HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-8, Page 1THREE "A's" AOV'TS ARL ACTIVE AGENTS WHIM PLACID IN THE SIGNAL ional, THD I.DADINC- NDWBPAPER QF HURON OO171'TTY_ FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR -2842 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : AUGUST 8, 1901. THE WEEKLY MAmeter REPORT Oemmunia. •1111 7, 1901. Fall Wheat, old 0 64 to 011 0 50 to t4 Buckwheat, per bush 0 40 to 0 50 Barley. per bush 0 37 10 0 is ay. 111 ton 8 00 to 8 Pi fresh ameasiesd. • den - Hides /reeved Hoy 1 oared Hut, nar.ter Dressed Beef. 10 to 0 11 10 to 0 10 10 to 4 00 50 to 5 03 50 to 7 10 50 to 8 00 14 to 0 18 15 to 0 16 13 to 11 00 to 0 00 to 0 IA 75 to 1 50 00 to 3 30 For Sal,. seasion may be had Aug. 26th. For fur three partleelare apply to British ixoltange or POR SALE. -200 PUKE BRED BAK, lets aad hew one roar old. tdo Deco. epecrol rated oe large orders Cockerels from 40c to 60c eaoh. Pore bred Pekin ducks, 500 each. Also one heifer two yetrs old 1 young cows ione.lereey) due to Delve Atm 0 wner going to Manitoba. Adilrows H. LENNOX, tialt ford. AND FOR MALE IN TOWN OF GOOKItICH. For sale on reasonable term,. the property known as the 01.illiery lands. being pert of block ' 1. in the Town of uederielt. 000tainiaw about xi urea. with ottildtay and water rights on the Hirer M alt• lead. For terms apply to 0AltItOW & HAW BOW. solicitors for the outdo:. shape bootee with six roomed addition,situated on Pietas Street. Half an acre of land with gn ma outbuildings therout thrown lo Yu r further particular, apply to THCO. J. MOOR - r end 118 in thulium, survey. ell le Hottorioh. Foe partioulais apply to PHILIP 110LT Barrister. to.. Ooderleh. Ilan* 111h. us-tf °magnet and musical &rooter of North st. Methodigt church, and touther of pianoforte. pipe arise eind theory. will be pleased to re oeive pupils. Instruction given either at st tato eg at home. as desired. Studio SHANNON & OALGOVV, PH Y• 1.1 eICIANtiand Burgeons. Office la Hank of Commerce weet side of Sonars Night oalle at residences Dr. Shaaneo. old readouts. Narita/ st. mitts w. Ineuranee. eta. STOCK BROKMR. rant door south 'Meet Phut street, All orders promptly °Keened. door east of P. 0.. tioderloh. Agent for tia wading mutuol lire losuriathe oom Nudes 004 Meroantl ie and mannfactoring rate la lowest rates call at odlice. UT ft ROBERTSON. Books and accounts made up. Buildings rented and renta nollectert. Fire 'maraca* la British and Canadian • In Proudfuot Hale office. North F. !URANUS and Real Snare agent. J. T. NAFrEL, GENERAL IN• Fare, Life, Aooldeat and Flue 1311484 Insurance effected on mutual or oaah Om at lowest rates Mend Sett Itaglish and Canadian companies rep rioters Hamilton !Street. Publie Notice Islands. using or tampering with the ri rry, ahootIng or trespas log upon any part or onr property. will he stouter% anti prosecuted Kin U. ATT11.11.1r. tf NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT an upplioation will he made at the next erosion of the Logialatiim of the l'rovinoe of for the following purpout. •mong others ate an electric nitwit!. rallwar• or re 11111 railway system from a point In or near the Men of rionerich to • point In or near the rthioge of Litexr_ow. la the C0111107 or Gran. Glenne through the county of ['Neon to • point In or near the town of %%Newham. then'''. to tbe village of lirooselo. out mount,. thence to the town of Seaforth. In said room ty, thence to the sinew. of Barfield, In mild county, and thence to • point in or near the said town of lioderlob with power to coo- struct. equip, mantels and operate a hraneh line from • point In or near Carlow, In the township of Colborne, to • point In or notr Auburn, In said county and thanes to a point In or near the •Illage of Birth and from • point In or near Dunlop. In the township of Colborne. theism throngh the township of Aithitelet toe point In or near I: ineareilste. In the county of Brune. thence to is point In or near Port Right. In e•It roomy. thew, to a 90int in or near Southampton, In said comal. and thenen to a point in or near Wiarton. Mislaid county of Urea", and with power to nonstruct, equip, malt.teio and opo o.0 a branch lin• from • point on the lunation of the railway betweee the sIllagee of Hat 11 end Hthoefleld throngh the toe nettles of siiinley and Hay to a point et or near Credit- on, is he too malt, of stephen, and thence to • point 0(00 ormiar the now ex tilting line or lino. of r Mee,. and upon and over such 'beets, highways and lands es may be or indlyidnele having otradlotloo or or owning the Game 101 To enehlo the compeoy to make au rangentents sneering the owt or arnositloa of with. sonnies th• stook, Cnnris tforaftamrttlieTs 0A. smote of. serf to enter Into traffic or other agreement with other oorpont,Ina. compan- ies nr cri!ani% payments in pall up stooks or honds for Tight of way. meterial, plant. rail way emelt or other gee -wino forthering the To mannfatonee, sell or lease electriolt 144'fifTli` fewer t ant penone or tarpon tom alone Kay WW1 Of 1111 railways. and to ronstroot and opernte telegraph and tele- phone systems le connection with the moll bee or individuate hy way of anhaidles. 1,00Wi es on the guarantee et the esompany's bonds or ether elm and for wow wpm. fisvigete end nu vesitlee, end b"114. most rstoriZirs2pn alt nenresary wharves and 11" 4°"04. rot tlopnrioseen tn amines la tor tab" pnrpoes of ono fistitrort sad Verna. hots is at •neh places oust the line railway of the tenser as at. tiatilimexial, AROUND TOWN. expedition to Main Station left on Saturday afternoon par tux Evelyn The party in• eluded W. L. Horton. C. C. Rose, of Terce- t W. L Eliot, radio Holt, K. U., RA'. Rays, and T. Davies. el Demi% They In- tend 1.0 melte the return trip next Sunday. AT Tile POINT Feitm -A my pleasiant fans ly gathering took place at the l'olot F•ree 011 1111011day •700104, Wino the 1111111401. Wats of Mr. sod &Ira Jairlill fillOhallaD. 04, and their oh iitireo, lea. and wife and hil.tster Harry, Welts,. A. Buchanan, Mies Mary Buoh&nan, Alba Buchanan, Miss Emilie Boohoos's. Mrs W. 1'. smothers, Mies Margiust Simpson, ot bl000ton, N. B., Wu Mattel McKsorie and Mr. and Mre. plat» during the evening In which the father, his taro daughters, his two goes. his dough - lorded sw and his two tils.wi ail pined la the one set. A Kertawav.-Dr. J. L. Turnbull, of town, and Dr, Frank Turnbull, of Auburo, were to Mai/ethos repent', attending the funeral of their brother-le•law. John Neil son Al Dr. Frank Turobull and :a cousin. Mr. Lulus, of Waterloo. were dri•leg into \Inman their hors. took fright at some blooks of marble In front ol the marble woi Ls and dashed actors th• atrtitt, upset - 1.101 the ocourtante out. The horse con Monet Its mad rate up the sidewalk until • oom• in oonthos with a telephone poet, whore he was sought. Tee doctor and hot 000410 moped unithrt, but the buggy was friceine,s Nteree. W. G. Brown, after running the lootaurant EmIgh's old stand for a few weeks, Ithe returned to teirattord. 'rim store is now °couplet b., Geo. C. lilaok with the salvage from It K. Smith & Co.'. grooery stock .... Choc Hall, boot and shoe maker. has removed to the stand oe Honed. too inmost letely occupied by D. Stoddart, ness here and will take a noaltion as trayel. ling agent for the Nordheimer Piano and Musa , with bis headquarters Lon- don. Mr. Emerson has tesen In the li'cycle and mu•lo business here for about five years. The change le to tak• effeot In • few weeks, but we hope still to see 1;. F. often In Gods- WasT Tity.,1 (1 notatt. -The liberty of three Heron eaunty school thus' o is mit In joopardy by prooeedlors against them by fellow school trustees for •Ileged •iolst los of an injunction welch woe grant - sc▪ hool from one lot to another in tbe same thin, tt is olaimed, thee* three. Cater Mo Ken,,, Wm Sberitt and Michael Plitk- blur. 000tloued work in the removal of the en others would be happy to .sis their fellow h▪ ays lime filed lir tho defendants in the oue, and to ao•wei these, fi. Draytoo, for Mr. Itnehithot and his c., plaintiffs, got ad. parlament for • week of their motion to oommit. The cue wall be tried at London. Kona.. light 041111e in Friday oleht from Chatham aad left Monday morniog for Johnotoe's Harbor ....The sir. Like Michigan, from Port Homo, on Monday dischorged P.,0)0 bushels of wheat •t, the big elevator, ood left the sam• afternoon for Toledo . The t it's Memel .y end Tnistle arrived from the earth Mond•y morel's, with timber for Clark & Co. for th• Pelee down with the timber in the evening end the 'I Matte Is laid up In the harbor . morning from Chit•age with 58,000 bushels of oo: ii for the liodo.lah Elevator Co The portion of the breakwater facing the harbor Is being reniewel. the work being Inns by day labor under the superintend- ence of Engineer !trough. Barone Tom Corer. - llitrls• Walsh o as tried by Juice Doyle last Friday • °barge of assaulting Jamas Ihck, hotelier'. sr, of Solorth. He was found guilty :tad His Honor reserved sentence moil There day of this week. The ,lotim of the tissault was in oourt, hie leg, which wits broken in the row, haying healed authcient. Iv to allow him to travel ......MoKen•le Mills, allured with forelar • note for $15, was tried lasl wee/ by Judos Doyle. who ..... ved lodgment on the question whether or not there woe corroborative evidenoe against the sooused Mr. la wig proseouted, and Pomp Holt. K.0 , acted for the de• fence. Judgment is to be given on the 16th traa, and In the merlatim• Mille is out on lodged in th• county j.II oil Friday a man named Ifelps, of Wingham, erh., Is supposed to be insane. Miss Tipling, of Cleveland (formerly of patiently In tho hest of health, to wait upon her sist•r, Mfg. R. B. Jeffrey, wbo 111 Mho herself took and was found to he suff..rine from •ppentlicitle. for which she itelerwent an op.ratloo, but, this did not. says her life, ts ohs passed •way on Saler. EN FOUND. -ON SUNDAY LAYT A Amnia pea. Owner may hare 40 br ay pilings( &Moodie° and MOW fee 0I11,3. I .1 314. • lady's vthiteeillir shin waist. Pin der will ha rewarded by retir-eing It to MRS. **IVOR Ilk tee ilse Sask. it QPECTACLES I: OR NEAR. ihe station. about i; weeks ago. • pair ot seectecire with white metal rims arti straight ar no. The finder will hosultabl! rewarded on say 'no the ammo at this *Moe. dltuatiOne Vacant. WV WANTED -AN ACTIVE INTEL 1.1 Ileent hey. shoat 13 years. A t fey to ONO 8T AW ART, Orem. 001) ISININO•ROOM GIRL WANT Ur ad as on,. stilts Colborne House. Ai.ply to Mild. 000. BUXTON. 35 tf Plano Tuning It FRED. A. LEWIS, PIANO LY1 tuner. of Rollin. upsets le be In Onto - rich in a week. beam for A mouths. Apply about twelve years • resident of (.) eyel•nd, ware she held s respo whir) position la • drygoode house. She leaves two staters, Mr.. C. C. Clam, of Cleveland, and Mrs_ Jeffrey, of Loodesbore', and two brothers, Amos of Wingham, 1 l'homaa 0., of Gude;lch. The remains were taken to Wiegham for interment. The deceased 14118 beloved by all who knew her. and much sympathy is felt for the relati“ie in their Orrraeln Lanus' Cou.min -The nominal Dated calendar ot the °Aerie (Adm.' Col. logo, Whitby, Is jast leaned. It la sloop- tionially neat and °omelets. Across t be out. side cove: le a double band of two shades of blue representing the Alexis colors, whilst the Interior contemn 11011111f 00111 outs illuetrat. tog the college buildings and grounds. For some years the ()uteri° Lados' College has been trutogolted as one of our moat efficient and progreaa • institutions. with a terve and inormaing p it roue's. end it single glance at its staff, ita manse of etudy, its up to date oquIpmont, its pleasant, healthful surround• togs will reveal the buret of Its popularity & ad omega rho yellers stands for sound scholarship, physioal health and that type of social culture that grows in a Chastise atmoaphere The Row. Dr. Hare has been Principal of the College since its inaugn• ration twentyseven years ago, aod will be pleased to give further information to those who may data it. (dome Tires ONle SritiNi; TO His Bow. - A woposition fro nu H. If. Burrows, of the Royal Carpet Co., Guelph, for his location to Olio town was read at the meeting of the town ooanoll on Friday evening. Mr. Bar rows, "meta • loan of $12.000, ItPaYablx without Interest : also a number of bulld• Inge for the oarrylog on of lite business ; al- so roe water and exemption from tax•tion for a terto of years No doubt the factory would be a good thing tor the town to hav• bat thelo uth a thing as paying too hi/h • prioe bit It. Mr. Burrows. It seems, has not really dec'ded to leave Guelph, as one of the local papers states that • protocol - t ion from him la to come before the oily men - oil. He hes beep in negotiation withtwo other town', Galt sod Owen Sound, with a pro- posal similar to that which he makes to the town council here. he Mayor of Owen Sound told li!no be did mot believe he could secure • loan there ; the (oleo would prob- ably ,ote exemption and free water but be- yond that he oould guarentas nothing. Tits Lary. ida,asv.-01 Monday, July h, Kt/ theth Blain, wife of Rev. M. Mackay. pseud away at the family resi- dence, Quebec striae?, The fatal illness dated from February last, •Ithciiph Mrs. Mackey had not bun in good health for luny yetre. The deosiamul was born In the township of King, York county, and was a &Alibied- of the late John Blain, who afier• wards moved mut to l'erth oounty. 81te was ',tarried to Mr. Meckey le 1870 and their aurviving children are John sod Mis• see Edith and Ida Hugh little, of the well-kcown firm f Env, Blain & Co., Tor- onto ; Jar. Blain and ',avid Blain, I. L. 11., • toronto ; Wm. Blain, of Elmvale, and John Klein, ot South Euthope, are brothers of tli.• deoeased. Oa lay morning • funeral service sat bald •t the house, condooted by Rev. Neil Shaw, of r.ymond trille, and Itev. Jas. Hamilton, of town, after which the remains wrie conveyed to the O T. R station and thence to South Eset• hope. where they were Interred in the burying ground of deeseased's W. l'antoii, of Stratford, otholatleg Hugh Mein and James Blain were be( s to attend the faneral el their sister. 1.1/11 Noi.vitsetsrSixrri.tet, Tito Board of Trade of Rains. N. W. T., desires to draw the attention of proepootive settlers in the Northwest to the advantages of that die trica The progress of (tot, pert of the l'erritoriee during the nsst (ow years has been very marked and so I trge ham been the 'Aux of settlers that moat of the desirable number of excellent homestead, are st,11 Avail•ble and parties Intending to locate in the West would do well to visit the Regina opportunity of veiting 1,, 'Verne 4111 r I - lorded t h;. year. The present season's Cron promisee to be so heavy ti :it II Walt many men wilt be rrquired for work in the har• vest field,. '1'io meet i lie demand the C. P. R. Is running oheap excursion, from the Etat and all *ht. oome are as-oired of steady employment at good Wei!. or. To amist tbe farmers In securtrig • sufficient amount of help and to 0051.'0 parties looking tor work to obtain time. the Board eas ,•stabliehed a free Intormat4on and Labor Bureau anti by means of this will be able to obt•In employ• meet for all detouring It. For all further le - formation apply to the secretary Th. 'timid of Trade, Information Bureau, Re- gius, Am& KORII R COUSINS, GENERAL 1..)/ iii,aelottoTR and Horssabeer. Re pairing of all kinds promptly rattiallsd to at rsaumehle nips. Shop on Tiefern street. reaohers Wanted. naeaami ieeismooialo. to commence beaching on the 19 h et Autism Apply at lot 2. eon. 5 ID . or to fleorstery Treasurer. Imeastaisoe PUBLIC EC/1001. TIO,TRIVI. -The regular monthly tuella of the public school true toes wait held on Moadey In the moretary's M• r. Nicholson were the itheentets. Mr. 1101I was moved to the chair in Mr. absence. Miss Eranks wrote thanking the board for their kindness In pitying her substitute, Nilas W. Bell, at the time of her father's death. A letter was that his salary he raised to $000 • year. It was moved by Mr. Colborne, neempled ny Mr. /Wiesen. that Mr. Stewart teoelve an iooreme of $100, but the motion was lost, only the mover and seconder inmates/ it. It was mo,ed by Mr. McKim, tomtit'. el by Mr. Craig's. that Mr. Stewart of 150. Carried. receive en in An 5o ant of G. %V. Black's tor painting the fear° at St. Andrew stud school, ad for tome irazIng and kalsominito, was passed. se was also Waltor Sharman's en taunt of $1, for painting the itonework • Se. Andrea's' ward echo.' 012 motion of Mem" Colborne and MoKlm it w31 older! to ask the canon to place $5000 to the credit of the board. The matter ol blinds for St. Andrew's ward 'wheel and tie posts et St. Andrew's and St. David's ward schools was referred to oontIncent eommittee with power to aot. The hoard then ad• makes the following oommente on the r goat entertainment in Opt village nines who attended the orncert coven by th• choir of he Sly I h Methodist °beech, under the db rection of Mr W Glenn Campbell. organist end choir master of North street Met hii 1st obtaroh, tioderfoh, on Wednesday evening of last we•k, loomed • rare moshol treat. It was one of the best ooncerte timer given In Myth. The (their was assisted iiy Mime Elms 0. Fisher. elociitionist, and Mr. ft C. Keleher, bane, both of GoderIch, Miss nibs? delighted the audientse with wirers! itelentione She possum' rare gifti end tar sele Alone were resisted with effectiveness. Mr. fle'elerw's solo. were alert well reoeived and he ill be heartily welcomed should spate onto' before a Blyth audience. The exhale Greened themselves. The program, ers end Veins, etrellentke rendered, the different numbers being suer with great ex• premien, clearness of enunciation and read mess of Misch, and showed to the people of Klyth that for • email turn we are not Pa- te, Pi vemolist• Suomi mention might fie made of tea work of the nhorosee, which *me ?outland wttli grub tast• sad "lyres - slim Sao ressIll aseelisl trafalsg ea No part of the leader. Mr, Campbell Is a thee. poormaire marked ability. During the last low mouths le which 13,, has worked among us es • uholr leader sad teaoher of ninety, be heh proved that be le master of the ars and we 000gralidate oursoli es upon having one YOB our town who so thoroughly' under• stands the wool:. n al tells of • man named 'heat' who ha been actine in • naughty manner In that. tows, and saye that he, 000104 from Seaforth or Liodsrio.. W• anow ot no one of that name in tIoderia. The Joureal say. The West Ward bee boon "touched" not io dtmuner or other graduate cf the wicked ways of the underworld, who "worked'. the w est warders. This man wet) did the triok is • meilior of pore, pans and teakutlell, ID other words a travelling tinker. His llama la Huskett and he owns to town Iamb spring item Seaforth or Uoderich. There were urns leaky kettles and "rase pans" In the woe% ward end fieskett seems to hay• got pretty well scquainted with their owners He was quite busy for some time, but the job didn't last. It °cold hardly he expected to. But Heakett waan't througb with the west ward Ole, no. lo Ma peregrinations about the vine olad cottage" and hollyhock embouered homes of that part of St. Marys, he disoovored that the p.,ple were truetful and oonfiding. He wiuoted trust. Here (ben, was him field. and he at au proceed ed to work It. This Is how he dta It. The other day • lady who hese oat/cited° street he&rd • tap st her kilt hen door. Mr. HAP k•tt stood thete •pparionly out of breath. He'd been walking fast. "013, sity,milano.' said the Oskar •thit ac effort, ''I'm tutus • lcul of wood from • farmer who was (few log down ilia°. I've been buyety It. at the wochiyatil, trot that'e too oostly. The load it $5 25 aud I only torti•,$.5 with ros Lend me touter and I'll Wily It back to- r a▪ ito or I'd tell the farmer to got the money frOm her at Lire LIAM*. Hakett got the quarter, lut the tAnturrow he spok• of haso't arrived yet. The lady happmcd to mention the eirontrweenco to sortie ot her neighbors and it mane ent the' the hanct-me- a-ouerter 1111 -to morrow rcheme had Mien wotked all ever the *al d. & swot ptersio of North swell Methodist sattbath eeheel wae bold Wednesday of last week at ItlaaVe Point, other Rise known u "Swaffield'e,” en] al a most summate' af fair. The spot was tea, had by means of baud wagoos, pa vete vehicles and bicycles; and the children of the e. `tool, their tserh. erg and par ote, members of the congrew• tion and other ft tends all contributed tc the merry gathering. Among thou present wim yam Elm now ef ()gen 80010, who received • warm mooting from 01011y friends. ship Mayor %%Aeon. lap plea la a pretty col, right /3 the shore °Told Huron, with • 4000 heath and • woll•Wooded bank. natural attractione, :tomotimetitte of virtue I ii:te were Indulged In writ' thereat rally retiring the contents of many substantially mysterious receptacle, The sppethz ng sir averted the occasionally harmful effects of Indulesnoe In title highly interesting diversion, to sten ao extent that shortly after supper • program of * ports weis ooromenoed and was the occasion of c aoy kern contest tt arid much fun. '1 be prizes, contributed by friends of the school, raged ail the w•y from ''littlf Whom" to • pair of running elves and • hall &zoo photorraphr. Tbe events and prize -win - Dere were : Boye - Sack race, '1. MoOilli caddy, Orson McGillicuddy ; jockey race, Owen 01,11 Ilieuddv, -Rey Brydges ; three- legged race, E•nie Bell and Willie Clete - Ion ; boot ram, Own. MoGillioaddy, %Vila Elliott ; racy tor primal y class boy.. Willi. Nelsen Reid. Own -Ruining raoe, Agree race for primary elm tele, Ulla Eprard, Christine Parry, Hasa l'ridham, Rata Way, ; young ladles' race, Miss Laithwaita, Mies Sybil Knox ; consolation race for the young 'edits. Mho E Ina Guest, Mho Walk er ; walking rice, Miss Mary Salkold. An- other 11011f0a Of SMUIIIIIOLDL II as provided for by means of tents creotrd for use an bathing reline sett. Alti gotten it was • most en• joyable thy for throe. %Ito were so foriunaie es to be preeect. Home was reaohed with- out any accident to mar the pleasure of the -The report of the board ot examiners for leav og exam: nation *as pub' tithed he wuk and the tortilla for ths various exandustion centres in this county are gi•oe oriole 0 le paned in the bolo subjects of the exieut modidetes who are exempted from the oomposItioo and geography have permed in the remeiniug three subjects of the exam The oereiticatee of sucoessful candidates 1,3 forwarded within three weeks to th• high 8040 prinolpals, and lo the case of oentres other than lege schools to the pub Ito school lospeotors conouned. Under no or (topics of [twits alt the Eduation Depart meat. ln order to Av. uoneceseary trouble an I expense, uusuocesalut tooth. dates are r000mmende to obtain the advice of the prino o,l, after r",• inv their marks, before mak.og an appeal. '1 he resulte o_ the caber o'y rxeaniations will be tillUati in about leo days. fi'yth Clark, 11 Fiaglanil.• William Flogland, Boleliele-(5) 'El 'tepee Isabelle Armstrong. Annie L. Al1111. rang J. %Vetli y Armstrong, C. Z itax. (3) Illation Smith. Kirkpatrick, M. E. Miller, A. A, Naylor. N. Brace, A. Doane, J. Dow. K E Elliot, M. Monour, 'Cora McPherson, 1'. P Rattle, derma, Bionloombe, A. Chisholm, Dyke, S. Guise, D. George Johnston, A Mobianne, E. M. Moiety, R A Robinson, Bate*, E Rosie, August laylor. John Taylor. Hens. II 5) S. F Ballard, A. MoEsreo, M. hdi.t2usen, E. McGregor. Sherwood. seaforth -(5) 1.11e 11 Blot, cot M A Howell, NI M Jor- Minim M It Robb, A L Sheath, "11' Stitt, 8 J Town, ' A 8 Trotter. (3) NI Mine la, E Henderson, I. NI Hobbs, E If Hom• son, P Wynn. (3) A Howson, 'I' Kinn. and a body time at the T lt, station Tuesday morning. when Itrgo party, the lergest that ever went from Goettrich on such a ir.p, It ft. for the Wort on the har yellers' excursion. Two extra or aches and an extra biegage csr were attached to the trA•it. Fogi• of the tr•vellers were ening out to help gat het Slanitoba's great. beeves', rotte were gotog to take or to seek positions in other lines, while others went on • sight. e ating trio Seventy tickets were rold at U I' it. asucy, and those ,old hy the G.T.K. would briog the number of Incur Monist s op to •bout 100. Ilia names and destinations of the traveller', ro far as we were able to procure them, are as follows Mrf. Arms rang, sr , Mop. H. Armstrong, Mies int Armetrong, Soo, Flake, Mao. ; Miss K. E. Cory, Stags, Mao ; Mrs Man. ; 01111011, Breeder, Mita. ; Freak Mr.. E. Montirorrely, Piot Mewed, Mao. : Moosejew, Aiwa. : Mi. C Treble, Mr. end M. Johnston, &tease, Ales. ; Jos. Lawson, El. Moho. Edgar Maaltaa. Mao ; Richard Vrill'Orle, Ben Walters, Gretna ; state. C. J. Wallans, J. H•lliday. John Vaastene, Fre& Whereby. John Bailey, Heloyea ; Maw Moravia, Homo* Horton, Man J. McMartin., Memoriam ; R. Dar Man. ; Smiley, M. Smiley, Fatima 1 T Pierce, Thee Menry, Maga Albert Rut Stewart, Masan W. .1. Robinson, Delo Mallows. 0. Bahian, Indian Head, Arm : It .1 Iltnee, Dauphin. Man. : A. Robert J▪ ohn Derele, Breeden ; Roe. F. Yciiner Bathe, Weaselly ; Peter Pother, Eleven ; Rebut McClure, Kasai' ; (lira* Moore. Cartwright, Man. (leo. McCrrath, Jes Loa, Trailways, Mao ; 6400 Reicher, MOriOn j.w. Arthur Rates, Jobs Keel le aad Harry Tewiley also once mess Moe 'LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEE• LOOK AT YOUR LABEL 1 / T SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR D. MuGILLICUDD , EDITOR. rho Point Farm has still room tor • huodrisd sad filty more gmats, the Pall large por.lou of its regular visitor,. A on you. lia1134 aro from $.7 00 to 17 00 per taros and • Iliolent staff on hand to wait Walter Sharman has commenoed work on his oontract for the oonetruction of . lit hto walks The walk on the west aid• of Waterloo street is the fire'. Lo be laid. Some of this rest,' 'ate on them street erected it pleoed outside the kora, others wanted It in the usual piece, and the wishes ot the tatter prevailed. There will be no mammoth 'quash this year The ravages of the melon bug have zen has remarked, le is a national calamity. es the blx squash and the advertiling whloh it received abroad must nave done much to oounteraot such notions as were expressed, for instance, in "Our Lady of the Spews." W. Glenn Campbell, mastoid director of Northoe. Methodist church, is taklog hie holidays tor two or three weeks. He wall •leit his home at Aylmer and also take a trip to the an American show at Buffalo. Hill °lames aro withdrawn until the lie ol September. During his &beano" Miss Mil. dad Campbell will aot aa organist, at North auTatiaet, alterations now going on at the ja0 will change materially the aspeot of the old oastle. Tb• outer wall on the south- entiti side has been LOCO down and the nee jailer's residence, of whlch the touud•tions have ban la),I, will be open to the street. The old Iron -bored gate ts now • of tits pall. Edward Sharman la inspeotor of the work. CHURCH NOTES. it6v. C. liu•I, of Detroit, preached again last Sunday morning in St. George's church. %V, W. Stoddart has been supplying for Rev. Mr. Davidson, Presbyterian minister of Varna and Melee, during the latter's absence on holidays. Knox church Sabbath school will nave Ito aonual picnic on Thursday, the ipth lost., at Bellsview, Mr. Hillier's pretty place on the Maitland. Dr. Marton 011ver missionary on fur• lough from Indere, lodia, will viv• a short anthem at the Sundsy sobool of Knox uhuroh next Sunday. lb J. Davidson, reprimanded the Presby• Loran Volunteer Union, is visiting the ya- How; oongregatioos of rho Presbytery of Huron and ptomaine to them the claims of the foreign minion work. Al et Maud Goodwin hew tom appointed too, and will assume Oa duttse ot the posi- tion 11.21 Sunday. She Is • pupil of W. lilenn Campbell. of this town. Rev. Alex. Molifitism, church, Toronto, tom:lied the pulpit of Rent ohurch the put two Sundays, deliver- ing acceptable Marmot -au li pastor. bwattlib.take charge of the serviette next Sob. --A STRANGE OISAPPa2ARANCE. n M Mare Morariby Lott Make steads; moransp awl Ilan Sot itseuesod. The mysterious disappears°, et Mery 'Worthy from her home en roils avenue Sunday mornino last is the cause ot much o tneorn to her relatives rut Oland, and in- deed to the townspeople generally. Mies McCarthy rose betweeo 5 and ti o'clock Sunday morning ant slier dressing told titer mother she was going for a walk to the bank of the bake, which is oi.ly a abort tilstanoe away, ant would return in time to prepare breaktast t, t hereon an t her mother snd go to church tit 7 o'otock . She went out, and al fr as te known has not been hi goiol lie•Illi and twenty minutes or sio alter she lie I kft the house take cold sitting at the I. so early an hr ur, so taking • shawl *ent out to fiod hor. She eras not 1.11 be roan, however and her mother thouiht she might have gone 10 church alone. Afterwards it was found that site:had out hem at otioreh, and her mother sought her it the hat bet and W• hen all her searohing fellal to rayed any trace of the mles'ng girl, she Informed others the at ..... disappearance and n eighbors and friends joined In the el Still no 1'1041 was overed, and Mendell afternoon, at the ail ef Mayen Wilton. a ▪ more system.' la seareh. Men itnti boye hate "roared the town, the lake banks and shore for miles north and south. and the waters of the harbor and along the shore haye been drsgoed, all with the same result -no true of the missing 041. There is no reason aesignable for the fr:6's abrupt departure (rom home. exoept that she litel oot been lo her ueual robust health of late and she Ism 1 to worry a good dial about this. Otherwise she had a happy life. Her mother and brothers aro natural. Inexplicable event. When she lett hom• Miss McCarthy WS4 dressed in a dark b oyole shirr, pink waist and tailor hat tilis about twenty•three years of age and very tali. Any informa• Lion concerning her pretent %them') iute or her rations stoce Sunday mornta will be gratefully reesived by her relatlyes or the town authorttite. Oood tailoring cultists of the be.st materlale made up in the host way and made to tit. and in addtion prices are vary moderate. The 8. 0. 8. garden party announced for tomorrow t vatic* has been postponed sole ten will opeo on Tuesday,September 3:d, at Ws are mom to liars toi. R. E. S odsh's dinar, which his confine& bim to his bed for the last few days. D. Stoddart, je, who went to Msnitoba • few weeks ago, ta starting a hare, busi• am in Moeda, Mai. The Seafotth Erpositor says it is expect- ed there will be • union Sabbath school ex elusion from that place to GoderIch about the letth of Auguse A patty of boys bon Strattord Is °amp- ule so the foot of Etgin avenue. This is the raeond year here tor most et them and it Ms work of refi.ting the harbor flour mIll has progressed so tar as to warrant commenoement of bunnies in about six Conetalde Hale hes been on Lbe war path again this week and several fines of $1 and ewe each have bean oted by the mule. trate for Mleeriar (lows or horses to run at The prze Riven hy Hiss Skin:lingo to the town pupil obtaining the highest stand• lag in English at the high school entrance examination was won this year by blaster John %Valker. that Saturday last they had the biggest dar's bulges. sines they oatne to lnditrioh, The liberal advertising whioh Om firm does brings multi. The hoop la' fund netted $K5 21 from the ✓ emote pro tootles of "East Lyons' by the amateur dramatic olub. The total receipts were $131 45 ; company's expenees $3h. I ft b‘Nilani:t..18.)on'''o2g7h. has returned from Detroit, Where oho hos spent Om lath ten days look. Mg op newel, tea tor earty fall wear, and has now on haod • assortment of the latest fall outing hats. II. Morrieli, of town, is re eiverIng th• teaching profeeelon and has been engaged by the trwitees of the Westileld echoed Th• present teacher, Mr. Wightman, leaves The rnsiebt•ra of the tennis olob provided • pleasant dittoing party at the I iddfellowe' 11•11 on Thursday e•enIng last. About eighty persons were p t, includieg number of Winelom •islters. smolt, proportions abit genteel smile ar• so known hy all trieveleta through the northern country, ie at the Grigg. Ensign Holdinett,of the Salvation Army, S. A. barracks on Tuesday evening next, /tacit 13 h. The subie..t of the melee la entitled For Mother'a Sake." Alt are 1'11,1'1;6011. II [AIWA, of tho Utah Staba Agrialtnral Celia's, and Mrs. Rice, of Bownistivilie, have bun called home hy th• death of their mother, MrsSamnel Leafiest& Golforn• torreishin, "hien occurred on Tuesday rf this wi James 1.-oeard, of town, hes ban sp. witierweeks and electric light power house at St. Mary's. The town rwmand has ap pidated 1) Nieholesse fireman at the parer ANNOUNCEMENTS, Get. rubber %Ireton lour carriage at the Say, Pat, did you see that rubber•tired buisyst the Domiciles CarriseeWeerlts! It's a (bask. Nat.ildsvis has mielaid his eye gimes in one of the in town. Finder will pleam return to him. The Chatham waren sold °omelet' wilts hay and stock rook at tia Dominion Curi- ae Works, J. E. Ilareeiee, proprfeter. outsion to Manitoba. Tu. kola and all inlor strut. M111/1 Amt. Take an early Ankle of the !tiepins offer• ed at ESILIVION'Y for twenty d•ya more. Only nineteen whe•Is left not of thirty fly• ten!days ago. Don's mita the opportunit lAirie roll Tire RAD FI.111 The salvage of the ironer, stook of it It Smith Po Co. from the reoilitt fire le 1 pin/ sold at Kaitigh's Mil stand, nornor Montreal street and ttotato Iro. 111.111 4, mom Bicycles from 110 up at the Gominion Columbia Incubi, he heat on earth, at the 1 tousles Carriag• Werke, alan Gee "Moot,. min." named alter the skip that 'tenured the Prot Caudate eentinirent to Stath AfArlittaer the as, is., •11 'natant' dip R handed la for mllectIne Payments may he ma& at Mr. :`,MIT11.11 41111111411, latit• boatel se. Alen persons ha•ine atimonete ithaisee Mr. Film! are requested to nod Mime M nice. page Piano Tuar-Fred A Lewitt For Hot Days -W. C. Goode 4 Eye Glam. Mislaid -II. 14 Devi., Loot -Mrs Molooe- Annual Sumner 8410-P011144.4 B,..n.00re 8 Spoof soles Liwt-Thie I Boy Wanted -Gni Stewart. 1 THE H. 13. ted. ELECTRIC RAILWAY. FOR over a quarter of a century the lack of railway facilities to the north and east of the county, and along the lake shore to the south, has been sore- ly felt in Uoderich. It will, therefore, be a great satisfaction for the resi- dents of Ooderich and the county of Huron generally that the project of having direct communication with practically every town and township in'the county is now in a fair way of A company to be known OA the Huron, Bruce .k Middlesex Electrio Road has been formed, and as soon as the necessary arrangementa are made with the municipalities through which the,road will he run charter will be obtained to complete. the road •t the earheet possible moment, At a meeting of the town council of franchise to the Company was unani- mously granted, and within the next few weeks the municipalities along the proposed route will be visited, and • similar arrangement made in each TI10 roite of the line as outlined will he from Hoderich to Dungannon, x.ucknow, Wingham, Brussels, Sea - forth and Bsyfielii and through the intervening townships. An hourly run, and, as !Merl Street in a town and village and every farm gate in a township will practically be a station, it will easily he seen that the enterpris9 is one that will commend itvelf to the community through which the line will pass. In_eddition t.o the passenger service, which Will Int the first object, it is the intention of the Company to put on freight cars eventually, which will be an additional boon to the district traversed by the road. The first erection of the proposed road will be constructed between Licxlerich and Dungannon,and it is con- fidently expected that within a year from date thgt section will he com- pleted and running on schedule time. It requires energy, capital and tho goodwill of the people of the county to make the project a success, and the Company believes that it is in a posi- tion to claim all three of these es - AT fORONTO it GATES. LIVE take the following interesting item from The Toronto Telegram : "A correspondent suggests that Mayor Tfowtareo eel liornebea, an 1 in full re. galls, • hould meet the Duke of Voile at We second the motion. The gates to the rity of Termite are the toll gate% which hue ornamented the main road. leading to the Queen City for lo, these many yearn, 01111 it would be a graceful thing for oiayor Howidoso to buy up the toll -gate privileges for the day on whieh the Duke wall visit Toronto, and en gtve His Royal Highness, by* territory where eighteenth century method,' don't exist on the public highways. With Mayor HowLeete astride a gill, caparisoned charger. bedecked with regalia over hie beet bib at'el tacker, Mal 1 B.DIAVI SIIV.I.PARD in poseession of the toll gate key to givil froo entry to the city, and with lo• iltento'n little LAM. bloating • nub. eluelei though hearty welcome. the .*Dook" hint of “rieeing Toronto 11•11 it ix." May Fever Iterate •re Nur Fleallag Alpena They are ia th• air everywhere. too minute to en, bnt juet waiting tor a chum. to pet into your mess. 'I hen their will play hsvoo with your bienthlor apparatus, anti volt wonder what to de. The doctor will say you had better lethal.. Cttarrherowes fr r It, kills hut fever germs and moreover le dead certain to reach them. Catarrinuee cures ..very tirno, gni absolutely prevents) 1 he di from nturning Y1,11 Inh•le directly to this soon* of the troubl• nod curet It by removing Oa inns* At drug- g iats, or gent with guarantee of are, s• any o ddrese, for $1 00 forwarded so Polars , Kingston, Oat. BORN RIAU'S OKRA 01, tilaturriay. Xed Inst„ the wife of Mex. Sattottere. of • see. ▪ infant son of Ale,. and Geraldiste damn item UNFIRED In Colborne townehlp on Tale of Samnel 14.1•11 most ad yawn and el The fneeral take plane from hew lath rrionets and acqnsIntaisees will Meson tweet 1 Ma intimation'. Dont It. E. Jerdan end Reseed Newts. W. Itrydges mad H. C. Donley are tekieg a Norse al Ibo ealeffell se Leaden.