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The Signal, 1901-8-8, Page 7
. .. . . _.. ---S MUHOEO BOEfl u NATIVE SCOUTS@11 r - A Kritzinger Will Shoot All I Natives Armed or Not. C 1. 1 I BOERS MURDER A YEOMAN. s' The Hloek HOYee Nystent a Great , Success -Tho War Cod& ♦0,000,- I o00 a We011II-110 hrant for Huller - Kruger's Vlell lis life lila(&"-- i The Lords I,ser Roberts' Grant. l.c.tatlua cable: �fho War Office i 1,a+ received the following despatch ( free, Le,rd Kltehtrtor: • (icaereLl F. W. Kitchener, atter a I"ni Clisaro of Bon V11),en's cunt noltndu, caught up with it. A sharp fgit ertrued. We captured a tsoW- peau and 2!-' wagons awl tewk II_ prisoners. The British had fivP - --3kOyudctL7, - --- -- . A despatch from Amsterdam says: -._ _}x•J'ravtfdest Kruger_-,fxar reaoly- Mr. Van Scldlk. PrerWebt of the Ilul- Lender Club, of Clwcagu, who, It is %' st t1w 11INI0rYtwxsd, lneltWl him to 11 United Stater. I,wULLlr received Isere of what at first rsemel an urdleury ekirusish 1 between a Britt411, O"Itimn awl A litter eexuuuando Renoir Aquta, July 28th, ,Ir,wr haat it hard toll -day flight tw rurrxl, In which the- British ear newly emnimopeed til • kind of ragulf of tin 07th Field Battery, F (Iced Boers r, p•utodlY rumhed Ute Brltirh porltl(In, killl"S Ai.t j )r E s- wards and t;unswr Carpenter. TIN gas warat it gallop e mhir4w alcl sed up it d tak t' under heavy lice. fire. F'Iry British erre kill& 1. Attacked by OaaaAlaus. Town cable.: A deepyatch drop Vereoulgiug. oft She louudury betw the Transvaal earl the Or- abgo H er Culon,v, OLYII: Captain McDougall. commanding at .posit at HOutakup, eight miles to the sa,rthwest of title place, took fifty Callmliand, with It msteu-pounder uN,w,tain gun, to (IL,10.1g.• disuse Boors who wore k)sowe to looks u tarm- rr sal Ies to bare at Zear(uplritl, Ukr the south of Verreusging, their ren- ilesve" liixty Burrs were It, the bounce and they are said it) Ifuvr sewfered severely, ad they exposed themselves to u heavy tire. lit in ee- theated that they lost twelve mcu killed. Wed in South Africa. ranrplree that there were lilt) Brit-' reserve he had provldoelfor fint\ncing Ni trou,w aboard the train, while the this third quarter, but he had reu- ut,ro uuda r l'uuuuuudunt t4tbuepere puts to hope that this would Rut be uuiberd 155 Thu Boer* luuted the uruessary. Iggacc of the parsengerr, bat re- --- rentol upon. the appeuranoe of wt Nu tiruut to lieu. flutter. ruortxl train, which fired on thew (Ith u Maxim gut%. Nine dead Boers Lowlou. Aug. U. -In the lienee of (Pre found use the field the following Culuwuus this afternoon Itight Hou. xuruing, A. J. IlikWour. the Ouvernwent lend- er ill rt# ly toaquestlou by John —� , Out Howard's Death. D Montreal report: Serlit. liuwe, Of It" Itowurd tbuutr, who arrilewl hr re ()-,lay Oil hie way home to the orthwert, gave the fulluwlag iso-• unut of the df•Ltb Of "Unt." How - rd : "We were skirmishing lis drtueh- Kasts through Pretoria. and were pproaoltlag Vietretief, when we iso- iced a couple of Muer wagutns at on"" distance fruw us. Midur How - rd, lis company with as orderly find servant, thluking unduubtrdl) that o would find but a few Boers, left is d(tachment, and went over to- ✓ardo the wagons. A little lister, anrlux "h'KAWK in the vlo+ntY toe the rng,�Its, my detachment 11111" dlitle- y hurried forward, and found that ie nluy)r had been *hot deuce. The nlerly had also b:•en shot. Tb'n color- ,ergeent when awilmi what had takett Secs ntld that the majeor had tNfel ullatl upon to wurre ader by a crowd d Iloerr, lthd had aftcrvartlr been hot with his own revolver. ,ni. kers had esc%pN%l b4oro the (trot df- .nch)ueut reneh*A the w•aguser." ('evil Sttrgtr)n F. C. Mneelonald, who. 1 Nle} i cit 1 i brother, William. vltIl his bre h r 1 Sian v►th lJ Battery, Iluynl Cassa Aoki Artillery, for mer Acro In South LG len, came over with Lite Cann- Ihtn Scuutd and reughed Quebec ull donduy. YesterdiLy he called On its old aequalutancnm at tile. OPn- •rat Hospital, Toronto, where Iter orother, who had returned In Jiaa- tary lust, In slow house surgeon. Anil wan given n hearty welcome. characterizes ns • u lit ha n ) Mutd nu c r 1 r. noorrPet the report that "Gat" Howard met Ill() death through treachery, sed ways it 'vilaa" gener- ,Illy believet the gallant soldier Ihd In a fair fight, Lieut. Callaghan participated In all the engagpmentm In which the Mountotl Itlfles and Seuutr took purt, and several timer had narrow 1•eeapes from death, having lend a hole ►trot through him hat. and also hitting had two horswt shot under Islas. Wtlrn ward reached till- Scouts ile Scouts that their commander, Ma- rr Howard, had been killed, the Or- der wits at once given to recover Ills body. Lieut. Catlrtghan wee: given the command tit the left wi1ig Of this force, anti states that the Hoer* offered n stout realietance be- fore they were fhsnlly driven from thPlr, 'ppo,dtion. TO use Lite exprer- ri)n of Lieut. Callaghan. Allo Hespan www ,,ifOai and dead," three bulleto having plerced Itim. The Beer* In llermude. Ni,w Yuri report: MisY Kathar- . Out era r the D. 1•:Iwur, ufeuu of til 4 of Beriuudis, ham written it letter, uotc ISI Lite pu"rt'dslun Of Mr. lWitert. B. l'oemievelt, dealing will, tho con Sibiu of the .Boer lela,nerm In the lrrundr. The following from Mum EIN•us' letter, dated July,2Oth, Is fur- nisbed by ler. Itourevblt to the Times: "Ar no doubt you know, there id now it large Boer prison encamp- ment In Bermuda. The -Bono them- Dillon Irish Nationalist, said the Oov- •ruukent did not propose to ask for a Kraltt of money to General Cllr Rsd- vers Buller on account of hie Vor- viccr lis South Africa. liallsbury on Itoberlr. London. Aug. 1. -LI tho Honest of Loreto this aftartloon the Marquis of Flullsbury moved that tilt) Huusu ar- eata the King'r merwtge, rccummend- Ing that a grant of CIMAX)U be wade to Earl Roberts. The Preitik•r eulu- glssel tt great career of lite cum- tseautk,r-lit-01104, lilt# grwd luflut•nos over the army, stud Ida flue atratoVic ubllitle+u, which were dhiplayod lit A critical time In South Africa. Earl Spencer. Liberal, seconded the motion. which was carried uuabl- motlrly. Kruger's U. S. Visit London, Aug. 2. -According to lila Brk~10 correilpoudont of lite Murn- Ing foil, Mr. Krugcr's depsarturo for the t:nitel Stater iK fixe -4 .for tilt, awl of August. --- BATTLE OF MAGERSFONTEIN. A Vescrlplton Iteeeh•ed Fruits a Neniber of the Black Watch. Tile following letter from Lady - brand, Orasege Itiver Cblonr, wits sent c 1• to a n•f deet tit Teruel(,, by u nil -111 - her n her of the reglmeut now serving In the- $lank wetelaa- giving a- . curruct mtatt•mpat of the ptfage,rr(ontein re- verse., tk ,urt r describes vrreP. Tt, e letter1 e 'retch with th ack \\ r tile IIs taken b S other regiments forming the High- land Brigade from first to tart, used kill ler : Ttic, brigade lett Its bivouac three OFFICERS WHO W *1. I - - - - - ('humbertuin caW1rs_s. rx (lint gnite without occupation. and an as - Trouper Nelmon, is dangen,urly ill 'rx•Inlion has b•Pn formed here• with a of Puteri: lever. Ills west of kin flew to helping them to make It"(, is Tttusuat# hill, Nerd„n. Motnituba. sf.il thing., and alae to find theta Mr. Chawlwrlain sondes anuttier mem- ,om, Tort or re( rralhnl. Trooper earn eluting that 2.l, S rt# I use hunornry lif-cre(rary of thl+ ficor�e Richard Sertorll, South Atri aaI tatlon, ssdat present Ilallhere. eat: ConstabularY. � of scats to lie plenty to do. Down Ifere we ha%P bpe-culoxl., full()wing pneurnoulu, at nrrangr.t that the, work exchange Is __-_retrmsburg, on July L1. Hie next u( to sell toys. etc., made by Life BOeret. -- kin war Albert SerpetiG- ot-Szeter, bat we shall never flnd the male for • . England. - _. 3,0'10 m it's work in dries little Wftft4. comps Colored People. pit) I am moot anxinur to find Rome market In the Staten. if you know Crape Towa cubic: At n Iar9P of tiny one who would undertake to meeting of colured Peoria here tis- bay n lot awl resell lhpm in America day reuululbuud were adopted ex- I could arrange for n box of wtlnplt, promising ounfldence in turd Milner, toys, mar" nod prices, to by ment t;uverm)r of the Transvaal awl Or- to him. I am AINO trying to get angs Itiver Wtuny. The reruluticrnm some, lutmmockd with caraetl create - :,IA) appeal to Le)rd Milner no the• harm made, which. I sholeld think, ,Anunch friend of lite c„luret P40 might Nell well." plc for succor rami redresn ngaiuet --- 'tile attemplm that are. bt,higmade Iondon, Aug. 3. -turd Kitchener ISI certain quarters leo enact law" telelfrsephp the Wnr Mtlep from 1'rP- isehuical to their wtlfurc. torl•t thief 20) BOerm attacked n'otw Glchel patrol of Yr,munry. numb•r- cAPi't-IIISD T11F. TatF.AsURV. Ing house !;icer. ,1ranKtive-PcOttt'- atembers or -Free Sia'& Guverr- ony. Thr patrol had followed two meat" ReAVII 1'returla. cartiolutl a few ik)rrs fifteen miles when lhpY were wl,lflenly cut off by Prstoriu call.': Th,- ,;kill q har4her force. Tho Yeotnnnry took a,e,uON•rr of title Free Stat, uuvel•tr reJoke In a 4111411 bir11d1ng nrurfrvRfit cent jirfcr arriAc,l at Vr"lorIlt. until their ammnnitlon wnw V%- 'rnp tu,rmnl %nine n( the (;utero- lna,twtel, and three of their aerie hall (),cut etreamnr) capture•) at hilts i•• Bern w•onw1rd. They were compelte,l LI_,000,eventnlly tip sturrrmlrr. Thr Ilovrs Tne town Ivan pracll'Ally surNuod- then orlrrel the native a roots to ..1 by the British during the night, hold thrlr hnnde► tip, whereupon they lint it wan afterwards dfreut•rret were shut fiend. They also shot dend tilt,t nn unlre.fucutol roast had fiery lit fli)IIt.bl+wxl Yertmnn Pinch, iNlying he I. -ft mlgourflel. was a "('ape. it)y.ff corldenere (m oath The Brdtla i troops marched Into hie bet -n t•Iken of the murders. ItPltx at daybreak and captured all 11111 !Shoot Natives. the memb•ry of StP3J1'11 (iovernment. and many pronduent suppurtet". Tn itself hrr dcspaltch, under to -days 'I'hry were all caught "alect" ani! (Into, Lonl Kitchener says that (;en. they Inelmh•11 I let stern, brother of French. wilts in attempting to drive the ex-11realdent, Usurral Andrirm the &Pers out tit Cape colony, has re- ('r.,nje, Oeneral WeMPIn, ( ousmantnnt erlref It If4ter from Lisp iwee com- Inavld, CfommalNlalrt Brun, Sir. Frit- lannlrr. TCrftttrhger, In which the, Int- mpr, secretary to Px-Pry Itlent utt,yn, ter ann )uncra him Intrnllon of shN)t- ntw: Rlx'eo de Vftllers, secretary to hag till mativ(w, whelp"r armed or tin - the F.zecuLive, Sir. Brebm'r. head ill nrmet, wJti) are fnnmt In the plllpol✓i]- the Frce E[ato Treasury, alai nmont kde tlinkhtheere' have Tbeerrtespwa ny twenty-five others. When the niarm wits rndseh all the en prm recently of the sakA,-OA, NIPS Ileum& resshei from the houses in their mnrdpr of nnttvpp In the Capp l'ulon).f bight attire, shouting., "F:ngllmchr The Block Houses kommen "' Thry than (it [led madly A drispatch from Pretoria says tile abut, shoaling for their horsem. Klock-honxe wyxtrm, which Wali r Stp}tl himself woes greatly excited cr,ntl,t nel,q)tel fry the ilriti"h. In eve He- rnabed Oat Of a thnnan btr,•rtoul'•d dci'tl}� n pnerpmm. T11e block holder ttwnagel t`) mi•core the fird hors,• tib now, extend for n I011g distance. Th tl,IaAb(P, awl reels. off bxlrr•lmickf"I r:,nntrlt•(Inn jinx leen rapid, only al ,ng the untrrgneittptl roots referred f)rinlKht having IN•rn ncruplal If lar. Ho heel un exoce(dinicty narrow' Mdkhng Pnnngil or them to cover rRrnppsp of ]living him Ilfp, however. retch of country 18)falle's long \ as ter efKlitel him rifle tit the rx- Thies svSt-in IIIA rron'tea lnterrnpt 11rioddent at les than A hanArp(l Ing communication ►wtween .11rfer, n 4.olecs distant, ThP wether pulled the iy.djess nr Mere. and ennhlem the Brit trigavr, but the chnrgP missed fire, 1 41 to obtain necurate knowledge 0 ion,] fltryn, who was probably 01)' the mnvpmrnts of the 1xlrRhets. At aware tit Jlln critical situation, tneka un the reildwnym tire- Mal ,..enped. ' whrre the bt)ek-honmps have, tk'e Tlip other Government offirinL4, o0mpl,t,•,,and at the prpment tint fin -ling thplr Pw•,RPP colt Orr, morren- till ,1100 notion of railway art, pr dr•rpd, and It IA minted that there wens tenriir ('npinrpd rat ter ran nmv b nctttAll♦ ops xhot disci dnrinK the bro"allt along tilt, line, anti th . rrupatlon of the Learn and tit(, raP- liners nrp bring rnpldly deprlvrd r torr of the ofttrbale All 6tryn's correapnndrnce nm1 their stocks. ilrrakm In lir Iwn Stats dornmentm and CIS") In ('Fiat' lnOerby L ('ol�'rhrltchpner h na tire, .low ghn n r w•r•rt, aernrel, and tvmeyell to the n emcat will) and detentsel Cot nenrpet pxslnt on the r#tllwny title. R R _ mnndnnt VIIJnen hrtwppn lt(>n•tSrn Canadian flay for Afrlrw. lint and the railway. lin cnptnred 2 Boers. 15 wa gone. and n Poll)POI Ottawa report: The Department The, klghteonth and Nineteenth Hn of Agricuhure hnm Jest 0twoo"I On hp- norm netrd gallantly in thr fight. Irdt of thn I'tepprint antlf)riLlen nn- -,--s t otlirr large order for hay tier ship- gull Verer . 'lient to Month Africa during lhP n,nnth p( f#►ptsomiwr. Ocpr 10,00X1 Lion(bn. Aug• ff'cor tin tiOn4e ions will Wu sent from St. John, N. if fie4lny Lr+f Ill a _Y, tl it, dnring August, and the gepteinher F'innilelnl Serrelnry of the War O shipment will Amount to twtwPPn fir,, re-ply'Ing to n gnpptin"' paid tl I1.(x)0 and 121100 tons. \Vhpn thlm enat of the war In Month A104y111 fro gnnntlty ham IWPn tlpppatehpd It evil, April 1 to Jolly 311 `0 C3i,,T3(),(X tiring the totnl went til Knoth Africa pmril,e, chargrable aRrllnot the drflc from Canaria no to llNorin tons. All Of Inpt ).Par. 'nip nctnal crest 1111• hay lanae to be apr•rblly preappd ,idly wan C1,21'^OM wprkly. T by Ihp Rloomingdnle proc"n iwfrwe atntement wee grseted with ironic It Ip pinrfkl on ahlPbpard. Irish llhef•M. ,nip (hlnneelhir of the Exchrltn ('ntie 'Men nalAn : O01 & In rp- Air MlehnPI IFIOWN-110ach, Wahl It t ¢nal to the wrfr.king od w train by war eontimrrd nt the sump eo.t f ilio Sofro at Gpnnn Brld49A, near thO next thrpp nvnntb@, It wadi it-IffOrt *Pat, ('Ape Colnny, a few eaeltate spending the whole d t days agO, have Just been rpeetved. It c rap war ill reKDw+tn•i of tele torlgade, ell - rectexl a g.acerell ratlratuaut. The brl- galiu wan then retired out eat rifle rtkagt•, but were rubj lct W artillery fire for about an blur, atter which ukoy were retired anotbrr two miler W blvuWu•. The battallon went lilt() settles a little over 9W etrobg, lis rank alit file, of wiafalt 315 were killed and forty taken prlsonera. 1Yrir will pits& you a rough Idea of the part the hat talion took In tdN, ac Most. 11. tet. -In rererPlace to the -state- like state- nient tJsit the word 'retire' wits given by the Borers, m ane Of a Coro IKany did reatb the front trench un- der an officer, wlsl stater he heard Ww word 'retire' given from the kopJ0 In front of ham. __ PRAISED LOBO ROBERTS. Eulogy Pronounced by Balfour in the Commons. London oahle:• In the Houses of Commune to -day, proposing a reeio- Iutioa grttbttbg Ficid Marshal Earl Itotwerts C100.000 for lilt# rerleou In South Africa lib necurdauce with the r•ouuuneadaltuls tit Laing Edward, littnolinced in the llou,fe of L,orim by the Premier, Lord Salisbury, Mon - da) last), A. J. Balfour, lite Uuv,-ra- mrnt leader, to the course of n whom ill w 1 nreAn It -A,11 o lite r [ la u.o gy he compared with stash men nr Cul- livilwo rl and No Welk. Maribor - borough awl Wellington, until there was no doubt that lent for 1A)r l heli lata' daring and strategy, and the rapidity with ivltit•h late plans were curried out. Kbulterley- awl-maroklug would have (.Ilett. 11,000 British would have liven, starved tato NubmINNIOU at 111 have oil there w e illi and I -st 1 sm Y r.. beN•Il It general r.�,Rt: of di`ll)-allmtm lit Be)ulh Afrlr&, Great Britain might into rpeoverel therefrom. but ret What a cost? The country w a. ILL CONSIDER THE SAMPSON-SI �� �•�s� - - _7 r f".t 1 / �- w �1-j'\ t l\ ` , r 1 I '' �- 5 ~~;X •: .1 E NIL MANOEUVRES.BOERKILLED By AN EXPLOSION. iN FIENDS - C.Jmposition of Contending TO BE PUNISHED Two Known to be Dead and Fleets. - Many More Injured. Murderers Will be Given to CONTROL OF 1HE CHANNEL. I.ulNlua cable: The naval Man- 1 oouvrev took place yesterelay wlth- iu an arae Wait exteudif South- ward front the latitude of FAIll- burgh to the furty-sevottth learallt•1. h `dell e ht lis lisle specs to u,dluled the b Choanal, the mtvtu about it USIA, part of thO Daly of Biscay. Life territorial waters of furtigu Iltturals blug, of course, excluded. Tip house load of Ursst ltritalu war, un •.Use w1ketu ., Allotted W a ,rower owning the "B" fleet, while Ireland, the MelllY suit Lilco Channel Islands belong to auutlwr power poamesalug the "L:" fleet. In Lite first eaaao tile prort of Porto mouth, Portland and 1'IJmuuth were I *uplxxfel to be fortified and In a stat. u( adequate deteuce, and in the other Wtieeurtowu, the• Se'llhrf uml the Iwrb,rr of Aklertey Olid Linertl- rey, together with tlw vewralr fu tlwse ports, were Is Tet to be proof aguleWt attack by vesxfebt of ally descrlpttuu. Tldr assumed ulatc tat affairs was d Int probably ea t m Y xl pita g r lsurel tits n•swucuaWy exist durinK u struggle - fur aupreta+u•y In the Medlterrauenu• TIN, u)J••e•t of eaell fleet Ivan to tib Lain cmulultu:l of tlP English ('hnntiel and of the appruachRs to it, and to the St. George's hhannel, the ulli- Mato elm or fleet "\" twinR to stop traete In those waters. And or 11Pet B'• W cover' It. t erts ala 1 1/ to ttwe two m In a 1 Iltfon 0 tl o were form, -d, (u 1 Onr w r fever e, a r design+tted au '•C" and "IV' b •inK I,tta014.1 W the '•B" fleet and theme distinguished am "Y" and ."L" W Ute ;HLtY CONTROVERSY. /•t * � �r eTft,i,v, r .� _-i \� t �j®Ir A is ��' _ ; ` J 'Dr. r� ma=r fir'/ © / _ I • ) - .`- A ( - I _ t LDMIRLL A E, K. BENHAM. the Hangman CHAMBERLAIN'S SPEECH. Iraae X. Meed Oil the Falret It 1'ru- duced In the If Ouse -)'Ise ('044164 T) Approve& It--Ilpw Irl.ah Nations" - late Hecelvisd the Speech. New York, Aug. u.- Mr. 1. N. Ford, tturrespxldeut of the row• York Tr.- buuc, liar the full..w•Lug (1-apatch lis tu•..ay's tr►ue•: "\\'INttul,r mtght be rub! ubuut the worul ruprisalo uli ruitlunirm, there fit a r sea,, of relief u, leaking u eltrotrg awn Lit file trout with tit•• touruge r, quiro I fur speak ing plalkely. BY111,irli pot•led have- rearhed It stag,. of Ilubb herd where till, fuuctauat of the& uppusitlon ere paralyxel by rectifies' fecal" allot it'- trigWer, uu.l luck the , iwrgy for pu.ling LIr,-uwtblvcm together nu I wind • rex N'ltll 'II `Ili L told .• st s f t a. Y ,tip til w g rtreugth. Sudd.•uly Lh••r • is leader. ship by a State mail evIto Luker u rcr.uuR ai:,w of a wear (rroploying mere thole ::00,(100 Britfeh sdteiet4s fur tw() yearn, all 1 wIIV kauw4 tali town mind. Mr. Ilouwb•rlaiu'd rpenah\last IdAlat cape I.Ae a strong gal: , after a stagnant calor. It croated a uproar auwug thi• irGlt t8rmta:Ta end tn- teume e-Xcitimle+nt fu the I e, and e• it R word WAR o n r litort a r when th P' r. t ha d N'a+ tt:owse theft the liar rum da•ldsl upon u 1'0610Y of KrprlrNls, fu avower to Cuumraitdunt 1, t- zingt,r'r caallonge. It would lint tee n eye for an eye or It tooth for u tool lint till Micros shaslfug w'0undcd sul diets, or killing natives In the vert lei- tit ce tit the Britlmh would b, tried by euurt uuu tial ati l sentenced to death. lir. l'lutntb•rinist dill not flinch from the start tee lite finish. Ho declared that housee which sheltered those eon- certl(aI In the outrages ought to b• borfic+l;(tltat the policy Of elrvakitut- Ing the enemy's country Willy a Nat- ural o 1wratl en or _war;, that concern trat1. 11 camps had bec" humuuedy de - Invited and administered, in spite le terrible mortality that the guerW war had degenerated Into A cnmpsalg, cif 1.rigawltge unit outrages; -that mistaken letdency wens the policy o the poet, still that the, outrages, ane crinl•o ngnlnet lite laws of civillttr warfare would be Beverly Iscalt With. Mr. ('humbxrlain was terribly_ It eurneot, and reprrrentPti the ro men ecus& of Ute middle clam ' o Enghtnd, who now, an alwaym. hate tho real hold ere political power whoa hs. cOnten,td that tie' true to fllu"lurrs and eentlmrnt had pa uirt and that a war with each tlrrll, brlicaude and marauders must b brought to can end in a buednem s ilk wad'. f lr hoary CramletNHI-liannrrman en acted t1w pert of n Capt ate (nein SIX BUILDINGS WERE WRECKED. I'hllade 1phla, Pa., Ault;. 5.-A ler- ritle explosion In a bhx•a of rix bultd- hlgo on Llx:urt street mbuioe Teuth alre,ett, to-selglft, cutupletely wrecked ftto of the structures and cause.) the death' of fruw ten to twenty , lorduns. Over forty others word .•d. Saw to )1 rl injured. P"Y derh t e ,• or 1 )u w ft# Y of lhoro tutee to Thu hurpsicelr will die. It Ir trtisuatei that at least ;15 perruns were In the five build- iugr when the explosion occurred. turd the exact number of dead w111 parbbsthly not bo kuuwll for 21 hours. Thu buildings were uccupled as fol- Itow'r: 11(moematl'd billiard rooms; lionent al's a.ca,nd-lutud clothing store, occupied by Iturenthal, his pito and five children; Was. Jotaes' icoAurd) restaurallt, tx)cuP.Iwl lily Junes still clout flfteuu boarders; . Ocorge SIc('Irurmy's store, occupied by Mccleutnly, clerk unit w:rvant, Kirl; Patrick (41091PY'r dtxe, Occu- pied by Quigl,-y. wife anti three rhiidren allot his uncle; Albert \Itxtulain'r meat store, occupied by Alouulalo. utother, Anter and clerk. Thr p:cp loolou (wourrod about 0.30 o'clock. It to believed a bar rrel of e three roc- n ono of tis R s,lin In gat Pry t#L(ervo exploded. Will' the ex- ception tit 1,008 the front walls of Life " buildings were blown outward . - --- into the street, while the (tore anti roofx were blown upwards and "-ost"IfIcht til the ground- - Umewrt every building within a rodless elf two Works- about the scene INId windows phattereet. and Every e t elf. 1s r tl •aha+ la were a u r @fag x) le mid e, of Lo- tilt, ) d building on t lull I tR ill curt mtrtwl war nxwo or_M•sr wreck- i ad, but none of them fell. Fire broke Out is tis, debris the uxxtwnt it aettt•d to the grwsnd and in leer haul five. nslentet# Lhe gr+wt pile wax burning flrcriy (.ruin end to end. A Ilonerlal alarm was turned to for tiro l a rattim and awbuluacea, and In the Im ittime the work of rescue was vWniktjtrlly tegun by those In the IN•lgl0orhtood that were not InJurv,d. Thu fire w-nv exlingtd"hcil In A few Minutest. TIN+ work of d1KKing away tho rtlnm was; liven bogun In earn - cwt. Nwer tho ea1Ke of therdebris eev- f meal oolureI men were taken out and a slot 111 tit he Attila. TIN& Htjln,ta cnoutnlning the tool rOeutr, ollktinic rlore and the ref ( lfirira)it \were threastory brick I oftructureme, wille• the other threw I I'luldingt# Word two fad a half stories. At 1.:K) anti„ t�e only kutrwn dpaths ere ill(= Fit til hospitals, that or I an uuknuw R o woman and a fir tee year-ol(1 le At the Penna r 11"lital flve of ,the, patlfnte will, It . nal thought. lite 6t# Tore morning. _ _ __ - --- EXPERT IN U OT HIF1E1 e ,!` I: Roberts Again Po t.' Out JUDGE AD I f ctlonm. LEML-Y. find `iir Edward Urety wno rewarded -tftS U 0 ltd Vichy. Frame. cable : Admired in about three hours nal tlar: a guar- / thin things nPcemsnry for full • tf c for tho c.xtralre of Ills COIIvIctfOnm by - Cerrert aur IRtetciewr I today by I teers. Admiral-SchIrY t at(] ill, I tivelke sand a miiriuRttttalnl. Illlowed In n tem. (lcoutr sed fumultm of t1w+ triple on terror tit atarolute equality. Isovilty nit In -rot on the Nathnalldt mtde-: a e,rnepm•1enL for the Chrunirlo tpagPitsf the Bner,klyet. evati west In c e of ddpmonmLratrd calor #tgnrnmt (:()mmandant KritzinKrr knot cerin- NEED INDIVIDUAL INTELLIGENCE* n co,acerning Admiral Schley and the• the blilcka'Bng line, and w-6+ the rt#• etWe brueery. 1 (isn't knew AIL 'foundfill lir prt-Boner partiwuhR herr. bsttla cut Qant:ago. Tile Spanish sea Torp -flip moot vxpoprl. tthP wan ora llamrsua. AUA -1 have .no' . Coin- Just no Mr. Kra►ylwr PUMPexk,d in doing LAxtilon, .tug. 6.-tn a rnteut rprpch� 1 will br nmkrd L„ RnKel fn n running riett with the cnipant a ur1%en up n skills. lgtlsYboAm( w(>rk. two yearn-ri alae w1wil ho 4wmd Ills ill- funs Itob•rto hats again rtuphsrlspd fighter pnAptb y Vlef(sayn and rho Cuk)n. P'r tfurtuutt. IVIN•thrr tin Icrlfft#h N'rre the are) ui IINII\'LlUlll Intelligence and give testimony b fere the seldt,y .:Wbe,n Use- BralklYll aim tit Ore 'probe� 1� wltbeut much eummnmiinK, right (yr wrung In ordering tike pun- norurate markonstil bhp on the Imrt l nn o of the Co1oo i "Ad llral ficlilloy nocompll.hrd fully Board of Ia:pilry. HN ep.,tn In the gr>n Kot within r /. Imhwent toe noturl0aa Cnpe rPtpJa, the of poldlers. higheat terms of Sc•hl: y's bravery they oppnef tire, and the letters WAN I filo wokk�lbtte to him, and th thare.t wdnugitte-r ill woulwtrl aAllterr and Ito sold that for twenty years he an+l honor. Ha until: i compelle.l W run arolorP. The Chris- fixe It lkrxlw nut seem to me that catpturfvf Market wa-4 nut u pw)licy filed hewn constantly impreeting toe all "Tlw naval battle of l3ttnL4lgn war trAxal (kion also ittrark hpr colors I there M Mty reason for advprae crit) which tile. m(Ket lufatuatet Radical and nemlry the paramount Import- "The and de:l"Ire, so mh„rt that W tho Brooklyn and the Oregon. cleat -at \lraxt, tn.m the American could defend. since tit Leeching our rOklferd to lis there wax no Cut.! for tiny exchange I "The Brooklyn, tioldink the wort- r: te, Physd"al and (aural conreRI nor The ItltuAllmta. exisert ht the use of (heir rifles. He tit compliments; ; so de•clslce ticit I I ward blockading position, w•nR within two differeut qualities. There in m, Iwd RbW to preach from tho Nam" ran Pot our, slips nit Imttprl •m all) nPect of u+lntj,n mfcrosopot, to dhemrr Thn Bishop of Lomlon promise to tilxt nose slrunKly than ever. ran hardly believe that cowardice1 g. , eh a lurked err f both Jit the action of AdmlrnLSohlPy." fu11111 the• pruPhccle r muds when I war thinkable The tight was over the tine, though o nr 1f Niue appointed. Ile hats been warn- "My experiences In Routh Afrit - -------- - -- -- -- lug LIN• PxtrellllNla In lila Since"e ce,ntinued the Conilliander-In-('hief, _ — "bars atrf•nglhenet those vlewo, and mNPse tram alto sceOe-�I_ar I=o at, 12 I rav(41 fr "" thin by till' grsefus Of '\" fleet. Flotilla+ (or tugs, gun vi•m that they maul ubaOt)n the prac- have oraum*el nee to think that sulkily midnight, hl mama of quarter column, title roan Int, now invited the tinapr mels and torlNnlo boatp wets. art It- lite tit res:ervnilun o[ the s(tora- �� Mn with ndventmg.• bn int - x hetwren ` owm{wnlea and to n,warit by it unanim()a" cote', Ir- t ectal defe'Ilet`m. )adrigned mainly to far from ri$tn I list ehtto trnb gencrel trNlneed Into the method of mum- six ats six psrp rigid puc,m limp,.*•,, battalions. The respective of political difieretwer. ansl untloon spirticop which was to b• order hast been impart], and xom, oat, practice fir :It Prwl,nt creep Black Wat,• 1 erre tile- IedinK blttai- The rlalrnlc'lt call(sd forth pro' ant, more especially with rrgnni to Ion, then the SeafurthR, the Argyle testa from tile- Irbil members. npplicaWo only to wldpm of war. mmipromlxn may yet be eftrcled' long-rtngt, pheNstinK. anti Sutlavrlanda, the Highlnml Light Thr, Liberal leader. Sir Henry I Fleet "\" wap under tin r(xneland hu( the bimhop In Rom errwlltedwith "The two tNfittr which the war in Infantry. CnuiptiB-Banni-rmnn, concurred in f of Vlce-Admiral A. V, Nelson, on n firm deternttnnt'on to fortotd rrr- I,((,tith Africa her brought strunglY to They were, to deploy In attack the motion. beard the flagship Majestic, with Lula rlttmf�tfc practices which the my Hills[ nre: r formation treat the pay In attack John Dillon, Trish Natlonallat, I Rear Admiral Sir W. A, D. Acklan,l un•III1611opv bavv dednred Us be .. 1. Thr nucesslty of making aur cover of darknexx, till-[ perp to :►(tack strongly (opposxl t v()tr. He pro- as Ills saved In commarul• on beard IlhKnl The blmhop wnw known til Ip)kllerm good xhota, anti n after it Ilfid been aliened tedeJ ng n rt# tkuing Lewd the llaRniflcent. Thea (Leet can■Imte1 in. In sympathy with the ritwalbtr .._,. lite nirepritir of enruurngluR the position Of Like, channel mqundron and-lnclud- when flplN/inked, but the best In. the wen to show their Isidivldual In- lhe following day. ussfurtunatr•lY• Rolwrlm in n,u:..ciation with such a el ors p owingto the Intr•nmr drarknesm ,111.1 men nm llarlloruuglh. He dl cl great- ami Kimhoftttx andf�Will t dentr•,uyers. thattitle would be at# strong trlltgt,neP• "II darner dnym when men fought nein the march took an hour l0nthe catI,oinhumanity humans hid shown the a, Of its neeranewlem tndron '•Y" was source lis reguhatinic thot excess toe In clorl, formation, and were armed than wRs Pxpe•tt,d, nett I think flip ret Ile,nin N.Kttlt Africa, and M& Is u. or twit crulern, two gum lieu extretnlat4 anti offerinK corn- with tilt, mmnuth-towe market which brlg,tdp mturt leave not kept lir+ i- paid lin had t,mployl'd barbarous Necktie, tills Henn, Might destroyprs, pllnnee with the urc•hbimholi't# ad- oonld nut to depended upon to Ida St. trade'! direction. Whrn Only rlb.,ut meth ods null •line! Pr,Veti hlutmelf a nna fats p,rprNo ut0nta, and wpnedron vier r P till ('tat ) dep or Litigate Hfll,at twenty Ministries' elarknf•er remnin(w{ diTitle mptifailurr• •Z," of four crubserse, two gunboats, -- the• briga-le halted The m(nenrr gidnq to Loni Rob its L%VPLVP, destroyers Aml four u. Kr•ntrr dimtnnco that► 450 yards, Titry were then, thfntgh t"y still a grant or tltllborn) was prou"M by in tsozlta. FhePt "M:' crime A TRIPLE TRAGEDY. title trttotency Of military training not know lt, about four hundred the Rouser of Cominmons by a vote of torp& sum ntthrr to champ Individual In manded by Rpar Admiral (its ynnls from the Pnemy'A trench&+. .1 iB1 tO Ta. l (i. R. N. Nopl, on the itevenRe, was Discarded Laver Wreak+ "r'errible tellfl;rntm, nml tt teecit men to drill and Il Com lanlem were ordered In — drnwit from the rceprve squadron. Vel.Keftner. and uhnroh together, mechanically, moan f,rward and extend, but when LY MAIL TROUBLE. and from the part guard. and consist- Mandl, Utah. retort : Radian tit- .b"t lee futuro this will bit ehnngl,d. they had only gone About n Illndr•d DAI el ()r twOve bttllemldp)s, (OarlePtf dorson, nlfeel L'?, mhot Mtox Emily in tit-rntIli a very Piltnm troops artier. IIarP yards a very henry fire, wive Opened crnlxr•rm and Knllbmts and Mlcht dr- 01,111Pt/Ml, aged 22, and 11 C. Chri"ten_ to be fn vrry extender order. from the front. This Ivan atwmt 3.01 The Paper Crnrured In the (louse or mtroyrs In nqundron "L'" (here were weIli. a "tarp drivf•r, and liven eom- "Thr war hex brought atont many n.m t`rmmons. two crnlmprs, two guntx)nts and nen'' milted wdcldr. chatigrm in our tncticx, send yam nr- Thn goarter column wax ordrrel to d(wtroyrrs. and In "U" flue endtfArs, C#"`"lttlknll lite f•mlda� men( 0f n mach Up down and Thin tlrmt fwillndr did London cable: Tilt, prbU•r nod tw•0 gunhonts ran•) flflern dentroyerm. lllw+ kiln awl nd ben bidding at Salt Lake and .4 nfirr(tun, n dlpcarde,l htrg(•r numb •r of mounted men than nothing like, till, dallwWO {steeple gen- puWl"Iter Of fit.. Dany Ilan, (, e�1ey The firsts were abut sinal In Real- sweethnnrt of the• yutuhg Itutv�_hall were forntprly needed. Volley firing orally ImaKhu•. t •10 not Ntippsarfr city, find n n rrmr rN berm, LAR -an exartdnnttrm rot- -the Lncel .l her home. by mpnno of -a to -now practicnB,v n1mtlr-tri except• twenty men 1n the battalion were from tx'init urdpred to nppenr at til' Perpetrate dhlps shown that In fleet f(orgf� 1111•towt.ge, telling or hrr perhapm, it, cover nn attack or an Ida I It. bar Or the' 7I•onae Of ('0mnonx on "M" *Pri, Included older lxittlembl M. 1t had, TtOwecnr, the off ct of nP Tlwrs(flny next, an the result of oda r to which no hSPOtheticnl rnlltiKp mesth,r'm n1wr(ucldng drat h. Mlsl ndvvaner, n[ a very long dlnttnee. mettinle our per-nrranKnl plana and cattnnn mode In connection with Mr. (ince been nanlgnmL ('nmpbil, while bring driven In the or prrhnpim, when tv, c of til, ll - ahnkiaog It altmxtt fmdpye+iblo to give• )trm;rlck't# ipoycott of that I,ewr There, era filar umpires. etatiosee(1 Stng, towar.kf lifaneflrgd• hrr home• tentelvr In11tdP pomp carefully en - trrppr. The J)n11Y MA11 thlp morning nt tic• Admiralty In hnmlon ; n \'lo(� wap @net by Andersen, who flrf•'1 fonr benched position. nrderm. cnper. h zf•11 II "liastl th and men n' mlhntm at her. Twvo or til, hullt,tx sen- "Vallety tiring rntnlls much longer + (iPneernl Wailchop•, wit" wee willh b Admiral nml two Bptir-Admlrnlm, nn.l torel the ,Yf»inK wfxnnn's keenly anet +•xpwwwru tlr:ut IN eualpratible with ltd, two Irn(IIstK renlpnnit,S, went bock Sir. iltwxirtck'" netiii�Ion In the ITf'N"P a 7JrntrnnnC-Conernl of the, nrmY Ill- ace), lank of ('ommonn I(wtt,riny that the pnp,•L for the smin(x•tivreo ttitendel to &iter 0041 pvnPirnted hrr ann. Thr falrth Anfrty, and givt,p rho eu•my rt very a nn order (the Inst g life,] n hnh(t of "0rreptltlolnlY buying the Innd Rerun nt ilia forlifird lortm "lantt(•red the arm of the stage diNthlcllvo mark to fire at. Inorder The, they "hotdd be roinforaml. Accord- ocerctm of tile, Wne (office wrnrmnli,rt, dricrr. Ander"on then lnrnef the to tfnln rear alien to h:• good •hots a ingly C and I) e(mipaut•" motet out np well m ills Len fdal. Thr drelslon rifle nn himre•if and blew fptt 111s $It the lesser riLngeto toe 200) and I.W aekling tin( If fpr. itrodNck cenlur f of the nm Ire" In flail. I to LIN+ right, and lip r,malndW of P ynnlm tlwy Insist b,• taught to firs n the Dntt#tttnit tnwttrtelivt•1Tr w►alt _til repent rnttmidr the 1i oune that the Il(rforP_.tpnDS hoer , hi.l pinpmel n brnln". Stlrrr ('ampbidl may sparer. tut Mattel orders, t011oavel tbeM, tpfppr heel rcluictt ARiC1111`flar!OU1t'nts tt gre,ft nivel bitll waifio 'Ailit Ott the tory rnpirRy, niter M lcrflr MesOMrem---- -- and it rolyth il(41tOymPnt Ln the night, woutthpr(sopente 1016 for libel. Sclily Isle. The. result of the enconiv WANTSSO WEU.._FIFTti WIFi:. fill rovt,r after rash f115Ot, to Oates Tn t Rnuxe fit Com(menm Ihim ht-winnot to be meefl ionic enough to ell -- t with lite right flank somewhat ter wnw the dron. lsend le tho de - thrown f(xwnnl, rete el. In tin trnnon Mr. Stt-Irt SlncSt,ill. iriwls Nn- fen(11nR wlnndrrn, nnot the 1:nKllmh ,lameft isulhon,.ot Evansville, lnd.,llAe able tis, enpm>' to take careful alts ( throntlmr A and it comrtrAl. n tale tloruill"t, ma,tn a ns(tlkm to thr Pripet Channel In now nrepnrentl,v nt the Varied Mitulnsonfol Career. at them. it is In order to encour on till ' e A erre only aro pl i121Mlled that the Daily Mail's challenge tens a meroy of tilt- enemy. The fleet, repro- age shoollog of thin kind that I have - •onrdr form the rnrmy N tabou� „• a breteh of the privllPgP of the lRolrso. w•ating title home defrnoO force. Lor( %cnn"ville. ' Intl., Atig. 4. .lnmra glc,n illy pris • thin year. n rordllon truce held till pix p.m., c"'mokiag Tit, (overnmelt \ender. lir. ital- Yntt.,rl. \tno hnn aned him fo.arlh wife, the w•hOte of Ito sgnndr)n of cr11lsrrx "T trnmt the Itrlklnh pnblfc well t fonr, tiftente1. But, npspnreon(ly not whlle the enemy'stleft toot right rep- Itoomllir Nhtttfpt, for Shore(•, A,iam lit- lnkr tilt, denrly-biight expN•rinnen of e ucvr .,0 pew cent. of .tlmir number In depiring to stir the mnttpr up. Yr• i" n. ✓t fhfxtnnnagel In the Irnsl and o- killed and wounded. prep eat of twelve. 1{Ightrrn pPlpodld the war, and will du nlf In thrdt weld fir thought It wns not nrc"wary wnrxhlrow hnd linen the,retically d(•- will marry tilt• firth wife prnviAldic power to enoonragr oar soldlre In e The remnInder of the comPnniO" to preen the m0th,rt aIle In goal looking and ha" It little Sorin, tht-Ir d moxtt In the dnrk- *tmyel In @rum than nn hmtr• rifle shooting. )f @ ppwy Mr. !(no wok however. Iithoutl. nrM - - -- money• s "}{owevt,r brave air men may bol, nl,as got ho{elrwsly mlxe�l t(rgethen the motion wns onrrlel without n df- ktettun In the nnlMn of "Theis 1 IM howev,r well drilled, well set tip, and Y amid alwo mixed with the braforth vinbon. A DARING FEAT. find Downs of n Yf)nng Mnrrl,.l Sinn," e- }[i(rlttranrtr"• who had mood up to lkfr. Sine\pill then moved that the and hr holes crrtalnly had mecrrnl app well disciplined, to and however well a- t.IN•f.r right fronts, and it was 1m- prlutpr se Twit pid)limhrr he ordered to #.Pa. H. Farrell \\•nuts to %ol,her, lend drownx hr mnrriei Ili(&. Heft first flier any b•s ebbs to ride, the men I- p)mdhlo to glvo orders for a general appear nt t or har of the Roup t.. Across NlaRarm nos a Itope. then• wires, nlphmknnl him and I- rnupt he rapist In the nap of the f - advance. In two plao^ee b(mBal of morrow. Tile, mfotlon wax(leleat(xl by obtalnnl dicorrr" rr•ni I. Hr lel- rills," — 7 men muce+vfvt+el In gplting pftxt the I!gq te) 1!!m voter. Toronto report ! Ut,orgr ii. Far- lege" In hip c,.mpdnlnt for dlvor•e -- n. treseelK•m and tautly up tilt- kopj,, hat cell. It wellAreasel yoxrng Rthl(•tP, is from Ldp f(airth wife• She left hien and PAYS 1900 PER. CENT. n- one, kit wPrn rompN•Ile1 to rptlre by Tho da►tfi mrnrreti At midnight, In UNa city ten a periapex mipxiun. re-fam.l V) 116-11. Win In him tntpiness. He LIN, flit s. tMon seem who had not In Brantford, of a nttl nit highly era IIAving Ire-omnp tlre•1 (,f exe•nting im known nm "the bonolfnut flesh king of .— title and the others InfjeBr rt towWenL 111 the perpO11 of Mr high divea tint] p•rf{raax blevel • rent.• .\merlen.11 1•'0r the twist twenty ).rnem Knornsons Dlvfle"d for Kew sorb by LJN, firs of rite ov►it Jnmp" Slalom. lyfrrwtpd, who wap fn IMMW a rtrtnn rnnana, Ire hap eFri,Me1 ii, inn lirrtt tnktng In tate t'rltintrY 1Rlrpt fallonal Sbarrholders. guns, whish (firnftl rAs the koPJ• at G) gain feline. Find f(srtnne by riding fllrx mrtlinsr fi.h, hrorp lits tip. 11, If tho 73rd year tit hie age, hnd rrmldi•d !AyligIlt. Tt,r It,wrot nind • n mein- W iirantf(tad for Rt years. nrr,wx USI• ' laKarn rnpldm on a hna Initis noel ap•nt several f ,rtii wn, he's York rrtmort : Jttst IN fore 11 ter nttnt•t ngnlnet Our rlRbt flank, r groov(ftl cycle. illicit to a wlro ca- -.� tallitat Over the. National (lank of r' wldch wan InNr In the ,,lite rein- Comte dr In \ ante, the acw'(mnul, ilia. In Tonu4) all finnsr•lei Arrange thn Republic the Flrot National flank w1Ns will nttrwtlpt to craw tit f. Mal- menti nor to b• find, f.r tic• nrrom Had a Marvellous i{mrppe. thim eltY Anil to Its xhareholdere nn Ir fxael by the Ouar+M Thr right flnnk - 9r was tompwldal U, Sane bnek ROM- lterrnn,7n In a fialttox, Aleph the plinhment tri We, hnsardoum tindertnk 171athom, Ont., Aug. 5e Harry Slits ,,tra divid--ml of 1900 per rent. on pi• what and Uwrn fnrr morn to the WM 0 rN AtWi"t, has arrived In Tail- ,ng. it will take 68(w) to mtretch n x.•)•, won (4 ez Aid. Nat4talil l Masonry. the, ol'i capital ntrKk or $5M000. It right, and that fighting there wnte tit Mn to ralpertntPild the preparatory rabla nerdim tilt- gorRt•, nml not hta•t a ne:ravutxln ownten from dentlf \Villi thindivldrMl the sharpholders In n vrry arvere nntnrr, at ct,Ae range, fir fle"Or manta. 1,ther hundrel for the frrak whrrl t4lim nrterlNwen. What, drhing Over tire- #title to pay for (heir share of the TI till alsmit 4 p m , w-d,nn the Itnrr nt The i.coden (Ontario) Lierltmp Com If Mn F-arreAll shtlxald mnkr thee trip I'll" ('. L'. R. cnslxdng at HnlptRb n,w adoek on the Inerrame. of lhe,tap. at tack crnsed send fair men were with Ibixadonere, have refelapd the Trrnm mnevensf lily IAP mawdnst ring will nee, atre•r•t hp wine otrwr•k by a obnntiW ItAI storkof the boot to �tQ000,- drawn ta) romp. Wh fiones n linrnse, And 1t will be him me mare, nnd. If hp ahonl.l fnil. rr•lorhit, train. The Iwerpt• wap Inmtant 000 and to havo rmoney lett over. er. The centre hold their predtinn np• ren Aa a trinf'Pranes hotel. w#41, the- Pirelli wasn't b, the Only ly klif.l and the brtuftRP tfrtally dem( 1 hr le"tte t.hr pnemy'm trenches At Thirty-four In"X"ts have been trlug that will minim his company. WN41. SfnSney veins rarrlwl wtme "' A herd rt#( Nova. 4(iltlA rattle ell) nr rnngrw enrySnR rn"n AO(1 (^' f00 eapffiret by the First U. R, Cavalry The, nervy yomM man U only reckon- irrt,nnd Wirown Int„ the ditch. lir Or ensu till " p m., when the ) r'O•) in tho 1latallgae Province, Pltlllp- lnic WIUI sW pan. iowover F'allurp waft badly bruised And cut, lint Pb be Shown at the industrial Ezbikl• times'% ester Into ble raloulatlosr, caped serlosa Injury. Ilton them year for tills first UM be of the Beafortlh Iilghlasapro, who pines ,