HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-11, Page 1!I:lIS°°i%Wwth9:.n 1et1 THREE "A'49" I.q..l ADv'rs ARE q•"U ACTIVE AGENTS WHEN PLACED IN LOOK AT YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR 1901 e FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR -'2838 THE Lf7ADINC1- I EWBPAPER Off' MTRON C7O1:71•1TY. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : JULY 11, 1901. D. M°E11LLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MAttP T REPORT troonsuoii. July 10. IOU Fall Wheat 0 :M 10 8 lour, family. per owl.... _..-2 10 10 Flour, patent, par cwt._..._._ r_2 50 to Brea til ton.,.__ _. _-,.,..,.._ It 00 tol ehome, 1 ton _.. _, _, 15 00 Sol Screenings, pot cwt............ 1 00 to Rye per bush0 40 to Buckwheat. lo to •1a. 1 book Mf bosh O 0 2d to Peas, 1 bwsi.,, ,....... .,••„ 00 le !Earley. per Nak 37 to Hay. 1 ton ....._..,. 50 to Potatoes. 1 bash ... 20 to Rutter. ...._..,,_. 14 to Clause, oar Ib W ow. fresh unpseked, 1 doe Wood Bides ........«..-,. Potts Live Hove Itressed Hogs. Bacon Ram. par I b..••••••••••••••••••••• Lard. per Ib. Dressed Beat. fore tasflar 4)r....d Beef. hind Cattle, Export Oedlnore 10 to 10 to 0 10 60 to 100 60 to 500 25 to 2.5 25 to 6 OU a to 8 011 12 to 0 18 IS to 016 12 to 11 00 10 000 00 to 0 00 751045) 00 to 350 s9 10 so 00 00 oo 50 so so 00 38 W 25 15 Lost- IhAKKN FROM Fir, GEORGE'S .1 churoh • prayer hook, red morocco oover. Retina to Mrs. heat res or to the Rao - tory. Yltuatton. Vacant. 1111H POINT FAR M -SEASON 0101901. 1. Bolo Wanted Dining room glrlr,cbam- b•r maids and a Months .r. 810 per month will be weld to than who in dentana their duties. Independent of waste these ate eU g ood paring positions. J. J. WRIUHT, June 2514 Proprietor. GGGD DININ0-RO016 GIRL WANT• sot at ones at Ekpee Colborne House. Apply to MRS. a E0. BUXTON. SOtt Yawners Wanted. rrKAUHER WANTED TO TEACH IN 1 8. R. No. 6, Goderloh township, Dabs to commence after the bolldaya Appalao- tioto received. mot log rotary. up to the Mrd of Ana. Personal application preferred. JOHN TORRANCE, rtes.. 9631 Porter's NW 1', u. For Bale. 'DOR HALE-ANIU/SH JRR RY-COW, )bM:f- good milker. Apply to A. SAUNDERS. Iti ew 51i 4!540 FARM FOR MALE. -A FIRST CLASS farm of one hundred .ores- situated bomb of town plot, wed pert of lot 16, L. R. R., Ashoeld. Klee scree of stood timber gad tatit balance under coltivattca. It is well leered 'thoroughly underdraln.d, knd well supplied with water. Buildings omelet of -Rare, 40. 40 . straw born and stable, ens30: hone sa01.. 30.16. granary and driving stied, 4002); frame dwelling- hoax•, one and • half story. Moil, kitchen, [8011. with stone foundation ao,l splendid cellar under whole buil flag. 'there le also a good woods!), 1, 22x21 Houmis heat ed by furnace. Por torther macabre apple to Jur. GRIFFIN, gaoler. (Ioder{o4 r, IAND FOR SALE 1N TOWN OF I OODKRICH. For eau en reaeosable terms. the property knowa as the Distillery land., being part o4 block "P" In the Town of Goderlob, oontalnlog about 31 •crow, with buildings and water. rights oa the River Malt. lard. For terms apply to ()ARROW t UAll- HOW. solicitors for the vendor. $1,500 ,Coo (ASH. OK ON T6RMJ TU 1 J salt will puroMea 18.1 large atone house with six -roomed addltlon,eiloated on Plasm fermi. Half an acro of land wl t0 all toe outbuildings thereon thrown In For further particulars apply 10 TH W, J. tf0014 HOURS, Bayfield P. O. 3>lf, FOR SALE -LOTS 95. 96, 117. 118, 119 and I40 in Hutchison's sorrily. all In Goderloh. For p•rtloularPHILIP HpDDlPt11OLT Bar-deter. fro., Ooderlch. March 11th. 1900. 6p-11 Muse. W. GLENN CAMPHKLL. OT6antst and mu.loal dlrlotor of North et. M,U,odiat churoh, and teacher of pianoforte, P iles oreran and theory. will be pleased to re- sales pupils. Instruction given either at Modal or at pupil's home, oe ,sired. eltudlo at Smereon's Maio Ston, West -wt. 72-4f DRS. SHANNON it GALLON. rMY. MOCtANAand Surgeons. Olde. In Bank of Commerce building. west side 01 Square Night nails at reeidenooe Dr. Shannon, Dr.Oallow, old residence. N•p'or et. Elgin s,, w. 'Phone 11. '1'hemo 96. I n.uranee, *VA. 0kk9. R. SHAW, URNBRAI.IhSUR. `AMoit and real estate agent. Oaee, tee door emit of I' O.. Ooderloh. Agent for the leading mutual fin Insnrna,e oom ,soles and leading stock eomtanies Meroanthe aid mannfacturing Aske at loweat rstoa. (all at office. TAT R. ROBERTSON. • Accountant and Ioauranoe Agent. Books and acoounts made up. Buildings rental and rents oollected. Fire insurance In British 0.d Uaoadtan Comppagnlee, Omo.- In I'roadfool (t Hays omne, North street Goderloh. OYtl yJ. T. NA/PKI„ Gh.NERAL IN. • 9UIIANOE and Real !titan agent. , Life, Aoeldeetand Plate Ohne Inanraoce effected on mutual or cash plan at lowest rales poeslbl,, Best Kimbell and Canadian companies rep ✓ ecanted. Odlce next door to Darrow & Darrow. Har rioters Hamilton atroet, IIioet•Ir TMNNwtr-•- UST RBt KIV4CD- TRH LINK OF lir stelae suiting, that ons endomnrs were 9Ytteg far which we hook eine revocation on. Wernwith ether Ii,es sal'n51e for spring ooa aamme 6fMaoly a. gnod, Ste etly first wirt at moderat, otiose. W N, STAPLETON. Ovs r Pa90s'. Fab. PubU N0UIS. , ✓ -.3 WARIIINO. - THIS IM TO GIVE: wdloe that anyone Mathieu off the 11104.. 'slog or tampering with the ferry, moaning or trespaadog aM.n any met M our ropert{, ATTtl Ewill I(ILbo 4 erreeted Ind pnaeoa32bd, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Emerson annonnees a clearing sale of M. eveiee. 25 YoBarney Hese81., ('Iev.lsede, Recycles and (Isderi,h wheels at $2.5 to $10. 25 sound hand wh.le at $7 and np. We have on hand • large quantity el ✓ ra and oat ehop to be dlspoud of at res. • 0n0b1. Woe". %Ve pet, highest market pries 0.Rr wham N Dtwratrvt k Sow. TI. te••ine eompe' ItIen ler • Bakst to the I'ae Amoebas oboes July 15th. A.ysse holding g0481 oo.poes kledly band Ebro In belnris that d.t• at 1'au'v's shoo stn. Wanted -W. offer 200 for the hest and 19, far ee..aA bees Nb of beim' derby' Ja'y Mrs. James Kelly, Wawanesh, gels ant pries and Mrs. (roe. MnT)oe•l4, (!ray, 2.d prlre for Jane Eggs 121 O. R. Kno, W In,ns96 A large ...blee el the staff for N• Paint f arm •rr)yM as Meader from Toronto, tomtit's, et the neo, sod • mamba .0 era pNe•eed women Their •ppeara.os, oe they demo rimed the ,~yean dressed la all Ike aider. of the ralab.w, w.e both .040.,• Wye lad IM/sreeU.. THE HURON OLD BOYS. A Very ISUPOO./Ful Gatherint In Clinton. TO. Nese 4 analog • Vrand Reception EaerIal.ed at tee Town Mall Ineetln- Isr..rr• et the Day. el Old - teed Nude by the •Igkland 'Addles. The Huron Old Boys, of Toronto, had their outlog •t "'beton on Saturday last, and had • good time. The Cllpton commit- tal, headed by 1). A. Forrester, Wm. Jaek- eeo and John Raoalord, spared no pane to give a rood time to all oonoerned. Follow- ing from The Toronto Star is gr•phlo of the day's doings : The mist lifted and Old Sol smiled on the Huron old Boys on Saturday morolog, as the flag -decked train with 500 joyous cols - !manta on board pulled out of the Codon Station. 11 there 1s one quality oommoo to the Huron (Ed Boys and Girls and their boys and girls It 1. the quality of b.00ming sociable) in five mina's* alter Iore..tb•rlog. Now, Seturdy proved the truth of this axiom, By the time the train had olured North l'•rkdale the excursion had begun valting, and this they kept up with •Igor nom Clinton wee -reaoned. Evuybody who needed an laerodaatloo to soy body got It. The Old boys talked to the pretty girls- and, by the way. what • crowd of the latter there were on board -then most unselfishly brought around the houog Boys and gave them the pelt/liege of talking to the pretty girls. Memories of picnic," and merrymaking. that !!opted with the good wives -by tad, pardone the Old Girls -bad moved them to the pack's, of sumptuous Iuoobeons. By• and bye the great buttes were opted and rho popoore man and the transom, man oame around. Didn't they bore a good time' As that Is wee. they were out For, how strange It woaliYanbeen 11 %bay bad not snatched e41 the N!1 slat offered on the way to C1t0too. ' NOV Tel TRAIN s t.cI54 ip r4'. • What made the Into run so slowly as It Geared Seafortb 1 This Is • question that sexed the minds of both Old Hoye and Old Girls. It was solved at last by a bright minded member of the onmmittso, who re- called the time when • oertalo disciple of Esaalaplaa nal umpired • !scroete (notch in Sealortb, on whl'h 000se.00 he hod been compelled to lies for his lite and take refuge to • ry'tind,eyty of some elinane. down the rya. It was arts wed that the doctor de. .trod an opportunity of looking at the mise en suede ono. more, Mince the delay. 5%asall Clinton .t the station when the train rolled In mold the weloomleg cheers o1 the Old Hays and the fluttering hand. kerohtals of tae Old Girl., whose °oon.o- tloo with the old away has not yet Men touched by the sol..ore of fats Not quite all of the , looms bad woos to the station. Then was a goodly orowd I nod up along the route of the prooeestoo, while In the Towo Hall • crowd of spright- ly townie. and stately m.trooa awaited the owning of the peep's, whose appetites 41.d only 1,,.,, whetted by the opeoing of the lu.ohsoo baskets. Cllntoa woe In gala dress, and the stores were d.zz!iog under toe booths, and Hage Homy hoose had Ire decoration, for n,thlog w•" too good for the return of the Old Boys. Coder the Hoge sod the baiting Home was muoh grasplog of hand.. and muoh exclaiming. and • great deal o' heppia.0 mtniled with cot a few s'ghe and for the times whose pleasures are but a pato when recall- ed by those reunions. "Why, 11'e twenty years since I sew you!" exclaims a grey haired man to an- other. •'Twenty yearn !" gasps the other. "Rhes my soul, why so It le :" Theo they M.Io to dust, "1)o you remember "You are not Emily Jones'" • woman with • boy of twelve oltolting to her arm says to. wooed with three sturdy ellldreo In tow. " Oh, ye., 1 am ! " " Not the Emily Jonas that used to sit n ext me in school !" "1 es 1 am ; don't you remember-"' "And .re thee. your ohlldre■ "" "Well, 1000'8 believe 1t ! Io• dud 1 o.n't ! ' Aad so 441 wool all along the line. A TOWN HALL RANvt'1T. Thst luncheon In .the Town Hall ! It was • bao.iaet ! The women who lied to bake for the too meetings el long .go but pat their heads together, and oI their a, m- b!ned skill had .volved a lead that was the .epitome of the beet memories of the old t,•- mea8lon. No here, save one, the regret that even fe•ta must come to an en I. Th. Kitties eat in the mlddl. of the hall, • brilliant color spot. The Old Boys and the 1)44 (1 rl. eat on elth•r side. And on the platform b.hlnd an array of edibles that would have driven • Fnuoh o't.l to deo pair eat tits great men of of 1 Huron. They gave Elw.rd Floody the seat of honor to tee outer of the table. Nast him set Hugh 1•1151.th, K, R. Miller, WIII J.ok . on, of Clinton, and iota kl.yor Jackson book • goat at the festive board. 1).n, 51c Gdhouddy was 000tent with • see no the fl,or near his brother, Thema MC011ll• (Addy, The former told th. OIt Roys that he had nom' from twelve miles up the pike at ball poet seven In the morning to wed oame his brethren of Huron. They it. changed personal pl...otrles, ,these two brothers of the good old honor of Mabilia cuddy, and they and the salons of the old house. of Old Horon had a time that wm absolutely and altogether Fend. S;eoch-making followed Ibm barqust se • matter of coon., when the orators ot the oouety .ddod to the reputations of former Mina or made new onto by potting some of the good old though,. tato new cl From Toe Globs w• take the following Mpa.ohes by J Rumford. oholrman ; T. Mo(IdHencldy, Ray. J. W. Inach ani Aim Moir la.u,ar•t.d the afternoon's prooa.d leve as Reoreatlon I'ark, which ware •t - Winded by • otowl of holiday milker. A baseball m•teh between G„ lerloh and Clio toe Jailors was won by the hems teem hy • mere of 22 to 0, and the ('1.0 on Old 11 ,y. ,1sl.at.d • team of the visitors by 14 to 4 at the Immo rants At football the Hatton' of S.forth defeat's] Brussel" by one goal to n othing. A Iwg of war between Torooto mad Oftnten was won by the latter on the Beet and third poll.. In another port of the grounds meanwhile an Inlerating •t hlbitlon of atop dialog w.. going on, at wbloh Mimeos M.ndon-,'d, M.N.vin, Tw.elle and ifnwrin carried off the honor., while the band played at Intervale. Mir- an lureg the •ftsnlenn • police pared w. manned by Dr. Rlaskall, C. Hine and R. I)owne, rondare l 'Molina, .•r•1011 no the gr. n,4.. Amour the aerate mrd., 'for le,kinr thirsty," "41...nse he would not live to ('linen,," and tabu charms, were F. Floody. W. R MITI.,, Dr 5taitoeh, 4, Lamont. Meagre. Matter, Allan and Oar, nor of the Rl1hla.d.r'a Band, H. Modish, W. Ce.)., P. H.l', K (I , lespoo'er Pala. 1.y, M.40r R,rmboll, of London,.rid .flies. The open sir n,eeert by the I1'ghlaedari Rand mid tenor. In the evening Weeded a large sad .ppreelotly. asthma, ..d hr.agkt to • *low the most thoroughly •eooewful and eoj,yable reuo,ua lo l'Ilatoo for many yews. Col. Otter's unavoidable abeenoe wee regretted. Complete wood lellow.nip reigned throughout the day. HEAD 141AR ON TN? 14104. Bob Holmes. M. P., had the maple Ieaf forever entwined around hls natty straw hat. Provident Hugh McMath had a white plug, whboh m•tobed his trey suit doily, and made him look lake the jolly old:miller of the I)se,eroept that "he oared for everybody and ova ybody oared for he." John Ransford sported • white yaoh[ing osp, whluh gave him the look of • prose be- tween Admiral Dewey and • French "chef'. He was the Woof the entert•loere, and help- ed to Dover Clinton with glory. Church, the Huron Old Boy poet. had a silk hat 00, whose beleho, and gloss, and shapely marvels oh•llaneed!octant attentloo. A facetious but I.....r.nt comrade referred to the chapeau as Churoh's steeple. Doc. Blackhall wore an anthills white helmet, and bundled the vloNme into the catering patrol. His pals, Hine and Down, In semi -regimentals, of the ancien/ conti- nentals, backed up the burly voteran In tine style. Big Hill Paisley wore no h•8 •1 all alter • Iwawlnnte round with the four bouncers who filially got hien Into the patrol waggon. one T.) rue PATROL WAn0ON. Breath. tbere • man with soul so dead Who Dever to himself hath said A. home to Huron he had oom. And there In Clinton !alt at home : "1 wonder if They must pay toll For rldlog In that 0010 patrol." The visitor' wars pleased to hear "the h onest watchdog'• bark,' and were glad to know that the dog was chained up. "Breathe' thore • man with soul so dead" was quoted only five times by the speakers of the day. Had there beim • few more speakers the record might have bun beaten. The reeemblaooe of "Maple Les!' Mair to Hon. F:!ward Blake was observed by many as the sturdy principal of Dufferin •tree) eohool poured forth Ilowlog periods of fervid patriotism. Some of the Uoderlcb old bey, captured the baggage oar of the 7.30 to to. train, and tang old-time ebonite, and other melodies just to show that they hadn't lost their voices In Toronto or Clinton. The patrol waggon scared a lot of fellows Shen it first Domed ap. riot when it be - bourne known that the "boys" were gather• ed In only to be treated to extras, there was a rash to be ncrlfioed second only to that made aforellme for the oar of Juggernaut -and some of them did not seem to fear whether there was • lue,or0ot to rush op against. The blgge.t man in Clinton Saturday bait was Ed. Floody, of I'.rkdale, and as he gazed upon the Huron old boye his heart swelled trite, pride even 11 his head remained normal. As secretary of the Old Boys of Heron he deser•es al the credit that may be given for working oo the Huron contin- gent int, what the esteemed Castell Hopkins would call, "one harmonious whole." The wlayiog of the Highlanders' Band, ander Bandmaster Slatter was • feature of the day. They were at home In English, Mootob and Canadian airs me well as in ol.. Rio mulo, but 1t was when the Irish medley was sprung oa the audt.noe daring eh. after- noon, that the applause resobed 90 in the shot's, ac •The Harp that Ono.," "(7olleen dhas ohreu dhe as Mow," ani "Uarry(wen" broke upon the ear. The Old (toys and Old Girls, too, are bond In prates of the railway service which they had to Clinton at the reunion, They felt este with • Huron Old 8.y conductor, another for brakesman, soother at the throttle, anothrr as fireman, and another worths, fall time is Mgg•g. smasher. 1'h• Old 1),..' o,mmittee give all prune to elletr at passenger agent M. C. D,ckenn for his ooartesy So connection with the outing, AROUND TOWN. Stir, -r Tile STsgt'I.s.- A heavy min - storm, •000mpaoied by th'on.er and light- ning passed over (ioderich Friday evening. There were several sharp thunderclaps, god one holt struck the spire of V,otorl• street Methodist churoh It ripped cif shingles, tore board' apart and passion loads dam• aged some of the rafters. TM churoh is be- im repainted and the painting of the @towel. had just been completed, bot It will have to be gone over again. The damage is estlm- •ted at haws') $100 and $2A0. A 1 IVT T,. 0111 1101 01 or RISPru0.- 1Vhile'o Clinton en Saturday a 4u:NAI. rep- resentative woe one of • party who .1.ited the county hens* of refuge. It was not the regular day for the reception of visitors, but Mr. French very kindly reoelved the party and Mrs. Freooh showed them throurh the building. The house throughout le exceed ingly brl8ht and neat and oheery,and every thing seems to he attended to with scrupu- lous care. Both Mr. and Mre. Frenoh seem oeoullarlly fitted for their postpone se man- ger and matron of the refuge, and the in- mate•, who at present number about seven- ty -fly., have • very comfortable home, ST. (dolt,. leo ('I, '0,'11 (:AHnr.V l'AtITY.- The annual garden party under the a,nplees M Nt George's ehuroh l :lid came off on I'ure lay evonlog on Ilapt. Shephard'. lawn. 'I he natural Manly of the grounds was en- hanoed by the light., the promenading a'• wmbl.ge, the oharmi to wit:reties attendant on the refreshment tables disposed about rho Ian n, the strings of Chinese lantern• .'retched from tree to toe and the other decorations of fl tees, .to The weather was •ll that aoul 1 bee wished for sod the fans, w,,k, candy and other tables did a 0004 bovine.. b ocollent mato wse rendered by the hand and the aRsir was ,mite • success- ful sod er jnyabls one. HAvt,00ur. Wo4(ti. -The (loderlon Organ Co. do some yery handsome interior work, and hays recently fitted up a very hand some set el bar fitting. Inc I: 1. Swarta, al the Huron hoot,. This Is ftnlshed 1n gol don oak, piano polished, sod shows . very pretty figure. The oompar y are also lit- tle/ up a very One library for Wm. Proud• foot with polished herdwnon floor soil oak wall 1, ok Doses. Mr I'ron•Ifnut will be the pomace of the flow I,hrary In town whim completed. Them are aloe rofltting and aphol@tertem the furniture far the new Masons halt on West street 'rho Muncie body ere to be oongratolated on their on., quarter", • more erteadsd notice of which will be alien In • later Isms. hew.+ 04(004 Tilt HAannR.--Thee sohr. Wanderer on Thnreday Nought le 70,000 feet of lumber from 1 i.h toners" ler the or nen faetuy. ..The star. Ilutfrass arrived Stint/ST atoning from Windsor and on atm °oast of the heavy eee remalee4 le port ne- at Sunday evsninp, when she rnntinned her trip northward. Among thit fr✓ght tame on here wero fifteens beta of cattle 'hipped by Ron. Allen. ..The etr. l'rtshnr, or rived Saturday event., from the north and ea T.esday aiming booed up. The pass• esus• Putnam Is h«temlag brisk and the Naha, hal about forty rev -sena fee Gods 4408 oe '1'e.s41.v The soh,. Ksuh4ae .r ,Hoe from Thomann Sunda eight with lamher 1.a pmts for N. Drowse .... 18. segs Boylston and (S0.04es were la pert Tee.dsy. They were bunUog for • ran Obit was lost 10 Friday ereolog'e i. oo11.. , John Ituoclman and a oompanloo 1e11 Its week on a trip up the lake In Mr. Renal man's little properller...,The err. Advance Is exoeated to today. JouN D. Ktsl., 1)RAb Monday Glob. oo,OdoW the following Melones to the death of a brother of the late W. T. Moly of tow, : Mr. John 1). hlely, • brother o the late George W. Moly, of the Kiely Everett syndicate, died •t 3 30 o'clock yes- terday morning, at his late readouts', 30( Seaton street. H. had been 111 for severe weeks from heart trouble, sod had reached the auvanced age of seveoty-two purr. lie was 0000,otod with the Kiel,.Everet syodloate at the time of the sale of the old street railway, but sloe' then has lived le - tired. There were five brothers, George W., Wllllam, John D., ilium and Frani. George died six years ago, Maurice nine months ago, and William at Goderlch three months ago. Frank survives them, and !item 00 Georg. street, Toe deceased leaves a widow and three daughters, Mre. Edward Woodbury, of Portland, Ore. ; Mrs. F. Burt, of Mootreal, and 511se Georgia Kiel,, who lives at home. Mrs. William Smith, of Hayter street, is • sister. ('omoo..-1'rof. S. L. 'Taube, manufacture leg optician and eye specialist, of Toronto, will be at the Bedford house, Uoderlcb, on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 16 and 17,h, sad will teat eves and suit glasses to alt de - Naive sight. No matter what 1. wrong with ycnr eyes, come and see me and If you can be salted 1 can make the glasses for yon. 1 •m the oldest optician in Toronto and have been st.blbhed e!ooe 1873, mak • ,og speotadoe and fitting eye*. Over seventy-five thousand oases hay. been treat- ed by me where others failed. The advao- Cage 1 have over others is that 1 grind all my own 1 , and a5 making epsot•olm L • prelusion and • 'edam., as is salting spectacles, 10 requires years of study and hard labor to be able to oorreob the errors of refrsotion. Von have twenty-eight years of my .xperlacce a0 your esrdoe. Como and see me and get your eyes tested. Come early, am you may require • seoond testing. Consultation free. For re[ereoms and tea amoeba!" see rtroulara. Toronto address S. L. Porus, 254 Richmond street, West. RerreNen 4'RO5 Tire. OLD LANG. --1). B. MacKay, the representative of the Gods rich Organ Co., has returoel from • bust. rug trip to the Glasgow exhibition, whirs the oompany hays an exhibit of their era port organa and bathroom woodwork. Their agents have obarge of the several ex- hibits. Dan succeeded to taking • number of orders for clowit seats, of which the firm are the largest manufacturers under the British Hog, and • larva 1111010M 1s likely to result, •s the tempts of tho Uoderioh Organ Co. are the finest on exhibition. While In the old land Mr. MacKay visited Dublin sod Helfut In Ireland, Inodoo, I,'verpool sod other large cities I• Ecotone!, and Eiinnurgh, 4rollond. He thick' the people of the old country take Lt. easy, and are not like the people of this weetero world to thole. bushes habits, and It takes some time to loarn the ropr., Mr. Mac Kay Zeit on Tuesday morning for • trip through northern Vittorio. The oompany are busy. and recommence title month •hip ping organs to Ragland, and have two lane orders for olole0 seats under way for Aus- tralia. Cr'TOM' ANp INLAND Rev.Nl'5 Ita- ,':n're -Following is • statement of the 00stome receipte of the port of Goderloh, with Its various outporte, for the twat• month' ending June 30th, 1901, together with • similar statement fir the rr.vlous twelve months : Goderiob ('Itoton Wioghom Kiooardlne )(Worth 1900-1901 $93810R 7 299 59 5,405 90 2 467 95 7,974 32 Southampton .... .1,839 37 [outflow PA 8 18 $34,- 426 39 $.790 (.3 the receipts In the oulport of Godar:cb, inland ue dlvtelon of Stratford, from July 1st, 1900, to .lune 30th, 1901, were ate follows : On licenses " spirits • melt 1899 1900 $ 8.138 81 6,486 82 6.712 15 2,431 47 9 092 59 2,923 7:4 15 00 $ 170 00 2,R17 44 2,657 25 " elect: to light bnspeotlon .... 25 00 $5 669 69 The receipts for the previous twelve months ware $.5,884.11. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF". Brest hes there • man with soul eroded Who never to himself bath said, Those suite that 1'rl,lhatn make., egad Are the best that can tic had. Remember the race. next Wednesday and l'haredy. The public school board will meet tomor- row evening. Street Inspector Reid hoe resumed his oiliest dialog atter his long illness, It doesn't take ionir for the season11 to roll round. Now the 1.11 fairs ore being adver• toted. The prisoners 5rott and Kotd were taken from the gaol to the Central Prison Lost Friday. John Maxwell has been arrested on the chug, of steeling a horse at Clinton on Saturday. 1'L('. Attrtll. of Ridgcweod Park, la oo the committee for the horse department of tie Western Fair. W. A. McKim 1. uniting the stook of his two stores and this week- advertises enamel gamattoo cal.. During the week two oft rens were tach fined $1 00 and coos for allowing animals to run at large. I)ar:ng 19,`.1 up to.ines With the Goderloh roman, and Transit 1',. received 9),) 3L0 bushels of praio. The Daughters of the Empire sill meet on Monday, the 15th, 111 the law hbran at • the court house at 4 30 v. M. lid In Andrews has dirpsed of her heves v .n Britannia road with the font front lots to ('apt. Trethewy for $1,,:00. The old holler room .t tba bill er flour mill has been almost demollehed sad • new and larger one is beteg bnOt. Mise Hatt • Donnell Is attendlnr the ('onaerv•tery of Mole at Toronto MM will resume her closure In Ysptember. 1. T. Goldthorpe le *t•rting on anether of the row of haute. which he le building nn Albert etreel. .1 T. 1e tilling up that part of the town. Roch•naas k b,ewsnn have taken the o0cr trent Inc the n.w gaol residents at 12,100 with the provision that they may ase the steno to the old wall. There were about two Mandrel 1 Goderloh people In Clinton nn Matnrdy. Our laced. of the lino provided a very 'sed day's entertainment. Hoe will Include all stations from Listowel to (Ylntoo. Tomorrow will be the Glorious 1'welt.h. The looal Or•ogemeo will oelebr,te •1 Stratford, for whtol inane • special train will leave In the morning at 9 3C. Return fate, $1.40. The Moleotlflo American nye: Safety from Ilahtn og Is sully secured. Amply put on your rubbers an) then stand so your Oodles do not touch anything and you are perfectly safe. Char. Thomas, T. It. baggagemad, has been laid up during the week with an In• lured foot, the resole of stopping on an op - tamed nail Mu Thursday. Arthur Hates has been t•klcg his place. Wm. Poitlethwalts wee haultog • load of flour In paper bags to Se Augustine last Friday evening when the storm oame up. Toe rain made dough of the load In short order, and William had all Arta of trouble with it. Court ,loderloh, No. 32., C.0.E., will meot on Tuesday nix,, 16:h Inst. All the members are fly minuted to be present, as • matter of very great import- ance h.s oome to hand this week, T. Bret, woo.", Soo. The *mobil kola brlagiog the Huron Old Boys to Clinton oame on to Goderloh with •bout eev•oty powwows. Others Dime up on later trains to spend • portion of their time here. The special train left this sta- tion on Its ret urn at 6 o'clock Monday mon- log. N. Dietrio44 bas again taken ob•rge of the Star roller Hour mills god has immolated with him his son Will , the firm oame he• log Ie. Dietrich & Son, They Intend to keep the produote of the Star floor milt, up to the highest standard, Mies Strang bas been appointed to • pot Itloo u teacher In the Grimsby high cahoot. She tauoht In this eohool as substitute dur- ing ormg one term, and her appointment at • per maneat teacher lean tndloattoo that her wer- vloe. are remembered and appreciated. Cur new walks are muoh admired by vlsid tore who had not been In town since the days of the old bora or gravel walks. Aod talking of the new walks, what do you .11 them "granolit lo," "artificial stone," or "oem•ot 7' Of mourn, no matter what term you use, everyone knows what's eemeot. Under the •aspioes of the ladies' Aid of Victor!. street Methodist church a garden party will he held tomorrow (Friday) seem log en the ,rounds of .7 SL•nnon, 00111er ('ambrla road and Nelson strut, The Blackstone orchestra will furnish music and there will be other selections. Admtsioo, 10 ants. Atl are welcome. The Goderlch Amateur Dramatic Com- pany will play the eopul•r drama "E•.: Lynn" in the Victoria Opera House on Fri- dley eveolog, ,Tuly 26:h 1'h• play will f e under the ausploes of the Daughters of the Kwplre and as the .gqi Im[e prooe.ds go to the marina hospital 1,41. I1 should meet with generous patronage from the publlo. M. 8 Beckett, late principal of the IA. - towel publlo school and • graduate of Godo rnh Collegiate laatltute, hue given op school teaching and will enter the mislatry of the Presbyterian charms. H• is con pletle, hie third year Is Queen's paternity and after gr•doatiog In honor philo,opky ha will enter upon his theological studies. Messrs. D. McGillicuddy and J. T. (Jar- row, of Iloderlch, were In town on Tue•day on their way home from T,.water, whets they bad been attending • 1, beta! rally - News Record. A. A. H. kluagrove, • de• footed Conservative oandldats for hast Huron, was there also, It can be seen that our oontnmpnrary was somewhat astray io.peakiog of a "Liberal rally." It was just • Mum. COMING AND GOING. A.4.Cbrystal,of Loodon,was to town'over Sunday. "MaoJufl" Sark, of Rochester is vlaitiog 10 10wn. D.S.CIuff, of Woeaatoak, was In tow. the past week. John Snell is home from Pinkerton for the holidays, Walter Buohanao, of Toronto, 'pont San, day In towo. John Snell, of Wroxeter, is visiUog friend. In town, Albert Duff, of 1)etrolt, visited We home here last week. Alis Edith Elwood, of Dallas, Texas, Is aikido" In town. W. 1'. Huston, of Exeter, 'hilted friends here over Sunday. Master Fred ,tames, of l',Otiburg, !'ons., is v,.lting lo town. A M. hay, of Mtrotfwd, spent Sunday with friends to town. Mre. I'almer and children, of Chimed, are Uodertch visitor". W. Proudfoot has been away this week on • trip to Iiraoe Mme•, H (i.Horton wag one of the Toronto vlett- ors In town Gals week. Miss Rattle Symonds le home from Tor onto fes • mouth'. yl.le MIM 1lett!• Harrison has returned from Bulls hr flan holidays. Mts. Armour, of Woodstock, is • guest at her former home hers. Mrs. H. II Pollock, of Aylmer, has ban visiting fir unitive, here. W. C. Pridbam mode a tri' to Toronto the early part of the week. Mr. and Mre. Porter and Mies Rutroo are away on a ttlp W Hamilton. 4111es Marko !cella has ;returned home from Maxwell for the holidays. 3 Thos. Chilton. of Now VOrk, I. visiting at the limited Stoles Consulate. Miss Franks left oo Friday for Toronto and will he about during the hnhdays. We aro pleated to know that Mn. John Robertson, I'totnn strut, who renently fell and broke h,r arm, has now r000verad the out of rho Injured tnewh.r. 1t has hewn aahnlrty arrane.d1 to h•••• the Wiest/ham Snady school ermsrslon to (lode. fish ea Thursday, August lea T8. near. Mr. and Mrs .1. T. hark., of Toronto, re visiting In town for • few days. Mrs, 4!. 1V, Forrest and ,hIld have Men telling In Toronto the past week. 11re Crawford, of Toronto, le the guest e! her slaw, Mre. Wm. MoCreotl., 'dhe Mimi Rose and Ethel Naito', of Toronto, are visiting (elude In tow.. Geo. Sterldart, of Toronto, has bean vleit- Ing the parental home the nest week. Mimi Mabel Dollar, of North By, ie visiting her stint, Mrs. Christopherson. Mr. and Mn. W. H. Kerr, of Brussel., were In More for • few days tkle week Mr,. 1: Imonr and Master W..le' lett Neil weak nn • month's visit to Klnaiton. Donal McGillicuddy ha tetarn.4 to h'e Immo In Toronto efts► • week'' •1.141 here. MIN 111oK•y, of Format', has arrived to .peed the 11411111111f 1110011111 at. the old home. Mr. Murray, of the Rank el Commons*, and Mn. Murray, are away on • holiday trip. Mies Gertrude Graham, who t.nhee le the Rlyth peblle eeheei. N home for ►h. hell. dare Mrs. R. Bothwell and nhlldren hay, a -- Hied from Tarmac to 090.4 4111, snmmee is town. Mre. irk 1 J. Rebtnc, ei I. nee, Neb., S. ,ludo* her mother, Mre. Bark., Newgate 4Y11:411,17 The Misses Laura and Ethel Aohesoa left last wank on • trip to Welland, Urlmeby and Haffeio, Mrs. J. Ernest 4'us•day and little son, of '1'oron °, are vhillog •t the residences of I) Mo(Illlbcnddy. Frick 8. Hick sod Master Malta, of Toronto, were antoog the visitors to Uode rich lhlg week, Dr. U. F. Hamlin, wife and goo, of Com 001., 1.11inh., visited Mr, Ifamleo'. father her,0e 401week. .lames Hyslop, our former townsman, and dwghter west up from Toronto on the Old lboyi .xcur.loa. • • Mies Adam., of Toronto, was the guest of Mr., A. Sounder' during • brief 7011 10 town thl. weak. Mr. and Mrs. Catboat, of Toronto spin! • few days vlaltlog relatives In town during the week. Mies Dimmed and Mies Hyslop, c( Toron- to, are the goes). of thi Misses Molareo, V,Otorl• street. Mrs. Rutledge returned oo Saturday eve- ning, per str. Oesitroge, from • two weeks visit to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Reid and child, of Detroit, are speodlog • month vldtlog at Mr. Reid's old home. Harry U. Mpencie, of Terooso, Is to town on an .:tended v1111, called home by the 111 - n ews of his mother. Richard st.mmote, of Torooto, • former well-known resident of Goderlob, Is visiting Mb old friends here. Mrs. G. A, Deadman and Mia Katie Dodm•n ars visiting the Misses Me111111- oaddy, Elgin •venue. Mrs. Varletoo returned bast .laturd•y from • resit ot • fortnight with her eons •t Detrol) and friends at Sarnia. ('has. Simmons, of Toronto, was In town for • few hours on Monday shaking hands with Goderloh friends. Mrs.A. K. Swattield and Mies Alice Rates ,peat several Boys at the Pau Amerlo•o ex- blbltloo the past week. Al. Potter, of Windsor, was • pa.eeoger by the Oaltrage Saturday, he Is .pendlog the week at Dr. Clark'.,', David and Fred Eagle, of Toroote, came op with the H. O. B.'s on Saturday and •:olted frieada In Goderlob. Mrs. 1)r McGregor, of Sioux City, Iowa, and Sties E' aoor Newton, of Chicago, are visiting their rotative)" bore. Harry l'rldham, son of Wm. Pridbam, of Toronto, oame upon the excursion Saturday and o',hod his relatives here. Mise Adelaide Morris left on Thursday I.0t to 0)5lt her relatives to Buffalo and see the wonder' of rho 1'a. -American. Mies Jennie McLaren bee returned from Toronto alter takine • co,,,, of instruction on the violin from Prof. Aodereoo. kiss Robertson, of Windsor, and A. M. Robertson, of Leamington, are spending the school vocation at their home here. Mita Louie Colborne has gone to Buffalo, where she will remain fo, nix weeks or more atedytng the Fletobe, mete= et made la. .14u014 on. Meant' Mr,.Dalley, wbo were vlaitlegthe letter'' p•reot., !!nand Mn. Georg. Evans, hove gone to Chicago, where they will reside to future. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, of Toronto, arrived last weak to visit friends here. Mrs, l'rlm er W111101E1113 for smooth, the onset of Nre. Symonds, Saltlord, Mr. and Mrs. George Anhesen left Fri. day morning on • trip to the )'aoifo Co..,. They will vett `a, Franclaco,Vancou•er and other weetero mdse. Fred Beattie, of th. Rank of Commerce, left this week to take a partition In the Cboth•m branch. Mr. McGowan, of Paris, takes his Mao. here. 9. I. Church was one of the Goderloh old boys who revisited old some, the past week. Mr. Church Is the head of the well known Auto yooe School of Torooto. John Sowerby, of Grand Rapid", Mich., with his little eon visited the home of John Salkeld, Rybeld road, during the week and went on to visit Lim Buffalo exhibition. Harry Johnston, of Toronto, was one o1 the Huron Old I(oye who came oo up from Clinton Matord•y evening to see Goderlch friend.. Ha returned to Toronto Mooday morning. Mise Berth• R.ek bas returned hems frees Exeter. We understand that she has fa- stened her position as tsaoher la the Exeter public eohool on account of but that's Mies Ruek'. business. Mr. and Mre. 1 hos. ..51d;,lllcuddy sod Master Jame, of Toronto, have been spending • few days 10 towo. Miss Nellie Molloll- euddy arrived with them and will remala here for the summer. Mise MoVloar, who has been attending the Br1411eh American Business College at Toronto, was home for • brief ylnt the p.rt week, comb' up on the excursion Sat- urday. Mho has completed her course at the College and has received her diploma. James Malcolm, of the 'clitoris! Haff of The Buffalo C. utter, with late eon .pent • (ow days In town bust week, the moose of .1. S Platt. Mr. Malcolm Is one of lbw's for- mer ormer reitdente of 1odertoh who are now so•ttered over the wide world. It is twenty five year. since he left Onderioh,and he had an Interesting time huntlo 1 up old sohoolm•tse. Charles Phase, • well known and highly esteemed ollioul of the Gotarlo I,^glsiature, was In town Sundt', on • well earned v• , 't on. vie 1e • passenger to the Sault on the O.sifr•Fe, accompanied by hle daughter and son. Mr. Chase hao had the prlvulep of holding s mo.ponslhle position ler many years end has had confidential relation" doting that time with throe Premien. CHURCH NOTES. Mr. Sykes, of Woodstock, gave a pleasing solo In North strewn Methodist , huroh Mon- day evening. Rev. It .I. 'Treleaven, well known here. Is now the pastor of 1'arkdale Methodist church, which has one of the largest manors "alone, if not the Wriest, Is the Canadian Methodist church. He was idiom • very rnrdial reception by the roegreg•tlon ea Friday evening. Rev. Dr. Dante' preached his first sermon in North street Methedl.t oharoh on Sunday morning. He took as his tort the word. in 2 Corinthians 10 1, •'Now 1 Paul myself 4.aaech you by the makes,* and gantMee•s oI Christ." Those words he said would be the keynote of fele ministry In tit, (.0960. The d gentleman hoe • ane ditties and • gond delivery and hie sermons on Son 1.y contained moth thoneht. Toronto Mall and Empire, .luly .5 1'ha ean(regalon of Carlton street Methodist ohnroh lediseted In • very snhe4•ntlal man- ner ao-aer last evening the vary high esteem In *84.8 they hold their retiring pester. Row (1 R. Tart, by presaetin4 hien with an II lamincted address and • parse oontalel•g b. twee. $4043 eel $500. Mr Turk has Mae 00.0.0ted with (;ariaso street ehereh for bbe past fent yeah, and preached kti laro - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -JULY II Page Amalgamation Sale -W. A. Mo4lm,... 5 Tourhita Will Find --W, U. Goode 4 The Aome of Style -W, C. l'rldham4 Towhee Wanted-S.M. No.5, Goderlob tp. 1 Comiog-Prof. S. L. Taub. 1 Dross Mueilns and Gloghama-Hodnna I/4 8 Corn and Gat Ohop-N. Dietrich & Sou, 1 Aanooaoement-St. Geo. I'rlm 1 Cow for Salo -A Sounders 1 well sermon on Sunday lest. The school- room of the ohurah proved Inadequate' to an- oommod•te the large number who,•seembled Fut evening to take leave of the popular pastor and his wife. l0 addition to the members of the eongregatloo, many Moods and representatives of other ohurobes were present. Alter an admirable program bad been rendered the presentation was made by Mr.1ho. 1homp.00, who has been id.at(fi•d with the ehuroh for nearly threw g0artere of • outlay. Rev. Mr. Turk has retired from Mei rewular ministry, and will associate him. self with Rev. Mr. Kirby la evangelistic work. Mrs.Tsrk was made We reolpleol of • handsome gift by the buttes of the ohurrah. IT IS TIME THEY WERE PAID, To the Editor of Tu ■ Hu, A r, I10AH MIK,-I nolloe 1e your last Niue yen ask what 1e lbs matter with the Lows oommlwleoer that he does not pay the on - (monitors, oto. The enumerators will understand the query, hot others may not and might sup. pose 10 was the fault of the oommlseloaar ef the riding. The commissioner for Huron West Is In the tame boat as the enumerators, Dot bay• ing received one ono) of salary or .,psoas*, some or all of which would be very $00.pl• able any Uwe, So hustle them ap If you me. J. L. GRANT. Lochalsh, July 6tb, 1901. MORE ABOUT THE FAKIRS. To the Sditer of Tog Slo0A1. Sia, -In reply to some gelation/ asked by some notlemeo re the fakirs. (1) I might soy that 1 do not know by whose authority the wheel of fortune was allowed to run, ut oertaloly It was not hy the authority of the oo.001, or Mayor, 171 It they paid the town treasons $30 tube money was not oolleoted for the town. Perhaps the town treasurer was aoting for some oommlteee, 131 The Mayor and president did all 'bey could to out the fakirs out of busiaita'ted Lila was done as quickly as it pose.bly ooeld be, as constables Uuadry and Hale will tes- tify to my Inetruonng them t) go and put • stop to the business, and If they did nob stop to ret out • w 1 the explanation is utl•taolo►y to Ghees gentlemen and the citizens generally. JAN. 11'UvoN, DUNGANNON. DR. G. A. NEWTON, DENTIST, HAN dlenewtlaaad hie tripe b l Will be pleased to meet am from hao &Weeb- borhood who may require hie services at 18. home oleo.. Luoknow, where ne will be found very day to the week except Thursday. when he •1.1ta Ripley. Special attenilon paid b preservationof natural teeth, crown and bridge work, oto, Easy methods of extract. ing. Mo'hsy. July 8th, 1901. Lgrrrgg,-Nies 1..... 1.,i,., • returned m,w,o,.ary boor Cho., b.vmv being eat ,Erre 1 In the Celestial Fwrrp're to m,es,00art work for fifteen poor', wit, delver • lemo.• un China, rte customs, aro , to Risk,00 u'.ur. h here on '1'uesdey eveolog, toe 16•.0 ,0.t. As the liotur• will he inters., ag, ws tospeak • large •ttendsoee. A oollsotioo will be taken up to defray mouses. M1''IPIIAI.COQFCIL.-The ooeooll of W. Wawaoosk met to the eohool room, 8. S. No. 3, on Wedonday, the 3rd lost. All the member" were present. A p.UUes signed by • large oumb.r of the oiuzeoe of Dungannon, requesting the °outsell to ab• steps as to Improvement of the village dela, was p ted by delegate J. M Roberta, and was ,luly 000slder.d by the ooaootl, sad other municipal business was attended to. Next session of oounoll, Monday, Aug. 51h. C'Ri.'o.-Farmers are busily engaged Is hiving and oultiv.tlgq root grope. They report • light Drop of hay. F•11 wheat will 0o0 yield • half orop to this and surrounding vlololtyYear sorlhe In his ree.ot visit- ing tour noticed that In the townships of h'ollartoo, Ingan, Elmo, Wallase, May. borough and Mento the fall wheat and meadow" were, owing to the heavy and Mostly rains, e0oelleot and them far pronounced by many farmer" to be the best. looklog for many years. Itern. vrMdvrv.--The oousoll bay* rano• voted and repaired the township ball and surround -nos, which adds muoh to the olio [...rano. of the hall and p, .ml's* .. . Th. trustees of , 4. N. 3 also deserve 0113111.1011 for the Improvements they hove mrd. In levelling and beautlfylag the school monads, whlob, with the solenoid new eohool hoot. recently built, evinces that they are mind• fol of rho edueatlnnal Interests of the po• pHs of the p t and Bowe Oar popular grocer, (h... 6 Ilett, has In courier of construction a new driving shed mad stable .!)avid Bell has erected • now stable on his premises . 1 he momMre of St. Paul's ohurah have in coarse of con- struction naw 1•rg0 that. for horses and rime, and when floo.hod the people will cot be obliged to sock aooemmodoIlon as hither - bo •8 hotels and ether places. IIITnRR Ain Tninimn Mr. and Mre. I1. Jardine, of Aehfl.ld, returned home re. neatly from • pleasant visiting tour among relativee, friends and other •c,inalot•noee for about four dot. at (a•mmis and other points ...Miss Maggie McIntosh, of Kle• los", le the guest of Mr. and Mr.. Jardine, and seams dell,bt.4 with her visit ....Jas. %Volker, jr., and wife, of Hanna, N I) , who have beep •Ieltle, the formers parent.. Mr. and Mrs. %Volker, and other relatives la this village and •lololty, left hers oa Monday to visit relatives at (lorrle and other points before returning home.... Miss Martha Smeltxar, of Laoknew, left here on Saturday daft after • few days' visit with her leaf, Mrs. D. M.N.vles.... Dr. .1 R. MORA, formerly of I) non, liand now of Montreal, was visible' friends and former lr.aalnt•oo. 1a ear vtllago Ise1 week. We were ploe.od to see him look as anal cheerful and happy .laseph Horne, M. It , Iefe hen o. Moa - ds, for home •Iter having a short bee pleasant •Ili to hie brother (burgs .tuns* ('timberland, el this township sl Wal Ise,, Perth nasty, was donne last week the tort of his brother .les*ph, nnr MO - 0 •111•011 builder ....Mr.. Bechtel!. of Hawkesyil'e, b 01.Ilieg her mottos, Mre. Whyoid .... D. Ai ()Nevin*, 5,., retorn.d home on Saturday, after • few days' v1.1. to friends In (;nd•rl,h . %Vm. Crawford is 'sieving hlmsoll en • •Idtln, tour to (asset" In London and other points You seriM reforms home the early part el last weeb, lifter having 00 enj'yallls visiting Mar of upward" of throe weeks lie r.laUves •n4 Meade at Wle,►•m, Rleevale, Lletewel sed WW, psiata, meek hea@tIttad la health.