HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-29, Page 2The Signal
p1J.L aao
1). M...•ILLICUDLY. .�
THURSDAY, AUO. L'9, 1901.
Few people who have nut a per•
Atonal knowledge of the conditions
prevailing In the coal and Iron re.
glints aro able to cnderetaail the
ranger of the frequency 114 great
strikes and the intense bitterness
wldch marks their progrr"4. The
pupk' engaged In Nle work, the
metiewbr In vogue, the workenen'e
ltaudard of (wing, and the social
cundltiour which prevail are 1111 as
foreign to Canadian Wear us, could
well be imagined to exist in Am•
erica- Few native Americans are to
be found autoug the employee. of the
manes, and few in the iron and steel
works, save In the more skilled
branch!* an 1 nx foram •ll or' holding
meittbtnw of trust and responsibility.
A mine pay roll 1s a study In nomen
t•lalare, and the Irequeney of the
"uwrkY,•• the "koff," the '.,trky'• and
the "4i14," is startlingly un Ameri-
And it is to oho prepnederance of
this unassimilated forclgn , 11411111.111
that many of the troubles of the coal
ata iron regions are du.. liar; ngo
many Of oho men, were brought 10
the country by the mine owners for
the°eoprees purpose of k)wvring
wager below tho real•• at which On
mriranw mai I be hired -ant the
e:'hemP succeeded tet) well. ,Rinse the
Lnflnt began there 'hen always been
u plrnt!ful supply, as 1 there to Ito
Thr 1njunetiuu has eomo to play an
Imlxortnnt part le many .of the labur
dlaputlw tit the day In the United
tAtutee, and great 1s the grmiublion
about it. To a person brought up In
lIritirl' territory It dooat not seem
that any great harm can bo done to
anybody by enjoining Ilam nut to do
what the Common law already fur -
1110 hlm to do. But of lute the United
Mateo t'.'mow have bsucl iit)unctluna,
%ga11ed moll•eting or "speaking lo"
10,4 tato-people, awl this at first sight
appears to be a great stretch of
je141CU01 attt11urltr•, But when the tor-
euII»tancer are considered both the
u.ee7 fur the injuttetiou, from the
point 0f view of th000 seeking it, and
the object Co be served, become
%Mier. There it n strike; 1
Incur,". or try to secure, other mea
to take the placate of those striking.
The etrlkers on %kelr part try to pre-
vent. the over• 111e11 from engaging to
work. This is dune in various wnya
tiontetimee pickets 1Alk them into re-
fraining ; cornetimle they are clubbed
i.t r docility. At any rate they
tot allowed to work 111 peace
011llnorlly there would seem to
ho uolnrtd for no order of a court
to protect a tutu against bring
spoken t0 an the• street ; but these
aro not ordinary occasions, and It
is toe) to see that. an army of angry
strikers or tie Ir. Nympatlalu•rs might,
without resorting to actual threats
or intimidation, [nuke It exceedingly
unpleasant for workers. Then there
W the law againstwilful jury ury) to a
Juana baisin8se So
Those account for the prominence of
the Injunction In Strike dimputee. But
if a Goan wants to bo spoken to there
le.l.o law that will --be affective. No
court us, roust orderwil, Igor II ti old
prevent peaceful free spa
man ought to be compelled to listen
to others whom 11- doea not watt to
bear. On the wIiole, the lnjunMlon
Goes Mit seers to be so very terrible.
_11 play tend_ to prevent violence and
compul444)n, but. it wiltinterf•re with
-It, melt methods.
Tile Chicago Chronicle Pays: "The
'omit -vaunted New Zealan.t system
4 compultiory.arbitration le pro -
tomcod a failure and its father ie
Atter to introduce a bill for its -re-
peal. Compulsory arbaratinn boards
are' described as futile and the law
Itself an instrument which dema-
gogues have perverted to a tool to
- otiteut quarrels.. injurious a ivall! to
Inbor and to capital. The law 1s
;loaned to an early repeal.' We look-
ed too such n result, bit we hardly
et s -t ted the collapse to cons-_ so
61011. in the nature of things the
llaw which has proved to b: witch an
Ingloriwie failure wall repugnant to
ilritiNhl Meow, and the wonder ix that
it ever found even temporary favor
1a a land where people had tasted
the sweets of liberty. It assumed
t,. interferwoiteblt•rasily._-acilit. the
management of a man's private Mai -
Item 1" as to affect the investment
which lie h8)1 made, and to take
from lain] the right of directing the
en1pl0)meta of Ids earnings- It nn-
drtuok to require anon to rowan to
(1nl)Ioynlents which they might WW1
to gnat, anti nt the terns and on the
condition* which it fixed, 01 to cease
work when they might wait to con-
tinue. Worse still, it was not ap-
plicable to di men. hat only to much
an might form themselves into
nulonn or organisations" If the law
had been good nn indtvidenl, no went,
could not take advantage of it ; If
bad, as It undoubtedly was in prin-
ciple, he wan still subject to exclu-
sion thereby frons employ mentll con -
roiled under the law by gutldc ft
fo111Pited elWpt(P's, and it was power -
tam to enforce He oven mandate,". It
•,4444 inequitable, anticientrto and nn
kujuetifiabf • encroachment ours that
individual lib •ray whim every Brl-
ton regards an hie birthright. It
will not b • Iamr'hted.
No M44u Who Nought Ageless& Ileltala
When Uncle Sam pays for a few Nerd Make elatms.
,re O4101141 aligns he may try to Loudon, Aug. 26.-Newtuu ('rune, In
Id 8 way to puuirh lyucbere. behalf of the Amertuau embassy, has
The birth rate 1(f 111111111. lar boon
declining for some years. Officiate are
not alarmed. but vktw the decline
with satiefacltou.
If that Sampson -Schley inquiry
goer on we 44111111 perhaps have a dif-
ferent !artery of the battle of San-
tiago from that written by Richard
(larding Davis pt a1.
{.respect- flint it _will fall. The
arty of the immigrants, their Ig
once of the country, Its longue,
cu4Wtns, business conditions, th1
usual rat••44 ill *:ager un,l the 1114144
Wearing on the cmPl„Ymeut of work- '7
then and the payment ut wag.*, made oe
them fit toots for the mini -owners' f w
pnrlxose. Their Ili.' In their An A
father lay,als 11ad o.t (x',•11 a man }
too comfortable, and they din not a number 0
appreciate the fact that they w,•rr a slrllr, an
tw•iug Victimised until competition nest similar u
among their own number,. had Wrote• jell. Tier court
too keen to make ctn.:mapatoll :an position to eufc
Those people who wanted Carrie
Nation to become a member of the
"Don't Knock" order did not take
account of her nature or claims to
The ('Menson servant girls are or-
ganizing n uubn for protection
nganlnrl the tyranny of mirtrerrer.
Now will the mbinwrer form a trust
A protectionist organ In Cologne
ceases the opponents of the new
(lemmas tariff of being "bribe! with
.Atuerkau gold." Seem+ to un we have
leer.$ ;onto melt charges matte by
('anaallan and U.'S. protectl0oirt>I
Thi tar!tfhe game is about as etupil
144 the gold briek scheme.
premeuted uuother claim to tbeNoullt
African compeuNatl(u COmwlr..)u,
that of Charles B. Nelkeii, u native of
Preemie and a nuturallswl Americau
Maur -Oen. tilt John Anlugh, repre-
tientiug the Foreign ((fide, pointed
out that the claimant'," letter old Ile
had jollied the Boer's in order to pro-
artett Ills property melted by the Boers,
1411(1 remarked;
' •Nu proton who Isar fought against
Great Britain will receive any eum-
t epsatlun on the reco)umendatk)n of
the tammieston•"
Nelketo gold Mr• ,Crone, was n roan
who hod laid down Me arcus and roe
eta eel Ids 'littera! status, at the time
Ito W110 deported. ant was entitled
to the betteflt of 1118 neutral status.
Chulrnlan Mihai. seal : "No permit!'
who has fought ugltiH$t Great Brit-
ian will receive (onolx•uontlon."
Laze year death took 38,183 of
1'nete Mama peeekleer4, but .the
Spaniel' war furnlihed 47,79. re-
cruite, oto that there Is no falling
ff. The payment of $..866,901,000
petitions since July 1, 1885, is a
king commentary on the folly
nit, Conn. Judge 110• fined
for shouting 'Scabs!' at
men who worked during
taw Intfwnted 084 the
ender will be sent to
are showing a die -
respect for Into•
easy natter. The orgaanlsalouu of. and order,
thew -body of Ignorant, and poverty-
'fltrMke•n foreigners is in itself not A couple of maim
:i''very difficult task; controlling 1817, have been found
Ih4m and securing dis(•ipiin4 and Library, Nave York, who
reepeet for the law and the rigbte to ;chew the Alaska bo
of oti ees it; quite onother matter. precise linen claimed by the
Their view of life ie narrow: - self• States, and the discoverer*
';reservation 11 an instinct as Mamie that thew 'nape will. help to
in them as 1a any of the animal port the .American contention
kingdom. and Abe result is teen in garding the territory in ;Repute: W
the many b!ocidy deed.. of the tong Imo* n map which shown nearly the
.truggle that has been fought !n the' whole of 11rit14i Colamhla as, part
total and iron regions of th0 United of the United State.,, but the boun-
Statee. dary le now acknowledged to be on
Some years ago it was the writ- .the 49th parallel of latitude.
(T's fortune to be it -the .ocallty Rochdale Eng.. furnWh.s an obr
while one of these great ■lrtkes
way in and to obtain nt ject lemon in eroperatlon, leaving
progress. tho largest mutual trading eon-
first-hand a knowledge of tile potpie cern fu existence. It started fifty -
and the condition* which prevailed. seven }'ears ago by twenty-eight
Certainly those conditions were not mel inve44ting LL each. The first year
such as to inryire the ttlutlrnt of their mule won £710. Laxl year
aerial economy with hopm•n of ton it hall 1,484 distributing errlotie.' in
rorty *solution of the dlfflculU.:r I1: Great Iirltntn, with a nwml.•rnhlp of
twee; capital and labor there. Ser- about 1,750,000. a capital of t'_O;
-erat compnnirs of militia were at 000,M)0and a treat) of £30;000,
t id 1830 and
the Lenox
are said
y on the
And Maj ns, J.J. Mason Will be Int
New York, Aug -ti•-The only for-
eign entry for the American Centel" -
Mal Putman trophy contest on Sept.
:Ah, at the tournament of the Na-
thxull 1(1)1. Areaxtlatlott of A110.14 0111,
at Sew Girt, N. J.. Is 111attOL the lite
uittl1011 lalfle Mew'Lttion of Canada.
tlnjor .1..1. Mattel of Hamilton, '.4111
LA the enptl)J'1 of [pis team,. 111111 his
teen *111 b'rekrte! at the (wncluslen
of the annual matches, of the Duuuu-
fun 1(Iflc Aagucla.tiva at Ottawa. tide
04 Friday, Sept. 6th., the ('ree'od-
meor-lllsllymount matcher will take
place between the New Jersey Itllle
Ante dation and the lister Rile 11114111/-
ero-eh ttfou of Belfast. Sir Thomas I linen
lei a member of the Ulster team.
The !rah and ('unadi ill t 1 it•ors will
be the guests of the National Rifle
Association during the tournament.
the time quartered in the neighbor -
000; and there societies returned to
hood, for there hod been rourdrrou" their members no less a sum than
work don.', and the temp's of Hilo 17)0(10,000• Thr noires toll a .tory
fireig11 population 'watt not goof• of careful managrmont and steady
}:eery newcomer was looked upon growtl4
as an enemy, and treated as ouch,
until voucher for by a compatriot Rev. W. Ilolnett, as rrttred Presby -
or strike leader. Few of the men te'rian minister, who 1144 P0 at Holm-
elxoke Englloh, and nearly 1(11 fiel1, Manitoba, wail in Winnipeg
were armed with clubs, knl:re lately, an 1 In conv-rreation with a
as, pletol'f. lf44truet marked Free Pri Na reporter Ile ma le a Mate-
/Out,- every___ntovewent; reason moot which demon44trat •r th • rhnneeit
held lint slight 44way, and their lead- an in lurtrlwr town TGs te. get njl•llg
ere, had trouble in getting their con- !•n a new country. "I came mit herr,'•
fide11c • for an unknown visitor" Noth- iadl air. Ho. 'nett, -from the Town
ing could b• tione without Interpre- ship sof H,tte. In Ontario, hens Port
terv,and P1011 with their aid groatHope, In the year 1880, 1401 was ap
difficulty. W:18 Ptperiencrd in obtain- tai ctrl t.. tins _tn19u1nn of Bartle,
where for twelve years I nI nietcre 1
ing coherent *ta1PMPntN. lint to
to the splritunl wants of all the et
oho eye there W831 no Inak of eloquent 1)104 within ncircuit bi 30J oriatt
rvidrricer of misery nna squalor. Idiots, I come to Killarney after that.
Large families of gntlnt, sad-Pyrlt i salted my dd ',tattoo two years
children hudal •d in the Nhacka for 8411., In the' Mirth. 0 .entry, and wan
which tho companion exacted nn• ox surprise:I at the Improvement In the
urbitnnt rental; mothers who had standing of Lilo nettlrra- Min who.
had bot littl time to Npnre from the (•0111•' in whew I (1.141 without anything
tipple. where they and their little (rut the -hoist bare sttttler'lI Pffacta
4)114.1 hail to work every day of the are taw worth na high as $-:,000,
week to eke out the hnaband's wagon. having made their money mostly nut
patched nondescript garments. went"- of xto•k. They are enmparntively
hog Iooke of enutternble hopeleee- !naep('ndent of grain raising up there,
n, -44i unit manias; others etoxl nboot but they ran nn I do raise poi wheat
with the excited mea adding tholr There ie v;u•nnt railway land there
Nhr111 notes to the general chores .of yet, Inst i thank most of the home
dlreontent. Families of five or Nix Meade are tnk-'n. i wan there when
workers found themselves at the end the winds 14 5111)111 I.:ik eoraatry w11')
of the InoiAli to debt iris eantprint- rayl' by the'aia'roanm"nt tn.two slay,",
e(ur(N and rent, Ititnminols acrd the boom wan on then, and they sent
ons b••tag put on the care at 65 cents !n a4,' mush aM $500,000 of money at
:t ton, idol the men, women and chit- the tinlr t,. aha ray of Ottawn. That
,Iran who were wearing nut their env ngntnxt the bent Interest,' of the
Iivr44 in the work lacked for fool
country, 08 the inn,1 got Into the
Whetter rind clothing. The *Mk and hands of Ingo speculators. The
in) irtd-and neeident* nro appnitinl-"w•neirF dad not make mirh mnnry by
thn InrRe drnlr, but woes," praetlenlly-
ly common -lay without proper mrdl- rainso by them."
and comforts; little ones died for Inck
of moot' •riu nage awl. the necr44..lries T!a WIPE oft BRITAIN.
which the father's work alone .hnnM- -TV O BRI IN.
have b.•e•n Mile to provide. Tho gnat.= In Five 1'earo Fri, nee W flet
tern of Moot of the men were IPS.. Mastery of Sen.
home -like or camfortable thnn many A ('hlcngo report 011...4 8. Waiter Wetl•
Leaving Bank Deposits Total
ing $7,000.'
Atturary'srnd Executors (.et $439,-
517 Out of F'alr'■ Estate- Deadly
Fight of I(allrwtdrr4 Customs
Officer Arrested (.reef Pared.
of knights 1'eestpiars.
Now York, N. Y., Aug. 1_7. -An old
mail nam •ol Paddy Kearns died yes-
terday In Tarrytown, literally of
starvation and ' neglect. In th'
house ll wh11'11 he had Used alone
for euro titan 50 yours, hank hooka
showing dl•pxdtr of $7,0110 wore
found. }lo cam.• to they country from
Ireland in 1849.
Dpolliag the Ilelra.
San F'ranclseo. Cal.. Aug. 27. -Fees
and cowmirslonr amounting to $102,4
Sit have berg awarded to the at-
torney.' and executors of the James
G• Fair estate, by Judge Truett, In
11 Glade a Mistake of About halt e
Ottawa, Aug 26.-:apt4'llal)-The To
rontu World of $atunMy gives the
population of Canada In IBJ( as be-
ing :,:23,000, hod then proceed," to
show that am bt'tw•:.'n that and the
population for 1901 there ons not a'
proportionate redo tion of one•
twentl•th, ant cons gjuently Ontario
would continue to have Ile 92 ns'm•
beers. The population •of Canada In
1891 was only 4,833; .39. 440 that the
World is out nearly lualf a inill.on on
r figurer.
Int opld000f 0111 41 of the law uffl-
ver of th:. Crown on this matter
is tl . t It IN a question of arithmetic
and a wry plain one at that. He fig-
ured ttt and quickly came to the
eenrbsLo there must b' a redoc-
thon In th m+emMrs for Ontario. The
figures In tl?e World a week ago were
about occur e.
Ilurned Mods'.. Mee
for 1(efuslag to
Live Up 31u ey.
Deshler, 0, tug• 25.
mels entered the mune of
liter night. ant, alter tort ring the
family of six persons, tett *Joh $60.
Mrs. Stiles and her hia,4i nal were
overpowered while asleep, anti they
and hoar tour children .veru beuud.
Then the «Ribero deneended $1'30.
which they tans -tett wax hidden ahoilt
the pretulers. St1le44 1(111 them where
they could find $00, which 1.118 all
he had. They lighted match:', and
held them to ha bare feet. Mrs. Stiles
rPnl(asstratel. and nom twaten.
Then the mon started a fire rand
threatened to burn the three-
monthr'-old falls alive. The plead -
Inge of Mrs. Stiles finally pretalld,
and the hien departed&.
44, masked
'hihIp Stiles
Two More Mills Opened
This Morning.
Nu Proposals for Settlement &lave
lteeeked New York-Urent Vire
1e the Ocean Mlae--Train Carry-
ing Kulabts Templar* Wrecked.
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 26.-Develop-
melntr in the steel strike were meagre
Uhl+ morning. The probable r,•newul of
pone.. negotiations, by dlrintererted
'tartlet/ tette Ming dlrcuseed again but
nothing definite could b, 1„araed.
Henry 11. White, of the Gakaetlt
Mukorr of America, and Ralph 11•
Keeley, of the National Civic Fcdera-
addition to the $30,000 given each
of the exerutore by the New York
Probate ('curt for the adminblra
thio of the 4(0(11on in that city. Other
hasty f.•es are yet to. be paid. but
It Is (estimated that $3,U10,U()t1 will
remota fur each of the late Senator
F'atr'44 three children.
Itallro•,dcr.. Fight.
Denting, N. 11., Aug. 27.-A free-for-
all flgIt, among the graders on the
Dishy Railroad at Antelope,I'nws, 110
11111.44 'southwest of here, resulted In
the killing off two brothers named
Hoffman, rub -contractors, nal the
wounding of tlareo other men, names
r('ustoms t)lUcer Arrested.
Tureen, Arts.. Aug. 27,- U. S.
Collector 'TOT CUNton)r NAilllam- Uoey
watt arrestee tart evening at 130
g:tiets on a c4largu of coneplracy to
eluttggle Chinese from Mexico into the
1'lllleof Slater.
A (.reel Procesetun.
A pK•ultor it.atr:atwe suit ds now be -
fire the Mtnmwnchumet1. rourte. The
glldirtlf in the cause Is n member of
tho American I.0gion of Honor, Wir-
ing' Joined the Society in 1847. and'
t n k 4•sl 1(111 A 1IT6 llrafrf 1R!c Crit tftrnt-e
fur $5.000. 11) hie wild h;e premiums,
nml. ol)y'el the bo -lows anti (iced up
to the terms of hie content -a. In
1900 the solely amended Its by-laws
118 to ninke $2,000 the highest
111111 t pard by the rwgnnlantinn nt
the den tj. of it moodier on certhfkut4M
"theretofnr, or thrrenfter Issued,"
null the neon who Itne for thirteen
yetre been Imoiltg ter $$,000 insur-
ance W now toll that him policy Imo
been rrducel t r *2.000, and at the
age of 60 yearn he le suit nble to me -
ell(„ (110 other *1,000 anywhere elm.
The salttya ermtentbnn Is thnt
mntmlliy of notion In the mean,"," of
the orgnnitnlion. and the pI.tintlff
most manna to the majority. Ti,
reale, latt rt rr. hove not often 'P-
lowed relief t•) it person who kat poll
ter vnlue and then been deprived
thereof without his concent nt.1
without refine'. if the Legion of
Heim con rniecesefully defend eneh at
Milt It will net many n holder of
friendly aome',a'ty 01(14!) -*tes wonder -
lag aer t) their worth.
Pardoned Fenlon l'ersl.t, 1 ha' Ile 1s
Louisville. Ky.. Aug. 27.-A paraete
of 30,000 plumed, kn141111, marching
(0 the murb of three .core of brays
betide, under the moot 104urable
weather conditional t0-1187 marked
the furo0a1 o•pening of the twenty-
elglatll triennial cot'late of the grand
encampment of the Knights' Templar■
At 9 Goin., the street cara were
atupplyl and ordinary vehicles, were
ordered off the etreets reserte.l for
the p►raufr, whheh wan n'tnagnlficent
spectacle -mile rifler Mlle of lemming
plumes and fluttering -,pen atwr
l unocenl.
New York, Aug 2Q-Patrkk Ma-
lady, who many yearn age, was con -
%total and eeetenctd to life im-
prisonment In England for complicity
1n the .Fenlau plot. for which the
"Manchrgter Mnrtyrr" were Precut -
ed, 1, 4ytJIg of disease in S-• Michael '&
Hospital Newark, N. J.
Malady wax pardoned after serv-
ing ten yearn of hon sentence, and
canoe to 11(144 country.
Malady image that he ie innocent
of tine offence for•whl011 he was con-
tf the Chinese in the United State*
'trey the order of the lender* of the
WIWI, Reform Agetocletlon to rot
.:ff their 411 al it mot he airept
ad at prima facie evidene' of their
reform. ,
a eta1,1.' h hnr eo,intiy. Yet not
of the Libor,' of these degrn.lP41 toil•
ern nine -herons plied lip millions,
hmnght mnnolnne nbrond, dreamed
tit Or wive* In silk. and dinmonda, and
11ted no If there were no other Owl
than Self, and no other world than
this !
While e)nditione In the Iron trade
arc not NO ba•I nM In the coni di
trlrts, there fa *till n grant deal of
Weary. Pometim a In Nome payee %Pry
high tenets are pelt to ek111441 18W'r,
(vet the att er:me wages In Lite nn
eklllsd lines are ntterly len.legnnte.
It le these fact., twat make people
fes 1 tiwtt thn prolleml 1* not on Pn,'y
one, an l that even when the mon are
mtagul lel nna res .rt to wrong mrnnu
to better their condition, they are
more to ie p111'41 than blamed- Their
ignorance Ie almost ae (trent ne
their d.'gradntlon. Th Ir lot will not
Mt porman•'ntly Improved by etrlker,
In whkh they lite n14 malt no the
elMnpantes. In any event the come
panlet atwny* manage to get even,
rlth.r by tooting th • workers or tat
log It out of the people. There meet
Mt fund an economic remedy Meal -
while we neat not Mvpe to get rid
tit the Strike RIO Its nnplen4nnt ne.
comps n! m.eo ts.
ttun, who took part 1n the Conference
la this city last week, left for the
oast last night, and It is rvp)rtad
that they wont to New York to make
another attempt to have negotla•
atone b•twa'du the euutentllng par -
tire reopened.
1'ret;l.lelt Shaffer, however, said
W day that he knew nothing of the
proposed venture, and his asrua'latinn
had authorised no new stela, for
More 11111, Open.
Thu. combination, it is rail, intends
4;t, wake aggressive attempts to start
more plants Ulla week- They were
'meet -610M In putting two more *1118
1.1 operation at Painter'stl'1, morning,
and now lave four nails with a fore.'
of 400 men at work• More m -'n were
taken on at the Star Plaut of the
Amorl:•a0 Tin Plato Company and at
the, 1.1ndsay' and UcCutehton works
of the Steel Hoop Company. The
nulls, the combination officials say,
they expect to have In full operation
before Saturday.
No Proposal Yet.
New York; Aug. 26. -No proposition
looking to n settlement of tllr steel
strike has been submitted tip to 11
u m. to -day to the United Stntew
Steel l'orporation, following the cpli-
fereucee at l'1tt.Mgg of last week
of the ruemhrrr of the Amalgamnt.11
A4suetatiun, the Industrial ('omnis•
sion, the ('.vie Federation and the
hbor lenders.
141111441 !U. Finley, S,cr.tary of the
N,tlonal Clvlc Federation of Labor.
and Henry White, Secretary of the
United Garment Workers of -tmer-
ka, arrived here to -day from 1'dte-
burg. They said they had not been
authorised with any proposition
looking toward n .ettl•ment of the
United Stater Steel Corporation
strike. While In Pittsburg they 1441.1
n conl4rerIre won rrramPnt -coat-
fes, of the Amalgamated .1.861 ,,".n-
oon, but ,with no tangible result.
Satm]t 1 (hwnperN, 1'resldent of the
American Federation of Lab)r, oleo
edited in the city to-dny free
nuffalo en route to Washington.
Air. Gntnpera was In conference with
Air. Foxley and Mr. White, hut It
w sail the conference resulted in
n6 plan of action.
Great Fire In a Mine.
(.•wino I'a., Aug- 20.-A fierce fire
1+ burning In the 000,18 Mine at Iler-
minle, nod the flames at present can-
not be controlled- The fire was die-
eoverell early 811 MIRY morning to he
burning in several places, and water
tette turned on about noon 10 11081
the• minx, but without nvall" It Ie
sold that it will require several days
to eatinguleh the fire. No one waft
Pontine" when the fire started.
The (bean mine In owned by the
Brrwlnd-AA'I•itP Company, nal 18 one
of the bot equipped In the bituminous
region. it ter filled with ele'trle nua-
chlnery- and the lose will to large.
K.T. Train Wreaked.
13nrneovlle, Ohl), Aug. 1:8.-A spr-
cl•,I train on the &Ottumwa ♦ Oh1.
1'o lie awl, corrying Pennsylvania
iFnlglits Tempinrs en Tante to Louis-
ville was ditched here to -day. Engin-
PIT Milo 1•'rnneie, of 7anesvllle, was
kinin, nod Fireman Walter Baden. of
Newark, was fatally lltjur,xl. Sl far
ne kmown the passengers escaped
with Blight bruises,
Tito wreck woe caused by the train
Htrlkllg a horse, which threw the en-
gine from the trncka
Wife of Suicide 'rel s
Life 'goo.
Washington, N. J. Aug" 25. -But
for the timely arrival of her brother,
Sine George B. garringtua, wife of
the Oxford, N. J.. ininater Niko
hanged hitusel' In the belfry of his
church un Wednesday, would have
succeeded tar :attenuate In following
per hitrllnnd to death.
5410 was fount In the belfry near
the /scene of the minister's suicide, In
the very- act of throwing herself
down the steep stairway- to the floor,
twenty4lve fret below.
-titer the fleet night Mr. Harring-
ton had teemed quite resigned, noel
a+t kettle -int Intervale she ex-
miis n vr-iait-That rile intent join
her husband, a oats ultuwod to goo
to and from he buebnad a Hour,' at
Several timow she went to the per-
ennage. n block away. and sot bewlde
her h:lehon 1's coffin. conte (Ian after-
noon the other watchers went home,
,no' by one. until the• pretty young
w1Sow wee left alone.
Then Abe steppe) into the church,
elkhntly with the Intention of com-
mitting suicide. and was only pree-
vettal by her brother, who. coming
up the street, hod witneetted the
woman's. hurried flight Into the
to End Her
- w -
The Markets
1'oruuto M'artnere' 11rrket.
Aug. 24,-T1te reociple 111 grain to
day were moderate. Wheat stead),
a load of old white selling 72 1-2e,
two bails of new red winter of pour
quality at 66o, and 10/ bu44helr of
gorse at 06c. Barley firth, u load
relling at 47 1-2e. Oslo steady, ,M14)
barbels; melting at 39 1-2 to 4/e for
old, and at 36 1-2 to 87o fur new.
I(ye le higher, 100 Mullets selling at
fit 1-2o lial" quiet, 13 loads welling
ate $9 to 61.0 .50 hoe 11ew, and at $Ia
fur 1,11. Straw sold at 1110 a too for
one load. Decreed bog" 230 lower,
Ch.1eie alarkels.
Brighton, Ont., Atm. 23. -Tu -,111y
nine factories boarded 880 all white;
100 gold at bks.
Perth, Aug. 2:3. -Today 1,7.11
Owego were boarded, all white and
August make ; all Kohl; ruling prk•u
9. 1-1o.
Winchester, Oat„ Aug. 23. -Tooley
609 boxes were rtglrteretl ; 150 white
anti 519 colored. Hlg3teet offer, 9.
3-16c for white and 9 1 -lo for`eul-
ured ; with 111) rater. Sealer were wade
on the street at 9 44-elo Bund 9 7-16e
fur white and allured"
Konsistente, Ont., Aug. 23. -Today
125 boxes white and 700 colored
were offered -9 1-80 --offered for
while, and 9 1-4o for oulurel. N.1111,
*041, but ull rota un curb ; •colored at
9 5-16 to 9 3-8u.
Ottawa, Aug. 23. -There were 1,-
546 boxes boarded at the Ultaw%
Cheese Board to -dao, 1,191 white.
and 352 colored. Tow white sold at
9 1 -So. and the oo1wed at 9 1-4c.
Lewding Wheat Markets,
(lowing quotation." at Important
wheat cltres Ludy were;
' :Casts. Oct.
Chicago $0607-8$0711^-1
New York - 076
Duluth, No. 1 nor. 0708-1 070
Duluth, No, 1 hard 073 --
'Pimento Fruit Markets--
arkets..-Tho delimit,' today was brisk 1, r
everything but pease, a quantity .of
whleh 1.844 left tuuul'1. Groper *ere
1(10 tower,, huckleberries 10 to o7...
lower, muskmelons iso lower. tither
Rues were steady. We quote; Algdey,
ler basket,' 20 to 35C ; rurruots,
link. per basket, $1 to $1.10; grape..,
foreign, per orate, $2.23 to $2.50 ..10
Canadian, 2:1 to rale it basket ; luck -
berrlew, per basket. WM to $1
per bis, $4.50 to $.S ; Latet3n berm..-.
per Weskit, 7 to eo ; muskmelon+. p' r
orate, 63e to $1. per basket,
;tile ; Roches, California per I
$1.40 to $1.60; Alberta, 6 basket e i r
;ler. $2.50 to $3 ; all Canadian %1i!•,
per brisket, 3t) to 50c ; yellow, : t)
01,10; Moira. ('allfornln, per cr t•
$3.25 to $3.7:i; do Canadian. per li
kelt 25 to 40a ; Bartlett. 411 14
]lours, California.per box. $1.3.) t
Il 30 ; 6. Canadian. per look, t i
to 74c ; trano tone pre harlot. 141
2(k.; wittermeln4 trach. 12 1-O
3Oc, l -
Toroato Live 116eelt )Market..
Export catUe. choloo, Ws, owl f 1 : 10 $ e t ' •
d.,medium .. ..... 1'i to
Report ower*
Butchery' cattle pi:•k..4
B utcher. cattle. choice
B "tcherd oettlo, (air-,
do aummo((
do row. . .
(llrl's /.tort Swlmtnlug.
We.t Point, N. Y., Aug. :0.-M41.
Ceatr.ca Kuehl r, daughter of Lien-
tMlrtnt and Mre. Berman .1. Kertiler,
and a very pritty Inas of tlf1Pe0,
hate Ruined great 1sc'tl fame by swim-
ming twenty-five timer around' the
tank in the collet,"' gy mnnhlarn at th •
Military Academy. The diatnnre ('114-
r.'reil !without reeling by the young
woman was something over a mile.
The swim around tilt' pool 1e :2:1 feet,
an1 cod,-ts are required to make (hry
elre'it but twelve times in order to
qualify no swimmers.
MWe K,n•hler In expert in many
sports, rind Is a particularly clever
Iltowevrnlnnn. Every morning .men
takers a plunge In the p tot and many
(1 the cauleter 114.' nn match for her.
1.1(nitennnt Koehler 1 the Metro/Otte
of nll.tery Ry"innnwtics and ph S••1•al
eniture nt the Aenrlemy, and in nt-
ts®4ito1 to oho 4ep artsaeal orf tactics,.;.
mail„ wilting from Porte to the'Re-
eor,l-Herold, Gay.: When the right
moment nrrllert Franca will astound
and remelt the wort]. Already the
F'renrh have theoretically revolu-
tl,'nizea naval warfare, and It nee/a
only a struggle upon the sons to
demonxtrnte their wonderful achieve-
ment. Whey have not solved the prob-
lem of nor navlg*tlon, hat they have
,.nivel the problem of nttnek rind de-
fence tinder the water.
To+boy they have enb-mnrine craft
which nee thoroughly momeasful,
eminently prncticn, and whieh
nwnit only opportunity to Mom their
terrible dPsltriacth'enPrm-
Alrenlly the French have develop -
el th.lr under-wnter fleet to nn
extent which Is trrliov.l by etperts
to give them the mastery of thn
MMIterannoan. to five yeart they
will ho ready to +weep the British
Champ,. the North lea, the whole
etretrh of water lying nl-)ng the
mnInl:tn I of France .and tiro Iberian
Unlni mietnken In thelr raleila-
tiottn, they are now strong enough
to close the Sues route to the en.[,
and (1111A to throw out of hart ICP n
g*nrter o Rho sea power of their
rheas'. in five yearn they rxpeet In
have the manta nodi porta of Eng-
land rind Germany at their mercy.
They hope to he ghee to parody's.
the hemmeroe nt.1 the fleote of the
Kaiser and the King.
Gordon No Better.
A cable receival at the Milton De-
aler ment to-dny from (tape Town
we that titers M tow e4.awge in the
co ;tion of Lt. -('M. 4lordon who
1e .
e. of * v ill a few dRv
-reported *rel t 1
WA ret
ago. Another caber be n14 follows:
"Cape Town, Aug. 26.-C. 2,413,
Sgt.!. B. Black, 105 Canadian 50041(8,
ern* dangerously wounded through
petite and left thigh. near'Iletibron,
Aug. 22n.1 Monne inform tither,
,Tamenon Black. St. Catharines, Ont.
(Signed) ('a(nalty Department, Cape
Average Y'Ield of ManItOba Wheat,
A\*lenity g. Ginn.. Aug. 23.-1'. W.
Thompson, ntnnnar'r of the ( wilt le
Co, liere, extImntee tint the tritest
yield will average ablaut 23 bushels
t14 the acre.
`1.1 as Harrlsua Barred Forever,
('openkngen, .Aug. 23. -Th.' Prefect
of Police, following the example of
the Prefect,' of Berlin end Stock-
holm, Isom (.saki a perpetual pro-
h111t1on ngnln*t the apnearanee of
Lain Bartlett,* upon any stage In
l'openh ages.
1'remlrr Roblin, of Miinlloba,
ehnrge•. (1141 pnrl110r In the rattle
bestrews'. D. W. 111.1e, with mewling
Mentor,' harbor Improv entente aro
on for ndcntlee.1 that the first big
groin enrge from ('hienge lute been
recto rel
Estimate of W el3ht of Yarid.. Mat-
ter Sent Out. and I(ecely ed.
London, Ang. 23,-A rough estimate
of the weight of the lettere and
poet cards despatched from tblr
country to Canada during 1900
reaches 83,500 pounds, while the.
weight of the eireulnrn, bootie itnd
newepaporat WAN 1,088.000 pomade'.
From Canada 70,00(1 pounds of let-
tere and 875,000 Ismaili' of circulars,
Woke and tlew44pnp('rm re:wiled1 this
country. The number of parcel.' (ICe-
patchel during the year ending
Memel), 1901, wan 95,387.
Detective In St. Joseph, 11 0., taunt.
F;vldence Ag*h,at Mrs. Iliulne.
St. Josrplh Mo., Aug 24.-Detr'o-
tiro Sergeant Miller, of WashIngton,
4e. 410 ie -la tate MO looking - for - Lica
missing link 1n' the evidende against
Mrs. Loila TON Dontne; charged wtt3N
the murder of Janda a S. Ayres, a pen -
Moo clerk, on the night of May 16411.
Detective Glider haat in hie potter/Won
the revolver with whieh Mrw. Brmine
ill the allotting. Tho object In to se -
care evidence that the revolver WAN
sent 10 Mrs. Rxtlne from this city.
in thte he seems to have succeeded
4 14) W
4 116 4,
Si le
-. 3144 1.4
3 01 111
do bu11e.
nulla,eitxrt. heavy. par awl,.
Bull. exenrt.11ghl Per 0111-...
Feeders, short -keep . • ."
du n1..1111m
do IlgOO
dwnken.. Mu, o8 Iba
otfoolor* and hotter.. ....
Milch caeca., h ."..,.
84.13.P.ew:u tar cwt
do. bnuky
CIO gully.
Lamle. 010 l
10 ler cwt. _..
l:alret per bead ....."..
Bogy, chnine. per cwt
Hags. corn red
Nary.ti/hr. per cwt
Hogg. `a, 44'11 014
Sow.. per cwt
Twenty -fair (lours' Desertion Suffi-
cient Urouud In Africa.
i.ondon, Aug. 4 -Mr. (7Pplms Brain-
erd, et New York, presided over the
mom( important four .Pwglun14 of the
Inti m:10(nnl Law Ai.oe'ation In
til:aggow, when .Tuntace Phillimore
rend n paper on marrl*Re taws, and
there was n prolonged dWcuselon.
The debate 411Nclosel )14{ttle faith
among lawyers, that oivilite4 nation.
amid ngree open a uniform ole of
marriage end dltoroe law.
Scotland wan de.oribel as the
country where marriage could be
mold hastily projected, and South
.tfrlen an the land where It could
be mord wilily di14eolve I, twenty-four
hours' denerllnn being seflieleut
ground for an aabeolute ,,'erre of
-ditorce. .._
Ambitions Two linters May Now
Order Crests.
Albnoy, N. Y., Aug 24. --The College
of Heraldry in America wan Inenr-
porntel to -day. with hesd.Iuartora
In New York ('ity and a cnp,tal of
The objects of the college, as
*tate' in the articles of lncorpora-
tlon, are to ,",(hint genealogical re-
rearekP* and to furnish Boats of arm,
0114 crests to pastille entitled to
nee them. The director* are H. W.
Knight and George C. Rounc", of
New York, and Richard Wilberforce,
of Philadelphia.
Ten 1'hns,.*nd Fighting Hners.
Paris, Aug. 25.- The 08,1181c pnh-
Ilehem an Interview with fpr. Kruger
At Illh•.'rmim, In (hr' maim of which
ha (1.rinrel the report,' that ire would
horn r.'(sourme to prlvnterring to he
'mere fabler.- ITP *nit he ern* nwnro
that the Boma e(wld only ennnt upon
ten 1hr1Mmnd mmn Atilt In the not I,
hot tint they ware deteralled t10
continue the etrag$to, 1 , , 1
3 :., 4,
3 au to
1 tt to
3 Y) to
311 10
1 S.
1 144 b
t oo 1., 1 e
36 to to i. •
x t;1 to
t tel to
I of
1 3.) to 1 w
4 (84 1,. 1 14 '
1 30 to ler-a►--
7 V to 1)114
u• to u-144
4iglstrate'N Answer to the Plea of a
Keekir*s Motor Car Driver.
1.•.ndon, Aug. 2.0.-A reeklr io. driver
a motor car, whose Sp 4'(1 on a
pnblk highway In England In fixed
at twelve meta an hour, wan nrreit-
tho other day. in eourt he pleaded
that "there U n person In Sandring
ham }Ware who 0nverr( the dirtnnee
tiro King'44 Lynn. which wan seventeen
mII.' hm,r."
The MngInonlmtrate replied: "1 think
it right to soy In favor of 111. Mat
(sty that the ing ono do no wrong."
671 10 V 4
6 ,6 to y of
NO 10 (St
Bradstreet's on Trade.
Trade In Montreal le 11e'ginl{Ing to
'show a little more activity, and as
the prolpectn nt present lialleale .t
Mundy expansion in berates* for the
nett few moulder. Toronto wh.l' -
nale lrnde circles have been a trifle'
quiet. ptemlttances, as is osutir Ter
tide season. are not very v4).1. -
811e11 the crop movement Increases
they will bre better. Baines", ,.t
ei lurdp'g, (1,C:11 1.11I Ilg to reperIN
i trnllotreuta, 1a looking up" There
(tam been n. good Inquiry for till
geode from Hamilton norma taw week
Large shipments , aro now bona
made to various parts of the smuts
try. It is expected that the roll
'forting trade will be particularly,
good. Values .are generally Nteret'.
(law a illg Portion of a Halite'
Man'. Estate to Disposed of.
Tinllfav, Aug. 23, -The will of Pat-
rick O'Mullin wan probated pater -
day. The estate In valued at $228,-
001: $114,000 is left to the PanIi.t
Fnlhers, and the same amount to
the Dominieat l (1tllere, New York ;
$10,000 le left to the arnhhlahop to
educate the young men for the
('hurrh. The bent part of the Plante
ell left to tM evertor M the ,emit
Order of Canada.
Donkholxors caroled off It Rainy
River hallway (ontrn'tor to the
wood. nntll he enneentel to give
them their time eheeke, tkul enabling
them to wort le Me Melton* hot-
test fields,
How the Tests at the Paa-Anlrricn..
tarn Ort.
The following 4 the standing of 44.e
herds In the Pan-American Mod, I
Dairy at Buffalo, for the week , n iiuK
Ang. 181.1), ter oho prise "for the herd
showing the greatest net profit. 14(1
ter fat alone oonaklerw, as deter-
mined by 1110 Ilabouck teal";
Jet -le 5* oft 7))
turn seen 8 7:'
At rehires 8 57
Reit 1blk,•
7 t It
11 .1.1411124 7 no.. _
Fre oh-Canteltnns 7 5
Tolle) .1Proeys 1 t7
13 1'o
5 110
Brown 8w1s
Dutch Eleltel
For the Inst three week.' the .Irr-
'tP711 have 1s0Pn 111 the lead and are
Imre ]Halting the Ourfnseyn cicv114Y
for brat place. The standing of earl,
herd In the butter fat cotnlltlti('n
from Mny lift to August 1:lth Is an
folluwe; 14T IN
uaernettya ................«.
Jenne13 Tatter
if 141,eIru .,, 1a0:a1
eel 1'.d4 «..
Itrown 581es
Sti rth0ralt »..- --
French Canadian/
lbhal .terse, ■
1lirlch ile•lt,.l
1(R( NI -
in the competition "for the hrrt
allowing the greltestnet profit 111
total erolhkl," the standing of earl'
hard to .lisle ^nth ,In tr'st, report! IR
11 ,latero. \. $149 ate
Ay robIrss ..... ..: 18871
Brown Swig of tat
Mlu. rt horns
Rat 14,11,..,
J1.1 /My/
F'ernmh ennadianw
Polled JPrw.ys
Dutch Belted
1.. IR
121 "11
11:1 79
101 :l4
84 43
flynamlte Marta), k,plodes Killing
the \1111141aer.
Ottawa, Aug. 211 -- (gpee•btli-Ther,'
way a dynamite explosion nt the .1y
nnmlte r*,"tory at Green's ('reek, on
the Montreal road, fire miles (ream
Ottnwa, to day, when John Hadlsen,
Aloha R„r, war Mown 4', q.l- ee8 and
tan men baldly (njiirel. Thom Int the
thiol ns, (north tinct.( that 4)118 far•
tory tens Mown np TII+' In at flow
era* fn.r 7041(14 npp,t, 4) ' .1 44h11d,1
Ottawa And rm:utlnl tor• windoo
paten 1411 nlong Mparkm flank (1 1111 W(I'
Ungtnn street. The fnetory W6*
Skim looated near Hull.