The Signal, 1901-7-11, Page 3.•Cn$t4: "'. ,,,r• _ T .� yrs_ ,.,;(t�.r �'y.rg y,{ .INTI:., .w.` •,('s.. .,6-`ypt", ,l%?F-k A,eWfi- l t,M w. '1y,. :...., Y ° � - . . . .. r
r� i q 9 '.t�t'i�I•�'Pl', 7 i'Ty Y 4.1 4 v @�, y(} wl+ v:,a '' bl , C-" "-Ffl S n �#
:;"Wvx,TM t✓ . "-,'.,.%4s. "V*u'4�''.�4�.1 , k „t 3'L4 f-5'�� t$0 k to -
W/ J
. A Was ,
- - —
p �p, y�r7�17�gp t7�4G�p7 la�q p7� ++�7,� +*+ .p,� In half at- many rrcopllr. One quick
�IfA torp Of the haul (rum aide to rWo1 a
e 1 flash of fighting htstlnot sweeping
t--=- u%'er the fuer, than u sudden a 1 rIt
�, The Fate of " Big Nosed Ge�,x S surrop of deadly i t and hop Ire-
':" rurruupoingm, lead the nlerres re-
��`` lax, the bloost foresaked the bralu.
Belag a Story (lore or Lees True of the '10� a/ i' mud the cold find clammy humid fluid
themrol%e: soul fur Litt- alert brace
f,� Uays" In site Valley of Yellowstone. Into, lite symbol of surrender to the
'R' la W.
And lite Kelso or bhuddy In Ills
114AIMtell'bia Ita•ont.r
When the ItMoUrd uuaerleel, in 1N(J'_.
that, pleased role pound, i arra• cottuu,
shoddy and .,tlleP ntlullecuutd titan
pure wont wore ude•,1 fu dululwtu•
*' Out leu Ruin street a stranger took "Talk about Learn ot4,rn11n ex-
j� p �0�•e� -+-*4od�Oeatf4C4e� g mall. ra41 1. "l1y frltllld, 1'In till• IuunufuuWrrr U( 1111! N.M111f•11 l'lUlll-
un!, tier, rtrldu to lite Wlda of the r•rleueed," mul,l Use wile, with tau mans .r of the allow. What' eau 1
N'blll•iPVPr a (flan aowrth', ,that Ivltly t(e pxarr alae statgr, one un our 1't-bont-r, unit whla�red a daRle 1 g g' l+►¢ U( the American pe"gdr, lawn`
wfu111 lou 1ltYU tWp.-taL, Y1. 7. St. 1UNl Irrr) UII tIW /1t111•r, but ill- ttord ill hli ell r. and Itl turned ano ►Ullf find l•itam:4: llat,chel face. "1 had du fur you t" i was A limit chorwl of donialw all /along
:Lead of rl is b they wheeled filo: held up 111.1 ulrlataclxl huudr, un,l r+i.d, uMf when, I first Wrul lulu lbe burl- , ,. l' You're the • I Caug ala l
KuIKu travel eln thn 1'elluwrtune � !' K- ell, I'w sN fired jlud 1 caught yaw. ifir pruteclhmalrt flue. titatbtlow
:1910 the stage ut arm's length, Lead, '•Law ! tioclety 1 Tho State: "T1s ►was that lewadd tut- lite high tom- I'm the ttrw•n Constable sill have a wows marshaled la every wary to t1t•-
wet" ale )lite In the fall u( 1579. with Iev�llpd revnlverm, ordered the am the air, InvuluernWe, anti our vulu
Tilt, road whltfi led frust Bblmarek drive,, ,til soupp. Olw, dw•ifiging duwul Wuwn mulirluus mockery.' " Ir:rw unyl I hove heunL Yvu s u, It aleallu fit fur your urrerl for dlorre molMLrute l)htl prrpxwtonuw clwrah
out u%cr Uw prulrler and found Ile Mon flit- ruAkllo• mud flinging lep!u the During the afternoon the report waw this way. After. 1 left welluol l •• al rg." Dant 1 war dlauWsnfdetl ter of thin ammerlb.a. But tlrr.irri-ital
wily et tow ulllbtary P+rlo ass eta- rtngtt flexor, stuud with him finger leu spread ulxiest that Big -homed George dos-Ided to Ifeloome leu uctur, 1 loud facts ar It asst dewuth. sten
1t- ,filer, Wal maid, ie, a cold, burl- wsould Im ptA,I,l l, IL wilily. r of the
Oryuuic town: slut Uw 1'eelluw- tau• tab loud lw•ru urrerlel, And the rtorlal vinhun experience In uwatrur pnldut:- nu+wt.taWe who lex• Uw owloor of tow how neftr IC w611 W tIW truth. Thtln
kt„tor Valley wade sundry detours ,N•rrlike way: "lieutlemen, y"n under- of 11Lee horrid exploits were ropealeel followed toe tau bwlsf eta ri of Yrec
lhre�ugit Lilo IICUe ksuwo awl ml- srtnwl the rttuai4,u. 14dd u ► our with growing elaboration of de- tlurw, unit IUs all wax, lace lfirrpdau {corny N•Illcla w1, Lend furgutto•u all waulli uawlrr the N'lWaon tariff. It l:
I y :hilt, %am, unable w find M" ant•
Not yw trrriWo "had laude,” nl1J lust hands upJ rte. lot. lluu't aai(or til, Lull. Tor. devil of revenge waw um{dru L4,ur, I llall�ht 1 war to Ile net IN.w prr.tendfed that there war
t Y nitrous find to the ala Tuw,ufh re l unel find daartpel War muhns•wot then a n+ddei atwndunment ler lite
end found itself anti uK Use frtgilt- (d,j.•ct(otw, i4eaar, fur It'd unph•atwrult tow grawteat that ever li alneuP(l. U►:o slrow with horse stealing• Thele,
fill whooped tint] m ombro wladeiwo let lost leave to do -al will, them. til% see{w everting It began to be raid, "Oh, nae Uf autlull sad rllcxllly ie, woolen
"I C•nrulllnl myself sew wtudept le, n (;O �� mattplw mneme, tow 'hotel
Ihill hart remurt of the hostile Sioux, back, them. There yeou are, three In never mind ((Purge. Ilia caudle will mauufaetared, but there witty aA on-
drumutAc ra•louol bil"tly bu(uro C'hrlset- rauNlB(or wild ha would Iw 'curyeot
the perwl,0uta.f bison pad the Linn- +a firm, told prot>,•r ler your ell.! ie, ifi+ uauffP(I in tine." Amu mite,: tin U ►N, would let a lot of LIPnd broke urwow" Itlrcrcuse le, the dumrallo pro-
grruua anti hateful "rand nRnht."' uhurch. \sew, what have you to con- Sheriff came nIw1K he wrLa C:elmpll- mum, 1SDlb and: it a very short time dtwtiuta of fabrlea of pure wool. Ain-
mented leu hitt- suocerm of loll et ,acUsrm skin him out of film board.' erlean Im thrWrm Iwd their fi ents at
Tow route, the equilmisont anti the tribute to tfa:l relief u( our widuwe (•rt- 1 was confid ntial adviser of the and WN•a there wars nNme trouble. I i K
glen wire Operated it were dreary aryl orpiluam t My lint hen• is wouu•. lure, unit told, "Ney'er fear lie Irrcwident of the lnrtltuti on. Hy the trityl to j sly Ura co:r►tablr, but )oI- 011e Ler4dson &tiler Antwerp I% water
find unlnterertllg to tit« Inst de- tiling ,r( a treasure box. .luwt otters Stetting away." "We'll help yelU way, lot was PresdenU Treasurer, lying would nut go. the ihipped stralianr qu:ultllrr u
greN And tie trip deruhl of every up and rellewe y„urwelvem ler your keep him and look him goose.” Secretatry and, le, fact, about the ed to thin tw0uu road \ndene
,jessent orf the pkl•urow(ue and (wady moll." Two of the three pals. . At #fine ucluck dust night there wear everything there Was to 'be about. 1YIw. it All (oil. client) til' ebur aeunlr p N'.4 t thaw
r%ery posslbdlty /f7 comfort or !a sellotrr were el%it eugineorr, whuhnd hooding filed c.anmutiun un tle the btttriltatg. He hull great Ideas. i dotty with flap unsummen!• ler ries cheap and g orie ji rttlest a of raw
fi.d from monotODY ILIKI n(t Nr Y l weir very yom� and easy and I)e (' drink+ I Ww cwuretR of 6he
pelvuLlelt. ll is on e + til oa rurye r fur tie rtrert, Wait a crowd let men Iwo Ir(ri, oaatr.rlal: Amerp:rYl tulll: turned nut
1 mid bt PnJllrtd by lhoatl whose N1lrthern 1'ar►fla Itfiilnwd. Tle•y had Olemorge up In earth of the elnthi11 kcl, w it. Tblasr uuuvel uk,ug eumrteablo two walk bank to tb• then- In pruruhlioN lubrlcw rivaling the bort
1,1ugr could not be smuUwred by al• but a muuill uuxmint of money with store by, u axramoq rawhlde, lariat, %cry nicely fur several works, tint] le, hero I went tf► alit trap fluid tool pit they u Eurlf this kx,trlm.
--itiillan dost, Whose stomnrbo could tfsrm, but ,rte after the other they thrownRhunthisnerlt. A ranchinau all rehearwalN I war Ivea Use attar h•19ow sun ant eat,in It load slid Ill SIN• Aftwi led 11141 ru{Ad de%rlue-
w'ithoutad the ravvagem let pdsOnuum itreoploMl what they ►lad Intel the lint. told the cruwal of un attenipt(•d rub- ,all to xar". ¢ (4)wn ruts war div, ow rouwas "blp Lupe Ire ch ulrun wuufcr win ell
water ler wldsitry straight, whoome 'Me outer pssernger war ieaac Katt, dory in which lives were let, asset l ail ,,lid grants. TI►e u%c1a••r war Yrnt llllew, wi,4.lo alw(wtntrl Wcn•uring_vul-
L,nrr sera kelt tngetlN•r by leu- of Npw York, suit Ile 1x41 Ilowu n hu ended what hu haul to any by A Tour Mopped Out. for find tee cmLd If I nor+•Mt W pay Ismer of duuaerllc anti foreign
Ireallable rllewr ane, covered will heavy paekag%i of hilts. A alg'l toawmed shamming, "And tittle uuan team been de_ "1\'e decided W take nut a cum- all a%xpN,uwes !n Re06in itis laoeme oat ,uaterinlr, low (orgtus of cnlIsmlty
t►i%lue muscled and pachy(termae- between lite leader of tow gang of clared n ualydrrer, tint) he whale be Ixany. t•.,ur Western 1'esenrylvtu+iaand 011 would too foritotten. One wore (Uleed lite public etLr with model dlmwnl
„ler Tide. Tyle cattle awn, wddierm, thl: %ew and nnc of hie men, used thR prlay thrro nighty u went. And the buy 1n Uw crowd torr off rrveral tihlew tell utter ruin of wheel) growing
hong by the nrct uralll ha la send." a d 1 en lit(• United Bsutel. The w,nd grow.
mllrrm and rnlir(rd pbne(•rr rhe, h(it filler] with bills was Ilepr,"it,-d on FL11(n 119ou n ler tt run up with n Id Y 11'eh, Wit erre ulwlrl the brarliN find with file Aft] urn who r
..ce•ualonniiy made tho trip officially the flower n( tee utaage. sued the leader rida via grsatPrt ever welt Pu-fruln LhP pen MMM hhd the {IO!,y Rut find In the erm le,( Michyr•ln, It ,wa■ udarrtlnl
plrvived it. In addition to the tyro- pmmlnved u Inn Katz pike! Ia beast of � R g,xl, find inl(r title Georg(• of the head of lite hon,, of Which, I handoo` of ata owner. I load to IrttlP were killing let( their ffockm (It wheel,
IW I war knotted, Fiume one syuulell, vino n mrrolter. We were Immikeel to rear L mix'stlr[t u( talo hove lead tine :old relllug u In Wtroit at a
call qualifications Pnumer:atwL they prey. IiIN little grey ryes wire tilled You-a4-ther!" hull your freight,' „ p tit McOart. h Ya:: is wmull totvu of UIr% cotlmWhlol•. Telly reyalret teal a Nrund. Ile n rhnrt tltw!, Ac-
h:ul t) the B%xxl seise ix, ntaPy with nn eteger, rlllrter rxe•Itrment; and the wagon wav ran ncnrlm nn "a the 1'anunndle Itail and, Christ- nl:rut j8 TuipI+Wise flap ro•wtnble lu,nU, !to
with nInerl►y tit orders of Big NOme-d Ids pr ominent Itu+nan nose gave a to vacant rg lsreltMaluulwt pruptrcy,
gr(wnd nuns thR Tungu'' ulnm n ill. .IL sur to 1 n ray day rusuY t wnl tYLck t r Uri IwLei. "hfep raisin; w,wll roan crude on
fe,rRP a■ Ofl/rt am le,• found a "hold hntvkletP P%{ertwrlun to itis hu•,•, un,{ 4t- t
ups' ex,Mealr►l►t W til nnrlf and IIP- term gill florin Ntnnl,.Yt n%t-r little• Katz River, s,1t1: r n cottunwuaf frac. Thr :ht. tlNr auaneY9 the fitly' Ir•f rP, +Lad wP "TIP Owae RAY walting for Ilia. Ile the` grit Itoo MoWmaln lie tore
lariat war thrown over a litub anal faxhrkd:UlP Lenin fit the 'n19mSta- drmnadrd flit- bonnt bll1. Be•b]ee mY nu and LIN• rutmglent multnml
rrmmnry for tile, mnblrteenanre n( hill while, with swift enol skillful hands, "'
the, Pnd tI(rl ur(matd the body of Lha Ikon with anticl tMnn of ural return ticket t help cit,v I Lal nblat , bo o leapt 4amb with mint wtuor molls
►,rang ler associated rubber: In n{r- he plundprvd through the lrm•ket" anti Dn tr n
I Rn K 4w,rr,v +and tree' ' WIW c(An giollore. At it war x11 day $1.35 in mvpock(n't. I toll him I would w,ala lilmupppar (runt trap American
,n priato luxury alrl IUs iflopece In anter the ePAliki of hl" Y
too• town ler Deadwo od, wh\t+h end tic ght forth n but-Awkle bell, Ir•a%y The rannhman who find denounced the Preol lent of the roil. lel ail uncelel le.`tve the trt+nlw gs rlrurity. Thaw ;•ILlttPtl'r tfibl;. It sur nll'%ery nbrurd
ra"t th,•(1 fit ale rix-4wuler enol with gold. Agalot thom+r cug.•r r,-ar,,p,_ tfitr Rana aJt n olurduntr evmmundeel to tow pupils that lee+ mtee,unt ler n rune Le►-Teentile I %Ishii we, woul(1 and mis•1d.tvarin, of elurre ; bat In tie
:mala Wort of :Ilence and attention t loos! bein ! follow him to exam! tow onntpntr p it create) and sur.
o:, ace lull, stnRO of kr prORrpao flag fltgrrm went uvar the Pont :unf •dg g o right hP Ile(f tndurtrl:al
nye crimp tuwnnl dPeo•ul %e wt, hued 0+g•\uaa•d Oeturge rtrlrllr"1 while lie mall: "'1ieUrgP, I411'klP r, to draw fila money from the latitlk. \\P did. T11P first le, n1 e11 P11 wnm 171haMl trj t{N3 tall(( mmirerm plan
tram a m►M half full ur brbly. A ex )Innat{on 1 y
, rderly px1otocane. lark firm] Inoghe•al anti said: "Ikey y(ms never glade peace with man. "40 oto ILII wRlked lel► tel the w �4 1 people were rpiuly to brllove almost
llilow Cll bald era- Make It now with Olx1." And BIR- (low anti b, t t keew to McDonald. want demanded nnel one f the mPra- anythl e(meernin tit.•+ disartruur
Y I Pr,e{eLed n ielrr•e y. as nrn :Lem gtmxl at- n hoist :'count. ++Rh 4' � ¢
t tdu"h c)v,-re1 ik,ttum band lying tiler m• that rNLI." Itpy hesltntPtf: Nosed fltirge, Ntnndeng with the We handeil there all rlRht, and, oeI here of the esOmpnny con meet that, nwultr of true trate fn enol.
lmnr hiw Jumtrtu of the Toncue and INut ln.t riypht feet away war the wjameIlhotlt film neck, waiting for the Ir always alae ease when an actor the director Ilei told hi t, br189 T4oli came the Dingley tariff, n:
fliers O! four trnntq fine, fol -Relit of
Yrll"wat.ene riv.•ra, anti Md ret up In l•nllnoum muzzle cf a Ccolt's revolver, wheel which wrmild direct the crowd trtoutr le, cnmlAR to ttown, the Ili :L cwaemylrenoe of pmgwlur n•rlMleln, 111
lmlmin,m.w Witte Its (two ,lone. hull, with the tmalh•tr showing finish with ts) when the wageon from beueath ImMLARtr f4xkeol tO the rullnoed tem with lttfctA. Out or PntS• whlcl sur u1.el only remuv'rd
—wt11•rl'iJl r(i N•M,yN, rwenle.l rel mile lot IfM .•(✓•11 (•fid ,)f (11 a! rylf n/fPr.' Tile Ltlw fePL II IIIc fPr VY lull danKllnR be,.- Nlwatkxf. to We the Yhuw IN•U1111!tumP -�t tlunkw, alas Lend stmelhh(g ill. (eclat tau• (n•e ilei half sYlJIrt1Y1 t}�i
'aR we left thenal fur board bill:.
Turf fi mow riluew ler nrrurtm(•ut n( ,lark fawMt4f4ylp fnt+p bark of It nf- twe,-n the learlerw bran: iter u{,ofc• la. We pr,-s•nted n ww.•II appear- tolowe exoeWtunL dut4w than r%'er
v :nee, erpolcLally Lhc mnunRPr. wow rPmaltar'1 thprp that night And Where. Ar nn effort of t111M
nrrR' 1 In New Tork ttw next mora- a rtPm tilt total im )
— -- --- - — woro warp of Ila usly c belleL lnxy flrwt tht q I Old wall to hun Y pN rt■ Of
'trunk. Gorgeously IerbellrA, 1 "hythlsr wool Ia leu attention of tie
up the glpnag'ar. Ile oonll not tie •urrent fl,c:al year were "5,9215,039
"Each number of the coml,any flet} foil:•►, 1T1dptre wase n constable sale nn ands. The free Impurtr of clothing
' a trunk, some thrwlt ler four. Toils his Apart ents Anel during the night w I In 1f3913 amnuutar! to 155,917,-
J waw fur r(flct, as til. mAI ! t li had mar 1 Ill fins bnggaRry. I cot B/Z5 mils. The result it that It new
l age W P
II},, l� . e . , it. Ile told us that the more baggage the mrmhere of the company Loge- until re virWent, reign (I shoddy had
4, �, we earried the bt er Imprewsian wP iter, onlllrt Pn'm tt1 to rettlp with g A ', .Ian( manufacturer Of
t would make un til town. We had the MclAm.jld teltop t't In ( r 1
"I t P tit.! y, r e _ _ rhuakly hun4es tknt ,marc than
,/a 'foo lel, and, gnt
all the tru,litm labelled with tie IYunr
" r lack the trunk•t Thea I klrte.T mS- {
i (1011 u+Nb of sheNlJ,v Ir pro -
r of tfie cow any. and It rlyuirtd two ev If nmun_I_ the rt, cOantPd tip y LhiW cooYalrS--aT%.
` 1 -j" _ - A l Ir o one ern o' lair then- flaw mile my Tf Px lleneso had 1
it-' ytimntr ler ,e Ilortun Hlerahl it tlaat-
✓� 1 ��' tra.- Thin dost s Mtlr money, and Nrrt mfo torltettler itlt the 'tonrbe"' :,'0(1,00(1,000 audit of cotton• shoddy
`e an the towner of U1r drays would not of the fly-by-nlght nngpr. and- rued either ado Praatm aro annunllj
. -/`/ �'/ atnad for b•irltf pull In plmmes, tile- kept on.acting."-Nark Yort Tris heel fn the
pn uCtun of thmnail,
GM/ l�` •�i'l_ A . „,„ tnantger of the compagY told mp graph• woolen inbrlcm. Ir is epnh-alpat to
1 cam S ' , - ' �,? ��� { ' Z-' in a quiet way that he was 'idly, about -1()0,000,1 lOua I of raw
1 1 _ j --' ` _ r) ,v� • awl 1 stotod for a. five-spot touch. [ wooi Irt the grPnre, o! conellPnlhly
ill , J 1 ". :=_� After wP erre In thO hotel LhP HEART TROUBLE more than all thew 1 produerd In
II e Jr �� first tfiing war to walk about the
1 ` ��1 ` imp � the . Thntl Atnter or i trtpd Inst
i �, town, attrRrt' the le, d
i -'-_' / 71 l ,, yltar. That the, ertl__ -- d Im na-
/ mt/,tey, mor As to mane ft nppfonr we titer thein Ovpr Lite mart la cvincl(t
• I` , ♦ / \ epee fhuh nal tJ1Pn NLart unit ltok Oy the fact that :'00,0(x1, pxoutrfg
�•, t4 iM � v the theatre uvar. The first pert was ler a falterrultw and A35, x) OI
.. f « \_\. Cat out, but til: trip tR ,,,e Brought only x—posu"re and
- 1 A,�h theatre found us all Wu. And what A raw wool In greuse, domestic J for-
' `I f I • theatre it was. U on the hill, held a eigll, consumed In ISW (Inter uffl.
- ►� P P cliff return) would fundal n 1 tle
�' °r
{�'. \ � .bj kuRe piles, unit loot aero IIkP thanT palnnelr u( the raw mti 1�
�, n.. •ft- *c f n � : -' , ►at r�'
r« ,• �_ a Karn tits: n ldn)ilourP. T1N•rp were rift per Isrrael fur all lite %vcx,l
' """IMS ;"- • r ;,. 1;,:\�� of Lhalwta,g ,Home ofPAte (U sex � t.,Gee:rr,"4#irSrLiliQtfi �ttp *of he eewwe(ar and vd St tm{
-- -z R sof iN(• eef the i'fuftPd $tatarr.'
% _iitr+)kf(N, rs:���h`� ! wouldn t NtnnJ for the drpeetnR P T R flat rtnrljper-Argm,yent a)uld b•
I � ',. ,� rT ,� reumw. Il,t after lit(• nlnanK(•r Lend Ilow Iia Seemed Itelrr•s Krom rolluire(t for it substantia{ revlrlua
mss' `-;-..�s� ' 1• , Pxhuunted Ilia persu asive pnwrrm Wle Llai• )lost Drraeroas Melwdy u( LhP tarhff than Lhir atuc•Ilirlre ell•
women womlld have stnml for n bror-
s! lienor tint the want dutleem. While of
r t �- � % row. (i•'rom the Wnlehmnn, Lindrny.Oat) leu benefit t(1 the slope o
d (.vii 1� p growers, art.
,r •,"rtTtrtt(K", •a i �; t ' 6� tits. -: ,ly • „: I Ali Appea: sit Ross a In the town of Lidsay anal fur-
y ,t tler�itm obnteuotlOn to healthy t]0•
i ' r �'o,Gy� "Thinking that our first t-ngegp nnitding country no man W better velopme►ut of tilt! welulpn Indumtrier
''�f, �� � melt was to i e soccipsaral we LettertpJI known or pfnrs highly rewpeeted than and a inert grievous Injury to tile,
l i tart to the hotel, anxious for tow Capt. (DeseloW CrarrMll. FOrty�N•Yetl health. comfort and well -b ing or
n1Rht. to come, me we could tread enn a r M wtait owner Isn't cth Iain Ini{ll(ons of American coIssumprw?
One- oNdngiac .lawn fnen fat" wadtde allot rllllg'111K npN•n title wleg,• d,.ar mt,rml w'lth hiw ringer On t1M triaget.. tie Il lls, anal Ln the worts of tale Y P When L11P wrwd 1hlLiew were panning
profession, '\inkp good, Ret fine, no- '"f the fiat •team:,r that anvlgatal through CbngrfwN In 1997 the Nrw
- "- - --- —�- - t{cpw and th.•rt jenny to New fork and thn Reugr)C- Rime that time w,cepmg fork Boaard of Trade protpatpd
and the frown earth beneath, 'vast patch Oa with a mtar rompNlny-.' Few flaw erlps"pil his Ilia bdh OII land find against n paUcy And preitieted title
lad inert (rum Bilte•r Cr Pk 1"flap err- ferret, no tsps of rrcnpP, and the lI. aaZ._atr, sal ret-. They were all nrultw thI have 4 "(41• lint tiff
tlo•r ci r USP creek the w•.,rwe^ the inbn (4;At 'lNttlM O an, wit? TitltiaTPT-rim! I Raaew "err itas-traal►ai /'f wnter. F r• fraty-tier yrnrw hP waw
OI'lar od o P :m
h ) bar ed
O u o• k h
to nnx4oug t a t a d Inn p h , heck
n befor
Y 3
lit M R
et- 1 fllRpa nbNut him stmt span
:unl Iwo . n r Y
111 ( tl til M'ie e " P at-
r from SAI TI lhllu w:w ri ofd fmm u 1 1
¢ In f It, lot thn herr fur the curtain as Rel up wP n ml•mb!r tet the Llnelvitj Tenvn Clean- Mewntnin rn citron wow irtetner
I�tVld ern ) botNN,Dbed mitt► a Iver each rhOnlolrr w•nr found u wLd lig t!'w yellow fdokerinp; Innlprn
(t{ R" I epee In LhP thP(atrP, raft tip rand cU. fie b mew kf3 yearn of age, nail "beep ern tort (ioYevnnrnt .MmRla.
hoick Imvlr, i eLs.n dusty Charlie• of fifty rook One hggage it the Je s. light, find answered: Were nb!c LO eAf( aP their exorhltalet
rPnoty tO gR tart. I�Ijnys Lir, brat of lrnllh, but It Ione ,4•mnndr earl n
Ram Mrmplhw, aril uW "C'hmrllr" Thr prlw,ual ian►gguRr et-( the i►+a+- How fain like Pilate would i wash "libere.wno a perp -hoed• iie the Pur- bJ R muppewt Rom
Brown and Ilia "tad." Here the gam- sengerr war ,quickly ranraeked and Itnt always been thus, B ore yf!aro manufactill In va l an branchex (
,ler amt the mill witacker t,udtrd rgattercl Oyu the rtnunA. The nal lay huudr haler. One filter another would look 0
>< Y .alt and a:•:• how tin• people wore ago the expcomure nn.l worry Incident ludtutry and by la millittlioK fle-
ehietws w•Lth the cow la iother unel tiling taken fret; it wow a lrrnady Of that mist grievous maldPr, foulty ,vloul AMntl the tinN• U. sin In to Lela pallia I: rublirnn Iticinnm. he ye,
the mule dlilmer In ubpi i,•nce to tele flask and a half bY6 of a arm. deole! nR' g g egnn •tel tell upon hL( I pol quest)
Lite OPehfoatrn wP JlermrrrJ that wP hMillh, nfbl hiw Ir�nrt ohuwMl d• m►w In whether rich n comMnntinn
But who art thou that hath n holy' nnr
call of 'All proun%,I:ul• t., leu' lar," The m(rlPy was rl�orfe(1 talo ncan- haln't any. There wa" a pinna In flip can be ro mail to prevent' eYllrlon of
Hill the blip •arbwerver was told to %a" title. tint] this Big=AOned (iMrrge feeling In thy stria hull, tet nO ane nbRnt could piny It. or weak ens• Iiia sufferings rind cola• the wad dntitw by LINt nrxt�ungrnaw.
"trpLL, Lrladfi hiw L/seed," 6114 malt- (11"l1'tlt-'.1 secllrply be!111nd Lela ead.11p. 'Ibealnsel ne to make my peace with We hal several women who played lelYt.: rewtarntton through the Loan or In flew of trip ovprwhplmin nvall-
o,l far no second order. He t,.,k a wrench from the )mix (kxl f rnlrty Welt, nnef with mntpnp find all Dr. \\'lllinarul' Pint Yllle aro best hblp prciorn of the mischief nnei'itljury
the stnpglr of r,•ently cat 1)rusl nndrr the drt%er'm moat, and with And a.rt than yet to thine own goal all, fine of them vvrnt out front rind fI( title polry to all coneRrn("1.\
%were •Rill in the streets. P%ery other It rennrve,] a nut frfmn the end of so blind tl>fd by himvf•If. TI n r.eprirter Lha
fw npruly nn hn'lr pinypd the piano en rtnit nro the f"11"w•ln y:
tont was n cnmbling den, nail Lim.' the axle, lea%ing .oto (nrr. whem!1 to That thin; wilt war with Boal by an It was never played before. But I ¢ R star
dnpr:P hall war the Only wooden Im,l work off. Fre filing the nut far murdering me r' still the briar Ill l not fill up. "a•vernl year" ago toy heart began DUTIES TO FULFIL.
aye ll town. into this' "city" there away (en the gramm•v f,rairle, where " Finally there was an awful racket to brei or mr, At (ir"t I tnok little
romp Okla dltiv a Iatt:e rest old gentle- It w,*lld rwiuhrf• hour" of patlpnt At this moment, Mustering, sh ov- (au�loua Record of the Freteh Rare
ra�� ifi LIN• rear Of the. hording, find arson
lhl-ln. calla wnete flit- MIUP Itl all Irfa!- Me•11 r1'tl to (Ind it, tttl'n iPFaalpFj Ing• An/I albOwlpR thngayfll Lha Invrstlgntitxl WP dlrtrOverett that n a�� of lt,. bol tie tn,uble grndu- ffi ('mead:.
pru:achable Final ole the regwrepr of chmbcd int,. the (saddle atilt ,,Hill: Pruwl,•came "Ikey,' red facet, puff- silly grew worse, until I had L, main- Fir \\'il(rll Lanrtpr dplhpret n bMpf
the •-hotel^ Where, Matrcarvt Finn- \not. entlemen, that fiulwles Lite• Ing, anti lexarrs, and arreamptl, '•gay. loorse which wait to b3 used le, the
¢ production wan being hoisted 'imp tO man medLeenl nit]. I "u(fered [Buell
agan wnr prrellriet(rr, cook. chambo•r- first part of fear {m,gramme. My lihurcP ! Yon trewt dpun oats yet r' tilt• s . It war hard work to hal Ilaptnl led me r duel -n Lha tit.
mall find dirdtsvarher rasd a rfacent rule Rmt pram +►nod fit ttm.w Naar Whacked e
rxpx•rlt-nca with men find affnirm A rotwterinR Iawgh broke forth, nn(I the trate In, Wait when it wan flnnll Jnnn Itnptlmte entrrtnlnm[•'nt In Lite
nLnrrie.l wonwn " unit. ahme ll the 1,01 me,` ter Alitirl ante that leu uta Charlie Brown's bl venose hnwled oat, S YmMherlrla mp►•Ilk, whir'h ennme(I me Monampnt Nationals Montreal. Hnv-
aorld harnlwtc -Mike" lend halt n aIle- I Y Y R p]neM1 In po waso fur tie IpAIlInR mrlD
nrrlerwtatnJang meth the buys u%Pr wlwh to exlrreV.w your Krntpful tip- "All pronlennle-to the Aar." to ride, It wa►s hwn,i thAL he ens gamt dL.Vtrnmm. Irrttgnontty tlerR LnR compenred the etntp of thecelnn-
the uwnrrrhip of certain ys rand pree-ifitl"n her tilt, cmisiderat!o11 — ton trill Ay sevrrni feet tO Arte the hp!'1Id nitnrkrd rear during flip night Lt And of film ,nee fit the
with which y,ma have been treatol ; Aug and perform a heroic rpmcue. It dud It war with difficulty tl at i Y peasant
cnher/, The epencen flood Lllenla. n tiny, find sarin lite lnmldrsome
This oil thlee morning. 11'e will now Ilea, waot n pray. %rrything was In refill. mnnngrd tr, bnxathe fit All. I con- R
tl/steige u► rney,es off the what rve have tea an Spencer Ifoame, St. James' Place. Is rultal Wpveral dortorm, but thrir tinwn of 1814, wilm the lit. Jwrte
sleet of tfip stage joartey, rtr,dRht- y Y-" � sprit to ntsrt, kilt atilt tFWt hoofer wAa
rarlf out hrm tlmbel by n wait straight There wnm no rempxanwr. The engle-, not oecnpied till* oPamon by the "Rel not flllpd. met14•lNt fuLerl to benpfit mp. I then Baptiste Alstocintfon was founded ns
tvred wt- a hick 't di t, c rl" who Liar let film fa, us town
to l7utNIP Browne h1r, stere be vin* r wl h #frnm nn % in ho leo The irer/srmawPe Regan: thin! i mtrh adrto) e l rPtap(ly, h ll n hlPnsnre o(. prat-Pctlun. (+e -rvon-
')dneP• nor m,wxt for trifling. "lkry" vvfim' house to nn American mI111Rnnire. thix atmos f+tllrrl to help ane. I loud
w iq all the popucted n In ch(dcing with rage, anti the tear* 1 T111m Tact ml the part of Lord Spencer "Finally It waw dfN141pd we wails always been rood of smoking, hilt I tlmuMl: "\VP have nu IOnRRr to fight
Kitt. aI r gal rot Ln conducted itlr.i 'tart the rformanre, and start we for our right", killer we pomeeox them
elf in n rt- Oar find rntlafactur) epee' rnnMng otowo itis enol. iw Jap, IL stems, to dPpre•rintirrn In his fM ens In each pour htvllth Lhnl A few
Ru "What "' Fppr'ehterm!" maid Big- Northamptonshire estatem, which Pm- 'tad. It wan n ilk"] and thunder puffs from a riga, would ddxtrRws me ll nil their fullnemm. But we, have
m'Ihnpr, which indicated n more or drmm�, man n1Net nlxoat evpry gevond duties to rulfil. Canals IN no IonRpr
flew extP arqualutance with the N(wed (lporgp. "Well, here's what brace nn area Of mome 27,0(x) acres. tae much that I hal to give It op at-
elrive final a bank or attire robber, tee next. n colony, Inlet ( nallnh. IC Im nroure-
wnyg null r will loot IanwtLt;p Into n cat," and Tlmrs bore chfonRMl miners Lha tiny locfother. I grew wbrlre tiny Sty tiny
equlMtbPnt* of n freaky We got rn exrltMl shooting at part try of eonc,rn4 Of hnrnfun,v, of
Y(,ahq "oily" on the YrllOwelnrr. le,• pr•et-ntrml Lhp brandy float find �hen lir nnceslor-"Jack" Hprncer, hurl began ter think p f end Wrw moa,
lyhoever lex)ke 1 fit lite r(gWter raw commanded "they" to drink. Then the favorite grandmon of Harah, Ducie- Other, Jus thPrR was grPfit rvritr- rafrl that D mortis dl. farm tit. trop• ire' It Iw n Inns WPrse•d by thelia
m(nt. .Trot there Is where the ifforo ble, Arne torten 1 who Ilya ht ft, find rnclpd try thome
wrilteq thyro "lewarle Knt:, \not he maid: •'\\'PI1, gents, I fired not Iia Rf MnrlberoaRh, who !x!qu,-nthed R't i war nd%bPI to who foe nut, It le, n t•tlnntr where
Tort•' no 1 whoever looked fit the 'letnia ylml ferther. i flegNt Our tit him npnrly a million-onma tR Wns tO ride ncrcrw tiM nta�et nn fiorsp- try Dr. Willlrhmv' Plak P111r. After y'
busk, fire wrvprnl ahotoo ,soul rp,,eup workaIn a. ruitful findrlrugglr•unit
Paolo figure read etmtarlerirti_ flea• fhrxt MPPtllg will be nn least agree- town with three eonehem and six, at- trlkitl.{ nun tree a notlrMl nn im t'P- molt -le, a frullfnl rlcalwy, a coun-
n•arlPn them the, name Waage nail g tended by two hundred hormemen, his tun 11Ptv,l9r•. he herr,/ wtnrteel all tr
nide all nr,nnul." T,hrn, neklrrsrfn' misfit In ro ronepttlis, And nee sons
the• drtvrr, "Y,mtn (follow, t f ro o rlQht. I e was tl+e ttlLn{tgcr 4Od pre-.. tfirwl their eae. .t 'eta - �' where. t,hc ascan iluvu tenUsed
(rni+r Mlptlun, find Bo ora• elf lir f ower fortRlfirm. The pima n"'piW. NhlPnt the vnm an and drmm�tlP } fir' �hnt thing unt,p,r In the world, frn•
IM111Y who mated ng to Iola M1*i- Yowl are on to your jells and under- however, Io n i'' Y am fill nfYw I nm .ha well noel ■aroag
elle• powforiM force In noelNord. i{e cam,• nfo wdth his legs loll I icer ens In m.Y life lr((rrp, ant{ wrnily wlthrsut nfrkor eso a unla -
New nein vocation w•ns fit all weir- otnnd that yens nre to take (his IVorthnniptonnhire, of which conAt)• ,tangling nhnlg, pddlMl not Id* guns, harp not been bothpre,l with the without fusion. Franey and Erlg-
prl,a-1 when it wax announced dint mini', Ito tilt, next station In the fie has been Lord-Llnutpnnnt for ILM with a ernsh lame and rider Ilia- Inns, it Is tour, fought for n Inut
' Ikey" wontrf n a bnihliax anti regular way, and not to c•ut lrmemp nl h ci foam alga at- mn former to posy for 11 P
phot p g peon thirty ypfire. Hla hal(- nprpxnrRtl. TMt man w110 oonRftotMt m ml lite AmPMenn cuntlnpnl. But
,lion n riothin mare. find go h(rr"ehal•k. if sell, nu nre rnexrthw, j nm naw filen to Ptl),y n In the
ih Y trlothpr, aha i)Opulnr "hobby" Apo•n• the nmlMncP txwuRlut tali war In the grant 'strucRlp which ended
likely to enjoy guoml health for some aryNeko no I noted to without feeila,t in owe 'eMieat ran• r ser Potuforir•rP foil
AAI wet It pnlae tO paw that Rrnad- fpr, who wilt rte tiny, puPrhnpnr, be serer►. Eft wt- txrw h tvnsn•t. IhP lent dlotrpms. All thin I owe to no hnmlllntlnn, menu! if lfia rp _
wr(ter, IDuMr•n k ('u. rrride nnnther tiro(• y(i.^ Erarl Sponcer, Is also a prominent "PhPre war a trapdoor just wharf that teat of All rpmMilpn, Dr.
"10rart for lumber to tx out from 'alien "Ikey" Rand him volrfo and pwroonnge In the ceanty. Tile Apen- the hero had retard np the pony.: d lotion anti tpnacFt,v of the
h mnhl: "Wm,r r, oa bar tnkpn nva 0 Wlillnma' Pink Pillm."
ark taken from the plabac dnmaln, ¢ Y Y Rprw nva n/nanoh LlbPrnls, and the it wen ton weak to atami the heM1vy Rich, rn,l hl(,.td rued strop allec nit were cruid Fr with
+int Tenter Kntz affiliated with "tilt' m+y Inst deeflnr., R'hen i rPAeh Bit- Karl, with Ills mennured, R nPrres rncefornnerrr re
la.'"" lit tunny' a chance game of site I prnpttenl \VPltilt. VrP rang (t(ywn t11e rartnln nre tela kr rein (n hpnith. Dr. Wit. I rlrter dirt Fane 1 Oil
mnn'� 1 call flu tMl lydre. YOU IlIIf RhnlRttpr, hail bPpn n steµdyffoR nml great eprsl:nuaP. Then wt- Ir",k- IlnmV' 1'lnkyP111V nrn tar remit wldPl or shin: with Rlentpr brilliancy. Ona
1"'ter nal Mntpd n n Inst tar t+, Rtf file Rlknul twenty JollAr tat Pd for the leadin man. ]ft- wag nil y rnoP hun enntinupd tO ohow its
p Ra force In npvenal Afaflatonlnn Cnbl- R known find nl+l.ol of nhelt4•Inen, Ir-
ian nal tetM t ran )if 1111 i hear rr(sm NPw r ht. ,p it worth. For every V.nljllmh otnteonahn i
Rnmes whit welling noir. Whpn Lew wAs forty ypnrs k lief Lite hnrwp w rn't. Ant-- ,;,,ter frnm ftrwt .bmf• tea (fiat. thpy In ofor country we have baen able to
fur thelotlllalnrtuf hltrton•, until the ,irk•' younger. Ilia lordship wits fi trunted peptide") between the otnf(e find the nhnkn rise, life-gi%ing lhwwt, and rt-•
,Iowa Wake ap OMP (La to a rtMilzaa- (ief,rce'm thiel lipvt parted lit an !nand wag the 1 g mfr%rP WOAk newt mhnttered nervra, P B.,v the aide
Y official rtt Court, fiat wnm Ornom -Rf c 1 "nye wool MI !rf tis, ars(. n nnr, of oar own.
t"ollOr flip fact that whatever money ugly 1(nking mmllo rem Len replied: the Stole, first to lhr• King's fatLpr, tight to kirk. tVr didn't nw•d Ill" twinging now health nnel "trpn it to t'( Rnldwln we placeel Laafontrtine, by
load InMlll w Y '' and then to the King when hp wnm b"'"' and mtartMl the next net lilthnrtcr dpapl(rnetenI muffere•r" 1)., nrrt ties• aldo of JOnedrennld, Cartier_ fly ,
loaf] 1 gPntlpmnn may a%r• "Itrnr the man! To think he rm;ld g
a NPw Yort would nrrpr tr• le,+ :landing np Wait wpPntlnR nnr] Prince of Walan, and n very youn wltmapt Interraptir'n. Thr whew take an rnbstltatp .lo not take the aIle of Wel[ensho, Dorian. Yps, i
sealed fere the pnfehnrr of n mto,k yet a., fnet aasierle! Ah! nn, Ikf•y, mnA. Mr. (ilndstonR #font the F.n>� went along pretty onfol 1, asset It araytMtt�ytlptt eines nut Iwnr lite full IovP my rrnlntry bPenaap It rPnpnr-'
or rhoth{ae (leu a 'ttrwltnnn tion. fur , elft lacy re thrrul nnotiuer crop jieokeol am i( wt- wouid rome out nnmP, "Fir, Williams' Pink Polis fres blew no other. i love my country ire-
tfln hrmber df114eabip PnRlo nod (,( ants hr•fnlp 1 ubsink,- oR. tin tO hnblln ►n 19Si1, with Lite Into Alr
Rrr(. e• y Coortpnn Royle am 111* rivate ape. trip l pupa. At lits PtrRrl,minn of PaI►a PP a," nn the ern rnnare pupa In Lite dlfflcultlpa which
hhnrlso In sl vlarjlun In air long 40(1 the• thea•,- wheeled, fir- Y p the tart shit vis staPtMl fern the the hue p'�lt by nit (bmAlars Or b
M'fRhhrlrhotxi had rsr fttP Ibly ("I loncnrl thn rk find galll,o ,1 r•laly, and aha awn played n prnmi. y nh{rP ft calif (Orth the nobiPat ,Pru•
•1w`renomed, mud an one respml�ilrrd nwn•V. Y• �' noill pArt in the Pventm which nnr.. hotel.-.._ - __.-. ._._- mali print pale nt,!N► r,gtto a batt, fir Mtiamo, the •tronft'Pwt, the mart gets,
w'`'ing "Its! loam any. Three yenrw )• 11nd Rf y tragedy In Phoe• Mawag•r Rfi,►1•A Awry, nix ln.cro far tIL'.b0, by n(tlavtesin parr
y" pneme.l. leiter (ell pe!pdM1 the Inst, g ganlltlen of man. 1 loop my
it"( oho tier+ drrvv nenr f.w the pat (if( innnt of her wild nnr, wosolly nfx lark. Throughout all theme "'Phe mAnngrr "t•rmcel (n fin nnfut the rt-. R'IllhwuY F$odMhM i•A, Rrmnn t s!wor all 1rRaeIt I. In ani•
;'peolimc Of tbn stn", and Ono morn- vvn%m find huilt n church. The tPPMMP. Mayo of I11OetRmP 404 PPM•I- flurry to get amt tlf town, anti tall- flmtrflle, Ont, -���__ _ ____ quo In Lite wurhl.bPctLunaltimtawaaltd
nit en e .
1 n v re pl fni rl Its n
MC h hp Rf lite "!ta I Fart ren n MIP of nal
iKromp+•dhe pnap!Ivlor cIImM•ol rinthing ntnre of inane Ktitz df Co, Ilon 1 hand rl' n r Ing ihr pn,pMrinr fir the hotel thtit Fi � P
taut- tile, past Island at TO Rt{('i'ltte IIUCclrltp. Rin, Rn llnrrnnny and concord hetwcrn
ngp, prnmi"Ing was well retnbavhrd find pro"plPmn*, swrrcemt til the helm, find I( hP vin" I vin" nlnnngr•r (d tho rnmp•lny, \f MI hulk of the meprrt of wnrcrsnh,{ prtdp
ter hr, back withil re month with n (lir tilt) tap Ahrrtff of Cantpr tinted by n eirethen of Ire"hmon, It w,"dd settle nil hills, par., nil of the rurrw wbO Inhabit It. that
list' at"o'k fir "ahenta' Hfulin p g. ulnar* to follow lancer the hrntr`n
c." Thr ('onafp find lhn I'nlfeml rttnlrs was ant. b•ennsr hi* hnnesl. n right whlrh ( hwnnl root nflrrwnrrl, tee• nd%rrti"fn lnl IL fo all %wry linin.
dam' rnik tit n (• rtala pbere, mnitem Wirmlinl tier flip dfetrtrt of MOTI nun character wa* ever gIlPwtonrd. - ren, mrennger left ten tho (lrwt trAlll. The e•amentinls for, to af(,, wtlnt 11 11'IIII* fivneeforth we mA*t roarrh
A de•trtnr tack from the ricer atilt walked into a barter shop and fir- From the King. ale laid an til the mtntlon that hr it^ : I"ng othf`r rind* nn(1 te,Anr,IV other
pPq'lopm a fAlr levet plratn slv mifPo In rpmtoel a man whoop fare wnm !ring ------- - w(mlld hr na hand next, (lay and for File want, fit fair prieM, and lR utter hurizofis. IA -t un lila%,- In clew mel%
fit, tM•Irwn, clr,wR nml Ifithrrnl far n :have. There vin" (:eeA Tsete for !lrnAwlrhea. nm to lake thing* rnny find prepare ft in n way that will mnkp rrndrre tit,• d,•crlopnlrnt, lhp prnwprrit�, thn
ark,. Rrnsn i"'andrur of tiler eountr%. LpI fit
•(rete in tit•• rnhtdkt ref Ill* nu fuss nnr folk In the proerin of to entrrtnln n Inrcr nadis,nrn. p{a know they want It. Thp met In writ
h fill rnad tit.• mtngr w•ns titles arrest. Trip one word "our. A tipllelrn,m poste far nnndwle,hem halt been grrlp nbont nn h(mer when IrW nn md%ertimom.•nt to to np(,nk n" k. -p In our lipnrt thim thought
mr'f by three l(rrnempn, who were render" wan rpinfnro•pd by dradly cony he mndp by rrpnmirw tncether fliers, wait an p%ellf"d iod►%Idanl the Interpstrd and well -Informed me r Canndn rust, Canada for e%Pr, nutI,
']r'""(■rtl marl tnertntad Itke tilt- Aslant wPnjorins held fit parts aIle, 'list n thnif n capful of grnt,-d ,`her",•. n nit"bass Into flip hotel And Anked f.,r rhnnt wmll.t speak ton fer(toprrthe I"g bill ('nnndn."'
rnsov, rhhra rend r.Aftln men They foot frnm the (neve of flip preennrr tntelPwp rinfril of hatter. OAe-half n flip mnnrattpr 'of the show, rnntomer. Thrre nre many mpowlinenn
tn,tted Ap in the clear s»nahinp of An if hr hold male n mingle hontllo mo%,, anlispromfal of paprika And a tea- "Year humbly servant awellt) tip of almost udvertspment writing In o'hr Ttlp trooting-alar maker Is ,list to
rntunan morning ass tllrged solar- ps world bare dreg shot alt tlmee rplx,eMl of aackor� pate. with pride, and walking tip to the a4lertlWing oololRna, get beaten (ut of him boots,
n ;1t-°', „� r ,." 4 :,'- ° u'.' 'ire' Yl&,r',t. '!ha pJr ,•,f) .1
,' .� r..
a vi6
`+p „fs 1� ,
a,' f� v .. �. it ° K� FA,° ' YkMr3e Ai( '�C':. '4�i. Lm,E , Y'Ef1S,�1<'" :...YYIY�.,� 4R .. .{•��' ,... a - - ,,
1 ' .♦ . • L
... .. I
r I+rMaa•+aw •
g perfect" Mille file IM
Teeth •d- Noth
Item " li0IAD01'fT 2 5•
Lame &.1010 am I'OWDBl.1ie
At all BWrvta er hr M•11 for the prima.
The old le, the New.
Ir. earl)• tla)'s me•thoight th:ot all
must Inst,
Ttlen I b•lheld nil changing• dying.
But, lh„ugh my vital nwvv grl`ver (m
much tllnt'N {meet,
Anil Oiangeful f(wtuned Net my heart
soft liontlw,
I yet !►•Move le, mind that fill will
Document the ol.l In new I still tint
The Signal
m vwaa oke
•Y D. WoOn-L1O01/DT. ,_j
ram• of sr►•erhe , I
Ono month. in adva000....................� Y
Throe a"uthe, .. y
sow Mouth.. « M
Ow year. ..................... t to
AdverU•lnr Raw,
L•(pl •fid other ca.usel •A •erVeem•ab, Ise,
per luta for flr•1 io•.•rtio ,, an 1 S sou per nn•
for each eubfe"tuent he"ralom. IdeArar•d b
a non .ereil . wl•.
ll,u�mom. mrd• of ala IIaM •led under, M N
Advertlaomonla of I.ort, !rounds Strayed
mttualinn• Sion.AM. Wilted 004
Da.Moe. Chanes rt'aroted, not en,m"Lsg t
Ione• tionpAr0l, h per aaootb.
Bou.s.. on Sale and Perm• on Nae, act be
eased 8lines. 11 fur newt nourish. Ise. acs NS
sspvent aaontle. I.Arw.radvlLL M �osVW1l s%
Any .special aotice, the .blown of wtl•b I• yy -
foruawt , the rr•ommums y be.eet of ear tedlvid
mol or oognpar,y, t, be aoee•Idared u adr•e 11d
meat utd .eh•rsed sawrdlntty
Local node's In norapmrWr types. evens lilt
word, no notice ler then 2&_
Leets noti,,ea In erdea"7 reading ty W two
eentis per word. No:loll" for levy Lham
Notion. for rhn rc►w And other eailaso"
benevolent trlruilusitxl•, bell Cate.
Subserlbera who fail to twelve Tal slawAt
roo lel ly by loan will cooter a tares by toot,
otoalntlnr r• of tit• fact at M •arty a do" v
W hes a change of millstream L &eared bot►
the old and the new addrw should be gtnA
rabllebo e'• wotf.e.
). e. T,e Tourrl, of Oederirb, has beer: at-
r anted Lonal Tnvoillra� Ascot to tM T•w�
cism, of Ooderich, Colborne, Ash alit and
a wanosb.
Lrroal posMaasten over the dlotrict ale •.bot,
ealpow•r•d W reooty bab•crlptfoae t4 Tom
aaYN A L
All ermnaaleattoe meet be addrrearr..11
D. Ho0I1.LICUD8rD�tTr.Az,
fdopbwwCalfIN. TUmssrW.Oma
THUW-_I)AY, JULY 11tH, 1901.
Tlavigio um Y:Ostinto --
Irized nva .. .11.s as
l All'as� 1laaes•L _ ... I.s 0.t-
filly 1 !M Ka
PrMa...... M UM p.m
a uA SzrrPaa..................... 1.0 a.a
iiifil ed Sttrrwr, . 7 N g.eI"
�c .. p.
7` NICU .NON, L.11.9„
+e nreAL aV
itewltti• iM at- I'•af. (,ale.
" Do«nnd typltnr, ow■ ani Yrmore Warr a
1116 Yaeur gzPat"
"Omen elo•'ml ale W ne"d+aY wftarnoone at
1 P. aa. front May to ("to r Mclurtva."
Lx: YAASS D.Ds.`. I,D.0 i
• enra•at-latrt at-{'
be, sit 4' is utlerwtMu•. Y vase:
aatanl leach • • ectal ey
� s Cita
al and a u
w u • ;
0 ( D talrml, ed
uMcc einaexl ole tvninnlrr /rOAe. at
1µw., !rune May to Wl., (naiaW• "
Telephone No. !p.
JH. TURNBULIy D. D.8 LD.s.-Atli•
• Bar��eeoon. C AZ-iiy aww,4" wits
Dr. Mzon, of Moa 601/ ale ppraalnln•
rllrolal teeth woant� on sold or alwanlnum
leaves. Rj.eciwl attentloa Area b tAso preew� .
vatba mf Me natural heft Oreo lu Mw
bean's new Hoek. s felt
' Omce rlrok"t on Weduevelay after loons at
i P•m• from May to October tnclaelve."
a.)oYAll. �
■�f� altar, Notary, Ra Oro over )t•Ald
nail, Spume, Ooderich.
• eater•, CoomY.lew• , aq y
Man. Unlco•: o'er- Hamilton fail
streetti Ooderlah, OuL
pROtTDro(T h TIA 1 11
iJf acllcarim, notaries Pahllr�� p{,n,•Yr• la tit•
art Court. dee. I)dV. Y,wth IR, tetlf
.leer arAVAL o,mua Pri%Ate i•unda to lens Y
to wa"t ra(e,. of lntpi'eN. •',y(r
w. rKO, DYO(yr. IL C. I�Ta
--ARROW d; OA_RnOW R ,
T. Atfoara (m &Chars ( �a, lla8•I 1,
T. O,amew, q,(,., ChnAtel ( l
tor, Nolan Pm ars
Vrotattoula aL - EEI[[[esry b M
M'w rake of IoW esi
Dilem "ON a BOy� = ukk1 �
! M•Fael•e Ella
S L D P �,iii1T7Z HOLT Rs.
CHAS. SNAO)tlt - BARRi9MIL 801.
lot Ute notary and eon Orae
��em IlarnJton •trout op to l•dborae
rf•fwl, (".rich. Private fa fe IsA •a
`yeverienses at a per cant. inbreM. rasmMl
a"= •a•h•d. -- - ;tri
JQ, W A R h. (Yl N C[ t A N (:R14 eu., awe
• colon .ol.aer for wa,L led re•
receenlMnpr of b.u. ItAdII is er Arr 1
tonne. dwD•Atlons or o.eloa. dodaewaeee t• or
onoernl any me Ll•a, anti or pr•eAAAlnr Is
the Itigh Court •f J usW, the eLwrt •f APrrl
for ontorle, or le, any Cousty ae Mune
Churl All t•ano-urem carefully end prem
azo.utsd. IWsldouce led P. O. addre. Peb.
saann•, Ont - - heir
t.OAN/ "Ill yRrmtLANCL
M;/Ogas TO LRDfD-A LAROf AfytfY!
at- Aiwate Farm be, 1pv!Wmmw at law.
aR gates s�add •tpeasM Im awatobnea merookewa
Re aero. Imtata and M.,aoe
lallael (In 11 tint Naw eoIM r�sna•Myi-
y '•• Inwr not M raabt M IiA Inward
fa , f fnu.-L, Wei-�-• M .mj wy t• mals W
rower. (,nit,.: Huoomd doer traM easy:
sit avtMl, UodPrb•h. 1�tf
AO/tteelR'R7lf1wY: -- --�-
DW W L..gaaa&ln Yea
Det Yetn.l than Ca este
ase ars d tits aseatr,
likeOW •mslAror e
guo'r t�ealeianr�ltyby
areaq �►tYt�aewr
•AiRfgAr Smenc7
We =