HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-1, Page 2r
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11-1-11k I 56s .w^x•' * • t t, It ak' 'i", '14. 1q '1 I r,� Ie4- IW u�'; ib,.:t�`�`..> z i+fr ,�G",'v.�':'..''�" '� t aLlt..'b..'k°'i.x 's:'�._'+. ''S�N.�»-.r*t,'? s _ ... . '"1 , -F.. _ "�x..:•�.s �."eR -... -
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The Si/gnail - 51A( IIINVACY, uu , KINGS SISTER UNCLE SAM S The Markets
--,. Sig
Onlooker, writing to rite (UtMdl TIIP tlmr-huM+red apprhenaba Last year lucle bull added 43,•iulf E A Is 11111 a 0 04-A I I
. raslaAaw ' J rn,ly l of Fabrics Intl Thr li li U. VERY ILL. LN D LOTTER
ngRr T9CRmDAT YORlfllf0 Mutt t'+uoad+t might Ito rl'ah" "'n- new named to Lid pension roll. Prn-
'Prage l'undluoor, rmyr It Ir npeu U. GI,.1 h) the w•tUrulenl of nuU,e+ of
ST D. ■t il'UA.AOUIll J 'lour creat lat about �� per c npitu oo* Ing t Wheat llrhedLt
(pjirr Utrll wllPl iter the preferential t1u+ l'nll lxl Blnle" e►nx,ng ua TILL/ of lite psupulall0u.
- - tariff mart bear till the 111ume fur ut0set away. Shortly after the F011uwlIm nre h the wheat yu0lu-
------ 1 Curtomo out{wrt. tt0lw tit Iw{crrlunt uratrer
TNUPADAY, AUDI?ST 11 I! OI. the '\limens of hard timer In tit*' war of 181L'-14 It war At it"height, _ July t'lepl.
c'aIlaILLit wmden munutaclr+rlem. Isn't an alirtl law war posrrd to re- Mr. Sheldon In going to write " Has Not Left Her Room In la.a.agi "• ^••• "... f0tl61 : 1kJtlU:!;
There art,, A/ lite Tholes pointed „tit atr►cl (hut rla0s Of (mmiRratb,n, la bOak On Chle&9" r-lumr- What rir+er Disposal of Farms b Lot 'xew Yt•rk... ...•...... 07s lib U 7.
1N1'UY1'S AND KX11011TM• .,,m,. days ag•o• other canteen. "Thr the rxlrnet, rt -1301119 to Kings%tin, ha know about them? Strait at / �'Iblodu ... . 07(1 11785,4
Weeks. lluluth, No. 1 nor. U 8U a-! 0685,4
Tho foreign tradn pf Canada tier ,•„Id Atornge syrtt•Itl IN tine of tll,•la. wlllrh we, copy in another column least gave the subject 001110 rtu+ly, Begun To -day. d 'I'uronLo Frrwor✓ Illarkel.
the thyc&1 year 1!100-01, whish By thin "yl:trm the tranopt-r/atl.,u ++t from A document dated 1T" It will and war 11111+ to lacurpurute tables July LJ.-Uuducra wait fairly lie_
rnillsl le June ;101 h, wan larger frozen meat limit created ale rnorm0ur lop obrrrved that the tupinba then look a may of the brothel dl"lrlot. tilt• uti the 'trent maarket horn ll.,.
than the .trade of Abe pr,ytrtulg Muritel in F;nropo for beef tinct !cut- prevalled that settlers from the - IN MEMORY OF HUMBERT. day, aaad thtrn was a gruel ,tll.•n.l-
on tnrnl tlu• cuhrdcr mud PI"ewhrn' 111Uax1 litattr would tight agalurt. It now seem' that the Now York atwc of buyerd and ''More.
year by About $13,O(11JANW, Moth rx,- , A lintoC virt•s Judgment which %% Ito ONE CHANCE IN THIRTEEN Wheat -Our hundred hn"hei, „f
port' and Imports showing a►ti In- Australia, New• Zesahtunl, 1i.suul Amer- 111') not for. Britnit► In the event PM'P _-__ SOwte NOW at 1118 L-211: tie our.
"Ino tleolara the ,aalldlty u( lbt• b
P)rease. TJIa tlguros p0av available Ica, all rhrrpe-grazing tsrunlrlem, lucre of n M+ate• They o1W not oW ro dor- hour law did cut uttec4 it at all. but Oates Kevin huudrel burluls r,d'l
are swbjrrt to tPv'Idun, corp•' tit the funnel that !neat payee better than lag till. 181:! unplefoumtlwm still Itallars Mold Anniversary bervices Ic lower. at 40 to 41c.
,t n•urhel wool. Nut ur lhu liner bnarin tit merely .est the ease under consider- da Ili* Possible loo,001)%AsUora tiny and Straw-llny war ptfrn•q
rein 'iii not h&\'Ina y' we ac�e wflhlatersat AcalculutIOU "tion to the common low cuurta to rather ►lentifull and r
p entitle. upon the Name subject in th18 Make 1'llgrbraaeo to tits Toutb Mar t'u l IT,'/ ►! Pia l a i k'epee plentifully. priced were,
The exports donu•sltr AhePe that formerly pnslucr.l th,e 11e tcrteA. • - unebaup;rd. Twenty loci' .roll ,it
Produce by ChtrsPs iter ileo fiscal meriau wool' tire of little \alae for )ear, Lt10t. Tile vi'Jampeg TO, N'orelaaers tlulldlrg Itrrruccs In lValtlrg-Ked of&ColorAl M'rud $IL to 61:1 fn's tou fur tial &till ill
yParv: iJ00 and 1'JOl wire "n fOl- the meal warket, three brooms have grit", (Conw•r\ative) Pays that of I'lltsburs 1 -teased at t'rusyect to SJ for new. Straw, war weaker,
tern n•pince••t by larger utilma{n wore the 11,(100 iuuaigrultN who urrl,ed In The slow progre�w of justice In the Slsangiad. rix load* selling 61 to 1112.50 lower,
laws: United Ntuter is illurtrasted by the of riettenneAt of the Steel Btielke, &I 684[„0 to $10 p•r lull.
1'toilrce• me. 1'J't. snti.dartury, +les mutton pralucer6, Alberta, last lurch, nine Out of ted Crouberg, July 29. -As a result of huller-Ltteeral offering* roti tun
MIIne _.....,_......6Yt.:r+e.�l 1;et.o.�s7a the visit oflrof.Ileuv'ersfromBerin,
Ytdherler...........• n.tw.osa e,,,p,;G! lint bearing coarser wad. Thin 0366 balllsl (row jilt, Land u( lila lRurn M'ulineux case. The death of Mrs, ' EI Ilrnr, 0. T., July 2J. -Ove tit lho "ready demand tit 18 to 2U• (hr
Furannaill. 11Ite'63eist ;y'r.ci'�" of a'0o1, the elle U( which each yvac nod etrl{xmb mud It regard' thrsP Adumr toot place on 111cc. 28, 18981 It ►s officially unnuuncud that the greatt•tit lotteries in history wait choice pound rolls, a shade .enure Mt-
AolmmlenAdiNlr.pra yt.utl.•■,7 ;,.t,(q.('•fl from the Vast fhx'kr in the rout her° tmndt;nurtr Am the • \•Pry MeitI the Mollneux was. arrested on Feb. L'T, ooaditlou of the Dowager l:mprerr lx•Kwl hero tttls morning. 11 wu0 fug cunitilnwt in one tit two ink..
dirt„ Il,'q,T ,ItC7•rr 18'Jfs. Judgment of the Court of Ap Frederick to aut rutisfut-tury. Icer oil
una•a. ('rocky were under And us.
�v� r(rnurI0 niodtrinn, item,''lire's must reach an enamour country couhl get, because they un- y chuagovl. 1►t li to ITe.
M„nuMe•tun•a. ..-...-... 1-1.'r1l:S'+; i,a,u1:.:+,= lMnl coined Into the \earl lnnrket dewtand ptulrfe tanning• wit^rear locales will be given &Icon- Oct. L IJAjeN•ty liar est left Dur u{xlrtwuu tit ootlductod b the k'erorul l.uv-
illbt•. Nni0C. 9a.lrs /I.ce# __ _ for the Just'few week/, azul though rrnmrpt ht dlm{wning of lII,lJl]D guar- k.p(gd-New-laid were rcnr�e mud -,
l'dnrudDullion....• t.a:*•1st Z`•Oi In direct comletltim with the wood "tho old country farmer, and, to a Investigations luta ehatgrragnimt wlxJtaul bulletin* have not yet bucca
ter wctbn clutmr, thrown upca to to gout demand at t5 it, 17e. IIeh)
-- - --...
ToW *165.lt~e,aim 6177-Mlu= frtem more northerly countries. (*'in- t.'sw'r extent, the loan from eastern the License inspectors will be held tarueJ, they pato ruuu lou has beend. rttock was plentiful an weld rlu8lj
The partial failure of tits wit at adn brine! one (If theta, where the i ssur Ou the Kh\t►u-Ctrm,ul-
l'nnrtda`Ilw" been oarocd to very elft- t'rinue@r I;rtir)' te( I'rurslu lino Deep at L" :o llc.
olsabl at N'cxxdnloct, Ixrridoa nM1 Slone)' ,it the cattle on a flying v'blt, Lite,olio rrwrrvutluue• 1'uultry-l'hlckenr were Lite uturt.
crisp in Manitoba hint yearpn y Coarser hrerdr tet Aherpprevail; \yilh fcrent uMthods and hap praeUcallY Creek, complaints having beenmade yluunl Itinx 1Iu1116rrt. Pio public e\rut in Years In the activo fowl, and the recetptr worea.-
ex{Aains the [a11ing oft in P%iv,rts the Inrvttable Mmult of Iowrrinict(le to begin 110 education all over its Ilpn, Mr. Stratton that violations Ittoure, July 21J. -The flrwt ulwlv'er- eouthowal has attracted so much large. Young bird' old at 10 to
of agricultural Produrta, Th"re+tre price of the raw mnt"Lal tit+ rueh n again'' Thrn, ngaata, the 'Telegram of the liquor law at those potato nary of Lilo tragic death or Klug of a beton a thin one --the g of UuT-on, Boa pt't pair, aceto 75 to .oz,, ,+ml
rubsUntitil fnrrrn.P6 In lit^ ox- joint that the wewlen nlnnafaetitrern g '•the radual ab- Hunibert, who wits arratimin -ttsl at tit a attw method of dlapuwng of 0Or- old ought 5U to 7;x4. -
L(nq It dl(flcult to manufacture :►t a ot", un to wry, g have not blies' prove,cuted with sat, llunui, ,roar pilau, Jul) _Jth lust, by crnmeut haallr One hundred unit Drt,ered lhrgt Ytrndy nm! un-
ix,rts of minerals
;nil manufactures turptiot inlu• the Canwdian peupleof tl_rfeut rigor. nth-se�0 � nit persuur, each changed art i'•r-• to FJ.7,, Iv r cwt.
erofit. iN rPiuTf-is It 7Alt only - _tyi�IiiS _ _.df atm SdactAcur Brazel, un Anarchlrt, who in tldrtstlt tit wtu-
_.T __ _
and ti hear)• rlsdvclloa in the -esti" t I n Iarga w•ae sentenced to Info impr[ruumeat, 'rorunto NruH starter:
;hpt,f coin and bullion. The devehefr }n Canada, Mut In Great Britain And arras' roust, of seeesrlty, draw wen t?pees Vfetorh was born rite soul who ooumltteal'uretic by hang- slog a home/te+ul. w•utrht,d the Ites•rlytr at the IoN•ul warkr•i wrrFo
evrAt Dere, or at a datuutc•oI (or
_yasl al.--1--ing.-,and- a pwna- -Lvice of wool (s atlas of Olaa;ow was 186000; lug birMselt in his cell on May :'3rd, Ir tit heavier today, am.otutinit t'- ++•+r
tile ,imp y r itflt oeltbt'ated today by- &pit.. -an dame from every ti0l l�,l ng , fir.+ wit+ a it-" ,kr
Of "ell exportable product" i)t the prr"ent moment les such thgt nu.l clover together. of course the slatiba of the pit anti suburbs eftrto tit Alto unkin. The drawing
As Iron and waaf Ip, will lend to mensurative services throughout to ace on a platform built tot were
1, however, , nnd Nr• ufh rui .a
Pulp, the Pellere tkr not care to NP1I, nn:f Ilte ro !H Lit:• chance Abut an American- IN naw nlnub 980000. Tin vwluo Of Italy. horde b the Centro of obrerva 1i1 were quickly G,UKht up- I'd ter
reduce the exports of (trot Atutre, the huger with Ilenvv mtorka of ehrap lze 1 Canada wou:d pref er tlu Starr ted corporate c•atat- of the city wan ti1a, ,at them ora 100,011) \lt+lton the purpose lu the op,u air, e f V CldsrtRbuuL thw If"t art- sl n ty nal
for LhP 'canon that lite honest roar- \\col nu hnn•I ii in nn hurry tat buy. queen's birth 9:243,O.i8; now here on u pllgrimuge to the tOmb Of Muck+ sway, ftt,en the c. titer of F nncbtoairh We gt•ot,•: Bnnun.nm px•r
an•1 �Stripn+ to the unit Union Jack. tit ted tea kill4 Humbert in the i'AptbOOO. Reno. tdituated at tilt. flout of Nov- banal 61.30 to 6-; elterried.
kvt will aMtorb a greater prupnr I, }N Ipupew,Iblr' that title Nista Of but tlrtt chance a -'mit esu remote that IL tat 113,.'500,000. Glasjciw is quite a p •r a, it.
tion ll the produce _p the „n Ia adolltiun, meaner" Of the royal cent rnl:all hills, which formed a yea- tet, t'O• to SI.Y;; eurraatr, .blu,k.
lldlerw awn ,No without its ctfeCt it may well I►e 1,tuon:d. Tpkr f.•r`ex gttwvlly plan family, denature and deputies anw•w- fest amphilhentre, the platform per backer. $1 w61.'11; currxntr, earl,
farm'. Instead of-erraflog b,•Pt the Canaidbaa w•on(en trades--'Tbe w.w the cyuonurr tie th•su-
naps', theltttl t/►rrtirof (ifadl k'orkr, Ore:ut I/ the Injunction. An Anti t �k� trltul to tate part in I"r Markel.. 40 to 600: Inosetwrrir n
to Llvri nil. h the ceremonies. Tito weather was locate of eye's Ycuyig occupied
Calgary iN Iry•nerat lidlO •, meanwhile, rvj,leP" 1"' It. l'., tip Par cent. of wh'r3P p(gou'n J per haskrt. tlmall, :3 to s0 m d nue
oiler)' tacit, aluost of the A{ruct+
wi l Ree to RomPtitI tip i N,dsOn In 1 p Von were Mxu tu' tit + *Outh u[ acs. Arloor, llieh.. man Ins got an is- flue, , e the uitins r\\'Pre orewdrd, 40 to 'Os, 4trRo 73 A o Tar• :lite klrlr r
t,hrn o mutton nnd rlu•n clothinC. but The cervmuuler cnmmepecst at 7 crowed about, and ev.•ry ux„rw,•ut rf.w p^r trtmk.•t 75c LO St.
British CAnmbir, to (east the miner:+. lite mauufnctun•r (Inde ft n dHflcult Tla y nrr snore l',tnndlup than tle' 1'nietion against a neighbor to lire- 0f the Go,erumt,ut ulf-cnais un the
cent him from 'A N•akip g O'claet in the morning, when the Turn
I,Ire Stoop Hrrk/lr.
who Till l expart I -Ad, copper and jilt- In
how it, finance hlm buslnems Caundiani, anti firmer In tuelr all -91 S g or writing King, yucrn Melena, tlurpu Margher- email ry"ce buow war watch.sl With Ytp're ciettle,yhotor.pdawa, it 'e1 a to
ver. Much of the .wheat wo)dc•h In a soc-raidul'mnnner." a rwe to Britain than any Other (4 to, visiting, or In any wise tneddling it,a and tjnreu Mnrl:a 1'ia (Ik►wagrr (111" must ly vat a interest. duon,di"r............ ........ t e Ir.
"with" tlse • atilt loner'6 wife. 51111 t,'ueen tit 1'ortugul as l & prl.ices s o! I.1 Irl uw yrrt rluy carni for fua)' F:►sx,rl Lvrr . _. .• ......... 73 110 1 u
woul.l !tor from Manitotw to Livew- Fibro lands F.abrlc, another trade tIw Kiag'r subjects. It ►s not w) lung P 1:,.(w0 people, anq tie- traw■ that huWrer•'aewe welt.......,,/4tit tit 071
lloml Lite house of Savoy) and tier princen
fool, if Mr. ('IrrRpr anti Iter. journal, mrptl•eam romellting else ,tgo tltAt an` aggregathrp of Amerl- that may be an Improvement on the nand prlricer.er prayed at the tomb tit tam In during th • slight mol Mesita ltutehisr. catUr. ebON&.... . 1 its u 1. w
Hutches' earth, fat......, ... 3! i. is t jo
nn't Mr. Moxham hall nOt !;nnr in- that ham A twArlilg on the question: eaii c'apbtall4to de,lred c"tatn Pith!- /holgleu method- ------,- the Into King. The royal forty ft"- Will; t++ubled uw number. Hundred* u( do , -uwt.- dill t•• t y _
g legis ttt►lo tit W\vn. Tllry dht auL a'nnlr nttendesl m,wA, AL lU o'clak others are still bound this way• do raw+ .. ............. 30 w 374
to manufacturing. will bit mail -,in- It W the continued use of anti uat, Tho first envelope taken Crow the du bull. ser to 31e
to Motor and eaten at. S,•ullt StP. 0,41 machinery rrndorlpg k impossible get tlwm. ''ih'. people+tivl l that such Now the Toronto World tells; of the high mars was u•IPbrated In the P nulle,oxaur4 heir 'ever.. 3 73 w I ii
Pauthmin, which waa imPozingly wberl•oontalned the name of Jntaum y..�d
Marie, SMlbury nal S),Inry. The to pralu o ptarfeot g.xrtbe, 'Inrrens rights rlxrtlld ytF,ne be graat:d to hone-dolning of u prominent Torun- It. Wised, of N'tentherford, Oklnhonp,, bullA..L.bo.-kLo sr..... zw to 773
decorated Inside and uutrlde, Yulim.o port.ls L. i u to a 7.,
general trtxhrm•v will tee to reduce, Ing tit, cost Or manufacture And Brltivtrers. 80,,WO, wuu11 ttae major tonluu tram an extended visit, to Acts vs. WordP. In ito
had registered fora komeate:ad a,,. little
un 3.rr ," -I t
W w tied regi s dhd for• do h*hl .. . 3 ii (o .t ,t
thrbulk of our rx{N,rts,thnengh uul creating dlseektioduc-tiun among tie(' ity of tire new settiers In Alberta Manitboba, who says the DoukbObors Loadon, July 2T. -Tier Shangllsl MIItt1O IL lk,a of Wsistta, Kan- -SON'ken.awu,r■rlba.......... Iter to o:,
lite ca1nP, UfWrallYl{ whorl eArDipgn elOp Isco IMS nttemIL lit Anx'ricaaixe :tre so bill] as tit -y !lave been cotrrerpondent of tilt, Gl.Aw, cAbttwg tde txf-twwrvwudksifen....,...
{•fF suit, whose birlhphl0 a les ie. lflaoinarl. Mflch artsi o►r►... A w :+, 7e.
1lcporlr have kept up wP'h the when their. machines, neo to'n'ic l'nnadn. flow merit mere e.7, then, pulnted, mad will auk-• goon nrttlPr6. to-r41y, wyr: •Tlir nasurunes girew_ drLw raouitb two, :Qui f Lilo Law- beep. coca ..scot. tits to +
\aloe J1e1nR 1111bi,_35,a89 in 1901 • fitted., Milli that linYP mode the w'il tit ynrualpt'r g prratio'1.Iio:n nn 1 fu the I�uuse of ('owmons ou .luny 2831 do. 111-. ..... ...... tits to
Ault the Worht is not pr+•J_edi", 1,IJlL } Loral Cranhornes, titi I'n•ler-1'or- tu'r iter: Over
Tho Inevineent \vent d" 0111-. awl w 3to
ngatatat 6180801.316 In 199, "" nx,st in ,ney have kept a ternp iron bre•t under tile- new final rally to its their favor. eblgru Secretary, that the Frenell and n,lItfk4dot:o nice rho gLii(i ono H. tit , nth- ,q, ts., .prtnr, t ...ch ......••••. I to tw
y eta for p,l,rayo air have ,sit 1. tie st,cond hand, _ troops out doubt Wood nnd MIM" It •a re, who smol., rr,r IrerA . 7 M w A tis
average rate of drif on ImW xnppxrrt in time ie.( trouble. No; tb German trop are only trmprrnrfly intro thus won tit•• tight t„ w"'i" lioetu Conn. •o p r cwt..,..::... 733 w to ,so
(consumption was 16.90 in 1901, as 'machinery that han pa"merl out of Amerlean Immigration La Wrest, rn U the storlrs of lawle"onerr that here, nre ,refuted by the fart that noir, cure nil - . I". b One
___ both nathrnnlitles are erecting /ear the flit filing', will a• I, o: the two dog-,r+sm. ww . wa........,... 4 73 w s.a
romparetl wFi i -M iii -I111", into',late. other atanufneturera have Canada conLalns Wit Plem"al. Of dad- carpo from British U,•tumbia are t,rue Ave, permanent barracks, which will quaratlr aat14) adjuudlg; the Luw- dap, 11'11 per owv.L. ,. • is w $ A
the old tariff. 1'bis Is a substaillial plxldtxl nlong with their old tip- ger. 0.1 tit^ contrary the stirring new iMr• authoritlpm there. tire dn)fII » Lon tower in the dimtr.ot, nn I which '-.PPrawt.............. . 1 A W t J.
-- complete, Indlcat-
reuction Ilk tazatlo4o, although I p I R lAtr two enrn to
oocuyxtLiun aro Ilia 1);IiWhen o cru .ie rth Sc1.lIl1U Cks.N Ilrrsels.
wralsv, lot: even kec Tila Iw bot' we brrnx TrPsh vlpp� i4
there Jnr been an Ipgrrsae of rev- to what new lmprovewealarl l nvP apcP• an 1 lien to k ell u+, as Brat,h- rbnr eau" annle, and exhibiting 711 contemplated." �' e.1 l When W. U) er :uluionne I O^,lenrbsrg, N. Y., July YT. -At the
use �. Y Y
p p "pnrlP.nnew that may yet cost them the woman's age am !.J, and drat h.•r
--- ur n•ttn11 of the (]hews Wised jollity
cane nater the lower tate, awing bit romp into vac, lead at last have bPea res ever haves tensa. 1111 tDC.forefr ant door., 0411011104110111of these day' notion to nes- SELF -EXECUTED BOXERS11&4!4&1 in 140 Namties lila of Yr. t:, I„11+ 1,570 boxes, offered. IIILrL
Irlereaerd Importation -so. Had the old brought to faltltra by not discard- among Abe peoples of tile - .
e earth." cert tine taw will be forced upon Wuod, twouty thwunuud p•r.ono, ,dot td 1, 95-16c. No rales.
4allew ixea retalsedt. the taxation lug the o17 for the'n.•wi. in throe -- - -- them, SO there nomehotly tilay get rl►wntetl in 'loran: "Thr) uaust get I.ou,Faa. Ont., July 97. -At to they'll
would have been 6-1OOp.t:00 greater. days of rophf mechanical progress it Cnktn Mnm^s ('roil kit -ks for keete- -_ Iluw'1'bry Ohryed 14e Urger to!let luauteied.-i market IS, faatorl" utferel :'-lit.+:,
hurt, leff'the Essetb. bootless Jut elo r.P adored. Saler 1.0
Thin year, the' Manitoba-4erresA tnt,r-1mt comparatively few yPAral bllinlivz lkthrelnrr in n state t.( par- Irnd 1 r IrraJ. 7
tint 1m rbarwum-nt, tits- stockade Ir int( To�l Uporge. Hampton'' etiplana- l.trrtekrw, July :.'9,-.11 CholneeP paper Trad Load. ('.d, Jl ly 2».-PIIII Mc- tit 9:d -tit. 9') al. 9T -Eyes -
promrx+ to be laigrr_than ever tae- Inn _JIYZD a,pePde,1_ptachinefY ta_Irs- p Itr•Ilrvill •..luny ?1. --At tiv+ mretinR
P cad the other I•roclncer 11AYP rams• deficient In esralag •capacity Nn�fit7m+4M by n iencr-of wire wrt0ow tjpR--tiont--LOCHmHtivet-aed ivlprhtge PubollMll"d- �tL,.�'t�IP..IItW ablAl&rYl 111M \t'ilttalm i, a rap Ilwtl tlYlatt /a inn ,d lits. (214U-"! Bonded belt] 111- Ilk-
for , trnlrrtrtl by srutipelm. Ii title `ere ptrtharel In the United followitrg details retail,,! to the anrfie -below town *1 WT-aaT tllle- Iw there were Offers.! 1183 ta,ve.
not much to complain of It may or to M• replaced by 1mpro1e!J de- 1 destth u[ the Wall O(flctAf6 Cllau-Ctna- +at4rkxu 1'arlce anti frim won Charly. y
\1^.114 atA then its UAP terga n m111 IAntr alio Ilya til ,:lc, with tier dog, in Stated tut lite Indian raflwoye, Chau. Yuba. Clalets, itol Prince PArice. In Nin flgh that occurred white rLeerme. The axles were .n let
los cuniMently anticipated that rite - - an tile, a ►,-., litxlge me 8 /S, rt !i 7 x }
trade o[ 1QOL-0' flue til -&I year tip, ,►t u disadvantage to competition ux smrtll ronin. [or which IAuc tiny", only headline the Brltlap mrtnufae- ('hw:ulg, who a EmttM suicide m- At lent n dozen n r4ixrir wt r. l,ownn*vlllw. Que., July :7. -At UI•
' cowm:snt of lite Em{N•rw. It Io Im• iiciewngel, tit:• k'nricw rlxwtlinR Jde-
^, cooking for he if tint cumpellel to tart r& weer moil busy that they could E. T. Iklard 4e. -clay 44 faetorbw of
--� kkk we are fust -I or, � ._ . _ i+taftt++ that --cele equipped with - - - Ixwadble to. 91ve tha full report, as 1111 UlLams' lwrre from r 41m. Th iT3 eh erPrsieri«s-+.f
_- _.�__ rrx�ata--aU..-algbt wltllvgt any lclnit Bq]p 9J the orders In flier win act I. decant' at. tire actual qulcHlsN are rhi,utlag L tbe'iDo of as n u
sar/sss 11'1 previous records, round- the Intemt 1nvPntbae The pnsdCn�o7 y. prevailing at%ell with true Cldweno burbarICy eu1, - -_ ___-_ -_ oresfroressed «- 7. --EI htee•n'JLY
of light. fir burMuxt is fefused b as tip nptldote to the evallin - care 1 435 butter. ttalrs 507 al.
100 ted iiiiiW7(o,oll) mart. Thi" Is valuables, machinery into old jttuklr aeon unadorned Inanity. 'Cite whole to 97.8.
tfupr: ----- ]nrvitntrlr; nnd'thr +alit e>.rnPt MflI I nntitoritie6 perMlYciull to pessimism. Yi1a_,_says It had alwaFYe 1'le&sad With tks (Nit tib. (anwall, Jul? R 11;16
try � g rWlt her,- nithrNugh IMr 1'tn,thrr _ & f>e•en the Pract4u of the 4onrds of `ec"w`t M� tears tkw .'tamp - Mtt/btrg. L'u., Jul Z'tl.-L'
_. _ -___._ _ wtntmgprr who faHm An roo,com se It la of trutlt ant lite ■Lltnmrtit of tlo, y ! Iresl aptt fifty chi •nes were eoffere•I At
hoetle,r Premier of Cape Colony.'• It mann Pm,•nt of Iddlaa railwa •n to 1. nesse court th.'at tit^ three official" ales generally rupee,/ We g •ntl-t-nit rho Cornwall ( r wit an I Butt --or
/tit OKANIIK WK'.COMV. N-hilxt the t►mvr." Onlooker say' i ) 1t1 lellght In anticlpowtkrl of tit art FMonrl lterday. n/ wldrh 1,:,R. we•ra
xremd that Cern and Olive were (,,nd Kl,.r their contracts to British Iliad palet the penalty for their crime'. Bement of Nae steel ,atrlke., an lee. wlJtp, 221 cdvre•1 and 17 Am-rlrnn.
Toronto Orangemep, under the It caunot be daulPnl that there is an• another In lhrlr you nal it munu(atturer4 +►del that ' up to ,Illtherto Improved, may Ir•n•hy be One seem/ Lr ltnre Lite ntightestdo lot 9140 oris the blain water mart:
leadership of ►!r. Robert B1rminRhnm. machinery of this clan' in use in Can- \vac lit,>nght tit -y w'vul t worry. 'Phut the into of the reroeni greet es considered !w corndlrmsl. TIM 'cornet 4wilt the urge tiatlopr fqr 1► ace I quite a lot only breluxtt J I 1 111w
rethinking of organizing a big .,da: and we can realize the difficult runs: leave any other r,sult b'.IL a ter
n.,rt of thLng workm differently In --interring strike there had been no (lemma-Cha-(Jhinu ate• gLid leaf, Von of hostilities, a layisa down of WPPkIy Coots ttPyurt.
Is edition to welcome tied Duke of task the owner3 art themselves when tii(rvrent cases. There Wall that cner detimrture from this practice, anoints which 1e. the nlbriinajii"hed' in"thoil of
they rnJenvor to compete with miihnrpfr W take up tb� vwb of trade. NRwr from aeon recuons ilNhenUw
('or wall and Yat, to whom they pe l aklnft one'" life nnx,ng tit-, well -ter Ant far netlber of tit! eontendint at the ,,Prlous tons will he c •a'tnod
(-4 tis.• Ducheas of Kiagmton, for In- order for Iroumotivesi had ever gonO
Also a to gre,ovet an address Px- po4perning the Intent anti mart iclnuus•, who wane trial by Lite Ilourc 111 (1drMoe. iNeuth lv cmlwrl, mol by (coca' suffered Krratly. Phe wen- to t'I"• sOutbwe•at, whirr lade u+nn
yrewlr of their loyalty. 'P1e17 -11x- reieetdfienNY PqulpPad Plants' o title thin cnontry. The termina- ruoina. 1+ enwallr• aarunrel, hnl a tx,nunl )IPI(] tins tee wrvrod.
tits, Trou- (4 Lords And fount] Ruilty Vf Ulamy. o bu q+y�+ Liter has 4r,k pont.hngly lot nna Y
tion of the strike left Briliele shnps but by ampttysla. av tiro thW K•olel tit map kat upon Lh • twit month Ell to the• w„Ml State, KItnrns, thea
Bard the visit of Lite heir to tliP bhw des Mot come alcor, Road it Lx Elerl ('nmeM•n th(wght rhe ought Lo b!orked by arrear' of work, tin ren- leaven stick in tit.) air .yt x-aK''a ll('P- an a voseatkin during tlr• heat -•d Print pet ham hrouKht ri,114. ,unl
throrne an fitting opportunity to Pp'sIbIP that the tariff, rho elu•npr Itz- Merned Inthe hand with'& big B„ dered it necessary. as lovomotivem ing alRtiltiwt lun{x•. Iwvwever, that tis, tArlo. only tl •early onrn Is tie,- snl,A-
vlMilaatr tit. action taken by tilt, wool crolsm, nail, the conditions of k:n/prrw,w,N11dlWolvem,VCYotaWen.IN, .1.rrms Not Known. tloa urine north lite outl•sY
but, am they Will care born lovers lie (quid not at the llme.lor. obtained took tear tittle, and its Is,, Atill lives! atPeldlly ,,,r brighter. nn•l P„•n in
OrArlytemrn of "Ingmton and tir11er11IP mn•hlnrry, any Pnrlt htrnlxh n sharp dW not like to proportion thwl form Of from them, to place certain orJorm when the Jim.- prrslcrkbeell hade:apard. New York. -[lily .2111.-T1M offi-'[:Ilm Texii lilt• dr,11th ham br.•ee hrnken.
forty-one yearn p;o, when the i),I" to the Canadian Il l manufacturer'" puetsitarat. He remarked,. buwnver, 1n America." The Lonk►w hta3xlard lrP tsa)k ogdnuu aunt other mane to of the. steel eumlinule\r now, here pre- Furttinately' thi
• 8tntew wh,•rs• Corn
of Newco"tie we Iq not allow ilii. nnlortupate ptmittcra llult if any otit:er rPr would {rn,pwmP efteeltawt • lits drwth. ltd" religion wwrvv *it(%[" an to tic+ owatr,renco of Is "most strily Injured have bar -
of I remarks that "it In not very obvl- forbade Itlm to do thin by Injuring >lataMay between lite seaters nes: vrotel a \'telarae whter wheat
prement King -then 'rince of WAIP6 - the branding tit. w,xuld vote. fur It. oum, on Lord George Hamillon'm his t"xdy lit any way. eller mile of the Nlrike. and till, Yiel•i. No haAlts occurred he the
Iit71t11ANY PICK1.1t TOOK PIN( II. Prince Chwang, who recrlvesl the
-to I under the cage arehew, Allowing. how we can have suffered pw'ved, ll o e a NPtUrmt tier
a Is (sof InrK„ Npri will
li t arras. end bar-
Duke brhtg n stn n Catlrollc. henry W. Diederlcb. C.B, ('Opr\tl tit Here's a novelty. Tile Appellate• by American competition ,If ops mow" of Ids sentence In Bel -4211011 -fu. its. however, rant tha terms OI resdlnR will pin boat Aug. tet nn-
n1'r do not know how t . .Dutra o► Bremen. has PPnt to him t)ewPrdment. Dit'imTitn ht ttte fh'PremP Covert of n 1&ryta toww In !tae-seoauWlw,srt of peace oathmrt on Salunlwy would 11x• dor nN,wt IR e(reaynslwae�r>t
workahoym were a.) hussy that they Klusnmi. imme late4y 114A90-1 himself ratified by tier Ezvent►,e dioard of Farther er,uthe In b nlrrn,ly
('c)rnwall null York , rda the n'report. nn conditions in Germany New York leas joint PX11 Filled the actually could not attend to the in n temple of the local mandarin, the Amnlgamatel AmawA&tfon at hednx a:rthr. Much f the ont,er•p
Orapgo Allmewlatfnn. HIN fat was which goes far to render rldlculoum opinion that witnesses IsjLve some nerdm of India. The grievance Is pure- with whow he was shiny(, tti the pr- Pittsburg, on Tuesday, and that la cut, tint n p�tI'm report _Moore _
under age when Ire rimlled ala, the yarn told about the wonderful right@. In giving jl11lgmept Ip tit'• saner tit tI►e Imperial (ornrmlwetoner. there will Iter ate early resumption of erne onrnalnRsults this PxfMr nod
fin(] iwq to dbey ]it,, ptlIArdtall. prOip•rbtp7tf tient country due.eome
ly imaginary on till@ muppwithon. Ko -flats -Hwa. HP umxid the ,vhltt•milk work. Both midsw nrr sellout as to Abe Mut In NPbn a it a other
(onid appeal ngsinmt anAwerinJ; Ir- ant tea, we any aid, lm the aI1PgPa rxrM. rent him by rite lmrN•nrr, u" a terms of lit• slew, po&ct tent varlovn NCntPs the yd Ir n total {rare not
Prince OPorge 1* thirty -Aix 1. '. u ray, to the tariff, tethers to the elle . rr]rvant q"f-Mk"m put merely for deellne of British engineering ,in Nltvnlftcant sign of the wltlgalelf c4alw+a n( \Iclury are telsly( made la betel¢ out fladder. Dns art 113 E
nndCnn clos/ he Ilkrr. Oranat-imm tit teem of ...-
' _' al trn[ning rchool4 LUY Ala, purpose of humil4ithig anti no- Iter the rivalry of the 1;AIteslStatr.,r 1'Ilnlahmrnt. trPtt►tt-(►1 the stetter@. On that point ptovement ihown in earn (r.r1w 6
Yung-Nlen, the tI'rewklent of the & tnan lntraPsled 1111 the stoat trate ootllrn Atlons,.whPrr rnl'+1 L
Ipw unpopular than It war forty htrh the)' aKreP in ro-in to Anuft an .sing him, tind,hnving no appstrelit f b
A trade which ham to send orders (hurt of ('el bosom war ted mast ":tilt to lhw Ammocl&tied Ire" : raln has fa, add a gowttl y
yrnrm wgo, when the plot to wake ou fere trade Britain. He pnlntmout b,aarloK on tie• came, the Covert Flioa : away, tit -aids.! its hank►• are Intl full atwaLr+lly. He was Lal pwka►n lie Wagon- '•Tata wim„ wilt with thoAc claim m,bable,-R, Than A Cres.
Prince Ernest snocemsor on lho throne Ih:ol hinRA have liven ailing from ilea(] :„ C1u• trial Court teb.emed 'tit dinere- any fairly lime dnscrllMd n@ In, a fu, and Continually upbraided Prince of \ictory. trait unttl the rre•w aaarOt• I.rrlarketn.10 KInK Wlttlam W -.-Instead of the to wo in (:ermnn Irrhlslrfpm; that (:I�nRI "FON letvMR htru In the hurcli•" marl i* rlRnel mud itN rnnt-,ulr purr-
tlnn M pennittlnR the pinlntlffm tit- ftourLahingeootclitkrn,evPnin 1aI►ilroi lie suffocated Wilmoldf with earthber Nshsd b•fury Yuji award anY dr•- J.Ivrryrx•1,ty :!J.--il'henl-No. Princems Vietorta. waa frvahrr hl Cep Ileo lmpmvrmrnt In reversal torneY 10 arose-oxa ndAe tits defend- ifllowaolrtiandedoinest[c quarrels, fore the Imperial dearest, No his dAAW etdic►n asto Katee un eitlxw @kite." red wP*terwinter, ryUlrt, nt .111-yrl.:"Ya. roil nrwthrrn @priory(.:,+,
men .Is memories. Tito Orange arch In- tine" of tr 1e. )title failed to mateilat- anA on Immaterial and Irrelevant The vindientlon of the directorate wa@ kept [ridden alma days till thou Preridant w,tuwab war at ills Otftano. t
rident. created a goof deal of bitter Joe, awl the adtuntlon IA depremming. Jerre• waa, pttillslxsl. Prince .Tuan Am u.nial tr"Jay, but dOcllnord to talk M cur ; Nea 1 Cal., mtets. tit M. 1-`:1. 4
880 •1 WAR the m4bj •cl especially In tha textile industry. Caltt,ta, the nnmwrn to which could in tompl tit, seeing I- they Only anticipated lily trnnktlurnent. to on Futures, racy : t)'pt„ 5n. 8 3-4A.c 1►n .,
rico lac tiv M•- Iw` atxrait the rorfarerucrP on the ptw� � � .
"k" `
n'; I
1PPdirlg In l , ap
of n III Met .1-.tnstetrirr�-M' 11'11
I'arJament. It Is not likely that Mr.
roan of the inet leo tat Inas car--
Birminglutin has any Intention or any
tnins tit" men os half
fear of b•rplag tha Duke of Cornwall
tlene nnd meat he content with
Anel York out of Toronto, lint it wrnd(
waR•s rnnR(na from 111 to E.."
he nes more than common pnlitrn:•nit
a week.. F,ven the preen German
for him to etarertmin whether the
industry In chemlealb wit h for
Durr approves of h11e prorrwton IN-
yenrm wan exceodingly pronp ous, lm
fore hr proceela to organise it..
h•alnpinR to complain of lack or-
- - -_ _
der" lend po•,r pricer, anti the sa P
- - • rg ting In the
Ia true of the large electrical r
Internet i'ren...eoTarPe that
t6i•W,'ifgt nI071ic}I "El11aMPred 11711111
marringe In becoming Ivan attractive
lah•em bryon-1 tier rench of hard
to wmniNd. He mr•em4Jn-(hI-V that
Ilmem. ""In- onit-i,tetic, ort-- thM-ee
ter,-elucalinn IIA" sa►aMthing to do
.11Lb%1 In almost every brand, Of (ler-
wiun brinaina stboul thin rrAult,_!Ilm-
IndurtrZ," nayn /:ad+ml Dlrxterich,
illnmioning t1w girls brought Into con-
"many lah(xdlR meso r"perially 1
taet with mAln dullnrdn. Him Idra of
thontr with famlllPol barely ' Anr-
tlM renlolt, \It•w of marriage Is Thum
reel In keeping hooly &sol 01111 t"-
atnted : "Thr avl,raae Oprman girl
Relhpr; whit • the monthly rell"Tta
thinks, 1 am nary to may, that sells
of the num1wr of men who ore title
will marry ntiy onn who will not
tont seeking employment are alarm -
sank • tier unll,illpy . the 6b•al 11Pfman'
{ctrl thinks Ihnt Aho will marry only
the moon who ,will rerlainly mato her
A tl'llkealrlrM, 1'n., man who to fl
hnprpy. The Ideal Anwrlean girl think"
his -if- thlrtr-tw�, years ngn nr"I
that mile ,an marry ntily lite man
'tI(] nrrt tab+ Pnnwgh Interpmt In herr
Without w•hrrtlt Ali" will by on11nppy,
exlmtfgwf. to let her know hr w•na
nrr! lite average American Klrl np-
"lire. Mtnrflet n few (Inym nir' U,
protection Iltla A1atr►pAnt will, nn
fhNl that nil^ had tN•en marrie•1 t—
nlnronLow rapidity.'' Tit" dlwlinrtion is
nootiter nntt was n wl(h,w. l'o-Irled -If
Arbitrary aril arltliclnt-Anti nation-
rmplyinq the eltah\vater nn him nnd
tiflad.by tths fnctm. Wlien a Girl -
rhnning lite,, r•fr tie, prrmisrm ,with n
nil nialT-wit 'W7i.-+e tn•ta the nnitnn
r•tntr, Ili- nMrsP.l w,.mnn lines taken
that ahP wan Mtilt for the rienninR
110 trnnnt As her IvAnom nntt given
mote of a rertain mnn, that man a
him n hnrrN. (weer crenturen, th-me
tate Ia rived. an ellen at~ nllter girl
wt,itwn, •
go -In the IMI,Ie trArk o r lie take" In
It". wnnds. Mterrion" hew attrartlye
luwnamp n Now fork girl maw h,•r
to women ! Not In .tsar, anti with
nfrinneet cruelly abuse a borne rhe
R, lforwrly rompan) of en,inem nota-
broke mfr tilt, rnanmement. There'w
nlPrm to kx'1 oil and a rnrp•, of news
a s LnAihl • girl 1 h•Lrn• wnitin¢ mome
paper reporters to chnrrrebm it!
good man.
only tend to htindlfate npq dearnde accepted Ame n oma es receiving the artitence at Ning-NIA, .pn ellv'e meltloniout..J. 1'ierpont Mor -
him. •-Teat(miinylil ex n t7t>taL thnry�potd �t ao atfrPraat} . -Tenn' crenae va an" tome -
21u1d*trM�r Ad- PrrAr. -
pnrprer of enabNet them court to do- weal to l.'ennmy'Ivanlw for their vin- whither lie had fled, imwevoled At Harbor, Whotrmnle trade til Montreal thle
once, to Tnrkrw(an, loot the altien 8o far fs the com onnipm lore, con- week Joan tern wlthont stay n'irkr••1
trrminn tree truth. do order that the dart because one wars to be bought might $still demand IoM death. evirn ill, this At# also. in tel ter Initial- chnr►Ke. Thn chipping tmtlnrlm I, q+liar
altlnint,e o. rot of the trial may be there IetLPr, cheaper, And quicker . tion for work now than they were active and n goo.1 many fall nrd,o+
nttnlned. s • • witnemmeA have listen tit home. Bet the mlory, n* BATTLED FOR LIFE IN VAIN before the sttlke. $itr brtnpt hooked. llpxm nal' Ir:r,p'
sooner rights which conrtm are hotel,(] he tHin it, does not go to Follow that - Many of llfeir lnllla have been re- tit Toronto ham M•P,n Irma nCLI,e Illi+
Amerieto has sold ltd locomotivem to - pJrel! and tlue conditions for an week. The condition" of hioeleirs" nrr
to rpap•rot tend protect." fiull,t•tglit_ Death Strraale llotween ]ldrtlierer Inerramel output are. greatly 1m- aPnPratly healtley, and n ll t,tr,l-
In,Ua licensee they were better or anti .Ranier. once(. over In lorokeel her the next three, err
roll* jtn nlgem! What pity that then chP [
aper. The II fm fano that a ram;+nt"tbm of roar months. At the Ccon"t ho„in-,,�
doctrine which You so nbly mtatP-mpeurM the order for the viaduct llonllcelln, Fin., .Judy :l0.-8'mon cold figures hoot* tip It total town of la rq,00rteol am dull. Trn le at Ilnn"'
wltm not tnnght In tlue law deli«dm Willinmm, osondenjew-I to death forth! (1131801)3 nn account ret tloe Ntrikr, Ion thio week hit* boon fair for thin
tasenfrle thla pnrticalnr kind of non- 6 e filet thAt
iat*i to tillm s tlTtsl murder to Deputy Sherlrf ug. Ar n, of wblch 11" then rum itin tet(l,tK)0 1. "Pasco. Thr brat, and Ib
_..rt5euci7on_.Ti 119t aJ much 111 our and sentenced to lion un •Aog. 1ttL map
1Q R chnty[Pd M lite r,.mbinntlnn amt y peoPla are away on hotLT,T,('�_- `;
way Made n dn@h for liberty yesterday ,P- now, Amodio to make Mr*Inem Irma
R'ilhwm■. or__,._Lemtifi .I taftein,wnl 6=.•,"Fi.000 la the wtrikerw, but thin active. A (11011x11 many tell jnnxtm tire d
in All . Litegnr -,lection trial that h • - ARI 'S _ D •Imt 8'rerlff - IL.H. H. Kilpatrick, bet r p moon" Ill m tJe tip awing lu
PARIS DOCTOR'S ERROR, y tot letter prbePs which naw prrvnll ,,nil being shllrpeq. Tendo In whnleN�ttr' ]
pole] $75 "to obtnin hn!r•hr,rd with a'trnmty, had gone to tier dpmth lhe-hgprovM operating condition/, as eirrh•o At 1t'!nnipag tills week lint'
uteri,^ n 11 eiTtrtir Lr•t n mimhPr Of Y cell to give Williams dinner. 1'1'Llllaap,t- writ no the letter feeling tretweow been very fair. Iinatnes" at Lnnd„a
1111181, Pm n"rnaZl. 1W 15itptN"Pr1'Its ha\Ing mer.retly. removed the mllarkleei K limit been well mnlnts,Inerl. At MfAW9 -
nceounta foie lemma. Ile nlao M141 1•atirjit'm l'utidlton, the, employer and Pmpin,VrP.
from him ankle,. with n chisel, fur- there has tern n 'role move/dent On
Arrntinvern. rNe Toronto Worlel dolt lunolun. July 29. Ili. leader, a Ila. ninhed by unknown menum, dnahrd cut - far In fnll go,win ns -1 tine toning traria ,'
not print the cietlell" of tilt" P\'1'len(r. I to poliyt I din Ives 170 sl As -tit -n-o 1 to lgmte the OftkPt, mrlu:ed hlv pistol and ENTIRE. MAMMOTH FOUND. has kept np well.
but reently dtapenwom of it by remark petty n fine tit :AK) frnnra nail 1.01)U r'rii•re•l him to cel Intel the entre.
Ilia that "the fratrere -),( yraLPr,lny'm trances .hunngew for br•ne,li of pro- IMP offlrPr mpraanK,ellthen murderer Body of t:splororn lltking It tract le HUNUARIAN CROPS .1.10T.
revisionist weerpt. nnd n tnmslP enmM, In'Which the offl.
witting was til 'leve term-rxn min„ Per wan mhot. Bath fell down the 89. 1'Pterwharg. 1)eetewse /r \V heat, RwrlPy anon ('Nle
rlr• p11lintf'L M. LngarJe, write Nn 1-
t.loar e,mllclilml by J. S. wart. K. ('.• ,truly uikrn ill tit LI• INNtrr „f the stnhway. nntl rolled Into the yard, Rt. PetetsbnrpA, Jolly '3A.-iilRhly
of the prinelp&f wdtlleiN the P, -ti- parents or Jeix betroth l. Thr m,dhi•r wheep the deputy wrenched the Free", I,mat Voter.
elalol awn Williams nun to **lip InterPstlnK in a tPlegrnm whleli has
tlomra, Amnn nnmrq W111inr»w. whovr toa,k tlrn ,+,r Lor apart. aall learned 1 y• Joint recited the 8t. PeternburK Aea- I.Ondon, .rely 28.-TMn nffirinl rs11-
Pvlgener, hurl 1% not loown ri(ttilosl by fr(rn llim that i.ngnrllt• w•nv n telm•r. RtitP of the stockade, but coal not Matra for Ihr, forthrnmirW I(11"Kn+'-
R04 not, Hw AMon tMPweet win w dttuwovn enemy y t he itne from irknntok. it h
'areata ntihJort. aPnl by the sxgerwsful Maty nes rx- tan crop* places wheat at aS,(mN10(N1
edr. Ewart, world hn%r been AaininK 1111 thlw Ir.l to the hrrnkhlK „ff tit oupnn the. dPfwty, who alto% him In metric cpntner4 which Lr :t,a1111NN1
ylorPn who have dlelpoverPtl net Pnllre
Ing Lt, ole rempOntk•nt." .them! Jhmt tiv% mArringe. Lng&rd- tiled tilt- pre- the cheat, mtimmoth,.whish they are bringing metric contnen twoox)w the prOofile
ment alma. Wlldlnina ran to the oth►t KritP, tion of 19M. Tho quality Of this
aer bnek to St. Peterstmrg. whMt In corlwfeMxahly below the ter-
_ which ons open, &nit rlaahrd Into the Accorlinlf to this teles
mfreet The e.1 my followal, mflant- telegram, the ex- pntlroAl
Young man. If you tire not profit nmrA Brown, of Num Tnwnmhlr of sold at !fro 11. syr Prop IA
P � 1 Inpr. .lflPr n Chnae of & hundred ynrdm pMltlon nrr]vM In trkaltaR on JgnP M at ttcmu 1 I,:fkt(xx) to 12.t1(m1,1Nx1
ably employed. pnek year it t nn'I all Tat'4inN•,s• ('ownty, manufacturer, WItlinmr fell dead, 1. Phil 18 days later It embarked on metrle oPnl norm, which to P"mew'h t l
KI vel notice of his Intention to apply n farther Jontne in /hl ext the w
tint to help to Mrvestt the groat , nfflrer KHpaMhlt reePlvM & wonnq y P above the r nes 1918). itarlrp la ,
at thr it aeaaJon of Parliament for In the ln, the half cassia hm- Alden, 8,(1[(0 vwrsta to Koll"re"k, tlmatM At 1 ,000,000 rentnnra, whlrh
whit&11, crop of taw NorMwrst. The g(t! ( R
r•ry of Afnnitntrn tint the TPrrltnrir■ n, ht
1l n dlvareq frnm trim wtf■, AM- tw•rien t11P l*mP an11 - E1116, ,dttital �Ihm JII „kr'ly to Iamt ton rtnA a-
ro n derremwn a i,:,00,000 '+'artier•.
gitll Ben , formerly of the acme artery. He IF yet nlive. half rnonthm. It prnpnwem hringlna (Intel In nvttlmat.nt at from 9,:,(10.(1011)
in for m,•u 2000.1 of them Awl you tnwsmhlp,%tnerver of Torontn, on the Wordy of the mammoth nivIt. IA to to 10,(1f10,(M rentnero, bring n ,Ir -
ran matt• Ktinl wagrm filer Lh• time Ihr grmtndnitrry nnd dace'• - 1'natmaat Pr IlrwA. St. Pstenrsborlt. it ten the firmt rx- crane from 1, year'm prexhertlon of
Aml are the rletrt•wt whent Potintry tion. Ap'a medlelleirs nrr• Cllntnn, Ont, July 28- Hobert floorample of an Pntlrn mammoth fnnnd 7,54,000 ewitneres.
of Amrrlrw. PrrMpw y�Nu mw♦ Pven Ah•aara. Pearson ` 11"ton, of Tor- ter. rx_M. 1' p(mitm&■tl.r of (IUnton, -_ --' Thn craorflor�a in Sweden are ni- Pert -
,le, -We Lee t.nk^ n quarter se•t1non of e'ntn. ,sled saddrnly yerrterdAy mrrrnlnK lVnat ylerrn and F.mhrn ('onnr0a nvml)- muuffe\riAR wen a► rpaull of Ihr
It nes a RtTt frtNrl Mr. It C. Ilettdett, pkone"farm- w101r taking a wnik Mr ROiert will auhmit h)'-Inwa to rnlwe $R(t.- rontdnncrtl hot wenlhnr. Fires hanr110
y,Nrr vonletry. nn 1. ,,r of Ofiedmtone dlstt t, Man., gird (',-Air* waw 'driving And waw 3 mien tall) In anhreriho for mt/,ck In tie-, else- vAatatnd Ilia foretells of .InntlAml.
to Limes ted ytNur awn ma't'e nn -1 not from Injnried received Id he repent tying ,in the Krmin,l, tin-] on exam lrie railway whleh It lJ propomed to nVoatern floillen.1, nnd the PmAlanq
the way to comfort. Cyclone. 1 inattirn It proved to he Mr. Porter. extend to Yotrng.vtlle. and Upland dlatrlCtw.
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