HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-8, Page 8$ THU11reDAY, Aug. S, 1901.
The season has advanced to a point when goods
must go, or stand a chance of being carried over.
At SMITH BROS.' they go.
You Know the class of Merchandise w'e carry. You
'r know that high quality and newness characterize
our stocks. These offerings are neither old or un-
desirable goods, no matter how low the price.
LOT 1.
Balance of our outmost mua
line, in blue*, pinks. navys,
blacks sed reds, prices were
20c mud 25e, going at 12jc
Balani of fine co'ored ging.
hams, were 12(jc to 17e, going
at 10c
All our regular 12ic prints
going at .. 100
LOT 3.
Special lot colored waists,
were 80e and 604•, going at 25e
Ladies' white waiatg, were
11 00. going at 75c
White waists, were 11 25,
for 11 00
Latest shape aid Mt colored
waist'', were 6Cc and 75e, ggo
ing et 500
LOT 5.
Ni.e line fancy and plain
st bleak eotten s..cks, g ing
t 2 pairs for
Fine grey and black fedoras
oing at elearing',rives,
Yea's *draw hate, worth 75c
nd 11.00, new Aspen, going
Special lot eo'ored print
ire, Rome were $1 00, some
c. Going at 50e
Men'. and Loge clothing
*gain prim..
See that
yot get
coupons) for
all you
LOT 2.
,Ba'Anceof untrimmed shales
!Miele arid children's fumy
straws, sei or I ate, welkioo
hate, etc. Don't mire this
chance W Bt up or get a
setoud hat.
t Going at hal( prise.
LOT 4.
icily ostume is* the *tore At
e rsdueed price during this
1,trcial lot Bedford cord
s in shade*, blue, red,
swum grey, brown. regular 50.•,
goingltt, per yard....... 38.•
Fane silk* for waidte br
tr mining% all reduced.
Make of early choice.
LOT 6..
White underwear, n1' re
Ldiea' Jacket, nmol rapes
going at minced prices.
Ladies 'separate skirt. oir,8.
nf. reduce.I price.
7.arlle.' rain .cloaks, limn% 5$
lured priers
Smith Bro's & Co.
ThIIIIDAv, Aug. 6.
1', F. Bamlla *peat Sunday In Kmcar
.1. B. Hawkins wan In Rooheser on bust
nen last week.
Mrs. Alec a'rswfor., of Toronto, le visit
log her dater, Mr.. I)• Long.
Harry Quaid, 5V11Ham Brown and Hu
tor Hawkins are taking to the harvest es-
ourelpos to Manitoba.
Mrs. Vandell tont for her home 1n Chi-
cago yesterday after a yislt of two menthe
rite her danght* r, Nies. Alf. Striate,
Mr. and Mn. .lobn !Sennett, Mr. .rd
Mrs. ,Is*. :Watt and Mn. A. U. Hawk no
attended the blr,odav party given In honor
of Airs. Quaid. sr-, In Dunlop test week.
TurFA(.(. Snow. --J. N. Vanatter, of
Tits Stuv*t., and T. Slother, oaovaued the
village In the Interest .•1 the A,hdeld and
Wawanub Agrioultur.l SaoLWy for alive*•
tbements to their prl.' list and teport great
slowest, all the hasten men with very fore
ezesptlons sting specs The direotore
have Mad to enlarge the pr,.', list none and
will probably have to add eight pages more.
4014. citizens of (Dungannon bays beaten
thele previous good record by s great ,e41.
The president and board of director. de
1110 tti tbtok the petiole o1 .lung.naoo,
Luoknew and (iodertoh for their very
liberal support .,,d tees antic In making the
annual fur the encase that (t Is. The lair
will be held on U0t0bar loth and 11 h and
the directors have hew very fortunate a
eeouring a crest nosey artraotions and •erg
Important special pr. reg. Among the Istter
wei may mention a special prize from floe.
S. T. Darrow for a bard of grade cattle.
The Canadian Hack of Commerce. through
Mr. Williams. the manager at God. rich,
gives a tory handsome medal for a herd of
tboro..ghbred shorthorn cottle. Burrows &
Son, the seedomeo, gate a special prtrs for
Beld roots. The board of directors rive a
*pain for the best gentleman'. outfit.
The services of J. H. Cameron, tl Toronto,
have been secured for tan• evening enncert
la oa000atloo with the fair and. tee di. eat
Ore are obtaining other Brel-class talent.
KeerythropTiedieatee that aha. tat(. aha. --t1
1931 will Le eves more successful then
those of the put year,.
TrIten.Y, August 6.
Tilt EILIP11114' RAliWAr.-At a apo lel
mentos of 1ke township couarll held terl.y,
the following resnlvtlon was 1,100.4: Moved
by William Young. 'roonded by Rlohard
Jowell and , asnl,rd, that • franchise be and
s hereby gr•otel by the munio,pattly 1.1
the towo.h,p of 1'. !horn. to Meseta Me
Uilhouddy rind 4.oldthmp•, In Cruel for a
company to he formed. for a term of fifty
years, for the l ull•Lng *,,l operator of en
1153trio railway In an 1 upon oerlaio nl the
!debut's of rho raid townahip of Colborne
to he hereafter agreed upon by and between
the said municipality and the Enid Messrs:
Mot;tllicuddy and Goldthorpe. leis farther
agreed that the 1351 railway shell t.- exempt
from all t sxatton by the said motiolpailfy
Int the Bret twenty -on, years o1 the ssii
term. The said franchise le granted only
on condition that the saki company as
formed a000rdiog to •elute, aril operation*
oommenoed within nee year from date.
More talk about our
Annual Sommer Sate.....
01 the Town Council, on Frl
day Evening
San ('o•, unneleteetng (their, 16 ; RL.ctrloel
Conetruutloa (:e., of Linde', repelrtup
transformers, 112 11 ; It. 11. Cute, relief,
.+;u.. 110.63 ; Oboe. J. duper, plumbing a1
tows* hall, galvanized iron pip., etc.,
1 4a,46.
With . oommuelos1 on Irom J. W. Smith
was enclosed a bill of 14.25 for damages to
hie wagon caused by hie horse breaking
A target Manufacturer Uhl ss.us. 1.et . through Tato the „mer. The contrail war
or Tbl.p-The H *ante..., ere &eked to pay the hill. The public works
lett AOraat Asked for tt.,- orange committee was author:val to aol In the
Celebration of too: matter.
All the monitors of 'he ouuootl were pre.,
NI at the regular meeting Mild no Friday
evening lot.
The treaeunt'e •tttement br July was
as follows : - ` •..4
iBelanoe from Jeb* 1 879 3:
Tu $ WI7
Wateses rata 506605 6
Electric hrht rates 472 04
Sohool grant 442 00
11 lis payable (renewal) 1500 00
iVaterwo►ke mstateuaaoe 22 33
Mbltland cemetery 59 50
--- -$3704 22
14,583 53
Sel•rles $ 201 64
Printtag and advettlsiog 15 00
Senors 87 37
Fire department 10 00
Council chamber and of•
floe sep•ous 22 12
I'ublto works 237 410
Manly 8 00
Debenture interest 125 00
Italie payable (renewal) 1500 00
Bask Interest 188 50
Waterworks capital 9 50
Waterworks maintenance 322 64
Electric light 110 25
Sohool grant 457 75
Electric light capital 67 31
Sp.olal arses* 175 00
Uranolathio walks 118 .57
Miscellaneous 10 00
Separate school 100 00
Local Improvemept Inter.
est 216 40
A petition with a large number of eigas-
turee, ask(Dg for the opening out of Raglan
etrset to the hayfield road, wan sent to the
public works committee to report.
The water and light oommittee reported
that they had advertised for 200 eleotrto
hot poles, 'slid that Jas. Leonard, one til
the employee at the pumping station. bad
tongued. Royineer Kelly reaommeaded
the appol0tm0ot of Allred Nleholeon to the
vac5..cy and toe committee endorsed the
re. o-nn•cndattun. The report was Nosed.
The report of the finance committee, re-
cnmmendir.' tho payment of • number of
se Ioupte, was adopted.
Tho special onmmltlee recommended that
the proposed alentrlo railway represented
by M. IT Cameron be grant. .1 the franohtp
of alt streets within the town neoeseary tor
the purposes of the railway. to refereuoe
to Mite. Hantsy's demand fur rent, the
ohalrman and the Mayor had teen lostruot
ed to oo0aalt the town solir.itur. Toe re-
port was adopted.
M. la. Cameron was imam! to address
the council in regard to the electric beau)
prt jeot, and at the conclusion et his re
mark. the following resolurtoo was pre -
touted mid wee referred to the special own,
mane : "That a franchise be and v here-
by oUered. Lv the corporation of the town OJ.
(7"d.rieb to Messrs. Mel;.Ilieuddy .*o4
Goldthorpe, to treat for a company to b•
formed, for • term of fifty year., for the
building and operating of a street railway
in end upon oertala of the 11,0.1e of the
*aid town of I:odeneh to be hereafter agreed
upon, on the fodowfog oo*dItions, that Is
to say : the said street railway shall be
exempt from all taxation by the said town
for the fine treaty one years of the said
--13972 13 term. Tee cid Messrs. Mcl(illlouddy and
-- Uoldtherpe *ball have three months from
$ 611 40 this dais 1 the 2nd of August, 1'9011 to which
A immmaalcat.on from the J. E. Ellis to •coapt this offer, and snail commence
('o.. Toronto, rtgaesting an order for new work within oars fear ther.trom.-
Ihe petite works committee raported
that they 14.d ordered the stile posts re-
moval from the Square ; also that she
agreement with Waiter Shuman tor the
laytrg of granolithlo walks bad boon com-
pleted and the wort of 000struotton com-
mended. The repdrt was adopted.
The water and light oommi(tee was
author:zed is purchase thermal ttqutrcd for
the power hi uro.
fugue^'ions wore Oren for the plaoieg of
elect r'• 't •lits is* Joho 1......'. houses the
rear it the town hall; and ;he matter of
repaiu to the 1 o ate wee lett to the public
works oommltto -.
The council then adlonrae.:.
A ap old meeting of Ibis council was held
on Mond.y etewne. Aug 5;h, when uhf
proposit!on of the 11 , 14 and Y. Electric
It►ilwuy Co. was taken up. This follow.
log ,:ember. were pr.ent: the Mayor he
the chair, Messer. !lumber, Martin. Knox,
Marney and Cantelor. C. Garrow 'and
as town s„ttcl'nr, sat the oompa.r was
dale for the town cle.k, wan read and or-
dered to be bind.
W. T. Marney asked for animal of the
location of as leughterhou+e within thelimt'a
of the town, oo lot 1S, oolu,e•ion A. The
request was grail:ed.
J. E. Brydgs•.' request for percolation to
eemoes a tree to front or his residrucs was
referred to the puldio works committee.
Engineer belly wrote that the aro lamps
tie about worn out and recommended that
the coaoo,l Wore purchasing new (amps ie*•
valiaate the new system of street lighting.
He tuggested also that the meter system
tor both slautrts. light and watarworke L-
envestigated, and he found mast of the
water and Lght taken anxious to hays the
meter system metalled and ha advised that
the water and hint committee visit places
where toe meter system and long•terning
alternating and 000tln0o0e current all night
enclosed arc tamps are ie use. It wool! he
• saving both to the °Unmoor. Anti to lbe
town. Referred to water and light nom
mune, with power to se,.
A oommuotoatton was reoeiti•J from H. rspra10oted by 51. 17. Cameros, barrister.
H Horror., of the hovel ('arpst Co , After . *aotder.bfe dteeswfon the following
'Guelph, •tating that the premise. which he realutlon w&e unaou 1t ,amend:
occupied -in that oily have 1...n sold and his "tiodmerlohm, Au ; 5 d,, 1901.
acs* 'I hey* to secure another Iocatlo.. Ho '• limed lo J. V. Mattie, s•cocded by
prnpored that with some ant:.'ance from • John Knot, and �esolved, that A franehl.s
abs town he would leeete his Witness here. be and is botchy granted Lt tL. eorro•a'.toa
"Amongst other things." he said, "1 scald of the town of I ;oder u:h. In Motors M.' * IIt
require tho tcllowing hnflding.: Photon' 3" ruddy and lioldtherpo, in town for * rem -
.100, three stories and basement ; dye pany to be turned, for a term o1 fitly tens,
116u.,, 30.1.0. one etn45 eng{n....1 boil* for th* hq .1t fps and r.p.rating of ■n el• otrle
hoose. 20s30, one story ; bleach hou.e, l0c
12ea•story. la.ddttteo 10 this, I weak' ornitllwe r t nf t10,4e4n aonf oan wleerrtlo►bto ooMh akhaergstrefeets
$12,000 eash by way el Ina, to be -a,- mirteedmprda-P;:aodyyrreo the oorparstioa
pfd in annual toualmeine witboyt interest ; sad the res d Musts Mc(. I -caddy and Guld•
Wm o1 this oast l propos a,, pot is stew thorp... o 0,1 fr,noblee le given only oo 000-
mi.bleae �iot5o 0001u add -Meta .$p0(-id+Woe that sant company to formed a000rd.
In hay Lukens 1 proppre to employ, to ung to statute, and operations commenced
commence, tbt*R- Bre to forty hand*, and with's' one year from date."
rn 45v In wagre ■usually from $8.000 to
110,000. I would also require free water COMING AND GOING.
sod estmotion from texatun for • period of --
tetra. '1'tese are in general the main points Lr. Mabee Is visiting hie home at VWeds.
In connection with my proposition." The John Kay, of Ferule, It. C., i. 'Ultiog Is
40,ttcr gas 400100 to the epecfal commit- tewb.
tee tytlliam Weeiawav, of Toronto, 1. obtuse
.I S. ('Istt aeLed ler the remia.loo of the in town.
rent due from Lim In the Loan for the nee 514.s Mara Harris ie yieltlag friends at
of *Ye old drill shed and stated that he Clinton.
wished to dlsoontifue the use of the huild.
ag. The publi. work, oommtttea was em J. 1'. Brown, of 6trat(ord, spent Sun.
10were l .wt Ib the matter. day In 1050.
Vnoineer Kally'. request fir a week's Hcllmoth Glasses, of London, wan in town
holidays wan granted, over Sunday.
A rotnmunI: atitn (min A. • M. Told laid . Miss Manor G.rrow is visitiog friends
fetors the 0:A ncll the propnrol to bold a et Reorkstt'e.
monster (*mute Cen,rostt.U0n lo Ood.rfoh
on the 12 h of July nett year. Mr. load
listed that *5, ejii-.'', 14.1 goaranteed:500
to be ratted by eabscr(ption. J'_n. heJp defray_
the expenses, and the 'scud! *u eked to
supplement this by a grant of at lent 8500,
for adetainee ',orates. The spm nl
11 000 or more would be requited to carry .Ise. Merritt, of London, visited 'friend,.
through the no!ctlaking .accaesfolly. het. ovcr Sunday.
There were very bright pro0Deote of incur -
ire • large tun,nut from the oily of To-
ronto, possibly f1,000 people. They were
moving to occurs l'urt Huron, a well 11
boat from Detroit, and with 14411(0aai boat
setvioa • gond representation could be had
from ('ort Islglii, r-u'hamplon, Kiera :rue,
sen. At the prarrnt time the Committee Mr. and Mrs. E. Monte are el* log the
sere its toed, w.th West. Woos, North and Pae• Amuioan eaposlttes.
N inth Path, O*ford, Keit Elgl•, London,
Mlddleset, N•,rth and South Hares, sod tt
Was expected that from 20,000 to 30,000
visitors would came to Godetioh. This
wuald meso • big advertWor for the town
and - Lfii-i!1 tfitiutloa 6T hole 125,000 to
840,000 smug the people of ibis town.
The wetter was referred to the spools!
oommittee, whom ler. Tnd.l is to meet for
the purpose of giving furtherinform,tion.
Teo tollowleg acoounte were soot to the
finance committee : Wm. Stiarman, jr.,
for relief, $1 25 ; J. f( Worsefl, pips. ate..
120.05 ; John Morrie, osrpeatering, $34,77 ;
1'ne `n:HAL, printing, $12 ; Uodsricb Or- Mr, and hire. Therdn-e Crandall, of 1)e
Tie Misers Attti6 left r,n Tee day for
I'l,ttsbary, Mo.
M41 Nedae Cbrys;AJ,of i.ondon, is visiting
-ter *nee 7. titre:. __. -
• Mus Nairn, of D•trott, Is ys;tlog her
auut, M,.. Moms.
Alta. W. L. Eliot left Meeday amnia'
on s 035.1 :o laondon,
Mrs. R I: Rod/inst. visit fog the meet.
al hone at Magrvell*.
51'0. Ira Wel-h, nl'tret'ord, as visIting
her mule. (4, '1. Welsh.
Or. -en' kin. C.seeday, 4N of Klogs-
brldae, here returned to town.
Chat w'aeob, of New York, M speedier
kolldeye st his home here.
Mef7orle home freer Ruffs* end writ
not return for some week*.
Amon (bx. nl Cbtepp, is` vteMlog hie
mother. Mn h.muel Cas,
(felt Rield.ne, of Hamilton main town •
tow days daring the wrek.
Miss resale Stra ton, o1 Reohestee, N.1 .,
14 vatting her parents here.
Have you siren our tow full cloth hound Books, direct from
than English publishnro, 1 27 titles G1 pi;k from, all one price, 15c
Special for light Summer Reading :
A now tarries of paper Lound Hooks, regular 250. ()ur An-
nual Smuttier Sale price, 15c. Remember those books are All
taw, clean and fresh : .itro,•t from the American' Publighero.
We have also a ee11e4 of paper bound Hooke, published by
r)onough tiros., Chicago, at 25c Our Annual Summer Sit'c, 1tQ
Tennis Raoketw, Croquet. Base Ball Goods,
Fans and Hammook• Annual Snn,rner Rate price, } elf.
Crinkied and Crepe Tissue Paper, regular 10c. •r d I5c.
Our Annusl Summer Sole pure, 5c per roll. i.00k sharp if
the pretty colors
per Bull.
you wish
Just to hand :
A new line of Souvenir Goods, Sterling Rilver Hpoona, China and
View (toed..
School Opening :
1f you wi.h to save money huy your Rchool itooke and
Sohool Supplies at thin at. ret the largest stock and the lowest
PORTER'S Book Store,
(ter Tela eincia 4e No 100 H Court. Monte Square, Grader/oh. i IrrThe Waco to huy all HarslwAre cheap
ortland Cement.,.,,...
Why use inferior material when the highest grade of
Cement can Lc lin-1 nt (t similar cost, or even less, limning
much more durable work
best record of all the standard Portland Cements.
We have the teats of strength of one Belgian, one Ger-
man, four Canadian and two American expertft before us.
Anyone can see these tests at our store, and if about to tine a
quantity of Cement can, upon application, receive a beauti-
fully engraved treataro telling of some of the uses of PEN.
INSULAR PORTLAND CEMENT -what has been done
with Cement and what is being ,lone with it.
troll, are vliltlrg their coude, Wm. Camp'
51r. and Yr.. J. H. Milnm are violas*
relative, at 1'rok(urd, Mlob.
Mn. i'wmore has been epeadlug the weak
with relatives at Wroxeter.
W. D. Huston, of Exeter, was in town for
a few days durttag the week.
Will tam t\ add.11, of London, wan In town
a lily or two the petit week.
51!., Slirrte Cooke, cf'aglasw, lltch , ie
tbe guest of the Misses Yell.
Mous Janie Mogan le speading her hell
days al bee home In Stratford.
111,, and kin. T. U SVrtrhr, et laodea
are vultl•g •t the l' tut Peru,.
Mr. N. IL Smith sod children loft Tuve-
day mor0tog for Vancvuttr, 11 11.
Mt.. L roue Tr ud-
geon, Mils Jeanie
Whitely .,d Mise
I.uuls Aad*, us hero
biatvialtia_ *hs 1'.n
Amvlcaa tit. b u,,,.
Mtn. A. 11. td,u hit \1 .allay morning to
a trip to Alvinatoa and St. Thomism.
Mee. Armour and little daughter have
returned to their home In Woodstock.
M. Gloster, of Roanoke, 1'trglnta, v:i-
Ited Mn. 1'.y.ur It few days LN week.
Miss 1. U. Hunter, of I;•sn•teed, la the
guest of Mr and 51.. ,1 I*. ('main*.
Mn. W. 1) C.% an 1 ohilJreo, of Lwow
Mitten, ere vettting their relatives hers.
Aire. 11. ,1. Hays end son, of Toronto, are
viett.ug at 51r. (inose,'., Bsybeld road
Mn. Williams and L!adssy R'elsme rr
turned from tbu.r s .sit .0 ((5,.. lost r .tor i,
Misses Chars A and 11.1. 1. wdey left 14.4
week os • visit to the Pew Amerloan exh.bi-
'Harry Nrr,te rem, 01 to Toronto onl
Moods), alter span llug 1 weeks to
The Misses Sarah an ' I'.cnt \Vatsoc, of
Stretford, 5er1 vhtlatng in town during the
wen k.
Mia. Tower, of tV,l,, 5040, is yisitlnt at
the residence of Geo.. Thermion, Elgin
•v WIC
M1.. Hatt;.1'o.o„h ha* returo.d i.,n.
niter attending Ow conservatory of lis Dei
•t '1'oroato.
The Misers �j411�,I.oh, of Buffalo, aree-0•M
lilting their finetltksw,; mss (-Auk.ire rru.u.at. -
.1. 1'. Startle, eau lout
ity, will be In town fosse Me rem der of
he hot day term
Mr, I.,. ,•. sad �(
ord. spew. • few day
town the put week.
George Smith, of Smith Bros. & Co., I.
Moodily morning on • trip to the Pan
metloan exhibition.
William Enna, of Prlooetoo, wheeled to
sen Toseday night and is vi -ala.' hie
sole, Wm. Barrows.
Theo, Cateac'ay, of Toronto, has hew
Smith, 0l y} tat.
yallt11g fries 1e*
daring the put week.
ninon friends to G0derlch and Auburn
Mrs. Andrew Oliver. of Galt, and bfr'two
loss are visiting at the home of her si•tif,
re. Alex. Saunders, Cambria road.
Mee John Aik.o1old soli noo,l'eroy, fir-
efly reetdeau of town, now of Fa*1ea,
sryl.od, have teen vlsuiug old friends
Misses Mary and 51 oft 51 or left for Toros.
Wednesday morning, where Ih,y tweed
pendlog a month ar, criog all the !:.:est
esigns la mtlllusry.
\Ire Step;ar, 01 Sarnia, arrived '.star
•y tenrn,n4 10 re.t nor c. till°, Mrs. Mt.
Mohlm, but rewly,ov a telegram an -
For the Sick .....
The doctor can do you no goal un.
leas his prescriptions are properly put
up from reliable ingredients,
That .. where we render invaluable
aid to the doctor.
We .'ompouud proscriptions as they
&hostel be,
F. N. DUNHAM, Phro. B.
sores, of Wnt at. and the Square.
nouncltg the death of • relative at Sarnia
ea returned boon on Monday.
Moa Lexie .oatherland, stenographer for
the Goderloh Organ Co., le away on her het.
IJay■ and Is taking a trip with her tacker
on the sottr. Singapore.
R J. Graham, Mayor of Belleville, was r
town oo Saturday 000terr(ng with Majfee
Beck on business matters, Yr. Graham baisg
latereeted In the Seltlurd evaporator.
The Misses Stell• and Gertrude Holmes,
of Detroit, who here been visiting et it W.
McKeazli e, left on Tuesday to spend • few
days as Holmeerflle before returntog home.
Min ('ousta•o. and Caffrey Holt, ac-
companied by Miss Middleton, of Rolla.,
Texas, who has been visiting here, lett o0
Friday to volt the Pan Amer)oaa ethib(.
John Dolor, a coo of the tats Samuel
Donor, o1 this town, is visiting his aunt,
Mrs. ('brisrophersoo. Mr. Detfor, u a
United States soldier during the last few
yeah, hes done 'ervloe le the Philippines
and also yielted various pointe on the main-
land of Asia and hes ha 1 some veru Interest.
lag experiences. He has recently been
dleobuged from hospital alter a prolonged
and serious, Moen, sad a not let etroog.
is finer, Mie. Mary Dealer, Ileo is hero.
nge of Business.
aving purchased for Caen at
lo rate ou the dollar the
illinand Fancy floods
11110. rt.. rat, we aro prepared
sell cl:ea
(2054 ' ANI) sm.,
McLean's fila k,
S MAIR, °'Data"-
who once has, by wearing,
experienced the difference
Walk -Over,
the famous American-
made Shoe for Men, and
other shoes will not wear
the others. There is no
longer, in such a case, any
need of argument,
are the handsomest and
easiest shoes ever made.
They are elegant in con-
struction, superior in
quality, and yet moderate
in price.
- All styles for all uses
and occasions.
Soleaaggont for QUEEN
Qat ALIoe WY.
Yfa,ar•ese so. •;
one -
1,4_111410e1 Warr N
0 ur three midsummer bargain days were a success greater by far
than we had even hoped for. We waited on more people. sold more
goods, took in more money than on any three days sin_
this store with the single exception of the first day. After _.
nothing surprising in this. We told you just why we would
three days' sale, told you that we were going to sell the lines ad•,
at bargain prices, told you just what the prices were and as n
we opened
! there is
_..r as
possible what the goods were like, then invited you to come. You
came and found things exactly as represented and as a natural result
our sale was an unqualified success. All this month we will be bus)(
getting the store and stocks into shape for fall business. Strictlym
summer stocks will he kept fully assorted right upto the
season, but shrewd buyers can pick up manya little odd lineend oothe
at money-
saving prices all through August. Here are a few of them.
Odd Lines of
Dress (foods.
Little lots and odd lines
that we are willing to pay you
well to help us clear out he -
fore the end of the month.
Nssvy ail wool erre", Heel" arra
task,., jest the thin/ for skirts, a
refful.r 5Oa line, for August we r�ry
will sell it a 37c
Fur. q „I t7 D0r0 wort blank grena-
dire, good black, mat pattern,
will mike a stylish costume, regu-
lar 75,, ter Auenst we mske it50C
F n0 141.lity slut, hi ,ak lustre., no-
thing batter for rummer ektrte, von
kinw their wearing laaltttu, the
In. of .60a line, sea mark It for 37c
A utust ielltig
1 and , n'y, brown dregs serge, aloe
shad., gond weight, firm make, all
Dore wool, 40 tooter wld,, on odd
line, so tor Angoet see mark it
(:ray, fare, blas grey, brown sod
da'k groan plain dress goods, all
wool gond., materials thst make
s yl'.h belts end weer wall, last
8o!slino that told at 50.3 earl
60,, new anode this season. It Is
time to clear them out end our "_
'loco now is 35C
A few end* fancy dress goods, light
shsdes. stay Bee m risk", suitable
for waist* or ohlldren', dr..,.,, reg.
slot 6Od sad 7.5•, for August
ws 5111 sell them at per yard 25C
1 end brown broadcloth, 54 lnohrs
wide, good weight, will maks a
handsome suit, regular price was rr
81 25, for AaIt wi11 be . r5c
Still Some Laces Left to
100 ysrd• black and ohne s Ik
a'so, rod •tel he, sold at 25, , iO.
35o per yard, our August pitca I2y
More Corsets at 57c.
2.1 pairs of chows, .11 standud doll s
makes, paellas fitting, all .Itw, 57C
s hula they lest our price le ... .
21c a Yard Saved on
Estes goal trinity I:nrll.h Bsee o'
ette, fall vard w,d., last now., 2
ends only, the p 100. le 1211, but
for Anguat se willed! Il tt ata yard l of;
The Last of Our Tweeds.
We are going oat of tweeds
for inen's suits and to clear
them all out continue our bar-
gain (lay prices all through
100 ysrd. of 011 wool tweed., gond ,...
qualities, dark aloes, twofer dal
lar a yard, tar August one Otto*
will be ... 4SC
•• ee
A D V' Ts Ane
0oeaaww,A.og 11.
tail Wheat, old 0 41
new, 0 5r
*lour. family. per owe.,., ..r1 lis
/[oar. Petco[. per cwt150
Bran, a ton..._ . _.... �11 OD
aborta. Veva ....w�., fb OD
coroe,inga, per cwt 1 0o
We, per bush 0 40
Huck wheat. per bush 0 Io
Lara• P bush -.. m
Pecs, 0 bosh....._-,.._.. 00
Martel. oar bush 97
ar, Y ton. ...W
('aloa. 0 bush„ new 03
Caere. per Ib
fags. fresh aapaebd. • dam.._
Hides -_..... _.•-
Lire Hors _
levered Hogs
H , per lb.
Lard. per Ib.
Drained ,Beef tore quarter
Proud 140.1. hind
For Salo.
Doled opposes ion Ita.t Wewano.t
acres cleared. balance hardwood bush
house and modern barns, well watered
tenon,. 111 good state of cultivation. s of
farm. TI104. BROWN, Auburn. It
P Nan !toots and Holden Wyandotte
Ise a•d hey one year old, (0o each. e
r rtes oe lame Oman I aookarele fro,.
94 esoh. ('are bred Pekin dunks, 55o
Alto osis better two yeses old : 1 you,,
Iuoe.eeseyl due to oalve Aug :7th. O
gigue • ford. eeMss anitoba. AddreIt. LEN
.1 000abtICH. Tor sale on new*
terms, the property know, as the UI,11
lands. being part of block "e ' In the To
Yederlek, ooataining about JJ ,ores,
bundle and water. rights o, the Weerlied. Tor term* apply to (JARROW L
50W, solicitors ter the veador.
$1,500 CAASHwtOK ON TERM.ll puree's* that
ono. buuee with asnitft roomed addltloo.eit
ea I'Icto, throat. Halt ao ,ore of laud
all the outbuildings thereon thrown 1,
further particulars apply to Tf110, J. M
100 0 e* 1P l lay A d d I'. 0. 311
L"U R NA LE. -LUIS 95. 96, 117. 118
r and 1 tl In Hutchison. (ys�urvey•
°oder%oh. For particulatl apply
Barrister, to., ()relied
March IIt4, 1100. nes
Ortaart and musical dlrooto, of M
Methodist 'baro*, end teacher or N
pipe organ .ad theory. will he pleased
rove pupil,. Anstruotion OTOS Nth
studio or al p0pt 1's home, w desired. 8
et ICaerson'. Mate (ten. WS tat.
Mall al.
y 1(Y A NS and Surgeons. (Slane la
of Comments building, west side of 4t
:light nils bt residences
• Sbaenon, Or. Hallow,
old residence, Napier et. zoom
'Phone 11,
Insuranos, sts-
First door soutk antle of Wept *tree
over ('. P. R. Oma•*.
U.rreepond.•et: J. v. MEAN xy t C
Ail orders promptly. executed.
✓ ANCA and reel estate •goer, gra
door east of 1'. 0.. Goderloh. Agent fo
leading mutual Ore Insurance 0001,110(0
leading eto.k 00114.11111011
Mercantileand manufacturing rio
ioweet rotes. (:all at once.
AOooyotent and Insurance Age
Hooke and acoonuste msde hp.
Ifuildiage rented ani rent* 0011.4,104
Fire lwnranoe la Mittel end Ca
Umo.- In I'roudfoot fi Hats owns.
newt 00dssioh. 4
▪ aURANCE ant Real Estate
Fire, 141e, Aocldeetand Plate Glass Ina,
'Martel on mutual or Dub plan at 1
rates 00Mlhle.
Best English and ('anadl*n oompani
r.eep ted.
08a up door to (terra* B. (Jarrow
Asters Ilm5lton etreot.
Publls Notts,.
aMice that anyone bathing o
Glenda tsing or tampering with the
shooting or trespealing noon any pert
property, will 1N errata antoo
slaw' 1 . ATT1t11.1.
apotinailoe will he made 1t I5
of the Legislature of the t'rovi
Ostarlo for an Dot to Moore vet a net
/or ft, kale -lag enrollee•. among oths
(U T• construct mKists, maintain a,
ale an eleotrtc nilletay railways or
railway system from a po pt' or ne
loan of 0°000105 to a point ld ur ge
Yuma of !meteor". In the count of
thene through the county of county
110'11, 10 or near (50 town of W'logham.
t0 t*r vl(.aga of lerp•eel.. In acid
thence in the town of 9seforth. In said
4y. (hen00 to the i (llage of 11.y0eid, 1
'euniy, aid those* toa 90401 10 or 11
.i5,4 inwu *1 tyoderloh : w(Ih power
', I p. maiataI s and operate a
iln0 frdnI a point in or neer ('.ar'ow,
aownahlD of (:ob1�yespe, to a point In o
uharu.1n *.l2Oiodnt,, 4 thence 10
11, o. near 1410 yllly ■n of5tlylh and f
1414nn ,( to a near 4 `4.41.9. Ili *5. too
('elhorne, thencIoagh td44i
Aabdeld. to a speoemibirto or n5arthe l*lncardrd
Me 00nnly of Bruce, theses to a pool
near Port algin. In gild nonny. then,
paint t► or near 9oethemprnn. In geld
and thence 10 g point In or near Wier
the gid 09un4 of Bruce, and with 00
nonetrnn•, equip. malt,taln and opo
nra0ch nee from re point on the Jnno
the r411wry �lween the village. of
end prpq.►ln(4 through IL.' taw ng
Manley and ilay to s Ix,tnt t[ a neer
on ;14:
4 ,ha townsblp or 9r.phan, and th
11,00.1 iron drin tar he now erlatlng
(1*,. Of n((wu, ant v n'e ap of .
51,•05, haghwaes and (ands
anthortred . y the manlnlp•lltlea r
n LpAlv114ldnas
0tem• hevinn I.Irl.dlatlen o
IMI o ep4hte Ing cam P5ny to m
raogrrsent• r. -g1{ .dtog (011150 or 50,111
seroma. h(Rbway. pal land�1 nd h, 0
stn i*ade for O,e pyrpokkes 01 �btop nam -
Ira Towable l4*. 0061950 f soot
with, acg,lre *0,,.10.14, Meal. ryncbl
•)rneroab Insnne1g'Mtes s with
h other n90,r.poatilo.sr
nnsaAMe1kinangd to enter 4010 testa
ei• h
ro kis eets In paid ups
y 1
4t To build, aeav(re. ewe,
gt(Igsta ►ed nee IOOlm a0d .itis
W q4 neaNr,nt 5114 maln4ln 111 e
w0arv.(, pied warsru,nw, plat • and d
�IpaTnase of the OOmpaay-
•e+7oke 1•'1 for t5. fps in:
wrset(ag 154 osweaNag, 1 wtM
AgM(renl Ind ep*1•
lem�a�. aha 1 .,, of rallwaf of the*
^""I •Msel Y 17tH
dal of Jo
M. O. OAY t1N,
ItsMate tee A