HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-29, Page 31 _,r.„,,....e..p-....,.--.-,-,----....r.i TRIALS OF THE CLERGY : A Few •• Kicks and ()rumbles' by One of the Cloth. reeere met1.1 et?•'e ort,seaeferea ee.cle'�iP.a�c+io^ld.•+ . /,.2 " 11 only appear 4) octad a nele'lrm fc.r a mlideter le kick," said n weal ride parlor, who for lib thio reaso11e vaiJlllut afford to allow the tun• of Ids num-' "tall 1 hut.' at II';tOL' the teaching rind example of the Ailurlle lhtul for Il. I'uul war u funa.mr old kk'k.r. Ills spinier le idle with melt btJunetions as 'rebuke•,' '1la111 feat' n1n1 'quit you like ue•u,' and he hies - .elf, while lie dourly toyed men, had t• t,f he lis nt r , r 1 (1( tidal* 4t. n way 1K J 7 etrstdered wrong. " For instance, nit Asn nit tilrts- tlaelty appeared he begun to prose - elite It. After him cenverrtoi and lir wan 1144 tut started out 4, work 11e quarrelled with Peter and rebuked hew. When the Judge ordered latm to be 'emitter' he flared up and NAM 1,0 lam: ' liked admit rwlte thee, thou whited wall!" Whom 110 Aur unjustly heater) and Intprb.nrd at Philippi 1111.1 when the magistrate rent word to have lieu rolo,isel lis refused to go :Lad Bald to efhet : ' Not wail.. Let them come yowl (reek me Out openly.' I hope !shall not appear any more of ,t kk'ker luau Pnul if I tell you of some of flee vexalk,ur of u mlulrter'o 111e. lief Many Things Veer. deeper deep ; each of my pouple it aw- bltlous to be my favorite nb,ve all the rent. and tweets the effort on lay part to love all. equally. .lust 1n proportion ay a pastor le pxglu'ar there is a regular eyelets* of erplon- .ege maintained to observe wbioe od- ttte he taker the ofte,leet and whose company he enjoys the most. Regular tub in kept ria the homer 1.' %idle told n11 the c'hildree he leered, and whet) hie favorites' are Moves (seed he Ir told of It let a Jooklltg way until he deer that all the reset feel slighted. West KeepDown Jealousies. D w "Now, the problem ever before the ndnlster'r eyes id how to ubvlatr (hue. jeakmrl.N. There lire pas- tors. of well proxllglour deluagogle al genitor that It 11011111,01 as may and as natural to gull it whole congregation aur It does to, breathe. Dalt there of us who have auy sincerity have it constant conflict, and failure end re- moval hi belly a question of time. Moreover, the removal la not the greatest evil, but (11. Inrinexrlty 111 friendship wltcli b •eotne•r a rattled habit :and n Nomad nature and Alltel, when one b:•tliuke himself, lower' Illy melt rrmpeee Tittd It to Willett has b,.. -ti cx,inei Into the pro- verb: 'Ad deceitful • use a. 11dnister'. dull le.' '1 eomn now to my second kick, the hypnrrlsy of -doctrine. Thin, how- ever, hall nu nppllentlon to nuan,v 'Mu- latto -a, bee:tilme they are not think - err end do not perru.b any doctrine at all. Their sermons may b,, at- tractive and popular, bet it Is be- (':IIIN(• they are emotional or imagine - Li t0 or retivatio10.1 noel a move dab of religion' truth la enough for :t dlsxxtre. .tut c•mmider, 1 pray you, what it fix minister.. are in at the present dot* weer think what they are pre:u•Iling. People 1)1'.Ide on I)octrinee. "We live In a day. y0(( know, of rollgllrltr upheaval, and what are call- ed the grand old doctrine. of the gos- pel, anti' as the Inrpirution and iner- rancy of the Bible, the divinity of Christ, the viearkur atoneneut, jute titivation 4alth and even in'b'n•- tality tiro -king an endless phnn- t:burn rice in reNgkalr minds. The glad people are divided on there roub- itK'lm; IHNOC are carried away with the charms of religlot{ breadth and liberality, and -love to hear this uPW theology, while utherm Nhuke their treads threateningly if they mime the ring of the dear. Odd -fashioned gospel. "Nona. wlwt eD earth ar. we to preach„? 1 know what yew are ready tee sty. Toa tell me: 'l'renoh exactly what yea believe, let the t101e0e- 1 once. be whet , t11ey may.' Yes, bee What it to become of buy 'poor wife nnil four children? Rather (10111 brie y charge wile the refataeton of n u'retec and Ix• unemployed our ie yeti- ir.t.1114 and take the etrisdrem from co e•ge. toil 1 not better tem- per fl1 -i' 1' '- a Tittle', -Vtltttnut t'xectly vine thlage 1 ti.. not be- lieve( 14. It `i.4 allowable to present the things '1" el, believe 14,11111,) sand give both mid of every ehulgeroum point, without mllitttine wyieelf? I:audition Not Theory. ' "Tile le what wet of me have to do, you know, but consider it very degrading. An honer preacher ought to be the /PRI1111I tidy •ate of all teat Ito believe 4.uhexlt We finitely Int - portant nuttier* Of etereity and mal- %ntitul. T.. be 41nyWlllg I( le to be- tray hid 'trued. e144,.te his science and Ilan taw self-req)erot:- this is, 1 think, %lett many pastors re do- ing and nee compelled to do nutria they wide to bring th.miselve and their families' from (4(11 fort ::11d e's- por.tability to Amit and ..linens y. ied hi a kick, tett 1 o10 not kno w•IP,rn t am kieth,lg nt. 1 .1.. 1)0 know that unytxwly is to blame. ''113 third kick against minieterial tiro. rtebtteo 4' hy'p.crlay in devotion. This, you meet Nee, 144 Infinitely more dogr:ulluug aed dewtruotieu of 11w410 $ eat-rempet nir1 lappine00 than 1143- pateridy in frhmdsllbp nod lit ',eeriest in doctrlm• p1411 together, nnd yet 1,' :i1'stolll.ly unavoidable. '•Toru have heard. 1 suppose. of the newspaper reporter in .Itorluu wl14l wr'111 up a rrllglouN tier% ire amt charutterizel the minister'' prayer :tl (11P 11,14tt el.alll/'tlt prayer atter addrr's.xl to it HugtOil audlen('r. Well, that r.1,.rter, thengh it child 0f nntorP, was pw'rfee'tly right -44.6w the prayer wati nddr'erel In the audivalee, and s., 1e pnc'lfealty every prayer that b made by a min - Utter in the pulpit. .Ali such prayers are devout, optimistic and full of affection for the flack. But what tremble there would Ipe if any pas- tor In this city rhoaild offer it .ingh' pulpit prayer in wlirh les doctrin- al %hews, him own reeligiou' feeling lir want of feeling. and his real .,pinio(K eoneerning him ehureh and bb PIIPm1PR In the ChIlrell 441(x11d Mel expreariml l \n, it would never dr, we suet be Iypv Ilex In devo- tion. evo- 14 on. Prayer I3eeo11'e• 3lere Habit. "key kk•k, though, would not have ad )trotter effect uilerd I I telly ce eleoseetl In ndvunee that the lot of a adtlister le, for the moil part, a Nappy else. Every now and then a great howl Ls made over 14.141 *wall N:ilnry. But a l luta► 1* a Hurt of ,o•bll npalge .o.I doodle up a support from every . li ro't luau. lila p•411.10 make hew pre - warty, lin grtr n fee for marriages and r..metlmss for funerals : he get'. free tlekets fur amus.aUeltm, free on the rallronot11 nod a reduction of pelves wherever he Kowa. • Apropos to 11.1e, let rye tell you a wtwry. A young wowun went tato a 1'hirago dry g(.o1s haute and asked the alert If he made a reduction to u,ialoter's elver. The clerk add he .11.1, but nuked h•r with an incredu- l.als ale If she warn puleboler'r wife 410 replied: ' No, net exactly ; bot I nm •'iilrltge11 to a theological student.' '19.atII lustrates the newt -n entli'ant . prwllhei We are in, find no one can toll from it ml,Leter'r Imlary what lie Is really mrikillg out of (1. burl- leee. "Not only so, but a minister Is elevated revere' degrewr in fewest standing by Ida calling, is enele',1 to marry-1Q-a4hantage an 1 when he has a fatally has fawoue eppwrtu• tittles to advance lila children In 111e through hie wide aequnintoner end numeIuus frk'nduhlpw. ilecome Like 1polled ('h11d "So Khat i really do not know whe- ther to (tell It a eto.nresakur or- it kilt when 1 any that ministers are coddled stud flatterwl until they (41001044 completely unmanned allele m'mble that moot hateful of all hu- man being. -a vitiated child. Neither lie nor anyone el'Ie realise* hew cum plate I,v 1.P ham 1044 11(4 %inlity . of e.. -seta, until, as souwtln(m 1.:4.p prem, he drips him proles+inn, he- t omen n fay man and appears as n men :smote wen. 11e then f.o..like It man ilianeing a warm Lath for n cold dip, nm1 reedit that he is not half n mnn, at least until he haw been kicked around like other men fur a few years, 'T'oming now to real kicking, my sermonising Instinct leads me t0 say that 1 have only one kick, lest that It has three grand divisions. with several {11141vbeleuu, illustra- tions rind applieations. 'The general kirk le that while it minister le expected and auplo4P,1 to he the moot pious mnn In the world, and while he of all men needs to be pious, 14111 position makes piety 'dewed on Impassibility and hype. - rimy it necessity. "There, now, you are seep' bled and shocked. are Jou -not ? 'You say: I have nothing to do but pren4IL pray, ring, study the DIb1e and attend re lighten meetings, and If that does not make It easy for me to heirloom you want to know what would. 1t be just na if you Mllolul.1 tell a candy - sinker that nit be (AI nothing but make and rel§ candy he ought to be tory fond of it and he 11Iw•aya eat- ing it. You see, It Id this' very re- ligioun grind, sal to speak, which surfeit's the rollgiolua appetite, ra- don's rellgl(41ts nets to it mere for- mality and Oita real and uunffecled piety out of my reach, "Tilly, then. Ix my exordium, that ply profession tends tel byp,crlay an'1 buy threw grand eilvielone are: Flr,t in fr4e'nekehip; second. In tkx'trine, and third, in devetlon. Now, l will kick along three three lieu's prove lel you will promise mut to (lead your article '1'onfenolone of it Mlnloter.' R.tcpeet Impossible Prom Illm. 'New, nit to friendship, first, the miutater is t► sort of father to his pevrple end Is Px p4Pe1e1 to regard them all with the tenderest affection and solici- tude. Title alone would by an n1m0441 imposslbte task. Mkt. then. he it Ahs. evpected to love every member ( 1 the Meek more than any other mem Isar. Where he has tunny nul•pOrterei who are not actual ntemlx•r. the Nam - rule applies to theta. In proportion as he mPPta this requirement or /'w11111 111 meet It, will b:' the length of hie pnatornte. "There are in every church no mom No of Ignorant, ,tu1rld, (lIM:Igreenbl• creatures for whole It la IIIIix.anlble Lor n cultivated man 41 feel any affinity or ckxte frlendnhip, end yet they, of all people, expect It Ir011f" him. Then, there le alwayM it small lot of mean people in the church Wb.) have no object In life but t0 make trouble for the patter. They are generally the people who were the Io,seml friends of the former printer. WIe1 ron41(ler that In" 11044 hadly need. who are not no Influentlnl under the ndn,inlntratlon as under the 01,1, rind who aeoretly *lel' to ser the new ;motor fall, no thnt they can any '1 to.d you so.' 'TMP pexlp'e of the Inst claws err this menlyewt, matt hypocritical end meet trenchereue people In the well 1. They etre of beth apse* nn I all ngrs nal some of them rich and lateen - What they .lo not know abort fawning on thr new pnstet nn f prny- ing. In plh'k', for the .sneerer of hid ministry, nn'1 nt the enure *Imp Nina abed 111m. erleerint+ at him. onebhlne thwarting him end laboring 111111 '1143 and night to undermine him. world he of no tw' 10 nn Malian matin, Now. how nm i 1.. net ton nrd Pooh people ? Ne, kinlne.vi will win them. nnd the mese t'K're..eh'I my minertry the madder they get They are very RP n'Itive owl exacting L' regard to my benring toward them. nn.l demand probate 'k'n1enstratin(44 od plotnrnl oflection, and when 1 tomb they Pimply tree It 1114 nn 0ppnr- tnslty for it moult Then they demand 1hn.t i ahull the nevi time terms np emNing no before Alien nt lent my geed entero br/ath* d.ewn end my .(slntennnpe (•longer n vendeltn 111 l.penly .Iwlnem!. "Bet below this deep yawns a reotlolLJ k WILD IRISHMAN. Who Walked From Dublin to Jerusalem. DRINKING AND BETTING. the Duke of Buckingham's Wager With Whalley. JUMPED TO HIS HIM What bar btrulue of the gay, rot - !licking Irishman that drnmatiet■ and IK,4eliatN loyal to depict, who war Olio of We prime favorites' of the .tago and the elrtulattug library 3. Have $Lr Lucius O'Trigger, Major O'Flaherty, Harry Lorrell r, ( late. O'Malley, Tont llurke-Move delights of our 'boyhood, so brave, so geuer- our, iso light tletrt(d, w, wetly. iso de- lightful -DO repreee'ntutivew at this prevent day? "Thee Meandered Weir invalid, their Printer parsed away frau them, they du'd In loverty and wWtwy:!'_aaye thio muralist :Le extracted pleaaurer out of their fol. 14+e of which you have uo conception -they 1(0/x1, whielu Is more than y have ever dime, my preaching; friend, and on the tomb of each, and Per - t,tluly of IIIW ben vlvnnt, !ashen have been inserib'd ('hurehill'm (femme epi - Ad presence. A French cook had bee11 Inductd to accept All exorbitant eat- ery to ruperintend the feasts, anti the %liaised waste and the metddert (roiled went tel both above and below staled , out unfreiaently the caviare war carried on thr eigh two lir (brae days a,nrecutl4ely with is profu41lon that would have ultimately exhaust- ed the htrgeot fortune. But beside* title there were cane and dice and heat belting --Ito adduct could be brawhed or ally dlt,rgeuoe of opin- ion expressed wltlentt a het being resale (moil 1t or u duel fought upon It. It War at Galt of them myhInposla that Toru Whalley made that. extra- ordinary wager welt,'" liar handed 111r 11x1(10 down 10 p isterity. The ('0114('r„ttlun lutppenwl to darn upon Nome carious' feat of pxleslrluul0m that heal jwrl kneel been )tecompleth- 1(1, and (hie brolytltt reeler and avoolbt444 of other slraWte (realm In the war d walking Ike to use s-cf Will . g Kentee. the actor, the original re- presentative of the gritvltigger In llutulol, Who undertook for a 44uul of looney to wnik Iutt'kwnrdr from London to Norwich. and aflerwarde to dance to another motor playing lice pipe and tabor to Dover, lend then through Frazee to Italy n't.far AR It,r.,x'. "i 41..11'1 ren anything .o wonderful In Hutt," cried \V honey "N'hyi I'd walk to-" "To .fertte,(Ieln and hack. Tom!" broke in n wag with a laOgll. "I1v jrt111'r1, alai 1 wouklu't edlok at tlutt," ulewered 11'hall('y hohlly. A rear of laughter greeted tide anrertio1, which weir taken air a joke. Thld put elle Irlsh- mnu m 14100.1 up heate,1 tw It was with whiwk••y. "Who li:w got the courage to het I won't do 1t," he cried, bringing hie listed clown up i,n the table with melt fur,•e that he slav- ered half a doses Kl:teeefee. "I will! I will!" r0arel loth n dozen voice... "Toru Whalley." mid his grace of B1a•kinglatm. "1 will bet you twenty thouitatel p>un.ts Sou don't do It." "1Wne, your (inure'." cried Tom. grip- ping his haled. -Gentlemen, yet are by rubbers. Ortat, thea, was the joy and ,arto.ulatiwe*It of Dublin w'beu, uu the list of June, 17$U, the news *proud abroad that 'foto Whalley lut.l returned to the blinks of the Liffey. Nut that 111. own wether woukl have kuowu hew ; utmost blauk- (taet by wind and run, Po trooper Just returned tn,m u campaign looked au burutxl and. battered and reurched and dried and worn us did Tutu Whet - ley but he had carried out the vtlpubtlols of the wager to the let- ter -he had walked to Jerusalem 111111 back, barring the sea ; he and hie two eoullxudouO h,yl played n games at ball easier the wales, and he had wuu his twenty *Lente d. From Mut day be Wait ulwayr kuuwu 1144 "Jerusalem' Whitney. There was it rare retort to celebrate 14144 return uud he became the hero of Dublin ; be could not parr through the streets without being followed by, a nob, Who cheered hew to the (Oho. 11. was abut tide time r of Into the bond* tut b e entered thet 11 Ilynlen, marrying 11 *later of Lord ( 14,ncurry, a prominent meualx'r of the anti-1'uluu party. But marriage le little difference t0 Tom's mode of life, which was as extra.ugwtt ase ever, mal as slid and rerkleed. One (lay he was sitting with route °there lit OP whitlow of 14n1o3're club hour.. in College (ree'n. when they deserted a hind carriage (riding lumbering along. "Ily barters," raid Whalley. "I c(IUId 1imp from here est to the root of that crawling oke coach 1104 It wages by." "A hundred you don't d0 It," mei one of Ilia cOmpanluur. "Done!" cried mad Towe and jumping on to the window• -fill he waited until t11e vehicle w',l* just opposite the window, and then gave a spring ; but at that moment the driver, wblplping bis horse, calmed the carriage to swerve, f11111 poor WVhlttlry reiamexl 14114 mark by about n flat. ,11441 fell, break- ing both hp* legit toil hid collarbone. For mouths he was cunfauel to his bed, ntrl Whelk he again left bis Mouse it was 111 to. pair of crutches --bu 0'4111 n cripple for life. Room such a cu1K11- tlom would prey upon Ruch a tlery UURIER TO RLCHRDSON. The Premier Replies to Lis gar's Ex -Member IN AN OPEN LETTER. THE NEWEST ROYAL PORTRAITS: THE KING AND QUEEN WITH PRINCESS VICTORIA AND THE DUKE OF CORNWALL'S CHIEDREN. • taptc. "Life to Lite last enjoyed, here -- lies." Tom Whalley cane of a family of reale old Irish geutil men, wilt) had Nte1 on the Kllb'ggrul estate, ae- eore4ug to their own ace - t, since tits .lays when llr.au BorOihm" was k:ng, toil had kept open 1, 1)('• null kept 044 the same Iotit, prodigality :to their Inteet repr•evn(t tIve. H,av it env that all the land wag not eaten an I drunk up centuries. before Nov year 1741:4, in which year our hero 'wry b,r11, 111:1y Appear l aten- blldng to our milers' idem, 'et '4oitsee *1»! 1 e enemy, nal yet It ie easily ne• t«metel her. The estate was self -anti - porting ; the N'hflley'4 dlgtllled their (awn whi.key, smuggled tette own elnret, ant set Nt • rtckW 1(1141 rev• wenn nt defiance, with cattle and sleep In the field., poultry an't pied in the yard, enol potheen 11 the still, Wtere was very little more required. Terence WhnIley, Tone's father, af- ter being brought- howls for dyad after wane lalf-,Tozen duel', erie1nir not .1 quarrels that o ccurrrel at the nightly ('aro'I.rw, broke hoe neck through netting hie horde at n RI 1 - foot atone well. Tom wax Urn just twenty, and had teen rleetrof to the, Irish Parliament soma menthe prr• vuonely, f1r they were not par(ieules to a year or two, to the Pnrlinnrent on St. Stephens green. ani it n Ind (tame of a "cool Dimly this electing officer' olid net enquire ton eurione• ly ns tOv t(v' veer M(- whir+ lee- was .turn. T.om WAR n real Whitney, "the dct int own boy," ow lila faith- ful attendant, Micky Donovan, nsel exultingly to call Idte. 111. father had been a will, I,nrum- menreen flare -devil that stood at noth- ing: but his son rappel him. When Wend Wee threatened) Ivy RR ince- Oen of the French he commanded n b,dy of yeomanry, who were n greater terror to the pincea they guarded Hoon were the inyndore. When' Tem. Whitney, snerpeted to Nil- heggen It wise •TiTT'd-"Rifni'flffulgg estate. and an old tient dying, lie Inherited a very pretty properly, nn d it good slim In Neely enol beoliles. Peon the strength of this hr took it Rollie mansion on _College Green. The honor IR still there -0r ens only n fee, genre ago, wtlrn 11 had -leen rnnvertel Into n nunnery -with n •lone Zion over this entrnnee. Whalley was n mnn of tarty am well am a lion vivant, and n(rnanllntel n num- ber of valuable pnlntings nee articles of vertu with whittle t0 adorn him Dublin man11ml. Kllb-ggen Raw little of Its new master : the mete (throne forte of nn irie' country bowie, this Moet of which ('on1,1 scarcely iKoast of what we now trenrd is the com- monest requirements nnd drrrnrien of Ilfr, did not null the young metre, who lived the better pert of the year In Dnbeln, then thr gnyr't and mord brilliant o1 Otte*. The Duke of Buckingham we. at that time Vice- roy, and kept n court that would have pat to the blu.!, that of farmer georg•' and til. Goat,, ennffy 0111 (tureen, A dandy of the tinct wetter, Whalley was et eonnplenonn pereom- ego et the Nettle, wan Invited In all the great (finnerd, and gave the moot latjllh entertainments nt Ida own rex darer, (Ih, Fntlo-r Matthew, If thews well. renh1 wreak nnd tee lee of the w'enen they 1004' witnessed! ('0.ryteel4 woe anger to be invited In Tom Whalley's dlnnr'ro. far there waw to he 4PP11 the creme .be le rroene of Dublin melody, nnd the L ail-Liel- tenant frequently honored them wttb. "Thi' tendency to In.ine"rlty In del,rtlm le niter-proetummd by the very meetIpdielty (4 the pretueier'R (rub)he tlevutloo.n. Ile is ("refer pwnyillg about this, that and the other thing. Itr'I,l N the preaching Net%teen, with three ,w four prayer" each, there are the prayer meet - Inge, the marringra, the vldttnthn 44 the Nick and the tmrial of the dead. Why. the poor man eventually eo4rlceirell a pretty favorable Idea of the religion of India, where the pnyeen are written on windmill' azul uperated by the wield. Now. to he honied with yon. if 1 werri flenger414e'ly sick. for instance. 1 w.duld not 00(1Nlder the prayer of m minlnter In my behalf me worth any mere than the firing of n pop - erecter. Why T Been/INP 1 know It Is a mere habit, rind be is n mere praying mrt alma. "Now, In conclusion, 1 repent that my kk:k egalnot the minleitry end the flourish IN that n mfll'tpr 11114 not Dhow whatever to he a elneere- Iy p/.14144 man; that while 11e needs le b' Moue and Ie expected to be pilaus, Ills very employment mattes lint. In moat mars, a rtltgbooon whypo- crite. Thr perm fellow, y eland, le decoyed Into t1,.' minlatry generally by nn rtrrptlnnnDy relig- ions! nntnre and by the. expectation ,.1 leer'ent religious enjoyment. he might just nm well have im- e+an• n baker •n (lint he rnnlil he ninny.. pitting eox,klea. He find,' to hIs swernb that he could he more I414.1101 ne n hnteher, n rnr(ienter, n gambler, than a4 a minister. and that 1s why 1 kick." -New► York tier - /11.1. • *wed i n Mirror. The goon grit R-,mIt•,n Timer no- end/Poi the good firit T',ronln Star of attempting a "partisan stub 111 that falter grxdl GNt lnelltnllnn, the (In- t/trio Menet) rel on, stem,-CnPlph Ifv•rn ll. fit was the Newts, reit the filer, thnt 11410 Mnmenble. Thanks for the hint that enables us to mote the roe - all Wilne,P/es, Dee id u bet." "Yea We err wiUuls:rs," oriel Pvt'reb0•ty. 'speaking at once. "Mind," said the Duke. "3041 nre'to walk every idyl) of the wayee "Barrfn' the channel on botl. ei 1.00." out la Tum. "That. of ant Impetuous temper rot that of Tom Whalley may be Imagined. He drank more than P%Pr, to drown hna trouble, nn,l no Lager nMr to take arty robt't f•xl'rrimP, the p'thPPll soon did Its worst ; and within n rhe Premier Mtuk*SKlrb'(F4* uu Look "Lake thirty Oriels" ‘Vas Found 'thought b t fir and 1 x ;11111 lit 1 Y e Y lrlb the Premier S41.uu141 11114'0 Sat rd 11 bu F'runi the Consorts' Ottawa. Aug. _l. -Sir \\'llfrid Lour ter Imes mitres/tot the following 1111141 letter 4' Mr. It. L. R4banlsou, eve 11. P. for ..lager : Ottawa, Aug. _.!, 1001. ' $:r, -Your open letter of the let 1 Ill.t. luta just resulted wit. 11 the (ural of 1141.si attack wen t.. 4111114 say attention. .litre no odd.• 11011 lu experts,' to yo' 1113 appre•iu- tlorl of (t, rime it .'.pew's In l(4 true light. exectly nos he 1., the modern i'lwrlo.e, who hap lung proclaimed to the world that he is trot a. other Llb're l s. You (Imre,. (41'', for the hundredth lime'. wit le heating an:to: Weed tltl' 11:.1', rlpl»0 of the Liberal party rine. I became Prime \linis4'r : with hada(; droerle,l the rl(4ae Of the .elders .1 the wart ; with leoillg nllowrd '(•lir lup1inn, petit knit luoaulty and de- bauchery to flood the Leglnlnture. and, summing alp the whole of 1417 inlquitl•', you ever am my' 'tidal (rime the blow struck at the moral glued - :tole of the ',etude.' l'nn pr(r•itlul !hut It le 'within( your right, to sn3 nothing.44 your duty, to pubTiely pro - toot toot 1f the platform im e•umplete'ly ignored 'anti repndlnt al.' "Ie leave the puttee, to whom you appeal. to Page of the riOcrrit 4 of all t11Ir eonwde'." ".end I'll poll a rider to the couple of yearn after his accident, in ttet Bent (Led Whatley, "for; be **ker.q Tigre ",Teremlem" WhnttP'r bat not when 1 get to King Foliolloll''s city irefore he had meandered everything I'II play a g:um' at tall under the he possssei, was gathered to hie walla." Tle• wlkleml excitement now Gathers. prevailed femme the parte,. for there was teething theme blocks .njuyel w) nowt, Iia a bet, and here wart o:w ULD. had never Lad a enroll:A. at .east at that time. .\slue. were dr,ttvw up there and then, told all `/hr gurmld Might (.1 their Ilam(es' HA crit aelPte•x. Tei. .lipuIa1i *ns wer4l `111:11' Wtt!lt' ley was to erase over to liulyhend avid thence walk by the shortest route to the south c,wtnt of Eng- land, where he would take. 'hip to France, from which point be was to take any route to Pnl,rline _hat Ise might cluseet; but. U be mounted a horse or entered any 'pertr'v 1,1 ornveyanee, ('x('ept a venire), where end to d1.(e eteing what mlutlon, If the .en Interposed an impdmmlIeany, the grant servant queedien 1' harrier, he wait le forfeit. Tile lime named for the double journey wan one year. "When will you teat., 1\ 1a111y- 7" Inquires! the Duke. "To- morrow morning. ib0 _neI of Sep- tember, 178'4. There'a nothing like doing n tiling off -hand, and nn the eland of September, 17)49, plenm' God. If I'm alive, we'll all meet .hers. again, and perhaps lung before tha1." The party Noon nftenrtrda link,' up, for 01erybudy tram nnxi- 141' to spread the news far and At'', and before bre:ekfa't time next morning all Dublin wee ringing w1(1, It. Very fow believed the rrp,rl-It Was our Of Tom 11' hallcy'sjuk's, said; nnd those wit., did rrr•llt it was 444 the opinion tied Tom would 44.1 ter further than Perin, and that ouc11 In the /trine e1 the syren Lit • lana, he wnlild attendee him tre- nrerwiR,.. Inek, which- they et.e.lei*re ell wan nlxntt na Impxs(xlble to eC- thenbtleh a. It jelrrney to ttIF, 7nriitf. When about ,noon maxi dry Whitney ItfL 1u11r 11,141'0 for the stony, where a fieling Nm:wk 1111' waiting to pihrt him ncrb104 "trio eTLllin'T,-TTA had to lore .tie way through a crowd which had a/wrnlbl('J to wish hint (i('t-Mpx'el• and many n ringing cheer watt given ns the little 4P14 - 11r1 plot off from the Nhor'. Whalley waw necomlxulied by n repre.wn4t- lite of this Duke, and an aiupir0. who were to bear him company on hie }enemy. the'y riding while he wniked. Peal an he erne of *port, perhaps it wan not altogether for 'portal ,cake that he undertook Ih141 Leak Inst rather for the money. for the fine fortune he inherited only two year' before waw favt melt - Ing. Ile had nlrea(1y 'nl,l Ketheg- rqn lis, n Mr. Gould for C1,111)1) that woe nil gone, and eredltore were gelling 1rnu1,1Peomc. rtn,1 11,1' Node in leaving. was to pret fed an embargo being post multi him. phos 1 it. ll 1 one hard FRAdIANT 5oppoiv a puha liquid &E■tIMN ier IM Tooth and Mouth 5° New She S0F000KT MOD, 31. Large LIQQUIIKT D urnd POWDDERR, THIS At a0 i ons: er b7 Mea Ler the prima. HALL i RUOKEL, MONTREAL Furca sad .Wroth, by jack pining before their eyes the loot cri411e'for whle11 3044 1*rral4111 and litho I do in the lanynuge of 111dict1enl. 'lime open* your .Ater '.4,N n result n( recent judicial pro IIe11UCement, 1 find myself,' so to tweak, rt ',talesman out Of n job. It, probably; not epees'snry for me tic inform Sou of the aecislon In gned- tlon, am you are doubtless fatty ap- prised of it, and. I am convinced, fur frau disappointed at Ito e11(411. If there were any doubt nn this, point, 3(141 certainly would have raised the hued to interfere. and called off the *colitis:el doge of war whom 31)11 knew. well were pursuing me. No man knew better than 3o1 the liNtory -and farts (unn(a't'.'4 well (hP rade. :DKr Chat 3 on Stood -Try -and ntlowed' n peditieul crime which you ('0111,1 have Ntoglped b3 raising n finger to b' perpetrated. proves that if you were not primarily' r(.pon'i h(44 you were at Ieadt parlic.pm eriulbll4.' "From nil this lb appear, that 3041 were aet•used of tutviltg been elected thn.ngh bribery, cerrupti.n anti a tle,batlosl 01 the law ; that for tide tun Were thought to negotiant before the courts ; that the charges were found to be true, rand that tort ,e co11- speem once you were deprive1 of your slot In Par lament by sentence of the JIyJMkal ac.therily. From all (11s it Ilkewlae apemen tiltt, nceordilg t0 your corrvtructinn of those principles Lf in orrlbty of which yon have Nati the loud champion, it was 1113 duly -to rel.(' my hand to interfere' In y(wr b'ludf ; to Call off the polittend doege of war, w11ou. 1 knew were pier - mane* yon,' and A tHIRI:I) GIRLS' UNION, W111 It Down the Chinese House Servants 7 - The tegulatlon of •eryante IR not baa easy to tide country and ibis time Re Il MPPInl to hat rr,fPtim('s Ie1'll 111 Axils countries, and the Ameri- can woman who manage," a large hole., or several 14llllNel, without being (iterbnrdened by bou.ehedd cares., pa excep,(I(11lally able er Px- ePptlon11By lucky. There he never nn Ig 1 would 1114.41 g with the precise* •pryer the( would .ave triedt en arrest him. In the then nneettled etnte 0f Fattopr', and at n time when the mall .retire a the continent wan sitte in 11. LR1n*Py, very tittle oterrMp telenre war earrlor1 on to traveller.. Wattle ptwsorl AWRY nnd mrthing wn. heard M Tom Whalley or hie eompunienr, and It he4amn n gen- eral conviction that he had lost his Rio in Rime quarrel, or been murdered 'I'o Allow the ('rima against the positive law of the land, 113 which you hnd obtained pier creat, to - remelt" wa4be1eeied-_nttd- +talu+u--- i*hal, and them reftt,al On any part you call a (rims. "Yen my In ao many words that '110 Valla knew- better than 1 did the his- tory and facts (on11e•lel with the 0:4*',' nnol that, kn0wing such hi4l4ry and facts. 'I stood byand..nllnp•.sI 11 p,ltical er►tea which L caned have 'toppexl by raising a finger to be per- petrated, aryl that all 'thin pr. IVPR thud if 1 was, not prlmnril3 rempon- Atie i woe nt leant p.artMrpd erim- itlin.' Sr yon Pall the pmblle to wit to es that In your eat hint lml whoa }°41 were charged with having been P;leeled by Fraud. ,and aseiHtaner from ROMP of those public eorp,ratbnr whk'll you so often etertonn('et- inter- apparent -In- dignation, it wait a mitre• on 110 par( 10 allow the Maw lu take Its enure(' uud Int it be provo.l that 3011 w(•re guilty all charged. If 1 were to Peter Into any drfenee, 1 might urge thnt little did 1 imp - pose that the epistle of virtue. weed,' lett/Pet 't0 by s111PIde1 from him own dprelictlona by hint whew. chief .rinse lie had 1,11.11 declare! ' seam the blow tartlet( at the moral wtanekar.11 of the people:.._.. "'glut I Miter foto no defrnen. 1 de trot feel called upon to de No. The pullet have now the ()tart InenKur/' of what is your conel'plinn of 'the morel HUuldards of the pe pie,' and they will 110W 11114141 11011.11,1 the true tnwardnpre of your •hrieke *Karnak ' pulllical debauchery,'-, They will r • to n eon('hl'lon 40111411 ,,th,r*. better and more early Informed, ha'I had an 0pportunit3• of terming and had formes!. "1 bate the honor to be, *Ir, your -.,beat. wt .Pre*0444.-----Ei+i10.41) W&1fi4.1 Laorler. it. i, ttl('iraritJ $fl: T.r Wmnapmg, Man." The Signal ►v eu.aru {1. Y M04U4ING E VERY THURSDAY SIx D. M,OILLIQODDT. Terms of 44.b•erlp4aa, w(rRth, In •dvaoo• 1 I111 ?rate wuxthe. 81a month•. Ou• Year. AdverU•Ing Rates, .weal and other casual al vert eein0•:1. lea der lues fur 0r.t lua.410 a, ant 1 u4wuau par 11ne lir e.oh .0 bawl cent lasertlnn. Maws iced by a nonpareil scale. B,u n•w o.rds el ell blues and ender. $11 leer year. Adeertlre ento of host, rouerd. 110w.r•l. eltaatIon. Dunt altw,.,tcos Wasted ani Busalaeee I;ha�cee Want.'d, sot ec444041rer 6 111Hyom nape r•ll (1 Ips port► Rowes uu Nae rod *'cion ea 1.1•, •x11 M •loved 6 nine*, (1 (or heat math. )0 . new nab- suqu•nt.moth. larger .dots. to Any .peul.l .utlde. the °Want of promote the p•synlacy buoef♦j t1 rel ha& cal or oumppe•n1. 1' bo mmpp��!dgPed an .drertW meat and &seared .M,.Alsfetl/. Lno.l rouses Ill nolapaest kbps one Goat P4 word. oo sotto" low thy. flfc. L"o•1 .odeae ha ordinary reedingaB t}5 alma per word. No hates fur haw Sonora f l? �Oo. for ohurolw anal other rahrto(r .•red/ benevolent laetltutions. half nate. aubecrlbers vibe foe to rootlets Teo sled re{alarl7 try mall vin owner • beer b a auatntios w of 1. Art .t w early • date all powa ils. When . t of •dttt" QwW 17• W 11. old and t►• sew and seweas should bat 111‘ * P.btlak.rs 44.41... 7 e. Le Teufel. of liodertilt bee keen •p pointed Loral Travelling` Agent keen fbr the Town. stip' e>< lluderlok. Colborne, Ashseld nod W.w•nosb. Local p.rtmaner• ore" thy 44.1, et are des empowered to rewire •*W,orlptk,us ta.. TO 8,48(414 D. AU.00.tualoa11ona_04Io, D V,roost be add revved Ta Wtttt_at,. Tsleebe.e nail 30. Till 1t;tl)Al', Ali(:. _U, 1901. TRAVILLI.10 GUILD/4-_- N 0RANL) TRUNK RAILWAY. • aaafva MIs. r, 11(0 and Ewers. 111sod Mall and Store.. Mall and g1prnw.. Mali sad Repots. aed uar414T. 11Ma.lw 1.10 pan. 7.48 .MIS p.i 1 if La 11ppa Ilk psi (riling to. New and M1 4(141 lee (ewe lunching that r'ntes from Chicago, where Nra. of the hired girls, organ- ized as "Thr Working \Wom.'u of Mermen,' have laid down rules for the regulation of h,ti,ehold labor. T1rsr rules .1Ipulate that house-Her- ta111m who belong to 1111' union when hate. tau hour's off every afternoon. and an entire evening twice a week; they deemed tol('ratloin of club life (whatever that Is), reepeclful treat- ment of gentlemen frlen4. In this kitchen and heck porch, anti due al- Inw'a(1c.• of time on Mondry 10 visit the bargain eountere, and Rule Fitt, declares that all eompialnte mime he tend,. to the t111s111('ww nge•nt of the tonna. 11 xupmN hardly profitable tis, dim- med these Htlpulnllone until the union Aldol hex formulated them -*laws 11141144 4411•W4/114eO lit 41314 4(7 (w enforce them. Hm1wr-IPrvanie, like -other felon, are entitled to make the best bargain they ewe with their em- ployers net to 11011re, wng444, and con- dition. of pertlw'. They don't owe anything - more to society than are dotty le willing to pay for. Neverth... Ie.a, the relation between minters. and .errant le 11e wally a very iter- ate/it relation, and the prospect that It ean be regulated by union -made ruleew doe* net .Ppm to be good. itut N worse tithig might happen even to (lileago then fa p'iceo..fuh hired -girls' anion. In that Ruselan oily 0n the Amour niter where la/it year (11* en - Omelette cllls*ne drowned all the ('hineer reeldent., the greet melte Delp of the, (frowned Ineledel ell the bup''-,ervantr in the plane. They were all Chinese. Into the rite? thea went. Bet no more rhinos., 14rrvanln name to lake their pbteee. rind the householders In that ell y hnve mode their own bald and ..00ke'1 their own '!Inner,,. -F.. S, S. Martin, in Ilnrp'ree Weekly. Would Simplify est*.r.. " pt. would simplify matter. a good dent, • 14nL1 Mr. Meektnn, "1f w 'n were allowed to held .4fk'e." "Ddu yon Think they have a* n ruts the. tr•mperwn441nt for deviling *Nh nh.lrn.n ..'gel qur.110n.t" " 1 don't know ;Owlet that. Rut 1 will any that If Henrietta were on 1110 bench we wouldn't b• puzzled by theme dissent Ing opinlone."-Wa.hing- tun Star. D [NTIITK Y. MNiCIIOLSON. 1.. D. e., • DIN1AL s('how', Retools opposite Ike Peet 0e1oe. Oned 44111ins, Crows anal af/das Wwk • Cowl/dlr. 06 Years' ['Whine*. "11111re rl,,.od oat %V"dload •y atter neon. •t I p. m. frum Hcy W 0a,.te, Inelwdr.t- Y. MAB[[. D.D.? LD.o .AL L• Surgeon- latest and e, --t •otwol d .t for alt dental operwtbK Pruwr4M*•s •( ike natural tooth • spedatl/ . Opine Coa.W4 et. sad !donna lap .tah.1. Atmore e. Mese 0111ix clonal on We'1uesd•) afternoons. at 1 p. m., from )1ey W (4-1, lnutustee. Telephone No. U. TM. TVRNROLIL, AN .DN • (.1 Surgeon. (Lately arer•taw Dr. Dlcon, of Wintry/RI 1 flat,* •.d lrlr.el0La aril1sial troth mounted uu gold or aloin rem baea.. ''1pedel atteellun sive■ In this p7 � vad.n 1J the natural teed. n'0Ae.M n. Lea• new block. "Olaw'r load .w \Sed unnifty af4eruoon• •1 I p.m. from )lay lo October 'manatee. LEGAL L�ll..-CAMI'IO)N. Q.(1.-BArtitttE•flat *OM oo er Medical altar, Notary, &.e. In Man, Square. Ooderlob. ( O. 304(NNT031-IiAl1I(IW1Kht, 111.111- loan. .t4r, l'unmurpp ,.yyyyss ala M•rM (0 peal. OMwt: "' 14.ilaenlltoo .ni 111. A 4,14544. Oaten ch, Out. DRO(1TY" & 31.1YSr )1Al11VJf mai J. Mold *lord nolaeieS.k5'° Lroytoer la Marlin. (ion rt. &c w: >Y(,.(lh, a. Raft door Mader otthan..+Frrivolo Fun.L Ter at W. PROUD3.00'T. -tlrulse&,liretill(_ 9f_J."'mb. With a mMarp knife remove the burro from a threrepountl breast 0 lunb. Rab it well with two teaspoon fids of salt mrd n eallapoon of pepper roll np and tlo ilrinly with twine Molt two lnblesep enfula of butler In (hi" braining pan, and 411111 small Onion, oats sleep of eeriest an,1 the rnme of tandpe all rut floe. Stir for five tnlu- lame then putt In the Iamb with it thick dretging of flour. Cover uud oxw,k slowly half an hour, then n'kl one quart of stock ..r water 1be111ng1, nue prince In oven to rook slowly one hour. i,iste often. Take up the alert, skltn ell the fat from the gravy tend hell the gravy rapidly for five min- ute, Take the raring from the Inert, Atte hi the gravy anti thicken it slightly. 114,11 one pint of shelled green pens with n 'sprig of mint In n little water until ten- der, ndd n .altsp on of .all and n deaserlsp,onful of hittir with n dash of pepper. simmer Tice minute* longer. then turn Into n deep plat- ter, ley the Iamb upon then and neer the gravy over nil. The hone* ',theme! be pelt In the pen with the meat to Itnpro4P the gravy. R. 1'. T. O .MILS. 11110 1. J Odd . aide CtlOoewrion, tIA arum ltq efa Moen to tM 1•w rate• of Intends. D104Na nsr R RelL fere clopeitows. Nett lwrlt',e ate. Money Whom. ()Moe, \V ettso , [. 1. DICom _ (M. DurrrhtT 'rouging. !'(AAL 1ltAOKR0 - BARRISTER. wR. (:Ug. l i Icltor, notary 7.ee on If.mlltno street opposite 43.e fkrbwa• Rohl, Oo,rerlok. POrnba funds to teed rA stortgasiga let t per emit. l serer. Ferman/pies e • 0.tvAOrb.eCnPn1ATI MIL sea Tai .1 • rnr n.6.4t0ner for taking lid rea.4Tly r•wrnezances of b+ll. 'tlldavUe or martyr Uone, repo..le.tane or .el.w.0 d•.1wmtlea• la a oonnornln` any artier, .alt N prena.d6r Ir, the Nigh Conn of Ju•Uas. the Cent el for Ontario. or I• .07 On.uty or D vlstor Conti- All t• A Wooden, carefully esti executed. Itodd.noe and P. 0. adigrease ream - gammon, Ont With the possible •xeeptton of her tongue the woman of to -day la 04. gable of holding her own. I 1.0411f0 ANSI t t0UAAROi •t Private nee far 1 eat eta mow and •141,44.. Os ase mtsslr.Ma. Apple a Oat'row k Owtow. .r,,.. ,0. 1.1er-G tee.. INgG► 114 • 11 .- / • am o, I Orel ease. and )lousy A .,.l,L 411.17 11r.14.110/11 eoryr etre report Ronny 10 and nn .strict urns. at the rat* •1 Inte.r.t ening, In any wily 1e OSA lila borrower. 001.',. 4 ramal door from Mat Went street, lloddrleh. Al(CTION1*81411(1. 'I'lI(Nt AM OIIND1tY. AlICTIONtkR AN D Vnlnalnr. Uoderlch. Ont Noes attended to in any :ort of the eoun(r. TORN KNOX O[NtRAL AC(31031t8Y t and [And Valuator, tinder', b, Old. Ilse. Mg land oun1derable experience on the an. tlen.erina triol,,, he le In • position to 4404 &harm Atria thorough e.tl.be't IM .11 arm. edslone entreated to btu,. (.Men 1rt4 ,V E. 14.ton'e Hotel, or Ant by elan to kr •ddtewv �oderleit P. (/.. carefully •(traded In 44)44 MOX. (b•nty A action•er. 117 11 1RAt1IAO• Life.- S w.: