HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-8, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
W. Acheson & Son
July Sale of Fine Black Dress Goods
50 pieces black dress goods, in plain merges, grenadinea and figured
crepon etfecta and siciliane, ranging in price from 50c to 9Uc a yard,
placed at one price for July clearing at, per yard 25c
Extraordinary Offering In Wash Doody.
1200 yards of 1). ,it J. Anderson's finest Scotch gingham' in neat
checks and stripes, in colon of pink, blue, mauve, green and sky,
regular, 15c, 20c, :.,)c and 30o, now in two lots, redd to, per
yard uce10 and 12lic
Table Clothe, Slightly Imperfect
200 linen table cloths, Irish and Scotch pure lineu damask goods, shipped
to us as a favor. They are slightly imperfect in the bleaching, but al -
moat imperceptible, and the price will be from 1-3 to 1 21ws than original-
ly intended. On dale this week, and while they lamb you can buy :
$1.35 to $1 50 clothe, sial 2,12 yards. for $ .85 each.
1 50 W 2.00 cloths, size 2x21 yanla, for 1.25 each.
2 00 to 2 50 cloths. size 2x2; yams, for 1 50 each.
2 50 to 3 50 cloths, size 2x2} and 2x3 yards, for 2 00 each.
3 50 to 500 cloths, size 2x211 aud 2x3 yards, for 260 each,
Store closes Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock during July and August.
W. Acheson & Son
Rebel : 520 00 and aoole was paid by t
Ethel hotel keeper for violation of the law
Seaforth : Messrs. Ed. Brlgbt and Walt
Pickard bare left for • stip to the 511
rlrbt hand quite seriooalylojurel by a place
timber flying from lbs saw with great
be • force. It tore •way a portion of the palm
• between the thumb and flat Mager. A
e phvuolao dressed the wounded member and
d as t• orable progrese is beteg made ea oould
be expected.
Hit tis Capt and Mrs. Rance b.,. r
Wroed from their trip to Eogl.0d an
Morris t Kw. MoKearle, who has been
at Portage la Prairie, M. , has taken
putties at ('arberry.
Exeter; Miss Earth Mien, oleos o
Mn. S Saunders, was married oo July Rd
to Joshua C. Inwood. of London.
Morris : Arthur Jackson hu bought Mr
Bailey's property at Hodm.o, 4th lice, 10
5125. Mr. Halley brands gotng to Detroit
Myth : John J. Habklrk left on Moods
morels/ for 1'..t.,, where he has secured
a posltloo In W. W. Taaas'a °lothlag
Clinton : Mn. Campbell and family re-
moved to lorooto tut week ; the maoy
friends regret this family's departere very
Brosssls r Aa old and well known Bros.
.elite 1a the person of John R. Smith, known.,
sway Sunday, 28th ult., at the age of sixty
mann years.
e- I Seslorth : Wendel Coloekey, of Elkhart
d Indiana, 1e visiting relative and Wends 10
the township of Hay. it 1. twenty-five
years does Mr. Uolosk•y was In S*alorth
• and he ootloed many changes. His lather
was one ,.f the Bret settler" to Hay and he
has two brothers living there yet, Lut h.
bad -been • resident of Indium for a quarter
of a cooter'', and while he likes to return
eooaslom.11y and ow' old friends and steno
• ,of his youth, as • place of residence he pre.
r ' fen bee adopted country.
• Lncknow s 1). 1). Yule, who tt.e bees
principal of the Luckoow politic school for
the past seventeen years. has accepted a
luorati, • position with the Canadian Order
of Foresters and wit start to hie new pool.
Iron oo the hist of Jaou are. At • meeting
of the trusts* board Joseph Stalker, of
Whiteoboroh, was °omen as Mr. Yule's
enooessor, and M.se Cummlage,of Wlogb.m,
we:.ppouited to fill the vacancy In the
Oslo! department of the school caused by the
resignation of Mus Stewart.
Kanter : A. I.) h.bler, a000mpanied by
Mrs. B.bler and two saes, Mon Is and Clot -
oboe bats left for an extended trip to the
Old Country.
Exeter • Mies Lout.. Stewart, of the
Edtott prl, ata surgical hospital, Butes
after • pleasant rine with her friends here
bas returned borne.
Hlytb: J. E. Moser left for Buffalo task
week to visit the l'ao-Amarloan exposition.
From Buffalo he goes to Winnipeg, where he
has secured a ,.tuatlon.
Bruer',.: inc-Mimosa Habktrk, who par-
obooed Mie Ro4111,5 s eolllleery bacons'
will take up housekeeping In Brussels, t5elr
mother 0000mp•oying them to town from
Brussels Miss Hattie Reid, of Wlogham
and Mn W. H. Kerr, ot Brussels. were
detalsed for two dare at North Rs, os
their trip west, by the rtrlke of the C. P.
R. trackman.
Meaforth : W. E Papist la on a trip to the
Ohl Country. Ha expecte to b• away .boat
two months, and will visit the °Mies of
Perth, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Ltverpool, Lori
den •ad Paris.
C11nitio Mr. Thomas, of the logersoll
Peaking Co., was to town last week and
purchased from the Dairy Co. upwards of
7000 Ibe. of butter, the balances 01 the July
make at the ornomery.
M Ingham : Tele week we hays to record
this death of Jou. (largess, ad aged sod r..
spa -:0d r. '[deo► of our town. H. wu
taken 111 wit b lofiammatloo and oo Mooday
of Letweek paced away, aged sissy five.
Eimoedville '1.1 of the Melte who
wrote et the entrance examinations from
EgmeedvclL, *even succor. led in prestos,
four pith dome end Mies Mary Johne won
the Boholirshlp given by the trustees of the
('oilers its ladder.
Wrexham Mt• 'Tindall and I:eorg• have
returned tram London. Ueorge has one
foot raised by a tbids cock sole, and the %f-
luted Ilmb L placed to a support. 1 rutch-
es mast to. teed for a year .t least so that'
the limb may have rest,
Exeter : The other •veniag as Chu.
Seel!, sr., was milkier a vow, the animal
d apped o•er on ono 0l h1. uncles,'prairlog
It very badly. A. the member had been
cow 1 rotten, and twice before sprained, it
was a marvel it was not more serious.
i.ioton • Mies E. Koss el test daughter
.of Mu. Anna Reee, 11 rewa, formerly of
('niton, sails from New York oo September
18, for Bombay. Tho means that oo her
arrival elle becomes the wile of a miwlonu y,
• pwlllon eh.• le etpe,darly qualified for.
W'roset.r : While John R Gibson was
openting • lath machine, II pleoe 01 fond
canghl the sew and was oarrld with great
forte. striking Mr. Gibson on the forehead,
iodating each a Is?Sro wooed that four
atltolses wire necessary to clave the rah.
(:ray : Janet Ferguson, relict of the late
Alexander Stewart, oo Sunday, July 28 h,
rased ;o that bourne from whence no
traveller returns, aged eighty years and
eight moths Sys hod been making her
1 erne for ems time with her daughter,
Mr.. !'has. Ritchie.
MoKiilnp : While at pl., with otherohlld
ren hmm.,the hills •ye.r old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lnakhart,of M-kt)top,tall,
breaking her left arm at the dhow and
bruising her side. '1 he doctor thinks It u
bad beak, and it will he some time before
the oil) have the right nos of it.
Crenbrenk • Word was received last week
that ,Ton. Harbottle and wife, formerly of
Cranhroek hot more recently of Southern
Msnlaba. are both deed. Mrs. Harb;ttla
died en Jane 14.h otter a oompar.tlw*ly
short illness and Mr. H.rboitle passed away
en Jou 17th. H• had been .liter for Rome
Clinton : The A. 0. U. W. (mnte.ted the
shim 00 52000 on the 111. of the Tate Freak
Jones, of St. Thome", Dakota. formerly of
Clinton, on the ground that on entering the
moiety ,)ones bed misrepresented his age.
Mrs - Ionia entered .oft tor ON recovery of
ohs money, and iodgment wee recently glv-
w:faiest her.
Etoostoele r Renato Ministate is but from
lads WO ,e the "Soo," He gives • glowing
484 Int.restfag so0eont el this young (1101
of the North pyf thinks a t feints is
.before It and its bustling promoter, Mr.
)Lisa.. A eomher of 414 friends were met
11,14 semi a dellghtfal urns was .pees Meth
an Iand and water.
44107. A. itill'am Taylor, 161.5 eon ,
we drteing Into Ale barn en • lead rel Ren
b .irnrk his head on a omit hum and for
a mess it was Nereid paralysis was likely to
•n••• His arm• poet -mildly h... hese
•• rt. sera, the rleht owe still being aimed
""',ow H1. many Meade hope be will
•^' n ha ell right nnn. mors
11 nr«.I. While attesdlag • sew at 1'.
e1F,ost's fsetnty Rawl Swifter had ►M
Tr,MDAY, Joly 30,
The Misses Robert.00, of Ottawa, have
retorted home after a low week. visit at
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Ard, of Phl'ald•
phis, ore visiting Mr. Ard'. mother, Mrs.
Albert Hashes.
Mr. aid Mn. Frame Scott atteoded a re.
anion of tn. Soots leanly which woe held lo
Seeforh on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Tbyone, of ('h!oago, ISI.,
aro vlattlog friends and relative In Blue.
Yale and •t other points In Huron °aunty.
We have been blessed with a number of
good rains during the last few days. They
should do • lot of good through the country,
W. H. Stewart prtoolpel art the New
Hamburg public school, has eupted a
ooaitten on the staff 01 the I.uoen bleb
school and will assume big new duties at
the beginning of the tell term. Mr. Stewart
b roe of 'fluoride's old boys and his many
frleoda here will be pleased to beer of his
advenoe meat.
Fermat ripostes A/Ir.ded With Maw,
News. ieateres.
Windham, July 31. -The Na'l000l Iron
Works, a large sod loflueottal manufaotar•
Ing °neuro, was formally opened here to-
day moms 1 500 people attended In the
afternoon the extensive machinery was
pal in motion by Mr. Bullock's little 000
Speeches were delivered by Mr. John U.I.,
President : Dr. Msodonald, Deputy
speaker of the House of Commons ;
Mayor Clegg sol Manager Bullock. A
good brass bard ,armored Indio
throughout the eit.rn000. The Mayor
and Council were predated by hire.
Bullock with • gold iouveeir, suitably f.
scribed. The oodtr•otors and a number of
frlsado took a lvabtage of the 000aslon to
show their aporte nd, a or Managing Moot -
or Itallock's eff-res by oresenting him with
• handsome gold watch, and Airs. Bullock
with a beautifel tea ervlue. In an able ad
drsrs, Mr. Bullock returned thanks for the
present. ile sulog'red Can.dlan skill and
enterprise as aeocnd to no o•her In the
world. The oompany starts under'seep-
tionelly (avonote auspices, good oept'al
sod !erg* cumber of cullers. in the even-
ing a splendid d'eplay of fireworks and music
olwed a proud and eventful day for Wing
Tie (.ia•.. Medd a ludas, Puts Slave W.■
farther Te.Haeeny 1■ Rasrflte.,
Remittee, Ont., Aug. 5--(Ypeoial!-WII
Ilam Wlddl(mmb•, of 79 Aurora sl„ Handl,
son, I. a delighted men these days. He
writes : "1 would bite to wogretulatet the
dlsoovsrer of Dodd's Kidney fill' on the
wonderful merits of that remedy.
' 1 have been In 111 health for the put
year and of 1.a utabla to attend to my
work, suffering with polos In my
hack and loins. I was Indeed so crippled
as to he unable to walk, and wee contin-
uously to agony.
"My family physician tailed to relieve
me, pronouncing 01y tenable rhsum.tl m.
1 rapidly grew worse. and was finally per.
. usded by savers! friends to try Dodd.
Kidney Pills and did to. Today i am a
well man. and thanks to Dodd's Kidney
Mille, never felt better le my life."
That boy o' Regan -Lord epars me
F root raisin' ..oh a brat es he t
i.1 ever mtsehfef was boiled down
lots a freckled, red•hsired olowe,
And turned loose on two *Medlin' shanks
T' bother mankind with hie prank*,
'Twat' that ar boy e'Rotere!
Th' we'd no iinestion Lha he'd be
Inside th' Dooltanllary
Afore he wren • man fon grew.,
As (mold mausolea mon trtoks dent
Tau soy buy i aver sed,
16' hlggnt wimp, we all agreed
Was that ar bey o'Rogsr. I
He turned up inhale', went out Week,
1 'low wo thought It w.. th' beet
Thing that had a happened y11,
Whoa ha meds on hl, mind to get,
Ter es he couldn't go too for,
Aa' we all sold, "U(md riddonee," sir,
T' that ar hey o' Rogers '
He left no twenty year" ago ;
i was not West • month er rn
Lu' sprit's, .e' Jack, my boy, says he
t.k•y.tip todev esu
Th' (1 1" Wal, dr, I'm sewed
1 know Alm whits I seed hie fast,
'Totes that ar be e' Revers
-Massaro' Tribesa,
Brother Williams was a stager --he could
beat 'em all at that 1 -
An' he always sums the loudest when they
paved around the hal ;
Thea he'd shot h'o eyes -throw back his
head, usounwlous as oould be,
An' shake the roof an' rafters w,tb "1 m
Glad Salvstiou's Free ("
"We re dc midi's' • sub.orlptlon," says the
preacher, "ler the poor
Am' onregs erie Leathers on the attestonary
shore ;
Takes cath to goad the grope' to give 'em
Witt to see,"
Tun Brother William' raised the tune,
"1'01 (Had Salvanoa'e Free 1'
No matter what the rause was -if curb was
to doomed,
For Orosol•nd's toy
odd strand,
He'd always 'het his
as lend could be,
That same el', time, oo0vus!eat song, "1 m
Wad Salvation's Free ! '
mountains or India's
0755 ►n' slut, M loud
An' 1 reckon whoa at lel he passed a.'
reached the shims' shore,
Where there II never be no slghlu an' no
sorrow any 010(1,
As they 1st him In the Gotta of Gold, as
happy as oould be,
He shook the wall" of Glory with "1'm
Glad Saly.tlou's Fre 1"
-FIteha L. STANTOtI.
A Malt lake Clgy Wonsan Thisbe It Was a
tr.lker .f Yens.
Mayor Wilson has received the following
S.11 L.ks City. Utah,
July 27th, 1901.
To the MayW, or Of the City of poderlcb,Ootarlo,
DOAK SIR, -1 take pleasure In addressing
you Ole letter &skies • great favour of You,
to know the given nuns of the founder of
your oliy, u 1 think 1t le a brother of mine
that eoe0t.l to the British army to the
year 1838 or 1839 and the last time my
father heard of him he was In Quebec In
1842 and be said he ass golog to noye In
Upper Canada and take up some lends there
and we net. r heard tram him shoe. lie said
he was married to so Irish lady and had one
child. If is ootnewasSamuel Godrlch. I thick
the bomber of his regiment as. 54, Parker's
It'glment. 1 may be mistakes, but thick
that 1s the number. Now, dear err. If you
can give me any intermesioo I will Its very
thankful. I Will the baby when he left
home, but he will remember my name if be
Is IW.,. My name 1. El 01. Nr w 1 w11/
deeoribe him as near as 1 can. He was of
very fair complexion, with two peculiar
"pots on the top o1 his head the color of an
egg, one about the du of a oldeaoe pleoe,
the other a llttte smaller. His horns was
to Wellen Hall, Staffordshire, Eoglsod.
He may be paved away. 11 so some of his
family may be there. Now; please be In.
rousted to my beh.lt to help find a Ing
lost brother,,od you ail find hereto en•
closed ,tamp for reply and 1 ' will remota
pease you for your trouble alter. My dams
was Kb.. U,.irioh, hot now my Dame is
No. 164 North 3rd West Strut,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mrs. Cook 1s oleerly m'"tken. This
plea was known as lloderloh as early u
1833. many years before het brother moved
to Upper Caned', and was :tired 1t. name
!n honor of Lord Goderich, • prominent
member ot the Canada Company Mayor
Wtleon has replied to the letter but was
unable to give Mee. Cook any Information
to regard to her brother, if anyone who
chances to read this should happen to know
aoytblag of him, It would be well to write
to Mrs. Cook, whom address la given above.
Cederlei halted by Fifteen Yaadred Pee -
ale frees Island T.w...
Thu redsy's excursion under the auspice.
of the Wtngham Sunday schools was • big
roe end a very suooesstul one. rhe clerk of
the weather evldettly oa0 be " pulled "
from Windham, and the eosrgetlo oommlt-
tee to charge of the excursion did not fall to
maolpulste the wires to good a tfrot, so
Ideal summer day being provided for them
The exounlon party oame on two trains
the first from tl'lngham only, arriving at
10 30 with 810 people on board. The
second train, whioo arrived an hour
biter oame from Listowel, stopping
at the stations on the way and Woking ue
large contingent.' •1 Brussels, Myth, Clot
ton sod other pl►oee, making •holt 650
passengers In all. It wee Ssstorth's otvio
holiday, too, and a number came up from
that good town, end there were easily 1,500
dittoes in town. The majority mode
straight for the harbor, where they plcuick.
ed, took • dip In the Woo, want for • row
or • sail, visited the many interesting ,wilt.
along the water (root and In various other
ways passed the afternoon. Th. kitchen at
the t ark, when G. W. Bleck was in attend
aooe, was largely made use of by the exour•
The lawn .t the West street rick was
another centre ot attraction and t,oe gams.
ot tuns sod bowls were witnessed by
many loterested spectators.
Throe rinks of !twit bowlers from Brussel.
plsyeol a match with member. of the home
slab, the result hying es follows:
wit -moon mussel,
Rink No. 1, Rink No 1.
F. Wooer. H. L immune
F. 15 Holmes J. T, Ross
1). Holmes R. L.seberd•le
1)r, Rooter (skip) 23 A. Cowley (skip) 11
Rink No. 2. Risk No. 2.
.lamas Robinson L Danford
R. Me Lose
.1. 0. O'Connell G. F. Rldr
Wm C•mpbell(skip) D. C. Roes (skip)
-16 •I5
R nk No. 3. Ret No. 3.
Wm. Lane J. Ferguson
F. J. T. Netted J. Arden
A. Mol). Allan F. Downing
J. Galt (.kip) 30 J. Hewitt (.kip) 11
69 37
The Mussels men left on the 3.15 train
to play • match with the kiloton bowler..
Till TINNIe MAT, 11
On the teonts courts there was a redo!)
between Goderioh and Wtngham players in
whlnh the visitors won live out of e'itht
*genu. The awn eat:
.Miss Elwood and Mies Wynn ((.) v., Mise
Gordon and Miss Motley (W) 6 4, 3 6, 2 6
Mies Middleton and Mow Allan (0) v.
Miss McDonald and Mise Oorkold (W) 6 3,
26, 06.
Mls. Ausebrook and Miss Horton (11) ye.
Miss Corbell aid Miss Gordon (W) 5 7,
75, 63.
Mies (lord,n (W) vs Miss Wyse (G) 6 1,
Miss N,twood (0) ;while* Dindey ( W) 5 7,
Miss Allan (G) vs. Miss Mol)onald (W)
Wee Cerbold (W) vs. Mies [Middleton (G)
Mies Aeebreek (G) n. Mie Cnrbold (IN)
At the r.giest of Mayor Wilson the
Marine Hand turned out to the afterenon
and alter plsying for • while at the bowling
green weed to the barber park, where they
gave a program during the afternoon. This
helped to melte Ihs day rleesoe for the
By 30 1e the 'Nosing both etnnmion
trate. hod left for home. Th. vlrl tore, w•
believe, tbnroghly enjoyed the day, sod
we bops they will ware again and airwave
baro as goof • elms.
Ma. Course Has RwituguO -O. Cooper,
H A., Sas roe gned Ills position on the staff
of the Collegiate Institute, havl0g accepted
• wuterebl, la ds, Aedrew's Hoye' College,
larval°. The Mastses ore .dvertiving for
a successor, and will meet oo the 12th lust.
Io consider the appltoatious-
I.teu, AND SLANiIR. -IAul. H.yd fd.k
oat • writ Net, week •1 U.goode Hall oleim-
'0g en behalf of Mies Jane MoDuup•11, Spa -
ilea avenue, Toronto, 510.000 damages fur
tibia and standar, agala•t Dou.l4 Gra/Wok
mod Eliza Ureasick, of Stanley towa.hlp
Huron county. Mise McDouvali,tt appears,
lived fur some time to Stanley lowuship,
and oldols that the defendaou made state-
ment/ ur representations derogatory to her
dignity and good mime.
Ietsmuyb Btu Edit -The "great holiday
outing of Western °inatto" is • phrase that
some one 00011 bestowed upon the Western
Fair of Loudon, and as the years go by the
deorlptlon teems to become more and more
fitting. Hu► it le more that a mere holiday.
It Is educational l0 its nature. No man
with his eyes and ears epee win 01511 the
Western FAN without seeing somethlug to
which be had heretofore been • stranger,
while the Improvements on old devices, the
improved methods of agriculture and the
higher vreds of stock mud °stale all oom•
Woe to show the rapid advent), below made
1n W ester° Ontario, and to demonstrate
that we in this section are fully abreast
with the re,t of the world. Th. entries for
We year denote a large exhtbtt, •ad space
should be ssootcl without delay. The
speeding In the ring, as usual, will be one
of the most attractive pastimes, and this
w1!l be made doubly eo by the eag•gsmeut
of the greatest uterle of high salaried •oro.
bete, gymnasts and sierl•luta that ever ar-
peered to one oombio►tloo In Canada, while
novelty ie added by the introduction ot a
fall troupe of ',dowel performing els
phaots. The fireworks display will be en •
grander Goals than ever, and will loolude a
striking mod novel representation of the
"F.11 of China" and "tatting of Pekin," to
dither with the moat I,rllhstt Illumination
and electrical effsote ever before seen oo the
Lgrouods. Special train'cryloe 1e being ar
odi over all railways to leave Linden af-
ter the fireworks. N me should mase this
home exposition which oat be so easily
visited and •t little expense.
To est a hearty meal without in-
jurious after effects is a pleasure
that seldom comes to the dyspep-
tic. Ho cannot enjoy his dishes
and is fearful to eat what he -beet
relishes. "Climax" Iron Tonip
Pills will positively cure dygpeppria,
indigestion and headache. Eseb
hoz contains ten days' treatment.
Price 25 cents, at all druggists. or
mailed on reeeipt of price. Ad-
dress: The Dr. Hall Medicine Co.,
i ingston, Ont.
Notice of changes must be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon, The Copy for changes
must be left not later than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisements
sooepted no to noon Wednesday of
each week.
" Good wares make
quick markets."
pairs sold in 1900 as
in 1896.
The value of the
first pair, like the value
of the last, stamped on
the sole by the Makers
"The Slater Shoe"
V Goodyear Welted" J
1V'm. Sharman, Jr. • Sok Local Agent.
Fash/oq egti Comfort.
For once fashion and common
.ense have joined in the cause
f comfort in ladies' footwear.
The really fashionable shoe is
uilt much like a man's shoe on
- womanly scale. __.-..
This fashion has the advantage
f a fine appearance, combined
with common-sense comfort, and
will therefore be a permanent one.
Won the gold medal at Paris
$3 and $4. Sold every -where.
Genuine only when stamped-
ode by The J. D. King Co., Limited,
Oar Agent, in Gdsrloh is St, Ore. Price.
- Tna Is0MNn
Fvine.* D-rre,e<or4 arNa.
•Mase eerefelly:atesseea u et all
bean. night .e 4y.
tine bow a4roet.
etra gia
is Rheumatism of the face.
Uric Acid left in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from tho
eye over the forehead, and
across the cheek to the
Ado of the nose. The
cause is the same as in all
Rheumatism-- disordered
Kidneys. The cute is like-
wise the same--
with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the best
there is at the sante prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has a reputation for promptness and
Medical Hall.
Mckillop Mutual Fire Insurance G.
Val' ot Property insured up to Jan.are,
ItUI frt3,Na,e7a,M
"FYI,1.31.1 000 rtIRe:(.Totot.
J. B. McLean, prl's.: T. Fraser, vloe-press :
AWL 0ownotly, W, lade. W. O, Itroadtoct, .1
Walt, Jas, Liana, J. O. Grieve. J. Roommate,
directors; W. G. Broadie H. Seidel Inspec-
tor of tomes ; T. L. Hays, Beateeth, asorelary-
J. W. Yeo, Holmesville • James 1'ummiing
Betoondrllle: it. Molt lien, fieaforth . R
Kmitb. Harlook.
Polies-holderscan pay a5seesnrs01e and got
their card. reccloted at Mr.1'0111111'. (:li,too, or
at Mclean Rib.,' Palaceelotblog Store, Gods -
The name ',tondo for .II that is
reliable In terming machinery,
intending, to purchase anything in our
line should Inspect our goods before
placing their order.
Wo always carry on hand a full
stock of repairs.
We have the beet make of Cream
Separators on the market.
You can get the most up-to-date
Carriage or Buggy made in Can.
Ada at a reasonable price from ns,
Massey -Harris Bicycles -New
1901 models -elegant mounts. Call
and see them.
DJ.HRT.. Pd14601,T6s • g
A Great Snap
le our l)Inver Snap, .t 5o. a
pound, of whioh we soli • barrel . week.
This Isn't our only snap, as we carry
everything that son M found in .n no,
to -date grocery store, and our prion
are right. The farmers know that they
nen always get from us a snap for their
produce. Ws drew the line et no
legitimate trade - everything goes :
Glimmers or poatoo., pardon stuff or
choked able China. We dal In all
of them.
Redford brook, U oderlch
Summer Goods
Oil Stoves
Gasoline Stoves
Ice Cream Freezers
Dairy Tinware
Metal Roofing and
J. H. Worsell,
Tho nboap stow* and furnace moo,
TSloasDaY, Aug. 8, 1901.
R. B. Smith's /JI
live Jordan
Store Block
WE God after putting two large stocks into one store that there is more
than we expected. Some things we have too much of, and some lines
f .r good reasons we want to clear out. We will tell you of a few only.
SHIRT WAISTS. -We have icer 48 left,
la black, white and colon. dome are • lit-
tle m0.eed, but nothing to Niue..
51 00 to 51 25 shirt waists tor... ..450
1 50 to 2 (C) shirt waist. for 75o
2.50 to 3.00 shirt waive for 95e
Thee are stylish garment., bus the time
has come to clear then up. Las', year we
carried cooly three waists over. Tole year
we will 005 tarty eyes three,
Bargains In clothing,
Reredos to men's hats,
lid gwoe 10 Irt users,
Bargains It depict.
DRESS GOODS.- We have a lot of Ilea
weight dreee moods and wash goods, Friuli
were loo to 150, the lot to clear at per yard
Lor 2, DRESS 000DH, IIehe end dark
oolors, were 25o to 60o, the lot et per yard
121o. 11 yea do not want them for dresses
they will make elegant quilt linings. ?So
to 500, to clear at 120
Bargelos In Millinery,
Hargals. In fan, -y a ,,da,
H.rgein• in Ince..
Its, awns m em Ir, 1 1., ..
Haraelu• In 000 na.
Two Busy Stores United in One.
VJw_ .Lei_ MCK2M.
R, B. Smith Store
J May Block.
Sept. 5th to 14th, 1801:
Entries close September 4th.
A home exposition of genuine merit, -New exhibits and leading attractions
-Lockhart'. performing Elephants -The Three Graces and "Tom.
Tom," the baby elephant, and many other specialties of a high order -Grand
fireworks display, including representation of "Fall of China' and "Taking of
Pekin." Special train' over all linos each evening after fireworks. For prize -
fists programs, etc., apply to
rre.,deat, wentagTt
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,Mlnce
Pies and Lady Finers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Maranges,
Brandy Soaps, Etc.
are 55 goad as the best made in any
city in Ganada.
cantatas tootle the trade in
in fancy designing and ornament
ing anal almond
(live him an order and year sat-
isfaction will bo assured,
ScraliIoll lard Coal
All Chat welsgfhied on the Market �1
mbar4 you get IJ 1ba, for a ton.
Orders I.ft se Laid A 1382PILAAD11
Store promptly attended M.
We giro one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delieious and healthful
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
full as ,,rtment.
Telephone No. 91. TILE OItoGE1114,
STZ71=e3rY t CO
Hat Bargains....
}facing purchased twelve dozen hata at a great reduction they will t e
sold at the following lbw prices :
Reac+y-to-wear hat at 25c, worth bOc.
Children's ready-to-wear hats at 15c, worth 35c, and at 50c
worth $I,OO,
Leghorns at 35c, worth 6Uc•
Leghorns at 75c, worth $1.25.
Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat, for 75c.
All millinery reduced for the balmier of the season.