HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-22, Page 1THREE ,'A'8"
ADV' T8 Awe
GOD/WOW Lug. rl, 1901.
Eon Wheat. old J 61 to 61
new 0 81 to 81
Cour. faintly, per owl-. 1 40 to 1 10
Flour,tent. pef ewe 3 50 to 3 50
lima, 0ttoo..__. �..... - 1I 00 toll 00
Shorts. 0 too _._.. 15 00 loin 00
Sereenings. per ewe 1 W t0 1 p0
Rye. per bush........ 0 (0 to 0 00
Book what. per bush 0 40 to 0 50
(his, 1 bash ......•.....----19 to 0 sO
Peas •bosh._.-..e'teodr
Harter, p.r bah 37 to 0 m
ay. V ton _ 00 to 800
1'utatos, bush„ new 80 to 80
Mutter, . __- It to 0 18
(thee*,. ser lb. . 10 to 0 11
WM. fresh ettPaekd. • doe....
lAve Haw
Dressed Hogs
H•m.perlb.. .....,., _...
Lard. per Ik,
Dressed Host fon goatee
Dressed Hol. head
°ante, [xport
b inTORu.VTD ha wormer. -Return ticket
N Toronto will calumet oommeaci.g 1 woo-
dsy, Aug. 27, at $4.0S, and on Aug. 29.8
and New 4,1 l and 4.6 at 82 95, all rood to
return up 1111 Sept. 9th. Kate to the great
Tars• Americus at Buffalo, 85 05, good for 5
day,. 'Pickets and all loforma4loo can bet bed
tram F.F. LAe.agtw•o, Town Ticket Agent,
U.T.R., Uoderloh.
Lovti,v Daar.t.e -Through the kind^•..
of Mr. War000k the ethos of Tim Sic'*L
was adorned this week with • buooh of the
mat beautiful dahlia we baye ever seen.
10 to 0 10 hvery nowtr of the buooh was es,ablu in
(0 to t 00
50 10 500
15 to025
50 to 7 10
50 to it 00
13 to 0 18
15 to 0 16
43 to 14
(0) to 0 00
70 to 4 50
00 to 350
the *tattoo. about 6 %oaks ago, a p•lr of
.peotsoles With *bite mete rims mud straight
arms, The Ender will be suitably rewarded on
leaving the same at this omoe,
For Sato,
N fl 'd comment toe East Wwanosb RIO
•orae altered, balance herd wood bash Good
hoes. tied modern ban,', well watered and
teased, la good stale of cultivation. A oholoe
farm. TH S, BROWN. Auburn. 13 fm
J 00IKRICH. Tor sato on ressooable
terns. the property knows as the Monier,
land.. being part of Woe* "tin the Town of
Uoderlob, uootelamg about :tl urs. wit.
bundtaga and water rights on the Hirer Main
lord. For terms apply to (JARROW & BAR
ROW. solicitors for the vendor.
rD I r suit, will enrollee, that large
stone house with six -roomed sddlttoa,•ltueted
oa Plotoo 8'reet. Half an acre of land with
all the outbuildintte thereon 1hrowo Is. Fu r
further particulars apply to TVICO. J. MOOR.
1104)8X, Hayfield 1'. O. 3)-tf,
FOR S A Lk. -LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118.119
and 143 Io Hutohtsoe'e survey. .31 la
Oodorloh. Tor parttoulars apply to
Barrister. to., (Ioderlc'.
Matron 11th. 1!.10, Im1
(w;aout and musical dareotor of Noah at.
Methodist .':lurch, and teacher of pianoforte
pipe organ and theory, will be pleased to re
retro pupil.. lnetruoUoo given either at
/studio or at pupil's hums, es Astred. Studio
at [meron's Mudlo Blore. West et. 71 tf
SIC1ANSand !lsrgeoni. OfDo In Rank
of Commerce betiding. weal iota of Square
Night malls at residences.
fJr. l hannon. Iw, ()illow,
gdd residence. Mp'er st. Klgla et. w,
'phone /1. 'Pone 90.
InISUP411101k oto -
First door south rate of West ttraet.
neer 1'. 1'. It. Oflh• r,
l'orrespond.'nt : J. P. Mies ev & Co.
All orders prompts) executed.
ANC[ .ad real estate agent. Omoe, tee
door east of P. 0.. Godsrleb. Agent for the
leading mutual fire I°suntans oompantet and
leedlog stock oomtanlee
Mercantile and manufacturing risks at
lowest ars (a11 .t aloe.
Aonou^taot and Insurance Agent.
Hooks and acnoonta made up.
Buildings seated and rents oolleoled.
Fire Indira°. 10 British and Canadian
00 s- In l'rouAfoot & hays' office. North
treat Ooderlch. 1'1 tf
, 1N-
BUIIANCI sae Real Bonito agent,
fin, Life, Aooldeetand Piste Obs. Insurance
ederJod on mutual or cash plan at lowest
rat.. pond Me.
Bast Kogltob and Canadian companies rep
(Mss peat door tel Gamow 4 ()arrow. liar
wawa Hammon duvet.
YPubtlo Notloo.
e -�
notice that anyone betides ofe the
Islands. tieing or tampering with the ferry,
shooting or trn.pasdnf upon am part of our
property. w111 6e arresters and prw000ted.
�,. [OW C. ATTRILL. 38dt
an •eniinal ton will be made at the next
erwlon of the L.gtaiature of the Prov(oce of
Ontario for an Aot to Incorporate • company
for the following purpose,. among others
lel To nonetruet, eii nip, maintain 5,4 none
ate an electric railway. railways or radial
railway .7etom from a point In or near the
town of tio,erlrh to a point In or Dear the
enlace of Luctcore. la the county of liruce,
thence through the rounty of Moron to a
point In rr near the town of Wier/ham. thence
to the village of Hrtteseb. In said oounty.
-.„_, thence to the town of Beaf,rth, In Bald cnun
(,• thrnee to the t Plage of Reynold. In said
i%edity, and thence to • point In or near the
said tow cf licderloh : with power to con-
atr;u't, .quip, malntale and operate a branch
lino !romaold, In or near Carlow, 1n the
township of('olborne, to a point In or near
Auburn. In said ^o^nty, and thence to a point
In or near the vinare of Perth i and from •
point in or near Dunlop. In the toweehio of
Colborne. thence through the township of
A•1,fie1d, to a point In or near Kincardine. in
the oonety or Raaf., thence to n point In or
near fort Elgin. In ••I nine n n
Ig • d t e r n to w
point ,n or o Bombvin prod, In add county,
"`."" 5,4 thence tt• o s polar In lir near WteIn
rtoa. n
If)e..lit county of Brace, and with power to
liar, equip, mahtain and op.''.te a
Ilne from a polet on the )"notion of
t rallweir between the 1(Ilaq.. of Ii•yf ad
and Rrncette 4 through the tow•ahlts of
:+lanley and Day ton point at or near (•rdlt-
On, in the tow tight of Stephen, and thence to
5 point neon com er the new existing line or
;Mee of esllwar, and upon and over such
•1i.e1., highway and lands as may be
aotherlred ty IM tnunkntpslulee, a mpanlee
M Individuate having inr(i4lotlon ov r or
owning the same.
(1) To 'instil.' the a nmeny to make ar
rengenente teem -ding O,eua or aenna,0oo of
at rote. klfthwa)a•0,l land. and to expropr
alit lands for the nrpoeos lit 18e oampsnl-.
(r4 To enable the company In •m•Igama'e
with, acgora lth,t
e ack. bonds frsnchlees and
Semi' of, and to enter Into traT, or other
ewremeate with other nape 5ti toe, °ompan
Js orL MM
(d, To make payments In paid lip Corte or
bonds for right of m,yer(e, plant. rail
was *took or ether eteene* furthering the
ier To lean nf.nrors, art( or taws soma* y
or anionic rower Io any persons or 5Orpora
Zinn along anj part of lin railways. end to
mealtime and operate telegraph and tele.
Ohmeoye'•me In oonneetlon with the rail-
In Tn reeelre .*(.tame from mnelnlpal'•
ti•ie or ledtridaa'e by way of suhatelep, basoe
o s the guarantee et I ha nnt%pany'e bonds or
ether.u1To •sat peg enter frur00aaa,
lel To
agg�lrgt awn, nnerrwr or IMM.
ate a Sts gtgam tad other veealaa, and
N M. rapt tl'g wealeratn ail neres,try
TM « ,ay. sad donna. for
die trey.
n ••4aeti r. ler the with p of an -
MtadleetgteaAoeencl.w. and with power M
ekMerwet eine operate, notate at edea p05400
WIPP' the lineof railway of the sample) as
Icf tp4esr ttesn
raeM et OMerfeb thin I7th day of Jely,111B.
..leerer tor Ap/f pate
Ito foot to and oolorlag : but o0e,10 particular,
el the "Frank Smith" variety, took t ur
a•tlhe'lo eye, We .bowed the bouquet to
our visitors with a treat deal of pride.
C0Looksa TowNsnlr VOTreO. __ Thu
voters' tut kr the township of Colbertno
was Issued Ws wet k The .umbar of
voters In the metal polllag sab'dlyWota
le se follows :
Part I. fart IL Part 111.
No 1 163 9 11
' 2 93 20 17
" 3 179 24 1 h)
" 4 113 14
1'he aggregate number of remota to serge
on larlea 1. 475.
1 are A,vL■ BCSINto0.-Several buyers
A-5 Dow on the the oonoeolon lines buying
up the Drop and prices have, so we under
stand, goo* up to two dollars and over per
barrel. The last oto was very favorable to
the development of the hale and our beautl•
lel epee and br!.I eine Ara .bowing up well
Th. buyers ..y that the show for northern
spy is very good and there .111 be more of
that variety than of all the '.'hare put to
getber. Tnia week the early apples Are
being tblpped and from now to the end of
the triwOn we may .zpsol to ace h vey elates
at the 'tattoo.
1.'ANx 1'naocuu Donut/in -Mho
Beckett, a 1.035'.1 you9g lady of Wag.
hem, is now •n Inmate of the London A.y•
torn. The young lady 1a only twenty three
years of age, and for ►his last two years has
taught • alum in S. Paul'. Suod•y wheel
in \Vingh.m. 'Three months ago she cam*
under the taflcenoe of a Dowl,lte preacher
and outmoded hie meetings regularly. She
war led to 8,1,. . that .be was lostraoting
her S,hhetb aohool pupils In • false doo
tense, and in plats of doing I here good .6•
war d,reottog them ora a downward path.
The trouble,lt Is said, worried her to the ex
tent that she became t ,
BAN,: Bob. Crkun -A few days ago we
war• shown by i;, o. Stewart some very old
hank notes. They are of dates 1835 and
18.36, Menai by the Agrlon'tural Bank of
Upper Canute. '1'n. bills ars printed only
on the face, the hack being perleotly plain
risotto for the lndonea.e,l to Ink by "J,
Granby." 00 the face are • amber of .g-
nce(ture designs sit the wording of the
bole le that of an ordinary demand note.
The nett., are all made payable at "Mont•
real'to "W. Fryer" or , the words
In quotation marks, as will as the number,
date and a1Rna:ures, are tilled In era pen
and ink. 1 he notes ere for twenty shit
imp, and were g . r. the first mosey ..reef In
Canada by the father of Mr*. Jot ,Stoats,
D[ATti or Ma.. JINKI,, -Tbe foil owing
dwpstoh from Sao Bernardino, Cal , I, The
It offal* I'zprenr, teters to rte widow of as
Ism John Jeokloe, a wealthy rsid,n+ of
('hloagn, and a relative of the Jackie' fam
my of tloderlon township:. -"Mrs. E!:z.be(h
Jenktor, who four years .tar came lo this
Motlop from Chicago. was found dead t^ her
m.enlhornt home at Uutarlo, ('al., too Toes.
day, by two badness men who had called to
clow a tr
ansaotloo whereby she was to lir
°hue the town's school bonds. The body
was found Iviag on the H x r of the parlor,
surrounded by oil the !exude, that wealth
own furnish, sod was In an advanced stage
est decomposition M. was the principal
owner of the O(arta street railway. So
far no will has been found. She has ..Na-
tive. lo Chicago."
Huwr ,anal N v.TL%Nit --1), Ferguson le
again at the rue p•. of cue:oats Io tits mar
kat place, baying returned last week from
Ms trip to Scotland He wee away six
w eeks and te monk Wearied wtL1 his anj ,urn
abroad With Stdrhni as his beedqu•r
Situations Vacant.
a good general servant to ro to Toros•
to: n0 washing ; referenoee requited. Alio a
nurse wanted. Apply to M. HILTON,
Ridgewood Park,
d at once at the Colborne House. Apply
to MEG ego. BUXTON. 10 tf
Card of Thanko-
We telt this mane of tondering our thanks
to The One District Metal Fire Insurance
Company. of Oalt, for the prompt ant Wit -
factory manner In which they paid our loge of
Damage by smoke to on r stook whioh was oc-
°telneed by the Oro In the next store to nes on
or about Pity 43rd,
Oalerloh. Aug. 711,, 1911.
8r DVtCO.
Charles K. Shaw, General Agee doderlrh.
J this means of teoderleg our thanks to
the Rrn"nwo'Ar. Mrrr*t. Fine: tee, Rom '1
CoHrANV, of Horlln, for the prom',t a114 es1-
lefaotory manner In *Moll they ppeld our loss
by fire on our grocery stook, which occurred
on Jnly gird. 19)1,
CIIARLlftl w. SHAW. Heard Agee).
13 I n, Uoderloh.
PI otters:"
Mtr'(rrpattt. of the TomaiAip of r olberne.
Moro* County.
Notice 14 hereby wives that 1 have transmit
tad or delivered to the nation' mentionel In
sections 5 and 6 of the Voteri Lied Act. the
o rota modest by said seorl ens 10 haw trans
mit el or delivered of the Ile made pnranoet
to said at or all person' apoesring by the laat
reel. A assessment roll of tee add man,olpal
it In election.'"). member.. of the leglel3 Ilse
Aaeembly and at Mingo pal elentiona, and that
saki list was flrtt yodel up In my once at
Carlow nn rho 'Net day of Angina. 19)1. nod
remittee there tor enapecI(,n.
F: so' ors aro nallol upon to oxaminn the es:d
Ilse, read If any omiesiose or any other errors
wee fonni therein to take Immediate proemed
logs to hue said errors °erraot*1 •70ordina
to la*.
Township OJlmrk,
Aug :I. 1901.
fleRt of rWWNINQ & Wi81'OBY should
e Md to 00 It1WN1NG before the ,Ise of
Augnst, •e after that date sill outstanding no-
ontide will be headed In for rcllotloa.
UT ---
TV farelah.I hetes far 1 mouth* APO',
with fell atrttcnter• lo MMI rRILL.
VVrr RI,ACXCAMf?H ud Hertwbest
fpelting of all
kkliindds pay'Ttttttiessille to at
nosh eN sesseble fed. ky G N Tt WVa •
tors, he visited (Augur, b:lloburgh and
other places of interest and ateo made • trip
to lbs Highlands. He visited the Gla.gow
exhibition and p.I1 particular atteotlou to
the Can Oleo 'Wilhite, which be says were
very orodltab'e. Mr. Fermenta left Was.
gow a young man, sod the °bangers which
have taken place during the forty•five
yeses of his abe•uoe have been so many and
so great a to maks almost a oomplele
trandormatloo la olio. familiar spate.
H,vt,.setet,-HULut,, -A very pretty
w•ddine was solemnized at the residence
of Ju. Robtaoo, brother lo law of the
bride, last Wednesday, when Mi.. Ea,m•
Holmes was united to Will E. Htzzl•wooJ,
of Port Hop*. hay. Dr. Daniel, pastor u
Nortb •1. Methodist ohuroh, perfora.r•7 the
oorsmony. 'Th• 8rtde was attired In •
lovely gown of fawn yolle, tarrying a toe
gust of aster., 104 hod M4.. Ausebrtuk for
bar bridesmaid, attired In pale green and
white organd e. '1 he groom was supported
by bis brother, U.o. Hazlewood. Mie
Dell Roble.00 made a pretty ring b
The rooms of the how: a were dsoorated w,, h
asters. A sumptuous 100th was provided
and the brlds'm health druck, after which
the happy pair drove to the steno°. A
pretty feature wu the throwing of asters
et the stet ion, to plusm of the usual and oft
tams annoying , .ntoa, of doe throwing.
Mr. ant Mrs. He'zleweod will make their
oma at Port Hops.
Tilt TIlIHTY THIRD Tu 1.4 THr.ttt -The
Huron regiment Is to take pert to the reap
Lion at Toronto to the Duke and Dacha..
of York. '1'he het of regiments that are to
be included lo the 1'orooto review Las fol-
low., a000rding to the lett revision : ('ay.
airy -Hopi( Canadian Dragoons, GAL It G ,
let Masers, 2od and 3r4 Uregoone, 4;h
Hamm, 1'.L f1,U., ('•nada Mounted R Cee
Artillery -"A" and "13" Batteries, R C.F.
A , 2od. 4M, 7th 8.h, 9.8,11 tis, 14th and 16
th Field Raturle•. Fogloeete-Toronto
earnestly. infantry -The lioyeroor•Oensr•
al's Foot Guards. 2od, 7tb, 10.6, 12.54, 13th,
14:0 15'h, 21st, 22nd, 26:6, 27th, 30,8, 32-
nd, 33rd, 36,b, 37..8, 38th, 42nd, 43rd, 45th
45'h, 48.h and 57th Regiments. Mdioal
oorpe-Now 2 4 6 apd 7 liearerOompaoles,
Nos. 2 4 and 7 Field Hoephale. Oat oadet
oorps. Total of all rank., 10,000 Among
the order. (sued in conneetloo with the re-
view ate the..: No oorp• w111 be permitted
to puede ID excess of Its authorized .stab
Hahmeor. l'.y will de issued to all ranks
for the Jay or dart uojo which they are
assembled, Inoludcog the day of leaving sod
the day of returning to their 'repetitive
head('uuters. O0 no woouot will any mw
be talented who hat out iorlormed a► least
one militia tralnlnr within the tut three
years. Tramped And subsistence will bo
A SAD DROWNING A' -,,'r,,'. -Albert
Drinkwater, of town, a young man •loaf
21 years of age, • deck band oo the Beamer
Hiram R I) zoo, was drowned at (Iw.0
Sound on Saturday morning, g 10. Hs
was •ngagd Is washing the bar arks and
fell overboard, and sank to the bottom
Belotu any help ooaid be given the ynt)g
man was drowned, and ft war shout sit an
hour bel".• the body was recovered. \Two
aeon wan nolioeable on the forehead, r.
Drtokwater'. father, EI jab 1)rtnkwater. le
second engineer on the D:zon. The boat
the time of accident d was lying at the Peel
street dock. The deosased was standing on
a plank, one end of wl,lob was ruling on
the dock and the other on the waling of
the boat. Smits movement et the boat •1'
lowed the end of the plank to slip o0 the
waling whiob Is only • few holies wid. and
the young man was precipitated Into the
water between Il u bort and fisc dock. Ile
role to the suttees or as and one of the orew
ma •
d. o effort to catch him but was not In
time. 11e again sank and did not else.
The slight scars on his forehead were doubt•
Ism received by'trtktor the dook or the
boat to falling. The I.ody was Miksa to
%Vtartoo on tiaterday night, by Mr. i)rink•
water, an uncle of the deceased, who Dome
over from Mesford, the father having gone
on to l'arkhead to meet his wife, who had
been summoned from Uoderlch and whom
he erpeoted to meet at Parkhead. Ar•
ruOgements hod been made that the body
was to be t.ken to Marton by the steamer
.(ones but that vessel left before the op
poloted hour. Ir was then driyen over in •
oonvrf anoe from Price'. livery. A heoti•
Fut wreath, purchased by the crew of the
Hiram R Dixon, •si laid on the °esker, as
• token of A,
Fon.. if Co.vc lar. -The Saetch 0000srt
and Iswn party last F„ lay night On M,n.
Cameron's gi.uods was 'jade a s000ew.
The program presented *a very good and
the audience large. The Ma -an• Bend open-
ed the program with"Tbe Highland Laddie"
whioh was auoh enjoyed, as were alto their
other selection. To. Mctromish 041+res Co.
furnished Ault. a number of piece.. Mr.
Mo('rurnl.h was on the program for two
longe and was encored on both occasions
Hie rendering of "Annie Laurie" delighted
everyone,sol he r r
t t hie sentiment In that
and In his other sefeotMne was admirably
interpreted. Mr. E FIN°IIs Is • Ora- class
or to o Cover end "Pot and His Pipe.", aung
le comms. was received *ith buret• of
laughter. For an e0onre Mr. Fayette reolt-
o) a poem "1f h11 own compsftto."entitled
"A Thing He Had Never Dote Before."
Mr. Wm, Wlbby, another of the 11o('rttmieh
ocmpscy, Reng "The Illghlander's Toset"
in good voice end rspouded to an en
°ore. The Sootoh dancing by a camber of
young taea was very pretty. The follow.
log were the numbers : Scotch Reel, Mies..
Hello Hoverle, Irene Ssulre, I,ulu Tweedy
end Helen Rothwell ; Highland FI ng, by
the *arm, ; Gdlle Callum, Mi.... Bella. How.
re, Eine Leonard and L u t C ark ; Shaun
Trews, Misses iioerr's, 'Tweedy, :Molts
and Ito hwell. I'. er
to played the
music for the,lanoing and daring the Inter
mi.don. lir. Thoma O'H.gan delighted
everybody with his Irish song, "Col/Ocoee
Lawn" and reneiyd great applause. 11e el.
w rselled one of his poem*, "The Song My
Moo her Singe." A second reoitation by the
doctor would have been sojeyed hy all but
he could not be 'revelled upon to glue it,
as he said he had c .me unprepared. Mrs.
AUnd, of Detroit, sang three Sonloh gongs
whh good enunol1tlo0 and Ina clear, mutt
041 vo M. Alter soother exhlbltlon of
Highland dates' lir soil the singing of An)d
tee Mae the evenleq's entertainment was
. ,00ladad. Aliso (flower rendered velue6Je
e rrvloe as aconmpanl.t during the evening,
W. W. M.ut'lst sated se ohabma, and
before the eines of the nroirsm .t, Mltohell
on behalf of Inverness ('.mr, No 54, S. 0,
"t, thanked theme who hod takes pelt le
the program.
A Pawnor Dural.* W1nbt14,, TM
Sault Y e Marie, 11000 , News R•mnrd, of
Aug. Ih'.h, captained as woeaot of a double
s.dfing in the Central M. E. Marcl, there
the day prcv en,: 0 .s r 1 .) Bets. b se Bets Is Al
hart K. Cos, Mn of Mrs. Coe, Ns.
Patrick e►., town, where the happy coapts
e re •Isitlea The otnroh was crowded to
the deers by the friends ef fear Tonne
people, who were the p, i i4:0N* In erne of
the ptettIe*t ehorah weddings that lou
Liken Plane In Sault Sts Mute this Slier.
The teen happy maples were Albert K Cor
and MIM Elle May Jamison and feu.
Dafen., sed All.. I. Mande Ilowle. The
srem^ey seek photo4..11 ^'clock, as .hf,h
boar the tee bridal permNs entered the
*bsrea.l lilies Junius, seppertd by boo
Mbar, Rotors J1.0la•., .sWrd lhnagb
the south door, preceedtd Ly Miss Belle
Jamison, her sister mud brld.muld. Mies
How a entered through the eolith door, on
the arm of her brother and preoaeded by
her bridesmaid, her elder, Mae Pearl
Mewl*. Mr. Coo Lod his heel man, bis
brother, (sores M. Cox, of 'Toronto, sad
Mr. 1)el'°nog sod hie brother and best
man, Richard 1).Youog, of Chlosgo, were
at the oh.nsl :all when the too bridal
partite came down the aisles to the .thioe
ot the I,ohengrto wedding march, '1'b.,
terse ot(ialatlag clergyman. Rev. Arthur
W, Stalker, of Ma boom. W(s , Rev.
Thompson, of Marquette, and Rey. C. B.
Steele, pastor of the church, •waited the
party erltnls the chance. Rey. Stalker
united Mr. D.Youog and his bride and
Rev. Thompson made 61r. 1'.x and Mi..
Jsmisou vat Thu simple rurvf -,s were
par formed u a hush that was Intensified by
the atilt strains ot the orgau. The double
wedding party u, .de a forking group
as they tittered their vows before the altar
Mtn Jsnilson wore wh:t• French lawn and
duchess two and .10 carried bridal roses
Hersf.ter acre.:nk dignity and carried •
bouquet of swat pees. Mtn Howie was
•itlred to a gown of a bite organdie and bar
sister'. gown was of pink organdie. They
parried roses In the some oolor •s their
gowns. A reception war held for Mr sod
Mn. Cox at the home tit 61r. and Niro.
Robert Jamison, 13:ngham •venue, and a
drnllar luoobloo was held for Mr. and Mrs.
1)e Young st the hon..' of the bride's mother,
hire. Mary A. Hoe ie, Mears. and Mmes.
Col and t. Voting left In lb, aftcruooe
over the 0 ,8. S & A., the former to Cana.
dlan and eastern cities, the latter to Chi-
cago. Mr. and Mrs. Cot will reside at
Mattock, where Mr. Cot le manager of the
11 edam Express conpsay'a ctboe. Mr
sod M,R, IMYouog will return In three
wreke and wilt rake up their re.Wenoe •t
414 Dawson street.
Tae rogue returns wenn'!uite So large as
lo%vrrea ne opleCOtow a speoteiupt0 but PrldbelpecI%1(our,'e amtailoeing
The excursion from Seaforth tae; Fri lay
numbered about 500.
The population of 1;oderioh as ascertained
by the recent census is 4,158.
There will be no S.utbarn Fair et Brant-
ford this year owing to financial !grotto,
The ra`na of the past "few days have been
beneficial but have not lassoed the heat.
The thanks of the publlo Ilbrar)• (lard
are doe ti Mies Lt)fan Fisher, of Clomp',
for • gift of thirty volumes of fiction.
E. L. Williams has accepted the position
of t(aoher at the Good Bend puullo school
and left on Saturday to suume his IMO
There were sixteen tiuketa eoll here for
the exeunt In to Ktocardine last Wcinto
day. T8teo who went say they eojoy(rd:
This (Thursday) ie 6litchel!'e rivlo hell.
day. The Methodist S.bbath school is ouo-
oiog an exoanioo to Uoderich by epactal
train leaving Mitchell at 8 A. at
Next week all roads will lead to Toronto
and the Industrial Felr, Thee' Mill be 1
breathing spell between the Quin City's hie
show and Heron's treat tett-the O. N.
Hayfield *outwit at 1ta Iaet meeting de•
ei d that all cows must be shut up he-
t sea the hours of 8 r, M and 5 A. M , and
hemp Detracted the constable to impound
all cattle ruaolog at Targe during these
boon. '
.ludgmopt was given by Judge Dottie on
Friday to a clue eyelet McKeorte Mills
Ifor forgery. the accused being Mead cot
guilty. He not out of the woods yet,
however. and 'II Mae to answer to lurthr r
County Crown\Attorney Lewis hat re-
eelvon notificationrom the Attorney.uen
oral'. department that C. L. Dunbar, of
Guelph, Is to oorduct'the Croen business st
the Heron comity a..Izse,whlch open on the
9.h DIOS-
Miss Cremate Elliott 54.544 been engaged as
teacher of the Porter'. Hill`ppublit• school for
the fall term. Miss Elliott, succeeds her
brother, and it the te•ol ing`,t*cut,y runs
Orman the f.mlly the people oY the neotlon
will be well pleased.
Mise L, Colborne has returned from !inf-
late, where she took a ocu•eo In the Fierob•
er mei hod of music Instruction. Slow fool.
borne is opening a studio above Mr..N af•
tel'. Insurance ..!hie, Ilamat*n street, liknd
will commence her Maim the first of Se'-
6fi.. Morrison, of Toronto, who le repro -
sating the ('aoad(aa Guoagatbon Co., of
that olty, Is to town and w111 give a bealth
,a'k to the (anise ot oudertoh to the Tem
Dormice 11.II,Friday evening of this work at
9 o'clock sharp Admission free Al thr
ladies of (loderiob are invited:
llodgene Bros. are having their store
ovirhsuled and refitted, and when the work
le completed will hove one of the finest
,tores in town. The Impruvemrnrs ,orluoe
• new hardwood 11,or and hardwood fixing.
and nbelving, ego. The store will be re
papered and the front newly painted.
Goderloh toss had a large share of the
summer resort business fou year. N•'xt
year new boats will be running biro and
the influx will be greater than ever, What
le needed le more acoommndatloo for yislt.
ate, and the mss who has this en. tvpris'to
erect a large simmer hotel wit he the cr:e
to ptollt from the Inorrose In the nomh'r of
our vlsltor1.
Among.10. C.oa i.o 'pothers 'eto-tel
by the Msn"kranolso paper, as dltlegubh•
leg t
• aro remit int
g Inter tt
s• coal
Lague oonvsnt4on was Rev. G. H. Cnhbie.
dict of Perkhijl, well known In underloh,
who spoke et the "Certo H g'te^mearee"
moaner, when the large Alhambra 1h•atrr
was packed, 1 ha address was eothus!ast-
toally received nod liberally punctuated
with applause. Mr. Cobbledlok was elan
Invited to preaoh t 1n re 0p(r,i,, service of
M'uot Pleasant church, In Vaneomver,
whioh he slid upon Ma return joui'oey.
The h g mill coley tar Is being repainted,
and the o14184441115 A Hutobl.en sign is die.
sppr.rmr under the patotrt'e Muth.
The steam yarh' (1ont.laM, ef Detroit,
was In port yesterday with a pleasare par
ty, and continued on her way op the lake.
The oh. Theodore Vo.gs was tee tat
weak with 316 tons of mil for R.& J Ras
ford. It hes been reported the, the Vo.
gee Is changing hand,; a Las Gntarlo into
being the M'rnhaer.
The str. 1).e Imps was in S.tardav even•
isg,h^nnd nerth,wtth passengers and freight.
Sha took en a quanli y of brlrk. )ere for
Hanle Ste. Marie. Nam was In attain yester-
day ea lb* way south.
The an. Advance art rod Tuesday morn•
leg true Fort (Villlam with 45,0(X) hn.h.l.
of wheat for the (ioAerinh klev.tor ('n. and
elsrad the um* emote/ lar of !ehtpinn'..,
W lead ere for Hamilton.
It I. repinted ma grad authority that the
Algoma Ceotr.l people will have one lir taco
large beat... 184. Iles next year. The U.
Weans wee pet es this wasea as a 'feeler"
t tld eke revolt los beau bolt a• to worm*
.. . 1901
the Mllef rhes a lar;• trod• can a ed.op) cola, Mr. and lire. J. C. Lel'oozil, Wee*
ase LM Porte of call alcor (5. Ihstreet.
The err. Pittsburg made her usual calls Mr. and Mn. Jas, bidward, jr., and Mr
derlog the weak. '1'h. P,tt,burg Is intone and Mn. Jas. Breckenridge, Jr„ and the
a ill rate from Detroit to ports as fu north son, all oft bloat°, are 'flaltlet; at the home
se aoutbampton and to ooneetoomo t6• boat of Mr. and Mn. Jas, Iireekenr,dge, )Ay
b crowded every top. About a hundred got Cad road.
cff here on Tuesday night, The Pittsburg W. P. \Vstoby ha retarded from his
will make only one mon rand trip ate sea•trip to W tapioca and Brandon, Mrs,
t oo alter the t oat WesEoby met her bui4and fo Buffalo
where they "mead l day. albs Pa
Wm. E. Savage, or Detroit, a former
o•ddent of Ooderloh, called awn Tim Si..
NAi. yesterday, Be it speodu it a week or
two In the old town and to staying with
Arthur Smith.
Among thou who registered •t the Loo.
don Oboe of The Globe during the week
ending Aug. 9. were W. H. (Iuodry, A.
"tends and the latter'. soo.ta-lsw, Rey. Js.
WIisOO, of Ulanoo
Stratton Herat 1 : Mrs. Knight and
three ohlldreo, of ('htoaeo, who have been
visiting In Uoderloh, have returned to this
olty to spend a few days at the home 'd Mr
U. Smith, Gore street.
Mrs. (Dept.) Inwwn and nhildr.n return•
ed on Saturday from s month's trip to
Toledo, Detroit end oilier plus. They
were ea,ompacted un their return by MI..
('he,+ter of Serala, who to making a visit
Mre, R. M. Camel', of Stratford, wbo
was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0.
A. Humber, le now taking rho Mt. Lewrc,ne
river trip, after which .he will retoro here.
Her ohlldren are staying with their grand.
pa t1011.
John T. Acheson, of Morden, Man , Is
.pending the %ark Io tuwo and ie .haklog
hands with many old friends. .1. '1'. 1m
looking well sod give, glowing reports of
huaduese oosditloae to the Prairie Pro„000,
where so humus' orop Is being gathered.
Mist Mary 1. 'Tawday, who bad beta
visiting in ale viololty for 1 wake,
returned this week to the Hawaiian Islands
to resume her psltion as school teacher
She goes by w.y of Michigan and Weshing•
ton territory, where she will spend a few
day. visiting.
1VIII. liellev has received s position to
the census department and will leave for
Ottawa to commence hle duties st the end
of the week. Mr. I4.11l. le one of filuevale's
most popular young men and 1,0 will he
greatly mined by everyone. 'That he will
meet with eyery suoues le the wish of all.
Min Frank Evans le slitting to ( bloago,
.:'t' Quints Robertson le visiting at
aau't. 1.
Il li truest is aw.y on ■ trip to Bu4alo
and Chicago.
J. Crooks, of ('Ito•on, visited ,a town
over &today.
John Fraser, of IS,ytiald, was to town
Monday tut.
Moet Burgos, c1 (4i w,, `. vt,li tog Mn.
Collie this week.
Eddie Farr b homn from Brentford to
'pend hi. hohd.yl.
.1 i1 hIr1'her.on, 01 D,troit, is vialti0g
•t t' (1. Newton's,
Mi.. 1, Hardy, if '1bw:rater, le ylsitiog
Miss Nellie Bargees.
.les h: lward, o((ihloage,l. visiting In town
for soouple of weeks,.
lies• M. (',x, nt Toronto, Is v,ritln, his
mother, Mrs. N C,x,
Mr. and Mn, b. R. H.nigene, 01 Minton,
spent Suoday to ',two.
E. I.. Elwood, of 0o',, N. W. T„ le
revisiting the old town,
Muter Charles HavIH, of Detroit, le
visiting at C. A. Nairn.
It. N. Jewitt, of CromerIy, watt 1n the
village ono day lett week.
S. Lawornbe, of St. Thoma, has been
visiting at W. A. M.Ktm'e
Mr. std Airs. Wm. Lane are away on •
visit to Buffet.) and Muer..
Mrs. Cook, of Brantlord, Id @pending •
few week' at M Spence's.
Ms. R, 0. alumnae' left Moody on •
trip to Brantford and Dentition.
Mrs. MoLoin, of 1Vawaooeb, la visiting
her Mere, Mrs George Mot)unald.
Mn. Tarleton lett on Saturday to vleit
relatives •t Amberiey sad Luokuow,
611.. Mabel M.kln,:of Stratford, Is vblt.
ing MIR. (iso.:Bissett at the post:foto,,
J. Collie, J. Haney and .1. Munn left for
Manitoba on the exounlon on Tuesday.
Alfred Holmes, of Detroit, b visiting at
the home of his enol., R. W. Matting t,
Mr. and Mrs. R,b:. Stewart, of (lod•rfob,
are visiting friends in Himmel. and ylolnity.
Mr. and Mrs. John MoCert toy, of Halmos.
vllle, have returned home from • trip to the
11•CeutilittM 8r. Joseph, wee in town
this week and life Teat,rday mon og for
MI.. Hays and M ores Frances and Mabel
Ringo. are visiting the Pen American ex.
Miss J. C. Co 1! iaspa I:ft Tuesday morn
leg to attend `ties millinery op mines Io
Mrs. \Vin. \V)Isoo and child, of Chi ago,
are eighties Mrs. Wilson', mother, Mr,.
Mi.. Mogen has returned to town after
spindles two weeks' bolideye at her home
m Ststford.
K Dowofnr and W. D. Cox left T .,achy
night o
a o the Pittsburg take the
8 of round too
to the Sault.
Miss Mabel Thome. left oo Saturday
morning for Grand Valley where she wit.
Halt relatives,
Mus Catherlos E. Ferguson, of Detroit,
returned home Saturday lifter ■pending a
week In Goderioh,
J F. Beam has returned from Bra..els
much bent 4,.ted by (be treotmaot which he
underwent there.
Miss Cathodes E. Ferguson, of Detroit,
returned home &starchy, after 'pending a
week In (oierich,
• Eva Duff and Mies Cora Messer
spent • few dry• this week visiting Mee.
D:. Poole, of Bru.rels
Mr, end Mn, Mol),Ihoaddy left last sok
on the Canadian Pre.. Am/citation trip to
the Maritime Provinces,
Jae. Turpin, of I'arkdale, was the guest
of Mr. od Mot. C. A. Nairn last en k and
returned home on Monday,
John Berke, r f the (1, 1'. R station of
e, is apendirg holidays at Chicago. Mr.
kertco Is eatingsubs t
se ll este.
111 rt Mcl'herenn, of the office of the Uode•
rloh Engine & li.cyole C. , left Tuesday
for Saginaw, Mich" on a hol.day trip.
Mi,. Florence Turner has resumed her
poeitir a da leacher of the i)onnybrook
school after the midsummer yaoattoo.
Mies Auguili R, '1'.ylnr, who attended the
Collegiate Inettr{ats here, has been appoint-
ed .e teacher a$Tuppervllle publlo aohool.
MI.' Mary V, 11. Tour. -I has been seleet-
ed as leacher In the` Dashwood school, and
left for that place Saturday afteraco t I.et.
Mr. and 11,.. W. A\ iLin,,, ot Ntayfrit r,
with their danebts, Helen sod baby, are
at Jas, Craltle'•,Mrs. Dolor'. former tomo,
.(%apt. R 1). Grant and lit. J.C. Meatoo
Martell Monday n'g'it groat 0.t.wa after
,pending a month at the Hchdul of 51mket•
Miss Ede* Go..t, accompanied by 'her
friends Idles Bunter and Mies Mountain, of
Toronto; were visit's' at Windom. the peat
Mrs. C. Harper lett on Tuesday on a vis-
it to 1 roman, soo0mpanled by her eider,
Mies MacGregor, tato had been here for
some weeks.
1V. D. Cor, of Lesmleet.on, arrived Mat.
urday svotng per ear. G*iltaes to j sirs hie
famify,who have been VII)ting hays lot acme
eek e,
Mand MaMaFred Mo1'reeken, of liras
We, and Mr. and Mrs. l-hrle. Thornton, of
W,apham, yblted at Jolla (I•rdlnet's on
Mrs. bracer, of London, was ►!s)tfse her
. :der, Mr. ( RAY.) Tarsboll, 'lotion the
*wok Charlie Turnbull sodempasled her
00 ber retoro,
A 1'. kct.nso and A. D. McLean were
amoe; thou who regletersd at the I!anodise,
patties at the Glasgow exhlh,tlon dining
the first two week. of Anoint,
After . vide of eeo , ,t ws*ka In town, I tr.
and Alr•. Mc Lees left nn Tneeday to take
the lake trip to Ijaluth, lnuodlne 10 visit
flak,ta b,fore finnan'to Florida.
Mie, Mary Volume bee on Monday for •
month'e sura with relatives at Rocket's,
Oat. Rhe wee oo0
awipmnked by Miss DiveSonet, who will visit at Galt, Prestos sad
Mrs .1, If E. Jesse (neo 14Tenxel) of
, k1g1. oo., •ee^pasd by 8* W.
oblldrw, la vIMYag ea Ste home of her peg•
H. 1. Strang, B. A., hay boa' [tending
meeting e m p
1 the Dominion R o oml n
n kat Monet
Haolatinn at Ottawa during th past
The following orerreg(.'cred a1 l..ke.
view : Mise ('lark, M1.. Robertson, 6B..
Sullivan, of Louisville; Mrs 1)r. Hamlin
and K•tbleen,of Detroit; Miss.. Marian and
Nellie Gerard, of Windsor; Mise Danby and
MiesColb. t,of Detroit; Mre Lewb,of 0arc,.
Mioh'gso; Mr and Mr. Carlisle, and Master
George and Thelma, of Detroit; Mlles .teal.
Book, of Detroit: Mr. and MI.. Wood,, of
St. Helene; Mrs Kirkland, et Windsor,
Mrs. Catherine Tot, with bar daughters,
MI.. Cut and Mrs. W, I', Westoby, are en.
tsrta(omt .t the family residence. St. Pat•
riok'* et, a family party nooeleting of Mr.
and Airs.1 t
Aber K C,x of
0 ok, Mloh.,
Unit Burk Cox and doubter, Irene, with
Mn. Cox'. tether, Sir, H,lh'tree, of Wlmb'o-
ton, N. D.k., Geo. M ('os, of Toronto,
Ant a. i). Cox, of Chicago, Mr. 1'. 1. Arm-
strong, of Tdonbarg. and 611.. Lat9eh, et
Jnalor IrakIna rep' t1.. ,aeeler Leaving
sled Matriculation S•ey.,
'1 he examiners down at the Education
department hay° fioiehe
J their w
and the reeul;e have been published. The
names ot the sucoe•sful ones In this oouote
ere given b. low :
*104,1* I.1At•1Nn,
1'11 -.1 And, son, 61 M forte.., Mary.
1 Cl.1ark, H 541 1),wnu,q, Q M. Rob°rte,•o,
J A Gareiner, 61 J (7avrnlnck, H T Hort.
oey, A A Ilay, A L Mat Lao, E J Mo.
Pert 11 -Alms M Mottle co M M Putter,
M Dunlop, tV I. Ed wool, C 61 E'llott R J
Rt.yy.a•, U W A 13 Manu, A L M.cLeae, 14
J MuMiohee.
Honor Matnoulet no. - A: J Arohtbsld,
literature, oompoeitito. Lit 1111 Grok:
R Macl'not.on, Greek : J A Gardiner,
breech. ph)sios end eb*mistry,
Part I Petemen, LI Whiddoa, P C
Honpe,, D Roadie, C R‘Itarrnw, (: W
(Irehern. 1) Mor,,., G Rob:awa• C K Ssun-
dere, A H Taylor, Wilfrid WlRtamm, .1 H
Martha, B F, R Case, R H John.00, H Mo-
MUl.n, 1. Rlandeon,
Pett -114J ei MMar.soo, J E Morris, M .1
C Nonni, R M Ahobe.00, F C Beoadfoot, 11
E R tau, R J 14444010, F Bray, H 110MII•
Ian, L C McDonald, A R SmRlle,
Part 11.-W 8 Baird, R J Blake, G
Campbell, W N Coortlee, M A Ellie, ,1 J
,Jeffrey, 1: J Jenkins, M Ker, K 11 Mo.
Court, Edith R T McEwen, A Mrf,eod, H
U MoMordle, 0 Roams, 44 Shepherd,,) W
Todd..1 Wiseman, lV HBO). L L Bentley,
W A Cowan, 11 Dalton, E .1 Everett, F W
E (ward, S li Elliott. b: E Farrow, F H
Graham, 47 b: Gant, J R Mlllrr, 1? A Mer-
errill, (ileo McDonald, T S McFarlsoe, 1, I
MOMath, Charles L 14 N.wtoo, May Logan i
Newtoo,.1 Maud Spence. ,f M Stirling M
Troy, O M Turner, 1, 11 Ven, M Rially, L
Blatchford, H Brimn1lt, 11 Ruohanai, R
Curter, 11 1 1':berhart, \V (Blimplo, Ii .1
H.m11Lon, M 1. Harry. A 14111on, M Keys,
T lutnb, N Lamont, I, te Lawee.o, R A
Nordic, , I': W Murray, It Mel)onal 1, O
Pylon*. .1S
T K Mn F an le
re k Mood,
Y 1A1'
8111s F. h,. mNlie, k A Smith, R A Thom' -
son, W Bort Van kgmond, A Waugh, C
M(, (fwrg.'a ohareh Sunday I ohnol will
Qtonlo this afteroeea at Alenll'. p (.1.
The ftnannlal meeting for the (Iodation,
Miabodist district edit be held at Seaforth
on , ptembee 10.
Re it A, Miller, ot Parkhill, w111
preach sit Mabbath, morning and eveoleg
In Vlore ' et, church.
Knox eh roh Sunday school he.) • good
day for the, annual p'onln last'I'hnredsy,
and a rely 1 eutine was had at
Hlllier'n on th banks of the Maitland.
The 'pot le a v y pre'ty one. The day
war orient la vert • game., raoee, paddling
In the riven 1N, gramophone was ne
of Do Boor * ej alb omen,.
A11 partly, getting their ads hill. printed at
this Office will have a fres notine inserted
in this Bet no to the time of sales.
Traouat, Aar. 27 Sale of ^d.la and
awls of dry gest)., together wltk glass taut
..news, *toy.., ooh drawers and other Ret.
furnishing*, at MoKi,,'. *Id stdte, coin
ens,ning at 1 30 r M 1110*. (leen 111', 5401
1 , n',u,, Ano. 29 - Antoine sale • the
he toehold furniture mad e6.oM ef the 1 •
R.. R. ll.nd*r.on at the edea,. Anhui,
w•mmeneing .t 1 r M. The list IneaOd•. a
valuable 'theory hsldee the comelete lar
altar. sod farelehlsts. Wm Yon no, ad-
mintetr•1er, Tana. Gopoar. sun l•a.•g.
Card of Thanks -Sturdy & (3..........1
Remnant Sale -W. A Moti(m ti
Voters' List -F. W. MoDeamth 1
Only Ten Days Mere -E. B. A M. H6
No Dream -W. C. Prtdham 6
New Fall Uoods-J, H. Colborne... se 4
Aaotloo Sale -Thos, (lsndry . 1
Buck Stove Co., Brantford 8
Aoownoement-F. F. Lswnao. 1
Quern Quality Shoes -P. T. Halls ... 8
Aeolian Bale -W. A. UoKIm 8
U 1
convent and Nur.. Wanted• -Mn,
Heaton. 1
A Better Eters-Hodgso. Bea 8
A citizen whose menu of the fitness of
things rebels at the calling of au octagon
"The Square" auggeste that the name be
changed to Central Park. The lather ie
a very nice name, no doubt, but the trouble
will l„ to get people to nee any name but
the old one, Evert )1 the town °outsell
should pass a bylaw directing that the
place should henceforth be known as "Cen-
tral Park" the people would go tight on
calling it "The Square." But it we are
to be mathematically correct, would not
"Clutha! Park" be . misnomot! The
Squint is not in the centro of the town.
and i 'n future the Sewn grows and ex-
tends l• boundarie, It will be far-
ther then ever from the etre of the
municipslit Bowater, if the rest of the
poop'e aro WI ng to call it Central Park
we ere,
-EionitIt has at last bowed W the in.
e* i table.
-The editor of Tfle Giobbowls (filly
-,ip the green.
`Prep your eye on PIRTTrtac■ and
14u& Jlsedition.
-Though the ed(tor', away
There's the devil to pay.
--Now that the Usher of the Rack Ilod
,N deal the jqb ought to die with him.
-Wait till Dungannon's lovely dang6-
tere-blesA 'em -Dome to Uoderich by trol-
ley car to do their shopping t Won't w1
feet metropolitan
-Btu.wrtoo's most quoted line is
IL occurs in the "Pied Piper of Hamlin."
It has
a elks/tic
with high q school
-A rsorreapondent of Tie Toronto Tele•
gram deeires to see a bust of Joins W teLty
pl•a,il in front of the Methorfint Univ. pity
in that city Just imagine JoH* Ww,Lty
on a bunt -in Toronto the Good I
-In judging Ontario's increase in popu•
lotion ae revealed by the latest census,
miser that this
Province during
the las: ten years sent into Manitoba, the
Territories and British Columbia about
L00,000 more than she did in the previous
decade You cannot eat your giogerbrearl
and keep your penny.
-His Eminence May., HOwLAND ie invlt
ing the ttayo,s of municipalities throotghout
the Dominion to hie couversatione n for
onto next week an to holding nt the ght
tering inducement of free tickets to the In
du trial .nit free reserved meats in the
gr nit mtaml for the delegate.. See what it
is to be • Mayor !
To the Editor of Tux etlow8L
1)1AR S114. -Its 1899 • ,A 1900 eev. r.l
miles of concrete eAewalka were Ir, 1 ,n oar
town. and the frontage tat on the same was
only 60 per Derv, of the total oat, and the
town bore all the expense of the °roasters
and not one was omitted to be put dowo,
'Phis year • contract let last fall was com-
pleted 00 the .am• terms ; but the total
cost of frontage was to be borne by owners
ot property on now wont Wit year. A
number of the ratepayers 58seted objected
to the new order of orooedare 441 amount of
the largo amount, of private property la
(root nI which sidewalks h.4 been built on
the 60 per Dent. bees previously. The
property -owners on arra ,treats, however,
d!d not ot.j.ot, sod &tong these streets the
contractors have need badly engaged lay-
ing pavements lady, but the 000ncll evl-
deafly thinks those wbo allowed the work
to go ahead are 'easy," and made breaks
Is the walls hy learinr one nrnsslage.
Why war not the %Vatulin .ireee walk
Completed by:the pottlrg down e1 • aro..-
Ing on West street ; also crossings at the
western terminale of the walks o0 St.
1'Mtrlok'. and Llehthou., struts! Will owe
was r0 t
upc I ex 1•
to w they ham Dh • to
such action ' O! what oee are the .tate•
walks it the er^esln4s are not immolated
along the tine of th• sidewalks • necking
you for yr ur valuable space thus osed, and
trusting that our council will gig• this mat.
ter the needed •ttentl^n, I am, Mr. Falter,
A It81,1,-001R eN WA11131.0n NT.
(iet robber anon your carriage •t the
Dominion I iterlage Works,
May, Pat, did yon .es Dust rubber-tlr•d
bugsyat the Domtolon 4'arrlageW'orke' It'it
a beauty.
Bicycles from $10 lip at the Dominion
Carriage Werke. W• ea4I the oel•brated
Columbia bloyole, the hest on earth, at the
Uominlos Cartage Werke, also tee "Soot••
men." named alter the ship that ed
the first Canadian c„ntlni.nt to South
After lite With M.at, ell .cooaeta Awe R,
b:./dorm & Co, ymsl.leg unpaid will be
handed la for enlleetlee. Payments may
are made at kir, Swirw'o /nid•soe, 'alio
house at. Also persons Mute, amoral.
stillest kir. SMITH ars ►egneeted to seed
thorn In at ones,
ItUT1,ISD iR. to OnlerIoh. nn WSAeodar
Aug. 7th, the wife or W. J. ROUdge, of •
IIBZ%1,[yt'Ooi) R01.Mi✓s At the reefahmeo
of Jams RRiibteeeo, °ado l 4*, oft Wedges.
day. A4l5iy,� 1101, fay 08. R�eev. 0e. Mester,
wear ot Nardi oft./ methodist raven,
WIll 1L. Heolewo.A. of Part Moos. Oat.,
te111111011, eiregibier of ma.Isi Ratinst et
swadasier 0. • A