HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-11, Page 44 j TritH War, July 11, 1901.
The acme.
beads by motion tailors, regular prioe, $15.
redwood to f 11. o0
Fancy Worsted Botta, Frenoti faced, good
mhzunlage, regular price, $14.00, reduced
styles, 'rhey ere net bold tit the ea-
markably low price at 'which we offer
them Iseauee y ere out of iit)le,
it h. sure determined ,,,t0
room tor fall purchases.
?Doe pattern la Grey 'rweeol, Fronon feCi•
lees double breested vest, well trimemol.
regular price. $12.00. for $9 00
• Tory desirable pettern ie (Ire/ Canadian
Tweed, stitched wt• h silk, good trosi
slogs, regular $9 00 per fait. reduo.
This is s chance for hi.rewd buyers to get a gomi suit at what you would
ordinarily pay for a very inferior article. Our clothes are all guaranteed tr.)
flt well and wear well
W• are ware for the "Lion" brand ot Boys limbic', Thee* are made from el'
weed tweeds, have double mats, double knees, double lit itched memo, art sewed elm
stress neon thread, sod are tally guaranteed. Onos you become a otetomer foe the
"Lies" brand yea will have rto other
up wibb a Int el teaohme that ought be he
dem la the home, lu the uhuron, end be
vo!uut•ry assoelat tune. The teachers have
IStiou Hie At 0.
'4401 knows Hes Fromobioo 'lowest who,
prude% himself epee his haedliwy of Coineee
Halmos a Celestial in the Winsome hex uh•
yoor name!
Witness- Kee Lust.
You live in 8se n40011100 1,
You 'dibble tied ?
"Del usderstand the equity of our Crea-
tor?" 1 will simply say that Thursday
theism mat I shall address the State
Ministerial Association ow the subject of the
divinity of (lent, and shall be pleiseed to
hive you attend.
c. inpapia_Am
Mores Furnisher and Hatter Perlent Fetuses thornier! House.
tilt Agital.
A GREAT ado is being allele by
wheel-of:fortune mato takitte advantage of
- Street Fair week to push him bunnies*.
mon are eptleavoring W
show that, like HoltATIWN at the Bridge.
they "saved the town" on the cettesion.
Well, it's a good thing to have fetch de-
pendable Men in town, but we really can-
t:tot me what terriblo risks were run br
'there. The town tonsteble le eluployed to
enforce the towu bylewo, anti he in the
man who should attend to the matter -not
the Mayor. the President of the eommit-ree
or private individuals.
gambler. but, if poosible, we have Imo eym
lathy for the "sucker" who gee+ up agate'.
the gambler's game. The gambler ren't an
boniest men, and neither is the "toui•ker."
They ere both orooks and their ways Aro
I• t'o a well-known fact that "a fowl and
his money are emily parted," Mad if our
well-intentioned peofik-lie awike at night
deviating means to save the "sucker" they
will have their labor for their pains.
If theme weil•niteutioned mmele really
want te olto something phi's. worthy they
should eel up a subscription to help out the
committee who in a moment of weakness_
pre too much of • free show to the spec
Motors of the Street Fair, anti are now a
little down at the heel. 'The aseistarroe re
not • dope.
- The politicians aro now approaching
the axiom, "If you don't ono what you
want ask for it"
Tory stripe are busily engaged telling about
Election turnovers are kwought about by
work Ali.1 not by rainbos chasing.
-It might tease coolness -or) tar es the
politicauis are ooncerned. at all events -if
the- Globe WOUld revive that Wirring
battle cry, "We 'Will Whack WIIITNICY.-
Anything to change the temperature.
-The inexplicable is exemplified in the
rising of Fish River. Alaska. touted by an
bedding 111 the village of White alowatain,
except orte saloon. %%leaky and water are
-The vied of the 48th Highlanders, of
Toronto to Buffalo on July let revive. the
story of the young woman in the Amertean
citylast saW the Highlander bawl
Chinese?" said the "No," replied hoc ee-
- -Dominion Day sod the Fourth of July
_are both in the past teens for thiti year And
the two nations that owu the earth aud the
fulbienethereof on the North Anieriewil`011
isinilitions of arrariging to meet the
yoollector m the tell
-Toronto is n?t only s city of churl -hes
Mit carries on the good work by estop meet
-A little discuseion on Capt. Blorsisten
trip to the,north pole is not unseasonable
during the hot spell.
- You may say what you like about the
**Old Boys" but let your words he few when
you refer to the "Oki
self, - se the politicians do, the complexion of
Parliament would be more representative.
-Young man, learn to lean on yourself.
It you get into the way of leaning upon
others, you will eventually be lean indeed.
-VVhile the public are fightooft/ about al
legal Mg issues the politician. are quietly
but indelltriously tilting tho ottimw to folk
-From the efforte that sre being put
forth by the Genitors,' o-ombine to increase
prime we are again reminded .that "there
Is nothing like leather."
-To hoed thin ehovellers at work
these warm!July days in enough to make
MO imagine that the furnace in within patty
'Peach, and working overtime.
-The beet way to knoek out the 'Ton
Thousand lbollar Senate story" irr to fill tne
next vacate -ie. with newmpaper who
are long on brains and %hurl on olollars.
--Our estormied ocintemixtrarre. of the
In a pollee court 1144%.1. WhOrCin
evangeliet Nene" figured for eaueing
street fight end forcing four teeth belong•
to the jaw of IfAII) WillTr. from their
moorings. Rviolently evangelist PIERIA in
of the church militant.
To the Editor of TIM Hai PILL I
SIM,-WellUDIMOI that mut of tbe per.
sons who read the beentitul program of the
Goderich Street Fair from which our tele
is taken believed that the °own -lithe whose
names appeared un the 11134 of the program
show• ." It is not noceseary to tell those
oho attended the Street Fair on July let
Court House u•re. 'doom of men bad'
boys. know to their sorrow that the ghee
ganobter hes no °hence with hie professional
brother. If the !nether; and lathere of this
towu-yes and the neighboring oountry-
could have seen the swarms of eoh000l boys,
their eons, who lined the three large gaming
tibles and received their first Isogon la
Lauthlieg, they would feel periously interest-
ed le this matter.
Tint this gantbling establishment Wall
toot allovied to run, "wide epee" for tbe
I Woe doh of the Itatr.the ;sweets of oir town
may thank Manager Lewitt of the Radioing
Factory and Mr. Will Stoddart. After
hours of persietent effort they preyeiled on
the authorities ro order the gembling booth
to mese work. Mr Lewitt was threstmed
by th• gemblers oft!) "Klett" Injury -for in•
foddering with their business. Teo pea
prietor ot the gaming booth said, "1 old •do
you up" for the' if It takes ten yam to do
so. 11 wilt not be sale for yee ter he out
Mr. Thames and Mr. Hale drapery* credit
for stopping the gambling just as won se
they ka-e• that they were boohoo sup
Prated iti thew ectloo, Wit ark the cit•z,ne
who desee that fakir. sod gamblers be kept
out of tour town to Meet tbst the proper
entheritim shall prohibit such unlAs fel
More than onco the great NorthwestonsFati
hes been diegramed toy' gembitria rine 11,1,,.
termite injured thereby, rad till/ sante nifty
be sal 1 of the rams. Will sot the respect.
able onizons of GoderIch steed together In
this matte,, and sea that at ne gathering
iweitiobooer ttrobeiwour,:srcnidp,.. ply their trade
preeldeed of the come.:•tee, (I) By wbose
authority thaw men were eirnwee carry
ou their refarieue Lulea ea the public
street? (2)1e it true that we Men paid
te• 1 owe tteasurer $30.00 for Ito, privilege
Of desedift "tta, fools who will get wisdom
only by 'mine hit- en (3) Why did not
ths Mayor and the preoideut summarily
atop the, g•mbling as men as they el .•
fernier! hai this nolawiel busbies Was he -
-,-Jeg-oereleei one
c•: •• . loos, bad 0111 keep faith with the pob•
1•0. rhesus' Tilt. prepriotor of the British
Floatage hotel, was the Met to ialorm es
,,t .L.1 geuitilers, and I et oboe sought fel
the May.or •nd after some delay towed him
and aekiel that ptonipt uotion bo oaken SO
rentoe• thee. rata The Mayor sisted that
lie wetild do so, wet 1 believe he immediate
ly proceeded to find & oosistable to mentos
Ins ordor. Tinny wow considerable delay,
end it wail nut until well on la the anat-
omy's that our request was accomplished. 1
now ask the Mayor to certify to title, la
juel ice to the committee.
In the evening, however, whoa I %eat up
town I found that the "wheel" bad nue
started eosin. At Mr. Goodres mother I
met Mr. L own'', who was a member of the
oolebratIon oommittee, and requested Win
to go to Me. Hale and ask him to goo to Mr.
Seeger and iiik• out a warrant tor the
el reet of those men. Mr Lewitt •1 coos pro
oeoded to do so. lo the meantime uoostable
Thomas told these rum that Gene would be
serious trouble d they did 001 peck up and
leave, ani they aocordiurtlY did se- 1 el.°
met Mr. Stmoidart who was doing all he
oould to help us, and I am sure both him-
self and Mr. Lewitt fully recognize how
easy it le to stand bv mid find fault. iut
bow hard It is to move the "maohinery of
All these facts your oohs/pendent, oould
easily have aeurtained by simply coming to
the oomtnittee and tbe Mayor. aud had they
gone to a hula trouble to glye us sesistanoe
onsessof of fault finding afterwards, they
would have done themselves reedit and have
oommendation from us.
mit tee bed lily thanks thou gent mine° who
woe, to our isseistanoe and we trust an•
other voNir to au the Nutt tiodors uu in the
committee doing their duty and thus stoo-
ling for their neglect that veer.
Many who were appoiotod never eloper-
, ed and so the work fell upon • few, and
i only for sums who volunteered upoo the
ground II would hsve been imposeita• ler
us to oarry out the program. Surely oo
had good hum to look for help Dom our
velum frieo.de when they- know how the
Greed Trunk had treated ue, and whet) they
saw tr oublo looming up and lose etering U.
in the taco their aesistanoe and kmd words
would have been most weloome. But boo
Our coif ne hays reason to be proud ef
nor Mind hoy• who did their duty to
the fullest otent and stayed with us to the
Mr 1 MAIM Yee 011001.1 thaoks for his
generosity In giving ue the larva: subsorip•
;mooed open be heard we had made a lou
to was the drat and only one to offer to Day
Ms full share to make It up.
It ts evident that it takes hard work and
the hearty oo operation of all °likens to ao•
owntolish enoweefully what we tried.
Gar town le 'mooed ty adapted for • street
far aria it will 'succeed another year if ell
w ill jet. halide, lodoettiog prejudoree, arid
aim at making a sno0elle.
Ae Peen at ml Gicounts are in our doan
nAil etetemeni wall be given toll,* public.
Your. truly
At 6N. Molt ALLAN,
Illesegging Mill het ere Catarrh.
Deetere sey so. Victim.. of snuffs, °int -
11%.11.• see tablets trli he seine etory.
paseages end honobiel tubes. Germs are
h•r 1 I n at., roil. destroy them .4,41 yon
cure the disease. How ceo le be does 'I By
If roll I. STRANO.
J. EIA:IN lee
bine inquiry at Montreal but week Johns R D answer to the letter whloti
stMeated le The Star last week finding
BARIIIM.; the Caoreetown paper tearaway laultwIth the celebration 00MiPittee for the
threw. testified that "if -there had not been present:reef • gambling concern at tee fair I
have to say: tint In 'newer to questions
irked. (1) We on knowledato other.
than rumor hew these men came bore, or
* who authortzed them to wore. They did
not apply to eue oomnizt tee and the matter
wias ileVer eyon Meted at in env meeting we
held, nor h•ve I heerd it stated that any ott
them osIted upon any member of the oom•
motto* for any purpose. (2) Tbe Meyer
cen mats if they the term for any
Triode*. I had ot power to "oom-
%V hen we stotti that we would have no
"Wide or ambient' we ha every reason
to believe that the towo omit give us the
franchise et those streets end tit tep is
summarily with any objecolonabl future
which might Arose, We went speeinily te
the counotl and applied for this ; the mat-
trr was referred to the solicitor, and Wier
upon hie adi ice the eouneit had to refuse
as num, it oould not be Mese legally.
Thoo the franchise was held only hy the
town and wo co rid only sot sa any or-A:nary
citizens. At our next public meettng we
still held to our determination to pro -rent a
clue program to the people Ind requested
all good ottatons to essia, Llt In car: peg this
out. Veer oorreepondente a 'Knowledge
that we presented a "bersutiful program,"
but uolortuoately en enemy, knowing that
we had nn more power over the &truth than
any other Mitten, appeared amongst us, and
then Lut few tome to our assistance.
iernhient had no friend upon the commit -
tie, 1411 far so I know.
Juin at thie time our trouble with the
Groat Trunk was at fever heed. en 1 we
were More than busy to-ving to de•-ieo ways
and MOWN to out down memo° an 1 'Ave
a tariff on paper in the United State. Can •
when nuthere eould have sold all their
paper at much more than the anociatiou
price." HO was f011oWell on L.44
stand by the president of the Camela Paper
COmparty. who stated that if United 81..aths
paper were allowed to oome into Canada
without duty the Canadian manufacturers
would be "wiped oat." Hew the paper
trade of thin country is to he destroyed by
the entry into the market of foreign makere
who hominy a higher priee for their goods
something whit -h the average mind fails
to grasp. The 'tortes:lion theory ileee not
iced 00 logic, however.
orates left We win sou them It
flue With I) inlop
Two Reneolen at
We swill onntinno our 'aloof
IPBEI 00 and $44,00
ter • few days longer
/mond Nina what'll. at (la 1111 anti
Ilkycie awl Basic Ism
amsau nude.
Hamilton Herald Olesprow uotherity
has made Andrew Carneele so L L I). Dr.
Caravels wood the winches with hie L.
Canadian Freeman . 'they have a new
deeds to Kansas that is composed ut hard
oider, alooitel end water. It Is said that
one glass makes a man ready for • frolic.
two for a figtit, three for au undertaker.
Springfield Republican The terrifying
pouthithies (a the automobile are forcibly
illoetrated by the faot that the new hoglieli
oars entered tor the great long distance
races In France are reared sod englned fnr
• speed of 100 mile' an hour. the attalnutout
of that velocity beIng only a oneatIon of
nerve. When a thing like that Is let loose
on the highways it is time for the rut of De
le take to the wood..
L1771.8 IIIMTAKIt.
said severely, "do you know erh•t day ths
le r
••The Anniversary of our wedding," he
replied, pretending that he remembered It
all the time
"No," she said, .fter he had tiniehed,
"Gita is the day you said you were going to
nett up that shelf in the kitcheo."
Then h• ontnintnearl going around in e
oirole and fnelehly trying to make her he•
hove that he had been joking about the in
nlversar v.
An impudent feloow in Hewer/ten
Inquired, withouo asking Me pawarden,
I/1 the learned Coloohoun if the man In the
Aigrette lodged in some nobleman's power
Whereupon, the fire *sting Lord Chnlmon
overhearing the words, remarked grolmon
To an awastiloken neighbor, unsheathing
his selghbor
That the question WM mostly unorilmondo.
nowadays to grumble that we eta not get the
return from our IMIOO&I.100Ai system that er•
are warranted in expecting free+ the amount
of monev vent upon ir. W• de not know
that *deflation le tilo• only itervtoo of whinh
that may be said. 1 • ear mind, Whim there
are domande for the tosehlog of soientifie
temperance, of the Intim, rof nature study,
nf manual trailing, of demesne snionoe, ot
agrteeteers, of mule, of Frooloilsm. MIA
ether things In the onhlin unhook, It le IRO.
wonder that ere gel. onwpiatott In trying to
tramittesal period In public animal edam
tine and we may well be a little patient
and set hurry things ton moth. The public
oeheml, as a matte/ of tact, has bees loaded
Messrs. Chambers. i'oonolly, Hays. Kerr,
MoLean, Speokome and Warden
Holt 8 Ag Meet -Messrs. Bowuoriu. Chou -
Ion, V gum,. Hook., Loeshart, Lamont
ant Tor- tette -7 Mr Pot toreou was ab -
o item o, wutolt cob lot • steno reshapes 30ft
stone. were eowapto d by the counsel. The
Holt. Messrs. Keit and Connolly.
fits...ford timoon Wall and Fred. Mu.
Carthy were visited • couple of days aro uy
Ile Smith of Go ter -11,Alea.kdolvor's 'rattler
Go no wet th doughty proleasioual The
Stretford buys struck la with the 'deemed of -
o Herod to put $100 up U McIver would do
likeooke The t.s. thole and the hoe was
fixed for VV edoesday, July 31st, at Stratford
The distanoe will be 19 WM Moller
thy riding Lbia tiret half of the datums' Moue
aod Fred. the sectood half. It way safelyfbe
toad that Meteor will have to more himself
faster than be has heretofore if be heroine to
Just am Good t
Perhaps ' Don't you run the risk.thongh,
but •Iviiiy • buy the meted emd sure
pop CUM ouee-Putuam's Painless Gore Ex•
tractor. Soh, sale and polnleee. Put -
four hours 11 uur druggist doe. not sell
Kingston, Gat . therWill send It to you
post pad to airy al roes M Quads or U. S.
The newest thing in Summer Corsets, just in, - soc.
Some special makes in Black Dress Goods.
Extra value in Ginghams, 10c. and up.
1:)0 yards of Printed Piques, fast colors - 10 cents.
1320 .)ards of Print, warranted fast color,
regular price 10c. - for 8 cents.
1260 yards of Print, warranted fast color,
regular price 121c. - for 10 cents.
Another lot of cheap Dress Muslins.
Every one, is a bargain. 'File last lot of the season.
These Goods are all this season's make, and at
sale prices, Extra Value.
They are Less than Wholesale Prices.
Come and see them whether you want to buy
or not.
.,. Ache&
Wash Goods,.Silks
ere is a small list of our new Orem
weer, most correct materials for
pearanoe. Prices are lower than the rich
to expect
Silk Jeeps de Cholla*, 42 to 44 inehee wide,
in Meek and white, at per yard
Cord Dimity', in white, black, and plain
colors, at
American primed cord ?dueling, fant colors,
in neat waist or dress patterns, at
Reward 1
Tour ists
will Simi special attention
paid to .
An advertisesseed may in -
as licle a FIRST Mee.
Itut an advertisement won't
itchier a person to use
thAt Article a SECOND
tone unless eines. WM-
\ Some of the uewest lines laud tn.
you berate. Who to the Mussed parts.
Von must be sure, elm, that the roedicauco
will kill the digitate germs. t atarrhotone
Is 'meteoroid to do t Mi. that's why It bes
wo• rld. Yon lamely breathe Catarrhotote
It destroys the germs -It heels -in a word
it course Now you know everything Wont
Catarthozons. except what Ithacan learn by
wing It Caishbozooe never disappoints
and Is guaranteed to curet oaterrh. Praos -
$1.00; small Mae 25 coats. at druygtete or
Poison & Co.. Ktawaten.0•11.
regular meeting of the Coliwriale
the members toeing pre., ut or- `. jade*
Masson. Mr. 1, geld& ralery wee essed ter
8950 tor the coming year. Th.• .1 an in-
crease of $50. A resolution was pesited that
the town contrail be asked to leery $2,600 for
t !collegiate lestitete purposes for the current
rear, and the meetlua then ediourned.
IC T. OF T. IneTALLAT1oN.-Last Thurs-
day evening the followin• were Installed as
herald. Jas.Stroogh ; guard. NI we oCreat A:
sontund, Jobe Walters ; prima reporter, Mks
Tits Gamines Reetrethen.---The oounty
compel met rin the third 'natant to receive
tenders for the erection of the new gaol res-
blesere.Buohanan and Lowsoo, at $3.100.
}lithe, that the matter Ire deferred to the
Deoember session, and that In the meantime
tenders he &eked tor both brick and stone.
Mr. Hays and Mr. MaLsen moved in smend•
ment that Buchanan' & Lawson 14 offered
la 000 to erect a residence s000rdiog to
the plans mei epecttioatIons, with hot water
heating, whlob had been sooepted by the
oouno.:, th• county retaining all the old
stone wall. l'he amendment was adopted
has pale larger thee the
combined sales of any
other three soaps.
An advertisement may in-
duce people to try SUN-
LIGHT eipAri once.
people use SUNLIGHT
SOAP tontimustudy sad
W.• mu at the highest Itandard of olwellomo in thin work.
Whoa you wore a boy, ob, Wrodee Men ?-
"The world Was lents aed tbe men were
Vet our sword heads foriebt fur the pas
urea De ;
The plane ot Jordan bed Manors, thee,
Were lily soffiolent to keep two men ;
Toon, aa today, there wee genie between
Labe's, the greedy, and Joroob, the keen ;
There was sweat oo the Moe, awl blood
on the treed,
Aod the thistles fought with the own tor
the land ;
Into the am the rivers ran -
W hen 1 wow • boy," said the Weeders
Whim you were • hoy, oh Wooden Mao
"The sea was deep and the skies were
Sorrow wee old, though the world wag
rho ',septet bid l• the woopild• rhea
Whot• the feet of the pilgrim bad to
pass ;
In the klee el love was the hate of the
And Hope walked heed la heed with
We ate oar breed 'oessib a tooter ban -
When I was a boy." mot the Woodier
Whoa you were a boy. ob Woo Ion Men !-
Nen might he false, but God was true ;
asap Mamelactareen,
H▪ e
The neer@ hoe In the golden light, 17I•,
And the ',tar them gfor fled the night ;
Hope was Ash and faith wee deep,
Aad the toil of the day•time sweetened
sloop ;
Amd there was no look out the tent door's
fold ;
Our oeveaset sig. well the rainbow
tot bee I was boy," said the Wooden
line of
We are offering the above goods for the
balance of this month at greatly reduced
prices. Call in and inspect our stock.
Screen Doors and
Lawn flowers,
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes, —
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
a specialty.
Ow -
should be fashionable, of good wearing quality,
nice fitting, and keep its shape till the:sole parts
from the upper through long use and wear.
Such a shoe is the EMPRESS, of which we
have sole control.
wall*. • Mise Tres McKenzie bad Mir
shealder blade broken by • fall a low days
Ciletan Rumford Bros., have over 300
heed of rattle they &re preparing for mar -
Chutes : Mr. sod Mrs. W. Doherty, of
Olathe, loft last week on a trip to the old
.burie e• vfoiMuremo.Jui. .P. Tertian. Is seriously
: The coogregatioos of Sent
• HoleteevIlle sod Middleton are
sow without • 'steelier.
Grey ; Allan Leenoot, et Grey, who has
berm lantste of the House of Refuge for
about four years is dead.
has been appointed • jostle* of the pesos by
Usitarlo Government.
Brussel' : Mr and Mrs. Ronald oonteno
plate • trip to Denver in hepe of bengali-
ne/1 Mrs, Konald'i I unto.
011ie.. 7 ea Costae. town "leek, bee over
7(g) eau Mashes growing le ht. garden,
anserig which he 1. ito over 300 varteties.
Stanley Thor. Weir, et Sashay, who
age, was taihe to th• asylum st London.
yy. 0. leIllott, who has been in Philadet
phia for urn* pears, le holideving •0 home
W Ingham L•ezie O. Wilton has
gone to mend her vaearloo with her sister,
1101°bodertoh township : Geo. Rohm, et
"Morrie, has rented the Rudd farm, on th•
'i.60711110111 : While playing lootbell at Kin,
-bora, Wilt Butt, son of Eph. Butt, Clinton,
get hie leoff broken
Wheeler : Sines February last John
aad the Vatted Sales.
hls farm te Geo. Tyner.. for • good tigers.
Mr. Itiagbam and family hays refolded hers
for the use% thirteen years'.
laeltam Robe Habklrh. of Toronto,
whe worker' to J. .1. Anderson's saw ruin
some year" ago, waa melee on old Wing
ham Trim& for • few days last week.
Inabam : The many friends of Dr Roes,
of Moosejaw, N. W. T., formerly .1 this
town, will be plowed to learn of hie •p•
plower of the Illobanire Antal, took poe•
sullen law week. J. It, Swarts sod family
bees moved to their dwelling on Diagonal
(tray : The trustees of S No. I ham
engaged the servitor of Id iss Annie King, of
Outfield, Reldlinand °entity, as $110 for
filiteseshaspleiloei.opifouthierimyeairr,.dThere were Mee -
Brussels During the mooth of Joly the
evue.Iptiotwofi.the Methodist oburob will be ea
will atteed Vleterla University Tweets.
copied by Rea C. J. Willem', whit has hem
ha the ministry for two or three hare and
011ebee : Idles Rva Cooper left on Satur-
day fur California to attend the great Rp
wee* League moventine In Man Fraeoisee
a:Liallor.owha.rtd.siiitose.orteit until th• latter Part
ef Anne% her Meter, Mrs. Armstrong, el
Metes : Daisy, the fire year•eid death
ler el Jac Copp, twit with a palatal anal
dent. Alm bad hose up • tees, anti In um •
lawer "dedwebs1:1411e: al.estierist. el her arm so sera
only that It wee aseassary be roll In a dee-
see., 11•4 oiled mate sued
deftly at • privet* hospital, Toronto, so
1Dassilay moralise al 9:30 tirtlook. Mho had
We have a full line of cheaper shoes in stock.
Wm. Sharman, jr.
Slater Shoe Agent.
Acquainted a
""*"""r"'"--1"" with nor tine of Bicycles. It'm worth our while and the —
acquaintance will 'lave you money.
The largest show of Bicycles ever seen in Gorlerich. All fully guaranteed •
Our line for 1901 gives you a generous choice of styles a n prices. They combine all
the latest features.
We align have a number of amend betel wheels ihsrgaine
Repairs fIltf‘e turf carefully and promptly by a first-class repair tan.
We have been selling bioyeles ever since a bioyoln was bicycle and are known as reliable
dealer/ . Telephone 92.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Mill WOOd
The above is cut into stove wood
leinozth and will he delivered to any
part of the town the fiaMa day as
Orders received hy telephone or
left at rrsidenoe, 128 Catnbria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phmut 95.
1 he mon itrimead la • milt made at
ear More always looks trim, as It the
ambition of eyeey mon of war to leek.
A large meth of clothe to elhease
11 yes are oostemplating trefelliff
light emermat tor spring swear, Meg SO •
shases is serve pm. Prier rtirbits
of t
of I
D or
D a
Is 4
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