The Signal, 1901-8-22, Page 6Mar -
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GHAPA`Fdt XXV of a cigar at all, Philip," b110 said,
The candid, In Geraldine's room gently.
Ho turned hit head and looked t
kcal already W0u lighted by her
lier with something of the pleadi g
maid, anti she watched them flick- ex r.allon of an animal in lib aurR,
ering In the goat her flying entrance P
hail wed, Iisteotag in dread lest hal Ln:wu ,yea.
"No; but you
lo'tend my presence,
her he/bane's suspicions should bring tbn't Yea?"
Mat to i10r door, in which case that
Irall wooden barrier would ecscarcely.-NQ ! °duan t; `she ntnwerctb, impn-
tleutl petulant because of the
Mane 'Wig in her way. Ina few 'nee
truth of he accusation. "Come back
utas her groundless fears eulwlJed, trod finish year Mg ate. It war nal
nazi, drswuag from her pa the tu>autertre this afternon, you know."
note which Reginald had given
her, she• addewl, hurriedly. ate hu yielded.
la 1114100 Of t1ph 0110 11.1 thrown fa half againher w 11, to her rather
to the fire lette-r from !list lien- I wkwa illy-exerencl weleetie.n:+, and
ton which mile had lier,nly remem-
rrfunhel toward the carpeted oor-
bered site had about her, She opened nor where aha had been sitting.
1l very suitly, ler', tete mere rustle „There is not the least roluon for
of paper Spud fall ala listening ears,
and read It almost without daring you -for any jealousy of Mr. }tam•
to draw breath. ber ; andI give you my ware of
"Pear Urs. Mwrimon,-1 stn. sorry honor there wee nothing, at a.l af-
t.. hese W rowmuul;ate with you tit iectitetate 111 hie trite."
the manner. ate, if it Mould in any "Then why were you se anxious
uuf.r(vece way come to your fur• about it? Why any need of a note
bend', knowledge. It would n.itnra1 at all l"
ly annoy him tory much. However. "That W w your fault. .You wateh-
if i act uunble to gate you the tieing,' ed me -anti 1 won't be watched. 1
you wish for by word of mouth, as ehoudn't care if Mr. Itamber were
you seem to fear will b' the give, to go to .tmefica tomorrow."
Om note will inform you that 1 have 110 hx>tetl at her steadfastly. and
freest w the pined 7011 mentioned. and
believed. became. he W nte,1 to !te-
learned that the perell (tout titre. But 1f there wter any truth
whore you are anxttu," Inas not been iii her face. as he Woe Inclined to
there. tett that a 08111 =noel Iham think. there woe no have.
mend has made tiro brief tiblta there„After net, ,Mint cnn it matter to
within the month ..f September. I nie Whether yeti do ce do Lnot care
think -it probable that he tease frbuul („r another men's society an lenges
or agent of the other. The men Elam- It le certain you can't endure miner'
mond, on eye of his two visite. or- (Jeraldine moved reettesely; It was
tiered seine 10.en Pereira thine of n lard Leaden- Impossible to contradict rich a
en for theanof the Pera be truism; but'st:seething must be raid
wall visiting, not ordered ,Jett -the to mitigate its crudity.
tilll Motile be exult to an address "Of course -of course married pro -
which duly fauel him -No. S Bank le can never get on s0 well until
Bank -
/eke Cottages, ill consider
I don't know 1 -,into they are eted to each other."
whether you will consider this much nufd Me, Is hopefully 01 each o id.
of a rlu,, or whether you will deride ie y
W make any use of It. If No, I hope "IM you thipk we ore going the
yea will est cautloue, Tito may right way to -to get used to each
tea-prc>hably IH --a rogue ; anti I other r
think, Ninth ne it may 10eel to say Ile bed thrc•rn away tits Cigar,
eve, the better its well civ the were! having burned h1r fingers with it in
mfrs, for you W pursue now woul'l his agitation. Site wall In terror Zest
he te reconcile ytusref te t•ireum. he should approach her, underrating
stance, ssgl Inane a man who, you : e she olid the m• od
of the
meet on; shows eotetMerabl. able Iluill•a nature and the quiokm*Us of
Ity In keeping aft of the way of well -itis (M•rceptiOns. Ifow uncal iia dare
merited peoishment -to his fate. to expect wifely duty and love from
"Perham,youall{ forgive my pre.1.01* 1109 ,hast she had found cut the
gumption In offering you adder in horrible motive of his marriage with
..00rkierntbn of the alacrity 1 have her 1 lint she of
not want to re-
Muown In obtaining for you tin infar- open the. sublet with another scene
matfon you 'leered. Yours very truly, d j
Reginald D. Bamber." of used,.'(, wearing meadow She
Ger bitoe read this letter three shrugged nor slieuld,•re, and turned
times, and thea she held It over one to play with the fronds of a deli -
of the candles until It was totally cat, fern.
destroyed ; and,wening the window, "Well, you will soon be • aellevod
idle let the blacb, b leflle remain* of-- Team my prPsenoe for a -little white,"
the paper be carried away In morsels he ink,rmel her, rather bitterly. • I
by the weld. There waw no fear of her 41111 going to accept an Invitation I
forgetting one syllable of the 1n- angel yesterday to to down to Melton
formatted) it haei.glren her, anti It for a week's huatlug. 1)u you think
wale tm dangeneue n :krument to you will be able to find some Dart of
1>e allowed to remain In existence. a welcome for me by the time I come.
Thee she sat down, glancing at her buck r
little clock ate sol, did so. They Biped The question vias half a sneer, but
.n truce earlier on S4 (1117 It wee the news fulfilled her own wishes so
Mx o'clock; she h/i1 only halt an
e'clousy that there war quite n
before her in which to tlecidg,uulae ring in 14b wife's answer.
upon it nw
line of criect to be par l ❑m tare 1 shall, Philip. 1 wish
,neat toward her husband In osier to p•
attain her object of going to lean -
your 'Ate Norfolk were a hunting
don without him. No letter wont,'
you will 11u1dJt dUi& to come
nerve her purpose; she must see thle back to year afternoon rids("
men Hammon.,, mala' her own ob "[ ghoul! not, if-" he began, lot
rrvatlone an to w^lether he were letly, and stopped.
worthy of teat. apt try 10 daces -
what?" site inquired, guessing
re from him where ,lames was, andwhat sans Doming, at the tame mo -
whether he waif safe nn•u well. After event that n s free for carrying out
her o
a struggle between ream= and her cern wishes occurred to her, and
affectionate Inertlnets, (;rreldlne's be- gI,e mzldon brightness to her fare.
lief in his films-erreha.i riser( again if -if you would ride with wt." he
trisrn.phant ; an.I imagination,replied, In n hesltnting voice.
which waw her strnngcet "I hive never learned to ride,' she
facility. peneisteol In picturing him rejotnal, randlly. tett I think 1
nos the victim d some plot, the nn• should like It, if I were not (fried of
tura of which she guessed at eon- nhpenring awkward at first."
tlnually, bet old not determine. You would Dean get over that. I•
would teach you with pleasure."
month Wore the autsartn+e of He was trying not to appear too
some person ouch as Reginald Baneee.ger. Liu was she, for w different
ber, 10 wham who could tnust,,wtulol ra,.on.
have NatWest her of the exile's "I should ferret° overeaten the first
saiety; but firer since the 11)00 date -every difflcultle of 1t before I dared to try
of her hiwbddlg
tn'r eanupon
s him year pttleneet set much," mail eh., n,r-
her awn solicitude li.vl grown so vousiy. "I -I wish there were n rlti-
rnpldly, he win no continently In Ingwhool In Goldborongli• then 1
her tls anti even in her dream& could begin while you were away."
p14" b
that she felt that nothing but. the "1 will glee up Melton if you ere
evidence of her owe fore could Anne really so anxious to begin at once"
tent her ; she muni me him, and roe. no, 80 t" mid sire, prnrnptty.
tenon. Now nee then a he.rrib:n fear for this wive by no means whet elle
would crow her m'nd that he wag wonted. "I would not have you make
dead, perlllpe killed by her hneband, fetch a nactifiew for the world."
of whore anxiety to find hem the This amiability was .rather execs•
had heard no more eines the night sive, And Cnptein 11ioreton glanced
of her arrival at Wnrtn hair. The keenly at her with Pillow/ eyes. She
fear .truck her with free' force :ontintlel-
naw. paralysed her, and took nwRy •'It Ix your witnessing my first et-
her power of thought. When tat !muerte that i wont to amid. lent
dinner -bell rang. elm went Omen- there wine riding neborel yeti know
.fairs, (elle. anxious looking. elide- of where 1 staid be broken bn n little
(ailed. She nail her huu±b+nd watele b^fore coming to you for finishing
eel each other furtively daring the 'two is 7 1 should stat mind going up
(teal. which wee (hurt and silent. to town for a day or two, if MIs,
Al anon nft.'rwIrd (U she could- F.lesnbeth would go with me; 1klwtw
_Geraldine wade awry from the draw- i could learn there • an:l 1 Mould like
Irhg-som to the coneert'ntory, and. glut rhnnge and the excitement."
throwing Israel( Into an American T'ltis wan evident .neigh. Ilan eyes
chair which stool in n corner war• were glittering, her cheek, acre
rttindel by same of her favorite fewest; who looked eager, and even
friend's awing ihd flower., the risk• :induce. Her husband, on the other
sad her eyrie ant tried to nrrangn hnrwl, had grown very quiet, very
her feverish imntinings into son- '(till-emnplriutllly .O 1110 (tight hate
meted thonghtel. the:igltt, had Mot not been enmm•
The dim light from the fentaotlo went blinded by her own excitement
Chinese lanterns with wheel It wax reel the effort to keep It In cheek.
her pleasure Suit her fairy -land "Yew," said he, mm.ingle ; "you
'Souk' be lighted struggled through might do that, fertnlnly. When dM
the thick, tints! glass, the goiter- you pr'pese to go ?"
tine figures on whine threw distort- "1 tkwu't prop ewe at till. it M for you
oat shadow's on the atone floor, and to melte known your Intentions and
on her own .face inti figure me she widest,' reterl.v.1 she, gayly.
lay heck In nerrala unrest. with one "Yoe worm very much pleased at
hand mewl to her het and netting the Lim of going away."
bend. The perfmme of It eegnr relined ' 1 em -I own It. 1 have wen genres -
her to open her eyes, to see the dark ly anything of i, nl n ; and what I her hneband etandlnet n few have seen 1 lore.
eters from her among the flower., She sans looking so radiant, M love-
th, demon in her par/Wire. ly In her delight nt having gntned
"1 did not mean to dieted, you," her point, that he ants irrealstlhly
he apologised. stepping hack ea he etrawn a step nearer to her ; and hr
noted the too eloquent expressive of bent down over it flower to bring )tie
her face "I did not know you were hend (loner yet to the spot where
faros." her little white fingers were playing
with the lerres 4,1 a plant.
"Pray don't go" mild she, civilly, 'R lir didn't yen tell and un lydintd?
ashamed of her unguarded rtpres I would here taken it lumen In town
don of dislike. for yon, You Mall have one there
And It sndd d',stay .0rnrr,to 1.,r next D•asnn, If you like."
that there. waw something plttfel In • Oh, well, we cin talk nhoIit that
the way In whish he flank hack to liter on I" almost gaapod 1;,raldi h,.
the door. turned .any by her own upon who*. worn the stggoatlon of A
NlgriDMn.neea from the enjoyment p•rpeted tete-n-tete with her Wol-
uteof t1h, pretty thinge he had provided h -tee fell with npp.11ing Duklenne•l.
for her She put premiere epee her- ' Ten, of rotten,, nnvtheng that eon
self. ante hnrryeng niter him, 'Aid her
hanoi upon his sheekler
"You know 1 ,Isn't mend the seat
Stuffed out ber exultation in a mo- her, she only shuddered and stood
She was rather sorry for this man
now stud then, with hfs fierce, con-
oo-called pusrions, wide!' seemed to
m ike his own life a burden to IMO;
but Me feared him, and the moment
his wisdom' threatened to emerge
from their concealment 0110 hated
"Indeed. i didn't know that you
were fond of London;" geld she, with
the deadened, spiritless meekness
which always exasperated 1,1m.
'Atm don't I'r'e what I'rn fired of,.
so I.o g as It Is something that keeps
uta out of your way, tit you? lour
lee:Weide affections are not c(((ent
Of yuuru.'.
"A wife married as 1 was n.nrrleil
teinatot expect affection."
"Asti ties rpt wish for It?"
Her spirit res,. cul, facing 1.110, rhe
echoed hie words -
"Ant tots not wish fur It."
"Great Heaven! You can my that
to my faeeP'
"Why not ? Is 1t such an aatounding
thing thnt it woman you married rine
ply that she might become the un-
corwelxls are•onplice in tu• murder of
her brother should not bear you the
love (of a wife won for herrcif
"Even If It were 00 you say, that
would be no concern of yours. All that
n wife has .a right to demand of her
hesitant' is that he Mall keep her in
t•omfort to the beet of hes ability.
and treat her with kindness i( every
wife were to claim the right to deele
tett her love noxi duty according to
the measure of a'pprrval she thought
fit to b,wtOw Ott her Iwurbena'. gen-
eral 1•n:ttiert, there would b• u•) more
,tut rein gas."
"it Let n pity yt>n del not explain
to me your angular 'tale before
11)A Ha ; It would have steed a
great deal of mtwanderatanding. The
wife may not even claim fidelity, 1
"Not as a right, certainly."
"Ah, your teaching le charmingly
simple! Then, 1l she should find
that In the very fire, drays of mar-
riage her hunban l is always looking
nt anoth"r wumati'w portrait ; If
)fnusl'.+ letters and 'Mail l's' hair arc
stowed away as hill newt tee -enured
t(wweasfoas. the wife Is to foil her
hands meekly and to submit to his
neglect, hie indifference, end to be
quite overwhelmed with dutiful
Joy when there give place to a cap-
rirloi' fancy for tier."
Captain Morrie= started at her
mention or the, name "Maud"; but
he reemd neither confused nor ills -
gleamed, but rather elated by this
sign of jealouey.
"That would be ,patters conduct,
certainly; bot, fortunately for you,
I happen to admire eptrlt In a wo-
moo, or I Ohoutd not submit to your
living under my roof on the terms
you have chosen."
"You know that on any other terms
I should not live here itt all." ow
"You cannot •seppriae i
your absurd arnengememt to be
permanent ?"
"It will be until you are Orel of
the eight of me. Yee," she flashed
ont with'paPsion, "if yon 1.W aerate
secret from me, I 1.W something
fiercer In me than what yon call
'Writ' from yo -t. Bet your deception
was wilful, net; mine was ret. I wee
never badly treated before, ro that
I did not know how strong my in-
stinctr- 0 -- justice and resistance
were." •
"So you overhauled my letters t At
least i can hordIy say that, for ap-
parently you did not read them. You
cnn 'not have been very jealous 1"
eledld not care enough."
"So 1 see. Maud Is -was -my sis-
"Your sister !"
"Yes, I would have told you be-
fore If you had tanked me; but, its
itot care : - beslden,
the story concerned another p•Fson.
,t1 you have proved your clnim to be
more than a puppet, you o:an hear It
now." Ile was speaking with extra-
ordinary quietness, the quietness of
severe self -repression. and he went
',min a low, monotonous voice: "Shit
wets a girl of 'spirit; and I dare say
it was becanso I worshipped her so,
and thought that there was nobody
like her, that I never fell very deeply
In love, never lost my heed about
a woman until recently -quite re-
cently. While I was away on service
in India, she married -threw herself
0907, 1 thought, on a man old enough
to be her father; he was rich. and
1 mappot' she thought she wont d be
able to db wttat ate liked with him
However ,R turned out tint he was
a jeiboue and Intractable old brute,
mei he took her away to live In an
otrt-of-the-way place of ha in Sore-
ersetNhdre-almost ■hut her up, Lo
fact. I had been ordered home, anti
was looking forward to seeing iter,
nal deterrulned to go down and re-
tle netrete with her hu sleted, when
1011(1.017 canoe liken thm+derbolt up-
on me the news that she had left
him -with mart." Geraldine
waw latticing, horror-wtr %'k, spelf-
bouml, ga'reing the sequel. "I need
not tell yon what (math I swora-
p•rh.lpe )cwt tragi guess, perhaps you
cnn un'ferwtand. I reached England
and learned that they had gone
abrcaut. I wou'Id sot Do vulgar detec-
tive to the wretched Utak which was
the one object of my lee now. I knew
the Datum (d the man I was p°rsuing;
I tonne trot hike home; I settled Me -
net there to watch like a terrier
for a rat. No meatus were too ig-
noble for me, no course was too olar-
tog. 1 met a person who wont- 1
knew, stoner or later be able to give
me it clew, It Me would. At last 1
felt Leve she hurl It ; but by that
time 1 knew that, as an ncqualn-
tanee, nos n friend, she would never
trent rhe' with It. i determined to
segui,re the only eight which would
enable tete to get it."
h,iwlvP, while los whispered into her
sur with hot lips whlob almost touch-
ed It --
'Be kind to se; only look at me
kindly, and I will worship you 80 no
wife wtee ever worshipped before, lies
how gentle I can 110 ! Why are you
ufrnlf of mo Y'
She felt like a girt In a fairy-tale,
In this power of it demon, for through
her husband's passionate whleleers +lie
could think of nothing but that lie
had sworn to k111 Jamar.
'You std you would kill him!" she
said. (cantly, Dot struggling, but shiv-
rrlult at his touch.
O, Oer.Oollne, I have sworn- My
honor ! Re ha a scoundrel -why du
you owe?"
She wrenched herself away from
him without an/ever, anal he hurled
hie Iwo In his hands, shaking from
head to foot In the rtrugglc between
hla oath and his I.1151on. In a few
moments he started Into sudden self-
control. and, wltl.uut looking at hate
wife again, walked with heavy trend
toward the dining-rom. But nate,
with n frighk6fted guess at the Do -
lure of that debate with himself stud
Ita lune, called him back as he had
14b foot ■pop the thresholte
"Philip 1" sold she, in u whisper ;
+and he wavered and stopped. "Hew
(In yon bo so burl, me unchrlstlan,
Do cruel ?w
"1 hard, cruel! Great Heaven!
Then what are you :"'
She looked awteneeheri in her turn.
waHerrd leus1..v.
tboaf came back slowly to -
"Listen, Oeral.ttne : An oath mal
mean nothing to n woman; bent It
le n bend tet rue. Set I will give It
tip no 1 would give up my life for you
to lore mo. Draw my howl tato your
arnw, now, look Into my, yes with
one kind look, and kis my lips with
on.• kind word, and I will giro up
nay revenge forever."
He hod drawee nearer and nearer to
her, its she stood, now tearful And
trembling, her figure tinseling, her
face tett tenni, among the. flowers.
But, after the fearful excitement of
the past half hour, she wait no longer
ea1abl. ritlhnr of cemmie:nide ucL-
ing or of perfect self-control. due
etude one strong effort. Taking a
steep forward, she encircled his bent
Ir -tel with her trembling arms, odd,
areal "Thunk you, Philip!" with n
quivering settle, and stooped to time
hint. Bart at the element her lips
towelled hie an oncontrollable duel -
der passed over her, and he shook
her off with a hkeing, deep -drawn
breath, ani looked et her furiously
no she stood ,humiliated before him.
'You have saved my oath, at any
rate!" raid he, very quietly ; and he
turned nn9 left her.
And, without it word or a cry. she
sink fainting upon the stone floor.
John Fletcher, a Farmer. Cured
of Lumbago by Dodd's Kld-
ae y Pills.
One of lite Thousand Similar Cues to
()sarin A (wuuaua Trouble
Among Farmers-Uudd's Klduey
Pills Invartebly Curs It.
Cheney, Out., Aug. 12.-11nrvesltug
b lu full swing, aura thej fanners of
the reotk,u are at Ill early dud late.
For two Seedy menthe they will be
working harder than auy other claw
of weu In the country.
Probably no period of the year 1e so
trying on the farmer ad the harvest
re008o8. The nuanagem.Yt of u farm,
never a light task, becomes trebly
heavy. Worries Increase. The actual
manual labor from dawn to dark and
1a,wt•tlmwt after, Is mg hard as a man
eau vtatul
It Is not surprising that ferment
often brook down atter the tbreehh,g
le over. "Plum tuckered out," the aye -
tete 1r apt to b• 111/11. low, weakened
cesiltlon, wbleh le easily thrown out
of ostler. The kltineys will show the
sign of It first. Backache will profit-
rofsably be the first riga of the kidney
trouble, accompanied by a brick dust
sediment In the urine. From this
'stage Is bet a skirt step to Lumbago,
widish is chronic backache. -
In this eotmectlon the letter of
John Fietcher, a farmer near Cheer -
ley, will be fount useful. showing as it
does that Dodd's Kidney Pills may be
relied upon for cases of this kind.
"I have been troubled all harvest,"
he writes, "with Lumhngo and Kid-
ney trouble. My urine wag of a very
red Dolor. 1 euiwuittd the best medi-
cal doctors In the country, but they
could net help me. Finally llget some
Doddl's Kidney 1'111s in Granton and
they proved all that I coal, wish. In
a very short time my back was a■
well as ever and the Kidney disorder
had completely gone."
It was the French mild Aur.'lle
who, when nine o'clock struck, anti
her mistress did not ring for her us
use when awe, were no visitor* in
the house, went In se trill of madame,
.and found her met raiding berate(
from the eons rvatury fluor, cold,
*tiff, and giddy.
When It ea me to Captain Morrieods
,+gra through Elisabeth, who heard it
from Aurelio. tlttt late wife had been
found lying None In the glum and
the cold. Iola remorse knew no bounds.
He went up to the door of her room
inti asked If he might see her; but
she begged him to excuse her until
the following dray. in Duch a Irlght-
rued, broken voice that, Irritt.ted b
11 ft sltovr-xit-18T>rl a hswere , "All
right!"' with .h trpnetes which dis-
gusted even Ellstbeth, who could hear
the colloquy from her room and he
mirched stralght downet:lrs to the
library. Anil the next day he made
ao reference to the evening's events.
though a slight flush rose to his dark
f1ce on noticing, when lis wife first
.pponred at breakfast, that she
lotted pale and heavy -eyed.
Engagements for luncheon, for tha-
ne:, calla to make and to receive,
ucklly gave Geraldine occupation for
the fleet half of the week; but the
'onetralnt between her and her hue -
bead grew tinily more irksome to her,
more unendurable to hem, and she
Mand o0 the Wednesday evening
with a heart-throb of relief that he
should trtart for )d.IWn the next day.
"lk, you et111 thenk of going up to
town to taking riding 10sswd.ns T" he
naked, without looking at her.
"Yew, I think I vasty 110 well. it
will give men new occupation."
"Then i will give you an address,
mat I will telegraph for rotten for
you nod Meat Elisabeth at n quiet
hotel. How long do )0() propo:re to
any ?"
• 'Oh, I don't know! I think If
You don't mind ; yen are going to
nay a week at Mellish. are you not?
You might come to take un back, atxl
we might go to n theatre Or tau
fleet. Would that suit yew 7"
"Certainly. You will want wnme
money to open 1, won't you? I will
draw yob a cheque." He give her
the cheque before the evening waw
ever ; itW ue for ,,telt a large sum
that site begged him not to trust
her with an mach money.
"lou know what a epenlllhritt 1
sm," maid she "If you were to give
me n thonwnne fuitead re a hundred,
it would all allp through my fingers
in the mime w ►y."
"But the emending gives you pkn-
+are W(!1, then. 'pend it. Since 1
can not give yon happinww, let my
mintey give you a poor Imltatlol
tot It,"
Geraldine tore up the paper, with
;t Wight. het unmistakable stamp of
her foot at the acme tante. "Teat
us mean, rent generon0," she said.
'lent want to matte me feel like it
fraudulent dependent."
"Not fraudulent, for 1 gave It to
you, and not dependent, niece you
have money of your own. However,
it be satisfectnry to we that 1 cnn
telly nyon feel it
irritation At myosttentationing, If It `•
Sha watched him uncomfortably am
he picked dip the pieces of the torn
cheek and left the room. When he
returned, he d1d not speak to her.
but spent the evening morosely over
the papers. It wee not until 'the
wished hlm good -night that he hand -
.d her nn envelope containing notes
for half the am:ivat of the cheque,
and twkel-
"be that ton munificent 7"
"Tleuk you. It r too much, but -
thank yon."
The old lading had passed out with
their ran.11er, and hehned and wife
were alone together. "1 shall 'tort
tomorrow-behtre you are up," he
Niall, In the m000tonnwa vole. which
she now knew to ba a sign def n storm
within. "1 will sty I°r,letynk to yon
now. i Wive written for rooms far you
at Smith'" hotel. 1 hope you will en -
Ay the change."
111a Pyre, too peterdonete nt the neo
meat Le be very penetrating. were
fixed ,upon her ince. eloquent with
Inquiry. Dwplelem. and entr.nty. She
moat act now. for sr>ms>rle deer sake
"i think i Shell ; It will not be yrenr
(milt If I do note" aha replied, peel -
Ing. "1'011 hnvn taken every care to
make It pleasant to me, thank you."
She held her fare toweril him, and
he necepted the tnvltetkel with (pr-
ow whbh moulted each dam to sting
the reweelence atrlken wife.
"1011 done love este--1 know you
dswt't lova me." Ire whinperewi heakily,
as he et111 held her pawatvo form lei
hie erne "lint tell rte, t1.'., tem rear
honer, iwfrs Reaven-do you love
another nes 7'
('Ib be Ortetbeeeig )
How Parisian Sleuths Are Ttafaed
for Service.
In rFance the art of being a de-
tective 1. taught in a regularly
graded school, with lessons and ex-
The students are first trained in
the use of their eyes and hands.
One of the lessons con/tide in lei/ic-
ing a pupil lu the middle of a1 bril-
liantly -lighted room full of furni-
ture. He is left for only a few
seconds, when the room le darkened,
and he 110 required to sketch basa-
lly a complete map of tate roman In-
dicating the position of the -furni-
ture. After this Ire 1s allowed to
look at the face for a momcut or
two. The student is then required
to describe the face and the color
of the hair and eyes. Ile Is after-
ward required 40 recognise a pho-
tograph of the taco among several
hundred others.
The education of the hand fol-
lowe..The pupil is placed In a dark-
ened room full of Curious and en -
ureal objects. Ile is required to
touch them rapidly. and afterward
e to --tel l' -a. tie �rhet he etas
touched and write a description of
them. He must remember even the
slightest detail.. One of the exer-
cises contests In placing a jeweled
knife before bird in the dark, which
he la allowed to touch only for a
moment. Afterward he must tell
by touch what the Jewels are-wbe
then ra1int'diamronds or opal...
Ludicrous Illustration of KedtTape le.
British Omelaldum.
A tiower•rel luaus clerk entered the
private nxtuu of Um head of lar de-
partment to ark fur a fortnight's
holiday. The official received him
with h11 ureal affability nail told
blur to bund In hie request In earli-
est. rltest.
()Ill I del not think that ,,was Hoerr
eery If 1 applletl to you 111 perruu,"
said the clerk.
"01., yes ; to fact 1t Is lndlspensable."
'These 1 will go Lack to the ofpoe."
"No timed to do that; see, here,ure
pens, auk and paper; *!t tk,we anti
The clerk obeyed. The petition war
written cut, segued and folded.
•Now," said the functionary. 'you
!lave may W present It.'
"To whom?"
"To me, of course." And, taking the
petition, he wiped his g18rrett, care
fully adjusted them, read the dove
meat from beginning tr. end, Platting
it on file among a number of sand
lar applications, and then remarked
with the utuauet gravity : "1 have
read your petltkm, and regret ex-
ceedingly tont I am compelled to in-
form you that 1 cannot accede to
your request." -London Tit -Bits.
"But yeti failed, end you will el -
wept; hall. You have sacrificed me -
net' yolr',elf, to no pnrpos,. Your
Inv( for your slater can not possibly
he greater than mine for my adopt-
ed brother; and I warn yon tont,
'should you ever, in spite of my et-
me.t effort's, get on hoe track and
hunt hlm down, I will never Ilve to
be the wife of h1t murderer I On the
day that yore lift your hand against
James Otway you will be free to try
your matrimonial 0(010 011 0101710
meeker woman than I!"
Husband and wife stood facing ,nch
other, will opposed to will, eye flash -
Ing Into eye, both very quiet, the
self-control of each affecting the
other, and both, at the moment of
their mutoul defiance, admiring each
other more than they had ever alone
before. llut (teradlne'a was only
the admiration of sudden respect nd•l
rd to fear ; 1n her husband It wen
the spark that kindled his paPaMA
into flame.
Ile drew nearer to here stirred by
her beauty ng no wom0114 fairness,
had etlrrel him before, anlmnted as
It wan by the gnnllties he nand a41 -
by steadfast loyalty and fenr-
loes daring.
"Oernldine," Pala he, In a hoarse
velem, nm he crept toward her, his
dark tone pallid and hie dark eyes
horning, in weird contrast whleh
merle him look diabolical In the nye',
of the woman he wan npproaching.
"i wont n.. meek w0mnn ; 1 went
,roti. 1 love 30111"
Slur dr ank hack wlthent taking 1101
orae me rind any here:enema tone le- ',yea off hie gn(vering Ilvlel fact,
Solved till later nn,' mold he, with which hot the fnsrination of horror
a warning growl is his voice which for her. When ha flung his arm round
The Power of Superstltloe.
"I wish I wasn't mlperstltlous,"
mW a well-known young man, "I'd
have it taken off.,'
"Have what taken off 7"
"Why, this great big mole on my
"What are you afraid of
tt ; bleeding to death 7"
"No, no; 1t'. Just bad luck to bare
a mole taken off. It's worse than
hating a black teat cross your
path, or even to have a kooting
ISSUE NO 34 1901.
Pillar of the Church IN•velopa a
Queer Passion la Short Tense.
Dogs are not alone la their love
of swapping thing*. A Stsldaystchool
euperlutendeut la Philadelphia cid
hl+ class recently that he haul ouu-
tracted the tikes -se a few weekk pre-
viously nazi tont Ito had It earl.
"1 Dever play card* or auy other
game of chance," he said. "hut I
simply caret roast trading kntres.
A friend of mine held We kaif t In hie
closed hand and offered to trade it
for the one I had In my pocket.
As my knife heal all the blade* broken
I dldo't gee hove I could get the
worst of it, nor did I. f}er hie hail
one whole blade. Since then 1 have
tr(dovl knives nine Outer and 7 have
finally secured through varieue
etagere a really fine knife with • a
pearl handle. Vet If I come aero*,
a matt who wants to trade I don't
think I could resist. although now
1 wouil be pretty sure to get the
worst of the bargain. It would
Nerve me right 1f 1 ehouid be 'stuck
with my original, old, bladolevs
owl light on the roof." -----
"I don't know why It 1s bed heck.
bet my black mammy owed to nay:
'Chile, don't yo' =beer let ' em try
to take dot mole off'n your nose."
"'What'll happen, Aunt Sarah, If
I do?" 1 went to auk her.
"'I dunno, rhlle. Some folk. Ray
as the place won't nobher get well
and some say as two moll come
back. Don't nebbe'r pewter what de
lord has gin re, or He nought
make it waste
'The old negro woman's+ doctrine
was too deeply Imbedded In my
early education for me to outgrow
It, even after 20 yearn."-liemplur
lie tel tar.
Minard's Liniment Cures Oarget In
Cone -
and child, run down -there are
hundreds -lucky if you are not one.
And what do you think they want?
They want rest and a change,
and can't get either. Pity to speak
of it 1 1"^--+-+
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil
is almost rest in itself 1
Hos. ..o..T...yaw ,•
seer a 58 aa4 Pew •walt�a,.g iota
Tbs Result of Freak Corsets en the
Female Forge.
Coserning one of the fade of the
,wtslastm, the straight front Dorset,
llarper'e Bazar Hays : Another pity-
tdclan aecrlbwxf the complaint known
as "floating kidney," from which, he
says thoueatuta of women in the
country miter. though many of them
may not know It, largely to the
wearing tit compressing corsets, and
which hu consider. the 'straight -
Torn] cureot aocentuaten If It does
not actually produce. A third physi-
cian pretcte a race of oddly formed
women If title present corset is long
Indulged In. Already the female (Ignite
of the moment 1r taking on a curious
=nature' tweet, and this Is likely to
he empltastIed and Inoreaeed with
tato continued welering of the for-
get. Another physician said that he
would abolish every corset made if he
toted. He adnwltted tide to be Impna-
able, to he took refuge In a second
pro{weltl>n that they ghoul' be made
te the. lightest material ps,lhle,
ehould be fitted individually to 'see
figure, to Insure a minimum of wee-
earsure at the most vital points. He ob-
jected to the prevent corset fur ,ev-
eral reatone one of them being the
low beat whleh tended to bring the
pressure directly acros t1, hunt in
a way that. if cOatinuod, might pro -
twee very aerieto evils In the way of
tumore, malignant and otherwti.
The Number ?dee.
The renutrkahie manner in which
the number nine and multiples of
nine, as weld as the nu®bw 19, are
arsedated with the Ili, and death
of lief Majesty Queen Victoria may
be demonstrated as (Wows:
1 Twice nine, or 111. was the age
of Her efejeety' when she same to
the throne.
L'. Seven times nine. or 6:1, was the
number of the years of her reign.
a. Nino timer aloe, or 81, was the
number of the years of her rte.
4. Tw100 nine, or 18, completed
years of the 19th century had elapsed
et Her Majesty's birth.
e. Four times nine, or 86, completed
years of the 19th century heti elapsed
at her ,,orad., W the throne.
6 The tate Quoee had twee of nine
7 Nee Jd'ijeset t war born in the
19th year sof the 19th century. and
she ram. to the throne 1n the 19th
year of her age.
d. The numerate which express
181(1, the year ,if her berth, when
added tog,/her, make 19.
9. The numerals ,Ipreadng 1837,
the year of hew a1oeesdewa, when ad-
ded together make 19.
- .10. Nine hundred and ninety nine
eotupieted )'rare heti at herr death
elapsed since the death of her cele-
brated amender, King Alfred the
Great, who died 28111 October. 901.
Nine centerlee of tM Chrbtlan era
had expired at has death.
And 19 crnturlew heel jnwt ended at
the death or QUO.] Vktorla.-Con-
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
As mercury will surely dearer the seas of
small and completely derange the wattle .y.tem
when entering It through the mucous surface..
Such articles should never be used except on
pren-rlptboa from reputable physician., ., the
domain they wilt do is ten fele to the good you
ea.. possibly derive from them. Halls Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney it 10,
Toledo, O., contains uo mercury, and is ak.n
Internally, acting directly upon the blood and
muraas surface.. of the opium. le buying Hall's
Catarrh lure be sura you get the genuine It 1a
taken Internally and made au Toledo. rate by
F. J. Caeuey S Cp. Testi Orton Iola free
Lar Sold by drugirt.ta, price 730 per boats.
Doesn't Like the Auto.
A - newspaper publlrbe,l in Nice
France, badly declare': against the
arrogant and ill-emelling nutomo.
bile. it says: "These vehicles are
bringing about the complete ruin
of the coast, as well am of all water -
Ing places, by taking possession of
New Scale or Prlees.
An Oklahoma editor. who le a
deep thinker, has fixed a table of
rates for publishing things, " not
as they seem," an follows:
"For telling the public that a man
1■ a .ueceesfte citizen when every-
body knows lie Is am lazy as at gov-
ernment mule, $2.73; referring tea
decrametl citizen an one who 1s sin-
cerely mourned by the entire eom-
munity And when we know he will
be missed by the poker circle, $108;
referring to mom.' galivanting fe-
male nm an estimable lady whom It
is a piMa.tre to pieet, when every
buwdneem man In the town would
rather nee the devil coaling, hornet
hoofs and all, than to see her com-
ing towards them, $8.10; calling an
ordinary pulpit pounder AO emin-
ent divine. AO cent's; sending a
tough sinner to heaven with poetry.,
Living Stone of the South 14,a.
The rbdtor to the Falkland 'elands
swan a =ether of what appear to be
Treat heretire ten, nxtaa-covered hewl-
ders of various, sues scattered here
and then, On attempting to tern
:It. titer he le aurprlaed to ti11 that
It le anchored to the ground by
route of great atrength. These
are not boprldor., they are trees!
No tither place 1n the world can ahow
.meh a peculiarity of "forma" grrw'tf0.
The Falkland Islands are exposed to
a strong polar wind, which residers
It Impossible for tree," to grow In
the proper form nature has ennoe-
gsently adapted herself to the pre-
vailing modifies and ()endured thes,
etrenge form of plant life. Theon
"thing gtonee," as they are called,
are quite devoid of "grain" awl it 1.
nett to Imp nsible to eat them lip
and utilize them for fuel.
Minard's Liniment Cara.. °ods, etc.
was cured of a severe cold by
Oxford, NB. R. F. HEWBON.
1 was oared of a terrible sprain by
F'itE1) COUL80N,
Yarmouth, N.H., Y. A. A. C.
-Twat' cured of black Erysipelas by
lugleevllle. J. W. RUGGLES.
and ep•etling over them. ['Preens who
walk on the rinds or who relit 1n
other carriage* are virtually tak-
ing their lives In their hams. The
tae -(galea anlumublll -week which we
hetet juot had at Mee bas been it
verltehle ,x-nndal. During whop
days the public was debarred frim
the I'romenade des Anglaka Merit
than 100.000 permute were et -
fronted In order that a few, Million-
aires might be satisfied."
Minard's Liniment Cares Distem-
Quite Regular.
"Have you got your garden In geed
shape thaw 0,neen 7" asked 11r. Nalket.
" Yes, the shape Is all right," re-
plied 'fr. Hllnni. " Ite a perfect
oblong." - Pittsburg Chronicle -Tee -
The Weddle& Ring.
Jost why the wedding ring 1. *J-
Wsy. worn on the .third finger Is a
mystery to most women, un» of
whom writes awking for an explana-
tion. in the days of long ago the
welding ring was worn on the fore-
finger and wait darkly studded with
prerioat atones. Proper who hate
seen the old plcturea of the Madonna
f1. Home will remember that In one
or two of them there ei n glistening
ring on the forefinger of her right
hand, but with Christianity came the
wearing of the wedding ring on the
third finger rather than the first.
The old story of their h,•Ing a vein
that retie from that finger to the
heart Is nonaenar. itis nee originated
In thle way The prleat flout put it
on the thumb, saying: "In the name
of the Father," on the forefinger,
"Odes: "in the name of the Han" ;
on the secten.l finger, repeating: "In
the name of the Holy Ghost," end
on the third finger, ending with
"Amen," and there It etnyod.
Minard's Liniment Cure. Diphthe-
The Continental Life
Insurance Company
HEAD oFelt K. TORel,To.
Authorized Capital - $1,500,000
The policies of this company dm"
brace every good feature of Life lo-
snrnnce c.ntrects, and guarantee the
hlgheat benefits In reigned to kens.
cash surrenders, and extended insur-
Gnotl agents wanted hatless dietrlet
Hon. Jno. Dryden, Geo. B. Woods,
President. General Manager.
Buffalo fl0t61S
Canadian ho,,"-' for Canadian. ate-analian
prise. and ,ranged by Caned tan•
The Hotel Buckingham,
The Marlborough .n.1; rhe 1.1111en.
All up to date buildings. hoof garden on the
Beeklegbam. Poems-H.0o per day.
Apply F. B. itOBINS, Hotel Buckingham,
ledalo, N. Y.
Oldest tied Rest. i:stablished 1750
The beat median, known for general Tamer
tine. A pr*.ttlre care (or Plies, Kidney Dia -
swan.. t 'Gemination,Cramp. In Stomach, ern.
hemp's, Crottle .eat or for to pay
and nptratal,. All dor, tient poet(*id on rncelpt
of prier. Stamps sore ted.
Prices 1ac, boo apd 1.00.
Wlf. malted.
~ tore agent wanted la every town.
A Visionary Phllae'brnplst.
"Jaggiest means well bnt he lets
him real eatery him too far," mild
the chairman of the eharlty com-
"Whet han he done now?" Raked
the s•ovetary.
"He wag In here this rsorning
with a .Theme to fmrnieh free Ica
to eh. E.gotmaul."-Jock Wlek,
Why Ile Clsekied.
"Come along, old fellow, 1 want
you to come anal celebrate the event
by having dinner with me."
' Why, what's happ.•nrd ?"
"My ravel Ila .1140."
"Illval7 I thought you were mar-
ried."'fief I ant, bet lee had a rival,
nee ertheleme. Hee gone, though -died
this morning In my wife'. arms."
' Great (hewer ' Arc you the kind
of man to dant' that 7 Well, yon
s.trprl1e me. Who was he 7"
'Mho lots' hlm before we were
married, and she brought him to the
hereto. Ha wan a enmplete stranger
to me then, and were never been
very goat friends at any time, But
lies s gonw, and Um glad of It."
Well, well. If yon are not the
greatest Mot -what wee his name i" -
r' Fid vee
And they went off together ehnek-
�t'llll,g to Help.
Pastor'. Wife -Hwa any rine offered
to repll.trr the church yet?"
Straggling Pant .or -Na, not ex-
.etly ; but Mr StIekem has offered
tocover the wane with porta. plaw-
t,re, If we don't mind seeing 141.
now on them."
.cell lamas In rmeacaureerath11o1g1wggod antidote
.ions. Crown Tailoring Co., Toronto.
free °r retmrneble. freight charism Pe
Mild„ °celadye territory. revere comment
Wary °roommeteor': no .(rarity:
Casper, drawer st, London, OM. -__- -
(,altato ewll oar new Hoek, The Ibeek `et
Woman; beant.dfrtlly tlin■iM vera• aro arm
«ll. 01 al tie., nervy hoa.e: ay tem
rale 1011 da : credit given: circulars, ,
nad le. free, Apply World f ebll.htng
Ca, Ona
L0 k
U Tg Wel. PAYN1
a 1N ROeltlt TRIMS No se equal; Mt
Mn (rows all others; Oka }e wmm rent enne.lyt
absolute eo.mfnrf In say reaffirm when des.
140.1114,11 144th Inferlsr Lrn�ts. try PAYN9
- H 1■ peannt,ed. Reed for I9u'te.i'4 para-
pph11let. ('appa1ble rspr•Naatlres ester . 11es
Wahl... Paras Ca, faadea, t.-_-
or TIM
rRUiT FARM roR AALi 1t--omAsa 4 .,» NtWejnt Peal two si
1 1 mile. from (tem o
51.r1e1, Ill cares to all, m 4 Oil r In trade.
aaMi7 grebes. Will re MY fa ens meal o
dlv/.4a late Went 111 t• Ill d e.s to sap -per
J�a�()erps.ter, P. O. Ma d Mt wA1Mrre
((4.Itarl► -
Mre W1.elew'■ 80ethl a .801111 a1.
ways be veal Mn children teething. It seethes
the Mind. eaten. the rests, cares cried w l
std 1a tee MM. rota a 4.
ped y for s1arrk
% re Deals a beetle