HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-1, Page 5W. Acheson & Son July Sale of Fine Black Dress Goods 50 pieces black dress goods, in plain serges, grenadines and figured crepon effects and sioiliane, ranging in price from 50c to 90c a yard, placed at one price for July clearing at, per yard 1.• • 25c Extraordinary Olterinte In Wash Goode. 1200 yards of D. & J. Anderson's finest Scotch gingham'. in neat checks and stripe', in colors of pink, blue, mauve, green anti sky, regular, 15c, 20c, 2r.c and 30o, now in two lots, minced to, per yard 10 and 121c Table Clothe. Slightly Imperfect 200 linen table cloths, Irish and Scotch pure linen damask goods, shipped to us as • favor. They are slightly imperfect the bleaching, but al- most iniperceptible, and the price will be from 1-3 to 1 2 less than original- ly intended. On sale this week, anti while they last you can buy : 1 50 to 2.00 cloths, size 2x2e yards, for 1.26 each. 2 00 toi 2 50 cloths. size 2x24 yards, tor 1 50 oach. 2 50 to 3 50 clothe. Rion 2x2i and 2x3 yards, for 2 00 each.. 3 50 to 5 00 cloths, 1117.0 2x2t and 2x3 yards, for 2 60 each. &ore closes Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock during July and August. W. Acheson & Son COUNTY CURRENCY. &Words : Seymour Watson leN here last week to pash his fortunes Britlah Colom- Gondeebore : Spell bad the misfor- tune to fall off • bit -vole, giving his Up • severe out. Oliston Very few thee Oval' seen a climbing toad, bet A. IlloKeerie, Outwit> street, oaught en* u 11 was °lambing up his Exeter : Miss Eva Carling has been tn. gaged to tuob on Lila E public school staff, filling the eseaney mooted by Miss Kase resigning. Seaforth Miss Jennie Barr, B. A., daughter of Rev. M, Barr. has been ap• I pointed assistant on the staff of the Cale- donia high school. tioalorth John O'Keefe, of Dublin, last week bought from John Robb, of Tucker - smith, bfty head of steers tor which he paid the aloe sum of $4,060. Seaforth : Stephen Lamb, lumber merchant, of this tow•, has paid °wail! 500 for freight on material brought into big Ethel : Datoald Lamaist hes reterned from a trip to thotland He wen" over with cattle and while away bad • roam throueh the Highlands and • visit in Glasgow. Holmasville Jaa. Connolly has 'old the heat half of the Judy enak• of obsess to nal. & lien lot 9i unto, • sliato do areas' in prose from that ol May's sale. on the foundations for the new readily:toe boleti *rooted by J. J. Elliott, , on the corner of Victoria and Minnie eeeee ta. lieneesia J. W. niaahill, writing from Ypsilanti, Idith., gam "We hays bought • very pleasant pilau here, to have permanent residenta. We like it bare very Seaforth Christopher Smith, who died so suddenly in Exam path, was (emulates:al years • resident of Seaforth before t•king up his abode le Kuhr. He M Al an em- ployee of WM. (.1013DA. Clintoo Frank Daymost, an employee of the New Era etaff for the .tast three yeah. left hat week to till • position on the St. Mary's Journal. where be will take one of the typesetting mashities. a few momenta Mr. Blake mime and esoort ed bim through both the Halal of Com- mons and the House of Lards, giving hien • most oordial welcome, and introdutog him to the ludic/ men in Englieh political Clintoo : • learn with 'ebonite of the promotion of our friend. Jobs Dori°, son of Ksh. Irwin. John has been • train maater on the Grand Trunk in Mick , with bead• quarters a1 Dora& has resigned and now ataisepted a Mem ethos as superintendent oaths Southern Peolfic, the comp toy of which 0. M. H•ys is now general monager. This promotion mune an Morgue his salary which will be WO month. Il• was home for • d•y or so and left on Fridey of last week for him new headquarters In SATI'1:11.31, July 27 h. The steam threshers are beginning to get ready for another seasoe's work. The recant rains will do immensergood to meadow', spring and root crops. E. Bower has been laid up for some time with • sore arm, but It Is graduaily getting horse die las; eels, it is se ed by heat The utortertly Meow% will be held PORT AL Ashfleld lareter, July Thoe Wilson, jr , plastering the to esters Hall this week. John Bennett has improved Ms farm by asking on it an artesian well. T. A. Harkins musio ioacher. at lima sueoessful at the reoent entrance examine. Miss Annie 14rker and her two sisters, of Stratford, are having • pleasant outing by the lake here. Miss E Ina Noir., and her brother Fred, of Ridgetown. are here visiting their little cousins, Evelyn and Otway If s) deo. J. M. Hamlin left tor • trip last week to Swan Kiser, Manitoba. is b other, P. F. Hamlin, le conducting his barons here. Teekeremith • Mrs. Alex. Grey. of the Mill Real, Takenimith, died at the resi• donee of her eon in law Samuel Smiths, in Hassell, on Sataday, July 201h, at the ad• b yawed age of elghty-two years, Rev. Mr. Hail, of Itervie, oonduoted ser• yloe to Christ oboreh on Sunday morning Oat. Is the evening the service was taten Grey : the home of tbe bride,bth one., es Wednesday, July 17th, Rev. H. E Cony, of Ethel, tied the matrimonial bow making Corsa! Cooley, • prune/us yams farmer, and Mire Jeonie. d•ughter of F. J. H4111108, husband and wife. Tuckersmith : The trustees of school sem Don No. 7, Trokerstnith. hae• engaged Mtn bleed° 44 hits, of Clinton, to take °hares of the school for lbe balanoe the wear in place of Mho Fowler, who has resigned to tok• • more* at the Normal. %legions. us the West addition te the House ot Referee. whose Inmates now som- ber se•enty four ; this is • lower number than the House has been shoustemed to for s oorsiderable tooth of time, Versa : Wm L. Keys., of the Babylon lino lost • fine borers in • ream peculiar way. Idre Kt yea and one of the bay. watt berry ;Arkin' acid tied the horse, but ahem ready to return tome they found the horse dead, it having hug itself. Birth ; Ooe night recently • number of miyeh's )1000, baokslore met at the pretty Dome of Mr. and Mrs James Sims and tend- ered • farewell lc 'tout to W. W. Taman prier te hie departure for Meter, where he searldwg In to deem for himself. Clinton : Word was received from W. Doherty. on Tuesday, 16th ult., that he and Mrs. Doherty had arrived safely le 1.1•sr• pool, and on Thentday, the 18 It, an order was reasiyed by cable frets him for fourteen parietals of °rune to be 'thinned right ost. TOW was pretty good wink for three days. Taskaremith : Mies Mary Lahti, shoe of Mr. and Idre. James Paterson, left on Teeeday of but week for Manitota, to visit Ohlriy•tiee miles northwest of Winnipeg, two brothers In the Diuphin district Is le shammies years since Mies Laing visit- ed her nettle* home. and, no doubt she will find many °bursa. smith, has the toner of being the first to deliver wheat of this year's growth in the market. TAW wheat was di levered at the fltewart Company's mill, In Meatorth, on Meador. July 22ad. 11 bright. olear and plump, and so secallent sample, weighing tiO pounds to the bushel, aad go thirty bushels to the sere. Riau : Word was reeelyeel torrents Mon day of last week of tbe death of Mrr. Tie inane, wbo died In Toronto, on Sunday, after a rather prolonged illeem. The de- mand, wbo was • residue of Ender, left here several weeks ago le very r health to visit bee brother, Gr. OldrIght, sod her wale betels nf • serious rotors, she gradually grew worse until death claimed her. Her ternees were taken to Halite x ler burial. lege. passed her ninety fitth birthday on t II* 6th nie, and her wide °hole of acenaint moss ve111 he glati to knew that she still enjoys almost evoeilent health. Mho is Ude to be out and around, eas sit outdoors mid enjoy the fresh air while the members of her family ars maned, and has the fair nee of •Il het facrulttee se well. Prey ideerse log bud peed to her end no ale sepreetettee more thew eh• ()Ribber's. is te Ass old emerutry looking of ter the intermit/ of too Doherty organ I'041 - *soy, and while reaming ironed Leaden eauladai that be weeld likes to visit the Homes of lammens, whleth was in Peeples. The guard at tios deer refused to sliew him member ef the Hesse Bee et sees seat a eh* he woo lied where be Win fem. as4 Wewirocoir, July 24, John CAlle is visiting in Alma Leis week. Jesse Hudson, of Drayton, spent Sands! in illuevale. John Collie reo Jived • oarload of Ole last week for sale. The last half of the Irthavale abuse wail shipped on biondey. Adr. Fawcett, I id• of Oxen :Load, has hien appointed station sgent here. 51 se Nellie Burress. of Owen Sound, is the guest of htr aunt, Mrs. Geo. M ultonsId. ed r daughter. Mrs. It dn. Meek, thte Little Roma Mackintosh, of Molesworth, le spoodieg • few days with Mee. T. Cool tee. John Bowes was ia Brantford lost week utilities the books of the Giusedian Order of Foresters. Mrs. Geo, Peacock and Mre, drss F of the first line, Morris, lett for Manitoba Tuesday morning. Flax polling has oommanced la this •Iolnity. W..1. Duff ham • pug of small boys at work now. Many from here will take advantate of the Suodsy school exoursion to go to flode• rich on August 1st. Miss Annie Rutherford, of Hamilton, tame home on Friday and will spend • feu weeks' holidaya with her mother. Mr. and Mra. Fred MoCracken and their two ohildren. of Brussels, client Sunday with lire. McCraoken's parents, Mr. and Moe. John Gardiner. Jack Greenaway, who has been holidey• Ino at home tor • short time returned to Sault Ste. Marla on Saturday He woe so• oompanied by Will Stewart, who Intends to take advantoge of the good times pro. Tailing their now. 01 five pupils of Blusiyale eohool, who wrote on the Eltrance examination thie summer four were suociessful. Their names are, Nellie Bottle, Nellie MoEreen, Nettie Yee and Mar y Aitobseon. The girls ars to be ougratolatad their sue:us. The thee of the ranee for the Canada Cycle and Motor CO:8 Over trophy, eras ran lett Saturday evening. There were flee entries. Gooney came In that with Brinker second and Haney third. .1 ha newt race ot the series will he rnn nest Settler:bay R. N. Duff left en 'Needs, morning for Manistilitue, Mich., to comminute operations on the property which has been ewer hooted thorn. E. G. Carismore left the perfecting morning with two teams of horses and his household goods. It will r«pilre • good deal of time. werk and worry before every• tning will be reedy to turn the hash into hard omit. SERIOUS RESULTS FOLLOW. Cold, clammy hands and feet, and pains in the back reeult from impoverished blood. fierions con- sequeticesfollow neglect. "Climax" Iron Tonic Pills make new, rich blood, tone up the system, add vitality to wasting tiseues and strengthen weak nerves. Each hoe oontains ten days' treatment, Prim 25 eents, at all druggistit, or mailed on reasipt of priee. Ad- dress: The Dr. aiku Medicine Co., Kingston, Ont. Aker* le • Great Demand her Skew eat s a Mt 'reset Dealer. Deuglas H. Grand, of Liverpool, to/lowly of this olty, who, to use his own ex preesiou, "is loafing •round for • low (Ism" @polio in- to The Adyerttser about matters relat'inoto horse., and inoidentally about • few odor "It was the British Government's Inten- mounts was made, "to establ eh remount stations in toned., It Is possible that this will not go through, 1 am early to say. I ain afraid not, tor We 'moo, the home that are got in Celled., are not molly the grut scarcity ot horses of all classes In Canada. W. the 11111111, Worlie 10 titLt, 113 Ireland and Scotland end England. The whole world is short ot horses, and tbo goyernmeut has been laved to buy horses that it wouldn't have taken undo:: any otbite oircumetanoss. I think that Gore are hardly enouoh horses In Canada to warrant the establishment of remount statons." "Hut. ' to added, "th• .Vertiellent may :erosible do so. If it does, this is the sec• Uadouldedly, one should lia estate. Robed here. I know this oountry thorough• lag district In Ontario. "If there is • remount olliaer appointed for llamado," said Mr. Grand, ensweriog • •ruesticn as to what London should do to mIttee be appointei to wait on blm and let biro know its sdventages. Arionoe for monthly purr/I:wipe visits and then to to work and either advertiee that the buylog would he dune here, or punkt lt In any robe • way among the farmers. It's • Imeinos that should to worked thoroughly. Th. farmers should kr ow the Importance of isendieg In tee proper kmd of horses Then you must, pet the borers in ready for every palette!' sinoetance, It v.:slit be an immense thine for Loudon co I fur the tile- trlot round here." The conversation turned to more general matters, and the pseetoct for English Ind. in horses was mentioned. "The prospect for breeders In Canada Is very bright,lodeed," Mr Grand staid "Only they should broad the hest, instead of indis- criminately, as they have been doing. Tha government should t•k.. th, breeding .1 !tui- tion, as In Germany en4 France. Go$ erm of poor stock. Another thing dot onght to be done in Pds country la to Wool in export duty on •Il mares. They are being et nt out of the country in shiploNds, and it only make* the oeuntrv to muoh the poorer. Tbe Canadian farm, cs make anotoer mistake. Cloy ship their horses, and bullock., too, eo thin. They 1110 001 10 0013d11100. Ninety tier cent. of the hones sent ooze to Eugland leave this country before they're to proner minclition. There are some things agelnet Uanadlans that are not ceilidh; ot their o en making. Tak• the rate from Montreal,for in• stenos 11 oosts over a pound per head more to ship from there than it doss Ity of New York. That snakes • big difference to the shipper. Cantan 'hips carry them well, but not so nitwit better than Now Yorkers to warrant suoh olorge difference... Mr. Grand is minus* for the success of Canadian hones and other [Noes Canadon In the old land. "The Canadian horse,' he says, "is very much liked in Eogland. When 1 hest wont ther• they wouldn't loot •t Camtdian horses Now many big oorpotatioas Vele t ro to the tuatara " "And how do yon seconnt for the chin . ' "Well, se a rule, the Car adtan horses a lOtter tempered mid better too ken. They thrive and de woods. fol.), well on Eagliab feed.. The oliosate egress with them too." Spooking of tbe horses most in demand now Mr. Grand meld that tort horses of tho right kind simply brio, any price. A good Feld- Ileue Of sutholent weight, bone and 4uality will bring from ;100 to 8600. They should weigh from 17 cwt. up. "The demaud for carriage tortes; he soid. "is simply unlimited, and they sell &overbore from 1:100 per pair to C600 or 1300. They must have acton and iposido. harness horses most suitable tee shipment should not be lees then 15 3 Lot over 16 1 ha belch. They should have solid colors, without any white In front." Mr. Grand thinks that the present aeldwity in the hoots mai kat will continue. doee not think that there'll be any slump "lien the war oboe'. "Tbsire's been such an enormous drain,' hie said. "trete:pi Is ootopotly cleared our. Yon can't get any horses of suitable see titers 1: s pretty much tee tame in other sid▪ es horse.," he said. " retie hay, now. A few years ego you couldn't get • corps's. don to use Canadian hey, Ito: now they want it, and even raclog @tellies ore runts it. Why, when 1 went to Eolend an oiren• er of racer' would as soon fad them with onion as Canadian hay, but now e great trade that be is sure will be extremely pro. fitable for Canadians. DAUGHTERS OF THE EMPIRE• lofts or Thanks ram.cti to those lido .11 a - At a meeting of the Paughtere of the Orn tdre held in the law litters, at the 000,1 house on July 15!h it was moved by the rc• gent, Mrs Macdoneld seconded by Mo. Colin Campbell, and unanimously carried, th•t IVO tender a hearty vote of thanks td all the ladies anti gentlemen who so ktorily Interested themselves and anisted in mak. ing our booth during the fair week a Inc Mrs Morris moved and Mo. Hays reo• mood that speetal vote of thanke be given to Mr, Chas. Bloke for so generon.ly greet - Ing ne the toe of the store on the corner of Montreal street and the Square during the whole three dove of the fele, and to Means. Clark and Crelgte, for en unlimited etIODIV of lora whOeh they constently brought to our door, and that not only a vote of thanks but also a epoch' letter be gent by the *watery to Mr. William Anttrew.,--re press fri some measnee our appreciative of his unfailing oeurtesy, lorolr no and goo amity during the time Mrs. Mecelonald then 'novel, end it was sounded by Wt. R Reynolds arid (silly! enrolment/4y, tint we silo onkel hi thank lue the bowl. the baseball club*, 'The 011 Timers" and the "Ileinerny Club," for their kindness In donating In the hi:stillest fond the proceed' of their entertotoments hold on the evening of July 10th. The meeting then adjourned, the mcm• bers haying agreed nob to 'ramble again until the atternoon of the third Monday In THREE DAYS A WEEK THE BOSS. • mechaulo Who worked in nos of. the city'. laroe niaohine shops hadn't been Le! log aery well and the Mos told him to knock eff and tette • holiday "What'," up Jo., ' 'eked tie wife, as he pedlar] open the door ot his home un 'I ain't well, shot tho'bose said to fake • Tti• pnysle an raid it was typhoid fever, but JIM refuted to eu to the tattopital. 'Th• boa bent me up to stay with J•iin,' That night a kno dr called the tire] lite• woman. "The I ore sent too to sib up with Jim," and auothor comrade came lo to to. Cave the watcher by day. For smoke' they %ached, and tor weeks the wife nursed es only • w Ile can. Through fever an delirium, through hope and disappointment, they kept lookorg fcr• ward So the day when Jou would answer tit, sevon o'clock whistle the same as he hid always done. hut Jim's dint°, pail had lion filled for the last time, and he had put in hie hack tot the L 0"111 hours. Again there was • Lock, this tirue a soft one, for a poll hung from the door. It was a letter from the Lose timberline 150. "For Jim was • yowl wit, kitten," the note ▪ Jim was buried yesterday. The watchers WOIA paid, •rol paid for week's rut aftorwards, and Jim neater lost any time, for his pay kept on till he step- ped into Eternity. There aro no strikes in this factory aril the boys would pant their shirts for the haa,—Caeauit CHVIVIJIII,„ la Toronto Star. May tem Re Presented. lion'', seek other (limes at "hay fever seamen," don't destroy your stomsoh and by drugs—prevent th3 disease. Hay the air and finally lied lodgement in your throkt and lungs. Medicine won't resorts them there, bet, f'starrhpzino will. l'a• tarthezene is sore death to g.trne. Start now to use estarilo ono. toilets it into the throat, Ling , nasal intuitive anti bronchial tubes ; it tP//.11 wherever the air you bresthe got', awl it sell preyeat and care bay fiver. Endoreed by not less than one thousabd doc•ors in Canada and C. S. sent to any address for SI 00 foroatded to KIng:dcia, Oat. OF LOCAL INTEREST. ApplaatIon le being made for a oharter to I tin a belt I i tut electric railway, from flatie• rich to Lai:know, Mitcham, Ste - torte, Ilayfield and lioderich with branches Corlow, Auburn, Blyth, Kinoardme, Port Elgin, Southampton and W Lorton. M. U. Cameron, of tiodcrich, is eolioitor for the applicants. We believe the radiel road, w ould yield a bip dividend, partiottlarly in the summer months, and ere long would aolulre tbe cerryine of moil, express end light freight as woll as peenagerv.- Thrt run to Itsy field or 11.. fetich to the lake mak, an rb•al 1310 31070 ttiO OD • flee day. Of course the snow blockades of the wlister would have to be taken In'o account, biit the promoter. ot road• in some of tbe northerly States lure Informed ne that by senile the eivaiper and plow gang it h an onuses' thlog to have their lines locked up. we the I Uteri° car climbs the eta lee rather than cutting through ass do the rsal ways acd ritilwatts. This is !weenier, on—ena ego) and we Ochece the plan proposed Is feasibh and would prove remuuerative to any uompany who would capably menage It. We would propose -Oa' tto °Ira' bo broad. ad northward so we to take in W router • f;orrle eni this would t.rIng the comity of mon fairly in touch with the county town 'without muolt driving. Sub a route should \prove • beaux' to Colarlab and ;Tilted- for annearr "sort parvenu sett might eat quadruple their uvular bust\ nese. lit our preterit deticioot and moat tem woe1,1 pro were widatusw indeed. Cramps • Like litSralars. They cents unesow3 ly and when they cure for cramps sad k . Poison's Nee NervIline's anodyne power le un'que, for its progress tal the age. rayon's et Tiling la A true comfort in the family for en de. rangemeets of the stomach an I bo tile It is t▪ imes greater medio:nai value thin \any other remedy sod is soli In large 25 Tient twice. Try it. FALL FAIRS OF 1901. So herr, el- n'ford Sept. 14 20 Nort ern. Walkerton. fl.pt. 17-18 South roe, Swiertb _ S•prt 24 25 TO ADVEHTISERS. Notice of coanges must be left at this Office not later than Sattirday noon. Th -o— Copy fot—r—ortiniges tuust be loft not inter than Mon- day noon. Cnallal Advertisements accepted un to noon Wednesday of each weak. 11 One of the most danger- ous And repulsive forms of Kidney Disease Is OPSY for which Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the )(id- iot'', •re actually dammed up, and the water, which should be expelled In the Lion of urine, flows back and lodges in the cella of the flesh and puffs out the skin. Rento%e the filth which plug• up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is osly Kidney hlodicine ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS TAMPER... with your health. Don't ine) Drugs aml Medicines of ipestionablo quality. Oct the best there is at the Canon prices that aro clusrged for inferior goods. At our Drug Store the stock is al- ways fresh, and each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department bat s. reputation for promptness and F. JORDAN Mcilillop Miami Bre Insurance Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED. Velma Of Ffuoarte -p, *ft_ 10.1.01,4.971 00 Jas. Cannolly. Dila W. 0. Broad:cat. J. Watt. Jas. Kassa, J. O. Or eve, J. Boanowele, dir.oturs; mr.ii Brood fir it. nese., oh. inspec- tor oe tomes ; T. X. Hays, *Worth, mercury - J. W. Yen, Holmeevitle ; James Cumming Ettinuudrill .1 • It. McMillen. Jlestorth-I. It Sating, Ilarleek. l'ultry-foldera CAD pay aseesements and get their cards roccipterl at Afr. Coate'. Clinton, or at McLean Brae.' Palace Clothing /Moro. Gods - Store McKIM'S-Thrx'an Block JULY WEDDING Miss Cellaneous Stock, No. 3, Jordan Block, and General D. Goods, No. 2, of the same place, were united at the residence of the former, on Wednes- day, July 31st. Great preparations were made for the mot by marking many iota down by a Oda, half, aud some lines •t aten lam prices to clear, as the united will require but one rest. deuce now that the union la oonsumenated : and they hare were aro& than neowsewry. Ts. great extent is the attraatIon of tbe seaaon to the talr ones ef Huron. W• shall be at home to •Il our friends on Thursday, August lot, and every day after. so there will not be any cards. le may room ludelloate, but we oannot refrain from mentioning to our lauds that AO prefer HARD CASH to presents in leis& butter aad eggs exoepted. Now that we ars one our ormoentrated effort* will to to make It more than OVID' ,1111, intonate to came to the old hone*. We find GM we have too much of some linos of dry goods, clothing, millinery, 0141., and will ph prim tickets on them that will inhume and surprise you. Yours respectfully, CANTELON'S Pastry, OysterPalties,Tarts, Dort Bread asd Cream Rolls,Itimce Pies Uri Lady Ficiers, Kisses, Macaroons, &ration, Brandy Snaps, Etc. act! as good am the best Mailo:in any city C nutria. Curitclon louts the trade WEDDING CAKES in fancy theitioning and ornament mg and almond ming. Give him an order and your nat• isfaction will be ansured. D. CANTELON, WERT-ST. IVIASSEYHARRIS The name -.1 olds for all iiiai la reliable rat minx machmorr intending to pu ham anything in our Imo should mope t our goods to fore placing their order. Wo always cArry stock of repair.. \ We have the beat Mak Separators on the markt, Yen can get the moat up-to-date Carriage or Buggy made in Can. Ada at IS\reasonable price from us. Massey\ -Harris Bicycles—New 1901 rutrata\--elegant mounts. -Outl- and Seri tilleln.\\ AGENT of Crean, A Great Snap_. la our Ginger Snap, at 5o. • emend, ef which weeeli a barrel a week. Thia Isn't oar only ensp. as we oarry eatrythlog that 0013 b. found In an 00 - Iodate grocery etore, and our prices are Oita. 1 he farmers koow that they can always get from us sump for their protium We drew the line at no Gliseware or potittoos, garden stuff or choicest table Chloe. Wo deal in all of them. Redford block. Goderich TURN ,„§HOE TRADE MARE HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THE Scranton Hard Coal IN THE MARKET Ail Coal weighed on the Martel Boatel' WM. LEE. store premptly attended be. The "King Quality" ladies' shoe with the "Twin turn sole" is the ideal of comfort and ap- Twin Turn soles are just at flexible as your finest dress - shoe soles, but they are twice as thick. Invented, patented and con- trolled by the makers of "King Quality." Can be got in no other shoe. No tacks or threads under the foot, no squeak—greater wear, more comfort, handsome appearance. Gold medal, Paris &Toni - tion. $4.00. All dealers. Oar ,tgent in Goderich Is zit. lieorke Eno*. Shoes that Measure up to Your Requirements. 11 litettitlb We Furnish You Two Comfortable Feet. Obmmon sense, tut well as style, can be purchased reasonably at oar •,;.• counters. Good wearable shoes for all wilts of occasions. High grade footwear at prices that you cannot beat. Don't fail to see our "KING QUALITY" shoes if you want the latest styles. TI I EY LEAD. TRUNKS, GRWS, Etc. Repairing neatly done. Have you tried a guess on the Pan-American ? if not, why not A AI guese with every dollar purchase at this store. BT. GEO. PRICE, Solo Ago•nt for Ring Quality Shoes. Gather _.thistles, t prickles." aunt "bargain sales" and expect dis- Good things don't go a begging, and iostitnice is worth Sure value, up to the -Makers' price. "The Slater Shoe Sommervgooils toes en Joseph name. for Acura Through afellines. Dodd.. kidney 11•111. Hose Stade a Yew ilion et Mins timid explain. the meta sr tits 'vendor. "1 soff red with kidney Musa+ for three et four years. ar two year* I had to take two or three date a week off work. 1 was continually sick and forced ta walk Idle an obi mon. 1 hod lost ell my snorer and be name Monologged. "After taking a lot of medietnes that would only rive me relief while, I had the pleasure to happen nn oid's Kt Inny rills. haying read of a cafe that resembled mins cured by them better I persevered. After raking three boxes I was frilly cured. Tut wag eh K• idney Pills to all who suffer with tibiae, Welted" Wm. Sharma, Jr • Sole LORI Agent. BROPHY & SON WANT 1 STEP -LADDER ? Gasoline Stoves Ice Cream Freezers Refrigerators Charcoal Dairy Tinware Eavestroughing Metal Roofing and Siding We give one away with each pound of Pure C'reatn Baking _Powder pneghauTuf us, --StOtta--lb. The step -lathier alone wort,h the price. ‘tilin Try a package ()emir Flop Tea—not medicine, but a care. fully *sleeted In.lian ntpl Ceylon Tea blended in a scientifk, manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have se full asst ttment. Telephone No. 91. THE GROCERS Hat Bargains.... Settlers enrefelly:'attea•ed le sk, all J. H. Worsell The °heap stove and furnace matt, ptirchamed twelve tlo7en hats at • great reduction they will tit sold at the following lbw pric.s Ready-to-wear hat at 25c, worth 60c. Children's ready-to-wear hats at 16c, worth 35c, and at 50c worth $1.00- Leghorns at 36c, worth 50c. Leghorns at 75c, worth $1.25. Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat, for 75c. All millinery reduced for Hi, balance of the season. CALL AND INSPECT. MISS CAMERON.