HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-25, Page 4THURSDAY, July 25, 1901.
The man who to well dreruuxl is 01) -
reeved by all wherever he goes. His
clothes can tit well, look well and
J still not be expensive.
We are quoting astonishingly low prices for our clothing just !lbw. Hoorn
Ina be made for our fall purchases, and the prices we ask aro bound to clear
Abe tables. Below are just some of the prices. Cell in awl we will tell you
the rest.
Fashionable Suits.-
uits 8,00, redaoed to $ 650. '
42.00 " " 9.50. dl
(4.00 11 M 10.75•
1 .00 " 11.50.
We'll it you and please you.
We'll please all our friends.
W. C. PRID 1-4 A -I
Perfeht fitting Ready to -wear Clothing. Alen'. Furnisher and Hatter.
e. 11. -Nave you seen the new Kegel summer suspender for 25 costa '•
Wit Aqua!, .
is Iwums D
a1111. SMT
T9l)m11on. THURSDAY. JULY M. 1*1.
T" paragraph by "Civil," in the
•'1ly the Way" column tut Week brings
forth a disclaimer from R. S. %Villrarrts,
President oI the Board of Trailer. In a per
.onallnteryfew Saturday last he takes ex
°option to the manner in which "('iris" has
Awed the matter before the public, arid
prtxlaoes the agreerpent in support of hie
sontantlon. Following is the agreement :
Obis agreement made tele First day of
firma A. 1). 1900, by and between, the
IS 21•1•4•1 .erperatIOD 01 the town of lido.
K ik is tin Provl.os of Oolarlo, hereinafter
galled ''the Mulolpallly,' of the Diet
parr, sad the ()rand Trnok Itsiiw•y Cam•
pafy et (Reade, homed ter called "the
(Jempaay," of the •snood part.
Whereas the Mualolpality being desirous
sj mewing imprevementa gone on with and
egtbai out bays offered, 11 the Company
105 weer sal pal up • Dew station building
geke flml.a of said Mualotpality, that
aettili tb. will ler the purposes of
e.: fix the aanaal wwsment of the
aay'e property within the said Molts
raremsl or Niue) Mable to assessment and
*.silos at the lam of seventeen thousand
detlare for the next ten year' from and In-
elsahsg No year 1901, and at the explratlea
of mob parted e1 ten wean, for a further
poked of toe years ending with the year
]btfffi, ani lire Creepiest have accepted lbs
elks ea the beruu and stipulations herein
tie restore this agreement wltnessebh time
elm esb pantos have and they hereby
de awl esveaant, promise and agree with
the ether 1• manner fcllowIog,-the L to
an: -
1. 4'h. Company agree that they will, as
seen es the work oan be reasonably gone o0
with, alter tbs execution hereof, put up and
erase within lbs limits of tbs Moololpallty
of Udsrbi a new station building of the
dogma shown on th• plan hereto attached,
ad wklob will cost nob less then five
eboesa•d dollars.
2 The Municipality covenant and agree
gel during the nut ten years from and in-
d•dlmg 16• yes' 1901 the whole of the
Ooespany's assessable property within 11.
Welts (present or future) of ald Muoloi-
panty shall 1.e liable to be rated for the
general taxes oolleotd by said Munlolpallte
in nob of said tem years, on the fixed
maned valuation of Seventeen Thousand
Dollars until the aspiration of said ton
years teem and Including the year 1901, and
tits M.nlolpality will at the expiration of
the year 1910 continue the said annual
assessment for the general taxes collected
by aid Municipality at sock fixed esteemed
gala►los of seventeen thousand dollars
lee anotber period of ten year, to end with
the year 1920.
4. it 1. also agreed between the 1 arttes
that should the lbmpaby desire It, the
Munlolpallty will wlat and juin In with
the (ompmoy 1n obtaining an Aol from the
Legislature of the l'tovinoe of Ontario to
confirm this agreement.
4. Each of the parties hereto shall tarry
out, perform and observe the covenants,
stipulations and obligations herds see
forth end oontalned according to the tree
intent, spirit and meaning thereof In all re-
apeets, •
Mr. Williams nape that "Coin" in his
reference last week almite that he "does
not know what the facia aro," ala_
proceeds to recite things that aro not facto.
Por instance, "Civie" it, referring to the
twenty years of stationary taxation at 517,•
000, adds °or any other acquirement of
lain," and greaten the imptnssion that that
plraes was in the agreement, w hicll in not
the ease.
Them "Civie" Mater; "This 1,rojosition
Livery " Via* Repairs
Me hove a Ir f t i• Under/eh R,
$SbI$ left. We will sell 'hem
NN wile 11-1top t'r •'. .,,^,..
Two dit•oYcb. er
$25 00 and $30.00
We w111 continue our Reiner
111c80QNLY • BEATTi!ES
1111!8 00 and $44.00
fey a raw nays tenger
eeeond hand wheels al 4,1‘•••• mid
et. -
i kyd5 rj Music
the ee tmedetuito pcoperly-
propoeitiou involving any other acquire
meet of land wee ever ;route to the (0011011.
Ile,.JVilhame objects to the following
"If the l;omppny hail asked that they
should be allowed to improve their premed
property. In the way of putting new build-
ings upon it, without an Increase of tase.
Lion, that would have been a very different
matter, and the Council might will hate
received the request favorably ; and the
Company could hanlly evpeet anything
more in reason. Here is the bails for an
agreeme' t between the town well the l''..nl-
This, Mr. Williams Imitoelele exactly -
what was dose. The natter hail been be
fore the Board of trade and a comnittee."t
whish W. C. (footle was chairman, was ap-
pointeil to meet the Council to discuss the
matter. Thi, was done some time no, but
thus far no action has been taken by the
Council. -
Invonclaling his remarks Mr. William
aLatsd hat some time ago, w hen in Mont-
real, he diseased the question of the time
limit witirelidr, Keev-e, the manager et the
G. T. R., was informed by that gentle-
man that the Company would not insist up
on the twenty jeer term, ami wore pre•
pared to carry out their sgreoment on a ten
ye r period.
-You can't run strai t politica if 11,.•
politicians aro warped. -
--What has become of that good old
policy, "The land for the settler and not
L.r the speculator
-It'nnet111101 happens that th.• eae:ety
of •'Hon ......,.,t ,rete wholly suet troisly on
the weakner4 of the (lpp o'. tion.
-The only true independent newspaper,
will always Is• fou".1 in lho etreight•speak-
tug preen of the two grand old partes.
- -The pltliciane arc laying out a pro
gnu. that makes it har.l for one to believe
that this is an off year in Canadian politics.
- ICs strange bat true, the same people
oho wets shouting for warm weather a few
o e fcc
w e ks ago LOW wanting t sit ion
R aro B '
with rut electric fan working overtime,
-Tho men who are trying to make the
01,1 Country Literals toe the mark aro not
labelled "disloyal" by the rri•wspap•re and
public men of that band, "where freedom
broadens slowly dotsa from precedent to
the Duke of York visits that godly town o1
•h.rohes. 11 would bo • redly a ebt better
If the manufacturers spent the money err
dying the wuikweu'a wives and cldldrea a
day in We reality with a lolly rcua hoti-
dey blow out. Yotk will pass under the
Tot oat° aro:,ee as he has dons hundrods of
others, and it be pe11111w a grate of 11n1a
wfll marvel at the stupendous tally and
toddyl.w o1 men who are wont to pride
themselves on the it freedom awl i*telll-
TARIFF 1,10011 SI IN Tilt 1TATi-,.
Weekly Sun : The Demnorath, °eneeut Lon
Mr the 8'.t. el Ohio, held lest week, w. ■
1 robably the most Important polities.' with.
eriDg In the United Stats ensue the Peeal.
dentist tit Aloe. and It is interestine to sots
the attttede that weetaken by the legates
on the gnesttoas before the country. No
rt limos was made to Bryan or to ,Iver,
and • motet los mei oaet*g the pl.alorm adop.
led at Kanto City last year was voted down
by • deohive majoi ily. feint relorm,on the
other Laud, was emphasized and Its necessity
Proclaimed. The platform dalored for "the
traditional Demoot•No policy of • Tariff for
ue so Leveed as not to burden one
Industry for the benefit of •nether." 'frusta
were dent uaued,snd the coo veadon demand-
ed then as a mean• to tte'ir euppresdon ell
trust prduots should be plaod on the free
Ilse. It look. very much e. 11 timer/riff would
be • lading Done ID the next Pr:.ldeatlal
RiONOM1. .t1.1.Y MANACFp.
Stratford Reaoea : Among other thlogs In
Canada's -year book, jilt published, Is •
etatsmeat of the per aplt• expenditure la
each 1'rovIDoe, which shows the great
economy with which Camrto's affairs bays
beep masagd:- .
-1f it is really trite that KMTe'nw9MR to
to bas taken from the head of the South At•
lean op•rationo esu o- ,,Iii ougge-t that the
war expert of 71w• Toronto Telegram be
given the job. That individual ra'i lick
anything from a lager to a postage stamp.
-When that cx•Republican' and new
thorough pared loyalist JAY COMM.
Hora1NM pmts on his pink shirt waist and
silk knickerbockers to bow•wow to Hi.
Highness of CORNWALL, Professor Togy1:Y•
DaoP and Limber Kerma win have to al
mit that they are not in hie class.
-The chaps who aro trying to aid to the
titter of KmR fiwoM "'n that of
"Sovereign lunl of Canada," must have
been reading the ritual of some of the
pinchbeck societies. The beginning of the
t wentreth century and title nide of the Ate
1antic is neither the lime nor the plat'* for
deifying people who aro liable In reaeli duel.
and ashes and be fool for worms, like the
reel of 0s.
',Athens WII) %11.1. ewe,
• Watfert•Guide t There ars friends who
will Mad by you to the Iaft cent -your
cent not theles.
.MAN', I'111:r1NITY TO MAN.
liellev,Iie Intsll''tenoer : The proprietor
of the Burwell house, Ottawa, refused to
admit m guest to the dnotre room who was
clad to • shirt wafer. What rot' N'hy
shouldn't a man be ce nfortepls,as well se a
TiiR w'PAltl Ni (1 TIIR LIMN.
Arnprlor Chrenlole: A mllltery man as•
sura, The Ottawa Citizen that what soldiers
1n Canada want le green and not khaki.
While khaki ie the proper color for Miring'
dress In South retries and elsewhere, he
holds that In the Ireen fields of ('ansd• oar
warriors bold molt, to operate to beet ad-
vantage, wear • uniform of emerald hue.
It may be an Ittebnian who throws out this
saggsstton, but 11 Is an Idea whir h hes
something to commend It.
Markham Mae: The (.fosses Holders
I'rateoRve Association of Ontario Iahereafber
to be known es a polltloal rock. Ibis Metre -
meat n1 warfare is to he along at Mr heeds
o1 the eendidatee who will refuse to termini
• teed le the hands of the asseolatlnn. The
&Denotation formulate, Its pnitpy which tenet
inverts all Immo holders, thus another
r✓•lltle•l mmnhlne la lannehed In the interests
of dare lerlstatien. This mashies le therefore
8. speak lhroneh the ballet es 1b meetly.
may deride.
IMIrr nM TRR AIe'w prs*TIOP,
Rebe•ygent inespsedeat A news para
graph stales that the masnf•nturere et Ter-
cel. art to spend 510.000 ea an arca whoa
ti w pet heed.
-t.iWki W yau,
Oeterlo $
1 74
Quebec 2 74
we Sootte 204
Now Ifrusuwlck 2 47
lIanItobs 458
British Columbia 9 88
brines Edward 'slated 2 82
And this la the lane o1 the fan that the
O•tarlo Government spends ten dollars for
'airy dollar expended by the other 1rc•
vlcnee In asylums, hospitals and other char -
,else. not to speak of the lit zeal grants to
the Agricultural ('olinpe, agricultural
societies, public libraries and other 'duos
Clonal projects. Itis this wise and econo-
mical administration of alsire that has won
the oot.filenas of the people of OM ole le
the liberal Government, Bed which will
keep it ID control.
Bystander, 1n Weekly San : Ante/loans
ars erasing from their orates too muob
credit far dlabotldal silo and craft is the
000struotion of their tariffs. If you could
explore the minds of the singly. and Mo-
Kiolay., you would probably 6od only
ignoranea of the facts and principles of
s0000mloal semocs, oombined with sub,
servisnoy to a group of great moxopollat lo•
Mats which wields an overwhalmleg vote
No mors of astuteness than of fir ma:eel
prtoo'ple was shown in the Inns during the
war of Seoesslon, of an enormous volume e1
inconvertible paper cut cute', the Inevitable
redemption et which 1n the end •*Jed
greatly to the cost of 106 war, besides de.
ranging commerce and iodaatry la the
maatlme, It cannot 1.1 too often repoa'ed
that the saving of American commerce and
finance hie Moo, not monopoliser), but the
vast Internal area of production and ex
change over whirl& trade has been free. lo
the tame way whatever modicum of oom•
me:, !al prosperity the Empire of Napoleon
dej..yarwes due not to he b.rberewseye-
tem of external protection, but to the large
internal area of free trade. That 'mob
should produce t'tat which be omn produce
bat and sell to those who want it most, is
a plain diotate of oommnn ,ease, a depart-
ure Irom which may he highly probtab!e to
monopolists, but never has been and Dever
can be •rotatable to the rest of moektsd;
heavens are roseate from the setting sun, atinottoni, all of whtob oan be ma from
while to the north and south &Iong the the grand stand for 25, , eh* magnitude o1
hooks the waters etretoh lar •wmy into the l'aoadds greatest exhibition will De .ppre
great her zos, rsfeotiug the 'pleader of the elated.
reset scoot" from their Imperial bosom,
aulil the view slowly dluulves Heidi sad
the .hedewof the itemise night highly to
brood epee the sane et tblog., mad when
del Luou creeps along the distant reamltil t f
the deep, mud the ur.,on, lull url od or ere+•
000t, mates to abed Its luminous rays upon
the dr, lie and lighthouse lar below. and
the visitor 1s wont to wander book t i his
habitude, be oars truthfully soy wi•h Long
fellow, 'Surely this ie the grandest of all
Possibly the greatest tribute that can be
paid to the citizen, of Uoderloh, and to the
tows and Its environments i a general as a
damns resort, laeto be found In the fact
that those who haft, visited there 1• year,
Pao by ars .1111 retardant each suc:oadIDg
lemmer to foram enjoy, while lite Mogen
on, the pleasures that are there to be bad.
Although the teatime I aspect whiob pre
seated itself oae-hnadrd yeah ago whs.e
the town of Uofesloh now stands I. 1005
and although the Huron 1 Aliens, who Ir -
'labile(' the dense sod traoklese forme that
thus lined the margin and refloated It.
inverted Imere on the gluey strifes* of the
lake, are now gone to the happy heather
grounds, yet the glory of the highland. and
the mag•Ibossee of the water, still remain.
Ma:ma1L Atv+t'ITTtu.-John Maxwell
was tried by Judge Doyle ea Friday on the
°hares of borse•etealing• Evidence was ort•
duod to show that the accused had had
some dickering with I'*rsoos, one of the
owes of the horse, and Hie Honor
apaleotly took the view that Maxwell
bought lho horse but balled to pay for 1,,
and the primmer wet ..:quitted. W. Pawed.
toot -sated la lila defame.
Dean! teATR OF k1R6 8. HOLMSe, CLINTON .-
Mrs. Margaret Holmes, robot of the Isle
Samuel Holmes. died at Clinton on Wed•
neoday, Ju:y 17.b, a1 the age o1 eighty -
sight years. Her hnsnand predeceased her
about eighteen years, but tie bullowlug sone
and daughters still survive : Mien Jeanie,
at ham* ;.Joamph. of Tuckeremlth ; Wilitam
of Lucknow ; John, of eloderiob township ;
Uabri•l, is the Northwest ; l)e Ed., la
Cleveland, Ohlo ; Mrs. Sharman, Is the
Northwest ; Mrs. Peter •Str•ith and Mn.
Wm. (Hitt/togs. of Clinton. Previous to
her removal to Clinton, M.a. Holmes Ilvod
at H.InesvIlIe, being oneal the early set-
tlers otthat olaoe. The remota were Interred
in Maitland cemetery on Fnday.
p0,11 -be were bye /randser's and 11. H.
Howell, of town, who ie a grand nephew o1
decimsed. Mise Lizzie Campbell and th.
Misses Joaaale and Mary tNarman, of town,
attended the [unseal.
Tnr PONT ti ArsonIa;RAr11Y.-The Bru•
se!s Poet has pawed mother milestone In Its
history mod the editor, R. 11 Kerr, whom
we must credit with turaing out one of the
seweIssi paper, in the county, last week
referred to the event fn an Interesting elan-
ber. "1'ire Po'T was est ibltebed fn Bruuels
in 1873 and this week It eaten upon its
ttdenlf iritilh voTdiei: U'oaugosf tat, 12110
the present proprietor, associated with W.
H. Auld, of Strathroy, who was here for
two tears, rttrchased the plant from M.
Gillicuddy Bros. who were the promoter.
of Tne Post. The nearly twenty oDe years
of our iooumbenuy of the edttosial olutr
have flown by very quickly and yet with
them base come many obanges. Revlewtag
the circle of butanes, men whom we bai the
pleasure of meeting l 1880 there Is only one
mbar 1. Meld A1,n,lt 11 In n groom I'ebll-
The town coon. it secured the publication
of the following •rl!ale 1n a book recently
netted desoriptit t of the olty of Toronto
which we understand is being circulated
among visitors to the Pan American ezhibl
bltton with • view to attracting pere•ins who
wish to make aide trues :
To thou who have been a5road one of
our many palatial passenger steamers as 11
has plowed through the waters of our grett
Inland sou from Ktncston to Duluth and
from Midland to Chicago, there 1e pro
heti& no plane aloag the shorn that is
more f fly looated or that Is more de.
set redly popular than the tows of Go to
rich, whloh to attested along the eastern
banks of Lake Huron. Goderich lea town
of 5,000 Inhabitant., and is the rear o1 the
county named after the lake, above where
silvery sheen le steads at en elsyatlon of
125 feet. The town has szleuito and well
msiatsieed epenings into the country In all
direction,, whether by ship, by rail, by
wagon cr by wheel. Good roads Weed in
to a Lonna oouotry north, east and sough,
while to the west ie the broad *name e1
the second largnt body of fresh water on
the lace of tee globe. Menesetung it the
Indian name of the Maitland River, which
has 11. source 40 miles Intend sod emptier
o o the lake at this point. The name
sgai1e. "healing watere,' tetcrring to the
valuable sulphur and Iron springs which
bubble over the gram iy dopes of its backs.
Menwtung )'ark is situated Ing than one
mile from the old town o1 Gderlch, an
Lek. Heron, and is an ideal .ommcr resort.
The park comprises 60 sores of dehgheful
tableland with beautifully wooded hanks
which slope gradually down to the seedy
'mob, wkle► Is approwched by romantic
Matti- through abmmbbrrtes ; tee Demob et
this pilot is a natural bathiee.ground, and
s dip in these waters is most Invlgoraltnp.
This Park 1, ons of the hlghcst points of
elevation in the Province of t)atarlr, the
climate ts dry and tool the prevallmg
winds and breezes from the nortbweet, Derr
the great,' wat.r•strstchr, reader the nark
•t all time hoot. Surf from hay
fever, malaria, nun and Modred oom-
plalnts find speedy rebel at this high sod
bracing altitude,
'rhe amusements here provided are many
sad vomits sad eenrtst et bathing, besting
and l.btng on Like Huron and the Halt.
land River, bu.bstl, facrtwre, bowling,
wash, oto , oto, liioyoliog, however, 1s
the favorite pastime of these parte, there
below • first class track oe the Park
armee, whtla the rowel et ,ares lannety
are voted as befog the finoat in lambda and
eiallly the title of "Bicyclbu' 1'a►adles,"
The hn'cls aro ,nbetantlsl and nom•
mediae. rur-three, and aro all under able
management. Ths room. ars light, airy
and epotie.ely clean, while the tables ase
supplied with all tbet the heart could 'Heti
for, The people of Coderloh have been ex-
tremely careful In !Whig that the splrltual
wants of their sons and daughters will be
well oared for, end the town contains the
prinolpal churches of all the leading denom•
(nations. it has a largo library, competent
professional men, .everel t mks, enbsts'ittal
public build nee, slectrle Ilght', water
works, several Imre elevators and a nurr•
her of mauuf,c using planta, wide, well
brued awl well kept sorests and ono et the
eat systems of municipal g rvernment any
where 1n In found, The residence portion
of the elty le one of the finest in ('anada,
the lamp. I sing here and well kept, and
many of the homes are both beautiful and
•rrietin In their ennasptlnn. The stores
which surround the ttetat tut Court Howes
S,nare,whlnh is Ionated In the hart o1 the
etty, ere well supplied with onmptrte se
sertments of er*ry regnid's for tourist,
tamper, homer and fishermae.
The .unset some from the heights on a
summer's night 1a one never tette forgnttee.
Looting ever tha out watery expanse of
the great fat a the western ono can ea seem
settle', with its treat halo of crimson light,
leveed the Michigan p'n.. ; eastward the
()loads that hang Mee filmy draperies la the
vete hat -a been perhaps a dant different
Proprietors. We very gratefully return oar
thanks to the public generally for their
cordial support so•rordd us and 1f The
Pat ha improved anti le a welcome weak.
iv outer It Ie I.rgely due to the faithlal
oorreepoodent and the thoughtful subeorib
•se's kledly vete that has made It so. W•
hey* so new .wrinkle to work off to itch
sabeoribers, but depend on the publbb-
aig of a oleo*, Dewey, np.ta date paper to
work Ite\\way Into the homes of the people
end we egg wen pleased to ,:.ate that our
the he any
P1. thunk yo
to wisp us a p 11 you think we deserve
it. 1: is hardly nee eu•ry for us to ay that
we very highly appp-eoists the many newsy
letters we Ir,050tiy receive from subsorlb-
era at a distance and hope this friendly !0-
tercourse may long continue."
141 has more tomes on it today
preyioos period of 111 sxlsteaoe.
one and .11 and ask you
Ates CIv'Tt'RY ibike.-Tb. Toronto pr•
hibltion, te be held froY1 Aaguat 25 to Sept.
7. •neo1a0*e that Its principal characteristic
will be, the adop'iols of New Canary Nese
fbe phrase might be ooe.ldered • bit to
det)olte but for the foot that cootemt.oren•
soasiy the statement 1. meds that thee* will
be daily mod nightly (deploys of all the new
weapons of war an well u rcerul develop•
moots In the aria of peace. The pompom
will be oa yltw, wireless telewnpby will b*
shown 1° practical u,e off the .holo to pees.
me trtetis, magnifioeot display. of Ittomla-
aloglR:ots will be made,rooestly ano00Do•
d developments In electricity *id heehaws
.temoatratlo: • will be mido to the coin -
ration of the eager beet, modern methods of
resculnrat nes will be Illustrated, mar
Tree with latter-day artillery will take place,
bated the tonna.), will be vesy mesh se
e vidence to all Ito branches, while theeandy
alga and the marines will alio be used Targe.
it to the off there operation* and brilliant
n ightly epeeteele the bombardment of the
Takes forts by Irt'.rratlon.l forces. An
Ioternatioeld military tattoo will be the
feature of the opening olgbt, when a large
holy cf troops will be otllhed. A •crone
exhibit of French-Canadian tattle. as well
sof 1'an•Amerlcan lire stook, 1. to be male.
Io fact, In the hy• stock, dairy products
and m.uefeetere., Teronte ErhllNNon never
promised eo well as this year. tiremtiy reg
ducted rates on the railways and steamboats
have been arranged for, and no better time
for visiting both Tnrouto and Gil i'ao-
A•r.erlean, or the former alone, oould he yT
desired than between Aogmt 26 and Sept LEE
7 When it Is that this year Toros -
to will attribute upwards of39001In
IJJJjjjjjjjjJJj ljlljjll U
premiums and .peed 530 000 le fpeelsl!
+ Adds
Comfort Wolk
to Cleanliness* ice'
the Linen.
the Cares of washing
Ilk 'from.tbe Hwlse.
wtfe's buss life.
X Multiplies
by two the Life of
the articles washed..,
` `divides
Mthe Monti o<
Lever Brothers Limited,
have purchased the select stock of
furniture from Cornell,titSon in
the Bedford Block and have in-
augurated a great :10 days' sale
of everything in the store- _
Household Furniture,
House Furnishings,
yy Pictures, etc., etc.
The Uldertatlati D&Aartme
is replete with the best in the
market and the service we give
cannot be surpassed in the I)o
minion. Prompt at'ention given
• to night or day calls.
Beilford lila k. Foutl Side S,luars.
Upholstering, Picturc.framing and Pack.
Ing on short notice.
e Carrya
..-. a full line of 1.,.
Screen Doors and
Lawn flowers,
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
--a-specialty. ,
----(Genuine Gold Medal)
P ,r.PASS`re jtr.
t `STRASIr, A^ ,:
fez •swam s45,;4
No other agents in Goderich.
Don't be bluffed by what other
agents tell you, but come and se-
cure the best and cheapest on the
market, at er>. .,,:,•
3t3, .49 ,14 eq.
Summer Goods.
tit e:.
Ili t- Yb .1 ey S.
Everything in Light Summer Stuffs
must go at some price.
Regular prices or even cost prices
do not figure in this sale.
1st. Colored Blouse Silks are at and below cost- front
1gc. to 5Cs Sono of these Silks are worth 75c.
end. There is about 120 yards of Colored Dress hluslitts
left, which you can get at less than wholesale price -front Se.
3rd. SHIRT WAISTS. There is only 12 white and
14 print Shirt Waists left, which you can buy at a sacrifice, as
they must be sold.
You ahoull see our Black Silks and Black Dress Goods.
They are great value at regular prices.
Terms Cash or Farm Produce. ,°<a
re will 6m1 special attention
paid to .
t P wt
Some of the newest lines just in.
We situ at the highest standard of exoelleuce inethis work.
- ON
We are offering the above goods for the
balance of this month at greatly reduced
prices. Call in and inspect our stock.
Cash Hardware Store,n 0 30n - rt x,; , Goderich.
should be fashionable, of good wearing quality,
nice fitting, and keep its shape till the:sole parts
from the upper through long use and wear.
Such a shoe is the EMPRESS, - of -which ` we -
have sole control.
Mrd r,:,I
We have a full line of cheaper shoes in stock.
Wm. Sharman, 'r.
Slater Shoo Agent.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
Mill Wood
The a' eve iR cut Into stove wood
length and will he delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received h telephone or
left at rrsidenos., 128 by
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
Also all kinds of Hardware.
t) tit t; ', Av ;
Urdaioh, November 21.1, 1892• 66.3•
IN* ifittii.
Snll smis, orercoais
The man deemed to a salt email s'
ear store always looks trim, as 11 fe the
ambition of every man of twee to Ieleke
A large of cloth' to ohne.
11 yea are osatsmpl•Geg g.atlog a
Bahl everceet fee spring wear, give se •
ohanee te nerve yen. l'rleea right.
WO Oral