HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-25, Page 3MOM
BAFFLED BY A PUMA: +> itiist:v
.rr,, teri Leaf From the Note Book
of a Dealer In Wild Beasts.
.I'Jnl Keewnal ewigrated from Eng-
land twelve years, before, awl he WON
roe the rule owner of Lone MounLIL)
Hose, where one evening he rat
,ar•kilag with les friend, Witt -hew
tl,u w
• 1'•mt have roue tel Jaart tlw right
tiule, 44.t ehnp," snit Keuwo41 In nu-
rwer ton remark et (, uin'r, "A ceupli
'a Januar hive been carrying off wy
rhe' p lately, nett 111 help yet to bog
thole If It call be dome. And if you
op... n• -tor other 'port -mita hunting
for inrtanee-you eau try your luand
;,t Mark Barton, the highwayman,
who Im operating In this end of the
t,•rnt.ry. He lune 'wed up four stage
overflew in as many weeke. I w afraid
1, • i+ toe canning to b enmght, though
th. re Is a heavy reward offered for
him. ,lead or a11Yee•
' I etunn't tnubl^ Bleck Barton,"
replied Qutn, "but I want thole
polars badly. Hammel' ! t'u have
nn ,order for them."
The puma --or ('ntifornin lean, as 1l
le ,nmetlmes milled -Ie a large, tawny,
yrllnw beat, larger tluta s panther,
with a reputation fur strength and
ferieity. But the pair that lurked in
the hnthllis north of deme Mountain
rand» ramie to a speedy grief once
cum set to work. 11'ltldn a week the
female puma war taken In a elrverly
r'mutractel lex trap bolted teeth :a
freshly killed lamb. A brave of kit-
tenish rube, f.wis1 In n reeky den
Itilfany up a preciplee, shared their
mealier's captivity.
\ warm, sonny morning several
otos later wttaasstd the departure
•.f Keowood'a gunwt for the little
settlement of Peak City, forty miles
o' the menthe/tat, wh1 h wits eon -
reeled o
,,eels 1- ber ..tagswith the ee.irewt
point on the railway. A large four -
It •
Ware," crlr+t Jarrell. "Stick where
you arl', paniner. I must give the
poor berets a thence for their Itves."
With that, drawing his knife, the
plucky fellow Iwtped down upon the
submerged pule and with a few
•trotter Ile sasree'ie.l In cutting the
tauter loose from the traces.
Meanwhile Quin wan chiefly con-
cerned for the safety of her com-
petition and of tho pumas. The wag-
on, floating lightly down the stream,
rtshtwNy struck a narrator bar of
Vass and gravel that lay In mid -
channel ; then over it went and
off slid the baler of cotton and the
box of puma..
A quick Jump saved Quin and Dar-
rell from a thorough wetting and
landed them hip deep. The two fought
their wry arf ore tend abook their
dripping clottW I.
The thought of the pumas rent
Quin hurriedly back to the upper end
tet tho heir, with Darrell at his heels.
The cube were whimpering with
fright and discomfort and the dam
wan In a ferocious mord.
The ran won below the horhlon now
asrl (larknewr (11104* OR quickly. In a
little hollow of the Island, twenty
feet or se from the ■trattdwt box.
Orme resealed haler of cotton were
Pieced In a seath•Irclp to keep off
the keen night wind. Then, having
antes' the few bkltatlte that re-
unnloe41 from their lunch, the 'meta -
mom maths themselves as comfort-
able as possible. and In spite of their
wet clothing, they presently fell
Burne time Utt:rr-it mutt have leen
tear midnight --Quit' woke, feeling
reel 101111 &n41 tel•rvey. HP beard a horn'
neigh over by the mouth of the gorge
and the next moment, rut' he glanced
The 'emoted befoul made a flying leap that landed It on the Ireart
(4 the fetrem,Mt o1 1lte' three d4*pernidoes.
alive. but uaoousek,uw with a bullet
through hie chest. The puma was
dad, stabbed to the heart with a
knife. and close by was the turn and
mangled body of Black Barton -for he
war pruwptly 'deutltted no that
welt -wanted individual. After in-
flicting the fatal thrust on the en-
raged annual he had himself rue-
euiubell fruua loss uf blood. Face
obwtlla'urd un the pebbles. at the
edge uf the 'shield, lay the ruffian
w11u lad fallen at the fleet volley.
The two remaining highwayman hail
et Meetly not returned to Iearu the
fate of their lender. wad they mart
have wasted so, time to getting out
of the territory. as they were never
It. may be maid In a,ncluslon that
one of Kenwood'• ranchero, who
dtraprpelared scut atter Lbe tragedy,
war strongly suspected of having in-
formed the bandit■ that Qulo war
taking the Ing of motley to Peak
Curious Echoes of Biblical
History in Ancient Papyr.
In the year 1RSU5 the tmet Pee of
the Brillrh M.ueeunl perch:me a
flue papyrus roll, written Olt bot))
elder. the obverse bearing n series'
of revenue returns dated in the "T"
year of the Emperor Plaudits, B.C.,
40-47, +utd the revere. n eerier of
INragto tales written in De tate T.he
Latter. with it. fine faesindle, have
been nubile -heti- by_. the --Citirendito
Poor, Oxford, accompanied with n
1ratedatiun end commentary from
the pets of Mr. Ie. L. Griffith, the
Egy ptolugimt.
The eerier etre part of a series
which centre In a hero named Min-
imum, High Priest of Memphlr, the
historical original being the Prince
Regent Olin -le -um, the soon of Ram -
item 11. Tose writer of these stories
1001 the London Standard, ham col-
lected a great quantity of folk leg-
ends witch„were current in Egypt
at the time when them imtnnmerlpt
was written, about A. D. 70-140, and
the peyyrur way'.uertainly b'• de-
mcrlbrd as one of tLr'richert culleu-
tionw of first -century talc% ever dis-
The rtoriets relate to Khnnutns un-
der the niter' of tietme, derived from
him title of Sem. priemt of Memphis,
111)1 15114 roll, Hi-Oelrlr. Thi• eery
of the birth of this youth is given.
lir its the miriicnlour chill of him
mother, uud hill 11111011 is -revealed to
1.1,, father In a Orman -'Hie n+11110
ahall b.' Ni-Oeirie (son of Cherie), for
Ile aha 11 do many marten.' in Egypt."
We nrr told that "he grew big. he
grew stroma and went to 'mi• enol,"
and "that he flvatel the melte. wlu.
taught hien." and he begun to talk
with the beriberi in the •House of
Life 1the library' of ML•Iuphlr) in the
Temple of Ptah, and "all tele lane
womb -roil at lap."
The resenlblifnce between thin ex-,
tract 11ru1 the story of ('islet is mow!
urteonielting, and It Li dill more e4*,
when we read again: "Behreld, the
boy Sl-Oalrle reached 1:' y'PtlrM of
age, and there aur no tweeze in
ylelnplaiss that could equal hem In
rending or writing, or magic." If in
the parsugnw We have an adaptation
:,f the story of the birth of l'hreit
as' told by the I)Lo'iplen, it In certain..
ly the earliest record known, being
IPO than tws'taty ;years after the in-
trtsluctlun of Chrh.tianhy Into Egypt
by St. Mark (.1. D. 11T1.
The wieder working youth takes
Itis father to, the regions of Amentl
ter Hallent end the eyl•les' of the land
.d death are dert•ribed. here eve
have n mate oaf valuable legendary
matter derived from F:gyptinn, ('hri.-
tian and .Jewish w,urt•oe. The judg-
ment, ••nese differ.. mneh from that
derr'ribrl in file 1 nth vllnpter of
the B.o.k of the Deed. and there ie.
wevel Into Lliim portion n curious'
'tory, teary like tha.t of the parable
of the "Rich Mao Iola fasaru,." Thu
dos'trino tet future punishment, not
Asan] in F:gyptla.n riOtnlr, im clearly
.tate) in the wont.: "He that tm
glee II 11/0/1 earth, They are good to
him in Anientl-Ile (hat la evil upon
earth, they nee evil to him."
The tatter part of the pnpyrne
14.i1Ie11ne the account of the magical
contest bet were SI-(hdr1e and the
megiclen. of Ethiopia-rrsriebling
the trnditbxnal comee between
Moms and the Javier and Jnmbre,.
Herr no have two cnriou. eehrwu
.4 the plagues of -Egypt. The mnRl-
elan sonkl to lila mother. the Negresm,
ns n Aso': "When (bier, 'halt eat
aril [drink. thy t'nter shall be the
odor of bloo.l and the floods elute
turn to the color of blood, and the
c ' IIthe rte nof Mood."
Haven la be celor ,a .
Here we have certainly the echo
of the ft• et plague (Exodus vit. 1113,
M t, n1mo, In another psssrnge In the
plague of ,Larkn,.s preserved. One
of the magician'. who Im In prison,
enyu: "i would reef my eps•11 upon
Egypt and 1 will ranee the pee pie
of Egypt to paNm three !bym end
three nitride without seeing light,"
woram which certainly resemble
theme of the piogup of darkneem.
(Exodus, x. P1).
The tr'axnre' of title curlew"
it ot'ument are not rahaneted, for
we have oleo the "'tory of WHIP. and
the bulrnsllem, fur one mngielnn re-
buke. the other with the word.:
".art )hut not Hor. the mon of the
Negreem. whom 1 envoi from the
reale of Re t" The mann.erlpt eon -
I nine many more vnlunble gle•nn-
ings from the tradition' current in
Egypt In the frit century of our
era. 0 period when Alexandria 1141m
the emp.iriurn of the literary warom
of all the known world. Tien . vale -
Klee papyrus ba but Aa earnest of
what we army expert t1IN the rub-
bish heap' of Faynnm and Lower
Egjpt are explored.
whealed vehicle, drawn by a pair of euspirloualy abut. he pr•ro'Ivel,
miller', woe in ctuargn of Rube Dor- through the dim glom, several dark
reit n ,trapping big fellow of the ol'j'rt.. nppro.ucldng the lower point
co 1oy type,
1 ndfvoiced.bet Oto
of tIe nn from
the weal'wide of
at is.ttom. The forepart of the the river. It trine the work of nn Im
wagon was heaped with bales of W001 stent too 11rola*. and Marie tete Coco
and the puma and her cubs confln- 1M ntonm
III in n stout woolen box, occupled ' Four of them,' teuttelw.l Dorrell.
lin' rear. IU' he peered over the breastwork of
A tight clasp of the hnenlm and a cotton bele*. ' it's Black Barton and
few quiet words of farewell marked 1111' 14.t. Tlh•y newt know about the
the. parting between Kenwood nod
money and they Intended to iwld so
4ulr4. Thr latter .limbed to the -war- up yonder in the ravine."
row meat o4 the vehicle, beside the Quinn had kept hey two loaded roe'
driver, and examined the (eaten- colrerm dry and Ir Key.. (me to his
Ings ,J a leather bag that was nxnJranion By this tim• the intro.,
*teemed round Die chest under- ars Ind Vinod tie' point of the Island
erne. hist cont. It contained some and Mem creeping forward along
homdreof dollars in gold and taw water'x edg'*
holes that he had temente(' to take '•1101'1 on, there l" shunted ianrrell.
charge of for his ?Herod as far nm "Wire are yon 7"'
Peak ('ity, where It was to be turn- "Fele ride,' same the prompt :an
el over to the branoh of u New *Mer, and won L;.nt the four made
York hunk.n mmol, firing n volley at the 'tame In
.'Keep your eyes peeled' for Black %t,ant,
Hared, old man," ha said with o \ brief end thrilling fight entered.
mile. The three (teap4TAROPS hod prnttered
"Ile pelmet gad yeti' money," and ate they crawled forward over
1)40(4 Quinn, patting the *tock of the twill, theyred rapidly. the
hitt revolver, "III take care of that etrow•er of lead fa1taustng Into the
ell sigh(." cotton Mtrs,.
vi Jen a bullet tore the revel -
eta into the -e onv rOltion and
v sent
o'er from Quln's grasp and hilt num-li-
end into the oosrersntlnn nal scot
the Malta off ata trot. All went well e.l rind Minming hand dropped to him
mail early in the afternoon, when a mile. An !natant Inter Dorrell clutch
Nolte rain Care. up, At sunset the fel al Ida chest, rolled over limply
traveller., teended"to the volley of and lay quite still. TML the poor
the Il'er River, a tributary of the fellow watt deal lento (11d not doubt.
YPllowatone, anti were dUemnyed to. HP had no more eartrlrlg'w, Mat
int it a muddy, raging torrent, eav- there was no Ono. to reload.
Prnl rest Above its mormal level, "1 must try to 'moor." he amid
"10nfnulkl that *toren!" exclaimed I't, "It's the only nitane" of saving
Harrell. "But the flood will go down the money. and my life an well." ,
est nhont no quick as It roars If you lie left the 'army Met or 11o, river
''(Ire to watt n couple of hours. 11 not, mental to the month of the gorge
wit, 1 reckon I can find the ford. not meekly ,IMroverP'I what he
What do you any, 'refiner t" sought -four horses tethered at the
(elle hesitated, ibnk City 04414 ten tow` of the cliff.
mile' further on, drool jntt across the Three of them he was r•"nipelle'
11v"4 the mail threndel n narrow, to nlanelolb an hst had no knife
regret gorge, with steep 11114 on with which to weer the larhalm. lay
epi€ut;. E
SOZODONT for the TEETN 260
Willing to Dle on a roll' Ntomech.
Colonel KPkrwlrh, during the .lege
of Kimberley, wax approached by a
private, who alike(' :
"Colonel, when do yaw expect we
are going to get xomet'Ong to Pat 7"
"Eat !" exclaimed the colonel, "did
yen join merely to get something
to Pat 7"
"Well, that'', about the site of it."
"Here." Palling an officer, " give
Ode man xnmething to eat, and then
Wive him ',int."
The oftIOPr nndernt'swi the juke,
Hobe,and replied: "Ale rbe, colonel."
ther Mile, He Ons relnrtnat to g1) tile limp Ito lora.) untie! the ane µn' The private exhibiting no 'ilium
through this After dark ; nor 014 hp awnng Into tIr xnddlr, hie enemlPN meld, ••BaIR
li P 11 baa, rnp'n, ',new
likes the idea of upending the night were dangerously near. He rode at up a couple (4 chiekeno, bake two
where he wont Kenwo«Ps Mg of n grump up the narrow defile an, or three pounds of potatoes, fetch
mmoas•y wan ant k light responsibility. nt inforvnls, as he aptirrel on, he a gallon o' beer, and load yer gone.
"What Is your opinion 7" he amp.' hefted the rlateeeleg &munch of puts W'Ith arch Mdneemente the man what
"i think we nen do it, pnrdner," milt far in hie emir. But theme pre
wouldn't be willing to din U n bel
0x14 the reply► gently faded away and enhroken ell therink Idiot."
"They[ En ahead !" earn reigned aronnd him. A hearty Mee wit* prrycared for
....-Thee melee phlegm' Into the swirl- It was A a'eleek In the morning the moldier, bat he at,11 Uvea
hg. ,'Nlow tktw. Lbs A third of the when Quin rouged the sleeping In- -- - --- -
'•tAnee they kept to the tordin linhltnnt. of Pont City to Helen to Out of 1.200 r'eralte rallied In
. P% they deviated, tried to struggle his thrilling 'tory. He put Kenwood'. ('anndn for the South African roe -
'o, until tin wagon /Wang around motley in mate hnndt and was anon attlmlary, only two have been retee
al the water mlrg.d over the bot -
orting i► party of mmol nun ported meelloally unfit for duty
t, nrde. mounted mea leek to the 0-ene of They are F. Link sad L, J. Small -
s0 cell--wlf'll sever make the Um fight. They band Darrell wood. 1 1 t ,
dilly -OL, look, Isn't it dreadful ? Thor' youug fellows there have
got n camera. �-
Tllly-Yrs, dear,• It's shameful. But don't move or you'll spall the pie-
ture.-Ticker' Up.
Lines That Deceive the Human Eye.
."" .1\11//
Here ie a new and remarkable op- -
((al illusion. You wou11 think to look
at tills dl:igram that the two heavy
black- lines t. were curveAm it mat-
ter of fact they are 'xnrtly Tsar-
nI1e1. Ther may be proved by hotel
Ing them up etlgewire to the eye.
The aerget't II 11(01 white strike•
from the centre are of a mow Hoven-
Able for the trick. They Tend the
IIneN of virion manly, and make
yon think that Jho two pptrallei lines
apartare further apart at the centre
(N+ua they are at the ends.
x !*4Fn„ e r ,� Stories from Le Fanu's Seventy '
Years of Irish Life.
444 *6;4 444 444 0e
"Ah, my poor father.diid butt Wel-
needny, your honor." •
"rna story to hoar it," said the beenother. "1t mama have been very sol-
der What dotter ntteradel hinm?"
"Oh, sir," ,':aid the boy, "lay peer
father wonklu't lion,' a downer : he
rn'nye need to say hr er d tike tdip
n enteral deateco
KIWI good aturier are toed about
the time of the $(nlrrs,lowetl clews. h
iu Ireland. n�fel n Tea( of its, prowrlyt-
imirlg clergymen. Tills 1i •, of ell old
WI low and her t left to one of theme
gent leaner :
"W'ell. now, your rtaverence, It's
chat -i'.1 like to turn a 1 roto.laid."
"Why ok, you wipe to change your
religion l"
-Well, now, l'nl told, your raver -
etre gives n blanket and n leg of
)tun to nut unr that turns."
"in you 111111111 1)) slay' that you
would sell your .o
.,1 for n blanket ?""
''So. your reverence, not without
the leg of mutton."
An ('rnngemnn hl the county of
Down wax reeked, "re the timem as
goal now, Tom, ns'whena you were n
boy ?"
"Fettle they are n tt ; they'd take
you up now find try you for ehr.oting
n Pnpire."
A poor ita!Inn organ grinder, weary
after ICON long walk. naked n pennant
wheal he met how far hP was from
".lumt four shoal miler," Ons the
" What do you men," mild Father
Rufus, who hitinv•uel tri pare nt the
filar, "by develv.Ilg the pew fellow
t' 7
Yon know well oongh It's eight right lung
"Satm, your reverence 1 seen the
Jsw'r roy wetired, ntrl I wr Cited to
Karp hl. rorcnge tip."
Judge Burton, win wit. n very oil
wlaenetl little m an, watt trying a merwhets
whets another veer. WO man, .earcely
elide to w-nik, rant^ Into the mart to
glv tvhletwo. inttend d.f going to
the wittier'' env he went townnl, the
(melange Iwutiug to the be'nelf. Mr-
Iheingll, the counsel, celled out to
"Cor back, elr. Where nrP you
going? inn yon' think you ns'.' n
help.. 7"
fek'ed, ter," mil the odd man.
looking file nt .alai=' Burton, "in,Med,
mer, 1 heaver* i net fit for little Mae."
Rev.. Dr. Mar-. :jil; a Convert t0
elitholirinm, who wale n very large.
had been attending d meeting at
I hlln, and, took n eover')1 rnr to go
where he was ttttviter. Before he gent
Unto the rear he Mittel the driver to
tell him '.Tat 11i are wait. The m-
ower crime : " I 11 lave that to your
of 1N•nnstuae ; I'm Shaw, of the Poet -
of flee."
"I don't care a blank who you
tare, ,111; but 1 wish you'd' leave due
alone," olid the other.
.t )sly WWI h,TtIing( r► goat in a
field ou n Sioiday after , it nil
n elr4 yrona hwppeuilag tot _ parr
maid to hint.
"Were y,sl at church to -day. my
bey 7"
"No, 1 rowel."
"Why not 7"
"1 wnm holding the meat."
"Wive you at church Inmt
Otte 7"
' \o, i wuwil't.'
"110 you over go to church tet
all t"
'Nn, i don't. Don't 1 tell you 1
hsnldi,g the goat 7"
"But couldn't yeti minot m.•s get
m.hrei"e else to hohl it?"
"No, i couldn't. You olon't know
that gnat. The divil couldn't hound
that goal ; you couldn't foul] that
goal ysurmt'lt."---
\ gentleman had a file 11an1-
seme-broking cow, hut it was very'
'Wiieul1 to milk her, ber+uise• of
lo'r unruly behavior. He' soot him
MI -denim with her to the tienree
market town to roll her. telling )dun
le be marc 111141 tell the buyer of her
faults. As he brought' lack- a Large
'Vice. the moiler watt rurprimel.
and wild :
"Are yon sure yen toll all abut
her ?"
BaLul. I did, sir. He nrkol MP
Whether she MON it, goal milker,
R.trete Or,' Myr' I 'it's what you'd
be tire] milking her.'"
Anulher, and the Inst, will illus-
trate nn article that .ometimrr Im-
p ole; the course of true love in Ire -
le rid.
Fernier. have a great objection to
tittle younger .laughter marrying be-
fore! the elder term. A mean wan tell-
ing his neighbor that hie daughter
Jlnrgnret had been married the day
fagots to Pitt Rynn
"Hew Is that ?" said lie.; "114* told
me It wits your daughter Mary he
watt gine to 'every,'
"Po It woe. 'Twee her he woo
meeting. but 1 matte firm tnke Mnr-
gnret. Wasn't she lay oldest daugh-
ter ? .\tel I wouldn't let hent be ren-
nin' through the family that way.
taking Ide peek and photon o)f them."
•Bat hop muehi IR
'Whatever your reverence plasma."
"That won't do. 1 shall not get
Into the onr till yon telt me the
'lift In pt Dore, your reverence,
for if the horse turn* and gets a
might of you. the 111,11 a step he'll
go at all."
Here 1' n story toil hy Mr. Le
Fnnu whish le not peculiar to ire -
lend, but It in n good one, neverlh'-
Iea4. A certain Mr. Shaw, of the
i'odeffiee department In Edinburgh,
watt on hip way to ,lett. Mr. Smith.
of 1)rnnelone ; neonate n mnn whom
lie thought he knewt he pat ant him
hand to rhnke hand, with him.
"1 410 not think, mer," xald the. mnn,
"1 have the honor of your acgoaint-
"Oh, Indeed yon have," mid Shaw.
*Don't you know met "Pm Smith of
Define one."
Then, ger," ant] the other; "I ton
not know yon."
Shaw hell not gone many Mee",
when It flardlel roma him mind that
he hnll "abed the wrong name. HP ran
after the mnn, overtook him, and
giving him it .lap on the hack.: meld:
'What an asp I am! I'm sot Smith,
Sim -
The King's 'Wee/011011 Oath ham
created quite a political uterus ow -
lug to Its allurluu to religion. Pret-
ty Ouch the 111014* kind of uuth,�
however, le Dude lu other countrlee.
The King of Portugal taker no oath
to be faithful to the Catholic epee -
toile and Ituwuu et•Itgiuti. In moat
eouutrler the King rweurs to re-
epcet the (k,netltution. but except
in Coerce null Portugal. no refer -
twee I.e 'nude to rellgiuu.
The whole eubjo'. t of out he is a
curettes and Interesting one. They
preeuppoee, of townie, tlutt mute of
every degree Ir liable to break the
Ninth ('owunau]went. And even
King.' and Enywrorr fall under rue-
picl.u. Whether an oath quaker a
luau more trutltlul or wore faithful
to Ia a promise 1s queetiouable. Iu
Germany oathe have beau abolished
01together. In Englund, America and
Australia, the aflirtuatiou hue now
as mute fore as' the awea11 Oath.
1uPrance mi. lath le reptirel of
members' of the Leglmlature. And it
cannot M• luted ► tut l 1:rrw:ut wit-
prsver, French Iegb»lator. ter Eng.,
ash Quakere are more uetruutwur-
thyy than other people. Yet a great
po11111m,opher once 111111 t(lal w'lu•u
Lie oath reared to be binding, uu
eon Iltry could rubsiLrt for a year.
Anyhow, the taking of ;in •111th
hi u very ancient practice, and it
has bceu followed by Lite peoples tel
all eountrlem. The Medea tend Per -
miens' swore. The F yptiale told
.\rsyrtanm swore. (',u'imtlun laud l'ag-
au, rouge and eIviliaef tort, till
swore and still swear. The Bible
tyrant, with oaths. And prutabiy a
time will never crsue When the Oath
will hove :altogether died out of the
to or!d.
There Ix a great variety in the
method. but the object is aiwaye
the name tamely, t . 1•nll down on
ueterelf the se'nge/ore ;rf OA an the
penalty of untruth. But there 1a a
noncurrent and very lively Neese of
the vengeance of the haw tie well.
The Oath of the l'hrl.tieu
takek two forme. 1.1 F:uglane, 8,141i11,
lt+ily, Austria rut.) Ain •rlea, among
idher Mame, It 14 tektite, oft the Nlble.
But the E»iglish uisa-, kites the book.
In Frinee and Belgium, the Scotch
method of miming lite baud over the
bend le practised. Jews swear very
meet IH(e ('hrletiems. But, white the
l'hrletetn overarm on the Bible, the
Jew ew,•nre with 111s head covered,
,use on the 01,1 Toil/intent alone.
.0141 where; ('hrlalltem ray, "8, help
me (fol," .1ew.e ►i1 thl4 country ray,
" So help me .Jehovah." l'urhaiely,
they du thle unwillingly. To a
Ntrk•tly religious .dew, the name
Jehovnh Is too rnen•d to he NIwokouf
in n law resort. *But our offdrlals r'n-
tertaln the notion that thi1 1114 the
correct form of a .t- vee§ oath.
f'nrr,'ee sometlmem give rime to
much perplexity In our ceurte. They
.trOtgly ()Wet to b• sworn op the
Bible, and realm Or. right to make
the oath an in noir own country -
luape Iy, by holding ter tall of a cow.
The row bring n marred annual in
the epee 14 the 1'4rsee he can com-
mit no sin while touching it. itut
there le fortunately an alternative.
In the city 44 London court, mom
perm nem, it being Impracticable to
Ir'teluee n cow, a Parsee took n
mere' retie out .1rem his leowom and
hIdd1ng 1t tilefl, mail impresslvelc,
'Ily (ked, and 0041 Omniee•Irnt, nuJ
Gat Ornniprettent, nn,l th•Nl Almighty."
Of ail the oaths the Ihl)1,1lllml one
1 040 '1 11 crest to what nn oath /Mould
he. Although we ta►ear to tell the
truth, we either oto not understand
what we promise to do. or we evade
the obligation. The Buddhist cannot
fn11 into the former error. o1 clearly
dues hie •:nth Indicate what he has
to )10 "I Nwenr, no In the pryaeme.
of 1u.Idlla, that 1 ant enirrJudlrr•.I
uud if what 1 .;wok prove false, or
if by nay coloring truth others mile!!
b• led 'teeny, then may the throe
Holy Extsteyieee. huddlin, Mamma,
13.11111 Peal Mango, together will, the
Devotees of the Twenty-two Flrme-
ments, punish 1114* and also my int-
ern ting Foul." Hindus. like the
('hlnrtoe, have n vnrlety of oatitl.
The Lowe of Mann eny . "Let the
judge 'muse lite ',He's) to ewear
by isle veracity ; the soldier by his
bore,. or wvrlp ons ; the liIerchalit by
his cattle, grain, gold, or other pole
tureenm: and the servile man by
Ingwecnting curses OR his own
hetet" When the (lento° swears
he touches his lined to the fent
of n Brahmin. while the Brahmin
.wonrm by toweling another Brnll-
n1U1's lined with him own. in Mexico
many p:opie milli adhere to a rurl-
une old form of oath. They swear
by touching earth with the fin-
ger and then plating the
finger on
the tongue, which signifies. "0 my
tongue /leek fnlmely ttln,v 1 be re•-
durPel to duet." Until comparative-
ly reurntly a priest In Prance mine
ply swore "Ott the word of n privet."
a psrfsst kalld /Nutrias for be
(Hoer v Ions.
All Sun 1111144* to do to bot moist wo-
manly in to scream at a motor, or to
be manly to swear at yeti? eollnr
TIIoNP win meet genluxem aro for-
ever wondering how mach oddities
ever did anything. - _-
Tate la very old and yet elf --or
tee are conetnntly piling upon her
e llouldere aueled burdens.
A woman ever tearful will annoy
the, average man more than lila
InPlr enrolee
A street plana 1. an awful thing
niter 11 or before 7.
The 'tenet of n rope anti tont of
P. wonN►n Isav• eaath n canker at
The woman who don't "take time'
time takes.
A sealot in .kIrt■ mny he tnlerate4L
telt In tremors le a fearsome thing.
(tolling atones and mono adage's are
all right, but who Mirka at it sere
teener ham no prime.
Never took ,laubtfnt wheat a testy
oil man or a xnnr epin.ter remnrk
they never rimed their ey'el all
eight, enema yon covet a foe.
The woman of many faults may
he loveable, Mit else of ems In to be
Ambet nature Per(51, but reelot her
and yon will find your llmleetions.
Ile W r
"I me Jerk Kotehum has been mar -
Hod to Mawr lfoldrot."
" Yew, nM i Ons aoery tr1 IPP It."
" 8 Pry t For her untie or lila t•"
"Far mine. i wanted her."-Phlla-
de1phla Press.
Teeth r+ Mouth
New She SODODO('T 11s
At ail Morrow by stall taw the erlee.
The Signal
r Puswaso
Terms et 1.beeedlylbsr
pee awash, 1a &dvrnm
Three month..
Me mootbe.
Oue year,
Advertises,' Hater)
Legal .ad other Masai severtlemesle, tea
pr one tar lr.t Ina'rtlo ., an 1 I mato per Um
for each eubeeuuaat lraerUoo. ete.eared 17
s emppaanel scale.
Bestrew earthier er e1: )law end trader. M M
Ad.ertlwmeu u of for, Famed, Strayed
Mutations Yount, alum ems Warrede
Du.luema Chance. Wooed, me ea...alas
Innes Roup rail, $I per Iowan.
Ilo1sw o. Sats and Parma a Sala. sot to
sired 5 now 11 for first sorb. ie.. per w►
e. uent mouth. Larger adru. N pre
Any sp.otal .oU.v, the objeot of 011.14 Y 1
promote the peouuts7 tweeds el try bndlvld•
sal or °employ, to be oos.ldered as &dreier
meat and charged accordingly.
Lome soft: es to nonpareil ype one e.se pet
word, no notice ler than oto.
Looah eottore 10 orde ry reading type awe
Mab per word. 14* Roue• for lee. than M.
Nome. for ohurche ear ether wllsletr and
beeevolest ta.Ut,tlooa. bait rate.
Subeortben wk. tall te remote Tea Surat
regularly by mall wtU sorter s favor by so
puiitst tool tee tact at oar early • u ail
Whoa a orange et address Is deleted, bolt
the old ted the sew address should be glees
Publlebees Nene.
4.0. L. Twirler Ooderlcb has hes 1W
pointed Loyal TravellingAges& for tee Yews -
ships of (Werra Coorm. Ashaeld asd
Lnoal poetmutors over the d1.1,4 r aw step
empowered to receive 'osberlptlo.e u TM
All mos maaimD MoOILLiCUDDT•
Tors Mee
?si pbs.e Can M. Ooderfob. O 8.
T11I'RI11.\Y, .1l'I,Y 25, 1901.
el sod gapers
Mab .ad E:press
Mall and Express.
Mail rid Klemm
,The Chinese
have the grenbest variety and m,wt
curious oitthN of 1111 nations. The ne11•
known one of taking a .ewer ruin
breaking It, while the clerk Nnys.
"Yum eluall tell the truth and the
while truth. 'Fir snorer le Prnekrd
and 11 you do not tell the truth your
soul Elia 11 ba cracked like the ;nut"r"
-seem; rather discard et. ett. Rut it
le an extremely binding declaration
to the Chinaman. for he twllevem that
tho ;.u1 cnn be divided Int, frig
mental. in thin country mei the Uni-
ted Stntem the oath on the mnu'er
is one Ctllilfll' 1» hy emei1. Mort• effective.
h,)weVer. In the 1yem of the ('ehestinle
is the J,MN•.tirk. The J'14-Ntll'k It
Net °light, and while it Pone the
Chtromei swentor whehrs that 1114 eon'
may be burned like the ttick if he
gives false evidence.. Tile t'hium°
ewenr In many outer wry;. A very
moleynn oath 1. made by writing mor
tnln Ferret telemeter' on n roper
nn t-terrning it, lrrnyinm nt the 'temp
time that he mny be burned If hr doe
not !perk the truth. Sometl:nes he
Nwenrs hy burning ti plere of straw.
But nothing in an forcible In erne --
Ing the truth from n Pjilnmmitn it
getting film to cat off a cork's bend.
Thea, like the freaking of 11 entree,
line n relighten feenlhnthon. Thr Chin
ase believe that if their horde; are
mutilate] on earth their walla will
he slmllarly mutilated In 'Dineen.
St. Jansen' (insette.
11.N ala.
LSI p.m.
1.10 p.m.
MO p.m.
(.le ..m.
Mlle p.m.
SAS p.m
D:rTAL 1V1.1).0t,,
Rooms opposite i1e Mem 0S.s,
Gold FIlllar, Crows sad Orkin Week e
S pecialty.
lit Tear.' $:pertesea- _ ,
••omre rioand on Worhicoday afunroone .t
from Ray In October Ineluelre."
M. MADIL D.D.5. leD."-IN
L e Surgeon-laitaat mad Ispoofed methods
ter all deer eperelle.a Poor 'rim dll.
n atural teeth s spealall . Oltlw: Coe. Wale
oto sed Naar' (W metre ]Lair...e e. weer
(Nlhe rimed on Wednesday atone/Wait. at
1 p. in., trout May to Oct, inclusive.
Telephone No. M.
TM. TURNBULL, D.D.S.. LD.a.-5)
• r S.r7wa. ( me
(Lately .latad wird
Dr. Dixon, of tlnntreel 0014 and poroei1S
art Moira temtk mooted on gold or 11sado m
bates Sewed atlealo.,'tre te the �e1,�r.
.salon of the moralbeck. 011e.. erg
iMo'...w Hoak. r 11101
'• am'.. closed on Weduewt.y .tlernoone at
1 p.nt. from May to le:tuber inchulve.'
L� CAMPION. 4O.-BsiltItIrr �
3. atm, Neter,. as Moe over
Hall, Mawr.. Oodetleh.
Ai. e
rolrtlos& .
lea. Omar: Cor. Hamilton sal et A
.treeb. Oulerlob, Out.
PROUDrocrt aft LY lfXilhfaa�i
oeueto re notaries public, proctor. litthe
Marlene Court. ac. Masi N
door 810MAi, 0moa Private !rade W lied se
bluest MIee�� �t� 1p
GARROW a GOyARRRpOW, BAR MI Darras t}. Okarlee liaerow. a J
PHloll.II dt.'.. Noo1.ry Pvbu et Offer Btrt
ei.Oo1Wt rates fun��ture.llie Q. eery to fa.a M
Mines Pe
R L DIC N. D iT HOLetldk
C0115. 'MAGNA - BARR11 511. :11.
1,3(0? notary mad eouveyueer. Oise
o4* H.ml&I.oe street opposite Ws C.lMrse
Hetet. uadortoh, Private toads to=
mortgagee at ter mat LMreol rrreree►
sous mem&
Jo. WARM CONY Sesheik, as.
e maltase/poor ter 1akh,' sod rewires
reeognitenaw °t belt. .titanic r ergs•
doae, depeltionu .r seem Metam1110 1• et
moron( any reales, sett e1 preeetegn Ise
tb. High Court et.1we weir. tee Comet d Allped
for Outarl., or 1. any Cee/y ee Demise
Court A U M same:Mow garret, n
executed. halter.. .ad P. 0. sddresr--310
/Manna, Oat REM
A ulaeoverer.
Bobby blfret tato the honor' in n
state of High Pveltetnent. 111m
mop eind nothing Mer.' arDersr.'d
with it lib. rel nrresint of ."me atlrky
sutmtrenee, n,I I Ida face NOON( a Row
of trample' 'intim:mutton.
'I may, mamma. Memo now pv,p'e
nl•?(rwe oho way don't know •h !"
he evelnimrel. 'They've pert a alma
on their front door tent "nye 'W'et
"An,' yogi nee covered with It. Yon
ought (II DI a*lsan'P'i of y011reo'If."
anti' tdt mother neversty. "That
"Ian wait pant up to warn peop'P to
keep nwny from It."
1'Ps, momma," pers'.ted Bobby,
with the enthsmin.un ref n richly re
emote! me/Patlfl • Investigate,, 'hitt
It wasn't paint, all 1 know It. It
was varMah"-The King.
1,04145 Alta tO(IOIAMCIL
et Private nada for Invser.N re M+
t sines sad .spouse on dnidsss molWma
Apply M Ramble a Garro*,
e re ance, 14ml Irrtate andUENICEAL M.my1NLyyeg
Meant. Only an4dar maternir r.
Mosey da lend on strange m at At
rate of has -est pati,', In sotoz to
borrower. 011..'owned does
West more (ledorkee
Valaalor. (i stench, Ont. tier attended
to In any tart of l he ,aunty,
el and timid Titterer, Oederlel, Oat Mao
tag had ewd.fer*bte exp.rWwr 's W s.p
tb.ew7ng taut., be le is s meths to dr
rages w IM thorough mtle1mtien all es'
.Wosu wrested to lam. Orden tub M
..ton's Hotal, or wet by moil M his sit err►
P. 0., erretauy .alaaded Ia.
)OR i
H01, Com.tr Amore -mi. 1i -u
- t
104RRt401 L1Ct .
W. LAAND. OodU.I.ta, be"AlH11O1u
Her Papa -You meet remember,
xlr, that my de tighter luta been timed
In nn ntmomphere of refinement.
The Yonne Mnn-Yet; she told me
the other night thnt the perfume she
Map* Herta ten ■hitting' an ounce.
Bet I know whore i can get n big
discount on' the same staff.
IL's a Wit 101 of Pgergy to AVOW'
at a deaf mnn or advise a fool.
The fhovrrnment wag defeated 1e
the phew of Loral