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Teuaarray, July 11, 1901.
W. Acheson & Son
Wash Goods, Silks and Dress Goods.
err is a small list of our new Drew Goods amt Mullins for summer
wear, most correct materials for reliable service- or handsome ap-
pear/wee. Prices are lower than the rich value of the goals would lead you
to expect.
Silk Jrepe de Chaos. 42 to 44 Moho' wide,
in black i.4 white, at per yard
$1.00 to $1.60.
Cord Dimity'', in white, black, and plain
colon, at
Cir 15c, 20c, 25c.
Americo printed coral ?dueling, feet colors,
in neat waist or dress patterns, at
10c, 124c, I5c.
French Organdies plain, black, white awl
colors, at
I5c, 25c, 30c.
20 piesis Audersott's Wasgo a tlinghatns, lis
stylish plaid" and checks, warranted fast
colon, regular 20c. 25c and 30c good'', all
at one prior
36 to 38 inches wide black Urenadines, in
many patterna, beautiful rich black. at
per yard
W. Acheson & Son
Wbee you are • boy, ob, Wrodoe Mae ?-
"Tb. world was large and the men were
Yet oar sword buds fought fur the pis
turea sew ;
Tine plea of Jordan sod Maras, thea,
Were lily sufoleot 1. keep two men ;
Toes, as today, then was Mae between
Leila, the greedy, •°d Jacob, the keen ;
There was sweat on the lace, end blood
on the bud,
And the thistle* fought with the Dorn for
the laud ;
late the w the rivers ran -
Wan 1 was • boy," said the Wooden
Whirs you were • boy, oh Wooden Mao ‘-
"The sea was deep and the skis were
Sorrow was old, though the worid was
sew ;
1'f.. eerpeat hid la the wyeids mss
Whets the feet of the pilgrim bed to
pia ;
to the kiss of love was the taste of the
Aad Hope walked head la hand with
Fair ;
W • ate oar breed 'north a bitter ban -
When I was • boy," said the Wooden
Wimp you were . boy. oh Woo lea Mom ?-
•'l.oye was old as the world was o• w,
Mao might be false, bot God wee !rue ;
The neer. nee In the gold.. light,
And the sur Wee "tor bed the night ;
Hope wee hi.h sod faith was deep,
Aad the tell of tee dsy•tlme sweetened
slap ;
Th. band of • mea wits the pled", of
And there welt ..leek ea Is teat dssr'.
fold :
Oar oovena01 alga was the rainbow
Whoa I was • bey." said the Wooden
-R. J. Hrat.rre.
Wahine Mies Teas McKenzie bed her
'balder blade broken by a fall a few days
Ciliate's : Rumford Bros., have over 300
heed of seal, they are preparing for mar -
Chutes : Mr. sod Mn. W. Doherty, of
Cllot.o, left last week a a trip to the old
Castes: Dr. Hare, .1 Walker dile,
brother of Mn J. P. Tidal. 1. seriously
.111 with pneumonia.
Sarmerblll : Tb. c Bose of Sem•
•seerblll. Hawesville sod Middleton are
sew without • misuter
Grey : Allen Lemont, of Grey, who has
bees es Waste of the Hoes of Refuge for
shoat four years Is dead.
Hallett : J. Brl,ham, ex-rsayh of Hull.tt,
has been appointed • jostles of the pesos by
the Ooterlo (iovsrem.ot.
Brussels : Mr sad Mrs. Ronald 000t.m
piste • trip to Denver In hope of benefits
meg Mrs, Ronald's l a.ltb.
1)Ilston : N Coate". town Work, hes over
700 rose bathe. 'rowing la hi. garden,
•meeg which he Lae over 300 varieties.
Sealey : Thos. tYnir, of Staley, who
attempted to ammtt .uloid. • fortnight
age, was team to the asylum at L,ndon.
G.deriob township : Ned. gllnett, seta of
W. 0. Hiner., who hes bees in Phllsdel
phis for some yeas, 1. holidaying •1 home
W Ingham : lllm Lizzie O. Wilson hen
gone to spend her vasatloo with her deter,
Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Soots, Sendai Center,
Y lob,
Uoderlob township : 0o. K,aom, of
'Morris, had rented the Rodd farm, on tb.
M.N1►sd 0000asloo, for • term of .even
Chute% : While plying football at Kin
.bars, Wilt Butt, son of Kph. Boil. Clinton,
bad the misfortune to get his leg broken
abets the ankle.
Wroxeter: Sines February last John
Hamilton, of Wreathe, has shipped 2,870
fat cattle to different points in Manitoba
and eh' United States.
Spmm.rhlll: N Bingham bas old
his farm te Gen. Tyne for • gnod figure.
Mr. Bingham and family has. ridded hon
for the past thirteen yeas'.
Wlagham : Reb1, Habklrk, of Termite.
w►. worked 1n .1. .1. Anderson's saw mill
sense year. ago, was milling on old Wing
ham friends for • few days last weak.
of Ingham : The many) friends of Dr Roes,
of Meesej•w, N. W. T., formerly n1 this
town, will be plsas.d to lean of hie •p•
pelntment as mstems °Mloer at that plan,.
Wloghem • Jas. Broadway, the new re-
plete, of the Ifzobangs hotel, took pe.
..•aloe LH week. .1. K Swarm sad family
bare moved to their dwelling on l)lagenai
tiny : Toe trustees of 8, 8 No. 1 have
illeirsited the cation of Miss Asnl. King.
Oao6sld, Ralflmand seuety, at 8110 for
the balanes of the year. There were nine-
teen appliostias r.osieed.
Rru.ol.: During the moeth et .Inly the
valets of the Methodist ehnreb will b. 00 -
copied by Rev. C. J. Willem, who has ham
1e the ministry for two or three years sed
will attend Vleterla University Torero,
asst fall.
011./en • Miss Rya Cooper left on Satur-
aterday for California to attend the great Rp
wee* Lenges osa,en►Inco Ie Au Fu+metsso
sad afterwards to volt Datil Ms latter part
ef August her dater, Mn. Arestrenp, el
°starle, that sate.
Maths : Daisy, the l veyeer-.Id danek
ben of Joe. Copp, mot lath • p• ilful sal -
eat Elbe had bale op • lona, sad le am•
Ips dews foil aol twisted her arm .o .,v
only that 1t was sssassary as coil la • dea-
ler apd kayo 11 "est '•
Otey : Tbls esmmanily was sadly ser•
1s./ week en aemartaning that Mn.
Dark, 11th ate., had died gala end •
dimly at • private hospital, Tsrena, en
Neeplay eternise .s 9:30 e'd.ek. She W
.odergone an operation ea Moody of the
week previa. sod had polled through all
right. Toeeday morning Mr Dark re
oelyed • telegram stating that hi. wife was
clamorously 111 and he hatwed off to 1o.
rosin, going by way of &Worth, bat before
his arrive' ebe bad peeved away.
Clinton : The old friends of Mrs. K
Holme., of ria Catharines, formerly of Clip.
ten, w111 regret to know that the baa not
yet fully raoover.d from t6• "nom of her
aooldeat to the winter and la not yet able
to walk without •uatanoe.
Clinton : Little Nellie Catling, who 'r
Lathed recently from attending the lath
tate for the blind, at Brantford, obtained
smoothest standing In her exams. Out of
eight subjects the prlooipal marked her
prioress good la air and fair io the rsmalo-
log two
Wloghem: Thee Gray was driving
Messrs. Howbeit, Harvey & Hrookl•baok's
boree wbeo the animal became frightened
and rim away. The wagon was overturned
end Mr. Gray was thrown to the ground
He had ewe or three alba broken, bat we
are pleated be learn that he le now Improv-
Morris: The people of tine oommunity
were very sorry to learn of the oeespeoted
dooms of Mrs Miunesl Nlohel, 4.6 000 ,
so Wedeeeday morning of last • week. Sloe
leaves • husband and five ohlldrsm, the
baby a bey just a few heap old. Deceased
was shoat thirty yeas of age and wee Mae
Margaret Alloo Jute MoUregor prior to bee
mars t .g.
Easter • A dbsstron. fire hereon July 3rd
was dloavered at Dyer & Hiward's platen
mills, sad b,lor. the Erb brigade arrived
the building was one mut of filmes. All
the machines, tools. sad a large quantity of
bet aed weed were horsed. lose, teem
eel to seven thousand dollar.; no Insurance.
The tiro 1s supposed to h•vii started to the
Brussels : Dr. Twaddle los• Jape ed of
hu dental pretties to Dr. P. F1eid, of Lis
towel, and has given over the business in
lou ea000ssor. Dr Twaddle hasmade many
mends Moos oomlog to Brawl. sae and a
hell years a:- seri they w111 be sorry to as
h• and Mr.. Tweed's removing from Lowe.
Tee ohiag. 1. made to the hope of bettering
Dr Twaddle's health.
Wiorbam • From The Manitoba Fres
Prose we note the marriage of H L Meet -
(emery, a brother of Mn. W. F. Veneta., i
of town The lady was Miss Lillian M.,
third dan,bt tr of Hoo Thos. Greenway.
Mr Montgomery is • promlosnt merobaot
of Deloralns. Mise Ida Montgomery and
Miss Anal. Grammy assisted the bride,
while W H. Grsanway rendered the groom
nsoessary all.
Bsyf.ld : Mita, the thirteenyear-old
daughter of County Councillor Jobe Tor•
rano., of Rgm sdellb, wall Dearly drowned
hers ea Demlala I)y. She fell from the
oorth pier loto the water, which is about
ten feet at this spot A young man named
Rydkman, from near Chlaslhor,t, and Dire
Bailey, a Hayfield boy, jumped to and the
sealed In emertog her. See lay tor some
none., however, in a •er7 critical 000d:tlon,
but ea suflitletstly reaver.d to to re-
moved to her home Toady evealog.
%I/Ingham Oh Tuesday of last week
Moser.. Jobb, of Turoberry, sent into town
for chief Vomitories'. The trouble seem.
to hese boo with the hired man, by name
Phillips. Some disagreement 000arred and
6• was discharged and his wages paid Io•
stead of le•ytop peaosably, he became
ab•sis,. and threatened all sorts of vee•
groom. Chief Vanoorman took the bots
coons young man In charge and brought
him t. • nal room under the town hall
He Is an Kentish boy, from the Barnardo
Home. On Wednesday hs was brought be
tors Mayer Clegg and on oh.rg. of trespass
saoteoosd te reside twenty-one day■ in
Uoderloh gaol. The Chief am him saf.ly
plead there on Wsdeseday afternoon.
aavld Stowe. et Cease'coo, had Trouble
with hi. Rack -Els Experience Should
he a Lemon to Others,
Common, One., July 8 - (Special) -
Thnse who would profit by the experlsna
of • man who has found a sure ours for
backache In Dodd's Kidney Pelle, should
rod the letter of David Rowe printed here-
with. He writes :
"A pain to my hook oommeooed la my
shoulder. and extended down my .pine,
8oally oomoenlratlor 1a fell faros In whet
le commonly called the small nI the hack,
and there it became almost unendurable.
"i ooald not straighten op to say. my
life. Urinating gave me great p•In, sod 1
was enable to do muob work. A doctor
failed to help me.
"i bought • ha of Dodd's Kidney P111.
at Mrs. Derma s store and on taking them
felt • change for the better, 1 took In all
ten horse and 1 am • welt man today."
Pater,. Wrote .1 the ran Americas.
Mr. Woolverton, who Is preparing the
work ea the fret'. of Onlarie for the De-
partment of Arrioultnre, reports npon two
visits to the Pan Amsrioan aerie' the past
month. Amen, Bold storage apples,
Missouri and illloel. ars showier floe
steeples of Rea Davis, Willow Twig and
Gana, varieties *blob are especially adapt
at to those Stated New York State le
showing a greet spottier of varieties of fine
apples, hat so eats et an.try 1. 'howler •
hoer eshibll of last yea's apples than On-
tario. Mr. Hunting sayl he still has 100
ca se le reserve, enough to kap up the 11s
play instil new apples ome le. Mr. Van
D.mee, the judge In horticulture, °mpll-
meets Ontario very highly noon the slat
lent strawberry exhibit now no srblbltIen,
and roomed" It as a result of appnintine
fruit men tee/floe.
Mr. Renting Is patting np samples of
strswb.rrles 1a fennel* le order to pre.
serve them ter the rest of M• season. Row -
meridiem' .seletles or isdivIdaals wishing a
mak. felt .xhihtte ander their own e•mes,
and wean • medal anA diploma, sheald at
•aa eerrespsad with W. R. Runtime, Can-
llAlaa Fruit Ceare, HerMe,lteral R.11dly,
RsRale, N. V.
TUESDAY, July 2,1.
Was. Gray, of Dunnville, vcrsd bis
father this week.
Quite • amber from Mussels west to
W roaur os the 1st
John MaoDooald, of Uoderloh, spent Sen
day at John Uudasr's.
Wm Saudsroa, of Toronto, was rattle(
Meads hers this week.
Mr. Jobe Collis is visiting friends .1
Hamilton and other plass.
Mara Faooy Patterson, of Wiorbam, was
dating Irleods hen this work.
Mrs. Pollard and obtldreo, ul Toroate,
visited at Juba Wasolao's last. week.
Mlese. Mary and 011,. and Frank Soolt
vested relative" to Seaforth this week.
Misses Nellie end Annie Richardson, of
Toronto, are elslting their aunt, Mn. John
Mrs. Fred Davey and ohild, of Listowel,
visited her passu, Mr. and Mrs. llaoett,
this week
Freak Sootb, of Tama, Iowa, is visiting
his parents bete atter an ammo. hf about
tbr. years.
Mrs. Derry Ray and .on Russel, rammed
to Comber os Saturday after yleitlpg r.Ia
five. hers for some time.
TIISDAY, July 2.
Jas. Hawkins a visiting a Kloeardlns.
'the Foresters' wboel ptootc was • deotded
Mn. John Yates and family, of Chicago.
are here on a visit.
Amour those who toot advantage of the
Saturday esour.loos were J. Maim', Moe
Moos. and Mr Hoary, of Seofortb ; Mrs.
Cromarty and Mie. Pellow, of London, and
Mn.. John Schaeffer sod family, of Mdyer-
ton, all of whom fluent the 1st In the Port.
Mrs. M. MoUrelghb, of Pine River, and
Mn• Dunlop, of Klaoardtoe, etteoded the
funeral of their mother, Mrs. Fielder, yes
terdsy. The death took place at the home
of deoeoe.d'e.on, Geo. Fielder, after an ill.
nese of a week's durabloa. Th. deoowed
la ly was well and favorably knows In these
parts bolo, an old reddest. She bares one
sem and slit daughters to mourn the las of •
good mother.
UagueN l'aRTy.-Tb. Eoworth League
of Blake's ohurob ars to bold •garden party
0o H Blake's property oa the seeoto5 of
July 19.b.
-ntiego: HLF
Mo*DAY, July 8:11.
Miss S.Aobesoo, Holmesvtll., left on Sat-
urday for Woodatook, whence she lay this
week with 1) B.Calbiok and wife and others
ler • trip te California, British Columbia
and other places.
W. A. Elliott has given up his position •a
teacher of the Porter's Hill school and lo -
toads to go west to the State of Wasbtog
too At the mimes of the school term his
pupils presented him with so address and •
parting rift. ---
Mr. Lawreoce, of 8. 8. No 2, harm, re -
sliced has position se tsseh.r, the trumts.'
have engaged Mus Bell, formerly Leacher to
No. 1 as hu e000• eor. Mr. Lewrsa°. 1. a
ynuog man of smeller Intercity and honor,
• splendid worker, and all regret his depar
tare, hut he 1. saooeeded by • young lady
who bas already made a repubatoo for her-
erself es a first-olaes teacher; to point of foot
its motion has been partioularly fortunate
to its selection of teacher., having bad •
series of good ones that hays brought the
• obool tea high poslsten. Mus Hell .111 get
8350 • year, sod "tarts work after the hoL-
Their R.eeptlom atTaomte ay • Cemmltlee
et the Canadian Press.
Th. lollowiog Is an extraet from the •o
count of the reoeot trip of the Minnesota
Pres. Arsoolatioo by the .dv•or of The
Glenwood (Mico) Herald : "The next day
wee devoted to strip to Toronto, and ended
the fight sesing of the eioanloo. Torato
wee the only large Canadian pity the editors
had not visited lo their excureloos. We
made the Rossi• House bsadgaartre and
spent the day sostog this, In many ways.
the greatest Canadian olty. We were re.
oelyed with that lavish and cordial hospital
1'y and area omradsshln for which all Uan-
ale is so well known to Minnesota &tore
C.oadiaos excel In the kindliness of their
e ntertainment, tbelr ooartesy to erection,
and the Minnesota ElItorial Association
having experienced I• JI the way from Vic
Lona no the west to Quebec, cannot say ton
much in eppreoietioe. Toe •rranameo'"
for the dey bed been .neared by the wool
•tiot,'a old friend, Mr Will J. N bite. of
tie Cana'In God department.
Leaden. weptem►er la is 1.11. 1M1.
The Bret Wester° Fair of the twentieth
century promisee to be a r.00rd-breaker In
all the eseenttal features that gn to mak• up
a varied exhibition of the product. of the
soil, the .kill of dairymen, the judgment
and knowledge of oar breeders of tborougb-
bred stock, the skill of the artisan, and the
general perfeotlon to which agrarian oper.
''tions and all that pertains thereto may be
brought. it is only when snob are. oo0oeo•
tratsd and brought within the amanita of a
day or two of pleasurable sight seeing that
one 1s enabled to rainiest a glance the slob•
mess of the section from which the Western
draws its patronage and the vast possibilities
of the land we Inherit
Al the Fair grounds all 000veoleboee have
bee° improvsd,•nd exhibitors will be (Lased
to keow of enoh additions and alterations In
the pr ze list as are oalooleterl to give the
eraser amount of satlefaotlon to the exhibi-
tors. The speeding to the ring, always a
feature of the Western Fair, will this year,
with enlarged purse", be mors attractive than
ever, while the Incidental aterootioas are the
highest.primed that mould he secured. The
gymnasts are all of the Ersb•ol•ss In the
yaudetllle world today, and not the east in-
teresting feature 1s • loll troupe of perform-
ing elephants.
Prize 11.1. may be had on application to
Mr. J. A. Nellie, Secretary.
Montreal liter.
Hoo. Mi. Tarte wool to Toronto the
other day te leek Into the rlgbaevone.., or
otherwise, et some harbor work+ claims
whloh the good people of that olty thought
eminently newsreel. nay, Indiapaasahl.,
for the welfare of the place. Ths Inhabl
tante, however, did not know the ways of
the Minister, and thereby hangs • tale.
Members e1 the dilatation got busy very
early on the morning the Waster was sx•
peoted, ser there was • fins representatlye
deputation on hand at the hotel to meet
him, oke him over the harbor works, and
show him just what was needed te maks
the oaa ap-to date, as far as ',hipping
fseilnles were oon erned There was •
brisk step heard In the hall at the time ap
pointed to atcwt. and the gray freak coat
ad silk hat of the Minister presently ams
1s sight,
"Gond morning, Mr. Tarte," said the
chief spokesman of the depuatloa, lapping
briskly to the front, "If itis now oaysafene
we shall he pleased to maks you over the
harbor and point nut the Improvements
'Oh, 1 have been •Irsady arena," re.
piled Mr. Tarte, cheerfully "1 and my en.
edam want In my little bat tots morning,
sad we have just got through ear examine
Me that was the way the Toronto dspalr
Den showed the Minister the bather re
The Mlnbter had been up at six e'elonk
sad hast evldaaiv preferred to maks the
.taadattea aloe..
1'01 slate' alums wed me ampulla my g' b.
lt'e hot 1
1 o.0 always Iolad peace 1a me pi u.'• 0.015
Though it's bot
Au' 1 swelter are .11 to a sort le a dram.,
Wid th' shw.at summa' •ff me to [neatly • �
Ao' 1 lour tut a Aub uv (roam ale. Drams,
'("as. It's hot I
to tb' wmtber we wish it was summer
W0000 m01e.
'CO.* It's °mold
Am' we shorter at tis' man who laves open
th' door,
Vase 11's a,ald.
An' ofteu we wish as we shiver an' swab,
For tis' trsploal brazes Iv Jae or Juloy,
now ►bac we're get them we say,-
"Moy, oh. moy I
AWL tt hot?"
"Is It hot enough fur yes ?" say. Clancy to
(It was hot),
A. 1 lay to me b•mmtok to under a three.
Very hot.
Says 1, "Clancy, whey do you °oovles.
t'rou,b y•r bat
11 ye bad as mush shale as yer ould Thome.
Y. waddea't be silo' a gesetloo luiks that,
'Whin 1r. hot'"
I shtrtp off my oollar, my moat •n' me vise,
'C'ase it's bot.
I'm not over particular how 1 am dresaed,
When 1t'. bot
An' 1 say. to me wolf., "Mary Ellen," says
"Loth than rubberneck beef sbte.k to
.putter au' troy.
We oan bye an binaoeys an' cou'd I101o0
Whin ft's hot'"
1'ye• lows, Ida be toile', 'tis surrounded
be threes,
That's th shpot !
Ao' I ley 1n my hammock an' take, la th'
Whin It's hot.
Where's th' elute to Le waddle • imlar Sad
Au' • Ing le.ther belt to eh' moat' i• &dee.
Whey mot dries lotke tb' Zulus. 1'd lathe be
know ahoy,
Whin R'. bot ?
Sealerth . (;ROGAN
*aim and 1 bromic Oke. .IIsm
Are rqually Influenced by the almost marlcal
palo.subduug power of Poison's Nervilloe,
equal la mediclosl value to Eve times the
quantity of any other rheum•'tto remedy
Norville' Dorm bathes it reaches the sourus
of the disease and drive. It out of the sys-
yrtem. Nervllloe Is an unusually good rheu-
matlo stub, sod 'pekes many unusual cures.
Just rob it la the next time you have an la-
t•ok. The Immediate result will surprise
you. 25o.
Wtogham : Albert Doabledes had the En -
gin on h•s right hind badly cut while at
work oa • saw to Walker & Clegg'. factory,
Notice of cnanges mast be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
mast 1* left not later than Mon-
day noon. Diana' Advertisements
sooepted so to noon Wednesday of
eaob week.
� fg
18580 r�/ 'r`- r •
will outwear
two pairs of
Ordinary Common Rubbers.
Search the Worldoand you will
find nothing' ��e_- i.
better than
,7n,Italted by Every Rubber
Manufacturer and Dealer, but no
imitation has our specially Manufac-
tured Rope Canvas or Duck, the
only fabric which can be thoroughly
rmpregnatsd with the Para Gum.
When worn out have leather sole
put on and sea for • Plow Boot.
The). D. KInirCo. , Limited, have
the only siapael
genuine Rubber.
Don't buy unless the words
are stamped upon
the sole of each
Rubber; all others are frauds upon
the Public.
Our Agcot In l;oderloh is Sb. Oso. Prim.
"Certain good is
better than uncertain
Certain value, up
to the Makers' price,
stamped on the sole,
;3 50, ;5.00, is pled-
>�i in eorea r• r of
"Tbe Slater Shoe"
&maw wdhd.
Wa. S'%araa., It • Sole local Agent.
- Tee 'seamen -.
�P %mesa\ Dvreetore.
*Mar. •.ronsiir'0ttend.4 lie w all
hones. slight or day.
•ees.e (.seer.
la a se. PAA Kidney
doctor has said, " 1 sever
yet made a post-mortem m►
amination iota carte of death
from Heart Disease with-
out finding the
were at fault." The Kidney
at.dicine which was Lst ea
the makrt, most eaasase-
fuI fo• Heart Disease and
all Kidney Troubles, and
most widely imitated is
with your health.
Don't uoo Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the best
there is at the same prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug SA:re the stock is al-
ways 1re.h, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has a reputation for promptness and
Medical Hall.
Ilckillop ll.t.al Fire Insurance Co.
Value of Property Insures up to January,
1901 _, 1113,04411,1173.1111
J. B. MoLsan pre..: T. Fraser. vloapres.
Jas. Connolly. b. Dale. W. O. Brosdroot. J.
Wo'i, Jas San., .1. O. Grieve, J. Henoewsls,
Air...bus. W. H. Hroadfo,t. 8cforth, Inspec-
tor of losses : T. R. Hays, 8e.forth, ee0retary•
i reaaursr.
J W. Yeo, Holmesville ; James Cumming
ggnlood rills ; It. Matin .n, 8eafortb ; R
�mltb. Harloot. -
Policy holders can pay .eNanteata and get
their cards reedited ar Ma Coats'. Ol1Rlee. or
at Mclean Bros, Palace Clothlmg Stare, Gode-
Tne name stands for all that le
reliable In ferning machinery.
e•.P.M MERS..m
Intending to purchase anything in our
line should inspect our goods before
placing their order.
We always carry on hand is full
stock of repairs.
We have the best make of Cream
Separators on the market.
You can get the most up-to-date
Carriage or Buggy made in Can -
'Oa at t reasonable price from us.
Massey -Harris Bicycles -New
1901 models -elegant mounts. Call
and see them.
A Great Snap
Is our Glover Snap, .t fen. s
pound, of which we sell a barrel a week.
This Isn't our only sap, u we oarry
everything that oan be found In an uo-
bodate grooery .tore, and our prima
are right. The farmers know that they
esu always get from as a map for their
produoe. We draw the 1" r at no
legitimate trade - svity ., go-.:
filmgoer. or poatoee, gar°, r. et.'.'
ohntoest able Cans. We deal
of them.
Raiford block, Oederloh.
Sommer Goads
Oil Stoves "tea
Gasoline Stoves
Ice Cream Freezers
Dairy Tinware
Metal Roofing and
Ua sss
J. H. Worsell
The ap stove nW
ve and 1aaes ,
R B. Smith's 1 /� CK/A4
Re/d rs O/d
Store [ j ` �' 1 Stand
.amalgamation Sale.
Two stocks must go Into on store. The stocks
are large and the time is short. The sale will be
quick, sharp and clean. We cannot give you a full
list of prices, but they will be ready for you Tuesday
morning, July 16th, with such prices as these :
Men's tine colored shirts, good value
at 50o to 75c, all at one prim., 371c.
There are the newest colored shirts --
this reason's make, some white shirts
in the lot, and all at 37ic.
Oise piece navy flannel, twilled.
price 15c, for . , .. 10c
All 10c flannelette for 8c
All 1 2Ic flannelette+ for
All 6o and 7c prints for 5c
All 10c prints for 8c
Alt 121c and 15c prints for....9ic
-All our white and colored shirt-
waists at just half pros. There are
about 10 dozen left. Some are a lit
tie soiled by handling, but they go at
half pose.
7.5c shirt waists for .....;Y. , . 37 10
$1.00 shirt waists for 50c
$1.50 shirt waists for 75c
$2.00 shirt waists for $1.00
$3.00 shirt wtsists for *1.50
$1.25 watch spring corsets for .75c
$1.00 and $1.25 E. T. cormcts, .. 75c
All 1c embroideries for 3o
All 7c and 8c embroideries for,bo
All 10c and 12c embroideries for 7c
All 15c embroideries for 10c
All 20c to 40o embroideries for lbc
Allover roses and all-over em-
broideries at just one-half of the reg-
ular price.
All fancy goods marked down a
quarter to a half, including all fancy
wools, silks, nets, cushion tops etc..
from one-half to three-quarters of
their value
MILLINERY. --All trimmed mil-
linery, all fathers, flowers, etc., at
just half price and soave at less.
All belts at one price, 25c. l'he
regular pricer are up to 90c and $1.00.
All at 25o
All our fancy silk and velvet ladies'
collars, worth 45c and 50c, now your
choice for 35c
Me1i'0 crashmere sox, worth 25c to
35c, for ... 2''2c, or 5 pain for $1.00
This will be a red letter money -saving sale for you.
The goods are here. Most of you know what they
are like. They are yours at very little prices, of
which the above are samples only.
come often and bring your friends. We have to
make this sale so as to get the two stocks into one
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Slim
Bread and Cream Rolls, Liu
Pies and Lady Fillers, Kisses,
Macaroons, ll/wanton,
Brandy Snaps, Etc. 0.1.4,
are a• goodanthe fleet uiwton any
city in Canada.
(autelon lewle the trade in
in fancy •lesisning iiiiroro ment
ing and almond icing.
Give Mai s order and year A,.
isfactioo win'
writs 'f'fit T.
r,s• THE OLD
Scraiitou Bard Coal
All (loaf weighed on the Market Scales
when you get LOu Ibis for a ton.
Orders lett at LIZ 3 o8>s?EAAD'8
Sta. promptly attended 1..
Shoes that
measure up
to Your
We Furnish You Two Oomfortable Feet\
Common sense, as well as style, can be purchased reasooabiy\$ our
counters. Good we-irable shoes for all torte of occasions.
High grade footwear at prices that you cannot heat.
Don't fail to Ice our "KING QUALITY" shoes if you want the latest
styles. THEY LEAD.
TRUNKS, GRIPS, Etc. �'' Repairing neatly done. Nit
Have you tried a guess on the Pan-American t If not, why not? A
guess with every dollar purchase at this store.
Sole Agent for King Quality Shoes,
wANT A STEP -LADDER ?-M1,l:lrra._
We rive uric away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Pnwiler purcLased from us. 50c s Ib. The step -ladder alone is -
worth the price.
Try n p,tckago of our Hop Tell --not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and (pylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
full atm_rtment.
Telephone Na 91.
STvRrnY dz, CO.
Hat Bargains
R ..
Having purchased twelve dozen hate at a great reduction they will be
sold at, the following low prices :
Rear'y-to-wear het at 26c, worth 6Oc.
Children's ready-to-wear hats at 16c, worth 85c, and at 504
worth $1,00.
Leghorns at 86c, worth 50c. i w rnn"ce.
Leghorns at 76s, worth $1.26.
Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat. for 76c.
Ml millinery reduced for the halanr-e of the season.