HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-25, Page 6.., .. a r -.,•,nim.,•^' -•. -..,-•.d.,; . -.- ...-.,...w�..,--
CEYLON AND INDIA "g"`�' `"' ° �'m'°'`lo° �' I ""�"'"Q�""" - lcSUF NO 30 1901. -
li+ul beano enjoying wh delve back to THE CONNONEST OF ` t
Ruswll Hopuure, wham LIIm (fret• �� �O�ii T■o NoA atyk •1 I t
wh h indeed dfot lei r the meant by Theme
NATURAL LEAF GREEN TEA butieh lice had gal ,[ her esnW.L ALL TROUBLES T�o•aaiml Dlscllssi•�
G but bnlioved that the trot w.w I �}
orwrely a fronk bi of the girl d -""" . DAY
natural love of lude{teadeu-P I ird no escaping the genas of n7Aauulit '
L Free troop Any Particle of Coloring Natter, r Dainty sodlnvlgurat- It wane ort until :a day llr two had ('angles, N. J., Ile row to the lure
lag , 1s the null Toa that suit* (aril diver palator and is wLuMwuaN tog numed, and lite girl's watch upwxt Dodd's Kidney Pills are Used with new and progrowlve evangel- tiou; kill them with health. Health
herself relaxed, that the uht lady A Lultduu our udest tells thin Irtic mrthuds that should merit at-
t4e siert del4atn dlgertlunr t , tempo
Iwtlowl ° deptee,hst iu her rplrltr. of Un lmgram, file pew Bllstbap of mon for Backache Than for teutlua Dlffe•remc•ee Detwees prPad h- le ytwr Only means of killing thou,
IT 18 AL80 A BRITISH PRODUCT. wlik•h /ie•rnldhle itceoun`e'i for by 1,undo°: Aa other KWaae err of various creeds are settled by
raying that rho belloved Llw air of ou nue ocamdcn when I was with r,, y y wrealllug Matches before the con- Scott'sRmuhdon of cod-liver nil �
I"Idon did not suit tier; <d sill• ' "
him at a biirstllag IIslJland hallway °t >♦il:eCtlOn, grPgrlloa, the wlanst 17ring looked
mado Ih4s lilt spentme for ritturnlug statluu, the bldx,y wile accouted by a I y , • .,1z upon as having demonatratwl the su- �] giYe yon thtL iMxlth, !f uuy a
earlier than rhe had Intfil"W to somewhat Importing dignitary of the perwrlty of the doctrine he pro-
Ceylon Teas are sold la Seated Load Packets Warirdghanr, fearing to excite still church, who entered into a grave s uttmk thing will•
S A L A D A only. Black, Mlzed, Uncolored Ceylon 0reta room' the wd4;itude of her watchful talk with the head of the Oxford Urlabt's Disease Nut so Irrequerst new evil elistic scheme was
old irwtng•trear, while that of Iter bate Years--Dodd's Kldne fills w■•w. s.ums..ae nam +a. "• a
Hsuw. Soddenly, Dr. Ingram said, y Ik,tmxluoal at u revlvsl =seting la even • seer. •aa ,♦ .. ToA*ee0.
Freesamtples seat. Address ••Salado," Toronto Jaw affecllQuAts, gunnlianr ut the Undoubtedly the Cruse, Ulsbete. Catualen. Two minlstere occupiwl the Inc.&Up.eeg wl�u+vrasass
"Pardon me." sad hastened atter - Also for less Prevaleut.
Hall wouhl. ate kttea', nut lr swat- pootp peer_ p,4atform, Or. TYtagling, an Eaglbh-
-- - - - ---- -- - coral leu costly. lug, b_ °g moa who leu wart, who held certain radical views -_
lug, balhxl ilio hegrllly, au41 lila Yntanrti line., July tl.- lSpPclsl)-
84 uQ a still and sultry evening greeting was sa heartily returned. Nut only to this noighbortxxxt but un "F,ternul Punishment," and Dr. E:d- ��
In the tont &W# ut July. rhe urri:ed After a few micuter of bright and throughout the Province of lluetxro wards, an American, who was much QUEER IDE�ILS OF
GERALDINE'S FORTUNES At (:ubetun,ugh, and, carriage uw/re macerate lu hen foroosst of the
with neither erf the .1llrw+r Otw 7y lnugbi°g O1'Ovegsatloo' Dr. lmgraw there Ir n market deet (. ionto,- future ootdltion of mankind. C'an-
returmed to us. •bio lu t4r uumbtr of casemn of M
in It behlg'•there to moot her, rhe "Whoever wan that 1" asked the Bright's Disease reported. Tho fact rtaptly, during the meeting, the two SCHWL GIRLS.
and her rimple•minded Attendant is undoubtedly due to the wide tree wludrtere came into verbal conflict,
wire driven at funeral nee til h elder dl was somewhat that's niy• I but It was rut until near the close of
1 town Oh;' was t4* reply, lthat's one of les of Kidney Pella Im lbs earlier I tits service that the really Interest- li n
rho wnrpwluit len etwe n town. m7 opi>anepta We always hats ntBrig t' K iseas Dote on
wiCPro gelate grew tg•twaen the nm Br ht'@ Disease at obs lime was Iktg fagtelre of the ereWag ww lotto• TbnrP horn be•em nreOrlgDted t'•) uud
"Yee; Harry. Nuw tiom't pretend-" tear aa.l miirtrust of him which on- wren q►.rter of the hoar fredlueutod M chat when we meet." dueed.
Ww ntupped am] elated at the tether dendnbly formed part of the tumult of "You don't mean he's an atheist, the rause of a large ince. Ilan of i Dr. Eidwards. In slats efforts to show tr ites Id by a lLl view, wile
/trete, ile shed the straight rand btu dentins In thlr prorinee. It was the Briton the folly of bb tion vert/w Iq the Natbbal kerlew of tilt
nw,ee calmly rtdl. "NVay, ahr'r out rtromg Q•rlingr whM h r:citai per. Ile sslrYe t" was tine gram, "
_Iylarl nils Khg's Uuuk. which Ind ounmlderexl (pourable end until I)odd's POYI vlewm.of Amerkan glrL on tDe uf•s-
prete°,ling!" du• ex••lalmed at ►art, foist talking on differout matters for two inflows ovor this maraheruud "Yes" Bald Dr. ciente, "1 do; at Iver itis quer her of the refaced of q
moil I1,pzhrt. "Then why toosyou ark' and ala+ then perceived that he war up tlw loig hill b,rlered by nu cc all evrmt0. he fapclem hoot one; but locum Pills were I, however. mea tion: "Which would you rather br,
W'lierr tk7 yttu er,enw film' N'hut du uluurd +as anxkxa@ atwl recited nrrhr , hs'r ouch a pleasant fellow, •call YtcurablO. Not (Kos, however, now. pwnldimeul hrrenfter, pretmiced bb a moa or s woman-saA whirr"
c:w4mm. cluster dx row u1 crit la remurkr with a half Nelson which
a7U uw•+aa T" dna antlotr•A. Iipr rd.irp w•iu herself. •.She bast rew,lwed that Egos• lk7dd'r KidneY'i'tllm haste almost wfpoe,d Tabulating the answers. It W tuund
y to llw Wt of Imiely road betty -ern there's a lot of gtxxl in him." And, greatly reduced the force of Ur. Ting
riming higber and higher In impat"t Ave would us nu Account let herself Ika�w which 4rJ to the thou• with A tllo 411*eare out. Nur W Ulabetm that 8v per c.mt. o[ the eclu,ol glrld
genre pnuifr, he added : la'g's argument. The E:ngllrh evwtgrl-
laqury- W p; and.lyd a voter • train It , "And goodness call Ont have one taTbo of taw to any great conceit. Int released himself (rum h uuy tom heir ale ]Ile hick a puts a etrue
"1 u►Iv wtk.,t ff yaA. tlw,w u man Isim ; ned1, when, after helping her goitre of WAther am 1 ark. Iter , l The muni common form by whlok 1� . m their t th which tete takes lu
fled rlllon b e ubl oq tib DPntd.
wR, utiUuo wee rather pdeaw•d by the gslx+rca' K41nPy Disease manifests Itml[ b, ix y � � morn that linty Preferred to rem.atn
,pamwl Hammond" opeaing title purse And n(uachal umexplclef w'arinth with which the --- Backache, and Iter Dod1d's Kidney Immediately thereafter he began hid women Fourteen pre test. of thew
Tits• an me ea d the www:tn to autfy appealing to her with the re- mrlfl@h Mlw Elrunor, who tied etre- While walting for the train the Pills are doting their mast active urgnment In favor of everlasting fife were very true to their •!x, ltxlre,l,
start nod ti) waurph�L t. ` mark that he hull brutight the br aid brldogroom walked lowly murk. They are recogtdswf as the stet torment with a strangle hold because they anaw"Ind that the (lose
"VAN, of suture. I� dt,, d1r rrW, La wrung ot7e, lie tried to burry liar Is- ed her twill uttentbnr find her a down the dutturm. which dldtwnlcerted the Amerlean and y
a wlaMprr. "Yw that, ter yaw to live sRuttoO, rhe saki- youthful presence, welcomed her 1 sur.ut Aral quicki•rt cure for }lack- phlre men, and believe women to be
"1 cue not any further, Mr I a't tnow wlkrt tills Joking and fur u time /portal the [low of ills
back; but the fnrulkf hod nu cyte ache ever lurvtaktei. Thee work op anperlor.
w,iuota't crit N't,w t 1 pie yUlckly' ; Eve gtiving osay toes been to you" he, the seumd tinct k of Ib to toe muscular oratory. There beteg au re►- Ono of them @chwl
whwt ahoeuata- Lt hs any_ E1Pkflsg; Y4r Orett,xt Ir r:y,rtiag fa+r the rhnngo l In other 17eupin t IL -41 •'bat it's death to me. 1 P P gO - I ever present. Ur. EMwardr could not R1rtx would ra-
qK +•- herself.- and - (}vr di ine'� Incrns_s d root of the trouble -the K eye Ther be a woman than a man br-
whsere Oen* Y' - - seen Ash an ordeal." clulm a foul will saw no means of
oho visa in such evide t terror His courtesy gnvr wny At once. gnarily war as mnrolh �ortiqun her The w old stamp merrier wlheeeln 1he7 d►ffe; [tom all other i rtrtwgthtalrlg hid pKrltlun, IoglCully caner "women w, ale nicer dreeesgod
that l:eroldine mode hart. W any- "Wont fool+ rv„tiwn are "' he mut- a* upon her mono frigid sister. Uht- whikedt uD o thq. backache medicines except Imitations of 0therealn t euro coker'' ; ailotlC.r, hecaure ww_-
"IlOntl't be irighteo.it t to you 1 tere,l, alterity. "I don't want t0 run nYP -Ivan over early, uud, the evening ••Be you to take told teal° !" of Daddd•r Kldt7ey Pella ley db mors M ►t mint are not punished so mueli •*
know nuthiig about him; 1 have sway with ilea I tMlly want yew to bine venin anal fine, and the girl phew• than merely relLsve. Thej pwltivsly is Becomes !lore Itorsest. nett, for the law Ir nut Karl op
carve+ Desiree the wtntkhm and tee two mut lu encu from the vault unJ els curs. as thousands of people are ready Before the debate could be cloned them and stili Anuther, because
K -ant the taus, and lea." to w W "It's sone your bailie*@ !" les- testily. by o touch of 17ut4 ahuuldprr and w "women urs tnnttwi more polltell
vela, he r6' people whn ehher are hero already, gb()ctm-her ()tvu irreverent private torted the bald x,w, radii runntly• O. Ulorins. n well known rerlAent , hip to the rant, hUMP7Yr, be wre•uch clan men, end they du thele Lok
"Well. don't sit me• then. n or will be here very gym•" named fur lite (nous;,aal its mistreve- Omwpsd came a train. Jt was the of Matas, wyn, '•Daki'm Kldnpy Pills' tel himself free, And, getting a Ulcer.'' Another, whowe literar
don't work my husbtnd, fur he Ian' lip war in a renal- of on -b 'stronig ea -she went into the garden, and, filet to their des ►nation that day ; J
n tntkn local hiss lht,kw•t, mur•ulnr have made n groat ruceew of curing' rtroug bOd1y huLd, parocs.nfs,l t0 de- touch Ir rometahat firmer tion her
likely W tell you much. In fact• 1 � being tired, restless, and unhappy, as exprew--nearer• Parer, 11 cam(. at mP llr 147ckache, and 1 recommend nuuurtrate the falsit of the , "i- to c, su s tiwt rhe
cont trove arVloul wive will. fur it aur trembled u h• glan:rd moat dile could ,mi confine herself to her full , then la a moment It whir Y J si Y yrPfen to b• •
J �'� evprybaiy to keetfthem In the house.I lino artumed by Ur. Tingling. Ur. woman because "women art, won,
6 with the r•im,• apnous wat•hfu
V • mubJeca wu'n all robber shy fnrurilr. "rrsrrurnpr" or the hedge•.!- sal pert red was a I They errs wunffr we a reauely for TLug11nR retorted by' thruwfog Ur rloble thfin mpu. F'ortla veer noble,
Asa lh'at Its had shown fur ticr Inst in nouuto11 of the Backache �at Ui iearo of the Kid- FJwarde over tale mhoulu •r, falling ant Cordelia ; but I.ear and Baeaanl.k
uf." y gra**-welt, but 'Wh7 tp thunder dl bot that tesla
flap Inutw. At sight of another aseys.' • upon, him and almost endl
Wil, V hu 7" , lrnvrrsetl cls totter yufek(y and?" yelled file bald m. nig the der had fwultr." Herr qtr conn• more na-
b'nruw drlahg rtrfil+ht tnwnnt worn Cdr n sed 'twat°' novo o] my go about to insole
"1-1 daren't tell you. It W of no dived into the wood at the further yo ruoefon. The American, however, sones: "Women can
til y • he left her wtttget mn- btaemn. Ihu to s al if hat train's
use to ask me." end. asite wont.un anti un Alone the uut ungtd to explode this sophistleal place* anKd neo things; a man hat, to
runny un hurried int, the etati n. to WRECKED BY A ROSE A DAY.
N'ril. why r every4wly afroiauf narrow path, brushing her way �" nrgumrnt by • dwWP Nelrup which stey la a cwt entice." "W'oman
Ar tin `cab linin r1, howere•r, it proved _- J.ut
himT u bo eKwlir ,any w.ckrd torr antubt d two cit mils, nn.f through the tall grass that grow in --- landed llr. TlnRling flat on hlrback has patlwrce when "he Ir crowd, but
y 7 A curate having preach A very A Romance Whlcb ['roves the Tlck- T
ext, oe"-u mew tluuught rtrikutR L'ndlrr. w'b tad n aarentl foun,l «noose huuriunco un b 7th nidr0. and on the mat. he oongregatbin gle.- men ure bad language." A would ra-
IM y clever sermon on the Sunday called
bar -"v he some air couuectrJ with mMUts of wit ' unmw,n, rum• cwt Pudliinkr ()ride the brunches tD:it Iii Natrre of �3eatlmeat. ful'y accreted the ,►nus of Ur Ed- tiler Ix a woman amy day , wen get
Udo ploticet"' "g rtrn ilei forward flVm the upon u certalm colonel om the nday wanly tt7ereaftrr ale correct In re drunk nnJ steal, and live can't work
ng nen. lirratetln^, ho tn,•vr tilt th••e • gg yp°Og- w eclally to est tib opinion• Sentiment Is tictlirh stuff, says P Y
"1 don't krww arty thi+lg," ho- titres un either haat, until she reach- P I Milo" and deduction, or make chlldres's clothed or d° wn)-
war nil. Iwrss!bL'lty carrylrtg h •r off flow did I Ilte the sermon P' d the New Yurk tion. It II@r leu
bwerat the other, fidgeting About. ugnlnrt b.r will• • u:, hpr mind t, ed the uutpr hedge ua•t the gate at clone to the border of absurdit that II There I. much to he said In favor of thing useful." Which seemn to be r
and tlnn tau.oleny bnghteuing kir +► rho end of the the calomel. "Very much, lmdeed. m y I thin new methal of conducting a little ewe 1
fuauw. div Dal hers nW u uniting path which openly uu only a canny trn'rllrr In Its do- I eQ
►tock vend u nlig were Iwurd. W the bl ora of my favorlter." muln can kpe (roe 4,ccanionnUy th•olo Quite •s mteresting are file repllw
nA',at w•h •n• rhe sat wn, while It,• ghroad. glcal dtmcu4wluq. !t V mach
Orroldwe felt ninon her chatacP "One of your favorite@ t" stammer- p Ihe'1Pr tbnA [bore omly too ovmmon of lila 13 par cent. who are not '•true
w:atsbrl the arrivals a the otat4n There she ■toppwl, unit, with her rt raying ncrusr the Ilne,
had escaped her. A minute tater, Ihrmugh u window. +uud a watched brand ion the wtxxlen Ixirs, Looked out 'd the curate, slightly puzzled. "I,do how there war a young man-• In the palplt to -day' and will attract to their spx,' &Ad who would ac-
leudley, having already Pearl of h,,,. oyer the quiet roml at the stretch bot upderrtabd." ort estimable young wan. What's murky' to church who now are never tually like to be men, th, differetwo
Iver arrhal (row til. servant• co" \coin: t+rb rdns•en hoot pea d,, dn-• e/ rhping fields beyond, vend ut the The colonel regarded film with a ie re, he wad a vtry good fellow. tee n wtthln the walls of w veered eAl of choice, however, eaten to be ba„r.l
tereOt rte ewe with nn cf(neivr ;nR whish n few p�upb, nH them bw hills in thPdirtnnce whMh hinny- twinkle at ttls 1s4ot of ills eyes. "Of be course of time he fall la love. I floe of uuy wort. it will ensu the on Bowe dl@agrPPmtnt ad to fart,
*Milo of welcome. conrme, I won't stly n word," he sal((, Est able men do that often. Even proiltwilun of evaugelisls of differ- thus one says, "I would rather Its-
rtruu6•err, bill pa/n d gnetly 1 anA el the prosprt. The sweet 17earr �f
-w at happy chance Ints-hTrrrOr- out of f6• Ii,rii;w7i n , , "but c knew very well that you stole oxt fibre from those at esent Pn- a man boeau@p they have an eaabr
211,Fetr'etlnlei-evening gave her no pi"n= ace to lei . Been Lo 4lo it tot } pr
ed w lb4 must wlesptected plea- t4+ flux W w .re shy lett• wJthou a tsand aLu where you /tote It from." oboe a wry Be[bg In love, b gaged 1!t caching tilt gospel, amd time," aa1 another "f wlmh lu be a
4 surf, for she was nyt in the wood to 7
ruroT I could srur'rly losell.•ve the wird. bot inn a elate iyf vo7lefnt rte► be y;ea«oil; her rye* uwvrd ler«teras- "Her 'mold the onNte, and he @note the la of eegnance, a mob is apt m) men w 1 (Pel himself fitted to man.beewune he always gots work
evidence ut my twit euro when the go-nt. Il•r ton hr.l hor arm, rood@ ll"d trove 'nut the whlrtwlnd of bl@right- 40 make ilmself more or leu ridicu- i spouse a call to preach unlrtr he quicker stet Ile get* more wags•."
e 1•r over the pretty scene, her fill- eons Inde
braid told mu wive was hero." to h •r 'w tom, qn ckly LffUl.e window er-e to goatlop. "I em bot la the lone. The none man who L the hero hor taken a course al llulduum @
told ht,, h selene already Jix- Th ;v were uerlw7i from filo ou1llow ppe'd tine gate in Impatience. habit, sir, of stealing my, sermons. 1 O( Llai till wmep't rtdicolone He was farm and been wimured by some ST•Ts or Own0. Cm or ToLaw
sruid icy is trots of • + had brew standing there for }tri
th'wTh tb-Arown view wallunimpodid. fear you are laboring under a ml@- distinctly s ccessful In the rule of maaterof.the art of wrPstling that LcruCocxrr,
sot orioles when a m an'e voice
ugitatfom I i both wuvie11 that a swot- Fnou a b aow,m who h bat )mat take, and-er-foreetttng yourself, lover, he la tally quallffel to me*t tae lead- i same J. cxzxRv as.ke esti tier nil 1. rA•
whet ezdtlag Interrlrw lwd takes' atoptped a lady and euntlen►un ks1 my het mom' I must ark you to apologise." He was me ated with sentiment, � modern revivallst*, senior partner of the fire. of r. J. C'Hamav a
place. r,l dqt: til) Iatt(.i war Lur y reeve, ira't it. �liim Lind 1•a. dans bwintnw In the colt of Toledo.
f, (raying tP Y' Tile colonel was silent a moment. but pot maudlin He walked the chalk Features, of u Fatrrs Dtseaeelom. County awl Stat• aforesald, and that maid firm
"1 um seayfbg in 1.o,1bn fur • [ear til+ eabauha, wb'lu fila fornuu w Them De Bald: "It may be that t have Ilne between se Itgent and al>♦ur� The Major and minor a vein ppaay the cum of ONE HUNUREU ix it,
l'a lain Nr7rrtwrxt rear alandin Le RB ter e•eA ltd every em.e of Cauw/r
senile vel{h_ my nidi ckur t m; nod. welkl - rktwly am Wwttrd tb+ Interior p g e. mode a mUtake. tenet a wIU than con@lstti plc• a Lhat carmok be cured ►y tke w d Hun r
RatDg teurnml your tui tree, 1 of til• staLkxn. Stu vein tall, well the rad n few feet from ahP gate: alt=++air
{ Rht• I will make sure." thoughtful things men love• bit hammer -lock And
tla,ught 1 would call un41 nqulre If +.nil bundwleu,d dow.d, of •u blush u+te,Aody, wondering gr.apevinP twist, ('•r•aadd'ra. -
y ,kerb h, w lo,. Oolug to his bookcase, ho toot down he'dtdn't make a ti mat Of himself. while the FRANK J. CHENEY.
you h nl heard nnytlOing Duut Nle (!gun• and e:arrlagt•--Ih! wore n 4 he d truer w.rtc►dng h••r proper anew.* to am aa- Harem to before ss and .abserived to m
a ouaarlve tome of sermons -a rare And the fel lea* mu by bis sense p,rm•eece. tW ski d.r d I)eeember. A. lo. I
Jame Otwny. Yea tnuw you veld I:ue vrll, thrxtgh which it tr:aA im "lurrly 7 1 d 't thibk awl. 1'w ter g bovluig quewtlon a* to latent Ilam- ad
cal of rho stag", t county t , and almost forgotten work. He turn- of proportion and am ed upon him. nation will bean"wered D
you weer golmg to help him, llr. FIrW- p.a lido t, ,listlnsguirlt ICP* features ; Y• boQ n 7 a Yoo.ke A� A. W. OLRA gtV.
ed to a certain poen, snJ an apolo- Thep he wow called h ay. HV San @hare tel or w crow-buttxk lois 'Lr'
Ing•" trot, tart ale rarel ns a certain tier- to hate itis s�ht 4 a Ileld or lie." p
y rile, humble look came u on hid flea nriL,o untie was f alnico tate Noarm i'u Mla
Be gl.,bced at lads wife, ww by the 64•it elf tres►d LuIJ list slat• war •\°n invert rut to picot w ; your g V mod the pwracher nut rra.ty In logic
y face a. he glanced up at the curate. enough to tile find It was obliged to will have to be Able to form n 'Q.urr►Coro Is takes IAbrWly aid
guusy manner In. lel hien ape ilyddel yeuttg, leu torsi did o certnha role vWt to turr'l ham r e1 ypu." 1%fila acts dlr•ctly om the blood add muaxu.urfma
^I beg your ardor," he raid. 'I a 1 gu nut and settle up til ertale.
meeting his eyes that she had t7eeen in flue M entitle rA tilt iw L shut a c"r� apposar ace rererrud D Po "br Wee" at any tn,mpn l that will of the system, send for t skull ialw• fruit
y inti. You did not deal tt after ail, That made him escee.ting rowfol,
until y 1 g Ahylter ,mill 4os him, h rihad I hi* K prevent his utter cunluwion by nn F. L 4 HENLY t 1'O.,Tobdo.0
lose leg, aqJ b the dot ulrlm apse- rho win reckoned h and@uns•. I:eral for things were at n cell px7lot,
arty to the fees Of the other that p(► ,pro watched - her intoeutl with ut eyes slowly to her face • bill they for I tied It Ise still here. Y,) mlx- abtPr opponent. Eventtaly, of MWI%W by Uragt.m, ?Ja ' ---
He didm't want to @hxdl lits c n^9e
thlrtg of serious Importance bad leak- rt tc.wfr veil y reveled ttkere few a rr4lh a take, dr; my mistake." cturse• all the leading reingluud ooi-
y ag y, while. Lfudley at Polk � e -IR fo wnetrotiun which --- by pruWm+ng before the peyd Ical pd a their et
est wt, her Par tent wbl/ptrfmg- 1 moment, et ha lens a wise vrrrltler will v p. gradn-
'1 have heard from film," he admit- • I with, hlrh.' inspr+wal hor 'w.th A sudde fear He polled himself up at the hotel y JO ng ating men courses in Jeu• Jlteu, Im- so the Pu.eagen Chuckled.
run, and he knew that n lover
that ho could read ,more s.m table, tucked tits napkin ander Ids p4,rting lfie ablest Js ,arse ndP tr Dleagrpenblr parapnger (to commrr•
ted eautl+suml7, Rhea dd IKA undprotaud, for rhe Itnd New fork V to a New, Yurk gl (x V
' You Inrive (lune m.osre than that - twK rlowtt lyse Near& Inl•Ilnat,n to tllorj(hLA than rho withal to h e chta, picket) up the bill n( fare, and fur the purpose, while NournuhlAh, clal traveller sitting by open wipduw)
+ u to ■tut It la typal },ver wurth two lovers In Jun Francisco.-E:xcuw me, rlr, cwt that n n wln-
yw h ve seen him." mid else yuhAly. cry Brat. A mhwL() Inter, wino unlpr kiw,wu. "It hot uuad 0 you ducks bRa 7 y• y Alto, hP knew ltuat til. two invert the Terrible Turk, undoubtedly will PO
He looted at hon wife• wh•,wk pretty w4rP1 hill warty tented and uuha thing war In restaurant French, given the chair of Ilecd rel- dow IL very turmoying.
tie. Tho gpeWrnuau, papJ." he w.•nt un, -and more -would be !n Nrw Turk. ltpp
ryas ImPbred him cwt t.. Iw• angry vete. laid Men nittg,eL hidden from butJly. d he dWWit oke ft. ace In theoretical demunstlatluu C. T. (pleamanlly)-1'm sorry• bill
"Here, waltpr." he maid /neral But hr had to gq, wad that tieing
with Iver for her ImUmscreLlon. Then view bridal the 4uly oxn whew all "You tank the gayety and dL•s11 y' ir.ttled hp pondered how to make a et.me leading college. I'm afraid you'll have to grlu and
is Larnpd, w1Lh u mnuile- her attention had been flael, flow Patton of Wwin huvo doll" that T" "t re'/ nothing on Lille 1 wn11t." Une beat df fi bad thing. Of awrmP, A mew and charming vlwta Of pia- bear It.
Facets things you' caro Lu lea?H hurtle! after his ctxkapeauon, nbJ, m1s" nskcrl. LJUt h,,waver, ►o w "A 't there noihlmg you would nihil In Ir DpPoel fur w. -incl U. P.-1 vel@h you wmkld chive it,
g. p,•uk he wuuld write often -every day : Deck la N. it od sir.
like dinner, air T" enquired the
you `ave already laarae.l. I vest : now tiptxlhtg toward lose very iLdicltwtly, llr lightly to rhe wirheJ to'db. i 1 but any fe•Iltrw would du that. He eld�•Wa
ohs as IWL - FAIL to LrU )ou .
. Moder his bland manner it was nit
took gently from her IKLIUI the Ing
mile was carrying, with a few words
d ifficolt, do • m:7a or so emotional
which, It wan Imporsibb 47 hear, but
a temperament an Mr. FiehUng, to
whew+ purport wan 0%l,h,litly very
detect anxiety. Geraldine hesitated.
tint. Lindley Fielding, oil Uwe watch.
He turned to Ide wife.
l aid him hand qulekly rat (:r•rnldine'm
'Now. N04sn, what have you Will
firm, with a warning whisper, am Wo,
Mims lAndlay T What V there left for
started violently and drew n shurp
toe to tell T"
breath Lbrough her p7artel lips.
Mite Iur7Ysal at Item pteadlogdy :s silo
For the gentleman w -an Jntmm Ott
fatteref tort -
way. No further clupt was passible•
"I Only wuld that I bad ween hire,
anA silo Basel stpadlly' WIMP he drew
NAr Jarttew Otway, lately-nml-and
apArer unit nearer t, the window,
tlnt tie 1()7.1 cum,• back -and -and had
anti PdAeed close t) It, so latest upon
tm•et Away -nail -and Mrs. F'ar-
him companion that tlerp was n,
qutuar -"'
fiar llr his seeing anyone else. She
Her Talon died away entirely ; but
mtw that the Initials on the fady'a
her humittand, with hu hand on her
dremtmg-hag which he was enrrying
adiimider, tuck nap her ■pee+ch reuwur-
were "A[. F.. O."; rhe ctuldf bear
Ingly -
James' Idea mertloning the. time nt
"Yea yes, that W quite true, my
wh'rh t.h,- train w•u do, nt Enfield,
d.•nr ; And what next T"
eh • cell hair that of the liksly in
"Nothing else, 1 think," maid she
nnaw(w. Rh• wri,fteel hor p,wllk,rL that
brightening nt once.
I h • might watch them as long as pom
"Well, anI what noire do vast wish
mlble: Amt th•n, whmi thky h -W pass:*]
to kaovir, M4iu Otwit)?" Ant t tw•, still
d ut of might, ah•v tarnrnl slowly away
smlling more 11rtnne.ly Linn ever.
(tarn tilt Wallow with a rigid fade
'. JMnex Ile at present fairly out
find diol Pyd0 ll►7t dh] not not.ke at
()f larm's way In one sense, though
first that i.ineltry Fielding was no
1 regret to wny that kt nrwrther"--
hrtger "We h•+r. 'After atnritig
with the ALr of n slut and ■tern mix-
vku•antly for a few mumxkts. ah• col-
newt --"lac le very far from being ale
lec4rl her opnrs And oxstpd round the
irate am we rwsd•1 wink W wpm
,v••ro _Tuw.i_hnal_vuk d w(Mn^n at
TbAm clrcum*tance mnkP/ It Impos-
table wore fual•v counting their lmar•I
irible, as yink will understand, for me
cels• whole their three mmtll children.
to offer to arrange a *meeting be-
planted 4a a row as ore• of th • meats,
tween you."
ato bane and wrangled over th•Ir re
BAR hW poorly Anil gnus inuistance
al,ective p'timminems. Nobo dy (doe len"
ou thlr point naturally' woke her ens-
Ih1re. Slid hardly womYirel why he
pi"But again.
r tAway
.,But you inn glue no• hW atdve41a1
h •fcorrri for noth ng but to
g get
that I may write. to him."
from th s place, wh •re she h -7d payed
IAWIIPy hooked acandalised,
ih • wily with su b pitrus results.
"I n= alfrald I cannot rlvn It to a
ltrbun4•ally sh• went cwt, Willed a
y.aung Indy, considering the manner
h ulsuw. anti got Into it. Tho cab-
le which my unfortunate relative=
)Hall asked b•r twig, "Where to
tu, uw no harsher term -lo ILv1nR ^
rain Y' before she - Op to a clear
(:eruldlne moved impatiently.
knowledge of whit mice was dolor.
"'Rom' i must hunt un tole own no-
T110 all' rm.tdenly remembered nN tba
count for life nildreme-nil I did fur
vird 11tlMtnac"e (A til • day, And inmost
yours; and I have little doubt that 1
Su*tll waiting patimty at thITower.
"Nall be surct%mkfol."
ih, gave tfl.e direction, art,] war Jest
Tho tlmety remrndot TftiV- a wits
vrbaws to I* Ive"Fri Ingle 1.FeAl.y Fik"t-
A young woman of Inconvenient rn-
Inhg h7"tPteol up. Slip hn11 'mos Lhtmight
Prgy Impressed I.Indlev, *M7 madden-
elf esPnmtng surprise eat hl.. abrupt
ly pular" tut him watch, anA looked
11lwnpp.arance, bat be hasta+r•d to ex
nt It ns he evidently debated mosso
4u•e hmw,If.
point within himself. Then lie turmoil
"i holo+ you will forgive me leay.
to her )Dore c.xdly.
Ing you nos ouddonly, Allam i,lodley,"
"I ere, \line Lindley, thht yexn are
maid hp, with his usual "mllkinnem." kill
unable to rise above those suspicion•
trawl of Impatlouee and nnxipty hay.
of my Integrity which have bren
Info Wxie from him irrioner. 'R.tt i had
trnnerrtittel t, you by my rnrdtx,nr,l
Ilunwthing tO arty ter, our young friend
cousin Ells-ib•th." he, salol with dig-
Jarnow, And of courmm In the elreum-
nity. "Since. In vindtestion Of my own
mtAn•im i could host bring you In
veracity, force m" to thla step,
constrict with him.'
I believe I w1 n. If yoe hnve calf-com-
At the time he mAdP it, wile d141 -not
mond enough for the ordeal, give ynu
give title s]nternnnt a me ound thought;
twulir olemorrtrstem of the truth of
tt waw only lits that, erkmporig 11
what we hnve told you,"
with Llx, furtirP ttwannpr In will,+
Instinctively slip shrank trt7TO thr
ho hnd glnnwl tri right Anel Ipft len]
tlxxtght; but, ns she fnnrled aloe maw
Orr"Pkmal himself front ,Mw prnvitrim
that Im was eager to take advantage
ly W Jamrw nrri,nl. him eipinnntiiwi
of this "lurtane., to draw back from
oururrP,t t7 her ns an ttnitkrly unr.
the offer, slip sommonP I all her r,,ur
Niue offerletd io ,Inv" Mm hnme. Ixat
nawn And snhl-
tin Ovid he wrxiLl twit tnw,l,lp hpr.
"i have self -command enough ; give
he wMnld gal by thn "llmlorgr,maid"
roe this proof, If ymi rnn."
4, Ihwtlnal nxid ; incl, carefully
Hee rose qulekly. Prnrrrly gnvr her
n,t,Iding tiny farther rpfprrn,-a to
tire* to bid gormi-by to hie Aston-
the ob)rwt of M•r expelltlirn. of which
Lobed wife, harried tier downstairs,
mho• rw,w felt mal,Amrtl, Rhe tomok Inn%m
nal Into thA hansom whirh ■toOd
of him ant drove off. Her prld. hnd
waltirg f(w Mer nt the #limit.
Knolls In fall harp. nerd hail tome 4k
"Kteg's Ort* as, Orwat Newthervi." hp
U.e Ald of her iw•Ir twew•Pei„n , ahe
eallwd to tM d►Ivoir nee he girt t°
muipppd at. n fnrkry ahaq, t, tmty w,nw
wnb Mer "Drive fawn "'
%,,..In nml mitts to *h,w 4, Mlan Urpt
(le,raklaaP sat very qulelly ; anti hPr
Um as thn result of her }Aurnoy, and,
swif eantalned wasnor dad ad III
having tikes up Boutin. who was in-
thn dlglitsmt tile' to I.InAloy od the
coherently and @xelamntyrlly 41* -
Ho p7°Is're11 fax u soxmnt, during
which also waited kir Iii. next) wonlr
lea tPr, Ile y
"H,To You gut any eine qua non T"
must huggtrt In dome other way his
conwtant thought of tier. He had
with Kill ,uneasiness.
The Inner gasped.
bs,.p p„ the habit of g1v-
" o." bo replied nt lust. In her
"Nq «lr.' ., Ile replied
"Oust any Dona-fideY "' ' Sit
Ing her American Boastfer
mKmutuno IM and measure) %oleo, •'I
think that eurruvr aftl disc ppdul-
"`-no, air."'• I 1
k rc
(aa often hs rho state Of hie excDe
,tOe r would permit. A brilliant
want havo done ell'•
(tut why *P Idem T" , yl,A
thought came to him. He would'.
":\"Ilan eb y)u menor" she broth
sir, we la t.'
.,� Aril t;
7 1•w d'el�s•Itsy"
mate an arrangrooent with the (hx
out• quickly.
"Tical 1 bare guen4mcd, that i am
"No, sir, nut one.
lot and have ale Aingle aple•ndi,l Am.
e•rican Beaut y tore drllveredl to hit
sure An errand of mercy and kind-
any tenips,s ., Y'
"I reckam not• sir." I
lady lure each me,rning or tits ah
new lock you to town, and that yon
"Oot any soirees dangnts T"
weave. He would y g
lays bin
made there the bitter discovery thnt
••Nq sem,•• ,
ala ww k", *even eek
n week
were unmeriteJ by the
IMP waiter was swilling of .
lot cents each. He d41 A I{ght
u bj..c the
'Y)oft Any nine diel?"
calculation. Yes. He could raise
141111 t
She altempteet i spent, In great
ge she whiled to Imes at
"We ain't, air."
Oot any p iuribu■ unmm T"
the price.
No the thoughtful lover made thf
1114 su
Inir euggestlon, and to elbow re*Pnt-
The waiter's face charred so
Arrangement. The night before ho
left he It to
mint nt ilio tuklnesr; but rhe, brut.
down rat the firxt word, anti fell Into
Plena of Intelllgwoce.
'Seesaw to me I heard of that,
mentlOoed tilt
Irl. She war much touched
p+7wfonato silence• tier bow,m hese-
ing, her
dr," end he rnmlued asst to file kit-
like arch little attentlonr
hp oast eiey w grrtgeons delivery
eyes filling with tears. list
cattle forw-nrd and laid tits hand on
clien, only to return empty-handed.
"Maybe ytak've got some beef And
w, rut pulled up w tL h • pourWt at
hern, not with lover -like Impetuosity,
cablingo and n go omeberry tart T"
the girl's door, A splendid virion In
,a unllorm ttat wouol have matte
but firmly an41 respectfully, ns ehr
"Hure we have, /Lr," exclaimed the
tt Unit o look like a [oggy day rap ue
mus about t o t11en away from the
waiter, and to q tame of the utmost
the rtepr boaring a long -oleo red
"1 entreat you trot to be offended
relief, he fairly flew oat to the
rose al handed tt to tine male, who
with me for my b7Mlneas. Remem-
gnvo It to the girl. Tho girl Wurhe,l
aurl sighed, nal pat the rose Ia a
bar, thin b a subject on which you
A certain Mike, white driving from
vaso• ley her mirror, where nbe would
liar(- shown me mime confidence be-
the @tattoo to the park ob him."tate
likely to nee pt often
I..rn Y.�u pie 7Y.t-uqc al,shpap12J�-
to t n rnmpnny of nrtlllPry, ob-
The twit day the name thing hap-
voloum girl@ who allow thpmsPlves to
be much elated or deprewe,d
a rraggoef itrrhi" keeping priest
with t7p rarrbipv, at hex rho•. His
p,,thd, kind the Dell. Atwaym ttta
trifles. You have cinfrmsed to the
see p7pprkg Ptrnrk with the PIPnn-
pi1°p and clrrnmKnneP, always live
loge nrK1 radiant vinlOn bearing ane
deepest solicitude o3neerbling your
of tt7" lull, naked him wkpre
be was g„lrtg. The lad replied :
xtmple mme•.
aebptrd brother-"
"Ilrothpr i" rhe Interrupted, proud-
tM perk tO see the duke rand
Then In an PTII day far the atrpnt
hover the girl saw that the thing was
ly. A have no brother• and thpre
go- date, feellag Interesv0d, "topped
funny Her Plum was with her, and
I@ +o man In the work] whom I hot
him carr tags and opened the door to
the• chum haul a lively sense of humor.
u n a
a a t P
I,o oro h .r. '1 ,
I tote ain't
true lad, wying he could role tO tine
Tile led ov er hr
7 kg L mn nl M
s g f Pnt
lot un talk about It ; don't any 1
park with him.
wiypm nn11 the man and
leave mpntion4l the subj••ct ty you.
The delighted fad, belig In Ignor-
the tt r•oee. That giggle wan
i {Yell sever• If i can help It, mention
RX" of whom he visna, kept his grace
. by
(total. H Was int merge 1 loin ehsurtl•
him asime agalq."
'Tw@n you ha» oatbf4wl your@old
LatQrMated with quaint remarks till
the park gates were renchedt•
ttl and wee toot.
Fe of the
tlmo trite Iwrfend
gnot l You know where be to
M the carrLage abtared It moa W
rose happxtbea IL /PP mewl hinnter than
roan i
It Mad befeeP. The girl grew hy/terf
Yo0 have @sen him, per-
buLpr r'
uted by the efiapanv and guns,
whereupon pia grace maid to the lad :
ral over It, and grm-ted the tender
Now, although she stud with lip@
Acv . cap roti allow me where the
toskem with tearful mirth. From the
flru ily 4.1 -in I asst manta
qke � Y'
rose to the man WA" n short step for
wwor w theme questions. liar very
The bey eyed 117+1 -Javelin a�over,
WalLy. She couldn't take either
attitude was n mbfflclent reply to
then lomktng at the duke, rpp11M,
When the conn of sentiment
"loan may think my Interrwt
quite seriously :
" Well, I dean, mlwter, but it'R
bank from Ran Franelacu he found
strange, perhaps ImpPrtlnpbt;' Paid
Noor YOU or llr@ I'-Lendon Rpare Yo-
Ilpr engaged to n man wls, had bPPn
M; tout I have myself suffer-
Pending her two dozen i,a France
nl in m l••h til, mime wny through the
roAew once w wept.
All or
mtsrorwhuct of --a memtcr of my own
A 111,(416 @Oat ride, Llllwnukea, girl,
which Riorw to prove that
mwntlmPnt to ticklialn
fnm,ly, alit] 1 ern rympathltn with
twin has nut yet note n her aevnnth
every fOPltng York hay" In the mat.
*mmmor, ob)Aulm41 serowniy to going
ter. Rut i go farther than yon da
to bttd at Pverllag hpfoce the rent
Ylnatd'm LIp(meal Lomberman'e
You w•4d[ t, Imry yol r- hownpp7olnt.
O'f the family, nn trip groxrnd that It
merit . I keep mine alive."
t" 00 lonesome up7stsalrm, whrrk every-
There waw n Ifni, t determination
liody elms Ls eo,wnivllnJn Her mother,
Not That Klsd or • Ranak.
about the captain, nd Ile let them"
'1 console hor, rere•rrtly told her that
Fnnny Fieldn has toured through
wort drop In the 1 sweet, rnu"t mut.
A could sot M I(rePly apmtalrm hp-
Cnllfornla And vouelion for the troth
,xK7us of volven, that wade Ism Lisp=
ufium God west Alwev* Lh'"P, bast
or the fnhowing Ineld.ent
to her galtr terrible.
Wednesday eight the little girl went
A (;Prmnn, who wan driving
that in twit right•" Paid who..
lot b*J with title thought busy In
tbrongh n Inrgp CAllforninn rwl*
Ho 111.1 art mower; but she In
bier little grain, and about a half-
Nage fArm, met with nn Accident to
stils•Ll,'Ply knew that nu pettiest,
however pr,w.rrlkl, w,stld have the
h(a1r After rhe had Mean ppwit to tied
tJtp family In
htn wagon: one of lhr whPelA ramp
hvurt e•ff,4.t up psi him stobb,,rn porn.
gath"roll thte W"llg-
r„Ana. heard n "mall vole@ N the
Off, oo rte walked to- til., •nwanert
base and kicked nl the door.
tired of t hr PMlrs wuY :
wl'1ch' WAN op •nPd by n negro.
At Imilt." lip retnrkPd. present
ly. tits helve an,111Pn1y h►t,+ming very
'MAMMA, mamma 1•'
''%Cell, (twirl whet 'm it Y' nokrrl the
'i vent," @old the taermAn, "i vent
-yes, to It -A
gentle. •'you believe thnt I tryonps�
mother. The little write" replied:
nx,hkey wr"neh T"
'Now, Witt* long."' exolalknel the
thiuo deeply with you "
['I\s be OMhNnend)
"MAmm". ytrt ramp ltpmtalr■ and
mhnV with (i("1 awhll" and let me
Mgro "Dix nln't no monkey resrh;
de yah' b a cabbage reach "
noun, dowrortwirs.11
Thr flttnwn Rlvrr mymtrry a not
rel clpnrml np Thr hwfy of lisp wn-
Mr. N. Dnntay, Rnmalmn
lflmard'■ lrminsat b used Dry 1'hy.
men has h•on h,nrle,], rind the Iwill4•r•
a coamaek,
who l" Prigwged In the feet of walk -
are tr}-Inn r,. dhr"ver who) 1,. IJ. R
Is. These lnlflnlm were hmknd un tile.
INW normo-] til" world, has arrived at
Alp flesh ma bP n* -.
y pTlast': and so,
vl st hang.
however, with all wklowa I
t les ytt �11`ia5 Li`
' '" 'Sidi, It ^t aL, .l ml `r4
Dear Rirs,- cannot speak too
ntrongly of elle xcellonce of NUN.
edy In my hoose ild for burn",
sprains, Pte., and w world not be
without It.
tit Ir truly n womlrr 1 medicine.
Pn lsh
bl er Arn lel
p or Chro Icle.
1;r Con*9W�" 4°"j� �,
Fist t.
An Apple haler.
During a visit to like .4oath of E:ng-
lenl. u R"lueman war met with
wlsO related a unique and moat in-
tererthlg experietw•o ill dietetics. it
wits that fur the last three years
he toad lived on one wheal s day and
that meal was Oomp,mel chiefly or
apples. Farther nat„Mmltment waA
ev,Iked by tits rely t, my question
ee to what he drank when he stated
that the Jutoen of the apples supplied
him with all the moletlxe llr drink hp
nwxled. Thule, he r.Wwnl, wits, of the
pxest kind, being In renAlty water
distilled by anture and flavored
with the plpasarrl ar,rma of the ap-
plp. He partnok of Ian ons, mend
nbwwat three o'clock fn the after-
m,rn, PaUng what he felt mati"fled
with, the meal occupying Islas from
twenty mlmltns to half an hour. He
lordted Use picture of heakthful reao-
WKI, and Is engaged dally In titer-
ary ir6rti.-Mambs", Jouf nal.
tTf:s dgaamm • w way box of as Foulee
I. native Bromo.Qtllivine T.bine.
tem needy the/ em"do n e+ebA In •em dit
Hard to Rzplaln.
Andprmon won pamdonAtPly foal of
honey, find the proprietor of the
hOt Pl At which hp nlwayn "to,red
Alwnyx had "rime un hand far b,re
Oa one trip. Anderwosn t,mtt his wife
nlorig, and an he Approached Mm dop
tlnation he mentioned to her that
he wall RPttLag to n place where
hr could hnve honey. When the
pnlr were Pitting at the ouppPr to-
I,h• that night no honey appeared,
anti Andproon "all aharpiy to the
lien,] wniter:
• WhPr. Im my honey ?'•
The wRitpr smiled find said :
"loon mean the little blACt-halted
one T Oh. slip don't work herr now."
And the Republican ley" that An-
dpr"on never did get It fixed ,W
awt3efArtorily with his wife.
R ski. ULnards Liniment la the
C'. T. -World lite to accommo itta
you, but 1 can't.
D. P.-iM you refuse to close that
window, air.
C'. T. -I certainly dr
U. P.-lf you don't close It, i will.
C. T.-i'll bet you won't.
1). P. -If 1 go over there i will.
C. T.-I'II give yon adds you won't.
I). P. -I'll Ask you once more• elr,
will y'on close that window f
C. T. -No, @Ir ; I will not.
U. P. (getting on her feet) -Then I
will, sir.
C. T. -I would lite to cep you do It.
U. P. (placing his hands nn the ob-
Jectlonable window) -I'll show ono
whether i will or not• sir.
C T. las disagreeable pa.dpnger
tngn at window) -Why don't you
close It i
D. 11. (getting red In the fare) -It
appeard-to be stuck.
C. T. -Of coarap It Is. I tried to
h,lorp it before you came In.
4nd then the other passengers
kind of a doctor Is
the /ort that blantr+s
lire on, the Chrintlan
dlmore Amerlcan.
The Contineatal Life ed
I an
usaesnee\ mp y
Authorized Capital - $1, ,000
Tll6 patience of tole eam-
brats' every goad feature of Lt la
suranoeaontraots, ape"guarantee he
highest benefits In regard to'loa
cash surredsrs, and extended Ineur
hood agents wanted 1n thin dtrtrM'L
Ham. leo. Dryden. oeo. B. Woods,
Ptresident. General �ab•gor.
i�go The old Scotch Remedy 1901
L%me backs aro nearly always outlined N
,tralm. or klAney fro thle. Brown'. Drop will
mal cure you. sample INAU* and dmcrlptl v[
•Iteular sent for le rants to try WAIng anA
.omelr furn Wed reorasfer Pan Am•rlmam
,. tern in m7 pprriIvate rrddwnew Ienaisid In
".ntral Park dletrbt, t minetwn from *,atm
in lrmnev to erpoNtMa ; threatot"t If desired.
fiefs pliar day wiLi bMk Address J H.
w. B RI 294itee avemus, nrAkla N. Y.
jj,vRViT FARM ►ORa1t,g ONE Or TRf
A' beet Is the Ny@aI Paulrulm. M
444►►►Iwemw, le mite from its" s toe -a-
--�►.�mfrsprm I ave•�rse 1. 1 rt of wbW r ,m tri
James FIPtt, an Pmpinye. of the O@em.r
Rat 11ortAge T.nmber company, h:A lin. w1.1
hl* font relight In n line roller. Part ver be ase
,If him foot wAm torn off mind ills foes "rlrw bbee as li
badly m1sLiM. . . . , ere *sirs a
fi O STI R
I�1� � 06STI
11 144* d
Mrs. Botha Could A
Impression on f
� , -4,u.1w- - -
i'uu.lubulary Ambusbed
%1ou't 'talk - Burr
Itrilor 'treated Than .
H)sterloun Fresh Peril.
IMlmluln. July 111.-t.eoll Ill
Ur. Jameson handed at Hew
link, afternoun from Capt
Thee were mat by Alfred
ftnnucier, and B. A. Hawk,
w1 fur too Brltlab Charter
Atricnn COMP•sy, and ()till
!alarm, Rhodes and James:,
to tilt* maw S-luth Africa, wt
wen• no lunger public Merl,
t,ltmmoaed to Tho Ile
party July 19--llr. LPyth
butane Agent of the Trull
he.•tt summoned In hurt,
ifrgt� or - Ill ". pa of t
celk,• of Rtn wlti$teyt
win, It were captured by Oe
wen•{ k1l tb" town of HA -It
orange filter Colony.
C'lo.lsg Hb Grip.
Walloon, July _'O. -A deep
the Jtmoy Never from Bloc
wlyu that or". Kitchener I
dud grip on the Orange li
the Calw Colonies LWleralim
are bring ma do to e•nd
tint. French has an uphm
the t'apt, Colony. Mr. Steyn
le Wrt ern ash► fugilher
%re•.Il' ,,atra t of the Orlin
I olio v.
Caaadlem. meutlone,
1,+1141011, July l9.-d7ffir
.patches from !wird Kitchen
f'rturia, May Wit, roc'utn
'Otic.• a number of Off icer;
elle have tendered dlrl
ov%ice. The following L'
:Ve included In the list:
thnudiun Stouts-Majur A.
ltd, killed.
1'auadonn Mtmolel Rifhr
l6e.4- eat 4lwimaeun. 1'„
,w,. h.•ret. Budder. ail tun
Cap/ergd IL.7 Ilium..
1„ahm. July I9.-.(Jtru. JG
rep„rt0 the following list
lapse from lie Boers or ,1
by tlu•uk to prevent capture
I.t . cru. Ilablaglon, ant•
ileum,(, 4,110 plsm-pow ; tie
' • . . F
1.7-pound,•r. two ppm-pdtt
ksbinelmi, two 15 -pound,
t•mu-p*an and nix Maxim
xuhm; 4;1.11. Bahington and
It. Itawh11oun. one I_-pouu
pt-m•px/m: ii". Plainer. un,
ulae•lanr gun, one Krupp.
Itmdun Bloat, ere bog Tom.
"4+r-- 1u -pi shiler. - eke I
three Pum-p7md. two �In
chh(O gun", Olin 1 -pound,.
firing Krupp; Lleul -col.
.,no Long Tom; 1„rd Meth
I _ p#,under ; Col. ('oh Ille, oto
V,rdcnfelt ; (ern. Babington
pander Kropp.--
Putrls Narrow Unite.
felon Tuwn, July 19.-A Br
trul from Sutherland Pmc()at
party llr Rotor$ 1]i mUwe ou
I•urgherm op sened fire at a
1d 1111.1 Jurda. The paLetol leo
til bb'�•rmr for fivelrbourr•yw
IAttPr withdrew.
clmall Itnrtlor est Boors or,-
os the "(it,.kirta of Oraaf It
GN nn I.IfP sentence.
I:apw• '1'„w u, .July 19.-Iw,n
mw tat" cowmutel the sell
Iwth paw,#•d on %f priotierr
to p"lliil x1•rvitude for lite
wad..' .
glad of .more IUuwsted
hl.iboura•, ,Duly 19. -In rep
O.lptlry Lord Kitebewter hat
Iqe 6eve•rnutpnt of gaeen,Mn
M wont" ixe glad to Ina'
•i~od men. ---
More Iloerm rt Bermud
Hanmfltml, Bermuda. July
L••drM Il er prisoners arriv.
1p'tsy. All were well.
Rouen for soteth Alrbc
HoAtrpAl, July 19. -The
LAW ItennHthip Indian will an
Mrs to-nmrrnr _with one t
Wr horecw fur tie army 1
1•'�I• •Tilly 10. -The tallrn
rrchiol t�nlght nt the Wit
""tM'ate them a party of Hew
t''sr"m•tnhrll:try was ambuwli
lr••bn1rR..1nfy- 10th, and U
A"s1lmre of till' party were
'Oe.A.,Inngs-ruuely wosbdpr.
"r" mldmlrur and are bNleved
i"'ll token l,rlimunpre by the
ithmirs i. c
Ysrr 2ork.Ju�. ;fl.-T4hie T
ii,"d„n c"rr,4;Jw)ndPnt wires
RIIOLIee 111'1 Dr. .Ifimisson h,
14laid tlrtnnlly In rwtlrompr
'M f"I'lu�j tea O- FavMtnd. nn
afbeto Inv.trr,r nl all lin r{w,
�Iuk f (',p nm n n-@twary
IN Mff"rllre ye,lo]ared to hfr
I A"IfItell And employees
o,fl, le Is ant IrelY under Mr.
las n "• mal in,itmtA* thr
a KAibe Pnrl` 1d III* chief. Thi
f Routh Afrlca
Inti, n 'Irtisnne In I.obd,
t1uinAM . tP oppiand aim
an ant h DRi d confident-
;""slob ell oil lien of the I
'aden p„ ,I R the w
.. At t r >;itrh er, oast
lie delays hO'LI him PmJrige
to bringlnR hP en
`Itfrr'm11f n�llrin will r ala
rat afros w elk Arte tine
ys ant tor. Jame? '"
y wPIB1-1 ei"aLeKwl ;
e~sott.rlg,�„"1s and nl rt.
(Itill"e etaek to Work.
y't-bi l' )1ill ih`I'--The mini
n. ilab►wwt Afrtite seen?
Tan Alfrr
h1111pR "P M'np{,ltjg .ishan
stilly f( y an lha
i, "Voketed tri? the wnrka
11Rerjng Ahtl'nt ton aft@* I
" "A h A
lssih Arrkaatl hand