HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-18, Page 8;Tr" rii.77
TattitSDAT, July 18, Ian
Big Sale
of Summer
Large selection of newest summer goods all going at
reduced prices. Now is the time to get in your
The best colored shirt waist,
a regular 75c quality, for 60c.
Bargain white waist, 4 rows
of insertion in front, tucked
back, the latest sleeve, regu-
lar $1.00, for 75z.
Extra make :111(1 quality
white waists at $ 1.25,$ 1.50,
$1.75 and $2AKt
The latest fancy stripe, new
Our stock is the largest in
town to select from and our
prioes are right on the bottom.
Broadcloths, Cheviots, Serg-
es, Hoinespuns, Cords, Pop-
lins, Venetians, Cashmeres,
We are making special
prices on all lines just now.
Coin° and see where you can
save nioney.
blue, nal?, and-blac an A choice
white, wit new natural wood 'silks,
handles, for $2.00
stock of waist
Trimming silks, silks for
New frilled )(lack parasols, dresses.
$1.25, $1.50, $P.75.
White parasols, Children's
Extra value fast black hose,
ribbed and plain, at two pairs
for 25c.
All lines of fancy silks re-
S.pecial lot of fancy blouse
silks at ' 35c.
-Etta value- piques in elf
colors, regular 20c., for.. 11c.
All silk gloves, black and See our special white -pique,
cream, at regular 25c, for 20c•
Alwayaask for -your Coupons on all purchases, which
We are giving on the handsome premiums.
Men's separate pants. The best value sailor bat we
over offered, regular 50(.,
Boys' suits, all sizes, all prices. for
• . 25c.
Men's suit,, all prices and Regular $1.00 white sailor for
colors. 75c.
overcoats Regular 75c white sailor for
Tnmined hats all reduced.7
13argains in gentefurnishings.
Special lot of best qtmtity
men's straw bats, regular
Cliihlrfni's hats and bonnets
$1.00, for 18 11 redueed;
and Idn. Donald bicblovin loam!
Malice/h, employee on the dredge at (lode-
✓ it le, spent Sunday last with Me uuul., R
biallough Mr. and Mrs Fleury Fergie
eon, of the staite Kaaaaa, at• visiting
Mrs Fe/f41.1400.4 brother, Rlohard biallough.
They were formerly resident. of the tows
g lop of Sluices& Item» (to_ Misses
and Maggie Ntsoo, of %% Ingham, vis-
ited gelatine hero during last week tor •
tew days, and eiti ,yed theuseives, as ell
our ylsitors do They left tor hone ou the
12b.... Ur. and Mrs W. Lawreooe, ol
Ching°, left here utt last Friday, after hav•
lS4( • week'e pleuant tint with her sailer,
Mrs: J. M. 0 ('Amor. Mr. and Mae Low•
report were loud la their praises of our
buutiful village, sod 111 beautiful rows ot
maple ilt•011 . Mr. 11113 Mr.. 1).Coppor
spent Send.), with Mr. and Mr.. ',senor?,
of the township of Atiblield, sod had •
pitnewint time. . . Mr. and Mee John
11 Lehi& ot WInvbam, vetted relatives and
renewed former acquainteuces the funnier
pert ot the week. We were pleated to see
them look.ua well.
ifttsater, July 15,
!laying is nearly 5nithed and fall wheat
cutting oommenoed. This week Windbr
bloater bound the hest sheaf of the new ceu-
tury here.
One of our popular maidens picatng
cherries lett week bad rather a serious tall,
burting her ankle badly, whi.th prevented
her from utioir bet wbeel for etyma! days.
Moonat, July 15.
Al. 1. lieueg sad Jet. Cantor, of Mb
field'. nourishing hike port, Ktotall, wet
transient visitor. bare this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurley, c f Ooderloh, with
their daughter Mary were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. James Vont e tine week.
Mite Rolla Clark and NI is Gracie Mar
tin, of lioderleh, eri iyed thernatives with
telethon and friends .but here the past
Hay making is near:y ended. The fire
ahem@ of tne new ceetury sere cut b
1),g3 McLood on Loruseld• farm on Wed
nenlay Al the farmers tiers seal he cat
Wog theirs this week Rtured thou parts
the fly nu done lint vety little le. tory aad
their...meet@ are Mewl
LVii,leoz„ u.spot tilunmetry. , ban left en • trip to
Mr. end Mrs. A. J. Regg(e, of Floradale,
valeiyttigtiatnottrh" residence
ot N. 1)3.144.31,1)3.144.31,131. iii
J. 18. Swatlield sod family heya returned
103 acoompeo. bed by Mr. m120.
Benson Coe. of Leantiogtoo, hu intend
his wife and little daughter lame fur • holl•
day ening of • oink or two.
MI." Robinson, who 10003100 41500 London,
has :mined at her home, the Viotorla street
lowaolliste, for tee holiday&
Mr. mid Mr.. Itryilites, of MioartaPolle.
Wren's ut our Wwnstetan J. E. itrydgee,
euittiog here and at Doormen°.
k'. l'unglaut. of Heastall, was In towo
Tentnrdetv. He bad iust /stunted hong •
rao to the Pito-Anisrletto exhibition.
tIoug• Carter, W.
I) Tye and .1..eeplo
Rock are attendlog 01
th• meetioo ot th•
liaeonto Orand Lidgt
11 Hamilton teas week.
Cepa II. D. tirant and Lieut. J. C.
Magoon loft on Monday tor Ottawa to
attood the Canadian Sohool ot Staisketry.
.1 M. Eneld,11. A a td family are spendIng
the holiday. to Toronto. Mir. Field is exam
lellan Won at the E notation Diourtmeat.
J. E. Shaman, who is employed on The
Woe:1.100k Ideollnel Review was home ow
Sunday, &wont p toted by his little daughter.
Miss Ceoolagharne, of Clinton, Wu in
town yeeterday on her way home from De,
troit, where she hid been visiting f tr some
iving away $ss
t whst WI' 040 jwofus.it.g to do; but
on your SUMMER
SHOES is what we claim to be doing.
Queen Quality
Mr.. Belford, a000mpanied by her grand
daughter, L v.@ e Oreen, has gone to Detroit
to spend a month with her daughter, Mr..
W. Grua.
Wm Iderliteker, soo of James Mo(2Ius
key, lIolerieh townehip, arrived home from
the li•wallan Wands laat week on a •lait of
a few weeks.
bire. W. F. Clerk returned on Tuesday
from bee visit to Detroit •nd Windsor so.
oompanted by her sister, Mrs. Wm. Nether-
! gall, of Windsor.
London Adyertiser : Mr. Thomas Jones
( unnarer of the Cowan Hardware Com•
pant ) and wife and family ars spending a
few weeks at tioderieb.
Mr.) W. A. Harrison returned yeaterday
from • vim to Lucknow, scoompanied
her anode:611.1nm Minns Rena aad Monte
(lortion and blaster (lot loin Harrison.
Chute° New Ent : Mr. and Mee. Jan
• Smith wIll spend put of tt e summer mason
with their sees at blecesettio, l'ark near
(loderiA. They have been there at times fur
the put month.
Miss Bell, C. P. Ft ticket agent, Molested
the following persons to the West on Tta
day : T. 111.30ratten tit Swan River. Man. :
W. it. Trail. even 10 Calgwy, h. W. T.;
MINI Mary St.:11 mold Is yleiting lo Wrog
Norman it•Leml has returned from De
J LI. Peoudfcot has returced from Bruce
hi nes
W. Welk-, of Locil wu in town over
Sunday -
biles Nora O'Reilly le spendxm her hell•
data in Ituffsh. N 3.
Ms. Nettle Cowell is @pending holidays
•t her h)tne In lEytti.
bl W login a an 1 ifs Sk ton mg Wail.
ing Mend. at London.
Ilea. l'arson,of Stratford. newt WI week
ie wire "halting frieadit -.
Leila Best, of Seaforth, Melba*
her aunt, Mrs. Puttee..
Mi. Corr Ana children are Italian AM
Cares aunt, Mr.. Seeger.
Fred Eatle, of Tor -alto, is 'pendia' holi-
day. with fries& la town,
0. It. Johnston, wife end children, 01
True, aro vsitiog I towu.
Id:as torglialtelrh ton. of Madam. is
V IWO/ MIMI I. E. Sluff:OM.
MOM 011111. Godw;n, of Se. T0.l41111. is
the glow of Miss lista Sallield.
Win. It MO le home from lailrogo, where he
„eaut.e, school, for the iselideays
1re.Abrsham Buin Is visiting her mother
aid other r. Let .ves at Dashwood.
1 11.. w o..4..41411 ear, - 44 Seisfuth,
wine in town Mond v and Tuesday.
Haat. NOK'y, et New 1: tt 0, he" been
viriting the Wel nomo the past week.
Miss Clara Bean, who teaches in Waw& -
noels. is smellier tho holidays In 1.2.0.
Capt. W. IL tlundry Le lo leave next Wed-
nesday I,1r Bantam& en route to Atria&
Miss Sproul*, et Ustowel, 1. visiting at
the Vattern' s'aest Illethothat parsonage.
Stratfead Hamad : 05is4 HAted Mauro,
Nile street, Is visit ne friends in tiodertuh.
11r. an.1 Mrs. John liven'', of Leedom
ere guests et the herne of Sandford Seokee.
Mies Cards F. Pantie!, of Naill )(wk. Of
rived on Stturdey to vont Mir father here
Mr. sod Mn.. .3. It. Runc•man and Mu
Ur Ar. bur are vie t ng relatives ae Wing
bliss Jeeele Thin on lett Monday omen
Ina on • trip to the Psn.Amertean exhIbi.
bliss IttoK• ,,t. e and Master Normsn
of Thereinto, are visiting at It. W. fid, Kon-
a ed.
I ;sage ?datum, son of GOT former towns
Min A. J. M. u4er, is vlettio, friends In
Mee. MeLean, et 1.-rolon, Is visiting her
&star, Mrs, J. 0 Stoll/rove, St. Da•ide
s reed.
Will Tungli..ut, of Mortlitn, Man , former
ly of tool), is spending holidays in tosn and
Wes Mottle Ctmehril 33(1 on Saturday
os • tint to It dgeway and the Buffalo ex -
John NI:Kay ie horn° from Port Huron,
hieratic been called hither by the dhows of
his mother.
Mts. ()mugs Sharmtn and Mauler Will,
of Chicago. aro Visiting a: E. Sharman%
Eat street-.
Miss Robertson lad Miss Sutherland. et
Loused:Ie. Kentucky, etre ILITIOO7 our sum•
mer riettors
Mite Charlet., It. A., ot Toronto. 'pent
the pint week in town, the guest of Mrend
blre 1" Jordan,
A. S.nrle and ht. @to in lair, Rev. Jemee
Pull line straw hags from \25c Ladies' new rain -coats alLre-
up. duced.
This Store closes at 1 o'clock, p. m. on Wednes-
days during July and August.
Smith Bro's & Co.
discontinued his trips to Dungannon.
WIII be pleased 10meet SO, from that neroh.
borhood erne may require hie servinee at the
home ofitoe. Luoknow, where no wilt be found
very day Intl)* week armlet Thursday. when
31.•Isits opeeiat attention pail to
•stion of natural teethcrown and
rrlrerge work. °to. Sam methods of extract-
NOTrelL- The 10041 agency In Dune,ahonn
rOr TR• 41er4•1. 34 .1 the (MOO of J. te. w
3.1'., onnveyartoor. ko.. 'who wilt receive or
dere for subscriptions. sdvertleing and Job
work, and le authorlied to eve reoellnel for
amounts oald for the same
Mosiitv. July 11 le, 1901.
Nolte% - Piontoe and other summer
amtmenuott are now in order.. .1toltert
Da•icison, Aehtield, recently purchased a
splendid young mare from James Redmond,
set t) awanosh, paying • good figure.
1611.., 1901.
Carer.. -Farmers are busily eogemed In
souring hay aod fall wheat mops, anti re.
pert a light harvest.
IMMO% F.M ROT -- Robt. Heodereon, con. 4,
West Wawanosb, is haying a come founds.
tdon built under hie large drivin e shed and
implement building. James Stonrhouse
the *entreat li• has alio the oentraot tor
building • new cistern for Thome. Begley,
min. 5, West Wawanosh.
INTIIRMCNT. -Oa Thunder Of kW week
the remain' of Mrs. Wm. Derain, eon. 7,
West W•waineli, were Interred In Duntran
non cemetery, being escorted thithr r from
her late resitienno. by • ve, y !ergo eononurse
ol sorrowi ter relatives and frielAP. The
solemn ablution,. were preformed ly 14.
C. H P. Owen. Th. &reseed wag, with
her huthend, ammo the pioneer@ of West
Wawanosh, being In her seventy seveoth
year, and was highly esteemed liv •Il who
koew her. The sorrowing family have the
sympathy of Die community In the depar•
tun ot • kind mother.
Tito 12-rm.-The weather was szoellent
oansequently th• celebratinne at LecknoW
and S.rat ford were largely attended. Thee,'
was a good representation of Aubmen L. O.
Lodge at Locknow, having the tams bane,
which enlivened the Journey to 1.neknow.
Dungannen was repreeented by • email ocon•
tangent, as some went to Stratford, promin-
ent among 'thorn were brothers T. Smiley
and I) Glen. Other numbers, &loon with
some of our oleirenr, spin% the day harmer
• tenon the lake at l'ort Alhert,and in other
renreatione. Thew were some members ot
the Nile ',olio that took In tho celebration
at Lookouw.
HERR A NI. TIDO --Mrs Wm, B.yalson,
of McLennan, Atgems, to visiting rei•tives
here and In the violet,' y. .... Mr. end Mrs.
John Budge., ol ioderioh, arrived horst on
'I ue@ri•y tn vitit relative./ %laver
Wm. 11. AlefS n, of mrienting
hia holcisys with ht. gr•nipaps, Mr. 1).
bleNecn, end el o hia aorta and sone, Me
SE31.E0 TENDERS sddreseted to 11'. underpinned. and @adorer I -Teoder for
Burlingtot Channel Worke Ont.,' will he re
eelved 0(this °Moe until 3' iday, filth Auge•tt
vett, Indust. ely. for the renewal of the stip
Orstructure of wove end of *omit pier and 1 TiLkrillONE SIP. VS,
*hoot inbuilt -hamlet eid• of piers. at Burling-
For the Sick.
I'lie doetne con do you no good un
hos his prewriptione aro properly put.
up from reliatdo ingredients.
That s where we render invaluable
cid ter the .hoetor.
We evinpound prescriptions as they
silUalti Ile.
F. N. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
teener of West st. and the Sumer&
Much lighter,
and more
flexible than
patent leather.
Lean gepreducdon of this Style Snook
can't. Come and let us prove it.
ltepairing neatly and promptly d
During the busy season this store
Our famous Americanmade Queen
Quality awl Walk Over Shoes are the
handsomest and easiest good. ever
made. They are elegant iu construe.
Lien, superior in quality, and yet Med
crate in price.
Call and see our beautiful lines of
ladies. spring and summer Slims.
Special values in lace, button and two
strap Slippers at 51.00 and f1.25
per pair.
Big 10c bottle Shoe Dressing at 6e.
It's good, too.
Carpet Slippers at some old price,
15o per pair. If you can do better
elsewhere do not come here. But you
will be open till 8 0 clock.
W. a. Frolgui to McLeod. N. W. T ; and
Mrs. Douglas to Manley, Oot,
Claude Fisher, of Holmeswille, left last
week oa a trip te San Francisoo and British
Columbia. He will emend 1 weeks la
the Coast Provinu visiting mines la which
b.3 lattereeted.
11.. LB.- Conductor S. Boma, wife az4
daughter, lair. ot Stratford, are taktos up
their real lame Ira town this week, la the
house on Est strut formerly occupied by
11 Murray and family.
Mos Gra*. Johnstoa lett last week on a
trip to the Week Atte: *pending • few
days in Son Francium she will permed to
NOW Westminster, II. (2., where she will
visit Mrs. Sidney Malootneon ft r some
7 he following am• guest. at "The Rook•
ern," Mrs Molver's .-Mr. and Mrs.
Dwight, Rev. Mr. Buell, Mrs, Looks, Mrs
Forks, Mrs. Sateen& Detroit ; Mies Nelson,
WIndeer ; Mho 0. Nelson. Lltiosga ; Miss
Carolyn Venlig, Mute Isabel Yonne, Mrs
John Hawley. Miss /dead Hawley. Idolise
Moreno.. Detroit ; Mrs. Storm., Jona
Stormy, North Storms, Masters Lee sad
Frank Stenos, Evansville, Lad.
Evian et Hie Wire( Day et in. Cederk
'Yesterday vat the first day of the tiorde
riob raoe meet, which promisee to be ose of
the mut suoceseful, from s ruing stead
polo*, ever held ,i the Caudle& °trona.
13:. T. II..A_LLS
Wen side Squarer. Tho Cash Situe Dealer.
Sole Agent for Walk Over and Queen Quality.
Tbon ar• over fifty bones hese, oomprning
thusly all of the beat trotters and runners
of Western Oatuio• A feature of yester-
day's noes was the performanoo of Dutch
Mowbrey la the 24,5 due. 'This rue lo
tette...id the fastest ever won by a tbreo.yeaz.
old la Canada. 'Ilse attendance yesterday
was only fair. Following le • summary of
the avian :
2 46 pews or trot. Pere* $250.
Daunt Mewbrey (Jay. Wisdom).- 1 1 1
Bobby Mark (McBride. Tereate).... 3 2 2
Nellie B. ( Buxton, Dederick ) 2 3 3
Wald Briar Beneoe. Totemic) 4 4 4
Tommy Walk (Johannes. )3.luotra1e)5 43..
Tune -2.26i, 2268, 2.273
2 26 trot aad 2:30 plies. Perm $300
Id mit or Roy ( Peter& Dread.!.) 1 I 1
Charlie I'. (Bradley, Aylmer) 2 2 3
Q11100.11 Baron ((loebel. 0311031.1).. 4 5 2
Allan Line (Bastes, (lodetich) ... 3 3 5
Cretej • (Riediardinta, Stratford )5 4 4
Time -2 243, 2221, 2.238.
2:15 trot and 2:19 saes. Pune 5303.
Pekoe Vale (Martin, SteniffylUe) 1 1 1
Fleet), (Ftessusg. Witlesse) 2 2 2
Alma 6 6 3
Assn Illeuld (CAM!, L'atowel) 6 4 4
Amnia D (B•ounridge, Toroato) 4 5 6
Erie R. (Rotten. Shedder ) . . • • 334,
Thus- 2 19.1 2.191, 2.20
ll sails run Purse $100.
1.14(400(Soirline, Woodstock) 1 2 1
Bridal Tour (Swart', °Merlott) 2 12
Maggie May (Pickett, (luelph) 5 3
Yesehems (Slash. (1tidertoh) 3 4
Lady Laurier (Craw Daolph)4 6
Time -1:063, 1:06, 1;C41.
coLlusist4,-- is Beatorta, 0 Juie Wt. tte
wife et s. 0. Coleman, of a laust@ter
IIALDANS. In Ilagoileon, on nundse. July
15131.1.0 Mr, and atm Galt Haldane,
DURNIN. In West Wawanosb. on Wedetes
du, !Mr loth. Mary.rellot of the late Ws.
iterate. aged 71 years.
WASHINGTON. In Gedegioh. on
July NM. lobs Wealth:iron, In Ali Mid
LKV`i At Goderinh. es Thunder' monene
July leth. Ana Ferriter. relict of the 3...&Glow Levy. egad 74 year& 6 moult&
The fuserat will tone elects from the rut.
duo* of her son-in-law, Thome' Eilloti. ear
am °amnia roan and Brook • rue e • Fri.
day at 3 c.o.. le 13a_l • cemetery.
N. D.Illnas, whe ham WWI* .3 (31. black.
unlit and sautafeenttring business of the I. s
I Sersebaa, en friday kat 'hem:KA Inc.!
Ike patent watering s agmi modelet this
fainery to ten town a raaass,s.
t ( hamlet W entworth count,. Ont, ao-
cording to a plan and • specification to be
51.60 lie the ollice .311 A. Ora,. Kerb, Re ilident
Kegler CenreArralien Life Building, Tor
moo. Ont. :00 application to 1310 Postmaster.
at liamilton.at the Iteemient neeieeer'e *Moe,
room 111. Merehonre Hank floildine
• klevreerentott 1 at tne Omart t
of Public Works. Ottawa.
Tendtra wal not be considered weleae ma.ls
011 4!,. form supplied, anti al,:.nrcl with Me
actual shrosteres of tendorers
An accepted cheque on a rtoutered bank.
pat able to the order of the Minister of Public
Work,, for ten thoumnd dollars it 0,4)11001,
mutt ftecompauy each tender. The cheque
will be f rreited 11 1316 party decline the eor•
tract or 101( 10 complete the work oontrae:ed
Joe, and will be returned le cue of non ac-
ceptance of tondo
The 'remittent does not bind itself to so.
cept the lowest many leader..
BS eferitiliD, INAS,
Department of Put Ile Works
()in.& nith Jule, 1901
Newspaper. lenient./ Oita edvertkement
without authority from the Ikepartment win
not be geld for it,
!lave purchased the select stock of
furniture from Cornell & Son in
t I e Bcdford Block and have in
maturated a great O days' sale
of everv.thing in the store -
Household Furniture,
House Furnishings,
Pictures, etc., etc
Fail Wile
!lour. tai
aborts, •
10e. Per
OM& • b:
Pawl/ b.
Border. P
HOY. • t1
Miner. .
Cheese. o
Fella ., •
Live riot
Dressed 11
Hato, per
Lard. per
Dressed t
Cattle. Ks
niet•S WEST Mr
l'an be
oe for real
taken in
bee so but
north of Lc
balanc, tat
with wate
40 ; str.vw
30.16 ;
dwelling 1.
kitchen, I
splendid o
is also a re
ed by furn
go JOs.01
.1.4 GOD
tame. the
lands, heir
(hod ertek,
lard. For
ROW, soli
$ 1 ,50
stone hous
00 Picton 1
eU the outt
.11! and
All Our Shirt-waists_.4:,
- Must Go.
Maroh 11
There are threemonthsyet of shirtwaist weather_
to come, three months more that you will be able to
wear shirtwaists. It is getting near the end of the
shirtwaist season for us. Our time for selling them is nearly past and letting -
go time is here. That is why we announce today a great clearance of shirt-
waists. We have had a big season's trade. sold a great many more than we
expected to, but will take no chances of having any left -overs, so to clear them
all out, right down to the last garment, place on our centre tables for next
Saturday the greatest shirtwaist bargain ever given in Ocderich. It is the
choice of every colored shirtwaist in the store that sold at 75c, 85c, $1.00 and
$1.25, for
Method tat
pipe organ
°sive pup
studio or at
at Emerson
Fifty -Seven Cents Each. 4 lk a r'
of rammer.
Night eons
Dr. Shanuo
old reside
Fleet d
All order
All our oolored obirtent'ste, balsams of liaim that sold .1 75,, 13.5, 51 00 and 51.25, wee ivory Vol la
teach kited left, hut every six• In the lot, dat k or light 0010Three, plaits. sky and Davy blues, rods,
weer, es. black', co., In stripe@ at.1 fancy designs, eatery warmest this osesea's style, net an old ewe is r,
the lot, ail to go on sale Saturday at one prioe, and that pries la 01c
You may wait many a day for another such bargain. This price should make short
work of the entire lot and the best time to come will be as early Saturday as you can get
The llilderlakig Department, ...
it replete with the heat in the
market and the service we give
cannot be surpaased in the Do-
minion. Prompt at'ention given
to night or day calls.
litolbtrd Illte k. South Sole Square.
Upholstering, I'inture framing end Pack
nig on pima led
Those Under -priced
Wash Goods. . . .
door east of
touting mut
Iearling 'toe
lowest rain
Hooks an,
Fire Insti
treet God,
we advertised last week are decided bargains. They are not likely to stay with us long
at such prices. All are perfect goods, good qualities and up to -date patterns. It is just
because we are clearing up the stock of summer goods and starting to get ready for fall
business that we are selling them at prices like these.
25c Scotch Ginghams _
-Seliing at -127-2c.
find Croquet....
. sin
Fire, Life, .1
seemed on
rates PMelb
Best Kriel
Odlos 0*1
rioters liar
Scotch gingham. and eephyr., beet makes, assorted fancy stripes sod broken °heck, lo pinks, red.,
light and dark floes, nisch and white and fancy oembinattens, the unite qualities that are sold all ever
the elonatry at 26.1 per yard, suitable for wrappers, waists and 01111141.0's drogue, new eleartne at per
yard 12ic
15c rluslins Selling at 10c.
!teney dress mnelier, dimities anti Wale (twig's'
nttab'e tor weist• or &wet, all new goods, stripes.
op't. Rod Retell pelisses ne peek& dark and light
b en, 1.0(144*,, eto, have been wiling at 15) per yo•d
oar pries Dow is
25c Muslims Selling at 18c.
Very fine dress mustier, dImitiee and °ceded effeate, the
-mum* desires end coiartne, peteetne gettable ter
either WIMP'S or &eases, shades of oink. Moe, latroodir,
eto , regularly 'old it 251. Oar end of the season
pries is, per y•rd 18e
(Genuine Gold Medal) •
No other agencts in Goderich.
Don't be bluffed by what other
agents tell you, but come and se-
cure the best and cheapest on the
market, at
Also all kinds of Hardware.
tin u ..rettil Ike next three ntemthe
on the verttlittah or lawn. W'hy not buy
ytittreielf one of Pewter's red and green
riped Ifttnonnekr, with pillow and
alreteher, 'nth or will -wont valence--
epecial pro to, 51 150, 52 00 and 53 StS!
38c Wool Delaines Selling at 27c.
Al wool fancy d•lalnee. I ght weeght, make a. ylieh, ner•
viagable and oomlort•ble waisi• and dresser, Dart ew
black ground with dot or lamer pattern to wbite, sold
regularly et. 373, per yard. Oer end 03thereourea prices
20c P. K.'s Selling at 9c.
/my P K.'s, suitable foe eeparate steal Ix fent drier,
whit• netted with stripe. •nd dots la red, pink, blue,
bleak and teenier, regular pe wore 15 an 1 201. Oat
end of the maws peon Is
• • •
Th.' trrort turn et. very .1,1111 hitt atom
very vonvententl'ou will eee them in
our tallow window. Priem, from AP 1.0 $3. CROQUET
gratice„ivrofeentional aril pract
All the popular makes in Rockets, Ia. from 51.00 to 13 50.
eluding chiklretee, from 60,.. to 56.00.
Wright & Iltiteon'm Tonni Itall, repecial,
35e. : Penetite Balls, 30e
American Fruit Preserving Powder and Liquid
Net letegnA, , Leto, 51 00
Porter's Book Store
CourteHouee Seituiro, Gagiefich.
15c Embroideries for 8c.
25c Embroideries for 12c.
These embroideries just arrived this week and at the prices we are going to sell them
at are undoubted bargains. They are the widths most used for trimming white skirts.
underwear, etc., are good qualities, the product of some of the best Swiss makers. For
quick selling we mark them at just half the regular prices. It will ply you to buy them
even if you should not require them before next FI4'U4011.
Embroideries at Sc, Usually Sold Embroideries at I2c, Usually Sold
at 15c. at 23c.
boo yard,. liseafeeme Swigs malleable feet, street, firm edges. 400 yards • ergot natio, smnegiggurios, nesassio autism ea
a Mg ring* of pattern& 3 te 5 Mahn wide, all geed goal line umbel., ennalobe seat lemma, open tralsoras, 3 ea 6
webeeltiee, esusily .014 at 13e, 150 NM 17A 0. UM with er14*. !wee 10030a7. smell sold 54 251 644 251, 12C
whlteweer en par Timm ne I ea sale eritik Site .3' Menu at par yard
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