HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-8, Page 3N#i n memt)er of lila oPrpurltlon-amt ducked down Ids head, and uppua— ills nurvellt hiss Knox, ull+l hr, will, the ll'ALES OF IftEL�NDm �e rapiAl wake film pnouutluu uu4• butikp ata n shield, from which 111W know" attucluueOt of stsmh a cunucu erNPllr+ae(/ that It war said hu shut lulrriler rrbonuded with a 1101`00 that t."1i le) Ireiall.l, ullvuyo fulluwed al* tap' Into pveferearnt. router slaughter, u* Iser pruttictor, rhuw"d how moon fib skull wuuW fiu%e __ - Altlollg tile dtketlugulrhet duelists bile,, fruotured If ex lured to them. whenever Adie %outtArrd abro" To ( j Mi 1t wnr lout Puwrr, of whuut wavy tint-. I +lutwuh lila laughter (root tilts unfor- Ililli LawlEs� (,Il8tUII13 til 'alter fire premervrd. We take! nuc. After suwwuutior, the filslrher of the) tunu►to connection. lir. huox re - law dived among til(• slteriff'r Put 1•uwer mud the N'rtrh, wlve.l to 1,•ucu lire cutmtrJ anti In� I 1 \1'hru trnvrlllug 1� Engafgol he had talti-ndantd find disappeared. Tltl■ tro.luee her to all.• rudely ,,( thy �,1��1�EBIlLl1 (,EllCl1Py, uwlsy enl") elfin i lth eerrour Infill Krutp"que figure, *urrounded by two mrtrolsolis; and Ila the beginning Of 1 fir Inure llntuun beings, struggling In November, 1781, prepared to ret out 1 were uttrurll+ll by his brogue uud till. awful agonies of a violent and (fir Dubku. 11aNuKlltuls uua ,,'Party fit cluulrI upIN•uruuee. Ou our ocea- Iiurrlblte dentll, was regarded by Lilo of Idr friends lotting information (If g (1i 1, N4/n a group of gentlemen were Wt- iglu, its mresentin a funny and u- 1BUUCTION CLUB* thug la a box al (4w end of the 1 R lits a didtlon rrfrured to u cubw h lh AN r„Ow when Power entered at the Ins oonireaf Muuy aofo hhn urn pt mut dlull (A irom (fir rom with re otllo•r. The representative utlri*b ronual s the levity of hangmm� ;t rack full ai 11y wu-Al", spate ed ku r _ ___ rntuinerme ut till* tier un the Fag- ''minuet In their day. Thr, Inst and uto, of or party way an. Willi li Lu alt hall rtagu WAR n llssue of igner- limon uulorluud of the craft we)" "'mould UIP the of +fit oltl woman. who encu �{ F unit•, LluUderA•, told nbruTJlller,uuJ (totem,,." lintel,, fn old age• wnr ofle•n by the wuyrfifr, awslrr ale• prrtencP finning w38 an uccaliun of when a real IrW,el a ouTditred oft vlrlted fit Kllnutluhluu juil W par"unK fit buying sutue y+aro. to welt for tlw le) �eStj��Cy lite stage he we)* alwuy's suppured wfio flsJulgod rt worbld Oartorlt}' t0 coming up of lir. Kuux'W "urringr. kit to have tine clearucterisllcr of his rete him rued aIle rope with whto!l he l\Yle" It did arrive, thy• wont all 1N)lut- lilt "Ifwrr and Eu is a lots butt fur midi- lord hnngpJ met of lair own rnla- awl !t nut, numwl Wr• tracetiersit con 1' cute. \1'hrn 1'uever took 1111` rent truer. Opu of Ills pruetdcul facetlae tuinwl, anti described Ills• PN)ilt ou ie) fi le) lhl. lox, the wafter came to him was to rifp the u1N,rr round a visit. wlicll they eat. They wIr" Mr.+�lox, RICA DF HIRD DRINKERS. with a gold watch, with a gentle_ evoke nick, fund give It u sudden chuck, Idr wife, hid dau)rhtur rued ra tllaid 1 u"ui'm cuwpliulrat" fold u rwpucrt t., which would nearly enure the menlsn- servant. It war atirnded by but tine fit (By YAlwin A. ('a", -.l know what Welock it wad by It. (tun of rtrufagling- Ile wnm brutally' sprvant, find the sin Alli t"•rurr mein (u On (fie e%entug fit the l9th of P%„wer took the watch, and lieu di- uufet-il"Lc lit the diaehurse tit him her- tlarlell. Tlir s(+aut imfurdinteio, ran co rectowl the wittier to let film know rid duty, and .when a reprieve would IN fore, anti txvmlnunicnt+•d tlo ►lc- w .I,Inuery• 17981 u Young utan of the the penult who rent it: he Point• &limit• tO some wretch whose hanging feltetrl,, tie arriagutl.ai fie haat 1`r• "a I,Ilfur of Kelly, a Student of the nail- cal tint oup fit the group. Puwrr rung hp niaWputeat, he wonld nlnaurt c1`! crlvrd. TIN ca IA, ngl Naa I t, other Ill tile- ball (or Ills rrrvanl, uud direct- with disa m ointment rat lilt- loss of ourriNr, by 1cw anti t nti nthof lrywlly, rntrrwl liar Pell, utueh In- el flint tO bring his pisitold :and tel- file fee.and rely, "It Is it hurl thing to euuspnuluns, M(.Njlgq uu and nun of tl tullcrtECl, +and climbing "ver the I.ner hhn, lip not them uwler ham hon ILeVomptlees fired at Ib rndth, m 1 G^ t:rting (lite ,rend nut fit the) mouth e gxktw of tho orchestra. K')l ulrm arm, wid with the watch ken hi" of fail old man like Incl" lie N•11N aklwavm wlrrn tliry did fu,t of Gut •totally I luipullent fit any delay tuudP by the .Ibaablel. Thr. blinds of tG• carr " liar singe. from whels"e ha mood„ bond, wulkrd I'm to the box, anti wrrr now cow• drawn. What the per K+ ,.am way to the Krepu-rls,m road Ila- pre"r•nUng tike watch, beggel to &,el%icL When the wretched Jemmy' ) "1 .u1Eed soul. "f the females tficro its kaosw tam whJw it llrlungwl, \\'hen 0 -Ura•,, would about to be exceuted, f(teX in+l t1` might III b: recogu s sl. ,la• up,ut grur* uud indecent awn- 'w "qe wum willing tin owu it, he he exhibited the greatest terr,ir, Find byacciden r r up U. it, Bull sled it d draw his ltd rll%er one'from hoot rule, by icy -kind c1` ululp;u, s lilttrR"d a u••1`. .11` Elie Pminy tReuW not prix+C+ld IingenFd nems lits derutiour, to pan- !o•nrily•kadwl Wuud"rbla*a tut., rt uF front thin Intrrru mt.on, hp wake 'lull piet"•nlyd it to his' rrrvuut, de. tract bis life thus for a few mo- is { hiring idea to keel It; un41 utting retaltbli .d rtsrlrk dei h+sad ianMr, Aakwl away auJ ei%tlly cuuJAp•ted P P uaentr. tialrin'r nAfalrerr to film l■ Tt,e Glind mum Irl ,k)wn. and 111`• 1 Wick tel the 1`a. flare In+ ,wel2Pd a 14• the gulden line, IIP gave has n arae well known. lie called out fit the I uud udJre+wy find assured !!le a,m- Knux dleolwarRel ilio prrtul fit LUe w' bu"ket of orulsgrm, uud amuded be)"- It(Nrr, se) its to b:• hpard by all the lwsa Ymin. At the Nam" mnm'•at -an +,elf pelting the perfurmerr. air. pita* ho would keep It torte till call- bvrtand••re. fir well fir the orils,lual, either was fireA fn,glt IN'talud n •tack t tell Fur, !t never was elaltuad. p (A turf• b tit, rer%:aut wh• had R I:euitlian wnr 4ic u mauje c1`. +and Alr)thrr Institution bhowd the "age. U'aste cryo long lite to y' Ile y Ila waw liar Pterticular object 0thlr dlste of suclrty le) Ireland uneltlul_ 1"rake finale Inid your prayers; de Ctect-alPat hlme if th"rr. Pketh NhutFA p :1 to WC "fill alt tack. Ha war suffered a&i thirteen y'earm agu. Abductl"Ia people• IN getting tire) Irnder the t(N•k effect lit tie• holy of laic Nagle t• to retire with ,mpunitY. after Inter- 1`f helreiwrr mus wPrilar brutnrh•uP "wills -swung." _ _t.wi. Hl+ wife, how"* r, hAl on Ills w rupUuK the perfurauerm and disturb- fmf fierfe AiNlu(+reg r Itr weir Wei conclude with the melancholy horse lay hill awN„1•ifitea, w -ho rode T ie){ tin whole hours. 1'nrutw(.f"t by fotnl0.11 among the young own. and story of tiff wit!: him. The• cnrrlugP was,tiff t* tills attack, h rv•turned n (1`w nlghis Settle rise to a Iawl of lite utmost lleNaghtan and Miss Knox. "x+ttnles \Iter Kgln% .,I. found Cirs t after, with fifty of hid aolociatem, s0%erily. This Is the account of weltering In h"r b1.,d. On til. tlrst K"wnomen mad utlaf•rs. They rudbed Ou the Derry tide of •the FOYIP, alarm, Rip• find thrown her arm 11 t"%%artla the Stage, le) which they eine Abduction (;rubs. shot about two mile* from the city, I about t)rr father's a -Ck to protect made their waY through the trclwwr- Th:d us k,beluthm waste au - alhine I Aral and across tin lights.' Isere L."u club," the member" "f which _--,__-___---__ -- - --- tory drew their swords, and thin toall,l Weutrrhem by an oath to us a auareho"1 into the drPurh►g-roomm, ie) dirt le) tarrying off etch young we)- r. "� 41 r•rarch ,,f Mr. Nieritan, to *at•rlf.ce writ uv were fixeJ t►p.mu by uuy waw - -� - . 1 a ►lint tO their reRrntmPnt. Not finding berm. They IwJ emissaries and eau- = 1 him. they thrust til+• Inlints fit tile- r ft"erates ie) every l,oAtse, wh., euw "+_' "' %%Pgrao'n" thronIrll the cheelr and wunicutel Info-wntlou of part,eu 1 t 1.11)lhes-Presse", atilt every parr arm -We• extent of Lite girlw' fur- � '+ W Ileal• 'a loan ,,,,tilt lir conc"uled. tittle', Life Estate. a".l Clrcum"talwer of :1Z, w Il%• ilnt] fortunrttcly Polcul"•J, tint Lisp fatally, with details tit their le) `t� v. -,•f t the Party pruceede l In 4 !Nilly to tfutiuns and domestic arrange mentX � Zl1, i /' le •=;, - i film linupP In Il+rmet "t retell with liar amt uw%f•wenLS. 1171rn n Klrl war ,� nsunlrrvnad determination Of wtab- Li,u+ Io.nte,l Out tfie m:•mberm drew (j ; . y - f r %`, b:ug film. dectlar nit with the run- !uta, Gut wore cenrrally loosed up if,,A, __Ai3e ��`#,�,,, 1 "ptrntorp In .,\'en'ct- Pre,rery«y" fur her, staid lwmtariat, measure. i '•raeh main ,,eight ill him ,share." wrrr t.ukeU tom "et -are 'er fur. iter ,` (`i .f- n F'+r rr%s-ral nllr11tnkthrY A..N mbled fortunfato mail by all tie' rest. No � Y)'` 1 �. til the theatre. PxcitluK r.otr, rand +'a"" 14 m cloety was exempt frum l_ [[rya'� of a,ting uprate" of the warn.- kind. 111011 'ld►te,and tiplileO" farmer" ,atm a2"\ �•` w;t-tl n" the uta were rub 1`•t le) - *+ t ill the patience ,,f the manager find K y• 1 Z •':. them#- I- gagwueuts of the cl ubm, nc- y 1', ' the public w•nw exfiiaunted. Hw then, ling t" thn-Ir reek Ill life. Thr �/art l with sgmtrit and determination,pros- J -_ -- — - - ctwalel lecnlly nKniumt them. %ach pprsoae, wit,) wire most u9untly pun• `'%T\ (- v +•acv of rink, nn•t oeruwl in Angola Cliff^ were• a filar,, of I % _. waw the na( fid Jt 1 n 1 rlrind collet 11 �• %/�. li I err "trttrkls" iti '(•ell, an", Utesslls I g i r _ ,1 r/1'! I t ibr trrrnr til oos ' ml tureens." The were the ounger • ( ,l t"I ,� that the lrrnernl Igsull4- Inns, 11 1 �- '-._...___ - b +NNim i,1` c•unnecOonR of rr"p ctuhlc• \ t, would be impognIb1P giant #Lily jury I %� \\ +� t mould find n grntlrtagoon guilty Of ((t1111;IPN. IlflYhlg -little c1` t1`+ Nltrl- fin d fine( upon n payer. A bar- aaoy of thflr own, but who smc%rued 1. 'w r n cfmrt find n•nlnrkr•1, w.11l kr drlst•fin tlr•In"rl%en by uuy u*slut �/, 1 t 1`I t r I or profitable par"nit. Tlu y fir:• dr � �� n "neer. ll,nt fir had nelrr seen a eerlbwi by Arthur Voting sad tither , N ••grntlPmnn payer." "Turn, film: loiters of the lay an dlNtdniculshel � "` .n id rillrrl.Lfa, "I hriPr , mop nue t' �- �I n e1 R t. Z til fuFree tint mnrketrl, raver and nn- •; "'� / ' allow," Kelly' NYtR found guilty of n stars, by appeitring In red waist f 1`c I �'y d j I P %inipat ,%~nit, impntencf•d tie pnvu Cat's, rnwl with narrow Puce fir `�� /, r! �i��I '1{I I�� J fine- of (::,00. find t" the Nurpri"e fur, tight leather tirrwdlrr find top FF ` ,\ � 11 ��` 1 flint Mmory, fd nil film gentlemen as- <o,Ld. riding "a tat of blood," tint I (y \ { ' p(ecnat Pa, of•lit to \ew•gale. or given them imm telae tetablee of ;� `', t 1 r The streets of Ih1bl1,, wpre• with- their opulent connexion". . , ) 1 h t �E I I rut a N,lice Fvrn at mg I Inkl walk earrlat tti n fright• {) Ila I 1 K nR \. � thorn w#Lm stn watch• till 171;1. Wild fel ru•e"W. lair W. Petty. N'ho wrutl+ - �``�t` Il ;%! 1 young men associated in eluhm for In the year 184•', wh"n Ihlblin von- .\ �trq ��y �� I t"1rlxm" of violence.. and were hone, tilt P O , Ir RIAeg, ptnt,R i,2OO •�\ \ \ ` I known by' But4i astaWs Fir '• The .of them-_wrrr. publie lsna•les, wAgrr - - e • s " "The Muhm•ioo,' nnel `•Thr - ---- -- __- ._ I Itntk , int.)xp•nling i(Inors wrrr redd. In � - -- - --- (htalkers," the atter taping :a mitre 179.4, In TIrNWIs street. D •nrly every . brYLAI Imltal:uu elf the h,1`'us'r by Lidrd hour(+ was a public harligc.. The the- vulgar. But '•Thf- Bucks" fire street vontainel 190 htcgP", anti of � a. R. P%\\13'1N. - . frtmrms fnit their mNkhtiPr, as well thrmP-ft'4 were Or•rnoe9-ioewo" i splrttm % ase far their atrneitif's. tneemng Up• upper rlataNem til•• trttrbr('n-Walk lie IN (SAO,, e--Ltw�PeWeat ag_ JaAlr le) i gr"flu (paler DRma1N•IIN mtl•1'i, N'llil'fl lir iM N:1I•i tU PNm erY. F.ceeatrleltles of •'The Burks."' ewINllrllutJ,rn Inn" claret. fail.] No 1`x- -- trrast(c• wit" ILA Im{ortntiun lint In — (olons-1 St. L(g"r Ipr,,nunnrwl rinl the car 17(11. ht nnvntnt A t ) A,ODO' , a fen er) %van n Fiorito- mail, bnndm0m" Y is t rshrn, th ~'it O' the Knolem. him, an l War rericcal the amtrntr pf ( g lone, nn 1 tl►+ bottles noon • wore euti i and wall mws1P, find partkulnrly a1` tel fit floe valnp IN (17.007 iolnundm. c, lS hFRhly track, n.wl COTe*' s the n, blun,•r'X firrarnl. Fier ball. I "ratable to tiff- r(X•Frt•V of tits castle uua Ce)nmkiCrlblr track• dr +R ndlnR Lo fit (lie- a%in the hid i•Jttreed err timing the etre-royalty of the Dutgp Air Jolah iltarrington retail# lwcl the river, net] overhanging tiff, broad � IR)ly, Ieu%u1K U1r otter tfirrr pfrr nnecantres tial deserve to be rite! of Hutlnnd, and wan n (i "VIAel fid- Pxpnn"r of wntrr In thou pinC with ; hUnt ie) Uta cnrriace with 71rr un Nedtr to the kennel of lime father's it" dark almde-. Thr eirclnu"lancr 'hurt and untouchnl by than random ►nln•r of the 1Nnutihd durhe"", ink- bounds wag built a small lunge; to Ing fill crC n"InnN to di+ptl:oy hon 9:11- thlw wife riAlel a heognhead lof clnrrt. which mwrkel Its a+w holt qw u.•1`*'lollWt. I hlntrp, Nativetintr% in the monl n enrcfawe of tNw f wet" hon: up ngnlnvt with nf(ldctlon I" (Of much fi chnrnc- f TGP rUlllllry w'nN s(m,n nlnrmrd, and r evtravfagant Enortprr. 4ee•Ing her the w'/ldl, ra klMl Ill n Itwrllnlil w'nN ter ale, tU corre pond will' til(' gtlwm I n r"wnrJ Uf 11111• 111111 lard PN+undr n(- grncr Inamh her 11nn.]N null mnn(I1 "'I'' flltnt w'Ith mtrnw. nR n VIII1P1 aur Ihr, that p:,rTa.flpp IW nmP):•ct, nnJ uo fuel fur the apprrhCl"inn of flit grit after dinner, Ile lafillet ie) 1, ,-I' c, mpKtly, when hu Ilnwl t.. a1Pfo nal trai,e9er pita+,•s it witlrnat funny r1`- murderer". A Company of light horse +ttaty For ills, gl,►Xs, find. Stru,.ling 11p• ;all the wink,wm ware rh+eCl, t., .hut (I+ctbls" on the wall r% eN w•hldl I oth r"d the J -re Fell toad nunh tilt dnonk to the• Mett,+m the fa,ntent"' „fit the light or dnv.'Hrro nine gen- IL:tlsf)fr11fa1 lFl+•rfa. John NlcNnghtan otllo•r place" were led to N WPfi, the " St. Legrr." "nl t the Jukp, •gnat nrr firm"n. Wil) evcrlls-d le) c�rl.nlm con- wee" A ,,^live Af iblcey. His father � flouter• of rt fnrmf r nnmfal l\'ten"low. In lock: her grace waehpm her fret vivhrl . wit IPPir wP11 rticlulou ,len n Wax nn oInl:Iwlt mprelant, millet The family d"nir,l all knowledge of to -night, find von mlaa'l here nuother vI%I-t% rig, l'tten, Ins dqv. nit ompnnlfwt Knvp bIN Onto, all the Advantage,, of a Me\aghtne. nndAlip party were Ipnv- a'IrMPt filter 'NuP)per." T1iP fret !)( by tale p.Pw•rw nn.1 R 111Y. s r. w• iff two 111unI lilaeral fdncntio.l. Ile grnduat- Ing the huume when tile. corl"will Relief - asauthill gentleinae. xtlltu hoslloneet.A inmate e1` #01ins9m tar J,ala Ivo tiro chorus 1ls1 ie) Tr}„ftp Ce!Ifrom. Dublin : Gut In lint -f .!t, CftryMft rnN, o the h"nr- hrt crf n 1•nnslJprnble sum ihnt Its rnlRe.l hY the c»rst”. Among tis+• iIn%lii{r1nhPYttrQfrom itFR nhrtr a--.inc.el_-ti:-r!•welryueMa who Infix dig - would proceed to .fprnanls-m. p!ny ball "In)rtm Inlro,lueped wtan n rock -fight, InrKe• eNlna", which pncluJeJ the gins Inrtnlo"N, LII"( tbP dlmeoverer agnlneet Itm wall", and return in ft Int which twelve game rrNwlrrm were p/a'r•rraty of (•")raging in any prof•,•- Would 1N' entltlPd to n re%%nnl 011 glvrn tikes, fv weil known it Dnblln• thrown nn the Poor :who (ought to- 'dna, Ism eaaplrnc(Nl,a. carver of d}*- three lulndre'd'penndp, The c intry- and nbtalne"1 Elle entprpriming clial- fr(411pr till only' one ren'nlned nlhr. "1P0tiral, tt1A.1 trW, commna In IrPlnnt. tun immelbutrl, r do in Lip i bnd oft, len o t sebrlgnrt by tvhlrh hr waA win waw atrclnfel the %Frtnr. Thus, PPP marriel early, but hill extrava- find the curpornl, rnnning up n Inddrr, v%er nfterwardm unlvprpnlly known. ffar seven Mayr. the party wnN shift gnncl. F(en lncolTe(d _him Dl Mtoh tile bur"t uprn liar dour, find dlscurNot- file nems was •'11'Iuu#-y," find to the In. till the mote w•a.(declarextent ftp, trips+ that be wax arraslcd by_ the JI"\laghtun lying Iq the hay, \nt- bonr of hbl death hr vert+ rnlird ".f era- un'I tile Clnrrl •en__t►Pe-.�tn<go. Ich(,11 Nlwallff, Ll filet Own partor, for mi ern- withStnt"lleg kit mlNPrnbly wounded Nat"m Rhhralel'•" the lnxt gullet wnr I tenflp with idilc`rable debt, in Ow prIxNPAee of Ills "tate, hP iun,lp " desperate resist - Duelling waft a univrrmal prnellee, spleen, asst draul; In tumblers to their ir' R'x+nt w►fr. Tfi,a phoek waw fatal. nn"r, but wnR ulUmatrly tnkrn and and It prPTnllr,l mnrr r"prrinllp n.yt mems}- ror"Iing. Thr wnme wI jler ti110 wam r"Ix,wl with fircmnture labor, lodged in Lifford jilt. Koran of 1119 nc- nmong the lnwyprR. A .barrister rte• drlslerihpls n cart} Klcfn 1n nn unflp alai IN)eh wife ant child perim1w4l. romplk•(•N err" nrtemtrd a(on mttair. gtilr«1 to tN fit Irnet nR ready fit n {WIlefl moil. the wnlle of n, fail wrrr HfAaX a man of nldrefAN unit nbility'. They wete' tried before a ppeclal ptRtol pilot ns at n point of late•. A rt-etntly pinmtr)al, end the nN,rter (le, won" ttPtile c% -n n Montle Nall- Lmm�t%% ton fit Llit Ki "v one Of few inetaners are rnPlrrted. - fr ft..tt ten nit the Ifr!10wing morning Fr ieda le) the ret, An•. n e then IIVN wake r/retl"d Fie Khtg'n torn c t conic• frlewin entailed to pay n vhlt, Irl"h l:o%P(f►mmtt, qnf In the tour+"• N[c\:Ighuw %cnW GrOualil Into e0urt Lawyer 1)rP111FA1s. of him duty,'contraolel nn inlinlncy Nrapped In n blrnnket, awl Intel ou n 11uJ they fount til" errmpnuy fnmt !t wap nn unuxnnl thing (e)1` two nmlrar•Ph In %arl,nie prnitlone, poker 1`n, with liar fnmlly of l(1`. Krgolx, of tnbl" le) the IuCk, not being able to (lpinlelte cuunmel to (till out In valid eluurtL find l0mn on thfl filer nmonR Pre+1lf.u. wtlosr daughter, a lov"y% unple,,rt lamlself In any other position. In discussing a legal polol. 4-e- i�e %if empty M)ttlew. broken plflteR Afist 'anti amiatrfe girt, was entitled 9e a N"twiHtNt04"H40r meate-Pwht alu.l a x- n nolghboring field to prcttlP Il with djoit)PR. h:men and fraginents of meant Inrgl• fnrtniw. lnd^Iwndent or her reeding Debility, he defended himself pistols, and then return to court to (hooted In clnrrt, with Fi kennel 1`f fowler. To her tie NaRhtnl' pail fie- With nestonishing energy and +trute- rrnulnf- their bnsinea( In n more dog" devouring then'. On the floor mblloum court, aced aN Rise was too nes". A Ongular trait of Irimll feeling penceful manner. Surfs ren Instance in% tile. Illprr, on hlw back, apparently Y"buic at til a time to marry. by ob - Occurred In tilt- course of the trial. sestt+nrred fit the Agonises fit Wntrrford. Alee,l, with liar tablecloth tha'nw'n tni'el n prom}me from her ltd lir- Ont- of him followers implicated in the fi"Iler find Eagan tett kelt oil it pm,lnt eTM film Mr n Shnnn1. land mix crandlrm ronie• film fertile to two yearm. When outrage, imaged Dunlop, wltea ne tnith- tif law, and both reltretl from larurt. 14neel nrouml 1 tan, burned down to tide- circum"tnnce wars mn•Ir known fol and alUiched rclluw, and ilia Thf-y cnmRpell the Ithrr B.IIr hl 11 the «rokrtls. TNo of ihP cclmpr,ny fin,] to her father, hr interdicted Pt In mnnter evin"P7 mors, anxiety to Nave rrrrytonl, to gfaln the C'ouuly of fallen nillesp, wit11 their hendm clone tho nxret dcci (ld mann,er, Find (Ir- hhn Flit. than hl" own. .\.f It manna o/ Kilkenny. Hurry Ilnydt-n, n Inrga' main to, the me,ft wit]) ; til,• hent arol light heado MCNFightlan'" TWO to film house. (toil,& no lip dl.+clalmed all knowledge final n Justice ,,f pence for the county, of the ro:nn, after rightrs, hourn• Thin prow re+preewntel as me InjlirMue of him prrmou. "('h, ruaSU•r, deur•" s%hrn he hen rd of It, hasleneti to the cnromm�l, find rnumea the planter to to McNnghtan'm ehn.racter, that the raid lily Inter fellow be"idr him in the u v "a1` u1 pilot, nil(? girt in betweltT thPlg'ilttrt � filar harTPR: t7 thRt` tills hen.M ++: -�mw•Yfwtaastal ilii nut wan ie. Ltall ft a all Yu L e Ug " Intl c with hon a nl Y" On tile- do n" tfiry erste preparing to Ilse. Thep tFlP kern w•PrP f►tmtp' IttcOrrNrntPA gcwtsl to {N -runt hi Ina y to cHNowu w1` "[t r I y told Mm to get eel oke( the wAY tak whir It. It was_IlceemsllrJ�_with coon- fnmlly• luster the "lipnlratlen that he Of the rxecutlun McNnghtan w•am no I hay would shoot film. tin,] then break mtirrahie difficukY• to IR Mil Dpi the mh n'kl thtak tm mnrn of hM einnXi4er. went nw to be mt"vIrtarted IR glee farms I`Very tone In him body. ids dr•clnred mems with nn oypler-kndfO, giving Ona• dap the kmvf-rx fou nd thetnwelvpv of llttendnnt". He mincel the Inest VAN withorlEy ran n JIINtice of the much females to til^ p+artlrw, by the t(mm tokens, with no cumpti001i beat n Iiltill tratimony of bis regard to tiff- un- ppneP. TIIP.V told hfiRl U Ile was iSt. fir haat( their hair nfvt n part u( time tx,y, wile-,, Bic dashtun tOtik frum hip (urtuuate young lady. he find mur- Petrr from heaven they would nut mcnlp. Exrcrltion+ Wvrp freplent, 11,141 Placket n Prayer 1NNrk, niS1 read film- -]"reed, of whom hr wnS pnpidonntPly mind him. They Pvehmnge•I &hots were. TAWtly mere bnitnlPxPnR and din- Rel( the nmarrhlge crrrrgoi+*. prp- fond,ne,l wfiom he mourned an film wltlo11t Pffewt, find then retgrnrd to galstlRR Pxflibitlonm Pipe, thnn they yelling on \flow Knox to an"wrr the wife. ,lee (-:tp which noverr,l him filce "nnrl, Thr eager of their nbapnce. were 1n Fraglnnll What n picture In rrvopoom(w-which pier did, ,,tiding tell IrnN leund wfth black; hl+ JrlCkrt wnN N/lN genPrnlly II atiPr Rteead, rlgti lllrY title Il( r edlch. "pree%'Wlog illy father conpent•" trimmed will, ,luck, ha%Ing black jet toned the allot u limy nn•l Rfind th 1`n Of tldm ceremony NfeN11ghtltn Iman(•cl- buttons• with large black bncklem In foirtly a hon ing tea ra n1` whdt-h of An Irish Ilwng►nan. atel.% avail«1 hlmpPlf, ned when he IIIR shoran. wt,pri lifted n(Ls the ladder hhem war kfllPd. Fltsclhbon, the At- We AnnV mention In !onRNing. next met Iter nt th,e h"""" of A hr exerted fill hi" remainCng strength I1wi WILY kine, win kat ,,firmWnr(i" t1L'It nem eliml))MIiIOCP which Bust 1`l• mutual friPrrl, or•nly rinim,,d IMr 4" to tllrow hituNPif off• and with such Lord 11,nncell"r nml Fnrl of Chirp, heated to the Rt range 0:atretdiotton Ilim wit(.. .%Kaln �te witR�ffrbMden alp+ fomr tint the rope hrnke, and hr frit (night with Cerrnn. nfterwnrdoo \ran- exhlbitel nt M trial, extention, learn- Imltso by tllr Dullirnnnt fgthCr. Hr gn"ping to Ills ground. As he was n fpr of the H011's, with Pnormnita pin• ing that nwrul ep^n1`• Int,, nn refiner. then pubMNhfvl nD ndvertl•m•mpnt In muff of Altering enterprise mnd pr)fumv lnln, twrhr Inchr�s Inn q(•„tw, ,,firm- Untlty of nirrrlment and jpwt, wain :Ill the rN•wimpnpears, deel4rlog ilia bounty, hr wait highly pr)pndnr, end wtir,im IArrd ('hipf , nmtion of the liar oharnetpr and dream of the hang- Yo1►+41` Ind* Inn" mnrrtet t0 film. RY the• or)wd mn,in n Inns for film to hon w tN'nrh ranat Fnrl of ('lOnmpl, n Proceeds, lowrvl•r, to the rplrltnnl ,,,app, nnsl ntteripted to nRnist film. 1(' conn. 'I'luoi hrneEingnyp Infix caner- CNart, the prrterpleAl n)nrrlaorP wan ill, derllned thoir nbl, rand .Ir"Inrrd flnlght Lord Tyrnwly on Rome affair :Ili* dtpfrnlsed In n Tnntilmtic Enron- entirely FACE, aahlo. nlwotit his wife, and afterwnrllm iter, very HI plaited to Lite LOnndon. In til:+ rcw'rp • of th p.• pin •f a .Ings to would not e, f : hr csllaiti t,, film (cIl will, the F.nrl of Llnndnff, nMnat On hU ina• he were a grotpRgtir M(,Nl%glntan wrote• n thrent n nit I"t Inwrr, Donhlp, for the rnpr which hi" xdster, awl with Revernl mnlsk, rand on 411n bnck nn rnormnnR was *mer lits ,,pawl liar knot "f ,-liters, on tnlpepllnnecAns Subjects• blilllp, In til„ whole, resembling i'nnOh nrr t"1` „1`'C m. till .fit vvfs of Ofe ('curt which wan rain li find plkmnim mond nail) with vnrkm^ wpm ')np, sword& (elf lrrlrgntr", n lm it rde olid, en it hl" own. ,lgnli of wake nail Il it np A in til!• pnpp^t-dine. IiIP crigpnni welt tam (wave film murdrrrd when Nr taro Iarhlrr, Rnd still«•ting All ilia on - and pildolR. /dr•lge, ilarba "f the ,1^sign of till" appilrent levity Wan ramp men circuit. but f"rtunnt,•ly Ete9,«Pnpr, fonghl with- hl9 own tit prnlf et the• p%pentinnrr by thin mine«I htm in c•ons"qusivr" of the withol hr mt rtK ho. Ili off find dlyd 1v 0lipr-nn-Inw. rand two) nth"IF "�- dingullsr,, end Il wan in pnnn P(hRihP Judge'e twking n dlflprent rated. Th" withenl a Ntrul,iwe stn il by vrnnl - agnniette. Pattrrson, Junlip f hist faithful fnlslie tne"I of wring- ('on,mnn 1'1pma, fought three rornntry n1e'xalry'. T11P ueai hP ken 1 result wag tont Mr\gghfmn w're ing ilia hnmlm ns hr witne"a«I the nnf- w,matle•mpn, and wcnmdPfl them alt: Ian lar a odennn, it wne formed pf film wiI t) fyv to Fs bent r t) herr ferincm f! him dear master, amt onrn- "no tit the dnrlie wAw Willi small :s Inrgr prolrlrn howl-tilnh, Inid 1N -' p,la wlNrle mind wap trent cln ohtmni Potly demur I that late ow•n exrarntlnn ew"nis. 'idea inrd NotbnrY. l7'lef twr•rn film mhonldrrm, find ear Forest Ing Poampleatm of Ids wife- : ken at fill mlgfit lir Imnten«1, that he might .InN11"n "f the Common lllraw (ought with fila nlotlift When liar rrhnlnrll Is►2nrllR ti trtcrflyd and mon emn- rvnls tnrnrJ off, find the "ddRtinR of real«I In tlr• wflsSle of 1'rrhen. R'nrn oilmen futhrw film find die by the same "'Fighting Flly('rraMs" anti Rrv- %" hr•gan, the hnn,cmn Ing of thin clrowmtancP had tw+en rope, ernl otheorR. no Alvtingalphr] wap liar Iprng-to, n Mr. Telpr for him drawls In thin way was n.Nnll"d, not mrrpiY with RhnnfR emiernsnamleat«I like let further, twli hP lint kP wap alprnys the man dPprnA- and enrpes, but often Witt, s11owera gc•Pmmeold to dssflptw• It. T1Mre wag, pow• Irol� (AaiRMI ilial gllttetr sass not ed on by the atimllfetratloq to friaalta of wtonse. To ellil+tpe the Iattet, M eTet, a blfickeeltttl twiloee vette Aad +NNNN'r+0*M� 1`A Doukhobor %' Industry. I IN cl tae•i4i 4Niit*e•'F l ulay glul geteo+rally be known at uuugdt thurr wife) Indulge le) the h 1`o of patella tuachinlr that else of 1 o prineilutl iugrwllenlr le) 'unity P dl known uud largrly-Adcrrlirel I, ealleites coulm Inn" Manitoba find t u Northwest Terrltorlew. a Tills Ilssretdlent W met)eca, or srnegs 1 market. Thu IwJne "f tltils root lit 1'OPu- sty known Ie) the vollutry. but few i ow le) what u large• extent the t ul"ps* Of dealing In it IwN becmup. t urktou, In Alsdlsiloiu, Iws probably U rat place hi the uw(runt shipped. Mr year the dtwa4,rs in that town nave already bought up au aggregalp A abnot Wixteru tlousluNltl Pounds, r w1Ueh an &%(rage of aAW"uty-fav++ 1 wits per Pruni Iran been given. Thin I palls a total amount of four thou- I old dollars paid (rut for a -rout' ustwt mellclne. Tian Doukhobord are lediflonsiblp for u+ ouddcll Iner(wse In lisp total NhIP-- eat of ss-negu from Yorklon. Hilh- rtie liar original uwlners of fill thiA great western c(N1utrY, till+ Ilsdlaanw, ttltprwl all the root that was iippel : but since the arrival of the Amillol*rs the lndfurw have been *hen out of business. The unuul Entangler In whiell the reset eullietei skew is for onto mute Doufa Wbor to tnke a tram anal w•ag'1n and Ith from ton to twenty frnutl" DouklWbors go forth ou a u0'u+plle alp o%or lite prulrle, the worms,, dig- , ing the root until n wagon -load Ito rocurod, wli en the man driver title - owu and prtecurtw( tlm' pecuniary re Ifni to widch film Party is ealtltled. inn synt'r mile gathering ouuaplrLca ' Outdoor the Indlptns' desultory aye- ew of worlthig, amt le) euue,"(Iuenee , poor L) line, ono tied' Ism source Of le"m e. However, tier root is gatherel AfNI bought fu Inrgp quantities. From lite Aral buyer It gore to the cOinmtwlOn gent", who, fit turn, place tiff• prom ace with ulauufacturlug clnemlutd told makers of Patent Medicines. `tcn- gu Is Awed largrly In all tilt, Nar- sparllla" e)1 different ,,tyles ,and awtess. It IN roydly the main fugretl- nt le) many- se)-ealLlsl extracts of Nar- Iptarflla: Sarsaparilla W Fi ,011th worlcan root, 41,41, nN tilt• Collecting I t off1 lt% Is much CANADA AT GLASUOW. Isitars Well Pleased tvlte the Ofspe_ lulu" Nalllbllme. Undpr tile. sumplens art time lncor- ,ruled Chanlbl•r t+( Miner, fit liar osp of the Exhibition Cllr ent!,re wlnernl exhibit In the Cfuatdien ls•tl"u Ir going to be shown In the runt of the city of 1.0"nl. the Jell living Lhat buhiues* mon-bruk- rS, bunker* und'*pecAlialurm gener- ruNy-leave uo Untr le) tants rel In- Pr"rl in these thing* unless they re brought to their very door. 'Ila cullectiott will be mh,,%vls thus fir throe or four wicks, utter which t will be Permuanently hound Ie) he Imperial lurlitute, wfiere• lite h(Iumaudr (If %Irltor" fruut all louts f Elle world way ace It. tpr(go" (9m the caundfiun section. hu h:xpentivo fit Else Wolverhampton aid lurk Egilkibltionu. to be held text your, Intee approached the 'unudirul tlwpromrut wtul Fi view u "Our Ludy ,,f the Knows" being nyresentfd. Nial,iug definite lead Geett devided upon yet, but mlluuld the ('aundian t►lo%er"went thunk It worth %%title, lilt- re'preN"ulritiou of the Mumiuinn will IN• uauch smaller Lhun at Kelvlugr,,vo and fit Tumid. Au interesting %oluulp it be:ust; e"mpfled le) Ute Canadian set -tion of the f,Ahibllno"-the vlNltorem' book. !t c"utulnd nut (Italy the uutufraplw ot_, ludlew and gentlemen fruul all ]arum uT the wi rT(T. Tint nl." thrlr opinions, luiorably cumpimsentary, of the exhibits frum lour kill beyolsd the Atlantic. severrtl : anu- htul meuib"r" of I'arllnrmal Iwve been hitting tile recent %Isjturm. 011e of tio-iw 3Ir.- Hieltry l'argi 1. w4t) ghe,i hi* uauue to the town of Cargill wh:'ro lin nt,i'v1%mlllu lrp- NrtuatvR1,--,suttees after elms ow$ un:I his wife's Signature*: "TheCau- uilruk exhibit i. au luJex to the fu- ture of the Iknniuion of ('dodo send her %list rele)urce, waiting d"%r.up- np•rit," Another M. 1'., air. Aulay \Iurr,Nun, of New 'WPietudnster• lirat.- )NII Columbia. writem: "Reflected great credit upon C'una,a� atilt her ExhibitionofCcial.s." A third PUrlba- mrnlary' reprementathe, lir. J. D. lucid, of Curdiuul, Ontario, IN briefer. 'Excellent exhibit." lir. lvdron li. southam, ,,( Ottawa. it. relathe ,,f Ur. UnrKi 1. muayo! that ' 01,1'adn hnN ru•)►n for all, told will well reward ndtist ry ." s1unP under gree, 1 cu --- "oro expene'%e now tiara, Arnogfi. The The rcproim+nlullvea of Canada arc utter fit ale, timed hargCly ht rough ,!elighled with the attention which u►xtur+w or variants kinds and Damwl. their exhibits are re''eivi ng front le, properlteas are diuretic, emtnen- llmdtora, Inure, empechally fid Itis- pruc- g,,quet athl fu large yluantittes tirnl oidium:• Iws been it greatly r•nietic.-Wlni ipeg Telegram. increawil drtuttud hl local shopli fter uhf• ploJucl. of lila$ Ik)winlon. alrany WONDERFUL DREAM SURGERl1 i nr"mm hurt Great making cun•ruf inyuirkw ns to the nullubility of — l'unade, as a fip d fur.iuung ineu. The Iedical- TYrose lltraaEe f14=Perieallxae invariable reply in that there Ie no In the Dellrltolm fit Never. toetter place to which a yuuttican Bart Stephf-rlN, Deputy Clerk' of Lr sent than Canada, provided hp in - he t'nited ktatem (',,tart• who hal tends lt) devote his life le) farming. e•n Ill fore a week, crane dowel .\s for professional men. there' are )Inn wsterdny fbr a few minutPa "hough there uIrvad. r J u gat the fair +Bad watch the %ehi- Ism turn tip• teimrp corner*, wrY* 11 .tfla:,ondI► Klandani. Its- remaln- el low•" town long eu+ogh W tell Dave Mpiklejuhn, the Delmnty Unit - •d States M armhal, WAN remarkable xperiener while fn a raging fever eltrinm. It appeared that •lir. ritr- Aheoim hon bre" studying mterdic;ne tail mirgery in Vein leia'ro hours. fail to am acquired n rmaLteriug of knowledge of the trade. or art, or •roto•"rto0. One elf him tillikumR. er •humN, to n Young phy"Irian.. rind it N Probable that lar hills itaduc(rl Bert lake up the Study fail-] bt-culsp• ,fir of the elect. However, Mr. Sit' - )Vieille told. Ills floory .find ,DAvn NPI- kl#-}/Ven IN maria Ani{remmel by Il. "It waw "n the third (ay." Rnid he Rick man. "1 was Sallies! Instil a iolent fpvpr when I firml became 11,'Tinel Toy three tin" there Into uo *I" of abatement, and my Pmhy- Nk•Inn beg:au to wonder if I really Iltrnde) to P atNN out Air fpxt"LPn(•e• ,11 lhim NPrinve. Tlie third tiny elf oy illness Inn" n ImprieNl ,,f torture fur nip, 1 Illy Alpo)" my bell and N"emed to IN• ,,n fire. I !clA Con- mrioneenemm and went Into a strap of Serene (Inlet. Tlw•rp waw nothing racking to make, life perfect. It wait as dram Similar le) eff"el to that on- j,ryM by- Marie C,norelll to her 'Ro- nwnci, of Two Worlds,' exc(gtt that I waw num• than "ho• wail 1411•• Raw. 1 aslnblWirool n doctor'm office and Ratwfwl off Vegas find strain..and took that Nt(wuanelw nal brmMr awl gouged (rat ryrm, and made flew fingers Find worm. It Wan Ail fill f:1xY tank for mA, lied th,vp w as fir "pr mra of pnln fur nay Patients : at Ice d. they aflecleil Du Conet-rn whrnpver I took off n IPg on nu arm. It was n revelation. '•1 wUl ne-ver furgTt one P,•atient wfio cattiest on lilt. for murgical treat- mont, Pt Inns n calif- of rltrmm�tlNm fly' Iatkent was n large- man and full of vig(ir, Ilia only troublo being the nRtCrnvestieeg twitching preNfulctel by w at iip tprmet rh+wunnttmnl. i mimed him to my askh+ nml dingnu(Cd film raw+, Fiat,] nrrivrd at the conelaminn lint hc+ mallet Submit to the amputa- tion of tits left Frog &fid the right arm. Ho gindly epniw•ntt+fl. find i iN•- Knot my ph-amnnt Inwk i n"h1 n A,mn11 penknife to Alto . my cuttitaR, tint] in n spry Advert limit I find rpmoved Id" Irag and arm. 1 askell Idm how ho felt, and Pip rpptled Willi n Finite- that Jae' lliirT ontp-11611" FAA mliell Itn11e did bn- fore i took+ff the MotN(. i Nuggc•est6f) that i remove time remnlning arm n.ud IeK. neat lily patient, fell in wlth the Idea nl once; "n we removed the other Irg :it'd arm. MY pnlipnt Fniti that he Willi Cared, unit I smiled n c stented Naatia. "Wo Chatted for n while and lit• cnmpintned of n pain in tiff. 9tomnch. i cast Iris Stolnnch nut and thus r,•mnv- flsl nnntber- aggravation. We rp- anmwl our chat, find pretty moon lily A SOLOMON NEEDED SOZOtI011t A Parfait t.lallld DwUhi'. tar W Tooth .-Q Breath 25C Sozodont Tooth Powder Both forme of H.mAtnat at the Stors a Ira Mall. prk*, At-. eu� h; two:- tike,,, UM-t►w, U* HALL A RUCKEL, MONTREAL ro Ueclde Justly ' Thls Puzzlinix ('use. Should n Enuliw love be affected by the bulk anti Wright of him, fiances " Tiff" IN the question a euurt will wm,n lance tie determine. When Jui1n .Ielsni►Igw, Of IR,Wlla,g (Ireea6 OhfO, wuotvl Stell a F:mritr right year" ago, that young W"In ll Weighed T_5 pounds, wnr petite anal chnrming, and John Jennings cnnhd gather her io him bokeuw with littler pff.,rt Month by month Will( grew In XIW,"lltl.W-tl&iLL.RIKLIW-LT!ttLb,: mnllth him have fur her warted. .Now" t11e weiglis :i1B pounde; n%+ir- dapRrM. awl John :leaning" nbmulutrly rpfnwre t:o Innrr� her. He land plenty u �tnt•P-nnel nffecth.n for til,• girl of 125 p,nmdn, but lie hadn't /•,,"ugh fur n young woumaln Who luukw like u k"tel "f liay. S,telln Em elle, howevl r, itslmis that he marry her fir derf•nd Fi *nit fur 165,1x)0 sallutge". Nile uu,inlnluN Sh" c„ukt leave Enurriel erurily s"veral yeairn agn, but 1wr'sIze iN ugnim,t her now, :and nnlr's" JOhls Jenning" lakl•N her t" ills- Oltnr mfie eao FlFiap u+. I" "Ibip c11ance ,,f getting luta the wt - dcxl caws. 1 Tale )airy "eleetfaft Ni try thin also - will 11:111• :1 mldellot 1111t% t" IN•r loran. The eutirr country will wait 1 the' enwr with interest. E%s-ry e1K s-n- Kacpaun"t iw certain t. brit Chungea of some ■fist. A few• women row thin with "rage ; lsutly grow .(I ll. .Seems- It,rrrvtse Ill hentIt,% %i•ith rnrs; olhf rN grow homely and leen plenSant in look a{NUL All thew• el age" probably would huvr occurred rid the wrd(Ilug lniten place early I the engngetnenw. hnwrver. tln.l the • Italian remit nut be pnnl"hwl fur wh was unnvoldntel-,. The Signal u r0suaaRD ■TSRT THURSDAY MORNING ■Y D. I eoGILLICUDDY. -,,.:.i Terre. of sets"rspowa. ppypgtttoeN. in adwauee....................L ti TAiee mouths. » Six month+. " .................... t M One 1`++r, Adrrrts/oe Rat", Legal sad other •anima) a.I vert(semee-.. 104 ppeer Ione for gp3 Inf•rNo ,, an l 3 o•+mlA par Alae roreewhmubfsouentim""iou. Naasured N a nourreit rale. Bwl fie+s +:so et dx naw sod u■dw, M w y Adrertlmemen,s of {.qt, fronted. atrared. ofluation, Yeo+e)6 Bltua.looa W'aatod and pu+,lnur ('hancom Wana+d. not oxaeedlag I llnrm twnparell, tl per moO1JA. Houf.+o un dale and Fairms oil dale, sot to execed 8lines. 111 for rant mmuh, SAO. Kr mb- r•quout month. Lerr.rsdrta In proppoortion. Any apucaal sell—, the ub)e,ct of wtieh is b promote lb paun/ary beaedt of say Irtdlvlb nail or company, t, lie om,aiidord as sdvertlee m«1t and charred adouf+llnel . Local menta. ce, 1n so"Itsmretrr ripe ilea eesl pet woni, no not ie) led than 260. f.oeai notfeea M eadarmsry r.adlne typo awe Penta per wort. No notice for I— than boo. Nutw" fnrrhurehw sad ether rellydeeks sal benevolent ImLltutime, halt rate. (:eta Mro Phillips Itrooks. Thur iA s lel 11119 ttalld0ally- fCr() tc,sppur fib tl the inblume ,,f prlvlllpge flit. IN•IfIR PmrpnRen, nA we wee It every w1l re In life. \fir nrsR Ir le) be snonpel, net by dedw rt Its oar gecinl Function. bat by Com Iliryr It to uprn to lilt ilia- thing" bat n.l It"( Ii. eS , otr chin• �II the Inlgh t nal nNs 'fI c i L �y(IIffering of the world has berm vi- barlmve. It lilt's bre" the suffering which the muffer"r Lyne In no waY twmrnP to trmr, Enter an Jrntw waw tiound to stiffer tilt clear Sha". "fur the credit love Wherewith He loved um." Gal rondo that hlllFlde so Im•rfect In onler that Hf+ might mitt)%' lilt! ilia Fatherly` love. The wnrdd IW fns• the- psora of G(.I, rend fail Ellett copll un In the w•e,rl,i lw reclalming nal trnlr.hlg their monshlp. Pt yon cult, dcl it hr' (:,oil, In pdr- feet, rh11�111ke, lovinir dr•miry for flim RMry-. then dour work, brit tin bens.. In Itw nature um It mnY, lenge Ilas•I 'llor m tfrr•1tmer-g. lot Ad -TrRrt . "everely. He naked nor tie cut film firefly tiny into the PrewemK of lila bend off. which I did, anti then no (ieml for wfton yn,, ,]o it.--t'h1111p patient wax without pain. He mn0led. Bre,ukw, - - five,] him eyea Seemed l,- Pvprf-lsR n President Schunnwn and Philippines world of happinrRW In the nbsonee of Prs-mident "4•hlrnoti . who ham bee pain. 'Mae trim unit Firms %,s•re piled to the Philippines, an•I Nlpudd there tip In n rornf-r of the room rand the f�ore lir molnewhitl hetlpr gnniMete head wells carefully Inid upon it table. to rxpreism vlrwm about thoir futur Tle jnttltor cnEnP In anti enrrimI nut than we WIN) have nut been Eller ills piecem anti tomlsed thein Into a being Intf•1y' nSked what film Ilpum to great crematory. f rethnnstratr'd tier future of the 1'hlllppinsm were with the Jnnitnr, beat doe put me off maid, firmt, that lap wan oppo,old t, with n anrnnAtic smile, maying: 'il'W tiveir ndmimmllm In the Union alt fin, all Off %vlth that man now, h •enume time : uud next, that he dill not thin nm i enrrird Ilia If -gm ntit, of the door. Filipinn" wrrr yet caraMe of man i nt11I)INti oar of Elle Enron. Itlo,Sl Polls- Rglng it go%rrptuenl of their owl oning f-nsned. land hr Inst him title no n Iter fn%Orel Fi cdatbinrltlon of Anivri rpmnit!' can moverf•lgnty foot ,,tout two gp It Www Dss onA IIP* Ken. vriations. +inti then would Irl, the Ft T IpinOm the11I.Phem drrit, wholhpr ills - "All that i nm," he weld, looking lorpferred to A.___lse Bich a guvprl prnidly At hair, "I owp to my wlfr.,- Enrnt np we ennl,l furtitelh them'. Rbn`blrl him merent thnl m„merat to mat till one of thetr,own. Nfew thrift she ever hall before. it wax me, while, Dr. tic•hnrnutn won Ll Irian Moll noble of film to give her thin high nn Anierlenn gn%Creor ,,fill n IvgIP Prglwss. Wap wnntr•l t" go right ever lative council, partly elomen by tin to ham nfnl thtrrt► her nrinw arnwsrt I1e'alles, party)• wppulntret by the 11re Vila neck. 'then hP reflw«1 him tint nnA nhlr•nt.-R. -4. lbartin, In Harper roblarl the palm of cen l of him Veranda Weekyv. 'IV" hIm be I hrnl. ,ln Floor filter she wan «till wonder- ing what "thr w, mllly froolm" hgAl mNl- denly rommen"el to tangle fit, find why they h+nk«I fit her ns If she were the enuep of the jrelie. There rare ten pPrf"Aly gemnod mss,, -one- dead, and the other enbors•- Chinese proverb. . M A !•enee of FlonPeli. Subscribers who tall M r•mcalve Teti Bles At regu larly by mall will confer a fa mor 1. so eusattring us of the fact at " earls a da ed posslhle. Whir • dhan s alt addrow Is desired. bot# lie old fid the new adder should be eit" Pubuilliw•s Netted. J. C. I.e Touren of Ooderlch, has boM mp pointed Local Travfflliel� Ages: for the Town ships of Oodericle, Collwroe, Asheeld sod W s wanoeh. Loral postmasters over the dletri+K are aW empowered to mals• •ulWwrlptiow a4 Tan SIUN16 AU •omesaleatlonm must be addrewed D. MOUILI,IQUD T. Tele phase hall #0. T� _ . TJII'ItaDAY, AI'I.t'ST 8, 1001. TS:ATfLLINO OULDIL • GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ' Anarm feemylied................................ 11.40 a.an. e�.1•�1iPt� a" ixpr*mL.................... 110 p ta. lkl awd Ii ........................... L{S p.an. ..........)did p.d DIlART. !fall and Rxprr"...................... 7.13 s.ln. Hn11 and Yxpews...................... 2.xa 1`.m D RNTISTRT. *f( NICHOI 50N. L.D.S.. l.le ntNTA1. SUReaoN. Rnnrns uVOomlto Eke F'wt Oeln. Onld rlllins, trnwa and arida• Wert • S cialty.• !3 Years <xpeorieuce. '•unl.- r;owd un w-odn Imay ,efte•naou,u eL 1 p.m. trnue \lay W O'luber Inelu.t%.. ' T M. MADZZ. D.D.S. L.r) •DIRTAL l/e Burgeon --!Biel en+l aprrord suthods for all dental operations. Pre•rrrstlo■ of the natural teeth a specials . ONE": Cor. WeIA at. and PQusre IuY stela KRtral" as woos -("'fico el,m+cd 1`m Wedne wtAY nharna,ona au 1 p. le)., trout xls)' to Oct. Inclu,dve. Tnlophone No. a). T M. TURNBUI.L, D.D.B., LD.S.-T)KX- t/ a gal Sur`eons. lLslPir arorfstad walk far. Diann, of M-.ntrwl.l Oold snA peroolwlo srtldclal teeth wosut on Rnld or alue,leua ball". BperLl attenliem Rivoo to the r"Onn eb the nstetml teeth. uaav40 Lsoari'm sew block. '-of e, rl" -ill cn Wevloe,Nlay aMrnoous at I p.m. from \I ay to U,-Luboc inclRsivt_- LAGAL CAM ION, 110.—BAH flT 1,is alter. Notary, ✓Ea Umee ore edtea Ha)I, urlumem Ooderloh. * O. JOHNSTON-BAHItISTBR SOIA- lt�o e14er, t'otnmL+tovA. �#rt oq� Mow) to loan. OIl11w: Cer. HamiLtos tial SL A.Mrw• %LroolA, uaderlch, Ont M PR0,VD 00'C R } A N DA q ltyWrw, oodvrles politic, lwtnre Id • MaritiraM Court. da. officea +&forth et.. noxa door Skill AC ,,Moo, Private runda to lend at IawMt miss of lnterst. "710 W. PKOUDrOOT. R C. MMM (iARROW & OAARROW BABA19TgRtF, 1` Attwrn"lk BolidlOr+� �4. Oodeetch. J. T. Gamow. 4U., l:kaNea Oarrow, LL K PRILIP HOLT. Q O., BAlt{P�9Ti>s Sodarthu !logon "bite elle. Omm �M Ode Gohthon eel Squs rn. oiler to lda� N low mW of tnbread. --a•� DIcKIVWW t HOLMRS - BA)alw I1 term Solscitmu. Notwnw Publfo. eta Money toln,la. OIEoe, West u I, L DICKINSON. _Dtlet nolAom !/AAS. SKAOZR - BARRISPlB. SOI. l� toitol•• notary and ewnrey�sem*. Orem on Hamilton mtreM oppialte tlse Oaibarwe Ileatrl, Onderlch. Prlrs rands to lord e1ro�g vorteew1`w at u Dear cenL interesL IV,= noun ~Ike& T O. WARn. CON'TKt AN(TfR. SO -A P J e re+amh.afaser for lnrine fid roceign,ran,w+a of bell aOdavlae " Mona. dapwialnns or eeleno domlawYae�a}}� V w rionoorul Bay "Lion. molt w greoeeYse oho Hish Court of Ju•Wa. the l7oevt Of_�-./�4. Cm [ll As for UuLsrlo. fir 1■ sur uy waim�ome� Court All left% ,,0Uoae "f*IOUP sed - iIO executed. Itemldenoo cad P. O. ode•1 goofier•. ORL LOANS AAI 101/O]tAlrOs D1°x To gals,,—A t.ANO eAVWVW#* of prtvale rseNte fw IM'ear N sot mt" and 01Desw on dimbdai m/sepo- A�plr to Darrow k (harrow. f , .n, ,.101oL UrN't.AIAA, Warm i 1 s �, It.e1 1r tato and \f..uoy IIi�ae1saf� TmTrFPR"7rw1 Arent-snn�lr nrat-rla.a emnpeNmai 1•eprtayaeYd. ,.. M."„•y .c Irud ph 1(relslit Iwoic si Ike �s►ass __ rate of Anlo. 1`.t solo Ip ail! way to soft tae bgrruwer. (101,o. d dog from -__ W e_ etroel, Uoderl- r a AIACTIONSUNING6 p ►�%HOMAS 0UNDItY, AUCrfONZER AND 0 vslnntnr, Onderich, Ont. Sales "terdd to In any part of the comfy. P. --- r TORN gNOIC ORNtgRAL AV T IONLM'k el led fAnd \laluwtar, Oedwick, On6 IHlaar ', Ing hall eforul,lemhie exDwtee,r to I,o Bos tlonserl ag trrldn, ha 1. o mi pyl(jsa to ml_ 1 ehar�ptao with thorrmth a Q% aB oomb. k Ia Iwl "u entrusted to kPa%. 0e dote N Buxtnee's hotel, or merit by s1s/1 b IrtY i Oedrrleh P. O.. rrrotn Ur asttaedel W Ig NOZ, Coattails Anotbnew. U04d n- Yf17alIA0i I.i�.-a 1- ��wa/� r•���•� r��t rye 1. ♦ v e LAMnam& 1Naamaim< 9.2 r Ln41y of lhp Iloume-Ynu nre11n't mak her n cup or Coffee; emir ram "leave tens been turned off for hours. Trrtsnl►-(•offcr, mndntll I" tint of lhp question; hmve yen Any left- m'er Pherbet lir yomterdny'R Iem,,n- ndp In the tee cheat T-Detllsllt Frep Pleetl, The White Mayonnaise. Attrfacth•r+ for til,• supper table In the 'dog dayF In the mnlal prepared with n white mnyonnalRP dret#wing. to tN ma�lr G) perfection when the bowl In willrh yon nrr mnking the dressing IN "Landing In n pnn of ersckisd loss. Thi" keeps the till perfPrtly chilled and prevpntR the grainsy look of lsoOss metyonnnlmex. The us,,ml methrmd Is ad• 1'prnd te) 1tet the, Addition of the well• iw•mitpn wllitpR of the egged t" this tall• turn of b•mitrn Wide mnti oil mind vlRss- Ran binnChep the dressing Inn the( It diserrvpe the name of a wklte qty. 090alsem. `,1, f , , `'11.e