HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-22, Page 2The Sinai,villi: URITl81t IN EGYPT. Flew people understand what a r rvetuwsp gloat and beneficent worjt the Brit - Ovine THtilgen&r MOi111W OM are tieing In Egypt. In the twenty av u. r.• rtuouuLi. bears of Lord Cronaer's administra- tor of 'titan's he has wrought a re. -_ volution In that debt,rurrrd erten- THURSDAY, AUG. 22, 1901. try. Handicapped by the fact of Tur- kirh moverelgnty and the necessity 1'ileC CIC%81.113 i I(i11ttF:8. The populntlon of Canada le 5,3314,- 883. The cr`is`is neuron Just given to the public are full of stlrprtee. The feet that the increase of 1,09111110 ,ir eter the figures of 18J1 Ise only 511:.,614 is net the least d thecal. Wherever the fault lies It wilt not be eery to mike pruplc believe that the increase cal population in the Dominion has bete only a little over ten per cent. In ten yearns. We have all around um such evWeuce/ of expansion and in - crenate as to memo ,, to reject such n propwsittoxt as untenable. The former eenrmreM Of 1881 anti 18:)1 offer us IUe'111Ile of oinking some compartments. I.et 101 Wee whtlt lhry 11/141 W. ' lu 1841 there were iq Canaria M1 , 136 families ; In 18)1 there w. re le -3,613 ; In 11)01 'the numb r W piece` at 1.01_,78::.. In 1881 the people of Canada lived of regnrling the riirceptibilitte' of several jealunm nations, he hem (lune wonder* In the way of Improving the finances of the country and the cnn- tttloa of Oe people. When lir went to the country It was running behind every- year and the people were groaning under the burdens of taxes from whlclt they received no benefit. For the flrrt frier years of Lord Cro- !neer adudntetrnUon, before lie had gist' Rr►trli methods of admlul*"tra- t nes established. the annual deficit of the Oovernment was 631„500 Egyptian potl8ds. For the last tour - teen y'ears•the average surplus has been 718,000 lsgvptla rt. Denude yet there has bene a large reduction - of to at lou, li'nvy expenditures hay.• been made upon public works, and the Soudan r .+l the public revenue a couple n( h.,)Ilinn dulhers least year alone. Irri- gntioe1 Iter. b extended. the "weld" has been, to a large extent, cleared from the Mile and huge duns are in 7:.3,017 houses ; In 18'1; to 877,686, n pprnnohing completion wtdch will ani 111 IDOL In 1,003,914. Impound the surplus waters of the N 1 ce ' of a on n ,1 Irin f 1 w eN 1`211 lite ]tut 4+'s' Irises Undo:afford F'wm 18fi'. 2t fend:Ier increased about 13 per cent., ngnllut low water and drotl,M. :urn abut the same Iry the last ten F;,uforced labor on puhlle work.' ye, re. lea11 ccneted andflogging is n', longer the usual metbosl of ex- tractine taxes or mnlntnlning Ole- ctpline In the army. There tans n time when a cmmial.slohel officer velie ettevnptid we tickle tw•cause lir was puhlto•ly beaten erns regarded nee ,:bstlrtl,v petative, A worse lot of p,Items/r than the Egyptian contin- gent in the T11rkbb army in the t'rdmenn. War never bore nrme. The 1'gyptl:uh troops who fo'lowed Lure Iatchener into the Soudan proved t!win/elver p1ms1reed of courage, spirit, and waulliness. . Britian no'th'ub have stopped the vain of Judgments by the courts, and required them to administer Justice. The public health ls regarlwl. the cieltivat**► of cbtton and sugar Is in- creasing. the people are rising int of :.bJ.c•t poverty, anI eluent ion le meet- ing great progress. Lord framer's" het report is to bet translated into .`rabic eu tlhtt the l ,s1)1lan people ton krs,w what their euvermne'nt 4t. i offs. and make them feel an int' vet La their own publlo.nIfdrs. In order to defeat the' ropacl' uta uwney lenders Lord Cromer devilled d 1a plan whloh his last report ale- , crtbew as only au experiment. but 'ale that hes so far been successful. The Government 141 -Vance" money tie the Minim which lend It to flip people, The Guternmelrt collects these learns with the Warw. The peasantry have leen offered money at 10 per cent. instead of 40 or 50, the banks have received a commieslua1 of 1 per Beet 111t1 of £28.112 loaned to 3,0:13 bur- rowere last year, the 0everuwoot re - c everts) every penny._- -- - It in government of that tin.` that makes( British ieeuphtlon welcome to the Egyptian,. It exists for the good ,of the governed. The herrn«' in the .number of dwellings Will Ir•'nt 1881 to 18911, remelt 16 per cent.; In the hart ten yevare, uvrr 14 per cent. . If we :incept the flginrew of the fuulllrw and (1wrlliugr wr naturally kook fur n furirer increase In popula- tion than nppeare, out the face of the return- Either the returns aro he- pwrfcet car the figures of population °f the Census at 180 were its !redly padded ns' were its figures of • Milne- , trl.w..lt'rhnps it it wit welt (0 18.11 fig. perfection In any cen111s rrtirn- It cnn be but approximately correct ; but it le not easy' to 'eerier the lig- crew fist given out and compare them with those cat tri year* ago without - fe••lIng that the gape are u, brldgable, It ll' Interesting to note that the r1tinuatel populat(.i according to the Department of Agriculture war. in 11200 5,178,000-a remarkably chime computation. The figurer for wane of the eltfes are wvor111 rioting. Hamilton 11 given 52.539, 633 leer than the 11/01P1.M1r.. nate• just counted. The probability Is that flus° figiireu are not far from eorr8ct. Ottawa .11 plartel nt 39 905, an Merman of 13.751 user the returns of 18)1. a gratifying showing. Win- nipeg bents Leant, having gained 16,- 097 on a t Mainline of 25,639. Kings- ton drope bark from 19,26:1 to 18043 -eilmest lin exact llgllra's of the muul-Ipal totem of 1896. t'aneouver line almost ih,uliled, amt Sydney rias leen-sired four -fold. Calgary alto ,prlagi forward from 887d to 12,142. To:unto. whistle people. have been fondly looking forward to 225.0(0) 118.• been placed tit :.'117,971, nod ilont- real'r increnee Is less than rvpPrted, the advance being from 220.181 to 2,1(1,82(1. The statements glven out are sub. hot to revt(lun, and It rutty be that Important changes may be le h; tin• figures. There 11.14 been it*lvmfm growth, but wo have beryl going sten illy forward, on I the fuuntlett:aur of our promperlty are well 1,11.1. Whether the comport on with last census is a fair ono, or whether the 'tures of the census of 1901 are reea- nably accurate, ('anadian+ hare Pv Glume to feel ennfldenc.'1n the futur of their country. hr newer parte leave made great gains In the Inst ten 'years, ani the greatimt In- creadee has been made in the Inst half of the decade. Ontario, the most populous 1'Povince, may not rease.n- ably be expWted to nhnvv a') great a percentage of gain an the newer provincre, bit it 114 u,lvnneing, and the opening up of our new north 10111 ry will Insure ft sure 2411 Merely growth In the future. 1 Detroit ham been celebrati gedter 300th birthday thin week, the firet permawewt settlement having been, made there by Cadillac and him fol- lowers In 1701, when Fort Pont- chartrain wee built. The cyclopaelin1 say the site of Detroit WWII visited by the French rut early n.1610. bat the names of the alleged expTarere are not mentioned. ('hamlet/Oneonta not helve b ten one of therh. for hie first trip to (Irorglan Boy via iake Niplsaing was made In 1813. Detroit pa/tsed Into the 1)1412.10 al the Doltish In 1763, owl was handed ever to the (Lilted Staten in 171)6. In 1778 the town had bet mixty low betimes. one Cet(tmlie elenrel, need threw eau - tired Inhnhitnnto. Old Detroit wan destroyed by fire in 1805, het One house Pecaping, so that Its brut century connted•for nothing In the way of growth. The new rlty woo laid ont In 1807, when D. -trait had nlrendy Weenie the sent of govern- ment of Michigan Territory. Miele igen wan nlmlttel an a State In 1837, and for ten yenta Detroit wan Its refound, bit It Mention wag ngnlnst It, anti i.nn.. ng b-rante the pwrtnnnent enp)tnl. Detroit wan In- cnrpornted ns n city In 1x001, belt the net WW1 repealed three genre Inter, and it was not nnlil 1821 that the present eity was chnrtered The pre- sent population Is nearly :110,(100. mit tlaemwelves for the purpose of teeting wether bovine tuberculosis iss ewnwunlcable to man. Tit y have been inoculated with that kind cat bovine tuberculosis known as lupin. It IN curable, and Its appearance and progre•rm are not toJue wheaten. to thlr wap• it le hoped that the quell - Moe will bo bottled. Should a fatal result ensue In any case the family of the aubj4ct 1s to get $::5,000. Ex- perts will watch each of the experi- mental. Devitt S. Burch. of Montana, inter- cepted it letter whlrh ounvinoed him that hist wife loved a Chicago m1(1) better than she loved him. Did he go uud load hist revolver and met out to kill his rival ? Oh, no ! He had renal of Ruskin, and lie was a bit of a plhlluwopher. He bought. n- ticket for tho woman, and told her to go to her laver and be happy. She went. The Chicago Wyatt didn't drew up, and rhe wrote to her husband telling bleu all about It. Then lee went and brought her home, oared of her Infatuation, tiled the curtain War rung down on"u happy funnily. Nome people may -Newer at this little story ; but, really, 1'u t It better that if it had meted In the usual hunter and eulcide? -This ern of 141211211 hanks ham Dem- me" sn y r 1'r1M'1Pnt (leohrn, of the Mrtropn'Iten Bank. Buffalo, announc- ing t11P Annt'8 gntng Hitt et Manama Awl hist now some Cnnndlen papers Or wgnintIng nt those Inatome. smell c..nrrrn■ and 1penklng M them 11 benefnetoall Of the Dotted /hates 'Ural part'. (UAO[ COMM?, Fr1IFnn" is lutvin tiring tntn the Sudbury mime,th'e'n attracted by 'sir display at the Pan-Amerienn. Dr. Ball, of Clark Cid% entity-, Wor- eester, 1nys, "riches are 'harder on w(nnn than poverty." Now, what W01111111 belles es that 7 Moth eteel combine nail strikers profess to he galleried with the trlkee situation. But the public trouts It ns' If it didn't believe them. The Australian leaumuawet►Ita bas already a cuurtitutMeal dispute oweetltlg aojteiantuf leders_ihe f oral c:, ert which 1s' to settle suchdlf- fer,rlle'.is :tic hitv'e been created C'laus'e 5e .if the Postal Act engw,were the Ilvietnw,ter-`:titer U to ,circ and sup- prewl 111 ltterr to or from lottery inanghere and racing ,weep promot- er,. Tasmania, the smallest and prior - fed Of the federal state,, would prac- tically be the only sufferer (rota this pan blue, as it it the headquarters cat the leviathan ,weep promoter of the outheru hemisphere, and derives as II:Uual revenue of b* tweet' 115,2010 one £20,000 from hie operation .. It has sant a strong protest against the minimal., denying the right u( the fel- ernl power to Must override and uul- ,lity the Mats legirint1.s a under which these /wheeler are conducted. The Clyde shipbuilding returns for .1uly glue no hint of British decad- ence. The output Ir the largest for any July since 11480. July lannclings fn 4coUantt aggregated 52,994 tons, among which were 17 Clyde -built s.'t- se It of 44,473 toni; A churchman of a .tnttslln'al turn floured, oat tint of the *316,187,000 inverter) In ehurehee 111 the Uelted 2totew not fres than $43,000,0J0 le ht c tP(•piee. )lel then. n eteeple M nlmoet no f'$HW.tlal to the hnppin.ws of n c:ongregntlem no a mortgage. The leaven ,ef the Heath Awe...(•nn tree. the Carlon Pripyat, are raid to lake tough mewl tender. awl n Toronto map rays be has proved their effleaey. What it bons It would be to holteewhrs! Nothing steer. of an axe or n stone -crusher *runs to- be worth Myieg- esu' -000"' elf the 'stuff mold nowaltays,_-_ks•5 I'll the beet beef go to' feed John (lull. Paddy and %Indy? Alt Dalin ft pit v*lelen llaJTTlla' $ho- pe,. who eat raw vegetables are Apt to aw•nllnw vnr;nus kindle of nmcvebae, lh• eggs of. teen)a, oxyurls ,,,earldrs, nnkylomtom24, mlerseocnl, wtnphylo covet, mtreptrwoerl, w,erinar, n/li commune+, septlrns mei tetnnl. Wlrnt n meagerie n man may carry in lilt mtomnele1 But If ho prefer to take 111e (*M , all lin has to do 1s to wink the tegentWes In it 3 per rent. solu- tion of tnrtarie aid for half an hour. The New Te.rt World declarers that "for r11t-v'r 'glory' the war Mr. l'hem- berl:ain and, hie colleagues are auw carrying on in bmith Aft4et enrpassm ateteldng which even Britain lactone fu that line heretofore. It must make Britiell classes peculiarly proud of th:41r oountry as they see it wanting 'in the foremost Mesa time,' awn- ing homes, robbing Oein-combatants, 'o.meentrutlug' women and chthdren to elle of Montane ant iPpking to con- quer their onuaquerab:e victims by expedite them to the bi'leoue totem - Owe Incklent to using ngnln4t them the 'black beasts' of Zululand nal S!'tt'ebeli eine" That Is ndelres+ed to the New York glitter rote. Tin, cit fere nee between Kitchener's cnm- pmalgn and Wuermttn's In the United statue 01411 war is that Kitchener burns only the propert)e/'ot traitors who hate violate! their oaths and shdtt:ped guerlUaa. while he eheldrre, pr/trete and (cede the non-combat- nats a0.:those who surrender ; eher- man desolated the country and left the aged, ttie sick axed the infante to )torte, and termer; to be the spell of range -followers, Beside Sher uuIn'l mc4hol Kltch^ner'e 14 kindness Rai a+4.1144.4•444.44.44.414.4.4÷64.+4.411.444.4.,+•444.4.4.••••• fee+ •••••• BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS; IS IT COMMUNICABLE? t Som' Authorities Conclude That It is Despite Koch's View. 6+++++4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4•+ • Prof. liarrlsoo, of UIe U. A. C„ ham e,,llelgue, 81 yewr0 old, of a good collected the following statements, ctseetltution, and given by dtffereut uuthurltleos, In Free From Hereditary 'faint. opposition to the slew held by Lr. X0c1l, that tulercults.lr caution be transmitted trout tattle to the human family. Prof. Kirooke In 18411 pronounced cows' milk as a frequent camel of dis- ease in children, and utulutalued that there was a positive cu iiictioo be- tween the milk of eeroluluua and tubercular ouwe and the frequent :Ie- ve•lupmeut of scrofula uu the betties of chlldreu. ,Til. gave a clinical his- tory of rlxteeu ohUdreu who had been fed with milk from such cowl', and all point to tuberculosis of either the Intestines, glands, skin car buns. Johne reported a rtrlking case In whale a purl -marten etatum soup of the row revealed extensive tubcreu- leur dep,nit8, The slrward of the fnrw weir 1•rpeclally Interested In the r•sultie of the exnlnlunttun ; as', en account of the pret tour good condi- tion of the animal, the milk line been selected for 111.4 infant sou. The family physician was at once Doli(tet, and reported emaet,tton :had puluton- ary catarrh, and u short time after- wards . the boy caceumbeet to an attack of milliary tulw•reulewir- There war no hereditary predl1p,rltIon, and the other chUdren In the family were in Lmile's Weekly Milney Graves Komi tell* a .seek -and -hull story to the effect that while In Manila 110)' Dewey ens oe offended by the O.r- men AdmtraP# me.dltig th*t hp fin- ally tient word that If the (lermnn■ wanted a fight they rested "be accom- modated right here and now." Thnt mny go down with Hot Ignnr*-,l' and nnwnahed In the Republic, het men d.1 Mteilfar lee belie that Itewvy 1(144 too much sense to•w mldwbate. It's a Keen *tory. Roma' ehl'agnteen hnvr vohm tent* • IN I. the Interest of sclenre to sub - Perfeeuy Melt lay. Hrrmeslorf reports the c:as.• of a girl 14 yowls old, of healthy' parentage, who developed tuberculosis of the laryux, Ileum stud caecum, which lie attributed to the mJk 'ed a tubercu- lous cow. This girl WAN to the habit of tlrinklpg the milk while sett! warm. Ltonard mentions a (amity In whet the children contracted tuberculosis Moon after beteg weaned. The cow was finally suspected and killed, and ,the diagnosis confirmed. The IIPSI ehlid In the fatally retuaiue'l 111 gosh health. He also nlentional two laser of tubercular meningitis traced to the use of milk from a tuberculous cow, Demme reports five cures observed In the children's hospital at Berne In- fected by tuberculous cows' milk. Monntng Meyerhoff, Strang, :Action - gen and 1'tfelmaun report similar cases, Ely -stele, in Ids extpn)(Ive experi- ence. finita that the children from coneunnptive parents rarely develop the disease'vrhen provides! with a healthy wet\ nurse. and attributes the frequency\ of inteetlnnl tuber- et,k»t4 to the\{nfeotl,uspew of oho milk. - Itrounrlel cites st case where five out of fourteen girls living in ' a boarding house b'c me -congumptive r lleseq lent to the are of milk from rt tuberculous cew- Ernst made inquiry n the trans- mlaslon of bovine tube ulolts to uta n. Eighteen I.,iwlr-clrculurs were sent to phyeiclane veterl- a:triune asking If they kae of any which human bet hot! been Infect el with tuberculosir through! the milk of cows.. Frnmover one thousand replies from phyelrlans eleven reverted camel of infection coWei milk awl sixteen reported The late Empress Frederick among other enure,' of offence to 'romp people entertained very liberal views on ement)ona of creed. Hers was n very rumple rellgiun, and she Iv raid to have snmioal up her credo 111 Wlmt Cloth the lard require of thee but to do intake, love mercy and walk uprightly.- Sloe was generous. kind ami lovIng, b.tt hardly orthodox MO like many °therm she .ufferei for her breadth of view. S/ market war then prejudice ngalnet her on tl1M necount that In his sermon In the British Church at homburg on Sun- day Canon Telgnmouth-Shore In re- ferring to her felt called on to May : "Bae mny not have believed In mimeo mot church dngmes, but In my opinion sheewnee a firm believer lu the father- hood of (k.l and the brotherhood of ('hrl.t.), Arrows. of tide subject It mny le mentioned tint some who were filled with horror at the idea of the Emitted' not nccepting all the trnchings of the chunk feel cheered by the .tory of an incident of the death *crew. it lc snip that while the Empress Dowager wax breathing her Inst "a white butterfly fluttered through the wlmlew into the rel, UPttlol lightly on the bet and then flew out heavenward,• as thougli It might have been the soul of the Dowager Empress." Mur AGED MAN HELD Killing Another Wishes Blow el •_ Ilia Fist. Remo, N. W., Aug 19. -Robert hart, ngol 65 years, was arreetp l to -elan ee n chargvvof murder, On July 30th !(art struck George Spoorrre n man abets'. hie own ase, felting him to tate pavement. Tem fractures of the skull resulted from the blow, and sitter lying In the hoiq.ltal three (Jays Spencer died without regnlnhng eon- se)onanP*.,. Tian coroner gave reit his s' rd(let this morning. In which he sny*-.theit the Mow stn,ek ley Hart W111 l*9provoket and i njustifilble. Iodine Drnounerm !Labor. ('hleago, 'Aug. 19.-Itemoluli is de - meowing the members of the Mouth Chime° Lofton of the Aninlgamat.d A14toclntlon as "unfit for the rr'cog- 1,1(1, n .,r Ruppert of union men" were nil.pted by the ('hlengo Federation of t.nhar Inst night. The tenolntlone were not ndnpted wlthoPt a fight, however, run tarring (mitten In the meeting maintained that the South Citlengo tern were ln.tlflMd tit mon- refusal to vitent4 their contract with their employers. Musplelouw (!aller. The veterinnri*as gave much more Htrttlrtg evidence, since 54 replies reported fourteen positive and nine 1lnsph:lous cases. Dr. Geese, of Geneva, had the-- mie- fortune, to lush a grown-up daugh- ter 17 years of age. t;p to the end of 189_ mite was in perfect health and had never exhlbated any signs of tubereulorls. !luring the early months of 1893 rho began to Wrtt.to away and finally died. Dr. Gose, had the courage to make a post-mortem examination, and found tuberculosie of the Intestines and mesentery. How di41 the girl con- tract the inewame? Heredity cannot MS allege, as none of her ancestors, either on the paternal or maternal hide, suffered from tuberculosis. Lo- calization of the diocese permitted one to assert its alimentary origin. It turned out that every Sunday Dr. lioa,he'e family trod to spend the day on thee hU54 at a small estate which he had inherited, and that ono of the great.dellglite of this girl wear to drink milk fresh from the cow. Pertness the cows were tutlrrcuk us! The event proved the jusU)esr of the supposition ; for, on bang bubmittel to the tuberculin test, four out of the five cows1 were found fubcreultr. They were 'im- mediately slaughtered, and the au- topsy showed that two of them had tubercular dimities of the whirr. 121t ftichar'l Thorne draws' attention to the fact that although the number of cases of tuberculosie in England ll' decreu*ing, tubercnlusls of the iu- teettner of children below the ago of two years Im rapidly ineeenoing. Ifweturn now to animal expert= mentations, we have abundant evi- dence to show that the milk from tuberculous cows la sometimes viru- lent., Tums, OPrLlrii lar pining aninmate with milk from tuberculous cow4, and found that Si of 'then, Welted 'tepidly. and died, the autopsy showing an Intense tubercularisaton of the organs of the abdominal cavity. hlcbbs, Johne. Bollinger and l'ugb got the fame results. Deng, by Inocnlnting the milk of eowr (seised for general tIIl. r,UAo411) into the peritoneal cavity car rabbits and gulden pigs, obtained two posi- tive vomits: lM Nee outer hand, the milk of eight tub•retileus w'eme11 tented in the same fashion never showed Itself virulent, Ica n mooed merles of experiments, lite milk of twenty-one tuberculous c(rwm was examined and found viru- lent four timeei In a third merles, out of fourteen subjects three had tuberculous milk. On account of the danger to anl- mels fed w'Ith the by-product,' .4 milk, the Danes have enforced et law by which nil thew. products are now heated to '85 Operetta C.. which tem. Dern tare klllr all tubercle twaeelll. We aim) have Ineteince1 of the necl- 'ental Inoculation of the 1ubereul)siw of nnlm11le to man. Thus. To-her/ling, of Cnp•nhngen, ;tate« that he had under treatment n veterinary sarg.on ohko had wound- ed himself In Mot finger whtlet mak iag a pet mortem on n tube'rt'uloue now. Three weeks nftcr the :toe:lent the n,Irtlthorh(wu1 of the wonnd be- came swollen, and a little inter 114 eweillner b'eam•• erle4rietest and wnp- pirate . As the state of the part wee hereon ng worse, Tseh•ring waw obliged to It terrors, wnrgleally, avid Ise cut reit tin whole of the swollen part, In wld(li the mimminenpe .how- reftnberenlar ruduler" and harilil. The Inocntatlon had no other remittal, and thli veterinary 1argmen la nt pre. sent a peoteswdw at the Copenhagen wuuodel3 L eaaelt deeply In the thumb of ties left `bund. The wound healed well, but Mx months later ler. Pfeif- fer, Who reports tate case, .liago,re+t u cutaue car tuberculuelr at lh.• site ot the wear. -after the uutuana of 188(1, the patient chose., uuwir- takublae signs car pulmonary tubercu- losis, bur ignition aoutlalning betellll, and he idled two years and a half af- ter the wound. At the pu8t-wortien tuberculous arthritis of the Inucu• kited thumb and pulmouary cattle* were towed. Masyck Uavenel, of Philadelphia, reported three cares of direct lnoca Iatlon of bovinu tuberculosis t0 man. The flat war a veterinarian of Pcnneylvanb, who In 1M96 was wounded in the finger whilst per- forating lin autopsy on n tnbtercie, ns vow. A nodule appeared in the netgb- borimtud of oho wound., and uteerattd -After some weeks the Monsen were exeWed and submittwl to examina- tion; Bat wt. nuc Lunt of the length o,f tauo that the piece war kept In alcohol, no specific bacilli were ween, bij111 tar hirto1egicnl picture M the Iee102114 1 •ft no doubt as 40 their tllberenlo ria origin. --- -- In the second carr, an aasletant of the author Was wounded by a frag- ment of rib whilst performing an exatnlnatluh on a goat whlclt had died from experimental tuberculoid... of bovine urlgi11. The wound, wnrhed with Irubllmal4, healed protnp1ly bet after three weeks/ a 1'u Iteg..n In 11.oty Itself, red and painful The tll1111'-4 were cut out. One !motley' was inoculat- ed into two guinea phis, and the Whew war prepared for examtnatlon No giant alis or bacilli were found lel the latter, but the guinea pigs 11111 011111110 tuberculous. The third ease way+ that of a vet- arl-uiry surgeon. wounded In the first fewer during the autopsy of a tut- ercukslr cow. After three or four woekst the same symptom*" as dps- orlbed above were noticed. The die - eased part was put out and the sub- element ubelement examination elbowed the pre- men(e of tubercle bacilli. In all thence 064014 the Infection wait kr•allsc'd, but It was nevertheless,' certain that the' relative benignant tuborculads wee slue to the manner or Inncnlaton rather than to the quality of the virus. ,The experimen- tal reaming tended ales to .,bow that the bacillus of [ovine origin is at least t11 virulent as the bacillus of human origin. Front these facts, we can safely say that tuberculous of animate can be traninnittet to man In spite d Dr. Koch', statements to the contrary. Those Decorations. Otte**, Aug. 19.-11()e. J. 1. Tarte, In an Interview to day, NW that arming the resit 01 (heir llojal 1Rfglr- women there will ire a floe electrical dlwphay nn Pnrllnmcnt 11111, WaJnr's aM,mol- Hill Pnrk, !Mewl Hall and the hien A vetn(•Inary sargmn of Weimar, by ernm^nt bridg,•mlnetred eef efeeting name Masers, was leen f4trtnnnte in 4 Beaty nreh Trnetlan mnmt w111 be making a pet m.rt.m ria a tuheren- we.d. loss cow In 1883, this unfortunate "FINEST IN TIE WORN." MR. DRYDEN MAKES REPLY. Premier Roblin on Manitoba's Great Crop. An Ottawa de/ ealch rays': (tub - The Markets 1.endlux 11 heat nnrMet.. Felluwlug are the viewing you``n- tloue ut Important wheat cent res day : Custl, (Jet 1111, of Manitoba, 1s' here tu•day III- 1,w Tork .......... 1-- $071 G -v trrrlewlug Nle Wilfrid Laurier. lie'Driel'hlougo ...... ... 0711-f4 07' 1-' would tett ray what Ids mission wall, 1)05, 5 ...... OT;11 -- Aultrtk, No. 1 nor0 71 1-4 0 71 1_ _" but there ll' no doubt that Mune tuba Duh:th, No. 1 hard U 74 1-4 -- tuba reboot Iambi war one of the 1uertlunr discussed. "Tien finest lu the world, and by i tar the. beet Maullutw anti the Northwest ever tad," war how Mr. Roblin spoke of the crops. Asked about the reported damage done by ✓ ust he replied that It war out worth the speaklug about. "There may be," he added, "a very e 1I1a11 percentage at different pointe t•tllohed with rust, but At la so email that !t it out worth mentioning. We never had auything like the orope, and all that 1s wanted WOW, to to ser then) Ilurverted." "Will you secure the necessary halide r •'1 think so. 1 passed on my way to Ottawa over 8,000 young men o0 their way Prow Ontario and the Ma- ritime Provinces to twist in the hurvelet field. They were a fine lot of young fellows ranging front 1H to 25; just the kind of men that would get along la the went." ."About half the number will prob- ably stay there," war suggested. "That may be too largo a percent- age, but a great many will May. and those who return east will be able to tell what they have seen, and 111 title way will do more good even than 1f they bad all lettuce', They will Induce others to move westward. Parties returning in that way are the beat kind of immigration agents." The train on which Mr. kobllu came to Ottawa was 32 lemma,' hate. He will return by way of Chicago. Nod - Deer generally In Manitoba Mr. Rob- lin say■ is good. Darussea Ills luvrhln.eat la linnet'. Ing Proper! 3, Ho::. John Dryden, Mhnirter of Agri - Culture, arrived back at his ufflc14 yesterday morning from his 51148110n, the 11101/1 of which wan spent In New Coterie, including a visit to the pioneer farm nt Dryden Witt Ion. When seen by a reprereutative of the (Hutto Lat. Dryden exprehpled stir- rise nt `fee -comment w4,i(b be Wen anted had beeu made by Ontario 811 • perm concerning hie connection wit: a roach In Dakota. He - e- mnrY++3�d that_ the critictsmas were ruulewhitt late, as the cunipniiy'r prop:-cb had been adverlieed In the tofu papers a yen, and *half g n o mince Welt time the theme had t1.•t and tis re had been ample time for iuveMtig:a charges wber met, 1i reply to qa bald the cutch w a joint stock meowi and Americans, prof be Mr. J. F. McLuug*1b2n a Toronto, stud numb •red several 'anadiats in lir directorate besides et 3dcLaugh- 1i,1 and Mr. Dryden, Incl ding Mr. Thousar Crawford, M.P.P.. \and Lr. W E. Wellington, of '[oral "1 lows 174, b . u aloe to any thing in it," Mr. Dryden cunt sued, ' or In lay connection with 1t, der tory - tis -aha Meght AO -extent- Ur agriculture of thin Province. I lass\ ulwayr been loyal to the Province o. O.tturin, and rap cially to agricul- ture In th.• Province, and have done wan. 1 could to advance Its Intereatr, and 11 1 thought any injury would come by a cuursa of this kind 1 wottkl nt once witietraw. Hut ne pose .1ble 1s' jury eon esvr come. The. rareeh ke only a patnure it Id and not a farm, 1181 to a pare the agricultur:• o. I4►kota ranching w-it11 the ngr;cultur of Ontario la ridiculous to the ex treat,. "If 1 had foreseen in the beginning that some narrow-mlwied individual might object to my emote In this re - 'spot I problbly wined have refused to brave eery connection with it, as I ITki not wad' to stir up the uppo.t Mini of even the wrakent in aur party. But, tutting done no, with my eyrie "pee i Orr not intend to drop int at the .uggeetIoa of n man like Mr. I'ettyplece 1411(1 the Tory followerss i do tido more egwelnlly because the conduct of this ranch, e1 far ns i nm concerned, requires' practical!, no time; 1t will not Interfere 111 the slightret degree with my dialog here "1 Intend to holt to my privileged 1114 n free -horn Brit OM snhJ •et and make any lnveetm:mt3 1 hate to make where 1 deem It to be m'lvt to my advantage, without Insuring my ets.'- fatrte*a In any degree In this rose, try, awl i believe the goad armee of the p••ople of the country will 'dame ivy me in an &Ong." fort or the making of they could be fairly shone lir. Dryden in the handl of y of Cuandians uteri uriginally a SCIENTIFIC .� BUTTER MAKING j‘i A merles of prnctlral articles on the inntulgement of a Wtlry have been ne- wel ring In the London, England, hairy for some time back. The follow- lu;( Ir nue of these, and deals espe- cially wIth mottled or streaky but - 'reroute Fenner.' ket. The receipts of $ruin on the street nmrket hen to -day were larger thou for several days -1,000 burl eta Merl u hundred barbels of oats sold steady for oke at 40o, and lo weaker for new, 86 to 70. One ulu! cal "kl full wheat 0t w,ld 3lb higherlat 72c a bushel, and tutu loads of new at 69 to 7213, according to quality. Wheat white, irk!, 700 ; red, old, 72e ; nen, 69 to 72e ; guerre, 68c ; eprlug, 054'; barley, ti'o , rye, 49 1-2c ; oats, uk1, /10 4 ; use, 86 to 87c ; hay, old, per tan, $13 to $18,50; new, $10 to $31,!10; straw, $10; butter, poem' rolls, 19 to 2'-%11; crocks, 18 to 20c ; eggs, new laid, 12 to 14e. Toronto 51ve Stook Market, IhsorI cwtUe, ohms,. ear tom 11 a W 53 a; dunlatlnm 1 to cat 4111. 1(aa.trt s'eer 3 it b 1 r, bntehOntlwttl+ WeMud /7 Wartime,' . 4114 .mule. remora. .. _ 4 W:, bol.-heroeum.wa+' orn.Ur, tests... .... 1 ie du ..... .. .... 3.1 do taws.. 75 Ildo hullo. itl sl4, extoor(. heavy. per .101...13 Rude, export. lirhl, twr OWL.,,. :S 14..54r,. slwrt ko.p ...... ..... i.; do. mo .. .. Iii do lssbnlrmu -�.-...-. 3-3a Stockers, kW to MM) art • rr 011Oulon and heifers-W Mika tows., oma... 13 W elhecI•uwes Ver awl L81. do. bunks 3 u, du culls. 1 s'1 truth, span (salvo., per herd Itl pt. Hags, clinks. per cwt e W Hu, . corn 1'ud r n, Hop.11wat, yes ,lot a NI Hryry. fjai, „....10d er O•ea r 11, lit ws, D'+r owl 4 4* , 1'. r tato Fruit Markets. Moslems weir lively on the local mar- ket yesterday, awl the receipts were hpatvy. awuon.ing to 10000 1''•ekages. There re w 11.4 1(11 exoellent dema(1 1, and dealers 581.1 that It was one of the last '14175 of the Henson. 1'enchen. pears nod tunato144 were In g.s.l dr- mnud, 1111'1 they sold readily- Price Cluing w were few. App:et warn mt. a1y to cruder at 20 t., 350. per barker huckleberrler were steady Co cavlrr et We. to $1.10, and 1.nw•tp her - dor were easter at 7 to 8e. Other fruits were unchautge.l, • Cheese 51n. krill ten ala specks In cream from a prao- ttear etendpoint. There are at least two 015(1114 that lIppeor to pro eee there resuite- drlea errant 11111 the ouagulat►on of the (1r.pw of sulk by t11 notion of germs. In the autumn, *ben the anus ;are being dried off, and the milk re- main* fur some time In the cow's beg, igweks In the cream ora very likely to appear. 1f the milk is minutely PI` audited In a transparent veasel, they may be erten aeon developing at the bottom 4.4 the'rreeptacle. The grow- ing germ. wi:l curdle- n small portion of the met, nut by the fermentation thnt Centrist. roun41 that spit gas will be formed in the "fleck," It will be- come lighter than the, milk. and w111 float to the top, where It will 1w fuun.l In the cretins. .4t another lint,, it w11 be develupd In the crPahll and remain there, and when churned will not be broken to pieces. Thetis ".peck'" are sumettmom de- veloped by the action of air or sun- light; 1)f two pane of milk of the same setting, side by side, one wit' develop .gem`s or - specks. while the other may be quite free. The reactor' for this 1. that a bright ray of loht striking on new pan of milk develops the germy m'.re rnpndly than set In the shade. Specks will also develop In the milk from the cow, awl not In that from another oow to the same herd, although truth aro subjected to the same influ- ence In every partieidar. Specks of dried cream may not Injure the butter, but If the Donde tient of the milk or errant ie such an to produce '-fleck." by coagulating drops of ni:k, such good butter can- not be made. BIO MILL TO COME. 'tnglnnw Concerti to Remove t.o1and• whin, Ont. Window, Aug. 19. -John Motley, banker and real rotate dealer, has closet the deal for the rale of twenty-eight 140141414 of land on the river front below 8andwloh. The )mrchaaer le the Saginaw Lumber Co., ns' t4tgtnaw, Mleh. It Ise the Intention of the company to erect a large num- her mill on the property, work on wide!" will be nommeneel at ones. The machinery will he removed from Saginaw tide fall and plaoeel In po.Itlon for the work of ealtting the log. next 'spring. The company lam brow forewi to remove from Maxine* benlue the Ontario ',Pgistalnre planet a statute requiring pine loge mit in jhe Province to be man- ufneiturol lhto InmtWr there. A large amesent of logs will he stored in the Nnwdwtoh Bar tila fell for ths spring cutting. . l Os Anise -day evening Polis • John mein. of Wondwtnrk, were Attempting fes, arrest n yelling fellow by th^ name of William Morgan when the Intt r slant at Atm several tlm.'s, but the policeman was Dot jilt. 1 10 to 1 to In :s'1 W 3 el 10 3 W W 3 W W 31a to 3 50 to 481 to 3SS W Ito 10 r :3 f0 Ztl 111 In 7 W to 1St to IW to Sr to 1 3) to 1W to 716 to 7 u' to 875 to s 73 to 4 s'0 t0 Perth. Aug. 16 -Seventeen !tuners,' boxer 1'hcere were brought Into Perth, cheese market to -tiny, all white net August make. fowler got 1,000, Bis- sell 300, Webster 800, Howe 1011 Ruling priee, 9 1-4c. K.mpt v elle, Aug. 16. -At the (Mees'. Board ho re loelay about IMO cheese offeree All sold, white at 9 1-4e.. col 'bred 9 3 -Mc. Ottawa, Aug. 16 --For the third time In succenlon the meeting of the Ottawa ('h.wse Board'ye•sterdav wa. a failure. The stump In prices ekes not please the sellers, ami they are holding their stock for better times Thu iuyere combined on 9e. for white and 91-2c•. for colored. Belleville, Aug. 17. -At our ()wee. Board to -clay 19 factories offe•rel 150 colored and 1,473 white ellerse. Sales, 410 white at 1 -Me; high..` bid for colored, 9 3-16c. CowansvllM, Que., Aug. 17. -At Ih.• Enetern Townwhipe Hoard of Trade Lo -day, 54 faetorkr offered 377' clurer;_tern._creameries offered 1.143 . boxes Titins- _ T. R. R 111(nui-'n bought 625 boxes cheese ►t 91 -Me. and 23 boxes butter at 201-2c.- J, Gibson bought 903 boxes chre.e at 9 1-8e. J. Odell bought R44 box+•+ at' 9I -8P. W. P.'111bbard bought 542 boxes at 9 1 -Oe. ' I ondoa, Oot., Aug. 17. -At tio- (hty'e market 21 faelorlew offered 3,978 boxer, July rind Auguses t chee. bem enrNI. Sal, 119 at 9e and arm at 91-•e. Itradstrrets• on 'I'rade. Rn1lloewm at Montrealthem week h1-1 been fair for this season. Trade has been rather Ie114 active In Toronto. There luta bew12 a fair number of fall orderer riming to hand. The feature In burliness nt tin Pacific ('nest the past ten hays hem been the enormous run of Mnlmun In the Framer )liver, which line beaten nil records, ani the ,ate pine been very heavy. BuhlneMs at Iwondon tear ben heir. The nttr11- 1lon of bestrews, mr11 In lt'lnnlpeg 1.. pretty well nteorted In the crop Attention at the mowewt. Trade 311 flnmlltnn thin week has been fair. Tire travellers have been sending In come large order, for the fall from varlour parts of the country. There ham been a fair inquiry for fall goods at Ottawa lila week. The condtti i.. of butlnes', nro mound, and the out- look for fall trade 1i med. 1prck14 In (latter. Tho rp.ckw in batter may bp'1r4M cream, but they are more freemently eou.rrl by bncterIa In the milk. A current of air will quickly produce "ile•ctO"--lienee the necessity that- ttraughts should be avoided In the dairy. The germs may bo In the Ir, or nity PI latent In the milk. b to to Pne1w alr (0 n ary to Note. -TI rip Lhr mil t In either cane the air will tend velop theta, anti It' will bo bent ter the relit in n darkened re there 1s no ourrant of pt, of conree, that nN!ea- ventllatlou). e safer plan 1e to set for creaming. corer Stier 1pi the Cre.un. Cream should` be frequently at Weed wlten waiting to be churned, espec- ially -fn cold weather, awl If topmost to the alr, for teapot 111e Ultim rt- ierr he nrttflelally rrgulnteil the ripening will proceed Mowry, and a thick cruet oI hardened cream will form on the surface, Which, If not operated from the rest by being strnlnet tor churning, will he con tiered Int() the butter. Itrmrdler. 1. Fkaid the milk or cream a fillet In :t fret. N,selltkon and enol It again. �Do not alt the milk u1 )(tale milkerr with that (lt *Ahem 0. heat the milk to a tempera- ture of 130 F., and cool ngniti rap - (Idly to 70 F.. stirring (haring ihr lorrpras or &soilhff to prevent an 'albuminous slim forming, and pre - tenting the rising ot the cream globules. Reemon,.-1. The snalding kills the germ.), while the cooling prevents their growth. - 2. 14(Ir the (rrnm frenently whilst ripening. to prevent the growth of undeelrable barter's% by letting In oxygen. -Farming World. ()phlr at Simonstown. Cape Town, Aug. 18 -Th. steamer Ophlr, with the Duke and Duchene of Cornwall and York on hoard, arrived nt Plmorlwtown to day. The royal party will Dime here by train to morrow. The wetthor le brtilletnt. The rlty In Iavlehly dPeorat'.l In honor of the royal genets, and le erowdol with vtaltnrw. The Mayor gave a public reception last night. `pond of Turbine Steamier, Tendon, Ang- Mt -A report Net lo- omed In ',corned (n the atenmshtp FIrlh of Clyde, which IN fitted teeth turbine engines" and which hna been running for *Ix w..ka, whose that .ho hnw mato an average) *peel dally of twenty knot* nn hoer. Thin wan done without any attempt at high *peal. The Increase el the C. P. R. rnrn Inge over teepee of the mime week lent year la remarkable. The grpem yarning,' for the lent week were tort 001, .flow -ng the itnndstxnr gain of $189,000. THE MANITOBA CROP. 1f Weather Urmalne Miner' Yew Day. 11 t5111 he Safe. Ottawa, Aug. 19.-(epecial.)-Th" following le given mit tide morning' "Tho lDe)rtrtmleet of Agriculture hoe received from Mr. Wm. Mnnlero,, ho la now In flint,Itdla, a report of (1a. crops In that i'rovince. ler. Manitel•re IMO seen the crepe from Winnipeg to Den what and In pert of the itrandon d)etrlet, aril Metes that hntveeseintl la pregre'o)(ltg rapidly, fully one-third if the wheat (wing out in the .1)rtr1 •t he Poems' over, and that the promise for n heavy yield 1s good. The crops on the experimental tnrnl at Pro: - don were excellent end the it stn l le r fbtr, TO STOP ROOSTER CROWIl1(i. Dow. Kat Int entlow to Preserve iterly Moralise Steen. Brockton, Ham, Aug. 18.-E'Ignr 1'. Hower, .N tkk+ ally, laws lwvenls«1 sur appllnnce to keep roosters from crowing In the early morning, and it la said to work like a charm. it i•• called the Brnnkton "Anti -Grower • The (levitate be fastened to the bill of the rooster at night by a simple Oriole which dotty not Interfere In any wit% with respiration. When the chanllr- Ieer rise■ before dawn, throws hark Ids head and attempts to wake him self and everybody else try uttering n elnrinn note, the devlee restrains h1. ombitioas plans, and not until his owner epee tit to remove the Mame will hls vocal organs give nt- ternnnn to his faellngs. The Inventor hops to raise A ram of non -mowing fowthy means of 11,1s (levies. 1.ondon'. )feet Markets. • London, Aug. 1R. -Thr mallrnl of - !Irene enema' report ehowe thnt et per rent. of the meat mold In the eorp,rntlon markets le 'mooted from Amerlea, Australia, New Zea- land and e11P Continent, the United staler mending 23 per 1Pnt., all An.ti',lhe 21. Five yearn 'afro the °alal4e deliverhees were barely fol per eent. At the meeting of the Toronto iron monidorw, held last night. they drelie 04 to app.ar elaA In ahlrtw*Ists In the big parade oo Labor Day.