HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-29, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
W. Acheson & Son
Midsummer Bargains for August
WE have carefully gone through the different departments and as a re-
sult have selected es bargains many of the most seasonable and desir-
able lines of goods that cannot fail to command your interest.
On sale Friday and following days -
1200 y'anle of English prints and Scotch gioghauu, hglit and dark odors and war• 1c
ranted fast (odors, regular price 121e anti lbs:, at oto price, per yard
800 yards Knghah tapestry carpet in angle of from 6 to 20 yank, all this season's 35c
patterns and colt•ringa, prices 45e, 5Q- and 60c. at Icor yard..... t7tr
9 pieces or about 360 yards black pure mohair figured Sicilian dress golds, 46 inches
wide and beautiful black. Ileal Value and pries bas been 601• and 76&' a yard.
Thio is the great, et dross goads offering we have probably ever made. Specie) 25c
side, per yrtl
Scotch Iiuuleunis In new patterns, 2 yards wide, at per square lard, special 40c
60 palm white laoe curtains. heavy Scotch net, 3i yards lung aril 60 inches wide, Qp.
regular price per pair $1 00, sale price at 080,.;
W. Acheson & Son.
Home from OaUlbrala by Way
of British Columbia.
Bights et can ereatleee -Victoria and Vas'
eN,er-Toe Glories et tea deckles
The Mlatag t'eentry-a•reward
Acres. it.. Plaf.e.
(Oonoluded from fart week.)
One of the nest pleoee of advise w. re
Delved upon reaoolog Yate FM70111uo was to
take home souvenirs, •cid save our reputed,.
Mons. I'ugelb.'y we *boob' have done so,
for, u 1 mentioned before, It 1a • land of
The greatest prlde of San Francisco he an•
duobtdly Gulden (lase Park It hes eo
area o1 over 1,000 aortae, given over 10
beautiful lawns, 'Webs, drives, Ickes, eon
se y, minimum, buffalo and dear ped -
dooms, ohlldreo's playgrounds, band staled
and auditorium. bonbon grounds, tenon
grounds and h!oyole paths, aviary, oto.
Botro Helabts is One of the best known
Iliad you .train year ayes to toppllne °ram
around which are bannered the Miaow m
summer clouds ; but again you are on the
helgbte, .ad the gtean of the forest appear
below bob as 'brute. Her, you eau look
oa a wilderness of Icy peaks, glaciers and
spires of blank rook : there you oautioasiy
deeoeod the depths of prolound gorges and
tied yourself eeshrood.d In the shadows id
• forest. Now you are ollaetov to s ted. of
• ollff .ad .ono duh through a tenoel, only
to bunt upon some fresh beetle o1 glory,
And thus we leay. behind Klokiog Horse
Pass, Roger Page, the Cathedral Peak,
Mouot Stephan .ad 8 r Uoiald,tlli with the
11Nmitanle grandeur of the so.oe the eye
loses the power of dtarimla*tlo...
As Revelstoke w. i. ft the mala line for
the Lardeau Duncan minioe dls•rtct, the
objective point of our trip. Here our eye
w as delighted with vl.wit of another nature,
bat I aball not attempt to describe in • tato
Nr like this any oI the mining pr mtalag
methods. Sufbo. to .ay,we were both 'reply
eat/stid'se te the future of teat dl.triut,
with its •buod.at renderoe oI yarn wealth.
We .pent several d.y. there, sometimes
ollmblog the hills, and others common snow
from .`,O to 100 lest deep. While travelling
from Tbompso.'s Landing to Trout L*k•
City, on horse beak, • severe thunder storm
arose. The reverberations, the echoed as
they flew from one peak to 'another, the
tongues of lightoleg as they seemed to spit
ere at the pointe, was • scene of a 111e time,
.nd 1 mould appreot.t• as never before
artrwtloas of the city. 11 beloo*s to a Ii roes deeeri ion of • thunder 'berm
Mayor Metro, but is open to the public, u among the Alii
long as the revelations are observed. '1'h•
•bitaary, flowers sad walks are mad.tlooat "Far eloao
and oon.titote one of the fairest sights Is From peak to peak,the rattling Drage among,
war.v.r my pleasure to gaze upon. • leaps the are thunder ! Not trim one Ione
1'bia.eewn. by night, moat Dot be for•
gotten. With • hce•eed guide, we made •
tour ot the Chlness quarter. 114 stores of
Otlaotal good', 1),a little flab, vegetable and
most enarkel e, the narrow .treete, orowded
with the °celestials' In their t,turssque
postern's, tbe old bmld)ogs occupied as
fully as • hive Is e1 bees, the occasional and
well oared for :rod attractive joss Hoose,
or a flea Uuaeoe restaurant, were all of rte
truest to no. 1 must 000fese that there
were times, 'spec ally solog through 11.
opium den' and other Icw divas, that I
wished 1 °mold bays Ido my olfactory organ
la a purer portion of t6• otter.
We left San Francisco en the livening of
July 20tb and arrived In Seattle on the
22D.1. 7'he most lot'ruling polar on the
roots was Monet Shasta, which remained
to eight for the greater put of a day, first
oo uas.lde of the train, then oo the other,
u we wound our way through the hills. Al
the far famed Shute Springs • stop of tea
minutes wee made, te enable puseagera to
lute of tb. *rest mineral water, as they
bobbled oat from the mountain aide.
An N. P. boat from Seattle landed us to
Vlctor,a and oo Canadian sell. Cmrudian
soil -ye., and 1t seemed to me that 1
breathed • different ter ; an intangible, la •
La'orthabls, indefinite something seemed to
pery•de Gas atmosphere, and put at. mors
to s000rd wltb my surrounding,. It may COUNTY CURRENCY.
hay been fancy, but fancy or no limey 1
fait the better for 1t. Tnoker.mit b : Miss .1. linat, the popular
Victoria, the capital of British Colombia, teaoher of 9. S. No. 4, has teas a engaged
and the most important port north of Mao for 1902.
Franelsee, is sttu.1e,1 n Vaaeu°vw hland.
It overlook, 1 he straits of Fuo•, aoroes
whloh may be had • view of the Olympian
range, while 14 the wt Mount Braker 1a
ooneplouou wltb Its snow•oappd top.
From Iteuon 111)1 Park • Lae view el the
mouot•lo and water. on all sides 1. eb-
taioo.),but the park has • beauty of lar own
th.t 1s rarely uoelld ; smell lakes tootle
Ilk• pearls among the foreeM of the park,
waters clear se erystal when bird. "float
double, swan ami shadow," sparkling
streams are to be seen on ovary hand, whsle
wild flowers and plant' are .oatterd round
to rich profudou.
Government buildings of Viotorla
rank among the fines* oo the 000tlneat.
They ooet $1.000,000 and are a .inking
piece of arobiteetaral skill and design.
R.golm•11Is resobd by an electric tram•
ear. This is ►he rsndeevous of the British
'levy la the North ranee. Nor. ar. im
moose dry docks and hag. fortifications,
but what 'appealed to me moot •trnoely
ow. thou eyldnoea of the strength of the
British dominion riding malwtioally upon
the waters. There was Om flag ship "War
spite," and as I .et foot on bet and saw the
tiers of gone, the moot modnra appltan. e.
for dealing out death to mankind and des.
Ireetl01, to property, from the big -'0 poaod-
gra down to the pletele and maxims whish
Pre WO shots • miooM. 1 thought that she
was rightly aimed. Several warships were
also to the harbor, taoladlog a coupse of
torpedo beet' and one torpedo boat dee.
The view of the flitting fleet on the way
from V lotorire to Vanooay.r 1.. eight never
to be forg.ttn. 'Thousands ot ore10 dot
the sea as far as Ih• view man emend, the
White sells flashing and sparkhciv In the
monitor sun and detentes the eye of th. be-
Vaonc,ver, with a population of 25,000,
has, as It were, sprang Op In • night. le
1fiA6 share war not single building, where
Io.1.y are some of Ih• linen residences,
Foulness betties and .,eats nit rho westero
Leaving V.nonover by 1'. t'. R. we erose
th. 11°11 of Georgia and are on oar way for
the Netkirke and the Rookies. 140011 we Brag eels • The Brussels stage mat wlah a
resets the Frae.r river and fellow Its more, ellght mishap on IM way north on Monday
for 150 miles. Fare long we are at the afternoon o1 lace week : when • mile from
mnantains and bare we find where nature 3eaforth • wheel ooll.peed lint no harm war
hos worked with • la,lsh hand. All that done farther than • short delay.
hoe Inns before pales Into lneignllinanee.
Por 600 mile. than Is a snrrwdon of views
a'rq.al1.d for graedeur en the Amerlo•a
Too feet done the train speed to allow tea
In grasp 1e detail arty degntt. e.n .pt.len
of rhe toasty of dorm and Imagery 41.-
et•rd Here yer see gnahing eget Brokaw!
...tens of mt,hty riven that Sow• 'hoes
*0d mil's net or 'retie Yoe ester and
eee.pe by grates tli.y hays ret, yr in trek
is lard along the ravine., pathways they
beers kaon, cod yea \eboil the very seeree
d their wrrwee. la .eine '.vast Mks, et
1'e •ogle• vast ).4y of lea berme epos the
Neaten.' .1 woonse lee mu/ld wOM
•ureal tel Now yew &'s 1. the bottom /teeter ,1 1'. Manning, who mostly
OI Heee rayilss, beside • ho.adiag serous, n* his eager, In the betehee shop, .till
Hat every mountain now hath lou. d .
And Jura ao.wers tbrourh her misty shroud
Bank to the Joyous Alpe, who o.11 to her
But we .re be k to theme a lice again sad
apedlog through and bevnnd the moan
taros, Here we are at Bear, the Mecca of
tourists and Iovhde ; at Calgary, the "str•
loin of Canada." and s000 the Kookier spa
rear bot as enormous teats enoemped on the
. kirLe of the rolling pr.lrle. Regime, ttran•
don, Portage la Prairie, sod then we reach
Wlsslpog, the "Chicago of Canada " These
are two well knows to amid soy d..orrpalotx.
"Io Comm., even the frog. do not oro.k,
bat sine," exclaimed an setbutfa.rfo Eng
Heitman .(ter • tour through our Dominion,
site as 1 think of the vast extent, the on
limited produotiveoses, the abundant wealth
and unbounded po.etbtllties of the land of
the maple, the warted attractions and
beauties of Our Land of the Snow,, i am
loot to admiration, and repeat o'er and o'er
again :
"Breathes there a man with soul .o dead
Who never to hlm.elf hath said,
'Thi. Is my own, my native land.''
fours very truly,
C. L. Eisner(
Wlrybam : Mayor Clegg hes sold the re-
mains at the wheat at the burned woe•
house to John Martin, of %Vb,techuroh.
Wlogham Wm, Stott, of Haila Inc
sitars factory had one of his flugers out on a
saw the other day, and Is now off duty,
Clinton : 1). Graham, of Inglewood, to
hen looktog after the eleotrto light plant,
which is haying some Improvement. made.
(tnderioh r.ewnehtp; The Whitely farm,
lot 34, oon 14, oonrdstloa of its sores, wee
sold to Alex. Elliott last week ; the prior'
sat $2,800.
Clinton : The Interior of Hdr.ne
Pekoe dry goods store hos been undergoing
some Improvements and made after toe
e 0y1e of • efts Otte.
Hlyth • Meters. Anderson .1 Eller, one of
oor oldest dry vood. 8rn'., have decided to
lie.olve partnership, Mr. Anderson catry-
10g on the business alone.
Brussels : Art. MoNaughboa sprained ore
of Ln sok lee lase week on Vloterl.
Perk while playing football against At•
wood, and is off duty for a while,
Varna : Mise l.'rzle Footer had the mis-
fortune to eprdo her foot very badly while
Mouthing me Hayfield on Tbareday, the 15th,
and will he laid up for acme time.
lint weels : Paul Mllloy arrived home Iseb
week on a wrest from Memphis, Tennessee.
Ho thinks Memphis Is not • white man's
paradise altogether. Mrs. Mllloy 1. ales
Kgmoedville Burnell 1111), principal of
Hl.hlield pohlb yahoo', who has been
spending h1. vacation •1 the parenMl home
le Ermoodvlllc, returned to Hlghflold on
Saturday the 17th (net.
%V Ingham : A bathe girl, who Ie ,6sB1ag
Mies Little, was struck by a loaded wagon.
Her jaw bone was broken and she was
otherwise badly bruised, but good hopes are
entertained of herreoo,ory.
S.aforth Many of nor ottlreee w111 faro
with repret of the death of Mrs. Morris,
wife ol M Morris, formerly m ot the
Beek .t I',mmerae, Seafnrth. She died et
Toronto on Friday-, 161h. Inst.
('lInba : R ('oats, of The Toronto (llobe,
sad Sievert Macpherson, of Brantford, era
home for • two weeks' holiday. I hey w111
be aocompantd by F:. Arohtbald and.pnd
pars of the time camping at the lake.
H.nall: The many friends of Woe
Hasesh Craig, who r.eently want to Mast -
lobe, will be sorry to lean that she (eat
present sink In Mooa.jaw with typhoid
fever ; we treat she may .00n reoorar.
/LIMA" : .1. A. Orrgnry, prlcnlpal of
Yerkeee, Area , entitle .ohne! and rower,
of the ifeard of Tide of the same pheca,
who bar beam Owitle/ his father hare, re -
tensed to the West en Monday of lase week,
'aeries hist um In • sling. Owblg to M e
bone •1 the tinier @bowleg evId•aoee of de
ray, le will be o.eswry to eluput•te that
Wloglum : 11r and kin. John Long, of
Victoria egress, oelebraled their golds&
wedding esu Wedowday, the 21st tart. A
Dumber of relatives were prawet to wish
the happy old couple many more yens el
pleuaot married life.
Clinton : A yery quiet w.ddl,g took
pl•oe oo Huruo etteeb, at the home of the
bride's father, F. Kimball, at high noes, 00
Wednesday of last week, when his dough
ter Mies Mary Allele (Minute) war married
to Andrew Porter, of town.
Seaforth : The oldest reeldeot of Huron
district, Is the person of J•,m Gailsugb.r
Laird, relict of the late Samuel Laird, has
passed away at the *drauoed age el 107
year.. oboe wreathe and twenty throe days.
The deosas.d was • native of Ireland.
W roxet.,: Jno. Ilultoa, of Wroteter,
and his daughter, Mrs. '1'homptoo, were
natters la tows on Tuesday of lest week.
The old gentlemen le considerably over 80
years of age, vet gets about. mon lively then
many • man hall his age. tie belongs to the
old stook.
Brumels : l'ostmaater and Mrs. Farrow
Intend taking a trip to the Wet
and will be *lomat from four to sir weeks
In all pn,bablllty. Mr. hr row's first alp
to the ('rattle Province war 21 yeah ago
when Brandon site was oovered with tent,
fie wee also wart 13 years ago.
Summerfield : Kph. Hutt returned home
recently from his eighteenth :trip to Mani
fobs. He did not go farther woo than
Winnipeg this time, finding • ready sale for
all hie stuck in that one. He 1s now pre
paring another carload for shipment shout
the first of September.
Wteat am: Mrs, Babetook pastel away
on Sunday evening, the 1leth (tet. The de
*canal had been hovering between life and
death for tonna! weeks. Lin. Walker, 01
Wlogbam, sister of the deceased, arrived
bore several d.%, .go, and hes almost con
&tacitly been at the bedside of the sufferer.
Fx.hr : Will Hyodmaa, of Winnipeg,
after .in •tsenoe ot thirteen ya.rs, returned
to hfe old home In Enter, on Saturday 17th
to nett his mother, Mr.. (Dr.) Hyodman.
He a mash impressed with the many Im-
provements that have taken place to town.
He is engaged as s detractive by the Moab
Lobe Government.
Morrie: An old .nil moat highly eetesm
d resident of the let con. pa..ed away to
her reward Tuesday of I art week io the person
of Mrs. fain. ll. Rattan, aged 79 years, 4
month. and 14 day.. Her maiden tone
was Matilda Palmer and h r birth{ l..'e wee
In HaoNngatoonnly, 1)aterlo. She wee mar-
arrid to her now bereft punier about 60
Morris : 1.e , son of Frank MoCraoken,
who has 10k, acres of wheat to on his (arm
near \fedora, Muroran', has • fine Drop,
said to be so heavy that there was ddfionity
10 cultic" it. H Mooney, lormerly of this
towuhlo,b.a • big crop the yeu,b.viog 200
sores In wheat Sows say H will Ro 30
bushels to the .ore.
3ealorth : Oa Wednesday of last week as
1' K,ohards,et Brussel., was riding through
town oo h:• blcyole to Hayfield, and when
• bout opposite the Salvation Army barrack.,
the front wheel of hie bicycle oollap':d and
he was thrown with considerable foresee
the herd road, ionising his face and .pnln•
log hie arm. He was unable to pursue his
journey, awl mitelemd home by the afternoon
. tum.
Hulled : The orope to some *potions of
Hullett will be • good avenge. Sone et
the oats have yielded sixty both els to the
acre. David Beacom has tweety.eiobt
acres and fully expecte 1100 bushel.. Man.
Herrington has had his wheat threshed sod
realized thirty ba.tcle to tl e sore, wh 1e
William Roes hal • tine orop of bay ; opoo
parte pf hl. field. there was fully three tons
to the acre. Co 101 whole our farmers
have reason to be well satisfied.
t ear 1a (kat rimes Preyed to nave Seen
eared b7 Wieder. kidney Pills.
Platteville, Oat., Aug 26, (Soexia!).-
The Koh() of ibis plus has erinted an ao
0000t of Mr. J. Barrett's oaie. Mn. Har -
J ett was ours,' of a nneral maroon, weak •
nee. by Dodd's Kidney }'ills. '1 he follow
leg Is an extract from The E,ho's story, In
which Mrs. H 11's statement is published
In her own words :
"I was • phyrtoal wreck. I oould not
el eo, had no strength, suffered backache,
headaobs and neuralgia and was nervous
and miserable. 1 war treated by dootor.,
but their medicines .ffordd me no relief.
I chanced to rood of Dodd'. Kidney Pills.
I tr1e1 them. 1 have taken In all twelve
boxes, and 1.01101 better from the first limy
steadily lmanvd 04111 now 1 have never
erjeyed better health."
a. India.. Ila. Pleads Treaaerer el wee *3
1e 1' anerde. RIs 10.4.
Nearly twenty year: ago there •ttalned
hie majority to Hay 1ownstip• young man
named Merano i Wambold. He was as
rose 1 the usual road tax of two days' labor
or e3 oe.•.b, Vuung Wambold, left his na-
thee being sed emigrated to the domain.
of Coolie Sam As In the tate of hundreds
of others, the road tax remeted unpaid at
the time ol his departure Treasurer John
e on'', breath esu i0 a far Way of getting
away from hlm the otherd.y when he reoety-
d the following letter with a postal money
order enclosed by the delinquent for $3.
The Inoldsot will probably go dowse to
history as the onl, lnstsnoe where the
ooneclenre of a man hu incited him to pay
a road tax to a mualolpallt.y after a lapse of
nearly twenty )ear.. It to le Mr. W.m
bold'. letter :
1,lvnxs, Iyn., Aug. 17.
Treasnrcr Hay Township, Huron ('aunty,
Ont. :
Ogee Ste, -Enclosed flod 113 for two days
road work that I lathed to do 1n your town.
ship when 1 arrived .1 maturity quite •
n umh'r of years ago. 1 feel ft le juin as
wrong to defraud • township as an indivi-
dual. 1 wane • clear 000sel.noe. Yours for
right, Metre., S. Woe temp.
Act foolishly. 11 they Improve over so
little when the fine wrtther enrage they
relax effort and drill beak Into the old 000.
(Blinn, which, it possible, beoomes more
ehronto. Hit bronchitis hard Ie the sem.
mer and you'll get rid of It and drive It
right out of the eyeI.ue to winter It I.
oilman Impossible to do thin. Inhale ('a
leathern. regularly, b'. • dead sore thing
en bronohlt is. It goes into the most mO rat e
alr cells of the lunge, bathes all parte of the
bronchial tubes with to healing, germ de
preying vapor. and our.. every time.
Highly' random iI by all nompetentdrogglsl•
and doctors. Asa and $1.00
Industrial, 'Forest* Aug. 26 Sept 7
Western, 1,',odn Riot. 6-14
Southern. dramatised Sept. 14 21)
Stephen and U hoes, Fleeter... Sept. 16 17
central, t;uelph.. . .... .....Sept, 17 19
Hey, Y,nrfoh Kept. 1819
Northern, Walkerton. Sept. 18 19
Smith Heron, Seufofbh Stet. 24-25
Ripley. Sept. 24 25
Rima, Atwood Snit. 2.4 25
Teamster Sept. 24 25
Mitchell Sept. 26 27
l'enberry, W iegh.m Sept. 26 27
Nowrnwrsywa., Oon*furn 031. 1 2
Retgr.0 ..pot. 1-2
Kin loss, t,eeknew (Joe. 3 4
RMile , 14.041 0...3.4
F..1 Horns. Rnea•1• sof. 3 4
Rlytb and III le, Blyth ....OMB 9
Ntwl.h Perth.. testfeed Out. 8.9
A.bf Id A Wawaaeek,l)assaassa Ost10.11
Hoolok, Oorde.... .. .. Oat. 1s
('esu a emerge ler as..e •, Itte T... a t •
The following et•teuteut tires the popes
latioo et some el th• towns el Ualar.0 as
utormtoed by the recent o•uua, end also
the figures of the previous menus :
1901. 1891
AIoprlor... ....., 4,152 3.341
Ay truer ...... 2.204 2.167
Au,ber, t turg 2,223 2 279
Alexandria 1,911 1,614
Asbburuham 1,647 1,674
Aurora 1,686 1,743
Blenheim 1,653 1,708
Brookville 8.940 8,793
Hullo 9,747 7,425
Hewmeuvltle..., 2,731 3,377
Brampton 2,748 3,252
cimtun 2,660 2,636
Oampbellford....... 2,485 2,424
(abourg .. 4,239 4,829
Dunnville 2,106 1,809
thror.,oto... 3,527 3,338
Dresden 1,613 2 088
Exeter.... 1,792 1.813
1,396 1,699
1.314 1,609
4,168 3,839
3,526 3 669
7,866 7.505
1,637 1,687
4,572 4.357
2,079 2,631
6,991 6,081
2,450 1,910
2,693 2,687
1,116 1,999
3,174 2,088
1.945 2 101
3,143 3.434
2,12b 2,143
1,644 1,825
2,511 2,962
4.394---- 4 066
3 019 2 919
4,130 4 357
3,601 3.136
1,430 1,680
3 229 3,094
, ..... 2 422 2,110
2 308 1 843
1.850 2 007
4,188 5,042
1.827 1,974
••.,..,,.. 1.313 1 659
1,465 1 698
8,176 6,693
4.567 3,864
2,936 3,316
1 636
3 392 3 416
4 215 4 364
•••• 1,979 2,273
1.657 2,023
2 018
2.405 2 254
2.154 2 611
2.397 2,167
,. ...... 2.763 2,726
2970 , 3061
3 537 2,941
2.110 3,140
Feaelon Falx
Oeurget ,wn
Ooderloh ...
(AMU, yue.. ,
N apapo. ..
Oak v tile
l'aleber.ton .
l'ort Hope
Pore Elgin
Port I'orry
Smith's Falls
St. Mary's
Mount Forest
Rei. f row
Wallaoeberg .-
Water leo
Talks about Ike Maeda, Plelaod atrrr.te■
from arafortk.
1"llrogan,'. in Sea'orth tun.)
'Twee • big orowd •o' • merry wan that
filled tb' luxurious l'.)aoe Imtgraot oar.
that the Grand Trunk hallway system so
koladly furnished fur th' use iv the Sunday
school children Iv S•yfore last Frolda',
whin they tuk their annual thrip to (lath•
Bridge u usual. WOW D. D. Wilson telt
charge Iv th' little Prlebytarlans, Mtahtee
liroight k'pt .n oy• on th' young Mitt)",
diet. to, th' Rev Mlshter Hedging luted
•'thee the walla Iv th' ohur,b ler Hovland
kid•, an' Clancy brought up th' rear wld th'
twine. Clancy says there w*. over six
hucdred iaye's there iocludin' the twin..
I dinnaw that wan oan gaze on • more in
.p)Iro' *eight than • crowd by happy, l000 -
°ant °bllduen on their way to • picofo. I
mit a gang Iv thlm loaded *Id buklts on
their way to th' ehtatio, that marten' and
I'moiled on thin. I used me ou.btomary
broad .molls which has bio wan Iv 1h' duh.
tinguisbin' obaraoterlshtloa t, th' (Jrogans
from tome Inrmermorlal. 1 cud @moils a
god dale broader av me ears wara't alt so
far toned. Miry Elle* tells me that 1
• m ills .o copetu.ly at tolmes as to ahpoll
th' giteral contour k me flatways. He that
as et may, I smelled on thlm, an 1 @old be.
foor, an' I gays. "S'e'll be battle' a groat
day th' day In Uatherldge 1'.1 warrant ye!"
"14 bit yer swats loife, ould man . /eye
wan dear Ilttle l000elot,fn that oharmin',fa•
m liar manner which dhehtingulshes Oh' yang
(tanajlan from th' beoolgbted inhabiteote iv
Slnoyg.mbl• an' Michigan, where minion.
ary IBere has bin somewhat to • failure as
yib. "Ye bit yer loge, ould min !" she
sacs. 'Tie such arils*. Ixprlssions se this
that make' me t'aoktal at totmes that I'm
oat a father 1v much s0000nt, so to ,hpake,
('lanoy tells me they had a great calms.
Th' kids peddled to th' washer •o' Oak oo.
04110041 thrips oat on th' lake In wan If ill'
Bogan Unyhounde that the Uatherldge
payp)e provi1es fur tb' •ooamd•tn,n ler
twhiton, in' name back holghly perfumed
aid • combination Iv abler' de Itml an' ex -
threat Iv maokerel Yu", they had • greet
toime. An' ah' mold heads rat o4 th' geed
bank an' dhraot 11' warm wither from th'
hoydrant an' mashrioatd their little Noch-
e*1v samhandwf,hes and molorobee. An'
the Gatherldve ani I. flatted wld ►h' Say.
fort' byes, en' th' Nay fort' guns made goo.
goo oyes at th' Uatherldge hoes an'
lvryt'mg was lovely an' th' goose will be
attended to next I'hrbMymaa.
Gas ea the Mlomaeb.
reeuft of Imperfect digestion, preesing up
against the hesr0, 1t axone' alarming eymp.
tome. Instant rend Is afforded by tekf.ro
half an hone, after the meal, ten drop. of
Polon'. Netvllloe is • little sweetened
water, Nervilfoe Ude Mosinee, sepsis the
gar and Impute • renes of comfort. Nor
elhne 1s vood for tote of "her things, and
wles people keep a 250. bottle In the house
for rheamattsm, oramps, neuralgia, tooth-
achtesto. Try 10. ---
There will be • free coeoert on the 14gaer,
tomorrow atternono, at 2 o'oloak, by the
basil of the "Rru•ry Time" oompany.
Notice of cnengns mutt be lett at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
mast ho left not later than Mon-
day noon. Casual Adverttmtmont,
a000ptell eo to noon Wednesday of
oaoh week.
"1 et sleeping dogs lie."
Beware of the tr bar-\\
gain" shoed
Why is it sold at a
" reduced price " if it is
worth full price?
Leave tottery shoes
carefully alone, and look
for the Makers' price,
stamped on the sok of
the sure value shoe -
"The Slater Shoe"
.ami J
Wm. Siarmas, Jr. • Sok Local Aged.
TNUaaDIT, Aug. 29, 1901.
Many ■ man he. to abandon his
desk beams. of neuralgia, 1'be tur-
ture •utoetirns be almost unbear-
able. E. C. /lean, city editor of the
Daily British Whig,Yiogston, Out.,
suffered wit), neutgia 1• the head
fur twelve months. Ste, physicians
felled to relieve him, bat three
bottles of 11r. lfall'. Rheumatic
Cure completely cured him,. This
great blood purifier is pot up au
bottles containing ten days' treat
Meat. Price 00 conte at all drug
straw or Tim Ds, Hall Medicine
Co,, Slayton, Out.
Miss Cora Fingerers bar been eowseed to
teaeh In S. M No. 3, West Wawanoeh, to
saoo.seloa to Mr. Ubutuh, who w111 attest'
OodKton I'olleetate Iwttluis.
of Dodd's Kidney Silo are
legion. The tea is imitated,
the outside coating and &laps of the
pills are Imitated and the name--Dodd's
Kidney Pills is imitated. imltetlons are
dangerous. The original L safe, Dodd's
Kidney Pills lays a reputation. Imita-
tors hare none or they wouldn't Imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There
Is only one DODD'S. Dodd's la the
oeigina4 Dodd's Is the canto to kia care -
tut about -
with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the bout
there is at the same prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
At. our Drug .Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has a repubation for promptness and
Medical Hall.
A Great Saap_...
11 our (linger Snap, at 5o. •
pound, of which we sell . barrel a week.
This Mali oor only steep, as we mere
everything that oan be found In an ap-
to-dabee grooary ewe, and our prices
ere right. The farmers know that they
man always get from as a @nap for their
produoe. W. drew the line at no
legitimate trade - everything goes :
Ulwware or potatoes, garden stuff or
ohofoest table China. W• deal In all
of them.
liedlord block, Ooderloh.
McKillop Missal Fire Iasarluce Co.
Value of Property Instrel up rn Janney',
11r)I .... . w3,NM,/T6.N
ti►rl l'r.rt. 1N1, masA."l'bla.
J. 11 Mol,ean, pros ; 'I', Fraser Owl -peer. ;
Jos. 1:onn..11y, G, hale, W. G. firr,•tifoct, J.
tt'*rt. Jas Ktane, J. G. Grieve, J. lteaoewela,
dirge tore W. 11. Hroadt' ,t, the -*Roth, Mimic
toror Joules ; T. E. Hays, 8oaforth, ...oratory.
J W. Yeo, Hnlmeevllle ; James Cumming
Ramondvtlle: It. MoMIltsn, 1eatorth
smith, Ilarlook.
Polio) holden can pay .oseseuteele and get
their cable receloted at Mr. ('.oats'. (1i,ton. or
•t McLean lima' Palace Clothing Stun, Rode
- Ta■ 1.iA 1,101 -
orders earetullytlauemded to al •11
\gore, ■lgrt or day.
Seeker abwel.
The name vend. for all that 1e
reiterate In farming machinery.
intending to purchase anything in our
line should inspect our goodim before
placing their order.
We always carry on hand a full
stock of repairs.
We hale the best make of Cream
separators on the market.
Yon ran gat the most up-to-date
Carriage or Buggy made in Can-
ada at a reasonable price from o..
Massey -Harris Bicycles -New
1901 models elegant mounts. Call
and see them.
R. B. Smith's M cK I M'S 3 Jordan
Store Block
September Fur Sale
Twelve and one-half per cent. off all Furs sold daring
Some months ago w. ,rade a vary favorable purohase 01 caw Fun, oonelstlag .f
°sperlou and Ruflr o1 the !stern etytea.
Belgian Cap.rlew,
Coney Uaperinee,
Belgian and Persian
Cattily sad Aetreohso
Mongolian liaperine+,
t'.,oq and Mitre especial*,
I4•Iguo and Mt. (turn Caper•
Antietam Sable l'•perinee,
Belgian Seal Soule,
Italglau and Seal U•perin..,
Belgian and Silver Fox Caper.
K•I¢lan mad Mongolian caner -
Child s Persian Papa.
Then good. ars all neer, .11 marked .t a close margin eo well bought pewee, all at
least one y 1) 4) Ihao the usual and one-third lose thou they tea be boughs fog 1a
the Ueitd BMtee, sad daring the month of Seplempsr we w111 sell at 1211 or one-elrhth
off our eloee priori. We will have cool eveolo5e now white • nice oattenue w111 be last
what you wont for both minion and elyle, acid the price now (e lees tnae 11 w111 he a
omit later.
TWENTY SHIRT WAIN1'51.1-FI',- All atone pries. 35o. The °b epeelwea$1.00,
and op te =2,25. All now to oleo se 300.
TWEEDS AT HALF 1'KICF: A lot of first -ole Soolob Tweeds 10 salt Nagai.
We daft want them. They are your. at just halt prime.
Jordan Block.
the leading Furniture Dea ere and
Undertakers, hate just received the
following goof :
Bedroom Suits, $8.00 and up,
Parlor Suits, $15.00 and up,
Couches, 85.00 to $2000,
Parlor Chairs, $1.00 to $10.00
Hall Racks, $5.00 to $18,00
and choice odd pieces of Furniture,
Weare still selling Window Shades
and Poles at reduced pi icee
Picture•traming, Upholstering. Pack
Mg, etc.
The Undertatini Department....
ie under expert euperVleion, and the
service we guarantee is of the very
best, while our prices are roam triable.
NIGHT OR DAY calls promptly'
attended to.
We solicit patronage on the merit,
of the goods we sell end service, we
err.11are Dealers. I.deetaker, ted Cm
Redford clerk, e;ederlrb.
18 THE PLACE To B1;Y...,
Cif EA Y.
J. It Worsell
The cheap stove and furnace man,
Goder lch
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls, Mince
Pies and Lady Finffers, Kisses,
Mace r
Macaroons, Maranon,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
are am goref ea the beet made to any
city in Canada.
Cantelon hula the main in
In fancy desivning and ornament
ing and almond icing. '\
Give him an order and yon, os
infection will be ensured.. -.
'�/ L/STOW4
Every young Dema should take • course In
he Llslowel Business College, which reopen,,
under • hew management, on Moeday, Sept.
2 1901. Circulars tree on application, l'. A,
Ii1.EM1\o, President ; A. 1,. McINTYRE,
Why /t Wel.
A shoe that has worn the
highest award at the Paris
World's Fair ought to be good
enough for a lady to wear.
Beauty, comfort, style, ap-
pearance and durability are the
points that won the gold medal.
its price and value make it
the choice of thousands of ladies
who know how to dress taste-
fully and comfortably.
83.00 and $4.00 per pair.
Made by The J. D. King CO,
Limited, Toronto,
our Agent In GodeNoh i. Si. Oso. Price.
T110 HST
All Coal well/hart on the Market %oaleee
Where you net 0100 lbs, for a ton.
Orders left 11 LSE & f1113p_AgD'S
Stere promptly attended to.
We give one away n'Itil each pound of Pure ('ream Baking
Powder purchased from um. 50c a M. The step-facicler alone
worth the price.
Try a package of tmr-Hniy Tete- --fief a merliei(te,-bd,'* care•
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Toa blended in a scientific
mariner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have
full asvertment,
sfrv==Yw dot CO
Telephoto No. 91 - THE GROCERS, -.
Hat Bargains....
]laying port -batted twelve do/on hats at a groat reduction they will to
[told at the following; low price
Reaey-to-wear hat at 25c, worth 60c.
Children's ready-to-wear hats at 16c, worth 36c, and at 10c
worth $1.00.
Leghorns at 35c, worth 60c
Leghorns at 75c. worth $1.25.
Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat, tor 75c.
All millinery reduced for thn balance of the *rayon.