HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-25, Page 5W. Acheson & Son
July Sale of Fine Black Dress Goods
50 pieces black dress geode, in plain merges; grenadines and figured
crepon effects and sioilians, ranging in price from 50c to 90c a yard,
plated at one price for July clearing at, per yard 25c
Extraordinary Offering in Wash Goods.
1200 yard. of 1). & J. Anderson's finest Scotch ginghams in neat
checks and striper, in colors of pink, blue, wouve, green and sky,
regular, 15c, 20c, ."c and 30o, now in two lots, minced to, per
yard 10 and 12!,c
Table Cloths. Slightly Imperfect.
200 linen table cloths, Irish and Scotch pure linen danask goods, shipped
to us as a favor. They aro slightly imperfect in the bleaching, but al-
most imperceptible, and the price will be front 13 to 12 loss than original-
ly intended. On sale this week, and while they last you can buy :
81.35 to $1 50 youths, situ 2z2 yards, fur $ .65 each.
1 50 to 2.00 clothe, size 2a2i pools, for 1.25 each.
2.00 to 2 50 vlutha, in/A1 2x21 yards, our 1 50 each.
2 50 to 3 50 cloths. eine 2z21 and 2s3 yards, fur 2 00 each.
3 50 to 5 00 cloths, nine 2a2i and 2x3 yards. for 2 50 each.
'glows Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock during July and August.
W. Acheson & Son
tgtaates •f the teeuler Meellwg Last Fri-
day Evening.
All the members except Mr. Knox wen
proal at the meeting o1 the town oouooll
oo Friday emitting
A oommu°h)atlon from Philip holt, set-
tee for Mn. Hawley, stated that some
years ago the town 0000ll •rooted a bath•
loghones on property owned by hu client
The butldlog was placed then without the
woman of Mrs.H.wtsy and no rent has been
paid. Mr. HSI: asked that reel be paid for the
ground since the erection of tee building
and prottalon made for the payment of
future rent. The matter was referred to
the special committee.
M. (1. Cameron made •pelletal t ,a on lir
ball of the promoter/ of the proposed radial
e lectric railway for right d way on the
streets of (loderlob, and asked the oouo4I
to take such steps as would be osmium te
cooler such rights. Refined to "pule) 1 want to say right hero on the start of
committee. this letter, 1 am cured by Dodd's K'doey
The following letter from Mayor Morrls,of Pill. of my kidney oomplalnt. 1 have no
l ttaws, was also seat to the 'pond oom•
minas :
'1 understand that there I. every Ifk.l
hood of • meeting being held to Toronto
during Exhibition time of representatives
they sea St. Committers Canteen and
Humber were stro'gly opposed to this ac -
Moo, the claim bolo, made that the fenoe Ie
a protection for ohildre° playloy in the
The clerk was lostruoted to see the town
solicitor regardlo, a number tt accounts
whloh are owing the town by various per -
There was some discussion about the de -
la l
y to oomm eao eg the obstruotloa of the
n ew ,r•nolltblo walks, and It was explained
the the delay had been caused ty the III
mesa of the engineer.
The commit thea adjourned.
sols .ease •r Dead•s ked■er rte. de ■
Great Work ler el. C. ('talker.
Housey's Rapids, t)ot.,Jaly 22 -('([told).
-Tee following letter i. from 0. Co Chal-
ker of this place :
doubt about it, nose M the least. 1 weigh
ten pounds more than I did fourteen months
e go and osa do • fair day's work any day.
"1 nee soy I ars oompletely cured ot my
old enemy lame back and am no longer
of must'ivalldes of Ontario, for the per troubled with heavy aobMg arms and dull
pees of 000,ideelsa what measures should Lloeled eyes. Y.., It Is all gome, pmrred
be adopted to protect maaloipalltlw from O°► by Uodd'' Kidney Pill.. The work
th. saoroobwots of CO( retinae mad sou dose by sting Mx looses of gnat Ills
other.. Weald It riot be wall to extend the
soops of dehberaUoas so as to include the
protection of our oltirman from oombines
which exist by ohanoMg to 15. Dnbito 15. where Dodd'd Kidney Pills are said to ours
Dost of the oeoes.arles of life' 1 rater mon
e specially to coal °ombInes. Here to Ot. they will oars every time.
taws we suffer severely from snob a oom 'rel. Is strong elk Out 1 hes prose it lir
S,o.ttoa among the dealers, and doubtless my owe caw ariywev. I( anyone bio
11 to the same Hi -roughage eke-- Pese teres doubt he 000 write 14 me.'
goeral I v.
"I would amuse* that it might be ad•
rlesblo at the fortbomlaa meetloa to ob•
e lder the feasibility of establishing moalot- Clergue, of the Algoma Central Railway
rel .011 associations, which could .e so
operated as to rive the o
ocean sr his at at Company, has closed a contract for a ber
a merely nominal edvu.. on brit oTo barge with the Colllegwod ShIpbulldiopi
t at
de this It would oo doubt be necessary to Compuy. The new boat will come ounecessary
secure legislation, and 1 take rho liberty of the (mentor of cert seaoo, sad well be put
throwing out the suggestion now, eo that In the trade between Miohlploto and
the maaimpal representatives may haws Lsks Erle. she will .e 3 Mo fest long, 46
time to thick the matter one and site 11 leek beam. 26 feet deep, and will carry
auythlog ,an be does in this direction
Coria of Iron ere.
when the proposed meetingls Held " The etr. Northweetern,whlob left Cbloago
Mr. (;arrow wrote that he had looked In April 24 for Europe,has omp'e►ed her h,+-
to the question of the Dower of the town trip. The length of the voyage, which ter
creole In compel (h. nw of the 0.1., •00- .xded the osloulationu of the manager of
plied by the town waterworks, which had toeohe true Attune line, was due to some
ween submitted to him by the Mayor, and
was of the opinion that the 00111011 bad the
power to pus. bylaw to omoel the um of
this water within certain deMoed , at
the same time probibltlrg the use of spring
or well water within such area tor drioking
and domestic purpose R. The water and ab'e to mike more than four r000d trips
Il.ht committee was Instructed to lock 1a between Uhfoago god k:.rope during the ela-
te the matter sad report. sou of nutrition.
The county clerk notified the oancll that Toronto Globs : The On:frsge is new
the amorist levied oo the town lot county oarrylo. freight •od passengers from De
tate was 3962 H5. • troll, sod Windier to the Georgian Ili), d:.
There was. very eatldatory report tram trice, hsvlos just begun the route this sea
(leo. C. (Cohn, the boiler inep°ator, ea his toe. Nr. h .1. Provers of the \looms Coe.
M.pec•t .■ Of boiler No. 1 at the power teal traff c department Bald In an interview :
le probable that next ?Salon then well
be more baste running from 1) trots to
the Canadian and Algoma da'rie:
The tratfi: 1n freight sed paesr•gers do•
mantis it, and the unsure...el te.nty
of the scenery in the (nervier' li,y
district will make It • greater "Oreo
tion to 10011.ts every r ear. Itis also oeo-
misery to get material of every kind up to
the country 10 meet the demands of Improve
mint to every low there, I believe that be.
tore many remote the district will yield
more first-olae ore than le now obtained on
the American Mlle, and Mr Chtrgo*, la
my opinion wilt rival the United Sates
steel Corporation in a few years. He will
probably build a lint of modern lake car-
riers of 5,000 tone, ae the 1'.hikl, I.eaheld,
Thearo and Monkshavea are getting too
small for the business. We now have .
untrue to supply the Canadian Govern
meet with 25 000 toe of Neel roil. for bye
year', and this show■ that the Idea ot "rea-
le, a steel plant op at the Sao was a good
one. There Is more ore In the region, 1 be
Ileus, than oan be exhausted to many years,
and we expect to move 500,000 tone the.
The returns of the tnffio passing through
the cabals at Sault Ste. Marie are this year
highly ratfrfsotory so Lr as the Canadian
waterway N centrned. Taking the period
from the oommeooemeot of novfeatlna up
to the 30th of .Ione last 1,235,055 nee ton'
meet thrnagh the 1lanadfao venal, an In
urease of 940,374 tone, compered with the
same period of Iait year. An adv.nca i.
shown In bitb eastbound and westbound
freight, hot the former le ahead of lut year
by no lest than 807.975 tow. lin the other
hint, ilia trema through the (fatted rl:w'•ee
easels shows s felling off of 528.901 tone.
the decrease took DI... In both eumrly
end westerly Unfit. By the dote of
nine 'fawn the .1I -nacho at the
upper and lower indrawn to the
Canadian canal will probably hay
been deepened from 18 to 21 t, feat. It will
then be In first Mese shape to compete with
Ito Amerloao Aral. The "'engem returns
tor both easel, for the period referred to
.Love are am follows •--
0. 0. Canal, Can. ('anal, Toal,
net one. sat tone. net tone.
Keetbeamd .. 2 712 284 986,489 3 698 773
Westbound 571,736 248,566 820,309
3)284,020 1,235,055 4,519,075
saving medioine.
• 1 often wonder what powerful virtue
Dodd'. Kidney r'.Ib contain. I don's eo•
Portal° s doubt le the least particular that
A despatch from Clevel- and sats
extent to the long delay at the los jam In
the R,v.r Si. ('lair. Counting oat this delay
the Mittel voyage of the line between
,;blos.o sod Europe hat shown that the
steamship" wtll bet unable to do what was
.vlculated opoo. At best they will not be
n ,Gee.
11re. 11.fs •ppl!,l for sewer connection
tet her property when the ounneotion b
meds for Mr. Humor, and a motion w.s
peserd that the connectioe be made on Mrs.
11 eys' agrrolng to pay the some proportion
of rte out kir. Mornay is oaring.
The lollnwln..oments were referred to
the 60oce ommlttee : 1)r. J. I.. I'uroboll,
n tteed.nee upon prleooer In lookup. $2;
8odertob Lumber Co, lumber, $57.75
l.oderlcb Engles and Moynle Company, re
Pair,. .1:., $85 99 ; Kidd & Co.. piper.
II 60 ; Lee h Shepherd, tile, oto., 8134.48 ;
Tars !•,uNAI., printing sad advertising,
15 11 ; Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, man's
e xpense le Ooderloh and return {akbeg up
mein belt and e:pto a on clamps and rode,
$1( 00 ; Beardmore Belting tic„ Toronto,
hdtieg, $.3303; Canadl.■ General Kl.otrlo
Co., Toronto. $30 ; ( tete Pendia Co., To-
ronto, ronto, 100 feet of hoand oo°pttnp, 129;
W, Kirkbride, blackemttbing, $17.39.
The publlo works oommlttrt• reported
that ti.e contemn for the soppy of •boat
300 feet of 6 inch ills and Ino work o1 lay-
ing mounts had been awarded to W. J.
IlImsay, the lowest tenderer, at 21o. per
foot, bends extra. rb. report was adopt
The report of the floanw oommlt l.e, to
cemmeodrny the payment of a number of
m0o,nta, was adopted.
The sput.l onmmitt.o recommended that
Jeore''hams., nIghtwachm•n, timely" an
merease of $26 M "slarm and that the town
he repre,eled at the meeting propoeod to be
ss11ed by Mayor Howland, of Toronto, Lir
the perpoee of taking steps to 'roues 11 00
clpel rights and the rtghts of 0 1 Zen.
115(011111 Nyreaohments of the corpora•
Ottex. Res. J. M. Othson'" oommualoatlon
regarding the aeeenmeet law was laid over
ler teethe ooeMneratloe. The report was
The water sed light committee rrported
il.et the cnntrant for supplying about 21)0
feet of g dy.nirod Iron 1 Innh pipe had been
awarded to J. 11. Nonoil, who was the
Losei tenderer, et Pio. per loot. The com-
mittee bad informed Mr. `drawer{ that the
inquest fors water male on Brow Wesel
would be greeted 11 st lute tin residents of
that portion of rho street would sign the
"guise spplloatto. The ommlttee re°om
meur.l no action retarding Yr. I).etrloh's
letter In refer.oee te hie water rate. The
report was adopted.
Mr. Humber asked If there woe any re•
Tett from the oemetery oemmIttoe le refer
egos te the proposed sag. The °bermes
.;o cemetery nnmmtttee was sheen{ and
ne Ideepitlen was forthoming.
HIS Woesklp stated that Mrs Stokes had
aeraplsined of Ike rendition of the sidewalk
'sd noel In frees a hair prem.. Mr. Mar
I n said he had lespeated tge pone meeting -
del and themeht It adeleeble to 11.11 11 Int
see ersaeat se It 10.
At tore 5nggeetloe of the Mayor the pith
Ile works eemmilte* were giro power 50
same.* the tareetltse ea the 8gnere. Then
saes a ebarp discussion se M the ad etas
bili*, el re muter the fusee also, sed 6n.11r
the m woe was telt la the bends of 151 00m -
111t5., with power N remove 151 Imam II
Sealorth : There was 304 Heiken sold et
turd. th
Sealortht or e Orange "uneaten to Strat•
Hentryn : The Iiuwtloblmer family will
ooutlnue to reside here ou their 200•aore
lirusre:s : Ronald Slnalalr had his right
wrist sprained on Tuesday while playing
baseball on Victoria 1'ark.
Clinton : Campbell MoMordle, a studeut
of our Collegiate, has secured • poaltlou la
the Mulsoo's bank at London.
h:rarer: James Oraut with bis two
daughters from 1'rovideooe R. 1 , is .s pro
scut visiting Els nephews I) A. and J. 1'.
Choton : An ctli,:a1 from the Public
Work Department was las town last watt
looking oyer the suygwled situ for the new
post* tlios.
Brussels: Mos. W. H. Kerr belt Brussels
net week fur tylnnlpeg on a two months'
hohdmy with tier parents, J. It. mod etre.
Uraet, formerly of Brussel,.
Ethel : Sumo ot the youth of this
community wbo are yet under tweuty•uue
are getting liquor some place and 11 found
out It will Ls made sultry for somebody.
Exeter : Under the head of the Normal
Sobool examination' appears the name of
Mao Evelyn Carling, as baring passed, en•
Gilley her so • las slaw prulaeeiooal oeruti-
o ate.
Exeter: James Stanoombe In the latter
part of August, tut year, awed one head
of wheat, (27 grains), and on the tenth of
July, this year, be harvested the yield
which was 150 'rains.
Brumes : Mires Ann and Jas. Kelly
attended the oelab:atlon of the 12 h a:
Stratford with the Lady Title Blue Lodge.
They have not missed a celebration for the
plat eirteem or s.voteen years.
Sleeve!": At a raising a few days ego
A. McEwen was struck on the heed by a
heavy pike pole. '1'be 'vault might hay:
been serine" but fortunately Mr. 11cEwen
emaped with .Eget Injuries.
Grey : Married at the R. C. church,
Stratford, on July 10.h, by Rey. Fr.
W.!oh, Dennis Mullen, formerly of the 3:d
conceeslon., 10 Mtw MIwen, eldest dauph•
ter of Alex. McTavish, ot Stratford.
Uranbrook : .look Inug is coming lo for
hearty 000gratulations over the advent of
twins to his housemaid, son and daughter.
It is scaroely a talc dltuhutlun, a some
families are without "kid" and others are
Mewed with doubles.
Clinton: S.nto° Roche, lather of Mu+.
Rebs. B(agart, of town, died at hie boom,
451 Vlnswood ave., Dstoijt, on Saturday,
July 13:5, the cause of his demise being old
age, he being ot the advanced age of ninety
years sod three month,.
Brunel": The annual Leckie lawn party
Is always looked forward to with interest and
anticipation le only oxoeeded by redla.tlon.
Soma fifty guests assembled oce opening re-
cently and shared and ee j .yed the over tf,w-
Ing hospitality of Mr..and Mr.Johm Leoktr.
Kloburo : Mr. H.11,110 liinbnrn, who
sad the misfortune to gel his eye out with
• piece of • rivet, sad omit to the hospital
here, went home a taw days ethos. 11. hes
fully recovered, and expecte to have the me
of his eye, though the doctors had to re•
move a portion cf the tris.
Siferth ; Roy Scutt wee riding up Melo
street on his Mayon, he was talking to
some pereoo on the "lde•walk, and not not.
Icing • 5uggy In front of him, he ran fug
tilt Into the vehicle. Ile had his Iia t
teeth butt and was otherwise considerably
shaken up, bot was not .eriously injured.
Clinton : Kirk Houston met with an aocl-
'ent the other day while riding bels bloyole
sod had he been riding at a swift pace he
would likely have been seriously injured ;
jut as he had mounted Ela wheel at the
post ctlime the not on the Irons wheel hs
cams lose end he was thrown violently to
the ground on Els face, thereby disfiguring
it somewhat.
Clinton : We understand that Aodrew
Taylor, who hid the mblortune to lots both
of bb feet a short time ego at the ratlwey
oroesMg known as John's. has given as
order to Mr. Boyd, of Lucknow, for • est
of artificial fast. This will enable our friend
Aodrew to ooj .y life outdoors, ud 11180 aL
low him to get around to Me many friend*,
who will be glad to item ham.
Brussels : The members of the 55 F. M.
Bootee y of the Prefabs tartan church presented
)tine. J. D:ckeon with a handsome book pri-
or to her depari tire for the Northwest.
A 'armlet eve0iog vies also spent with Mrs.
il,ckeen, when ref: eihmente were served.
Those proea°t also had the privilege of
hearing an address (tom Elise Irvine, of
M,rrfs, a returned missionary from China.
Number of
Yeovil pas•
sages 2365 032 3197
teenage 3.124,714 8.50,678 3,975 392
11.:4 (;anal, (:.n. ('end, Total,
met tone net tone net tons
A,utbound.. 3 073,702 178.514 3,252,216
West been., 739,219 116,167 855,386
3 812,921 294,681 4,107,602
Namber of
weasel pas•
bmeage.. 3,098,094 33'1 574 3,435.668
Clinton : Clinton le twenty four miles
from Brun Me. yet oocalonelly one ba to
travel • considerable distance to get there.
foe other day leepee:or R,bb, of Breesel.,
oho -rag In Clintow,waated to go home. To
go by the I. H 11 w.u'd nit bring Mm
home until Tuesd.y,so he welt to Stratford,
then on to Llstowcl and home (s distance of
over timothy -dye miles) reaohtmy his des -
Hutson at about 8 r, z1.
Clinton : Mrs. Crawford, a widow of the
I ate Robert Crawford, tiled .t Peterbero, os
Sunday, 1453 test., Med siatyMx years.
Deawed wee the Mde.t daughter of the
late Jacob Miller, of (;oderioh towo.hlp,
and • Maier of Jamb Molter of town. she
had been • widow for a number of years,
and leave* two children, both married.
Her remain. were Interred from the home
of Mr. Miller, on Tuesday, and placed he
Mile those of her father and mothor in Ciln•
ton cemetery.
Canton • Moeh sympathy Is expre..ed to
the brreuved by the death of 51erearot
Holmes. relict of the tato Samuel Holme.,
whloh ootarrrdos Wednesday morning, the
17th lost. She hes Met with several sow.
dente in late yesn,at the tamn of death sat•
tering from • broken hip, She was of the
age of elgheyelght yeses and seysn mooths.
tier .no 410.111, who roubles on the 2Id
oonoenir c of Tuckerernith, had the relator
tens on Monday movioue to fall from a toed
of hay, and break his ankle.
2,464 434 2 098
Tee het summer fa nature'' Tork eh barb,
to nowt the pmsone eat rho winter.
Hygioloslly, If it 1e regarded rightly, and
not overdone, hot weather is a healthy
talar j.atlon between long 'Delle of oold
and tepid temperatures.
It's all rlgtit. I1.'+ just what 1e needod.
It may de no harm In hot weather to eat o
little less of animal food, and a
BON more oI Irate sod vegetables; to omit
eloohollo drinks: and oar?! an umbrella; also
to make a bargain with yourself to Indulge
In surcease from worry 5111 the first day of
'•Forget the 565 'either," say; one wtee
aur hnrlty ; thou who cannot get out of
themselves might revolve In their minds
some inch thought as ibis :
It's cool np there where the stare an,
Where Vence er.,l Neptune and Man are
Though It's hot down here shoot ball o
the year,
It's cool up there where the stare are.
Ni costly eremite marks the grave.
No (gash -out tl,wers *Trace,
Nu sew -made Iootprlate in the cloy
To tell a well loved place
Only a law old tottering stones
(irowp weary with ins years,
With faded lettere, wore and dim,
list mon with rein the° tears.
Across a a with sunken breast
A timid wild rove creeps :
Who knows but 'awth Ito perfumed
A pitying heart it keeps?
Sametlmcs a wild bird nolo upon `'r
A mumbling rock and songs ;
Who knows but from a pityloy heart
That tender note he briogt `.
Here lies • grave SO short and smell,
'Twould touch a mother's heart ;
Within some breast at some sweet time
It held a larger part,
And hen around a faded name
And green aad obliging rinse ;
Who knows with whin a p!ty ng bush
Toe tender Ivy twines!
And here's a lone mud uarrow grave,
With naught to mark the place
Lrxoept • blue for -germs -not
'That lifts Its daloty tame :
But wbo oan say it blooms bees fair
Upon the paupet'a bed
'1'boo where you tottering stone Is seen
Above his uedghbor'e head'
The wind blows sadly through the plass ;
Alone, It seems to sigh
Forgotten, whisper low the leaves
That rustle softly by, l
But all ! we do not need to lie
Beneath a stone to be.�
Forgotten and alone; perhaps
They bye to memory.
Under the spreading chestnut tree
The well-filled baiketr stand ;
Containing ohlckeo. pies, and thiOgs-
'I'he work of Bridget's bend.
And 'way off in the distance there'd
A blaring country band.
Dick battles with a bumble bee,
And Bob, with youthful z s ,
Fall' from a lofty chestnut tree
And peps and the rest
Pyooeed to eat the Much uson
A yehow•jscket's nest'
1'he gentle rainstorm rolls around,
And when the day 1s late
Tb.y homeward wend their weary ways
And turn Inside the gate,
And 1te to bed and wonr!yr just
How many ante they ate.
lndiansp,lis Sun.
cern Llaaleleg.
Toot's Putoam'o ('orn Extractor. Glees
cotta tired teelmy In .boat twenty tear
boort. 71tey ooaequently get out. as they
oanout keep up the pale any longer -makes
them weary -l1.. l'utnem's P.Iples Corn
Extractor that does this. Now don't for-
get. All drog,uts.
Deg Owners to be Mauled.
Tarrytown. N. Y„ July 4: -Toe ordinance
framed by the village trurte.regerding doge
and their owners rune as totlow.: "Any
owner of a dog found at Ione without bsir g
muzzled white subject to a $10 Sae."
taluble Advlee to tterwwearlre.
Eat meat sparingly, and take very 1,tt1e
or. Avoid camp iron, drink water whom
dotiv,and Myna" rely on Poleon's Nerviline
an an absolute reheyer of rheumatic p.lm.
Being tire times ■trooger than mbar rem
echos, las power over pain he 'imply b:vond
b.GU. Iluy a large 2) coot t o tie today,
test It, and see if this is not so. Poleoo'e
Nervllles always cures rheumatism.
Induetrlal, Tornio Aug. Sept. 26 27
Western, Leaden Sept. 5-14
Southern, dramtford Sept. 14 20
Northern, Walkerton Sept. 17.18
Cemtral, Guelph Sept. 17.19
South Harm, Seatortb Sept. 24-25
Mitchell Sept. 26- 7
NORTHwgngaw, GODaaiCH 015. 1 2
Klolope, Lucknow Uot. 2 3
Ashfield and Wawamosb,Dampinsoo trot 8-9
Kest Huron, Brussel* Oat. 3.4.
Howlok, Gerrie.. Get. 1-2.
1'arnlrury, W itagbu.l .Sept. 26-27,
Belgreve ..Out 1-2.
R•piey. Sept. 24.25.
Wlughem 1e having Its Wyk holiday on
August 141, the date o1 the exoanlom to
Brussels Peet : tr be pr1peed te ria •
S.bbnth ., 5.4 ex,°nioe from Bra_e!e to
linderioh or Kiooardine about the 9 h of
August. Ars:gement' sr* new being made
and full announcement will be made lister.
The Cliotoo Haws Rewrd says :- ••Mr.
1)An, Molloy, of London, father of Mrs Ju
Ts Rebell, was In teen for a few days this
week. 1a the early days h r was for amity
years a resident of Clinton and engaged In
it a pomp bus'.nees. In the fall of 1846 he
put M stump for Mr. William Rottenbury
i• Irons of his fevers, sonars the Combe
durg store Mand., whloh he ollams was the
tint one in um north of Francis Tows, now
Exeter, with the exception of an Iron pomp
*rooted by the Canada Company et
The Pruulmte are Men.
Druggist. report great demand for the
sew 2,5 cot sire of Caarehoznne, and to
day's afire almost cleared out their stock
They erpla a this rapid run on C•terrhrzone
by the fact the le gives better satlefotlna
than any otter remedy on the market
Druggists ..v that ('aarrhre.one b the oty
remedy that redly due sere est orb, Aron
Mattis and asthma. Ir Weisel quickly, is
pleasant and convenient to nes. tied
teed to car.,nr your money hark. It *adore
suffering from Irritable threat.,bronohltie,oe
tarrh, eta., are moult advb.d to try
Cai.nhevtee; it reeve 1a11e to cure eros the
Worst ewer.
t' '�
Notice of cnangos must be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
ti000: -- The Copy for changes
most ho left not later than Mon-
dsy noon. Oaanal Advertisements
accepted no to noon Wodnesday of
each week.
"Contentment cannot
he too dearly purchased."
Foot -comfort a n d
shape retention,are never
dear, at the expense of
mere fleeting finish.
Contentment to those
who wear only that foot-
wear which is priced and
pledged by the Makers --
"The Slater Shoe"
(aadytar Welted
Wm. Sharinae, Jr. - Sole Local Agent.
- Ttla L.Aniyn -
Fkkinerat V.ytetore C1t\\iX
carders rannslly'asleadee le a? ear
beers. might or tear.
�•ewee etre. 4.
A woman's reproductivo
organs are in the most In-
tense und continuous sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slight est disorder in the
kidneys brings about a
corresponding' disease
the reproductive organs.
1)odd's KidneyPUIs, by rs.
•toying the kineys to their
pet(ect condition, prevent
and cure those fearful dis-
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young gi*Io worn-out
mothers, suffering wives
and women entre :lig upon
the Clients of Lite, your
best ft tend le
TBUKODAT, July 25, 1901.
R. B. Smith's11 % IjI"I i s Reld's Old
StoreL 1 L 1 Stand
of barfaiur. On the last day of J my we clone the old Reid store and
move all into the H. 13 Smith store. We have to get rtd of a lot of
goods before then. To do it we will give you four days and a -kali of
bargains, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday till
noon. Tho goods are A 1, and yours at any old price.
Millinery half pries.
Shirr waists half Dries.
-.ales' and girls' chemlece at halt price.
A!l•over laces at hall prloe.
..anelette at amt.
Prints and cottons at cal,
Sheeting at cost.
1141 ails of •mbrordesier.
5: •n brolderlc. for 3 •.
103 satbroldrrree for 73.
2o, to dim embroldertce for
11 g reduction In lours.
Bargains to table linen.
liarg..0 las thou gond?,
$1 00 and $1 25 corsets at 753.
Men's 25o sod 35o cashmere sex for 20e.
Led se' pure wool oashmere how, seamless,
full fashioned, fast color, worth 35o, for 20s.
Men's four M•h.rid and knot thee, worth
25e, two for 2.5s.
Boys' Windsor ties, silk, worth 25o, for
Ladle.' and child's gloves,were 10e te 15o,
all .t 31.
Child's white sox, 2 pale tor 6o. Thew
are the 000,001 Wag for hem weather sad
are worth 10o te 15a. A11 ono price, 2 for
These aro the last days iia the old store and we will make thew red letter
lays for you. 'flee goods aro up to date and the prices aro cut a quarter, a -
third, a halt and soul( lines at less than a half of the market value.
Friday till Wednesday Noon. Come and Save Money.
VS_ A_ McK2M.
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Spon
Bread and Cream Rolls,Mince
Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Maranges,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
with your health.
Don't use Drugs ami Medicines
of questionable quality. (h -t the best
there is at the same prices Diet are
..Largo*] for inferior goods.
Al. our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has a reputation for promptness and
H ELLO I taiatiarA,
oro u gooel as the best madelut any
city in Candia.
Cantulun louts tho trade iu
In fancy designing and ornament
lug and almond icing.
(live him an order and your eat•
infliction will be assured. ;
Medical Hall.
lard Coal
Ail Coal weighed on the Market gale e
when you got 7000 lbs. for a ton.
Orden left at L=' & BE LTEA IYS
Store promptly attended to.
McCillop Mdllal Fire Insaraace Co.
Value of 1'operty Ieanrcl up rn Janeiro,
1931 111.1.01n,a73.t 1
J. B. McLean, Dar. ;1% Praeer. sloe -pre.. ;
Jae. Connors', U. dale. W. 0, Broadtoct, J.
Watt. Jas. Smuts, J. 0. Or'err, J. tteonewela,
Mai ton; 55'. B. Brovlfo N, deaf° •lh, Inspec-
tor of tosses : T. E. Heys, eleatortb, worelary-
AO Kr 111,
J W. Yeo, Holmesvlilo • James ('ummim
Kunondvule : 11. MoM l?as, Beafortb ; n
stoats, Harlook. -.
Polo) -holders can lost areriilsnle and get
their cards receloted at Mr. Costa'. Clinton, or
at McLean Bros; Palace Clothing Store. Rode
The hams stands for all that le
reliable in farming machinery.
intending to purchase -anything in our
Zino ihonld inspect our goods before
placing their order.
Wo always carty on hand a full
stock of repairs.
We have the both make of Cream
Separators on the market.
You can got the most up-to-date
Carriage or Buggy made in Can
Oa at a reasonable price from un.
Massey -Harris Bicycles- - New
1901 models -elegant mounts. Call
and sec them.
33811=4T. P ARBONB,
A Great Snap
M OUT Mower Snap, •I 5o. .
pound, of which we sell • barrel a week.
This Isn't our only map, as we carry
everything than oan be found In an up-
to•dste grocery store, and our pekes
are right. The termer' know that they
oan always get from os a map for their
produoe. We draw the lino at no
legitimsa trade - everythlug goes :
Glassware or pontos, garden stuff or
oholoert table China. We deal In all
of them.
Redford blook, (iAerials.
Solid Comfort
Goodyear Welt shoes, with
Sleeper Insole.
ore tic,. kinds of shore,
Goodyear Welt, and all other
- Vari
mem-- Ineties.a Goodyear Welt there are
two kinds of' Insoles ; one is
di.eather, and the other is • Sleeper Patent Flexible Insole.
There is only one shoe that represents a perpetual comfort, whereby
a shoe takes the lace of a slipper in the house, or a boot on the street
-this is the Goodyear Weft that is made with the Steeper Insets.
The Sleeper Pateat Flexible Insole, which is made from is -ounce
Duck, is soft and pliable, perfectly waterproof, and shapes itself to the
foot in such a manner as to afford the greatest possible comfort.
The.Sleeper Insole will not harden with perspiration, as leather
insoles do, and he always read., for immediate wear.
The J. D. King Co., Limited, have the exclusive right for Canada.
:Our Agent In (toderlob le B►, George Prtc..
Shoes that
measure up
to Your r�.4
We Furnish You Two Comfortable Feet.
Common s* 11,e, ns well aN st} le, can Ire purchased reasonably at out
counters. (loot we treble shone for all ,ort8 of occasions.
IIigh grade footwear at prices that you cannot beat.
Don't fall to see our "KING QUALITY" shoes if you want the latest
styes. THEY LEAD.
TRUNKS. _GRIP8, KtC. " Repairing neatly done.
Have you tried a guess on the Pan-American ? If not, why not ? A
guess with every dollar purchase at this store.
Sole Agent for King Quality Shoes.
Oil Stoves "1" -IT
Gasoline Stoves
Ice Cream Freezers
Dairy Tinware
Metal Roofing and
Siding 01 04,a
J. 11. Worsell,
The cheap Man and tutee.. mar,
We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Raking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib= Tho step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tow blended in a scientific
manner with tipecially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
full n.sst.rtment.
SfrvR=Y az CO.
Telephone No. !H.
Hat Bargains..
e e
}leving purchased twelve doz'n hats at a great ratluction they will to
so1.1 eat the following low prices :
Ready-to-wear hat at 26c, worth 6Oc.
Children's ready-to-wear hats at 16c, worth 35c, and at 50c
worth $1.00.
Leghorns at 86c, worth 60c.
Leghorns at 75c, worth $1.25.
Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat, for 7607
All millinery reduced for the balance of the season.
#kati eA: a@AI t2rji al'ttmt ;