HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-29, Page 44 TBuauDAT, Ang. 29, 1901.
No Dream
of luxury and comfort ever surpassed the luxury, comfort and style we put
in reach of the men who wish to drew nicely.
We get our goods from the most fashionable city in the world and we
aro determined to secure for the people of (Ioferich such a class of high grade
goods that will enable you to get goods es good as can be secured in nny of
the large cities.
We havejustimported from New York tho most beautiful line of neck-
wear ever shown hero. There is such a pretty combination of colors about
the tie that would appeal to the taste of all good dressers. We want you to
see them.
We have also secured the sole agency for the Harris suspenders, of New
York. The strong point about these suspenders is in tic ends (the weak
point in Dearly all others.) These ends are made of Indian tanned rawhide,
and nave reinforced button pieces. They sell et 25c end "•Oc per pair
Every pair guaranteed.
Mae Agsels fee ti
'1 Bail. Men's lab
---Peellesinalleart.3othine House.
P. B. -bee the
sad hatter
sddltlon to many other literary sad pie•
Metal feature*, twice the usual amount of
spate to devoted to the oominm style., for
this le the '• 8ptc'a! Autumn Feeble° num
bet" of the Journal. Thu new dresses, here
a0d wraps .re all shown. there 1e alio a
double pegs of photographs of "rhe Hated
sourest (,toes in Amerloa," and • strlkicl;
oover deafen by MW Ktleu Bernard Thompa
son. Ily The Curlb Publishing l'ompauy,
Philadelphia. 030 dollar a year ; too omits
• Dopy.
11 ,:T11o1,1'r MAOA/INK AN1. RetIKN holt
Sxl'r5RK•R - "The Builders of Nava
Booth," by Sir John Itourinot, and "Tilt
Sto.y of Arobheolure,' are ooutlnued, w.th
• mom of llluitr.tluus. "Tun Romano. if
Mlssloes." by th+ editor, and "Itomanue of
"Ile Killing Time'' In aaotleed, by the
Rev,Alex. J. train, 1S. A., luralsh very iu
tweeting and I0sernetive residing. A tine
set erttlobiISof Lar! Letgbton and bas wink,
and the life story of "'ley° S'ga, the Kaffir
Miseloaary.' and a gossipy paper on "111..
toncel Spoons,' are all well tlluetra'ee.
The r.msrkeble career of •'Sir henry Few
nett, the Blind Postmaster General of Eng-
lat:d," is of special imports ce. "'!'he
Roman Villa .t Wreath" :1 an lourelttog
•000ust of a recent archaeologlos' disoov,ry
in England. A praoticnt paper on "Miss-
ions and the Social l's°Dlem." by •I.l'.Berry,
B.A., with abort impure, oatftled. "The
Sabot of the Parsonage," "Pits Church on
the Rock,' "The Sermon of Donald Camp,"
"A Turned Lessem" "N.b'ical ('rltlolsm sed
Its Kesulu," "The Missionary Vist•," with
the c000lodiog completes of the "'lunatics of
• Country Town," furnish seuooable read -
Ing. The atot;, of the ('toodlw h.r"'ne,
Mrs. Susie Rijoharh, who lost her child and
husband 11, the hlghl•nde set Tibet, is one
of tear-compe111o0 pathos. Toronto: Wild.
lam itrfrs'- -Mnntresl C. W Coates.
Halifax : 8 F. Horatio. $2.00 a year; Sl 00
sham hiseeUare ju,t received from Tro N. Y.
She Jilig
15 PCWLt•atp
�f u RC ILUttImmli
11110 10 uu0D NEWS.
Leaden Advertiser : Next month has en
"R" 1a 1t. Oyster lovers will be gl.td to hear
uout and of
hie pleat
the bivalve
good quality.
Kingston Freemen . 1 know every
on the lake, asserted the young pilot.
then the vessel struck. There's Dae no o,
he 000tloued, triumphantly.
TKaY , AN ea. 1's (15 0'
Loudon Advertuu lofted States news
papers, on the whole. are very lair lo their
oemmeots on l:anaddd census, and pred ct •
n umb !Armor gatu in the next decode' ,, 0 I.'*1 T00 ,:Lt" t
Toronto Globe: A000tomporary says t;let
the °ensue of Ontario convicts Sir tt'lllrid
Limner of breaking his piom'ees. No ` r
W lltnd Laurier ea,d that under liberal Esv'
'cameos prosperity would ha eo apparent
that figures would not be r('tafred to prove
it. And that 1a the situation.
Isarwisa of others comes to hl
with bis owe waters and the sir••
sad deepens.
nprl4l.Oes I0(1tEAsINIi.
London Advertiser: The Deputy M
o1 the Interior, wbo hes just returns
Ott .w. flour a visit of Inspeotlnn in the %V
reports that the butf.lo In the Notion'
Park at Banff are steadily Inoreuing t0
numbers. Two years ago, when Hur. David
tlills visited the park.he found but 22: now
there are 31. By sol by, with proper cats,
Ira may taus oust a herd of buffalo In the
Ro:kles. O. the Nortba,it plates, where
oboe the Millie, roamed In tens of thotua 'ids
my little haps of hones are to 1,, found.
this respect. the Dominion ia to all fours
, e too,
Rome, for there, h the United.tt
acing civil ration of the latter belt o1
eatery kale' cfT the butt,', for lits
1th ruthleee determination.
R"T6e 11(01 ANO 1((1.,•01101'4.
,Journal: From 11171 to 1$131,
low revenue tariff ae oompard
"'lowed. the peeu*atleo grew at
u tt dres now. Years of 0001
.1100 and distress, of tank•
up kitchen., were Included
eating the people to turn
'beret I',vernmeot and to
•ernment which offered •
cea for commercial and
durtog that pert idly
rate of Inc.' o. in
s 19 per cent , much
since. 1. the fol
licy of protection
• In people *,e
ears tinier the
the rate drops
i1 unites
,,rrri N(. owL6T.
London Advertiser: It is estimated (bat
the world's oonsampuea of sugar has doubt
e d within the Int fifeeen years, while In
Great Britain •Ione the consumption et sub•
e r bas trebled per head within the last forty
yeah. Surer ties been rgo'' e• po-
tent tent Mester of energy,generally
Improved health
sod stability
ofto int
speaking peoples partly
mermaid 06netamp:loo of stager.
o'ATr.oRe vs. anent. is.
Oalt Reformer . We obeerye that The Lon
den Advertiser and • number of other Cana-
dian pater■ have ceased to use the word
"Amerloan' who reterrlog to the United
States. The point to well taken. The
Vankees hear* 00 more right to be termed
• Americans" than we leve, and we ate only
towline their ysnity by se referring to them.
"Vatted Suitcases" may bean unwieldy and
mot very su,honlous arm. but it Is never-
theless the proper expression to me.
wit Car ol'6.0C Is UAININt: oN ONTARro.
Toronto World: While we In Ootarlo
grumble at Qoebso outdoing us In tate of
pepu'ation, tble very marriage question may
8. brought Into r ,floe in that r iooeotion.
The Freooh Cementite. merry more freely
Nan the h.ogluh-speak lig people. and more
new homes ar• est•blish•d. Try to tut, it
oat as you may, the toot ie then, that •
oo0evy's population depends lergely on the
homes both ap,sod n shady natural Increase
of bome•barn people Is the surest and beet
lndfoallon of a thrlvloe nation.
.t►KTy, IIR.T.
• period
with wLnt
double the
merclal eta
ruptolee and
In that decade
out of poser a
•ulItlture • 1;o
hien tariff as • pa
n luslrisI 1111
dietre0eel decade th
('•Dads. population
larger than It bee been
lowing teu Veer', the
be ng in force, the it,rc
12 per cent. Now, for tee
fuller fruition of protec'ino,
to 10 1 2 per cent.
Tit 1L NLw4PAPLK 4 r',RaxrroNbr,
11. 11 Refortnor: R,ferring to t
the uurreepandeoco column to a 0
• 0011t01T p,rary remarks that • no
whether it U • metropolitan daily
oouotry weekly, tsdlpeodeotto every
extent on the hotpot the %atm.;then. 1t
only strain the greatest success tbro
m•klrg it reader feel that they have • p
sone' concern to Its welfare. They can Le!
It In a variety of ways. They can give Ise
reporters each Information u it lt in the
puplio interest to present Sub old beset
lacks •pprer •tion and any journal le feriae•
ate which ha such •o army of newegstb
In its service as IU readers may with little
trouble to themselves be. But it WIloomee
views as well as news Its oolumoeare•Iw•y■
open to those who have 'something to say
.bat Is worth melee. T'hoes "editorial." by
the laity, such u the letters to • paper 4410,
show what the general feeling of the
community is In d to the
questions which are before it for
consideration, as nothing else cu. Some
timet a man writes too many letters all i
wears out his weleente, wh'le other', who
oro write well i1 they ohoose,have a moi L 1
fear of seeing their productions to print.
0111,10 01
..,par or,
or •
Toronto Telegram One of the greet frauds
of modern el, titration It the spectacular pre -
•111000 that time is utilized to the beet adverts
hyo down to the Int millionth part of e
es-ood. Time Is not worth the 'sertfic*.
whloh are made M nye 1t, and the people
en the x11 tsMd islander would have been
so worse off if they hail been twenty four or
forty-eight hours late in arriving at t an -
pouter. Speed saves time whloh people
may Deed, and .omttlmee .ortfioes 111.,
whloh tbey need still mon. Safety 1e still
• desirable element to any 1 rue system of
operating steamboats, and the Islander db
ester nems to hays been due M • habit of
making time without regard to safety.
T11105 eon Y ,, houILr
Kingston Freeman: There le co'hing
wblrn so adds to the treasures of the mind
and Increases IM power ss Its own thinking
Learn t Mak for Tem -self. It is all very
well to hoar and to reed the wisdom of
others. Hae one should not let this take
the place of hie own thoneet. Many per-
ersone are 88. ofeteroe -t bey are always gond
0. bold the theorists of others. liar when
the time o0mes that they are foroed to rely
on themeelyea, they have on power to do so.
The eoteld..apply Is oat ofliand the cistern
rose dry. Rut If .ee,hke the river, le onn•
s1.Ny fed by Ian own twinge, then, o. *8.
friday and
rlust Clear Out the
Balance of our
Stock of Wheels.
THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF MUS• (probably show itself in a tranquil
KETHY• rather thoughtful mew.
GOLD* 10
That the Canadian Shoal of M•sketry 1
the tlree Denman ul *loch was head at
Rockliffe Rafe Mogi. during July and
August •1 the present year, Is 0ertam to be
ovine a prominent 11 not the predumloataog
tauter 1u the military education of the Can
adlru militia oiliest is an assured four. Nu
other course of 'natter, instruction to Can-
ada open to the average militia oniow can
compare with the nue given at ttuokl.lfs le
produuieg • praolitul and useful utloer for
air I ve set vlue.
The uhief feature is of course target
nractloe, a prehminety teul.e of &homier,
with the "Murat tube".t nentslure targets
.cd after • moderato degree of prolud0u.y
l■ arrived at, almost dimly tiring over the
tloest.vats image in l'to.de.
(Snide' this the Mit inn rod non commie
aimed ofriesre are given praotioal, eIholent
and thorough Instruction in range tlidiom,
judeiog distanoe, construction and vert of
the rate, the lying out of sale ranges, the
mauataoture of termite, as will .s marking,
scoriae. ala duties of an oilier, In com-
mend of fns ranges or 11 the butte.
('ouiderable attentlou Is also given t o ex-
tended order and I8• firing oxereise, and
the actual work of skirmishing. attack and
deism,. is carried out over a section of
country which .fords almost misty variety
til experience to 5e found in wave warfare.
The unanimous opinion of the 4.Aitors and
non.00mmleiooed cfTioere attaobed for in•
*traction teems to be that lbey here roe
cetveJ more instruction that will be of
actual benefit In cue they are over called
upon to armlet in defending their country
spainet • foreign fee, than they have ever
recanted Lefo•e. Thu is without doubt in
a large measure to te at'ributed to the en-
thusiasm of the Commandant., Lieut. ('o1
Cartwright, his poisons' sapetvision of the
iiork and the preatlo.t nature of the in
slrnotlon in eyery detail.
1'ersub.11y 1 am of the optolon that this
course should be Riede compulsory for every
calmer in our Canadian militia who would
then hare mime idea of what would be ex-
pected of him when sailed out to do service
for his oosutry.
Is is to be hoped that thla musketry
Douse will he made a fixture In our militia
system, and it might perb.pe c'o 0o harm If
the six seri is were laerea.d to eight and •
Tram New FAamat -Tee assail solemn
n umber of The Termite, 1%orld w111 be
Iseued this work. Its readers may expect •
.lob and rare treat. The uo'qua feature of
this Dumber wad be a series .1 articles deal
Ion with org•a!red agriculture in the eight
Provinces and Territories of the D,min'ue.
TMs aorta has been compiled by the Mia.
erten and deputy beads of the .grlouhar•1
sputme011 for each P.oviaos, maladies
o. Mr. Rogers, for I'rleos ialward Is
t a.. W. Cblpman, fur Nova Saone;
A Teter!, for New Brunswick : 11
nit, for Qeebeo; Herb M10Keller,
team ; (3. W. Poter.on, for Ills
t Tee ritorles ; J. R. Anderson,
'clumbl. ; and W. B Varley,
the Mlanter of Agriculture,
bwarth): for of
l',loa z•
, 1 ren
■ eu for Oat ria, ().her w0teoto on
triblinton .111 be 'rot Rolwt•tann, F'.
W. Hodson cad t H. Hay. Canuti s di. -
play at the Glare end B,t9•lo export
tient) will be dealt wl In two well illus•
treine articles. A on ber of fine photo•
e lege of Casndi ` farm and runt
woe's will be shown, an • the regular de•
part meets of the paper, too - ding the Setae
Beet World, Stupes to Nat • r, The Agri-
cultural Gazette nod,The For Home, will
mints% sesofatly prepared stetter. Read.
A. lei
for Mas
North W
y to
and 1 hos. So
,rs of Tile HIoSAI. eat have comics :11 this
specisledition by addrentng Toe Farming
World, Coefeder•tion LIfe Bldg , Toronto.
8,•51505115 MAG.1/IN0 -Strainer's Maga-
zlne for September bogies another merles of
three articles, to run through the fail num-
bers, giving in acondensed and graphic wee
the htstoty of the "United States Army" u
• fighting mach ne, from 1Vash1ngto11a .r
owning commend at Cambridge to the top
tore of Agutoal lo. klajor general Franoie
V. I;re,ne Is the author of these articles.
R -hal l;coernl (;reeve has written is not
• history of wars, hot a nairative of the
mean., tin one dot clopme0t of the army.
1 he sorra' i, a Inc!ules brilliant pen pic
tures of great genet.1s, ate: condensed and
greploo ds•erlptione et tbrir osmna'gos.
F.0 Nile irland hse gained a wide cirole of
admiring readers !y his annual artlol to
S •rlhner'* Mageoine describing some elven-
rare in the w ildsrnete. 'rbbe year Mr, 1r.
nd writes on 'Tho Brgoiheg of the Bean,'
crlhing 'a epilog' j ,me, to the most
oto and Inao'rsinie ■treem in New
wick, the N, r h Pule It -each. The
o male with s ' .teras bear•trsppt t,
re were adventures by the way with
d !*ever and trout -ail Illustr•t.
be anther's unique photographs.
heat of the present summer
.ass attention to the article un
Summer," by Robert Alston
a Investigation of the prob-
has extended to many
r A %VvekotT detoribee
e "A Burro Puncher,"
,elightful chersctor
he met with In hie
tains In the south -
'n fiction is offered
are other •rticise
end t
ed from
Tee torch
will call use
'rhe I'onr 1
,•i'overtime. tell
lime of the pot
dirrotlnnr. tt.'
his sdvet t ire. oh
etv mg a series o
k•tche0 of the poop
j urney over the mo
west. A great variety
In *hie number and tiler
of Interest
machine gun course added w the syllabus.
...I -Mos Sesebed lsy ebarebeldersef aallom-
al Ageary (Women 7,
Ttu National Arency Company, y, Limited
will heroism their oaptisl stock to half e
million. This notion was decided upos
without opposition at th, hrst sonnet meet-
ing of the .hereeoldars held on Tburedey io
the Colon Bank of ('•Dada. The features of
the report of the dtrectore, .prseeoted by
the chetrmen, Mr. Harty Symons, K C ,
%sae the oaements that the provident
braoeb, being the iedu,trr.l beelnees of the
North Amerloan Lie Autiran3e Corip.o►,
aLith the company has been organized to
msnsge, pad shown ones der, b'e deeelop-
mint, and that there war full eepectatioe
that the easiness wou'd b, doubled to a
shoot time, le regard to the Issue of new
stock, ft was agreed, after provlding lo: *8s
apphotions already in band, to give the
orerearsf ar.holders the brat right to sub
scribe before making any tfartngs to the
J wMic.
The elec. ien of directors resulted is th,
retort o1 11, Pollmen Krser, 'k G E
M 11 Chimp end Harry Spume'
K.0, el
forto : F. G. Hugne., L U 14 , of Balt.
Oat, ; CUerles Percy, ez.'1'reuuror, lLT R
C,mparty, Moe t*c it ; G., R. Allis' Jones, di-
rector of the Quebec & Leyte Fire, Cam
pray-, sed A fe Vallenod, merchant, ague
b'o. At • euksrgaeot hoard mesting,llarry
Symms, K.C.•,wse Mooted President; Mr
Evan+,. let Vice Preselect and lhaar 1
M•cager ; Mr. Percy. 2nd V.es President
and Dr. idilltuhamp, medical director
Genre flay, <Lat feted •ccoubtant, was
appointed auditors by the shareholders.
Largs eflieee hove boon wonted on the
mood flosr 4,1 the North Amerloan Lt!s
Assur+oce 1 ompany'e bultdidg.
sad a
Queen Victoria lived to a glori•
ous old age, but the very best care
was taken of her health. She nev-
er suffered from headaohe,indigee-
tiou or dyspepsia, brought on in
most cases by negligence at one
time or another. "Climax" Iron
Tonin Pills cure such complaints.
Each box contains ten days' treat-
ment. Price a5 cents, it all drug-
gists, or nailed on receipt of price.
Addreas: The Dr. Hall Medicine
G0., Kingston, Ont.
. fes Ute Cement
(JALSDnete, Melo, Aug 12.h1, 901
laoksoa, Mlob.
DEAR SIR : Presse protrvt ue with the
evilest,* sale of Penlosular Portland ce-
ment for tbb plow, and we will handle no
other brawl. We have beetled e 1
different beanie of I'ortlond Dement, but
Peninsular has proves to to the tent and is
very satisfactory. Our trade b ooustently
Increasing oa 11. fours truly
$, ,iti,r.I. tiny Dee S. Co.
11,Kgerle3 pewee. handle UM above
cement end oats heartily endorse the above.
We Lowe sold the most corneas we ever Bold
Io • season and we pleased and amezed ail
who have oat it.
It le surprising how much sand and
gravel l0 hold. told bey. Ail orders left
up to loth Sept. we are ofe-tog • epeeist re•
bate De.
Winehem : George to deo. • young
boy, was drowned hero on Wednesday, 21st
iota. The boy and nit elder sister were out
on the river le an el( punt, when the loot
b'oeme tut in in in a tutb:eh and they
vers unable to free themselves. '88. lift'•
11 .y, tbit kiog he Gould swim ah ie. got oft
of the toat sod attempted hie 9,111000 task.
Es almost Immediately sack, sed before
h ie sister could Rime an slate' he was drown-
St. Thome .looted : if the 1. hers' party
remelne In pewee for another parh•mentery
term alter the present one, wheel it i. •I,o•
.ether (hely to de soless some uoforseen
political developments take place, the -e
w:11 at the end of that time be • consider-
able Liberal m•jorlty In the Senate, though
not so great em Om (boselvtive msj.rfty
was In 1896 when the present L'tbetal Gov.
ernment took othee. Should a Conuervsttvo
Government then ohtaln pewit ooh Gov-
ernment will ret.reseot the will of the people
and that will should Lc carried out. whether
In the 09101)0 of Liberals It is richt or not
L hent Senators may be as much pertitm
es Conservative Senators hove lean durint
the Int five year., and If they ere they
would obetrnat the will of the people jnu.
1e Can Ire Senators hove done, 'ills
le contrary to the prtnolples of demooratin
government, end it metier* not whether the
Conservative or the Liberal patty es a party
benefit?, by such at, undemocratic system, 1t
le wrong. The Senate as .t present menial
rated Is an Irresponsible body. It d,es 00t
represent anything se does the House of
Lords In Kurland. Either it sheuld be
mode eleotlye as wee the old Legislative
Council or it should be abolished. The
Government *111 strengthen Itself in the
oeuntty by taking up the question of Senate
reform nett or suttee 'tient section and press
Ing is es far as It Is In the power of the l'ar
Ilament to press it.
.'ere Temper
.In 1 As •10107 to the nerve* a temper ex-
cite -1 by other mater. 11 tccn't you heard
of Pietism's i einlese Corn and Vert Ex
tmotor I Cures 41utck'y one pa .Isully ;
others pato-make men swear-th Irdiee
complain -noise with l'utnam's. Al , reg
gist. sell Putnam'•. or it can he sent N.
C. 1'nlsoa & Co., Kiegatce, Ont., to
•ddresa In Creeds or (lotted Staten, on
, sipt if 25 wale.
Tine (',MaoNVI RAI T11.-Thle i. • new
perlodir tl,puhlioned modlhty et (tastes sea
review o1 queettons of the nay. The our
rent namh•r disease*. "An !mime's' Trade
Polley," "independence to i'areament,"
"An imperial Parliament.; "Britain •
ltsyalr and Britain's '.rade." and I:tarary,
social and other metier.. The articles are
written from • high *tends "int and are
worthy e1 nsreful reading The ('nmmon
wealth is published by It .1. Emmett, (11 -
reeve, at $1.00 0 year.
FoR H,RT1, 1'LTI'Rt.T. 1' rile and flow
ere are the rapine eopoolal'y treated In 1'or
Isoodien nnrrloultnrl*l, which Is the lend
Ing journal of hnrtient:urs In Amort.•. Ir
(moraine forty right page* of no to date
reading matter written by experts art pro
!easiest' gsrdrn*re, *nal 1. felly Illn.t •ate
by hnaatlfnt photographers. It n lasnee
monthly, and • sample dopy may Its hat
free of charge by addreesIng the editor, I,
Wnolr•reon, 41. A , Orlmsny, I)ut the
auheerlption plicate only $1.00 per yrs?. an i
new aoMertbers for 1902 may have the I,a'
sew of this year free of charge.
Loose' flows JOI'RoA1. -"Mia Alio to'.
Lettere 10 Har lwarh.," naw printed for the
first time, and edited by "'Aerie" himself,
form one of the .trnnteet femme* of The
Latham' Home .lnern.l for September.
" With Sot oe.Thnmpeen 1, thsWeotld'shows
the grist animal stnry'.Mller In hie element,
and "Soma (1.11.1. Slevin. 1Ve(Int into,"
as told by "A Graduate, ' Riye good eants
for Issghter. There ate .Ise In1tatlae
*..teles •beet "Cote That Draw Warlike. '
"Famed. People's Wenn Net Rum Thain"
.ad ''Ile. • Vitisga (Altered its Name"
Mr. 14.8'. edllerlal no ''Th. nth lel I./set-
esstles Agate" la • einem snalgsmees e1
Ameslesa par mita for sot tablas the 'repot
part 10 the edneetleet 01 their e►Ildr.n. I n
Prof. tool 111. !mills laves Ills Tiew• I mon
the 0.btere
io response to a request from The Toronto
Star, fret. 1;,Idwin Smith hs. written •
statement of hie views upon the queseios of
the keeei.o.; sl the Sibbatb. No , be *ould
•oeuse Prof. F:n:th of l'nansalem and hi•
opinion may be of interest in view of donut
oocurrebots 8*(•ad,rloh. lie writes :
" The Star Invitee 'pint -os o0 the keeping
of Sunday. 1 only nun mine could be more
lofinits and helpful. We mustappareeily
give up the idea of forcing anybody to keep
the Sabbath. The best theological •uthorl
rtes ars ideally of opinion that It was 1001
kept by the sarly Christians, and that 11
was dietloctly rerounaed, with other Jewish
ordinances, by 5h. Paul. The reasons Fiver.
for Ite obeetvaece In the Fourth ('ommind
merit are suited bo • prlmltiye people, and
trays het their Weight in an age of *Armee.
Besidre, the d,y which we keep Is not the
Sabbath. - What wo have to consider is the
mode of keeptog the (lay of Rest, which Is
no tribe' or perishable ordinance, but an
imperishable need o1 man ; a need tell e11
• mon the 3reat1r the strain of life be
.e. Nor dots it seem that lees than one
in seven will .utliae ; one day In too,
tte French Revolutionists er1(1, WW1
of to be enough. With d to
tug of the I)ty of Rett, much lode
dem must evidently to allowed.
I euepe0"on of labor and the
closing of •k,rea and please of Mistiness may
tee enferol 1. But men must he sett to say
for tbemnelves.how tht y will *pend the day,
whether In education, or in religion, or
Partly in one and partiy In the other.
there can be no to, in eotoroloR mere doll
nese or Klaom. Palm, however. is an •Imwt
sweetie' pert; of rest, ewe ally for .11 who ,
work with the brain. Therefore euoday
enjoyment tugl+t not to he fatal to tranquil-
ity, It ought, at lout, to retrain from any
dlsparegemen/ or dittnrbance of religion.
TI r Day, I1 no looter Pared to the Mewlo
4lepensatlno, le Decree to hnmanity. Bot
flare L hataase lA •ttenuott0 to set down
formal .ales; as the heart and the faith el
meter en,--wlU be its keeping of the Day
of 11.1. Depth of nstr,nal chataot.r will
No ('ash rorlhrnmle.,
(Vintner, Oct., Au/. 11 --Lost summer
,taring the height of the czooretta neaten
Chrbtiut Mclotosh took p•wnrn oo the
steamer 5'.11-elu',e from Windsor le her
home In Goderich 1)n arrival at the latter
please sho became ioyo:vel in • dinoute with
Wm. IS own, owner of the I'ltteburg,
which culmtnstet In an allegation from
((rows to the effeot that Nlite McIntosh was
1,0 • fit meson to ride nn It, boat. Mus
McIntosh brought suit whoa. Brown, and
e Wa)ne nonny, Michigan. lar, gays her
a verdict of $2.000. An execution wee 1..
fined from the court, en Jona 3. 1, but
a month later the .her:lf fetal -nod it unset•
Isfed. 'the Uhanoory 1)'vldon of the Mfeh-
Iean 1'trcult ('curt today granted an order
for disappointment of • receiver tor the prop-
✓ rty and trainees 10tereste of 1St own.
the k
vid,iel t
1 he gone
We ossa. late. Laos. 00015 le 14. 110.
All the prespeete point to the Western
Tarr 11 Lendoh thm var hetes the meet tom
easeful ever hell, 1t bring the intentirn of
the dirt -wore to make the Initial show of
the century somclhin to btproud pi and
to be remembered.. a depar/fiiedhA
are fitting t tet end 10 many ewe It te evi-
dent the nn v complaint will be lack of
e we. The di:e°tors art full of resource+,
howe+er, and it may he taken for granted
that everyt.hlnR nn the groao& w111 lee giver
e t(noi show Thie yea, the epeeist attrao
tions are of more thin nolo :try Interest.
i• male up ,.l a Lrt+li0nt collection of
ym,rse'r, a.rohals, aerlehs'o, high wire
too-tumsnm', mom d end Iotty tumbling,
sit 1,rming *8' moo' erreeitve ',neonate.
.001 go' I nest her 1,r *n,8 e 9 iron... whit,
In +(Mitten there in a fell troupe of rdneeted
p -*forming dept ante, ' The greeleae mantel
war In 1 h wotll." The sag•o1ene haute do
wonderful ' hbye, llepleying en Intelltgen,+r
elmoethnmen. They Mame, doing he cake
walk to perfratl0n, and pl.), . v.rinty sal
•n+trmme te, le.Inling the month nrgen,
0ymb•ls, hand organ and the bass dram
The hlggest of the fear play. ninepins wit h
the eklll of •-prnlese,.n.l, end his porter*
m.rke nn a Mete the number of pine hnwled
over, a hlle a third ane tet. rap the pins for
'mother bowl ; t hoar also ,Ina number M very
dlffienit !.l•nrieg and evmns.* 0 tri k',
but the most 10114*Aran*( feet nl 511 1. the
ruling e1 a trinyo:e be the lithe elephant.
Fear ev.n,nts of trawl fire woks di.p'ay,
Ine)o4Ing "Fall at chin." en 1 "Relief of
1411,," • moat hrt'llts% rpeetseeler repress
setallno of most or. ate.
O K Bale, B A , o1 Ham,hw, fetidly
towhee ,n Ilelerich (tnllegtate lastltate,
has twee eagatee as metiers langur elseee
le Klees.tdlne high wheel. �r
+ Adds
Comfort in the Wark•
to Cleanliness ins
the Linen.
the Cares of Washing
Day from -the House-
- wife's busy life.
X Multiplies
by two the Life of
the article. washed.
• Divides
by two the !Hours of
Lersr Brothers &halted,
New Fall Goods
Just Received, a shipment of new fall Dress Goods in
llolnespuns, 'Tweeds, Serges, Cheviots, Broadcloths, in
all the new fall shades.
Black Dress Goods in the Following Makes :
Brocades from 20c to $3.00 a yard, Biaritz, Serges,
ilonlespuns, Cheviots, heavy Cords and Ilenriettas.
A Big Stock of Black and Colored 'Hike.
43 colored blouse Waist, silk patterns, no two alike,
at wholesale price, from 15c to 60c.
1 want you to see our new stock of Wrapperette8,
just in, all new, from 10c.
New Flannelettes from 5c to 15c.
Terms Cash or Farm Produce. 'Phone 86
"Queen's Chocolate Cigar,"
The banner 5 -center. Try it.
How Is Your Tooth Brush ?
Just to hand, a new stock of Loon -
en's and other high-class goods. Qual-
ity of these goods guaranteed
A Bargain Line is a good 10c brush going
fur 5c.
Our French Toilet Soaps
going fast. Great
value at
25c a
box. Some of that cheap oatmeal soap,
3 for 1Oc, still on hand.
We Carry j::
a full I'n" of
Screen Doors and
Lawn ,"lowers,
Garden Bose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
a specialty.
W. C. Goode
'Phone No. 1.
The+ Kind of Pongee,
A Range
with a
Is None
Record House-
That's what you get when
you bits a Happy Thought.
The Happy Thought Range
was one of the first Ranges
utannfnctuted in Canada.
More Happy Thought
Ranges are manufactured
and sold each year than all
other Canadian makes combined -150.000 being now in lice.
When buying bay Canada's Favorite, "The Happy Thought,"
not an experiment. :
Meneraeteirmi by
Ths Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited, Brantford
WHte the Menefee* Int etteseraeet Catalogue.
"Buck's Happy Thought"
We are offering the following Bargains :
Bamboo fish poles, were 10 and 10 cent., Dow 5c each
'Three -joint filth poles, were 15 cents, now -___ 5c each
IC dozen tial) lines, were 3 cents, now lc each
Apple parer., were 60 cents, now 40c each
German meat choppers, No. 0, were $1.23, now $1.10 each
German meat choppers, No. 12, were$2.50,now 2.20 each
50 dozen table knives and fork. at 10 per gent. discount from present price.
Electro Silicon silver polish, was 15 cents, now 10c each
.Electro-platnvl tea spoons, were 50 cents dozen, now 40c doz.
Screen windows, were 25 cent., now 20c each
Garden syringes, were 10 cents, now be each
Flobert rifles, 22 cal., were $3.25, now $3.00 each
"• 32 " " 4.00 3.50 each
Double barrel, breech loading .hot guns, 12 gre., were $8, now 7.00 each
15 dozen padlocks, trom 150 to, 25c, now 10c each
Hay fork handles, bent and straight, were 1Oc and 15c, now 50 each
Wire harness snaps, were 50 each, now , ..2 for Sc
LEE & SHEPPARD, Goderich.
Cash Hardware Store, Goderich.
should be fashionable, ofg ood wearing quality, -
nice fitting, and keep its shape till the:sole parts
from the upper through long use and wear.
Such a shoe is the EMPRESS, of which we
have sole control.
We have a full line of cheaper shoes in stock.
Wm. Sharman, jr.
Slater Shoe Agent.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J M. M *cLEOD. Goderioh, Ont.
Mill Wood
Thin al ova iR cut into stove wood
Inn, t.h and will be delivered to any
part of the town the game day au
Orders rot -waved by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Oamhria street,
will reoeive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
Goderich. November lila, 1800. Mean
SjInhlL! sis, overco1s
Thomas dssesed le • sett made at
our Owe •lw•ya looks lrlm, as le is the
ambittnn eif eyery man of tote to look.
A Hamm reeve •f ninths te Aortae
11 fan are nealsmptet(wn OWN( •
Ilgkt sves.10.0 ter spring wear. Rive es •
401iw r5 nerve Tee. Priem tithe.
Went flares