HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-22, Page 44 TH171enAY, Aug. 22, 1901,
No Dream.....
of luxury and comfort ever surpassed the luxury, comfort and style we put
in reach of the men who wish to dress nioely.
Wo get our goods from the most fashionable pity in the world sod we
are determined to secure for the people of Uoderich such a class of high grade
goods that will enable you to get goods u good as can be secured in any of
the large cities. • e
We have just imported from New York the most beautiful line of neck-
wear ever shown here. There is such a pretty combination of colors about
the tie that would appeal to the taste of all good dressers. We want you to
see theme.
We have also secured the sole agency for the Harris suspenders, of New
York. The strong point about these suspenders is in the ends (the weak
point in nearly all others .l These ends are made of Indian tanned rawhide,
and have reinforced button pieces. They sell at 25e and a0c per pair
Every pair guaranteed.
O1+ Awaits ler (detest) • Hata. Moo's Fee -nigher and (latter
Perfect Flttlog Clothing House.
P. S. -See the new shapes in collars just received from Trey, N. Y.
of population. The reputation,nay,the very
Iifo,of the Meormeai 0 Goyerumentdepenl-
cal upon the remelt. This year the ae'tual
u Isusrrasno feels only were e.wght after. oral are given.
EVERY THURSDAY MORNING No "loading up' of population flu bees
charged ; It anetltiug the reverse has been
RT t. Menl1J•LC'[owi stated. The general opinion, however. is
that the latest ecnxut has been an hottest
site, and that the one immediately previous
at lent bore many nppcaranree of having
been "cooked."
In the seemed plash, and mainly, the last
decade included six years of Tory polky
and misrule From the death of Sir Joun
111A1.110SALD until 1896 -when tete quarrel•
ling crew were buotllod out of oftiiie by the
indignant electorate -the country was al
moat at a standet 11. The Northwest woe
preet'eally It eked up for • time owilti; to
the divided pllicies of the Atmore, Ttueve
sot. and Semite Cabinets. There w'ae tm
atabilily about. affairs for at least four
years. For • portion of that_ titre the
country was ethernet' by boltinrs of Cabinet
Ministers. int rigues,fraternal rib stabbing',
fighting' around the tilde in the i•ounril
chamber and inte•rdunges of abuse' is pule
lio by members` of the Conaervatite Ad-
ministration. legislation was becoming a
farce ; business was getting paralyzed ; Im-
migration had practically teasel. la 1896
the rump Govetnment wax merehrow., and
the Liberal. assume.) power. The new
policy could not solute into vogue for a
year. In fart, the (onsereatiyee are re -
!Tensible far the Bret six or maven of the
ten years of the decide. The Liberals have
had their policy in exixteune f;.r only one.
third of the decade, and lie would be a bold
man who would dare 1o deny that there has
been more prosperity -einem FiSLpllto4-bpd-
get was introduced than there was iii the
previous two thirds of the Iva ten years of
the nineteenth century.
We tbisk the cue hart been fairly proven
that the Laurier Government hats helped to
Ipull the eountry•out of the slongh of de•
pression in which they found it, and that if
there in only a half million inerease In latp-
ulatloo in ten years the wreckers who were
in p over from 1891 to 1896 are chiefly to
The Toronto Star poses as an authority
on poetry, art and general culture, and last
week championed Kipling'. latest poem,
"The Lesson," incidentally getting iia a
drive at the editor of this journal, who had
bad the temerity to question the power
and taste of this latest effusion of the
iiteran grand panjandrum. The Star says :
"Even Date McGillicuddy,i1Tus (long-
ue -1i Slush., tears it limb for limb, al.
though be is nut vile
ducts • department in his paper for the
study of Browatov "
One does not need to go out of Goderich
to find bvera of Browning and the general
intelligence of people in ti's neck of 4be
Woods is so high that a Browning Club Is
not needed to understand the author of
"The Flight of the Duchess." Was it not
in Toronto that a number of alleged Browu
ingltes spent an entire evening trying to
decide whether the title "Pippo Passes"
bore a recondite allusion to the genie 01
euchre ?
Au our Toronto contemporary ever
noticed that its cus'om of blazing red and
blue lines through certain of Its pagee hal
been anticipates' by Browning! Was not
this a prophesy on the part of the great
lyrist! In his charming little poem on
"My Star" -the name of the paper is act'
natty given -Browning utters these feriae.
ing wads :
"All that I knee
Of • meats Star
ILK can throw
(Like the angled spar)
Now a dart of red.
Now a dart of blue
Tial my Mends have said
They would fataeee. too.
My Star that dartlee the rod and blue e'
It will thus be seen : First, that before
the T. Eaton Co. arranged for the red and
blue dartlings in The Star the poet in Eng
laud -perhaps he was in his beloved Italy
thea -saw it in his mind ; arid, in the
wooed place, when the Toronto evening
' paper wants to get Browning interpreter) it
abound apply to this journal even though
ere may not run a regular Browning depart•
..With which moral I drop my tbeortto.'
Inge luny yet appear to Tu■ Sio:laL. W. rte olds from the rural districts 11 le well
had later wondering wI% had toxones of with Cauada,all menus returns to the out.
our late genial contributor. tory notwllhstandlog.
AUDI T t 1. A..,
-Just another wooled- two about Baow$- hiontre■1 Witness The Australian Com•
Ino. The wain a quotation w0 make from mot.wealth, baying bourne a 0•tiu0, b look•
log for • national tisk la answer to • call
him this week, speaks of a "theorbo." We fur designs there have been reoelved no Is..
will venture the opiuiott that the editor of theta twenty-seven thousand. These ale 1.,
The Toronto Star cannot tell uti llatul be soltd jummtLon
whloh bmevtery toatawill beoonprestee,eotel
where the line ta•cur+; that ho never hint a
Final approval rats with the Imperial au
thedrbo of hie own, never handle.' one, and tit rtty. Canada heJ no ■uoh throes over
Lever even naw ono. And 'yet ho ham the her flag. Better for us 1f she had had,
effron'ery lo'ahrug his literaryshoulder Our. was dsiI use, u was understood, by
the late Senator Plumb. ant bavmg, we
when lie alludes to this Muriel iia comae: -
presume, been approved by the toy. i ammo.
lion with Mute NISI. : of the Jay, was greeted by the Ronald's
-------" Uollrge, to the everla•Uag perplexity of all
WHAT OTHEHS ARE SAYING. C.Oadfan.. And, what lea
outer, the flat as
thee authorized 1. entirely different from
•nytblap we oyer see tl(loy, even ever uf
helal buIWiary. 11 the Australians were to
follow the teat of Senator Plumb and make
a conglomerate of the arms of their levetel
states, there would be • red lion on a welt'
tleld for Tasmania, • black seven on • yellow
field for !Vest Australia, • cotnrad plotters
of Britannia exteodmg her hand to a say.gt
with a landa.ape background for
South Australia, a blue melba* otos
with • Drown at the centre for (usen.land,
she southern onto ul five stars on a blue
shield surrounded by • orots for Victoria.
•'.1 • Itur "tarre l southern ones Imposed
on the red crow of St. (;eorge, with a Roo
at the metre, for New `outb Wales -eon+'
piiosted enough, yet considerably simpler
than our nieoagerle.
The party journals opposed to the
Laurier Administration are:yelpine, like a
pack of hounds in full cry. over the results
of the census. The iaoreane of over half a
million in populat'on is, they may, dieep
pointing, and they aro wonderigg what the
Government has been doing that there
should be much a email showing.
There are just two thing. to be said in
favor of the party is power an regards the
taking ot the cenx0s.
In the first place the eeemns of 1891 wan
always monied with suspicion. It was an
election oen.ua. A show of development
under the so-called National Polley HAP To
S t MAD'. No lean, scraggy -looking female
going out into society was ever more rare
tally padded foe public, inspection than
were the returns of population made on
that oecasion. Everybody was counted,
Oven if some had to be counted twice. The
whole plan, and all tlw special instructions,
tended to make the t ery hest possible sltowi ng
Only 10 Days More
Sacrifice Sale
Get a Move on
You Want a Wheel
- l'he Canadian canners say they are attest
of tin, So ate eome of the CAllaiiatt ah•
WHAT Tl110 MINT 111.
Hamilton Spectator: The addressee to
the Duke must be:a;la,Mand1.
elite ELK awe'.
Menton Freeman : A Chinaman, whore
Isle was heavily insured, fe11 from a wagon
and was madly iejuted, 'Pease were some
doubts as to his ever getting better, and st
last one of his brother Chinamen• wrote to
the Insuranoe oompauy, "Ohulle half dead ;
How hall money'."
est art THE .:00D aLeULTN,
Toroeto Globe •Gee aepeOt'of tbe'Rreal
number of farm l,b,rer@ annually supplied
t) eastern Canada to Manitoba is the Salo
et muted knowledge. Both Manitoba and
tl„'arlo are the better for the !sot that
thousand' of Ontario farmers have visited
the west and are at -quieted •with the ua
tuts of the *reentry. 4
xis lIVI C E0:a:KCR.
Chatham Planet: Clelo "knockers" may
be clawed as follows : First, those who go
out of town to do their •hopping':'second,
thq a who are opposed to improvements ;
third, those who imagine they own the
town : fourth. those w h,. prefer • quiet
town to one of push, energy and -life ; hftb,
those who onus every movement that doge
not originate with them
Moorreal Star : to San Jote, Cal., last
we -'k, • marriage Hoene* was issued 1.
FeedrowIWh.kitz Moo ibratgeryknkbi.
Somebody says the proper way to pr000enoe
Cblaago is to sneer-, onus and gurgle twice,
but what • strange combination the children
of San Jose will have by sod by when some
young Moo•brovgerykokbls onto along and
want to play 'mewl! with those not e0
voluminously earned.
Strathroy Age : An attempt to expose
anent w',th the human speale1 1e attractter
the attention of ti, curious. It takes the
form ot • glom! oontpetitlo0 at Rouen and al-
ready shows • hulling number of abnormal
statures 1n France. I rom the tooth there
ba. arrived In !'.tire on his way to IItuen
t young man, Lot yet 22 yeah old, who it
9 feet 2 bushes tall and sutl growing. He
weighs 44:1 poee.l, end measures 98 inches
around the chest. It has been arrrauged
that he marry an Eagluh girl who (. 8 feet
3 toot ea In height.
- The Inv aer-Calilla• rare has Fo-
steredfor Toronto a cup that eluted but
not. inebriates. 1)f curets the Ooo aR•
HAMS still go on produeieg the other kited
-The South African war was deelare.l to
let ended over a year ago, and the British
Government paid a neat half a million dol-
lar% t.: R013ERTN for saying so, and yet the
fighting is as hal an eter.
-The Toronto Telegram of Friday tat
had a life like cartoon re'prenenting the edi-
tor of thin journal (now Mamain the Malt
time Prowler's) ae • mewed !Daniel in the
Den of Guinea i'igx There to a tendency
nowadays to confound guinea pugs with nf•
fleet hogs.
-Keep your weather eye open, and yon
will see that our old friend ALECN W RtuuT
it gently but finely Meering 7 he Toronto
World into the Rag Baby current. The
man from Sleepy Eye has incidentally' revived the hopos of the paper money and
cheap laterite, men.
-Seven cities claimed to be the birth'
place of HuMER, itoekwoo.l, Fergus, Pa-
alermo, Kinnettlee, Elora, Pai.'ey Rock,
Salem, and Mneshoro' are vie{ng with eseh
other for the distinction of having cradled
that broezlterswed rtitht of destiny, anew
Roomette, of The Toronto Telegram.
-Now that the man from Sleepy Eye,
Minn., has wakened us up regarding bank•
ing, we expect that a ohap from IMOEar,
Oklahoma, will take u. down a peg in our
opinion of oureehee on the subject of nne
educational system, and that a follow from
Thick Tongue, Alaska, will point nut the
defects of our pulpiteere, and the oral de
Ac•ieneiee of our forentie motor. generally
-A Iesnker from Sleepy Eye, MineesM.,
recently visited Toronto, and in an inter-
view advocated private hanks •e better
than branch hesitator developing the small-
er towns, The head men of the chartered
hank.. have smitten the man from Sleepy'
Eye hard on the optics, hut he ham given ns
good as he got, and is opining the eve. 01
The Toronto World and other papers to the
fact that our Canadian banking .}'stem
needs probing.
-Orr readers will regret to learn of the
demise of our former mete Indite, 111111A( as
R. A. Pane, whogossipy lettere on lea.
minion polities appeared dewing the winter.
The deceased passed away a ample of
menthe ago et Dartmouth., N. S., after •
short illness, from a fever enntra•ted in the
West indies. His o
paper. hate been se•
surae by the landlady with whom he hoard•
ad, and ft is possible that "tome o1 his writ -
Ott•Cif wen : Anyone who doubts tha'
the .tat' a labor syatcm i. • failure stolid
visit the oeuntry duttles about this season
of the year:, Under nrdinery oiroumStanon
the roads would be good. But In the town-
ships of l'+rletott county the statute letterer
has been at work and has "cooped up ell the
earth sol rocks to the ditches end tied It
on the crown of tba reads •o so to render
them almost importable. %%loan the tali
rains 000e the wale( will trash the Inose
earth back Into the ditches le•vfni the
rooks on the road bed -ant: that I. all the
tewaehip gets for Its statute labor.
IS Vim 11
Toronto Telegram : Au.trel'e'• rope' a•
tion m.y Lae "mall, hut theleglel•ters of thr
Commonwealth are determined that it
should he @elect. The Australian perlia
ment Is just now considering a taw whloh
would keep cn not only the Chinese and
.lapaaesr, but_ the Il .et hotter", Galician,
and other arenas, per•ples whose pr, Melee la
n,w unmerlo.11y enr ..h'cg the population
of l'aoada. '1 no /Watt ellen law empowers
ow,. of the Co:.tmnnwoaltb to enolude
nee-comcre who os000t read and et rt. 60
"sleeted wools in the EngReh ltngu.ge, aid
oermits aliens wt" may have been .mug.
Rio,' to 10 L0 d.•ported at any time within
two years alter their arrival In Auetra'It.
Harpet's Weekly : Loadoo Truth le the
author,' y for the s'atement that at the co'
ooatlon of King Edward "the 'riming of the
King by each peer 1s etas of the "ervicee to
be abolished." I have never been se honor-
ed by one of roulette'. nolt'Ity, and as per-
haps Inoompettet to pace jnigmemt on theft
'Rona In this dlreetlon, but 1 have looked
over the benches of the hens. of lords, and 1
esu.oaroely wonder at King F'ward's ob-
jeotion to this pint art the pclformanos.
Still 11 ie • pity to absnden ell oustome,
sod by a little Ingenuity ant the 'abet !Lu-
ken of the peeresses for the peers, I have
an Idea that the neremony might he a000m
plhsh.d estitely to Hts Mala.ty's .stIet•o
Erni. 0E10.111r.
Ityetander in Weekly Sun : industrial
war between employer and employed con
theme and sptead.,to the great detriment of
both Interests and of the community at lenge.
W hat help Is there for it ' There le none.
Mediation may possible do something, but
arbitration, the call for which continues, iv
inmpplloeble, es was said before to • ease in
which there was no dispute about an)' foot
or about any definite claim of right. Inter
este utash, u 1a the case of a bargain, she
submission of which to arbitration would be
fast le. We may detest the rapacity of the
oaplt•lLat whom his oray.ng for a bevdred
times more money than he Dao ever oar
btt0gs en these dlsaatrou outlets between
employer and employed, but any attempt to
to get rid of him or to repress him would
be ineffectual withcut some radioed reortree'-
tatlon of Industrial society. toter-
oter(steoee with the freedom of tabor or vlu
fence of any kind on the part of \the unions,
the law may en 1 evidently must`, be enter.
ped. 'there would not he muohanger on
that side It married or "toady work en bad
the control. Nature, however, bas iarprig.
es (or as in the economical as In \other
whores, and when we 1 -sat expsot 10, 'tome
safety•valye o my be nutted. At Dreamt
we can only look or. At the light in gente-
entsel we can only look on, nit there le on
part of It in wbluh lioyeromrnt will find It
o.owserg some day to interpole. It he
I railroads, which ere
that the r r
the highways of the eivatty, should be
tied op, that net • Defile about,' be
Impeded, 10d the lives of traveller Im
pertlled by • d:spote between two private
latenwic. We now ase what folly it was
to leay* the animal oommulatlou in
private hands and at the mercy of private
rapacity and rivets gaarrele. Admirer
of Sir .4 to bfecI)ocald would hardly wish
to inscribe on the pedestal art ole statue
that he was the author of the batiste with
the C. 1' R.
Wilke. a sirens alalem.at la rev or of
Dodd. Illdeey 1'1..
Wolfeetown, i, tae , Aug. 19, (Special) -
Romain Boulanger, secretary treasurer rf
this town, Is a ''rose upl.oIJer of Dtdt'.
Kidney Tilt.. iso has used them both for
himeett and o' her memberhis fsm l ot y
and bo know. whereof he spats. This le
what 1.e ens
1 procured &is hnxs of 1)014'. Kidney
1'111. in January last. Of this number 1
sent two boxes to my brother which have
given him perfrot satisfaction.
"As for me 1 Dare tiled a box and a half
wbleh has Olean me immediate relief. 11
Delft's Monty elite elw.ys repeat my own
expert,no., In would be well an 1 pru tent
for eat% family to keep them In the bougie
in um of sickness.
'I will Alway" be thankful for the greet
service Dadd's Kidney PIUtt authored me."
Monetary Time, : The number of appli•
cations *het have been made for grants o1
land for m'litery servicer, under the Sol
diem' Land Grant bill, 1) Marin, 1e said to
have been rl.•.t{y in Exner' of what inn•
expected ; teat the no nation., would
swallow up all the Purvey,. 1 crown lends
and that even an exteneten of surveys tor
that purpose, to meet all demands, would
be n v. 1t Is the news of shims
on the 1;oye•ement to grow beyond all ex•
peotail•o. U 1. clan s aontl•ue to be
made fifty or mixt), your* after the deolap•
tion of Ind,pe:Iden'e of the United S•atrs,
and the AmOleanpension list originating m
mllltery ssrvlee In the 01n1 war exceeded
the con of the hirme't et my In Elroy.. In
the o•se of the S tellers' !And Grant. hill, In
Ontario, there le nnthing to do but to carry
out the Intention of the teetotalers., wren If
more lands have io bo eurveye.l for the per
D oes, and it It Vomit prove to have been
hared on erroneous celoulatlots es to the
quantity of lands tont would be oelled for.
T11t I r'.N vl', A''I, Ai'.INF.T RreliiSENTATtiO.
Leaden Advertlwr : The went wilt
make It important to give i realer Cabi•
net representation to the West., rind lees
In the h:aet.ere ,entleo n1 the Dominion
At the present time the merit tete province"
tbatpoaest, In rennet nnmhere.sprroolmete
ly 1(93,00) are represented In the Cabinet by
four Mlnldler*, every one ot wham holds a
very important pnrttollo ; while the whole
eon? wining rine halt the •Ent of the
who', Dominion, end 630,000 people, are
reoreeeneed le the Ctbinat. (y hot ons Mins.
ter. We are very far Irem applying the
principle of r.pre-entatloa by populatin0 In
the constitution of the Cal lett ; hat It le
very Important that M1nl•t.rs should he In
tounh with a ery section of n country le
vasa as oars, and w1181 fin MM. ne at Ihl.
moment ,s 1111 ('10,0)0 Settle 1 historian the
merldlen of Rte Portage and the t'ao1Ao
Ootan rr,1nirc more than one Miel.:er to
ad.gnutaly repr.esnl them in the Exann-
eie. a ,ycrnmeni,and that the 89.3,000. who
weepy an area that 11 but the merest 1tas-
Mon In extent of the Met, are over rep.
✓ enew! Ly four Ministers. This may be
no rumen ter dieturl.leg the prow's *Met
of I hint, het we evhmit that 11 well rrgoies
eneeideratlne when a or cheese In the per -
mann o1 the Government comes to be roe•
d eoree,
IT is "Eli. WIT/1 4ANAn4,
Toronto Telegram ; Cum' takers do sot
Indiana the oonntry'e prosperity as truly u
the rnrat enrretponi.ats nl tb• weekly
paw" Figures may be mol Idled by eeo•
ltas •nnmaratnrs without aid n1 tilertakl•g
from the lamentations or sinking whteh
are esAeetad in the cnrreepoedenee eelumee
of Canadian journals. So tory as the far-
mersaro Imitates new hone and hayl•g top
boggles at the rate sal ablt.hed by tie weekly
"It fa easy to sit In the seeable*
*Ad talk to the utas to the mimeo."
11 Is easy to float to a well trimmed bust,
And point out the plaoes to wade.
But owe we pass Into the shadows,
We murmur and trot and frown,
And our length from the book, we shout
for a plank,
Or throw up our bands sod go down.
It le easy to sit In your omrrlage
And counsel the men on toot ;
lilt get down and walk and you'll cheap
your talk,
As you feel the peg In your bout.
It la shy to tell the toiler
How Iest he can parry h4 pack ;
But u0 one can rate • burden's weight
Until 11 hes been on his book.
The up purled mouth of pleasure
Can primal o1 sorrow's north
But ot v• It • sip, 460 • wryer lip
11 -1 never made on earth.
--t:1.LA WNtal.Elt WIL.,tt.
Industrial. Toronto Aug. 26 Sept. 7
Wester', Loadou Sept. 6 14
Southern, Brantford Sept. 14 20
Stephen and Vibes nit. BeakerSepk 16 17
Northern, Walkerton. Sept. 1718
Sept. 17 19
Moe. 24 25
Sept. 2425.
Sept. 26 27
Sept. 262.7,
Utak. 1 2
Dot, 1 2
Volt. 2 3
Det. 3 4.
South Huron, Srdorth
'1'uroberry, Ingham
Kinloe., Luoknow
East Huron, Ittussrl.
Blyth and Morris, Blyth 00.8 9.
Ashfield h W awanoab,DiSpSaes 0e1.10 11
Howlett, Gerriet 001. 12
a■ Electilr P.Ilw•r rrnpeud /.y amrrtras
The following is from lube Stretford Her-
lerald of Aug. 14th :
It looks very much as if Strat
ford would have an elcettlo railway next
year, net merely a loosl system. but • mato
tine rennin through the city from te ood•
stork to Goderich, This would nye a m
emotion with the C. P. it. a•d would be not
only for passenger service but for the hand•
ling of freight neylt kinds.
Mr. John A. Foster, formerly of this city,
wee to town yesterday. He represents
Cleveland capitative who are looking fcr a
goal investment and who have an In dine
time to e,teoli.h an slsotrlo railway In this
pity Their plan' at Fremont Is to build a
line from Se. Maiys to Mitchell, via Strap
fere. Mr. (t. le. MoPhanon, K. C., ha.
been In onrrespondence with them and Mr.
Foster visited • hemi+r of promin:nt looel
men wilds In fns olty.
I'hlcsgo o.pltallate, however, have been
In norreepondenoe with Mr. hiel'hereon In
reeve to a scheme which would prove of
for greeter betide. to Stratford and should
interest mei-Manta and others who rve at
present paying h'vh freight rites 'title 1r
a proposed eleotrio railway from Woodota k
to (In.lerloh, taking In Strath•lleo, Tavi•
stook, Stratford, Sabi -Wichita, Mitchell,
Seaforih, Clinton and other Intermediate
points. 11 le only on piper yet, but *tel•
eons need not be surprised tt the neer future
brings forth further developments.
A!thouph thesnbjoot of the new road ft
not likely to be bronghi before the city
oen0oll for tom• time yet 1t 1e nnderaood
to be at present uoder the onndderatien of
varlooe aldermen who wcnld *ice to see ti.
line established.
Latter May wwteme.
When a oompany Is wound up 1t step'.
A fireman always work' while he play•.
A blow on the .hip picks t"o op.
The outer laughs and cries at the tame
('yolee mud to tyred Wore they can rue.
When taken to, one 1s always put out.
Winton thirsty a "bitter" le sweet.
To hoot anything you have to link mon
A valet often' climbs up • hill.
"Rut why 4. 1t," uktd the thoughtful
Chinese, "that 1 may go to your heaven
while I may not go to your o•uatry'" The
sial"luny shrugged its shoulders. "There
no labor vote 1. h said he.
There was a young girl In the choir,
Whose volco rose hour and hole.
'Hilt reached eueh a 1tt1 h',
It was clear out rf eight.
And they found It next day to the noir.
A Met was eatred a salary of a hundred
errands • year. He was asked 114. would
prefer to be paid half yearly with a con-
•loual rise of hie pounds atter first pat meet
or be paid yearly with • oeetloua! vire of
twenty pounds after fiat payment. Being
a wire moa he Anse the Ant arrangement.
lin reeves. Nay V.ror. or (wee 14
In a prompt, pl.Setnt and effective way by
Inhalrg the germ killing, threat and lung
heeling Iletarrhesone. Delightful to nee.
e lmple In Its nperatlon, Ire. from stnmaoh
u tuseatlns and destroying eubetanoos. It
1.e marvel of noientlfie efficacy. ('ataneho•
lone kills the germs that exott• the disease,
heals the Inflamed meteors and penveo t eb.
solateiy a recnrrenoe o1 Om malady. Oa•
tarrhnsone cannot fall to ours hay fever,be-
rense it destroys Its cans*. Dragnets, 2fw.,
el 00, or mabled to year eddr.es it price le
forwards•! to I'ol.on te Co., Keegan, Oat
Vire at watteeiwrei.
White.Lu'oh, Aug. 17.-0 N. W. 1-
t3'h.teeharch creamery was totally destroy•
ed by fire last night. Tee fire is thought
to ewe nrtgfnsted in the 40000,, room.
Some 210 been' of batter were sayer', which
hive been stored In cold storage at Wing
ham, The Melling, machinery mod oon•
tents are valued at 1.3,500. The loss le
partly covered by 1 in. amounting to
111,500 The total Ines le estimated at
000 There are 105 shareholders and
abuot 400 throne.
rain 1a the dwelt
Mates life miserable. Can 1► be eared'
Vas. In one nighe i olsnn's Norville.. Alves
a complete knockout to pale In the hank,
for i1 penetrate,' thronih the tissues, tease
oat the enrenea. mrd pain, invigorates Ural
moselrs, and maks, y.,o ieel hits a new
man Nervone mire, quietly haemo it le
etrneg.r, mere penetrating, mars highly
ppaeek and rot:
than any other remedy.
sllulliDo•'I5,Ra ,nnthwr slant,, g.1 hgevllla.
gale's and rnh to b, fu inn et you were
bora It will etre yes, 25•r.
1 A perste may have wealth sail
wisdom, yet feel most dejected be-
cause of Aniamia or general debility.
Health and happiness are assured
by using "CliMax" Iron Tonic Pills,
which make ne rich blood, cleanse
the system and tone upThe nerves.
Each box contalnl<ten days' treat-
ment. Price 25 tents, at all drug-
gists, or mailed on r ei t of price.
Address: The Dr. Medicine
Co. Kingston, Ont
+ Adds
Comfort in the Work
to Cleanliness ie.
the Linen.
the Cares of Washing
Da fronwthe House-
wife's buay life.
X Multiplies
by two the Life of
the articles washed,
• Divides
labour.by the Sours et
' 1.41 1rstDers ifolited,
New Fall Goods
Just Received, a shipment of new fall Dress Goods in
lluHlospuus, 'Tweeds, Serges, Cheviots, Broadcloths, ill
all the new fall shades.
Black Dress Goods in the Following Makes •
Brocades from 20c to $3.00 a yard, Biaritz, Serges,
Iiomespuns, Cheviots, Heavy Cords and Iienriettas,
A Big Stock of Blso4 and Colored Silks.
43 colored blouse Waist, silk patterns, no two alike,
at wholesale price, from 15c to 60c.
I want you to see our new stock of Wrapperettes,
just in, all new, from 10c.
New Flannelettes 4'rom 5c to 15c.
Terms Cash or Farm Produce, 'Phone 86
There is no drink so cooling to the blood and so generally beneficial u
lime juice. A large bottle for 25c -not more than half a cent a drink.
Try our "Blackberry Compound." No preparation we can offer gives
quicker or bettor results. 25c, or 5 for $1.00.
if you want any more of that fine oatmeal soap we are selling at 3 for
10c, We still have some of those delightful French soaps at 3 for 25c.
77\7"_ C. Goode - Chezziist
Ask for our guaranteed fly paper, 10 pieces, 5c.
We are offering the following Bargains
Bamboo fish pcles, were 10 and 1 "t centa, now
Three -joint fish poles, were 15 centa, now
iC dozen fish lines, were 3 cents, now
Apple parer., were 60 cents, now
German meat choppers, No. 5, were $1.25, now
Ocrm to meat choppers, No. 12, were $2 50,now
5Ii dozen table knives and forks at 10 per cent. discount from
KlettroSilicon silver polish, wa. 15 cents, now
Electroplated tea spoon.. were 50 cents dozen, now
Screen windows, were 25 cents, now
Garden syringes, were 10 cents, now
Flobert rifles, 22 cal., were $3.25, now
u " 32 " " 4.00 „
Double barrel, breech loading .hot gun.,
15 dozen padlocks, trom 15o to 25c, now
tic each
5c each
lc each
40c each
$1.10 each
2.20 each
present price.
10c each
40c dol.
20c each
5o each
$3.00 each
3.50 each
12 ga., were $S, now , . , . 7.00 each
'10o each
Hay fork handles, bent and straight, were 10c and 15c, now .. 5c each
Wire harness snaps, were 5o each, now 2' for 5c
Cash Hardware Store, Goderich.
We Carry.
it full line of
Screen Doors and
Lawn !lowers,
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
a specialty.
should be fashionable, of good wearing quality,
nice fitting, and keep its shape till the:sole parts
from the upper through long use and wear.
Such a shoe is the I✓1V[PRESS, of which we
have sole control.
We have a full line of cheaper shoes in stock.
Wm. Sharman, jr.
Slater Shoe Agent;
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD. Goderich, Ont.
Mill Wood
The al eve in rut into .tove wood
lenzf.h and will be delivered to any
part of the town the .ase day s.
Orders received by telephone or
left at rr.idenco, 126 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 96.
(laierich, November Mat, 1699. 53-3m
SjInll SffltS, ovoOtS
Tlin man dressed 1n a snit made i
ear eters always looks trim, es It le the
amhllien of every man el taste to look.
A loge ranee 0f niothe to cheese
1f yea are e.otemplallog settles •
lleht overawe ler spring wear, give es e
ohar.e% to 11001 yes. turbos rlpM.
wW Sirs