HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-11, Page 2_ __. I ,.-- - z. - , �s ,,, .. ,� a.-. ,. .. .;�.. z'°'r.?�3r'•5'.'.`��h?"'.9FrWiP^.9�9�Irii� 1'.�AtF a:"'T•'k!ler°Y°aF±:"`�:"'rgy".w�•s+.,as:.«....,.- ,.. .-,..;.. .. -:�,.: ... - .,^r ., {.I. •m ,. ., ,t, .,;,e�. Aga,,er"h(a.'a,'t 7a13'k R+Fn,:,?efi'ik1'R,; R'," p?',�.. .i l+ ,..„ r' n'FP t"a3, v e. <„ ,' P�.tle," 1't�,.... •.. .:.: ""si„ tie rmrI,':" `tl�t:t''.2+Mt"��ll-"�WE`t,''A SG' 7"' t9tl' i '��1F;�+AKtVl 1-. lex1J 'nax.i s: lrt,.,s�lr;:�:.na..+ :. ;'r.x ..W,•w `",t ..,l!t r'. :.. .°:. '" '^W'.' 'rr,.., i@''" :.+P ----------r------ ---- _-- -_ -- - -t-- ---------- -- - --- i _ uFF' IN His RKCIILLm-rioNs. fNtyTE� AMO COMMFIVTS. R �j R 9 NO MONEI IN IT, BUSS191S STRIN6E The Signa We do nut know exactly wiwt Mr KflUGEfl WON T The Markets l (liamberlaim was thlntlug about Morgan's latest wheue Is said to r°awaa when he said at the tk,minloh Day be a gigantic trust to control the 't n BEGUNY SECTS l tt11TItT TRV1taDA1< It011ltlNg dinner In IApnd()n that thirlyyrorr tAtumin,ur sunt of lite Unlle,ttltater. ���C �C�1 Cr Say the Mournful Makers of I f ev a !rd'ILf.iCsit"T. ,� pgu the thoughts of t'auadlund The air is itllf tree, however. 1 C L UC lowing g e tet losing s, r- =� - - ___ might have turned to the lineation __ - Print Paper. . _ Fullowlug lase the olwlpg quolu. THl' =-:-1, JULY lith, 1tN11. Ilona ut Important wheat coutrev tu- A& absurptlon' by the powerful but Colonel I.eys Lan Dentinal oppxad• -- clay; • �� friendly nelghblr at thu Mouth. tion In I.oudun, lir. Parch bl'hlg out THE COMBINE INQUIRY. New Outbre4k of Atrocities " ••"' " . e°"I'� "'''` Cillo I 18 THF: IIOT WKAI'llltilt. Th►rly years brings err Lack to 1871, 1. a Nl,Torlrt cote fore. win lite Says it is Worthless With" RgU L 66:i-ri �' ' un't there was eprrahlly 11() pro- IArnduu Turlvl veto tar Uta+ ;kwrful_ alwltnrul. ,duly 4.--TIe lurrwtiga• TolI'du ........................ 671-4 67a-4 At title slvtwal ()f lbw; year the tau- tiuu inw tier paper •rado was owe Detroit. No. 1 white . TO utl - - us,uncel annexation sentiment In in f tueuefL thin mcaraittg Wfure tlw Royal Re orted. S rod . 60 .... Rrtnnnlpr who ru,lnut staval :pcvnY out Independence.. - p du., No. l'nnuda tit tlual tlutl'. Till• ,l,tr l'o,l- l:ulumidr.uu,•r..lulga Tusuliuruuu. air. @fid �r Duluth, No. 1 Nor.... 671-4b 67 1-M to almost It •Ids au'l NyhIlll dhniteek 11:ly, It IN will that /'hhua bus nxw•nted g IL w ,1 do., No. 1 hard ... 7o I -4b .... l Wd a hart tim• til It, land nePA I'll thl•ir Rated busin sour geltiu9 under wady. \\'. a s, of n, Cutrtaut per IDK r,,,w + land burinrr" wits K.NwI fu l'aundn. to pIY n sum up ►+t the mlllluns over INerotrr of the Cuuattu Puller L'um• Mann . No. 1 Nor . ... ......... 6J 1-A furtllmir nncl {tied boaster to e,ldur+ ata manufnMun•rr w[•r• llurhing• tilt, utuount of lho vIniner of the party, dowribe,l the market fur 1"+ Toronto F'ratt Market. IIN• glnrn n.wl frizzlr err elty Htreetr w•ceral Iterations. Who eta the rake- lw•r pectus w 11K)U err sole tit dtaw prie,•1, HUMAN SACRIFICES MAGE Rplrnlptr u( atrawborrler tit the utd ticeallkc utfli•cw. anal the fnrmcrd were 'J+,Ing fiirly g THS' OFFICIAL PAPERS. I'hr alar htst yrlar Ila attrlbut•I us,t • well. We felt a bit rise tit the (off t to tilt• association, but w the drmauld 2,01.1 market tend p eregted to The aorkals yu,•,stkw that occurs cau,owl by the war and to the ftut•t ..,OHO Prices al end all were qu, ,g,. � when esenpmi from lucre dtsc,mfurl t'nitwl 8tatrr ()u nccuunt oI ,hl, Switzerland Ir said to lead the that the t ruuth fueoed many mills to rtokl. Procan were firm nt 8 t() or nbrotration of thy+ Iprolprcwity wo+rkl hl the ckwe down, w, reducing the outlet. Krrtuslisake to 1.uugkeug (:orfs YW tot it gae WtWt, and 4 ui 511 rue I 14 II'Aloslbin Iv Lt to mltirnte the Treaty In 181141, rued a K'sxl deal nor e, who extent of bee doers grrufee. Other lrulir ecru h(]1rtlon+ of heat exluurttUn, sun- Iosco t rumwer•e, which Incl year Bu7dwtn heady to Noce un the L'ule- Than titer+• hod 1111x, t+peu un adruucfl !.lyes- -Water tlweepr Vlllagesand Nip sorer about the Fentan raids, But Rr ler the curt of raw materials. y' btrokfo nnol lit rwic lever which tallow wo hall no notion of casting in our w'am about 1111:40. Thirty per Cent. of PAero CI►rlstlau to Ylrta Ike C'. S, Mr• Ayledwtwth-Way there any fix• Lrad,llde Carries Parc of • t'Ity Ioroato Yrrween• !Market. in t.aln after undue t•xpodur•, T`' tut with n county whew. national S%i'ilzerland's imports Is fuodatuffr, - 1'eturu Altaeae Spaulrh Utv. fair . r !arced umtor penalty by your Into Ike oesaa- ILlduapping of July 6. -The street market here Y told ocpr {O ear cent. comrlelr of raw aarllu.iatk,o? A. -I cannot cum mb r; LVomea• to -day- was dull, the unfavorable I duffer from beat is Lead ('1101191, but 1 erumcut-Itecall tit Weyler Was • 'tcbl was at tient tt.me euurmouNly of c err err a weather cauding very Ilght recripiN. is to b•p actually overeVme by It l+ s1:Nu greater than four own, and whoa, M at'rials� Mistake, ll.-Whut war th - Tea of hltrodue• _ The dpmund wits small Dud there was S a errkxuu mntler ilmt n, pn„autt"lar lug tint fratlr, hr re 7 .t. -t ,ulopxlse New Tock July "8. Tits N"orld to- currency war .away below par. We no uctivltY In any branch of trad,. + ngRlltrl 1'tx,r old Carnegie , lie would give Lumlun, July U. -The Brttlrld 1;()t- t. key r fulth with ole.anuther its w stay contulnr s tlt. petereburg, Rue • Wheal war eurler Red uutH wprf' Ith oveurrrnrw cull !wI (1'" loud jllml taken rtelen to rid ('an- crz:lit4, etc. s/A. de t.:h which Says: pa+rrMtenily [idtlx•ute,L tl•ycrc tit- vll hp hits to b• a boy AKuln-at INA11% erlisuout tear bwuto furtheraouth At- '" firmer. Ilay and straw were woak- r u,Lt tit tier "Yankr•p wllvrr" uuiwulco' h, tldntN he`would. But, Ilk(' Olh'er The c,wnrl,l pr:'xr•'t title point, tie Twcpl usnntr, twelve of them er twin to the wet wcuther, whirl tnetx I fteml r xull in su.hk„ death, ritwin correrp,tdleucr concerning the the witness •s yesti•r lay stated tteut y K an,I we felt that Catundn was la Wendell Holine,t, wile's lie b•glus to akliev nr t: the term „r 3 " rent. I'lm•uunt had women, have been arrested and .Leer Inereawld the weight of each load err. while into* m,mlerate tailed m;'Y leu+,' uun•h better 4unl to live In than I K() iativnlr wlakh cuncluflrr 11 i reread. Vegetables were quiet, will,. their domaghig warty for y.•arN. •N riuusly think it over tee Busyclange with the text .of tier prfelamation ()f Man reduced fora four m,)ntlu w pnw►nec to the prowlace tit &tom"^' list• United stator. Podmibly lir. Messrs. Sfulaulk-1turce+ aa] 1•ltryu, thr.-•P months after tlw t[rmlciatlon ib land Kherbou Jor having been w enoyl In prices. Lrrrrwd huKI It mart 1r utskrdtu,'t that heat by lir mind. wore nwnintally ndr dy. de,ltl • of tint pruduc:,d 1'haiuberinln hos Kut n bolo mtstsl ca Wed by Llurd Kituhwu•r tar the liuc- rllrel the paler, but Mr. laaeun did Implicattd in a new onlbreak of Wheat -Una hundred bsrhelr elite itself, IntPpen ) til lila reruUe tiunm. Il war ler 1871 rruamont, July _n,1. and read by' lir. nut think the asroctatlon had leen Icy the dlr•c,t rays ear tLe set, M the Droll Nutfun tear Kul tired tit w'atlt- lire.lricok in Clip tl'pso ter comua►na making the terms of credit more ray. B Igupy atroell{as. Tho BeguuY Is land eau land of tell told le luw,r ill air. faetrrr in +111 Nu -call d "-•truke«," that rrprexeutulivre of the Brit- till; for Vvrrie to regain her domed• thr'uight of July ill,. urnble to the m flee than the buyer. a Straugo sect which kils many of 67c, and u load of goose sold Kc low. mD ixh (;overnmeut nrgrrtlatel the it• equilibrium land lend Kone to live Vewsrn. Hi-balk-Iklrger awl Suva air.-tyledv►ortl,-foil 1 understand Its votarler, tits victisrr wllllggly ,or tit 37tic to 885. 4 almt it,,• µr„wtratlo,l may ti,cur ail \\';Ishiu •tun Tmuty, and showeK ser Hay -Tan Iwads sold tjl lower al steal reauN err dnc •a ()( lNe-i ) w►lh hlw daugbtrr. Thpre'r more no- ultra lea Ivo t•hle prax Wnullt•u that air. flat let h(r tier nda,rLatfon priced tolm•l to the encrlfior. The ,light in I littl+• cusc•rn ler tit, iut•rrsln of Kruger and Lhr tkw•r lirywtat'.,u wf•uld have barn higher? A. -I think 8117 to #11 par tbn. trttiel , than comfort In having a abnuel make mut mlact ore rep orts ; In plane cases they would have been. AaL-t ted for tit a bury alive those tltcaw-Two loads sold 81 lower til net nr *.ell ns iu ttec glare tit tile• c aandu, thalt :lir John Macdonald felt ublic-s rited wife. w 1,'t ile nor thu wort ice. r,trl, 1 V! tluat poevecp wulkl lw•'w'„rthhws wait- lj.-Ito I melrrt•WLIsnd you to soy the 87 to is Iwo ton. ,tttr fact in lhls e, -n. that ter• had to fight not only- the out Heh ip-pude1N'p ; l let tit, 'peaeo, Iuaswilation could !Ince lowered tie Iu Idle eaS r J'Sl tl►fcuvereal Lieu vIc- Drepred Hugs -Nominally unchnug- I , A vary ougge 1 Ic a nre 1'uu►res, b It iter, Ilrltieh also. 11'hat 8•ultivh' echoed cattle lar � high. Thr sit nil:! ISI nt•c,sottsl, Ivlwre 4,rk•e w-nr prlcre 7 A. -It ctuld Dot have low- toms were glren a more merClfltl pd tit 8x5.75 to 81).15 per cwt. Iwetitn Iso that IIN• pers, ns h the Dut;xslal ,xbtelN•e ata't that In rrpd the p.rlors. death. Nome of the women arrerlwl July 8. -Burmese un thio mtre,t nNx,l I .,bte to Huffer hi .lours err out liltlr hr gut fur C:uutfln, hr Rot in ratrw lar i In *`tun dHtrk•tN aro here the hrtcw(wt• of the ir,IQalrtl broth- Mr. 01leten dent^d that tlr Rana!- [ouream to hating Wm()thered inem- market bore un daturlsy was roti,- sit, uf, and sat with the h'•Ip of, ;ly. n: Uovun 1.. 1't.; filanglav, to. lit. oro. the war would lie gig, rwd,y pro- elation Imd Men acting In harmony berm of their fumllied with pl lows, or quiet. I, nre ,such ns ar: fk'licate, l,nfeehkeil, 1 i•' ,w • ttrkrel err' I+.l ,ter 1. IL'ne •mut- tin• British rq»-e'el,ntnticer, and hr P()rtub I:n, lOS't.; l'urt (:Inwguw, le. deruteel. w•Ith lien intprnnt4wet Plap«r ('cat- Too B,gupy fur rxWtml for pear y IA hent -Oar hwul of awl wld uu- c trw V {d.: .tnnan, 14.: ^Ihnnfruw, Its. ld.: twiny n( the l'nited Staten. thirty y,urm. Though Its fohowers chna tart tit 67c r b-tShel. could not iudoeir isb,Ia to ibcla,p,. Polt►r Explurallon, urn religious fanatics the Brguny Irate Ile ltlg nor) drinking, t. g,lh'r 1Lilamhi Id, la. 51. Trumr„e. Norway, .duty U. -Evelyn Nr. rt , f I.a.. Onanged lit Inlndrecl bushels mul•1 with conarrvatlfln tit • 9+•neral ('r'+lian ,laid lusa,e IQ thrlr "tab•ue''ar Mr. Jw. •1. Tarty, of Lu 1'at t re- sous ."I ornl.y a .00, Its and ecu n Ilay-cd tit IT% n f o IJ. Ita6.{wwuv trite Il,aeklr t,1 rile !laid- I:ond•al orgualwt.oa, Its ugitatk,ps mtren h, e11M11J he till' rule'fur till tit (•tame ".9:1111"t the U11ilyd Nt:at•N' ltev. Ur. alvwg:an wood, or cirvpland. w•'.Nr-iieKler _lretle ealel,ilitioa, ar- ('aldol, ptraluced Iter cart tt11,1 terms having always been directed in. Huy d at lends of old- sold nn- Ul,n ucull relwu, nu prrNuu who Tilere�um% hay,• ber:l a strong Itrit- land rtccntly rat Toronto. has tern ri col here tnrdlay. Hu Iranled th.e of lhl• agent til the Metnuraclurers' ward rmtrr rronal IlLarty'- ap I chnngorl at St(1 to #ll p�•r Inn, nal , spy Y Pall•r Compuuy. New York, wits, of- g P,, a load of new cold nt #J o r ton. rannut ,strand to hit task, solo mny i.,h („ling tit that tom, in fa cur of ,ellen•! at_,rtOt a sur to acre t. the' rrlltuv.l Areth• pllalrr .UlwAca •;k r- fared Lim r tit #1.8\ in ' New- 1p ltd al power nor indlcldual mem 1 r y' P overly tl'e Em"'wtiu, ua,w-hr•h h:r will V P litrnw-Ono Iwai roll hlgh••r nt #a feel the exhaurti..t tit «ctrl oxer- hlleiug(':uuadnann,irdtulhestatem, pastorate of the Ilrick Presbyterian maks duo headquarter"), where f,r•- Turk, told of -.15, Auty alai funtAt l,Ti of ('tical p l I, in Muntn•al, with a niaoupt ()t Tien pr►Illlcnl elrength of lits lie- Per' ton. lion, ehoul•I tempt L•et • by fighting in or --r that oar Mothrr ('onutr> ('hutch in New Turk. We think he will pirat a -taw 1vr the tr:i p (tire pneetil- !p" w:r c,ni. Th. won, ()ffl,r heal guny' wait crushed long ago, twit its Iteuttor-Th^ muplib waw 171rg, amt n,nln.t rl►k•nt odild. 8e,h person+ n'tght neypr nK+[in b• lnruble't• ()n „• and the rlo nut mind admitting Ing apace. 1 trndi war fa1r1Y Rfw+1• Pound nlltN g 5 p, mad, to lel,sbarati IOff a ry b% 'dra11K° reiigiour Iculuece h.►vr. I when eaenlual'c• .Ill^kala hate the (•;u,adu'N nccuunt, with etimph•a- ,titer n!wx that he would tar :t turd I•rance C'hristl.an'r Visit. the as lar• firm_ The 1o11gwny dl,lnot fA&rhtsl, were steady, selling at It to 1'e•'. mot+t lievere nitacks, wo-I aro• m,IHt 'Ao+Nt thrmitenlnR war b,tween Brit- if he didn't. Cupeuhage4 July U.-I'rhlce lhri» Irlr,nR to the lnlettiallm:al C'um tort 800 t.lvea_. while. roue fancy lots Hotel err Ingle + a .t to d4• eplldvidy from ''er•bral ain and the Staten. Inked, wr re- tittle, eldest Wan tit thea ('rpwn Prince, IR,ny. The International Company' Tacoma, lfaeh., July S.-Cnntun nx :'Uc. Fbw crocks ware ortvr t, I inteml" to %Intl she I uit',I, Statl'N 1111 I1:ld p•Ullllrell to M'ad lulls Ilootntiouot, Mail redric'M give detalle 44 the IUs, + net they sold at It ler I6e. e,hnck. us•mb •r that, lab it that time. Andropw Carnegie Imd the plrasur'' Imulr-I his yacht. io the spring of iUD_, 1 u. iut.trud wrote ,wing that they err 8OU Ilrer by laaldirllde and f lcwJ, ERR(' -ed; he y off(' and pail•+•" Naim' IN till, our who takes n worn_ of meeting un old ,a htw,tmnte un Ilia tiWels. in the wrantina,,.the Kileg's had heard hr bud n tarntrtwt with (occurs at Lun ken In June. The 'InchunKrwl; hrut'y ufferingr wadi to' Iktil. N'illinw Mlr•f►ongull lectured in t i from FiliMwlrKh t,, IAmdon Lill, age may bring ab alt the neeemhiull of tilt, L,;urentile full C'ompn'sy. air. IM101.1ia1-sons co wed Illy n lrr•mend- +t ussederate demand at 1 to 1•-, ing in time nad drupe out of 't h, Ilauiltoa on "Indrprndrnc,•;' land T V the Urowu Prince. Ib•nnann J(,"1t,r, err the tlttutN Zel- Iwo earth uake. Nativir accounts I oultry-Old chickens were o(f,•r- 1 other day. Thr r hwiMttte waUd lien 9 fight w'Itll ovprcl y- prrllminary w+alp- xtRt,(] L}Int Ila kn,w face con vers:+- 1'rinCr land Pria, r,l" ('inlrlPtl ()( IIP Ile (1111 K, N,N' YUrk, find m•aPnll utllerr, wt:t to that n [rant tl„cx1 Uf water rN) rnth,r freely, but the dentlt lard wuN is driver of the engine which hauled ''' toms of so-called Ll,nt rxhaurtion. lieu with IrudinK Itritiwh 14tat•xne,yl murk niwa conlrwphitr u lrlp ler Am- pad staled to him tlutt they- weep paused oat of tfNo muuntaln&, carry- Ilght: Tt1ry weld nt 60d to 7:,c pf•r Such cases nre quite- sure to re- that Britain would gladly b• relieved air. Carnoogle'•r train. When the Intl- erica In IW.!. rtnilncod that there eximle,n an stn- Ing• everything before it. Two Ilan- Pair. Spring chickona were he h•t- om t lre:ItmSgt. 1►is- from tit, Canadian couo,etlu,l. Times liunalre was Apprised of the fact ,attack era the sp seAsh Ministry. dl rst,an Aag be tween t1r C:ulad'nn drool houa•a were swept awa; and the ter demnud ; they sols) At 410 to $1 cover under .pr p (lint n mare who had Rene to school Madr'd. ,Til')' 9. -tat thu l.sen+t0 gem_ ns,o lot wt curl the Inlerlutln -na►I. flail+ ww�pt War" of Prep". a.wernI Im r µ•kir, racvoording to dew•. Duck. since rued stonlnch faintness lare RI- taco+, eluul9,ol Isn't ltritieh opinion tenLtc the Dnkl' of Trtwsl, ()ae-kiwi• Tic rUnl+nuni-ation of IDN l adn is ,r•nt ..I:,,tA,d .• k-: •+e 1, „rryinet u were Ilt,ld tit 81 to 81.'S", per pair. u w•Jttl him at Ihtnfprmllne waN in tier tpri;%.y uf. )ure;,if Alf"ire, coop -t to the Intonational had •It a Lint tarsi• IN.rti..a I,f van k •ng hit , the land tarkuy■ were nominal nl Il to _ , . with tiprlie. Ii.e►- I:. _ wan % ball sign" in r•k(?Th-eT-Tin -ear- Til- -t rr r•fiRtt)tixf e am arp also cessation of per- it w'am not Canada, Mr. Chamb^r- vat" he Jumped out of the rnrriuRp present I;ucerumeul cuu'd t1,at lny.rrNc•ott bili Il ta•1 Ie.•n ,,qy. N IMt npyrstnxt Ila a ti'tnl avwre l:k•. that the etrenixthrnwl key tier statement or fohow.d.Inakl It im wsii+l-fur nn Vr tablets -Market active, withA III r, k1+ 3 Ilei M• cunskfprr 1 n gunrauter• for tier ri- fx Y R' I nt the ftrrt els nn1 Marie him w•u n n(werPniatic, err a firm la tier +giro pler+o u►rrlell Ieto Idle water to Roil ioyuiry. Prloer were ,U•ad,v mpinatuo Dad high fl•ce•r. IC is wI•II \\'lah1. that luuet,rwd oft^r aan,xa- W the en ne, w•bpre a trilateral re- inte•grityof the- country. F I.pspotawbllity for tier• oloiasterr Slat's, that tilt, (Alm a111IN and Idcapo: and unchanged. underrtual among laborer. lhnt fare tion thirty years ago. rx,gattkrn took place, air• Carne le 'I :�: swrutinR generally wean•[ . onfety ----_ -_-- i g utlev, 1 111 w old n with the Llauren 1►nessel leagd-Price* noninally wh;..le had oe•curresl, lite LIkP wilt I, KldnmeP)'+R R'nmee. A'A4UAll1.F: WUUD. HMw,t the grimy' hand of his old aolkl not he titlribntw) ler lisp ('nit- tiles, nn 1 ar()uld nut rumps•tr• aguinal Hlrnd% at 8'4.7:, to $9.2,i r earl. �" regnlaut sudden srbzares of proitr:a- r them herr. Ile had iniad ler Ret quo- Rubbarw hl Wpl-) toR aline ov nre P' t u• duo run it way Thr• l;I,obe,rrcaJlH to tn:nd that lit fripnd very mrdially`• and awkrrl all Hervadtives, but must be credited to kkluapping propla Up Mnlfze mODey. llrreewwl NMatm-The rwtly changm Is tion, although in 1 g t:llhinm face I'atrulls, tea tend toilet 1Nezpone of worsen nal children have 1 ods and u lruim tit "lar• Lime tie\ valley err the ltiter about Ilia history dace the tw'opart- the Litprnllp. TIr 1'uus,rcnli%o Isn't iu year t to 7c, which arc 1 uoir,l !` I Induce weakn there alto In the eaaar nl:wmrr' He b,en abducted. A Buddhist nun• con- W not pprmltttrl tier iutrrtention of the lower, tit 6 to Tc r Ib. Th alae&, between IAwnlon anti Chat. eel company at school, many years ,:11 sort c+ere a[ lb: pr wo c nt! hp 1'ullp+l Stater hI tier yureliuu tit l'nMt, tk•t,fl of Itarburing kl.htnp,pie», lR lrrnit rad \'egetaDlem. grace ills. lease. wan eovpr l with magnificent ago,' 'uuld 9,t IapNr nt leve conte n In all codas of eaaelrokr iter im• tied they haul ,•fusel H," the tools" sound right here to Canada. lint hr !wing p,lbllrly rxhlbltexl In n cage In block walnut try w•Iti,lu in th^ early to melt tier lldtwl t+tate ihP i.hunl. 1 ti Canton. Nit kldna Nl wom•n were. At the ,,cal wholes+►!(' mnrtpt 1„- portance of instant help is not to b r \Vest minlrter 4WrPy in to Iwo son- Ir dile Conxorcativem haft remnfast it, ' l l l.ul tcJ-A to 9h, toe ,l:,Ire, tit 1'P dIl% lien rreeiptr wprP InrgR +tn,l dr- dayr wens sof ter 'umaw-rclul value. I.h, ,rt who uclae the ()f(.r H,• fowled In n tonvrut Thr r.•glon mp,keu ta war tit one time tiro-ly c'Owtd to the puNir frwithrwnt lower the sono µ'ith tier• !'acted Pt y ta:uwl glnxL Ntinrmrr rlrs Aird ill - ocernalr't. t'iclinln slwul•1 6 •quiet- ptntr+t that btr ten(] nn- mmtrrstnn t- _ tf, T t=•c, the furtnrr Mr tnrprinr tN•r- ly r•nd,vel to the shade, the gar- :.Infos would nod have braked out. ' i()lar rrirrnt hs next yen r, and x11 tier Ing to tui,• p,:yorr from hien nN routi ( rio•H, which sora• n11mrrour. G,mlfr- ri,1 in twrth wabnut iltel tint, nn•I it \meeR the rrnprH ed tier 1.1M•r:al } u•rct•rn will, of coarse, lea• .u-�pl'n'1- party,' c,ntinue,l tier• Ikoke, "ouuxt aN Ili++ vuutiviftl 1. tLa: l.:aurr•n- TO SM 11 STEEL STRIKE Ir11erri naw uaoha 15:.' At :I:. t, kot.. III, IItN mlleldli ble IrwrNl!111.•,t 1111't l'UI't Ir Mll tl' Lo. Rny tilllt sod`s.` Ill/• LIIlllaer - tnh'N \{':IN fllll.hl„d. Trill• 91•III I,'m:l tl . ('herrlPx, 7: N: 'Ill >j 1.5:: IMr b:irkrt. " water dashed on head awl neck. studding t -day it would in many sl during that limp. Three ulouthn figltrv• the recall of 1\Tyler nt u vpry difficult moment., had of1,n•,1 him planar lad leu reals Rampbwrries. pail, #1 tr 81:_5, Red : Lunde cif Ice wrnploo-1 in cloths nre pwidts tea ploy 11 more then the bund. w-Ul lr regalred to prepare the ..►n - ,_ - f.rum (kluhcr.__und he had nut:dtvIl currants, 50 to 7Sc. MUllletiwp" uscfal nm local applica- Eyl,n now thea• tatty, In F.Ig;u fene,s te•tlor of till, Abbey far the, koruna- P'.1wr tit lower prl,•ps thian thus,• _-' .A1 ration ,errmony, . and after it Ila" OICI fATOfl BOWEII LONGS til the Reno latlou fur other work. i Toroalo Ltvs 6tork dMarkeN. ton", anti orten mild Htim11fation to built „f wahmt calls. rehrw til tier %w Proal in News Print. MUrgan $ Home - Coming taken ace three or four weeks kxport cattle, e►otgr, pxowl. 11 14 b 1 ! 7. wnlDtniu prayer heart power it In- k.ISR ago. It i" nnrrnted that n d Hon. J. P. Ro eland tr&ltnwl that Averts All Trouble, oort am .................. i N ae I 0 workman bargained with a farmer wit' ie occupied In removing ali the Kxtarl cow. . tel to I r dientrd. i'urt her than this it id not -- I t. firm dirt not g() lata IhL Ma nu'ac .sntcherio uttG poked .... 1 44 to 1 Rr mare to go without medical advie'r an t. clear a cntata piece or land• lie temporary atructurrm anti other ture of npwaprbit, bpenune they di I batch«: upWe.,hmee .... a di Is i 1.1 w im furpirlewl will a team :aR urwi• pr+ruphtrnnllla. The whole tit the t,an h o Longer Rule by a not tun,lier it would u tit, two Bat.• cover.. . f.............. a _t u ass ler purtieulnr requirement", Judi- t F Y do rows . s [er to S As (•4•IIIa anal n Intl(. do Lull. Aub to a:o vidnal crises ranging hI sylnptnaof. rd tear the work, anti n, timb.'r w stone pt!lars land tunny of the mono- ANNDUIV(EMENT ON WEDNESDAY M• hau:pd off tit' hand -a track some- meats wilt be, entirely Incased with alt• iiuwnnl N7bNan, of the .1. ('. nsl4.exnxt, herr,, mrrew4. S 7a to t r Chattel Senate. Wflwln dation any, maid that will a they N,rw York, .Jul 8,-.t Inn ha* teen setlr,r:oort ltwht boa cwt.... f es a S %s 4 Above all keep cool in mind. Don't woo d, wh1.:h Iso to be all covered hail all the ne:atsenry machinery tit Y P r. o nr .Aon tarp '''.'.'' . . a tz is t r•- worr don't Iwrry. Grt ler work timed- prncticrd Ur p(rt old of ngrre+d mpdpn which will settle the ,to. mvtlnm .. Sat to 1 y, y •'m'KKy" logo that would nut with mcrdrict cloth. The coronation riews priiit they did not. turn mleh do tfwht. . S >a a S 9e early and rest when possible in tIc y lr to tate trace toward lite �n•1 tit EIBERAL GOVERNMENT $DDN '"'t, McauNe tbey moild it at three great wteel strike within the next &&ken• lou toeOltta.......... 3lla to a:' tmrn end, Near lisp end of his P cents c.r Mc,re, laud rat41 not manic It Tho dna r. As matt,on stand all that oR-ouloreandbelielw......... r al to i ri ..itllag part of tbo ally. lkon't st111Y tusk the we rkmuc roue•! that IW Jurwe, The dean and chapter of ht a rrft+t for _ 1-_ cent('. rf mainoyr to br Alon , Lt to hold n final „acs cows, einoC •.• inn t3 ts :n 41 " � 3Laey, awa.. per cwt. ..... it to a el the Ther utome ter-; don't drink Ice- deal n numtrr ,d green walnut rtic•kr w"emtminater are entitled to c:nlm Ottawa, -Tal% N. -ft in commonly re- Mr.p N'. I1. Rowley, tf Lhp FAdy m eting to formally rutity the plan do,bnab..................... �so is S 7S writer, err if you do, drink rlotvlY that n'fwrp't to, lye burawl. �He asked ,111 ' perquisites^ every art,le which ported in political eirvien t1uaL thine Uatalfactear'sax Company, attributrd ural nnnlwlore Iter terata. TIN pro- do fall•. z Ir to S o LLB advance tie the climatic c ::•db wrnmm • now in to iSM tluat meetin L,mM, peri ns, arch.,.,..,.... r m Io 1 m and sparingly. Kat plot'] f oil, giv- t•o M, allowed to dispc ae of them iN Lakin into the Abtwy for the urs +it Ieoxt five member" of the (( Urtvas, prrlo+d..............,, 7 M Ie s es ;- (':uuuliun Nl'nn U•, nppa,Inlrs of the t1'rn" til 1riS)ri, 18:41 and 111491. Ik•- 'seal snake that nnivoure ,went on Herm, ch,Na. per cwt.......... I xt •o p , Ing fnilte tilt• p�rfrn•nce le fh•eh otherwillir, bail the rrylleft sou" rp• htarlloee• of bbl• cun,nntlun, xed Ural Ni+lef thin, Ln 18UK maiphur w -as can- Wetneawtny lar Ttinr"day of thl„ week Hoa•. r(In, fed ................ 7 a' to nm t; I:Itr (:overnnMnt, wMxtP vote" elan no Hop.,, ht. per owe............ s 7a to � o m i foods. Ihw't hrat your blored through tu,w;l. He muss kpg tlrm up regain. reiiereml laxly reaped rich herr truhand of war, nand it won ilup,+e in Naw lock or 1'ittwdwrg. H L.nKer br• voonted on ngatn"t tilt osn at, plan ewp............ s 74 to n.s f your mtomnch. Ke•p your temper. then. lie said : m, ,bay after filly he aewtp In 1811, 18:JI and 1838 Lihrraln in any party dictnnon ,d ren- Hilile t., get U" T1s- mnln pylnto at la"ue have been 9ows,perowa.........,..... ., lis a 1 W .,C tr„k out tier tnrntrr'a team, nn•.1 n'BI't Li erals Thr•,('onsy div ki n,,I ronl Mr. .laolew Hardy, Nperetnr.v tit m-tllid, anti there will Mt M, great &................ , i tt t, I" 1 1 the II9Mx•Iatonl, was calle . laud pro- .troA ntrikeo, such am wits oo•ntempint d ('Aee,e M"pkrU i LK %N OR VA I' BACON. after night brought it Mrnwe,ih, huresen /'hicuglr luta to landlord who hon nmjorily ire "that Msly' 1" plant right, liiwr xi to' pr•eteN•p eprtaiii letters. Yu a we -`k ngv., It may be rtalel that L A Montreal clrrewpondent taken n, It "tate of utter exhau"tion, Ono rand" up Ilia 11111111 to glee lisp lip lint thowP front aeyunblte.l with 'M' far n" hit knew tile• Calan lino Ammoei- tht+ Parti e•tttelamt Is tile, direct bonded, Ont.• July 6. -At trrday�m the Timex to task for n•clmnrn,p_ t. tine otA Ro condition soy that the actual ptar- nti", had never ha,l any- undprstand- rtmealt of J, 11 Murgan'm effortm. If mnrtet _'0 factorlis oftrred a,lrTa rlty tilt, farmer wy.nt down to tilt• �' :till% Joe not snore than on' or two, inir err anythin In u[Iaiino,l with tier th,• ecol`•rrner which iso to formal, Jlmr, cltpcWP, InostJY aaltrecl- `4ilrm, I.I ; Ing CarlAdlans to w•c't least Imola clearing to we how the. work went: " For rhilolrpn atin't lite pig", you ;aro, when it in tlaken Int,) consider+►- K es 888, as follows: 671 at Vis, 1(X) tit lutrrnntkrcal. Thr Lnur,ntld,w Pulp alai tM wtrlttp is hell, hers It will tom to the British mnrtpt, an,l remarkN To Ilia nstcntimhment he fauna hf" kR'.w' little that thee• im never a tiny when (:nnpany' tend never been n Inemb •r lit the e{fkr, of air. Morgan : If in U 1-16c, 115 at U 1 re. T1tey ramiot pity bhp rent." moose of tilt- older membprx nre not In Roewl mtanding of tit-• amms•Intlun, Ihttw)wr at Vv) offlec of 'the Belleville., .duly 6. -At the nie PlueK that we give very erroneous net- horxpw hnnling one of th • big writ• K Ila• rkx'x n,)t pxomt on hon hrnla,ya, ,m tier nick list nad nbsrnt (rune heir bw:xitRe thpr Imd lancer pnkl tho•ir amerk•aan Tln Plut, ('u. o[ the Chmiwe li[Ikrd held Lars to- ctm. altwil no doubt with lhrmoint lint hogs, the, hark of which tend been ..N„ BaablPs Wantid"; not he. Oa seeds, It will It• Reen that rcrn next ,lepowdt. Wiletr•*patatice" sof the general day thfore were offered 1,588 tx,xer ex(*Ilpnt Intentiono. He mayor he quite worn oto, tip and down the the cuntrnry, he propomes to give "ensloA it m:* b•o ImPotaxihlr for )lir Mr. Jo! white chromium. TITS matoo were: Was- ,n 1'. N'eNantff, Manager ()f tporanl of ttlP 1'nitrd 9lntew 8tp"I ('u., hnA lived of late in Ifon on nitd IAv- firol•1. ' Wlint In thunder are yaw try- Maek,•osip Rowell to throw out any the LC.icalil Paper alYlw Ccauplauy, St. alt the subsblltry comp.tnl-a avhu,c in- kba ti00, Alexandria 518, }fnigwln ? p r6 and the hnaw tier want a year'x trot t, any tpnnnt otenr hAl 11 pon which the Liberals pay par- Clatharinem. stated that tilt- annewin- itrr•wts nre af(ectel, ns well ns the 1,-+5, nt U 1-4c. Valance ninevokl, re- rpor Y Ing to ,lot" lie asked of the driver. 1 I , It b t1o1W till !►odea. Une-r 11nrtrr of of his hnnepr to -whom n baby is tlruL•It• xtn•sN, tkM nikyptal a Mtvlltnlm prMp of !]:;.- h arfrorw elf the ynrloua tales Mxllrx In ftrrhlR U JL-Ibr. J "\Cell. 1•ce gut w K,t diet o' ties•• knocks within five earn; fire earn' an, Inih of lone through Il tally palls lfrgm," was the rq'ply ; "you won't y Y One b II thrrP n* Rare to he tale 50 per 10(1 pe sadv Anse Ito t print, tpof ih . mm�l�Tmm�t•d nslwA In gilt *pro De and of Trade here-ntard&YA 1,870 master, but if the stri of lean real Aw the first pent of twins, If place. n wenn in tit- will tnho raaw of the advance ler the dant t( nuliflnl on recce, in night of tlw boxes chmose wase offers(]. il. hret p Int m^ draw 'Pm Itff Lbs lot, nn' flee morn withhl fifteen menthe, tln,p PIu•r, land lLnt U tier ball fur the rte mntertul. T.hnt prk+p had nut ,oming cunfrrnnce, nn l were Inclttrrd 'a exopeds one Inch It Ix tnttoopd; they wuu'L horn, er, Iain wenrin' them out." redistribotion of eleetoral dlmtrl::tH yielded nn urwlue prnsLt. If Jae wan to woo representatives. hkl. 8 3-4c. No &alar. On curb all moat hove IL all Aad a'nd tau Iran. tw•o yenrm' rent for each nubxpslupnt lnveectl-nir nn nutrrunt •.1 none% pr Dnp •--------- rentd at 8 7-8. Thr bargain watts ameraWd Instanter. to accordance• with thin %ear'm c„n- 1 Hr. tell* nn to oak Nluclniti A Cu., tit Pair. HP explains htw plan in thin milli• to that requh•mi ter ervent A pl&peor THE DEAD CHANCELLOR.' Shelburne, July 6. -At the clifrm„ mHl he xlould ntA coewkier the Int- mnrtpt here to -clay seven fnctorl• ---- wnY' for ,t profitable, Inventmont, be. 4wrdel 1,100 Ix,xrw, ell colored, In.t BcUnrt. '' lite Inrgl,gt deal rm ten A I hfeago mDifxtcr, ltrv. J. sly- t rrnt man yrxill men don't Ilohenlohr'x (► Inion. or the Kaiser half or .June mate, sill d which ewil'I bxacon bl Ilrltuln," [11111 th,y will era, tins Dein talkie to the ounR K 7 R 1 e;plwlr thous w't it w( sem n p n•t relane P g Y nmrry today Jae"t .' nTh "ley SHE BRINK CARBOLIC I'10' for tier Iwrtlny ; tt wwm n pprxpr-pnying Now Vuoted, ptt 911 and U l -Lac, ezeept osw !mc- lonfirm what oar ourrespoa"t, itepttwtm in Misxrwri inn way that enn't Afffrrl n tee.me.' TNpy nwy tmetnews. In 18HN, IB:N► Find IINNI the iAwnloM, .Tilly B. -By tar tilt- most �Y, Lauri, H5A) irrze,. Ways. He thinks we Rhould correct im cahrull►tel to met them thinking. think they 4.11,11 afford n wl p• hilt price Ad paper dkl nlrt advance In pro- Intprewtingremlmentse on the career Curnwwll, July 7. -At Wle Grrn- A our elatrmeat. lest C'unnrll era •Thr pv.ple," IN wakh "ars larking they elo itlet their ability tie Provide imIr b,as era lisp cuwt or •muMefacture. 4f Prince, gun HCllenlohe, many col- wall Chrome Bnsrd un 8atarday L,- i.or a family. i thought n whom#, , pier ueaaelatirml hart nothing to do unlaiw err which nplwea.r in the London 091 &Ilea were BrftnlM. Art wPrr i4,' mlRht be Inlu,m-1 to mend it wittily (for momething tIle chur,hem arenot whereby a baby would to 9oMNl ler Mrs.Margaret Simpson's Des- with til(' advance In the trice of Mrwnin i R 'ponperR, nap lienee tit the dMpnewl of; 1,884 w'hlte lain! :S:Ia � unsalable article Io Britain. \Ce afrordlny them, hpartfelt roliglon. tics, yearn' rent might npre7al to pnprr; It wowtM laptop advanced Inde- Timcm, whcogt- Irvincy.rrespxwMpnt, M. Occhw6d were twold wt 0 1-8e and 49 phave Riven trip rmsence of our cor- A carlpty of read" have nwl'pt till• them. Then thrre nre, the work- fler,te Deed Yesterday pei'dently f.f liar nwmoeiwUun, tolcnaRp Ire Blowltz, rrwakon Important rrvr.J- American At 8 ff-se. rP ndpnt'w Irtlpr, twit wP nor Mgmpn, who already leave famiBo'a• P y' I for the MeroRw^rl rlwtn&wl. ntiexe. reRarrlin the dead states. mpo churchem nod pr•eacherm _ hl wine• R flrrdstreel s o■ Trade. \nothrr baby err twines would llrlp This eorwhided the elPpstitionx for men. i , nevertheless puttlfNl tell+[ wurpripodby rostra ilave Coale after them Inwtead „Int, yon pep• the malrnrtacller/K". TI►P rrMumkaM,n .tnwallg mAny crintklPntlnl IPttpM Trn(]p at Montreal this week h++n t what hP any'*. Far aPpmr ypurR peat, ,d otter wo111H. TIP minlelprx Hasa FORMER HAMILTON WOMAN. ttePn ati)owrlyd to.lul,V 16th. pact mnvermatk.nn nttritwrtwl to mufferel eompwhat by the w+trot t` we have he- rending of the ne1'e*- in norlrty. They nre 'good fclluwn' him white Imperial Chaneplicor, IR the wenthfor. The. movement has teen f Tim I4)wu maxim machdol rifle I" Nnagwra Fallm, N. 1'., .duly 6. -Mrs. followIng mummery of Ilia pwtlmatp confined Inrlte[y to the nprelrmllirc -. - - 1-.... i14y of .-eNtwwPcJtnti " Low .Jbrkwhtrw JwwtswrJ f.r"+Intl 'wJwward 1 .11ka. to _. - MR r 1, r.vrrrwrl7 ►Mn t} rat x.111 O"t tI of the moment. Horth it - a' titr'e'WfY- lila Intr,rt nrillitf..n In loop i(`ritish *Rasn'1'mfD j� j�} I 1 itfAYyi RiTlialb: "lite heg whkh runs to tut, uitd mute mee people m, afraid tit me that they linnfuscl, dKM 41, th!& city, attempt- HA 6 HL S fMU IR that lM ekww n.t think out Lite country le in u proxpprouN _._. str►Tr vt tlrntL lMntUtK wtmponR. It M wwMidp Ye't y tntrvattlR by ::11 tI t condition awl Lite wewnutactwrerm i wtltlling Uee long, Irvin ani Lanky sofa walk ocpr un llP other olds of thruP asp any Ilrnlu to ills wttl. Tt Jobbern have been buylaR frprly rnn to neral by indhl'tnnl x.ol(]fers drinting nn stn+e ttf rwrtxrllc Held. Iso atrnmlt im blp to tell before- And TMmworth, lar n ,ropR of 9'nmwurldt lite el rept, feorin tLr►t I will talk R+'rai I+ ¢' K nllnnlrt a* pamily an the orlinary Nile In now at the hospital, and the hand where he will lm and what In ,xpeetntion of a good fall iwi"t- entl 1'urkmhlrP, sop ns LI Rice tier• i r•Ifg1N1 to llerm. Thut'r nig only hysicians have no hope of her recov- nems. wmpd,n, nlMl tt run pump n hell tit P Woman Claims the Man Killed hP dill do. it tttere hnpppwn. that The hot weather has lewd a ten l; British pp►k'ure a goud streak of buminers, ler Rave snub. It Is out e'r'y weeps without my seri him. k 1'vdd with PxtrnlxcRr►nry epelefi. It ix The woman says she ennlP from C+ (xaY done to chtwk bnslnerP In soma de'- } IPRn with hip int. Thr ofd ply'IP the pedal of the church to rdurnlr ,am,I In the ore osition, with the In St Catharines Tha he adldpaAy apdieers land lam Y pr I Jptterstnl, Iirer,a Count•,, Pennsvl- . v . amAsal At lain kneowlei of the ale- pwrtments of wholprnle trade thio i of flat perk, that ens In Aaron In Ihmi ern, hlr 't hon"nods sol nnirprslty Veer lying across a miaddle frame, the vams:a, Mr. Bamford dind, and mho week at Toronto. Values of stank• the Iumbor .hnntles, waw declared to grndunten ger down to I1eB." H Ilind tn0e Ilk ing IR Ruing on." �� wel{xvn treing Iwl.l In pNoelllon by tier moves, to I1naMltrxl. Ont., where with ANOTHER WIFE IN MICHIGAN, RpgnrllruR Errlsreror N'llllnm'& fain- Roodm asp ■toady. Cotton goiaN be abpolutrly unsuitable for the #1011,IK)o t would glee *100 lerrdn_ inllnt little mrinr slip hail Raved she one te'I m to Mr. Kra r have been ste.adtl hardening and wrlRht rpt tier tncV. It IR n wt-apwl apt n w pp, Pry truMnPRlt, which rltTA g r nt the I^PR are bein owl restored to "i mordt-ra Brltlxh mnrtpt. if we ratan land to • teat to xnlvnti()n. P fit. ('stharinpw. Jul 4.-A. B. UMP of the JAmeew,n rald, Prince lea (( y I f,p hared n to itf end idity Im oil peered n tnlluro, 8hmi marmot ndil y Vole HoLonlohe mwkl: "it the Ertl add a. I *PrP rolxtnkpn In thlH, we lanae n Th, church iN to wat•R man Iran ro bxm tc IL for rnpkllty or flrr sena, who Roan dlm(jrpeared. To nrkp (iooW, the man who waw killed on Mr_ Tse(]o nt Hnm►Iton onptlnnP* fol I sol many Canadian larmrrs nad .ell, not to elucate. r do Iter trouble wile kart the might of the N., tit. P. di fr. R. on April '_4th, rr hart known that JoLmolon had ro ,id- " go' to the onifnnr rl/b. 'Phe tVnr Office mwRt7 Sona rat IRw}�ertAWro En Isle rnfi The warm weather has s y alar P p, ArM Lien outer w11m grRA*- eytdenlly had two *hes land wlte 1 10 ckern were mixlnlcpn, tank. Y - famitlece with litm 1c oodId not have ed to the demand for sit enr"moor Pn httw rrenmmPldlP(] ec•rtnln nllrrntlopx No. 1 ix Irx►kl,l ►or ills nnenrnnoe It M rosy nonoyllgr to n ndnletrr wily falllnR her. Tho klPw of RodrlR g I1111ee and trove IerR fo vsrl,)uv ppsrlN tet see fila hearerx twisting nMml to In the 'n inn) pattern, which have thrrwi h life totally bllnf wo work piaThe -pant the talPrtt t H* tx with 4[ 1 (T .IRIa/VdM hAed (xl I of the ronptry Aro mending in Reined it' The last trace" of prohibition tens at rM her mind that alpP bmRllt the The• hlrndw end t t who knew U flip act wllh Ordeal for the, fall trade. The preep- ya nutAh tier �I t.t loth MI(ure hr hRw Iwrn rmrMPcl tet, and it h allall cd (r.ntld hprR lewd not the soli c - him, end that It mea an act of bol- a hPpa wlppll oat of QwPMIc• by there- *etrd end drunk the awitwntw In lits gh_ext Rnrr1A e.'• puPrtm, Rca►rdlnR to rrpd►rts cominK reached tier r[lennx of him dim•,oarxe. that fifty machine-rlfk•r xhnll to morning. i'llyalclana have worked Idea, tt n mocond wife until ypoter- R In from dlffrrnnt its of the aR- Ml pPnl of the 1►nnkln Art nn Richanw.l. On tits a ntwrw+nt to the im fear Lry. .Irkmr 1 1'nrkrr, rd Lnnkm, F:nR- bxhlel to PReh Iwttalluu. The War Dues' her far hewltw. but do rN,t Ullatk ARy. when 1'o'ltma►+Arr LRwrlr, ami- 1�'( fir- rb•nllnrRl rnmm*last are PMeuur after a bitter struggle, the Ina- M c•Ived a communication dntsl Phil• lot Chwncollorshlp he wrote as fol- y' l' inrxl, ,iinolx It e), not he Im w pwarson INfdrn tr Pxprrimrmting with nnnther they can saw" tor. (Xmm*r SloruIm Iowa : '1 iQlnw Whet a falrtlM i duo aRinR and foreshadow good Mlsln(v'•I I jorlty ogannwt It bring 501. Let nal , tl,,k hPr etwtrtlaot, at the hospital. adplphis, and signed by Mrs. A. B. rondltMnp In the full softer the whit, a tpmppr. diecputly hr ofMprlel WooprM, t1Pi B:mlw,m rifle. Thin OIwId. Thr IRttpr wlwtel lh"t the taking anwon my cold shnnldrrs. 1 hoprl Mt however, that this does not In which she adinitlet having at- harvest• Valtwo of &triple goods mn- ' n ono man limo wftPr tlmr, lair lnkee n *row( of rwrtrk * nt once, wrltrr wan n wlrllrw of the dpw,l feta twotiilng and am reMgned to ev- ret 4[P te.mrlpterl soicolelp, tsyling she preferred « lints,+ to bP writ mnintwtne.d. mu**n a gAln foe abuse ill {atoll- p riory man, and that she dedred nnformn- erything• _ The ripe crop proepeets In Manitoba oasts cul 's watch- ,robebly a new ncqut- ,i n1 Iso lel tit h tit" el(]P. The death to bllmdnesa tints of his dr hho an oho had an ^l mitlon-ml(] look at tho lime, and it rApIdity tit fit* claimed Mr It IN law zStr"need III 1.1 htaln INSANE FATHER ' ' contivrnR to have a goon Pffeet on t' 2 a() ellrormnPrtod him that hP st folle ww: Ono Inaml, incl rounds r y g g' Insurance comp i h1s me, end the • trade. In Ont*rico Iso*t edea 8' 10 wlllw '1R►'''I {w fhAthwm, Jnty ing Last Py ARtng Fr_ lnmtrencP compwantrp Aemwndcd dw- --- Trade at Vtrtoria, Vancouver 110 I were RdmIttepd to probate. anti with nt n must Interp*thlg part of ilia minotP: era' hnttnll 10 1(JI0600rcendx nMt lla0ey, of Klnagiv111P, www wtnn4. (elle of the death and bur- MArdPre tits Three Children With w the Kootenay* has Improved Sumn- , IettPrm of wdmdmsbon And gnnrdlenehip wprwspon and pointing wt the. man scald: poor minate ; onrl bwlRacip, 400,(100 Ing nt the hall entrance to•the Mer- lal. No other Information etas ltevolvpr• what the pint top days. Thr north- IRvolvwl prrm)nnitj to the vatine of "lint lap your watch, young roan ; rrwrredo ser minute. Thr War Offdere r3l Rouse while the PipetrlrRl mtorm la lite IettPr, and wp(warently the IArekpdort, N. 8., July 8,- 1ydaPy rasp ttndP l* twlwk wind InrRe lot* of wait to belt *wing. when rendrlrnly h1. writer knew nothing of another Lost, while t*mporArlly Inawne this goads arm brio shipped to th" MIn- 1►104.14T.0'_9, *ml rw'Mty tow MIP value ww mew sismidj g ill cltwPuityw soot of Nina 1s Iset Iarrrabls to oplverenl waw atrtsct nitathw Wtt ch*wt 'by a wNe, morning. allot hit thrwp rhtifto - lax eftwon so t11lrP. h,- 111 8A,8110.870. (N the pPLMmAIty 2i time.' Rut If the lhPrmometer *tnexl M&nw, 1"It w fpm Ira b*tttalkwl, mal pont co� tightning. Mr. Bn11ey sow& po l)cmld's other wife Anti thin one Roby, nng�mi�d1 I1; Howar.t, aRn) 11 "Ii will* w[P}P for seven of c frr lisim.0ttrt. up In the nlnetiPw Rad thr preaioher two per rompnny, le proprosed, Taei Wtnnn-I he fall proptrnto, best roan to, known heorep Ilvrp In Midland, Mlnh., pad F.rm1ne, ag"d 8. Ruby And Ernst. "Ther*'. maty a slip twtxt thoc*p u Ali fxtwP*n 8t5o,(Itlll Ind ;1(100. (1, son* In hip pPenn(] hoar, the eonRrm- Troll Iso wren under control, and the covered him&Pit and rPRnlnel hip fP"i. And hap n marrlel dwnghtpr IlvinR wPrw Inst*lardy k111Pd, *lad YinwwrA a&A tit* Bpe IWn't titres►, pnp4'' lin"r- )'+rIJ and 1.115 for wont bet and 8100 And gnUtm film a and hour sympwllhisP wplRbt M rely there pmml. more tlthongh nif"rlwetly not Injured, Mr. In Bnfraln. Wirt was In fit. Cnthar• dlod an Ilene latr'r. All were shot led Willtw. "Vine my tiny," meatrwered s si Rwlley pit I, w hall nl[ht, *od IR feel- lame wftrr the Aatldwnt and tend the with w Iatgw awllbra r*votwer. tho old masn. "I. that the rossoa so ng y lap pped iL berial. Look ds eller larrenk. soy pSoplS ■w ssraws l"' a tO�day' :: r 14006• with tic w*teA owner. that tM nurvloe rifle. 1 ver mach sbAtna Sill to Ick as or •.I ., �y.: . , I .. _ ... ¢ -„,< ,.. r .v #;, a,. t s, c• i. :ar +*lr,; tr i . t�:p ": • f•Y„ .,,. " ? i 1 !1 r4r ov , , d II - - I =• . o. +,n: ..rk, ..� .o. .,r• ;.. •-, ,� , f p .6X". * ." o I, r,.d N? k R t J I. 1� I. .. .,. :' ,. :,. �,., ... ... a ,� , n ,« �., .. .., , :'r'�*�t,-n .a 'r.. s +W f .f <'. a ', `i to N+i'"�c > r.# l i . 'k .e.';Y$ t:, .,^,EN re A. t:. 1^rM. x, q. .. + I y + f as ,{'.: ° 'w>: f :.. t«. .. , . ... , t " a =,, Via; 0 ,,,,r, r �.+ ',W, f �t.. , r a �: . , e .. "fI➢.. a >-ir. $i, 6.." i, �: yr A,. �uptry' ,`y . a a ,.. ,•:._ A.. , j,c �, .: Mr "R 1 .,.rl�, ear. �,,ttt ,., +' i y., ... ..y `.M vrW"J+. 1.," h 9f+ t$�' .i - 1 ,I .... t ..#' , . k. wM' .,f } s 'T , S, • ' ... .. jj i .� ,� ' '' ,, d�,`r .lr�t ,,yy : ... •. , , a. ei ,. -. �.. s,>.i r p.,. ,.,se .,w. ,. k t, . �k �B •^ b , • .m ,M., �e�aa .j[' v M . 3. ,. N t try[ , „ d, y ., „ ry .,,',C ,::' 5.v k » ,.'..` !'1_.- ,-...1Y�lti t aaN:y:1„�''1. w. d:k3.. i'-:-A�... a:+a .....,I.1rAwi.. .,_ " , �� � •Ir 1■ 1 Whatanever A 1 Weall he also real stugo . travel til was ae *tts in t. Thc. road wtlich tiut over the prul way to the usi tt bryunlo towing pto,lo Valley lust through ttte 119th u'ovo lerriblo "bn alaii found Itself fill stwpon and ser this bast resort til the fwrseouted W gvrour and hatefl Tho route, the I wen who operate cod uninteresting .iviuent did thArl rv,ry parsibUlty li. f (roto Moncton ,'+111,1 MI f-ndnrel Inni.•q a,ukt cul M __--kall,ln dust, whom witpstund the ra water err whisks, l.me-ad were knit h►wakable diseases bivluo muscled a „tax little. The cal ativere ape rallro .-ev arluntlly made .urviveal If, In add ,ill qualifications had +alar, thn ��tl'xr+ with Alacrity this I;"-rge n■ often n illi' e,Mesteltt M c,•"mary for the i Sting I,f awsuclatr pr+ pri ato luxury a tit.• town of Deal }1st thou at tit morn halt stage fr,+m a MkAM on ,-rderly exbstewale. Mille City find p .,f brush covered swear the juartir,n Y«Ilowalons river■ hominem" with 14 w heretin mwhoYH, 111141 a mlrcellanet ir_!,U_:w w,!: , `11b `I",' 0 Ht b.tw¢Ix-r tri ksim5r sir , „« N tl'i t t r I "' M 1, .. r_ -,,,,{i.. Ono swinging + Intl mem from Bit& Tile/ tilt thA'F1't'bek i. and m,Me tit Nell hfend spring") be, black Mwtr, a dl,s from Mom�� e Brown dad Ilk, ,, Idler and the twill elbows wLth the I ho mule timer I Ball of ",Ill pruulu dol the {dip-e&m, ' trreat, trade lar 1 r.l far au speoRd 1. The stumpr of i were drill in Use• wt tint was A R*Ob churn halt war the trig in town. Into came uhgdgy a lit a -Ln. who wrote h prouchnble hnnl c the ••hotel" Where ug:in waw praapriet ma Ll olid dis#w•wel nl.•Irrleel woman." world levall&e "MI nroferatmsding wit the ownership of ca hew. Thin old gentlem dlort of the Stagy, rarNl out hie Minton tri (Itrarlip Brow•it's ' Mne-l" by all I pe Kilt, 1141 othrorw• elf in A regular M'Irinpr, which In haw pxtegWlve deet son%p Alpt require ya'aag "City" on t t\iinever looks I r written there, York,' ao 1 wltter, Imi,igy` Agure pall e r,:ul in them the ourm'earv4ptkA. no twin% who epPronln hent+ nrMt vocatio prl,"I when it wt Ike,v" would put open n clothing ert Anti sp It CIIme t water. lltlhheil ! V1,11stract for lamb Il,g" taken from I na I ,-Be Kilts al I•,om" lit many a el Inner ani banked ,two as ) tient plata', fur the MllldlR(( of town woke rap ons teat of the fact tit t.hi" rhlkl like of i RI haul IR New Yorl RecOled ffm ulmi pl 'If ck,tIt ftlr A tier asmin r of .4k. Rrr''nhaeb In ell A"I'Khhorhood had krrpnwld, and n, w•Pinit "Illwy" tome Itot the tho,O di orephing of tbn *te ing the proleptic1Ice Intra the Pnat MoD "' in hurt within f ll stork of "xhe atW mall[ lit a r R cic'traor bark fl rer"eps a fair Me* evtpnt, tMwfm m, etre. in the cof rond wt M throe halt '�•'ssx11 RIM rRlq}r, rkt+rp l �n tnottevd up in Mie c $Ito," swat" 1 r' i ;�•� Ill«+ ✓ .