The Signal, 1901-8-1, Page 7_.. ..r. ,....x',:. "aw. 1t, u'T�rT'a'�, v6': "M
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9E?t` tt. N: `+ .e d:R...,... �d
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.`+4.v"X. % t.. �� � yYr, .•`1 n 6 l.1,, "7`13 'Y
^'�Ty�, W,r,alt,15:r..&a
n�'�'{ s '^tl `!r^! .��1M "w. tl. ^�• YaY� .
{lair of shoes of the kind fit that
In expliinatlun of this 11etfoa,Chlrf
Robert Wright, Jun., a fogltive from
waa a rleger lop til•• Congregational
NlchoNu•t declar,•d that ho fivit hr had
Over 33,000 Boers Now Held
as Prisoners of War,
lig,ety iKuirr Portuguese Tertlury
lien. I,ylllrlou 'talks Grtat lop
Lord Roberts I he Burden ('up -
%Vnats More Houuted Nen --Hefter
(•lass of Iluers S"ho"ed.
N,utuumpton, July :6. -(Jen. Badeu-
evswrll, Ills hero of Unfeking, and
,.ow chief of the Trttievaal pw,ll.•a.
Lifetime] here ah 4.30 title@ afternoon. He
,ave receival with the greatest cu-
t h int Itis m.
ft nn ffal.r%iew lien. Baden-t'uwea
,sell l he did a,t care to prupltesy the
,•fol of the mar. It wave eery In 'Ouch
a Couutr,ir for small roving hustles to
,4.idc detwit ler Capture. \everthelew,
In. w•v►w JaClhnal to think that uuRdv
tare•► it a" varlipr drausnAic ending.
f,arr Auer revistunce wl.l have been
e -no apletely crushed lop three or guar
s,a"nTnrfrom noir.- -
Ges. Baden-Ibwe'l spoke with re-
,.goct rad admiratlua of the BOOr at,
.aa individual. He sell: "They have
1)04.11 uwoet terribly molal. 1 do nut
tblak that tho time fs remote when
the Boer Anti Briton w 1.1 settle peach
ably Asks by side, aul cordially work
together fur --the good u( South Af-
itelerriag It o LO:d lli.Use'e sls"'Ica at
the Gulldlali, lie Said that Its effect
moat tie to give- jilt objorot lPddoa ill
goat government In Huuth A(Aca. He
;,.Idea : -Lord Mf.ner, t.(p whom the
s;mpira owls Len overheating debt Alf
grntltUde, exaolly lilt the roll un the
►ooW. Uuee give the Hoare to undtr-
lotand that they will be governed
curtly and wisely', the rest will M!
,envy. Depen] upon it, la the anal we
s ill wilt over the Doerr to our aldr,"
Grn- Bwpen-ltowell has nut yet gone
do Ltindun. He will gee lop the country
for a while for radt.
Paget Qels a cumnraud.
Loudon, July 2A-Genrral Art hur
Hoary I'a/,et Ilan r(wA4%al a CummauO
in Soutb Africa. Ho malls, lett .lugusl
10 to take up him lee W du t i%w
___ _-_ .
��mouth African Constabulary.
bhaAes�tLielt Ibwing list�ofreawal
it et, to the" South African lunstabul-
ary, A Ifivisioa, At Vervenlglug. oA
July 11: 1613. Ser nt-Major lV"tl-
ltetm Clsalmor, kl lett ; Courtanlw,
1,750 Harry Job" 4PrOule, and 1;l-6(1
":"urge Sythtw, k111d;'1,tseo L. T.
Herachner, d angaeroumly woulld"Ni a
1,889 Thomas Dulual Curtis ; 1,729
Robert H. Melotyre ; 1,669 James
tlrasl4Y. stat L4a►s Corporal Alfred
John H1H, severely wouJ34-L
bhogting the %t'eurded.
LelKlpl. July 241 -la an"W"'r to sop
ties the rlltontttlRlof tlo Arltlmb Wo uund-
ill fit Vlakfoest•In, Mr. Brodrick
rtested that .In rq$Y to him inlairy
Lord- Khtchaier _f --rot tokytrutolted :
'-•1 have made no communication to
2ho Biter I(vtto•es a+ to the! "hto"119
at Vlakfunt•ln, as It be very unlfko-
ly to havo any effuct, as, even if tine
Boer leaders ttkapProve of the st-
roeltles, they hate tap control over
their mon.'' lir. Brrtrlek stated that
he had later roelived the following
ta#psram : "1 am souehing COPY of
URorA-dep"tlo as ss to Boers ■Itoot-
Jaag our woandod to Deiarovy."-'-
lir. 1lrodrlck further slA;•l that
the Dally Newts ■tory of the pro-
poeal withdrawal of 70,000 infunlry
from South Africa, and Linc abandon-
ment of certain lines of ounununlrit-
thin between Pretoria still the mouth
was unaulhorls-d and lefaccurote.
Mr. Brodrick, in itnswer to Ci►lonel
Brookfield, maid till. gnomtlon of pro-
viding dental surgical attendance
for the tro,p4 fu South Africa has
born, and Is, receiving carefenl atten-
tion. Farr d •ntlety were drmp:ttch-
rd on June 17, and in addition, a num-
b •r of refugee dentists have Been en -
g aged uud rmPloyed.
A Brnsmele demputch to The "ind-
n.rd Stater that til" execution of eev=