HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-4, Page 88 TIMMY, July 4, 1901. Big Sale °' Summer Goods. Large selection of newest summer goods all going at reduced prices. Now is the time to get in your supply. DRESS 000DS and SILKS. SHIRT WAISTS. 'The best colored shirt waist, a regular 75e quality, for 60c. Bargain, white waist, 4 rows of insertion in front, tucked back, the latest sleeve, regu- lar $1.00, for 73c. Extra make and quality white waists at $1.25, 51.50, $1.75 and 52.00. NEW PARASOLS. The latest fancy stripe, new blue, navy, and black and white, with new natural wood handles, for 52.00 New frilled 'black paI•asQls, 51.25, 51.50, $1.75. White parasols, Children's parasols. HOSIERY and GLOVES Extra value fast black hose,. ribbed and plain, attwo pairs for Our.sto(fk is the largest in town to select from aMd our prices are right on the bottom. Broadcloths, Cheviots, Sorg - es, Nomesp ns, Cords, Yop- lins, Venetia , Cashmeres, Delaines. . We are maks special prices on all lines st now. Come and see where ou can save money. A choice stock of ist silks. ' Trimming silks, silks for dresses. All lines of fancy silks r6- duced. Special lot of fancy blouse silks at 35c. Extra value piques . in ;111, colors, regular 20c., for.. 1 Ic. All silk gloves, black and See oar special white pique, cream, at 2Sc. regular `:)c, fi)r' ' Always ask for your Coupons on all purchases, which we are giving on the handsome premiums. CLOTHING REDUCED. 1 ,LINESY. • The best value sailor hat We ever offered, WWI for 25c. Men's separate pants. Boys' suits, all sizes, all prices. Men's suits, all prices and colors. Men's overcoats. Bargains in gents' furnishings. Special lot of best' quality men's straw hate, regular .$1.00; for- 63c. Full line straw hats from 25c- up. Regular $1.00 whits' sailor for .. 75c. Regular 75c whit,: sailor for . SOc. Tmmiled hats all reduced. Children's hats and l''•nnets all seduced. Ladies' new rain d aced. CASH OR PRODUCE. coats all re - Smith Bro's & Co. CAHLOW. SargonAY, Joos 29sb. Charley Mol'h•e was v.ltl)r hie brother Alex. b Detroit the part week James Bogle 1e very low at present, suf• feriae from • sewers ettaok of •alatloa and ether diseases. Mr. sad Mn. Abs. Stirling, of Udorloh, wore the gouda of their eon In law, Major Young, last week. ken. A. Young, Mies M. Buohanao, Mies J. Jobnaton and Jerrie McBride were pas / Deters en the ('ley of Toledo to Detroit last week. The Young People's Soolety of Ubrtetl•o 1•;adsayor was led Sabbath eventog last by MIAs Johnston, who law a very able paper en the subjeot for the *routes. The people in our burg were very much startled when the news resobd here of the slid death of our former townsman, John Stirling. Much sympathy Is felt for his parent* sad deters In this their Limn of trouble. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Young, Miss Mallows Harry Morris, Miss tJarrte 1'otter, Mies Mar L. (keen were on the exoanlon to the Model Farm, Guelph, Saturday of last week, Mies .,"rose returning the following Monday. Tito lawn of H. Tomboy was prettily deo o rated on Thursday evening, the 27th, when the member of the Y. 1'. S. U. 6. held an "•t hems" blob was well patronized. Five o'olook was the hour set for the even lag's seterteinment sod games and other amusements were indulged lo, after whioh FANS The ,•orrwt size is very small hit also Livery mnvenient You will see them in our *how window, l'rines from 3,• to 53. TENNIS All the pular make. set Rocket., in. Fred Hrophey, of Un tenon, ph• to,,,•phed the g•therd members (.1 the w ft). 'the tables were set with good things under the beautiful trees and all did justlos thereto, after which T. Burns took the chair and a wry esoellent program was glven,00ndstIng of ohorouees by the oholr.s duet by Meson. Tyndall and Patterson, recitations by Miss Mona Welters .lad W. Smith, reading Ly Mise A. W Green, .04 • very pretty banner drill by twelve little girl. In charge of Mies bale, of S. S. No 1, who d„esrves great praise for the able manner In which she had trained the girls to perform their duty, It was entitled "Beneath the H of the Cross," and after other selections of music the program was brought to a close ey the Rev. Mr. Waddell, pronouncing th• benediction. All departed to their 1 homes well pleased with the evening's enter *alnment. Mr. and Mrs O. F. McPhee took to th• exoursion to Detroit last week and In their •bseaCe Miss A. W. Greene and Miss Sum• morsel very •hly filled the positions as clerk, the former seeming galte •t home In onn• neotion with post otrtoe work. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. MosnAY, July let Promisors/los. -On .)ace the 24th the pupils of Y S. No 2 Oderioh township, preseoed their teacher, F.J. Lewreooe, who hu taught the school so s000eeafully for the past two years bur is now leaving to attend London Normal, with a beautiful go!•I slog est with stone of amethyst, and the follow - Ing addrea,: %)RAR 'I'sai'11SK, 10 view of your ap• Hammocks Fans Tennis and Croquet...... HAMMOCKS You will *Nand 11m next three month. on the veramtoh or lawn. Why not Sty yourself one of Porter'' rod .sed green striped Hammock., with pillow end ' stretcher. with or without valance- - epeeist prices[, 51.50, 5200 and $3.26 eliding (Meas n'e, Mg. SOC. to 116.00. Wright & iIlteon's Tenni. Dell,.peeial, 35r. ; Practice Rollo, 30e • CROQUET hM TwkODb.50.tonal erd practice, THE OLD RELIARL= American Fruit Preserving Powder and Liquid Smell parkagee, 2&. 1 Isrgo, $1 00 Porter's Book Store (curt House Square, Goderich. •' seism 'ifitktit' i THE SIGNAL : (MDERIOH ONTARIO. pruachln4 departure al teaoher of our soh** we desire to *spree" our rouse of the In ah.en will I,e, uastonnl Ly yon( r.itw., han amonrt us Duro); .he two ys.r you Noe taught our 'whoa! you has., eu ieered yourself In 0e Ly the kind, o •olsnttoue sod thorough manner in whin you have petformei your ditties Si 00 teacher. As • dight tokon of our lov, an eet.em we ask you to •ocep' this ring, au nnpooted I the heartfelt w:•h tha' yo may long 1.6 spared to enjoy • happy an useful Isle Io whatever p.tltion you twy be called to ell. Sigood on behalf of the sobdwl. lamas e1.aaK, Mahle 't t ii.l., N1rn'IK STulbib, (iKKT1w Illpll14, MApt.t WALTat1, ALIt1■ HICK DUNLOV ti! pay, July 1. Mrs James Tobin •sed I son John are visiting old trends near Seatonh this week. Our townsman Kobort Fulford is ibis week rujeying to pleasant visit to Woodstock ase• 110(4 his daughter, Mrs Hoakm,, sod who!.h lends. Mrs. J, A. Mo(Surr.n end little daughter of Spokane City, Wa'hlogtoo, ars here to speoa the summer with the la Ws pkrauts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones, Loyal. Wm Tobin and b Corbett were So 1)Chlto this week. Both were on 'ooh importers business that they had very little time. to view the crops and give • report of them for the pat fortnight 'ipotesi have been complete in oar midst 0iuuog quite a stir in the equine world and making quite a bum her of trades. Several of our Losboru farmers got some tiptop drivers. Louis Hyodman, youngest sou of the late H. C. Hyndmaa, of S ringside, Scotland, and now a resident of Toronto, paid his drat visit to Lahiereton, the former hone of his father. His cootie, Usorgioa Hyod man, ot Exeter, s000mpantkd bim. Pallet they are saying. Yee keow they -1 nave'' Iongu.ge of their owe." I ' Aeierdlogly, the lieomtller man and my• is If, we crawled up under the spreadloi bulbs of a tall cedar tree and presently two • I great "he" ureas mime out, ..me from each b I.tde,-and after • lot of oaw ! caw 1 oaw I ✓ commenced a cuovanatluo, the purport of d ! whole was something after this fashion I Of -nurse 1 oould not make out aoylhlrt, u that Lha crows were saying and the only d sounds that seemed to me anything like dl* tloyulahable words were, caw I Caw !claw 1 jobeo 1 jobeo ! and wee 1 caw ! oaw ! garrow•o 0! garrew u o I The li•nmtller mac whispered to the to "keep mum" and we should have some fun in listening to the uonver.ation that evidently was lulus on between the two wise crows who appeared , to be the apukesmso for the whole lot of them. "1'on my word," the Benindler man said, "thole mows are having a high old time, and 1'tl be hanged 111 they ain't talking oolitic' ; just listen to 'em, would you." The oonversatloo opened ley one of the crows asktug the other snare he name from, and fur answer he said that his hums was In a big hemlu,k tree neer l'orter's Hill in I.odorloh township, and the other told him that he was a Coll, ,roe crow and lived , when be was at home to a bog elm tree o0 the Falls Reserve. "%Yell," maid the Goderich crow, "1 cup pow -you know that there is soon going to M. an election for the legislature and that t doe Beak is going to contest the seat against J. T (borrow, and 1 might just tell you right here that he Is rotor to down him for 'two.' "( rnat's to ! that's ac 1' and or'os t f "stick up for Joe," from the as aemtdcJ crows In rear of their spokesman.) "Ti,.''. all you know •I,ut the thing," geld the Colborne orow. who. by the way, appeared to be a gritty old chap and lull of en,huslum for his party "You'll come to dud uut th it you are reckoning your ycu i' ornwe before they are hatched, for on the night of the oleotion I: a r r o w will down your man by over one hundred majority." '1 'MeV' so ! That's so ! caw ! oaw I oaw 1" by the whole company of (011 crows perched behind him ) '1 like to hear you Grit, crows :all It dues mo good to hear you blow about your 100 major:ty. Where the dickens are you going to get it from, 1'd like to know ;' "!'hero's no trouble about that my Tory friend, our little mac liarrow is more pope• bar now than ever, and It he wee able to show a majottty of over forty at the lest e1 ctlnn over no Majority at all at flee pre. 010,10 chow ion, why it stands to reason that the next time be tries it will just be a walk eves. "(Caw I cis ! caw ! You're right ! Bally for you, old fellow, from all the Grit crows, ) "Walls how was It that he could not get the seat last time and the riding was norep• resented for two sessions 1 asked the Tory oro*. Ob ! the 's mortify soswered, for flee judge. said there had been acme bribery to the *assns of perbsp. woe vote or two over which is bad so 000trol and for that reason are/ the -seat vacant. However, he paid all expenses lilt. the fine little man tis. he le, and not • partlole of blame could be sought down to bim. That shows that ble popularity 1. es good as over and your man'a pnpul.rlty la oat a bit better than before the last ideation (a voice from a (frit crow --•'1'i hack that assertion by my alt davit that I''• just so.") "Oh shit, up with your blowing. Why .1oe Bock has got Goderich township solid and al .•n they vote over there they all vu's one way, because they are good Tories of the Old School and are built that way (• tremendous cawing from the Tory orowa hollowed this *ally end one. of "Joe 1(.ok's 'he man for Uoderioh towo.hlp,oaw ! caw 1) "\ es ' yes!' replied the Urit orow,"you are all right when you ay that you ars old ...hoot Tor el and aye built that way, for your township has the reputation of bred tog more Tones 00 the acre than any other township in ('mads and some ayes say that your boys are Tortes evert before they are born; but I:odenoh township Is not the whole riding and _you'll find that out on th• next election. At this stare of this extraordinary meet til there was a big oommntloo start, y ' h.• I:od.,'h township cr. vs, wh ' ,e• brought on 1, the rema•k t' . . orow which (,a t the t•mcrii y Lomat. .vaert oh t hat t h, y war* Tortes belle... hey were horn wh:. h reoul•o•1 in a free fight in whioh bon rule. took part, amid ths cries of "li,wo with the Erre'" "Down with the Tones !" In fact a regular Donnybrook fight In mid air wee going oo, to which the Ma' hen commenced to Hy and some of the noc'0atents were likely to get hurt, for a crow'. hill you know 1. very sharp. How long this state of things might have con - tinned is hard to say, hat fortunately the elements not an end to further proceedings and the clouds that had been thr••tonlog for some time bunt out in a soaking rain a000mpanied by than ler and lightning and the I(enmiller man and myself were glad to retire to a place ot ■halter and leave the crows to settle their Iittlo dispute among themselves. THE WINGHAM RACES. LEtBURN. Molnar, July let. lel MoL•od dug a wall for tar. Shaw 1. week, Y G. H. Citation, from near Stratford, with h r daughter, is visiting relatives hero this w ' Ralpb ' ultz, of Sakford, one of the fore mea for Bob assassin: Laweoo. of t.odertoh, is mak iog ex. •sive improvements to .lames Chisholm s bo' . on the homestead farm. Albeit Carter, former Leshur0 resident; note o1 Windsor, a hall been up on a visit to rel4t yes is God k,wes out oo a visit to ins,011 friend, Wm. tfor,t, who with hie new driver bad a dr round seeing old friends of their b,yhood\.IIys. here Lswreoce, of Chicago (formerly Mia Sara Foley), with her husband is visiting her payog is here and relatives in A.htield. Both dtlTe present at the soc's1 Mild by S'. later'+ church at the (: alerich harbor perk, where •he met quite • num..r of old friend*. PORTER'S HILL. -- 1.1 Y. ILL - 1,1Y, July tt'm Blair had a very suooeuful bars tag on Friday. Robt.ClulT, of Hayfield lice, spent limit at Roby. Re•oom's. Yoe. Gagen, of Clinton, visaed at Writ. Stsrnag s leer week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. l' ter and heftily are xleltJary Woodstock. MM.J MsseM oDottgbli,of iegmnwdeUlle, to ylsltl*g at Wm. Kliiatt'i. Mrs. Wellaos, of Sault, Ste. Marie,u visit lag at the home of her father, Wm. Blair Mimi M. tlougall and 51ise ISmuu.ter, of Detroit, are guests of frlande to this violet Ity. Ilobt.Russell, of Alegarf,and brother Jae , of Sunshine, called on friends around here on Tuesday. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. .V014toRNK SATURDAY, June 29th. Colborne a unoll met to the township hall, Carlow. All the m.rnbcrs p front. !cilantro of the previous mew .ng were nod and adopted The following e,•cnur in were pall, namely . --John 1.411,,r, fire tilt cul vert", $6 2.5 ; 'Tomos \ici'lur'•, ,nap •c -nit, 52 ; H. F. Harlon, team on grader, 43 ; H. 1'. Horton, road work, 52 ; Joseph Holey, r ism work, 52 2S ; S'ar, printing, 57 L5 ; municipal blanket, 51.90; .I oho It triter, op. erattog grader and road work, 534 65 ; Ab. Der Morrie, team nn grader and plough, 510.25 ; Wtlllsm Young, In+pwntmg, 52..50 ; William Htil, lumber, 315 A onmplaint 'vas laid before the council that parties of glMlea oamp no the public highway, witti horses and wagons, therehy blocking the road, etc , and are conudsre 1 • poblto cal. nonce. It was moved by 51 .jnr Young end se000ded by K. •Jewell, that by law No. 1 les .trlotly enforced, and public no'Ioes be posted throughout the township to that effoot. ('ou0011 adjourned to meet mato o0 17th of August, at 2 o'olook F. W. McDosaon, Clerk. CROW POLITICS. s:oderlek Township .ad (Mbar., Crowe Expiate like Caws. Wal Oawl! Caw!:! "Just listen to them there crows.," said the Benmlller man to me a few evenings ago when i was staying In the village. "Those crows come there regul.rly every night and perch upon those two big elm trees and keep up the most Inf'rnalost racket with their oawing that yon ever heard. There muni b, hundreds upon hundreds of 'em and it seem" as If they were divided into two parties and one party seems to answer the other by torn., like. "Now, you just come up, gntetly. under I hat cedar tree and we'll watch 'em. and find out what 1s their little game, for I'm just beglsnfog to undtrstand 'em a little, and by close obsrryatlen Into the mannere of orowa 1 hays a Idea that 1 can myks out Harold N Ibsen • Mlle 1. 'r lel. Lowering to lis Record. \Vingh.m had two flays of snooerdnl racing Iasi week, no Wednesday and Thur.. dee. The fleet day's record was as follows : 25001.,. Amelia (McDevitt, Imoknow) !lobby Mack (Moldride, Toron• to) S dncy Pointer (tiossenberry, Zurioh) Nelle 11 (Burton, Uoderioh) Time 2.291, 2 291 231 2 28 clas.. Nellie Wilkes ((toodail, Anne" ter) May Bud ( W,Ikins,Oweo.Sound) I' i'.IIerton (Bossenhury, Zurloh) Time 230, 230, 231. 2.20 clue Annie 1) (IS•ownridge, Hramp 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 S 5 4 4 away is not whet we ON professing to do ; but $$$ SAVING DOLLARS FOR YOU use your SUMMER 14110145 Queen Quality OXFORDS. For the Sick a ; ..: The dotortai do you no goal tin - lees him presc•riptione:ars properly put up from reliable ingrrdisnte. illus'* where we render invaluable aid to the dtwtor. We compound proscriptions as they should be, F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS r. corner of West stand the Square. KIBO PATENT KID. Eric R. LHortoo, St Thomas).. Alma (('or batt, leaswatn )... , Tom Appleby (I'orter, Stoat. ford).... 5 4 3 4 4 N onn Wilkes (Moffat., Elm rale) 3 5 Time 220, 2.194. 2.194, 2 21, 2211. The second day was mads noteworthy by the performaooe ot Harold H., owsal by J is Serene, to lowering the Mack and Cas- ad,an record, dolor the mile with ease le 2 124 Summary 42111 11232 23423 2 35 class Lewis L., b.g. (Ilrowartdge)..,. Master Koy (Niters) Atlao Ltoe, oh.g. Amehs. b.m. (klclhybtb) Bobby Ni ick, b g. (McBride) , Sidney Pointer, b.g. (Boysen- berry) Time 2.28, 226 2 271,229. 2.24 class. Prince Vale, op s. (Martis)•-... Nellie Wilkes, b.m. Woodall).. Superior Ltlly, ch. of (Wltkino► 1)•rky Hoy, bit g (Smith)..,. Romola B., b m. (MoUail)..... dig Time 2.234, 2.214,2291,228. r roe fee all - Harold ti., b g. (Swarta) Two Strike, g.g. (Swarta) Tin 2,164, 212&, .6111 1654 3222 5533 4345 2466 2111 1333 \3222 4444 Much fighter. and more flexible than patent leather. Least ibprodgcttaa of 111. Style Shos- can't. Conte and let us prove it. Repairing neatly and promptly done. During the busy season this store will be open till 5 oclock. is what we claim W be doing. Our famous American-made Queen Quality and Walk Oyer Shoes are the handsomest and easiest goods ever made. They are elegant in construc- tion, superior in quality, and yet mod- erate in prioe. (Jell and see our beautiful lines of ladies' spring and summer Shore Special values in Igoe, button mud two strap Slippers at $1.00 and $1.25 per pair. Big 10c bottle Shoe Dressing at 6c. It's good. too. Carpet Slippers at same old price, I5c per pair. If you can do better elsewhere do not Dome here. But you P_ T_ H_A,LLS Weet side Square. The Cribb Shue I><.alrr Sole Agent for Walk Over and Queen Quality. BEST PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE (Genuine Gold Medal) No other agents in Goderich. Don't be bluffed :by what other agents tell you, but come and se- cure the best and cheapest or the market, at Morris ; Ab. - 12o'eleck Studio/23rd alt, Ano e, beloved wife el Michael Haley, let 10, ono. 7, paid Nature'* debt at the early age of 28 years. A baby girl aro weeks old Is left to the sane of Meade, Usosased was a d.ngbter sf Michael Kelly and was • very setlmable person. MCKENZIE & HOWELL'S GODERIOW Also all kinds of Hardware. R• \R NO. U. HODGENS BROS. Not Weather Hosiery. tad N•I WI$T •r ■A11LT•11 IT. COME to this store for hot weather hosiery of all kinds. This stock of ours is a good stock. Only reliable qualities find a place in it and prices are down to rock bottom. If you do your hosiery buying here you get big value for your money =very time you exchange it for our hosiery. During the past week we have added to the stock several lines of summer hose that are extra good value. We mention a few of them here. They are better value than you are likely to get in most places. Buy your summer hosiery here and get good goods at little prices. LADIES' HOSIERY. ( Mr ladies' hose are full fashioned and perfect fitting. They will be found very comfortable for there are no large seams and joins such as are found in many makes. Every pair will be a good wearer. Floe black mitten hose, guaranteed fast and stainless, Hermedort dye, eplloed heel and toe, extra .peoIaI gal Loc us, thin and ooel Stook oottoo hose, a coarser yarn than the above line, seamless, will stead very bard wear, eplloed heel, 2 palm for 25e Very fine quality blaok ootton hose, silk finish. real maoo yarn, Hermdorf dye, extra high eplloed heels, doable soles, a very god stocking at a popular price, per pair 25C Fanoy ribbed cotton hose, very fine quality, eplloed beer and toe, Hermaeorf dye, per pair 1 1 1 Very fine quality blank ootton hese, stainless blaok, 3 2 2 Hermsdorldye, feet of pure and soft natural wool, 2 3 3 spllocd heel and tee, one o1 the meet oomtortable stockings leads ter rammer wee, per pelt. BALDNESS Thin Hair, Discolored Hair, etc. .i�etl.m Prof. DORENWEND COM/NG. QOREN WENrS 10UPAEE o He will be at the kid Beard, Goderich, on TUESDAY, JULY !th With HAIR (1(101)14, tndien'awl Omits' WIGS, TOUPBEB, BANGS, WAVY antl Pi.AIN FRONT'S, SWITCRp:M of every deenription, etc. He ran improve your perennial sprat -anon. Plain tealnr"e and drsfigurvol head, eaneel through the Iran of heir made per friction. Thnneand, nwsMelt fin.. 1..11(4 111 1?nf. f)1n.neeond. Unman heir AiN)HNS and l'ItliTRt"IS the head Don't fail tors. b- now P\rh:Nr H.\IIt STItr'CTI'HF, lust.•iitw'all over the world. 73r'Private Apartments Secured at Hotel. Remember for Only One Day. First -cisme cut hair, enptwnally grey and white hair, taken in ex, hang*. Linen Collars, 5c. The, linen collars advertised last week at tic are going like the proverbial "hot cakes." It is no wonder, for they are perfectly new goods and the same quality as is sold all over at 124c each. Every size still in stock. Better lay in a supply before they are all gone. Wiese' linen ooilers. four fold, plods bead ■tyW, sew goods, sold all over at 1211, sires 121 to 14, seer s.11 for at eaoh 5C New Belts. Some new patent leather belts came to hand this week. They are soft and pliable and will not easily crack. They comp in shaped or straight styles, and with buckle or dome fasteners. There are Several dif- ferent kinds and the price is 25c each. Ladies' oaahmere hoes, fine quality for moms/ wear, spliced heel and to., seamless, plain or ribbed, per pair �p4 Ladles ' c,abmore hoe*, extra fine gulag, seamless, Deft finish, pure wool, will wear well, plain or rib, all sines, per lair 50c FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. We sell hosiery that stands the hard usage the average boy and girl give their stockings. You'll get perfect satisfaction from any of these • Children's plain tattoo hose, fest blank, seamless tee*, enticed heels and tees, all sizes, per pair.. ScOG sed 10C Cblldree's ribbed tootles hose, wide rib, elastic toy, fast black, a good line ter general wear, small .lees 10o,1•rge1A, _ *lass 6� Extra good quality ribbed tootles hose, elastic top, band rib, double sole, triple spliced heel, fast black, nothing better to stand real hard weer, small sizes 20o, large sixes 25C and 30C Fine quality ribbed oeshmen bus. seamless feet. double heel and knee, one of our bort seller., all sires In stook , 85C to Sum-xuer Gloves. New gloves in silk taffeta and lisle thread came in this week. They are made by one of the best makers in the world and we can saflines.ely recommend them for satisfactory Wear,%We have all sizes in white, cream and )lack• Two or three of the leading Pare white Bele thread gives, the beet fabric slow for wrar,'.111 wash, silk embroidery, 4 pearl battens, all dyes, os. olio Silk finished tenets gloyes, fine quality, will • or well, perleot fitting, look as well es .ilk and will wear a "rear drool better than silk gloves ab tele pries, In black, Bream and white, per pair Pore silk rime. 'tory hne quality, etros& and wUl wear well, light weight, bleak, Dream sad white, all Meekpat pair 50C Agents for STANDARD PATTERNS. July Patterns now in Stock. HODGENS BROB.00DERCH. .5.