HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-11, Page 8-^".1.1•11•1•11•1111111INII•1111.--,-
8 'ruclassAy, July 11, 1
Big Sale
Large selection of newest summer goods all going at
reduced prices. Now is the time to get in your
The best colored shirt waist,
a regular 75e quality, for 60c.
Bargain white waist, 4 rows
of insertion in front, tucked
back, the latest sleeve, regu-
lar $1.00, for 73.
Extra make and quality
white waists at $1.25, $1.50,
$1.75 and $2.00.
The latest fancy stripe, new
blue, navy, and black and
white, with new natural wood
handles, for 52.00
New frilled ,black parasols,
51.25, 51.50, $1.75.
White parasols( Children's
Extra value fast black hose,
ribbed and plain, at ct-.) pairs
for . 25c.
All silk gloves, black and
cream, at 25c.
Always ask for your Coupo
we are giving on the
Men's separate pants.
Boys' suits, all sizes, all prices.
' Men's suits, all prices and
Men's overcoats.
Bargains in gents' furnishings.
Special lot of best quality
men's straw hats, regular
$1.O0,for - 65c.
- Full line straw hats from 25c
Our stock is the largest in
town to select from and our
prices are right on the bottom.
Broadcloths, Cheviots, Sorg -
es, lloittesptiu, Cords, Pop-
lins, Venetians, Cashmeres,
We aro - 'making special
prices on all lines Just now.
Como and see where you can
save money.
A choice stock of waist
Trimming silks, silks for
All linos of fancy silks re-
Special lot of fancy blouse
silks at 35c.
Extra value piques in all
colors, regular 20c., for.. 1 lc.
See our special white pique,
regular 25e, for 20c.
ns on all purchases, which
handsome premiums.
,The best value sailor hat we
ever offered, regular 50c,
for • 25c.
Regular $1.00 white sailor for
Regular 75c white sailor for
. 50c.
Trimmed hats all reduced.
Chiklren's bats and bonnets
all reduced.
Ladies' new rain coats all re-
Smith Bro's & Co.
Moe DAT, July 818.
Jas. Mermen returned from Motto's on
%V A KIllett !deeds to leave tor the West
thh week.
Mrs. Morlsail la 'dialog from i•y poison.
Ism is her bile
fat les Gracie Newton, of Windrem, Is dolt
lag at the home el her undo. 0, Newton,
Mies Ivison has given up her position as
olerk in T. Moresn's store .,ad Is at present
• guest at Braeelde.
The smart Loy, who attempted ts wheel
dewn a hill, but wet thrown off and mead it
bruised, la reocatirlsg.
'It RADA Y, July 9.6.
Mr. Shaw lase got a new mower.
Seekers of pl to the moms amuse
smote Is Ilsderioh and other points found
the beat very oppressive and harder to bear
than (base whit stook te their farmwork at
Among Dominion Day visitors here were
errand Mrs, Mosier, from btabon, sod Mr.
aed Mrs. Habel of MI. Clement. They 'repo
the geode of -Iamb Mester. Mrs. te
from near busdon, was up to ma her @War,
M,o. Ivuerenee;of Chioago, who Is at prey
eat stsitloy her ninon's, Mr. and Mrs
W. hal th• pleasure nf geeing our old
friend. Harry 4. Horton, of Toronto. the
.;her erelong for • short time. 11. sal up
from the Queen City on a brief visit to rel.
The emreet man
rery convenient.
00/ 'show window.
le very email but Alen
Von will we them in
Priem' from 3e to 43
All the popular makes in Rackets, in.
Gees In Goderioh and this section. S.ace
his last sialb 11.0. II. has moved to another
stand In the city, and le doing • good bust
ogee In drugs In is.... premises than before.
All parties fretting their sale bills printed at
this oMoe wili have • free notioe 'usenet!
in MD ilm tip (0 161 time of maim.
Trainer, July 16UL-iteration sale of
household iturntture and furnishings and
a splendid Now York piano. Also lour
good town Iota, 1.5 sore each, facing on
54111., street. Sale at 130 r n. at the
residenos of she proprietress, Britannia road
Mtg.+ A .4 t,grsvq, propristren, Trios. Osv
no.v, suottoneer.
GAULIY. At eSharidae are.. Toronto. to
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. Smiley. • son.
SALLOWS.-I• 1.1mowel, June M. the wit) of
1. Bellow", or a eon.
MellIA7H. le Clinton. °shuts 16t8, to Mr.
mud Mrs. J. 0. MoMath, a daugnter.
JOHNsTON. In Goderloh. es Tosedee. Jose
21111. 10 16. wife of Rod. Johseton. Water-
loo e'reet. a daughter.
WEATIIRItALD KICRIt ttn June 11511,
the ...idea°. of Thomas Kerr, brother of
tha twidn, 11116 Vtow, 01., Al. Writ., As.
ea.. MW.?.. Its Din Rec, It 54. MaoKar, 11
A . . Chariots h.. W. atherald, secantl a., of
TIMMS. Weather:0d, tiorlerioh, Ont., to
Win Minnie A. Kerr, thint dattohter of
Andrew Kerr, , ttootatrain, Ireland.
MeDONItleD -In 0 onerfrh, on Fritter. Jr'y
fith. Krohn en. Infant dattshInc Cant.
John McDonald. aged 11 months.
, Tennis
and Croquet.
a 1.9.1 the next theo montho
ion the veer -Liptak .tr lawn. hrttot int)'
:t ourself rote of l'urter's rat awl green
striped liannotrks, with pillow and
aretcher. with nr without valenee--
epeorel priree, 11 50, 42.00 and $3 PA ?
(gliding Phiblroo's, from SOP. to 13.00.
Wright. k Diteon!. Tennis Ball, special,
36e. : Pre, to, ILAN. 30e
Iwo grades., profeeeioned mit practk•,
from $1,00 to $3 50.
American Fruit Preserving Powder and
Small pat.kagre. ; lerge. $1 00
Porter's Book
Court Home Square, troderiuh.
iii711Ma44 ihtiariKrancar • ,
The gement leo Deliberate ta I heir gew
Kum at the vim\ Nall.
The alter•tions •t the Lowe halt nave been
completed, and the municipal elbow are now
situated ma the 'tumid their. The 'wawa
ohareber le where No. 1 oompsoy formerly
had Ds armory, and the room lamely used
by the members of tbe tire brigade as a
meeting ri em Ins been fitted up 114 the
clerk's idlios, with a levet oiy adjoining pro•
tiled sent' all necessary otieveniseees. The
firemen now have the former clerk's ail'
upstairs, and the obi °outwit chamber is re.
legated to the U10 01 I he band, but will be
•vollable for sonaluatIon and ether public
meetings 'the new eouno.I chamber III
cosy room, with more than sufficient accent.
modat'oi tor the number et persons who
usually attend the mtetilize of the fathers
1 ho most iniposinr thing in the room nem
line of the enuneal ) is the May nee
throne, whose straight high beck and leather
oushion might well upheld the digni'y ol ao
Emperor er • Ulla Jurities.
Frio fist meeting of the council vs the
new chamber was held on Friday *Teals,
Mayr 11 i'son was in the chair and sll the
oounoillore were pretreat. The meeting was
bald Indite dark -literally. an the, Meath)
aorta that hid just t 3tiod over had put the
Ilehtlee "Team out of order.
G aorge Stewart wrote ukase the mendi
to exteed the water pips on Brum sweet%
between Victoria street mai Cambria road.
dozth or more persons would um a.
Referred to wider and light oommIttee.
A statement from the Unriii(0r of the
Rank el Montreal showtil the amount at the
oredit of the town at t ha bank on Jens 2.1.1)
to be 1900; amount, under dlecouneordinery,
$19.500 ; elevator sootrunt, 850.000; local
improvements, $16, 6223.
A oommunimtion from Mayor Howland of
Toronto was read, stating that \ project wee
ender consideration fur the arrserrine of •
oesferseee el the medeisal r epreeeritat I yes
of the Dominion, with a view to forming •
widen for common &talon In defence of munl•
0194 Oltbts and the rights of the °Wasps
egainst the encraechmenta of great corner -
&Done, pnd sumestine that that council el
Ueda -Leh appoint • representative for this
ooefereme. The epeeist committee tit,
given power to Lot In the matter.
The trammel's statement for the month
ol Juno was IN follow.:
Balance from May
$ 061.67
Water rates $ 112 59
Kleatrio light rates303.80
Kills payable 2.c0000
Maitland cemetery 11.00
Salting fund Int.-. 3600
\ 2,452 39
the Lee -datum al ite last seselos, waa re•
terrad to the epeoial oonunittes.
The feller/Ina socouote were referred to
the tiowee oommittes James Morrison
lhass latainufsoturing Toronto, hose
oeuPlinge. eta, S2.22 ; Fairmont Coal
Mining 0o..Uoluiebus, 0 , 292 65 tons coal,
at .12 37, 1481.29 ; Mail Job Peleliu
Co . Toronto, for article In hook lilusIrat-
iii o 115; P. Oath, rel:et, 17; John
F0,01110, Montreal, electrical supplies, $1.5 ;
Named Eliot:10 Uo.. Mt. Catharine., elec.
Weal suppilee, $13 23 ; Geo. Porter, sta-
tionery, 814.10; Hobo. Johnston. tome,
The pubic weeks committee recionirneuri-
ed the granting el W. T. Murney'•
fa the extents...» of the sewerage system
•Iong IS:itannis road from the uotur of
Victoria street to ble property, on Mr.
blarney's emerald/ to pay the 'um of $25
10wards the cost No action was r0.3011$•
meoded in the matter of S. Foree'e letter
✓ egarding • damping ground. 10 was re
oommended also that the clerk write the
Coned& Cmptuy that the °outsell al or
looking Into the matter find that the town
has not removed say 'revel front their lot
as complaieed of. The [quell was adopted.
The water and light committee reoom•
mended that .1. S. Marshall be allowed are.
bate of slx months' water rate, ilte water
bayleg been turned ell in Jatuary last, and
t hat 11, Johnston's rtqueet 'fur water on
Cameron street be granted on tbe usual
terms. The report was adopted.
Mr. Martin stated that there were many
chleoplainte of the Wraith )Ient supply of
water •t the cemetery. He thought .5 -
other standpipe should be erected at onos.
It wee lamentable that persons who desired
to improve their lots could init have sett'.
otent water. ins pruent weir oeuld
used for the additional itandpIpe and be
thought that $350 would build a standpipe
thst would hold 250 hutch".
Mr. Humber favored an elevated tank,
of white pine or cedar, placed on • trestle
at itswItabie point In the oemetery.
Mr. Cantelon thought tbe elevated tank
would be as eyesore. Ile leveret • second
'teeth ipe like the present 000.
Alter some forth if discussion the matter
was referred to the cemetery oommittee for
'r he coueoil thee adjIurned.
Their DereP11•• •I T•rwilip by • Ceisinslt-
ler, et the 4 •11111110111B nem.
The following is an extract from Ile ao-
count of the recent trip ot the Mane. it•
Press Association by the editor of The
Illenwood ( Mine.) Herald "The next day
wee devoted to a trip to 'Toronto, and ended
the sight ',dee of the exoursion. Toronto
324.C6 was the oak kris C.:media& oits the editor*
hiti not v sited In their excursions. We
Salaries 8 20765 merit the Koala Rouse heedquarters and
Wadies and admit44 89 444 sped the day seeing this, in many ways,
lesuranee 37 514 the greatest Obsidian eity. We were re -
Fire department1 01
4286 105 oelved with that lavish and medial hoepita
C. C. and 0 expos. b
it an- M
nd good coashie for which -all Can.
Public works • Is so well known to Minnesota editors.
Charity 4 50 :dualism easel in the kIndlieess 01 11101
Flask interest 58.57 eatertalndient, their seertesy to strangers,
W sterols capital44.20 ina the Minnesota Mortal Amoolatloa
" teetotalist696 41 isayreg experienced lt all the wry from Vic-
K'sotrio light " 204.63
attain the west to Qaelme cannot say too
Public lobed to. 40015 Tis -appioaition. • TI;iiiiiretincernents
Special grants 89 39 tor the day bad been Ian ired by the asee•
Sinking fund.. 35 Ot. clatirn's old friend, Mr. Wtti. J. White, ot
Miseellatmous 30.35 the Vanadlen laid department.
Maitland cometery39.08 "Our °Scuola,' were met at thdhotel
Gnu:arable sale 125 00 2,444.75 by,. cc mtninee 01 (6. Comedian Preen Am
•• omfatter, MI; John A. Cooper, secretary.
Balance. $ 879 31 Mr. Law and other, and the program
The treasurer also submitted • atatortent e d, w marina. The teresteen
001.1 six mont settle g ens , se fo hours were devote to inspecting
bus: nese district and %ned odal great dam. Al
aeon ayor Hied d extenda formal
Tame .$1,625 M 65 moscnoo to Dov. Van Sant and staff, Seem -
Noe resident tam. . 199 40 tor Clapp and the editorial party at 11i.
Water is e• . • 2.3u4 32 Conliet's. Fellowied tia's a delicious
Electric lien rater. . 2,274 03 lunaheee was4haldints,
Public school" 5.00 hall, the health el the Ktax and Presidest
trained' annettriv 236 00 McKinley were drank end "Ord Savo the
Market 10 00 Klee" wee followed by "Anterha," all jots.
Waterw'ke meliV0116,,,•••••••••••••••••,--- -18.30 -mg most heartily in both thew reettineel
Liminess 408 59 anthems. Mr. J. 8 Walloon. -edit*, of the
- Torent• Globe, and ex•preeldent orthe (an.
$7,081 29 sidle Preee Asseolance. presided. Fast
vim) preadult I). Motlillioaddy, who was
with es last year, and had come 150 miles to
Mt cement ; second vice president .1. Pet-
tip.ece, memli,r of pm liament ; John A
ece per, sect. t•t• y, end A. b. Rutter, the
tIng'e printer, were •Iso representing the
Ceutedlan prese, while Mayor Howland. Al
dam in Cog and others, represeetril the
clah:rd.PuiLy 1170 :ctot7dia. relloszaulativralv ellraaahardial totetagtronal
Printing antl serertleinw.
1 isurance
120 24
Bank interest 402 27
Publio worie 1 175 92
:11601 1 I Ma walks 9,P64531 °°15
I Wad um interest
Elevator intareet 842 52
14-perat• Reboot . 100.00
dation s 'oust 5300
Waterworke miantesame _4.41157 31
Elam light 41,42
Waterers k a capital 1a0.70
?Astarte light . v - 1.36911
'loud of health 50.00
Slaking funds-.
Water work,. .1 let etc light,Aertt
cabaret l'ark
Flotation dent 1741
1 074 36
Kensiegton furniture factory1 065 52
*ti'llsss". be" "64 • .191 45(700076
Count y rate 1900 and 1901 . 1 969 40
:ranolithlo walks 16.628 31)
0. if 'inning,' oppliestion for water
connection ler has properly on Brock street
was referred to the water mil light com-
13. ibetdoh applied for a reconsideration
of the matter 0 he water rate. charged
to him in conneetion with hie flieir mill
He understi el before he built hie mill the!
he wae to l's free from taxes and water este,
for ten veers. Refined to water and tight MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. rt.'
A oommunloatien from Hon. .1. M
boo, Attorney (?,neral, gut mdt ter for the Cruseil mot tele 22 members ell pm.
opin:on el the reuncel a copy of the htli to mit. Ihe following somas- a wrra paid :
amend the As•eitement Ao- prepared by the Paul Smel'ew,for gravel.$6.72 ; J. R. Ilselr•
amerament rem sior, sni submit ed to tilt, rstra,rmr culvert, 13 14.9 and 10,and is
1014,1t1. RSV M S T•4
Coasclohawber and adios ex priaset$ 7734
Specie, manta 301 64
Public library
Pablio schools
Id Steel I animus
Maitland cessitiars
, 200.00
2 791 73
126 83
°entity. Mr. Walloon extended a welcome
to tbe city President Moore called opal
Mr. Freak A. Dey to reeved for the
Ilfneeida •litets, 'Mob he dia meet
!uppity, and 00V. Vel Sent resporded for
the state. IA slag one of those apt and
forestal little spoechee, which have been a
featured this trip. Loud cells for Ball
brooda out the °losing speech, mad se al-
ways this Minnesota newspaper Nestor de-
lighted everyone with his wit and the ap
proprialesem of his rematke
••Dorteg the afternoon • trolley ride, ex-
tended by the city, took our putt, to oviitY
point of interest an the oil y The rnagnifi
met city hall, where, from a tower 280 feet
abet° the street level, the city and the
mushy round and the lake with its sialp•
dem eau be stun, though miles distant, the
headwall porlienient buildings In gseen's
Perk, the Coiversity grenade ad) tieing,
and their le:tidal% the other college%
larks and public lostIttaleet, were all semi
and the residence of the Ileatenast gover-
nor and other haodsonte beams, were OM.
ed. It le • splendid oily; 161. rumen id
Middle Canada. It has an Am wham way
et doing things miltad wah the bead char•
antertetlas of the Eogliski city sad the re-
in% is that It is Iv and to moil both In its
modem of menienter *dike rail sow
rot ro'ally."
(Genuine Gold Medal)
No other agents in Goderich.
Don't be bruffed by what other
agents tell you, but come and se-
cure the best and cheapest on the
market, at
Also all kinds of Hardware.
bettadary, 116 00 ; Otte. Baster, married
culvert, lb L and oesoessiou 12 and 13. $3 ;
(leo. Middleton, shoveillog p I, 14.50 ;
John MoKuth, Hamilton, 11 25 ; James
mid Pat Odours, Ding, S. R. 3 and 4
sad °omission 12 and 13 $49 91 ; I). Quinn,
lospeotine. 15 00 ; James Webster, inspeot•
leg, $5 95 ; John litadwin, gravel and
shoveiltag crave'. $10 52 ; John Webster,
grayelling S. It 6 and 7,416 20 ; John Helm,
'meowing, 81.50 : Jannis Mellough, ditub
and tile, $3.09 ; James Reid, culvert and
repairing bridge, $11.00 ; Joe. Morse, is
paining matelot, conouslon 9. gn 29 ; l'at
Doyle, repartee bridge. 12.52; David
Rutherford, repairing culvert, 8. R. 9 and
10 and repartee bridge also drewIng,plank,
$11 50; M. Matheson. gruelling, onion
sod gloater 14 It. 9 end 10, $35 ; A
Stewart, insputlog, $5 50 ; James Me-
%Vbinney, repairing road. amosselon 2, 50o ;
II Homey. grate', $14 ; M. Melkueld,
plank,$14 40 ; N611 MoKeeciarepairing out -
vert, (torieseelon 12, S It 12 and 13. 46.50;
Kenneth ?debts's, repairing culvert, S. It
9 and 10, 50J ; Jas. Quaid, repairing cu!
vett. Pore Albert. $7 60; K. Foley,. climb,
:S. R. 3 end 4, 12; Joe O'Connor, rep alrieg
culvert; S. It 3 and 4 and L It.. $11.75 ;
J. r. Sullivan, toeing statute labor teams,
46; Tint 'McCarthy, entitles lee of road,
25); Wm. Powell, Teething culvert. 11;
Jas. Alton. gravel, $3 76 ; R. Twamley.
gravel, fa 43 : Wm. Tomboy, gravel,
19 92 ; R. Treleaven, gravel, 14.80; Ju.
Scott, &lob, $6. tio motion of Stothers
and McIntyre, the rosy, was to interview
the comity eogineer regarding ditch and
bridge. Next oounoll meeting August 17.6.
%V. Sriirliskoi, Utak.
Tommie. Jely 9,
John Barker Is drawme brick to veneer
his house.
Miss Sara E. Barker, • oeittimo resident,
tut now or Wiedeor, is datum here.
Ma. Alex. McLeod has returaed hom•
ober a pleasant yislt of ten day. to her
Meter, Mrs. Springer, of Port Huron.
The townsti'p road machine has lately
been In use grading the bead outward of
Beauty street, which leads to Menesetung
Park and Attrill's Point an] meets tbe
northern travel road from Dunlop sod
riots are n)w the go. The wom-
en are In the beet of humor, as they see the
91100•011 01 their efforts to resist the inroads
of the tly. Tee men would be better
pleased it a screen netting could be invent-
ed to prevent the potato bug from Invading
the potato fields.
tna oda 1 -to to the bank barn
Saturday aftertalef lasl week there
was a rate
el Robert Quaid. T single mein were op -
road to the married mer, the latter below
led by our local abler of polio,, who.. Bide
was th1 winning one. Tele side ma hayed
pownrully by two recent additions to the
married forme in our midst. The congest-
ulationa showered upoa these new clambers
meakteatihe single lads forget that Guy were
The New Era ot tut week stated that
our pireceptraw, 111tin Eva (aper, would
.0511 05 her lose peony to California te
see her ester, Mrs. Aroutting, os the 5..8
of this mouth, acoompanied by t% . C.
Slyer., of nintoe. As we have already
k not what me are prof...ming to do; but
on yeur BUMMER SHOES is what we elaim to be doing.
Queen Quality
filut.h lighter,
and more
flexible than
patent leather.
Exact Reproduction...4 Ws Style 'ho.
can't. Come and let us prove it.
Itepai:ing neatly and promptly done.
During the busy season this store will be open till 8 0 clock.
Our famous American.made Queen
Quality and Walk Over Shoes are the
handsomest and easiest goods ever
made. They are elegant in construc-
tion, superior in quality, and yet mod -
erste in price.
Call and see our beautiful lines of
ladies' spring and summer Shoes.
Special values in lace, button and two
strap Slippers at 41.00 and 11.25
per pair.
Dig 10c bottle Shoe Dressing at 6,
It's good, too.
Carpet Slippers at same old price,
15c per pair. If you can do better
elsewhere do not come here, But you
P T 1-1..ALLLS
%Vert side Square. Tho Cash Mgr ▪ Deal.r.
Sole Agent for tt'alk Over and Queen Quality.
mentIoned,M ass Cooper peepers° two candl•
dates for the mane:lee and four tor the
leaving examinations, all of whom attead•
rod the recent examinatloas in tiodenoh and
are new &welting respite.
Quite • numb', .1 16. local sports atteed•
ed 1110 Mee at Seaforth Shia week.
The 4 ,derich race meeting takes plus
next week, on Wedneeday and l'hureday.
The program is as follows . Fast day -
2 45 jam or trot ; 2 26 trot aud 230 parrs:
2.15 trot and 2 19 pee. „' 011. rue, Prov•
mos bred. Sewed day -2.20 trot and 2:24
pea; free for all paces or trot ; tree hslf istls
rue, open. Speciei railway rates, fare and
a -third, good to return Friday, the 198.
Last week we omitted mention of the
Rind playing of the tooderiela bowlen at
the Dominion Dsy
tournamect In Mit-
obeli. Should liltey-
odds. If F. Mooere„
Dudley Dolmas and .1.
Ir. O'Conseit (alp)
composed • rink which won second prize Is
theprincnoal oompetitiew et the tearnameet.
They defeated rinks from the Prospect
l'etb (rctuate). Stestreed, Mitehell sad
Seaforth Globs, and were bestes Is the
tinals by a Clinton rink. The pries was •
ot bowlers' leather bite.
For the Sick. :
'The doctor ran do you no goal wa-
ters his prescriptions:are properly put
up from reliable ingredients.
That te where we render invaluable
aid to the doctor.
We ceenpeatial preaviptions as they
ahoeld he.
()miner of Wart et. sad the Square.
rne Demi WIEST OF
IlalliLTOS ST.
Dress Muslins and Ginghams
at Special Prices.
WE have an attractive list of wash goods specials for Saturday, July 13th.
They are the biggest bargains of the season in cotton dress stuffs, and are not
likely soon to be duplicated. They will be priced at least one-third and in some
cases one-half the regular prices, and are new, seasonable and stylish materials,
suitable for dresses and waists. There is no particular need of telling just how
and why we are able to give these remarkable values. It is enough to know that
on Saturday you can buy muslins, ginghams and delaines, new and fashionable
patterns, for less money here than you can anywhere else. Come and test the
truth of this assertion. Here is a list of the lines we will sell. Of some there
are liberal quantities, of others only a limited number of yards. Better conic
early for first and best choice.
Scotch Ginghams at 12 1-2c,
Usually Sold at 25c./
400 verde of yeti See 8 •otoh glegbarns and uphyrs, best mak.., atrorted fancy stripes sad broken
plwde, in Maks, Itiht and dark blues, reds end fancy oornhloatIons, alio black and white, the gams
qualities that are mid all over at 26a per yard. They are suitable for dream% wrappers, waists and
cielldreeis wear. We pkoe tbe satire lot on sale Saturday at per lard
Muslins at 10c,
Usually Sold at I5c.
MO yards fancy dross rienallne, desires tu'lable for withal
Of lifflOOtO, ali sew goods, stripes sad swell Pattern* in
shades of plek, dark asd light bine. MIMS, eto ,
hiss that always sell al 15o, yeas thetas el the eutire
lot os Saturday at per yard 10C
- - -
Muslins at 18c, T
Usually Sold at 25c.
150 yards id very Sae deem moans% dimities and pl•in
eletbe, the newest designs gni oolorinee, make up equal-
ly well for waists or dresses, a good assortment to se
Irot from, stripes and f way designs in shades nf pink,
blur, lavender, ow, retorter 253 pralines, choice of lot,
per yard 18c
Rustic Straw
Sailors, 500c
Fancy P. K. 's, 9c,
Usually Sold at I5c.
200 yards ot fancy P. K 's, suitable for sopsmte skirts oe
full dresses, white Freund with gripes and dote In red,
blos,piek, black and lavender. The regeLar value le 15
and 200. Day eo on male with tie meek, 11 per yard 9c
Wool DelaInes, 27c,
Usually Sold at 38c.
150 y trds all wnd fanoy d•'•iner, light weight, mak•
stylish ant seryicimble waive or dream% navy or blaok
grounds with not or famy pattern n white, sold regu-
larly at 3714 on sale with the watt' epode on Saturday ehry
at per yard ifi C
These aro the same hats as you have been
pitying 75c for all season. If we were get-
tiog them in early in the seas(o instead of
now 75c %mill he the price for them. As
it is you can buy them here at 50c apiece. .
Llano' rustle straw sailer hate, good neallty el straw, block or white eh
tailgate bawls, newest Magee, a molar no quality, a sew lot jest la en I
this thus our pros is
Dress Muslins. *1-114'n
More new linen dress muslins in plain and fancy patterns
came in this week. There is nothing newer to be had in thin
dress stuffs, and these will make exceptionally stylish hot
weather costumes.
Fsocy Sean Batiste dregs mulles.
Plain grass Nome, light asd 1111041111111
°steed effect, patterns el blue, pale
0.565., 36 Ireton wide, for skirts ,
or drawee, per yard 12io sad Luc Innen and black as Ilsen minted
gamed, per dal 2043
t&Mit' itteft zugihakit„dtut•!.,LNari7 31t •vmseavirs ea.. •
More Summer -Corsets. Tf.121,
We have again all sizes in
our famous lines of summer
corsets tit twel-..fivennd fifty
tCraendtes.a pair. o better cor-
set value is to be had in the
Ssanner corsets, arm mid ekes' ask
stakta. oepar
t5111.4,. Nilit *Nilo. Perko% -
25o sad DVC
. Parasols at 69c.
If you want a parasol that
will look well and at the same
time be inexpensive this one
ought to fill the hill.
Bleak !mantle" parallel% ter will
wear and keep their sok, well.
strove Dem., &sported Naos sod
bleat Wendt«, regular flEto raw69c
sow clewing at, Gaols
Agents for