The Signal, 1901-8-8, Page 44 T.ii kV, Aug s, 1901
The nian w110 is well dressed is ob-
served by all wherever he goes. lits
clothes eau lit well, look well and
• r, ---.MM still not be expensive.
We re y t, tl,y n,touishingly low price% for our clothing, just now. Room
must be made for our fall purchases, and the prices we ask are bound to clear
the tables. Below are just some of the prices. Call in and we will tell you
the nest.
Fashionable Suits.-
$ 9.00, reduced to $ 6.50.!
1.2.00 " " 9.50.
14.00 " " 10.75.
15.00 " " 11.50.
We'll fie you and please you.
We'll please all our friends.
?.deet Citing Ready to wr.,r Clothing. :rtes'. Furnisher and Hatter.
1'. S. -Have you seen the new Regal summer suspender for 25 meta?
� t #ignzx,
oOD1111t1CA. TOUR/DAT. AUGUST 4 1901.
SOME of our Tory contemporaries
appear to be greatly surprised that Liberal
newspapers are given to plain speaking
Cep any public roan on their side of the
( i ical fence goes wrong. Our Tory con•,oeat':eeare eo used to swallowing every
c.. S that hu the stamp of their party on
la tett they cannot conceive how any L b
&Ma:+r.taper can have independent views.
ya vu recent case of the Dakota ranch.
• .worship between Hon. Jour 1)aY.
S? :�.l,a
Cu w POa
D t
he Tory
▪ for Weet Toronto, and you w.II
i.M. ,. : Lie Mall and Empire, anxious ie
li t:.. s the "Eon." JOAN should et•p
• out, is absolutely dumb as to the
Creme. t that the " Hun." THOI An
._ .. mike. That's how The Mail and
its mould public opinion.
▪ , a ..eeia,l to smite the erring JOHN
nits r /toLole•knottod club, and at the
., - : t'-ze will, not even shake a feather-
!. ' b the direction of the equally
• •..towPa
au . mind. DRYDEN and Caawrotte are
n! ,' .- .re. They share in the prolite of
t -n,, rash arid they should also
✓ '• ny odium that attaches to the
f ' .';a :ro:.a a Canadian standpoint.
t ; 0' : th' t Hades wan let loose by
• a ice a few years ago because an
-.1. o. appease' in The Canadian
1 r tal Guide which stated in bold, black
VI R TL* y1 ITh
.N U`tt'aato
IN Annan/AS?
re ^ '.•Yret of toe Government was re.
101111' l fee the publication of that elver•
r- -1, rad y31 a hull -baton wan ra'sel
rl'..s e• -feed 11 seal members in some of the
t-tire!'toott-,s.epless night.
:u: C-1 reseal we nny that Cabinet
f' ^•fie ve, li':e Cotta's wife. should he
rare suerioie., and the sooner the prem.
I've- o:vectors and solicitors of corpora
VIT. get out o! the game of attempting to
flay et e:.atsemanehip the better. Public
▪ ie awe a on thin point, and there is
a oil to ?.okle for some of the gentlemen s uL'tg political position to further
Formal gain.
A •'tont time ago the question of
1 Stu.% ste.tarton dibbling In this kirel of
t it war unhesitatingly con
t rx: ':a "moo roes anti the public voice of
1 a..! `. S:. 7s wiet should be done hero,
Cu: ': 3'6:aL in willing to enter into a
:e.r confreres to leave no
• ten *adore to drive all "guinea pigs" out
of p,bllc Ute in Canada.
-21- a:ONCTREz..L despatch "r4
C g1e rawspaper save that Hon. Josari;
:I'J.' r1IL:RJ'asnt to appoint a Canadian
(welMor•Jemeral of Canada. And w ley
L•0,kl „ Uaa..r.ian not be chosen for the
1 !t'm! .:;;t•.1 Context oration we have
L a 1 rng:irt of governors, and with the
aq.ption of Dun -ERIN there was not a. man
= f. ",it :1Triir; T'
- ,.,,.ltd UiIT
{t - u►
Rantire stock to he sold her
fore September 1st.
ihirty-five Wheels
at lees than wholesale prima.
On S.turday we will oder
one frderich wheel nes, for
Who will be alts fleet to
-----/Me for It t
of Marked ability in the whole outfit, and
nrrrt r it's ability Jfd not compo:sate for
the wrench he gave to the salaries of the
pour devils of civil servants who vainly at
tempted to keep the pan+ that the equate
dorsome Governor sot them.
The position of Governor-lremind in Cts
ahs is a euperHuoue•tbing in any anent, sod
is about as noeo.eary to the country as x
wart on the bark of a mau'e neck is for
buttoning on a collar. This country, it is
claimed, L. governed by 110 people, through
the frontier and hie Cabinet. Abouts
dozen men -amt oftentimes fe ger-decide
how the country is to be governed, and as
long as a majority of the constituencies
send members to say "Me, too," to otery
thing that th t half -darn- men ttym•
elate the country is considered safe and
pay day for the civil service came around
once a month. If the Oppos't1011 gots io-
ns the tirita did in 1896 -there is a great
ado about a change of tariff, and honest
methods in the public service, end reluc
tion of puelic expenditure far about ,hitt};
days, until the ne* dozen m•n get ink) the
saddle, gild Wen they drop udo the old aye.
tem of week ng rut the line of a tprelw:.:
as their pru,lecessore did before them ever
since Confeleration, and as their suceeeseort
will de after them until Canada becomes a
political nonentity. This 'relent is known'
ar Popular Government.
The (.over/or•Goneral is the Hgure-hearl
that reprreent royalty in Canada. He
giver assent to the Rile that are mewed.
which become Acts after he a.;.'nte, and he
is meatal in the sumo way that the royal
stamp "E. R." is woeful on a piece of public
property, or as a private mark ie useful in
sending a collar to the laundry. - Any per•
ion who can read, write end cypher. and
who is not an inmate of a prison or asylym,
ought to I. eligible for the-.pwition, w'luch
is, in reality, a sinecure. Seery now and
Li en the Lord Too N000t', who is sent out
from England as Viceroy to this blooming
land of icebergs -as the majority of Brit
inhere believe it to bo -takes a vacation
It may be up lhoSaguenay, or to the Fir
kon or across the continent ; hut it mat •
torn not where he goes or how long he may
be away, Lie salary tune on and he finds no
dithrulty in getting a gond Canadian to net
an bl. sulotitut.,. And the country doesn't
go to irredeemable emithereenn during the
abrenee of the Duke or Earl or Lorl,'M the
r•art a may hue.
Which in why, when the question of a-
viee-regal figure heatl in Canada roma. up
and a Canadian is spoken of for the position,
we n•k,111 all eeriousnesn, "And Why Not'
THERE are some people. who think
that journeymen peels never have an off
Monday. That class dea't know the game,
and when the other day RGDYARD
tried to ride 1'rA:asce to an imperial trot,
sed tell oR and made a pantaloon of hint
self, the unthinking press got in its
deadly work and said his poetry wasn't
poetry, to any great extent. This in how
RUDDY warble) when he got the boost :
"It was our fault, our very great fault, and
not the judgment of heaven,,
We male an Army in our image on an 'eland
nine by seven
Which feithivtlly Mirrored iia maker's
Weida, eimpmeut' and 'imolai attic ode,
And so we got sur lesson, and we ought to
accept it with gratitude.
"We have spent one hundred million
• pounds ds to prove the fact ooc• more,
That horses are quicker than mon afoot,
since two and two snake four,
Anil hortueo have four leg. and men have
. two lege, and two into lour goon twice,
Aha nothing over, except our Ieeern', nod
very cheap at the pri,•e.
"It was our fault, and our very great fault
amt now we must turn it to time.
W.' have forty million ream,ns for failure,
but not a eingle estate*,
So the more we work, and the lees we talk,
the better reeulte we shall get,
We have haul an imperial leesmi ; it will
make an an empire yet."
Now, the (Are devil drew our attention
k) t his pieee of original verse, which he saw
in The London Adt•ertiaer.and whii•lu at first
hlunh he thought welt a pen -offer ng from
the talented editor of that free and in fn
penitent Liberal moulder of putdic opin on.
On closer examination he found that the
piece had not the Canaeron'an imprint
blown on the Crottle, sed ouch being the
Wm, the demotic! offee devil thought ha
wouhl get, even with Ktr(.rxn for pnblieh•
iltg the "Recoeeional" while the imp
working ap the thought. Anil PO the Alien
devil write.:
it rant be did, it can't bre did, no more nor
nix meane seven,
Tc marble a statue out et mud, and to
!wear that it dropped from heaven
For poet. are born, not merle, they may, and
that, ie my attitude,
And Kipling rant write when hie hustle on
strike though he is a.landy dude.
He spent a night, perhaps. getting tight, to
prove the feet anon more
That yonr head won't ache, whatever you
take. it you sleep and do not anon,
Rut he's Mena ont now what wee known of
yore, and other Piet. have said,
That a rasa of •'jag" will make you sag
sod wake with an oohing head.
Which is why 1 gay,, now dei t vet gay,
and spine you're a perfect cure
Fur Nyasa. may limp every day, though
you think that his gait is sure,
11'heu you eater the boast dr a't do it in
haste, and don't drink yourself on the
lam't tamper with budge, fur 'twill owe
you a grudge, end your poetry'll get a
black eye.
(1OMMENTIN(1 on the article re
may published to Tho Nealorth Expositor
advocating the elation, of It. L It:oharJeou
to a last in 1'arltamco0, The Mitchell Re
ander says :
lb* foregoing Is from 'the Saaforth h:x•
pouter, a largely circulated and Mlle
eotlal pier, edited by an able sod goo•
eoieotioue ex -Il 1'. 1' It 1, one of the
unmistakable signs of the times. It
chows the natui t trend art poUNcelly
unfettered thought and anion. It is jest
what oao be seen all over this Province,
ooming from men who hive etnpa
themstivse from all party bonds, sat
who have oo mere ouhlual aspiratloce,
expeotat,rne or ambitions. Tit, spirit
has been •bowing Itself very remarkably
In the columns and g 1 tone of 'the
Expositor for nems time ba•.k. It ie as
clearly manifest In Tor. 1 01.11Ie a titin
SAI. as to The Expositor ; and would be In
The Clinton New Era but for the relations
of the editor of that paper to the party
orgaoizitlon. As for The Recorder It is
oeedleu to put its position in definite
language. to Independent's of thought
and women it is not far behind its cootsm•
penult., '1't'': Si..'AI. and Expositor ; and
It 1e just as free from the toads of party
orgentzetion ar any of them. What is
true of the west is also true of the east,
Take The Kingston Whig for example,
ono of the very oldest Liberal papers In
The proviaoe. It lea yerygratlfylog sign
el the times that so many old party or.
genii are becoming leu of the organ and
more of the public journal. And an old
%steres like The Seaforth Expositor will
tied many ready to follow Its example.
and follow It late the wider field of lode
psrdont thought sed melee.
politics WARWICK is greater thio
the king.
Yellow politicians have seats on both
sides of the House.
-The devil has a pure find 111 the nn
e.rupuluue politit'ian.
-The "guinea-pig" doesn't always sot to
the right of Mr. !Speaker, -
-You can always tell that llooloyiem is
hit when the "guinea pig" squeals.
- The caramel of phaco Anal pow,r often
covers a very commonplace man,
- Moro teen are in the pelitieal front
mirk by ebkartery than ltreenue•el ability.
- When you hear the politician prate
Mem( patriotism it's a sure e'gn of danger.
- There is more mud than uuarl4e in tlte-
trospolntiun of many of the so-ctlle1 front
rank psi iticiasis.
-Cot eminent.' are not infallible, ad
l,'alricrt Mibi.tere are sumt•tinues 111.1,10 of
eery common clay. •
-1n politics expedient may prevail for
a time, but ordinary common place honesty
wine it' the lung run.
-Willa is cafeld diplomacy in a p)ulil iciau
in in private life holy ordinary everyrlay
hypx•riey and unadnitunitsl lying.
- The true pert) mon uhou'el not only
stand by hie party when it in right, but he
should,rn,.uure it when it is wrong.
- -Pullen are not kept together by chic.
anery and general cnex•duela, Inst by lion
orable leaders soil all hossekt rank and file.
-A man who r in p'htir'. for Alis there
is i" it, ha. 110 right to fin.! fault with a
honk wrerkrr or even with 11.. vent's bur.
-What right bate any torptra'.x.n to he
eper•ially teprrseolel ne a government of
the peep e, by the people end for the
-1t to too had that no mann oI the
letrtitan prints crawl under the barn when
the toilsome of publ c men should be din.
-The formation of an independent 'point.
cal (arty in Manitoba will he a goal thing
if Jana. Rs,uineeins will lel cat a few link»
iie Ontario.
-11, is possible to make a "ntatonmarl„
out of a very ordinary man, but when that
sort of ".'" finis hie level it will be
with very oriinery men:
- Some prominent politician% gel in
p'wer because they have ability, others he•
rau.o they have gall; others because they
have money, and -a_targer- number Us,rxute
the electorate are fools.
CANADA's BR1u11T rt'TrRE.
Atlantic Monthly: There Is no reason why
Curds should not have 25,000,000 popula-
Mon within the span of the present genera-
tion. Har wealth 1e hlereiang at fourfold
ratio. tier tremendous resources are only
just hertnntng to he appreciated and there
11 weEppaTwet itis t ro'their ultimate de.
K'TPItTAit tINST run TOE nl'ta
Ottawa ltltizts: The Toronto Telegram Is
overwhelming with hearUus ridicule those
h,neet souls who wont the Duke of fork
"lo see us as we are." 1f every little city
up Best carries out its threat of blowing In
"12 000 an hour" in entertaining him we'd
hate to be the things the Duke will ion be
fere he reaches the coast.
RIO IIT TF;4I'111110 1'r 1.ITERATI•RE.
L-indon Advertiser • Andrew Lang, In
'•I.00gmen'e,' says von o*n teach a boy facts
and dates, but you cannot compel him to
literary appreciation. And yet, this last is
the reel thing, which we hope Canadian
tesohere,are notforgsttiog. We do not want
our Canedien boys and girls no dosed and
bored with tsohnlealithes as to make them
f,el like the little glrl who got to hate "that
horrid 9tuentev who dlsonvsred all hard name*
In Africa.'" That only Is the right method
of teaohing Kagllsh literature which causes
11te bey. and girls of the present to go on
'radios good ti'ereture for the rest of Meir
rtt.Till- tu'r'R,
Montreal S•ar • A mer.*ee to public
health, the .lien. of .h:nh Is hardly ria.
lirad, 14 to he bond In I1» mutt:l.Uon of
bank notes. At Nsehut, K 11 , a cseh,ar
Is a book Ise been taken down all rmail-
nex, onntractcd frem handling nota whloh
f ii mime hate the hank In the ordinary
Inane of basis.... Nobody knows thrr.ask
whit filthy hands net, whloh we carry i
about ne may have been Frequent destroy-
ing of soled notes by the tanks sad the
Government, and ah. I.e,,a of now elves
mem.y, le outwitted as poweible meant n1
(essselyt the danger el ueusagiw, Vowed
I � -,I •
so1 the basks coercive to dWafeol 0111s In
their possesefos every day!
HOW TO I.l'lt IAN11.
London Fres frees : Plenty of work and
modarai4ea in diet are the 'webbed a!di to
flu attalwmeat of old age, aocordlor to l'rof.
Uerl'trdt, • prominent physician of Berlin.
Spooking of general nausea, he Hated that
rower persons lose their health through over-
work than from the .ujoymeal of the good
thongs of life. Of alt followers of the lest n
e.1 prefewlone. Lha evangelioal-the term le
here used m eontradletlnotlon to the R )man
Cethollo-olergymea has the greatest pros-
pect of long life, proving the advantage of
early marriage. Aloohui earl tobacco ars
Poison, , and their use to therefore to be non
deemed, as oaloulated to shorten 1.1e, but
statisnw have shown that a moderate tee o'
tobacco does not have serious tffALL l'ruf
Gerhardt gave it as his opinion that the
.1 sneer of Inheriting cancer le not so greet as
the public usually believes.
11l'11O1,A, YLOOD ,IIOUhn „EAR wins'..
Hamilton Spectator : lir. I'cikur, oh)
Ic.- urea 01 mater a media uI a Uctroit cul
Icge 01 meiiciee, hes m.•l. the dlrcov. ry
that ta:dnees le cancel by bad 1 reathiog,
and he hes given to the Meds d 1'.' Jrd his
ruinous fur eo thinking. IIs bet ores thst
;tar which le draws into -the lunge sol a!•
Jawed to remain la the sir .'ells booms' de
«imp encd by the mel et warmth of the bo 1y
creating • polio* to the Woad which catsse
the bats to MI out. W•nuan are rarc'y
victim, of Mildews, whloh aha doctor itt-
trlbuter to the foot that the wearing of oor•
sea comp de women to use the upper pert
of their lunge in breathtug, for it 1e there
that the poison t generate'. The dre.or
has been exptllmeot?n, on pigeons en 1 dogs
to prove h's thirsty. Persons 'ho lead esd-
eot:uy lives are sepeatally likely to become
bald. A hued work ng man with a bald
head is a rare eight. Heretofore baldu,ee
has been attrlouted to the weerieg of hat
eeemiag en the bead tndoen sed euti hot
I,:. Parker hue let tea flood of light 00 Ibis
much discussed toplo, and it turas out that
the whole trouble tomes from ignorance
how to breathe.
Dundas !fanner: The suggestion le made
that (.aoada's next goyernrgenerbl should
be a Canadian, and sir Charles Tupper i
mentioned as se available man. The eug-
gltton is not • new one, by any means. It
h as frequently been made before, and tweo
ty year ago Mr. Gladatoue intimated that if
1 shade should ask for one of her ow4 sons
to be appointed to the goverro:-generalship
the British Government would interpose no
objection. Certainly Canada le old enough
to have produced at least one mate to till the
positron. She has grown plenty of beaten
ant governors. But the difficulty has always
been in tind.r.3 rite man for governor getter.
al S r t'h .r:es l'upO' r is perfectly comps.
tent f r LI. • pas .•.00, rf 1 c u ..•t too old to
be b. ;. red with i•, but It :s s luestlon if
Oe has Leen long •..• ogh removed from the
field of active po:.: c , to be s 2,p aide •o his
aforetime Iodate .1 ,'Donees -.,.l o:.ourse
10 000 would g-• 11, , appoin'' m- n' oh . was
not accepts' I, to the C: veroment of the day.
A more accept „d le man would be Lurd'Strath.
none, who ha. same! s^me recognition at
the batJ:ale to the 21 .tbarland and the
°emaiy of .lin edapti, ti Lord 8:rathcona
would to aooeptatle to all climes fn Canada
THE AT1tOCITIRti 13 . 11111/,.
Bystander, in Weekly Sun : 11 ss mi
rhes we have now authcatic account' from a
Ruulan eoor,t of Russian doinea In Man-
churia. Wt..apleural Incur1 hie was
true. It is all:•ged that the rs was a mis-
take about 'a telegram. Thu Runicn Goy•
mem of Illagov:ausehes.k hayiog telearapb•
e d to the of Khsharovka for
Instruottooe, the Governor of Khaberouks
telegraphed bac k,••Inwe baro end destroy,'
hat the wends "m war were overlooked.
"Von ser, rh y jute lo,k the Chin -so and
fore •.1 ',I.- II: in o the river on boats that
mould not :ant thrm, and when the women
threw their children w, shore w1 b.gaed
Gist they at least rah/10 La saved, the Cee
sacks 0.12411 t',o babies on their bayosvt•
and oat them in pieces." The narrator 1e
said to have shuddered. It he did, be ex,
corded Inseoslbtlity meet of the repressor
atvre, end the people Ily o1 the
evil's(' powers. Nothing le more sad
ening than tt,• apathy with which, In the
greedy hope of lorclog China 1.. tuy cottons,
Mims uospetkable atrocities havel•en re.
mitred. The British soldiers, happily, are
acquitted ot serious grimes : bee no power
which a oo•operattng with the Russians,
entered with them into the plot 1..r parbi-
tiowiur l hiss, and shares with them the
plunder styled "oompeneatlon," can escape
the stain of their sots. Glorious eaeada•
Rona will attach to our two Chinese guns.
Many a tan hes spent all hie
earnlugs in trying tee got rid of
rheumatism. It cost Mr. James Da-
vison, Ocontr., Ont., between 11,000
and 1'2,01$0 leiore be tried Dr. Halla
ltbeumatic Cure. He was u Lclp-
less invalid for six years but sof
feted from sciatica in his hip joint
for ten years. Six bottles cured him
completely and he is now working
hid farm. This great blood puri-
fier is put up in bottles containing
ten day,' treatment. Price 50 cents
at ell drug sures or. Tho Lr. Hall
Medicine Co., Fiingeton,.ODt.
•lblellrs at Tersate Exhibition.
Te. following olroular, sent oat from the
eiffi. os of the Toronto exhibition, may h• of
interest to some of our local athlete..
Petit SIR, 1 would re-peotfully direr
your attention to the :v>hlet!c 'For • to h•
held In 10 ,i of the grand stand at Toronto
1Cxhlbiticn, en Saturday, Augoet the 31•u
under the aneplcee of the Ontario Am Maar
Athl.•tlo Ateool.t!lon. Entry will he free
to emh event, and gold, .Meer .n 1 brains
medals will be given to each. Entries close
with the undersigned on Thursday, August
22nd, and oao be addressed to hlm either at
11 Ann street, or at s2 King street I'oronto
All amateurs are ellguble, the only conal•
tloa being that proper collates I. wotn.
The event' .re a! follow. :
100 y.rde duh, one. to all amateur..
220 yard. dash " '•
300 verde dash ..01._..aa... "
8N0 yards dub !s " ••
120 verde hurdle " "
220 yard., epee te .tndent• at ooll,gi,te
institutes, high .ohonb, preparatory
►nhools or colleges and universities.
880 yard. team race, open to every regi-
ment In ('►nada, five to enter and three to
count. In undreea. For this rene,ln eddl•
tion to the medals to the winners,* shield
will be given to the winning regiment.
Additional particular' and entry forme
can be had ot, Voters obediently, 11..1. 1'.
Note. --Entries when not made through
Clubs will h*ye to have their amateur status
vouched for by Ute Mayor of the town, or
the tonal Magtatrate or dealt°, of the
industrial, Toronto Aug. 26 Sept. 7
Western, 1.nndnn S.p6 5.14
M.'othere, rfrantford Sipe. 14.20
Northern, Walkerton. ..... Sept. 17-18
central, oomph . . .... ..... lope. 17 19
South Heron, Seateree mops. 24 2,5
`Ipt. 24.25.
Sept. 26 27
•9spa. 26 27,
OH. 1 2
Oat. 1-2
..O.1. 1 7
Gee. 2 3
1'arnberry, Winebam
NORTH, - EPTiRV, GOn PRll•11
Kinies., Luoknow
Fast Huron, Hahne ie 01t. 3 4.
Airlifted/ h LVawanneh,Deegannes 0410 -11
Zurinh Harald Wm. McNevle, of
Woodham,wae In town on Monday. Will et.
poet. tote ge (ioderioh the lard !iepeseiher,
whore he has severed a geed pnoitles In the
hig mill, which le being therenr►ly oven
hauled by the present owners.
Taesaaese Pared 1a was Minute,
Not only 000thaohe but any pain 1.
cured Iseaantly by t'olaon s Nervtllue.
Thousands have twitted (het its power lel,
peoutratlog, pain subdutog piopertts w,ks
It an absolute cure fur neuralgia, rh,uma-
tbm, toothache, cramps, colts and all cher
pains and aches that beset mankind. 'to.
world le ohalleogeI to rqutt Nerviline as a
household liniment. Large bottle 25 outs.
+ Adds
Comfort fn the Work•
to Cleanliness. tar
the Linen,
- Deducts
the Cares of Washing
Day from the House.
wife's busy life.
X Multiplies
by two the Life of
the articles waabed.
by two the (Hones of -
lVaar/adsred by
Lever Brothers Limited.
purchased the select stock of
furniture from Cornell & Son in
the Bedford Block and have in•
augurated a great :10 days' sale
of everything in the store -
Household Furniture,
House Furnishings,
Pictures, etc., etc.
The Underia1ing Department.. ..
is replete with thn beet In the
market and the service we give
cannot be surpassed in the Do-
minion. Prompt at'ention given
to night or day calls.
Bedford Block. Fouth Nide Square.
Upholstering, Picture.framing and Pack
ng on short notice.
\Ve Carry.
1 1 e
full line of
Screen Doors and
Lawn Glowers,
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
Sale of . . .
Summer Goods.
Everything in Light Summer Stuffs
must go at some price.
Regular prices or even cost prices
do not figure in this sale.
1st. Colored Blouse Silks aro at and below cost -front
15c. to 50c. Sown of these Silks are worth 75c.
2nd. There is about 120 yards of Colored Dross Muslim
left, which you can get at loss than wholesale price -froth he.
3rd. SHIRT WAISTS. There is only 12 white and
s print Shirt Waists left, which you can buy at a sacrifice, as
they Must be sold.
You shoull sen our Black Silks and Black Dress Ooody,
They are great value at regular prices.
Terms Cash or Farm Produce. 'Phone 86
There is no drink so 000lln, 10 the blood and so generally beneficial as
lime juice. A large bottle for 250 -not more, than half a cent a drink.
Try our "Blsekberry Compound." No preparation we can oiler gives
quicker or better result,. 25c, or 5 for $1.00.
if you want any Inore of that fine oatmeal soap we aro selling at 3 for
10c. We still have some of those delightful French soaps at 3 for 25c.
W. C. C-oode - Chemist
Ask for our guaranteed fly -paper, 10 pieces, 5,;.
We are offering the following Bargains
Bamboo fish poles, were 10 and 15 cents, now 5c each
Three -joint fish polos, were 15 cents, now 5c each
IC dozen fish lines, were 3 cents, now lc each
Apple pars, were 00 cents, now 40c each
Herman meat choppers, No. 5, were $1.25, now 81.10 each
Germ to meat choppers, No. 12, were $2. SU,now 2.20 each
50 dozen teble knives and forks at 10 per cent. discount front present price.
Electro Silicon silver polish, was 15 cents, now lOc each
Electro -plated tea spoons, were 50 cents dozen, now 40c doz.
Screen windows, were 25 cents, now 20e each
(harden syringes, were IU cents, now 5c each
Robert rifles, 22 cal., were $3.25, now,.
.. 32 « ,. 4.00 ••' .
Double barrel, breech loading shot guns, 12 ga., Wit $8. stew .... 7.00 each
15 dozen padlocks, from 15c to 25c, now..........- lOe tach
Hay fork handles, bent and straight, were 10c mad 15e, Mer 5c each
Wire harness snaps, were Sc each, now .. 2 for 5c
-•-....$3.00 each
_ 3 each
Cash Hardware Store,
a specialty.
should be fashionable, of good wearing quality,
nice fitting, and keep its shape till the:sole parts
from the upper through long use and wear.
Such a shoe fa the EMPRESS, of which we
have sole control.
We have a full Zine of cheaper shoes in stock.
Wm. S.h:0. nian,
Slater Shoe Agent.
Aug. lith to Sept. 7th,'Il McLEOD'S : SYSTEM : RENOVATOR.
Naval and Military Displays Daily.
Bombardment of Taku Fort by
International Force,
tie -patent Live Stock Show on the Continent
All Our Country's Resources.
Novel and High•Cla.e Entertainment.
Croat Reuninn of Canadian Old 'toys
and OId (gunge Students
H. J. HILL, Manage,
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
Mill Wood
The al ovn is cut into stove wood)
innath and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at residence, 1211 Oamhria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
(tnularinh, Novemher Y1.t, 1899. M -3m
Sllllllff 811118, QYorcO3tS
Tho mu Brewed Is a °n11 made a1
our .tore always looks trim, as It 1. the
ambition of every mon of taste be look.
A large non of cloths to Aeolis
11 Too am eestemplatleg minting a
ll/h{ °venae•{ fer'prime weer, give es a
chases to serve you. Prices cells.
West 1(1wse