The Signal, 1901-8-8, Page 2EDITORIAL NOTES. A-41Tt)ItY AILUUT WHEAT.
Prof. John Macuun Ir of tgliniuu that
- - the Cauudian Northwest can prosoi•e s
Tlil ►L�PAY, .\l+til:NT 8, 11101, luol." wheat than Ir now elrnranled r.
��� __ In till. lihole world, bill he figurer 1.
1'tIK LlMtt ANL) TNM: l;. alit that the whole of C aluadlt now el
The uttelupt to persuade the lana- the vi v1, Irma {int s 10101 cent. of t1,
the world's tent nlpply, and ex- T
dia n faru"•rs that the pr:o' of wool lasts "alp about one-quarter of that t
Ilion gone down In tills o ointry b •• R p•r cent. '1LIw •tuteatent accords t'
n'tilso the cumtoua tint)' ua woolen with the remark frequently heard b
goody Is not high enough lads upper- tliat the Northwest )* (0111) in Its In- 11
eatly boon abandoned. Thp "len waw Lilley as n wheat profucrr. Tdwt I
. pert,o'.1) rld.o•llous. The lung-stul'Ic' is trial- frout Lite point Of view of ('
wools prolnoed in ('anadd ere nut `qu'ttltlty, nithough ffio Pollinated r
eared Ili the manufacturr lot tw~tA. oral of till" yra.r runt leas !Iffy t(0 I
0arpels or knitted 9001", bol tiro dlxly wiltiuu bushels, out a tad sdoow-
exported; Ute Canlihad fla0lurlen t
Ing when out- n•callr tont thiel) •
utiliw, moll," Claladian pulled wool, ).ears ago practically no wheat war t
w•h'o!a Ir shorter. As we showed by there except a 11mn11 quaa-
quotations front the Brili"11 paplrll illy iia the lied )fiver valley. Itow '
w ltl
a o.ouph• e)( work" ago, utwvru oil Lo'er, Northwest asrbealture has a
s,;o:h tin (,duada prdluc"r have fnllun history loot gesierally known. In its
In fir'6• In England yullc aw uu.cIs SLIM luaguificent furty-page wheat naul-
In Cainadm, the Callre of lilt' cheap- b^r issued lust Saturday, the 1{u111-
ueod being that tier. ouuntriew which 't„bm Free' Press mentions that the
owed to raise Nheep for fin" Wool have first not far the ralsing of food peo-
gunP in for btl,ttun land ►neidentttll Items iia tine Canadian Norlhvv,wt
fur cutrr" wool), villa • the+ refrigerat- vvirx turned one hundred year" ago
lug AUNIem made It posalble to rend
the 11wnt to the Oonsamiu,, market. 41'iw raiasar. flu Lite 17.111 of ![t�.
l-lt.•r to ih•• Ant- 1`+111, AI"xrulder Henry, one tit flip
A Rradfued,'E:ig., 1 . p:irlupro of the Nurthw•"NL Fur Cuul- •WuOI aril Coltulk """Orlpr. luluy, huvie-9 secured u muutll rupply
dated July 13th, montival• nil•P 1)f "f potatoes (rain til" eonlpany'r pert
0onrse loaail4 lot 4d. to 41id. per p(0,,nd.
;It Portage to Prairie, pror:•e•ital to
nod ruyr: ''lCo have seen tett orch a pufat oa tho past ride of flee Reel
and not lung ngo, elthi-r, when mroh
Itn r_ n..�r tile• haternnttumtl botmud
- - - -
wuuks `wajlhj have- raid inn ) - -__i1,
loublo the pr:o'. but Ft spellls now inf bud planted thirty u( them. it
Sx har3h'•r n•eorQPd th:tk oa the :Sed
that, crorr-bred would have so slump Id (Ictib•il that year, be look from
Irl Nam to b • ullon0rt pa"t ri o iv cry• til" patch Nil they wereIn 4I tilted
tuld we uulsst Nay tint we full Iles-• anti a half bnmhrlm•o( pelntoos.
to ao•o _any , likpllhool of there
l'uutlouuurly th ereafter lie andolhe•rs
-b •ing-- - any return to Itigltpr t o n•nr to hoar palate.:w wet
prir+er for a god while, Yet.' The I I
ether gird •u mtuff in that a acluit � .
mutton erns" sees to harp ptnitten
the yields recorded being lu moine
both ArgPntiun atod New y,Palnnd
pastorallst" No ecteusivcly that (.;uiem N(0 largo na, nluaoeet to excite
seloiks of Wolof Herr are tre•nlpnelnum, Ivererlulily.
Fur instance, t - plonorr agricdl
and trade being Mi very bad anti
fxmhloum all favoring (Ino w,old, flu, turarL All•xander Henry reco.rdw
ilutt in tsmt hp hbm+elf took up-
dowuu," iw running nlmnal rxcllwlv,e-
ly on suprioo qunliti0m." wurd-4 of 4_O Relabels of lotnt"t-s
What Ir the C,aaa.11an faal going from u pmkVh hl whleh tut PevPIl
to (k) rttts,nl ' 7 Kfll off its' Nhes•p, I'u`lIAm 11,0 been nnau, nG:l�adtTs that
and gN) iia fur cutlle and flu[cr alone? til" Intlanw land xUalel upon els of
_00 bum(s•IN inure. .\n "obeli rats rd in
Nut noce earily. du NOW of the Juin
price of wool thecrc it more profit In the Tawe garden that pear mt•Am
tlluep now than then, wall when wool argil ,1 Latched to elrenuifprpnra and
" .A t11r I11
' at d inellest 1 1
r )L w u 1 1,K
- I are
watt 9Q ePnLl n pond. 'Wool W now
flax by-product, and it fetches only with, its leaver wrigtte.l PS puelndit.
11 avatr tx there.thouta but a lamb Two years later it fl- recorded that
will well for $-1.50, which w mewled thin IL,•nry raise 1 in" laid o l,•n tn._oil c
the price orf n mix-ptswual (11rct• lit Lill+ ulm,ov 'm+ntldoned varietieN n.:
end. whor•n4 til.• Iamb ,egctibl s, cucuwbors, ro_1.kar
rA) ce•tt a n lm
.y41tsh •N Jill I Indian corn. This- I" tilt
used tO I fur $1-rA)to $2 wh,n wo l Urrt refera•nee wp find to n cereal
w•aN beta ng n high price. The re••
friKt•rntor glcdw the fortifer a Icaviox IN•1.11 grown in to a rpgious
butter price tdx lair mutton, If It lit 180'1 oatm wore grown In til a sum•
aocality, apparently fur tke firs)
makes him tak a lower prlco for his t In that sawn year,. In tike fill,
wvx)1. FII« lora Ir M" th.•tn Ofbot by or t lot tlw, month of the W-41 River
hl" gala, atkf on he whole hp ills ,tae hOotial«( grew MIm4 airn, til.• Ps•et
Wo cu the obtatlled in till
)1 R. p11KRBITT'S IUTIUN. n.a111 t 1815 it IM rlrurdoal lila
(onfedrruli"n lot til. 1'rovineed latrlry w>Z" Kruwn lit aar:un.4 pest
of the tar trading e.rmla xlr+ h
ober not appr•nr to helve cell 1101)' slat is euw• ell" Province of Mnul
popular hal( a century ng( in the tdstst.
Glube'r reprTn� of the p ease- olvot The year 181 was also n.vtabl
the Caindiap LegirlatNc Aps illy fur t uu,rP innlm,rtml)t event than til
of July :-8, 1851, it Iy uarrated t lit !teat planting of 1►&rfey. In thx
Mr. Merrltt'r rerllu I ,n" un It year wll•tat wag cowo, for th • fir,
subject of n IcKolaflve unbin o trine In the country, l�r•1 W-Ikirk'
lite Ibe Proalnces were defentwl by f rt party of Scuttlrh em�tlrantw WIN
is vote of 51 to 7. The mover thought !1,A test In that year amt the
it wuul.l bo n great advantage to polan 1 wheat Ion th" land whlcb' Ii
Increase trade between the Yro-
alacem by the removal of the• ctt4tom" a
duthar, and he hazarded the state-
ment tltttt the Atlantic ttohPrleti
were ' Its valuable as the t'afttar- ,
Sold gold mi;14.4, He ndvocatlrt I
throwing open lite St. 1.11111 oo to
vogsia s of nil nations And the ra-
tabli4hmenl of a line of "t"am4ldpm i
to F -"rope. Mr. Hinck4 thought n
legil.lative union would lot la"t
a year before there w,,uld bat nn a
0utery against it, and a Federal I
Lrgblature would have but lit- I
tea to 4141. slidee•n years niter that .
dl"cusr•►on, the Federal Inion came I
into effect, and Ito Ustnndlau would
row venture to N,,ggemt that the
Federal Parlia ment has little to dill.
. . _ . The seven members who_ rote.) her
confederatl,n Fn 1N31 were Messrs.
ftoulton, of Norfolk, Moulton or To-
ronto, Catleb Hopkins of Hellon,
?.ic(bnnell, Merritt of Lllleoln' Son -
born Atli Rher,wood of Toronto.
some of file Gtnadlall bJys who
were mpnt to Africa to stiffen the
proton of Emplro there went ail with
- - - -- - --fie
wf- wulJir
v lora« rinsp-
some the adrenl,,re partook of the
nature of a holiday with palnc ear
and flrmt-clnrm cabin nPconepunl-
montm. of real tranapurl travel
thuy knew nothing. To their crrdat
b a 1t Paid nkamt ml- them manfnHy mel
tiny bardahip.4 to which tlp•y Ivere
Nnbj' et"d ; bill there appear to h+ta'c
been done Rrnniblers. Tlip Toronto
Would quem Srr9t. Ern,•tll Curter,
of ttlnicoe, who Itan lint returnont, al-
ap•ukih6TtIvy"bittt't'ty.. -It any*:
Carter rather astoladeed The World
by I► violent denunehatloll of the War
oMee, rind whale askedAirl•,artbrewlar-
ta•, enumerated hl■ grlevance4. "We
Were forced to come to Southnlnp101a
from Cape Timm." hn maid. "nm 11",
and -clams paPaeowerm, on the 110n1bn
Cantle. Then when we gilt to Eng-
land we were went to )lh(0rnellite
camp without a dollar In our
Thin app•nred to b• the main cry
of thin nKgrleved Poldller, bat hr n,]-
Peittesl that IIP gnt bladbachArltp ran -
porn valid wits paid off. He asked The
I World to nlnke known thnthe dr4ired
lhl- ntlrr downfall of F.nglnncl for
Nuoh inhuman trentnponl ..f her Pol-
Mr. 1,Y. F. M•Iclpnn, of th" T,wont.
World. i« rtsK finite nn chirpy no h,
hn* to,e•n There hast cropped lip 11
First York an nppriall to film com
Inaton, and n movement In going (o1
to errwd him nut !,n,l select a mat
win will lino mtwo to ioncrtk.nt, nn.
„h,, will not I,n%n n pap"r to rxprrm
w'nnl "f eow,fi,lenc^ in Whltnny. Me
Mnelewn la therefore hard at wort
rpt."IrInR hi" (Propose. And ognarinl
hlmrNrlf with flip rneAlcitrantd.
lrtJ r erved for thclr Name. 1•or sou
ral ye rat vvh'nL and the rouse
Kfaints a d veKPtubtol were reg
11trly grow• iG t!:e Re 1 River vnllr
rhetl ramp treble between til
Indmon N Bay (!o"Inpnny lilt.] til
Northw'eatt Tra, rag uump.tny, nn
tgrbru:Luril open Mond were aluoo
alt4ogether stlxp•n, d for the tam
Tile strife bttweea he compaul
•ulmineted In the be tle by Witte
;overu,.r SI nlpi, oI Italian
tay Company, fin 1 tweet" of 1114 fo
ow erd Inst th-Sr. pvew,- a tweal
if tiv, rrmalning eoionlAt We
irlven front th. fr fall,]. Th Ir trial
I"nal 111ii other property wt•r d
mtroypd and they tn•m«rlvpa to
reftWp In til • w"npany'd forte et La
WinidgJa . - . _
In 18_011 the rivnl romlxtna
",ere unitesl and the settlers we
back to their land. in 18:6 11110th
disaster (overtook thew In the "lab
ill a 1irt1 R)v'er flood. which "wr
away hou"pi, barn", fencer a
other propdrty. IPall the mPttle
without hum're or food In Culls
+papaw of which the mnpirity
- t n
ndon ter
t heed Te�TiTr:tiT Zlt�-n
try. leaving In .roil(- for fort Stn
ping In lilt- United 14tall-w. 'rill
wilt. r•iu tined met to work nt un
find dempite the Intropnm of t
menwon, tot in crops Of wheat ill"
the halter end of Jnne and fill
w•nrl4 rebuilt their home". in t
fall• nolw•ilhedtndll,g the Intent
of till, needing• they reaped n 1",0
iiful IaitrtPNL. From that. Illy
thin, wheat anti nil other sunt►
Rr;Ilan and vr•grinl,ll-w have _
rel laNy produrod from lip In
or lite Ural Raver valley nlo,I t
w*! thM 11MIer emttivatioa it a
bearing reform with undilntniml
Huch were the bgfnnbngm of
great agricultural Indoatry wit
I" now flip bans* of 1110 wraith :
t)ro"Iperity aif thin Province. 0f
porno have 1 ern found by alb«•qt,
experience to be galte nn rnpn
(of producing wheat n" the tal
of the- Reel Rtvpr, and omcePe.l
lgml•arin[cs of mettlpr* liave flo,
flat- Inflame Petrie until to-dny
I'rovinre Ir covered with an film
finhrtoken onceNldun of fiction ()f w
Ing grnln, which prtmil"e l" yl
n harvemt that torr loth Wool
and g14n"tily will be abselul
w►lholt p•eedent In flip ht4lory
grain raising nnybhrrl- In
Thiene nlarmriat relm,rte at",vt r
hank damage to the 1txMlloba ooh,
ur,rpo by rnNt ern wait to IIP gr
exnakernllnnN, `L,mv 4&m&Re e
rxfk•f•ted, hilt well-Inforrt1sP11 obs(
erg may that It will nM be formin
then wan ant eipatord, and that
crop will be a record ooP,
tunl►t It e AMI) AMIIKIt!i'1',
1t a pubik meeltttg fn Cot—rig
JU40 time a,'u, "loss of the ttpt•akerr
Id heel the uriglual name of Lho T
wit waw Aullorrt, wide" WILK ,Il
angod to (idr,urg Sol yoarr ago (k
book" of Queen Ytclurla's hual.and.
he 'rlme* took 0easron to point out di
wt the lump colowc %,nt aplaw a
r aid, town lot least a ueore, of yearo a
•fore tlw Qlkwn's warrlatfo, and
rubably btifore tho birth of the
rims. Contort, It Iallv'ing bcl.0 gile0 n
k b onor of Prince I eopold, wloo little- it
fest Princedom Charlutto, daughter of to
mug Getu+ge, IV.
A few duyd ago ttwre cat" foto
lir imNsow-lo" it little book entitled t
Ddreetluuv fix 80ttlors In t'pper a
tauadd," va Idcli war printed In Loll- u
its for litklwiu, Craduck and Joy In
H O. 1 L tot
lir c
v lfenC
1 o tin r 1 _
Y 1
lint Ansiterrt anti Cobotlrg were I
wo dirlrlct anti s+parate place+$', both
,alpell brlug In low+ abut tlw time
A Prince Alberti birth. We quote: I
Pal 40-Amlr•rrt, pr tho Court- 1
lou+q Ili the towudblp of HaalOton, i
tiletrict of Newaatle. Is A small 1
jowl, well militated on this borders
',f Luke Onta,rlo. 115 miler Wert lir
Kingston. 75 muni; wire of fork, and
utsut .Ali) tulles wont (of Quebec.
Page• 5 -ThPry IN a goost Stan at,
Whomirg, two, miles+ Nlaort of flat-
court-hou"e at HaalUt4m ; ilud two
geld iune at tear Court-homre.
I'taxP .14-1 sheWld 'still recemutend
e migrants, after having fil lit
York. to establish thewr"h'e4 fla-
utly Fu the neigh)orho„d of Amherst
lir ills- Uourt Hnume, In lite town-
Nlaip mf HamHtoa, The eyrlgrant
mlgh1. pnw--ed by Witter from York
til, tilt- %thaw of 0)(Iurg, two
Ga ll-" from Lhp Courthonre let 11AGs-
illon, lir Fmith'e ('reek. five little"
rrom it, In a w•bouller; or un k«,t,
the distunce, lwiug about 1a+venty-
five mlleo, the road good. with land
lot ennvvitlenl dlstaonces; au•1 the
cogantry well settled. r
Page 110 -The town of Amherst
(ctknmonly ended the Cuurt-111lamen
i" nnety sltuated: at-szttrtamr of
forty wile" from Lip 11ead of the
Ituy of t4ulllte, and seventy. mile's
from York."It to two miles from tf"-
village of Cobourg, and five roiled
fr lit tike town of flirt Ilope lir
Smith's Creek, butIt situated oil
Y e -I
Lake Ontnrilo; and half w t5 b
tween It ninl ('uho,urg tN til,• best
sold most rctrnlliv,• griNL mill in
like 1'roitlace. 1d it" vivokity them•
eve• alwo arveral raw-uullm. Tile im-
mediate npighli(xho)d mf the town
of Ambertt in welt set4) d anti iop
uhu". .
I'Gge• 6_-A goal curringe-roiul
Ituds to tee (Rice) lake from Am-
herst. On Ito north burderm cane
township IOtunnher), ronlaining
7.:.000 nerrs, , inclusive of 1.800
acre"'am n plot for a town. his Jot
been surveyed; and the appiica ltn
for the land were su nmmerouli that
b(1,(H)ll acre" were located within n
wept After tt lia lame ready law set-
llement. Two other town"hips,- ill
I near;y the Name extent an Otann•
l bee, will by ready for.locaton, an(
4 distribution among rmlgranld, this
N sIvring -Good sumturr; from )Illy It
r \mcnitt •r. , The• .assail is In apoeru
e .Pxe(•Ilrnt.
r riox 1;1IAwr TO L(1R1) U0111•:It7'M
u Thr Government motion to hrtanl
y' Li(1O MY) to Lurd Rul«•rts fur hill mill
to r)' PPrvlcrr in Snnih Afrirn wu�
" carried by a vote (0f '_81 to 7:1, al
rt though air. Pilli'l, pr"tl+"ted agulnm
Jlr. ibkli'mill c"mpirlmvn of holoo t
Pn with, lluarlb•rnlgh. At a tlmelwhel
it the dolly JitlprnoHlnre e& the- ar b
)et very large, CIOIJI,W1t) hook* lfil-
I drip lit for bdckel, halt It will b
'single to Frmirr',thr- c,miort o(�th
1 revildent still' tilt ffffiI Th^ nett I'
m Knve the Dake of Slfnribrr"Ugh til
P"tate lit Woodstock and built til
e. Blenheim ninnsol.m, Stood la addition 1
�k utht-r rpwnrin hl• rrcrlcrd�n prnrfo
lot 0,000 u year, so that ill ills dent
'= tie IN[t elwruwur wealth. b1
't. a nal luoame being C70,11(xl, eiwll
ill olv of what be drew from r.)a
glftn. l,r,nt Nefu+n war given n pet
1►p minn of 1,0(K) after the battle of Ili
pI N't e, &till it:•r hl+death lit Trafalgt
him brut 'y win made Jut Ian
rat with an a Giant grant of LG(kY
C each of ht s1.4ters wits Ova
'ir C10,000, best.les 100,000 for t(t • pa
Ir - -
(Tittwr• oT nn erTn -'Pfic thiltd 7)t lCt
el- Iington's Plgre uf' a WnterIOo pre
os• nonny wan fiti0,ll(N/, the natio
c' to119ht fur team the es to lot Strat
be Ueldmnye at a wain of '68,000. Ill
rut tho punsi n voted ham by 'arOnmP
el- wfiN C10,OO1 n prior. r,urd lYolsrl
114' "at grante.I C_:,,(103 in 187 for 1
'n" r+•rvircw In til{' Aelutmtet war• al
til- Iream fact I el►"I «nlnrie,l ptir►None 'rt
to o : n a , Nn h•r�
tint time. To C / IF g, I _ D__-.
ble mag a w, red Arno o.h rA whofoug
l,L+tuI kir llw w.aatry lou sea- or._iainI
noes #-tat Iks'1h11ofim were granted. Ain I
1,O' the exerptNMm In tet• camp of ria,
tall wt" cued, however, upportunill s
led look out for Idnitiplf daring him Bart
in India. The mt4wy air hill tnki
the C_:,0,(k)') frtim the Burgas troasu
Ic•h is familiar, an in him ,lefr,nre In t
raid [lost"e of ('Wrttuon.4 when his curt It
her wAN impk•nrhed-- 11y fluid, Mr. Chn
ret man, nL then ill om rnt I stand ant,
ble bll4•'1 nt my own n"Ieraton."
pry Fe•w will graJgr what th r ttritl
Ing Gmernment lam deviled to glv'e
>t141 lAord Vitherts, rNpriAlly wli:'n It
the rpmpmh,reti that lel" duly son was r
oNt of the %I,'Most "f the war. Tit • votl
ay. of n Inmlo Note In n far lwttpr pi
,•Ili than the „I 1 perp •Intl p •nm on N
ily tum• whk•i1 teen, In tlme,1 Kone I
Ply Pntw4'.1 n heavy drain npon thy, i
of ported trrapn�y'.__. _.._.
1 ,
i ur
t i,
Our export of mannfootlr,.m in-
o.•ensel nb,mt 12% peer rent Inmt )par.
Evvii 91r ('hurl-st Tupper most tnko
heart wl)pn he dtrahrAe that.
Yha rgwl, la IWPparatkwl Of singer,
time and water, tet tho latest milk
ndnItnrient. dams milkmen-aperihe-
eartar fik.I It M harnallfMm, Mtt wp prof -
NO to take Our milk neat.
%;Tl:� AND CUA1MENTlm I TH91N ROBBERS f 01LE0r � �'
.. petition agalurt Kir Hibbert
aer's election for 1'ictou Isar been
`""""° `t'° "°"a' ""a""'""°'�I A Darlrg Hold -Up on the B.
t. ,
rhale those Polar Heaeue cape- and U, Railway. ,
lir are jure cute wheeed toget -- 1►f1
nitJ11g away from the truplcul
tdlail waathar. ROBBERS GOT LITTLF LOOT gr
e Dowager Dn&II(+dv of Abercorn, Chlivago report: Thu lballimore lot
t►U Yearn 11W, her . l.''8 llvlag L Ohio pktopiengor trala from the o f
endants. Talk about your et- ousel. which sur duo to arrive iG pr
nuvnarohllad, luJesll the Urand Central Depot, l'hWualPu, I,u
lot 0 o'clock to-ulghl, war bold up ill
_ by five lixe/rkwl Lanita at ei tiuock of
Down In New Orleaum the authorl. between Kelgeu►ure loud Grund l:al- Ian
are resueting to the flnrhiug "wet Heights, Ind., 61 miler cat of
from llhlcagu. One of tho inial cure, sl
rill to 0001 flap paVeloPntr• mart which contained lou muuey, was u
wldoa are concrete stud asphalt• dyetumitod &lid wrecked. Thr +it- ll-
fluslling Got only 6.ule them but tempt at robbery wan tendo after es-
Oleansots them unJ curries cove). the two la+iil wird laid brew Jrlach- 11
ave [rum the train anti run a uuar- h,
relying sewage. ter lof u mile ahead. 'rite failure of U
u k
u n
P n t rue
the r
ebb r
New. York .1e«Initch lndleatee l war duo to Uro fact tat tine ex- k
t the rLeeat buying of Canadian Pre►sr car, which cIn Ito d thio
lraln'r trearuru war 1,u nu ea"s"el h
lfle &lock by brokers, who refuso � panel., Il war tilt- thlyd cur• in film .d
minty the4r prh,efpulr, will rrPull train. After wrecking tee wall ear e
p!acing air. Janh.w J. lint on the and obluluiug lou booty. 1,110 rub d
trd of Ulrecturr. That would tend li''rr damappeared iia the darkne,r t
without attemptlug to rectify ilieir a
clltwlt oleolwtltwn. nth"take. The only lout they curried t
he Unfte,l 1t:ut(•I niher tbllar away with thaws its u result •,f the p
udveuture wait the geld wulch of
sr worth. at the averagn price of the engines*. t
h4h), in 1876 alm"It 96 cent&: In '. Thu train was the New York and t
ks It was wort Jest 46 1-2 cents. '1Yurlliogton vertlbule, limited. Yost s
w n combine of ver mine men Is of the trulumt-u were shut he bud u
heti "arrow crcapo•n from Zhu ilei- 1
,ptmw„t. lets. No person . was Injured either t
- by It1edylluigite or firearms. t
Mlcllig:ntk•rx lune b. IdlHla�,llrh- TIIN trite sour �uuulolt uC a Dlgh f
g tbrnselvem by infill ing In Ile rate Of "peed to .It passed l'ulumet 1
rat}'Iron. A few (' ohi,I a dILLIsy H,•ighte. nod Immediately "flue p"es 1
ing lout of might of this station, Hn-
1L b •.•n Ilireol to ha+ anti rreJ oho Klnerr I, 1,Y. Cu1111s sew dlrrctly, In I
gar bets oft the went sl of the front M Ilia 4rogin" a largo fire on I
el-, :wJ Aa ,hut Ivutl preen Cd to w•hlela dome dile bad b'P11 Will. lie
nh:i w'esl dl/wit, ill/d Ile 111• diol NU, thfrtl
au int•rferenep will' the r •ht Iowa wearing works jumped liltO the
"Americus Iabu;' t4c Alin ,r cub onJ covered follies nod Ids Ilrer
w wits Invok •d and tilt, It'11L't m uuul, JUMP* Whipple• with revolvers.
r(• "dr rteil." iL ie not nitr e?1 After noduting Into tho cab lot the
Po g rugine, tho rubbers• covering lire Pu-
. the ImWanr were invited Into [cIueter unit fireman with th,ir reeul-
ehig:tn because they were willing verse, made them step down land go
suet alt cut wnK'••. TIO• prenump- buck the length of two lard. They or
ttered the weal Lu uucoaplt, ill - first
.n SN that labor lois scarce lu Stich- two carr, whh-h sur d"ue. '$'bey
un, Auld the hoeing and weeding 44 thele humtlW the two lr+llameu b/4:k
,• b•etr hull to b:• done by .Cann. Intl, flip alb, turd, "till keeping elle
lx,Ktneer 0uvergd wlth*, dl-
tn Indians or left undone. Thr reacted him W pu'I up venue dlwluta•e
lchig:t,, farwers and the ownnrm of from the rest. of fila train.
r b •e/ rugur faetury wilt LP the C,,Illas run up too hundred feet, and
was thea directed to etolx Ht- till ko,
Ilii rufferpre from the deportation, nn I ",fill(. cup of the men remninal t"
td nobody will IN+ lite gainer. It tt guard Illm the "there jumped tiff. it lid.
of til
e lir
df ' n Ke
lit til eo
Ill LD W
Ile 1
i K
1,•n from
the Great
w thwuundg of 1,u cser which they J(I.Ige!If to tin the rx-
trputi is will cro;ma the Canndlnn limns c-ir. burst uprn the door. Bnst-
IIAer surd go to work in til., Mani- aly clinlbinq In t•, get lit the wage,
,Mt htevearl fieldN next week, .we they were nrtonishold til find that
thry had br,,kon into it mull car.
link we can promim, them that they. Tiley threatened the enginver with
ill nut b't deported, whether they death for not tt•Iaing them that the
r• white, or black, or red: Tile work aur, Ni lath he had uncoupled were
(0!►. done Ir work that will not snit. nut express curs, and ordered hum to
return At since &all uncouple ole Ilett
t must b• Ione promptly'. or left un- car behind the baggage car.
one forever, and the etraininit of Climbing once more Inch lab cub,
he Allen Lt►bur LJlwn toprevrnt the Collier backed tits .engine down,
wupled on to the third air, which the
altivntion or the harvesting of n Nrrm+tn war made to unctiupte lit tile.
sop i" the most ridiculous kind of a rear end, and mill with the Il le•
b.omerung. of the• revolver lit hie head, ('lolling
was ordered to run down the track,
- ---- ,as before. He drew away from l6e
O rl'�f /t�L `1r(1((t��('{�l j,tntala• of the train fit,o the rxmn
N i U )LIFSI IiIZILIU.FIt`i1 it111 ,.heel. n+un U,P firet tut i1,,- om"
the robo•rr Ntill leaving ham wider
. the charge of tine .•f their nuluber,
- - _. mud" for the car. When they reached
[ p they rite tbpy found to their great
Reckless [(Iver el lil `i-r'Itl, lbat they had nttucked :iG-
utirrr mall car• and that It contained
Glyctr�ne Wagon Gone. nII money.
It t« a«tlmataal that 6:,0 [100 inns
stored In the express air• and It IN
believed the robbers knew of the
t r t one and valuables
&,wllul; (lrrre4 (1, Aug. 6.-1'.Iglit
hundred quart" ,d nitro -glycerins• ex-
p1'Plad l 111 wllew silithw•ent of this
city )ewterlay ufteru,oun. and blew•
tae driver of the wt, ,n iia which the•
expoloxlria wall titure.� the train and'
Lite 14'1191111 t„ 141.,41111.
Tate drfver wits Wi'l halialstugh,
of the Hrretale* T"rlkrlu 0,agw a),
anI he w•ax takloK til.• glycerine t" a
uaKa-in^ r.,mc ,il"Lance farther west.
Ulien he relclnd till- PromNltlg r,f the
( L'uenmiti, Hamilton & Ibylou Hall-
rrwul hP n:nv it lnlxartlKer train up-
prsiching. L%i+feutl) hl• tried iia
erAM tilt- bark tsdure lila lrlia inset
drove lit n, rockleww gait alter the
ratio. eaumi,lg till. rop/1uNion. P, rlun-
ateby the train wne Nluppwl he["rp
1t had rent'11r,1 the groat hull- which
the expd000lon "Inde, Isn't Il wits fair
tnongh away from til.• ",ag,"a when
tilt- stuff exploded to escape meri"aw
damage. The palrengerN were Shaken
lip nett p1mrs of and iron were
hurled ngahut flip cars. Traffic Ivan
in Ippal for *Penal Mmrs.
The trllp w'nm laden with pnNNl•il-
grrr. and'",hen the expliomton . ecur-
red the enKlueer applied the brakes
toil Juht stuppnil la time fu nvold
plunging pat . till- Aahvxm nlmle by the
ottrn-glycerine. Flying pit4eee Of tits,
railroad Irma. tptephonv pries land
.other debrim "trick the train Pvery-
wnere. Ablut "Oil feet froln the spot
win w1 to k I1}
w n hien. It sus r o 11
ii -lip[ welt -w ii its nei.7m• fire lig tTe Ex-
p!P"lon. , hd.uso about 4ak) feel •twiny
was 61allel nn•I knorekeJ lout of till
impinhinnep t1 a buiMRng. ikd,rm, wiu-
41lwn, etc.• were torn ,kit, and rnr-
tnln" east bedding were turn Intro I els
Iron (rNlm were twisted nn by n fair•
st acp The uecupnnt.,o. Mrs. Abraham
Teel maul her two ernes, Willie and
Itnlun), were lnrletl neruse the rant
holt emenpo141 denth. They are all mol.
fi ran; fr I1n the ah ,ek. old t he rnotho t
in hl n preearoml enl"titlon. 1'Ircpm
O/ t(lteber were ifrFven Alto smRh - tM
lw)nde. FI•mPm were Lord to Isle ,o i
[ur SJ radial in all directions.. ,
fie M' trots lie llwnn� '1�riegraplis
all Cables.
Ottnw Aug. 6.-i. Henniker Hea-
ton lien w hall to 111. COILtP", Prenl-
dent of the hoard of Trade. 4)llnwn
In reply to a aenlar from the Bnnnl
ditlruonR til prinelple lir Ntnto-
uwmal ts-legrap a atkl cables. He
nslyn In pert : "I has ,teen reserved
for Canada to take he first practle"I
Ntelml to 1ranKuratP hp Pnelflc coal
au.1 imperial pemuy age. To Can-
a,bt we I"ok to enmplhle the work
nu:l to stir lilt flip grdml oke ""'thp& to
ko0acti fare pump etringtx"
Mr. Heiiton then goo"mil to rwfnr tO
fife own work In fnreing thn British
anti rontinenlnl (internments th l►iti-
ehnn• the Pabeen between Fngland
nn) the r,nlinent, Frnal (iprmahy
and Holland. Ile also snys that Mr.
%ln'oek inns examined b4oroo 04 Print
misslon app.lntsd to 111golre lata til
rein tions of the cable companlasn with
the vnrlona parts of the British F.
To Nvel the upalr.
rnpn Town. Ang. 5;-Admlrnl Mo nr
Wt far 91morl'm limo today In (h
flagship (llbraltnr to meet the i(nyn
ynrbt 0i,ldr, ,in which the Doke and
Iltichpm of cornwall and Ynrk arp r
tnrning from the Antlprlen. The n
mlrnl pletal up the gunboat Thrma
at Ka) -10& I
large amoun I m y
abutted. _-
Sir. Falconer, Packer, TYiake tar
Prospects are Good. ,_
In inmit week'n market reports Ft
wad rtatol that a larger propor•
tion than uadnl of young IwKx ,101
M)w•P were being marketed In till
United States.
The mnnngpre lot the Palmerstor
and Brantford ('o-Operatllo Pack
Ing Facturier lave since been anket
by the suit If the- Patine Iltlld■ troll
fu regatrd to deliveries in Onlari0
Mnnager Hodgen, k1, reply, mays
that n grent funny young Bowe Per
tninly have, been mold in this Pro
vinre which firm-rm mhould hav
k •pt for breeding pwrlsomo". "lint,'
nd,lp Mr. Hodgem, , we do not fins
that farmers nee sending in nn lib
normal propOrtlOn of young hogan
the firptwnt time. Tho average im i
titter. greater than in the ltltsrt, ba
ant ' abnormal."
Manng-r Faleoner, of the Palmer
Ston factory, Pays that lel" compnn;
ham not h•,en getting an many ligh
hogm nm formerly, thin b •Ing dao, U
the culling which his firm has prac
tised. Speaking In regard to th
h(W Nihuttion generally, Mr. Fraloun
e•r Pu,v P : "Hogn are nut alway" go
lag to bring 67 to $7.50 live weight
1 loll tem
til tlllrnk it w II be a
I i
before hogm fire muoitbelii* fi cents
lit which prier hog -raining_ Is ver,
profitable to the farmer. Onr Tarin
Pen Nhould go much more heavilyl Int
the rnlaing of hogs. They havA bel
nitogr her ton rlowi ntont taking n
the toppertnnity which in open t
them. A great many Proem to thin
tint, by the tion they get Into rats
ing Jt numb •r of hogs, the price wt
be off. Titcy nerd not be nrr:tl-1 I
this-flrat,.brennnr, awing to tit
mad. cure used in tacturirn all ave
title country, bacon tend finalist hav
b •come more pop,,hlr ; mecoad, IN
ciliac (Tie English i arket, a ter
mmnll perornttge of which lie rupplie
by Canada, la allnoit unlimite,l
third. bcecause of the fact that fe'
farmer" are coring their own bite,
nnJ still fpw•pr nre u•Il;ng home -curl
Iodine Strad skip" ill ibe fount rat sinro
awl fourth, bleonure flip production (
hog* Ira the States FP not Incrrnming I
proportion to popnlatlon. An A remit
of thin litter condition, there will 1
le el an -i lese hog product* to ":prat
trdma the United Stated. When s
thswl• filets are considered fnemp
Nhould non be afrahl to mallet hoi
rabitna their chief industry. The of
thin% they Nkoukl never forget la 1
rake the right kind of hogs."
Mr. Hodgi,m, In Ppenking of 1h, get
erA.l altuatl'm, mar": "Thpre Is
prg}Tewet difficulty "n pr,witring Mown i't
hr Mail: idurpoes. I'leMy of farms-'
who lire nnxious to secure much em
rpt obtain thee. We an exp ectlr
the+ young spring boggss to name
W"Ma a mrinth nr 1M= 'meets, al-
P then the wlpply will be fairly InrR
Meenntlme we are Juolt between tip
m gone, fell hogs have been exhiml
Anal spring hoots not ,vmt In, the rrmt
being A remarkable •carrity.Is -
ny Mre. Ileyd fiend.
rt lit. Thomam, .king. :,.-R. II. xlr(',i1
p nrll. 1"trrl4tosr, In -day received will
1 from llrnntford lir the death Of h
ti WIfP'a mother. Mrg. Herd. The lath
tit rhildren ere C. B. i1Pyd, M. P., i
A lteyd, E. Iloy.l, Dr. Heyd, of Buffal
anal Mrol. Torrey.
r N/t/WMArt&1f ytetnrtnetrvt� I
Wheat Rust; The Markets
What It is.
BePaor. H1nrr•(0N. Leadin;t Wheat Alrrkel•.
Following srv'tile cloning 'luuti_
Jt ^s4^+• tionto at Important wheat central tu-
turt Ir that pe'oduct (0f a 'mlilute da)' :
lilt bdunglag tlo a very extrusive (sell• 11407.
New York ............ tj-_ t(1T:I:t-4
uup calltal the Fungi Muuy of l'hloago ............... - 068:1-k
eel. are inil'rure.,plc null levo upuu Tulodu .......:....... O 60 O 60 1-_
ler plautat, feedang upuu the Jul''er Duli;4h, %o. 1 lour. 0 68 3 4 0 67:1 4
lite better to dWln am extent am "'N'th, No. 1 hurl 0703-t ---
eflret Lhelr altallty. Ili title cum- l'orunlo Ftariurrr' ll.trilet.
ehenriv" group we uua plant$' pro- Aug. 8. -The utrent waril tiers- re.
caug runt, 'must, wllddew, ergot; dumod its awrutul tpuiuteesr tuduy.
gilt, potato rut, and eoun"em$' loud the dellverier of produce full utf.
bar disearem that affect the About WX) bUrhetbm of Media were rr-
Ipher format Of pill Ule. 1,G the ens' urlval, fuel hey and straw wt rat
tilt, so-calleol dirt, we find that a fairly plentiful. Other Ilikes overt- quirt
ere, which nerves t!:e larpume "r a1W tfaert- war Illtln d,•uuuiJ. 1'elcrw
nee"1 1,u hlghnr plsatr, reacher the are gene•rnll) mteauly and unchaugbd.
lives lir stalk of the plant' attack• Whom -line load of w'hltu muld 1-'n•
It cuudltluus are favorable l% higher lit 7(lu nerd 150 blrhelr "f
visit at j and soon fled$' !tat way g„U*e 1-1 to Ie higher lot 68.1-1 t..
Iver r1,
tad atki
t tfexs K
e ohda a
to 1
L 00.
, a muss of threadlike mtructures 6 onts•-Seven hundred burbeb r,lll
syeellum) which perm. -Ate the twat 1 _'e k,w•er lot 400.
ant and felt upon Its Julcer. Not Stay and Ntrnw-11uy war offir•1
ag after tills vegetie lve cuIdltlun freely And pricer were unchOnged ; _-.
tat IN+aro attaloe,l, ■purr are pro• lujnds wAd lit 1{l.•' to 613 pvr tu.1 6.l-
rued In Wyriadd un the thready of old end IFS to 1{u fair now. 8truw tt;,N
hh+L It )r tumpusrJ. du uumerour enelrr, fly(, knule selling 61b lower :,t
tbry (kx•uen.e that they buret the till to $I0 per ton.
1iu euvurlug of tlwi Ira, lir aLslk \'mgetabtes--New peltatoed err -ii'l
lid slow a rustcolored rupture. If very waren anti few lewd$' art- uffrrc,l
tau substance thud ex I.mrav Ie to sell tit Ill tat $1.15 P• r
Loot br examined under a micrue UI)c alsht+i, +and lit retail they roll ill .:
-ruby 20to diameters, It will reveal t 400 pe,r peck. Old are IsraellcIsll%
bat that which atwoart iia bid .141st dinar.
I re+Illly a ward of regularly -furl" -d I)rewesl H,)gs-Market quiet ant
eestl.k,• bulleks, ta,ndlutrug of utile e'11, price*, unchnnged at 69.25 to )E11 7:,
cal in shulw an't rwld►all lit color. per Cvvt. a
few these spores (uredo) find their Toronto Fruit Market. ..
ray te, %,be•at planta, soon germinate
,nit again myrladd (of sp,wew are par The cent mnrkrt cuntlnuem au•llve, ,
incest, sn that in s very shout tllue, with a goad demand and l,ruvy 11w -
r wlnditilur are fnvorable-dame. fallen Tu -day's uffering" w,•ro
loot•, sultry weather -a wh.'10 flet' abut 6(100 package", and Ihev
rill INJ affected. The rapldlty of weft' will old. R/tt.pbe•rrit-s wcr•
,rowtit in tha•er Inwer forma Of plant dear:e and pries were tlral l- 1
ife In uhnoNt incredible, bio% the Net" tuld lot 7K to 1Q, 1111" bl:lek at 'k•
ern tar, flagrant to doubt It. Tile to 10- Lawton herrles were lu•un•c
•loot plant dlek•a not .top here. A Int- AL hoc to 11c. Tumattk+s were ea,tcr,
An later In th•i season, on the same "PlIUM lit 0o to No`, whit.• luekli•.
threadlike structure (mycellum), an• berrtem were firmer at taW to hill
other florin of spare I" pro,luerd, Int Other fruit* were quiet toad of ll-
these are usually more common on the We gate : &",ansa, per boa ch. ill
lower part 0f ter, stalk, arta step tlt'd- to *S ; cheerless per badiet, heir• to
lined to carry the trouble Into an- 31.23 ; currant*• black• per bad.
uUk•r rra+tmi. The former are fro- ket, 61 to 1111 ; curraulm, rr,l, w•r
quenIly spoken of As "Plimmer bt'sket, 40,1 to 600: huckleb•rrer4,
&porrv." tow tatfor al- "winter per bumbet, 00o to $1.10.
spar++," Thol last fsulumd "Warps Eli llsb /.Ire tttock Markets
(teluuto) are two-l+Pllpd, pear-dllal>m1 Lolydull, Aug. &-Prkles herr
and black Affdcted plants are maid ht tAieraiol are weaker at fn+mt Ll
to be attackeed with "mlhSetv,'• and to 1" 1-Ic pPr Ib. (dromndl sapightI,
suffer severa•ly from lite effects of relrtgi rater beef it selling lot h 3-1
tide para"tlte, just at a time when w U 1 -Ile per Ib.
t,r plant ha* reached a Ntag'n to •
maturo Its sod. Tiw4ae black slxwPs
prok•pe.i am) further that wtotmou, and ONTAR1060ROWN WHEAT.
will not again girt, flee to mlktrw• On
l t• la
lit 1 a
ft aneh r
un t P rat t \
silent DIRe n , rlr-
. Ir t'rlue of
K s Irl
st-rvedt nm "leer for s wtWw In spring use Oetermlaed.
the dark spores germinate and give
rise to another form of simple uporee The Ontario Department ,.f \.:;,
(op)rllia) forrneal at tow end Of tin rutturo taw lasut"i n bulletin 1:1.,1,
threa do, growing from Mel' roll of Lieu ctkuparative tulua •r .d U"tai I
tow Irlxck Nperes. Titin. /rWukitl.l as wheats lax bread-mak:ug purl -,
yet leave not been dimrove+rel to Ker- wiyli notes loon varletem of w, ,i. r
minat„ oilman wheat : but when lb•y what". The tulitin embull,•x tit r'
rencil the leaves, of the Barberry mutt ,A Use labor• of Prof. It. ll,r
shrub they germinate, ,water the leaf• court, B. S. A., associate�r
and ancon give rise on tits• nnokw "lite ,.f chemistry, and Mr. C. A. Zuvitr,
to inner++ of cup -like structures, In It. S. A., exprrim •oatallrt ,of the c• 1
wench are prodiroirl innumerable bete. A se•rLels Uf extenNlve exp• ri
ruunih golden colored sp,row Itls•old- Inputs have been eoIndlieted by 1'r.4
tum), which will product, a vegeta- Harcourt to avoertain file .c"n,lote
five growth Orly when they ger- valves of ole d.iferent vnrieth•N „f
minato un ter• witent, (x mom•• other wheat In the producthro "r hr,•n'I
chisel)' allied Nlel They tilpn give Tlkrs- Pxp•r:mpnt* were un'ertsk-11
rlep to the eomittloa a m referral to be•enu•,e or the many comptniuts f►tim
ns "rust." Sluch W the life history Of both farmers nn 1 milers r 1 los Sit
this, common foe, ane) to the render tbo pall quality of the fl"ar mrie
must appevar a vary comptioafed ono from (IntAr!:; grawn whnwt, whbt-h'-
Indeed ; th(w0 being Go pear tllna r(esultr"1 in til• fkwr being a drag cn
four kinds of trtsuer produced -uredo. UIP mnrkrt, whlt•h ouul" only b Nc 1
tri r'uto, Nporklla, and aecbdlum, by andorhkfoling rompetit.rre Aft -r
Tbpne, fur co n'entence, we might msitk'nR tests from flomir grown on the
name skimmer, winter, and spring collogr fnrm it wan deternline'1 tit
mporeak ; spring referring to till, feat broadest •cap' ill invrmtiaatMOil
two. Two grow oil lite wheat plant maid ttlrty+Ix ten-bsel d:lmpir
(uredo and trelruto), ow In the spring ots, po llnating of ten vnr1n itP-
on stubble or fragments of straw dof W!Ilter wlirat and fit,. "t
(mpor4HA), and ono on flint learn" of miringcddlho-at fgro ver Ino N 11lt Nn'1'1
the, Barberry (acclollum).
The gnestlon naturally arlml-m here' In the PrnvineP, land rubjoete,l t"
In the barberry shrub to tka blailwl Ulm text. One sample of Turkey It^d
fou lilt the rest 1 In order to de. wan also imported from Krtn4n.. tin„
fend this x1alb against such n charge mm;)10 Irate of the "none v;lr"'ty
meveral views have been met forward, having Al"n been obtnlned fr„ill
which are au follows : Waterhan. The o In wan aroo.nd.
1. Uredo spores may be carried the flrur trailed for gtnten. ptserre/e(-
over the winter upon plants that ,o aRe tof water tabmorptlnn. rte.. and
not p•r!•h, like wht-at. at the close ten and fifteen pound Into of flair`
of like senson, e.g.• couch grass, etc. lir flip different vanrtirm were”
Sportdli nay gprminate on made Into bread and trtil hel"-
wheat withal the Intervention of pendently by two ill the moat rx-
unotle r plant. prglenc,d Mrkprw in Guelph In de• -
1 3. Sp orldlm may develop on other their r the yield of berate Wblt':r -
Iante then the barbrri'y. their d ,ria did nut nRrPP rloprly
P n third trial- inns mIsAP, and til.•
But ns- yet these ern merely lues+- bread was then scored on til,• 11 .I4
t fo at the troth. Thiol such a com- or 100 pound* for IdeeI_ brrn�l. T'.',,•
anon Pnrmy hM so tdn�[ eluded the-rowlltis Indicate generally th„ IT6—
Investigation of sefontlats may seem hpnvipr the wheat leer ke,•.i �u'.l
rpaiiarkable, bat when it la rpmem- im*hel the better the quality h1 U1'
bred how many conditions are flrcr. bill doll anti mention ondodbt-
required to'be observed In searching edgy have a very nil Influence
such u •wlnuto fop. the surpri+e Is on the weight per immhel, and ill+•'
I not so great. However, it doe.n seam /k, the quality of flour. (Matin. it
t thlit a surdclont care has been trade 1" found• varies In gnnlflY, th.,t
out to prevent the farther use of which is firm and hard ;dl-o'IIi '
them shrill lir n hmlg" ptmnt in the more water and giving a lura, r
nPlghb:erhoo ll of wit rat fields. The yield of bread Llan thnt which IN
extreme minuteness of the aecidinm Part and atlri[y. The gluten of the
aporem enables then to be carried Turk.•y lied wheat In reparted (if a
I lung diartano.w In that air, so that It Metter quality than that of 'ho
iFn not nrc,werlr,y that the aodree of Allchlgnn Amber. and rl..w.w,
trouble should he clone at blind. We 0oldlpn ('hnff thaw that of I'
mny reasonably hope that other Enrly Red (,1nww)n. The fill" I' •'
rouroe" than the barberry mny be Of the quality of the different floor"
fmnad, bat In tho meautime farmers in elle yield lid quality of Iw,,:,d
are Aeteg In harmony wltn the produced gaffe., th4__folbwlnR_ r"_
Ir c 1 continuin Do
molts :
tnn Itln • of el. n e n
Mall W s.
longer the nee of tills plant nor a
, hedge. Arer..t"
From extensive engnirlee Into the
premenee rued canoe of runt the lot -
lowing eonchlsions Clave b les reach -
1. Henson$' are the chief cause or
runt ; andden ohnrlg.w of trtnpera-
lnro and rain, neconipanie.I with
clone,, stili weather, are farorlable to
Ito Jnorease.
". Low-lying, rich moils are moat
subloct to nttnck. "`_ _- .
a. An excessive line of maAurets,
rich in nitrogen, encrktrage the tils-
4. Late mown grain Is most sub-
)rct to nttnck.
5i. Thinly sown crop• apersr most
liable to Inrtty. .
6. Red wheat" ern lens arfeoted
than white varieties.
7. itnat is more common In till•
vicinity of barberry hedged than lit
a 'llstancol.
A [frowning Youth In Dragged Ilsrk
to Ll rat,
Chicago, Ill., Ang. 1S.- Ilnvinot Ul- his
vrowlit 1 t lived mtdvpd frcl draw ning,'
Arthur kann, wits) IN ojgp,l toy 17
year", IAP% Pv"IHK Nnve-1 A..1. ltnker,
a would tip ndrlde. twit-, ulthrmafi
tat+ mail strltggle•1 t" b+ ntlow'od t"
dui•. .After the flrnt rearup linker
fraught privngrly nn,l finally threw
hi" re•motter toff, and plmp,A Int, the
hike n sn"o nd t.m'•. Egan nRnin mprnng
aftpr htm Stood nr•re,dwt In finally
dragging hint tm mnfety Fagan Im nc
export Pwimm„r. FTIe elm F« to he
roarno a mutnh•r of n Ilfr.wavinK crew,
drift )tin ned4w(llnaly talk up him head
quarterm t1IA ypar lit the+ Barry
Boa,'b, whtrt Ali hu reeeen have
hem made.
Kn ems i LMgAton's saw mill at
8arrla*m lean lives&
l meld of hrt•nd 411""I $
per Ina flu. INNu,nir.
of flour. 1,•'.
Turkpy heel ...... ... 157.6 95
Scott ... ...... ... ... 148.'2 , SN►
Michigan Ambpr ... 147.9 Isms
Opiorape Olant ...... 147.4 AI
Jones' Winteer Fife ... 146.1 P-•
\Ya tor'$' Itl liabl:.- 145.7 "
YdnnoMl Orit ... ... 145.1 7;.
Mnwhpntpr ...... ... i;t.n --•AIF
Early Real ClAwooll 143.2 7:
ns+n'w (3ok1Pn
( are .............. 141.0 91.1
spring Whe•st•.
F Uso... ... ... ...... 1114.:5 . 11M a
Whit#- Ru4.laa ...... 145.6 Is .:�
Thtckmet ... ...... 140.6 7'
Ilevrt on Bearded ... 140.3 s -'i
Uo'ormido .............. 140.1 7 .
F'amt,Stewutrra Tante (,a,,*,ih.n1'ork
to bouthantplon.
Matthew's Pork Packing C0r,Of Ot-
taws, one of the largpat In Glndtia,
any that practlratlly all the frelptht
carried by the fast Amprienn pine
liteamars from New York to Kalith-
ampton conalmts caf Canadian hnr"n,
Tells In not, however. (tile to the falser
Mr speed of American rM"PI•, bill to
the Pnperlor dock arrangement" 'It
linnthampton, by whirl, canaodla"
haOon, which b cured llgl'tiv nP'l ""
ha* to lit plaum,l on the mnrkrt wide-
out delay, le rapidly hnndled. DPI")"
twevir lit both Lonekon and I,Ivorp•,,i
in flip unke►d1ng.
Winnipl.g gLrpentpvw at" ldmlklnR for
n nlne.hrmr dray anti 40 b"to an
Brim. I
The (Wolone Gasette any" lar."
itmnnnta of French and I.nu1"I'
mnnry were withdrawn twin d '•'
many during flip final foo• 'Inv
bermner, the rates for flral r
comraerrlal bills are loo low•
..s .
. k
i Y T ty -
The Lawless I
Eighteenth �
ganging Wan an
BIC9 of Higu
(fly IGlwin A.
a g
Jnuuary, 174N a y,
,'sale of Kelly, it "1,u
vermlly, enter"d till
toxktate•,1, and claw
,plies of Lh" or•11d
file stage, from w
ION wily iia tlaP Kre•,
nulled .m,ute of tilt•
the wt,wt groat um
ner. AN file play i2'
front Lhlr iutrrrul
taill away nod t
bnek to the pat. H
ba11ket of uraugea, I
self pe-Iting the p
Harridan wen elle
IIP viam the lmirticu
,thud(• and nttnck.
to rat Ure with ,mlmil
rupting lite perforw
Itµ; the whole hours
thlr attack, h • retail
after, with fatly o
gowusme•n and ut6t
t,.tvur m the ntlge,
wade their WILY thr
ern, and across ff
they drew their a'
tl,arl.hlwl Into tit" d
svarch of Mr. Sherl
luau to their resent
hem. they thrust til
vtraponr •through
rlolhes-1wen0m. an
where 'n luno nkiKl
Ila• Clad forlunate•1)
tin tarty proceeds
lilt. house Fn h(orset
rourder(oUr deterto
ailing him, drelar:nl
mp.lrator In •-Yet
--inch man (night
For several nl(rht"
lit the theatre, ex
acting Ig•PIIPa of
e of
r t me
11 til Int
the public was Pxli
with spirit and d(
Ptwded iiia lly Aga,
Wan tIt A/rrlldPllc
the terror thomr
tint the wisnt•rnl
would be Imp,wnibh
ruuld find n [cell
an axeault upon s
rider in curt hn
n nnper. that he t
••gentleman player.
t.aid Sherbhau, "I 1
now'." Kelly wit" i
t.oiPlll Renault, "e
fin.• mf C. -AX). xnd
unit ditanrty od Jill
. Morale,". M•ut to
The street■ of I
lout a polico 1
t here wad ria watt
young men aaw-ir
erloo Uf villi
Down -by retch
Rocks," "The Moto
(1nalkPru." the letl
. ._ brutal WMtat:un u
the vulgar. But
— r...... ke icr tapir
as far their atrow
Kceeatrielllrs of
(olunel St. Leger
frngers wow a Irrr,
and well made. an,
eeptable til the ro-
:,,ring flip vice-rov
of Itothuld, And Wt
mlre•r Of the Meant
Ing fill caccamlunot t
Inntry, mnmPtimr.
r•vtravagant milm
grnce• wash ho r lint
tiny after dinner.
ntoly for ti.e >;In"N,
drank to the tN/tt
" St. Leger," nnl•i t
In Ieirk : her grace
to -night, anti yen ,
l;uhlpt niter '"dpyk
,,w.tllpr KeAlleu,au
hot of n e..tlshler'
would prneee•1 to .1�
:.Knin"t Its wAlln,
given time, 14 well
land Obtained lite
)onger n mobriquet
ea Pr nftprwArla n
file name w'au "W1
Ionr or film denth b,
"nlrm ll -hale)'."
Onppling wan A
dmf It prpvnilf-I
among tits, Inwyer
.tnirp(l to he lit Ie
I,INIOI slant an at
few InstanpPn are
It wits no unusr
u , inn
NPI t,
, rsl t' c
( t
in ditlrnostng n lep
n ni Ighb,ring fie•1-
ltlNloln, and then
resume their tai
penceful manner.
oveorred lit the as
Keller alit] Fagan
of law, &nil both
The) crossed til
ferryboat, to ga
Kilkenny. Harry H
dill n pinfice of pin
�__p'l,ell hp beard of
_-- Plot, tiny got ro
an they wprp prPf
-told him to get
lhc) would Pilot
rvpry till In ha"
Ido nuthOrlty ns
j.e1pP. Tllry told
Peter from hpnvo
mind him, They
WlthOnt effect al-
rnnrt, Thr cans
wall Kenprnlly un'
toned the honeh.
41111017 rvpecting
them war killed.
lorney-Opnern 1. 14
Lord llmncMl"r
fought with Currf
for of tee Rnllu,
I"IN. twelve Inehrl
wnr,lm Liar) (1+
hinR'N bench lir
f"right Lord Tvrr
nlw,nt Ills VON,
will, the Earl o
Ilia "inter, on
ill her"• tin rltlf
nidi with vnrkin
nn', ,limlolm. Alrt,
F. 11to-gnpr. funs
Lad hpr-nn-Inw,
tngmoltits. Pat
I'onhmon Plena, fl-
it"nllpmpn, aril
ane of the durl•
"wort". To1Pr,
,f amt Ire of the ('r
"'Fighting F'lty
erol fathsom !til
Mr. Teler for fill
that be wan Alw'
Mohby the admi
&,wllul; (lrrre4 (1, Aug. 6.-1'.Iglit
hundred quart" ,d nitro -glycerins• ex-
p1'Plad l 111 wllew silithw•ent of this
city )ewterlay ufteru,oun. and blew•
tae driver of the wt, ,n iia which the•
expoloxlria wall titure.� the train and'
Lite 14'1191111 t„ 141.,41111.
Tate drfver wits Wi'l halialstugh,
of the Hrretale* T"rlkrlu 0,agw a),
anI he w•ax takloK til.• glycerine t" a
uaKa-in^ r.,mc ,il"Lance farther west.
Ulien he relclnd till- PromNltlg r,f the
( L'uenmiti, Hamilton & Ibylou Hall-
rrwul hP n:nv it lnlxartlKer train up-
prsiching. L%i+feutl) hl• tried iia
erAM tilt- bark tsdure lila lrlia inset
drove lit n, rockleww gait alter the
ratio. eaumi,lg till. rop/1uNion. P, rlun-
ateby the train wne Nluppwl he["rp
1t had rent'11r,1 the groat hull- which
the expd000lon "Inde, Isn't Il wits fair
tnongh away from til.• ",ag,"a when
tilt- stuff exploded to escape meri"aw
damage. The palrengerN were Shaken
lip nett p1mrs of and iron were
hurled ngahut flip cars. Traffic Ivan
in Ippal for *Penal Mmrs.
The trllp w'nm laden with pnNNl•il-
grrr. and'",hen the expliomton . ecur-
red the enKlueer applied the brakes
toil Juht stuppnil la time fu nvold
plunging pat . till- Aahvxm nlmle by the
ottrn-glycerine. Flying pit4eee Of tits,
railroad Irma. tptephonv pries land
.other debrim "trick the train Pvery-
wnere. Ablut "Oil feet froln the spot
win w1 to k I1}
w n hien. It sus r o 11
ii -lip[ welt -w ii its nei.7m• fire lig tTe Ex-
p!P"lon. , hd.uso about 4ak) feel •twiny
was 61allel nn•I knorekeJ lout of till
impinhinnep t1 a buiMRng. ikd,rm, wiu-
41lwn, etc.• were torn ,kit, and rnr-
tnln" east bedding were turn Intro I els
Iron (rNlm were twisted nn by n fair•
st acp The uecupnnt.,o. Mrs. Abraham
Teel maul her two ernes, Willie and
Itnlun), were lnrletl neruse the rant
holt emenpo141 denth. They are all mol.
fi ran; fr I1n the ah ,ek. old t he rnotho t
in hl n preearoml enl"titlon. 1'Ircpm
O/ t(lteber were ifrFven Alto smRh - tM
lw)nde. FI•mPm were Lord to Isle ,o i
[ur SJ radial in all directions.. ,
fie M' trots lie llwnn� '1�riegraplis
all Cables.
Ottnw Aug. 6.-i. Henniker Hea-
ton lien w hall to 111. COILtP", Prenl-
dent of the hoard of Trade. 4)llnwn
In reply to a aenlar from the Bnnnl
ditlruonR til prinelple lir Ntnto-
uwmal ts-legrap a atkl cables. He
nslyn In pert : "I has ,teen reserved
for Canada to take he first practle"I
Ntelml to 1ranKuratP hp Pnelflc coal
au.1 imperial pemuy age. To Can-
a,bt we I"ok to enmplhle the work
nu:l to stir lilt flip grdml oke ""'thp& to
ko0acti fare pump etringtx"
Mr. Heiiton then goo"mil to rwfnr tO
fife own work In fnreing thn British
anti rontinenlnl (internments th l►iti-
ehnn• the Pabeen between Fngland
nn) the r,nlinent, Frnal (iprmahy
and Holland. Ile also snys that Mr.
%ln'oek inns examined b4oroo 04 Print
misslon app.lntsd to 111golre lata til
rein tions of the cable companlasn with
the vnrlona parts of the British F.
To Nvel the upalr.
rnpn Town. Ang. 5;-Admlrnl Mo nr
Wt far 91morl'm limo today In (h
flagship (llbraltnr to meet the i(nyn
ynrbt 0i,ldr, ,in which the Doke and
Iltichpm of cornwall and Ynrk arp r
tnrning from the Antlprlen. The n
mlrnl pletal up the gunboat Thrma
at Ka) -10& I
large amoun I m y
abutted. _-
Sir. Falconer, Packer, TYiake tar
Prospects are Good. ,_
In inmit week'n market reports Ft
wad rtatol that a larger propor•
tion than uadnl of young IwKx ,101
M)w•P were being marketed In till
United States.
The mnnngpre lot the Palmerstor
and Brantford ('o-Operatllo Pack
Ing Facturier lave since been anket
by the suit If the- Patine Iltlld■ troll
fu regatrd to deliveries in Onlari0
Mnnager Hodgen, k1, reply, mays
that n grent funny young Bowe Per
tninly have, been mold in this Pro
vinre which firm-rm mhould hav
k •pt for breeding pwrlsomo". "lint,'
nd,lp Mr. Hodgem, , we do not fins
that farmers nee sending in nn lib
normal propOrtlOn of young hogan
the firptwnt time. Tho average im i
titter. greater than in the ltltsrt, ba
ant ' abnormal."
Manng-r Faleoner, of the Palmer
Ston factory, Pays that lel" compnn;
ham not h•,en getting an many ligh
hogm nm formerly, thin b •Ing dao, U
the culling which his firm has prac
tised. Speaking In regard to th
h(W Nihuttion generally, Mr. Fraloun
e•r Pu,v P : "Hogn are nut alway" go
lag to bring 67 to $7.50 live weight
1 loll tem
til tlllrnk it w II be a
I i
before hogm fire muoitbelii* fi cents
lit which prier hog -raining_ Is ver,
profitable to the farmer. Onr Tarin
Pen Nhould go much more heavilyl Int
the rnlaing of hogs. They havA bel
nitogr her ton rlowi ntont taking n
the toppertnnity which in open t
them. A great many Proem to thin
tint, by the tion they get Into rats
ing Jt numb •r of hogs, the price wt
be off. Titcy nerd not be nrr:tl-1 I
this-flrat,.brennnr, awing to tit
mad. cure used in tacturirn all ave
title country, bacon tend finalist hav
b •come more pop,,hlr ; mecoad, IN
ciliac (Tie English i arket, a ter
mmnll perornttge of which lie rupplie
by Canada, la allnoit unlimite,l
third. bcecause of the fact that fe'
farmer" are coring their own bite,
nnJ still fpw•pr nre u•Il;ng home -curl
Iodine Strad skip" ill ibe fount rat sinro
awl fourth, bleonure flip production (
hog* Ira the States FP not Incrrnming I
proportion to popnlatlon. An A remit
of thin litter condition, there will 1
le el an -i lese hog product* to ":prat
trdma the United Stated. When s
thswl• filets are considered fnemp
Nhould non be afrahl to mallet hoi
rabitna their chief industry. The of
thin% they Nkoukl never forget la 1
rake the right kind of hogs."
Mr. Hodgi,m, In Ppenking of 1h, get
erA.l altuatl'm, mar": "Thpre Is
prg}Tewet difficulty "n pr,witring Mown i't
hr Mail: idurpoes. I'leMy of farms-'
who lire nnxious to secure much em
rpt obtain thee. We an exp ectlr
the+ young spring boggss to name
W"Ma a mrinth nr 1M= 'meets, al-
P then the wlpply will be fairly InrR
Meenntlme we are Juolt between tip
m gone, fell hogs have been exhiml
Anal spring hoots not ,vmt In, the rrmt
being A remarkable •carrity.Is -
ny Mre. Ileyd fiend.
rt lit. Thomam, .king. :,.-R. II. xlr(',i1
p nrll. 1"trrl4tosr, In -day received will
1 from llrnntford lir the death Of h
ti WIfP'a mother. Mrg. Herd. The lath
tit rhildren ere C. B. i1Pyd, M. P., i
A lteyd, E. Iloy.l, Dr. Heyd, of Buffal
anal Mrol. Torrey.
r N/t/WMArt&1f ytetnrtnetrvt� I
Wheat Rust; The Markets
What It is.
BePaor. H1nrr•(0N. Leadin;t Wheat Alrrkel•.
Following srv'tile cloning 'luuti_
Jt ^s4^+• tionto at Important wheat central tu-
turt Ir that pe'oduct (0f a 'mlilute da)' :
lilt bdunglag tlo a very extrusive (sell• 11407.
New York ............ tj-_ t(1T:I:t-4
uup calltal the Fungi Muuy of l'hloago ............... - 068:1-k
eel. are inil'rure.,plc null levo upuu Tulodu .......:....... O 60 O 60 1-_
ler plautat, feedang upuu the Jul''er Duli;4h, %o. 1 lour. 0 68 3 4 0 67:1 4
lite better to dWln am extent am "'N'th, No. 1 hurl 0703-t ---
eflret Lhelr altallty. Ili title cum- l'orunlo Ftariurrr' ll.trilet.
ehenriv" group we uua plant$' pro- Aug. 8. -The utrent waril tiers- re.
caug runt, 'must, wllddew, ergot; dumod its awrutul tpuiuteesr tuduy.
gilt, potato rut, and eoun"em$' loud the dellverier of produce full utf.
bar disearem that affect the About WX) bUrhetbm of Media were rr-
Ipher format Of pill Ule. 1,G the ens' urlval, fuel hey and straw wt rat
tilt, so-calleol dirt, we find that a fairly plentiful. Other Ilikes overt- quirt
ere, which nerves t!:e larpume "r a1W tfaert- war Illtln d,•uuuiJ. 1'elcrw
nee"1 1,u hlghnr plsatr, reacher the are gene•rnll) mteauly and unchaugbd.
lives lir stalk of the plant' attack• Whom -line load of w'hltu muld 1-'n•
It cuudltluus are favorable l% higher lit 7(lu nerd 150 blrhelr "f
visit at j and soon fled$' !tat way g„U*e 1-1 to Ie higher lot 68.1-1 t..
Iver r1,
tad atki
t tfexs K
e ohda a
to 1
L 00.
, a muss of threadlike mtructures 6 onts•-Seven hundred burbeb r,lll
syeellum) which perm. -Ate the twat 1 _'e k,w•er lot 400.
ant and felt upon Its Julcer. Not Stay and Ntrnw-11uy war offir•1
ag after tills vegetie lve cuIdltlun freely And pricer were unchOnged ; _-.
tat IN+aro attaloe,l, ■purr are pro• lujnds wAd lit 1{l.•' to 613 pvr tu.1 6.l-
rued In Wyriadd un the thready of old end IFS to 1{u fair now. 8truw tt;,N
hh+L It )r tumpusrJ. du uumerour enelrr, fly(, knule selling 61b lower :,t
tbry (kx•uen.e that they buret the till to $I0 per ton.
1iu euvurlug of tlwi Ira, lir aLslk \'mgetabtes--New peltatoed err -ii'l
lid slow a rustcolored rupture. If very waren anti few lewd$' art- uffrrc,l
tau substance thud ex I.mrav Ie to sell tit Ill tat $1.15 P• r
Loot br examined under a micrue UI)c alsht+i, +and lit retail they roll ill .:
-ruby 20to diameters, It will reveal t 400 pe,r peck. Old are IsraellcIsll%
bat that which atwoart iia bid .141st dinar.
I re+Illly a ward of regularly -furl" -d I)rewesl H,)gs-Market quiet ant
eestl.k,• bulleks, ta,ndlutrug of utile e'11, price*, unchnnged at 69.25 to )E11 7:,
cal in shulw an't rwld►all lit color. per Cvvt. a
few these spores (uredo) find their Toronto Fruit Market. ..
ray te, %,be•at planta, soon germinate
,nit again myrladd (of sp,wew are par The cent mnrkrt cuntlnuem au•llve, ,
incest, sn that in s very shout tllue, with a goad demand and l,ruvy 11w -
r wlnditilur are fnvorable-dame. fallen Tu -day's uffering" w,•ro
loot•, sultry weather -a wh.'10 flet' abut 6(100 package", and Ihev
rill INJ affected. The rapldlty of weft' will old. R/tt.pbe•rrit-s wcr•
,rowtit in tha•er Inwer forma Of plant dear:e and pries were tlral l- 1
ife In uhnoNt incredible, bio% the Net" tuld lot 7K to 1Q, 1111" bl:lek at 'k•
ern tar, flagrant to doubt It. Tile to 10- Lawton herrles were lu•un•c
•loot plant dlek•a not .top here. A Int- AL hoc to 11c. Tumattk+s were ea,tcr,
An later In th•i season, on the same "PlIUM lit 0o to No`, whit.• luekli•.
threadlike structure (mycellum), an• berrtem were firmer at taW to hill
other florin of spare I" pro,luerd, Int Other fruit* were quiet toad of ll-
these are usually more common on the We gate : &",ansa, per boa ch. ill
lower part 0f ter, stalk, arta step tlt'd- to *S ; cheerless per badiet, heir• to
lined to carry the trouble Into an- 31.23 ; currant*• black• per bad.
uUk•r rra+tmi. The former are fro- ket, 61 to 1111 ; curraulm, rr,l, w•r
quenIly spoken of As "Plimmer bt'sket, 40,1 to 600: huckleb•rrer4,
&porrv." tow tatfor al- "winter per bumbet, 00o to $1.10.
spar++," Thol last fsulumd "Warps Eli llsb /.Ire tttock Markets
(teluuto) are two-l+Pllpd, pear-dllal>m1 Lolydull, Aug. &-Prkles herr
and black Affdcted plants are maid ht tAieraiol are weaker at fn+mt Ll
to be attackeed with "mlhSetv,'• and to 1" 1-Ic pPr Ib. (dromndl sapightI,
suffer severa•ly from lite effects of relrtgi rater beef it selling lot h 3-1
tide para"tlte, just at a time when w U 1 -Ile per Ib.
t,r plant ha* reached a Ntag'n to •
maturo Its sod. Tiw4ae black slxwPs
prok•pe.i am) further that wtotmou, and ONTAR1060ROWN WHEAT.
will not again girt, flee to mlktrw• On
l t• la
lit 1 a
ft aneh r
un t P rat t \
silent DIRe n , rlr-
. Ir t'rlue of
K s Irl
st-rvedt nm "leer for s wtWw In spring use Oetermlaed.
the dark spores germinate and give
rise to another form of simple uporee The Ontario Department ,.f \.:;,
(op)rllia) forrneal at tow end Of tin rutturo taw lasut"i n bulletin 1:1.,1,
threa do, growing from Mel' roll of Lieu ctkuparative tulua •r .d U"tai I
tow Irlxck Nperes. Titin. /rWukitl.l as wheats lax bread-mak:ug purl -,
yet leave not been dimrove+rel to Ker- wiyli notes loon varletem of w, ,i. r
minat„ oilman wheat : but when lb•y what". The tulitin embull,•x tit r'
rencil the leaves, of the Barberry mutt ,A Use labor• of Prof. It. ll,r
shrub they germinate, ,water the leaf• court, B. S. A., associate�r
and ancon give rise on tits• nnokw "lite ,.f chemistry, and Mr. C. A. Zuvitr,
to inner++ of cup -like structures, In It. S. A., exprrim •oatallrt ,of the c• 1
wench are prodiroirl innumerable bete. A se•rLels Uf extenNlve exp• ri
ruunih golden colored sp,row Itls•old- Inputs have been eoIndlieted by 1'r.4
tum), which will product, a vegeta- Harcourt to avoertain file .c"n,lote
five growth Orly when they ger- valves of ole d.iferent vnrieth•N „f
minato un ter• witent, (x mom•• other wheat In the producthro "r hr,•n'I
chisel)' allied Nlel They tilpn give Tlkrs- Pxp•r:mpnt* were un'ertsk-11
rlep to the eomittloa a m referral to be•enu•,e or the many comptniuts f►tim
ns "rust." Sluch W the life history Of both farmers nn 1 milers r 1 los Sit
this, common foe, ane) to the render tbo pall quality of the fl"ar mrie
must appevar a vary comptioafed ono from (IntAr!:; grawn whnwt, whbt-h'-
Indeed ; th(w0 being Go pear tllna r(esultr"1 in til• fkwr being a drag cn
four kinds of trtsuer produced -uredo. UIP mnrkrt, whlt•h ouul" only b Nc 1
tri r'uto, Nporklla, and aecbdlum, by andorhkfoling rompetit.rre Aft -r
Tbpne, fur co n'entence, we might msitk'nR tests from flomir grown on the
name skimmer, winter, and spring collogr fnrm it wan deternline'1 tit
mporeak ; spring referring to till, feat broadest •cap' ill invrmtiaatMOil
two. Two grow oil lite wheat plant maid ttlrty+Ix ten-bsel d:lmpir
(uredo and trelruto), ow In the spring ots, po llnating of ten vnr1n itP-
on stubble or fragments of straw dof W!Ilter wlirat and fit,. "t
(mpor4HA), and ono on flint learn" of miringcddlho-at fgro ver Ino N 11lt Nn'1'1
the, Barberry (acclollum).
The gnestlon naturally arlml-m here' In the PrnvineP, land rubjoete,l t"
In the barberry shrub to tka blailwl Ulm text. One sample of Turkey It^d
fou lilt the rest 1 In order to de. wan also imported from Krtn4n.. tin„
fend this x1alb against such n charge mm;)10 Irate of the "none v;lr"'ty
meveral views have been met forward, having Al"n been obtnlned fr„ill
which are au follows : Waterhan. The o In wan aroo.nd.
1. Uredo spores may be carried the flrur trailed for gtnten. ptserre/e(-
over the winter upon plants that ,o aRe tof water tabmorptlnn. rte.. and
not p•r!•h, like wht-at. at the close ten and fifteen pound Into of flair`
of like senson, e.g.• couch grass, etc. lir flip different vanrtirm were”
Sportdli nay gprminate on made Into bread and trtil hel"-
wheat withal the Intervention of pendently by two ill the moat rx-
unotle r plant. prglenc,d Mrkprw in Guelph In de• -
1 3. Sp orldlm may develop on other their r the yield of berate Wblt':r -
Iante then the barbrri'y. their d ,ria did nut nRrPP rloprly
P n third trial- inns mIsAP, and til.•
But ns- yet these ern merely lues+- bread was then scored on til,• 11 .I4
t fo at the troth. Thiol such a com- or 100 pound* for IdeeI_ brrn�l. T'.',,•
anon Pnrmy hM so tdn�[ eluded the-rowlltis Indicate generally th„ IT6—
Investigation of sefontlats may seem hpnvipr the wheat leer ke,•.i �u'.l
rpaiiarkable, bat when it la rpmem- im*hel the better the quality h1 U1'
bred how many conditions are flrcr. bill doll anti mention ondodbt-
required to'be observed In searching edgy have a very nil Influence
such u •wlnuto fop. the surpri+e Is on the weight per immhel, and ill+•'
I not so great. However, it doe.n seam /k, the quality of flour. (Matin. it
t thlit a surdclont care has been trade 1" found• varies In gnnlflY, th.,t
out to prevent the farther use of which is firm and hard ;dl-o'IIi '
them shrill lir n hmlg" ptmnt in the more water and giving a lura, r
nPlghb:erhoo ll of wit rat fields. The yield of bread Llan thnt which IN
extreme minuteness of the aecidinm Part and atlri[y. The gluten of the
aporem enables then to be carried Turk.•y lied wheat In reparted (if a
I lung diartano.w In that air, so that It Metter quality than that of 'ho
iFn not nrc,werlr,y that the aodree of Allchlgnn Amber. and rl..w.w,
trouble should he clone at blind. We 0oldlpn ('hnff thaw that of I'
mny reasonably hope that other Enrly Red (,1nww)n. The fill" I' •'
rouroe" than the barberry mny be Of the quality of the different floor"
fmnad, bat In tho meautime farmers in elle yield lid quality of Iw,,:,d
are Aeteg In harmony wltn the produced gaffe., th4__folbwlnR_ r"_
Ir c 1 continuin Do
molts :
tnn Itln • of el. n e n
Mall W s.
longer the nee of tills plant nor a
, hedge. Arer..t"
From extensive engnirlee Into the
premenee rued canoe of runt the lot -
lowing eonchlsions Clave b les reach -
1. Henson$' are the chief cause or
runt ; andden ohnrlg.w of trtnpera-
lnro and rain, neconipanie.I with
clone,, stili weather, are farorlable to
Ito Jnorease.
". Low-lying, rich moils are moat
subloct to nttnck. "`_ _- .
a. An excessive line of maAurets,
rich in nitrogen, encrktrage the tils-
4. Late mown grain Is most sub-
)rct to nttnck.
5i. Thinly sown crop• apersr most
liable to Inrtty. .
6. Red wheat" ern lens arfeoted
than white varieties.
7. itnat is more common In till•
vicinity of barberry hedged than lit
a 'llstancol.
A [frowning Youth In Dragged Ilsrk
to Ll rat,
Chicago, Ill., Ang. 1S.- Ilnvinot Ul- his
vrowlit 1 t lived mtdvpd frcl draw ning,'
Arthur kann, wits) IN ojgp,l toy 17
year", IAP% Pv"IHK Nnve-1 A..1. ltnker,
a would tip ndrlde. twit-, ulthrmafi
tat+ mail strltggle•1 t" b+ ntlow'od t"
dui•. .After the flrnt rearup linker
fraught privngrly nn,l finally threw
hi" re•motter toff, and plmp,A Int, the
hike n sn"o nd t.m'•. Egan nRnin mprnng
aftpr htm Stood nr•re,dwt In finally
dragging hint tm mnfety Fagan Im nc
export Pwimm„r. FTIe elm F« to he
roarno a mutnh•r of n Ilfr.wavinK crew,
drift )tin ned4w(llnaly talk up him head
quarterm t1IA ypar lit the+ Barry
Boa,'b, whtrt Ali hu reeeen have
hem made.
Kn ems i LMgAton's saw mill at
8arrla*m lean lives&
l meld of hrt•nd 411""I $
per Ina flu. INNu,nir.
of flour. 1,•'.
Turkpy heel ...... ... 157.6 95
Scott ... ...... ... ... 148.'2 , SN►
Michigan Ambpr ... 147.9 Isms
Opiorape Olant ...... 147.4 AI
Jones' Winteer Fife ... 146.1 P-•
\Ya tor'$' Itl liabl:.- 145.7 "
YdnnoMl Orit ... ... 145.1 7;.
Mnwhpntpr ...... ... i;t.n --•AIF
Early Real ClAwooll 143.2 7:
ns+n'w (3ok1Pn
( are .............. 141.0 91.1
spring Whe•st•.
F Uso... ... ... ...... 1114.:5 . 11M a
Whit#- Ru4.laa ...... 145.6 Is .:�
Thtckmet ... ...... 140.6 7'
Ilevrt on Bearded ... 140.3 s -'i
Uo'ormido .............. 140.1 7 .
F'amt,Stewutrra Tante (,a,,*,ih.n1'ork
to bouthantplon.
Matthew's Pork Packing C0r,Of Ot-
taws, one of the largpat In Glndtia,
any that practlratlly all the frelptht
carried by the fast Amprienn pine
liteamars from New York to Kalith-
ampton conalmts caf Canadian hnr"n,
Tells In not, however. (tile to the falser
Mr speed of American rM"PI•, bill to
the Pnperlor dock arrangement" 'It
linnthampton, by whirl, canaodla"
haOon, which b cured llgl'tiv nP'l ""
ha* to lit plaum,l on the mnrkrt wide-
out delay, le rapidly hnndled. DPI")"
twevir lit both Lonekon and I,Ivorp•,,i
in flip unke►d1ng.
Winnipl.g gLrpentpvw at" ldmlklnR for
n nlne.hrmr dray anti 40 b"to an
Brim. I
The (Wolone Gasette any" lar."
itmnnnta of French and I.nu1"I'
mnnry were withdrawn twin d '•'
many during flip final foo• 'Inv
bermner, the rates for flral r
comraerrlal bills are loo low•
..s .
. k
i Y T ty -
The Lawless I
Eighteenth �
ganging Wan an
BIC9 of Higu
(fly IGlwin A.
a g
Jnuuary, 174N a y,
,'sale of Kelly, it "1,u
vermlly, enter"d till
toxktate•,1, and claw
,plies of Lh" or•11d
file stage, from w
ION wily iia tlaP Kre•,
nulled .m,ute of tilt•
the wt,wt groat um
ner. AN file play i2'
front Lhlr iutrrrul
taill away nod t
bnek to the pat. H
ba11ket of uraugea, I
self pe-Iting the p
Harridan wen elle
IIP viam the lmirticu
,thud(• and nttnck.
to rat Ure with ,mlmil
rupting lite perforw
Itµ; the whole hours
thlr attack, h • retail
after, with fatly o
gowusme•n and ut6t
t,.tvur m the ntlge,
wade their WILY thr
ern, and across ff
they drew their a'
tl,arl.hlwl Into tit" d
svarch of Mr. Sherl
luau to their resent
hem. they thrust til
vtraponr •through
rlolhes-1wen0m. an
where 'n luno nkiKl
Ila• Clad forlunate•1)
tin tarty proceeds
lilt. house Fn h(orset
rourder(oUr deterto
ailing him, drelar:nl
mp.lrator In •-Yet
--inch man (night
For several nl(rht"
lit the theatre, ex
acting Ig•PIIPa of
e of
r t me
11 til Int
the public was Pxli
with spirit and d(
Ptwded iiia lly Aga,
Wan tIt A/rrlldPllc
the terror thomr
tint the wisnt•rnl
would be Imp,wnibh
ruuld find n [cell
an axeault upon s
rider in curt hn
n nnper. that he t
••gentleman player.
t.aid Sherbhau, "I 1
now'." Kelly wit" i
t.oiPlll Renault, "e
fin.• mf C. -AX). xnd
unit ditanrty od Jill
. Morale,". M•ut to
The street■ of I
lout a polico 1
t here wad ria watt
young men aaw-ir
erloo Uf villi
Down -by retch
Rocks," "The Moto
(1nalkPru." the letl
. ._ brutal WMtat:un u
the vulgar. But
— r...... ke icr tapir
as far their atrow
Kceeatrielllrs of
(olunel St. Leger
frngers wow a Irrr,
and well made. an,
eeptable til the ro-
:,,ring flip vice-rov
of Itothuld, And Wt
mlre•r Of the Meant
Ing fill caccamlunot t
Inntry, mnmPtimr.
r•vtravagant milm
grnce• wash ho r lint
tiny after dinner.
ntoly for ti.e >;In"N,
drank to the tN/tt
" St. Leger," nnl•i t
In Ieirk : her grace
to -night, anti yen ,
l;uhlpt niter '"dpyk
,,w.tllpr KeAlleu,au
hot of n e..tlshler'
would prneee•1 to .1�
:.Knin"t Its wAlln,
given time, 14 well
land Obtained lite
)onger n mobriquet
ea Pr nftprwArla n
file name w'au "W1
Ionr or film denth b,
"nlrm ll -hale)'."
Onppling wan A
dmf It prpvnilf-I
among tits, Inwyer
.tnirp(l to he lit Ie
I,INIOI slant an at
few InstanpPn are
It wits no unusr
u , inn
NPI t,
, rsl t' c
( t
in ditlrnostng n lep
n ni Ighb,ring fie•1-
ltlNloln, and then
resume their tai
penceful manner.
oveorred lit the as
Keller alit] Fagan
of law, &nil both
The) crossed til
ferryboat, to ga
Kilkenny. Harry H
dill n pinfice of pin
�__p'l,ell hp beard of
_-- Plot, tiny got ro
an they wprp prPf
-told him to get
lhc) would Pilot
rvpry till In ha"
Ido nuthOrlty ns
j.e1pP. Tllry told
Peter from hpnvo
mind him, They
WlthOnt effect al-
rnnrt, Thr cans
wall Kenprnlly un'
toned the honeh.
41111017 rvpecting
them war killed.
lorney-Opnern 1. 14
Lord llmncMl"r
fought with Currf
for of tee Rnllu,
I"IN. twelve Inehrl
wnr,lm Liar) (1+
hinR'N bench lir
f"right Lord Tvrr
nlw,nt Ills VON,
will, the Earl o
Ilia "inter, on
ill her"• tin rltlf
nidi with vnrkin
nn', ,limlolm. Alrt,
F. 11to-gnpr. funs
Lad hpr-nn-Inw,
tngmoltits. Pat
I'onhmon Plena, fl-
it"nllpmpn, aril
ane of the durl•
"wort". To1Pr,
,f amt Ire of the ('r
"'Fighting F'lty
erol fathsom !til
Mr. Teler for fill
that be wan Alw'
Mohby the admi