HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-22, Page 3DRAG Rsaln a . I ID I .1 ,510L10 ONT .i fore i w 'TEETH and BREATH m Nice " S6 00NT L09 to a250 gew htent Box SOZMET POWSM so al 250 26 lune UQUID Idles POWs 104 At the Starts or by Nail, postpald, for the Pr1011. it + e1 M an antise do and h gienlo 1lnoAut .eanahPatn foie the care and preservation of the teeth and I cordiall7 recommend Sozodont. I consider it the ideal entshu for children's Ilse." [Name of writer uta app •1 mu HALL tit RUCKEL. MONTREAL. for The Boys and Girls Story of the Cowed Lion The Quagga and the Rajah—The Week's Budget. Year 3luthrr. N Ila ,I yer do wllhoot yer mother 1 How'd yer know what things %vut right f t%lund year do Wen yer wuz fright- puell Who would hear yer prayers at night ? if,," d yer keep yer clued terglther? 1f'lw d yer ditdt ter lbnv a wick, i:r thar won't leo out t, hr`Ip yer, m hat could fns yer up right quick t ,niar'm wtmetim •s yer oda til.` MAN yer 1ThOttgh prrhapi yer oughter be 1' r app yer leen a-makln' !neer, (Ir n-fightln' with Bob Leel; Itnt yer wouldn't mule ,ver LuAlter- \ut ter morr'n a dozen farad ; I er thror'n tnrthln' dati.t ler touch yer X% ,,.it yer in yer mothr,r's arm i. .1a' 4,ne time I low-vVeA it feller R'fat Jet' dhln't het• no ma - Don't It seem like that Was awful ? Oh, o' course, he J1ild er les : piece offeal a, and let drive with life eowldde mute. "An' y' kLl fret year lifoMonarch war a-norroln'. 1 never law it critter bits col Well Ike hot wum. Why, when that nLgotor brought blow right hl nmote its t itercl w,um imetan ty that took tit' trouble to olwn up n gangway, Au' I r(ockon any young It coskl s' took him by til' scuff u' til' neck. fie wu n great 0Vorgroe►u tact Tom cal with all til' flKht an' tuesunew wal- kgrsl out u' him. "We'd yanked ida den up on to til' rdulttell wlth til' hobs In this (`lid batted ngldnst a wagon. Tit' door was often• an' when Moutareh saw h t ran• ft. oc little homy. wallln h les I 1 Juno Ike J,vked lila rope out elf the darkey's han•1 an' bmlted Indld •. fie ("Ilh)'t RYA fur enough Inodd" tyther-went Away up, In tit' fur cox over •41)' tripod t' Id11e. Matter- top atte h.r eb ut Ili' door an' "peke to him but Monarch wax til' wit raft whipioed en animal y' ever maw."-Clevela Pham Disaster. a Into (it nervusd little heel• caught' tho devel-ndlug tiger squarely uu.lovr thn'k,wer J:tw and put film tit lit`, ry liko a ul:e I►tlle lu'laby. An l that was the an 1 of It. Tbt twaggu trut- eLl hawk to Its cant•. Bioma%loin put up hti rewl•er, tit• Ll;htcat"'I sweep ( or climbed down frau tit- bars, nn•I &&fail Rajlt was blul.xl Wick lgmowlut ously W tits dm. 1 he Had Hoy. Tho had boy climbs the cherry tree .inti rate, cad when blow dono Throws cherries at the birds and breaks I The limits off Just for fun; I Ho knacks Lite smaller boys arounJ I And nod you madly chismo ( Wan t! own the street he hullerm 1 ., Yet -ft -a." I .Allot makes ea ugly face. i Tho Itad bey cuts the hammock rop.rs And gdpUs the flower b'•d, Awl watchavia for a elatepe to push Tit- wood boy from t1.^ rlted. The bt'1 buy puts film thumb n9100at , His nolle anti turns tit suss You when ydnt ask ids kindly nut To run a,•r,wm tho gruel. Tho bad Italy gets the smaller br,ym To rule away ul, swim, .%nil while they splamh around th Ir clothe. Are tied In knots by him ; Ilan ducks them till they lore their breftth, And, while t1l y try U) dress, Hat spatteem them with mud, and thus In fllle l with h algdnemel. rho bad boy 1'ke•d L, torture dogm, He tied t,hiugm Ldp tM it taflN, .141 lwhat you don't want famteuel down He hamm(va full tot naitm ; Ile throws things at y.nt when you parr, And It you kludly gtay ff To give him 90()1 AdVIVP, h Calle You names ani runs away- - Tho twvt buy breakfast Itis mother's heart, a And makrw his father, anti; Sometirnrw tie changer, but ton oft, Koe-low right on b ing hsvi ; .tall if he dtsw turn out all rit;11t And go Lilo way he should H^ gets three times the credit that Tirp boy gets who wan good. ix 4. E. Kiser. 'r The Boy's knife. e All boym have knlvPm In their jwtk- c4e, but' rime of them are No dull Ute) are not, of mtwir Lire either to r their uwnerm or to their owners' lgdghhorm. A boy without a knife. 1 Lam 1 km,p rearm exPPrience, Is very fad ntlrrrnhle and in n poor way to gel all the enjoyment out of life. Of Dolt til Pass lilt) t mad, lie, bfree. course glrls do not use knives so much AA buys do, but they frequent- ly have to lorr(Iq► off their br,therm or th,Ar frlendo when they variant to ehnrpen leeneilm lir cut their Juntfnng rupsv lir gather pummy wl- town- Ito not think 1 would urge lalfinhness upon my render., but lerfA•n-te who bore ow knlvem are. often very cureless with them, Ios- IftR thrin or keeping them much longer than they 4eed. What I want to tell you In the very wimple thing cf how to keep a pocket-knife mlrup. With a little trouble Lupi penitence a knife Cantle sharpened and kept ill Wall order, but it b Mlrprlmfng flow few toy" know 14,w to (Ili thin. In the first place, if the edge of the blnoe In badly ,y e a curve n nt:,k 1, or If the 11P out, it sh ould be ground on a ariadlhtone until the nickel till dissafe- Pour. BN •rare to put plenty of water on the atone, ma that the heat I fart law front the friction wl:l not take out -lip '•tpmpe•r" of ill(,- steel. Ilubl the blade firmly far that the tdula• will grind from the top of the blade faeuty to the edge. When the grhahng IN totoe, lite midpm of taw blade dNluld curvet -In. The bllude may then be slot to he "hollow ground.' If the nitrate in allowed to grind to tho edge, till, blade wJl become too thin and will "nlck" eamll y. . Now place ihr Idal.le bit a flat poNl- Mon on n whetstone and grind w hth a . cir•ular n"dhst. Trent both alder In this way till u slight fringe. uppienrA 4,n tltP edgp. If the knife doer not notal grin lair. It can les "whet op" Ilk tilt• mime wily. with the exception Of bearinz n little more strongly nl,ar t the cutting PAIKe, when rubbing nernsm the stone. water or ine Either fine- iliav e fa r o II nm, tar faint nit the rt n which ehoald le kPlrt clean. Last of all, rub the blade carefully on n strop or piece or araft, xmdroth lenthpr, which n will reinove the fine fringe on the edge, rapid , Ill polish the blade. In following, tl hese directions you can t„ poit An ,lige oft yontr t1Atc-that w Ill I' rrlulre you to be careful of your fln- gere.-Chloago Record. I- I A Poser fa Arlthmetle. A Cldnamnn died, leaving hl+ pr(r to party by ,will to his three morals, ns foq- Down : ' ,,'Al Irtaft-hnen, the ,violent, nor• -hilt e thereof ; to Nu-plit life rrcond boll, one-third thereof ; and to U1119 -bat, his youngrmt, oPe-ninth thereof." Wioei the fw.iwrty Was Iaventorlud k wit" found In consist or uotblug t. more lir leem thnn eerpntel,r. Ple- phnntn. anti It puzzled these three a heir" how to divide the pr• psvrty r. 110011rding to the tenon, of tho w 111 without ch,rpphtg sap m:vPntreu ole- sar phnntm, anA thereby seriously fail,- retiringtheir "table. Irinally they rap- retiring he 11die,l to n w imp neighbor. Noon-film a- for Adiles. le nan-punk had nn elephant se . of .III" own. pie dro.'e It Into the yard ___ IN' 0.11 a feller'm feelin' NO ; to I re-k'n I'd be lonememe Kinder Tbn■ tis Pop. f:: a pa Wuz All 1111111, tis, pup, )(Me ltmuwf Mr. Johnson -Detroit Free Pram. 'cr+oms etc street r' tanked 4 -year -ill, 1 Touuuy Cravat. The.fYrlr" 7.1om. '*Yen. know film mart) no writ nm I "ft's Qaper how Ant",.i• will act r Cruise. du "replied the elder ru oil.' In a raUway wrock," wild the bort "well. fiat'• Rot feu bouuleun s ran%armaa. " Now, there was the pool" In Ida b:arn." MLberlee wreck In 't!T. tri% carr nus "Well 1" in tit' illicit nu' hall o' the show's "An' you know Jimmy ,'lace r' its -not war Lawler 'em. There was one "YW" a, i rage o' gnonkeyw mashed flat that we 1 "Jileuny'r Rwfoil smart. 11lesayd You lrutwed of, an' allot I) th' other ani- call take a bench of towsownx n n )calm had took V til' wu(Nbo, little k push It Into tit(' key holo of the 10CIL irbr:Im nn' wuh" nn' drer in the barn tut take away' lisp help• alio' much like. Nothin' to dot any harm j nos You Cluj makul n try , that will ro,v ptln' the big lion, Monan•It. ILP fit It, seer' . flip- only last mramenn. While 4aberlpe "Oh, Is that No I" . wask In Vinton, Intl. Garen w,,Nt of "Pep. An Jlmmy's father mnke a you know writ hP till to .Ilan f -arkP bullets out of lead, and he can take In 'I10. Hb, den wan bottom up In a the lead an make a key, an who t bttlp pud,lle of ditch writer, with a 110 yat expect?" hoar etnve In it big enough V let out "WPII, with an enterprising- tat It vow, an' lfunarrh bimpef was gone like Jlnnmy I rlunl11 t111nk that aft• r with the little nlelmnl4. 'Boat 11m -11- talking away the hal.• he'd go bac k Nible n thing ata he could '11' dune, and get' the burn." nnylow, pippin' til' sflakta' uji he must "Nope; halt he's giving to take, oil t 'a' Etat. tilt- pdmirm motne Clark night. nn, may "Well, .It wtw-ll#E-e1 with Mftkia' prop. he's going. to 'give tare one• tilt- stand that day, no we put 'n That's more than you'd do for ant-." th' runn, got tho' cook -hotter. ,outfit '• Hunt I tueen It hs." - New York .lona seat the germ l-4 arM brmkfaNt ,Mali alad Express. nn'. ortiLrtrd in t' dlg tit' staff alt - ei the ditch. Th'-allwpy . calm- ' - - - 1 ------- Hhymelnwte.' - - -- lw►ny'p Iwreckin' carrier colae along V help nn. an' we'd got party well -What do yon think the Nailor Ate? under cony when a .tall. black, bark Why. a othing lain• nor Inns (ban bull dru'key come nest o' tit' wovillm an' Which M)nlMllr• left 111 all nit vrate stolid 'round rubbe`rin', IN vrry long -forgotten date. "% otmody Laid any #attention t' Le Then, with hie head and lit -art I1:1L Jilin fear awlulP, flat by'n'by Maek He trial, "I mild nuts, tiny fate," Ih' chandelier main, rgnoke V hhn. Awl firmly walked out latest the gate kind u' kidded Jilin about b„;u hand- But It Tnrklah Khan, with urdrn 14core, of some torch gaff. it cons \/la- hate, n e { IL wall. n' h w1►a a real back truck.+ a a)l w to At thin m u re Ian R Didn't have• anything t() •a,ty tuck AnJ Prlot, "Ht- alinll not jubilate -didn't say anything at all, In N'btle- I fain Khan of this Khanate ; fact. favor Awhile. .few' shulfipol'rowld And, though It now nay be tear Int " in loin cowhldn Involve from 4,114. fill (tn board my yacht I'll make hit It' 111' other an' grinned bashftil mate: like. By'n'by, wllpn he caw w„ An] arlould be there ble Iles nnrratl dlith't rosin illut hard has, kind n' for to my crew try tet orate, took courage. With a cnplotan-txtr I'll break Ili "'Did any (of you gemmcn topped n glraffr?' lit- ways. pastel 1 Anal hung Jilin up on ai board quad _ '••t;iraffP?' Mack mays, "No, we rate; nP%Pr owned no mach uimt with til then to my nubjeols ['if relate thlm trick. Why V In tab addrrwr oil affairs of state, / "' Wrll, Mmes, fah doraA foun' aranre- That this mail had onn merlouve trial Ihin' qfr In mail 'Lia✓r pnl4`h till" Which would 1 t underrate filch elf tori o uolwmn' ap fah' 'iriwed As mnyb,. "P nntlon'pp ho"n)r, unit milk#• %Ilrrat lilt 'borisel to you all.' " Tile Ilvem, of all, so I couldn't/ wait "Sink got lutur-mlel. 'N'ot do,-. So, long nos the life, of n \erottrate --:11 Lok like?' _ 'Psi throw^ him down from the miner et "'Lnwdy, bottom. hil'm mos mule. y'n.te, e or dive him a (lOsd of adreonate. strum. Never dO nee no apch sal' ` thing befoh, will. Biat cal "n11minl -,I. C. C. Patlerm(r4 In AuKumt S . with yaller P eat, ail' tilt door come NI Tilt- e, 'The nc me wools hie th tl _ A-nnnrlln' ani a-apbltin' at sal^ ast it o 11dterd of the alpAateel In their nrdo a •-man an ah Rot raft o' bald., "'Where Is itl" mayor Attack. "'Olt. ah cadet hit all rghtcy. The that of the Hyphen. ilonoo pert a rope 'roan' hila nark In a prlm11rJ' school In fit. Louis, t :u)' tied tilt to mah cnhlu.' other (lay, th❑ teacher sought to cu "'Uo em' Rtl It all, fetch..lt down vP)' to her pupils an Idea of the u IIPTP,' mfiye Mack. Then til' wreekin' III or the to tphpta. Site wrote on II /laekhoxrd "Blyd'N crew got n tackle 'round another nest," and, rental Ilan nn' we frrrgot all all olt til' Ina; to the hyphpn, ranked the echo darkpy "What In that for?" After n bri "llnybe It num twenty minuteman' prince.. a young bon of the F.mprn nhnybo It wells half nn hour when I"Ir Ifipel not, "lifetime, ma'am, t wt- hraid A noble Over on the rend the btr,l to rosdrt on." IInx,IhR til' tree -a nolme kinder Iikr -- ' n nigme'r drlvin' A mute -or Ilk• The QumRRa'A Ifeeb. w,mrthln' b•In' driven. it conic An Rmnaing attoey be Lot(] by Cle pv"orer an' hNlder nn' louder nn' Inn,l llcoffrt to film pnper on "T nearer. Fvrrybody aloppwL listen- Will itetit Titmer," ht St. Nlrldd col, nn' til' Md man htnlxelf conte for Augiwt. out e' We ewe with, file nwykla ;%wall- Wells it wam Irapoe t"L.l board -.t ill' rain' him neck. at -pry. N,navita, it npopearm, w ***What to that?' ho pipes lip, Irl at-an,llnt tui the bridge on, morni Irl" NnnlrpT wny. "Wil') 1a that oat w'h,41 there nr lap R fenrful rrkrt ntltre? Oo an' ave what that racket tlNi runway, mild I(eoking In he Nn IN, nope of You b(oym• Hurry up, naw.' tho quagga tparing nkonR tower "Nolmwly limit] Any attention to film. He rorlehelr"I that a,m one It him, un' till noise got nearer an' anfnistpno(I the (favor And wam JL Il.vilrpr. in a Couple of mbnwtaw n p-pparing to check the nnlntni, wh rlond ri' first LeA laid out from b(hind nrcetind till, curve cnm- Rattail in f :tin trfwr. When It Riot within n inn- PIrr@sult. fkmnvitA mtepped ha^k, Or I first y'arde o' til' traek It cleared sap fila revo4ver, and, no the tiger rural' . n bit, an' tharn vrom that big. Metric paid, firal n blank rartrldge, till 111asr, with a rope In oaf- mitt an" InK thus to d1vtort 1110 from t as puler o' fenoNrall In the othpr. On (Innu;Kn. But Rnjnh pnl,l not the aliR ill' other end o' the- rope wan Mon- cat hoped, Anti In long boun,la came ( nrch. Into Rte nrean hard after the lei "SOmn N you probably remember fled gtladropel, which wnm gallopl r wet ,11mmy it,wtrke'm face Itx,bal like now with the• np(`et sof (]eaPnlr. Art^• Monarch faked film In Trleco kpfp^r wiwv done mwrppintt rinmlwl Of all tint mean, enpakln', url(Mrhnnd• tart t.ha, Iron "I IPA mini nnxl(Ni AI rat animain that e%,Ir travelled wAtrh^I the rare from th, tap. no with R pare is Sfollarch wait til' vita, prewerlesem t" Interfere, wntel w'orrrt, an' a I owerrnl fighter when from the Midge. I` )'All an- wort o' show. 40treetlmpoi Of nil rnrrvt Poplar rrm in n errns I we'd Prot over ItAnda nn the eanvRa w11s the twist rrm,lrkmbl •. it wit' ^aver of hies ottgp when hp head t' race for life, am til- quagga list rue nve? th' train, an' tiler, nPrrr nn 1 111,, tits-? lntPwl-]- Fit,,, tit waw a 11me, ,lay or flight, that h, they cirel^d th- arpnn, Rnlaah cal for Iwdn't A flap ready, for yawl. "p'N1, Int nlweyp, fiat rpPver rnncah brawn% tMt I1A1ke`y wnor n lam aprinir. in thn .I%th tnrn, mint him with tits@ ehnnk of harp .in* h" hlrlged th, dlat^nr,• rixht,. I tnikln' ",+file talk to ,,lm wean Ihne at.rnlRhtwnv n hlnrk and yellow M Anything yien ever o tw In Ih" drouilr phot thr,morh the, role in troop mini "'(:oma am asking bnab, you ye1let Pye.l 'Ali the prey. Whrre"P,m the gnarR" thin¢ n enntl r runs.' IN was m►yin'. pion klwtw w•h•it yeast Ix, amt paln mtn't Aron' Lhn tpnly gnAttR lo,t ont Ionth hind legal in one Pirelli "",till tl„r mptt at nM, nohow. C'm tremen,l,olp kirk : avoid they fill 1"a owig tAt^h, y' la1R gto y vahmint,' that A gnRKRa ran klek tin a' Yale In tilts c an' with tjtat Insist lam ldm with Ilia of a fly. At Aay rate. With the me%entppn. rind said: t- "Now, we- wlli suppose your father rot, deft thra4 righleett elephnnla. Flen- rr linen take- your hntr anti deport." 11 Na, Fuera-hnrn took nlnr cielhants or an,l went his wny. "Now, Nu -pin," amid the wine, conn, "take your third nett go." in Nn-irin tank mix elephants null ve• travelled. h.. "Now, Ding -int," mild the sir nuan am "trek your ninth and h'K,mv." S I DInR-bnt t,N,k two elt-phnntm alts' Ila vnmNomel. Thr_n Bt; nmlc Leek hit am owh F ilmly R11g u► "it g aain. _ - In oner y : Was the property divide w norordIng to the Lerma of the wail'. Nmatt .yokeor ^'"'"^"^^"^- Rall the ipnchrr: " And It cattle to prlam when the king hoard of It It, rent Ills clothes. Now, what doe that mean, children -lie rent ht elolhpa?" UP went A little hand. '• We[I, If you know, tell um." 11 PlPfasp, ma'fim," an td the chile' tlmbily "I ayinne he hlrPi 'em cwt. -LP411e'a R'Rekly. -- Tommy-Pop,'do tell mills make rent ? Tommy's Pop-Timt dPpPnda "PO the mills, my man. it they are tit- in oin it trapt thlat protd►bly, don't mak it rent." ",Ven, Wildir," RRakel] 'grandmf hnve yon had all the dinner yo want Y' N(iaP," nnmwPriod the irwthfu boy : "imt I heave had nil 1 can Pat. Tpnrhpr--Whit In the funetlon I til^ Iron In the biocNl? Tommy Tilrker--dl's what mnki the fingpr nails.-1'11ireagn Trlhntnis. Motu•r-Tonlmy. a little bIM lPl fat• lhnt ton helped v,ourarlf LO Call w•i ll„ i wnl. 0111 . Tommy (nwldrt-i'll wring that pot rot's neck i-ClIdealgo News. 'HE KING'S CHAMPION fter Who May Appear at King Edward's Coronation. iN OLD RELIC OF FEUDALISM. Kung Edward V11. had lwen for- unlb prodavtlel with the historic Litt of armor worn by the king'" 'hamplou lit furan(r thneut apropos ,f wIlll•h a curr•dds,lellrol of the ,onion Graphs: writes that, 11161- IOugh It be Wallkely that the cere- mony of "the Clutilengr" will he ovlvtd lit the coming cor,uation. here will probably be found ruom Irl lin pprodrodlnRN for ilia- Honorable Ito King's cluampuow That much Lot officer extid.N nuay Ire bend lu K)Iur. people. Neverthelemm, to u plc- .urt`w(lue village ncur the ancient .owns of Horucawtle, int Lincolnshire, here live the repremeutittlVer of A totally which for puny cpnturlem has •end( red dervice to succeadlVe s•,Y- `rrigns 111 that Capacity. Int fact, :hl- prt•ment occupant of Nerivelsby .burl may, without fear lir diNproof, ,jural tleeoertt from that Robert do 11 C . , 1 „ ' 11 , 111 1 It J 'v ' Y4 --% f eT w t1 i ' x l?n N \ THE KINals CHAMI'lOti AR1f D. (From Sanalluattdfurd'm "Corntea Klag James I,..,) " Maryon, Lord of FoatemoY, Nor m - metlyfy, to whom William the Con- queror granted the manor, and who5P family, it 14 raid, had tong dircharReil the office of l'hnmptun to the linked of Nor- mandy. • The office of Royal ('hnm)iou hall ,> .11, t , 4;10 -L — 0 , -_5--_'.i. /!--A- go knit, tVltlt Rterture fleroko till gauntlet "tern It" throws, And /tarps to mur'lal fight tits tab- aatlt food; Where. leu brave Quixut answering to hl" call. Ila rohw trIutuplim pt lhro' that Kuard- td Ilial. Thri/w halgoy C,onyua•rur, that the luurel wear•w Unstained by warrior'* b!ood, 141141 wlduw's teurn I Aruna lit lilt txdnlm, eldxld he a file Mrldold. Slay, Wlmlkl Iw keep the fit -hl, Or quit llN. I,,vl.l? ,—_^ NOT INTERESTED. 1'be r. Ileal Amerlormm " Cereal Not About Itulmlfy. A corr•spopndoul of lite cbleagu Chromele, who dope not believe What lir.. Williaul Shallemieare built atAMI, the divinity which doth hedge a klLig, unburdeled Ilia luted as to:- lowd: It fit really teuladealhlg to nn Am- erlcan-alluded perlfon to read nil lila, Ise published about the private ,if- fnirm of European royalty and no- bility. Tiln American theory all 1 lear)e1 It d" that A government Of- HclltJ in not the ruler of the people, bol th"ir "prvalK, ati llat tine ver- vaut should Ittlpor Ills waster anti not ttsp master tine mervant. The real American, therefore, flow" down before leo Official. and leant of all before fle heredilar.) tyrants; of ford•Ign c untrlem. Their marringed, t1wir bablem, their oatiugy, their nU- tue nt" and the way they trim their whiwkrket do not InlrrInmt him 10 the least anti he Ulwardlr' r(wente the lx•r►wt11111 parading before the public of their rrlfimii l.le+lmurmm ani their Idiotic ewapeAlew. ,,4omel of the cider pleasures of roy- aity ttad nobility aro to sit for a Iikrlletim and to figure. 111 fle liewd- lapers, Wil alley meek theme till 11K al not only to gratify their vanity, but to Irlrengt en monarchical anti arls- to:rnlle in"titullond. The American polley surely ought to be to freeze them out. FORGIVE AND FORGET. A Pretty Avecdule of the true 11 r. r 0 CA cat l 7py New York. Ev,n'n3 Puct Ila: the ft' •,wing: T11e Journal des De - -,.i ' :1, ! ice, I • f i - 'Ft - l -"?t` : 1"i"'_7 - _L 1 ,iii -1k1 - -~r 1 ,1 rr - __ - __"."-a .. D- _ _. r r ;_- _ _ . .- . THE HOME OF THE CHAMPIONS. PlI•r miner been ntu►ched to the I bats qurotem from the m wo'xN Of M unanw of ScrbVrhary. Hume writers{,Ie Brandt f► Betnarek anvedotc spenk of (lie font an hereditary, Brandt was' onUo dining with the but title in Aa eyror. Taylor, the 1Irlaace..-1n Connally .whit- Vunt- En author df "Thr laorY 4d itritub- tent"•rK, wlw) wall an Ardent co;Vc ity," retardm the Clampiofad1111) nm for of autographs. Ho displayed lit the moat striking relic of feudal- •shiner a paper on which Goth liuizot imt that has come down to um from unit Tlhierm haus written til Ir siglen tilt. mag" of chivalry. It in certainly tures. ^T1,:n Id extremely Interest notable that. Rlthough not herrdl- Ing," maid Blamlal'ck, "1 wlsll yo teary. the office of Chnmlwun.Ivan w(mld let me Nhow it to lily wife.' Couthmel In one family for w)n)a(IY Tit,- 1'rince.sm 11bomarck wit" Indls centuries. The llarmlons hell the Insisted at the rm.imwlt, anti kept to office from the unic of ihr• Con- her rrm.iu. Thr• Chancellor rnrrad he querow WintrNl to lilt. close. of the tho% autowritioll, kind, returntng In r thirteenth cent"I'T, when. 'u the few m.,yar s, handed the dln•umen nfiwence of the muln leve, --riVP14- ha(•k to the Caoount, remarkidlg: - by reverted to lisp. female i,n,•. Joan INjop^ you w!dl not b+ offrnded fat m, tip Mrarmyon married Sir Thomas- lla%ing written mompthing til -rt..' d - 1-mlhew, but, their only sou Iii I Tli i wan how the p•Iper finally ren' withoall in:,t:r. Their dalegll',•r, "My koag life lalw taught nap to for bowe%rr. Incirri al tier .lain Dy•.::alk., glvo mtyril &till to furgrt nothing. ft (Ilrnteentermltire Knight, Wit', Cftl- (Inieot." chalet At the rroronntlnn Of It1-hard "t Intl^ feorRptfulnret will wit 1 11., and I"l okem final ever since Ield pair the sincerity of th- forglvenes ticrivi,imhy anti tho (.tlnmi0.loahbp. -Tholf-arm." Meritelaby. . was granted upNoa ten- For my part my life jinx tough are of barony and grand Nerjelan me that I Ihave rAwh sty forget an try wench film) for Which i need to 1 If at any time, the owner of the lorgbven.-Dlmtrarek." mono- find hailed to nlgee`nr. pPr- ronally or by deputy, rod Roynl Tt a M.ngllsh of the lengllsh. nlu(mptou ,it th" coronation bran That Ihacknoyel American mable unit he would have Inst the ate- who mall Luaxkoo was a Inco poser• 1 tate". Whether or not thpre Ips• you knew the languq e, wan "lot f,"nail n pais•• In lin npPr,xchhfirt bit 11brnird. We "peak Fugilsh ; total w coronntion rerem mien fOr the Pre- have built up our dorm" of Englis apnl Mr. Dymoke It will, no doubt, exlirrmNiun upon LIN+ F:ngli"h of a fat dvvulra.-&&}tun tum to offer lu" ser shirrim of the _old country AN it w vicrow or -.run the risk cif H++inft him elokl,n betwenq two amt three cel manor. A complication, It is nn- aurin+ ntO, wh1M they have be drrdto oil, any ppmxlbly" be falnrt' blending and changing the mperch tip eximll In the fart lint only it all their home peYoplhw durl,w til life IntereAt WAR i/enuentlled by th" -taut. pl,rii"I. The r+wall M that a Into it Will to Ilpp men, In whish AmerlCull can harlly utter a me cape tl de b^ n echeMatter ftp• law- tense In English without calling a yer- to delle whether Sir. Frank tention to the difference between fit Srnmpn Dymoke's' mervicem will have prpta,ch RIN1 that of the people nbo to hr` offered ha film own nnmp or film. Only yaxterainy', after r•bghtee to that tot Irl" imaip. On the other manlhei rexldence In Englund, brand. if til•' into ii4anots L.OJge be rumhwt nip to A conductor ha chartn correct In film "i"crivi'lmhy, the ('rote( `tattled, and aallett, "%Vhleh c Home of file (1mmp;onn," that nil for liromlrj'?" Ile itarel at trip nn reudal Obligations; have long vennr-4 I Ilnpw i lulal alackf•n A foreign li4laxi to be olvrath"e, and that the la -ft to him, b(a•nume "treet vehicle' II remmantst of the fpudnl myerteni (-nine umninnse, tine] horme-corm are. call( to no end In J-660, titers M no "p•- road •arm anti train corm, and the tial ohligntinn bncnnnb"r,t air")" till' art, no other carni In England. owners of Wrh"elsby Sfanor. If you link a gu(wt at your ho The Coronation of George 111. In Englnud wh"ther hr• llkem h A %'cry preelne riceolDlt Of title cor- no•nt rare, hp ants' what you alert onntirin of fleorge, Ill, Including the, imcm sv he dean ant undprstrand to ('hnmiplOn'm eoallPnRr, waw pnbllAhed Hr. radia meat unlrrlfunn whet! It not thorought,V cooked. If you Ir early Ie tint fain •tcwnth rrntnry. an11 him yemmhwr-tires, I* 000" It few rept"" far,• ex(Lant. tt ,hl, err- tRptM+Mfw" orntkorl tvangtt•t tit W'eatinlndpr he its fat a Heys It 11111, be nnae I I would have mail It wool lI trot. I IL111 It nam far many es+ntnrirw caw oak hint to w tin wrwtipre mugo lomary for the Lori of the lifanOr will mRnln mol Ida to worNtf•rl f Of 4crlVewby (for fle^ time bring) to .loo calls It Ilam[ mugar-mune rhiri In, elra1:OTAtON Armed, fated far= Ilpongh h" known Hutt It b purml,tIto I roml"antral by Rrent offle,•rs of called caster w thatmirtp, anger. And Stilto and itervtldN. The ehnil-rage waw , to tilt. following lermm: "It tiny irr- Jon fol%" Candy on till- tAbpr ya Will, of what domes, moever, high or may mol call It NO without belrayll p your foreign origin, for h„ cr1IM 4`11114 low, pptmll deny or gA1nAAy caw Sac- ""W"t"," nbhrellatel front "never erriRn Lord King . . . to be the menta," novel noted to rlenlRnato 1 rtgltl hd+b to tau%+ imperial Crown of premrrves, Pu"itllll A, plow, cnndirm, a taw+ Realm of (irtvtt Britain, or that Imo awtght not to rnJny the Prime, hpre lame' in him Champion, who malth that he TO gn fartheir along that Pe"nt', firth, anti In a false traitor, leinR rltirx of Frigboth at the dining -tab I rpntiy In prT4nn to cmmbnt will' in(xdl pevmnnN know,l implicative. that t' film, and In thtm gnarrnl will advert. iome int enllr.l beet rcxrt, peer)+lar Int corn flour, errncst hef (far n Pei t tarp Its life agallNt Oki on what lirnhar ent of it) in called "Rlh'prph' 11ay f1DavPr shall lain apfutntel." TI^. Champion lherromp n throw down of bpw f,'' nn(] nnlakina nor w^r%Irlirw the gauntlet, wlldrh wax taken cop •inlinn Vninla, In Harper'n Slagnal most rPlsrreed to tth hmwa&t after feta- for Aligned. 1. u Portnnity turd been afhwded for sac- -- rePtAnce or the chimi ental. 7111N Proud of floor. 11 ceremony wan flrl t pecforfrwd at the "I w.nlit to Rrt'Ione wife- Intrrrxl entrance, wan r•peatnd midway of In ()ter new pyhten of monunl tree unix haV and Again Imm(rllately in Int," m•ab,l the w•omn.n with n Nh, if front of tip- Kling. T1hR following ,kart nrdt A fl -It hat, Nadas were written by Phillip Yriong, "will," anawrrel Mr, Slerlit ,p t1.M Of LRP KInR'm ttClwetwM wt Wrad- „%Tan can comp In. iAit N you nap ti bluster F1ehK"pl, At than them of the ly to tcvneh i. Dr If 3 rare ti In crrrrMiotYn of terwRP It. and Quinton fib,ort trnlninR a plan t'q► think' R C1tToYtN': yon nrr wnftint your ifino. nenrir' when first thw new-cn►ws'd King In orv1 ("one pretty sent RlviaR loop r- xplewtk)r rPlRftra In nwlr,nnl training, EPnNatlo on k gold/n emp the lowal clMLmpioft-wommhingtoa altar. 'x1115 if ritll(KH41' 131-ATIt11Kx r. ihdaer yet* Furth Iii Verslou lf•tbe lleetlag. )Jr. Morgan cad thorn Who utlPt/d- &A thr conference with hint absolute - 1) lle•liutd to guy anything &&bout like meellitg with the nice. The exe- cutive b,urd got together lu the I attevear H'fuile after It war over t4, draw up a statement "(lir the tweet- I fit rt tilt. ambito," cls Mr. Phaffer I termed It. After working two hours lir more, they KILVe'lilt lilt' fulluw111g eknlunteat : "Tip Offlciald of the 1'uitod sticks Steel Corporatism. luwtesdl or redutu- lug nelfutiat"Im, where they were wllilwlNhxl lit the eoufur`nce held en July lithI I_lh cud I:Ith, hive Wlh- drtw•u the prepositional male At th.►t time sand are now offering much Irw lbnu they agreed to bicho lot 111-'14. "Thr fO1lowllg Is' till, pr,loslllon Which the l'tllted Stairs llteel Uorlx.- rJltJ:alt gave lir heal") nal Its ulttiuu- lluu, it will buulan•rvod that the pre- aulble ,antes rlulply' that the t'rlill+d tatps steel C'orix,rati.m offloluls wl.l whisa• sl tllement by ltd U )limit lurtit Comilla Ideas ; whist the Treat thltered. "-1•rt.nmbie - Conditions under which we are wl!Illtg to 11-11% isle u dt't- tlreal.•mt of labor dbffioultes. ., Alroptwitou : Tiuplatr Collapeny'- BLoiletwd shall prucrwl under tile, reu- tract s!gltod with the Amulituulated ,tebt,chatitni as of July Jut, 11101• Thr Aluel iCall Nteel Company should slgm the scall, for till the nulls owned by the American Steel Ii,up C'ompnuy that vverc elgnod for ludl your. Awcr- icitn Phevt Merl Cvullwuly-1 one pit" .I whould dlgn tar• locale for nil the mulls of this Company that were rigocl far 1.1at yta:, VXCtidluK the laid MchdOw #lid shadltu g Mills.' What blarlavre' Ileuududed. "In regard to ,•lir propodRloa 11 doidre w prt-Gwe it by directing e e crllttOn -*,a the- feet filial it Int u uN,liticatloa of tion Wlwch we of (ere,l Orlgbnally. At th i Inset confer elate, a4 at thosto pre•e111nK it, wr rwtuirel ►t;u-'tturt-r of th,i sealed fpr ;►11 tho milbd Owned nm.l tgb•ruted by ,fat) l nit"d Stat w St•!el Curloratiuu whilo UI tin prppodltluu given twlow we asked that tll.r scale be signed for now" but diose whin which arc lir. ranted steel where the mea erasing 1 r. their do -Are al I f I fa r ) work leave u u K to br ruulle•t"11 with Lha AffirdRu watwl Amww'ltttkell. Tient ue,diflca sun, lad. t" rn mail,- b `oal.ee the trust otflciald declared that We wished t., force men Into t(hp organisation ngnindt tits Ir will lull des,r.•, viVI. td►erefore, amkrd'tl"It the mrale b• signed for only talose mea Who dt-stry It. '•11'41 the members lir tike Execu- tivo Board of the AmalRamatld AN ,,ac.ati,on hereby prlsrnt the 14,110w - lug propo^Itlou an n reply to Hutt recei%rd rrt m the liLaltel Staled Steel Corp oration : tltret mdliw--A1l ml:ls signer] for 11 a c' IIWI of with LII z r lb i ouelt y tar p Saltsburg and P,eottmiala ap'l with the additorn Of McKecepd.rt and Wells%life. "!fool mats -Ali mdils nm► kmown iii be organised, vis., Ioutage own, Wrard, Rreenvllle, Pomeroy, Warren:' i'aintpres nn l Lbndarty, ni. l Me('utch run, ('lark, Monesisen, M; ago and Bar', mlll ; 1:S.bnc•h, 9 -Inch and hritgo mills Of lite ('leve -hunt Rolling Mill Cam- Party- -Tlt4, mild, -<111 mllis except ,ton= Osman All other tuatterd ter detail to lett floor metllemenl by COnferl,ncs. Was furthermore wlmit tato "tate th fair purposive In coming to New YIN War wit txx'lluar we doubted (Our V ------.--. T. J. Sharfer, rand Serra11'oilinnw, Wh+, bu%r our Land reidormrrllent, beat isit attaining Nettlemeritrlk".' 'rltvar oFill IcIALS'r,tuxN r, Dalt 1t to Bald a Vlat.b lelalit 1a - New est. U No dtuU•wrnt In lehrtl( of the rlrrl Rfrloriation Wum lemdle, aLi•l mane of I itm rapremeantitti%cA would talk for r ,mblbcatloo. It la lellr%ed here that I there will Ix• immellalr notion cele 1 bolls nitiem, the exptrtuliun to+in;; I that the steel curlorattOn w•tll 14 v tempt the opernthan alt morne ter itm mills, indppele•.►eat of the union, unit 1. ,fiat tit-, Anollgamale.l -lm*ociaUnn wltfl will roll utou luuad` ►nsynqualh} them to mtrike. I( there tare no (air- dter effort's lit cont•llittll.,n and tb.• Ito alrlkp Is extrndP•1, it may INIANlbly ab lJPvrlop Into the Large"t conflict or the -kind In the fdmtory 4,f ,hrconutry. t "It will Ix• n fiKJit to til" finish. d Wt• nrP prgaard to tip nth the x' money valid tune nPCOHMALry to %%-list' out ihr• ARMIKILmatel AdnN:blion In nil of Our mills." Tilat wag the InpNPragr that Went Over the wirrm from N,•w York to n local offlclnis of tilt- I'nitel mtftt"m t 9tf el Corporation thin uftermxen. R offit-labs; we're wailing lung nft"r ihr r ,Inn.tl Hnivird ay nil, rleoun elo. InK bailor lI to gra w'Or.t of toe callferenrt. to w onn rod Una r•. The Two m n New fork. R fss (twill dilated Llwt the.S'VnfPrpnvP fuel 1- adjnirneI between the wnrkrrm nail n Sir. Sforgan, nfier repti-OK hl* it 1, Of lit" dr•rlmtun In the, mntteres ht M- e. Pate Tilt, ae'alnd nlp"notga• t0 Pitta te Marg announced to tike steel Offlrull. n- thrr• that the executive ]Ntnrd tilt, t rltrl-leil that they would not arre•pl " Mr. Morgan's term*. ill The mproud meamtRe eonlnlned til, o @stnUnp`nl filmo that spgn•n.fn 11be%r I *"ate of tile. officials heard th:- move R wage With ulingforigi; olhrrit iviQ nal 11nr•I,ncl•rnrd mallefnetlfto. One o Id the otrlenlm left 1114 office declar Ir• law lhnl ht, wait glad of it. Th Ilk fight would mur•ly hp rnrrie,l to a at rinfmt! sand tut, corloralton wen' re oiler and for evil hr• frred front t;o me Influence of (lie union 411"ll. ', til IN hradgnArterm of the- Atn•a1K.anl tto 41 A"miclnton than wan no on u. nlobt. All that expculiVp offiverm for IN DIR in New York sal the time, it At Imp wan prekent to hank filter til I-Ie...e.tr of the Ntrlkprx there. Oi gunlzer 11-lynn, In Least Amrrnmore real rr ittren of 1.ntwrr urn► wheve t-- A Iwadqunrlt•r" ,hiring the mornin Land Our ter two 0f lbe mtriking ete l worhpra. Mil they rrmnimid beat Nlort time. llalp to start. That the offlenlm of lip l"Ott 'Ftatem .Steel (Yerporf►llon havr b^P pr•"pnring fen• ihr battle wnmm."I nJgwarent thlm nfternt"m. It wit learned on the beet aulhorily Ilan foo nttpntpt IN to IN. tundr nt one to brrnk the mtrike Ili flap 'rotpnrtn (total of non-union then into .ill iIl Idly mlllp. One far lisp ornrinla d lfie company now_lniolrnd Pink tint N,t far na furnimhulR akin - main for tilt, plants wait concr•rnri it Ix only twePaxRry On d.Atrnhil tilt- Nk,ilrd w,prkp,rm In that prvowr neon.ulown nlillm ill Illi ' tit" pinnl amt make` thorn general lnalrurld" of green Immix, niton ler ol,'%r•I, nv,rp Of that plane of arthsnns. Th, A"wrM,RR FNMA 1(!e"( 0 omtMR; whl•ti drel fell to start the Hyde hill mCi haul Rork. Mut P•rmtp enrol netb pN•mling the r..ull ofthreonferem hl Now Vork. Tann banned urdrit a 1 prrpnr.• to velnioCthln mill Poorly nel wrpk. It was pni,l assn that mol of the nkl.bd men from the Rent ,list mill, iIll hp alrpd Into the otrk pl dntm of 1 he Company now, rentie el Ifilr Ivy the @strike and it the at 1 &oil that of abet men taiea frt, The Signal r w nt,uaao slys Y THCReDAY UQRNINQ ■tr al. 1le(ill.IJCCDDIII. .J Terex• of s.boerllt$Ou- INMnth, 1. adr.nde .................... 0 Is0 kt.. muulhe. .................... 0 It. iasu!hati . 1 .t tae lett. ................... Advevtlsl.al Rats, 1..1 1 asd I Iker ea*awl , verWso,noa:-, ►Odx ler nn. Van lowrU. ,, a. 1 7 ..,,tat par Line or caoh subeaouent lu.ortlnrt. Nnweuried N , .dl Mrelt Mete. B.be use.i earn s of els Innes --lit unit-'. (1. M Fear. Advertisement• of I,net, routwl. lYXsd. aituatiens VaotUY1Wad tw Wdll, 9u.lnesd CLsccdr fat IttIM notop*rell. 11 Per nsoat4 llouas ala dale and Yarns- on aisle. MLo sz.end s Imes. $1 for nc„t mOu Lb. 300 Sequent m^nth. Iwrta r eid rte, to Pre prl•pow Any +tN"oW "Ietr, the .hleot of tell b to pr-onate the pooa.lary be"eat of "7 h 1TW list or a.mlwly. N be ano-:durwl a. adveRes pont and-Larmal ataccrnln 1 Local notices in oonpwrell Lipp one atevit Pd word, no aott l lir thaw I&,. l,ueal noliem In ardlov ry reas,li pa ►we teal- atM word. N. not lu of Iw. I .Oo. No110" f. 'e I,,% Ckes -lad of er pee arld benevolent i-pitutlons. heat rule. Ruhacrlbers who fall b rocelve Trot elecath re,110tirly by mall will confer a furor hr M puma.., w of the fact at as -ell a date ed poeeible. w hen a vainness d addrerw to dohs , local the old and the re- address should M live.% r.blisber's Netlese. J. to. Lei Touzet. of coderlcle fps boom ave apr,lnted Ivo, vvl Travollinl Agent fbr the Te-, Map• of Oalerloh, Conborne, Ashdeld and W a w -nosh. L.oal p.wtmw-un over the dlKrla core sYr sv.F_"ae.d to ,4_ vat ,.abecrlpdons k Tom ai D" All oomaud"Moos moot . 1VDDr, ll. YuUIld.I.VDD TA 81a e Toleyho.• Call 0. ad W. On• TH[IR8DAY, AUO. ': t1, 1901. TRAVf;t.l.IlsU Ca VLDL, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. attdlYlL 1111M ....................11.0 a.im M.0 and Hzl,rean...................... 1.10 /.Int Ni.oil ................... 7.0 Rm. Mall and [:prod ...............10.30 p.a terTART. Mall and F-zpr.•s.............. ... T.IA ►.ala. !tall end Frprer...................... 170 m.sa. lRc,.l .. 1 U pm DR1Pt'IITRT. M. Nic•BOLnoN. L.D R.. .LrTAL rtrltala". R<x,me opposite Late Peb OdL". a O.Id frilling. Crows and 1%44" Width specially. M Yrn' gzporlewow - . ..INIt-, 1uwa1 dal Wndnnytln alNrnoens at 1 p..1. from Milk, to Oclober Ine ueNe. LTT N. MADE& D.D.R I.D.f e xurga,n-l,ate.l and -paps, m for all dental operations, Pre*orv.l,. natural tato-► a •podsliy. oa. . a ! card ter •tairuk K fail ! 0 It!. lanr ,looted on WM_e,,l.f herao0os• M I p. u,., hvn, )Lp to Oct., tedednve. Telephone No. r. J. M. TURNBULL D.D.S.. LQpJ;1A1• dental surgeon. IAIely sa»efebd nfutls D►. Dlzon, of ftont 1 ()old a.d n o a1_ "jifieW irefb Incanted a gold or, alesGino bit,— P • ild stto.11ea gar" b IM v,ttlon of ... natural ts.ti OAcsl17 p Lawn's mew block- "ttTre 1-111."1 ala Wrd.dwley .9 --nen. at 1 p.in. from Mar to 0110 far m111-na .. LLO Ax., AlIP1O Q -BA AT Fe char, Notarr. 4.a Ofdoe over Hall. square. (Srodderinh. --- ` O. Jo-aNSTON-11ARRIgT6R UOIi- le ankr, ('omen lseLRLe•, al Y ae!is ho.e. onlce.: I= atnlb on a. a, t tar.K., ualerloob. Out- Am - ] f ,o __7 t'1-k---Zl l' „A Itlt __M t1 .abhors,.. -tart.. I,ublir jan"•ton In that M.rnlme Uon rv, Rt.. Oln" ; it rth • ., stein door SlOaAd. masa Pricsw Funds t0 lord wt I. wept rata, of Ituere+t_ ^'W W. toROt)Dp,r) ltl ysRltjattq RQ.OFQto iHXTR. " AmoW a ('Larlr (tarvetw, L4K rRn. r. ll. -:. tits. - — I1r111LtP HOLT, (} C., BARVJ!tT(pR, sit) wtor, Note," rl1blte+, .w 0 is ga.l ads 0otirtnoaw sva MOnlay to In" 06 1•w eats of Inter e . lR—ARR -] DIct1Q: i( I" « . tel" LI.Ae I pvwo. .amu. ill— 1c'Z'§9lOh rr' nEADtO HO1.UML LLD sAvjusTlm Pot- li totter, notarlAIL tter w./esteei. O w sae l ("sort "or IttTe-th- Hostel _ yob based loss Hotel, ladenroLow at.d Pot taw s/ aalabw=L at eaarp s U wARn.MNVRTiaVJti,, fes., J . roosttlsl.aer for ,.A wrAi receirn.-n-ol of ball. .Adavl►o w U. d.tNo W..'s or "lees* derAr.11 In rt oestoeraln``any edit'.. .stat er r the Hiak ('.curt M JeeNes, the It of d' , n es stn w est al, ai r 1 for Ontario Court. All tl avaosloo•.sre[ultr egfl ez.ruted. Re-Id..,00 sad P. O. add gennos. Oet sew LOANS AND COURAPM ,- ON" To I - M --A L,►> Dl of prlvete tads fis Io'. t Aja to Gam*w & erad- l.x. xt.mlmis•a ) 11 L,. r'r'as,-U(.N s]LAL INS 1 e .., .. It -I Kiptwte esti M,.n,q A,(-.1. only flretdoosp ro,aal.tntes repu lt,mey In i.nd not .ar*ight inane, KIM rate it Ini...e-t xulal In nn way to salt the bnnr-oder. (IMI•&&: .d door from ap>tiep W oil street, Ood.rlerb. l•1[ Al1CTION1CURINO. 1•HOMAe OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER AND 11 VaPintrx, firxlerich, Ont. -slate attended to In any pan d Liao. county •-- iol1N RNO[I ORNiRAL AU In,N UNIX V end I— %.lent -r, 0.1 1l.b, O.L Haw Ing had cun,dd.rrtbl- erpertetx,e ,n the aa mun"rinl Lead., h. t. 1. a po.ftton t. dao .hastxrro wIM lLor.n{L ew_fu'tleb ell at'"- niseldmte ontru.ted b Lt.t (intra 1yh at 1 •Rano, Hol.,, or al by woad to his a cxl arloh P. 0., e.rall0ly attended ac. JOkd NOII, County AaoUonler. lot it I ISARMAOf UST -:@M - LANoem.La OMF= ON 1N 1A I -- +lt•--t'andrrRrltt ripelle. it IV expect - h„ to that the 4hect Steel Company it will br, (able- td ratlike it 91104 nhOw- - Ing be'ore I -mg. The offNnnh( real - ,a Izr•. Ie,wr%er, lhnl they have adlf- RvUll .prublew uu their familial anti cxpre" friar of the o1lCOmP when tlt" y try to mLnrl sap these Idle mills. ,f They doebtre. however, that th--y 11 will mnke th,- attempt and with joint na much hurtle as Im poealble. No pl•lnN are known c ,nneriing the tro- t erlc:tn Tinplate Carmprany. live Trust Room, tt In reportP(1 that thn following hltminawmrm Arp about to combinPA for reassesses given b•karw : . Harvienel makrrm-To ^nahloi, them to No kat A tit I. Dry goruf"-111 Omar to ahOw hwt- ter bellanee• shmtw. ('orsrt-makerm--tare that tILPy can mnke latter figures. Tnl!orc--tai► that tiny can do a cutting tr-tdo. KhrePmaltrarm live (hot IIKWP beMts will Ime wild. Chnkmnkeror - To prevent tlwm- arhes front Is -+19 1' 111A sap Clothnd%knrs-in Order to prodem a Krerlter panther of e"ues. Antimere -To Pal it ebegnn On their wtorrles. , f l 61.144 Cyr.le-mntprx - l't o that they a" rub "ng without tiring. Fretterern-So that they Clan OGJmy the frultor of ViPlr Inditistry. V Li , ' ' a 41`r .iidlbL%41..A....; __..:.. ' - r