HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-8-1, Page 1THREE ''A8"
.:. 1901
THD I ADINGS. 2•733-V781=.416,123311, OF HURON OOVNTY.
Uoofmt011, July 11 1901.
Fall Wheat, old 0 SI so 07
Dew ....... • 059 to 60
I lour, Well/. pe ewe..,......... 9 10 10 4 10
Flour, pater. per cwt............ 7 50 to r 50
Brea, 0 ton_ ....._..-...... 0 te
I9 Ott 00
aborts. • tOa ..........- 15 00 ale 00
demon. rs, per ewe 1 00 to 100
Ityo per both-. ...., u 40 to 060
Huai wheat pm nes 0 10 to a 50
Oas ptroth ....--.. 29 to 050
• b ...........,,�.. 0100056
tiler. tat book
ee Ibeth, aid.. 0510 x 60 to 040
few 000 to 100
............, 015 te g 16
010100 (4
sg�e fresh ampamlld, •L
M• I0 to 0 t0
Blass ..............................450 I0 500
felts 025 to 0 225
Live Hem ...wwMAI•••...•••6 50 to 7 10
I...Need *1040 7 50 to 800
lyoon, 0 17 L 0 18
Item, par lb..�.-,. . 0 15 to 0 16
Lard. per Ib. w� _- 0 13 to 1t
Drered Beet fors owl! 0 00 to 000
Dreamed Bost. hind 000 to 000
Cattle, Kw port . 5 75 to 4 50
00440047 a 00 to 350
()bee... oar Ib
For Rent
street, • oomfo.4oble two.4.07 dwelling.
Connection with water works synth. A num-
ber of apple tree on therounds tie bearing •
lam crop f hes 'rule this year. Appy to A.
For Bab.
r .solon may be had' Aar Ntb. Yoe tar
tnor t arUeelare apply to British Exchange or
the Cate. rt
1 J OODKKICH. For este on re•so.able
terms. the property koowo as the Dintillory
lands, being port of block "f ' In the Town of
Uderlob. oo.talnla3 about 31 soros. with
0.Ydtagn1 and water. rights on toe River Melt
lard. for terms apply to UARIW W & OAR-
KOW. solicitors for the vendor.
'P a mutt, will purobs.e that large
steno boos* with six -roomed ddittogtltuud
on Pietas Street. Half nn acre of Isod wi th
all the outbutdlo.m thereon thrown io Yo r
further partioul.n apply to T11110. J MOOR -
HOUSE, Seward P. 0. 3114.
LSO R S A L K. -LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118. 119
£ and 146 la Hutchisooe survey. •l1 1e
Uderich. For particulate •Dp le' to
Barrister, to.. Odeicb.
March 11th, 1960. 66.11
(1rg..tet and mwei.ol Crofter of North et.
Methodist 2wroh. and tesober of pianoforte,
pipe organ and theory, w111 be plethora to re
cave pupas- Ioaar,m4Lo rata either •t
studio or at morns hems, se de/sired. Studio
st Emmeon'0 Moro e*Oss. Wastes.. 73-11
lied1eaL -
NI('IAN9and Burgeons. 0900. Is Rook
ed('ommeroe building. west aids elgonem
Night nail. at 0001denose
Ur. Shannon, De. U•1Lw.
.14 r.hgei need )k*p:er til. Itlg1IL !P sae w.
I nsuraaoe, eta
first deer moth alae of Wood street,
over 0'. P. R. OM, s.
Larvespcsdeet .1. r. Mara xv t Co.
All WHOM promptly executed.
ANUS and real estate most. Moe. tee
door wt of P.O.. Uoderlob. Agent for the
loading mutual Rootonoranoe om ponies and
lording stock oomp•.101
Uerontlu and manufacturing risk' .at
lowest roles t:.Il at omoe.
Aooaelanl and mien,. Agent.
Hooks and •ccomte made up.
Buildings rented and roots oll.0ted.
Fire Isursne 1. British •.d l'r ide°
°roe- In I'ro*dfool & Mos office. North
tree Oderloh. 43-11
.DRANO! and Real !Nate moot,
Yin, Life, Aocldeatand Plate OIs\ Insurance
effected on mutual or oath plan •t lowest
rates possible.
Hast garish and Gandlsn companies rep
(Miry next door to Darrow & ()arrow, Bar
✓ ioters Hamilton Street.
Pubfio Notloe
notice that anyone bathing off the
Wands. ming or tampering with the ferry.
shooting or tgste Ing upon any part of our
pert '111 be er..td and twaseuted.
lib', IT. ATTItILI. SJ -11
1\ •o 09 110011on '111 be male st the next
soros of the Ingldatore of the Proviwoe of
°surto for an Aot to inorp5rsto • company
for tbo ftllo wing purpose., among other
(U To construct, equip, maintain and neer
__,1• an e'eotric nllwa►, railways or radial
✓ ailway *totem from • point in or near the
towoof (so*e:ich to • point le or near the
Tillage of l.nnloow. 10 the ooaaty of Hrace,
- theory through the couary of Hnron to •
pp to
' ■t or near the town of Wl,gham. theoo
4•.It*be village of Rrnralo in sold eount7,
Eft teeth's to the town of Se•fortb. In ..Id cone-
_ ly. thence to the c111•ge of Darnell, In sold
comfy, and th..a. to • pint to or wear the
kg$.wp�Ati eit4 town et l5e4*.' of ; with powrr to con -
SR" eruct, equip, maiwlala and operate • bran h
9t(a Ilse from • point 1• or near Carlow, In the
township of Colborne,. to • point In or w •r
Althorn. In sold county and thence to a point
In or sear this v(((ane of Hirth ; and from •
11":" riot in or near Dunlop. In the towsehlp of
..r_ (:.:Meld . than (brooch I4. tow•ilip of
C10 \ AehI*.Id, too point In or near Kloordlm.. In
\. the county of Hrnno, thanes to a point In or
`near \'ort Elgin. In seed cone y. them -Te 10 •
117- paint in or near Southampton. In told money.
and 'hones. to point In or near Wiarton. le
the mid county of Room, and with cower to
r '
rynstrgo , rgnlp, m•L.t•It and oD.ate •
branch line from a point on the 'motion of
the railway between the villages of Born IA
p and Itruceneld Ihrongh the' townships of
Manley and 111y ton point et Or near Credit-
on, le she Iownshlp of Ptephon• and thence to
0 point tit on orim sr the now es Wing 11ne or
Ilnp of ref' way, sort npon sed over loch
streets. Motors," and lands se may be
•nthorerwd . y the mnnlelpailtle., compares
or individuate having I'lrledlotlon ov r or
owning the tome.
tis) to ensbts the oa..pan7 to mote at.
nngersenta rego•dug theme or •co motto* of
.1 rete, highways and lands end to expropr'
ale lands for the pnrpo.a n+ then rmosny.
to) T. enable the company to am•lgemn'e
with. •ognlre the dock. bonds franchise orad
meseio of, and to most Iota *raffle or other
agreements with other 140090 aii ss. Pmp0n
Ire M anyone.
trio To n.eke moments In paid np stooks or
bonds for right ofway, moterlal, pVlant• roll
way .took or other woolen. forthwith the
lei To moonieotnn, soli or lame elertrinhr
or d0otrin power 1 t any persons or sailor
wen along any part of Its rallweyp, epd to
waetrwot and Operwt^ telwgvph and ,l0le-
phonesy.'eme In eusn0ellon waft the nil
(1) To receive a..bt•noe from mnnl.lptI
toe or In4lvldw•'e hy way of .nnelAloa, tonne
os o the goaroetee of Int company's bends or
other wise sod for ether pnrpooel.
)g) To build, sonnies. own. Molotov or Iamme.
acv te and nes etsam and other rewlee, and
10 bald, rynsirnet and maintain all nererare
wharves and w0rwb0neoe. pow a.4 done.. ter
the patr^ese of the eompeop
MI To sod
win load ler se parries Power
e *0
eatetlwf) �tlw,, and with power to
owl •eeel. at rah pl•rm
moothe line et P0
railway et the erem•y .t
IkIM artralert en the 17 h Jay Of J ^11.1911.
Be11e1.er for Appllsaem.
No Igen,sl Stratford, Add the
e•agtsre or she gmpsre.
1* le inuoh to be regretted that so few
peopl. were able to •tlrod the meeting
colloid by the Daughters of the E,npite on
Moodsy afternoon last, The twelve or
tourism who did venture through the pour
log rale felt well repaid in limning to the Ir
terestlug and thoroughly praolicd lltti.Iso-
ter. or rather Informal talk of Mr. Mo.
(ingot, of Stratford, Mr. McGregor was
mayor of that town at the time :heir hos
pital war built, •haul ten years aro, sad
war so bully convinced of the crest wed of
swab an essablisbmsut In the plane that he
woo nae of the foremost promoter, of 11 ;
and °ontinuing Interested In and la touch
with all the potato for Its subsequent
marugemsat he 4woll audl0d to •dwlea
the olllzene of Uoderlob. 18 has proved an
aupardleld Mornay to the tows and
ceu,try about.
Besides map many statistioe and muoh
Information as to ways sod means of ralsiog
molly sod t►►lag all other oeoessary sups
(meal of which are 000talaed to the paper
and pamphlet which Mr. McGregor has
kindly left with the I.dlse of the society,
sod wblob may be t.eprotd by aoyo01 s1
any time) the gentleman very 0000lsiv.ly
proved to the satisfaction of all prest a.
Get by pod moausemeat swop an Iostitu•
tion may bs as moody self supporting 14st
the revenue test may be szoeted sleep
from the liovernme,t sod the ooaaty and
Iowa 00000ile will prom more than suffi-
cient for its •ads.
The Mtr•tford bapitsl is of course on •
moth largos soil" than the one It is intend-
ed to build Io Goderloh, but by titrting
within our meows why oo w• not m
a they have dose ...d keep out of debt ;
enlarge as the town and moots, people feel
the need of it, as they very surely will do
just as soon as they bagn to god oat the
goad of It ; and trrh•w In tet years' toms
we soy hove nuns, oo band as the Strut -
ford people have today, mousy that
they Ptaally don't koow what to do with
Mr. MoOregor cc•y kiudly says that he
le ready and willing to talk with aoyooe on
the subteoe and give all the information in
his power.
Mr. Allen moved • vote of thanks lo Mr.
McGregor for his very ioureetlog and to
. ko,Uve talk, which war seconded by Mn.
Heys sad no plmensly earrtt 1.
Mn. Morris then raw• • report of the
mo•.y whet' was made by eke amatsu/
dr•m•tlo club at. their entut•lamt•ot o0
Friday evening lost ..4 wbloh they had so
g eo.rousiy donstill to the hospital fond.
'l b• hearty rote of thanks wb!.S .ha oro
Dosed to give them was ss000d.d by M u.
Wilder and o.anlmoutly oerrid ; and
warm thug, were tendered by the w.
ambld monmay to 011 who hod helped
maks the wreath, • e*aoeem, notably lugs
M lar Prldbam, wM noted gee prattlly, .ad
Mies Corolla Seel&, of Detroit, who
Owned Ms endless* with her exquisitely
whistled .etes.-S,5'r.
Wan. Alar rreuy,
11 by do you 00og on to yours' Don't
know hew to ears them' Why, reissues
Painless ('oro Kxtnotor does the work 1n
short edea -yon Jost try It. Buss yam
druggist lath ft all richt-sok him.
All parties getting their sale belle printed ai
this alga w111 have • hue notice 1.0.rtd
In lite 11et no to the time of sales.
FKIPAY , Aug. 2nd. -Clearing &ooUop
sale ot household furniture and furnishing',
t•ol.dlog drawler room, dining room, rat
tlag room, bed room. and kite:en for0ltare,
.t the residence of the Mteese Norm., Sl.
Yeomen street, ommeoolog at 10 A M
' hep. Kyerytbleg must he sold, as the
Nies.. Prof -rim have sold the pipe and
mast give po..emloo Immediately. THn6
GesMY, anetionser.
SYMINOTON. la Auburn, on July 81h, the
wife of Wm. Symington, of • doughtier.
LAWRENCE, - At hoodoo, on 1hnrday.
Jule VStb, Lindsay 7. Lawrence, of Cairn
.roes R l.0wnoee, draggide, and ton M
Thomas lawn,ce, of I.ucknow. aged '3i
BKIEOKI, InOolerlcb,on Welne lsy, July
84th, Wm. Brtegrl, aged 51 years an., 5
MACKAY. In OOd^rloh. on Alo0day. July
Zit8, 1001, Klix•beth Blare. beloved wife Of
Roy, M. M•ot*1.
furnished house for 6 months Apply
with toll particulars to 111I88 ATTRILL,
tlltuattol• Vacant.
to 16 rare of mite. Odod wages. (me
hut' the North or Rest part of town preferred.
Apply to CHA4, R. SIIAW, Oen.nl Imo,
•cos Agent. Oderlch,
1 HelpWant ef Dining roemglrig. ch•m
hrr maids and • laundress O10 per month
veil be psld to those who ueder.tsid their
duties fedi-pendant of wage these oro all
pails, position'. J. J. W HOIHT.
June 15th. I'rnpriotor
• ed at once •t the Colborne House. Appl r
to MRO. GEO. Bt. XTON. Silt
lVJf1 AT.ACK4MiT11 �meured Horenlsoer. Ke
worthy et all kinds pt*, Mlewded to at
r. aonable woe Shop as Motet's strait,
former(t ocnpied by Harry lo
lThompn. A
nail selloPcl. O COUSINS.
reacher! Wanted.
WANTED FCR 8 N Na 6: R. D.
A.hlold, • male leacher with .toot
1,nne enol teetlmonlola, 10 commence teaching
on toe 19 hof Antpd. Apply at lot 1. con. 5,
N.U. or to iner^tary Tresmrer, Onng•wnon
P.U. W)A. k 1 LPA 11111CK, neo. -Trees 10-1t
Notlee to Creditor!.
/o eke Miller n/ lee Relate n/ /Inanl,I e•.
Nem -Amt. /)*nape.(,
Nonce Is hereby given *het n11 persons hay
log .(elms agsleot the deceased aro required
to gond In fall mirtlritlers Iheroof to the
undersl,n.wI on or before' (no 15th day of Aog
net, l9r,t. rifler whlnh sold date the maid ,'tale
will he worn 1 op, having relgrad only to @ooh
claims of whoosh noun. hos hewn eros o.A.
Atm persons Indeh'e.l to the stere of the
raid denes@,d aro reonestd tool] and tattle
their ind0htednaoe before the 1.1 of Anglia.
1st. The reoldenne of the late D. C. Bosch -
so. ailnai. on 1ho corner of Wellinglow and
Llehthonrr ,,reel.. Oo,t.rteh.
Th'. property omelets of n t w0 story brink
hnn'ot old ki*0hen. airs a Mick .t.hl0. Th.
1.1 1 hog., fon^,., gronwda roma., et^ . Metre
be.,, well priori for and poi yllong Is In nr•1
else. .,.Aar This property I@ woll .10n.1.1
and le one of the mord Arsirahlo In town.
tad. A frame hence rind Int on Nr IMviA's
sl rev adjMnlat tho property of W Illlom Mr
The pro; arty 1. well altos -a1 anti In good
molt ion.
��e..r prril^n47�7t1s apply to the nyder gigged.
Detect •' Osdwlen &NINA July. A. 19111
Baily loos for Mary C Reaper and N. tench
se, ■x.90',4.... >FL
CooMTY SOAK» os' EAAMINtRi. -The
Huron county loud of examinors w111 nest
at (ioderloh oo August 24.4*. All Glop
whhtng to Puna the Model .0o1 this
year are requested to notify the publlo
ahud uspsotor before the date of metlog•
Applicants should slate 'blob Model school
they prefer atceoding.
A SU, peg Y,'R,en. 0011,11.--Vtotorla st.
Methodist Sabbath school had Its ploulo on
Friday •ttera000 lost. A. M. I'olley'e grove
wits the poral at which the outlog war held,
and a large Dumber of children and many
of their eiders jourosyel thither. A most
enjoyable time was spent to v•rlone •mut-
menet, and the picnlo sae voted a great suo-
A Ripe (.AT.'0 -0a Wednesday evenlog
of tut week John Hsmleo while fishing or,
the pie hooked an el, which war lauded
with the •ulet.00s tit n. B. Davison. It
is rarely snob a o0tob 1. made here, in toot
we .re informed this Is the third known to
have been caught hen 10 oyer "Immo
year,. The eel war nearly three foot 1it
length and to good 000dltion.
CRIMINAL HLTL'RS..-Crosn Attorney
Lewis' return of oases tried at the County
Judge's Criminal Court for the first half
year of 1901, shows that 01n• prisoners
were tri.,', of whom all but one were oo0•
•lord, The orlmes were : Shooting with
lntsot, ho ee.breaklsg, aggravated 'result,
theft and false pret.00ee. One was sent to
the poolteotlary at Kingstoo, the b•1•oce
to the Ceotnl prison and common jail,
with the ezoepttoa of nos whose "enema
war snspoodd. The isotope. ranged from
throw years to the penitentiary and two
year.. less • day. In the Central prison
down to three mouths to the oommoo jail
(all at hard labor).
SI Kt go or Loki HURON. -The hydro -
graph survoy on Lake Huron, 'Mlle is
beteg 000daoted by the Marine Department,
will be oomplet.d this il0eoo, wires the 01 -
taws correspoodeot of The Globe. The
w o,k Is uoder the dlretion of Mr. Fred.
Awder.00, who le on board the steamer B.y•
field. The last survey of Lake Horoowas mode
arty years ago, when the vessels on the In-
land waters did not draw more than twelve
feet of water. It war done very hurriedly,
and the soundings were neither num•
.rots nor complete. Nest semen • survey
of Lake Superior will be undertaken if the
Uovoynme•t will provide • new steamer,
the Bayfield being too old and una*wortby
for snob • stormy sheet of water.
WILL COMA Orr ABOUT EV a.. -The ('li.•
loo New Bra makes the following 'tato met
In reference to the 6oanoes of th.Old Boy.'
day lo Clinton : Through the generpity of
the townspeople 10 ontnbutlog, and the
good management of the oomm11tee In ex-
pending the same, we understand that the
fiascoes of the Huron Old li Sys will come
oat .boat eveo,tbs receipts being eooagh 13
meet the ezpeoditure, etrhout asking any
asset once from the munch. There is poi
sibilwy ut • lawsuit •rlsi0g in commotion
with the matter. Dos party 10 town prom -
mid to cootrlbutn liberally towards the food,
but for reasons which he olalms were goof
sod setbolet dealings to pay the eine; the
committal claim that as no oo0dltlo.s were
&twobed to the 000trlbutlon it should be
paid, and threaten to sus for It,
A (loon SHOW IN, OH Uoi tau,* J'rul.n
S,'Hrur.. -At tbo recent ez•mloatloo. for
Natrona' to hip sobool the pupils of the
Uoderlob public Bohol mode • very credit-
able record. 'l he list of throe who o14
(.1.04 the highest motho in the various
separate subjects throcghoub West
Harp h Wooly mode op of Ciod.rich
pupil", ons of whom. May Bl...tt, took the
htgba/ total marks le the inso.otor•te,924.
Robert W. Corgi' obtalced the highest
mark to drowing ; John Walker in dlotatloo,
literature and grammar ; Maggie Sutherland
In writing, and May Kt...tt to geography,
history and physiology and temperance
rhos. ars all pupil@ of the liodenoh central
' obol, and their achievements are • credit
not only- to themselves but also t, their
Peelers, trinolin' Stewart and MIs. Slimy
CoVto Host PAY. -Weder.day, August
7th, has been et sport as the clvto holiday
for the year, In •000rdsooe with • petition
duly slgod by • number of the ratepayers
lo oonnee too with the elvin holiday It is
eun000ced by poster that the Business
Men's Aesooatlon of the town hag arranged
with the (rand Trunk Railway for • ohap
etoanlo0 to Toronto on the 7th In.t•ot,
rood to return on the 8 h, the fan belog
pissed at the low rate of 72 80 from (lode
rich, sod $2.50 from Clinton for We rsturo
trip. This w111 rico an opportunity to •
large number to return the visit of the To•
root,. (Ad Bays, and In 1.1441101 we under-
stand that there are splendid npnnttunide•
to OW the Pan Amortise from 'Toronto by
boat and trolley. Tile will Le the error
d on of the Neeson. and at doubt many gra
•vltl themselves of the chance to k111 two
birds with woe stone.
A pleata10 Nvent th.t brought back "1'e
*Iden time," woe s party, on Thursday
evening of I.e1 week, glia* 1n honor of 61r.
and Mrs. J. 0. Clifford, of Louisville, Ken-
tucky, when the roomy old house •t Morris
Isle form, the Beene of so many family re
unions, war again tilled with merry roloer.
After • dainty supper at which everybody
war liberally supplied with "(Toole Harry's"
Jamey oream, the Irshat of berries and
'moat eyerything etre that le rood and
toothsome the .venlug was open: to game
end eenversation,ch•tting of thines new ani
old. Al good Wylie were said Mr. sol
(Ors. Morrie, the host end hostess, gave
0.1641! nonr•oce that the Utah shag al-
ways hang. on the (Wilde ler the sone and
laughter" ot Morriedde. A j -.11y rids back
to town, singing •oatoha of many thing,
to the tuna of "(%.nada" and •ofd, Od
Kootooky Ilome" brought to • ilea • guy,
delight(al Dewing. -
Togo Witt. Coma 70 COnewf1'H.-The
W Ingham '1 Imo man Is eo satisfied with
thloge up h s way bast he got off the fol.
lowing las week : "What effortr our neigh•
bon hay, to make to stir their alogglsh
bled. Goderloh had • .treat foie and •
dello t. Clinton o.p'ur.d the Huron 1)1d
iinye and • five thousand grant from the
Dominion Ilovernment for • post onto*.
Sealorth 1111 KleosrdIae had the .(roue.
Blyth sided a flour mill, while the gond
people of Brussels are speeding thole' time
patting down gr.n0lithht sidewalk, and
long noel drinks. Winghom ear.s for none
of team wogs. Our perp!s are too hasy.
The volae of the arohlreat •od builder 1.
heard on ovary street and the .moks from
onr o.vutlers tall obin.mys blots the evening
sky." Bill jest the how these Winghem
folke will crowd into Uderioh today 10 get
• miff of onr bracing •tmesphere and •
gllmpae of rho begotifea Ocearry open
Winn the dwellers In Uodench may least
their eyes every day In the week. Wleg•
ham may M all right M work tee, hat (2045-
o -4o0 is the pleas M live In.
New. ►Rnw ?Mr IfAnioi.-Ths sohr
Waederer was In let week with a soup of
lamb.( from Pits Rey for th. Krodngtm
harsher* faetnty. and Mewed no Frinsy,
light, for the same port . The soh,.
Tnfmss, light, nailed is en Thursday oo
ha way from Marisa (Sty to West Ray,
Imolai fee the tern with' map day....
1'ito 0)0014.. Bpm rotersl4 es 8.8,04.1
from Southampteo,where It hod been work-
ing during the eummer, and hos resumed
operatlooe In the harbor ....The solo. Maize
•rrlved on Sunday with 5:5 toss of oral lar
the Manitoba and Lsk. Huron Wittig Co
The solar. Slogapore, light, was le port
ythterday....A r.lt of logs 000l•lotog
about 900,000 feet was brought Into the
harbor oo Sunday for the Uoderlob Lumbar
Co. The lug Seaman brought it dos, from
the Parasols, the Lug Huron aabtlog from
Poise ('lark down....'1beOwlfr•y@ and the
Pittsburg made their regular call.. The
Ow11r•ge oo her trip north to o0 tau
thou.:Lod brick for Sault Ste. Mule....'I'be
Mr. I.oke Michigan is siowted of the big
e leytor In • day or two and the Advanoe
and Myles next week.
1)a.7uOy L. T. 1.AwK1N,'t, LONDON.-
Llodaay '1'. Lawraoe, of the firm of (1alto-
°ruse A Ltwreeoe, druggists, London, Ont.,
did •t hie reeldenoe la that city on Thur,
day, July 25th. HI. death, 'blah had
Leon *spooled for some weeks, war the re
. all of • oompllo•t!oo of trouble*, arising
from • beery oold. A avers attack of
rheumatism affected he heart and rendered
• (•til tsrmin0tloo of his illness 01,0010 •
oerlalnty. Mr. Lrwre°, was brae thirty
six year. ago In Luckoott-i.-Ikdog the an
of Thomas Ltwr000, • I ,Il•knlwo retire 1
marob.ot of that oleos. After palling his
fiool examination as 0- pharmacist, 1n
which he won tht gold medal, he entered
Into partnership with Jame. A. C.Irocroa,
• former fellow apprentice, In London, ono
for the past fifteen years the firm o•rrld o0
• most euooeefal barite... 10 politics Mr.
Lswreoos was • Reformer and in religious
belief a Presbyterian. He wu s Meson
and • member of the I. 0. F. Seven yard
ago be monied Allow. daughter of the late
A. U. Cameron. 10 addition to his widow
Mr. lewrenoe le survived by his lather and
• family of brothers and sisters. Mn.. Ju.
Colwell and Mr.. h:Jw•rd Aobaoa, of
Goderloh, are ousts of the deposed. and
accompanied by Mr. Aoheson they attended
flu funeral, which took plaint London on
Sstardey. -- -
T1rt. 1r, A STo.Y Tim 'PULL, -Aa old
solder out o1 • p.b wag about loan for
ay.ral daya lost wag, and knowing
doubtless by repute the kind,.ss of heart
and the mamma of hand whloh ohar•oter-
1•e the denizens of the coort house hs
alld o0 one or more of them sod solicited
the means of Irrigating his alimentary opal.
ile war not ref used. and .ubsequsolly he
wall.,: at the oourt house again and sked
for Col. llolmee,wbo he .uppoeed,00 doubt,
would be rejoloed to ere an old comrade in
arms and scald not rape an old 'older
the desire of his hear/, to wit, 5 0.01.,
CA. Holme wa not to, however, and there
seemed to 1,1 no prospect of rale( from the
dry weather until R. Campton, K C., who
aoordiog to the story he told the volun-
teers on their return from amp 1s an old
soldier Memel', took pity upon the wander.
log knight and (.formed him that Colonel
Slick- off -ie' reess.�•Wbete cm 1
had him!" wsethe 'argot Inquiry. Mr.
Complies' pointed out the .rhes of n brother
K. C. acd the old soldier mane bin way to
the plan Indicated. Entering the legal
.anctuary he found 0 gentleman sitting
there •od saluted with the greeting, "('11-
onel Sliok, 1 presume." Tin dory right
here nom.. to • sudden stop ; 01, we sup.
pose, did the old soldier. AI any rote, he
i. Dot to be found within the Italie now.
1)6.1111 nee CLINTON'S Pl1eT,ASTIR. -
Roars Porter, at ons time • prominent
figure In 00111490 in Weet Huron, for four
years the representative of the riding ID
the (louse of Common", and Utterly pat
mater ot Chigoe, died suddenly o• 8•tur
day morning lost. H. was out for his regi.
lar mornlcg walk sod when below the
Grand Trunk R.lway troth on the Hayfield
road, directly 1n front of IV Jackson'.
✓ e.ldeooe, he dropped deed. No one was
w ith hint at the time, but he war found •
few minutes afterwards. Mr l'otter was
e lety-eight year. of me and besides hie
widow leave. • family of eons and daughters,
nearly all of whom are grow, op Mr.
I'orter figured In some of the mat ezoltlog
sod closest election contests i❑ the hominy
of the rldleg of West Huron. l0 1882 he
wog the (:o live ondldste for the Uo•
minion Houle, bot was detested by tits late
M. C. Cameron by • m.jorhy of 29. Five
yeri later he W. 04010,lo01 over the same
opponent by • meinrlLy of 27 and rat 1. the
House of Commn00 during the following
Parliamentary term. Ie 1891 the same two
oaedidn'es faced each other and Mr. Porter
sustained another defeat. / Durward, he
was appointed postmaster at Clinton, the
p041 101 which he held at the time of hl.
death. The funeral took plo,e to Klmvalo,
Senate oouety, the doomed'. tormer home,
where the remains were interred on Toes
FAST i.YN9. - The prerentallon of
"Est Lynne" In the Opera Hose Friday
N venbrg Isar, hy-toe :oder ,h Dramatic
Company, In aid of the Marine hospital
fund, was very euoealul, There was •
large and appreclative salience, and the
ohmmeters In the drama were well sustain -
e l. Min Duffs, as "Indy 1.•hel,' pre'
n oted the role with muuh clever fervor, o,d
proved hor ablllty a an pipes, and M1..
Amell• Mclean, as "glee Coney," on -
valuta rho audience *His her quaint dress
and humorously wise .peahen Mies Mona
11'eatherol, did her•rt a "Kar • •
D b r• Hato"
with .0000fs, in 0 &et'. voles and with good
401,001100. Tie Mines Iwtie sod Rens
Muthed•nd took the put of the maid",
"inyo," and "1Vtle'.n,' in • very pretty
manner. M. A. M•odnnalrl, with ot!m,
dignified demeanor, ably presented the rt I,
of "4.1r. Larlylo," In whore °Praetor honor
sad I'Pally predamina'e ,Immo Thomson,
a' "Richard Here,' orae( ,l 11 O'Connell. as
"Lord Mont !intern,- oleo &boom to ad
wrath, and .yams Tbemo., ,John Ibork.
and H. J. A MOEwen, alt filler( their para
very creditably. Little Rogge I'rldh•m,
with wistful Ixo, a id pleading volae, pre
. entad • jathoti° scene In the death 01
"Willie Corlyl. " The .osne at the d..th
MA of Indy 11.9*\, w11h the truo hamlet
Archibald Oariylo granting her (nr.lyene.e
and bestowing his Mooing, was • mutt im.
proal♦e one, and elicited mach enmmenela
Hon from the an4lrnm. Another feature
of the entertainment whinh was much en-
joyed was the whimling of MI.. Coulson
Hey Vonng, which was a tare treat. Immo
Moo Bear 0e l'rkAham, also, recited very
prettily. Miss Kate Compel/no •.ted •e
Outlet, theistic' by Howl Jordon and Mb.
Glover. It ws 1 mat retitled" •Aalr and
boo moth prole* rannot 1/e riven to 'hors
woo whited le PO good • sure.
TKR I,AT1 WILLIAM BRterigl..-Mome
works ago William Brlrg.l, etrloken with
illness in hl. home 1m Now York ('Ity, et
premed a wish to come to I:olerloh, where
msley years ago Le lived for • limo As
.lolrkly as Sha newsboy arrang.mr We could
he made the desire was eralifod, and at
Nadal with I0•In0 were his IMO* Aaya were
spent In the borne whets had been pr.p.rod
for him hon. HI. Hines we an •ggra
vated form of pleurisy and demi* all th.1
owld be Amt Aa'h stoned on Wednesday,
.July 24th. Mr. Beira.' was • native of
Germany, Mt o0n.0 to this comer), whom
hut • hey of nine years. About thirty
years ago ha mime 10 (10Aeelel1 and daring
Ire rpldmew here of • yam and a half he
war married te Mi.. hlinOile, who swr•ives
►Ira. Ater lsayleg (7na0r4eh he wpm fee
Me pee in me• oesl.e.Md wit► Mo Grind
Trunk R.Ilway oe mottos agent In various
plows, and later in the United States he
was collimated with different railway cont
panto.. For three or four yen past he
had lived In New 1 oik City. HIs only
surylviog Pilo is MOM. Carron 44'. Hrtegel
who is the proprietor of • mos', publishing
business ill New fork, but who has b.no to
•ttendsooe ups,,, her lather here. Mr.
Belmgel'e age was filly -lour yen and eight
months. The funeral wag held oo Friday
morning. Servle was oonduotd to St
Pater'e ohuruo by Rev. Faber Woe, Mr.
Itrlvg.l hayiog embraod the Roman CALI
olio faith In April last. The p111-bra7er
were, Judge Doyle. 10. Complus, K C., J.
D. O'Connell, Wllll.w 'Tighe, Joesph Kidd
and Jas. Mclutsb. The 4bliermest took
place In the Roman Catholop cemetery In
Colborne. Deeotd'e only brother, Fred
Kriegel, onlved from Mootresl to ',tied
the funeral. Tile b vee I wile awl daugh-
ter and olh: r relatives hare the sympathy
of all who koo. them In tbe:r sorrow.
'•ll'e'ra going through the world and we
0041 go twice ; If every(hiug went right. eh,
wuu'do't It Le 0100 r If yon wept ever/Mang
Ingo right as far as the tailoring you wear is
0000.racd go to tar paoplia clothier, Y. J
The town copal will met I°m.rrow(Fri•
day) e0. WOO.
Regular msetlog of public sobool hoard
nett Monday eyeolog.
North strert Methodist Sabbath school
had its I tomato towering •t lblaok'e
turnstiles on the Square were n•
moyd last week, but the fetus will remain
for the 'present.
A. S. Chrystal, of Loodoo,ha boo mak
lug repairs at the K+ndord salt blocks
here and at Clinton.
Chilton New Era : 1'he new waterlog out
is out and work' like o charm; it is of the
Uodertch manufaoture.
The balance of the tlreet fair fireworks
will be shoe off on the Square this evening
-and the band will play on.
Quito • I.rl. Dumber from town and vi-
cinity Intend to I.•ye on the uounto0 to
Manitoba and the Northwest nut Toe.d•y.
The prize lute for the Great Northwsuro
oxhlbitloo are cat. Tuesday and Wdn...
day, Ootober 1 and 2, are the dates of the
('hu, Hammond, late of North Bay, is
wasting on this division of Ns Gonadial'
Kxpro.. Co. during the rush In the fruit
Tb.•le of the Nattsl property on SI.
Vincent attest was effected the later part
of that week. 8. A. MoG•w is the paroho.-
er, at 53.500.
Toronto Saturday Night : Mr. Haien
Loudon gave • .mall dimer at the Yacht
Club on Monday, In honor of Mi.. Aphelion,
of Uderioh.
There Is Lo be • "bop" at the (lddfellows
Hall tonlght mode, the utopia* of the ton
.1. club. Th. London harpers are to (oro•
4.h the music).
The bit of gram in front of tho peatofl)ice
h flourishing 44 sly under o
the .elnl tend-
ing of janitor it.sestt. It make, quite an
Improvement In the spot.
Mr.. Ellie 8.tto.,, Brom et., was o5lled
to Listowel through the Illness of her
daughter-Io•l•w, Mr.. Frank Sallow., of
whoa speedy i.eovery we hops to hear.
We (earn that Norman F. Church ho
resigned cis position as teacher of S S. No
2. Weal Wawanah.(or the peeps. of •rten
ding, the Uolleglote lostitute in Uoderlob
n ext term.
Frank Thompson, formerly with St. Up.
I'rioe here, who hoe It an condo citing •
shoe store In Stratford, has sold oat his b0e•
Mess. W. hove not learned what him plant
for the future are.
0, K. Mills, B A , of Harrl.ton, who
was on the staff of liodenoh Collegiate lo-
d ltuts for a short time a few years ago, hal
been appointed principal of the Collingwood
Col leg! ata Institute.
Th. WIngham Sunday mine' excursion is
timed to reach Uoderinh at 10:30 the morn-
ing and will (says at 7 r M. We I N •sod to
ear visitors a hearty welcome and trust
they w111 all have • grd time,
There I. oompl.int of the scarcity of good
houses to rent i, town. Anyone who owns
a 4 abltable hause for which hs wants •
tenant should plane • notice In Tug Stu
NAI.', advertising columns IA that e*eot.
hire..1. L. Aitken has received word of
the death of her father, Abraham Wilson,
formerly of lfoderloh, which eoonrred at
Maple Crook. Asp , about the 1'b of July.
Mrs. Aitken has not yet received portio.•
lore of the .ad
Gado. UrIIIio has sold his farm of one
hundred Pres on the 'eke Shore Rod,
A•h4eld township, to Florence McCarthy,
rat Kingebrldgo, the price being $4.600. It
1s a fiat clue form, and Mr. McCarthy has
made a good bargain.
Among the etarene o1 the Onterlo Nor
mal UoIleve who were eoorwselol in the n-
ainb elaminatton. was .1, J. W. Simpson, •
graduate of the Uoderioh Cellsglat* In•
. tltnte. Mr. Simpson obtained •.peMal-
Id'. oertlgoate for moderos and history.
The rains of the past week were weloeme
loth in town Rod in the poultry. In town
they bnghl.od op the lawns and hid the
dust, and In the country, although ton late
to be of benefit to any but • few fields of
grain, they will help pasture and root prop.
Heyer Wilson has rsoolved an invitation
'to •Heid the reception to the London Old
Hoy., which 1e to ode place In that city o.
Monday. Tnesdoy and Wednesday of out
week ills Worship I. n native of the For
set City and hs Intends to he with the other
" Old Boy. " nsn t week,
Rev. Chronos duel, of Detroit, preached
y,ry & capably Sunday morning In St.
(:ergs: church, Mr. /fuel Sud his
daughter, Mn. Dwight, mod two ohlldren
are visiting to town.
Rev. H, Defoe, of (.bawd, will preach
to Vlolorla street Methodist ohurob next
Sunday, at both prvloes The /motor of the
ohuroh, Rev. J. W. Robioacu, will 000npy
Mr. lrvino's pulpit In L'stowel next Sunday
and will take holidays during the remainder
of August.
The Orangeville Banner says that Crag
ley and Hunter had 400 professed 000ver•
Mona during thele' stay In that town. Ut
these •bout 217 desorlbad themselves as
Methodists, 100 as Presbyterians, 37 as Au•
&Bops, 24 u Baptist., while ('oogregatlon•
allots, the Salvatioo Army and Roman
Catholles were each representsd among the
Ml.. (1. R. Myer, of Toronto, h • Ultdse
rloh visitor.
Mrs. Crabb left S•t.rd•) N a walk M 4.If
sen to S.afortb.
Mi.. Ids Vacilate, M Buffalo, Is visiting
her home here.
Mrs. and Mus LolUe Hinton are spending
a month 1n Toronto,
Errant Heaton, of .Toronto, spent MuMutingd
here with his family
Mise Grose Mitchell, of Toronto, is the
guest of Mies Mary Sharman.
Alex. Macdonald, of Blyth, was in torso
for • her days the pat week.
Mrs. Edge, Mise Dorothy and Muter
Percy .re visiting Woods in town.
Mr. sal Mn, Robs. Stewart bait o. S.1-
ord•y to vett raatly.. at Hippie.
Mn. B. F. Show and ohlld, of San Fran-
olseo, C.1., tie visiting relatives la town.
Herbert (fluff, of '1'oroato, formerly of
(ioderfob, spent several days In town tat
I. W. Steinhoff, the well-known cheese
operator of Stratford, was Io town this
Miss Alia Bates 4. visiting her father st
Bra...l.,where Mr. Bates is uodergolog med•
lo.l treatment.
The Mime Jona and Franca Hinoke, of
Toronto, hays been •Isitl03 their ''iter,
Mn. John Knox.
Stratford Herald . Misses W tante sod Flo
none Copes, Cheetah street, are spending a
duple 01 wake eoj lylog the lake breezes .t
Mees Mode M. Wynn ha returned after
• pi visit loll' o and Buffalo, h•••
log enjoyed • great deal of good mush at
the •'Pen" and elsewhere.
Mrs. drown sod Mimi Hyslop returned on
Moodsy b their home in Hamilton after •
pleasoot visit of several woke with Oar
e nter. Mr. Henry Martie.
The Mina Wetsoo,of Portage l• Prairie,
Mae, daughters of Senator Watson, are
the goats of the Mimes MoL.yen, Victoria
at , during their caption from Harmon
Mike Liddle Brod, who wet visiting Pr
sister, bin, Theodore Hale, left on Friday
for I:Times•, and after • .1.11 there will
prn:ed to her home In Kegl•nd. Mrs. Halo
P oompanled her to Framosa,
Ml.. 1111ey Rumbsl', d.ugh'er of Mayor
Rumball, of Loodon, was wits rotary's 1n
town over Sunday, and on Sunday evoolor
rooderd • solo pry .00.ptably to North
street Methodla ohuroh. Her brother,
Jack, le making • •tut hen, the guest of
his uncle, P:. J. Rumba(, East skeet.
There w111 Le a in ttoh on the West street
tomo'. Port today between Wingham and
lop' player'.
Ths lawn howlers elpeot • visit from the
Brussels howlers today, and there m.y also
he one or two rieb• from Listowel.
The (cnrll, of the series of rimes for the
Whoop, Beattie Meyele offerer(' by Use.
F Emerson was run o0 •l the agricultural
g rounds on Wednesday evening of last
week rhe content had narrowed down to
throe competitors. ltlob. Yoram', Fred.
Ilrnph.y end Kd. liryan., and these those
entered the rows Wean/Way evening. The
Metope was ten miles. Towards the end
of the ram Rym broke away from the
ether two, bot Krnphey and Young kept
watch oo each of hrr and let Riving go at
his sen gait. At the end Bryan. led •
wetter rat • we •sd Tiro/obey haat not
Voting for ..need place this ends the
e^elr', as Itrophey has peered •.ongh
points 10 lead he oppeemate no matter
what the result el another ram m(ght ba.
He aro xdlegly gate tha wheal, whloh he
has faille we. by hard work. The rem
petition develops' .sate gond evert, amd
we hope the Lail w111 be kept rolling.
By an ex plosion el parolees. maths I'sited
Hetes eraser 1.e111es Adelaide se neekheles,
l'•paln Orr, am of the crew sed fear ens,
tam soon wen burned M do• it.
To Sao Editor of Tog Swiss.
Dein 5i. --I .to Ly Tn. Smoot, of a
week ag, that 1 •ppe.r ere • sueowlul
guesser .e 10 1(.0 numb„ , 1 hews In • jar
In Mr S'. George 1',tr.'..t o., and that I
get a ticket to the 1'.t, A ner:oan. A. •
matter of •muutment in royal! 1 med. •
guess la this mion lr 1 m, se It : rho 11r,
as you know, was .pheuo.l, ft atonal some
what at the top 1 monsured the circum•
lereno. and sot the number 01 00040 lathes,
which •.tied se I allowed fiat the aforesaid
flattening, sod then fouod the space • bean
would oocopy and reckoned •000r.ltogly.
Of o0are5 I arriv.'d at different numbers,
h at oaoh number was oorr.01, as 1 thus al-
lowed fur in. differ<bee 10 the yerttoal
diameter. 1 came out mathematically or•
root. Mins was therefore rosily not • gases
at all. 1 told Mr. Price that 1 wanted no
Pan-Amerlow tlakrt, and he understands
that I take no snob tloast 004 no money to
Ilea of suoh tloket.
1 gave him • share of oar orders for
boots and spas while i lived In Uoderlob
and always telt that he gars me value for
my money, and 1 add him no ondderatlon
wh0t0•51 for rho privilege of making out
the Dumber of beans In the jar.
I write thlo lest some might tbrnk that 1
resorted to that childish way of getting •
Uoket le 11. Pan-Ameelaan. It war prob-
ably foolish to take that kind of amuse-
ment. Ifs i must bear the 01n.ure of all
who so judge. 1 may say that i haveeoo
other Information on the mottle than *hitt
which appesrs 1n Tug SIUSAI..
Yours truly,
Rldgetowo, July 24th. .IANPRA WILSON,
MONIIAY, July 29,
Mise M. Ituehannan le the guest of her
deter, Mrs. ('lark.
Mr. and Mn. ('h... MoNell, of Dunlop,
9uodeyed with Iles Mammonist.
W. F. Yoaet will erect his silo this week
sod will .4.. pot • pomp In his new well.
H. W. and Mia Rerth• Graham, from
. ear ttbanloy,fr., rho roma of Wee A. W.
Green, Raed0le, over Sunday.
Mr. Itarkwell hot gold his farm to his
n eighbor, .foh. Ualli ghsr. Mr. Karkwell
and son, Oswald, Intend leaving for the
North's'', where tbey`wlll teke up bond,
Chose P411, Ur. Hall Medlolae Cs.,
Moreton 6
Rbeum•tlo Cure Dr. Hall Mediums 0,
July Wedding -- W. A. McKim 6
Menial August Clothing Sale -N. D
Roup y le 4
Portland Cem.ot-MOKenzle & Hew.U8
l:oing Out of liioyoles-l:. B. & M. H4
Aououoo.meot -3 H. Worrell 1
Aonounoemmt--St. Uer,e'. ob. Y.P. U1
Boy Wanted -Chas. E. Shaw 1
Fin and Smoke -S1. (Norge Yrlm 8
Anoouooemnot-Mrs. l'ooper1
House to Rent --A. Koeesh•w..... 1
House Waited -Mia A/trUI 1
A000uncemoot-Mtu Ball 1
4'., `isle- F:. 1',11 1
Three Midsummer Barga*a Days-Hod-
gess■ Bres 8
Clvio Holiday Steur.ioa to Toronto8
Ue0 rubber Wesson your oarrl•ge at the
Dominion Cordage Works, Q,
Soy, Pat, did you se that rubber -Mrd
buggyat the Dominion ('arrlageWorkel L/'t x
• beauty.
The Chatham wagon sol: oemplote with
hay and stock rook s1 the Dominion Carats
age Work., J. K. B.Y1yl 15, proprietor.
0o1y two harvest ex,areloss to Manitehs,
Aeg,et 6th and 13th, 710. Ueb your ►lo.
tete sod all information from Mt.'. BALL, iv
Canadian ('odds o4oe, West etre(.
A garden party will be given on the
grounds of A. M, Todd, Lighthouse s$i
by the young people of St. George'd whom'
on Tuadoy, Aug. 6:h. Refreshments.
Twelve selections by Marine Band. Ade
mission 10 oasts. All weloome.
0.e good secood-hand coal and two good
oeoond•band wood furnanose for sale cheep.
They will make good beaters tor stores or
booths for any persons waotinr cheap for.
noose. For sale at J. H. WORSZLI.'a, the
cheap stove and forams man, liodertoh.
Bicycles from 710 a9 at the Dominion
Carriage Works. We all the rytebmed
Columbia Dipole, the best on earth, at the
1)omtolon Carriage Werke, ala the "Soots.
mon." named after the ship that eenmyed
the first Canadian coSitngenb t• South
MELLING OCT -Haying decoded to re.
move from Oodelob, 1 will all eat mg
stook of millinery and f•ooy goods at prices
that will enable me to clear off the entire
stook withlo • few web. All amount*
mos, be paid at nes. MRS. 0019n., Me.
Leap's block.
lovernea,C•mp, Soo of Sootlaad, porpott*
holding • harden party on the grounds of
Mrs. M 1: Cameron on the evening of Frl.
d.y, August 9:h. The program which will
be presented oo the oeoleloa will be as much
L s possible of • 8ottlsh chanter and will
tooled* nrudo hy the Marine Band and the
bagpipes and other Nurseling features.
TCu.*v, July 29,
Mrs. Roht. King. el Goderloh, I. acting
friend. here.
Mr. and Mn. 1), Hall, of Myth, .peat
Sunday a/ .1. Hall'..
The yield of r..pberrles in this part of the
monk, Is vary poor.
Mrs Dr, Toole, of Brussel., I. • siting
cold freed. in RI.e•de.
Wm. Jewett shlpp.d a oarlood of hors
from hers lost 'Thursday.
Rev. Robt. Tbyeet" preaobd In the Meth-
odist eharoh on Roods, e•e.ing.
Mies Mina Doses, 0f Z.rinh• 10 the gnab
of her friend, Mies Ape 4m1111..
Mie. Jessie (;•ads, of Ayr, te waiting MI..
Kit Fowler, et th. Ripple road.
Ales. Maar ba his threshing machine 00
too reed for another eu0e's work.
Miss Lillie Ol.ver,el Uderlab,l. aps.dirg
•.hut time vleilime friend. le Rlge•ale.
The aemd of the series of anti noes wig
nm ere Saturday manioc t 14.,. were Av.
*tri.. Homy same to Are•, then Smith
thee (ewltes, Brisker amid Stewart. There
w ewe mese .ossa yet le be rue.
Nance.- The loll( egen07 111 U eco
for Toil 8roval, le at the orae of J. U. W.aq
• cave anoer, ta, who will receive or
defor eaptlone. .dyerttst,g •ad job.
wort, and Is urthorlxed to give r.oelpt. fog
amounts old for lh. same.
TVONDAY. July 30.
NIIo91nN or COUNCIL -'14.. municipal
lather. of Web W•wanesh ' will most la
the usual place on Morley, the 5th of
Auguo', at 10 o'nlock ♦. M. 'imp. All nos.
corned may 'morn themselves a000rdlogly.
TUX WrATuIt.-0. Thursday of 111i
week the long drought was broken by •
heavy shower of rain, which, as the spring
and root 'rope were almost pouted with the
ex0esliye best, war very mph appreciated.
To ail eppear•ooe • spill of wet weather Is
o im li order, and pasture, roots, .to. are
In onernoenoe rapidly Improving and glee
good proepwts of • god yield. Farmer
and others 0000erosd are therefore more
cheerful than they were.
MONDAY, July 29.
Will. Parkins, o1 Dungannon, .pent Sae!
day .t Nile,
Mr. and Mrs. 4L . Morrow spool Maeda,
with friends at Nile.
Mt.. Month McKnight Is visiting a1 1)e•
trop and other piaci*.
Miss Slmmone h.. been spending • few
day. at .1..14 Mol lwalo's
Mot (Rev.) Irvine, nl Listowel, hie Teen
.visiting friend. at Nile daring the pat
An los Dream cooled la to be held under
Sha •asplowe of the Methodist ohurob at the
ham. of D.vld (lirvin on Wdoed•y, Aag.
8th. A suitable and enterbalnlo, program
1s being provided.
M,.'.» y, holy 29,
Albert Quid vo,. Klnoardlme • Ieassienk
vett last week.
Mater Reggie R theme is eojoying his
school holiday' with hie uncle, 1,4*..,
Space, In (.oderloh township.
Cha.. MaoNell had • bas of his neighbors
last wait with their seem' drawing brick
for the house that he le building.
New telegraph poste have bean placed by
the onmpany'e empleyeea I•Isly, and the
line genorslly has undergone repairs.
kir, and Mrs. 'It. George Price, Mono((•
for .1. ('. Martin and Mn. Martin, of (lode.
rich, 001,yed • hrlef MI% levant visit herr
this weak, rho guests of Mr.a.a Mrs Thou-_
111o'n.1y, ,July 29
Robert D,F.Iliott, of Uoderloh,wa U 44ld
vicinity on Frld•y.
Bald Terrane was a gest a1 The Rims
00 Saturday eveetn
4.11.. }'sheers',g. 0f Patriot., Pa., 1e
visiting at Jon. d brranci e.
Miss Annie Mol)oagall, of Gelerto',, is
vetting relative" 1n this acetify.
6114. Tlohherne, of Uoderlob, is visiting a1
the home of her uncle, Wm. '1'lobhorne.
El. Johnston paved through the allege
with his Eery steeds on Sunday arming.
Mier Mande 1',okard, of Gait, 4. •*.*tile
at home. (ler mother, we are pleased t.
4.4)0,1, h roo0reri• g,
VIII M. Ctaskev nailed on old frleeds le
this vicinity bait week. He leumds to re -
taro to How.), in two weeks.
(talte • number from sowed here L...4
to avail thomeebo.s of the opportunity of
going to Manitoba on Aug. 51h.
The Gond reading e( the bill •Iter(,si the
term. of the Royal de^larating ma emrrl.4
in the Howse of Lords by on strewhelealee
Jake 9kln, the Indian, arre.td Per 8700-
ppe..dng os Oolgnhoon'. Mood, L Lake Re!
Freots, was o900ea.ed to twisty dao' 10•
primainest at Cornwall.