The Signal, 1901-8-1, Page 4r. T luidIDYT, Aug. 1, 1901. THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO Observed by All. The man who is well tlresse 1 is ob- served by all wherever 110 goes. lflr clothes cau lit well, look well and still not be expensive. We are quoting artouiahiugly low prices for our clothing just now. Room roust be made for our fall purchases, and the prices wo ask are bound to clear the table.. Below are just some of the pricer. Call in and we will tell you the rest. Fashionable Suits. - 9.00, reduced to $ 6.50.. 12.00u 9.50. 14.00 " " 10.75. 15.00 „ U 11.50. W'e'll fit you and please you. We'll please all our friends. MADE RIGHT, LOOK RIGHT, ARE RIGHT. W.. C. PRIDIIAe1etT Perfect fitting Keay to•wear Clothing. Men's I'urolsher and Hatter. P. Ii.-lisve you .sen the new Ragil www, sea • for 25 mots &URAL waota ._party to win at the next election, asd the is no possibility of win fling if the men a ' ' aro looked up:n as M IrparasmRD Madera are go"og to q ter the party by sc- . EVERY THURSDAY MORNING I lions which cannot be de led in the prone or on the platform. The(, udon New Era, 111111 IA meiWNl•MT edited by a Liberal mdmber Parliament, has Roundel • warning • i thio lime, and the following from the pen • H. J. I'rnr i rn v., M. I'. 1'., is gospel t th on OODSR1UH. TH IBIDAY. AUa1Jal' 1. IA)I. THE VETERANS' IEO ACRE& THERE aro some people in this On- tario of ours who are of upiroon that the land award it0 the selenium of the Fenian Haid and South Africa is only -a new edi- tion of the proverbial "goal brick," std that little but the glamor oasts when the mind( into. .. details of the schema are examined A former captain of the fone during the Fenian raid writes a+ followe t•) the editof of TDR SIOSAL : By the way, what ilo you think alout the claim anyway! You, a, a pillar of the Reform party, ought to have some idea of what the Act means. I certainly bsliese tbat the intention of the Home. was to give us a clean immediate gift sit 140 acres in certain localities. Whoever drafted the Act has certainly misse'I tire. As It reads, we can only obtain a patent on performance of settlement duties, end subject to the' various statutes concerning public lands. Very graciously' the land is exempt from taxatius for ten years. but 1 think you will lied out that there Is nut now and will not be for the next twenty years any taxation on the land, sot apart. It is absent to expect that mem who were of fighting age in 1846 should become pioneers mel ret•b-down W the hardest of work in 1901." We think exactly as 000 correspondent thinks. The 140 acres should he a clear gift without any hocus-pocus work alout it. The men of 1866 are past the etetiui for becoming settlers in a land of hardships and short rations, eel if any benefit is to to get out of the land a_Wikni it shoul1 be given without restrictions so that the great• est benefit would accrue to the veteran. Otherwise It is a case ot "big cry and little wool." Let some junor clerk with braise go over the Act again and lick it into shape. HOW THE REFORM PARTY IS QUEERED. f OW in the name of common sense is the rank mid file of tin. Liberal party in (1n • tare) to keep its feet if alleged leaders of the party will insist 111E01 doing Unbolt things which are bound to act to it de triment. Die difficult enough for the rural eon • ■titnesoies to keep the party in power with- out having Cabtne. Ministers furnishing powder and ball to the enemy ; and yet it would seem that some et our Cabinet Min inters think they can do se they please• n•ul that none*: their doings ehou'd be encs Coned. And right here we may irform these gentlemen that if they exited support. from the Reform party they wail need to bo a little more cirrumepeet in their clomp. There aro any number of ltoform new', papers and thousand, of Liberals who are not prepared to swallow the words and ne tions of some of the Ontario Cabinet Min latera, and the sooner these gentlemen realize this not and quit acting as if they were in a bed of roses the better. It. will require all the grit and gumption of the provincial Liberate to hold their own at the next election, and this in no time for Hop. Joos ItsYflra to go into Delco( a ranching epecalatlone, or for any of his as. soclatei in the Cabinet to engage in other deals that may eome up in judgment against the party 0t election time. Tee G01N6 OUT or ilfllllll� „,,BICYCLES Entire stock to he aokl he fere September let. Tiityfive Wheels • at Tema than whaleeab prices. On ?idenl•y we will offer one Ilolerfoh wheel, new, for $20.00. Who will he the first to come for It t EMERSON'S BICYCLE sod Laic house Ole saint i011 - If outman news Items w hloh have a peered In the Toronto papers this week ar correct, sod trey doubtles.ly are, Hon. .John Dryden, Ootar: s's Miolst •r of Agrt• oulturo, has gone into the ranching busmen in Dakota. Of course Mr. Dryden, as an Indivldusi, he a perfect right to go Into bootees@ anywhere he please, but when • of A Canadian Minister rtculutre eve. R renobleg le the States ho give' the apical. ter•( Interests of this country. which should be to him a sacred trust, • blow that the people oan hardly be expected to tolerate Tots le not party quosl1oo,but one in giblets ' interested o this 1l0v:ncefe ver citizen of • y alike. We are ,pending thousands of.dol- Ian Is drawing the attention of the worl•l t) the fact that Ontario holds out the great- est opportueltes to those who wish to 011 Rage Ie •grlonitur:al pureed •, but how ea we expect people to believe these statements when the enemies of Canada hays simply to poin% to the Ontario Minister of Agricul- ture a a living contradiction. It is beyood the power of tongue er pen to fully oh et the bad effect of Mr. l)rydeo's settees, and the people of Ontario, Irrespective of pari y, will be doing only what their duty to their country rreutres, if they task him to (earn his Doitlolso and step della and out. H1s usetulnee as • Minister of Aerlculte-e, to the highest 1 the word, Is Roue. SNAP SHOTS. - The politicians are putting in their va- cation on the roter'listet -The voters' list new has the flan, (-id the politicians are aware of that tact. - A Provincial election before anew the. is the latest (tom the weather bureau. - The question that is agitating the pee. ticiana in Manitoba is, "Will Roe RItIARD note stay dead Y' --The middle -of the -toad newspaper(' are heg,nning to line up on their favorite polities' sidewdlke. - Tho ',rabbling politician ie like the hired mai plowing ori a stony hill. He's up against it every now and then. 1f Toronto wins the peseent in the 'Inge ball eompetitien Tor O. Soma will be a biReer plan in Toronto than the "Dark." -Major MAUD&, who is doleg the fish• Ion plate basineme for the reception of the " 1 k, ok," is e e idently a girl who understands her calling. -By the way, now would he a good time for the Tory newspaper. to take up the question of Senna Reform, and make it a p'ank in their platform. -The statement is the cablegrams that "the ]lucre are 011 their Inez leo.," which has dons ,orrice for over n year, would teal as to believe that the "IRAs legs" are last era. -It in devoutly to to hoped that the Duke of tbr'nwall won't thTRk that Cari5•liaes lire the lot of blooming idiots that the poopl- who have charge of the reception to hent would have hien believe. -The piper, are nmkieg a gnat how• deelelo about, the. HON. J. 'melee TART1. losing ordered by a 1lominion peeler to "keep IT the gramme at Major 11111 Park, Ottawa. For the life Of us we can't mea why the racket is raised. We were 011, 1• ordered to get oR the gram in the name park and probably by the same peeler, and oro didn't do a thing bus get off --in fact, we were pleased that we ooul1 oblige the big peeler mo easily. And we weigh a pound or two morn titan Mr. TARTR da', - physically. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING - ogee 14 A Nee INCA. Deminlon Presbyterian • The proposition to pay Mundy eehnot workers a to receive a trial to • Detroit ohurnh. The Unitarian ehoroh last week voted •eatery et $200 for the Doming year for the superintendent of, the sobool. tll0 Ill'RDEN 01 Tilt ►V11-4. Toronto 1tIr : Cabala would .bow mon growth of popolatiee, perh.p.,by the pies - vat (tenons, 1t It had ma: been neoessery to mealy real laving people to fill op the nen sue of ten veers •an, which eau ■tnffed to noneeal the. feet that the population wa n then almost ehtloe•ry. AN ATTRA'Tis INTRnn,rr rine, Cleveland Plain Dealer : The onnrt room eau hotter than tis Menden in a and storm Thej)edge was a weenie. the jury hail wilted. "Yon, honer and gm aOemeo,' sale the attorney fne th. defame 'I will 'Idalge r . no helmet argument. Ane preemie at ones I mv.hal the field 1.011.." Arid ha one bis ease, f1Te5io Ann MAlea Land. a AdvoeIier • Am regards Libel./,, beano mere than hold. her ewe, rase er y lath the other Provisoes. het see wink the Slate of Mau.. when epklbtise bee bets is fortis for half • oeatery.. le Malas the arreab for druokenuw dmrAg las piers 11190 95 were 253 per flit ulan-l,wblle 1n Oat arle for the ems 10:103 they were oat) 196 per thousand. VIEW nuy'T w'OKa1111• YLAON. gtra!fotJ llwuvn' Talking about flige, J amides ha en eahttet •1 the Pee Atari can Etienne:re an 1 tnsre is net • 11 tg 00 1t to Indicate teat it is • H.Ilnh volouy, A visitor. who buw,r,ns1 the gentlemen in Owe* reserving the oenteston, wax told Diet while Jamaicans were nye! 'Bethel out jests they sere not flig- worshe.per.. Ilowevor, he meatlsed le procure • dip out cf emulderatton for the euaceptibil ties et the Camilla' visitors. TAR R yoga CHOU'g Or Tars!. IVocdetock Flores, : Sunday s as the day set 111,401 in Miaselrl for prayer for tan. It wee set spat by the Ooyernor of the Stare as • day of fattest and prayer that the drought might be broken. The drought was not broken, but ell pteelous batt records were. lo Se. Lauf. Ills ther- mometer went up to 108 degrees In the shade. There was hardly • b 'nth of air •II day, end what helot there was eau like • beast from • furnace. Evidently praying Is not sae of the strong points of the Mie snarl people ; or rcrhaps tee wind was In the wrong dlreation. Ilsmllton Spectator : The Governor of the S ate of Missouri issued a proolamatlon enjoining upon the people to meet in their churches lest Sunday and offer up fits wet pi •ysrs for rain. The hat and droulh were devastating the growful crops, and unless rale otmo ruin would be the result to the (armors fur thla year. Tbat the praylog was (fleetly* may have ban evidenced by • heavy deampour of rain from toe end of the State teethe ether, air the first that had fallen in twenty eight days. It was no or diary rain for It poured down dinky the entire day and night. The growing clone took on new life, and the danger of a fail- ure is avertnl. %Vhnt man are driven to extremity they will then resort to prayer. 01.51 fay 010 T111 N6:1(0'0 l'tlt!tlt'A!. d,NI,i• VON. Atlantic . 11 the negro had heed forced to compete for evidence 1n America. hs neut.' hay° been crushed out by the civilized power, as the Indian has been, but the peculiar institution of slavery prnt.ad him not only from this competition, but also hy artitialal means from those great forces of nature which inevitably weed out the week er organlems, and which operate most unre- 'really epos the Ignorant wage. For tba,first time, pirhate, to the history of the war human beings hal been I re 1 sod reped the va'utbls stock with as l � mush 'Dare as la pa open the best horse and cattle. Al a natural cooso. n e Le sanitary00W:111103 of the duo c . t servo slatery was remarkable (especially by 000' e.t with his present condition). sad his growth we tbo abnormal growth of • Plant abnormally robed to a bot -house, Wbea.tteretore,tbis mss of nelplee te'.nge so. armee upon its own reaourcer bythe D act of emanclpatlon,aod when the protection of ,livery had been wtthdrewa, the d -rest wrptohednes and guttering lowed, (100)1 raw To KAYS 1R TIl aeras. • S.,fortb F:xoeitot : Mr. R. L. R hardens, who represented Linger, elaoltob eIn the Dominion Perham ent, has to,n unembid by the Emotion t odrt J edge. because of bribery tea events. An attempt to dbquahl► Mc. Ku bi, I an oro. 1 &Lenin. Mame ail os,, seven persona were reported for bribery and will, no doubt, he p•oseouted sad pc tithed in doe time. %Vs hope Mr. 1t cenrason will be again sleoted. Ile was one of the bat and most useful n e nal, in the Doxl"-riuo House, where there are too few Take him. He was not • favorite with the leaden and heelers..1 either party, r be o.ually spoke and wed as he considered in the beet inter nes of the people, troop/Alva of party 1»m - togs. Ile stood up for the people and in opposition to the corporations and morels ohne. and • m, t who does th•o coo not be spared from Parliament now a dnye without detriment to the oounIry. 1f the people el Lbtar are wise and know what 1s heat for them, Ih+y will retina Mr. Kith srdscn at the next election by such • mei'rely that the politicians and corporations will see that there is at lout one constituency In the Do- minion that they can not manipulate and oontro'. A 1..1I'K Oa 1111.'0 r.Nr. ('1 sloe New Era : Itis annouorad In the pipers that Hon. .John Dryden ail Mr. l'r•wlord, M. 1'. P ,have started • cattle ranch In Sough Dakota. 11 the statement Is oorreot, it would be jest as wise, politically. for Mr. Dryden to get out of It. Gaoernity /pesking • man bas a eget to do se he Ickes, but the man who is In ;Attlee will ocouion- ally tied It 1s sad pinny always to do as ho likes. Mr Dryden, et Minister of Agnew!. tare. will liui it d.fauli to justify h!s eheire of South Dakila as a plane even for prlcme'pecalallon 1e stook raising. Can- adians slum that their owe Northwest Is . aperlor to any Maori on the continent for stock netting pn ,vees. wed had Meows. Dryden and Crawford selected this as their steak *round the aacooes of that u*dm tat log would he,. been a aooree of grantee lion to Canadians. The p' litical ogroaeats of Mr. Dryden, who will charge bim with leek of !oyal'y la this out, will entirely Ig are the fact that Mr. Crawford le a Con- servative oo-rievative. They W'II say t.ls•i he It Mandy • private member of the House, and does not bold the fame relation to the public se Mt. Dryden, which is onrraot. If Mr. Drydha waste to bale the Liberal party In Ito next oampal{,.1, ha tee believe ho does, be should pat as few dilfiealtlee as possible In Its way, sad Oda is one which he should remove. CONNECTION WITH NORTHERN ONTARIO A Later ,rent Mr, Cler„we, w a. Ti twterest- ed In flee rrepe•at. Mayor Maokeodrdck of K'towline wrote to F. H. Cie'.ue, the famous man of the "Moo," ie regard to the construaticn of a talk; ly •lung the Lake Huron phare and reoelved 1'l. following reply : Sault Ste. Male, Ont., J,;1 5. 1901 (leorpe M. Meels enerlck, May. t, Klooardls*, Ont. Me Peter 4ette,-4 aye hese meek Inter. toted le reading - roar Jet ace of tee Ie/ of July, proranng more threes oonneetlee be• a wren Kiri-wants and Northwa °starts. The Manitoulin and North shore Hallway, a+ you may know, to delgnnd to connect with the ter,n4 Trrtk system as Warton, esteodlag thence northward to a omaneotion with the Canadian l'aotflo Railway and the Algoma ('antral Railway, thus making the whole of New Ontario tributary to ()Id I Int - ego. elle annoeot(oe with the tin nd Treek at Marton and the Canadir , P•oiflo at Owen Sound will afford advantageous die 1rtb,tloe of the raw materiel. of Nei -theta Ontario; but an Inopeolion of the map rc. reels 1 he fat thee the Important goer , on Lake Huron are givro such an awkward eon - sateen with this new r rate by the exist ig Ilnse se to 1. eve that snit praotlealty dep. snidest apes water (venation, thee making them "e1,1.s montes" teens.- Th. Sonthampton an 1 Pert Eye people ONLY ONB E18CAPB. A mai may break away (rorty pewee Int he r0000i get sway from the tertetre of rheumatism nntil he tare i), Hanes Rheumatic (:ere. It is the only reliahle remedy on the market, Mr. Charla. H. ('larkq Kingston, Ont., who for fifteen venni In 0uceseinn held the chin street centering centered mold not pit en 1115 Lots nr walk for rreral weeks. He tried hr. Hall's Rheumatic Core, and throe betties, with the Climax iron Tonle Pills, mm letelJ rnrsd him. Thi. great Mail purifier Is put op In bottle con raining ten days treatment, Price AO route ./ all dreg to,.. or The Dr. Hall Medidae Ott, $ilagpea, Oat. mtul go to H.•rl.ton beton they tan SSW Plot with the Manitoulin read a1 Wia►l.R, to flits any making • diversion of probably 100 miles to overcome an actual dl.tanoe of 12 mine, to resets the nearest on the Dread Trunk. The town of Kincardine suffer@ • elm11ar dlsadvant.ge, and alai tbs town of Ouderloh to a leaser degree. These (meantime seem to make It ones aero that the tnaua un Lake liuron should have • more direst cauvutlon with New Oatarlo If tine- see to putfuipal• to the pretia tf the develop.neu'e now under way The fret that the Lake Heron harbor ar• .till shallow pravoat1 lhur use by all the Lege elide of vesicle urowary to: oionotrpp,,e the tr•nepertation, and although my pre chasing agent has been speclfioally testiuet ei to uistrtbute hie order, as tar as as Mbb, among thee. Lek. Huron towns we b IVO, so tar, been ooabls to rive them very mush of our ratronage. We have establish- ed landings at these towed noes • week with our steamer 'Wedelns" and .he I double these sailings on the opening of nav I1atloa, 1902. F;ven a seml-weckty genie. will not gave us the close 000ueotlno00 should have to eerlve the beat adyantage from this part of Oatario. A oursory glans at the map would seam to lodlcale that • line from Alleatortl on the Grand Trunk to Sauthamp o 1, soother from 1 urea on the Grand Trunk to Gulerloh, wuuld,to cuoj000tlr n with the Crawl Trunk, afford Ooderloh, Kie ,erdtoe, lbrt 1•:It ie eiouthampton and ell the Intermediate towns a Hee to New Oat.rlo as direct as that enjoyed by the Southern (fetarlo towns. If .1 ironed effort were nude by the mmol ctpalitlee Interested, I think the Interest of the Government In 111• matter might Le excited, .fid else Manitoulin end North Shore would otentruet tate linos, acyl, doubtless scour* euuh running rights over the grand Trunk as 6.,011 ',more their co ..peretlon In a fay usable a ay. Such a route would develop new linnets and to seems to me acute net excite Or hatllity et either the Grand Trunk or Comedian Pecefio Railways. 1 than be very glad le co operate In any way I can to further your interests In the matter, ss the region referred to Is re•ource- tul In material. and stipple. which we vety agent ly re- uire. Yours very truly, 1. 11 (.1.111(001 Prsideat. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. A LITLaap.Y Pazet.a Sot.yap.-T'N Oita we Cafe to says: -"Elizabeth and Her Uer. mo Garden,"onwot tbs tayorlte•among 1i'e books. was publisb.d anonymously, and for some time was suopemed to to the work el the 1'rince.s Henry of Plata, Mie. Carnival le•West's beaus t beautiful daughter. or rat 1(eoa I R Y, Mr.-Mo(Irady, postmaster at Gatioeau l'olnt and the owner et the beautiful rose gardens there, after readlog the book with great to - tenet, wrote to the author through the pub lichen. la reply • must cordial and enter• raining letter name Irom the author, who turned at to ba the (bun tea Von Aroin. l'hb puts an end to oona:deralde speculate upon the sabjoot. Staler. 'I Reece, Fi. nee. -The August CAnadiau Magazine, In keeping with the arias•, le devoted to sport, travel and flcc!oo. Noble l'owell writes of the Rtrtbplece of h•polson, and the relics and mementos of ti in store., in Ajaooio, Cornea. S. Turner deecrlbcs • record trip op the Mate/bore made .t the close of last year's Alpine season, W. A. It Kerr rive• • hie- tnry,of "(tell in Canada," .howing that the gameae played In entreat as early as 1824. hese three •rtlolee •re profusely illastrat , the latter beta accompanied by Mgbleeo photographs. C. W. Nab write. of "The 11.,e of Outsrlo," lee article be'ig embellahed with three ezcalleot drawtogs. There le • fins collation of short stories in %ddutoo to the two serials now run nog to the maga-, n. A. T. Hunter make some • pungent criticisms of our militia camp,, wbtte. leer, A. temper Ririe utterance to some obeerv•tlons on tee progress 1 f the Mail time Pr J v ioCea. • Tnv 1.11.10'' 11"e1r lurRNAI, -Evident ly no deers has hien spared to msae The Ladias' Home .Journal for August a positive huon to its readers during then warm mid summer day.. 1' light, readable uncles, hrtght stories, clever posens,charmleg musks sod numerous beautiful Illustrations afford the neat . n•1 ptea'tnlest kind of entertain• moot for leisure hours. En. hanting views of the lovely scenery in the f';ogad'ee Valley amnn1 the Swiss and Italian lake., as wall es au ,h delightful •niche as "l he Singing t ill.ge of (;ormsnv' and "What Girl Lie to 1'aly Meana," allure the thought 1 to Biretta lands, while there are timely suggestions about "The Picnic Bane," Ke.ii nes House ('ool In the l)og-Dayr," awl "Mea Std• Toys and flow to Mein leen)." tear thorouge ly Interesting contrlbut ons are "The Fin t• Welts Baby (tn,.i ' 1 the Northwest," My Boarding Scheel for Dela," and the must esrlal and department articles. Ily Trie Cents Publishing Company, Phtl•delrhia. Ono dollar • year; tan cents • copy. A Fe•rtuo NI'NItr.R.-Sorihner'e Meg.• zine for Autrnat 1s the simnel flatten num. ber, and it nenaai•ns ,even complete short Merles, the h•gt"ntng of a new serial, and special illustrated artleles and poems, The color -printing is show.) at Its best is the et quint° work of Maxfield 1'arrish, who has fru14 a very enme ntal abject In griller - Couch's story of toe Cotstsh r net, which ha. to do with • olse,ical legend. Thems drawings •re the mat remarkable In color which have no yet attempted. The lead• Ing ,notion is • novelette by Richard Hard. Ing Davis, entitled"A Derahot," wbloh de. pine the character of a brilliant but orratto newspaper correspondent, who write the hest story of the destrnottoo of th• Spanish fleet at Santiago. Another boa story by .James It ('onnolly, the new writer, le tilled with that •done of deeoripttoo and rapidity of movement whish distinguishes all his work. .1. A. Mitchell, the sot her of "Ames Jndd," begtme a short serial to ran through the frill months, entitled 'The floes ot eery." This is to the author's romanno asd whim.tnal veto, and le alert of op -to (its "1'aul sod Vlrglata," the ..tens being • promontory '1 the Ht. Ltwronce le ver. Jesse Lynch William,. who hes written for Sorlbner'. • number el articles shoot as peon of New '.ort Ctly,describe■ "Racal New York City," shoots/ how one may go another and fishing ; ten ('hinyse farmers 111 work ; .lett a typ:oal cnuntry stern; and ret less in the wend., all wlthtn the city limits. Mrl•etnnr0T MAOt/roR AND Rwrtan FOR Arctic?. - Protestor Gnl•twin Smith's brilliant oharaot r study of " Alfred the Greet" le completed, anoampanled by large half -torr of the new ata'ue to be tweeted to hie memo ; in New York. The Bret rd three 0 rely Illnetrated papers on The Builders of Nova Moons," by Sir John Itoorinot, is given, ratline the remanes end herobam of the 1' E eremite settle- ment 'n that i'rorinne. Mies Isabelle Hor ton oontrlbatee &nether of her argal.lte literary men, "Phoebe, Meter and Ser- vant," 01 wh eh every tide woman will delight. A seal searching paper. by Dean F' a solemn srratgemeft of lib onuntry at the threehnld of the new sen Ivry -his all of his Imperialism(' elerlaenes and earnest rrir!t. A eh/tractor study of this great preacher, t. th perorate ie ales elven. A •ke'ch o1 anima treed en the Rhnne,by Joseph Pennell. H Illes'rated by twenty of hie ohar•etant "0 et thing.. Mise Maud. P. tilt his • brief lint brilliant Illustrated pepar nn the premennn.y ramblings of the Frush novelettes, and the Rev, T K. Del - Ter, R A , • gnalyy paper en Epitaphs. A oympsthstle charantm study of Mn. MCKtnley,IJThs Indy rf the W hlte Renee,' an •pprr.-latha settees on the We Dr. R. H. `(teres, a riper by the Miter se " Ihiaan• rasa, A intent and Mode. ,,'• and three fere.ling @tort atones, make wp a number of ann.nal nearest. Termite: W:'llam Beiges. Montreal t C. W. Coates. Hal- t(ar M. F. Hustle. 87.00 a yew: $1 00 few Mr Destbei. irse' e At the British Cosines on Tuberculosis Dr. Robert Keels sad there was • radial d.ffereoei bewares the human and bovine cheese«, sad teat cattle ueuld not 1• to tatted with human tuteroulale. He was slim 'snide I that human bangs were not bailie to Infection from Cali le. Sunlight Soap'; +Adds Comfort fn the Work, to Cleanlinestior the Linen. Deducts the Caresof Washing Da fronathe Elouse' wife's busy 111e. X Multiplies by two the Life of the articles washed, Divides by two the 'Hours of labour. itfaaefschnveby Lewitt Brothers Limited, TORarr'o► RIIYNAS have purchased the select stock of furniture i C iron ornell sit Son in the Bedford Block and have in augurateil a great :10 days' sale of everything in the store -- Household Furniture, House Furnishings, Pictures, etc., etc. The Underlakina Department, ... is replete with the best in the market and the service we give cannot be surpassed in the 1)o minion. Prompt at•ention given to night or day calls. .v( 01St RHYNAS & CORNELL, Ite,lfonl Dlie k. South Side Square. l'pholoterdng, PReture•frammg and Pack rig on short mite*. we rare I I a s n full line of Screen Doors and Windows, g(tt ff Lawn Flowers, Garden Hose, Garden Rakes, Spades and Shovels, Paints, Oils and Var- nishes. PLUMBING and HEATING a specialty. AT SEE & SHEPRARD'S TORONTO EXHIBITION Aug. 26th to Sept. 7th,'01 $6"[000 ATTR CIT ONS pMS $65,000 Naval and Military Displays Daily. BRILLIANT SPECTACLES Bombardment of Take Forte by International Forme Greatest Lite Sleek Shnw en the Continent All Our ('nunIry'. Reenacts*. Novel and Hlgi4,'las Entertainment Features MTLTTARY TATTOO, Atl(O(JAT 77TH Groat amnion of Canadian Old Rny, and Old ('allege Stridents TURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3an REDUCED RATES All LINES Or TRAVEL ANDREW HMITH, F.RC President H. J. 1111.1., Manager Sale of ,..,r' . • . Summer Goods. Everything in Light Summer Stuffs must go at some price. Regular prices or even cost prices do not figure in this sale. lat. Colored Blouse Silks aro at and below cost -from I5c. to 50c. Some of these Silks are worth 75c. 2nd. There is about 120 yards of Colored Dress Muslin• left, which you can got at less than wholesale price -from be, up, 3rd. SHIRT WAISTS. There la only 12 white and 8 print Shirt Waists loft, which you can buy at a sacrifice, as they must be sold. You ghoul i sen our Black Silks and Black Dregs (]softs, They are great value at regular prices. Terms Cash or Farm Produce. 'Phone 86 J. N. COLBORNE. Tourl*ts w ill 111.1 (ht-cial NIentkia pal to AMERICAN TOILET REQUISITES Segue ..f the 110%1 est. line~ just In. �a11UEEN'S CHOCOLATE" BEST 80. CIGAR MADE IN CANADA DAVE YOU TRIED IT I YOUR PRESCRIPTION PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED 3V.• ,0111 at the highest. stwr.lard ,d exoeliotr': in this work. W. C. GOODE, CHEMIST. t r ANNUAL W411461444,• AUGUST CLEARING SALE We are offering.. the following Bargains • Bamboo fish poles, were 10 and 15 cents, now 5c each 5c each IC dozen tion lines, were 3 cents, now lc each Apple pare:', were 1;0 cents, now Mie each 11.10 each 2._'U each discount from present price. 10c each 40c doz. 20c each 5c each Flobert nIIee, 22 cal., were 13.2v: now.., .-----._.,_---•-••--13.00 each 3.50 each Donbleberrel, breech loading allot guns, 12 gra., were IS, now .... 7.00 each 15 dozen padlocks, from 15c to 25c, now 10c each Hay fork handles, bent and straight, were 10c and 15c, ase- :r1-`w each Wire harness snaps, were 5c each, now 2 for 5c Three -joint dish poles, were 15 cent', now German meat choppers, No. 5, were :l .25, now Orrin in tueat choppers, No. 12, were 12.50,now 50 dozen table knives and forks at 10 per cent. Electro Silicon silver polish, was 15 cents, now Electro -plated tea spoons, were 50 cents dozen, now Screen windows, were 25 cents, now . • or. . , Garden syringes, were 10 cents, now N. D. ROUGVIE, Cash Hardware Store, Goderich. A GOOD SHOE... should be fashionable, of good wearing quality, nice fitting, and keep its shape till the:sole parts from the upper through long use and wear. Such a shoe Ts the EMPRESS, of which we have sole control. We have a full line of cheaper shoes in stock. Wm. Sharman, j Slater shoe Agent._ ._- ASK YOUR DRUGGIST -FOR McLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER ,TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD. Goderich, Ont. Mill Wood FOR SALE The al nve is cut into stove wool len.yth and will be delivered to any part of the town the game day as ordered. Orders received hy telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER MCP.WAN. Gederiob, November Ylet, 18ig1. i -3u Slnllg Slllts, oorcots The man dressed 1. • Doll made at one stere atw.v. looks Trim. se Is le the amtntlon of every mein of taste to look. A large range of cloths to choose from. 11 yea are onn1mplating geeing • 11.5hl evsesat der spring wear, give ea • ("hares to terve yew. Primo right. H. DUNLOP was woo