HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-18, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
W. Acheson & Son
July Sale of Flue Black Dress Goods
piecex black dress goods, In plain serges, grenadines and figured
crepon effects and sicilians, ranging in price front 50c to 90c a yard,
• placed at one price for July clearing ab, per yard
0 Extraordinary Offering ln Wash Goods.
1200 yards of 1). & J. Anderson's finest Scotch ginghanis in neat
checks and striper, in colors of pink, blue, umuve, green and sky,
regular, 15c, 20c, 25c and 300, now in two lots, traduced to, per
yard 10 and 12ic
Table Cloths. Slightly imperfect.
200 linen table cloths, frisk sink Scotch pure linen damask goods, shipped
to us as a favor. They are slightly imperfect in the bleaching, but al-
mOst imperceptible, and the price will be from 1-3 to 1 2 len than original-
ly intended. On sale this Week, and while they lett you can buy :
$1:36 to 111 60 cloths, size 2:2 yards, for 5 85 each.
2 00 to 2 50 cloths, size 2x2i yards, for 1 60 each.
2 50 to 3 60 cloths, size 2:21 and 2:3 yards, for 2 00 each.
3 50 to 6 00 clothe, dm 2:21 and 2x3 yards, for 2 60 each.
8tore closes Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock during July and August.
W. Acheson & Son
As Deseribed by Frederick
Hanillton In The Globe.
eau far rouble( Manger Wave Cense
aunt la up Fut Twenty Tears—The
Fanner Is muter iiter Teas Ito
Iiimed.to Se,
Silty years ago • 'rut elegem of imml-
ration was pourisg bits Ow doh soros of
the Queen's Bash. Thirty years age the
County of Herat had Ile fifty wale to We
'roars mils, wet over- populated •cesording
day. Kew oleos emigration haa peered est
igen, natll today the sou of Hues an
scattered all •ver the °entitled, "Mulle-
wow la fabled to have ebeeryed, "Out Hares
goat be bigeer." The exodus, witted' •
e rupts of decades book was of portentous
•olume, sow resolves itself lute the steady
drifting away of the young man, half • doz-
en a you front *sob neighborhood—meetly
to ear own Northwest as • role le thew
Huron la ems of the best agrioultural
putties la °owl°. and In lb if anywhere
the mon who stay at borne ebould be la easy
elmarastanoss. The rapidity with which
the land wee mottled when ewe the tide
turned low•rd it may be typical of the re-
sponsiveneta of the Hare& farmer to the
world. Gamin It la that tilling • eel pre.
eminently sairebie for wheet culture, die
farmer in the neighborhood of Clinton &ad
boderich baa enured with •igur Leto the
✓ eek nista, methods of the day. lite at.
tootles of oboe in the ooantry at pee -
eat Is riveted upeo the remarkable growth
to the hog trade. Twenty years ago the
mots nu farmers owned 16.000 ems
two years ago the midaummer the county
o weed 7t1,800, and, whet Is • noteble foot,
tied darter the year *oil over 86,U00 tiogs,
sr over 7.000 oaten than the number on hand
so the day of oomputation ; sod to conolade,
the two yeara that have slammed Mau the
date of the meet recent statistics have sun
se extraordinary Worms* in this trade, an
looms* whioo oan he meanared by the loot
t hot the prime of bogs has morseled by full/
Doetbird In thou two years At must
every week sees greet numbers of hogs go
out of the 'peaty. (Aintree Is • justifies
point, and ones a single day has seen 1.000
hogs go throuti en the railway. Lad Mon-
day, r lostanov, ICA were take' from this
station alone. The principal dealer of Clin•
ten paid oat list year 5125.000 for hogs.
!lore we bays • trad• of areal dinionalons,
which bee toren, up In Me last two decades
vsry few yeas ago
Apart from this animal, far greater at ten•
don la "mid to lire stock than of old Two
nen age the farmers of Horan owned near-
ly 115.000 tattle, nearly 60,000 more than
were owned in 1881 The popular Irepres•
lion that throe haa bun little or no a/ -
nee In 'hemp. bit the tame statistics 'Mow
that in 1881 th• sheen owned were lose than
54 000. whents In 1899 they numbered
Over 87 000 E•en In horses tto rs hao been
se &deices of one third, from 21 500 to 2n
50c. This is • vet y reseal advents, and
although alto intro is otentred upon the hog
trade the exportation of mottle still take
Ent mace. To t to our two-year old
teddies It may be pointed out that the
value of the 31.600 head of cradle sold lo
1898 99 was 51.160 000. se against 5631 500,
the value of the 86 000 hogs sold in thst
year Shoe that time the hoes have prob
ably gained relatively, Los even yet ioar
tem of oattle are exported to one of hogs.
Fos, farmers live within • mile of Clinton
who sell 310.000 worth of (tattle every Vest%
Awl, to not• •nother development le trade,
hullos of horses la In premise In the
stmetry for snail widely dissimilar purohas-
Till tiltoWlitin Or wHIIAT.
Th. main farmers are tete, starved out
mid one observer Net 10 per oent. adhere
to the 111 method ot wheat farming, said
wither. NODS the lege, • oonsidersble
onsetlit of wheat le produmed still In the
country and the temptation to grow It must
he error, for the toil is espoolaily salted to
this wee A number 6t 'arse mills which
are olio teed in the °Aunty draw • rind .1 al
ef mein from the locality. Oaossionally •
ismer of the most modern school will groan
terse wheat, apperontly as • aide line.
The nne man near Clinton, who hae 360
lest year devoted twelve of these to
wheat --and from thew twelys sores bold
600 hualiela I Tnts same man relied some
1.000 bashint of enrol grairre, noes at weeds
101 the farm. The (armors of the 150
Nous mile of flab territory served My Olin•
tee twelve! last year from 1186 000 1611100
000 tor heir wheat. Twisty years ago the
farmers et the same district remelted about
1160,000 for their wheat orop, so that a de•
on fa their wheat rooelpto of from 560 •
000 W 117i 000 will be observed. It will also
be Averted, however, that at wenn* price
We Olen utensil last year I/111 rep t noll
fte short of 150 000 bushels of wheat, and
thet the emotive of Wheat whloh In 11380
weld InIngitlfit 000 would not IN greatly
ever 140 000 bushels, oe that the atonal
volume ef wheat produced doe not seem to
hses &mewed. la the bloat of territory
sf ouch the fame Mee whloh adjoins the Clin•
lee 4.striot to the eastward and whloh has
Geforth fel 1, @ (tenter th• fame
sedition of akin prevails j aboolt et
tout wheat Is prodneed IS °V".
tad the farmer. of that distelot real so from
$126,000 to $150,000 a year from it The
Koine, area, el shoot 75 squire WhInh
honederloh for Its oestre, atee produces an
0.,5000 arca whielt le estlinated to bring
ff1,6 000 a year tea the greenre. All
rot loves h.sw eennefve sad the
h "at Crewe le elmet altogether absorbed
Tht 01111Ins be Woes menet be
hild WO V. as the Mg k et
bL'el 5111 whioh far two or throe years
'Oen 'Meet. ea the Ilederloh wharf, is
will soon be running &gen. oompetidon
with the tribe big whioh la Hs weigh.
bor . A good deal of northwestern gram la
used In these lioderlob mills. 11 Ls evident
that It still is worth while to grow wheel la
this old time granny. Remy person unites,
however, to dealers that tollgates on wheel'
aloe, Ls extremely unwItee,said 11 is •pparost
that very little wheat is exported. 'fps
time is not fez distant, on. progressive far.
met reworked, when no grain whatevee will
be shipped out of the oounty, unleash be •
little wtosat to oover the expense of the im-
portation of acre from the western States.
For it may be remarked teat the Week{ 1111 -
pot la, la yeers when the (mans grains are a
oomparati.• failure, • good died of oars ; es
ninoh •• 30,000 bualiels have Game to ClIn•
too, W be seed In feeding the live stook,
which are the real export of the nuatry .
Another remark mop be mede. costa •
P rate* ohaage from wheat raising to live
west method., sad that struggle le praotio-
ally over for the fanner of flacon.
How does this new system of agrioulture
pay the farmer ! From Clinton during the
past year atoull two handred oars of lIve
stock were shipped. sad Touch occupant.
Mon, setimating the proportions au forty
(larked of hoes at 51,800, and 160 carloads
el tattle at 51 400, would plums the value al
se▪ lletate Is probably under the mirk, ea It
please tbe Talmo of the hogs at little over
V70.000,whIle is an established lost teat at
lows 5125,000 was paid for hogs in the year.
The amennt retoeived by,„the farmers cd the
disedot la probab.y over than under the
5300,000 mask. Exist statistics ars leak.
tag as to tie Het stock trade of Imlay
yearn are, bat It Is evident that the bog
Geis is entirely oar, and that the oattle
trade has largely inorearied. It is doubtful
whether the farmers of this Matelot got over
$150,000 for their live stock twenty years
ago. Thu, we mu that today the farmers
of this district get about $400.000 for their
two staple ea against shout 5300.000
twenty years ago. It mast be remembered
that In the twenty years fruit culture hes
advanood until Huron is the leading apple•
produoleg oounty of Ontario ; that cheese
edge have rooms Into existeno• ; that great•
er attention la paid to the poultry end egg
tradoe ; that. in • word, the side lines of
farming pay far more tau they did • sure
of years ago The °seclusion le jet/Pitiable
that from oent third to one half more ewes,
is earned by the farms, and at • time when
the number of farmers hu deoreaud.
The outward signs of proeperity prevail
Farm la being added to farm, as in other
portions of Oaterin• in some measure se an
to•astment, sometimes to ales more of the
ample room wblob to desirable in llys stook
bunting. The highways are Improelnir, l•
part by perfection of the hoe lear'iog roads
which • wise ormoty eouncil out through
the wallerness forty years ago, In part by
lee steady optenieet up of new side lines
Better farm houses are Wog oonstraoted all
GIs time,and book buns are Falco up every-
where. One of development whloh Ls
beton protocol e with some •Nor at the pre
tent moonset is tbe sinking of deep wells
and Watelling ol windmills to work them.
W•ter le found at dot the rangier from
ninety to two hued'', d feet and well oasts
from $300 to $500. Great zeal le show° by
the farmers la earlohing tbe soil, although
artifialai fertilizers are sparingly used. The
credit pattern has almost diesppeared. No
hard and feat llos appears to be drawn, but
the way tot which nioney Howe into the tarm•
et's pocket all the year round hos broken an
the Id eystem of running store-bIlle, which
were paid onus year with the wheat money.
And, of omen*, the farmers live better.
The top bogey rules here, as 10 the rut ol
Ontario. At a reset funeral from 150 to
200 oonveyanoes were assembled, sod of
them only one was an open bugsy. Twenty
years ago, scow -ling to ou (Antal mer.
abut of loog experlpoe, It was difficult for
the gems dry goods store to keep both a
'own and oouotry trod', to diver's were the
quality and the description of goods needed
by the two sorts of customers, Today the
farmers boy the same sort of goods that tili•
townspeople buy. Twenty year@ alio the
rough foil cloth in whioh fernier' oiled
themselves wa• brought into the town ' by
the oord" ; to -day, he stator!, It le doubtful
whether ten yards ot tte stuff oan be got In
town. Tho Improvement extends pest the
ready made clothing stags, end • great
many farmers dress in clothes made to
«du by the tailors of the town or village.
The change lo fuming t,as aided in this de-
velopment, for the former when he teamed
loads ' of grain Into town was obliged
to dress roughly, whereto the raisin, of
live stook and the 000asionel driving of It
into town are ao bar to neatness of appose.
aerie. Th. buteters or the Oleos MI
Wires oly their trade in the chantey, sod
'mall pieces Ides Dungannon. Kintall and
Manchester maintain !wishes who hays
their regular manly routes day by day.
The belie, toe (eta some portion of hie
patronaye from the oeontry.
It may las observed in this oonnutton
that the farmers of this diatrlot are well
served in Op motter of stern. Nowhere
la the amity have they to drive mon thu
sir or eight miles to find • good store,where-
as many of the farmers of 19Me r.f the town•
ships in yofk are from ten to twelve mile
from a Tillage. Villages and enoderate small
towns dot the orpotrysidemed this tendeney
km developed daring the put tore rliteades
011aten, for innenoe, has peed still for that
serled. htseeNstathie seta Withstood! hers
nler on to Inntesee, while the artisen oleos,
etimh es builders end carpenters. have de•
entailed. The mere/Mule utablIshmente
have usrlergone °hams tending towards
aphid settee —th• Wee does sob testate
oea esseral ewe 6. day -bet the anima
tersevriv rends* shoot *hit same, although
MP purchasable power of the femme has le-
mons I by er• half. The reason le to be of hail ap hour els ewe is ocomplette. A
timed le the deoroped ores tributary to the large Mo. bottle of Neville• In the hews;
taws. 011atoe talky to entered hy seem. will save donee hills, sad a net asammt rof
her of Illages,whish teenty yews age were nihriag every year.
pen affairs. Nessall, thirtems Wise to the
man, today has grown be hey* • Impala
Mee of 1.000, aad has Dearly am spay dry
geode Meru its Clinton has with Its 2,400
etnals. Blyth, ales or ten miles to the north
east, has far better stores thee it had (Meld.
Mem small platen, such ea Lesderiberough
and Broomfield, latorosp1 the tends,and their
shops have steadily Improved. The ten-
don:0y thus is to nealttply diatribetion poise
aad to keep them of moderaW else, and tip
• are training relatively upon the
towns. The fumer••• she alternate awesome.,
thus Li benefited by having We goods
brought seater to his door. Thts is • 'hangs
which hag tome materially promoted by Me
The absenoe of • market le • feature of
thou teens which Invites some attention.
Apparently whither the farmers nor the
towastoople true greatly interested in the
several efforts whioh hove bean nine to
establish marteis. Al Godorlob differ.
w oes oa the subjeot of the delivery of the
goods bought all the market seem to have
been the ohlef reuse of the oellapee of the at-
tempt. Ot late yews the tanners have bon
relieved of land to ink for purohners by
tip activity with whloh the aunt:7 reeds
are outyessed by buyers. Eggs, *bloke:is,
butter and similar produots are bought: at
the doer of the farmhouse, for oash or fur
tea, several grooers lapin); pub oo the toad
yeas stocked with staple groceries, so that
• modified form of barter is dime set up.
Thee mortetewp le still abroad In the lewd,
although the statistics of the tut few years
show • decided Utorease he the number ot
digobargee and • decrease in tits number of
mortgagee registered. The amount of
mortgage indebtedness inourred last year
wee rather wider $1,500,000. Caution moat
be ezeroind in regarding every wortrage
se ',pretesting • burden epee the prodsou.
The mongers le the f•vorit• method of
settling an estate, and the man who haa
just suestoded to his fathee's farm puts a
emartgase upon It is order te pay the re.
militates, members of the family the oaah
which le • shares gess lebentalleG lo
other oases the mortgage rep/meats the of•
fort made by the father Se rive his son •
bit of capital to establish biowelf la life—
probably in the Northwest. The demand
for money is • better test of the farmer's
undition. From several when ousel the
tutimony that not oyes 5 pm oent. out be
realized upon money whoa the *Purity la
flret•olase. and loans of 4i per omit and
even of 4 Der omit aro made. while one
oonsideratle &mons of ready :nosey Bad •
ditboulty In getting good layestreenta tor It.
This la • greet change from the days when
interest ohareee were 10 W 12 roar out.
And Cosby, are the farmers of Huron to-
day In as good • pultioo met • re-
currence of the tad times aa they were
twenty yetre ago! They are, say rues
than one authority. One Not to be remem-
bered la that in the former days they were
erhausting the lend by repeated cropping.
while today they are building it up and re-
pleelshing Orierffier. Another fact
their greater reeottroes, tor the farm has
many means whereby to nine money into
tee owner's pocket. The freehold farmer
Is In • good way at potent, and the free-
holder N far in the majority ; leant fu•
mere are few, end sr mostly on farms
merited ny nature as Inferior Them: ars
hopeful days for the !stoner of Huron.
W ee Teat et kidney rills Was a
Grand lieeettea.
Boivin, Que., July 15th—O•ipeolal)-10 Is
becoming more and more certain every day
olent to ocen•ope anybody of Mier worth
They are such an szoellent remedy. so well
permaoently the and, that people once
they try them °rhea help bat admit thelr
wonderful power.
Mrs. Famine, of Boleti', only had to take
one bor, but she is • well woman today
Here is her own letter about :
"1 am well satisfied with Deld's Kidney
Pills. They cared my back/Abe. I suffer•
ed with kidney disease, whloh oompolled
nee to take to bed ; 1 suffered misery 111
tried to get op.
"1 thought 1 would try Dodd's Kidney
Pills and did so. 1 have only had to take
one bor. hut I am oured."
WIDNIso•ir, July 10.
Miss Duff Malted an Wrozeter int
Blcyole nue for a sup are expected In
the afar future.
Geo. MoDontld Intends havino his barn
raising on Thursday.
3 hs little Wens Sault', of tioderlob, are
Mrs. 1111ton Cosford, of Iowa, is visiting
Mrs. J Collie returned from her visit to
Hamilton on 'I haredey night.
Weems. Duff and Stewart IVO oompleted
wog k on Job's bridge, Turnbury.
Mbs Jennie Greenaway, of Toronto, le
spending her holidays at her home here.
Edgar Coatis'', prieolpal of Rioley public
sohool, le spending hie holidays at Ms hom•
them Annie Altohison, Cleo. Altohlson
snd WIII Stewart visited at Clifford last
%V. K. Stewart, prieolpal of the New
Hamburg public) school, is visiting at hla
old home here
Mrs Duncan King hes been in very poor
headth lately but it le hoped that her health
will be restored soon.
Mrs. fisorge lwathorn attended the
f 1 of het that, the late Mrs. Kitobea,
Mk (Norge, on the 29th of June.
Mrs. Warwick and her two little grand•
d•ughters, of Hallett. visited friends in
Bluevale and Morris last week.
Mrs. J. McDonald, of tioderloh, who has
been visiting her mother, Idn. J. flardher,
for some time,returned home lost week,
bliss Maggie 11)herteon, of Wroxeler,
formerly of illapsle, Au secured a mita.
don as nom at HarrowsmIth, near Kisee•
ton. Her many friends wish her ovary anci•
George Porter, the popular proprietor of
ts Mr Melon, el Ouneannon, who will
take pootession shortly. Mr. Porter will be
A yet/ seetwasful garden party was held
at W. J. Johnston's, of Morris, on Moeda?
eventing ander the •tteptess of th• Meth°
diet ohuroh. 1 he date had Imo* sot for
Friday eyeallte int but owing to ordayer-
able weather le pea preponed te Monday
ermine, • hod the weather was all that
oould be dedrid. lea was Nerved es the
lawn early in the evening, and wag mtph en•
joyed by all. After tos May, Mr. 8wan,
chairman, announced on exultant program,
whioh was well minted out. TP. woein 'ty
the string bend irks much appreolated aa
Ware oleo the quartette by Mr. and Mrs.
Little Karate Shaw sang the "Mao behind
the l'iow" very roanfally and everybody
voted itle the hies number on the program.
Thus ore Daly a few ol the many good
things rendered. The company broke UP
at In 50117 hey sod all went hom• well
puttied with their fivioninge amosemeet,
Roy Rookies, of Weeds1ock, la up for hie
e ausal veil to his graudpareais, Mr. &ad
Mrs. lt. Folioed.
Willie Hawkins, of Detroit, is visiting
ate growdaanote, Mr. and Mn. H. U. ides-
Deertid. He aad hitt Weed, W. Potter, are
beldam • good Mee es their whorls sonar
pedalo of laterenaroaad bore.
isig to • story theta Is going the rounds, •
husband, treat • peoentruy point of view. is
P ot worth moot,. The glary runs lik• this :
A Comedian minister had Just married •
eouniti. 'rho registets were signed and
e▪ f the fee. The bridegrooms. • litruPelsol
d yly onswor•11. "VW keener you think It's
worth." Now, it aluuld bayonets worth •
good deel,for hho girl was young and preety.
"1 rookon Its worth abest fifty oents," said
the swain, holding out twe quarter,. The
olergymas looked blankly at the oohs, then
turning lo the fair zee, "1'11 leave IS la yea,
madam," be said, "18 hat do you think It's
worth ?" What did this young eued biteable/
bridsido ? She reached out, took the coins,
iteeded oars quarter to the minister, and
put the other leto her peeks*. "A thrifty
la tette, bat that any youag bride would
pr▪ obable. A redly aloe girl would regard
• hashed as wort& at lout Slily twentte.
However. It will be satisfactory to the gtris
to have Ike pries fired, even If it niey not
la entry own express their estimation et
Ow worth of • hothead. Ts pursue the
na. a little farther, we might say that
here la Daalop married !elks value every
son bon to them sh • timinashd and • daugh-
ter at five hundred dollars.
Terento's Zig Exhibition.
The prize lin for 1'netato's great Animal
Exposition and IsdastrIal Fair. which this
year w111 he held from Aogast 26th to Sept.
7th, hae 0011141 toe hand. 15 Is printed In
yellow abided with green, and presents a
very basda•me appearance Upwards of
535,000 will be distributed In premiums,
and $30,000 will be spent in features and
special *It/whops. The live stock dames
have been rearnaged la some instances and
the premiums isoreseed la others, A alum
Copies of the prise Bat and 111 Informatles
desired oars be had on addreeing H. J. Hill.
82 King Street East, '1:erosible. Speed
efforta aro being made te Wonted* the ex-
oelleinos of the ezhlbitios this year on Ito
mint ot the Ogee proximity of the Pan•
The Hamilton Speotator OTOS the follow -
tenet In these day. of troploal weather :
There are some men and wennen, too, who
cannot possibly hope to keep 000l in these
SrOploal dayr, for the reason that they are
keepine their stomachs Oiled with heat pro-
ducing foods Lod Bootle. If you take the
trouble to find out you will dlsooVer that
most of the people yea meet thew days who
ars suffering, oomplalnlog and mopping
their flaming Nue see the p•Ople who load
op ea beer to keep 000l, and ordier et the
restaurant fall coarse diallers, with oondl.
toovored spate and all the reet of It.
The fellow who leave hiehballs alooe and
limits himself in his satiny oereals, vege•
tables, • may little Mild moat and salads,
will Dome about as °lose to being comfort-
able these hot days as It Is possible for soy
eoe lo be,
Alcohol In any form Is a heating propoel-
the and tbough it may be served up to you
on he it it nothing more than a mook com-
forter In bob weather, and will warm up
end warm you op es goon as it settles itself
to your internal seonomy. Sugar Is another
good thing to keep sway from io the heated
term, oreating More heal than any other
known solid.
Idere's another thing to tomato tin. Th.
man who keep* his mlod watered on the
weather, so matter how 000l he might hay*
been when he started on la the moraine,
will be u hot as they maim them before the
day Is half over. Oa the other hand, the
man who refuse bo le1 hie mind wander on
the heat anhjetot stands a very good ohaou
of forgetting the fact that It is hotter than
It ever tee been. This is an Illustration of
the power of mlod over matter. The mau
who frets and fumes over anything these
days In sore to he • sufferer from the heat
to • 'realer •xtent than his even•tempered
neighbor, for the remotion that to "get bot"
mentally is bound to produce • sporrespood.
ing rise la the temperature of the body.
Of oourse, you have to wear something
these days, tut why It that you are going
around In dark woolleo clothing, with •
blallt felt hat ? If you reser 5001 to Ito as
000l as possible you should get • suit of
light oolored, porous clothing. or whlio
cloak wliti a cork helmet. And last, but
by no mean* leest, remember the daily cold
Send tor a free sample of Catarrh( z
guaranteed to mire catarrh, bronchitis,
aethma aud bay fever. lo order tint cvery
sufferer in Canada may teat th• marvellous
attritive properties of Caterrhozone we will
mall free to any address, • twenty days
trial, sufflolent often to ours. Enolow 10.1.
for postage and boxing and, address, Poison
Notioe of mange@ must be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Oopy for changes
mast be left not later than Mon-
day noon. Caned Advertisements
aooepted up to noon Wednesday of
each week.
"Bitter h patience,
",but Its fruit is sweet."
waiting, but better
order Mr TnaU, titan
accept substihites.
Get the &hoe you
know —
"The Slater Shoe"
Waled's' of this type ylehl instently to
ho• lly from Oleos cieneplaints, jest keep Ner•
'Mae at band. A few drop' In eweetthed
water rives Instant relief. in the mune I
neys did tiled, werk_ilhervit
would be no Uri. Acid sad
no Lumbago. Mat It:
kidneys do tkekr Wow
SWAP, positive and esdp
cure See Lumbago le
THDIUMAT, July 18, 1901.
R. B. Sm"h's McKIM
Store S Reld's Old
Amalgamation sale now on. The two stocks must go into one
store in two weeks, and they are too large yet.
Remember the list we gave you last week, and add more thia
Sheeting, 21 yds wide, 30c., for 25e.
Pique, best for Skirts, 30c., for 25c.
44 14
15c., for 12c.
Flannelette Sheeting, 2 yds wide, 25c , for 20c.
Blankets, $1.00, for 75c.
Bargains in Wool Blankets.
" in Summer and Fancy Goods.
Bargains in everything in the two stores—yeu will be money out
if you miss this sale. The goods must go, and you may as well save a
dollar or two by investing three or four here.
Amalgamation sale now on at the two busy stores.
with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the best
there is at the same prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways froth, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has • reputation for promptness and
Medical .
listsai Fire Imam Co.
Value of Property Ineurel up to J
Joe Ornenolly. fa. Dale. W. O. Broecttoot. J.
Watt. Jae. Evans, J. U. Grieve. J. beano wee.
directors; W. 6. Breadtcam. Bearreth. Inspec-
tor of losses , T. E. Hays, Seaforth, secretary
their oards recelpted at Mr. Coate' Clinton. or
at McLean Bros.' Palau Clothiag Store. Gude-
Tb• Dime stand!' for all that le
reliable in fanning machinen•
intending to purchase anything in our
line should inspect our goods before
placing their order.
We always carry on hand a full
stock of repairs.
We have the best make of Cream
Separators on the market.
You can get the most up to -date
Carriage or Buggy made in Can
oda at a reasonable price from us.
Massey -Harris Bicycles - New
1901 models—elegant mounts. Call
and see them.
A Great Snap_
is one Mayer Snap. at Est. a
pound, of whioh we fella barrel • week.
This Isn't our only neap, as we carry
everything that oan be found In an up-
tgoollate grooery eters, and our prime
are right, The fanners know that they
eon alwaya int frOal a snap for they
produce. We draw the line at no
legitimate trade — everything goes
Olteowere or potatoes, warden stuff or
choicest table Chine. We deal In all
of them.
Orden earerentiyaafteeded to to am
beam meant ow day.
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short
Bread and Crts Rolls,lince
Pies and LAY Fillers. Kisses,
are as good as the hest made!in any
oity in Canada.
Oantelon lesds the trade in
In fancy desdpnIng and °refitment
ing and almond
Give him an order and your eat -
ideation will be &enured.
Scranton !lard Coal
AU Cul weighed oe the Markel 190ala,
where you get =0 Itio. for • ton.
Oases Mt si ltEEPILAZDI
eremeUy attended be.
"Whet Cowls, Shwa,"
" NOCK dreamed that meth
those could be made is Canada I"
"Wet that • beautiful liaisk?"
"I like the shape and cut a it.
too, 50 graceful, you know."
shoe, sod really. girls,atevt7er
wore shoes eo comfortable mad
neat as these are. And, you
know, we save ail the customs
duties. Itecauee they are made
la C.aeada."
"They woe the gold medal at
Paris this year. -
"See. here is the tradowtark
yea can know diem by" t --
Made by TIA• J. Mow 111b.
Limiter, voroms.
Shoes that
Measure up
to \Your
We Furnish You Two Comfortable Feet.
Common sense, as well SA style, can be purchased reasonably at our
counters. Good weg.ratile shoes for all 4orts of occasions
High grade footwear at prices that you cannot beat.
Don't fail to see our "KING QUALITY" shoes if you want the latest
styles. THEY LEAD.
Repairing neatly done.
-Mir you tried a guese ea the Pan-American 1 If not, wily not
gown with every dollar purchase at this store.
Sole Agent for King Quality Shoes.
mg IQ „WANT A STEP -LADDER 9,, 7-a---_ - , ,,,,, , ,,,,_ , , ,t, , ,
We give one away with each pound of Pure cream Baking
\Piroilieter purchased from us. 60o a lb. The step -ladder aim:leis
the prier.
Oil Stoves
Gasoline Stoves
Ice Cream Freezers
Refrigerators -
Dairy Tinware
Metal Roofing and
J. it Worsell
Medway 0475 oinA lavabos wan.
Try a package of our Hop Tea—not a medicine, but • owe -
if fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a Reientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. VVe have a
full asstrtment.
Telephone No. 91.
Hat Bargains.... a
Hating purchowed tweive dozen hate at a great reduction they will tis
sold at the following low pricei :
Heady -to -wear hat at 25c, worth b0c.
Children's ready-to-wear hats at leic, worth 36c, and itt 150c.
worth $1.00.
Leghorns at 86c, worth 60c
Leghorns at 75c, worth 81 25.
Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat, for 76c.
All millinery reduoed for the tAlanee of the season.