HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-22, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
W. Acheson & Son
Midsunimer Bargains for Augusi
WE have carefully gone through the different departments and as a re-
sult have selected as bargains many of the most seasonable and desir-
able lines of good. that cannot fail to command your interest.
On rale Friday and following days ---
1200 yards of English print. and Scotch giyhuus, light and dark colon an.l war•
ranted fact colon, regular price 124u and Ib., at one price, per yard
800 yards English tapestry carpet in end. of from 5 to 20 yank. all this season's
patAerna and colorings, prions 4bc, 50.• awl b0c, at icor yard .....
9 purees or about 350 yards blink pure mohair figured Sicilian dress goods, 46 inches
wide and beautiful black. Reel value and price ban been 60c and 75c a yard.
Thin is the gteat,et dress goods offering we have probably over mile. Special
sale, per yard
Scotch linoleum! In new patterns, 2 yards wide, at per equate yard, special
60 pales white lace curtails, heavy Scotch net, 34 yards long and 60 inches wide,
regular puce per pair 11.00, sale price at
W. Acheson & Son
Tae Largest esd Rest t'rew ova Fre
Toronto Mole
A pioneer harmer of the oortheest, Mr.
Robert Hall, of Brandon, Le In the otty on a
♦left, and to registered as the Queen's hotel.
Mr. Hall was one of the fleet men to settle
at Brandon, going out there twenty years
ago, and t,.ldee operating ate ',steatites
farm Is alao manager for the district, of the
Imperial Ltle Aeeoraooe Cowpony ot Cana
da, •ren51oting • large loan busmen there
for that companyl los year Mr. Hall
hlmoell bag 600 sores under whore and 300
sores under oats, sod he 1s expeotmg big
Mr. Hall is, tbaelore, well gaaliaad to
speak of conditions lo the western country,
and to oonver.tloo with a (.lube represent-
atly• gave bio Impreeolose. There had
been, he said, reports of rust, tut from his
knowledge be oould say that there would ale
se more dam•re from rust this year than
ordinarily. 7 her. woe •Iwai a mon er lees
damage from rust. He bad • telegram
from his farm laem.I, mistier that cutting
would oommeooe the out day, and that it
wart Hoe hrveitlog weather.
As to the probable yield. Mr. Hail ro-
mark.A that there bad brio such a dlnr-
aity of opinion that be would not t enters •
atetomeot as to the Dumber oI bushel.. H•
would gay, however, that It was the largest
and hoot orop Manitoba had ever prodooed.
le 1896 the average was 27 8 bushels.
This year the orop was • better one, and
ohms were 2,100,000 soros 'soar caltiv.
• log.
There war • little fear during the early
part of the U P. R. oinks that the railway
might not be In • poeltloe to take the grain
out se galokly u It was delivered, but Mr.
Hall was assure' by r Ili dale at Wloolpeg
that they oould handle S00 ors a day east
of Wlanipeg. Tole would meso from 350,•
000 M 500,000 bushels . d•v, and with the
olovator a000mmodatioe along I he floe
should be • reaaon.ble guarantee against •
btookade euoh •s had existed In other years.
The barest, loo, was two weeks earlier
than usual, which would glee just that
maob more time before the oloeleg of nay i•
g erms. sti that wilts ordinary M•eitob•
weather the orop rhoold be gut off pretty
Asked a, M the Ho•eolai posit:op of the
tannery, Mr. Hall repined the they had
not reoelved *sough out of lest twee orop
to Butte pay their way, but this year they
would mon then mak• up tbo abort.ge.
Imnroved farms, with good bulldtoge, were
melting reaAlls at $20 an more to good dls•
trine, w111e aolmproved land was selling
✓ eadily from 11b up. A man who bad any
knowledge of (armlor and would look after
bis business war bound to gummed In that
A chug. to the chrsoter of the farming
in the weal was polntei out by Mr. Hall.
Hundreds of cream .p•ratore were now
helot sold every yer, and • good deal of
money made oat of Ln•ter, cheese, beef,
pore poultry, and In mixed t.rmiag gen
malty, Jo some district* enough woe mode
In these lines to hoop the entire term. In
diet riots, tot. that ten and fifteen years ago
seers supposed to los whol:y wheet lands,
..npte were tarring to mixed trming.
When Mr. Hall lett the west wheat Was
/Ahoy at 50 re 53 Dente, delivered at the
alevetore, and a1 the figure 1t paid fairly
well. He did not anticipate thea mash
wheat would be in,TIIted before Nov, mbar
l■ believed to be • is of the lastest hones on
this oontlnool.
Wingbam : W. B. Rae has entered the
matrimonial estate. The happy twat took
niece on WVedo.ed•y of last week. The
bride was Miss Maggie Darker, of Thorold.
Blyth : W. W. Kelly, of Meier, Loulel•
aoa, arrived In Myth on Tuesday of last
week. and will spend • mouth with friends.
Mr. Kelly 1. looking the pioture ot good
bralth and report. the lum5er business
boomlog to the gunny South.
tVtngb•m : Jare. (Maes who hu been
visiting her faeher'0 law, Mr. Glu., of
town, commeooed the return journey to her
home In V.000uver, os Thursday of lel
wick. Her husband is ex prat manager o0
the C. 1'. R. between Va000uver and Cal.
e arl
Hrooefiel.i: James Jamieson. an old and
respwted resident of I(rooebeld, .od for-
merly of this town, was here ort Mouday of
last week, bidding goodbye to his friends,ca
he intend' removing to l)tkota this month,
cabere be has a so0 and two d.ugbten re -
Clinton: Jam. Doberty,wbllo coming lo from
H.ytl.id reoeotly met with an e1
oldest to bs bicycle but was uohart blme.11;.
when riding down • grade near Sltddletooe
church. the wheel esagtit In • rut and, be
'stood at • good p.oe, toe wheel was entirely
Winob•m Mies I.I.r'e Wdlwood, teach
er of Fordyce sohool, has resigned her situ
• tion, and will teeoh to New Volk. She
recent Ir wind the examination In that city,
taking 84 per oeut. The salary she will re -
navel 1. about throe rimes wbat .he had
bseo rt eiviag at Fordyce
Se•fortb W. F. Layton, -rho has been
manager of The St Paul Olobe,ratlr.e the.•
from on the lot of septemlier, and will re-
turn to Canada to rondo. He woe •t ono
time prop, toter of The Se.forth Expo. lei,
end suterqueolly editor of 'l'be tVtnotpeg
Fru Press, when,• Unlade • mint of money.
S51lortb : A few days ago 1'. F. 11.'..
'hotrod us • eempl• of pws grown on his
tum our Y.forth which were not sown
auto duce. The vines are heavily laden
with large, well tll'e 1 polo and if thee ripen
properly promlee • splendid yield. 'There
is as yet no appearacoe of Injury from the
beg or other Mum.
Blyth : Frank Bowden last week rooelved
a check for $30 from the i)ominion of Can-
ada Guarantee and Aocldent Cu , as pay,
mime for an Injury to one of hie fingers
while working In the Blyth handle worke.
Mr. Bowden had only plaoed on aooldent
policy with the 11,,yo company two week.
beton the •ooldeat h•ppone'l.
Wingbam There died at his home lo
Or•odie, North Dakota, on August 2nd,
James %V. Thum, well known In this vi-
cinity He Deme from Dalhousie. Lanark
00 , and settled to Lower 1% Ingham, thirty•
two yen. ago, wler. h• kept a 1
store Lr, fifteen years. One brother lives in
Z,-laod, and another in St. Helene. De-
ceased was enemy five years of age.
('I ntoo Learning of their matrimonial
intentions a few intimate Ir.ends took oc-
casion to make N. Fair and Andrew Porter
• presentation as a ellpht remembrance of
b.ppy h,nhelor days. Oo Friday evening,
the 'Oh Inst., they met in W. 1) Fates par.
for and presented Mr. Fair with • valuable
out glen deov.ter and permuted a oat glass
ironies jug an I tutor bowl for Mr. Porter.
fine. -----
Wingbam ; 111.e Eliot B.Il left lost week
for the Nen, to resume her duties se school
Wiaaba•n : Herr., eon of Freeman ('rr,
01 town. 1. laid up In Owen Sound with
blood poisoning
Clinton . R ltrab►m,of Inc Mason House,
sole to .1. Got alt a roan driving mare of sir
years aid for 1115
Rrsaeelt : MI.. Strong. of Mllyrtoo, hes
esoapted a position as bookkeeper w.th 3.
Ferge.oe & Co , of this place.
Brussels: It Johnston, who has been in
the employ of J. Ferguson A Co. for the
put lour year,. hal aoo.pted • position la
M4'J(tllop - David M. R .sq trea.nrer cf
feleKdte„ Is having a bioAeome two glary
brick r.sidonoe erected oa hie fine farm eat
of \tlnthrop.
sieelorth Kopoelter: Mrs. E I. Rumbtll,
.11)e4nrleh, is epoodlnt • few weeks vlydt-
log e' toe home of her mother, Mr. Mc.
Orsgor, %Vinnos V,114. neer lleosatl.
Tackeremlth t Mn, Nichol, daughters of
.lames McTavish, of Tockersmlth, who has
bene Is this vicinity for sometime ylelting
friends, loft for Mr home to Dolomite Mw,•
701. to
MIes e. klromeroy,Davis ls •fClintonVWoodstock.
Bebe V
Wloghsm The mole eetendvs fire and his ntany friends here would like to
ItClethwm he knows for ,ems years nm have the opportunity of personally ooagrat-
u'ating him upon the harp!
will do so l0 spirit, howarer. He Is party.
Ing on • ern• halloos, in (',rtwrlrhle, a
growing vltieoa ie Southern M•n'toha.
knows bow to work 11. This fall wheat
Wall grown oo pea laud wblob bad formerly
hese sod.
Clinton : A br,lll•nt Goole), evool was
tbu moiel home wedding which took plane
bore on Wedneed•y ol lame week al the
realdeoo et Ula brtdea porton, Mr. and
Min. Rauh lrwu,, High street, wbw their
third daughter, Mies ldoole, wag malted la
marriage to Norman Fair. la the absence
of their p•etor, Roy. A, Stewart, of Willis
ohorob, Rey. Mr. Hamilton, of Loodesboro,
perfumed the °sremony, at 12 o'clock. lo
the prwenoe of only relatives of the families
and a few intimate friends The bride was
very attraotive end proof In white ailk,sod
her ,bier, Moes Mary, o1 Toronto, who aot-
ed as bridesmaid, looked ,,tuaily beautiful
in buff organdy ; M. 1) Mo ragout' •tread •
ed the groom. lmmedistoly after the cere-
mony and 000gratul•tione the weddlog din-
ner which was •walting was partaken of by
the party, alter whio1 the happy youog
couple took the 2.55 express for their trip
via Toronto to Montreal, Quebec and other
p010le The bridal gifts uonsieted of &whiles
of a mostly obsracter and were meaty, for
both Mr. and Mrs. Fair are popular and
htphly esteemed among their numerous
Irtsnds. V. join with the their •claalot-
soce. in wishing them • happy wedded lils
Oa returning they will take up their rest
deuce ors Mary street.
What the Nlslster of Agrleallsre •.7•
•be■t tit. where Maack.
(Toronto Star.)
Hon. John Dryden returned to the l'.r
liament Buildings this morning, after an
•tseuoe of a month sad a half. Hs has
been tenting moot of the time, and looks
brown aud Marty after bar exposure to the
•lemeota. Mr. Diydem'a first destlnatioo'I
on leaving Tt ren►o was the ranch lo I)•kota,
In widish he is interested and over which
such a tempest to • t.pct bag been resod
In his ahesnr •.
"This question abont the !Wrote ranch,'
said Mr. Dryden, "is one of seotlmeot
largely, and is tbtrelor° a ticklish one to
touch. The oompauv which has it in hood
1. a joint stook sra'r, and It wall orgaolzed
•bouts year and a hall ago, and Wverlleed
In too or three of the oily papers by Mr.
J. F. MoLaugbltn, who had charge of Its
notation. At that time I was stated to be
a provslooal dir*olor and provisional preet•
"I1 11 le wrong now, it was wroog them.
If It was an 10jary to my position as Minis -
tor of the Crown, complaint should have
been made at the last antilop of the Ingu-
lature, when 1 could bays deteod.d my
self. 'i'st the attaok has been held over,
and delivered now, when 1 war off In tbs
back woods, when 1 had no chance to re-
DI! -
"The whole storm seems to have been
raised by the exoesdve wisdom of Mr.
Pettypteoe. Tae Gonservattve journals sew
no wroog In my poeittoa eco • stockholder
till they were advised by him."
"Have you any Idea what loflaenoed 61r.
Pe nt:n a to make the atteok'"
"Not the litgateet. When I first heard
of it I laid to • gentleman who was with
me that he must be .11001 1 oruy, or else
bays been dr' Aloe something stronger
than water.
"I do not think there Ie anything deroga-
tory to Oaearl° •grloallure in soy boldiog
Coat to • Dakota ranch. Mr l'ettypieos
does not *rem to know the dlffrr,noe be -
torsion agrloulture and ranohing. We have
0o ranching oouotry In Ontario."
".1'hy did you not go into r•oohlog In
the . anadl.n Northwest t"
"Thio off 'r came, and that from the Can-
adian West did not ton e. That is a11.
"A-- to the amount of my Interest In the
company, 1 hold • small amount of common
stook. Nor does It take much of my time.
My duties are hletly advisory, and to the
whole year and • halt 1 have hardly spent
more than two weeks In that °osmoticn
1 was up a couple of days last year, and
again three or four days this summer.
That surely will not Ioterfere seriously with
my duties of Minister of Agrloulturet'
Mr. Tnomee Crawford, M.P.1' , 1. getting
rather more 0ew,paper publicity just now
than le quite to hie liking. Uwolly rood•
natured, as becomes a big, espy going cattle
king, SIr. Crawford 000ld not help Oils
morning whirring the oswepaoers bad ocme-
thing better to do than her ryl'g publto men
on their peyote affairs.
"But let them to ahead,' he said. "1
probably amuses them. and It doesn't hors
me on. little bit." the emphalhs on the lat.
ter part of his speech betraying j0.1 the
least au.p'cloo of an It-Withll(' of feeling
even If it did not hurt mush.
Keferrlogtoapablf.hedstatementin which
Mr. Crawford declares that he dote not own
a dollat's worth of stook'.n, the much talked -
of D•kote cattle ranch, hs repeated that
the st•temsot just about correctly dswrtb
el the state of affairs so for as be woe eon
R. W awaoosh : A etr•age.poolmeo of this -
Oohs' been on exhibition In Fres Oart's store,
found oo north half ol lot 28, non. 14, Kut
Wawavoeb, at Whtteohurob, °wood by tato,
Garton. It 1. about five feet high, being all
one stalk up to about four feet, when It
branohes out Into two stoma tipped by •
number of bud.. 'I he stalk to lt,itened ante
treasures about 10i toohes lo obi umferenoe
Stanley : Loafs Heel, K. C , issued •
writ at 0.goode hall, Toronto, on Thursday
of let weea on behtlt of Jane MoDougall,
of npadin• wenn., Toronto, alembic' 110.
000 damson from I)orald Grasslok and
Rhea Gr.a.lck, of Mantis, township. 7 he
plaintiff formerly resided in this oounty,
sod she claims the defendants have laid
tht.ge about her derogatory to her ohr•o
Stanley: John Alkenhead, who was so
seriously Injured In • street ase soeldeot le
London • ooaple ol weeks ago, and who Is
still dangerously III, is • ono of Jamal
Aikeohead, near Rraeeflsid, and • nephew
of Malonim McEwen, of the 2.4 oonoesden
of Stanley. Mr. Aikenhsad to • very
promising young man. twenty•Iven years
.(are and was hood bookkeeper for Mayor
Rumball, of I,,ndon.
Clinton: W. Bertram Dario, of ('art•
wright, Mao., third toe of Mr. S. l).vis, of
town, woo matelot' in Wlcnipeg nn August
aser(dd oar(y Toeday moonier', Aag. 13'.h,
two large warehnoeee it the O T R station
being torsed.
R511nrt.h gr1Adtnr Rev. Mark l,,rnbul',
of Gederieh, oondant•d t0. servioee In S•.
1 home' *hurott no yueday lost, and
,preached praotW,l and In.trowive sermons
10 attentive nongregstlene.
Motes : W. Foth.ringhawt hoe • sola
toot woe onlood at Alexandria, to Egypt. Is
los ratio of Adrian, eon I. law o1 Emperor
I;boron : ,tomes Sonia, the veteran teachsr
and ex•l,brarian was.roued town int week
atomiser in the Met. of health. He hen
mooed lits 93r4 birthday and Is wondertully
bright and oaths for bb age Rs has voted
at story elution that bas boon hold sire,
1A47, sod his vote, with entailing rsgulr,ty
hag been out for the 1: beral nandldate.
Trae51e, •ad •Anptod In 117 A. 1) he 410 He think, hs la g"od for ,eversl votes yet
IS 138 A. 1) , se that the ploee l0 1760 years and *van hie pelltiesl opponents would he
std. glad it his day. are mended long enough for
a disastrous fire neeonad on the farm of •1 k omlthJim" ".Martin who Te.
Mo'Day, August 19, 1901.
Wm. Thompson, of Bay City, la visiting
•t l.oroeslde.
A. Klrkbrlde, o1 Ooderi'•h, 1s visiting at
Wm. Jowel's.
M.o. R. Allen, from nr-- Iienmlller, Is
violtio4 her grandmother, Mrs. J. Jewel.
Af er an .b,cnoe of some years we were
plesiod to see our old friend, 13. h. l.00mb.,
of London, In our midst. visiting his aunt,
Mr, Tob n Iwn.Aowne farm. His brother,
Henry. of The }rte Prete staff, le also up
wlih him.
Par. and tiro. A. C. Macdonald and Mn
J. Jewel visited at R Jeeret'e, near Bon -
miller. Mr. Jewel and Ila family were at
one 1 ,me residents here, Mr. Jewel Ulna
for • time ruin of the township. He Is
now one of the onunolllore.
Tockarsmlth On Fr 4y, int 9 h oft, him to ricer thorn.
Mrs. R'ibf. Mclean, ne the mill rood, metae er
fides on rho old Rsnn•h farm, 2eA minus
Restnrth, whra 1 hs bare, .110 all 011 001• ,inn, H. R.R , 1 arkeromlth, bad • phenom-
MeN, snot • drtvleg shed were oempletely (n•Ity 6e.4 map of wh.l this *moon. In
:g(ned fall wheat he thre.hso 1,00 holdalls as the
dlt oleo Muter W11lla Wide. sen of W prolnnt of 15 arrow. it woo of the Scot
tWou, .f the R.yfl.ld road, had tb. ml. •n'i Itonman (Nast varletlee, and tette! 62.
Intron• 4,tlp 40wn n0 Ra(ordsy .,.slag. pounds to Is bushel. it we • b.•ntiln1
the 10 1 Inti• 1.111.1 en 01. dhow. with law Map on the prmln4, .10.41./ as thigh aa It
roosts that the small hose of hu wrist wet twin grow ant, p.rfatly •tr•,ght. Mr.
M. ken Martin also had 40 stalky, or 400 shoot's•
t1 Inebam - John Smartt, of Wrotham, of red Fifa spring whott, whioh yielded 27
01, 0w.s les 1 eat fl.mcAt.a poor, Harald h.ehete. and the pale sofa beautiful sam.
4f .:tell has renew' /(1000 f.t 11. bas.. pie. This re the Bret Mop Mr. Marble has
Marsh' R. has lest • haat er rate sad Isola t&. farm, sad It stews that he
fele Illaos will 1 plot
In my heart's garden,
And res mealy and rue
to my heart's pardon.
Bright deffodile for spring,
Aud hare bells whioh shall rlo■
Old oblmss, dear tbougbts to bring
'1'o my heart's garden.
An oaa•trse strut shall grow
In my 0,100'0 garden ;
The ivy green shall Ming
To dead hopes, covering
The ruin wrought, my )(too
10 0,7 h' art'. garden.
Sweet violet. shall grow
In my mind's garden ;
No evil deeds shall stay
In my mind's garden ;
Tbought-wlldlugs fair though hall,
Pare Win of the vale
Their fragrance ,bail exhale
Is my mind's gardso.
Bloom old world •ephodels
In my hdnd'. gsiJeo.
And poet's primroses
l0 my mind's garden.
lo shamrock sweet ensbrtosd
Shall eglantine tie tainted
With dream Hewers both combined
lo my mind's garden.
White Mlles w111 1 plant
la my soul's girders,
And one Rase mystical
la my soul's garden.
lbs myrrh ot suffering
10 Danser, rich to ewlug
Shall oome all hallowing
From my soul's garden
Life's fadeless flowers must bloom
to my soul's 110,310 ;
Tie dove shall .u(ily tall
lo my rout's garde n ;
The hawthorn white shall glow, _
Au altar -cloth of snow
With gluts 8.wers frmgod bei.w,
In my soul s garden.
are simply kidney disorders. Tbekldneye
filter the blood of all that shouldn't be
there. The blood pumas through the kid.
ney• every three minutes. If the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain in the circulation
longer than that time. Therefor, it your
blood is out o(order 'our kidneys have
failed in their work. they ars in need of
stimulation, strengthening or doctoring.
One medicine will do all throe, the finest
and most insitated blood medicine then
Sloop -o, August 10, 1901.
Windlrr Moiler has goo. from here to
Port Huron, Mice., to reside.
Sclera' of the young moo who went from
hero to the haricot Arlt. of Manitoba have
already got employment and write cbeerlog
letars to tholr parents, and some of our
maidens hen got mute Int. resting ones.
The New Era speaks as follow. of •
young man who is well koowo in Lisburn
Alex. 'topsoil, son of Mr. John Ropwo, of
Hullett, who has been connected with the
Methodist mltiatry for several years, 1. now
!coated to the neighborhood of D'ldr•Ine,
Mao., where he has charge of • nice air.
oult, mush batter than M oould hays gotiln
the London oonferenoe. Mr. Itap.on ta
a young man of 7,10 at,l ability, mut in •
new country Iiko Manitoba, will find ample
scope for his talent..
A Well kuse n law yer of That Town
nhn.,ts U40.elf.
WVoodstocl:, Aug. 19-lisorge W. Mc
Kee, manager of the lout brooch of the
Ii.ok of Commerce, reoahe1 • telegram
Stturday morning announcing that W A
McLean. the well koowo barrister of N'.1
kertos, a.d local mutter of the High Court
there, bad shot himself.
Mr. Mclean we one of the loading
oltlzens of Walkerton awl was (outdated a
shover Moya. lis was about filty fir•
years of are, and leave. • family of several
children, one of whom, St min, war ma•'
Pled • few days ago.
No p•rtloolars of tbs sad event have been
received, but 1t le surmised that the death
of Sheriff O'O0000r, of Walkerton, In Ham
Moo, Friday, may have influenced Mr. Mc-
Lean in taking n's own life. The two were
warm p.nonal 1rieode.
Walkerton hu suffered severely of late to
o a • d tra
e doth prominent telt. ne o
th f m x
koi). hu played Its put In each oa•e. A
Sow month. ago Lswver O'17oeser was
thrown from hs harm and died from th•
requite. Following the sad aI.ir Sheriff
1 Coomr died suddenly In Hamilton, Fri
day, and finally some the suiolde of the
lead master.
radium • raintess fors and Wart F•
Is the ugly remedy that p,rnively aures
corns and warts without pain in twenty four
hours. Ask your druggist about at, he has
gold 1t for • long time Club any druggist
who offers you • substitute for i atnae's
Painless ('orn Extractor. He knows it le
the best ; you w111 too If you try 11.
Notice of mangos most be left et this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Oopy for changes
mast bo left not later than Mon-
day noon. Oasual Advertisements
acoepted no to noon Wednesday of
each week.
Oar anllege of learning opened on Mon•
'lay o1 this week atter the summer holidays.
Tho preceotrew. Mies Cooper, ie still In
California and her deter, Mies Olive, from
Clinton, will wield the rod of oorreotlon
and perform bar duties pro tem. till about
the that of September, when the oep.ots to
moms her °hates. The board of educe
tion had • meeting on Wednesday of of
last weak, appointing • new oretak r and
puslog • motion not to allow the a holara
out of the sohool ground. during chool
An.At'n nN 1111 RorTi.-.iseoo arbor, of
I, -enure, who la.t year had charge of
Joseph Uoldthnrpe'e threshing maohtne, is
again on the move mood here wi•h the
Intohfoe and an entirely new staff of men,
hls attestants being W. t hher, of Renm14
ter, and John Patton, of Loyal, while
Joseph Dunbar. of Pore Albert, le the en-
gineer. Th. latest learned the budoess to
former yrs from On. Barrow,, el Ash
field, the veteran thresher. So 1r the
grain returns ars toly two -third• of last
Ths following from Th. Laoknow Sen•
tlonl will apply to Godertoh and many other
towns ate well se to l.00know. it .nys :
"1)rlvors ahonld exercise • little mon Bao•
Don In Arivlrq moron the erannlithie moss.
Mrs. Horses stumble and fall owing to
the reactent m in which they are
driven. It in not owes•try to wait until •
horse break. Ito seek beton a little ordla-
sty judgment is moralised."
DON'T 01V8 IM.
II you have Wed varloni sn-galled
remedies and obtained no rolled. don't
say that there 1. no care for thenmatism.
The tenable Is, yon hovel
el not
to• en rho
rfsltt medicine h
matin Cerro has aceompliah"d for thans
ands el enffnn it can tie for yon. Mr
A. O. Taylor, ('hrleewttm, Ont.,.nawed
with rh*smatism In eho hack(lumbago)
for four yuan: 8.. bottles of Dr Hall's
Rh.nmatie (:are completely owed him
He has boon from from pale ever Mite.
As a blood madam It has no oral
This preparation V pat up in bottles
ermt•taiss ten days troatmest. Prim
in oast' at all draggles or The Dr. Hall
)EsiMsi Go., Kingston, Ont,
"Example teaches bet-
ter than precept."
Judge a shoe by what
similar shoes of the same
make and brand have
proved, rather than by
what an interested sales-
man says of it.
Five years of fixed
price and fixed quality
vouches for -
"The Slater Shoe"
Goodyear Welted'
gym. Sharman, Jr. - Sole Local Agent.
with your henl11 .
Don't woo Drugs anti Medicines
of questionable quality. Oet the heat
there is at the came prices that aro
charged for inferior goods.
At. our Drug Store the stock ie al
ways fresh, and each article pure, pc
tentand satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
hes a reputation for promptness and
- 0140 I..ADINI -
Mat\CY(V\ `iVTeeRtlr4 a't\l\
Orders earrrnlly'Ia•treA,A le al all
Yours. night or day.
Stoehrr Street.
(l etlical I I all .
A Great Snap
1. our mem Soap. at 50. a
pound, of which women • barrel o week.
This Isn't our only soap, as we o•rry
everything that oan be found 1n an op -
to -date grocery store, and our prices
are right. The farmers know that they
o•o always get Iron° us a enep for their
produce. We drew the lino at no
legitimate trade - everythwg goes :
(ii outvote or poatoos, garden stuff or
oholoat table China. We dal in all
of them.
Bedford block, (Iodation.
THURSDAY, Aug. 22, 1901.
R. B. Smith's
Store M cK I11'I'S 3 Jordan
Mckillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Value of Property Insure' up to Januar,,
1011 es,NY,gts.ee
1100L'i[R9 AND 1/1I1.OT11HN.
.1, B. /dolman, pros. ; 1', Fraser, vloe-tre'.
Jas.Oonooll', O. IAIe, W. 0. Woodrow., J.
Watt, Ju. Rvane, J. O. Ortev,,.1, Benne wets,
directors; W. O. R,o.Afos. Beafe•(N, Inoue -
ter of losses ; T. E. (lays, 8eaforth, neaetury-
J W. Yen. Holmeevilte ; James cumulus
Kgmnndvllle : R. McMillan, 8ettforth : Lt
Smith, oarlock.
Poliny holden ran Pay aesesemente and get
their card. recr 1pted at Mr. Coati. Clinton. or
et Mol.eeo Biros.' Palace Clothing Store. Oode-
T9 Tilt; PLACE TO BUY....
J. 11. Worsell,
Tho nh•sp sten and furaaes man,
T e name ,roods for all t hal Is
rellablo In (•rn,ing ms,3,,nery.
After • blp sees it In two buoy stores there most be a lot of remnants whtob hadloate
strength. 11 there were not • lot of good. sold there would not be so many sad&
Friday, August 23, and t111 all are oleered, wo have set apart all the odds,
e0es and short pieces of two big stooks to be cleaved al • third off, 51
ball -prior and some at quarter prise. We bays had sur lnologs.
Now "your innings fur Bergsma.
psifeot goods, Pomo mill snoods, some
soiled erten. lengths, 11 yds to 4 yds.
Regular price, 384 to 16 50 trace .ate
prose 30o to $4 00
WOOLS OF ALL KINDS-Sostoh log, 4o os ; Canada yrs, per ID, 35i;
Ballo wool, double sad single, all solure,
at per oz., fie ; • lot of Ballo wool, fine
repblr, els., at per 0a 3o
code, all !soothe, end all priest as about
lame ling to purchase anything in our
lino should inspect our goods before
placing their order.
Wo always carry on hand a full
stock of repairs.
Wo have the host make of Cream
Separators on the market.
You can get the most up-to-date
Carriage or Buggy made in Caa-
ada at a reasonable price from ns.
Massey -Harris Bicycles ---New
1901 models -elegant mounts. Call
and see them.
halt prlos. Some not • yard long. now
enough for a waist, •oma long semen for
• skirt, a Ynl'• ••• I. t, s dress, oo.l .11
Friday and '.11 .old t . fraction all rs50-
lar pesos.
PRIN rs AND MUSLINB-A ler of Bonet
sod& bus Deas •aro •n ac •o a Ywnan.
r.dttmioa of a qa.r er orad s.0,» . on y
oo.-third of their prt*s, wh,ab moors. 16o
a yard for fie
MSS'y 100 end $1 50 bete for bOo
MEN'S 00 tend 1$2 50 hots for . . ..11 00
MEN'S Navy Blue Nuns, well mads. toed
l ologe, at per suit, $2 98, oh Iso sold at
15.00 and over, price Frtd.y 8.1. - .1'6 96
ItKMNANTSof evaythfss from Two Busy Stores la One, Friday. Angust Y1rd, and 1111.1d.
(300118 ARE 001740 TO HK toOLO They w 11 not wait Ionil for )ow. Camp rel
cay for First Choice. ()come any day. 'There will be a Bargain orbits • ttnmo.o.. remains.
It. B. Smith Store
No. 3 Jordan Block.
1$14+.+.+.+o+.+A+•+•+a+A+•+ A+.+A+.+•+•+N'A+N•..+NSit
The (Sing of Flanges, "Buck's Happy Thought"
Happy Thought
Their Cue Nit 9
scte TT tn,ok Money,
1 IIan,Is and Brains
to perfect The Happy
Thought Range, and it's
the Range that ardent
copiers have taken their
cue from. . : t 1 1 1
Happy Thought Rastgee
are made in 6 different sizes and 72 different styles. They have all
the latest practical improve-
ments such as the Corrupted
Oven, Transparent Oven Doors,
Uuobj#tructable Oven Damper
and a'fhorough System of Ove*
Ventilation. . t . .1 1
150,000 Cenadiae Cooks
Recommend Them. III
Write for illustrated pamphlet.
Manafactwred by
The Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited, Brantford
6+4+.+..+•+o+o+•+•+•+4 SOLD BY •+�3.ffl.+ftt
LEE & SHEPPARD, Goderich.
Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,Mlnce
Pies iihd Lady Flowers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Marananes,
Brandy Soaps, Etc.
are as goal ea the loot modelle any
oily in Canada.
(lantelon load" the trado in
in [alley designing and ornament
Mg and almond lento.
Dive Lim art outer and your eat.
isfat:tion will 5,, aasurxl.
Scraltoll Bard Coal
All ('o•1 welgh.d on the Market limiest
where you get 413) lbs. for • ton.
Orden left .t LEE & SW ILLED'S
Stere promptly attended le.
Far „Obbove
d tfjers.
That's the standing of the
" King Quality " shoe for
Many Women imagine
that they have to pay a big
price when they want a fine
pair of shoes. That's a
" King Quality" is the
one shoe that gives comfort
to the feet, wears long, fits
snug and nice and looks
stylish. -
Sensible Women buy the
"King Quality" shoe.
They cost *3.
blade by TNR .1. D. KING 00.. Sniped, TORONTO.
One Agent 1° Ooderloh 1. St. Doorg. Prt*s.
the looting Furniture I)ea ern and
Undertaken. haat) just received the
following gno'Is :
Bedroom Suits, $8.00 and up,
Parlor Suits, $15.00 and up,
Couches, $5.00 to $20.00,
Parlor Chairs, $1.00 to $10.00
Hall Racks, $5.00 to $18.00
and choiee 041.1 !noon of Furniture.
We are still Felling Window Shale.
and Poles at reduced prime
Picture framing, Uphnlitering, Pa, k
Ing, et...
The Undertakilla Department....
i, ander '..pertsupervision, and thio
nervine w n guarantee is of the vary
hent, w hale our prints are resetenotile
NIGHT Olt 1)AY calla promptly
attended to.
We eolkit pitronagn rot the merito
of the goods we sell and anrvierra we
1 Fe►wuwre stater. 1 w,ertekero as.T otos MISS CAMERO
RMbeA Meek. Ooderleb.
\Ve giVC one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a lb. Tho stepladder alone
worth the price.
Try a peerage of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
full aaskrttnent.
Telephone No. 91. THE GROCERS.
Hat Bargains....
1(n%ing pun:linger' twelve doyen hats at a great red, ctlon they will is
xoll nt. the following kw prier'. :
Reac'y-to-wear hat at 25c, worth 60c.
Children's ready-to-wear hats at 15c, worth 35c, and at 50c
worth $1.00.
Leghorns at 36c, worth 60c.
Leghorns at 75r, worth $1.25.
Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat, for 75co
All millinery reduced for the helenre of the reason.