HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-25, Page 8.11 8 THUUDAT, July 25, 1901. BALANCE OF Summer oods MUST GO NOW The season has advanced to a point when goods must go, or stand a chance of being carried over. At SMITH BROS.' they go. You Know the class of Merchandise we carry. You know that high quality and newness characterize our stocks. These offerings are neither old or un - desire le goods, no matter hew low the price. L 1. WASH GOODS. Balance of our eu1oU.Ml mea line. in blues, pinks. \navys, blacks and reds, prices \were 20c and 25c, going at le Balance of file (*foetid gm hams, were l9de to 17e, at 10c All our regular 121c prints going at . , I0c LOT 3. r -Y-1 SHIRT WAISTS. -Spec-lel lot colored were 50e and 60e, going at 25c Ladies' white waists, were $1 00, going at 7& White waists, were $1 25, for $1 00 Latest shape old lot colored waista, were tiCc and 75c, go ing at 50c We LOT 2. MILLINERY. give Ra'ancc of untrimmed shapes ladies' and children's fle) mtrawa, .al'or hats, walking remlums _ hate, etc. Don't miss this Mars: a to ru alp- or ♦ et. set'oud hat. on ash purch SCS. See that yot get coupons] for all you buy. Going at half price. LOT 4. v --y- •--v~- - Thr- •� DRESS GOODS and SILKS y ru=lune 111 the store At • orad price during this Spec lot Bedford cerci m ales. Wer, red. grey, regolar50c. icy eilke or waists3or min •a all urs t. A • red Rale. K goals fawn, going Far tem f , Make an early ch This sale commences Thursday, J tinues till Saturday, Aug LOT 5. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Nice line fancy and plain feat black rotten ptcks, ring at 2 pairs for 25e Fine grey and black fedoras going at clearing prices, Mon's straw hate, worth 75r and $1.00, new shapes, going at b& Special lot °tf'ore.l print shire, some wet. =1 00, some 75c. Going at ..life Yen, and bort _tanking at bargain prices Ten Bargain Days. 26th, and c t 3rd. LOT 6. LADIES' READ -MADE WEAR• White outerwear, ill duaerl. ltidiea'-itettote -earl - mpee going at reduced prior•. liadierscparatc .kiraa At reduced prices. ladies' ram cloaks, going at etlucel prime 1l..-, - CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. DUNGANNON. VIIR. G. A. NKWTON. DENTIST. HAS discontinued lite trips to Dungannon. I be pleased to meet sol from that neigh- borhoodd who may require lits °ervioe° at the boom once. I.uckuow, where ns will be foetid very day in the week except Thursday. when h e visite Ripley. Special atte•rlon psld to preservation of natural teeth. crown and bridge work, °to. Keay methods of extract- ing. Nance.- The local ageoey In Dungannon for Ta■ SIONAI. bat the (idiom of J. (i. W Asn, J.P., conveyancer. eo.. who will receive or dere for euptlons. edvertatng and Job. work, and is •nthorized to give receipts for amounts paid for the same TtLsDAt, July 23 I.v Moir Poor iter. ---00 aoonunt of the etat°mene of suooeseful eat ranee oaadidatee given 1n last week's issue of Ilia St:SAI., copies of the Issue are eagerly sought. Wsarnaa --The wave of warm weather has to senor extent Injured p d root crops, and the spring crops also are • af ertsg, It sin le very msoh needed at prem• sea Ramos Ar. -(fur Rental watchmaker ha removed Into the building formerly °coopied by Mrs, Clara Wilton, milliner, *biota Is very suitable for Isla lisi of buAeme. We wish him auaoeas. - - - -_ FAI.1. WitrAT. -Fall wheat, rye and barley oreps are being secured and will (weather permittlog) soon ha fiu.hwl Next In order, steam threshers will ere many days be brought into rrq deafen. The popular veteran threshers, '1'. Bailey, James Alar, and others, aro preparing for the teases's week m 01. line. Mr. Agar has given an order for • new traction engine to a company at Brantford. 1\'e wish him success this season. INrenms.'T -- (li Saturday the remain. of the late.Jehe Jame', of ''ort Hope, were Interred In Dungannon cemetery. The de- °aeed was formerly • pioneer resident of Wert Wawannsh and removed anme rex or moo years ago to Port Hope. leu age was eighty elgbt year". Rey. Mr. Owen, of Lucknow, oordooted the obsequies. 011'1.111. OA Monday, Jit. Meraball, township surveyor for West Wawanosb, Itt compliance with • relent by the oonnell and the petition of several rat. -payer. Ie the village of Dungannon, re a leading drain, commenced operations as to the oeoseeary drainage re.lntred, which will be mad° known In his profile and award In tho near future. The reeve, R Medd, Coun- cillors Cameron and Mallough, also the clerk and trsaurer, were 1n attsndanw. Haas AND Tnraw-Darinr last weak your humble sorlbe agent a very pleasant time visiting Mr. and Mrs J. E. Tom and other friend' in the baeutllul dueller town Mn. John Ritohle, of 1Vingh'm, 1" whiffing relattvasin Militate*, end renewing former •consistences Mr. and Mrs, James Rue Sooday.d with relatives In the town.hip of Huron. Mia May, their daughter, remained for a two week,' visit lire. T. W. Little, accrnuanl.d by two soot, W and Carroll, left here las'. Friday on an extended visiting tour ANNUAI4 SUMMER SALE 500 full cloth hound Books, all new, 127 titles, atan- (lllrit v . ., ,1 ' . , n . , I5c each. Light Summer Reading. An elegant -new line of paper hound novels, publish- ers' price 25c, clearing summer sale price 10c and 15c. Remember these books are all new, clean and fresh from the publishers 1 Palm Loaf Fans, 2c each. r„ ,Oft' ori t, t.yr .4 Tt� . ` Satin Fans, regular Sc each, clearing summer sale price, 2 for Sc. Other fans, / and 1, off regular prices. Hammocks, Croquet and Express Wagons, # off reg- ular retail prices. Chatelaine Bags, }land Satchels, Purses, ladies' and gents' Belts (only the new and correct shapes and styles) for clearing summer sale prices. See our show windows. All goods marked in plain figures. Watch this sale if you wish to save money. a , o. 100 8PORTER. 'S Book Store, Oar Tel*pbone ooe le NNo. Court house Square, Galerich. i to relatives at North ISay and other pointe Riubard Haley, rat Ottawa, left here oo 'Tuesday for home after a short visit to his dater. Mrs. 1t Wilson Robert Motlatb, of Wiorham,acoompauted by his meter, Mine Susie, and hl. daughter, Mere Jane, made • visit to his perorate on Saturday tut and left for home ora Sunday (ymleu following Mrs. Wilson, r.ltut of the late It chard %Y.leuri, left tore during last week on an wended visit to re lathes in the State of Iowa .lames tloMatb, of Clinton, and two daughter", Misses Myrtle and Marj,ry, visited rola ties. here dialog this -hitter part of last wrek Mines Mary and Site, daughters of ('ouootllor Wm. Cameron, visited Mrs. D McNevins era Walley .... Mr. •sd Mrs. John Sloths..., of 1Voodstuok, ate nuking 'Mgr •usual visit to relative. and foetid' to this violally Mr. and Ms Geo. Walker, of Uarrle,lett hire on Monday lest after a short visit to his p,rent., Mr. and Sirs. •ler. Walker, much pleased with the visit ...T. J, Bechtel, V. 5 , of Huwkts elite, Waterloo county, 1..11 jnoed Mrs Bechtel, who is visiting bur parents. Mr. and Mre. James 1v'hyartt William Lreeb:e, of A\'oodstock, as vicious; tog par• eats, Mr. and Mrs. ('roahto, at It.Ifaat,wbere he Intends to 'pend his holidays A largo number of the young people of I.uoL n ow attended tie Lr ague meeting .n the Methodist church on Monday evening Vrr.l'artwright, of Brandon, Manitoba, formerly • tetident of Ashfield, and widow of the late John ClrtwrlghL is visiting her brother, Donald McNevin, sr. The isle lady 1s loud in her praises vl thed'rairie Province, having tended in It for a •umber of years. LEEBURN. MIINDAV, July 22. Otto Knuckle, formerly • resldsnt herr. e nd for the past few years an aoouai visitor Irom Detroit to see relatives and Meade here and In Lioderich, visited here Intel week a000mpenied by hie wile end sen. --- Juob Mosier. who awed the first oats of the new century In this neighborhood on Monday. tis° 13 h of April. on Monday, the 223d of July, cut them with hie binder. 1t is his futeotion to show a bag u; so of them at the Doming fall fair in Ooderioh, as they ✓ C a fine sample. DUNLOP. M,sieat, July 22, tlhi+ E 1 1 l'al:ow, of 1'uq t Albert, 1. the guest of Mee. (leo. Mul'eee, at L yal 1'. 0 Mrs. Wm. Niebergall, et Windsor, 1. up visiting her parents here mad also relative. 'n G )derioh. Mrs. }:hard Hogan is up from Datrrit elsei-cold friends to Colborne, and hot week wail the guest of Mrs. James 'Tobin. Or. Marlon Oltvev, the merltosl mission ray at present on • holiday to Canada, was • transient visitor here last week, the guest of Mrs. Lawson at Lorassides. Daring this weak and seal W. )<. Young, of Loyal, will put ie a pump in the artesian well that be r,oeotly had suck in his ban - yard a the homestead farm, hiah wipp be worked by leu windmill. H will alio Kaye • silo snood. sere sad at Loyal feel k bleden were se the move ve cutting doeiw the fail wheat and barley. Our •yet,(F•n friend R'ibsst IdaeMlltt•o, o•gh a little advanced 1. re, drove is Wilder in good style •ad era as well be did nearly a quarter of • east ry ego Our or se toweemae, Jae. I.. Tubm : of The Ft Ma Prestaff, of London, Is for wens holiday. Tito time he Silage b him Islam Voiotia*, • rettrtd bull •t, wise built and 'leagued • r : g.nhllo • building, in WesternWesterntee of Macchio. among m being the averment buildings of .tiw,'fuzas, S.o hie retirement from profession ha hi, 'yelled -much reel a 1m years agovlsit.d t father lead. being in 1 lin for six weeks, or the 1 inperm often %than there. Us also at If(row see burg. ing its greet olty c k. In future Mr Vane no sill maks b owe In the Furth City.\ Tb e wit K and HAI many of the 14 the en .BLUEVALE. WonvttcD1Y, July 17, Freddie Johnston ie visiting in God. Ich this week. Mr. McTaggart, of Hewlett, spent a fere, data last week at F. 11. Saoll'e. Robert Mather., o1 the let line Morris, has been In very por health !tidy. Ruth. ltockridte, who has b)en'b+tot al summer, returned to his home lurk There day Mrs. M,I: sen, of Menklor. wit y.sit.inr her daughter, Mrs Rob it Mt.b us ton, tht. week. JI sees Magg(e end Maze Holmes, of 1'aloterston, aro visiting their uncle, Andrew Holmes Robert McAlister, of Milwaukee. Wis., visited hl. stater, Mrs. Wm. Mester, one day last week. Mu. Mary 'Thornton, of Wingham, is visiting her granlpertnte, Mr. and Mt. .John ((sedum.. Ries- Mr. \\ eft v rya pleasantly entertain- ed the memheti ct the church choir lett Friday evening. The Rev. Mr. Swan pre soiled a sermon to the Orsngcineu in 1`.. Methodist church last Sunday eyenine. Ile Friday evening Dick Proctor while wheeling round the block ran into a horse and rig and wag .lightly Iojlred. George Me1),nalJ had a very suces►dul raising last Thursday. His ban when oompl.ted will bo one of the largest to this part of the country. The Mtnee. P, oh•rdson, of Toronto, who hive been soewling a tow weeks visiting it Ionia and tet•ti ytl Ira this vlcl,lty, riturn • ed home on Monday. MaoKetzie Messer. of Detroit, came home for his holidays on wedeesday. He was accompanied by his slater, Was Cora, who has been visiting in Ypsifantl, Mich. Frank Scott, who hos been visiting his parents and Li'id. hire for a tbw nooks, left for Tama, lows, on Wedneed.y. lir will visit the Pan Anitrinas on his return 1lurnty. Mrs. George Mcr)onahl left on Monday for1)wen. Honed, where her .iter, M... 1.)ule Burgess, fitseriously ill. She was se. m.mpanled by .1nhn )(mg and Mre. Peal Powell. At the raising on Friday ker. McEwan was knnrkul on the heed by a heavy pike p' 1.. Tte Met mialfr Teri fiet;E UIIIIUc but fortunately Mr. bit E can soaped with Might Haile'. Failte a nurnler •it'n'el the orange celebration at Lucknow on friday last, bet .till the crow.l was emelt compered with thet of • few years sere. 1 s the Anthers. Derr of the Orangemen dying out' The first race for the silver cup will be NMI on Saturday evening, The can 1. pre- owned ed by the Canada Cycle and Motor Company. to bo competed for by rider. of IM own wheels, end is a handsome trophy. KINGSBRIDGE. Trot oy, Jolly 23:.l. Yin 1'hthpa, of Loodon, le el.ttlag here. The Misses Anna, Maggie and Avner O'Keefe are Annie for their led d.y, J'he many frleedsel Mt. and Mu Thee, Jey eongratnlste them upon 1he edyent of a 1 We boy. Yre. 11. Lunen and children, of Detroit, are vatting the lady's pa-snu, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doyle. 11. J. Orttlie, Mre (:.ghin, bit.. Haley, of ishpeetnlnr, and Mrs. ,1. FiteHenry, of Mar.lwtte, attended the Inner.' of their mother but week. Mrs Moletneh, ret Dtroft, 1e spending a few weak, among her friends In AO geld, when rhe I. thoroughly er j tying he calf with our lake breeze. Willie hurler, of Duluth, Is boom with hie mother, after an aboesus of twenty years, mewing old acyuelotaaues and sea• leg many of his old sohoolutates. Ms, Jobs Sullivan le home again after spending a hoer weeks to Detroit, wbero she aovompaoied her sun. D. F., who had bees rutlloetiug la Ashfield with his wife mud 'Add for some weeks previous. Dennis hal dune wall out Weed and believe* In haying • good time when be can. Since leayluq hero be visited the 1'•n American and spent some time wan • brother In New York.. He intends taking a trip eros. the Atlantic' before roturulog to his home in Boulder. (lel. h• W. with them • pleas ant voyage and sate return. Oos of our old pioneers., Mrs. T. Urithn, paved p.auefully away Sunday, the 19th Inst, She had lived In A.htisld fifty elx yeas and raised nye b,ye and five girls, all .,till II ring and doing well, moat of whom were around her at the last moments mourn- ing • kind and loving parent. Althougb eighty sin years of Age, she enjoyed good health up to • leer weeks ago and many will miss that sweet finalist .mile and warns nand shake of our dear friend. The funeral, • very large and reepretable one, took place on Tuesday (rent the home of her daughter. Mrs.. J. Flynn. dire Father Mul.'ormick celebrated trouiem high mass for the re- pose of her soul and she was laid to reit be side her husband, who died some twtety• five years ago. The pail b were three sons and three 'medium, Jame!, John, Michael, Ted J. I:rittia, Tenothy John I:rlitin and 1). I). Floc. MACK ItY OF FORMOSA. A Letter (rent rel. amu Ghee Detail, el ells Death. A letter dated .luod 7, has been reeeiy.d lie Rev. Dr. Mackty, cf N uodetuok, from G. W. MacKay, son of the late Format mlnelonery. lir. MacKay has given to the prole some extracts horn The letter which will interest many of our readers : Atter twenty hours of tutoose suffering my dear (anter visaed away oo the afternoon of su-day, 2ad hut. He was coo°oious usul within three hours of nim death. e ' Cos• e tantly he t^pt pointing up to heaven, sad looking upwards as much as to*ey.."1 will 1. tte-e soon." • • Alt thrcgrh-bl. ellrk- eeu he wee atxicus about hq work. Two day* before bis death Leapt up at midnight, and woo atone to Oztord College. DO one t eeing him. It was full 'noun .hat night, toil I autpose he theu,tbt it was day. He entered the huddle", end knocked at the 'doer. Fortunatly a student taw him on 1 'nought him btek After a little be whit e1R, to return to the C'oll'ege ; wo tried to per• ara':0 him not to at'ewp' It, but to vain.,% Ile went, enured the ball, and sat on a choir', shying that be was going to conduct the so• null examination The examination Was utualty held about this t:nte of the year. Bat It was poor father'', delirium. Ile could nit ,peek, and who he wrotq at tboe time was the last we could mak) Gat. Word of Ms death was nut to all the miss- ion stations, and on Monday and 1'ue.day the petiole flocked from all parte of the nose• ray, mid some are still mildey today. It was • m t piteous sight to see the preacher and oa arts weeping bitterly at his bedside. O men with grey hairy sod beards wept titin ablldrmo. Indeed I native& could re frill from brwaisg 1 th Into teary when they beheld oold k d th their lorefge friend whom oaoe they hat and persecuted. Mei y %ban they learned that father was dead could tot parte ke food f )r • whole day, snit some for two days or more; and many tra• vrdlnd fifty miles on foot to be present at ;h.c tremal. 1 pitted the Japanese pastor. When he tittered the room he oast himself .io..rr .. I,i. k..... end wept as If he had lost a letter Indeed 1 was told by many that they did not weep so n u -b when tbetr parent. d 6i. lfe was burled oo Tucrduy it 1 p. m., in • piaci) which he himself had chosen. The oidia was carried by elders 'many of them midi deseone,and some of the older preacher,. Altogether there were 16. Iter. W. t:auld made a betel *perch to 11 a native" and Eu• ropeane, Rev. A. those poke to t he natives and Rev. H'wal (Japanese pasta) addressed the Japanese. There were Oil Christie.. pre• ant at the funeral, 43 of whom were Japan- .... The funeral we, attended by every Eo - option In North Formoa, and smoog them were consulerepresenttng many nationalities. Among thedepareee were many military rf lacers with uniform,. Treem were els , over 200 oon•('hristlans gathered to we the fno,ral,the greater num• ter of\whom knew father well. The total at the lunars! wee 651. And seers ars parted, bat 00 shall meet •gain. At p(esent ter are all In great sorrow. vet yours, O. W. MAI'KAy. For the Sick The Juror eau do you no goal un Ices his prescription,' are properly put up from *e'iablu ingrtvlicuts. That . utero we render invaluable Mil to the dueler. tit We copipouud prescriptions as they steroid be. F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DHUGGIS T. l'orroe of West at. and the Square. THE (it)DERIOH RACE MEET. Better Auerdanee the wee.ad Ray- num well loaf led. lbare was a mucks Iter attendance on 1'huradav, the second • ay el the llodartoh race meet, and as neither was soma what cooler 1 hen a the opening day the spectators oould e1 ' y the ruing to better atrautaas. ?et - 'lr the aummwty ot events : 2:20 trot sed 24 parte Pura 8i00. Black Thorne 1 war, Toronto).. . 1 1 1 Hairy N Ilk (Kidd Woe.. Listowel. 2 7 2 'heresy Bey4mblh, Oriole's)3 3 7 Louts L (El commies, Toronto) 7 2 3 Sup.rlor 1 v (I'rootrr, Aurora) .. .,4 4 4 t,ItNoT' (1;1•nelsrd,Cb•tlum) 6 6 6 Nellie 1 Ikea (O.odaa, Anoastir) 5 5 6 Tim 2 211, 2:20i, 2:201. Fr -fn, -el pace or troll, Puree $400. Two 'Tike ('iwarts,l)wleriel.).. 3 1 3 2 1 1 Hal wrest (Ramo, MukJah). .221 1 22 es Delmarch dioebel,MitehNI) 1 3 die. LAWN F. (Polley, Godsrlob).....,. 4 4 2 41s. 1loe-2,201, 2:19, 2:231.2:211, 2:221, 2.221. 'Atte of sulky broke. --- Hell -mile rue, open. Purse =150 N'flfrld Leerier (Little, Toreeho),,2 1 1 Abenere (Campbell, lfamlltoa). .... 1 5 2 Florio (1'eotiecamp, Cincinnati) 5 2 Brass (Lee, Guelph) 3 3 r'usehima (`smith, (iodericb) 4 4 Lovina (Nelson, Vmar) 6 6 Time -:51, :511, 51;, A Dubber meetleg of the "Heighten of the Empire" will be held next Monday at 4 1•. at, to tht court hens to hear Mr. Y. MoGregor, who has kindly consented to ofye meet valuable information relating to the founding of • hospi'at. All are re emoted to attend who feel Interested la this charitable object. Tb. -financial report of the benefit tendered by the Dremat o Club will be presented to the m.ettsa,-A; M. Law is, asotetsry. TORONTO EXHIBITION Aug. 26th to Sept. 7th,'Ii $65,000 PREMIUMS ati.1 ATTRACTIONS $65,000 Naval and Military I ispleys Deily. BRILLIANT SPECTACLES Bombardment of 'Take Forts by International Furors l;reatest Linc Stuck Show era the Cuutinent All Our Country's Resources. Notal and Iligh•1'Iara Entertainment Feature* 1111.I'rARY TA1T011, AU(IUS'I' 27Tu (brat Reunion rat Canadian Old Flops and Old College Stu'eot 1 TUESDAY, SEI°rEMIih:R 3.w REDUCED RATES All LINES Of TRAVEL ANDREW SHITS[, F.R.0 t'rost. lottt H. J. HILL, Manager TORONTO CLCARNI SALE or .....BICYCLES Our whole stook of Iiiey• des and sundries at clearing; prices. Everything must ruove/be fore Sept. 1.t. Huy now -when you 1..111 get a good .eleetiou. New wheels at =25.00. Se,oud hand at S5 00 and up. A lit of Saddles, itarldle. Lire and other sundries of- fering now at ks.. than cont. EMERSON'S BICYCLE and MUSIC HOUSE The Man... who once has, by wearing, experienced the difference between Walk -Over, the famous American- made Shoe for Men, and other shoes will not wear the others. There is no longer, in such a case, any need of argument, WALK OVER Shoes are the handsomest and easiest shoes ever made. They are elegant in con- struction, superior in quality, and yet moderate in price. All styles for all uses and occasions. P. T. WIS. Repslrtnt. Mtfor QUEEN ythe famous W omen. TEL•PYOTE HODGENS BROS. A RADIAL Rt.FCTRIC RAILWAY. Rapid and Cheap yrar.partatInn le be Pro- t Ided far the reapie of Heron l'ewaty. A project that promteas much for Gods. r:oh and the o•.unty of on le that which is Indicated by the note ubtisbed 1a as- ur othtr solemn of this paper oY an application to be made at the next suction, of the l'ro elects! Legislature for the Incorporation of • radial eleotrio railway company. The company proposed to construct and operate an electric railway tyatem which will give dlrcot connection between Matte pointe In the county which have now only Indirect or Indrynate communiostt:,o one with the other. The propelled line will run from lior'e•Ich to Dunlop, Carlow, Duo• ganonn:a d Luoknow; thence to Wiretaps. Itrwcals and Seater:h; thence through Bruce hold and Tarns to Bay Bold and from IS.yfeld to (lorserieb, making • conn'y belt line. ''hen will be • branch line from Carlow east to Auburn and Illyth, and an- i Cher from a point oo the southern portion ot the pelt line, between the villages of Hayfield and Brumfield, through the town. .hips of Sranley, Hay and Stephen to a point on the O. '1'. it. A very Important part ret the project Is the oonstructlon of • Ilbe from Ihudup not thrnurh the town• .hip. n1 17 (borne and Ashfield, and up the lake thorn to Klnc•rdice, Pert R'gie and Yoothamptnn, and thence to a paint on the Iteorgien lite. cnnnecting with the Manittulln and North Shore Railway, This will give 1,udrt;eh and other points to the county direct railway communiea- tfon with sne Otorglan Bey and Natthere Ontario.�_-- The •dywNtge. to thi. town from the marline out of the auheme are many and Important. ft will consolidate the county and remove the cid !Minn so Ircqueotly made that Onderlch 111 drffieult of acnes. It4m_4tttefs portions of. the county. 14 w 11 give cur mtrohu,ts a better market and our manufacturers Increased facilities for reaching the oo•sumers of their prod• pots. It will afford oppertonity for • greeter development of the town's aJyant• ages as a mummer resort than has ever boos made In the psit,aod it is the compsey's In tentlnn to °trot • large summer hotel berg. 1,r the rural portions of the c .sty it will prcvir'e tench tarter and more rapid liebni to mtrket., and shoold incr.,.e consider. ably the ,aiuo of t h, 'vide lines" d the farm -bolter and ergs, fait, eta. io shed, It w II nuke t aestnrtatton for both Mue7R- grn and freight °heap, stay aril rapid. We aro awned that once' for toe rill Welting will le nvailtb!e 111 sono u'la is mule apparent that the peep!' of ren minty are In their of snob • road and that the mut,icipolitj s concerned are willing le .1.11 moderate en. eruregemrnt to the enterprise Step. will ha taken imnedlate'y to asset the represents. tire. of rhe muni,npilrtiee for the pnrpe.e of steering r)ghts of way, and it Is Intended that et*rarIons Mull be enmmenoed at an early date for the raptd construction of the road. A por'y n1 Amerl,anr with a boat loftiest midi h whiskey were captured near t h e aiming Indian relieve Raley River. Ottawa Iembermee invites the Doke and Duchene of Cornwall and Yerk tea trip does the Ottawa rapids ea • onto of tonere umber • =fur 14' hitewear Deduced in Price. lad DOOR, 0FAIT 01 R•wlLTwi aT. r OUR stock of whitewear is getting down to one or two garments of a line. This means that we will have to hustle them out or first thing we know we will have a lot of odds and ends on ou hands. Then again it's letting - go time for whitewear - time to get the tock well on its way to the vanishing point. Every garment must be closed ut this season. We will not carry one over, and prices have been changed all through the stock. Shrewd buyers can pick some tempting whitewear bargains this week. You'll find some sample lines in the window Saturday and the rest of the stock displayed on tables in the store. Here are the original and reduced prices for some of the lines. Not more than one or two of any of them. Gowns at 65c instead of 85c. Made of Rae white -Gotten, front mod sleeves trimmed wit\ umbrae lrslllsi, yoke of openwork Insertion and teaa% open ia.ertioa down (root ot waist. The peke wag Idea Just one or two left and the prim now le... ........... \ downs at 97c instead of $1.25. Made ' extra geed quality white cotton, metre style, fancy •.liar, trimmed with rine embroidery and Muir. Doe. a Ilse we told at $L 26 Ooly one left and the price for 4 97c instead of $1.50. Mode of fine qualitji,Kaglhih cot ton,ohrcr umbel° finish, yoke of One law allbrnldery and insertion, neck arid ooffs trlmbsed with die insulin frilling and valendssum 1.17 lace, the Iles we sold al$1 50, the price now Is Gowns t $1.47 instead of 12.00. Mede of very (Inc Enel,th cot 1rn, empire etyl., yoke of clutters of tmbroldery and baby ritton trimmed. collar of insertion and rmbrofdery, neck end eleeye. trimmed, • very handsome gagmen% it.o'd at $2 00. Oue only 1,47 bolt and the pries now le Skirts its 44c. _ __ . 6f.*� (rill ons a le Made of elms $wallah coat..,Vw Ms, pekoe sow.... u 44e Sklrts_at_85c instead of Made of fine Enghoh cot on, oambrio finish, mluetN* n arrow tnokt and wide trill of handsome embroider'', was $1.15 One left to .ell at Those Cheap Embroideries we advertised last week are going with rush. People tell us they are the cheapest ever sokl in town. Still a good assortment lett. Embroideries at 8c, . The lbo Kinds. 100 yards handsome Melee embrniderlee. strong, firm e.igm, a MR range of pattern., 3 to u Inches wide, all good qualities, anally told at 13 •, i5o, 17,. now stilton el 8 els per yard, Embroideries at 12c, The SISo Kinds. 300 yards 'tandems Nolo' embroideries, h•antfo' designs on fin• otml>rier, moelir. and loves, open peregrine, strong, edges, 3 to 6 leobee wide, ninally sold at 201 to 251, now selling at 12 ots per yard. Skirt at $1.10 instead of $1.40.. Made of strong white cotton, seams double sewn, donble frills, Inner of hemstitched muslin, outer o17 loop stamen and handsome embroidery, sold •t $1 40, two left, the 1.10 pries now Skirt at 11.85 instead of 12.30. Made of very des English oa44oe, sheer °ambrlo finish, wide hill of handsome 8wfssembretdtry, the last eosin 1.85 steak and we make the WooO Drawers at 38e instead of SOc. Mille o1 Gee Iseglleh orates, °Mobile Aaleh, lr mined wltb tteakl,e sed wibro'dery, obit- • taw pain left, prior wit 803, we make It new Drawers at 45c instead of 65c made of very flee I:oglleh cotton, 4 roes of narrow tucks, frill of bb Inch embroidery, may • few pain left and we molts tee price for them Drawers at 63c instead of;85c. Made of fine quality r.nglleh rotten, finished with 5 row. o1 narrow task., row o1 openwork lout Qui •ad frill Z�� prom 3 inch bne embroidery. The prtwee 860. wow II Is iJt7t: Drawers at 79c instead of $1.00. Made of fine Engtlsh cotton, bright nambrlo finish, trimmest with tine tucking and handsome embroideryT. The r ice wit $1 00. Only • pair or two lilt, now 79c One-quarter off Parasol Prices. We have more parasols than we like to have at this season of the year. All are finalities and there are some nobby dies in the lot. To make thein move out4t little faster, commencing Saturday we will take ons -quarter off the price of every parasol ih stoe'k. This means $1..00 parasols for $ .75. 1.50 parasols for 1.13. 2.00 parasols for 1.60. 3.00 parasols for 2.26. chThooice.se who come earliest will get the hest HODGENS EROS. a°\PERiat* 1 1