. And knoorked at the d•'Kvr• of than while vile opened Rhe window. After wafting WMDP minuted the IIP mhierpred ngttin, hilt she wan rP- kno,•kel again, and n dirty, mu0en- ni,irmeleav; lhp November fo•r creep- lo(v�ing wormn o{ten.ed Law dour. (;Pr• Ing up from the river, the c.,ki gray' Aldine wandemd wbvthf-r this WAN watery which wrrr visible from M Roam mosid, mrnoDo where elle. stmNt, could not, thn was i Live here2"- �,rr. -*y hills -sl' much harm -tot the ahe asked. with as amu•h nR"uranrP hut, heavy air of the rotem, which a e she wild muater. made her feel faint And giddy berom '•Which Mr. llamn)(Md do YOU slip lilt,] broath,sl it five ndnutes. want r, Then Air t"rnel agrLin toward him. (Jeraldine WIN tm•w!hlpretl: the v111� out tier hand on him shoulder, anti albility of '`•wing U) tarp A whnl family h ed IK)t Orcurrod t'o h •r, bill• looked into Ilia fare long and rnrn- wnr ;boat. Monet Injo,IL•lnuel)•, to Flock rvtl,v, whdLe h^ fidR•'t•ed Impatiently how many Mr. iinmmowis th"r, wpr(e, nndrr tile, elintuint.tkon, tieIeating, Ir- whm til, womtn e•,"1Ll1m••1 lmini- ritately: Uently, examinlnf, Mr At Ihoe mann•• "I'm fill right, behlee; 1 tell Yen limo from b^nd Lo lomat with vil.kent I'm all right I" Suspicion - "Yon lon•P brokpn your promise i(l " Mr. Hammond Is alt.•' me," said mile, reproachfully, without And ton-, was eel tb: pent (A chat- het"ling hit petulant' Protest. ting til-+ flows ht th'v very face of h er "Wfent prumlap, T What promise f" inquirer. wh ict Geraldine m cal, , quiet- ••Tito (rue stet rma1P f, me Irl the ly- gnrdpn At 1YnrbiglutM. I nm not •' I will rep tha outer - -_ he Otte prwrhing nt y(u now ; it, Id t,mw me ri- who b in." lues far that, Ila"" Yt a strnnge UNA ••, Mr. Harry 7" in your ryes which frightens one. 1 • 1'pe." ml id Gorai.11ne, promptiy M•Ibe,P-') Janwew, f Iml eve that yon " Mr. Harry in the oKv I WAnt" art killing Yrurtwelf." BAB rwmrmis•m(1 the name out the "NosuN,nme.' mall its•. with an at brick of th'• phoft(Craph• cheek, trying W smile 1,t lain, through " I tiott'L think JIWA Wolf enc,th•Ih to the 4vtiv that would rid•; but ahs ser Aflybo•fy," mild the w.orall• mluivered am itis fiugerm tonelied hl " is h e 111• th,n ?" neekrel OferuldlAr- face, ' •• Well, It's'tn lllntta with hint," sur • Iluw t,old yrnl are," mite whirrN•md swer+il Lit Wieman. with n winds and frightrent-A. "1'(u are tarot well: yo it grelur.e W Intimate thtt the• Uc11- nn+ really ill. Oh, what have you ,knit bay to tln,etion was to> re Ullo,4fi•'Ia)P- it, yrairs•H?' :•til" rase from Iwr k of ezcem. orwring Info Ilia fat+n Witte flenwi GeraWdne shrank bark ns the wee rwgnr es-r,tiny. Mwvn hp,r vdre chap man •tool ns'd) fa lett htr enter, rel, au•l John maid slowly. "What hen' "Oh. 3uu oeedn't be afrabf!•' amid they ,ion" fon yuul" Fur a mumpiclo rhe, l.nving perliaps grown A little tient her huwhand Imd bean 1,t wor eurfom# n• to the Lady'o' bugLnOas, "He In 1*nute myntprkw,w way W Lorin We't ravuig, car anything of that him ft, title# condition mhot thruuK sort. He's only atupld• and prrhxpn her mind ns Steve .hot"'I the mignm e akin In m • difflenit t r ee in Mm. 'll 1 to 9 A Y n suit h you Rem +tnR him uni•rrtlsnd. You needn't be "Nothinic." hl' Answered, mtnri11g u frights- ret ; 1 tohnn't tmv far off.' 1,t the cellinK, me h" shook itim 114-:1, -- tinrnbtf.arte line] no.knebt u( tleAt. Tlue rim If trying to iter filmaelf front til task b•foro her mneeme.l to be Any- clOnd Wil.irlr olill s"empel to stamen _- -._- thing hurt pl,•ntamnt oar Pally*,_ t� title freculllea: "Nob dy team done nn, _._ site Merril R') through with It now. ,hind, to sue. Deldee. I'm. all right It ourkienty oiccurred to her that it "Jet lip. then• Come to the IIKI might perhaps tat eusler to find out -1"t me sok at yon." what shn wantp.I f) know aoneern- lie got up at bar touch of eo -. Ing James from a roan half drum: -ba-a drlawn. than from otrr 1n tho full. Fend ek)1)0r still held his hand In hors• and no twswPnkxu (lf his sennest. ter, mile walk- to t at a laugh. "I tell yon the ed rple ohmtoly into Vile I)A•rngP• while IV nothing ilei senttw- I have it hen ilia woman knorkat at the first ("r ache, that's &II." or Ute right, And, rcelving nu nrif iIt oA u threw oft ills at, i war, ttrrnwt the handle and Vut her sstslsped flit Ste floor, amid made. beA.1 1n'4c the room. effort to ll hhtsself together ; t "Are iou there, Mr. Harry T Are he shiveredd again. "rule RtAggrrl you awAko?" the brief gone in, and Mi t Milt on UK• elwtdr from will tier void+ fe) RTv el saw II ■fen wee In he hhad skmn. As ton did ao. iW hart file act oA ahakinlr him. "HetP's n :vont ap gilk kly W fetes IMAs, nn.l IAdI wanton to a0e Ston-(po Y(u hear T gnvo a Low Pxejamatloa of pAln. A IMIY! "Fore got A wpllttlttg hsaalnclee, a A inM grwtp+p. h(vtvpd n d.r•p aAth, Lhaver tba truth." hl' rosmfPwoted, few anti muttered m rnathing alnlent In. ling lip a% beer heed trying b mrtlrtrlatelY. brightly. •'i've trot boon drinking. I c "Harp, get in ; Drimt Anel #At tier": ,ler-to thAt wheat yon norma r" d(sr"t r, to #Apple ngal.n. Herp Are ndd(m1, Ad thea teae(m of km's grave your 1*m.tw; I'll hPip Nest ern with Irnm•P Ore,rred to him. tht•m. imet me orw.a the window." ' Thpn sot btvp boon tnk Tlweve WaA a sni"I O( a window rv,rm, drntr,' anis Rhe, nothx(tnti+ testing rakevl; tletn Dort momsat Oell- "I nm mom M It." ailltaP he&rel a hp,nvy, whuffllnE I Well. drwl't tone are Angry. Yea : trPMt Aeetras til" fkmW,and the wLn,ltrw ist,(,n linking nworpMne-" WAN alnmm.1 lie"U ntly town ngnln, "Why. tltott's pwr!aIML Ipn't It T" with nn.01wr growl of til, me'l"'m Intorrnpfert. twwror-wtrok#el. vidrp. "it Im. If yon takp Pnough of • WF,1l, 1 net or ! 1 nrvrr knew ri,. h hilt I tont. it In Used In lull a (caw t.) Ir• (.frail Ot a brtvtth of ml',] to {stun oloep frrmb air. Thr+ IANrp iAn't fit tencmmn „1,,t yml sh)nhln't take It. Into. It'll atifllng-thit'■ what It IN"' hn41 hett"r 1, n.wq;t" all ndgfil L TA•• woman mtnstte"1, rptsrrntng to hn shorter y to nw f P mi t ligh W OPrAldino in the ln^wiKne. Bat It, Ir y ear worry tO okolfP ("! A lint" rapsg�oe of the lett, r hPO given way. j WIImin alit Litt other Mr. Have otwt mnell Of It, you might never wak J e he r' ph+ asked, with trwmbiing altrtln t" re lod nermoldlnP, In trent IM etvvnpnt: anti ,h- throat a hl' . - door I 01►, be won't be b oontalaing strong •melllt k salts c ___ _-_- _ ills none with vlolent suddennerr, -alt to seep, Wt to Wrture htlrrelf r n H oh rrcalluel to )dile her tyranny ul�aw Iw aowxuut of Jutuor. 11 NITO1A 1ANt tett chlkllKm„1, anttret hbu tough_ file twit moruulg also pru(wreif to and chukiug load shedding un- bt• ton tiswl 4, gv W We rWlo.t Ing tower. Thlr result dellgfeteJ helloed, asted at if -o u'clock rhe "tela r1IVPtle1 uuA of oat howl, 'tat!' INt '(0lee bf the Links In the Long Nuw you'll bt better I" rhe de_ Int" a ItalwaDlu Won caught u tart trala wlikh, leavltt� waterlou ut a.- 1 Canadian Chain of Direct rod, trluutphtintly; bad, im"it•hlnK y5, urrlvod sA 3AT at (2timwbk, emu• Evidence. s) r uppurtubity. rho appiloa fear ter- Mutt rlte reached Baiticride Cuttagee,l ttoc u remedy a/ptln. A few inhumes before four. Tht ut this ilia" he snatched and re- Ort tine prev4lsr# tiny rhe had been •ymtlifes to the Powers of the FIRM- fu ned it with an Interjection which a,rvoume auxome, uncertain car to taw , us DOdd's Kidner Pllls-(%cared of fir n•ktd tier, "dolt d her j,utrurry, duubtful &r tan gackaehb Like lhoerands Moreto v I only did It for good, you know," lho wir.lOm of her undertnkl[tg It, I spreads the (load Work AtaoulL Hb to e explahusl, gently, Lia rile took out sunt a►to IaJ ben to the alert from kerlesdee. N'L lwwket hnhdtorchief and affec- the vert Moment of s4krUng u uU1 Oak Lake, Man., Aug. 19. -Frank Cir ontely dried hid ears. Iwr arrival at tear dtrttiatatlOu, lar% boU"uux, of thlx ►,face, has turns) tt Yon. m) deur child; hilt I would doubt• spy delami4e have been ret to dug misakswrY• A cuu mt-ieutluus 001180 of ter wean be loft to dtlat on a mitt[- Iwr fa,otmeteps• But li)_ key tier ex- dudY itaes Impelled him to spreud u pe le exirtonco w br killed outright elteuwat war far tau itileewe fur bar oestaiu good work among Ilia tries do ,Lilt r toy Pied,' lie Objtected. to b., Able either W watch lir W bad uelghbor+. The work In question wa towever, Illy very words allowed Nation ; In the cab, In use train, oil 1s them work d Dodd',, Kidney Pills. cat he walk letter, :tied Geraldine font, tea her way W the rl�lJeer owe, Sumo tlwo ata Mr. Co110aux war turned t•) oho charge• slut war alrurhetl, tie the )tx� 10`0 orf I Gored of llackaohe. He had It fur Nuw you wort yruwise me a(fver evrrS other thought nn1 foelhot, by I ytura Tluough he oU.m't know It, felt Luke thiurphine oc euu)'tfeiag cat u frrerlarte lunging to tee Jawed ngalu, lhSkblaye were alteottd, and It was hid wt 1,t bort #toy wore." laid she, Jm- to measure lierms4f tion he was still kidneye that roused him such nilserY• W rluurly. scale• When she rvu•llet Iktllkslde Cot- I But he found rrUef. He did more, h0 lit inflow an.1 dtuppe+l witihtier haunt up- p(%utvt a Lire cure. He reel that I cali't linoui'mt1 ; m) lh tt w ttL r oil tdhe nus Of N/a b, a lett spirit atf IkaW'r IC Ifakey 11114 cure Backache, So wt b+ nurwrrt"1, ,luRgtxlly. lkwt't eenut� n, uwre lusliuctito tll+tn I thety ,3O; they've cured thousands of a ext ret! that I lhurt know wlutt I Voluntary. made Iwr glance bt('ti esthetes ut It, elmpLy because they act 1,,,, I ut, better thvt You. WAdica? I tks"t tie k,+ It uutr,ctrrrurlly til• wltbtut all- along oho rani by wtstch eIl" had I os the Kldthus with rune ausedld rem. It i+ a .Mesar who prescriber it cowu; ant, eta row Jid r� her ileus r[hrt +caul tbwm KPt at LIln cause of w fell ti,w" awl a great treniblthll( I that fearful dlmaWoment. ll. r ear." 1:m twrablino romembourtJ tilit the lunch ita•Ired hue fruw feted to tall, fur, Itu� armoogUbl)lrlindr at, felt • he c dv h'ul rlltuken oK til') do,'ttr-•poker, Just ousting In right round the ''car cent, 1f he meets a woo sutterint with ui 1111, „m ,Bother Mr. JiL►wmoiit, A ser of the road which IrJ ( u ll� Bactuche hr t.•Ild him right stralKht all caw• of the ok)stery wla'rh rurruulul•d stations, dhe ciw u short •I kt fi whoa y fly the molter with him 1 kneem au,] h'r rLraivge ,ucmh of IUs ore• uwre terrible to ler than llwt tem "fele utmme 1►.rr htgnlu, uuJ bar Impar of fear" ilii b1, fro twulJ Inrr Iw.ru. liti`th4r wa ho s'tl a m0"Ail ill 1 e�lll) w. us utuuner oh'uuynml. y1ctlm of Kidney rt ":tiro you M. than'. Sitwell?" site Lia:Ibls, to rmO%oo; titan gla µiagl`•it Dlamme who mlight never have urAlrr art.A. allxbomfoly, ft , 1 h IIe saws• til ; Iwo i nm better. tilt 1uoawe �tidt(l m)eel b�tfuro itbn fld hue A'eur(+ es@calx (eum'hls atfUrltlae 1' tow-, dear," 'h• reldltal,•dnoking her tit 1 n IM b rut nand h'm lseck and looking spat ten"d"ed It. Its aha'i remeatednlye• plooaure," main Mr. Culleaux. to re- a, r afVlvt`OnAtPly- ,, Now 1 11 uau all This tuaowuvru 1 t bout vturrelt.' furca halt a dose" house*; and at oommeend I"It's KldnPy 11116 W all Nu, Liu, tat: there b notlilrig to ltd aivlh silt cams tit which vvnr my neighs," alts Irlesttpr I cats tPs- R bell. I Intent W hear about You. Wht+l No. 10, des olmmed the gate null tUy to their excellent curative pro- as walked boldly up to the door. Having parties f•f• Backache, because two ♦ere %oil tatrfl il'l? Iluw lung h'1,(' o 411 1x4.81 III ? Ll her-' kimicko•il son badly uud hopes'ttlrely taxer cured me." t " One cat a titer, Meads• I h cal a full atm she could. being anxious to get early two miNtth+ wheu 1 hod the interview with the portion who , coadon"tloas. be art ceases back t!t lapKland frow- ,.►autd open the tier over before Belfast b the richest and most w roll sinus. I rtun't quite know how her hur#baud rh.uld come up Irt •A populous city io Ireland. c t h'kpp••11ed, I lied bee" dining lie fl.w' nmotoentr qhs heard a dhuffiing ,Ito W� of medlcloe in Prussia le own with a friend, and I ft•If do,vo r,x)tatrp In tie puwage, And nil odd rt,�u1ated by the BeontP. h • dtairo at, w•r cam's tut-" nian in Nipperw and w.thuut Ilia Or seven Presidents of France only o ••-t.hi' Interrupted (leruldiiu•, short- vont opinotl the door slowly stud one has served a full term. basked round it to answer her. There were 150.000 children at y"No, I wrifn't screwed ; that im the ••lieu Mrse. Thompson live hem ?" adiool In India fiefs) ears ago. There ustonfrhlug part of It. I had drunk ticket Ueraldiva In terror, lest she aro 4,000,000 flow• try little; Yet :y I came Out, 1 felt dlouldibe, atbrwere•1 in the affirms- There are 11,700 Motel• In Paris• 41eldy unit drown}•, and, ton I tell yuu, Live. It was, the fist name that In which there ave on ao average Ot r fell down the star". You don't tm- carne into her head. anti she daml P.40,000 guest•. irvp nor? Writ. It doern't mitt.er; slot hesitate In order to find :tb^t- Scotland, with larger population sty I,w'as scrietved. it you like, At ally ter One. nifty Ulan Ireland, has thirty Parllame t- rtte, In my fail I sprained my ankle, ••yo,'• ewlkl tfe,e then, gr tary representative• fewer. I .ad -let de one. lilt me deo-I w+t0 •••Tlu re'm a turd• Tomp�" Ilvee •nue pPr tapir" cat wealth fa the t ut Into a cab ina0ndible. 1 think I-- roon.t tile• Corner, next door but tate Fultei Rtatee wan $303 In 1850, $780 must have- teen tnseudible when I t,. tin• 'Blimp LM,n.' •' th 1870 and b now $1,200. tell, for I felt nothing 1,t till' tiw"' •Olt, thank 3(NI "' tatlth Geraldine, Therp ere 8,894 ylvenllm temper- Itutr I must havo hurt myself werio'"- rl•th•atierg JroFt"tty. anrco socletips In the British Islands y, for B!nce then I havo• horn subject Tlt,• ntnn eaeemei,l to think hpr ey- frith a meembexrltlp or 8,58 coo. 0 from tiun:e to time to the most vluLent traV8gAat BUflrfactttm musplelous, at is a peculiar fact that the Em- Iedns. I hall an awful attack lust (•bepe•utlfr AN silt• wnike•1 On, Instead peror Of China and the Viceroy of ( nlght-the worst I have #ever had.' If „f returning toavnnl Ude otatoor In India, taken together, govern more I had born "lone, 1 really uilnk I the ,Itreetloa hp fend indicated -toy Utan halt the populnNon Of the world. e should aavP died. Gorod .Beavon t I 'fu• ,lid 1,d witch to face her humband The strikes that have occurred In 1 ain't Itrear to -think Of it:' ht+rl Set ; xhr propwed W lend film on the (!sited Rtates last year cost the Hie jhit,lderMl, and drew her hand .1 w•tl.l-gots+• +,!IOW t c take him oft country It is said• between four mere, cb,aPty round hiet'nPek. lib• tw•t-at, ,,net in timmintlme to pre- hundred million and five hundred mil - ••you oilght ttt bvvp ha,t a doctor Mtre a awry whil h ehurmld allay hot lion dollars. when you fell,^ slid (;egaldlne, %'home Nuwplclons. linloctlly,'�hawever, Cap- An odd consignment from Italy, 1'.Pp ens rlalnent wlth.sympntlay and tufa Mnerb on's Petanyr as an amatea! which reached an Indian town the alarm. a,teetive, with whlchshe had tarot- other day, conslrted of one her -a • PD I heed. it Wit* n (14 Lur i fend et him, hall made fele sight keen and large queen insect, which Is to form Mean .Rnin2 with. HK carni t think how Itis judgment c(xol. Aa, under pre- the nucleus of an aptary. It hnlwprncd himwelf : tor. seeing that tell,w Of examining thn extpror of •nip VPridathm, or wild hunterm of I couldn't walk ustendily, be had ,aa#thier h„use, mhe let her eyes take Ity ion, mingle the pounded fibros given me Ilia orm.” + , In the 'taut aJ'ulg which rime had kraft and dtcayed wood with the "Why, he must have let Yon Ro �, c orae she saw her huwbnarbi entpring,l honey on which they feed when meat crinl f:Wildinp, imlIeturrosly. ¢nte, ani, IooikLnR runs, new wholly IA not to be obtained. Ap didn't mean to: I'll nnswpr for mtartkvt, she found that K wan that — it. Iia is my best friend -m)• 01113- of No. 5. Mlnard's Liniment Cares Garget la frion l " Sole flew back aLnrK the res gh, {•eve- costa "Id that Lite man who calls himself men': oelllag to idea without core - your brother?" she laterrepted, 11NAy at, amm as Wo arae npnr Tips for All. gnirkly Pnamgh, npparrntly in Rrt+att aur- Iilel milk tm awkward, tut wipp- Jnttuw, who m-p4l mi to b- geld his ries Hp reteoiried not W hear tier Amway at alae++ her.--ruLeal ills F P ung "tout tt Im fully. hvhd and mtatwtl 1,t her. until }bp, writ at the fees of isle Rtepe, IN+bts anti dlamnnJa nntagooize Yui. How i1h1 yOu krises?' w1wo.onable any longer to pipet deaf- ,the one owed and chore other+ who Horde, hp tmrnal lmpatlently, and, vitt '• From the Inn. to- by le he i" know. dltlon is not "high brad- wlu• doll rein Ort VuwanT him, welt- " I tell Stu -h Is -my tmaht friend a1 hack to the gate anti welted fur a�g� -n f0end w•bev le-tirvoted to me. 1 her. Mae expromt m of tells /kirk face i Rosati 'tr'uth I an uvlrtu sal Are ovh. b'nt everything-P'verything." Y. Wit h-inel feel from fliers, and his head #APValksl tier ; but slop lead not Pxpetst- only agreeable In the sign IBn- ^iliepo.I druw1ily Oe1 Lo) hor ahouldie. elI pleawaot looks, and rhe did not guage; that 18 to say, act, don't Irt ItW frowns check the NOTtIp- ".Inn,rd, itkni Don't go to rle•P talk tlrPtu. again, •tatnrnt: :Yak, UP! I nm going wlint depnemsrHo amble with which rhe Mumir boolhea but "perartice" with nonny." greeted hLsa opevn windows matees pPuple savage, "VO41 loom. Philip! I can scarcely " Going away • b'• cried, loudly, IL'N all right for a girl to IOve twllere my Pyre. Whnt aor yon t1u st:artiug uP h•. felt •Irmlr and st•izing htr dug, but it's ell wrong for Pr her fr+te h•tud. "Nu, 1,r: You must Ina In thin part of thPi world?" t(o Pzpect othOra to do the same. not go,rtwiy! I h'evo thou;ht of you "f have come haw W make fi bust- Mtttllpm aro the mourn kiadeA; nod lend dr it uld of You e0 Offen, Day newt call;' saki he• quietly. "Anti ,tills is not td, Yuggent that giggling after dny anti udght nff•r slight I have You?[' im ttoly. @oven yowl @trtewding bahfe me, as plainly I ramp down too ere a polar rpla- sten loath gulch and love tactful lee I a,+1, you ,,row, Yon qt:d yet would tion orf mien+; hof( i can not flml beer," apprea anion. ctdsu• f) 1,e•• yea knoll -you RAId Yom '9ruic"i ! 1 did not knew that you Wipe wet¢e- wear thplr bouts on. av(u'd come -You Bald you would- knt-w (of 'Wily poor relation•." die their budie", nut urmio their oumpl" "i [•All tic relatiotur of the Otw&Y" Wpevees, '• Ani i kopt my word, you lisee," rhe mine.•' 1 The PMRi"wt. IR dyad -long Inve rrjntNal, ralodw his hand, and speak- "no Yew caow down Morn to are a the optlrulstit Ing rive+ W him ,+rtr to klrnp fila falling femalp, poor relation of the Otways? A microscope• for our own Wpm- attentis,. "Do y,u want m� W cone Well. g(o ton with your s+areh, my later- will troch 110 to mtninimp agn!n, .lames ? aSh ill i c(m^ again ?" olear ; anti thm, t think, when Yom theme+ of our nrightm,r". Ikrn't get I" les whWpereld back, have fotmt tax', or satilaied yourself To buadt In to put n pinrard on clinging to her hands. that bile no Ionil r liven hero, yon one -'m @PIt. As, fo wit, "Nob ,dy..' "Butt I must go, Jnmes. You know I had better flail y(ur way back to the Each supPrlativre limed After A KoOd have it husband now." siatku-" description wPAkPne both bfx)k and For m moment he looked panted, "I have wlettinflAol myNelf that Rho spteech. ' then lie murmured- dorms m't+ live hex•e ; i have forked Pvpry- . If yon �t Mine English Supersjtitions ld suprratltiolu live fur gerirra- uke tsrytclal�, lie Kaxun counlrloon 'y In %urlNd form bacon" the IrY talar of oWldho d Rinses as ",ally grow In poi y• aro Indy remewber, id A vlllaga cbmsr lltra wLntj., tel tion road to Le^. en I svam 111 a few years ago at voll,r nll ukl flrl.eruuan, who war frlald of Intoe, Lad n worluus 10 vlew• Witt, caw with the subject od r rrtuuling me to dbaular wY ductur 1 soul for flee Wlslto Witch, who s a uta". I never cuu►d be quite la9IIF NO 35 1901, Docfor es bad people agree that Scutt's Itustll• on of nod -liver oil is the lest thing tp take for "don't feel well and dooit know why," especially hahies —they like it—mea and vc„Inrn don't mind it, but babics uctuuily "joy it. a... ee. ran "a.- ... u. ” Herr . e*ww[ .". roller'0. f*[. a. 117tH; atl��rrmotors were t"t he did not believe In hlw- -_ -__--_ __ ' t Bidl'ford rroamtlY Serail nay- BIRDS DRESS THEIR WOUNIK tion widow, of Silve rstreet` WWdefurd, -- w ,yhargod etending Some of them Possess Great Know. N' 111 1,b } low- teU lite fur tuner u( 1 6 testa cat Surgery. and his fatimr, of Made. llfra- Tliere is not a few birds, says thv txxnbo. On Feb. 9U, Yucukg Howitt Toledo Blade, thut Pursers cat know• mt to Bleloford to we Mrs. Sayers lea w of lhn prlttWPlty of rurgrry that hOut Ids fathev, who wen+ IU, and, '-Igo: far from rupeonalnrar The fevtrrtt, !11 wlrfeod. Ka}'err egrets w•o Odeock, ilia partridge 'tied rume at that was sat, and ileal lin. bill' „tiler birds are able to dread their caw nel,eu ovorlookal• Sl.o wuuld curt, wuunde with considerable aldll. A Oak troth far f>1 3d. Ha paid her i l Fronch naturalbt says that oil dev. r., and sl.r pl✓ullsed to visit Ilfra eral oaicaslunv tie has kilted wuudcock ooibe un tile, A..uday following, Aifld that were when shot• Convalescing at (odc) Hewitt must meet her. He fruw wuutids presvionsly receh.•d. fn d *A and un the way home be told every lu^tatice Ile fend the old In. o vie •nc.l hrrl A pig and rume P0111- jury meetly dressed with down pluck- y, and another pig tie had War not el from the stem of feathers :old Orth anything Kfele want to the pig- skillfully arranged Over tilt, ,guest, y, aid alo Liar fowls' littusC and evldenty by the long b.itk , I It,e >rll,k;.,d writ. pmrwdor there to cure bird. In some Instanced a a.•h,i place tem, and Hawltt paid her a guluea. warn thus formed. and lie „a l,. r ug" - Lon 2'ayers gave t,1m some little t"rem lied been itpplled to r,-,uu,h-el ager, telling t.lm the whorl" family car broken limbs. urt wear t,i•1u around their nooks. One day he killed a bird that .•tf- utng tack as Mtn father's hours rhe tlently load been eoterel} ", an.b"d ave I.Iw a little bowl. and mW thO) at some recent period. Tis.- w„uud art tl•;1 Liu cut• fur a month. Hite wait ouvered and protected by a wqt 'atilt llt•,vitl, the father, lead bora of network of feathers, will,,!, half ,.•rltm,kptl by Lld Mahler Stitt nils- bees, plunked by the bird front its „wa tion Mr nod Mrs. Klee. They had bdy and emu arranged an to rorni e sen vary kind to Ism. Tb@ woman plaster completely Covering .Gel 1, aN W11.f IL'. b) Mrs. Hewitt. In feeling the wounded surfave. It heal remarexamination Lire witness ad- evidently acted at, hemostallr to the milted tt,at the Hewllte did better. ftrmt place and sttbeeklueutly ns a Tlw, defence Was that Bays” lad shield covering the wound. 'fire rea_ nly door wtstt she was looked to do, there were fairly netted tog, there bred float alt" did not mention elthor passin alternately under (in -t nim,te I ilr. ar Mrs. file. 4he was fined t,3 raoh, other and.furming a t, -mil,• lie. and t,1 180. costs. brio of great prolective- potw--r i Birds are often found whu4e nlittbe Mtnard's Llnimeot Cures DlphtAe- le a e been brok n b 7 fount itis the V' gated. 1d. Dumuutrll tells of n wnlNt- Is This You T oak that had been shut by a rp.erte- A celebratred clergyman once start ,,tau un the afternoon of a cerWo vol the young ladled u( his flack With day. After A long search t!1,• bird he following advice: "The buxom, Was given up, but It was dlis•„vreid bright-eyed, rosy -checked bouncing the Isext morning by an scibl.•ut 10 later, who can darn a ota•Irtog, make t.h#1 meantime the wounded beg, were her own frocks, ceimmand a rrgiment found to h” neatly ligated. till ri- ot puts and kottler, fred the pigs, quliltPly neat bandage having berm hop wood, milk cows, wre ctlP with placed around each limb. Tlo• p stir the boy• and b* a lady withal In bird, however, had, In dreesrlog Its •umpany, Is just the sort of girl fur wound, entangled Its bent with . me, and for any worthy man, to niton, long, soft feathers, atilt hotel 1t narry. But you are pining, moping. tot teen dLrmv'ered. It would bate , lling, ^creswrd-up, w•nap-wal4ted died of stariatlun. nortgagre, mnemic-mundertn novel -ole- - %onring daughters Df los�I and Idletie"r ; you are net more fit fur matrimony than a pullet U to look Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that anter a family of fourteen chickens. . The truth 1s, doer girls, you :rant . Contain Mercury _.__.._ more liberty and Inds fashionable rp- Ai mercury will surely dsletror tie ascot mtrntnt, P kltrhen and Mss par 1,J t}I an*11 wed cdnldetal l derwly{e tkm wwo�ools eystea lor, morn exer•lep and leas sofa, more when enterin@ It through tae aaundutsurtwasa pudding and IPau_ 1 no more frank SuobartfeteesaarWes++w�+- praw�nptiom fruw re Mahle phydella,. 4. the An jPO mock modesty, more datuw@e they wilt do u Len field to the d•4,d Fed breakfant and Icer bustle• Loose oar possibly derive home there. "I't, atarrh yourself a little, enjoy snore IlbPrty ('urs, sasnufaotursd by V.1, Cheney a i s. and Load restraint by fashion, hreathe Told Yy.,,u `ia reeotlyaupolyini,dhi-tea t d the perp atIDOmphPre Af (reedDm ant iuueonm surfaces of the system. la huy,nd Halts become something as lovely and Catarrh C'um he sura You trot the denuteir ilia beautiful an nature designed." faksm lateroalfy and suds Lie Toledo. Ohio, by P. J. Camp t Cu, TesumomW. fret -- Solllogeles Is the abode. llWi b drugsh•bti Prfce 760 p:r bot" When a man flatters himself that fen k11uwm a woman, he -flatters h1m- eolf A■ Unfortusats reduction. T•he most effective argument a Sergenrut. Kelly, of the ire -h bar, charming woman care Ioeeo to a moo In the Party yeearls of the reliwo-entb in an appealing "Don't you think eo?" century, naval to Indulge- In n pnc- When a girl sacs emphatically that turpsque, Ploluences, racy of tine cult rho woo't It Is morally certain that but unfortunately hP would Meme• she Witt ; when she says shp will, will Limps f(wgvrt the line of arcutul of bhp T and would always fall back ..ill the The greatest lank or logic to ills- word "lhprefores." which Krnrrnlly played by the man who reason• log- lod his mind back to what he Lad ically, with a woman. Intended paying. HomP(ImPm, I.nw- The girl who ju�oom ataan from the ever. the effect w:ton nimnxt d"k"- curl of him Moustache dope not tip- trona One Union hr had been rom- aprve. ncch oymP&thy when Rho to pllmrnting tho jury, amenrinR them dbllludonod. i that they were men of ,•xtrnnr,tle- The gaudy tinsel of admiration In ,try intelligence, and thrre brnnrh- a Purer halt fur woman tkan the ,,rl off Into a statPmp,nt rt hlecasa gold of IIAvOnt love. will, n wave of him hau.d an,] a Man lover to be praised for tit• Irt „ratio (lt, him f&rr. hp pernereded# tuition• woman for her logic. Aon a ••Thio fn so rfpttr A cape, Rrntleawu. rule• neither patsPsePo elthor. that r nm r(mirtneed you felt It A It b always a mattpr of surprise tit„ very tullsnrnt I rrta►tP4 It. 1 that others should take their wor- mbould pay Men of Intelllgrnrp a rine so Mitch to heart ; Mon that prKor compliment to dwell ten it for they nako Re light Of outs.-Rulart A minutoe, thnireforei 1 shall terc"A Set. to Pxplaln ft to yen nes minutply as possible." -,The Green Bat. ' Oh, tat -pee, yen -of courese. I rP- wJige; wo i Linn go ba/ now, m u awes, R. n. I.- m tiler srwc NIt ng apMAk )Pl Ply. i've Pain Oplsloms of woman. Member C' But bpr wur,us evidently are ready... re•alled nu menace to Ilia mind. "i have tall you i have 'Wn np Remrmh•r, woman u moRt perfset ' Ali -ill i corn- to -morrow unit make pointnD•nt. Geo hsu•k tO the RtAtien Wbsal Moot Wonutnly.-4llaboto"e- h the acquntntn,,ee of your brother, ns land wait for trM; I strati 'Kit lm long,' AU I am or con be i Owe to My nrRP! mother.-%braham Lincoln. yon Call hlm?" "YM, do. Come and thank him for tlwW TIKe light diel ball, of her PyPR nm blt"t the Rteady. rpmormeip,s fire Earth haw nothing more tender till be line done for ter. What time. ,At film. Before he knew what she WAR tb&n a pinata w,eman'R heart. -Luther. , will yon come? ('owe in the liftProluu going to tlo, s11O IINI poillIM opdwi Lovely woman, tlat (•&used our evrry earn bigulle.- --will you? -sad i will get him to be the gnte and N ppPd in b(•midei Jilin. (•arta, can iwrR to neat you?" "Very well. I will he hpre nbOut "Whom Ir your appointment will,. Pllillpt" mile asked. In a vPrY low Beresford. gUPstm let Bre tont would have fine y four to -morrow. Will that do?" Yoke. F him have A flue wife. -Ben JohnNon. ••Yes• i oll't op late. I shall live In n "It IR with a gpntleman-Nn bum- A woiman'm atrnngthe to tonmt potent Wilton robed In gebtlpnpsa.—I.amnr- n iters till the ti Me comm And I con news, ay' I hnve Informe-ol yon. Now tlne. k err- you again. Your face IR nlwAYn g haunting mem, end, now i fenvP once 1el lO IP wlAllon, emu i fear" told ytrt, t )tdn you In a fees min- 011 and water -women and a eorrPt h rrcally BPPn yon And telt the Lonrho( and will --e&r+1N^RUpprtgww,ib(t+.-phlwter,W- t( ,your h.twb, I shelf not be able to rest lit,," car will not fort till yon hnv" t(lId ton. P d red 1,t 1,k t tlho* IPn Worm esti n- n o a r II tom e-- oil L i n t von. 2 en tel Y wi IO i h (• 9 R (all11 W t of nest r i e I t v( ,r h n w in - O - O w thrlr moo(kn. H w tD thtem t knD p won't furgrt ?" •ForRAt?" Tile terve wPre In her wltOm It les." tile. 1• In his fere. „ � ,, r."Y, Moo Lacre Rrnw livid ; hilt he rem- mninnl Kerf(c,tly quiet sur hr put n I Evpn in the elarkest hour• of rarthly UI wQ'nAn'm fund affectloo lows. - R You will khe tits, ..Ohioi u ." w glow IMlmrMn InM"N•wae+ woul,l-not strung fees) d err arm, and at- Sand, hnve hpeltnted to eh, RO ; Lint th(lmr teemptwt to hats fete tilt {Coto. Dlsgorch our 1,a ear will, i Ilrt WITd __ht of him had lr teue(1 , she "1'hllbp;' saki elle, "halting tmm man.larn 'ills w(xMn, women, seine Lia eLlll.- cat hrv. moved her (lilt of htr bond to loot, but with A will nRfirm Moore. "Klsm me!" he reponted. a@ his own shining In her Pypm, "1 Raptnrwd man quit* rarh delving files NtolOrr#rd Anti put her Ilion tot will n.)t Icavn thin piao.v without Rages life, woman, for Amy Iovrlirr feta chrrk burrle/1y. with & bright y,tui. I Am not Ntrong Pnough to page. -Poore. w binmh burning lit Mer race• prevent your putting me outside the 11>Hd the WPIC• r" "(:O(rl•byp!" ehn w)dwpered l And, 'I without daring M WALL anothor ren• gates, If you Chosne to unq )our mum - error furen agninmt mo; but, if you .toil In a little western town the other mPnt• mho tied out of the ro(m And attempt to enter thles bovine without day the most popular eltisen Roundly Out of ill" houses• mP, i will N•omatn, nn,] shriek, need whipped n tough character, and to nn "Opraldine!" he called, hilt whP did bring the whelp neighborhood Abut vindlcatP the mfi)PRty "f tilt law the niot Lunn or a(w4mr, your Par" I That man standing ill offender was brought rip for trani. And all uko onlay to the station. thr Fl or In him shirt mleeves will be Tits Jury was rlelt nbont two minntem. rh dr nil the wvy In the train, through „1,e of the first to co nem. i think, 1f "WPII," said the Ja1dgP, "what Anal he• lit'A" mtuttd-the thaol of Oho whoolw )vu w ish to commit murder, yon the Jnr,r to Ray P' Mlsy It pl*aeP till• Dod,w•m of Lockdon-plht hAJ ring- would nut choose to have It accom- the rtnrt," rpwponded the foreman, nd Inn still In Mvr a►rw the .cry -"(der- printed by quite so many vulgar de- "we, the jury, find that the prisoner h nldlne. (lorAPII"S!" tall,# no such n scene would pntall." in not guilty of hlttln' with Intent C11.%PTER XXVII. !Rha hall felt, 1,w he seized her Firm. to kill. hilt simply to Paralysp; find Am Grraldlsn returnpd from fear „v- something hard in the Inside porkpt he dose 1t." ` hr citing visit to Chimwtrk. And tried Of him uv(rennt, And At oyvt gnd+"mpd Teo flood by Far. pl to "urn: to manse clear r(wchufon Lipa ilia etrangre manner In whL•h thnt It wns n m%olver. Ilathpr than Let him enter title h lope where .lamps "Why (11.1 yen spend for mp, Mrs. Ink mite had diteravvred Jn'n,•R Otwilyi wnm with that Ib film irwnnmmewI. slip YOtmgwifa?" n�e1 Dr. Itedllght. and tile• mnapMkun rlr•nmatnrMps by would, At uilne m "wilt of flpr:' Pt "Th(em Im Ahmnhltply nothing wrOag which hie wap NurrrmwnrMai, her fears ritrn"t, have wh.t her hnslKtled 110041 with this baby." for tum, Rr,swing mtronger nvpry [no hrrmrlf with It. Captain Meorrimon team "'Oh, I'm u) Klmid. doctor." mpnt, At list over:Attle floor twit Dolt 11kPlY W misrml the" Pcprramlm "nut what made thrm think there "he rantrol leo entirely that, Upon 1,r riving at til• M)tel w'h m still Anti ,t n spirit, rn likes hie Own. One flnah Of fury from fele rypa, one Rlenm of M* 11rpm"? "Why, doctor, ha hasn't crlpd a Il ; MLs i;lienlN•th Wrere mtnying, she white teeth Few hla lips parted with Mt oh the morning.^ wnm gnitp Unpre.pnred with any a ehnrpw films, and torn hp met her maM Mattla exelv*a (fr hPr last aellopol with Mt PAmy (vxwlnams which it 1s wiser to "nit on P's Darn lna- Yon abortive, Find ran lip to ser 41lonrror.1 and frtirb1~d beer. gnAg* rnrr#ctly than a.voral Otherm hon rem which owly the ttrl"ftmt amt "very well v(u mow% have, yrmr badly. as •o many smart persons do. fey, imAcrtlPmt atte,mlrt tit an explanation. own way. i amprootore i hope yon too Ftrlady M l nm Ales+ tlIscr on the rl- will havo til" Jostlry oto tolm mP �o�ODo�� r ,p dirt Iwdy did not prnwt Iver nn lhP Ant► hlnmrlrRw 1,A fn the mnspgnewirem. it Iw Fn ,�� Pr- yet, meet 11111 not WPAW Ant At dla- nlwa,y@ a pity Whim 1^110& will Inter r ttlot ever by eommentw On hrr evi tisht de- far" In mlstters of buaMmsa" . love prewloo. Mrs• Morrisrm retired early (Te be (betinama.) , Yl'. tela�al1♦w'a 4"Z #t� D o seed br aAtld on feet t^s• if'�"',t an TIOTN POWDER 25 � ahmsya•tatth ai/t.aim ,k , � 7,,�r: = -Mfr Hlaago" a . r flEFU6EE5 flET�f TO PflETO Kitchener Reports More Killed, Captured, Etc KRUCER'S NEPHEW CAU til,,,, Paul Deviousness Kite' Proclamation And Saye th %Vill GO or-Toomaery sea Cuumul Stowe Says Th( (:rest F 'dere for South AI J:dtanuorbmrg, Aug. 2U.-Uw -1ho l terearing railway facHtl Kitchener had grunted 3OU for the return of refugee+. Th wits will bee iwual t(o chore a In ,b, greatest distress. Il I -.-that the !#erk,a Of Wtli'4lrm loyalists W oatriug au out, Ibdno of permltr will help n the loerearlflt terrible dirt. _.___IkL-Wnstal A local etnnmit heen formed to help the dr The Imperial (loverameut, - ----we rating ilea h KW of thow . lwuud" monthly to help ill refugees, has only devoted Itftugetter through the IMPcrl fuu,l for helping dedtltute I seven mines arc now wurl eluding lila Bonuutu, file wit m4ak)n Ila@ been given. Tile, lire running 865 rtut"Pr- Ell Bred rt imps requires u hundr nod 1.55 native workmen us Intel working furs Including strut work. Tho wren un of drool btamp• require las tru Of suppliew a month, lucludl� .tuffs. Other mines arc: being ant. 8`.dingd nrp bring built r.eilway to the mine^. L%er 1.-ing done to facilitate thu 11,.11 of work. The flow 3O- ,rucko; are arriving. %u dif autiefrtated in obtaining u , h.umber of natives; fur tied Inst neveleratud abruwplio ll Tho greatoml oreesdity it .tock. Mil■ at Predunt I iu.ufflclent (u all till• raiht u1:1uy of the lrUVkt now in .d 'obiuk•te tyla•r. It Id r tlmt "Pe,eral tliewmsisd ruuJr need heavy engines be ubtai tut delny: _IL ItUtlltN's 1LKrMKW C'. Nltrhevier Seeds Asolher L Captured, Killed, KL Lord Kltelwner suyd: "'tUnoe Augu"t Wth 32 It Irern killed, 1.39 have been +•ouere. and 18:, have sur OA•ludlnt Kruger, a nrphe� v-Prcoldent. '•Tho celurnna arc meet Liu appreciable uplo,vition culuny. Tim. rebeh and urn Are hlding need woi•Ilug Liu %Ill mown allevelem, Heuer,. ulou o hitting been iu coal tlm,'" cabman,]o of 'lchePp be be driving north." ._ VF:O)IANiCV BF:sT lie They Were Unable Either 1 shoot. KoUtbatnptuu, .lug. .!H.-) tier. hnittd Matte C' tlofu •fowls, who recently remigp .ttlun, arrival h:'r•• today mgrs on a Briti lk br(mopsll p.v+N tot, lutvp to Wail serve Iterore he will I"e 'till,' 1 lumRAgo on a mtenm:•r for Sevrrmel oA the revently r manry ares inetud d amonl dwra aboard til• troup@h wire rejected after react AfrWu., being un#Ab4. W birot. WAIF 511US1' GO O Itruxer Illtteriy Draouni ener's Procleemaile Imn,lon, Aug- :7.-A . r•.Immdleflt of the To•lt•gr:+ ;,:, tntprvlrw with %Jr. II.I,.•r Na,m. Jnr @nye hr• fol 1'rwt.tent hraltIller thin tint+ miner him Arrival in Il4tprled with kt,,-nrr in nr{rured With full. r I,t. ry r•r. film general h,11llth n bight hnve bree•n full)• r••• intprvlrwer amkP'l I'll" If obj•%.titwlN to (*.•"mill pok•latuaton, bamp.t on Ir inw. Mr. Kruger replied 1. r"entry- reenognlsPd the' R lig,•rentn. Now tllp p nAym they will be "h L "ntm, whprP possible, nn.' inte•d will be panipiled Mr,movPr, they ere to hie w.'iRlhted down by the t' in Of.•ring IpIIItlmatte rem Art, bringing r in neon sued children. If that I lPr n( then n t;'onl law r IremnPmv walM1 bP hell It everybody wand defe Atr. Kruger angrily r"I charge that the inner tru Perm" irreRwlar find Kuer Nail] that tits}- nrp, nm nil hf defener. He added Ill tlint the rp,al cause (lf I n conspiracy ngalnol (I An lhw part of the two I obsolntely false. A mo Ito halt never been coin first app"ared on LhP In cominslon. Mr. i thnt peace wax only PC basis of the Independ, t w1, republics and imp P .•ohulal Afrltandorov wl part In the war. fSTATIU 31 ( 011 t1 Leet of Positions of t hp core In Mouth AI Tl.r (ollowln4 Ion the T I4lti,m Or the elation `%,title Africa : i11OPm. c;rte Sir C. Tnckpr ; Ilarl c;Pn. Sir Lrvvllr Itu",Ile ; (IPn- Wr H, illldynrl ; r ria, T.IPrrt.•(Jpn. fear H. t ,rin, MAJor-Orn. Bart, 1'ape, CAilony, Major4len dertenn, MAjur-tion. rlr C' honey ellatr ant, MnJor- TVartuPrtna, Major-OPn. TIPk1rlbPrg, itfn jor-(Irn. et, Rim " Ma jiw4ioi r. F'. K "Wwatnd, MA,jor-erfer N'R^nwp'rePt. MAj1ar1Je1 hpi,lpy, Maj p4jen. flys „f .TOh&nnndmrg. MaJD NMCPnwtIP, Rrtg.-Opti. 1 Trane, "rig.-OPn. evnn tarts, Brig, -Gen. F.. Be Minard's Ilshmmt usrem Llnem- leJerdous to Coal; - C. C. WHIAROR A CO. 1 ( Dear tilra,-i have umed MiNARD'R If a sand of coal 1s left cut of to the wevathor-sol, LINIMENT In lay, stable fur over a doors. expetet f'vr n memoth-It ttipm. onp of year and eninsider It the very best a tee Itte hpntlog QMlltlew. If a t"" of for horseflpmh i can get, and strong- 1N placed on the ground Fires ly rpcummru,l It. oral IPft there and Acether ton IN DJso• (1170. GOUGIi Livery 6tubles, Quebec. Pd Under a ahetL the latter saws "Mut 2b per cont. of its hearing forte., the former about 7 per Pont. Hence It Ie A gr' tarn Of coal to have 1t In a dry P coverpd over and cin all sldt•m. The s.dtrr the coal the mom hrnllar the %01110ls peower it Jones. bee&U@P find inlnnhln ronatiturnt4 uederi[ns Steam Dried Sldev,alks. slow comlm*tlon. _ ThP Inatnllatkan of a central aterim- __ hPeting (Mtat fur tho various build - Ing" of the t:niversity of Chlcago I@ to by utilized to asvlst In keeeping the Rl cement walka clear of rnln and snow B uT� al 0 0 /C� f e w r Lie Ian 1 A t) aP l "stir lla TI n p PI P V V V tilt Ntpnm lel{ePN IradlnK to ohm dli- fe•rent bulblingm In subways located Cwnwd Ian heknmro. for t'wnwd Ian" 1,t rso4d,aa underneath the cement walkm, the prices and manna,•,1 hie w ('anal,.". "uhtvayet being near enough to keep Thp Hotel Burkingharn, the walkm moderately warm. The effort. M rnnron, will b+ to r&pltuy The Marlborough and; The 1,11114". melt sill falls of Nnow Find it) quickly All llpted^tebuildinas. It'"f ¢* rdrnnnthe Bncknnrham. H"o1"s- 111.1110 per •i dry up the rAln, thus maintaining tilt walkm 1n all weather In good condl- Appply P. A. HOHINS. Hotel B 1 •.mirrt,m• Bunkile• N' Y. tion for the atudents who hskvr. to gem bark and forth twtwesen the different _-----_' GENTS WANTED -WE WANT LAi1f hallm. Ale 11 aware to 1,"11 oat new hook. Thr v,rrfnal Woo hsarnfne r Illustr;0610e;rnaa� �sarninfs Millard'a LlnlmMt Cares Coldhm, @to at ov sells ►t alawe,at et,"rryr le en;aelrrulan• t,ro* 11t M M e dont: cr* tit p1 1 Rbrld PRhiieblef and pr",ped•t uhw. wDD f a" Dounestle Tragedy. c"., 1URI;dIf, "Tills IR s strangm Iook31,K dish, L�Og RUPTL;RE " �HR M 1MPROViU TRC yy�► Keturah." .. Yes'm, And I had to to all over r fen from an ^than'rwn IwR worn"^ ^-hen die w lrjpr t.ryitrmaea tPA TNF, town to tet Pnonth rA 'pm, t(xo. NO- beln' � hto try' 18.nd flrc fllastnued Da -I body rvpr hpnrd of either _It b suaewat*ed 7'i• conked ab tett.' It hist C'�eDahI*royreenwtat OetwanlrA. 11Dr11lta1nPafe*t'a,i••d. -. " What Am yon talking about, Keturah 7" tV11t RA1.9 spit ACRRH, itt:Hegt.l•'',I of 1 from Ottawa, e.. �p,t, "Th#Kn gulnen pigs• ma'am." fttlth n ga*p.) " U(' y nu tawaa to ty it allies Cumberland K Intl. tram kwatrAan s • Drf et,• 1 t lane. to$.rrelsbiA ,1,d, IOA: .I'll ^ tern- pay the*P nrp Kninem Pig@?" s andid hay Iwnd, MKnt "Yeea'm. Wheat Pine?' " Yon hhlp(oute thing I I told you to m'l'intdumb- Ion wilt W= hpm~n�nfO"i- taaetbar. Applr W T• Powell• -_ _ get gulnen hens 1" TnMpan. -- NE Of To I1♦ iU8N�1� �i„srsarJ _ • APmancleA her "40 hsYr rr*m tArww.awk�uMs y b M& llwt you *oppose, father, "IrrUy, "that T will permit level T'' ime4iaiiev wars, l .,or" Ina wMI; I■ ado Dat of w num e,,,,rt�..V.*k1100of is my daathtpr to stoop to sent O I replkal the Rtrl'a salter, Oto s «( �jte la a A*si!•� ��' ren," "wP•r,p cowltla Dn yAnf Ip,,nPy t0 " (wWYhMre (lessee" P bu ort lLit up tre Mr {a Vol kmm 4 fey, imAcrtlPmt atte,mlrt tit an explanation. own way. i amprootore i hope yon too Ftrlady M l nm Ales+ tlIscr on the rl- will havo til" Jostlry oto tolm mP �o�ODo�� r ,p dirt Iwdy did not prnwt Iver nn lhP Ant► hlnmrlrRw 1,A fn the mnspgnewirem. it Iw Fn ,�� Pr- yet, meet 11111 not WPAW Ant At dla- nlwa,y@ a pity Whim 1^110& will Inter r ttlot ever by eommentw On hrr evi tisht de- far" In mlstters of buaMmsa" . love prewloo. Mrs• Morrisrm retired early (Te be (betinama.) , Yl'. tela�al1♦w'a 4"Z #t� D o seed br aAtld on feet t^s• if'�"',t an TIOTN POWDER 25 � ahmsya•tatth ai/t.aim ,k , � 7,,�r: = -Mfr Hlaago" a . r flEFU6EE5 flET�f TO PflETO Kitchener Reports More Killed, Captured, Etc KRUCER'S NEPHEW CAU til,,,, Paul Deviousness Kite' Proclamation And Saye th %Vill GO or-Toomaery sea Cuumul Stowe Says Th( (:rest F 'dere for South AI J:dtanuorbmrg, Aug. 2U.-Uw -1ho l terearing railway facHtl Kitchener had grunted 3OU for the return of refugee+. Th wits will bee iwual t(o chore a In ,b, greatest distress. Il I -.-that the !#erk,a Of Wtli'4lrm loyalists W oatriug au out, Ibdno of permltr will help n the loerearlflt terrible dirt. _.___IkL-Wnstal A local etnnmit heen formed to help the dr The Imperial (loverameut, - ----we rating ilea h KW of thow . lwuud" monthly to help ill refugees, has only devoted Itftugetter through the IMPcrl fuu,l for helping dedtltute I seven mines arc now wurl eluding lila Bonuutu, file wit m4ak)n Ila@ been given. Tile, lire running 865 rtut"Pr- Ell Bred rt imps requires u hundr nod 1.55 native workmen us Intel working furs Including strut work. Tho wren un of drool btamp• require las tru Of suppliew a month, lucludl� .tuffs. Other mines arc: being ant. 8`.dingd nrp bring built r.eilway to the mine^. L%er 1.-ing done to facilitate thu 11,.11 of work. The flow 3O- ,rucko; are arriving. %u dif autiefrtated in obtaining u , h.umber of natives; fur tied Inst neveleratud abruwplio ll Tho greatoml oreesdity it .tock. Mil■ at Predunt I iu.ufflclent (u all till• raiht u1:1uy of the lrUVkt now in .d 'obiuk•te tyla•r. It Id r tlmt "Pe,eral tliewmsisd ruuJr need heavy engines be ubtai tut delny: _IL ItUtlltN's 1LKrMKW C'. Nltrhevier Seeds Asolher L Captured, Killed, KL Lord Kltelwner suyd: "'tUnoe Augu"t Wth 32 It Irern killed, 1.39 have been +•ouere. and 18:, have sur OA•ludlnt Kruger, a nrphe� v-Prcoldent. '•Tho celurnna arc meet Liu appreciable uplo,vition culuny. Tim. rebeh and urn Are hlding need woi•Ilug Liu %Ill mown allevelem, Heuer,. ulou o hitting been iu coal tlm,'" cabman,]o of 'lchePp be be driving north." ._ VF:O)IANiCV BF:sT lie They Were Unable Either 1 shoot. KoUtbatnptuu, .lug. .!H.-) tier. hnittd Matte C' tlofu •fowls, who recently remigp .ttlun, arrival h:'r•• today mgrs on a Briti lk br(mopsll p.v+N tot, lutvp to Wail serve Iterore he will I"e 'till,' 1 lumRAgo on a mtenm:•r for Sevrrmel oA the revently r manry ares inetud d amonl dwra aboard til• troup@h wire rejected after react AfrWu., being un#Ab4. W birot. WAIF 511US1' GO O Itruxer Illtteriy Draouni ener's Procleemaile Imn,lon, Aug- :7.-A . r•.Immdleflt of the To•lt•gr:+ ;,:, tntprvlrw with %Jr. II.I,.•r Na,m. Jnr @nye hr• fol 1'rwt.tent hraltIller thin tint+ miner him Arrival in Il4tprled with kt,,-nrr in nr{rured With full. r I,t. ry r•r. film general h,11llth n bight hnve bree•n full)• r••• intprvlrwer amkP'l I'll" If obj•%.titwlN to (*.•"mill pok•latuaton, bamp.t on Ir inw. Mr. Kruger replied 1. r"entry- reenognlsPd the' R lig,•rentn. Now tllp p nAym they will be "h L "ntm, whprP possible, nn.' inte•d will be panipiled Mr,movPr, they ere to hie w.'iRlhted down by the t' in Of.•ring IpIIItlmatte rem Art, bringing r in neon sued children. If that I lPr n( then n t;'onl law r IremnPmv walM1 bP hell It everybody wand defe Atr. Kruger angrily r"I charge that the inner tru Perm" irreRwlar find Kuer Nail] that tits}- nrp, nm nil hf defener. He added Ill tlint the rp,al cause (lf I n conspiracy ngalnol (I An lhw part of the two I obsolntely false. A mo Ito halt never been coin first app"ared on LhP In cominslon. Mr. i thnt peace wax only PC basis of the Independ, t w1, republics and imp P .•ohulal Afrltandorov wl part In the war. fSTATIU 31 ( 011 t1 Leet of Positions of t hp core In Mouth AI Tl.r (ollowln4 Ion the T I4lti,m Or the elation `%,title Africa : i11OPm. c;rte Sir C. Tnckpr ; Ilarl c;Pn. Sir Lrvvllr Itu",Ile ; (IPn- Wr H, illldynrl ; r ria, T.IPrrt.•(Jpn. fear H. t ,rin, MAJor-Orn. Bart, 1'ape, CAilony, Major4len dertenn, MAjur-tion. rlr C' honey ellatr ant, MnJor- TVartuPrtna, Major-OPn. TIPk1rlbPrg, itfn jor-(Irn. et, Rim " Ma jiw4ioi r. F'. K "Wwatnd, MA,jor-erfer N'R^nwp'rePt. MAj1ar1Je1 hpi,lpy, Maj p4jen. flys „f .TOh&nnndmrg. MaJD NMCPnwtIP, Rrtg.-Opti. 1 Trane, "rig.-OPn. evnn tarts, Brig, -Gen. F.. Be