HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-11, Page 7W- _T - 4 rp .. , , t •'Cl" . , ' ,. fox ..v );:,. •..;r or w.;.. ,r ,, . w r t' µ• ; h 900 6A >9r,, -i-, to t,tr.2.oxL a �Mr,,, • i,:t, , .. Tw�6^,r ',7-mI M-,, '-,.,err.t-4',s'.: ±!`...Str",Tr"T:w!-!req%,..,. its el .rdr,.F�- "' ¢`' ,. - Ca.Jr1,.? R� Aft.2'!igW'.., k':fTr,, �t'aI=4 t,to ,.fiP i114(EIu RM MOflE BOEflS CAPTURED. Cape Colony Farmers Refuge to Defend the Colony. FRENCH WOULD FORCETHEMI l.arce Number of Cuurts - Martial lleld 'Number of 1'r,op11 Its Antes :,owe lllaauided Ilurra--Yarns by Which Boers are Fueled. Brueseds, July s._ -The Petit Dieu ways that Mr. Kruger has lately re - tamed to entertain proposals to aria privateers, but that the promoters are again urging Lite former Israel- - - aliytt of the South African Republic it) notify the powers that unless they intervene he will iaruo letters ,.f miirque. la the event of Mr. Kru- ger's continued refusal tits proniot- red propose to act without autlWrl- srathm. Itldlcwled at tYrrbiattem. W'uthington,'July e.--Tjie repurl from ltrurmelr that former !'rerl- dl-art Kruger is being -urged to no - Illy lite powers that unietd they Intervene lu the t3uuth African cuts- trrl.,lle will comwlrriou privateerm, Irut treated seriously here: VU, well ..ad,.tot . am, ante out - ""of the war with Spain that tileU ulted Stales Government will am. ver again except In the Intent ultraordJuary emergency iw e let - tors of marque• unit ale name ri'3- wms that Im(x•Iled the Governtuent to du so undoubtedly wouldower- ate government prevent the United Stat••s freta recognising silly much warrant lssued by oily other untima, even were llutt nation In foil rtandltgo. The threat to send out privateers, wtthrul ex-Predidput Kruger'ts con Wilt W fill*-. It it pointed out here tjoat titch craft would be piracy, l"irt, and simple,' and the civilixoil world would combine to chute them trio= the deals. If tbey should be - 1 -1 gin operating against lite cem- me•rce of any satbn. Cap- Town, July 7.-.L Yeomanry l.atrol easke lit touch with Malau't Dp:outr on the morning of July 4th it few miles outslle R -lina,ind. Tine Resew having tit.! stronger force, the patrol resolved •I,ategan s un•1 Malun's cummandotn were then reported to, i •l lit twelve mOcw* from It u m Paul. Blockhouses are Wing erected find rvrrytiAnt-piWsioole Is twin casae for the protection of traffic on the rnt1- way to I'b•terabarg, but the diffl- rutty L eaarmuum owing to Lite (;act Itint th0line roar between nxuntulnm, with thick brtto*h usk either side, aaffo rdift excellent cover for tilt- . Ihoere. P i I,totety the linen surrpral r nq in o 1'retorla district w, re driven to the boiler. They were afraid to enter thm .lr own territory. When they ur- madcred they s.Pld they th,ought that they were the only anew alill fight Ing. They sftowwl "urprive notion flod- faw that the fighting wits r .nllnueet In 4other parts of tie.• country. Aneno rmowt numbrr rot onitle urnl sher,p are trMtkirig (risen the mouth . towrards- 3Le __Uofkbejftet:T_ tdtmtt Mr Pretoria. Races were held at Johannesburg yesterday. Wearing Threat flown. London, July T. --t British army of two hundred thonmund men les milli employed in waiting and watching for n force of IG,rrm rutging I«•tween 7.(00 find 10,000 men. The Intel In- cident officially reported ns till - horning of n nAlwny sltillnn 50 ml,p" from Juhnnneedoorse, un lit" Nitta) Railway, with a finnl re•pulmar of the rudder". It wits even more lrtilgtdflennt than the wrecking of n train on Ili(- I'il-lerml,urg lige. Thr InrKemt Boer force which lists loren r„!.ling or mklrmimhing daring n•a•nt eveks ,to not exceed four hundred r"en. The captured of stock and sup- plbyr are constantly reported by U. n Kitchener, and the Moore are surren tiering by savored or'hundre•ds every week. it U evident that the later Knerll!o warfare h000mes mouth by tistnth It -An vexatl,us, and that 0"n. Kitchener Is gradually wPArlig down by processors of attrition- the Dutch rempmreem for rtaLdance, marvel,not ly rill^lent as theme have proved. The bands of-allern have been re, (faced In strength. and their cnpae- lty: for inflicting injury has been tin- 3milred. The Ions of hors •s would be an lnsaperatd,! obstacle to a con- ilnunnee of guerilla warfare If trip - -f)ghttng Boer when rr-dur-e l Lollard mtralts were not enabled to es nceril how gun and tuasqurrade en it .refugee farmer. The difficulty of i nding the war had been Inerealoei Ity the readlltesse with whit -h the Ikwrm without uniforms have been trnnstormed Into neutral" and firit- 1d1 sympathizers at a nnomenl'w m).- --- se--- 1ttly and alio by lite nyetentattc for- ritngpmeats for feeling and pro - feeling -the women and chll(trpn. 'There W no longer any talk of rp- lnroreing the Dr_Itish army• General Kitchen” does not ask for more with tile iltunntlon,econtentedt to and withthsteadypro- green made in clearing the country. Alleged fNasenere by swsalo. iA,ndon,_-afAlx 7.-Ty001m`r I. It Tin mnt0a, o cnicheth, it s,•nut loath the Royal )loots Carey«. Major .t'dentay'W enlumn, Intf a letter pnh 4..hod in the ,,,vWrpoxd Fxprr s, ,,ry), given dotailr of n terrible mawmaern of Roo-rw by Swnxin. Hamilton &till It other wcouts un tit,. foordsw of Swaziland in nenrcli 'tit n party of Boorm, suet it solitary Jt, -,.r rldong for ills life, wAlo Rave - Kai vvnnods nil over ills I""ly. "Ile tnld us that the Kwazb'I find ripen and maw6nerpd the whole lot, "or 90 or 70 Willits in All, '•r he- ing Rhe only one to rm•ape lie Ilv- Car two honra after oar mepting film• And (if"] In (Partial agm)y. thnotgll we told all we rould for ill prK*r fellow. ".lftdr A ton harm rich. we CAMP to a tkttrh firm. which dome 141111 - sired err more dumky warriorm in fu'.1 o'er paint Itnd taken pnawrin,lon .'f. __ They were momot friendly dtspona,l Itnwardal nn. Tito chief deniedbring the leader of an attack agalnwt the filler laag"r, bat waw willing to eon• d'art 'too to the stieae. " "'o" ramp to n very steNiv hill W lint n arena of itPnolation nwalte,l '+m n ttha torp! Twelve, wagon, Ir It ,.,r, le. nil randy to Innpen, 11111 " ' ' "vPn or males, only the harnegos fnrnlinrWhroken np,rroeltiory, elrmkm "IP, nil wtrrwn abiit, not it llvinr go„nl Vitt o11r party, and 11nmp frrsh ly dtyr gravfw i have noon momf h„rrihlr hnvP,P wronght by ahello blit nnthlng In rnmrmlrr with thin "It PoPemed that about 8 a'alock fr the morning the swusls attacked the lauger whilstg all were sleepin. Some wade u feeble rerlrlunoe, oth- ers lied their children un pealed to mate their ercupa, Others loaded roller itshaud to the able-bodied. but all to no purpne, atm the Swazis bverwhelmed them by numbers, and slew them till by urregni and hemlic (axe), uflrrwnrtlr taking the oxen, horses, and mules, unit fueling the wugons. "They made graver some nix Inches deep for their victims, with the Idea of their never being found. We un- earthed six graves, and rebwrled the dead, who ntnubered 2.2 men, women lint] children. Where the rest tire 1 cannot any, um we gold all in our flow- er to truce them, bat to no pur- pose." Boer Assassins. London, July S. -The Rally Mall giver ienautlunal prominence this morning to tits mall advleem from Vlnit(untefn, which attribute to the Boers inhuman atrocities that the censor would not allow to b3 do- meribud by cable. A couple of Rotors," rays the Daily Mall's eorrempondent, "were armed with Martinis, walking around ain- Ong tine dead and dying. Some they Owned over to see it they were lend. If It were otherwise, then outs or the other of the Boers shot them as you would shoot an ox. 1 slow tour killed In tills way. One youngster pleadml tar file life. "I heard him any: 'Oh, Christi, don't I' rued then bang( went the rifle. Tb t I I l l •t] " travagant fabler of Auer quccarsr'm.l Tho most uotabW lo Inrneer of the latter aro DeWet'4 rloolemout that Cape, Colony load risen to u on -iii against the British, and that In p{prruceading to luvade the colony he lttilltd lion. Knox. Other veracious wlalements are that the Czar find received a Boer deputation, lutro- duced by Dr. Leyde, and that Fruace was ready to land troo[w in Eng- land un Nov. tat. The assurance given, by Mr. Ktuger that he had made arrungomrnta In Eurolw by whleh the mately and Comfort of women and children In the refugee catupr would. be amimred had at con- sidcrablo Influence with the Doer Iraderm lq doc!idhyf to continue the fight, and enabled Great $elinin to measuro the mischief cuudild by the atrocity agitation curried oil here during the last few weeks. for. Leyda' Challenged. Parlay, July 8. -Dr. Leydt left lourlm yyrrtentny nfter a easy of eight days. Il•v was here 0:1 it mbrmlean from Kru- ger to Prealdent Loubot, and he had two confeNreneee with the I'remident, Premier Waldrek-Itcummewu Wall For- e110n Minhter lkelcaxse. Jtefore leaving Dr. I.eaytlm had It moot unplerisAnt public ena,unter with D•puty Millevoy, editor of Patric iuid it prcxntnrnl pro -Boer, who Challenged trio Trruttivaal reprvavn}attve t r ex- IAahh whom the vast mums vuMwerlbod fur the Elouth Ariacut cauls to Prance, Gfwmany oral holland ,had Run`, in- timating that ono all Infi"itctrlmul kart rl tlloee "many�mullunm ever Will, till basait of lit! rupp•+sed dlstrlbu- t (ow. a s will uappnut . 711P Gully Mail protests vigorously - ' algal tint the muppremrfon by the censor n of .11rh details.MEN LOSE COMPA Y SA Huers Murdered Ilrltbh Officer. 1, I,ondou, July 8. -The Dully Mall +— publrbe# three columns of 1t•tterm fr.rn► Mr. Waflaee. Its eorrerp.,rwipnL Rep,)rts That Staking Track— in South AtrI in which he reaffirms that the Boprs,'hot an officer land It Returning to Work sergeant for re urinT to whom them men are O how to work t e guar abut were lemrw,rnrlly Capt ed at 1ltikfonlela tion, that trio UovPrnu^nt could now un Mayt9th. Hr al alleged that the g MEN FINED FOR INTERFERENCE, Ruero killed Brltlah womiled Ilurlux the Interval hero tine Brltlmh Toronto, July 8,-C. P. It. strike charchs e.l and re. sartur the urs. The gel g a,rrerpuualent Inukns a unrlaughl lou the epnrorshlp, .,.!,,I'l that mor- despatches received un Sun lay night _rtute, that special conotabtedare be- sngen are mutilated and alrlfled for ,&IS swurit In to prutuct, the C. P, It. {ro'itical purlooyes• 'files north of Latin Su periur. Uutrc- e Live tlard securu.l flvu men, v% hi lett Iirltbh Lore s 161, l Uttawa our Tiorouto, whore they London,Jul 7. -Iosco KI hener were sworn fit uuJ despatched to On - telegraphs the War Office uimhcr to- loth. it Its 4114,g,x1 the clampiuy'r pro - day's date, from Pretoria, tilt t a lierty Is W lit dertroyod at till huuJr the truckuna Sawilvr train from Pleterrburg war wee ed by the Doers yesterday, north of Na- u[ etrlkuag lkxhew of men are being orgnuistd lir bomdpruIt. A lieutenant lint] nine tunny other placer fu Uutarlo. men of the Bordon Highbanderr were Several truckmeu mat'• yaruhum, tilled, hesldes one, artilleryman, one �a1e., have notiliod thu superintendent engineer, one foreman, a guano knit ',tl►ut they will return to work this four iativem. t %"r,"Ttio,cau,Gal., a number of Calm• Town, July 8. -Remington'« kers D.rarded a C. 11. !t. tr lit nal Guided. operating part of Eslcuburg. olid-IWLc�_Sti I -„ford_ mitt toe surrxtndel and captured a com- mor en.. They were arrerle naJ i f ”" aIncludingtl a well mum too .._ men. a e ria the u strut . cul W t9d known Commanlant lirxrkhuisen. Strict rt- at r)t. Henri anit lolnt Du Tian Times, of this city, In its lesurr Lar, ; Or to -day, contends that the tiro, stated, . LeeaS from her arrived for a rtao Tile thieek'uf the strike, It Ths• vy tine Culaogal Govermustnt as to low Claimed, 1 euded in Iargrof tit It stands with regard to pending lo- comasa11y. Ti Ontario. Eastern uit, I reed In tine aoiony, edpeactally as Atluntbl (livid no have [practically it many eir•umodnneen eonnectrd wit full Itprce tit it. Oa tine otiv-r ti- the mllftnry adminlatrathxi Justify vwitxlr the close BY made ooueller- Woe {w•odn in necking the advice As i able alir dur.n the week.l g r ce of t "! Cabinet. Asm1 tun I 1 f teat i Sere til a rlirtt xwr lir G r P 9 M Tote Times advoonLem the ear:y wire inudo na ,Jn arday ufterutm,ll meeting of Parliawrnt if for no W •:rtkinyf 1.remr.I but wIVout rt-• other reason than too envy th? cher. ter. in eonelvtslon it admerts toast 0111341. It wad given t befur! tis• strike that the Truck [I'd Amaucia- rnattil4m are 'drifting alike in n tilt" Of the Unite l Stu Cwt Ila l It rc- military and n et•natltutlonal sense, alive fund of $35000J. Well would and loyatlatw are entitled to know b' avalhible for tho ■tri rt- on the U,, what extent mntt,rr are drifting C. 1'. it. and 'faille c,entr I. but at - tint) to be told the reason why. though applications have en made. _____7_ - - to Mr. Wilson and the - trent 0 BOLD MONTANR TH91N RUBS Plunder. an Express Car and Shoot Passengers, THREE PERSONS WOUNDED. llesperadoes Had CoNtrul of Triti Engineer Covered bl Ittvolver- lilleep herder 1'mo slug hired rt - lie Took Ia News to Wagner end I Rosser flet Uut to lluut Crimldrls. St. Peal, Minn., report : 'A despatch to the Absocinted Pres4 from Havre. Mout., gives the folluw•ilig account Of the Great Northern train. robbery and Lilo names of the Imvrour shut by the robber,: 1hn lajur)d: Gertrude M. Smith, of Tomah, Win., a pummetiger who ienpevl from it N-Indow, received it butiet through right aria, bul'fiut meriouely hurt, Mr. Iliauglas, of Cloned•, Mont.. travelling auditor fur the Montana t N .11101;s ncr, a reward of 0,0110 to Valid for the upprebwashut of the robbers wait at Once punted by lite Great North- ern officials. All the facts In the tura were at otuw communlested l0 Ilia vhl Aluafi, ehiof of the Uri -at Northern rw•ret rer•ice. Tho huge umliunt of the reward offered W tuktNh an evidence thlat the booty hat• was ey, but the exact amount taffeta Itar tut been given out. News of the rubbery and the reward were wired to all lite princilutl points on the lice, cud the police mud detective force d all the Important points ht Lilo wemtora territory were uoll- fted. MH. HUGH'S Ulf UHMI Nothing Short of Independence Will Satisfy Oom Paul. STATE OF THE BRITISH NAVY. London cable-lcable-111the course of a dir«:udrhxa today Ill silo OF Of Communal relative to the eamtiuu- anue of the war aa�l the nature of the mettlemt•ut, Mr. Bro.;rlrk. Soca uu n tory tat 9tuLe aur Wisr, - twuceol tlutt Uenerul Klti,twuer a few dfiyls mgii granter Ivrmirmion to Ccsnnuui lint-Grar eal Ilotltn to Gent] ,• u calibre memrage to Mr. Kruger unit also allowed u r.!ply to bt rent in cipher. The result of the coucosm'0n, Dlvlmfon tit the -ren or tern, through left arm, 'car ahoukler. 'liowecr, was that Immediately tate roply reached the Boer leader* a Brakeman Whitealle, of Havre, prem+lamottion was leagued to Lire Mout., shot through right arm near Burghers declaring that nothing rllueltler, obatterki g_ bune- riotnly ditsuL of Independence would mallisfy Injured., Mr. Kruger, and that fighting woehld ('tory of the Cr{rne. continue until that was Aeooinptlslr As thl-Gteat-Northerttnygr,1tAln eel. It was alwur,l to suggest, Haid N'e.:1, was leaving Matin, Comluetor lir• Br( trick. in view or that declarn- Smith noticed what 1,e• muppoped to tion, that trio UovPrnu^nt could now be n tramp on' the trait end of the concede terms which It would not mull car, next to the eoglhe. He tried have offered Inesnthw sign, However tu'drive, him off after the train start- long the war might Inst, and however ell, but the nio n drew it revolver lint] long the apperleo of rnemb•rs of the mold hold batter as back or he Opposition might encourage the •teurnel" wonshoot. Tito eufireturn" would was de ior- rncrtty, the r a lu the Coaches;- And -list Shrriff deaf- Misr to sae flanGorenment war through. -- lith, of 1'alllY conniy, was on- The dcbntr bacoomo rattier worm. -_-- _- ----- SENOR RIESCO, CHILI'S - __ -, .---- NEW PRESIDENT. />,,A;::,k",�, ,,, �� I .1 �, � � }ti., t j. : , - 1111( �\ t 1, .. I ? 41.`� I A } i.�ve 1� 11 , - I 11 I f • ! �, .1% I old , I)' 1, ` / ` `Y lam_ •li ' 1 .'J' i , ..r - _. . _ ._..._ r ntlrfactor weer � 1- � o •mlatttee. na r y =-�- - � y�tr--- KTO091ACHT INO G1ITEY* Husband Returris Too Soon and Begins Divorce Suit. BUSTON s niE r r All AGOG - Dosttiu8.-' , July Uuy 41'401(4 pn u the yaol►t I:uropit•duriug it recent orulao up HA.Ifax way figure largely tit it divorce. suit 'to be culled hero tomorrow, ht which the priuoi[rllr are [tit uotor mad Mildre 1, the haud- dome young •wife of John Courtney Mardian, one of Iturton's wealthiest mrrnhn,wls aul copper uutgnates. Staata In the court ruunl wlli prutr- tbly bti at a premium, and not u few hundmume gowns fronto Worlh'a unit hwerr from fiencon atroet will be on review. Tate MurstomG ■tnnd near the .upex of, the Walston social mltuatlun. Wife Uealea Charges. Tho rich mala m dum:uni+•ut of con - plaint opeuot lit no uucertsiin terms. Mrm. Murrtoli'r sallower 14 as vrhPmn silt, tit ,ugh it bol more h:,mlerlvat and hardly lit) bgo&iewake ung brinlnnl"K with elrrumettnce. That actor got f+ uilm tho rich woman with an eloquent pl'a of it's own scfullllntlag furt,cenev. The mtew•nrtl of the I:urolmt, the cup- tuln, lila cook, tint severui moral or teats dirUngalmhed possengerd said to have, taken J!tuut Ott the nruih)entuh►m cruise have not yet slx,krn. taut they are expected to hnte something to Guy to -morrow. f ' Marston's lint of grievances tolled out begin with the voyage of the Europa. Ifs began to murperl} hid wife as -1 the curly-muntach'd Player early_ last nutwmn. H•! declare, he dircoc- rred stlfCelent evidea^e tile" to liar - rant him coming into court, but wns dlMsuade:l 6y his great love for hill wlfa !lays She Confenord. }le tellw with mudlt indlKnatlOn, that he laxed lain wife whir laxity of conduct, and that ele confersedt expreaming great contrition, after wldcl+ Ile Nhed a few salty tears anti again began encouraging tier cheque•(. Thome, he adds parenthetically. were, very large And frottluent, •and he n1w mays ho hnd evidence that most of tit' leKal tender ronlheet thereon went llltO the po cketo of the actor. ' The Eurogoa epiindt' In placed at threh ,yv• eekb back In blistery. Whitt getllm, lite [ntinonAlro most tan that ,,, bel !sea a large draft' drawn by blm to lila wife's order c•harterrd the boa a. stocked It harder and sideboard. It is nn ►ralln; to Ilia 60-11 that he an. dirtcovore . 110 GAyN, that Mrs. Armton begun meeting the Them{rba again within two week" after er promivc lrever t0 sea him again. Uustirnd'a 1 rmatare Return. Marston v 001, o Montana recent- ly on copper lou kind, and It wall during lain &the ce that the sopptvs taken place. Iy1ac ve -If much there was -was dna to tl t .,,such worn out, oral e*t11i t. soma prema- ture return o rho nue and. The trial Is not a ed to fart but a day, trough M . . areton de- alares alto will tlKht t n c urges to the limit of fundK anti• le at re - u i t•i tl l mourcem. The actor Mull+r y alrew vindication, for he ham ought Ilia lawyer. Herman L. Roth, from New Tort to artist Mrs. MA on's atwrneyg SHOT coma FIEND 11,11 HUMAN SHAPE. Assaults and Slashes a 14- Year-O.Id Child AND MURDERS ANOTHER WOMAN Deaver, Cul., July (j).—Jeanie Kin - port, 14 yenra old, was amme►ulted &ad horribly mutkt►ted fn her room during the itbsettoa of her another lust night, Mrd. Kinport halt been away during( the evening, rthd upon returning home found the doors ulleu. Hnstening to her daughter's n,um, rhe found the tont clothes strewn about and bl, oil r[rattertml over the room. The girl ons nowhere to be seen. searcherf found tier salient mWnlght In n vacant lot near by, unconscious, and witb numerous ruts oil her body. The authorities were-uutlfied, aur Chrlr .genera witas taken into custody He oonfeesold to Lite police that he aaauited Jolo nie Kinport, and 'also mall he stubbed another woman dor- lite the night. near tilt- eta, of the 1'fih'ermlty fart car liar. ft•nrch wine at toile! begun, nn -I tit dond body, of MTs. Dulllm was foouul tolls morning at tit'► plaa0 drmeribl d by Jensen. Was, had been *tabbed in" tit, brenrtand the blade of tine knife load IcNm•trntel her !apart, enuring Itwtnnt death. Th • body Inv by tho drivewAr. Th,re wits err evidence of n t+trugglo. Jeladen ma Ml the woman "wage sifter Ids," tuai for that reason he mtabbrmt her. lords Rullle was About sixty years odd. Klin ctindncled a dairy near tits {dace whore site was killed. -Janina Kinport is still alive, but to :t critical rundltlon. Chief orf Police Armstrong says Jes- rea_ undotilitedlr In Insane. _ T ___ A BRAVE ENGINEER, Wert Through a Burned Bridge wilt Ilia Engine. 8t. John. N. W. July 7. -at. John- ! ' W'nssoxu art Ill;•, I".) fall .ft- m Morton. sign thn('entral ltrauwnT►lb of Brs- wick. waw drstnryed by It forest fire ani Frhlry night. Tho accident was unknown to the official*. and Lila train wage sent out on Saturday morn- ing tie nmt:il. Tiny b It sharp curve jurat It+we the bridge to reached. The train wow within two hundred f,wt of the b-llge before the engineer knead ad ills dumper- III- called to the fireman to Jamp,_and did his best to rtop- lite+ trait, Tle engine, Scatter most bn{rgng, oar fall Into the hole. The cnglneor wits Mtrbd In the cab hmoath an avalanche of coal, and Ilve1 but a few hours before being taken out. Traekmnrter Jackson, of the road, who was In the laaggage par, had like ttwtsl b►tdly' cut and nev- ertq ribs+ broken. 0ttern on the train were, b"y Nwken up. Engineer Wm. Nodw'll was single, 30 years of age. Ile snh tr f ere Ito tiled that lie could hars geaveevl himself find lie jumped -+streak tan- ti,Ml-.Lbs. tiramua to illi liar_ Tho foreman landed In the stream And' oHcapml uninjured. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS. Casson Itochlsrdson, or London, One or the !•P eskers. Cincinnati, (lain, :fury V. -The Como of the delegatny to the Christian Endearor ('unvest tlots to -clay wire occupfel mostly by denominational Conferences_Thero were Ott of thrso rslllem held In Rho various churches nbmt the 'rtty, and tfiey were at- trudel by almost all the delegated and vt«Itore. e Thr throw grpat avditorlams were Manly Press flout. 1 ; / . t, ' " �.• __ __ _ - have been given. t ♦ i •, \. / 41ta, for Ito diefcus--- bn of "Tire Caps Town. July f3. -Gen. French. Thr, men say that highly enoti . f I1 '- / �+ .'• �{,, r Twentlrlh Century Church." ' Rev. wiles M crxnmrundintt the trtmaps In la rt- xis were received ,rn tit 1 - 7J I' i White Stripe♦ $ Ori zliQ 'Teaser J. If. Carrbcou. tit Eft. Louis, prerW- - - Uape Colony, suggests that the Cap. arglay by Chalrmnsig -a W'Ijandon. i ,` y -Y .�S�/ rel In auditorium Ohlo ; Rev. Carron Government dsuMl bring prendure on lira focal cotumlttee of lite C'amndin h 1 - Mack Them. in Force. .I. B. i0ebardmt,n. of 1.undon, Ont., the farmers who refute to defend , their colon lie px + «lir sire Pacific Railway 'striking trnckseen, r, � � In auditorium I:ndpnvor. and Itev, 7• pry's P on the situation of the straggle. ' �\ , l r / A,t� Allan Phil[xrt, of Iudianapulls, In at tie numbers d men In every town Several lir the local strikers claim '' 1 ,who maintain itneutral attitude. tit! ;I I• 1I 11' audlteSutty W'ltoporeun. that they have been waiter) ulaorn 1 , ` 11 �ii1 r�!�A�M\� ///yjj �'�, ORGANIZED AND �RMFD BODIES. Five Snlnuto «iser.hre were in or- --- an l asked to ) block b re toren- t {1 t i #' yl J/ �/�)) ��J g 7 Pr `\� ` ` Ir PJ/it dean maul sonny weer m,►de by the fd,3a5 Cottrta-Mrrtlal. LAtivee lir Llie comllany, bit would i �1-1�� 1 t'ancournt•, B. C„ July d. -In n run- various vlsltln chrgymrn. - L(K:coon, July S.-Ia ill(, looks" of not. The strikers in Toronto me C m I l'., - , . fliet hrlwra.i Lien Jir a"nose tuNl the g Tho P i w were then ('e,mmona today Lord t,tonley,.Flogna- landing out to a man, ani declare , .w•hftes , nrml Indtuin ran tom! Frtior ur m qt ng r , tl n nit - N e1I:UIDl.�N }:IF O, Nf W' PRESIDENT IDEN�' OF CIiILL kernel to allow. the I:nrlravororts tat A rlrtnry o/ the War E)Ffder, that they atm out to -aria now at- klrer tr++tity - tar ,Inpeuresp weer to ),in in tilt+ noon -day evange11et1c +tnt!d that there were hunt your mach ad they were when trio strlko Ikon Prnutn Blanco 11 b• the next 1'rnsldent of Chill. In lite Mee byatsn and drlven brick to whore. A work in the factor and tenement o,333 rourtw-marll►1 In South Africa, r(,MmPnced. tions on\ru�-.l olnt he at] a large majority over Pon Pedro Montt• numb.•r of Japcawe arr-iI the line- dWtricto. y ,ifferling N 3:10 p'rwonw. Tie court«- - - -- - .9r'awit« Nil ted by it majority'of lit, Llbornlw nod Itadleab IAtnl morlct«ly wournfi•d. -- ------ martlal m•n• field exrlurively far +and by Pit Conmrrv, tiv,r party. tic rt- a rolntbve.of rho retie- Tlta.lnpnm«s nn• 'LOt1U "tnmg amiA MEXICAN SCANDAL.military t.fferlopw. TGflDN10 SUNDAY BOR1S in91'reminer Errusur s. r►tm,'d, bit have twri yet uisml theirawLr d Stanley r"tid, *Doh ntt wan map Pied by a majority of the Catnmervatbvee, wonpoxama low written awl Indians -- im-rourM numbers :551,0(1) tr)In fn or Cfrrfcby part of the Liberal party. Both Scour Ri,rtco and number 50V. Tb7 poliee,ar,e help- creel t Father 1crs.ACreateda Pro - South Africa, of which number 14,01:0 -- Senor Mmoderate I,ib nos. I Ito. found sensation. tare sick. The, whitew nre on strike ngnlnst Mexico (*fly, July 7. -T1s torrent -- Argyle Repeated Offence De- ---- theornnnsrw. T'N• .inlay refused to )tin and ImprlNument inrnmmunk•ado of bJ I train, arrnnRr.1 wII film to erre and fair. ilnMur, the Govrnment tl►:• steal rulA .3,O1d0 of them went Boers Regie Irsrmfng. the man at tmxt tag 7Vhe►i t } Irrloder. n F'utl►er Icasn. a [rartsli prL!et of the 1 tN'tylw'r' ala- acerae: TdiT -tri it bntty tilt* evensing with Church o f it•lntn ('nlarina, ,hast t-rr I,rxmlon, July H. -A 1G•ut.!r elrm[vhtch spite Prosecution. train alorwonch,d I:xe er, the next u► sir Henry Campbell BAnnerman• rlfl,w In tM tPAtomt of their boats. atevl n ofound nenailthm. lie Is from Klerk"rtorp, In the muuthweietrrn aiding west of Malta, e c ndwrlor the Irndew of toss- O,m"Aton. the Int- >� yy I I TFuy w,re f, (towel by lite patrol arC,tsed rt-( nap crimes against T:ansvnal, «tater that lieu. Itawlin• -- mignalled the engineer o stop, but ter indignantly objected to bring b"otw of Lha otrlkern. S•rluux trouble g .n..7, With Coltis:•Ir lYllllhmf nn•J tole Lenin early Hle►cl,.a►1 s led TDs_ caUldd a name wldcb was- Intra led Lia expected before mrrrti wostltNnt, arnt how nceuerre ore Lha how= HM•klr, has b:en ,,locraling recently .LAKESIDE MAKES TWO TRiPS. coi"fuctnr nignollet l n GCcon titre, but Ire otf,nedve. z}>q �• lanna1 t'r oilo of to- women and senor ht than m,xrt difficult parts of thio lite train did not stop. ;nglnepr Mr. Falfo-1r match be would w1lingly T.-rrnrns, oxm+e elltor of a fanatical Toronto, July E3 -Thr 'wtenmer .1t-- °p -- e+ alter i L•rtrnl rev kly The cane lfpgnit•sb,rg reglua. N , Doltish Jones wild during this time wlthorair, the term wit wool, orlon- THE KAISER S RAILW AV. paw' kyle again of the the 'n Da tG a Alli- will b,l trl,'d biforw Judge Peres Leon fOfr,e And vi"ttrd 'thy Cnrmtry for the wrath of the Iward'w 1Mty Alli• t'ovrrrd by r f:un iter, trot remarked that tit'! Irleh .aam-, tis-, acct oar troops found. _n dLI trot. ubj.:ct Lu. It. whereapua Mr. Ha in Interpetak4w--w 1im II 1'rrn11L1 U 1 Valle, rural will b! the Jndlefal • Jumbo fit Doors,w;uo hold returned ansa try TLtnnlag an szcarsinn from atxt RAA tMtt by thY nvp(rrnmd. t t)IIr John Redmond denttsd that the Irigoh p ' Y"Ilt of the ye:ir. Olcott, N. Y. to Tpronto and re- that If to" trat,i nt.opl»d he tv01thl til lSehewe. Thr Voith,4lc c le are much n I in Lim le farm+ pslowin fly angagel le heft film, W hon tit! train rea^he.l a off t mo mb••rr were tot ower+ rf rlr H••nry P P R turn, yeoterday. The .IrKJ' I tat,*L for thi tri -ti I# Irnnml to open clare'aa pod (hag arnh y slowing. They de- herr on Saturday night for O:cott three milrw e:nt.nf W;tgner the aI I!mm�coil l Ithiink man, dtwl lift am Ito blossomed seduly of n it b William or 111► vnrfrxtw linrw of I'nve"llgnlfon lain blip. that they to theic that RCdtnoni thanked Utm) that hr. one )into bio tsnmel out us n builder of ami afternoon to Toronto xc Asia- morr.m was frrrccel to estop, and two ,•hnrvh dbw aline end lb• conduct of Gita war hail meted Mer Cho'1R favor. eye artrrnon with an pxeurwluti roar' m•n n m•torevl armed with W'ln_ not n Jdbr•rnl It►emb^r• Pletrlr r11:INvnyts. aeonrdl6g to two 4 Tolley miade two oppntsttfom lost (Inlet- y PI Mr-- Bnlfour, continuing, declared lh• cl,rgy. it W exported thr Able- frua Buffalo. She cleared fur OF ch,rtere. The rul►tttnre beK:w [lriuK - g, Amprlon0 Sarilneers, rolur_afld_�-i[u4a. t fl4vfe itrtm, will . arrive fNrre ly eat oten rived• Tota ron we which Cott nn the rrlurn Lr ohortl nf- nest the wm:•ngf-rm tit fir"t thea h( it ivnm hot Furrrp• or Atnnrtcn Dprlll, 7 Ica R Ian•- They are Informed that he les tilt, ''+troy hi August. lad trerxn rerenUl,v wenn were in a � o•hlldrrvi w,.re crh•bralln the I''ortlt. Lite t encourage 1 the lkn!rs to fin Forward stats, ane! U"erw rex« a largo r I)PPPite'mthe threatening wenther ldrnlcrman W'l,ileslle� of Havre, lend rslotranee, but the n1•mlprts of j,olut pnrtner of tile, Siemens-Hal«ke supply of stalk atat of dry mealYes yrntorday lite «reamer I,nkreida wan Mont., got oaf lite• rear ei"t of Lhc the offsets OppoWlllon. He ithpinred firm In the comotructlun of a great TROUBLE AHEAD. we,11 patrell fol en hpt irmot Mato- train, .anti wow .*Wxt through -thin them o recognize the grri►t re- Hnmlurg-itrrlin hist express line, _ - t- Thto Cofiwdlrn Sento 1%. repunalb ly (Rey were. Theurrintt. which purlm,rto sbooting tralru from . hath trips, n large ndmbfr of pro- right arm, new Lhc! ah,uldor, "hat- ytrlker4 1'hrentpn to Prevent Werk Loval'Kh, Juty S.-.lrrnnKens•ntw nna pia at•Incing In a practical manuor t,ring tlae Mme. Thr tleAlterrnneru Klpel the apnbanrd to the onpttnI at n hm - _ bfvina rondo fur five• n(f4c•r6 and Nev- filial they do not sharp ,with Cit• Mr. iougLum, cif Ctf.neey, Mont., nu- During t dctxtte on tile-llrifiesh dooM miles an hour. There etW teem Going on. enty-six men of Liar Citlradian tar. Kiln, Lord'm IMy Alliance tin antipathy ditor of the On -at Northern Montana nmy la thi! loner! Ot Cnmmum" yea' tly' I ► RorbeMter, N. Y., Inly 0. -Ry Che (Nip at Sunituh,un ot.dn from Wrath Af- y 1 In Mr. ten« nookrd the FlrnC The rand In unique among the +trrhal here early thin uN,rnlug of 1 to the of Sunday tante. Th, dlvGlon, wwunq lint on tho tste ml oil worod'oe Pleetric s,vntarttw. it In built 110 Imbue♦m from New York cltj,, rices, by the IC.m.lin crottle next Thorn- Lakrmide made two round trips' be- trio noshth With- nr tile. car, and wan Lord of that A mtrnlly to mnjce n day, to tan temgp,wftrMy e"reurmo"lett- tween Toronto and St. ('athmr- ohrr,t g11r011rt11 1110 141, Arm nrnr the mtnt,•mtnt that nnhd n lay Lith teal- ' I nn embankment "1) feet htgh.-51 luim,tted by the ponlractorw to take eel M military quar1erm at the Tow- fined. Owing to an accident tothe ml onMer, trot r-celvel only n fleh Ings of unrest rn l by the recent fast whoa at the topj and lir at nrptile the p'nce,it of lit, -fim ng wtrret ertr of Lctrtcko. otPering goat of tine Garden Vity. w01lnd. Ghrtrnde Smith, of 'Dmmih, Allegation" of i ffic(eney of the Inittom. ParAllrl with the rand nor Inborprs, a Crinis "toe lieu to have. 1 i --- chit waw arable to IrAre her dre k. Witt., burnt for S•nttk•, opened nut ditches on tither aide, which give a been rearhr•d ht !lite labrrerw' etrlk", Kitchener slid Ilothn. but it Ian announced that she will to( n wlrnlo and wait phot In the Mrrlltrrrnnhnn ►qn ten. lIr Nna total hrhndth of over 1:411 fart. brypnn right week" ago . ypelrrdny. Pr Dur,•,1 to brawt t r tiovarnmr•nt "All the Inlproectltur lint-* o over London,, JoU S.--Tha.UwerntltmtL be-oa_=e.ruuuL_wUh._tII9.A4A9 4a right arm, but Twit "Pr (nwwly inrlrrd. cutl0r na horltle hr g Tile contrru!lor" may they will re. Ctkltfm'Cnf'" lklnttff "n0tttttxf"Tele tl � -� -•- wan- dailor -44-mb,llikmrwL ire-a+rwkl. ,warm film rt"ho m-.t,V"het, -i*-_W_id,_fff ---�- load Inuod the official pnperr detall- next Sunday. tn161A.u w N AL of irrc,I i! apparentgrate crossings. iota the Mallory of the apgollatlrne Captain (3sorge O'Rrtioa, of lite rm'ng•rn nes lama nes Ihr ronld Boo through -ilial tits: a 1-1 l.4 hi on. and weer their power. unwonted o by the 1(. tae, r the train to'keep r dmf of night. i►hle'l, Onf "Tan trn'io an hoar- icor atm tT t„ eon ren. On lith other hand, lite, - neaweea (rmm+latllont-General Ikrthn Argyle, will Appear in the 1 olleo• 1 4 tits v P'4wax with tit Hon nrLimof- en ch direction. The mater earn nor and lien. Kitchener. They Cofitattl 11ourt this morntnlr to aawwer- ce Ch^y ill t)y-yte.lUttgIs herder, tole salt -le Com„ p„µ.�tryyluuivaia ot. I volerw r•f tlx+ wtrikrrs are squally onthillg new of importance. Trip Int- a charge of Infraetlnn of the LorXie of the tears. A Phoo p h,nler, rldong bur fere! to the m,•mlm r" of th erllcume fttttvi ,with whnrp ttnwf•d irnntar ter tlptermined tri hold tip' wtid'1♦ on tim nlwxit n llnrter of n toile from where or"comr nor Imposture Incl lent t„ trip man contrarto. r•mt Is n den talk from Gen. Kltr•h- Gay Act n went agog. 1[o irrufewtm6 tits h ro that they might form ac urate terrific Popper•. The rare nre of huge y _ est.•r: �eaFl+le, "1t- R a oupoi to base-ao4saw-of 41fas samult, _. ,._- -...- rttrlPtn MM%jt _.- jaljgmt ai _Pa, l he _ Itlaite! - ,}rt-_ vr}C* �verloo hit p,.aE_ - .._ ..- . ___- _ , of the proclamat:un, recently nn- The Niagara, St. Cr"thhrinao• A -" `t. , &r C'hnrlrw Dllke ralnnro m e nmrtrr Arnl four pain of tnlekgo, and WANT HIS MONEY BACK.• -T� oouneel 1n the Hunan of Conhmotis by Toronto line have imspandet All ex- up. was fired nirm les ill-. robbern. ThP (160crrnroeut had isorpowly man! nrP of ..t-0 horme /avower ench. -_-_ the Sseretnry of State for War, In- curellon rates on 9andn Anil In bullet otmek Ids sndltiz, but dt,l nm•t lal.d procedure to prevent n,ljmrt ye "Amrrlenn nor bristles nrp the only Ilrlilsh Nrvdl f.IGetenaat sat t■ r tinrl by Actl 1'rrsiof,nt of the thin ren -h to circumvent any Inflht any onrl01ro wtunelgo. Tlr mh,rp ru►rNft cif ih! 1inuWa being in( rani Tranolvaid Nchalburger, and 16tr. y -hope henhr r Kiel tins retbbrr tl 11'n YnnkoNe e{nlpmpnt Err far nrlerfd." Quiet 1►aunt. prosecution that may be inet[tlttell "T► y g lhi0 gtsslloa thoroughly dL"rutsa!d. He _ Q .ILC11, 1'reolde"t of the urnntge Fret, against them for running their tier otatlrti nbnit 43.5, And n 1)(100" proteootled that tine flow", waw bring "MUCH KLONDIKE GOLD. r'tnte, nn .lnnp 20th, declaringthat of mon from Malta. twrlvr milew frnmNew fart, ,lady T. -Lieut. R. Dnu•a, pi bontw on AamdAy, as tl►py claim to de•priveii. l>4 "Cot1p uppnrtunity to dim- � „[ lite DMtlsl" Nary, land, riluim,•If � ponce will be made and no condi- tip part of A through vvystem of Chs emne rd tile, rnbbPry, and n rump , oil dsfielenrlea sof the navy, \ — unfor"Inr with WlavLw of U w pa6nf•tl- "�� lion" nreeptotl by' which our Inds- travel. The Act under which pr:r- lmmowo of rrs•n from GIAAW)W, 161011(., whh•h ort# apparent to an ono par- Ilom consitnt allwers Laiden With K 1 RM "event flea ilem eamt, mtnrtet with- Y sew stn the Cnnarder ('Am aloin, {m•ndernre and 11ntiowAl existrnre or c.,ralingm muwt he taken provide,ft y- yyui rhnminK A ctPpy of lila Navy Annual. Itlrhego. w111eit nrriral here yeasterdny, by tlit• tntereats of oar rn'onlal hrothrrw lhnl no "exenrwlnns'• "hall by run In twenty-fRe mhuulen by "fm.•L•11 Tliov were, theredorv, well known to ltaattl Wrnh.elml N. -Th,• 11tenmer r arnll { trnon. A x-I►1 trAlp carts his-) ' Y q t -- afire filling r)ker AC A mh:oll he the prier paid," nnol t11lst the• „rot of Toronto fou Senldny. � the (rrtr•ign p.+whmw, Howl were well 1'Ityof Cllr ham from Lynn gam^ of 'bxirikrm and broker" lgls. y t { attend torr w,unolod• fter•afr,nl, hat to all officorw In the• • The winn-rat fol the money were U. ---� in brllrcod to be only n preliminary of :;d00.00);.nll, save IOn,IaOa), oon- it. s. con"nl Stowe Ne11191111. canter to the real fight, which will To Bitter for Droperadop11. M; dlterrnnMn flpet fr,rra Ler 1a12heet nigneol by the 'anrdll►n Dank of Com- Ionion rwtsr nal J. It. Mactry. Tisa Ileti- t!► aha lowest. L•yidnn. ,lu'p K- drrpnt,•h rr•C,•Iv. c„mt• Jnter, when the iword'w Ikty , On the Arrival ,rt Nov. a at 11'ngnsr, mProa Ur Lith t. ital 6tntes Assay (►f- tenant mn.i+ n Crxnplahtl Sr ('Rpt. e.l herr tw,­dny frim chi r Town an- thinner and the mtpamb,pat own- Sheriff Griffith organized w prmwr or ito attacked the Onvernmrnt for non In this rlty. Wrillihr, whit forced lhn winners to lite P ex rrailltg Ins enmW mrle«sl on nonncen flint 1'nito.l Stnteft ('01111111- row croon mwords. tm Baron and wtarlel nn the trail of I large 7 W'fa 7*f 1.oe, it n rntold lrlder, Klvr up tM mo►oey'nlrun the threat the robberm. After the robb!rn New ill,, military d f rete b ke sit la m+•, when ands lois. Lha, n ncr, find ft Ion f1 „f olneing them In Irons dnrin the It rien,rnl .Inn. f:. SUnvr fin« rrrigneml, - --- -- `` g d the fixprr•ew Car they ctnrthrt lit,• soupy Conld he mart! IwotitnhLv In deet. The KI' INllkscrowd lett Dnw- rraR of lhn von Hennes was down d� nivel that he will «all frnm f'npr Tntv'n Sn11 for Illasmy. P y �' r silo far IIIc hitUa Rrxklsts. The ra- wp'nt sell tie• navy Thant he onMl, was Wan Jorge "Alit. At that time npnN, ext the n on how rrtnrn to the United tttntPr tit.^ nt Aha ai Gdce twogrnlnnr for the F01urth "7f tali 5th. R'tnnl{reg. Jnl,r 7 - nit dor bhlaoy ward Id j5,0(l0 dear! ere aUre, and JL goy D' every ILKtlncinngg rlAlm Jit the rlbtrlrt �)f ,tiny cottoert, but wtnyM nanny, and l4i11 ha« b^en Pnterol by Minot .vnair Id wall the robtorrs cannot posn.lbly f-1 rcpt} Mfr. Arnorld-fe'ns[�r, Pnr- wAa bring wortel, nna) the novwrn- during the rent orf the vo age the i --- Ilenrev. or Winrton. I)nt, sat ftat n, n e, n" nick work was done In :Inm,ntnry S•eretnry to tom Artml- meent had 500 men ent Dyed In the p q P: fxnwssegNn' mMb It dtrlrle ly ,hilly 'tape F'"Iry T"1r.. ('u rLngr, Ont. Sh, rharKego that her g,•Sting tits, lrsnt gain men In the rnity, derllw•d to m%ke tiny otatc- rcrn6trnctlon of rondo to trio greatest fol him. ' i,Pmdnn, .Italy t). fit it, M. it I'nrWo h r+ner hnnb.n 1. .Clevnn I,r rtesry cvnrntry ("I their trail. m•nt no to tit• wtrPngth of tit • Mood- oft,'A praincing elfenme in tho dla- _ 11 nientarY romper imaniA lhmt night, h: Odog,-n. wnm mnrriel to Fliombeth The amount taken M not yet known t,rrnwnn fleet ,.r the, Iwdley (if the, trlet, A. T 1'ntternon• lirnnd Ile,nrd,•r, ?` rrintiTR to the I"re noRntinto011m, Nrr;rPgnr, formerly wife tot FlprmrJot, here. - I t=rap RsegartilAR lire a:Mtillloa- AWmt 1.Nif)"up,ralewaleto"toss A. O 1:, W, reeelvP,I thin morning ,1Pnnnnst rat Pw that the RoPr fnyres hntclk,•rq "•r tit ('wrltxo y. n gomnll ell• After Itlg Itpwnrd. tlfrlt of t� navy. Ito ani! that for Ito left the Klone 11 ke for Nome r►md the no fhrryu • for :12,0)1). tho anwnat of 1`- tire In n very pnrholin "late and htK' nrnr Winrt,on It Port Arthur o1R• lith M,rllthrfn.nrMn Lprt was Kovoltnk olnea the river op,•nrd. lit^ prim- won by t h, 1.rvond iw,dg Ihni tits, horwherm are .nay kelvi in ir,.vidw-n nn•l tits forgot wife find Will Mt. fart. Minn., report-Ulsm re- b-ttrr ognlppprl nn•l In n better titrate ---., of QaPI«•r, far hrlvitig ennfie n not the lipid by unhlnmhlnK {w•rtrrtsimta n mwtnnl orpwrnthrn two Margo resist of the npww ,of the Hold is of of nhwdntn pr•pnration for war than Thr-l-otto Mr. Plerre iur0hhrd, of 9)d,I of neer ane thrnamand mrmMarm of lord Kltehpnor'n forma and ex- ago. I , , ,' the Great Northern flyer near aljl'- a that of nay other soustry. few York, left over $$5,000,000. during the pnot twelve months. •'' l'hmii!t' r rt Ye t01 i 1't 0140 Miff _ «. , . , 4 4 d1. , 1 . ��y� . , 111111111 lal'II� ._.-.. —___.=L<,itd..rC...-•..�. ale+-- -, -.