HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-18, Page 2The Signa' rasnY TnUtMDJr HORNING 'J 01 L. AW1LL1Cl1Da►*. .1-...-. - --- RADAT. MT 2>!t_ lwt -- 1 (A)IMNI-A, PRINCK AND TIIK Itt,- 1.Oltd'KHo. The (;lube quoted [nim Its (tier of ltlst a rimrech delivenNl in tho Pur- liam-ut of Canuakl un tie night of July 70h of that year, LgdL full"%Vd: lir. Priuce (waw had already spoken once) a►Id, 1 cannot agree w4th the bntor"blm member for Itielne• Lieu In film otemervutluns upon the Trews. The Prove gives no honest re- ne,rt of our pruc4111+elings. i think La1tl'ritim- IN 1401"1'11 AFRICA. t.ry lire It YPurLI 1'n'ss-that they MIs. 31116" ('uluhultlgfel, of I,Ja, Illi- at,, a prose w•hvt are not huncrt ate- turb, Domtl d,ni Trade ('Vwntlydi(lapr kwm they are paid. I spank foully that if tbtrP fit Any re1N,rti-�r7�.r prey to B,ulh Africa, writes from Natal ivlt am„ngdt thogp fair oner,,lie may that when peace IN ,vllub lellirl awl tweet. and 1 any that they are a atlO(),OIY),lN)o In rda is tliken (lilt venal {sra because they hover re. not au eIRlnewt man's mpeec h unieme yearly, &cath Africa will 1W a grant wuuting lbe pays them, .r avails hill speech to Thank (kvl, 1 nes not pine" to sell In, like whiter tta'Ir papers. the very belt Octal the natives the it man who rundem ends to write It oh[satptedt And gaudleat. H't rays the rlmrch, and 1 thank (iol, too, that I have bpi -in very wrougty reported hum( is etch, but very hilly, flat un top trey them ; for of nil the mpngrv. rots• ap,l very hard t:l work. Lveryth'llg Ir .*able language that ham ever been done with Oxen Aurtralla.I.e supply- attributed to an Independent mere. Ing beef,' potatoes, four and vpge- should b•r-not a rerrile one -the oplevelles wldch have beenpmrtel.an•1 attri. tables, although the colony buts",( to t.r for FAwx (Mr ae me. . ratre everything; but they won't its I,.) e s s have been the most Leas' la thug. nteee#k re and the most contradictory g r r - A dew haYa ago, It war Oublpd from A day that were ever rout•e.ive,l. f Upper Caa1N1-wlty they Thr prem oa l.uadotl that the Britirll t;oternmrat nre a park of Wiza mot- (Luse" tough. Iut*,aAe l to try at ►theme Of rule- tar,) i take thPeir papers In no Mad aided rnglgraton trues Britain to thence. but they nee not worth read. - ri u!h Aft.ea, lhr,meet (ter al increase • • • • Taw nvp a° WeA of lisRfi b'twrwn n'n honest the IHrnd of the British plealeat he the winslit- I it dui prfWM and 1► 1MAltartPrt OAP, 1Y'Cnalbe - Lion Wag apparent, prpecially during 1-11 tall you why ; perharem it greAt the reconstruction p•rlxl after the pxwUon of you renis your sp!retua to the pap-rs. wldrh I never eonrk+• end (lf tile. war. Thu mum"Bam,wits drpntl to all. • • • i any when -- tried in the first quarter Of the con- rt-" t{M n•prPpentntlVail of the pec. tury. lupe Colony wild Occupied by life d() treated ter tads preset i feel the britiih In .1"e;8, but furalally that they nM beiacath contempt. ceded by the treaty of pence flOdirk leach ltc tern_ - nilcxrrats of the Reporters' Cana.lu was there, as now, euullseling chang'• pretty rapidly, an • for Immlgrauat■ front Growl brituiu, /lint after s few yearn' service it but the battle Goternmeut thought it Parliamentary takes rank bat to colonize )South Africa. A ,.reporter with that veternme. We cannot give couple of lettere that -were pubilmllpd the limit of the gallery men in the res- --_ a lonaom paper in lfi_U show huw .Lno of 19:,1, but the following parn. - -- the amahilal emigrunte got aluU ' grnph hamtil upon nn (tem In the Fawn tied Morning Cervisicle of :wee. 11, 101. BrovIsvll)o Rpronler of .cult• 25th, An Emdgrant'r Lc4,ter fruip talc Cal a baud ILIp't to Ilia 1tt•gprectu•i 111111.0. rlaiwm who file were one year blr, Employer, wlluse Sery;ci h, left: h-flr. Col. Priwee'U famous outtwrat: May 4. IN_0, In i'arllnment. 0•org- 1're, anew•r- berair (lir,-Yes %Ott] met true woon you cold 1 might tea well •ulna Imtloer master, find Inrurraetl the Ire ecel say brains a■ t„ngP upon Lula expedl• aof tho m+'mAera new] nresolution wan posaml erderinR film to appear before tion. Indeed 1 have totally ruhutal neyeelf. tiovernm4rlt.Is-mit t, hluute. tilt- Bar of tlw Minna to be repri- Tfwy leave "duly' evrrythutg fur us mantel. 111.0 f,•II'ew npw•xpriper men rewntael the nett in of Parliament. that we can pwaltlly expert, but . the mal who c ou,.Wta.l us out gruseLy and it meeting aauemlded passed a strong resolution of protest, to whtch ,k o 1 vis I us DI IAxlt.o.l r. se-'' N ig tit • they all npp•rmle•tl, .their names, and plan, ; and late law now (put •(,000 of land for brkda.ug us' to Lbir which In Interealing As showing wlbo ,.crow l place, wil,re lie him I fa - . areat te ,verve the mreolderme of putdfe opinion in Oke rwwApatawa of Canatia at that altugetlter W shift fur cure -hes': We limp. Tar names, Are: 8 Thompson, wrmv nearly five a:mtlu eta board. time Toronto Patriot : Oro�R, Brown. To• dur(lLg which many quartets k"L Place, and the p.oplp tit rhip'r rontn Olohp; Hugh . 1leohl-, British crew r„bbed the trunk.m un.l boxem ; Colonist, Toronto; Jnrnam Ir•adlle.- Examiner; ('has. Dunlevy, Mirror ; 11'. __IJ' btOxej vgrCX -rvf!A--!42!jo.i4J %full a ek'-E4►� -iierth-tmpriraw- tiur leafier never trouWal •kimmbl ab,xat it or anything; pad the re•. (•Ilam. ,A-Liny, F,vaminpr : Pet” nu:t was that,umny respectablo raw. 11jem left W allr IN,ie lit wo landed. Brown, nlobe: FAiwanl licit Peon , Mfoutrrnl 1larniti: Robert R. Rrallv�, tin tilt. 17th Mardi, when we got tin potter. xl Rp cUttor: John Lowa, re- Micrrpo.l ; TI•nr. B. Table Bay, not nue of u' was D wale. r. or D •walhn, reprrtPr, Toronto Britlrh . suffered to land, except our' leader. 04ontst ; John Popluim, rpreortrr, Who gave IW all An Itlt[lmUllm Cl1Arac- Toronto Patriot ; F. Wrint, reporter, #kL•ter. end we were falmedlntely or, der.,d away to Algot bay and thi re Toronto Patriot : •i. Oord on brown, IIla,teJ and sent 150 malar in wage,rtlm reporter. Toronto (do)W: M. !bore, rgmmrtnr, Toronto Globe. W the banks of the (cr••nt Fish }dyer. CIA. Prince uaxO to go by the nick- wlwre. after meAYnring the" nacre of Land for each person to bold him name Cf "Phot Accordingly," which Louse on. they shot us Clown like an was given him on account of his terse - much rubbtrb. Thr horror 1 Uwt' f, It �,,� of An occurrence. in which he 1 cannot demcribe ; I 1 It 1 Itnd uw•d wan the lenalinic actor, and which Is r you CI . au•l for. what 7 a bubble. - __1 t+Y1 to get tmlek.lu_ Cape_ deUorlldPd as follows by Aupklhh/ : . ------ wo, .if-possible.-lnat-Lara _but_.11d. .-"t&r11-Jit n.Mms.l.._.-181T.-auuthat is luop.•,s of success. Lord Charles rabble of some four hundred and fifty prset b In I-ondun, I under- —1 crossed from Detroit, took p)s- - --stn d, or I should pptltlun him to stw:enl of Wilmi,n (R'ItNfsor ?), bltrned glv a a PiLmage home. prumlw-r a g,,u11 crop, tx►to aguu11 .Although I have no hope of ever it steamboat at the wharf, need nal• i Upping you again, yet could 1 ever vaned at least two Mlles Into tae return, And you would rpeelve Me, e.,untry. (during their march they 1 ele%or would leave you. Yours ever, nturlered, with wanton cruelty, Dr. 1Klgn")`.Bartlwluluew Gunning. P. e. -We hove not to blame, the Home a surgeon of the S Regular flovernment, `.either Isere ter at Army. Tills horde was met by Col- . home; they have dune everything onel Prince, with Igsd thanitwo 14110 - that wan proms ; but we have de- droll ML'Itln, all(, utterly routes(. -_-_._- aN4vo sl outride, ._..._...-_.._... _-_ 'I __ WCRIYj.F)US 6T ZTi . m .i were (Morning (Ihronlcla, . la, lal0.l kllletl and'tuor prisoners taken red. Grulwm'x Town, Capra f I.Hope, liftlAed were promptly shot without Many 27, 1820. trial. Rome of those who escaped fled ikar Friends, -Witt► gr f of heart i wrbtes I agent ltomo mY ccwnt of across the elver atlJ some took to the our passage. We Inudpd :tfe aft w"oJs, where they were Afterwards Algoa Bay, on the 29tH Ma h. .•end wont into ca asp for A few Y»i founif frozen tab death. Three of the primUllPrY were, tried by court -mor - then want l)n liar }ourney to 'ra- (Int and PxPcuted at LeltadoA." \ham'- Town. During aur j(lthe wife ens taken ilk with the bit - l:o'vnpl Prince ro rrted : "I ordered D \ nems of the road, nm it Is bayona the four priwlters .to be shot, atN] 'All demerildlon ; it is over mount- .thpy were ■bit accordingly." He ain/ and rocks nlmomt lnapaw+nble; "Ortel for mnn ears of the Cana- y y sumptimen we went (Iowa, hoiem fru)r feet sleep, enough, to shake the 1114 Pin rllam,." and at the time of strangest constitution. to piens. ills t dtb he hell the, office of Judge After we got to Graham'4 Town, Of the Judicial District of Algoma. I w -trot to get impose welle far my. -ms neo6M son, AWrt PtTtaee, t;: r.. wife, but the Inhabitnuto Jurat nut #t4,11 any to the mettlerm, pil)mpro.,t, represented Fwsex in tiro Ontario the commandant, very kindly gave i,Pgislature` from 7,871 to'1875, arm] me one bottle of port wine- fur my was drownetl In the Detroit l:lv'pr wife, an slip .wan v.•ry ill, which while bathing. ens A Rrpnt W1'Ito her. After leaving ;sham's town wt- Allowing for t exaggeration of found Lite road • worse• and after anger And rarklelunP°r, the 4pet•0h &wending A very lofty mountain of Co!ourl i'rince In 18.311 hlrlcatpm my wire laked down; alto mecing a &to" of affairs very different taw road still ruggeN 'Anti fall of macaw ti. tarn41J h ot,_and_ iL-_ 1let al from that which now prernlla. ,1t - ____ . _ • Utead of getting bet$er, she got a cunslderablj later fate. 115. T. worn, and continual tap. Lill we It. Farguwn, of Stomata, Indmitpd the girt down to our awfortltnate And, reporters as a body, rend the re- Mlmerabl, doetluation, lynch we reached on the 9th of MAY.', Lvlt was t)nt the report of lir (Death of Ills wife. etc., datplled.) subrapernt approbate ransl/ted of Here there Is nothing but Orka only three wordx-"Mfr. Forgutcou and barren nano ss. ntrruundo'd rill mpbkp." But It Is Impsimlble to be- nne #tide by ('affm-rie and on Ip other by Wild b•nots. You will a ICrve that Oeorge Brown, fila father ^arm- nip for routing; pray do not. Peter Brown and Isis brother (,%. Oh. had I tnk-n til- advlep ter my un brown; F.tlwanl Gett penny, _...-� deetall tail W Ue. and-LiuLt. of � _- -0~1 r--,wt,._,t ftp:., it'" friendm, previous to Pmegratlon, -- m�MRvrbPrt Ctrnrtem castles• -- then 1 wlhonld never hale seen this place. There in ntyt__ane. out of one Ll ►y and tho . alther _ men whose loindred dost laments their folly And hatker.are mentic►aM above, refilmed witch thremmelvem In isnRland agnln, to re'Imyt Iq Itps of members esf with all Its badness' and wo tru-t produce are very good, And little -- that tate At might film vengeanev on thome who In. '�"����* amplified bj tho mpenkerm• or a lee dacee.l not wl,th fair promise tolling poll for having the mpeoches print. cmiRratr% ,Whru i landeel In algt'.a flay, 1 ed. The valiant old clone( must line] not one mingle shilling, havinR have been talking the all bis hat. been obligpd to Popend every farthing -- -.-- nn my piA'imnR^• far lilt, support of Under a new Ina nowt to take my family. fray, ndtime, all, oar effect In NCrwny, women will vote nequnlntnncem, who wailed to }heat Niagara-cal-tau+-Iatko--(,n><e In the my opinion of tiller part of the hr mrmixrm of the Worthing. I;n- g• Un - world. to remain at home. Your der title law it w,mcenn Is rntltled nufortunato brother. $ 11. (o vote If aka fm1yA taxes wpm an . Income of lit leapt :SIN. erowhtn i$71) An town eourl Ilam }amtRlvpn a de- Ln (*'"entry dixtriela, or 400 elitowwm el lon whl b mii. o«t Vana,14AJmdgmis ($1URl in (.III(.". In them ea*4 It se mill Inwmatprm thinking. Pomp nit- husband anti wife who harp ah'1n insurance ta,liciem contain an nietl- c•,,mmon, (lip wife In entitled' to poi. tap (+.tide, ri,ndet Ing the contract late if the humband prays taxesupon tokl wllPtlbpr ille learns«\ of tier mpp- an hrfFroo tit At leant 1100 crowan flied part In anne or insnnp when he in c-ountry dintrletm lir 400 ero*ft Contralto pufride Thf• enrt holrla in ritlps. that title agreement In vvithoot ef- - -- feet, an It Is not poaedble fur a Pon,,' Npnrly mixty years ago a little man tie agrep not to do certaln, mhppt wisp 01tarta«t In r,osnloet to nd- lhlrtRs If he tm•romex 1110111114". io vortide 1'nrr'r l,lfp 1'lllx Tlhnl limper other words, the c4"lrt holds that tin los throe l,ondon Illosirnlyd New*, Inatermner roaapany intent share the one of the moat ■Ileep/mful pnbllr.i- risk of a 4mnk'y-holder becoming 1n- tlnno of the not.. Mr. insrnm was minae. i I ' ', I ; „ . wise in We clay and generation A itimmLUI:N BrUKv• Rain faMr NuTL:; AND COMMENTS. A woman wh:l called herself Mrs. _ -- Nophut Adelaide Kent, and affirmed The death of "wau,or Villeneuve, that elle war the daughter of Queen of Mlualtraal, maker ano(11e7 %dVI1I1CY Victuria &nil Priuce Albert, duet] Its tilt- upper Chanflm•r. It- w;am rtls•. lit New York Incl week anti would poloted otly a tow mooths before have been burled in the, potter's change of Gvernvhult. the u field but for the luterveotluu of Dr. ._ _ J. H. liuutaer, pku believed her story Britlrh India proper tr now Bald wail ruld with regard to It: Ito have it imputation of 281,0"5,(x)0 ; ' It would tit' almost Iwi:umslhl,, to that of the native Stated b•Ing 68,• sp •mak to the wound(, to me" the war- IN1.000. Tito li ipulatlon or the Uni- v"ouw romAWWuucu between her an -1 Queen Victoria, to pots her rmi- te.l Kingd,Nn and the r -Acuter totals IltLLmt•at. even in adverelly. And 8tl8ousu.000. _ _ _.._____ __ -__ __.__. to mark her wonderful attulomimtr )rt "' si W. omllraph Drop to maysi: • llle amp anti not believe that she wits' tell- An Ontario omissions enumerator Ing tilt- truth. Then. why khould Nhe w'nnta $10 to corer 'cost of u pair Ile'! She had abm,lutely nuthiug to gain by faking u story at her eta*-. "t. trou@ers damaged by "a mongrel "The Indubitable fact rem -Liam collie." Ceosug enumeratorswho that for years stile war in reoplptl of wear $10 trousers ought not to be It large Incom.- from British noureem. t fret thl4 source was tile- Yrilmo: COU - exeunt to anything than thor- rort hllume'tf ; then it war an rug- tort oughbr•d bulldogd. limh clergyman. The el"itywa°. will be much below lust year. Tile Rev. Edward Bouverlt, of Colew HilL There were 283 deaths from core - Eng., had no mearr of Ills own, and tnglous dbean,tn In play, nRaliut 310 even it Ile held could have had no laxaib:e futeroat in A strategist ref- In flay, 1800. There were 210 deaths , 1111-ut to euduw liar. from consumption In the slime prric"I "Lnrtly tilt- uwnt-s' Case' from atgull st 2:t81ll May Inst year. ('(in - John Brown, tb:: attpaxlant oil the mumptlou does out nppenr to bre ate Queen. Neither the British tlov- ernuv at nor the Qurrm rver exhlb• the Increase, but It cloal•IJ' iressa,s ite•tf it dewire to support Uutalden all the colitagiUur diseases cnluWta•tl. who bad mo clahu up:w th"ni. ani If ----- — Sophia Adelulde bait Ili) .(.lilt why did 'Mar international .bi:in,i•►ry It nein ,,he reerive these funda fur )'enrml sold to b3 8.4113 f.vt farther month "I cuumider lite book written ley In the M,>tunt B.Lkc•r reglun than It Mlrm. Kent In 1807. script tier last source of revenue was out off• one had lL.rn ruppomed• to run. It Way of -the most remarkablo narruthea W^an much tet lilt!-, cls the region ever writtell. It wuull bi- Imincrol be rich flu miner.dm, but tlm, princlimil If- to risk,- date, piing"s. plaver And I'lid to b, /erred U tit" lixin•,• of the happ ping:* of the lin t At%I n til, re• "I have no doubt that lar.. Kent's, lute, nom tteT who began. Now. why %tory was taw`. tib•-waa--(Nit--Nally- miM,llkia':.- y -loo Num •. but u woman ter marvelous at- aulhtorilatively fixed! tallmpotm. Bile spoke French• F:ng- the average. Kany farmors out thele wheat green; damaged badly by Hem- lisle, Italian, 4panoill art( Urrinaa Herbert Bpeuow'd plan fur mttlgac- fluent ly. .vftpr her Urn( rio'tal of ler tion of the war spirit fa next to tire - wrongs W ma 1 rarely reverted to las, so lorlg no the war in South the muhjict or her blrth. It ex-. Africa tumtltules. ]UL'unr of lbrituna rll.-1 her a great ticad. an,) in her ngrPa• with the Oki phik,agsjarr-that Weak' Coliditon eXeit P111PAt Wa,, to be atolded. I have no doubt that •'whaterer fosters militarism I•akew Fophin Adelaide, way one of this most fur barbarism; whatever lusters wronged women that ever lived." lialce makes for civilization"; but Urs. Kent's story wan that slip was ,-flat are sun going to do about It,' lite eldest daughter or (Ile l;uern, and while your country's cat -my remnlnn that a daughter or. Print Albert's u nwhippetl f morganatic wife kvas total In place r L , its I grew up to be the Princess ltoynl.. Th^ G•ntury Magazine complains now the Ewpreeq Freederick of (;er- tlat although the 17. 8, cenr4m wan many. If Prince Albert and a me,rgnn- Laken On June 1. 1M), the profile attic wife. trip fact would bate leren of ato.kton. Cal.. 'were kept In !g - known anti publlrhed long erp this. noinaco of the result ns' ntfecling The historians And biographprs hate their own city #knot county till Oct. rat retrained from telling about _4. That's nothing. Why, an Ooorig a the Fourth's Mrs. Fitzher- arta)- of clerks are atilt hard at bert, William the F'ourth'a firs. ,lot- work in Washingtuu un the I'Mo (Ian, and 11riner lAwarl'r Mndam - Lt• cen•u', nal will b,- p'o lding away Laurent,, and the only conreitubl'' when I'MYj In rung out. Censuses lir^ .ulw, nothin►t Lan - ever aP for the itR6rmall in or-poi(ei'Hy. , Isolated :In -print ab.mt Prinee, A+bert'e - _ --- Worgraatio wife In that no much pc -r- • run ever eelstns When the 1'rince of Cubarg alpl Gotha was marred to the 1W0 STAI ES England, lie w of ee only (Niven(NivenF moderato. Tijey multi lit 14 to Lai.. mAetUW of the E fi. Ho d tar-iSsy twenty years of age, three months prumlw-r a g,,u11 crop, tx►to aguu11 aril two days youngpr than his bride. offered' I ch folic: . wuskl dib* Ite prlaoip rather. than, Kivu uve-rag•: civil. w•tea .uug straw ; rye erato demand,and prices were 2 c ; 2 etysmPrleYt offered 1T,tlla. fere) ,81:1. sales boxeg at 9 61 tilt ler prewrut knowle•Age. With gl)„d steady at 122 for largo Iota to Ibo The tela tch had Leen ander conteddera- 90HRUGH1 crop; pt►tatuem aa.l ourn promilw w.•.I• lh,'rllea LVUrt.'uda• half it crop; for small offerings of oholast stack. I ml•rre when Dr. L. I►. Ruud, Proal- plumy go.nl heavy, , cRup. BInallfruity Trado ouggeel towards the close And holders land difficulty lu Making Ili• thin for years. Iris father anti hie lifts( .._ - - _...-. _. stairs. Moron stuck was loft unsold. Curnwnll, .Tilly 13. -At the Cnrn- pointed out to him tlWt thnmlgh tilt, death lit Incision tet the Iuveutur . USrord, R'uafttu:k-[ilii yutFs whoa( out- lloultry-Tao mupply vikaw rather ("lege, e►ad ,JI lila beet fowl aero 1.. I a Iuthrr-fn-btw .bcing brother anti Fir- _ Lpr, and an Queen i Ietorlu find n will of hard -nin g skeet and capper. The of her own, and it devolved upon her to do the proposing, it is fair to Infer While in Missouri Prayers for tlwt Prince Albert was conrtantlJ' � Gucernor aur tu'd that >,lr. llnw- upon film best behavior. !(artium I Ve Ian there, was the deepest Affection bre- tweeu the QI•eeu and her husband. which cou'd hardly have been the crime if the Queen held had n rivnl. iA any came It is ingNiessible to believe that Queen Victoria would couseut to the dotting aside of bar own flrmt- burn chill from her birth -right an a i'rincipls, to give preference mail place to the chill of another. woman, whom mile, would ar►turnlly .__.. .._ _–. dislike. "MM; ._ K, nt" may ­­­j. ave rt•semMed the /,weten In laclah appearance, for most people have their d oub'em, sent% the rest wax a product of tier too lively inhngina- tbn. Her story id an huprobab!e no that of a mart not n til ,usual-] mll-s from Hamilton, will) amuses him lriendo by lrondly hinting. In mo- ments of exhilaration, that him grand- mother wax rather more intimate with King Ocorge Ill. than ,the ought to have been -good old Former Usurge, whom even Syron. credits with "—that household virtue, most mh- 008""% 1 OrewililotnfleT•tn(( o n bad, ly WC)fnan," -'Aird Who wan tho father df no less than fifteon children, beta hl hunemt wrtiks•k. We lir,- ►.arprisail that the pedi- fire• banters, have left unworked a ndne that 'rnnld l) a worked with bet- ter pro@p:cct of remullm than either of those referred to above. If the mutt:(-1Lr Q•n...tfnehar -1 her. It :I" hall no morganatic wlvem, her QthPt watq lams strict In life Ideas. A recent number of the Truro News alentlonm that "Prinep Dlwnrl'm friend anti companion during him Nova, Sratlim ntA wpm n Clever Frenrtl wo- man•Mndnme Alphonmin • Therese, P,er- nadlnP Jallp tip MflglRenet de At. Laurent, Barium, do F'ortisun, whom whoa he mairr6e41 List- Que•en'm mother, retired to_w.__,convctlt." Althuugh the Canadian Archivrn contain fr•- (Inent refareneem to MLidanhC Rt. T,nu- dtpnt. wit tie mnnpHwtPwhp rpgrtrrlw,- etc.• ►hr- Prince limed to mend In film lepers to th-1r mutual friendm, we have nowhertt meet( nny mention of a child b:)rn to them. ilere'm where the chance- compm for Imagination to gat its work In. Any Careadign mnn or woman who covets, royal Wood might to lip able to Inrpnt a son or, daughter of Prince Fitwnrd and Ma- dame 8t. Laurent, from whom to claim eoicent, And by attacking that validity or morrillty of tiew Royal l Marriage Act (12 Ornill. c. 11). It would be very simple to ratnbllosh n better claim to the throne of f)rent ' Brltnln than lheit of King FiSwnrd . 7.11. Wo merely dugge"1 the possl- blitty, and do not ndvima merlonm pnr- suil of this hobble. ithich might lend to the potter's fleld from consign naent to which the New York •'Mrs Knot" so nnrrowty ramp. -1 Iant Rnt- urdny. Morgan tens set neat to rmnlntr Carnegle Anil fins Riven over $I,- 000.O(N) to ^reel buliding01 for lilt, Hartnrd Mfrtiient c(AlPgP. Wi,l 1114, fashion xpra4d f KLOET'S AWFUL ERUPTION: Kevan Hiondsdrl 1,{res Lost In Jars. and Fifty 1111rs of Country Orm- -- etatcd - 11rv;Mrat Me-Kferlvy to CONVICT hours a (tette better than tilt- Inst Jamo 1, 90.8 oa July 1 1900; 8:,,8 it the rcmeapmdtnq d+�t"r In I"% reds marc In better repu•/t unit firmer. HElO SECflET, nn 1 n ten year averng+ lax 80. E. All Nc)r Routh W#tlPa 4,100 lmitm►-- nlndo for raln. At the Itomnn ('nth- t"1 YEA- CROPS. - MOO (red. 5;4t1 to Is 5y, -I; greasy, ;ll aIle churches ra 'ers are set) at each P 3 dors so as to allow of atea mehip amen "hnrP n thlR lmpwvem'•nt. except Ppnnmy;vnn:a. Oh!o and M:lrylan 1. In to Is, mail@ dally for rain, under an order mubmlttl tug ufferr on any ba-Im with- 11 reaauuaWr rouge tet mlghitso w•hleh the rnnrtltime declinad during Qaepssslnn 1, 9 JO bnlee-Sooure,t, 74 to IN 4d; greasy, :S yid to 8y(d. of Archbishop 1Cuht of St.Iunls. At - Muter N'rum numb of the :scabby tea- The Markets j _.- trrlo Coubllcr. steely' Thy lice-tnge ooneLtotl of @porinR to in 8d; greasy; :kt to l0sj't. And He Has Been Liberated to )rt "' si W. omllraph Drop to maysi: • llle amp whoa( vera tmwo>vet'.dming the leo°til Aaostralia, N_(N1 bnlrm- Scoured, 11%d to i°; 'greasy, I Ij l to unitol In a ant .o sa•rviep at the Brea- iNorl thin distri pru+•pectr 14 this district glue U -1111j LV llrwt gnrkelt.. t 8%d, Use it. . promlmb of u good average yield of Following nes Ute cluaing hpuula- Teemassia. 400 bales-(;rra01y, 3 :11- were offeree(. Governor Dockers Is rPeelvin hu°- Ing . - grain, but the fruit crop. generally Llws ill Iwpurtual wlteut ceutres to- 1141N,.w to lid. New $ealsotl. 4.7fp bales--Booured, ai+ttt-tQ'�It• -ii5 ' ' -- will be much below lust year. Tile day: grA mV, atf W. Cape of (rood Hope slid D1ats4 700 issue a pmelnmathon to the people to &apple crop will not yield over ((Oyer Cugl. Mvpt, bo�Y�ep1sTed' 4,1-4d to IN 3%d; SERVED TIME FOR MURDER trent. P"a"llor buy qe°n nguoh af- Chicago ... ... ... ... ... 1-- $06718 greasy. 4d to Td, S low•n. July 13.-1u it fected by curly leer, and wi.l not be Pmua rr, to Plumy tire fallu New York ............ -- 072 &S Toledo 064 0 (W !6" The urrirnln of wool for the stxtb A Pew ,Muiuca, onfety deposit vault of the Dxs plentiful, but pearls, grapem and mmall fruits ........ ...... Duluth, No. 1 aur. 0 6s 06634- db F^ „. Jluhaer Nallonal !look lies A secret are abundant. The root crop looks Duluth, No. 1 final 071 -- tN'r .6, amount to IJM bales. The that many retolutluultu the steel 10- wall. , Tewete ►rartners' Market. -_-- i dustry of the puled States. To Lunt va.,lt there three keys. Uue Is 1laldlw«°'t' City a a -Huy cru os ectal( new y g D y July 15.-T1u+r+ w:ul n fat r mar' kat on tha street ml and ° •+F are J h Weu7ltiwr, !r very huuvy; ,best Orap cunt ofv. u moderately large amount of r haaad by tha hath(, uarLy the 4l(1laurr the Damascus Company. 14. It. for years. Wheat L•rop awry below yru• dace waw gold. ­ Wlle#t. of kneel taw•sun, an aguld convict In the pent- the average. Kany farmors out thele wheat green; damaged badly by Hem- t1'kxut-Uue land of whltp anti three a l t U ) teltlury at Allocation, held. the third key. Because It nil three .l.ut fly. Rye. (air, but may bit ,law - Iwu1r of gull 16n higher g ite. Uats-Flvu hundr al bushels mold IN reguirtd aged by the fly. Oute, burley and pear %o to 1C higher 8656 'a hese W uta ttiu vault Mir. Uawr,u P show excellent prvgpoctr: lit to 37c. &feel 9 1-4c offered ; M) ralPm. � Ir at home today' a frau luau, fir- Welland. flay-Fivo loads of old ruld 41 Sow• - Ogdpn/tmrg, N. Y., .Italy 1:1. -At the j ule l by Ooveratlr 1., M. Waw during Welland -Hit uua. Wheat al- lir, eft 112 lu 1118, anti t,•q (untie of ui, KoiaJ behurloe uo it) have dis- who aof [lite alort enlace( V Hewlaq fl Outs, new Slk� higher, at g". SO to 119. Nu rt raw was - 1 tl covered sevretDawal•cus ste 1 burley anti pear, fulls crop.y C )ru vert' backlvard, -Fruits axil Pu- IIi heoffered.wits mala fulls demand curt) 1,") choose sok( at tonal prl o., nun pincatll It lu the staling lux, ey- St g choice i% for cleolce loft, fwd the b.rt offer- 1 tered. AWtu«naat to begin it tell year 1/1ulty, with the exception of Lip. be light crop. Pd roll retuNly lit 180. In u few in- hr oclatence fur the murder-of„)%'after plum, which will a stancem a aeast or two naw war ob.- Ij SO0.t, w hu 4W mi:op:d with Ills laugh- ter, Ularu Duwr•u. Bettina the vinVa Ilrant. Brant ford -Lit tie or b, spring tulued• M-dhuu grade butter was' rather however, which were oil contrast. Largo. I cheomp brougitt N :1-4 to N 7 I ugt,l luveut•)r carried the key to the Whetolling, alas( euwu fisc”. Fq!1 sheat alugt plentitul, and it multi down lu 15c. Crocks mew r0uree, -da Slier gnat( and 8C tR 8-ik-8sh. _ Stark vault. uouaing. lint(a crop, aid in some pl\gd1 1 but the denuud fur them was Only •t wpm cnrY doll. y do - G)wnnavllle, -- - QuP„ au �-1�.t6r :- threat -4, had no effect uptnr him. Hu lured by the Hangman fly. .Barl'y moderato. Tijey multi lit 14 to Lai.. mAetUW of the E fi. Ho d tar-iSsy -Looltrel timo and again that lit- prumlw-r a g,,u11 crop, tx►to aguu11 Eggs -Largo utft•rings mot a mal- offered' I ch folic: . wuskl dib* Ite prlaoip rather. than, Kivu uve-rag•: civil. w•tea .uug straw ; rye erato demand,and prices were 2 c ; 2 etysmPrleYt offered 1T,tlla. fere) ,81:1. sales boxeg at 9 61 tilt ler prewrut knowle•Age. With gl)„d gu d, Ionic alraw, , lu.y uo,,d• heavy steady at 122 for largo Iota to Ibo T`M'' Im lit 9 5-11W. 1117 at202 e 9 I-Rct--•-' b•havl,r alww'an" lilt. I)atwrut had fifte,n loolithet of his Sentence Jet to crop; pt►tatuem aa.l ourn promilw w.•.I• lh,'rllea LVUrt.'uda• half it crop; for small offerings of oholast stack. I ml•rre when Dr. L. I►. Ruud, Proal- plumy go.nl heavy, , cRup. BInallfruity Trado ouggeel towards the close And holders land difficulty lu Making Ili• dt-at of tlie steel. comlhnny, Interest ( `( ive+ruor Shaw, in the case nod- lifts( .._ - - _...-. _. stairs. Moron stuck was loft unsold. Curnwnll, .Tilly 13. -At the Cnrn- pointed out to him tlWt thnmlgh tilt, death lit Incision tet the Iuveutur . USrord, R'uafttu:k-[ilii yutFs whoa( out- lloultry-Tao mupply vikaw rather ("lege, e►ad ,JI lila beet fowl aero 1.. I offTeoce might Again lura the tuic�rt ;auk its pa,fur.11ouuty, ani more un- noun sold. Bright 6 t J'mulg Atuok was , of hard -nin g skeet and capper. The y: dully t11 till 1(110416149y, is only n half lu knen demand lit hl •h orlcer. Sprig L 1 Spring 10 ra � Gucernor aur tu'd that >,lr. llnw- ero The ala has be -on uuttlaged N � t., bum'. c„tesl.lerlblv extent by tine chickens multi at 4(Ic l0 111 p.•r INur, +4 mule katd 1.romlmel to give up tilt. Hrimmi.lu ily. Barley IN a gaol crop, ;acc„riling to rise, and old bird.v brought t' key when he berum:i dimnbled, but lord maintatlual from tho first tlp►tcan but the ravages of tilt Was:ua fly -it) to 75c. !hacks rung­1 g”' from :.t- 7to 111.• 5 per pair. wlaih• JulY 18. -At our Chremp• Board to -day 22 factories offer.( L'(NL filed osllsisonuteut wad not ,nlu.vst- b - rosea title 60.1,1111411.60.1,1111411. In tout grain also, Gate arm good an 1 Prom.s.t to turkeys were Inactive tet 1(h•, it, colored and 1,680 whlto olepesp. "plea Icnl'to disability. yt••tt well. eoru Is tuoking up to the 12%c' --1:N) white at 9 8-10c, 915 white nititm AreoraRagfy. limirtk"r .Vhaw last average ager far ate can W been tiler Yrgeloblem-IW►rtet very active, 9 1-4, sac( 200 colored at 9 7-I4k•. week exercitetd clemamt•y. Aip-d, far. HAY b tun exoxdingly l:trge crop rill lines stoillog freely ton goo -1 de - Routh 1•'14wh, Jnly 13 R .-RPutnr gaunt, with grizzled beard and Itis', Dawson is til -(fay just whorC- het atm an 1 gl.- Ire.wite of be -Ing ck�up thim Isla lid• Prleer held steady and tlu•n. were mpetinir of Finch ullpaeme Board wa- ...I Christman E%P, 1$05. Ile wpm oa verge mlccerm, full. It is l:trg••r tln.n Ilrw been known for moral! years. F'PW {►•ns' lira town no changed. About 100 bldfiels cif new potatoes were reepivail, awl sy ,Llan tet eiftor a as this locality, bat what ns'•, kh are tl'Py gold at $1.15 to #1._.. p.•r boarded, 2,-iOn. Price offeroof on boord, Ilfetima of work null melf-denkil• ; oking fair. Route etcry wit, re bumbel. 9 1-4e; neon moll, but. #tMd on mlrept lu' addition to the process of Da- trrewgh:nit the t><olmtry 'ar4” looking Dres@ed Hogs'-]I/nrtrt steady pad nftc•rwnrtIm for game, prlep. museum adeel, Mir. Dawaaaw Ihhlkd lac Cool. On the whole tho feirnN•l+kb are pricer unchanged at i1►._:/ tu,$9.75 , team dime6cered a way. to harden well plealsed with the ptrtdpeati. The pour cwt. . -- _ copper. fie declarer that this in as wheat rrop Is not lip W what It Toronto Fruit Market. lit? muceessful In Its w•ny Aja b, Lhemleel in•arew°. Mr. Dawson In sa.piricurn W.C;tt Is IV.- been, but tha Hoal:lit fly a. Is hlam-1 for tilts. Other grain@ Anil BaspbPrrfes are mcart-P, aMl to- ;; ter (•very person. He tears that produce are very good, And little eLty's offerings multi readily at l:t to SS :,-11{a. Mien oil the (romans .Uel( evtyy wall who waaute to .(lac-ums grumbling Is heard. 16c. Strawberriem are also wanted. 12.7., Johnston IRO, Writ 19:: hnxem. him thiscoviry is trymg lu g.et It I.Ina•olo. ii ltd the rtepipts. which were verN ilmall, gold 7 to lac. .n . 1 away from film. It I. °°1d flat era Omnbles nre Nt.ld iwing made nt at lilnekbarries Panton, X. Y., .inly 13.-Phoexe, when, years sago, he went to Cleve- Niagara-cal-tau+-Iatko--(,n><e In the w,k1 at 9 to 12a la•r box. The dt•uuu . I t land, -to see Joan U. It[rkeft-tter. enrL ead of Lfiu M1s4Wra dIaLr4:t do was excellent and eveiytltIng wigs 19 1-4e. uud to I'lttetsurg to Yet- rep►rewnta- not promise very great returns for sull. A, , The, mtatPment thnt the C. PL R• lives of Andrew Carheelfip, he was alae Innis of the fit and Irn:t- Toronto lav/ 114wek Maritet+. trnekm,•n on tIN• Tem.,nto-Owen Roand trrnnnh rte a downun.0 shut tilt- 'Llwyoff put Re6i'W e. With tit- exeps►tL►:t of n few lt, Ws fall. Wheat IN very light no 1 will g Kitatort cater. ohutoe, porcwL 1S Ii dume,dival 1 i is luau alai gnat work Is edc- 42 alegrod to be untrue, Irina ura� #ka vfrme"Ilfy. They -wa'C'ti lt. furlsimb Aura rpgsi{eliteNr wke1r i -Y ea l9v.ir tree hurtaelr.lm.r n, r,•_ .. t~e $swims ora,.:. .. ....... he eyuld- make U:v mitral' Anil o1h,pod Notwlthrtand:ng the low prier of NV ]treat, farmers sit:1 deppod on ihlg Ituicbar: taut., Lipxrd ...... a w M 4 ci H"Lebur: ewltlr. vhunx.. .. . ► ss M 1 e1 to Ila lllr ' y 'product, kat that did cls ko rtbe m.ma ready mesa- In 7 7 mace hx,+,•cattle, fn,r..... ..... x se M 1 au de ; f not tali( him. He line, dreamed test •t m o .n e v f becoming rich from a Ir m hl R tl►i, [,alt. Oaltm, itµxlgb sawn late, ax• but roll. _ eat o n ;.t au hula. e w w a bat WV - t -' ! m,rrrt, and wants n Iarg., stare in, e .k,in well. will nava ba Il.-Ld g badly to nwNf of rain; cannot giro more s a"orL uuv r. per L... M W to 1 L. 9u.;a. dxlmirt. IlmbL Per cwL... 7 Su to J 7., j an It tlwt mat cope. Y iiruf Y' than nn nit -rage ytrld. i.a ntmlmdnnt Ftwdrry,.h,rt.-kocs, ............ t b w 1 7., du. . - ----L--'---- crq, elf luty Ir now being harvemited, io,•buw , zea lu 1 ., dyiarht . ........... 3. w x :e jjj IN 18 -KNOT SEt1VIC[ two to /crone t` me of clover yl. lingTaken threw i.ine per erre. Trkert alto. stockdr.,rx.tunwlti<:..• aw w tit, orr�exdora.wd twUatat......... y sr w 7 w 1 IY_���T Ipl i told N[Ica caws, dw,r ... t as l0 :.t w `3`11 (•tier. the ntera •O or hit R 6 Y y 3hcrp, two, pmt a ........ Y !, W :1 15 tpaght to be 00,0 411:1 it half tons to do. bu.:ka................... .. z Sl w s :I til,% ncr•• it would lie difficult to may toe uua............ .... t w I. Y. u A Fast Line to Carr Freight Y g wlwt will be the 'yleli of worn and tx tat r kart) cn.p,os, Kul est which meet- l;wri. 'era's• /dal .......... Y w t4 I ns per scrod..:::........... i w 1, Y tie them•. ch•Ihx. per own........... I u Is @ w I Ot antod late, nn•l depend on the rtatp Nur.. ii-rp red .................. I w M baa .., and Passengers. of the wfveth-r In the early fall nrs•tic«. The- fruit rnoll Is mtl'l Irate Name• light. ase curet ............ GIs M ba. ;,w; r:.c s.r oma.:....._..., 413 to I I perewt- ij _- - ---- proco�ai g. Apples are aimaftt An Pn• .................... 446 to "tsar .. ..................... ., s w to bat __.__._ _ _ _ ___ _ - . --- lir" notloe(,. in meat Orchards no Toronto Hided and Wool.•_ , r ChO:S IN 5 t /YS, 6 HOURS. Baldwins or gresalssge can be found. Hide°, g "ort; 7 to 8o ; cored 8 1 -le, - - CAltrklu, No. 1, fes ; No. 2.7b , Den- ---- —-------- Ottawa. July 15.-(tlpeclaq•-le to- gent to theCue mew @lid - -- -- ----------- - , l+isited 14114tes ('top tteporle._ , tunses ; dntrt, emetr-tail-To 60: t tete p= /illus, fr"0. y(1p .t"-"; pettfi6 eat•h, ••U. -- -_ the United Cur and the United ee Wash'ngU-n. Ja!y 10-1'rcllminar to :ills; lambskins, glitch. 't0 to SLc; Ktugduw, fur wlticla tuaac rr are tube Kingdom. whulaich roturny t., tin. snt!sfactiun of tie.. (11101►, rendered, 8 to 5 1-40 ; woad, starkly calla(, your t-rrrospmludeul I► nrtmrnt tit A - 1 i,racuituw on (lar fleece, 13 to 14c'. unwashed, Opert-, i loarnr in an official quarter that aarr^Itil'e of r•orn planted in.11cate a 8 to 80. what Is coutemplate41 for lhp pnwont r+lhlrtl,.n of alto -it 4000(X) acres, or London Wool !tales. Is a service of motaething like elgh- 5 Ir•r Dent. frutn the area planted last London. July 18. -The orferlllgs nt te0li knolls speed, which It run be- tweea I.Iverpol and tiles nearest port t.i t-litq Dominion. North Syda'y,.would- y+mfr• Tito nondition of winter wb-at Ian. pron'ad daring Ju{pe. b• -tax tM-3 - the wool auction sales to -day sinna- berpd 114448 baltm. A good ,IPmand ptevafh+el anal the Impruvemrn► In . wt...ft�. ft'. -.� ,ft. ._l. -..al tWmparad..wlfiiL-aA_...tdw. ilricon Wan Maintained. Coarmrr erose City, MiO July ]jt. -At all hours a (tette better than tilt- Inst Jamo 1, 90.8 oa July 1 1900; 8:,,8 it the rcmeapmdtnq d+�t"r In I"% reds marc In better repu•/t unit firmer. lhp churches yestprday prnyerx were beats are making to New York, to- clay. It in Lite Intention, however, to nn 1 n ten year averng+ lax 80. E. All Nc)r Routh W#tlPa 4,100 lmitm►-- nlndo for raln. At the Itomnn ('nth- so frame the advertlmewent for ten- filo ImIaortant wltete'r whh At States MOO (red. 5;4t1 to Is 5y, -I; greasy, ;ll aIle churches ra 'ers are set) at each P 3 dors so as to allow of atea mehip amen "hnrP n thlR lmpwvem'•nt. except Ppnnmy;vnn:a. Oh!o and M:lrylan 1. In to Is, mail@ dally for rain, under an order mubmlttl tug ufferr on any ba-Im with- 11 reaauuaWr rouge tet mlghitso w•hleh the rnnrtltime declinad during Qaepssslnn 1, 9 JO bnlee-Sooure,t, 74 to IN 4d; greasy, :S yid to 8y(d. of Archbishop 1Cuht of St.Iunls. At klwtm. tan IaN.ntli 3. ;S, an.l L pxAnts roeple- Victoria, ") bales -Scour pit, :,'!yd night ttrr 3trthrmSist, Baptist, Cllets- After taoklltg over the situationthe steely' Thy lice-tnge ooneLtotl of @porinR to in 8d; greasy; :kt to l0sj't. thin and Prpmh:terlan congregation/ Ministry y had come to the colicin -Ion that the connt7y Is not yet ripe for A whoa( vera tmwo>vet'.dming the leo°til Aaostralia, N_(N1 bnlrm- Scoured, 11%d to i°; 'greasy, I Ij l to unitol In a ant .o sa•rviep at the Brea- twenty-three knot service,' @nett ea month. tw:ug 85.fd on Ju!y 1, n/ 8%d, bytpr{nn church nml pensees fur talo the beat line IN gltlug to Now fork. cc1Rlpnr°l with 9L'.Q axe month sRvi. :.5.2 tea July 1, 11100 ; 01.7 at• tits arr• Teemassia. 400 bales-(;rra01y, 3 :11- were offeree(. Governor Dockers Is rPeelvin hu°- Ing . - One era1011 for fila, adoption of tl,l« slew Ill the fact that much vewtoha tmvo" Tactically no mpaCC for freight r.wpxxNling date In 1N93, and n ten - tern. Tltn..msstlitloa averageti 1141N,.w to lid. New $ealsotl. 4.7fp bales--Booured, ai+ttt-tQ'�It• -ii5 ' brads of rrelue/t@ beseeching him to at all. They aro durlgtly l for the P of i tat w `ng and winter wtleat tomblsefl grA mV, atf W. Cape of (rood Hope slid D1ats4 700 issue a pmelnmathon to the people to carriage of pamm4icerN alone set, „a ill 1, was 81.1, against 69.8 on Jul I. 19M. ah -f 78.2 al+-thmi tlorre• bo�Y�ep1sTed' 4,1-4d to IN 3%d; assemble aml pray for train, what "cc Is not taken up to this sponding date 1n IR" greasy. 4d to Td, S Norris csruilwa' tTelarell, way Is rwrxled for til:, Immemse coal Tia • nrh• a it ,it :.11 lit rmM1lnMg The urrirnln of wool for the stxtb A i:Aalp{gh, N. ('., Jelly 15=Tfge down_ ,supply. A bout of eighteen karats lit; Uao tnsn la ,a (+p.m." t. -t Jw'y 1 to series, gohP.lu+ d to ape4 Noreme . m,ihr of rain F'ri.lny nl ht, t g yest.relay stwed would Afford accommoAds Lion els:y5roatel at AA:lit 61.0x100) Inleh. tN'r .6, amount to IJM bales. The .and Inst night Wits again disastrous for 2,500 tons more of cargo than the same vommof fitted up to steam -!A fir tyle equivalent of 8-K5 Bs'• r,•nt. of Lal° aro') lir 100. !mpo;tn (if wool during the week I were am follows: New South Wales, 0 to farina and railways. Thai total has twenty knots. At Lien Nawo limo the 1,181 bales; Melbourne, 6,078 balem; 4 now fallen over:16 hours, with pries- twenty -knot would require 200 tons more coal per day, which at may - Manitoba Wheat Markets.. F'niklAnd Ll to•lm. 734 lanes ; Ham- i burg, 777 billets; elwwbers rsllil Ilealy nl tnterudmsion. Tho mmaller stronalls are raging. Ail target work ton ahltlings per ton would mrnrt n great Increase lu cost over one of Tho 1{•Innl'/ ('ommcrolsl tet Rater- ­ Wlle#t. in it art end for ■omo days. clCUteen toots. mays: filly mit Thr local market continues - Cheese Markets. A (creat bownporr. lint there Is one other chief Hort UfrlPms. There are irecllcadlytmo hnyt-rn for Mlnuilobs wheat, beyoml a London, Out., July 13.-Oftering@. i -Ati"tia;-0or.; July �_ u-1Wjcn .-Lheso wh"-_ (wv+s.m OW -g lured -And 135 white.;s1._1-_1Sc._-1 Lion special front Elberton, (in., nays: ducra the 0overnmont to favor a ,declining wheat markets and proa- &feel 9 1-4c offered ; M) ralPm. � "A rain thunder nail ball st',rmsm- p: more moderate service for the pro- ;trots of large c•ru pa wl.l only troy Ogdpn/tmrg, N. Y., .Italy 1:1. -At the j tri ,over F,IUPrtenn yesterday atter- neat, and that t@ tiro fart that it M tA,h•r In "rant( parcels to .apply car meeting g of tile. ChrcPwe Board to-dny Litton. Manny trees null outhouses were not et spltlrxl which iv fl) toe the Y best port for the Canadian terminal rrnt wants, lire( the mmull damand 1,022 boxes chr.ea«e were offer"(. Hlgh^wt lid, 8 7 -tic' ago maks. On I known down send crops benlen duvan. F_ouryfnchP@ of rain foil.' of the fast line. It In thought that R for flour causes millers to hold off hath , nl; whe-It. it S@ many a day minor curt) 1,") choose sok( at tonal prl o., Outburst..- the of a low reateonm may we ss' , It r, difilcult to sell Mntel+obs Watertown, N. Y., July l:1. 1i► thu I __.JLValla4ata Taeoida, Wash., July 15. -Oriental I tt ftCnee solvt< ttfls pt'ldblpm rel _bagtae St. Lawrence route and maritlmo vs, bout.The rainy wpathpr which Pllnrnetprizel the, month of hag mPptln -- g of thn Watertown i'rodurn i kxclhringe to-dny ",000 boxes of adviec@ give" details of a terrible doe- porta nal as between Sydoey, Hall- .lune rogllnue.l tato the tint weak of chePee warp sell, 1,!104 bnzem of randy of Kaman life which ocear- rat ie� North(" .lava tarot month b7 (az seal Bt. John. .lel)'. There have been several quite llpavy which were oil contrast. Largo. I cheomp brougitt N :1-4 to N 7 n nadden anti terrific outburst of the T'TNritie) X'".T. ,rtd} TVITT1111' 7tTOfl11d _., �"'*���:" storms Dear the.tel etiv^r i4;--, not faura..wit -da Slier gnat( and 8C tR 8-ik-8sh. _ Stark t fila rotten plantations and other__._ __ _ ___ conditions. Indicate elraCnr condltlons. III mums . tie mom p, N to where the Inaj In low there M •t wpm cnrY doll. y do - G)wnnavllle, -- - QuP„ au �-1�.t6r :- e erm Of tVltnter were destroyed by slpwsrs of. s 4)Wes4s-to. 1114 filially Marcments - to bit ranch mAetUW of the E fi. Ho d tar-iSsy easitoo anti rtonon, together with great of lava amt hot mad. I Iletng Reported. On thiaR ow (ml the mil's(", bpwpar.r, cnnditloms conditions offered' I ch folic: hundred vim hundred na�ll and a number London. July 14.-A rancor Is car- tire, na rnvornldp to the gruwing cropscharm" 2 c ; 2 etysmPrleYt offered 1T,tlla. fere) ,81:1. sales boxeg at 9 61 was -- �•--- res alUuLL lho announcement p no m lit Innt Teta mtiil hr onnnirvitsbe' that h�TiC T`M'' Im lit 9 5-11W. 1117 at202 e 9 I-Rct--•-' The Vreivornl 1.enRuera. week that T.nrvl ItnRebery find nn In- team npvpr Wokel better at this Lima Hl.ti at 9 1-4 , 171S at 9 ,1-1"c, 47 at. Nan Francinco, ('sl., July. IR. -Pre- t-rview with him kamling nn )aur tit the yPnr. With a reasonable dry Ili• mldant McKlaley has xpn► word that that he las detprmined to exclude, re- July con litlons for the growing crops Curnwnll, .Tilly 13. -At the Cnrn- ht- wail be plemeod to Px(•ond him greslt- postern from Maleiborough fimtx" In will he almost prrfeet. wCo (•hili., Board tach 7,879 born- 7 tnalm to member@ of the Epworth future,It H known that the KingIs ware Wanted. 1,529, wtdtp, 241 cnl- Lemgue on kiln [gmning esi their Nn -a tlonnl Contention In thin city. fie in averse to having ale dally move- DrsAstreeV/ on Trade. oral and 49 Amprlean. All mold lint 195 M)xPq whltp. Prlcete were 91-tlr ►Wso Iexpa,cUst to lunch n hntton which kiln first "Amerlen" mentis of royalty chronlelpet, excret where they concern matters of state, Tra11e, at Mlnntrrnl this work ala@ � o 9 1-4t- for while, v 1-4t- for tot- d will #ttmhNl not«(l( this In the and thinks the newapapere ought to IRenn quiet. Ther, ham been momp Im- Or" Ahld 8 rp " for U. IS. Ikcll^aISIP, on grand organ pavilion, Tirr@mdny PveMng. Tho tun^ of the Na- br, contented with film offk lnl record provement In dry gonelm mince clue [text of the month, portlnR order@ he JulY 18. -At our Chremp• Board to -day 22 factories offer.( L'(NL tiontnl anthem will than be taken ill, t 'supplied by (he court newm mnn. fag more numerous nn'I the rx- colored and 1,680 whlto olepesp. "plea by a churn/ ill' i,i.(N) voic"I nal at Tho announcement of Lord hose. cellent crop prompertm In tho wa-sl --1:N) white at 9 8-10c, 915 white nititm conclumhin the mtemdM1Re from the b•ry'R violt nhowPcl that Maribor- hewn find a gtmni effect este tall trade. 9 1-4, sac( 200 colored at 9 7-I4k•. Premident will tip read. At tpno'rl„ck 'nigh Honest was bping watched. rol. .Trade lit Toronto In feeling thn rf- Routh 1•'14wh, Jnly 13 R .-RPutnr Thursday morning, the roItvention lowing this report of lhp visit wan (rets or th- Ilnli,lay menson at pre- mpetinir of Finch ullpaeme Board wa- will teve rallrel to corder. the nnnnnneement that Lord Rome• wont. Thy lint tveath-r ham dritrn held thlm mor•rl4reg. Nnmbpri of rherwo b -rJ• waif aboral to marry the Duch- many away to Ihn summer remortm, boarded, 2,-iOn. Price offeroof on boord, '•oss of Alh•tny, the KInR'n slnteir-In- 'l/rNl there, In it tendenry on the part 9 1-4e; neon moll, but. #tMd on mlrept Petty toun.•11 Refuses. 1:tw. A reporter called rot Maribor. of a gond many retnllerm to isonflione nftc•rwnrtIm for game, prlep. fam,lon, July 12. -in the i,nre tet 011911 Manse to engntrw or to 'ttrw further hlrminew,e for a fnw wrpks. Iroelanta, ,►sly IA. -At the Cherie► the (ItY lit Wlnnllr•g, vs. the Cann_ truth of the r -port, and he wits or- Crop repartee from Manitoba are illoard to -day 75b eolored and 77 Jinn Pacific Radwny, the 1'riuy der.d out, anti ordtirp were leaned to uniformly favorable anti they art, white wPrP offerevl. Tho highemt price Council ham refuned permio"i.ot to the Rerv:antm that he never lignin fin having n gtmeil Influence on true(" fill for both whites mint( roloreel won 11111 -al their dceimlon to the "aprPnw p1•rnl1tted to enter. Thtere in still it venretty of money, SS :,-11{a. Mien oil the (romans .Uel( 1•ourl of Canada on the quemllon of ------- hilt It los rxptertel the crop movement 12.7., Johnston IRO, Writ 19:: hnxem. whether oschom,l trulldlnR■ worn liable k-fftrts tel wPttlp" tai@ wtP"1 work• the coming( rail will rellevo lisp. ten- Itnlncwe nnmold at rl.gln. to Irinulelfm►I taxation. era Omnbles nre Nt.ld iwing made nt xIon lit that rlwp^et. Panton, X. Y., .inly 13.-Phoexe, - 1'IttalmtTg. Dnminexx at 1lnmlllnn Ia very fair Inrge R 58, twins 8 1-1; trotter, tn'r•w fkmtl•y. F:nst Ucf..rl, wax l ,'r•atrstclh flvrm Inrrnrn Rtnt•ll for the nennon. Trar4"11,rm are mrndlnR In many orderm and fnrtorleR And 19 1-4e. n Lia h+y fl•'idesh Th+rad ay Igat whop I-wam mt.rierk In til^ 011Nr,d,4er by n unfit awe• mnRnlf"^,•lit fr •me,rm 1)y Itapi"npl 11,11P hep 1 dI"1 1v •r • 1 tlurinK mlllx nre fenny welling out g[xdm for (nil The, mtatPment thnt the C. PL R• stray hull^t. H, wan 0:11y alightly the ravcttrxu ntirtit tam, pnlnre of the the and winter. ReportR to whole- semipros from various trnekm,•n on tIN• Tem.,nto-Owen Roand trrnnnh hurt. , Naito of Mnma•CArrarm. @actions of the coaatr7 ars tale luau alai gnat work Is edc- 42 alegrod to be untrue, tit: , , i��i