HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-11, Page 61i - � , -,. ,,,,, �. s»,; `,,w ,'•'n n, 9I^ .. ,5 , -. .,M '. � i otos ,nth(. :•. �,. -•R"•t,: ir•= �,�..,..-+r.v'aeeas,v��,Rr��®,.a*�A.7.^�,i�N,:.1�+•L�Ft. �,��y.,� I- til 'A d ,: '," ,.. a ei , t.. ,n. vt,.-,'L.. t: ,., Jr n "i, rl �( �� i;.i i:. . 1 . +SII _ «�.: ..... -j—".. . .:.' �r. �rat� ••,..-.._ s 1':J:..: .-... . . -.i' . Rwve!v9gJ++,l,'4ilae;+:+ik .a.lw:.�ranre.ar .,s,:,,.+ ,•r. •.». }lay. i I boldyleafy brunches out over "You think I am Is tau with Ida. y aA I --� -�•- ,..,-Iaawe ra,ePear a.ayaw sw-sl,.'s-4 , ,Fa- •�" It, lookil fit ilia green. rmtxoth and that It is on hie aoou"ot that p��3 �3 1�SIuliT N• ISSUE NO 28 INIe j VAa ,y��atcs K L ' -AW v�llt-? .11 hi,.1t 0r,*1,Ur�*gf":v ., ,� weed which wild gradually waking I refuNwl you. Neither suppuration In Ytasd Lines --_ bl way iters the whole mail au he correct. It war through the buy, 0�� i �s What) ratguaut n,atpa uud at lits up as Ulway. that I wnr ttut brought TO A MIRACLE �r . •y � stouts w•utrr ltfggtxl tltxtt gradually up lir a form-huuN• droit ru It was �J• 1 3v, decaying, +s it stool nwured to Its through tfiu wuu i,t ae:, tot .a.,,p atilt For Young 11 idows. 4 rotten part at the farther eud. .incl 1 war able to sue my f:iUier un hie and child, run down -there dint stutxl uud watched the walut dolethbod. I am IndeDt.•d to hint, t*v Ura or Tusa.) alta njut the gnate tie t owarwod tort therefore, fur all the happinrrs 1 have Indebtedness to Dodd's Kidney ° hundreds—lucky if you are trot one. �� It, riot the hanglug binhei :old the over enjoyed, and, If lie were tooter Pills Acknowledged by �a'?E�l��..� ' Wleit latlgle, Of lrew and Iwurbwual to be scan sober, and if wunler were Fruw little Immemorial the ow, And what du you think they want? vs A. thnl hemwrd It In, uul In liullew Thomas St. Plern. g eV hid favurite occu ttion, wy debt to The want rest and a chan e� `, `rouurufulnew, but• with her hand Ott luso would renal° tiro rate,' looking young widow less bran a fav- 7 _ g {I / ; rlry with wild pintrr fur brslgiug "•rk n of cotes. orite character with novelist and and can't get either, Pityt0s bock tiro Inas rho nlrtxl in cps Y"u turelte a gnwt Healt\ Rallrely Re•wtaDlbhed D7 1 p� _ sldrrl ilia righttule uwuer of on- dsal t Ludel's Kldaey rills -Another P aywright. She hue tarn dr leted Of it 1 " I Could du so ; but I believe th •rn triumph for that Wonderful Eters- as possessing soave special sort of w Hall. V ro racxl. ret barL I D.tltuvu that emits ret. x eight Has Been Scott's Rmulsion of cod-liver oil • y fasetnatlon fur Itwn, and Il has often is almost [est In itself 1 ; 1 tits+ war farrcirlg her wily throa►(Ih hr ts &ccusrl d n cruse ht uuvu tltrengtneaed been declared that uuwurrled to- sw�awivo_ lite beer, wit tier way bhek from eommltwd. As few him (:sults, tivit Is •u.... ..a •...v. ... .•. .. ucrcrrw.�w3aRrirexar,r.we : x. r...w:.w..,:, .,.__ lits pwld los altentwtl her tape n1sr.►•tr utatLrr: Isar tit m lir plainly } tlur., June Y4.-lSpeelsl)- muter hour no chance ngalnrt Drr eorvv rsorwr voR. I( - still lightod up with her fancie . and as you calk (lo, awl th :til+ .o un Oki" yt•ar &,gu a mtraele was nn- p0oullur power. Than atgaln mita Ir sma ani pb.eo•".ti1ar;.�ira tj Y nwueed In t9d(c o. R. A. wade, v _-, Dur Ilprr taofllY uttering the wdor(lyd uurre n•pcll:uht W me, a w111UMS, thin Clio held up um ole to ba envied on ac - a a bo wtwn she ■awe fare to face great crmuilnsl lawyer, regain- __ K. b y eau bt to Yon, a mw• You lots- count of the frupsloax rhe enpyr lir b his sght attar htvlag iCT years with way. Ki Rnwber, and the song Otte efuLlrely tb" "atury+ of wy fuel- ouwpared wltb wlvw and walalr, and S�fN.�-MOVE SERMUN, O6et totally bund. Hh caw+ loss • al1r11 away. Kite ikud Be•givald ; he begs fur Juwer Utway ; t1 I most alwrtvs rho Is acousod u( being rho. - s was very kind and very handsome. rpxtnk wt clearly to explain away t\+ I "tI thr(ntghuut tics lengt\ bad All title Is denied by a certain widow The Famous Sermon lit the Late Rev. GERALDI N E S f ORTU N ES radth Aawrlca. " "t Std Iia had hrlpoef James to rrcupw; offeree my words sato W \leve glra+a -fro"I'd more attention to Dodd's who is young, pretty mad rich into Jobs Jasper. i but tiro w;ru triol g1ri oxnld out fur- Sia, I will Loll you tic tt, thou 1 Kidney Pills than any medicine ever the bnargnlu. tt get tlatAt wits Iia who herd prophesied built+ amt believe W will prove hb luno g tnr it was Dodd's Kid- "IA,o't ever believe that sort of One Sunday, ubaut fifteen P t lit tx fore. 1 a th tt her invorltx would lave W odcapP, cant r, If be were to return haw a free ne7 Pille tfutt resttored hl■ might. nunrenre," ould she to a girl friend twtm'tY years ago, after a lung s••rler r ,old lit • fact that hits lirsoplimy hod unit rtriiltlew Iran• I could tot marry A olbillar use hoe turned n In who lead been envying her. '• Free- of lets typical rerwuuN, Juhu .larprr r•ulue tru. only luere:tsrd hb uffeurw. hila." S P "But It 10 aft buptawlDNr-It Is advantu and, akin ar" ilio Une Vulago of Kt. lips, Que. Though du b t R'hy, a nice widow has less &8096 In lab pulpit, luuktd aogulftcuut- f I i tone,^ abs avertestl. fells [rum ■&ger I g"'' ' g 4 lea knew o- n ; th what ht had "11 hu Ir 4usroont, why dkl brrun thin offerer war nut stone blind, freudum thrlu outs uthrr wumnn. She ly about him, uod took lair text from 3 a[ wcwM ta, her, Iia led her out cal retmr fur W -tiny ; tboagh rh+ had uw/ty T" Chu book of } loxias, chs 5f volubility into itmprusrive. slow tar- kWia•,l ter Into the Norf„Ik (-art, lit Never been wuoxt idiots. rby- knew " Ile went W seek prtxNe of h r hid eyes, nevertheless, were utter- oan't avoid criticism ; she can't even t erre ri : ^Thor Lurd lr a lou n lir our ; V juarWseN. "When I hennl here unit ivpi4h,,mix nswntlr Iwhore, tw• laud first thlt ft aver lu the chartist:+r d a 'utuo:xrtcx+; Inti left mt a Irtter U) toll ly ureters tot him ,by lamplight. Aod get ordinary justice. Every "lova f r tlrwt+, amt our tour, tine nave of Sir taken tier to Warinsran. The right woustr pre zred W take' the final me "" b+ r rlked, Dluwhiu thpy have been completely testor- she makes Is misconstrued. Hume- the lord it I11r tion■" I James 0twe7; wlra F fourrl that the crf it ninlis tlgrd law rUll yluea..but the p V m. with It iaald ko tat oke otl al. ed by Doild's Kldaey Pills, •whloh fs tltd+a I aid almost temptod to marry "ggh to OVe uiolid, end ore hit, ha 1Ltt h••' �Dcl tlQf 11 b' 1 togethe to Il he %eivar, bre tole, tell ants 1 toad usrrdd ctouW fund InLerewt would Cwt let ttpr tdtlk. Ila drove filartr ••vf'j another t olI Llmilar ugulo In self-dufrnrr. When my his haDilutl rulmaese u Ilttle efkakai l wjly ,kxtsiit lf` sten■ Wirt Y' Vub ktT• tugrlhrr nil lite versa» that rerinwl P - will: ant In nw Other subject. I be- u p, tint slopllll[ hill, rattler unxl"uW stmt run unmistakable air of baving He but tw'h •d th,• w,lultive, nerve. 'I'IIMe b pt nate In made to as- humband died nobody took my monrm to tench that the ran mov(xl uud gat W think. I began to watch; ntd. nlrxt,t thou way In which GOraldlnP mado up pled mind W loot[ and do hts •old br face grew troubled lit afatoe serf Dodd's KNa►yt Plib are a euro 1°g seriously, Sad when I lightened that the earth war tot u hall. wtrq i rotund that, u9 Croon as Cup- would Imtimfactoril nta,unt fur this fur blindness. Dodd's Kidney Pili■ it I wan iwmedlately, set duwo ass H" V Lein llorrleala learrhel flat HlrJamer 1 boast that Slay, lir did h Lite at- lit \■well. Jiunn Utway hal town ftlt nttrolotely Certain that tbo eNiLpaile. Wrnpt, "way two mautb+, but lvul m:.d o Iia are Ute greatest kidney medicine giddy widow. 1 war fadilfureat to Bible war true, lid lie could Sot k"t, had returned to F]tgland, he did -when dill you see roe? I know you Th•y wort both cotlfu•rd; and ah•, rlgn. Sbe turned away IntlaLle(Itl &war known. Thad Is the claim etude inon, but that was only my sly way. spy auayDoly could Ab run wltD Its mtgerl that ' business' caller( Ido Ail e•e air,'• saw stld, when jibe had Lulki fast, lel th, %way tow.tnd the DaNi't bx+ as� for Ikxld's Hklne Plllr, end there Wtnm n marrlyd mnu tear nice to me back. 1 loll sure : atrl Inst night- aR ry wltA w , 7 plain tracliingr. "Bredren," he sand, fought fur rtptrol of forrst•If. "1 b,,u.*•. but ,if courw+'he wouldn't go. ,WL1. "i will brlWtr anvibhu ytn N evidence euuugh to prove that hill wife became Cutty on th6 spot, ' a( de Bible any rhe sun rise. aa' set think what a home -v nuhtg It war for thought, a. i"eanksm, I saw you oft " Y(u hive moat fr„m tlw old iwltd, like about It.; I will let you perwtade Claim. But 1n mens where Kidney Wad It young fellows paid me any at- dee Ile on rh,c un' ret ! An' how ken y a rwwly warrlwf wife' -IW loss tlrwd ►1"reerhnrk, with your hock W me." htcrn't ycu t" he tlsked. ' I should me that De hats woe good rearun I�Isease Itis left prison* to the tendon their mother@ ruffled their It) rids &n' set of lilt dun' move T I curl xtagr3 at my chsuagof manner, •ria eUal,' aid law, qulPity- "i ! kP to look at it again ; IItiven't seen for etnying away.'-' blood, and Lhe said pontoons attack- feathers like anxious heov. I war su "Ili de tenth chapter u' de Douk o' add, t wrppxm(.. tit 1139 gwant, maw you Neild btefore YOU ass mr, It olive I was n bay." 8110 turned ups.an film quickly. Ing the weakent spot, Injure the designing, you know. And all the Joshwy, an' ,ek twelf, thirteenth an- I tor, whit 1 accused him qulte .m- anti i Wrned up that road so Clint ••Th -sine b nothhlR W sow;' rh+raid "You talk as if my trust were e7p, Deld's Kklnry Plllr are justae while I felt that not one of them fte'teenth vent•., dor In proof strung , expecttdiy, the very manner in which yule tivight think 1 hadn't. I knl•w sloolep tic re!6lrtrwtly its h- hall l ba: k quite, a clllWtsb Hostig, that awe fallible aae where the POIdOU °t WON tit to tie Say late husbaud's eruuff ter us utl. Uo Lawd rind, •r+un, tw lust my wmlr betrayed him, nnA rnnnthinf wnr wngK by ttM ►urtfv" Ih • br neh•w fur b •r W pars through- cuuld furgivto anti exrud6 in n Willy taekr the pint of the arm or the shoo, I wantod women friends, but dtatd thou still on Oldraon, and thou he sw'Orv+ to my facts that, the law way in which you were hurrying 'nu:huhg but a horrid. unb:sJthy pu>! girl, bout which It was Wt td the tmutll lot the black. Tlta,t tit eye- s,nly advance I made In that direr- 3moun hl the valley of Ajalou. anal the r"lot never clulm•fnrn+ Otwrty. th tt elott - tit+ matt attirl)14-k.um walk t avvered with dw•k-weed." t ue•etiou fair a man to Consider aur- fight of Tllounue Sit. Pierre' was 1 tis° wily trick. nI to boa simply sa- unt sthe yelp Sad th0 wonh lbehed ha w,wld ►w•t'er rust tUl law had tnickwl Ever w, lets-thP•by-no-1 pts Litt+ rnere • tt•,, see(I W thole It a lovely place kxwly. But it b o wan uhu ruxxur. restored L but nlkother nrgumeut other sly frisk. It wfui eo clever of unttll fico people nvenKeal thrwrPlaed h to ,hewn ipnd-kuted his llk, R ring,' tart r, your bring rout arunte to-dnv." w•h yi our were �buyw t1bu,ugh," bo n� ages me is my beltu(, a nun Wiliam. L� Dodd's Kidney Pllir make the tau to retnrld that i did not care upon their enesuwa. And there wan tit Iter tult4 was grring, kir Inst words Rat tbtwght you were shout• marked, gaining bite puint by pYeist- ju utmlt eves blood absolute) re. D no city Ilk■ that before It lir after w•w• twtrwJy and feebly ,tuluwl: tut sigtltelf you would niktev to 7 W fur wen. My huebund'r relutiv"r ti+ fav in her oyes w le rot that art •Neter n 1 ; i row Cwt'• M wont islets. "Jataus soul I u@ed W catch b worthy of oahsidenttkNl.' Opre 1s Mt- Fit, Pierre's letter : enure unit ndvlred me, oautlooed mr, It.' " The oto Isreachor rtuppptn there T tadpsolame In It and put t b •m In bottler, Ht inald looked sur ised and in. "I am happy today to nee my nod planned a to lime. F'inall f IrWaunity : anti, whet alit hood finishod, on, trial 111 v. "Cil I k. foto Outd• i sixid l , me. Tltey had heard w 3', he q and loo u►�d .W poutl Tp, hIs terrtur, ci•txluluur. .health mtlre•ly ee-establlehxtt by s&Id; t rh• walted, with dead raluumado atttr beoMuRh xtta vein, guessing where ;acrtom ou a raft; &ad we i W hwe Drdd'a Kidnr Pigs. I owe that won- b�ntn so Sind they learrd I heADaot "Bredren, of tie sun stood still onto b••r pass'uun►te outburst. ler bur aa- t?+x "l':upituin Morrlsoo rays ho lens 7 yMl heal guano ou deer and mn,1e na wrivUlug oatc\w h the at, which head man stn derful remeal a thousend tkanb. Vrualrnt. F snail I made u my when 'twos armovin' an' don ■tahl,d ower, exchan with ly father, who wen Y tlge rtairies, unit he 7 mind to not a bit of attention tc 6r w wasn't wator-tight even thon, I re°Mnt, r& . Before us Dodd's Kldno Pills I F>r►.Y to ulovin' er , (; Th' i.wnkon traln had com- tuhA sono. at tau• library. Irays 1111ry th" bar,• Ye we aught to tai+ strptr lq Ind y comment. Hlnce then I haw lived lila• hit Is n-mnvl°• now , two tbrw passetif(ere b ul rsrhrd Junior out, lir we teat- 'ore r ht of lad oonrulted many ptryehelass and "1 by say de earth Is roan'. Uat nln' roe tt fkM hprow, , he handed over " It ts ver tlee o, isn't It T" ' g tqv Ufe &f 1 plPrue, oonrldering oo- so, breelren ; It con' !x at, for tip bx,k +' Into th+ room owl oat u ►in whlle y f him again altogether, just &a we taken meelk•fnee lit various kinds, 1fr thou e&rt to tar'." "I hon't know. TJ always Na tiling but -my own Inclination and Mr pard fewth b.r story ; raw had It war ttittg iii k ar they n do 3 dhl riz ytaru olg0. It war out n crlwe lyutt ''n h pxade me wore■. I Dad n u' Revrlationr, chnptrr ♦IL, orae I, fir D that of edit ids-'dtwi etx, h to dmetant In In the bsct and coneclenue, and now I get along read.'Atilt I saw four an r rut h Rxkd, tut )u+ hid. Innd 11:x11 rtdxxl rttaothed War Po F which wild■ Dim leide liiayarit thin, tau g e at h.' n' i p. lagham, red petty riot- dtuwn n man lei ohm" parts.' \Ln rrnmemDet" Ilmbs. .Y[ n 1 ralrly weU. U( coarse, I am utter- un the foot corner of the earth.' :►n lesion• b •r that ■h,• m'RhL nut Iia steel N.11tr he n to eanlwlale and rl h ret oil ig Irt. I couldn't rest and ' unit nrgp 1 ar rpA kxokal rkadll g nm tort untrlltatlrmg ruirhle, I Ixapx• . Theo, I1 he has I cold not. ore b la ht. liav- (Y mHuaderstiwA-wlllully DY most of tow, Dredrea nn' rletere, we Is Urin' ' ! thou prtripNct brlttp her. Niru• said GentlAinr. flux hC pile awaylmere y moi: tits wonneu• 1101 I am mo worse off m a fu'currwlpred enrlD; nn' of de ' ills at him with icer ptsrfurlit ryes, 1 am so fr teaed," rb xaW, Ina ly from it diedlku to staying at 4W taksen only( two boxes of Dodd'9 at I b^.r face `41at$rted with barrllri9 Pt- (aIle, +ant If rho hful trot quite etude Ix,me, It neerm n wiste of limo to Kldaey Pills, 1 am pertectl erred• mow thiut I wan shun trying vainly earth Ir Rot fo' curtwlen, how In ds , w•hlrp:lr. "Anil, If i cry, will be up hair mind. tr dIg ht 1s clear. I alvlse all to please people. I only wish I could •note#- n Gawp ken It be roan" f elttVueut. tl'b h rhe at last pound, he tsars■ thaD ever tar we ; 1 W ul_ Y to ding hint U.act agafrrt his e7 wi1N hlf calaa ever; but len-laxikeel ways cumplalaipg of my at lit '.i p*,nd,' antlnuevl keglnnld, evl- will, rtue+rn't ILT N'lhy is ('apluin thaw whos9 health N pot Rood write what 1 [blot ou this subject. "FY de wool' Ir roan' nn' turn over tory rave, dently gn,winR nertuus, "is Pencil n 'from whatevelr cause, to tr Dodd'r It should D„ preruutal to Chu public cv'y fight, Dow we hot' oa ? I9 we gof Alurriru0 io anxious fur him to y " Wit by toile y. j� reason!•• tlpdrlt.' paltry 1113CO to drov►n oar's soft In Dome back? Dues he know Otwa T' I►Idpq Pills. NIDA times out of ten -reawr of it." claws un oar fret like pwv less-we,uAi T is he T Thep why don't tux ow y "DeY say 'tis so many billions an' \ him a Ilttle t I'm tore y u h ve -rho Atl°otic wawld by Det ter: 1 ••Oh, IRA! !t it otty uu aDrinot they will be exactly what t• wa°t- — Did yep a&k `!tt, lost You am, waking to arras tlw Atlantic ht ti uaPitkxi of ltd. Two doltays t for Dodd'f et a? pgullllOnr u' olio film hvnr to dp sou. G 3 oopd to treat me to few uteelui" q right with hint; but it IttPou - grew App too ' At He V a Itera'iu 1JRer•-hungry vaery-spiritetl_namer_" interorts him, and he ht alwayx Xbdne7 Pills will do mora than mli- W � w Is anvbxi-v been ?' for of\rr muni licked. Cul-" "Are you T" eDe asked. quickly rssd Ikons spent otherwise, for whO holds .ler. How dr knots It tote n culknuo- >! "Uua't !" she cried, drawing n y to talk about it. In fact. it �ivv "Ilut be n11WL 11(tap rugv+ nwlan at "Aad oro you glad to be going D&Ck y the ted an tbtn /T>'!'>�'�/ boll n nxtnt' to Ru rDtr 7 Kvn n enti- ty rdotrp breath. "It's very difficult to y subject he is ready to y g til the world more date Must fur wwltLng this jwty •ul:tr man's sptriteel to & rweitr ain t' talk alxout•- -w toxon, INow r.lrut he than health, or would spare an nOn-terall carry a vo okin' slur" an' px yew tlup't y 7 signatan b o■ every ba of the pawbe t'lt tualw fpr P' w, i IHuflrrt." Ilk■. uo9 yet are bated to cabs He ilnd-rend sorry. in -in sone cid• g"PMIIY Ir," ,. Ifeans to save tit' I rt n man on tie way e r st." tx+lleve ho h•s. He know@ y cu tatnclrt I hh tild lie wholly gtaA." _ tive BromO'Quhine Ttibaets der t nawd. f,lkx, b dot any argy- litoe, dnebltg woman." she added, af- "Ye".' said Reginald. thoughtfully. las that Ifir pwlles uw after Jamta and• ter rt pat'ru. Bu xh• wale not in the lemot later- T hlr Captain Mucri:ra was n lateiy my dicot O ' a sold in MM d&W mint T"-Leslle's Monthly. xe the can't flail him, he wl to to esteal u know what lhowc clntum Automobiles Its Churrb. 1 y "Thee be tksiting ; make film like urrittxl reWdeut i° We neightxrrlivaxl, BTATZ Or Oro,, ('Iry or TOL@DO edlK show that he is cleverer thap the Min fact were ; and nothing wo ld, A tweptleth cent r oalllicp Indeed Vaeer Adventure of a Reporter. }es M _ ,„ y 36x+, Stat persuade him to G sgive a grtlttehnnn alaxlt w Ipnn iwLhing N 7 Lccu ('o T r, "8"' I Jalmw. litany woven with ler■ ful- induce• h tO noel taw eMalurot Mak was know but who was rted to will be the First Cliurch of Chrint, An ente FltasnJ CHzxzr make@(nththathen the °4°MMM t"'Do rprtsing limed r r for a It wap the t{ret tl=9 sir h n cantegrs thea you breve alone a tv .-%v lr d hove told her what She Iia 'very rlcb," wlw bred token n fit'lenttst Sow Delp` erected under the Now ltxk senior partner u( the firm of F. J. Ciea.xv t wt� d pafx+r purtd rereatly ar r•4 doing hudner In the C•it}' M Toledo, ratbnal enough to nalmiL Taw mach." � krrw olden Rut he wig going dnrill furttlrhexl house ntxxht b tt a dlrectlm o[ Mrs. E Ay's chk f dldclpolr, a lunatic In unlrr to gain admit County a■d Mute aterosaid, and Ihat rid firm gn a tw a aw�.4o au, thn•igh wit the- matter now. male from the flail• which pie hurl ]Ids. AaRu9tn E 8trteon n few trinrtR trance tO BPIiPt lie I[urpltul R,r the will pat tae sum of Uvi Hl'NUItRD Ixol. tice h, that. , -. -Ye- above the Hotel Mn .tstic, let ('rn tral LAttsfor each and ever ease of CATAIIIIN "OIn, I eew4hq't-I lents him iso." pled fur Lwo lir three wroks. j purp,aee u( obtaining facts for a Y •'That Isn't reason enough fur rile '•f thought luu owed w much to F.tlgl:uld," he ret til : "it Lr the- Flo had excited Itegltinid'r }eukxW aft• Turk Went. It W to boe n polars nt airnsattewnl "rxp+oeure." that cannot be erred by the use of Haa.a:1 _ F:n KIWI Kentlpm en-" the people In I at least• Soak of l utym b granites, to cost In the ne ightfamhoexi CaTausa Cu nu for J last, yrxl wtiukt du any-ttaing to y klnpR no tine+ in mukipR lir rtartal by rnrhing Into the tltANl: J. CARNRY. "Ce•ntlem ul "' &hp echoed• with a them -one of tit of $600,000, and IN to IRLVC m:wrtve Sworn b beta" me and .uber•rised in m Yvc hint t" the acquulnteauu of tlx• Mi.�e•r Ot- c,rrt,lur of the Fifth Avenue HOU•I, �/ i r'nR of Inrrmiullty In her voice, _ "Yew, yea, I know , but enc rani "Poor MIs. Ram will mint yaw way, assd y0uvtg Mr. Barbed, wnr columns In Rant Pupp orting a IouRe howling Ilke a dkrtlslu. lip war Presence• tb4sth day of December. A D., 12 "Yew. C:aptnln \fnrrlNun Ir n Katntlr•- , 1 xoeilsillti,•P ^ dreadfully, of ccw "-- clone and insert tlnnm lellln thnL It �� m to ; &red: If hr V renllp I"Rxeamrd Lboref0►e Oa ttw alert t , lout with P A plrrxnptly arrPmteA nodi Nnbbe(1 Dy a xsa,, rt W OLKANUN. t B Moa wnr thinkbhR It otiar; and "iJ> nwothe, how w lather aid 9orpkltxi upon tJw r11p;y3tret pwcnunr- ts \Ira Etllp'r own rhurrh• policeman. Then he was taken to -�� \Wary Pawn. - ® w{Lh Lhts ftr.ange odea, he must H aea1,6 wM. bred tuadp Lbr pn,ptraal my two Drutlwtevr I th you keow lay is ttto romluct td hr p sPelble elan:; TbeAt+tinrt c(ncerPlnn to Iwratirth Bellevue, vuRtere kite alert medical Han'eGWrhCuro V bks& 1■br&ally and Mthpr have or think he law tics rer7 rot for Jaliw•r .sok,, hast rose th• alike it r" tot my nw,ther 7 ret: lbo't Ike IvoatA orrndospettA tin tree Uwtt w•.rd century ss Sad comfort will !r j�si arudlrecUyonthe btoodapd mua■s mPrfsdss strongest rf tuntive9, or, what N a fest ou tim6 la dlec,rearing the i ;` oI hod ooh h+appltaoss, 9.1w that the Prvrrnd to minnnderrtan we,•' said in connection with Captain Murrim,m, ° r""m Lit he. bre ihmrnC, wfiere au- sham. Tisk le what he did to the al of the system, aelld for tmtimmtats, rrsa snore ilkeiy, lets bend most law nftect- plplt was taking At thn I•rigr gntr•rr he, nerToudly I,lulling thw"o er off a waw wan, It owuld tot tx+ delved, n tr'mobllre maty tie ,Lured during ser- pegai lunntla T. J. a HKNLY k CU-, Tuhso.0 - off. Do you know whether tip pvfr re- pro ret bertk,wn. AW she held his hand birch tree Mhi al her. /al pm weswt- Wlet. "loll -bred tk',ys• Mn. Atetn(n numbers tamnn s:eold by iorasgi.,ta, ;Sc. Mved a wound In the 1•ead t" geatleraua of Imrf g (inve him a powerful emetic. l t9 sty go(tal•byw. rho sudalruly oral• sol to .1...k to you tar u lu febslve mnnnen, M I In hIs o In- her disciples marhy pernons of wealth, "Not fleas 1 hat'o over hoard Of. =agf� ionifei D Yut his oa a -milk diet. tmi what Its was ,kolng for her; she anal I have never found the - the tanks, Ilkn most soldiers, fort with spas• asci for their bxenefit thly Innovatio° Adminletreed dor void showerbntfis. Which She Was. •r7 i Asd you 19tld ju9t now that De was hemi dmply d hbn "Enflrld" r & eour"Rx till t,ot!&y. Uon't tell r rvoougtl nett tO obotrusde tlwm on oily bow bpwa determinnd upon. (sacs lelm lo} cti a@ of morptblse. Lewgltute Wild his wife weds pxrt- fanatienl l". ldo W find Shia■• and Ux•n rho orle. i ulped• tris exctnsive rettcencp No nbjmtlon will br Satiate to the nsr Would just let him Slee "Til: bat 1 did nut mean that ho you (h,n't kmiw w11nt 1 mean ; I thl P °ern at whist the other night. Kite -woutrf ose►y f&aaticism as far of solei' )'uu nhuwt. The • so suer womu Sill sessile were all Lhat even Ro9i- natomoWles oa HumDt♦ nod Rh"ald Uave him etutnaclo- E b Y J pump treatment. trumped lits ace with the two six/t "(krxl•bys: I 'tlJmnk you. How knows when It man carer for her, "Rill could at prosent flail tt bring worshippers attrnA servieve and then VuccinfLtr,1 hila pito r. What tirfL rouse) your los ml take lex Heirs In the rounlr ga yiw aria.•.. Mort Inim. TTie nnA hs got pretty tot.•, piebpsT" nal i think you can't help knuwiaK young moil, tx,iv- IR y their Cnve him nn electrfr bath. •'Fluh I IL's r&tlwr unusual fur him "When w•e were ret Nice. I found "To , frould. you know." tie remind• [ hoes exretl for uu-aver since 1 o r, at (Ince fa+vteaed upon thin re- action will not be made the subject Pullied wit two tenth. par. Did lie eay any - RI her, In the wenn I•ntle vawce tint y met of Oeraldine's with a deter of tiny pastoral remonstrance. -N. Y, to less lab Lew thrL Rlr James paA Lndy Otwa R furl nn•t ou. You ski know it, ctua't Told him by haA a rnrtrrr on Mm tbin t _'1 y -r, over, find It was out Rann n xh Y Herald' playing Sf f - She Deallased andJdttehed. M R,!9_ Y F lett you, (Jeraldine r to try to find aft what loenln Sort that hW hood there would Manly IMd hpr Slew was In'fld'@ attention Instantly fx•camp qutvprifog et -Nie- inrar•Ire of bur face "M t.aL-•ou -sorry t i t ief try to this nal Interest of the stranger * have to bo cut open. the deuce.'-PhiladelpWn frees. mord orate. law Ms refined Ms hat to tier that Rhe I° Ja OtwnY nn,i hilt f(wtunew �ZODON 1 TNt� Powder 25` Thereupm the lunatic gave n ----- prevent you; • rhe crial, IookinK up, Th . "Co on, go on »' sv,aPvsel that hr might pnrhnp+ have with, n fuse tau of rrlm,rxr :&till rule- might r n. ret It =enat , sane• ypll of terrrnr find cotnfrwsPA. Mlnard's Llalmcat Lumberman'■ "1 found that Sir Junwa (Itwav had IN,I feelbrgs of his own W c,rstee) thing. Its, "strop at (tlKr! •dacl]el ; Ile, ons tnkpn to a pnllroe statt"n. FTIa°d •t whit- Batening to tIW recitell ,if tier ory. "I 'till know what .'oil ineallt, that it Ill t lntnrthIng whtell might Colild Net tn'orgive. and was severely Mrtunxl by tilat i been stnving ret our h"G•I then, troirnbiw. - nail i did try to stop you; but you nrretxl Corn Ilne lave ons red Tbere was n pnthetle case of♦It- when we Kot to >lentulkr, T found woukl un.^ 1 Mngisetrate. Then he rarturnod to the What Worry Will DO. 1 that he lend Deere--" Wlth a fmsrt Mating heart rho hut- go W txopoe. F ttw rebuff he Mei rlol throwing In a Paris amort re- motor and was promptly dismissed , rinl through the perk, intent ain a Tbhen there was a painful daring Gently, A girl had Winded her Teralien ler Polly Ht oat . Her rich "I MK Sorer phnlon. Yuan sold txdoye met with that nftPrntmi had im ke tcx Inioanpoetcnce. nook IiRR IPfI her a hnsdsomr mxal- rtr'rivr so Maid LAtL It braced iter which rtu•li, wltlront Footing nt the rnratr Mrn art a tont h to milk■ over with nc1A because he deserted ACI Lndv rhtwnv.' other, could Lear the ( W akin closet and sill^ finds It's several " 1'ra Cwt M• loss not rrnllc it's Iinggln9 epolrltw Suit rwtorc•�I :onllsn• lulek brralh- him givn rep lentil e•eprin;l Plncr icer. He ons Ird.lnt'o the ■oust- IAsk for Mtnard's Sad take o0 tLm to her tiri•.l franw•. she rnTIK inK that toll of agitation. At last, Y room, and bran elxrw tow) amall for her. that frank d,•ctan len of hetes lhlt R gnestloheal Dy the other. Jerm-Oh. it'll fit her next winter. wfr•. ihrt,• iwn•1 that ,nit an•, . ," the ►tell slurrl firm], fginuld s ske ver mrwwrs.vl (i.•rnldlnr. hln*hing n9nh,, 1 Y. p•tbWrw with It, p y geptly unit rh" world riot In a cirenmetancn. Judge, raid: •'All happiness toe Mie'tl worry herself thin over It by }j fail yanl know h•r ruanit••?' hand to air, tlr fr19\Lrrwl taut- slveetly: (parry James Otwa He had im Th Ls forever ROT p. Ail b night.•' NIAGARA TO TIi1t SRA. 1 s� Mrw F•a ler, she fneai le•r 1uWlrand, will. to "Wit won't y ThR Klrl Purfifenly orlM out: "For- that time.-Phllndrlphla Yrees. �• )) rquhtr " Y Jou hate me, Cern W- Aeesl done hour tont foe In lain No (Ines tHp eon be taken fico" the - nnlA rwui,k rnl ; otnMio9 with tin Wfuckmet town ahs ire 1" tlol ht": bat he mins Ind to havo ftp mO and I will denote my Il1v to water route down the Ht. Lawrence, liettbK Ready. s R"gt irrrsrntly h+ R remnrkef-- Md pt pr wrpa on lab lace, a the hell "Oh, ekio't put IL like that!^ said rho belief cotifirmpA b h Own li Suu." He replied, 'Bring back y p(. eLng through the Bay Of Qulnte, to ""t her, rhe, la my eight and thpn i will torglvr ppeeaa " Ttnrks b tnklrlg tion fmm lab " / tit ilk 1 ran andrrtnkat ter firm --� kepotuusly. "It bo't that nt fn spite of hirrHir•If he rn ter lake of Thc,usand Llnndm, end rmsitig the �.w yov.' To her re atnl n ealm tiP moor, buslnear to lenrn the bike. He's j Yon n rrmoorl now. and, tbmlClr I ran nail. IL b --It Is, on the contrary, her the more fix her dart ate ]e pe Pp' raprlds of the Ht. Lawrence River tO INA rom•nr that the dlrovery will CIIAPTISR X, that rep:Fed: "No, i cannot depend upon hipt Mxi9ht a n••w "Co.'• a 7 you are oto moth -too Kood for fprre tIf flet non wtaom • now Montreal. The Fiamllton MoOtrenl yon." Thr, girl wn* mrntrnroA to "1 RPd-a kltrl art Inytng In a spring tie an unmlxeol rellPf w yowl, it will me. Ywa y -it N tow -I do n•nlly callwl her axrdn ; Rill he ma ed Llne eLramers lease FFamllton at 1 Ter T Char p' UtWi 'll d a away at g flvn years. Thr erntrnce Is mf n111- rad tell stock "-PDUadelphht Times. ret IersL prom, ! thhlk. that y„er Ol, mr•itn tt; p thht [ am pnrticnlarfy W Intimetw this to icor ae a .• R P m. and Toronto at 7 p. m. Tore { t , nftrr Hid Chnrlee' way's r{rfith, slur• cant as coming Immediately after M. -f-- btmal r not Inhoninn, lent tax, Ing whteh time Lindley Fit-Miti wiekeal, but that lou are so particu- offering b+fum they went into P speech day■ nod Tharedays. Atter Jane 6th, - R Rnvat eauvabl's the boats will make tit t 1 • )urtuuU. IC V grttle39 stork nolo vlwl Inrty wet" INouRp and the t t • a -t t luloio : jjII''} F 1 i R e a loo eu roe r mo sign. Tile affairs (A the btarnet week, the additional boat on 9aturr The CoatiaeIltfll Life hid b•ttrr Irk rue drive you lirtck to "Blit if that wore front, nm I nm O,n rho whole. led fpnt, ns Ian lei were e g m cottne of uiri s don rad da We Otter ver RnrinRhun." torr to gay It IR rwtt, wwldp't that (he hath very Ilttle Ilk■ n rejected 7• 1 low rntex on this ret thi- entry f Op Itaqulrles (•ancern- y line for both sin le &nit return tick - Hip• etnrtrel away from h'm. iIs eon- be conmkdcred rather an advantaRp- lover -n state of feelirog not due em `tR rrcosr, t w4rrleat g lnR the soots o1 Crrnldirro's birth were s 1 tleeuret, quk•tly- In a husbnmlrat tlrriy, to tern xemmont, hitt art- • - L ai.t. a� .:' w"*'a'"" ems' IIlSaP8D6e CODI flD - TW a 4.31 )fns plirse : the unit trait tieing r buL a iUhaut murk Rue• F Pt 14_r.;re,,, 4.w4v "m."- ,.,,,,. , T P v "Yes, of course; but t wonW i,, 131 akwv to the fact that lie line] Thn TorontoMontrnal Llns steam• , C J rsso Ye its both Elesttxx and Elba• g ,, era leave Toronto ret 3.80 p. m. Tues- tsr i onutut Wrot tlil 6.1T. Yat wcxdA you tan k t the currenW d ettwslidml and days, ThurnalAys an] Saturdays from HEAD OF►IC11 TORONTO. Dare kr wait morn tIW1 all hoar and beth, everybody's sorpriso, am groat ail tulvdottige utrr o Bion w well under contrail that u half." nouRC 1 ttaelr bellwt Ia It, and formal- me." f June let to .Tune lith, Inclualve, and Authorized Ca ital - $11,BOO,000 ly r meed the ouvic girl me their " But." sl en"I h,, very ewr•etl Iicrnldlne lend born rntln ly unotir p "Th •n i wUl wnit. 1 wUl never go y 'RR Y ntsl h them, and had been riff to WNA :4 LINIMENT le the only from June 17th molly, except Hunday. •p'ep twrk to tVaranKghanl." nioree, she wan econatnUned W leave it little amansel In rgotte of blutself, "nue Y Llnlmrnt kpd fur ret my @tore end Htnnnaer Tnrrnito nrxl flew now rtram. pollcMs of thin compan,v Pm- Mpt, t*o care of bhw (4retMvn for thou /wr [ uut au very gout,don't yust i t ilk Mauve ale drrotion of n life with brttee every grx,d frntnrp of Llfe ►n- M " May I auk wit re yet thtak of ens rylopafhegc f Mr'tt I+wtn• a it the only on wI• kppp for role. er KinpWn will miller thn mrrvlce on gt,ingT Cuatdianship of the mY b11'uncle nttµh. cCpneuL ywl rum y g ntion then sloe All ileo p opts lime It. thlw Itne. They adv the tlncet boats surnnrwoxttracts, and guarantee ilia m Indies ret Weiringtlam Hall. A reason .vwr wL-k,+A ways to tirmi?" wrwld hntw slunvn In dncllning nie hl high■@t bnheflta In rv9nM to barer, "T 1111 eI ti, sotuw hotwl lJ firs Flizabwth's change of front • "lint I (krn't want It to!•'\xh• tltatlon to dunce. "Italher n cull HAItLIN F'ULTOhJt t teeth water. After leavlog TKing. cash surremiorn, and extended inaor- se-a . [ hi•o {dusty of red I with ppeared. it was mils• bvolka- fn. Ir hid by u,ri,-nlI wumnn!" Its thought to himwlf, Ilia Pleasant Bay, B. I to thou first part In lt0^ttpetrr, KIaR- ani a ritctrtu-Ixxok. And i rbnll stop n IR y' Rion, Tboasfird ixlaorbr eaA tics re• once. covered that Air Chrrlps had If R ha;ild hill billion able to fat:,ln Iso, walked thramgh the p•trk toward W rbv p red wlNrw I know l p t w1[k Cm Alda of the Ht. Lawrence to Mont. (Ford agento wanted til this dlstriott 11 lir loss, Sad vrarn bin. been a good doral better off than ileo- him nraal rt.lm pnub•niv In tits+ hue b0 Iwlge, and noticed Mrw ♦arts tali r d a j rent. iletween Montreal, nebeo. Mar. Poo. Jan. Dryden, Oen. a Woods, "Allow mT to ■ v that Ie tl moot low htA sapptlliM-the rtR1A (wsmwny 'd Also dcfvtt, they Wright Itat'epPayt.ed tilt' foliage of the oaks was already; I . F Q 7 of n ■roti ti( yens Watt lend Fra rtfew•L : •sl lid • nowt frSsNully terms ; Dot hie hut, rpt tint whoio, It wan n [null vx y £ al rots Bay, Tadomsar,, ani thn Hagar. Yresldent, General 1panager, ! fatal thing you cold (to, to yoaraeif whicA \e Could tolerate ant well n. mllmlYI F" to,k•w,,,t nay River, and It is the finest trip ! and hl=. fSven plttlaX ul the un- and a s°m of several tbuunnnd TtomM h vol +v.ul lu+t n triflo heltrd by till• nn the rontlnpnt. The hontm on thin comfortable podtlon In w lei In thou well Invested, whlrh he hill ptiv,ivly ex, ltl-nwnt, h'& loart R:Witly bitter tiny: if It made a girl difficult to ono cannot lxc ourltaanM. Thp Manor BROWN',S DROPb. s elrenmstnneei reL npxari and Mft in tont t" Mr osas,r tit fiwap{x,lnhtwwd, and lab with• It would m.nkn her easy to icrrp. 17so The Old Scotch Remedy tpot you h e admitted ltlrhrllen Iiotel ret Norrny Bny and •�•jbn v►ttaM jfallsd, na n rovtslon for Ih• girl who •softy fi was -1 ,pwtl hurt. Ill+ IwopPl lit ultimate ■ucr•eas wine Irbb Little Man Made Hb 16erape the Tndonmac IllatpI at Tadonsitenre fame bark. aro nearly always ca Soak h be ewMwr than lar bur-ImRDnnd to wow nijyi nLll lb bre T11s danQhG•r, wsR " lt'rll r. wt rpt ms• try ipY [ort(aha Ir,t gntally dislulil6rl by hit meet atnln+nrkidneytrouble. Nrown's fooleowlri the• f Inset au r mm rr t w w sots w In H low a diad 1' Cannel telt Iltlp ma a. r ti n t e t t va ! l'n diol h R +re I It , h u u •tin ML•w ) a 1 i n Moor h ascir euro ma le d rl t aaad Lo hale rests rf W K tw f n the oR fatal r 11 1 (" .Clam bottle anal e•r ! LRudt ou, w.lxs a noL neenm iehld heat tide h 7• 1 nR til Both of these hotelm nrr nwnpd and clrrular sent for 14 cents til p 7 fa lend n load voice, and ecidrutl,v ret- M packlnq and to the ort of ( drtertivwa, npd [raRalitl. Whit cpttLlooa etrys r,x1l 1 nI••antlnp , I 'vnrtiariro- t.I ouhtorm taw+ ►x,elea altbaiugh 1t one n•1 ever3�one to know what hr Id. y p y peat told on rerstpt of ton takeout to find ori wh•ru Jarman ,lit"if nwwv to for tuRtsi" int hurstbctek that lite littlo npxrntod h thlw mm nn F'or fur- pcatwse All sixes silt to M tench him, 1! Indeed yon know Hroo atd, a companion, who, be It w d titer Information nAs to tfeketn, foiri- PviM Otwa b -id sought refuge were taken " i rlcn't under•st and you." officer hr,lted like tort ; fur ora, r•tc., n Its vt Ti. Fo*ter. Charfep, Prtrse Tufo tioc fliired ••tom- y wbPN law M, w�ly�l1loot farther trouble.•' 010 loiter could not rile Into tit- to file ermilt, seemed nahnmed of tit pppp WM- HitOWY. Propri+tnr. lips ellne M)nddPTed. Ip u�n-bring a canvlrt Av rosid mN If 1 wrm to brave my trionds fur company hr ons In, ■kneel In the hotel W^"tern Pnaprnger Agent. Rlrho- Ro"ton. pie l w of ■okras elklm t\) ty: but nrnthg• not know dntwing-aspen ret Uw !fall refill wits, rompain Te hs In frlloW wag toilet piny. "tly. ant[ ri An. `elwrar, I F por'D"r LCR what htot ler Ceruldhne from the vantage grwn.l u[ ng u A OnCario Navigatiovn Com n.wti eo 1�ealie wtiuiJ 1i'IYe'bbpn furt[I om veno ui IWe, and tot tic tT tMrt tiff ntxmt irwlarM, amt hp wain tswsy hnM -- - - - y, tt(IuwrinR n 9trun1� Incy. FF1g rIR• King street east, Toronto, OnL. - then to elk down rad rt lest ihMl iwOl Wnlp his 10 srttlw mrRa-whore It mil rsso• tbnwgh ileo poilnn, err It n MrrRtrknbly firm RraL wt Uw• Mrk y F y' abroad bad We an,1p his fnturr etwven things abont the country nett the PAN -AME ICAN V151TORS "Y"u now W IeL mil d►Ive oft batt 1 aver+ Lev bre wort In s st& of InWxl- °[ a ohrvrtnut tlxrrOnghbred. whish R y 1 Ins ha] umrJ ru n chn er. No; h,• I'n'Pla• A groat big mon atoaxl near ntltled to Compeasaties. to fled Hill.^ She Irletnntl drew liar- known boferfw 1Mvinpv Wnringhlha cntkta-' rg y by IleteninR to thou llttlp fellow's va- oa&mabadvanoe arrap rmentaat self up In Indigo tilt protest. ^Arty Ra led, hdrwwver, dlwnpp nrwl ns end• "Tlv"n cerinlny I sMuld lent■ n would hnvn 4, di,nnxwnt and dimehRN +rl Pnti -L that so that your pre- the new&story faro proof denly as he had runs, Loving no trnee, mm -h h' Lha In na-litabir fact that haw Ip•i PI age Hw merplY mmlMil until thou Othpr a pre a ruin to 3"n all, row pti W opee-11 a cot your Kori Rter littlo fellow cold ht a very loud tone : Rn atrie I■ b. It n t ((���� ani oral no tnrvwea. wore L titn Zion wow rml fire fart Liao hudlrs, R 1'utrlow Yee, It Iso. Hotel Wlumbia esu you prrvrnt yunr htenhnnA trod P LnsW end 9rxx1 far•ILrhR tW1t i horn ret Y '•Show mw nn 1rlmhmM nrM I'll show ' arrying out Ilia d••aignp. It you can- Oeraldlae, which tbn Rtrl ttrnthxlwd tb'm mom"t, Mr. ilnmbet," aiw• letter. rxLher lex& than that of l;craldine "Anel the ring; thnt'n gone, toot' b nn one. ttr•Iwnif. yon a cowArd." pot wnef Ido and defeat him Y ioplmh fib• lend bx •ahrrro In whd4+ re Thml the hl Ipllnw nit "Yea; the eon thing asked me tO thq nrr farmed T" Allo nevK spoke abut b'm, porept d(mth W tlwt c"ry Iles, and tit^ ffM Nature had Men rather nnkinJ to K piled rep rend, return It." Aconm modates wa tir+nd ria ire lent "And piny the spy In my turn t^ to hilly bw aunt Tilsitlath'0 xuXxmok in b -r dark a es Rrx•mml for the till captain ; for awinto,mi ttieg Lhnt ttruchhtR the littlo fellow on the doll t tt It wYhklwhemor that mads y shoulder. Pali), In a honv bow "Why, you w Idn't wnnt to tarp Raaew-il,so and Upwards. 1, Ili$, fnitersd. It wan a strong an] d isoutcat to hive g,ae rut. '• F,w mean ntxl Innigniflrnnt rigors, arta n yi the ring If the a ngement waw bm ' wpll-ur wit nr ument nrverthrles•, mer en avp, for tlka bur+yancy of her In the Instaneps you mention yon land will h, on a taller man, tvtmll,i voter, "t ithow that yon onto t" R R I Pnlrl mhos mil nn irlRhmnn, nnA levo, would you Y' "Ton will Dot have much to Ao In left bi aptat she erwtwf to hares wouhl boo cloln harmOni In Sonru•I(, hncn cu attend fi jtvt wool of pl �OIt SALK M H. i'. RNOINtt; to H. P. R y i'll show yon re rnwnnl," anl,l tllw lit- "Cortnlnly, I wnall Why, he, worn that way, if you will tout mw with Ipft belenA at CrrlrlPy ts'h•tbrr It while your words ust now have n11rInR nttnntiam: It wow flnrl � bWNr;IgInchJolleluehopper;�ol�arUcr wow the nndn@oo ,onion umit n mat (tor j Wh.'%iw4!. the• earl dark halo Y tin fellow, whose letter* wvrp Rhnking (mkt fwtt of mil wnlm rtnd npnrly Mlnl�ffe m■cMne trait eve thou nnmp of the placw where .soon t 1 given, aN you meant them to give, y Rrrw well undpr him, frnetnrpd my rib* In t ern wrrkm. nutflt; tib p. portahle en pilo tnrAAAn •set r iiv(l, T will myself try to hunt film inlh+r'w ("th, nrr the d"I"esNlnK ret the •leepert pain to n. girl who hoe nxint n brood, intette.rtual f"I"h-a.j; ••{Voll, I'm nn irlmh moil," snl.l thou i*n't that wrath *axile rt Rnreeka• Hrttaeben, i'P. Pratable Pt. out stall wnrn hire, "n condition --I ... +Pro td the hare old haunt•, or rrrtainly never wlmheA to harm yon." the' frntmre* ail Ilia olive-nkinnwl face biFt fellow Inn't t at wortrmmnn. lit U vita Ml tlr wPM • r II& Ip• ex•Irt orf w r I uwt a ! h r n r e, t , m mat t IP r I t nn 1 hr h un 1ltlon tl •n 1 tt liar r mt t n , pre R ,i P "Yon oro M Tllahman ? R'rll," nml I)AN pMRRtI'AN-I RAVg yOUR HAND i "I ■huukl be ibin harm till to R . will nuL only fvmnln under the sa ate nuntw .mr "f nth. mil. Ix,worwr, into,! sda hruwn ryrn and sfm•nPellltr Inrwlth - -- .emelt fnrnt.hrd retro. for Pan Amwl,wn uneonfrsrs•I rntnfosrt in \,r mymoll, you any. Sorely nrord"r n *mita of Jny fllttort over the little KPep Minard's Liniment the vialton In mr RerIva4 aMUer,re f�ra"'d In rwaf witA Yaiter hnsDnnd, txht will hon- prva"�t'w hnrmw some one Maldom the mile- 'ntRRraG•d ptmn9 ralnbilitlrx. both "f fellow's rountionanep Am he paw n hole, Hose, Central list dlatrict t mtnnte• frnm man, metly try to beliwvw what, T nssvre the warm anti ixlmy days cif Ja,w rrra.lutkan and pawsltn. iC wan nn In- Central to pTlvoatZtW ►`M'"1% / kr desired, pan as filo• - fond h•r null mrlarxhltly, pull eirrsrt" trrirvttn tbronal' which he Pould crawl, "I'm yon, you mop count u Jnmea Olwnp In not n mnniwr(-ei„ R am well as a striking facia, a cOwanf.^ -Tit-Rite, Thorn's wa Red. iFais�f••1�rrMrwlthkPM. AAd�ew J, that there la toxo much mnnllnr@s, silent, fln•ling h r rxoly plans the "None cirvly it was ctnntane,l the HnK&s /91sirdrfwtabath. d1= ..1. ton mwrh 1"vaJtp, In a Man whai has aria outdrrrelrxrra; she nnirr thv "hat Prlyd, with ■udll•n pnN*ion, thou Iwtur ft was known, ihr Irx,rr pt R'Ite (angrily) -1 rrrtnt yevn to nn --- -- -- swrvpd his ronntry with ns much ill, tyres a,f the part oe am„rt the Might fia"hing mwlrtly back Into leer ,p,ggrwtild both of K,■,d n.nd etil. Mhtard'a Llnlmoot N oeM by Phy- ilprntmnd once fair nil that I shall s RtttT rARM TOR eA1.L-VNg Of Tis■ tinction ns Captain Norrleon has. for bright flawpr-bale which fwokp rep el.vom nail the ruler rotnrning to her (To be Omkiptnd.) slclans. *peak my mint whpnpver i think anent t■ the Nf1s�■rmP la, me lhn on"Ith lawn In fnwtt ret thou ince. _ _ It nerom*wry. oro a orni l■fy� Y e/ Inti Ythfnti halm tai b( cnpaWe of rtrr-All latch n "Then ho lien been mach troll -al." V• Cut blr. Ilnmtn nA--Oh, that willMalp r19ht tAthbs"Mt■ens parallel hrwrltlw aMnf(fr�-f mltwt call I! tTwtt iIr'Ittlp• hitt In the OIA gnrAvn when+ N No Ncru lea its That Capa. If You will o M 'I--w1tlsNut mntives, the atrrrta•th rd Jarrow hated 9athpr•p,l the ixeg,llndw- "H" lana. [lilt. with Hrwvrn's help, '•q'hnt'n tit! eha }" nmkeal ihr D ply a" when you reach alvid I�o)etoetlib area b was der which nwlmer tnon can senreely rt'pne. wilherat atirlK ao( Srntch dew, which him cho rnclrr &•111 be cleare•1 some Tg1 Inwywr-Tt to reported that v o tit" seen of It. -Chi im la a ddnbl leargap `&&ON j,t]gr. cagla Nwv"R. �bessra P. Q icon ala lrtaer ] harp fop p _�--------- -- .10ma sow Nrrw, will kw try to ,b thlmT• 'Sow hx,kwA ret by •tpnith rr osflp,l mints " "Imp"roPstating An offlrer," nn- an writ to qtr Ilei rmlPhmrMrprlf ►thou waw ■im M, shattearal by ntriyl in frs orwn nxwn, or wlRn aannterier " tn]red I hope It may in the ont-ro•,I the e,wrruto r. OY*n P 1 "Therp'n mrrn;y a slip Lwivt thocap - 1Aw MA pop through lately, nnrd f ;hewn tit^ gran walk. na sho anon m"nnt,me, he fm mueh to h., eanrint" 1 I+pne"n Hlghmnwl (drawn farr lure aril the If lmn't there, Igaa boll bw►mWeuY al - m1 What WAR hp Anln ?" p• payt' rptwr- lea '[taalWkts• i P [ R d,Ity) 1 won't have nit aural m In Ird w11llat 1'rw, my )Mv," MrwwreA ala.died ',� ( thou rnl nteUnR pTeltwrmpnt of tits ferrel with him, lir etandlrtK. na mhp Nh* sn]dI•nly relnpd fn hpr Pntlnul "f ante him lest In hlmmelf tnfnhlt that mI vr,rasa Han admit mil In Chs, it muco `Im flat thou flon"P so eats YWYs@t tw sones aftwrvxxn. lyse Icokwd rep st Idea dw• hall elrxtst with him. lwnlllp Ills 9rpnt nam, and, e+fter another •hurl paten", and topnnato from a mt rept vrnde•r Pe a ktsM trades arae -New 1[ork W6e ayalringly, waveringly. Re saw AN spore potid atmsag the trete, which she salti, tranquilly: stand." -Chicago Evening Post, kIL• stePg pwople un strgwaY' dots .abbe .y. A • .. e rr f i. r t ,t i f a", r T r 1'. +R w n• '•vll rile ifi' � .,y a } ,rt 1,1• Rm".z "�..• �m r r '",� 1'' A.} I t<T,. '�wi?h a 'Y'.' mit: Yr... c v.•y aY" elm ,eret.,r,�., ".kk �c��', - - - e .� MORE BOERS � �jo,�dJtla CAPTI K iJl>k"�:,& YC; lr1��o R iw !w Cape Colony Farmer to Defend the Col rhe-) -- FRENCHWOULD FOR( a — - ' Largs luoaber of lburte • field Vuwberof IToup --honkie Misguided Ila �' by Which Burrs arc Fu, Brussel■, July 6.r -The I it ways Shut Mr. Kruger Isar i fwecd to entertain prgslaun r pwitateen, but that the ' are again urging the fort dolt of the South Atriclrl to notify the powors tl I they Intervene he will Dir f uou'que. to the event w I ger'n continued refusal tit err pirupeaso W act wilhuu kin t lint. Itldlculed at Waeblrl Wokinhington, July 61 Tj (coal Itruavels that fora dent Keuger is being -urn tlfy the powers that un ( wtervene In the &,lith At pN t,•rt, -he will culawlrriun 6 iN alit treaters seriously tt to welt understood, a A („ate of the war with t t the United S3tates Uoverl 1 it.,fr again except In I extratrrdinary emergency torr of marque, and the Punts that linjoelled the U I to du so undoubtedly w ate to prevent the Unit i fiovernment from riecogn Iouch warrant issued by station, even were, that I full rtaudiayp.. iThe threat to send out without ex-1'redideut Kru I Bent in lilt(-. It Ir polmte, dust nuelh craft would peire and miupole,' and tit world would co[abive to prom the sena, if tho•y - Kin - operating against 1 merge of any nation. I Capp Town, July 7.--t {.:itrol came ire touch wit W uto on the morning of few =tier outside lticbm Ikwvw having th! stronger pentrUl relirtd. 'I.ategan r u cumniando rim wore thpu r, le� twelve mires frr•m Hlcim Blockhouses lits being el .•vr•rything toNPelllfe Ir h•1” that protection of truffle! o way to Pletarranurg, but rutty to ennormour Owing t I lint thou lire runat t■•tn,een i will) thick brush W ei toffording ezrnllent cove Ik,eew. Lately ties Boers surrei Pretoria district ware drl, bNd"r. They were afraid tit tr own territory. Whom r"n[ s,rovet they salt they ill they were the Indy ones hug. They sliowe,l murprl9r Ing that the, fighting w•tttr In ortlMr part* of th.• dol An enermoo•r namtrr of whtrp ore trpkki'g fr,rm . towards the Governm••nt- 1'rptoko Race" were bell ret .I„ r N yrwleralety. --- WearingThen, bay 1 I.ontlon, July 7.--t Brittle two hundred thouPer, nd mI employed in waltinR and for n force of Burrs rangin 7.000 bad 10.000 men. TI cWent offlrlaby reporle Imbruing of a railway ■t mhPr from JohnnnpslfairR, :. Natal Railway, with a iII of the• rallero. II team htxlgidflcnnt than the w n trail on tit(- Plr•lermbur IarKrxt flour force which rai ling or xklriniNhi g dud werkm ]o tint exr•eed fou roup°. The c:wptures of etoc poll•s arc aonmtantly repsr Kitchener, and the Boers dering by m•orea or'hurnd; 1%# -(•it- it b evident ilia KnrrB!tt warfare hpcotnes Month Ira rcxatbnla, lint' Kitchener is gradually our. 1,3 procrnrs of attrition- rprources for roai+tn°cr, IY PfflArnt aR theme len The hands of -al perm haw daLMt in strength, and ti ity for Inflicting injnry h: _Irilred. The lona of hors an Invuptrabl't obstacL• I IInuance of 9uprllin word --fighting Rorr when resins ,•traits were not rnnbl,•d Fl• Klin nati tnnsquera .r,•rnger farmer. The rI ending the wnr ham Mer by the rondinvas with ikwra without uniforms transformed into neutral, I"il dyn"thisers ill a ret( ---TTrT, find almo by Iht• elynt rnnRPmenta for tpeding Im•ting 'the women anti "hipre W no longer tiny lterorc!ng the British arrr hitchener (lops not nilk tt a,pm, bot W txipteptpd dtnntlon, and with the Rrs,Rn made In (1�.aring tl is Alleged Jlassurre Ir Y i,rondQa, _J.ul? T -Troop -�''74,1tTlfon, of ti(Icheth, with then itaiynl tt:tlts GI AII"n11y'm column, lit, n --ttletitvT in the Llvorpe ■Tory), given detefls of massacre of Hopre by Hw 1lamllton Sad 1.4 uthei 'ihr. border of filwaslland 'If n party of Boors, mel Jkl"T riding for his life, Knf wounds all over him "He. told ns that the rim"" and mannered the some 60 or 70 moils in Ing Che. only one to pow+. ill two hours after o hltp, and died in fro 111"11911 we did all we c( power fellow. %it* a lea hours' rill i" A Aitch targe, which st or *lore dusky war nal Im had taken ---�T11r7 were ohm* friend itnw•aTds is. The abler it's loader of as attack (1� o�•the goosewl - "We ettYe to a very What A /sena of de9olat P rlreirl,, llorea� top "" "xpa or inalow only - fnrcltlirebtnkea pp etee, "t".. all etrpwn tbrion, 1 ,.stet but our p arty. final ly dw wvrw I have hnrrlMp Inor-, wrn.laht lent aMhln9 to r"rrgnrl At "stilled that Aboot �'>al" al - � ;