HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-18, Page 4'LIMBS; July 18, 1901.
rf The acme of
Imported Worsted Sults, narrow stripe,
French faolcgi, extra ge u t trimming.,
made by union tailor. regular price. 115,
rednoed to
Fancy Wonted Sults, French laced, good
trimmings, regular prim, 114.00, redo/tadL 10
(Jur clothe a always re II act Rho Introit
styles. They aro not toll out the re
markably low price at which wo ober
then becaue° they aro out of ityle,
but because we are doterutiiu 1 to
clear nut our preterit stack to Mahe
room for fell purchases.
NW. pattern N Grey Tamest, Ftewoh NO.
lure, double br.eet.d vat, well trimmed,
regular prlo, 112.00, for $9.00
A very deetrable pattern la Grey ('anadtm
Tweed, stitched with silk, good trim•
odoge, reenter 19 00 per snit, restored
to Iii t f
This is a chalice for shrewd buyers to get a good suit at whet you would
ordinarily pay for s very inferior article. Our Clothes are all guaranteed to
fit well and wear well.
We are agents for the "Lloo" brand o1 Boys' Clothing.Them, are made from a1).
wool tweeds, have double seats, double koies, double•atitobod .lame, are sowed with
strong lion thread, and are fully g.arante.d. Once you become a cottomcr for the
"Lien" brand you will have no other.
Moo's Furnisher and Hatter. • Perfect Fdttng Clothing Wage.
n .Ppnr mncn
THE Hamilton Herald, which wears
an independent garb, of rather gauzy tcx
ture, has the following :
Admiral Dan McGillicuddy is again
showing a restive independence in his
paper. which fact is accepted as evidence
that his government dredging contract in
One would imagine that The Herald
which professes to be independent, would
be pleased to welcome an evidence of inde
pendence from a hide bound partisan sheet,
such as The Heiald undoubtedly believes
Tars 8l0'(AL :to be ; but inetoad, we
find The Herald endeavoring to stifle in
dependent expression by insinuating that
the completioe of a dredging contract is
-- reopened:* for the ottoman. And -right
here we might inform the alleged independ-
ent, and wholly unreliable Hamilton Her
ald that Mr. MC-GH.uo'DDT has not now,
nor never had • dredging contract with the
Government. Furthermore, he is not now,
and never was, under obligation to the
present or any other Government in Can
oda, Dominion or Provincial. THE SIGNAL
ie run 51 a iteform newspaper, but on lines
Lhat have no muzzle attauhmeut. When
the Reform party n,eds advice we don't
besi ate to give it, and as wo know all the
weak spots up 1n this neck of the woods.
the authorities usually tike our advice in
the spirit in which it is given. Tan
SIOeAL doesn't pretend w• be an in.
dependent middle-of-the•roader, such as The
Herald is, with an eye w the main phenol
and a hued out fan a i o dation. I1. de n
strong, healthy party .beet, with enough
mel in its crop to cry "Halt !" to its party
when it sees trouble ahead. It isn't the
personal organ of 1 Cabinet Minister or'
member of Parliament, at The Herald is
and it isn't afraid to say that a politician is
no good when he becomes dozy timber.
-Common honesty and hard work aro as
successful in politics as they are in any
walk in life, and nowhere are they more
-The Hamilton Spectator believes that
the ordinary party man "would vote for s
yellow dog." Is that the reason for Kao
BAUUEA'e election in Hamilton!
-Our esteemed contemporary The Spee
tater of Hamilton, points out, not without
regret, that Memrs. NAL, D ONLEY and DAS
MCGH.LICoDDY IOMO years ago were led
strap by the fallaeiet of the Tory annoys
t of 1849.Which show
tteNrlet only goes td
that • good boat will lose its rockier once in
a while. However, we i,ave sought to
make amends by helping to drive from
power the party to which belonged the en
nexationists of 1849.
-Tho Mail and Empire says :
Whyehould Mr. Dan Mc(dliovddy tall
for new leaders and hatter candidates !
If Messrs. Preston. dole, Sullivan, Cum
min ri,1 1(rhett; ilosear'T, Lewis, and ,m
on, are satisfied with the loafers that
ought to settle the quetUou.
We don't know why THE MIOMAr, may Sant
give advice having for its object the better.
tent of the i.iheral party, just at The Mali
1 • i -c 1,
Re t.,.rn of r' 1•(rvl'-r.b
r).:.. tri t` 1 I 11 11 l•:
$20. CO
ear is . I,u, , r r
Two Ammer •ort
$25 00 end $30.00
We wit tin stun 0'• .':it if
Ii{cui P. EY • CrATTI
$9e 00 and 1$44.00
for • few dye longe,.
at .eesd Asad whitetail e1.,M sod
ac di sod laic Ism
hal more than once given advice towards
bettering the, Tory party.' We well remem•
bet when The Mail attempted to turn down
"the prince of p:.litiera crackemen,"-and
when, later, it undertook to road other
sound Tories out of p �the party. Iia refer.
encs to PaLYnrN, IIOLIR, KOLLIvAN, sera
MINOS, I'arri'HETT, BnatARo and Lewis i.
gratuitous. Any oue of those named is as
honorable and upright as the but among
The Mail's gang of oonepirs re who ronati
toted the "brawling brood bribers" in
days gone by but not forgotten. It doesn't
lie iu the month of an old polite vagrant,
such as The Mail is, to cast reflect ns upon
anyone out of jail.
♦ 1 MnirORtr•at, rtT.
Hamilton Spectator : The Hessian fly 1.
imported from the United State., where 1.
was made. At least we have read bow the
American patriots used to make the Heuian
Atian!• Cora:Mutton "Wast kind of
mosumeot do you wish for your n.eband 7.,
"Well," replied the wide*, "I don't Wan
within' tea .Epensira-jam 1emotki.' solid
,101'11 bold him down."
Hamilton Spectator : A voong man in
the met of tae city, whose girl is deaf, pro
posed to her lent night, and he had to talk
se lend that when he come oat alt t ba neigh
ere were present to Meera!plat! h'm -
Chloago Tribune: "-William, 1 wish Veit
would go and weed out the flawer t,.1.'
Wih'am went and lc.peeted. It. Tarn he
returned. "It would bet a starter jnh,
Marie," he said, "w flower out ON weed
Toronto !;lobe. A prof ae,or In W ilLsnu
College made • test of the literary konevl•
edge of forty of the sophomores. '1'r n of
the fotty could not mantles six ploys of
ibakeepeare, fourteen did not know who
wrote In Memoriam, twenty two did not
know Sam Weller, thirty four were uoao-
loalated with F.letaff, twenty six could net
mention a beet by Rookie , and thirty five
wore similarly Ignorant of IVordeworih and
Mascotah (Kan ) Record : l', r the first
time we were married Wednesday. We
have contemplated this step for a 'ase time,
ens lack of fonds nae always prevented, oar
Sat we finally decided to get manned and
trust to Provldenoe for the rest Tbe'',al,•
ecriptloo rates of The Record will remain
at the same price. Ugly the Immediate
reletyos were present at the ceremony.
Our views on the money question will re
min the same, only we need more of it,
Will go housekeepior in the Argnith hcme
on Second street.
ittlasnxn riot MIN lOte.
Milverton Fun : There was a time so lieu
we oens'derod the dog poison-ra nIsere. M
and •coward. tut after passing numrrena
(lights Leering upon the alarr boles, p,lhna
from midnight oral early dawn 1 vetoing
to the long drawn bottle of the fox hound,
intermingled with the shrill boats o'-es,"are
of ili•bred mongrel wh,'pa, m.king :lin ,:: t t
hideous with tt.e:r sound., our rp'n:on r t
him h.s became to mellowed that we herr
come tolock on him ea a lubllo benefactor,
fail like wending towards him tit,
right hoed of fellowship.
r•Attalla AT rll.ANtiow,
Montreal Herald : Toe Cat»Man exhibit
at the (,la.gow exposition It •v(deotly a
oreda ti, the 1'"atnlon. It 1. said to le
the toilettes p )int of mo," v.titora on
reaching the grounos end the 11-itish j•,ur
Pallets appear to vie with each other as to
which on speak most kindly of the exhibit.
Tho London Times says th_t the tSnadl to
tiitonitor.1 .rnpl,y r. ...e, h IM eepra.o
rod time o1 • trip from Lo,r,nn, 1f for no
other object titre 'o'cc It. The Ctnadi.r
derartm:nt of agriculture bas evidently
done re work thoroughly,
Tuts RKt ERN To THE 0.141, ltctiecD
Ottawa ('Itlien : Tho term '9ndepen
deet" as applied to • newspaper of thrt
Masi means mdependebt of any pr:nn'plrr,
pelltisl or acy other kind.
-Stratford- Deacon : The tti(tTirob 11 r-
ale'. •tweedy, therefore, only !MINN* the
approach of a general *notion, and moors
that Its oe,t.rs have directed that It is time
ac meky, the mVlyJ-
Hamilton dpectatot : We usdeat•nd the
mission of the "udepend.n " piper thnr
mighty. When a man deeires to atm e
new paper In • town already well served
with Via or more perry journals, he esti.
Ids neW vesture "indeteedeet" as • gore of
excuse for Its heing. In the quiet time bee•
tweets elections he make* soros pretence at
indepe.denoe by alternately pro'drg or a1.
Ornately abn.lnr the Orli, and the Tor:es.
But when the elstou oampalee omen on,
he forak,s his Independence gni 'ells hu
''mflueao" to the highest bidder, and 1f
then be no bidder the piety which he per -
'nosily fevers gets the Ianoint of his ptyr-r'.
",neem.." We knew the minion et the
":.dcpnsdnt" paper rialto Intimately.
l!mp'is. 'Uwe les
From cornst No 'enmity for 'has. tole
nam'', Painless Corn herreater remove' e11
Borne, Isere Or small, in about tweet/ Luer
hoer,. This ie reliable isformitiee, yam
druggist will substentlaee It of you mit him.
Be tars to gel l'nteam'., 1t lasses se pair.
lied/rich may have the TwNLh rf July
oal,brittne foe title diitrtet heat year. Is
lit raid that the Onasms of I'ore Heron
and Strata alio will some bore if en tuella.
otos he extended to Wes•
erwaaewa Celebrated tae aa.I,.!ary
ulna Creat rulbealsa
The anniversary of the Bettis e` the
Boyne was ob•erved in the usual m es
Friday, July 12 It, toy the members of the
Oreog. Order. The reiebratlooe 1a this
dielrtct were at S:rattord and Luokaow.
Stratford, July 12. -Tau Chula C.ty
wag olio Mecca of the Oraegemsn of the dte-
r:ut e.:n pticog North sect Souk Perth,
South !faros and North Middlesex today.
It I. eitonated flat throe were between
6,000 and 8,003 visiting in the pity, and it
e Salo to soy that I.tVer was a more urdarly
crowd gl`cu the freedom of the town. The
parade ttrrted at 11. Gly 11+11 and march•
id via !dulcet and Ontario streets to the
Queen's Park, w here a program of sports
sat sordid out, under thu auspices of the
Orangemru, and, pother program prepared
by the Perth Mounted 1)rtll Corps. '
At the park the gatherleg wee called to
.order I H. 11. Murphy, et Listowel, who
aced at chairman, and made a short epoch,
o whack he referred to the 0005/105 they
obbrated. 11e canted upon Mayor &'amp,
who extended to the visitors a hearty wit
come. The other speaker* were : Mann.
lohp M;ariet, I'. (1. M., South Huron;
Thomas Magwood, ex•M. 1'. P., North
Perth; John McMillan, Toronto, Grand
Tastes Ootarlet Not; Rev. %Vm. Welsh,
rirard Cluliatn; British North Amorlos
Rev. E. 11. Panton, Stratford ; Rev. Mr.
Stout, Exeter ; A. Nevin, County Muter,
south Huron ; A. M, Todd, 1'. C.
South lluruo•; Bro. Lewis, 1'.11 M., youth
Huron : Wm. White, P. L.M , Mitchell.
Lu.k:ow, Jelly 12. -The Orange demon.
•trauma at Lucknuw, r•presenttng the
counties of Huron and Bruce, was the
Iarglaa ever held I. this district, over
thirty Grange Rod. a, with colon, besides
Orange Young Brltoos and Lady True
Blow, bring represented, and Cully 3,000
people were present. The villager', tong -
famed for hespftallty, fairly broke the re.
lord. The streets were decked with green
cedars, the stores displayed a to and hoc
nos. while arches, streamers, bunting and
mottoes spanned the roadway.. 1t was •
welcome worthy of the hieg blmell, and
the visitor/ expressed their gtatlgoaUoo at
the warmth of the reception. Pie regular
and three special trains, lolled to their
Idiot opacity, brought In the visitors.
The procession mustered at the ()one's
Park. and, headed by the village oonacll,
pooled to the ('aledonten Park, where e
moaner of .peaking and mush: was
waded out, at which Lieut. •Co1. 800.t,
Deputy 1)istriot Grand Master, Coterie
West, presided. The speaker of the day
war Worshipful Brother Alex. Mair, of Tor
Oslo. Hu oration was one of great fervor,•
patriotic appeal of a Soot, a Canadian, and
o tintbusl+atie Orangeman. Assisting him,
a ,, were Bro. A. 11. Musgrove, Wtngbam,
&e. the looal and visiting clergy. W.
Mil rove. gsva en addrete of welcome.
A co re was held is the eveelog, the
foreign talent helot Mrs. filaok Edmonds
and Jew Fax, of Toronlo.
IN MEM • YOF THOS--M.c.QU.Ekf4•.
•writ -r'it *entreed Trace. engem s
a lean eat e■ 11'1 Ilea tt.
The Stratford loon, w:.iuh continues
there•pal Beath). o nterratlbg "Mole" from
Ih hies of forty yea ago, the otter day
had the following referoace to the lit
rbomi. Met/aeon from IN tisane of July 12,
1861, with a bracketed. paragraph suggest -
Oat it monument ire created in memory
of the fame us journalist Ly tic 1.i Orate of
1 ;o three count:en oyer which hl! Ieeucnoe
weeded. What do or readers\lhiuk of
the proposal+
&noel oar lost Issue we have to chrsniele
be doth of Thomas McQustn, cf Goderiob,
Ora late UleMalone editor of The Heron deg
nal. In blm the Reform nun has lost one
of t03 ablest writers to the prow, and htera
:ere one of the moil devoted working wore
shippers. And we have all lot a friend,
o ne whore name ices 51 femirar as house-
hold worI. amcug us,and whom we were ad
ways glad to see and Geer • • Reared
,mons the sone e i toil- s simple hewer of
vine -tile &sottish youth early Imbibed a
•_sets for literature, sad arqu:reel a quieten
•.hich grew with ere, for deep and phi!.
, rpbioal readies. • ' • When Mr. Mo
Qaeea Dame to these Iounties, (Herron, Perth
,.Sad Bross town -4 !
he tree hem thoroughly g 17 fury
w tohtks. lie voted he would ohmage
:he 0lieraette of t Lea 1.0t1i0 opintoo, eel
•ern he, died he teat z^d his boo', for thole
.,toile. are Dery all rnpreeeotsd In 1'ar'la
oro' by Libtrale.
(It is ant creditable to the Liberals oI
throve three ooan'ies then a rsbatan'iei
p.'bt•u ren0umteL los not bleu loon since
rat"ri 10 clout. ft the m.mury of ore
h,did mu...1tororcelt rank Toryism Into
:.1 Ltteral.:m. 11 too will move to take
-.IA' 10 p prtus'e the memory of the
'grand obs mar.!' A monument erected in
I • It of the court h• ass In soler ch
•..cu11 mot with our violet, and the
• ti!'r's s'tb•cr tin 11 ready tor that
kitten -e- f• •
Os • Ow ,t Wool rote.
By Thoma Mallein -F
We canna' hn:.r.t of hirn grain bike,
It;rrit i b it t 1.
p c IT1 whore eagles gith(r ;
Of mem heft torn and mnnntain rifle,
Boat rr{,n to the red be11'd loather.
We ei.r'.et t0:•t of rm,I11 1 •15 toren,
11'trro Itv.cl,onps the i:nary turret,
Of ch. val •, fn 1 •.J:ri bee r,re.
Of warlike f,,n ,arid knlyht, who won It.
flat had wo Maniere" Harp to wake,
We well mI':t host our own broad las 1
f ant le -1 aur have LIP,
Al tion 1 fe with hale and Bre was teems "
lions is is yob as laelleatims that the
Greed Trask Railway heads N rplaae
the sailed alfu.ters which has se lime
does senior' at the Mettles with ems mere
la Pimples with the progressive spirit et We
railway sad better oohed to the mars
meats of • tbriv'ag sad grewhie town Ilko
(Joderlob. I am set possessed of my
secrets of the railway oempsey ''t tide "al-
ter, nor do 1 knew telly and precisely wb
representations have ben made oa bike
of 1115 town 11 the effort to Rados thm aero
pray to build • new slatt.m; but tom what
1 de know II SNIP. to me that " r t wt alai
>or. wo re made to brie, about • thorough
aoderetaadiag between the two parties on.
mood the doodloek widish now exists
uo bt bek
broe) and W dunned r all iso•
t toipll',hed. It will be remembered tial
some time ago the oomp• ty made • pro.
p' Itioa to the effect, sub.' 'Bally, that
for the next Iwr sty peen there should be
no tetanias" In the is. sweet e1 the otter
pang's proper./ oa moot U of any impr.re-
menta that might he made thereon or r sy
,anther acq.lremnta of Nod. Upon lb'-
oendleoa the oompsay would pal 0p a sew
station building. Th., preposition the
couwotl, grits properly, threw out. Deem
the twenty years the G. T. R. m'1h1 w '•
ohms ooald.nble prof arty, r the, tote 1
would loge the taus which the hid mew
pays through Its pre seal owner,. Such a
th'-tq•m'ght, or might mot, 000ar ; the oar l-
oll took the only jwt'bable COMMA 't re-
. et' -et to accept the r' -k. If the oompaey
bad asked that they should 1 t •!lowed to
improve their pr -sot property, ' 1 the way
of putting new buildings upon Ia, v thous
en Nero,* of tandem, eh** would have
been a vel y different manor, and the 'torn -
oil might well hays received the req.gee
lavonbly ; and the oempe ay could bard!•
expect a•syth.',g wore la meson. Hen it
the boats for an •grremeel between the
town and the oompany.
It 1213 been suggested by • aldose who
hos bad many &ration with the G. T. R.
that the merebaats sad elven of the tows
should alga • potation to the general masa-
or of the railway 'skim for the outlets of
modern building, at this e' floe. This
might be •ooumpaalt 1 by • d.ol•raMhre by
the !owe council (by re olotion or other•
wise) that the company would be allowed
to put op thew buildlep without b oolag
liable to as ltoreate of •egemsar it therefor.
The town would leo oelh' og, sod the *ow
py ay would be free to go 'bead and provide
the wcommodities which the trader al this
at dies rcga'-e). Ibis be 1N hoped the mat -
tar will be taken up and pushed le • nes-
Resells ef.tbe meet Meld There Tuesday
•ad Wedeesdy iI 11.551 W..t.
The sewed w.at of the li.af.rlh Tart
illsseelodee wart held ea Tuesday red Wed-
n esday of lost week. The lellewlsg le •
n mwaty et the.,.. i :
2:40Pus wTot : •
Q.ese'. Barge, U. Goebel, 411.10112 1 1 1
Nellie 1L, O. Briton, Uodeelob....1 2 II 6
al Bobble Meek, R. J. UeStlda, Tor•
.ate 6332
II Tommy Me, J. 0, Johan', Bluevale3 4 4 3
Vivian WUke., R. M. 14e14, Loedea6 6 6 4
Lady Wilke., J. Hama, Markdd4 6 die
8idaey Pester, B. Be.nber. J Zee •
Loh 7 7 d1..
Fant M., J, Miller, Odettoh 8 8 d s.
T1me-2:294, 2:294, 2:294, 2:294.
2;20 Pan r td 2:17 'T'rot.
Prism Vale, J. G. Markle. abaft.
Tills 1 1 1
Erle K , J. W. Halms, Sh.ddes... 2 3 2
is Gadd, Mr. ('.bell, Lw1.wd, 5 2 3
Amato D., G, Faller, Brareple..... 3 5 6
A1ma, Mr. Us,MIt, romantic 4 4 4
Fr 1 Wilkes, W. Bishop, New Ham -
bore dna
roe 2:194, 2:194, 2:20
Hel .mile Kr o.
Abesitl. Campbell, Cedar Spolr• 2 1 1
Wilfrid Laurier, Dr. 0. H. L1M1e,
Hamilton 1 2 2
Mande Cart, R. H. Little. Hall
ton. 3 Ms.
Thee -50i, 503.504.
rho emro.o DAT. ^-`re
5 y.r-add Pace .t Trot.
Dutch Moony, F. S. Gay, Mabee 1 1 1
Jae &rites, T. Murd.ek, Her -all. 2 2 2
Loeh•b.r, J. Roo►•, Stratford 3 3 3
Time 1:11, 1:11, 1:094
2:27 Ps.. sad 2,28 Trot.
Harry Wilkes, W. O. Kidd. L's -
towel 111
Uro.je, N. Richardso., Stratford.., 4 2 2
Master Rey, L.. V. P•lera, Dresd.s, 2 3 4
Melly H., MoClart, r ad as, 84
Charlie Marys., James Bradley. Aylmer. 5 6 3
2:10 PACS Atu TROT.
Mies Dilmarob, G. Goebel, M ilobell.2 1 1 1
Hal Forest. J. Huse, Markdale1 2 2 2
Maggie Usher, T. Paddleemb., N
Ramberg 3333
Two Strike. 1;. Swartz, G.deri.t4 4 4 4
Tiro -2:16, 2:163, 2:174, 2:19.
Mile Reo.
Albealta. J. 0.wpbell, Code'
SPr(Dge 2 1 1
Wilfrid Lauder, Dr. C. B. IAIW,
Handbell' 1 2 2
Mamie Cabs, H. H. UMW, Hemlltee 3 3
Bride! Too, 4 4
Iles -1:01,4, 1:06,
• • •
I am afraid the rep fades of or. te, I
has suffer, 1 somewhat of late. iso' .bly by
rea oaof the aofoetembesttnN fa The .
Is too good reason to helloes that genie par•
eons among these who visited the toy toe
that 00051105, and probably more wise were
not hen and who formed their twpr•osle•
Ieem Wm repot ► spread by thaw of the for-
mer clew, have an idea 'hal Ihh tows wad
dyltberotelY 140Jsir118g 1 • hoes epee one-
e iders
eiiden; rod considering the dleoropaeol't
between the alluring promisee and the
setae! perfot.naeces of the three days who
can blame them for (-torr falai each •
D ollop ! They de not understand tiro dd.
flenitie, which mob the committee and
which r.ndered impeasible the carryieg oat
of the adparti,ed program. They kaow
only that metro things were heralded
forth through the amt./ am ladooemnla
to br'no visitor, to town, and that thew
who came bele did not see them prom -em
spilled. Now, the people of this town are
not "fakirs" or looted. 1e spite of an im-
pression that I am told prevails thre.gbout,
he ona0ty that we'Ood•rloh folks aro all
'lawyers and eceu.dnle"-t be intersects
bet, no doubt, that se the lawyer, ale a
very small props' ties of the population the
grew majority belong to the "meandrel" i
oleos -la spite of this fain impr..stos 1
venture to soy that the morel* of Ooderioh
are as honest and 51 desirous d Oyler good
value for every cent they receive 51 the
p.ople of any other piano in the musty or
district. Aad, Ming what we are, lilts our
duty to try to remove the notion which un-
happily manila that we are an a gregadun
of 'Yatlrn," How are we to do la t le the
In the Brut piece, we may take the cow•
forting view that every failure lea .tones
It embryo, and wttb the lessons learned
during the pat few weeks we may be able
to make future celebration days mere eve
mural than shy we hay aver had. We
matt In future commence preparation'
earlier than has been the ostom le the past,
.o that there may he plenty of time tor the
completion of Melte arrargem.nt* with
the railway people and for thorough •dyer•
tieing. Then we must hays the rebels sup
port of the people o1 the town lo whatever
form of Sal. beetlon or entertainment we
may have. By many of our humans men
the street fair prefect was not lo' 1'd epee
with favor, sod In future we must be sr•
fel not to emboli neon any undertaking
het has not the eat p rrt of ell. This
ill to a great measure obviate the danger
("b'ting off more then we oan chew." I
doubt very mush If our merchants will ere
to go to the trouble of erect:log booths
•gait, and It seems to me 1t would be well
to confine our eBnrtec s re • ro-
Sa• t r t n • h p
vidlog of aline -elms one day's pennon Ile -
111 such time ae we achieve snob m0 over
flowing seems that we 'ball hive to spread
It over an additional day or two. Bat we
*herald not foes ugh/ of any features of the
street fair Idem whloh (ntld be maoomos•
hill,. incorporated in the mele►,MMees
of the biters. For leetanoe, the
floral prevention, which res a lovely eight,
ovoid make -n attraction which atone
mold be worth a Tint to town to ere, ard
there'. no reason why we ehea not: h•vr
so leaa'iful m pageant every year. Let os
develop the arttetio festr-rte and drop the
nlrcre bes!•tsre. Above all, ', loan rel
must feliil to the toter every premien mods
to oar rialtos. an4 in ev^ry res• be careful
to give not the eligh''et,rnnnd for tiny 1m -
notation of had 'girth. We are M hays a
vfelt in a short thv from the people et
Wingham ane ether town•. How t nal•' It
d. begin the work of redeeming oar
repetition by making oval; Hifi 1 et p!la••
ant end eonvenlen' for them as we pnwlbly
Min? CrCf'..
N••- kne.i at. I have often knelt,
At beauty's ehr:u', devoutly drvervieg.
•our y furor hand to ust strike the stooge
l'o tis: of, Hu nn'e v,'Icndid grandeur.
I1•r.rrn•,t11 and mood g'it alum!erierte,
Its' tnrp,•t v' i^re FAO to thunder
nme ir.trr.r lyre then mine must wake,
T,o'leg unr,,au broad elnndng take.
Among the ahmngruuJaat dullest mem-
1 ig o1 ttie Incl',: coy terrace wet the Dona-
to -1H Roe 44 lr iirrttrrei welt keno to
I:04.•nch and vicinity and Tate eel Greaten,
to tho pastorate ole the Centralis ohuroh.
Rtdgetnwn 1'lsinds,ler: ReyJasper
%V duo 1La ai-,paa&as a► the 11/41i*eW
clench, wee welonmad by good oongrega
Vona at hath servtne, Sunday. 1f1e ger.
mons were both able elf•rrts, earnest and
sibolatly, and made a most fevotable lm
rrati a upon the congregation. The rev -
.rend genileman has • floe veins, a pleas.
i.tg delivery, an esortlent choice of laoraage
.04 easily Cattle, hie hearers along his lines
mummer. At tone* he is onto eloquent
cool h s IBcelratlone 'tinned lo flower,
phrase, tin behind .t 411 M a quiet nue-
neenmlog demeanor eh oh wise W. admiration
n1 hit eaIieern.
TM Presbytery of Huron mat In ellete•
on July 9.h. Commirstoneik to the a .
tomb's, reported their attrndence at tris
rnesUng of that court.. Tbm esarlee mod
eoegreuatlnn cf Nippon, ere , oohed an 1 oh
tamed 1 -ave to moderate in a call. It was
agreed to mike apeltss fon to .eeemhly.
tagm,aletira oeaamntee for a grant 011100
M L ehmn sod Union church, Goderlcb
township Tho Weedier rmnmtttres for
ohs roe were anpelitad, and are as fel
Ines• • home M14aiene-hewn, Anderson,
M'•Iwae and MuNetll, minist.re i and R H.
tett, Momrre Arid Fra.er, old,,,. C•hunh
bitced Wnrk-Moore l►.vi.l.nn flIRwpe,
rutaw, mlolete•.; (normo, 1111 sed(Inae
elder,. *ebb..h 8 h' eel. -Mt erre. ,1 m.1
ifamlitne, f.rewart, J A. Hamilteo, triple
ten; M•Matt, Mcbwan sod health's,
elder.. F'amee-Metra (inns, Mee.
grave, Hendrreoo, ministers; Oareeoba.,
Cathlll and McArthur, a' lore. SeperIn
Outdone' of M:.dents-M McLeaa,
SW 'het, -M.ere•ye .wttet.U, r fleeterst
Duncan and Cethllt, olden. Christian 143-
deayor-Meesr'. Sewer, Martin, Hendee
so, ministers ; hall, Rose and MoArther,
elders. A.,mentatirn-Miters FI•tol�r,
Corriere, Ander,ow, m',tsters 1)ioe.e,
Taylor and Cott, elders. Foreign Missies,
-Hendersoo, Stewart, J. A. Homilies,
ministers; MaArthar, Wan sod Handl.
ton, ellen. Coafeteeee -Messrs. Stew,
Lsrkln, Musgrave, ministers ; Grant. Vara
poohse, Cathlll, sides". The Pres' Wry
adopted a del respecting :1. reale.
nation of Rev. S. Aobe.e., tate rf Kippers,
piar'eg so record thole regret at parting
with him rod commsedlog him W the
bre hon of 'hr* Presbytery of l'embla•,
North Dakota, where he sow labor*. The
Presbytery is to hold Ito next regular meet
mg in Union ohuroh, Brumfield, es the 8:b
el October, 5110:30 A M.
FALL FAIRS OF 1901. With
Indnirlal, ToroaW Aug. 26 8opt 7
Waders, inades Sept. 5.14
Aesthete, strs.tferd Sept. 14 90
Northern, W ilkt:tee Sept. 1718
(!mntrd, t l netph .... ..,:P,$. 17 19
&)•th Heron, 8raterth Sept. 94.26
MIwhen Sept 26 97
Non? iwprrita Goniatcn 0* 1 2
Ku1m., Leeks*w UM. 2 3
Aehff.ld aid Wawi.eat,Dearamaea Wt a-9
wscAi+ r'
MONDAY, Jaly 15.
41 Teweley bar at ived bee. ir*m 1h
three mouths' trip among the Grit Lakrs
He cbt•I•d no ty valuable specimens el
Mtge M. I. Tewsley, a Maher from We
Hiwallsa Islands, le ab present spending
hot "suttee at home le Colborne Worship.
She !steads visiting eke Pa•Ameriesa Ili.
blbitles at Buffalo sad other po'e't of ts.
Wrest 1• that vl.lalty before rear or lg.
Iowans Lbirlasloiaa MasnNo -A
meeting' of the beard et Iloem.e commi 1m -
mu for West Heron was hen
Raises o Jae. ae. McG ey, Clink* The
eln, .f the Claned.s
betel, Oilmen, was traegferred to Hoary
(Jaat.lea, lets e1 Hear�Tf1 who has Wkm
over the hotel. The lissom of Jot 'Swart-,
of WIsahaw, was trariferred N Jses.
Broadway, of Tweet..
+ Adds
Comfort in the Work
to Cleanliness in
the Linen.
seta -
Deducts elm
the Cares of Wwbiug
Day from the House-
wife's busy life.
X Multiplies
by two the Life of
the articles washed.
• •
by two the 'Flours of
!_ labour.
Masrjorrrrr/ b
Lever Brothers Limited,
II e i
s tan how of - _...._...
Screen Doors and
Lawn lowers
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
a specialty.
The newest thing in Summer Corsets, just hi, - SOc.
Some special makes in Black Dress Goods.
Extra value in Qinghams, - - 10c. and up.
160 yards of Printed Piques, fast colors - 10 cents.
1.320 yards of Print, warranted fast color,
regular price 10c. - - - for 8 cents.
1260 yards of Print, warranted fast color,
regular price 124c. - - - for 10 cents.
Another lot of cheap Dress Muslin.
Every one is a bargain. The last lot of the season.
These Goods are all this season's make, and at
sale prices, Extra Value.
They are Less than Wholesale Prices.
Come and see them whether you want to buy -
or not.
Tour IStSJ"uEEN's
,o, win find .penial •ttentioc CHOCOLATE'
paid to .
Koine of the newest lino.: just N.
We aim at the highest standard of excellence in this work.
Prices .
We are offering the above goods for the
balance of this month at greatly reduced
prices. Call in and inspect our stock.
Cash H w ra
and are tore, e> Goderich.
S ,
O ..
should be fashionable, of good wearing quality,
nice fitting, and keep its shape till the',sole parts
from the upper through long use and wear.
Such a shoe is the EMPRESS, of which we
have sole control.
We have a full line of cheaper shoes in stock:
Wm. Sharman, jr.
Slater Shoe Agent.
el --E
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Ooderich, Ont.
Mill Wood
The above is oat tato stove wood
ten=th and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone es
left et residence, 128 Cambria strati
win receive prompt attention.
Phone 98.
Ordertcke Novamhss 111.4, lean.
Siinui stilis, overcots
1h. use drooled la • full mads M
fur awn always leeks trim, as 1S le the
mettles M.tery w .f Mete be took.
A large roars of slat* M steps
Iif y. are .ou/esplatig g.1Yeg •
Uhl etameeae ter spring wear. gin as a
dimes be serve you. Priem right '
W. Ac
poi July Sale
50 pieces blank dress good
eeepon effects and doll
plaoed at one price for
1200 yards of D. a J. d
checks and strips+, in (
regular, 180, 20e, 28o i
200 linen table clothe, Iri
W a as a favor. They
most imperceptible, and
ly intended. On sale tl
11:36 to 81
160 to 2.
2.00 to 2
250 w 3
360 to 51
Store clow Wedneedey aft
W. Al
As Deselt'lbed by P
Hamilton In The 1
Reay tar roselike" Cbaag..
Asian la the Woes Tweaks,
Warmer. Is sewer of T
esed,se •R
Bitty years age • creel etre
grafioa was 'curing Wte the
the Qeseon's Bash. Thirty 1
Chanty of Hares had lee fifty
.gear' mile, was eyer•pepalae
to the renemas Ids* e1 the U
day. liver ekes ewlgralIte hr
•gala, nun today the seas
.olMrd 111 ever aft..esteesi
he b • tad .esatry," an ladies
wssl le fabled be have obsrved,
■uN b. Meaer." The exds
maple el decodes bath was e
mime, sow resolves Itself Int
4151.g away of Ike rim mai
ea a year fres sae neaghbort
a her eon Northwest as a r
.1'eCi•IYWad arms
Hares is eke of the best
.eaMes la O.•rie, sad is 11
the kis who stay a1 home shoe
eircomstakese. The rapidity
We Wad was settled who. •
toned toward It may be Iyp1e
e meanness of the Hesm fu
werY W stab 1:1"--t**. thee
e.Weetly esllabt. fee wheat
farmer W ik..,0ghborh.d o1
G.dufok bee essered with vh
e we raWeg mat►ods o1 the dI
motion .1 eheervera la the eon
seal le riveted upon the newel
W the keg Wada Tweety y
more hulas farmer' *weed
Iwo yuan ego Ibis mtdoummes
e waod 78,800, and, alas b a
tad darker the year sold ever !
es ever 7,000 mere Was Weans
se the day o1 eemp.Watles ; and
tee two yean that bare *Wet
date *1 the moat resat meanie
se emteawdlsvy 1..reese 1. tit
Morrow whin w 1w m.51ard
that the prise .1 begs kart mere'
see-thkd in them two years.
every meek some great member.
est of the musty. Mateo h
palet, sad ekes a single day ba
len n ebr.egh n She railway.
day, for I.1laae,, 152 were eke
station alone. The pNedps! de
tan paid out last year 1126,0
Hen we have a trade of great
'blob hoe sprang ip Ig the Lasa
1.d which amused los prestos
a very few years ago.
Apart from Mk *alma!, far go
11m is psld to line stook Wk's a
yearn see the farmers of Harks
► 115,000 estate. newly 60.00
were "weed in 1881. The pop
aloe W that there has been hill
v1.la to rhsp, bat tb. lam" til
iMi In 1881 the sbess oweed w.
54 000. whereas In 1899 tho
e ve, 87 000 Even le berme th
as 'dramas of coos third. Prem
60f. This Is a 'my general •
although attenticn is soared e
trade the exporetlou of sett
Int pt•oo, To revert to our i
satlstles It may be pointed o
alas ei the 31.600 head of oe
189899 was 81,160 000. as agait
We 'slue of the 86.000 begs
year. filen that tines the hose
ably gained relatively, Lot sr
ears of cattle are exported to
Pur farmer' 11,. within a mil
who sell 110.000 worth *f souk
stud, to hem anotlw deplopmt
eayl•g of b.nse is Is pro.
matey for saoh widely deals'
stru tb. BriaRK aid kti
The Rain farmw are Ming
raid nae observer. Not 10 per
te the old method et wham h
another. Nn* the Its, a
gwtlty el reboot le pr.daod
ematry and the temptation W
bestrstg, for the toll Is eupsela
ttereei A weber !lariat arsdtoat.j in the 00051761 dairew
of train from the locality. O:
tanner of the molt modern she
'ewe what, apparmty s 1
76"411. s. man sear CIWtos,
ewer, last year devoted 'weir
'hest --and from those Swelyi
600 bushels I Tea name man
9.000 Laal.w.et..ea,gwg,der, il
lot the farm. The farmers
moors moos of rfob territory gel
tee received last year fres M-
O lor their wheat Tweety y
le,sen el the lame dietrlet re:
1160,000 for their wheat atop,
Coe h their wheat roomier* ,
000 s $75 000 will M ebeerved,
ohaer,ed, however, that et •
%ream realised I51s year trill r
fe, short of 150 000,bae1e11 eI
that the amomes of wheat win
wesld bring 8160.000 would al
ever 140 000 bushel'. se that
bum Moms edea bo ' pdeeed deo
1• Me bleat
sl teeth tri.1 the w� eaitMoe bward th w
usdltlen i" fi1w its meter
of abks ereyarle
mil the Iwsete of that professed
1000 1 1150,01x1 o year fr
lar area, d sheet 75 moon
Ili .de** for iie metro, atm
omelet of Brata whisk ie setimr
,,__'host 266.000 a year to the g
tM a tees have eat.iMve s
'k"mt gime is alum.d►egsU
;hos. The aflame he him
'Maw w1.4ill array, as 11e hie G
les for 'we or
WI Heed sines•. fu /he (Weed