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The season has advanced to a point when goods
must go, or stand a chance of being carried over.
At SMITH BROS.' they go.
You Know the class of Merchandise we carry. You
know that high quality and newness characterize
our stocks. These offerings are neither old or un-
desirable goods, no matter how low the price.
of the lady's sister, Mrs. F. W. lidolhitarib,
last week.
Mr,. 1 yndall, of Philadelphia, aocom-
palsied by her son,' is viiiitIng hair &net, Mrs
Tyodall, bore.
!arias obastregation havIng asteaded as la.
vitiation to blin. Thle will be his noond
visit here during Ws past few months.
The wheat e.nd barley erupt in this lo-
cality are harvested end the oat crop is
Q.alte a number of our young men tutted benig 'soured. Whew and barley are both
asking In the harvest excursium tu the light though the latter ts Wily well headed.
Nottbarest on 'Tuesday. The oat crop lucks bettor and will yield
The V1 est Huron °heave faotory has dig. fairly well. Coro never looked Letter,
posed of La. J unit make and oleo that made belug fully 8 or 10 hot to plane. 'Ihe
during the first half of July for 9) mats. rains will greatly benefit root °rope. Mao•
It was delivared in Cm:fetich on Mondaygolds look very troll.
The Young People', Boolety of C. E. will
merit in 11,. church at 7.30. The topic, Percy 11. Tom, who is on the medical
"(hieing by Loosing," will be taken by Wes st•If of the ',union asylum, made • brief
A W. Ureen. All are cordially invited to telt home during the week.
Rey. Mr. McLennan, of Al r a, is cape o'•
ed to Preach lore um, Sunday, the Preeby
LOT 1.
manee of our colo:ed mug
line, in blued. pinks, nayys,
blacks aqui reds, prices were
20e anti 25e, going at .....12iv
Balance of fine eo`ore0 ging•
hams, were 1.2ic to 17e, going
at 10c
All our regular 12ie prints
goieg at 10e
/Befit KW of untrimmedfaifplfe
ladies' and i hibiren's fancy
straws, run'or bat., walkiar
hats, ete. lkin't tow, ibis-
flisnre to fit up or get a
second hat.
LOT 2.
rGoing at half print..
For the Sick . . .
The disiove.tii do you no good
leawhisprentipLina' a are_properly put
up front reliable ingredients.
That s where wc render intminabln
sift to the doctor.
We compound preeoriptions as 11,3
hold be.
F. N. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
LOT 3.
-Spe-cIal loi -cok-Te:ad -a-tali-its,
were 50e and 60e, going at 25e
UAW white waists, were
$1 00, going at 75e
While waists. were $1 26,
for 8100
[.. Latest d
shape odd lot eolore
waists, were 6Ce and 75e, go
ing at FA.
See that
yot get
all you
LOT 4.
Any , 0, t urre in the store at
• nth]. oil price during this
Special lot Bedford coral
piods in shades, blue, red,
fawn, grey, brown. regular 50e,
going at, ler yard.. ...... 3fle
Palley silks for waists or
'' l
(Ir mmings. all reduced.
kink.) au early choice. nsi
4 ,...• ...+-....-••-•-••,.....-- •••---Z.j. ...I
Corner of Wien st. and the Putnam
The Man ...
This sale commences Thursday, July 26th, and con-
tinues till Saturday, August 3rd.
LOT 5.
NI, e line 1/1114') Anil plain
fast black colt, ti g ing
at 2 pair. for .25
Fine grey anal libuic fedoras
going at clearing when.
Mous straw hats, wor h 75,
anal $1.00, new shape., going
at 35,
Special lot (Wortsi priiit
shirts, some were $.1 00, home
75c. Going at 50e
Men'. and boys' clothing at
bargain prices.
LOT 6.
under the auspicestof thee
Men's Association of Collerich
Leaving : -
Morning Train 7-1 1
who once has, by wearing,
experienced the difference
the famous American-
made Shoe for Men, and
other shoes will not wear
the others. There is no
longer, in such a case, any
need of argument.
are the handsomest and
easiest shoes ever made.
They are elegant in con-
struction, superior in
quality, and yet moderate
in price.
All styles for all uses
and occasion. '
Three Midsummer
Bargain Days.
Saturday Aug. 3rd, Monday, Aug. 5th, Tuesday, Aug. 6th.
IT is an established custom with us to hold a three days' bargain sale at the
end of each season in order to clear out all the odd lines, broken lots and
remnants that are the natural result of the season's selling. Modern
merchandising demands that the goods bought for a season's trade must be
sold that season. It is not possible to keep a stock fresh, attractive and up-to-
date in ziny other way. This is why we hold our bargain sales twice a year.
We will inaugurate these semi-annual bargain days in Ooderich with a rous-
ing three days' sale on Saturday, Aug. 3rd, Monday, Aug. 5th, and Tuesday,
Aug.t6th.4 The whole stock has been gone over and everything that for any
reason whatever we want turned into money will be found on our counters
marked at prices that should fill this store with buyers next Saturday, Monday
and Tuestlay. Here is a list of exactly what we are going to sell and how we
are going to sell it. Read the list carefully, then come whichever day suits you
best, but be sure and come -you'll not be disappointed.
--- --
Dress Goods
for Bargain Days.
Dress goods buyers will find many an attractive bargain
waiting for them here on bargain days. We want to clear
out so
this lipan's stock completely, right down to the last yard
if possible, and our first midsummer bargain days will make
prices that will surprise you. Here am a few of them.
1 end only, lancy List L dregs mob, childrea's weer, regular, 503,
double fold, suitable for waists of on baritala days
dreams. sold at 3.53, earsonal fee 19c 1 end only navy blue marsh serge, a
lIeaba:r:ildhwYefolrs . serge, black, figo Wadden, fabric' that weals
w•11, 46 incline 011410, 60J
l ,
mae. lust, the thing for skute a on bargain days it Will be .
Wednesday, Aug. 71h,
Return any tram Au
(lul(Veite - mil
LadiesJackets and
gotng atirerlutwa Winn
Lathes separate skirts going
at reflugedynees.
ladies' rata tiorthee going a!
34, prima
he of all
the year when we all expe t 10
Lake a trip, and of course yOn'll
Good boat connections from TOT
eat° -to Ni-figftrA
regular 1104,, on bargnir days
wo will sell It it aSOC
Grey, fawn, blue grey, brown tied
deltic green plata dress goods, ail
Pure wool black grenadine, will not woel g00.111, materials that snake
&mote its es tor, tusk. • co. I and atylieh mils and wear well, last
serviceable summer drew, pro. was40c i ends of • line that fold 11 503 sad
*104, en bargain dap It will h- . i 60o, new goods this season. 11 le
Floe fpitlay ruin v. o. I i tt k rens. time to clear them out .ad on bat.
dine, good black, neat pattern, gain days oar price will tm .... ..
will mak• a etylith netunse, rega• 50c 1 •,,d, niy, b‘owo dross syyge, glee
lar 750, for heroin days shade, good wettlati, firm make, all
Light weight black dr, -.I roodsg •11 pure wool, 40 lootet wide, ow at
Duro wool, 36 inches wide, 1100 tor bargaio days . ....... .. ...
bard finish granite cloths for gains, 35c 1.,0 ends tancy dress goods. light
regular 500, for bargain days shades. very floe nista rale, suitable
nue quality plain bitek Nitre, no- for waists or ohilareat dram f• 1, reg.
thing better tor summer skirts, you altar 603 arid 75-, on herein days
limit, thiir neariag lualitirs, the wo will sell them at per yard ....
last ends c I cur 503 and 0, pill. 1 1 end brown broadcloth, 64 Inoltd4 .
itir., aiu b. sa1.1 on but•In days2...,.. wide, ei,,,J ..,ghi. wiu meg. $/
for, 1.er y a .7.D‘i handrome suit, relrular price WY pir,..
Extra fine finality blatk broadcloth I $1.25, on bargain days it u ill be ..- IOC
for skirts or tulle, good weight, 1 A. few rode of tweed !suiting*, M
beaut,ful finish, one end tnly, 11. I .,' incluse wide, odd lengths of lints
sells at $.1 00 • yard, but • il bar- ! that sold at 903 Ind $1.00, to clear r,
gain days ycu cau buy It for, per oe too g tin days at per yard .... OUC
yard 1.50
1 end lo novena initint,*sult length.
II aik figured lustre. 44 inehes side, good ap-ility. i I ie .bat., of tray
small pattern, marts thread, will It 110Id at $1.50, on bargain days
mak. • rely setylegoble skirt, reit- A i wilt Le . . 3.15
Oar 802. for b•rma ,..•• ..... - • '1SC 2 sada all wool homeepun, light grey
We have 11, v.;rv fine skirt and light Nave, 51 haulms wide,
In hie, k and 8..0 people can got a regular $5 CO suit, for li again
big la..rain in a file black akir;. on days your at,,,
bargaiu d•ys le was ell, on
bargain d•yre we mink It 8675.Fine (pall y all wool del alms, plain
piggy og ark Iv, ind with ehti
smote en 1 fancy pattern', regular
3711, 00 bargain days ti Will be 25C
Vet), fin* all wool detainer, .ilk stripe,
wmpg and heliotrope flower,.
regular 753., ea bargala days.... 50e
The oth,r was $8 to, oe baryon '
day+ it slid 1,3 -------------5. . . M
Colored Dress Ooods
only navy blue serge. •Il pure
suitable for mite, skirts or
R A 'I' E S :
60derici to Toronto and return, $281
Clinton to Toronto and return, $2.51
This Store closes at 1
days during
o'clock, p. m. on Wednes-
July and August.
EirrT f&re‘faUmgEo Ire
for Women.
Smith Bro's & Co.
Mostnar, July 29.
Al.., Bowling, of tioderlob, was a visitor
here Thursday ef last week.
Mies !males Andrews, formerly premiss
beer ef the Dunlop sobool,but now teaohing
at Zarion, leas been th• Roost of Mr. sal
Mrs. John Hunter at Morlaiwored farm.
Quite s number of our young men are
going op to the ba fields of falaottoba
w ith the mining murales on Tuesday of
melt week. Sunday will be • .at day to
many of them, saying good•bye to their
• weethearts, as all leave • hassle belatud
1,01 Win 11114117/40.-- A valuable house
sit beloaglog ae a baohelor not far from the
feactioa of Reiterant Row and Poplar Row,
created some* h•t of • sensation the other
day. Iwo small urchins saw a cedar poet
seeving without any •isible motive power
sad at the same time heard • loud M0W1OW,
while a pair of robins twittered and flew
shoat. In • hollow or hole in the pt At
the birds bad built their near, from and to
which they oould tome and go at their wilt
ae feed sad nurse their young riam. Puss
bad discovered the neat and mad• up bet
ruled to hive a lige feast, to In the 'locum'
of the parrot Weds shit orals led 03, but for•
get that ones in the narrow aperture there
was off turning back, and she was nught
trim and fast. A crowd non gathered and
it was dended that the bole should be en
hinted with a sew, chisel and hammer.
Theo t` • owner with • pair of harvest mitt*
oeuld catch pus• by the hind legs to pull
her out, as it was deolded that to haelle
her by the caudal appetrdage would hardly
be humane, and, bellies, the claws of the
hind feet would be in the way of ths
rescuer. Th• proposed plan was worked
and puss was pulled out all rithl,
owner let it go and it fled faster than the
angry birds mold follow her to • barn near
by. The birds returned to their neat and
found their young 0001 safe. Any doubt-
ing ones oan see the post any day. It will
not be disturbed till the robins move to new
quarters. AR we prepare for press we are
told puss has come baok hom• again, and in
future she will probably not snatch for prey
In south plane.
Mon DAY, July 29.
Mies M. lilseete, of Iloderloh, 'peat Mon-
day with Mrs. W. N. Rowell.
'rhe Misses Toweley will leave for the
Pan Amerloan the latter part of the week.
Rev. Jas. Young, wife and family, of
HairoltaD, are visiting the former's old nunie
Mrs. Ba ley and daughter wers the guo-t •
ess Goods at 1.5c.
There are a ut 300 yards of onlored dregs goods that uc will °Isar oo bars/ale
days at 16.0. per •ard. They are plain and buoy makes Lad sold it 503 to r
750, pary Do trails days you eaw take your entice far, per yard.... 103
for Bar n Days.
Bargain Days ni t see the last of our shirt waists. We
have had a big seast and present stock must be sold at
Black sateen shirt sleet', good qua•
lity, regular dollar goods, on bar.
ga'n days .
About 20 colored shirt waists, the
helloes ot our lines that. .,Id at
753, 81 00, and $1,23, °holm on
bargain days
Plain white mulatto ehirt waists,
tucked, euft miffs, pearl batten',
I sold at $1 00, !or gale 65c
OW All oar stilts shirt waists that soh!
at $1 25 to 12 00 c very few 1.10,
- yriir (thole., on bargain days._ . VOC
44c 1 Only print wrapper, gond ,piallig,
waist lined, girl 32, watt $1 75, ,r
nolemat keit .... ZU
Big Bargains
in Wash Goods.
We will make record-breaking prices in
kinds for Our three Big Bargain Days. Ever
sold, for we \will not carry any over. People
get bargains.
Mans at per yard.
300 yeas a colored draws muslin',
god* of Our lines that sold at
ty.i.;-1214 , awl 153 per yard, all
le ge at one prin and that prtoe
rluslins at 10c.
Your choice of all our dress mastics
that eolil at 203. and 2.53 per viral,
of some patterns only enough for
waists, of otherlpress length', all
golog on bargain days at tor y
Percales, 7c.
711 yards American tercel'., fast col
ors, itiiitoriail hum act ,pea, regular
1,1o., for bargain days
American Oinghams, 7c
150 y4441401 Arner;can ginglia-ns, neat
@mat. checks In blue and white, and
grey eta white, titular 103., on ie._
bargain days /G'
Scotch Oinghams, I lc.
Scotch ffinghams at WOW toss, els.
gent designs and fine qua1l4ke, sold
at 204 and 25e. pre yitiof, her. g
gain lbws your chelae , I 1 C
Portland Cement.....-...
500 fill cloth bound Books, all new, 127 titles, stan-
dard an 1 popular authors, clearing 5111111111P1' prico,
15c each.
Light Summer Reading.
An elegant new lino of paper bound novels, publish-
ers' price Vic, clearing summer sale price 10c and I5c.
- Remeniber these books are all new, clean and fresh from
the publishers.
Palm Leaf Fans, 2c each,
Satin Fano, regular :le each, clearing summer sale
price, 2 for Sc.
'Other fans, 1 anil !, off regular prices.
Hammocks, Croquet and Express Wagons, 1 off reg.
War retail prices.
Chatelaine Bags, Hand Satchels, Purses, ladies' and
gents' Belts (only the new and correct shapes and styles)1
for clearing summer sale prices. See our show windows. I
All goods marked in plain figures.
Watch this sale if you wish to Rave money.
PORTER'S Book Store,
Ow Telephotos ls No. 100 B. Croon Hotirm Mrpiare, Coderich !MTh° place to buy all Hardware cheap.
Why use inferior material when the highest grade of
Cement can 1 ha 1 at * similar 'cost, or even less, insuring
much more durable work
best record of all the standard Portland Cements.
We have the tests of strength of one Belgian, one Oer-
men, four Canadian and two American experts before us.
Anyone can Aro these tests at our store, ,snit if about to Ilse is
quantity of Cement can, upon application, receive n beauti-
fully engraved treatise telling of some of the times of PEN-
INSULAR PORTLAND CEMENT what has been antua
with Ceinent and what im being done with it. ,e
Hosiery Bargai
All odd lines of hosiery to
be cleared out on Bargain
I tays.
too pain *ellen hole, seaming, fast
black, ladies' P.? retitle, 121 Pm
pair, your Owe* ef lot, 3 noire for AOC
100 pairs nisildren's black cotton hese,
Nat blaek, small r a, regniar ft.
anal 10o., eisioring et peeps*
ehlldren's ribbed rotten hem, oleo
plaln, fast black, good (polities,
medium .1700, mold at 120. and
15o. per pair, eludes bargain days
3 pair fer 25c
sh goods of all
ard must be
w 0 buy these
Sailor Hats, 35c.
All our sailor bit., this season's good'.
- gee or runt. Wows, sold at 753
mob. ohoice on bargain days 35c
curie broad rim sailor hats,fine straw,
regular 251,10.1E0m, tomato days. I5c
Parasols, 48c.
17 bleak parasols, will 1131 out, is
sorted fancy handles, regular 753
and 851, °helm on bargain daye 41)C
Bargains in Ladies' Vests.
Pure white cottivn mats, lane and
bibs ribbon triuirned. Goa quality,
0514 11 2514 0111414:111 Of lot on Dawn
dart I 5C
111""inagmetiatiel:11141:11. 47,11:4.1,itniajaTat4"1 ha: ,....
T.co.Loereydel..co,tt.nonld av,m2ste,,..fiez
40., for heroin day.... ..... AOC
White Lawn Ties, 5c.
I. wad; 20i. rb
e3'wteliarowutntids.„..!? &Leal , sou
Ribbed and plain Gomm e•rii
81. 9, 9, t mu*, for Folsom
and boys, regular 2r3 I. lines chorine
baegalii d•ys 2 pair for LOC
Black Silk Gloves, I5c.
!sadism' blialk silk gloyes, balance of
some of env 250. Bees, choke on
bargain days . . I5c
Some Lace Bargains.
150 yards Maok silk lane, asses led
widths, sold at 253., 304., 363per
yard, °tearing on bargain day' at .
100 yards white silk lace, amorted
widths, regular 254 and 300, olwar•
let bargain dors et par yard
200 yards Valeardessoie lane, as
qualities, regular 7e., 83., 10e„
clearleg ea banalo days al per
Belts, 10c.
25 loather bill tw,blaok and tan sludge, ioc
regular 253.. hargala days
. --
Fancy Ribbons, 111c.
We have wool ad • be let id
lam} riLlisne io assorted isolia
ors sad widi h., they ors
ler 254. to 403. goods, sad we
place the rally* lot ea sale bar -
gala daye ae pot yard I5c
A Corset Bargain.
Dollar Corsets, 57c.
73 pairs of comets, all standard dollar
makes, parleot fitting. all Wee,
°holm 00 bargain days, sese pair IC
lb pairs ooly, 517 •• 111, 19, 20, 24, 26,
of a regalia r 503, corns, we have a
better make earning to take the
tilace of al o lin• and will altar ..,,
out on berg ale days at per pair e3e)C
Navy merman skirting. rood rality.
36 inches wide, red border, regular
40o, for bargain days 20c
27•Inah fumy striped moreeo skirting,
very thus goods. dal k coleys, rep
lar 75a , for hartalo day• 4Sc
Linen Crash.
25 yards of linen crash, suitable for
skirts or bey: blouses, uvular -15c, g
sellicg bargain days at!
am .04. pink fl•naelettar, good
weight and width, lengths 6 teil0
yards, will be sold by ths please at
barrels ihy
Kctra good quality Eoglish fi meet -
sate, full yard wide, test ookars„ 0.
p ice is 1211., bat for barons days
we will .111 ,1 at per yard
Table Linen.
There is money to be saved
buying table linens here oil
Bargain Days.
50 !note half bleached table damask,
iniody. weight, special for bergalo
70•Intia ball bleached table damask,
fia• quality. nioe floral pattorn. reg. .g5c
t ier 503., °leaflet bargate days is rf,
Cara One and te tyy half bleached
table damask, the bast we have,
regular dollar goods, 23 yards ta 65c
tiall barrels days at per yard
Bleached table damark, fine nualitV
neat patterns, regular 753., ter bar
gala days
Very fie•yeality talmehed rable'dasn•
saterk.,. Istrionroiwiirseighi00r.fiaotdoer taog
da.. the priori will 1, .. •
rm. quality hook toweling, good
weight, 18 inches wide. regular 0
1213., for sale bargain days OC
Large size hock towel', besetnelpeods,
rot borders, rotator 12i). eaoh,lor ire r
bargain daye 3 for
Tweeds, 45c.
You can buy the makings of
a snit of clothes for very little
money on Bargain Days.
100 yards of all weal aweede, good
qualities. daik reignite del•
plarrio: wvialibrd,s tor bazgaia days ear 45c
Cottonade, 15c.
50 yards heavy nottonade, will wear g 5c
well, reveler 2.a, for bargain days
Oaletea, 10c.
75 yards galetea tor hays' blouses at
o li•rts, two patterns, regular 153110c
ter tortalu daye
Fancy Sateens, I4c.
ateenr r 'Wants, eta
203. and 2.5 faodr "berdganiane. dary.f..17.
10C yards fanny art marlins, all fell
verd wide, Int lengths el 15,. and
iSt:Inele, for li,rgaln days °holm
per yard
1 rello:UIAT 011,A waft 37 i 4., bargain
bls arstrionse, border,
imitable for door or arch curtains,.
day prim
1 end barley °amain mii•itn, cream
ground, rained pattern in white and
flowers in Brodie 044 brown, regular
21 25,3 , Ihr titivate days. 1
1 end white °attain mull, fine qua-
lity. psis Wee and yi itow, raised
petters., regular Mt., fee barrels
dale 17C
lien's Goods.
NVe are going out of 'men's
furnishings and want to clear
the entire stock. Bargain Days
should see the last of it.
Knot aed four la hand Bee, asserted.
light and dark colorings, regular
253 , en bargain days we will give
210r ABC
Men's firming end ties, pure silk,
regular 50.., bargain days 25C
Men's crambric shirt., nest patterns
fest mites, resider 51.25. borrsta 68c
Bays' etr ye belts, regular lbs.,:bsr• 8c
I" days
Mato's balbriggan uederwearlebirte
and drawees, regular 50% geallehle38c
clearing bertain d•yrs
20 demo 01.0.41 !leen roller', laseetted
etyles, regular 121n. And 90.. :11, •••
shearing borealis day. at 3 for ABC
for our Remnant Tables on Bargam Days
. • - ---ellividrer7271"1111i7'