HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-4, Page 7RECL Of • THE LUSITINI. Gallant Work of the Officers and Crew. BEAT BACK THE FRANTIC And }:urureed the Rule, Woolen and ('undress Y'Irst- ISvelybudy ou Board Believed to 'lave Items Saved-Prrticulrrs of the Wreck. Rt. John's, Ned,, deepateh : The strainer Lurituulu, with 500 purlieu - goo, 011 board, was wrecked past night off Cape Bullard. The state err belongs, to the Orient Steam Nu• %lgation Canupai•y uud was bound from lelverpool for Montreal Its ,•Burge of Captain McNay. The Luel- tunau was built at Liverpool by Laird Broil. It. 1M71 and Ir 380 feet long. Cape 13allarel la situate.' on roast of Newfoundland, about wiles south of St John's. 8rOILY Ole flit. Witte:Cie. (tumor !'hat a Moat -Upset and Tweet Persons Were Lost. St. John's, N(kl„ despatch: The Luritate& war bested round Cape lace for Montreal with is large cargo and it shipload of pussoogera She w itouk her courage In a dense fog and went ashore near Reviews, 20 meat north of Cape Italie, before day - Irreuk. The ship ran over n reef and hang.' against u cliff. The plume's 'gent. mostly Immigrnnte, were pause. stricken. They stampeded feel rough' for the Heals hut \were overr n e. by the officer. ew, who rex' cd control Int C lir t n cul n(t,•n a prol hged struggle with the rough •der elem t among the passengers wt,r, are. knives. The wenuen anal ehll ren re landed first asst tial wen followed. The crew stool by the ship A heavy, sea was ruining when thecae adviceswere, ree,i ed, and whsle the Lwrlt ella was holding her own it was thought likely she would prove a total wreck. The dlinster •..'urreel miler from the 'nearest telegraph station. an.' the detnllr obtainable at title time are meagre. Twenty Persons Lust. \ repromentative of tee Associate -I awL Los -as rturtt'd fur tee •rene•.lier. cral steamer's tore fitting ant here :nd will lease. ehurtly fur tie meat tib the wreck. it Is •' p•eted teat the large largo of the Ltwltanla Will be salvaged. I As this depilate!' Ie being nen a 1 report has reached here that a t head of people from the Lusltan was upset and that L'O persona were drowned. The crrrsc.pendcnt of .tit. inra•Inte! Press here he unable to gru•rantce the accuracy of this re --poet at present. _ _ - --__ .- _ the 60 ) At. John's, Nfki , drepeteh : ° IrBr i .me means or other -probably the t,.mpestuee. weather, which render - el n shorter course through the !Pratte of Bette tole ansate -Leapt. 1--1 eNsly,--ab -the Lusttlaaa.-cleat.-upon hie voyage from Liverpool to Mont- reel_the longer route round Crepe . ili11'e, and by eo' doing avoided Cha- -- oyhdis, bat ran apon Scylla. Flung - . Ing Into the Impenetrable fog wtdeh 14 es often found upon the Basks, those in oharge of the Lusttnnln emir all the precantlong dictated by rappels/nee to bring their eherge widely tato port. The Tense! travelled lit brsenete speed, and the strident o.,te of the fug signal was !tented ever the waters nt frequent inter - ;els. It wee witl,.sit avail ; for la the fog and darkness elle grounded steles shock which struck panto into the hearts of al: ou Isar!, upon n is.inted reef. bricked by at high cliff. and 1t Is scarcely llkel,y that any- thing-Mve a few stray timbers will Is hewed from ler wreck, the eon nwnlog err heavily as to make it iiiue,.t tt foregone conclusion that sh.• will go to plots before ns.lst- uuce of any avail can b3 rendered. A (iallent Crew. `Menem of eonfuslen and terror lin tn.dbltely took place The passen- gers -mostly from the steerage - floe ked up this ha tehways, some par- tially dressed and others With only the barest preteuee at clothing, and it rash for the boats took place. Wo- men and children were rudely h m e ! a .d Miele by std and it became torea moment doubt- ful thing whether the story of the hourgogne would not he repeated: Fortunately the British minor was on board, and his pristine courage fiat lousiness, in face of danger, at unee r.neserted themselves. The of - filer's with dralwn revolvers, and the crew, with hnndepikes, and any weapon that came bandy, 011 their 'klty-ntobly, Netting back the un- eldvalrous and famts'-etrieken mob of then by main force from the bulwark/. - Wutsen..ad Children Flrst, The knives of the foreign steerage Pewiengera proved of no avail agalwit the well directed and dleci ptlned strength of the sailors, and after a struggle of some duration the lat- ter were cowed. Theft the women and children, wbo had meanwhile I.—Lowered cowered Ln the beetgt'namt n to the most unpleasant sensate that human beings can endure, were musty- stowed In the boat", the enm,n( sal!ore guarding the ganR- wnys nal the last of them had been embarked. The men of the pas- senger net were next landed, and 'lempite the roaring breakers which dashed over the vets•' and render- ed the work a desperate undertak- ing, the work was mately accomplish - P41. The ecrew thougl thaving littlen for ed ththem- "relies, but with true sailors' instinct remnined with their captain on the Mho• wlfldi er'', nnlontteedly prove a total bra unless minimalism; Inter- act:eon should calm the element,. itAls 1 eentre of l said that nnknown wlhieh drew the YPreel rut of her e(alroe at n tinge when it was lin- pueslble to take proper obrervntlone ate reeporlatble for this altimeter. It i►nRdlming,dnr IMneldenoe that the eel'''. went on the rocket at Seal In ellnoet the identical •pot et whiell the eleottlsh King wan wrecked n few ninth. ago, On herd of err were 18 fleet eaten. I, Mecorld habena and 314 mtewrnge fuss"nger*. Tide wail to have been her Inst trip with F:Idrr-1)empster i.Ine, she hating been chartered M the n.w }'ranoo-('anadian i.lo. le ruin between Montreal And Ifavre, mercer terms of the new miheldy toted at inet megaton of 1'nrlinment al (Mama. Ile' motet where. the f.u.itanln Rent nsh,re 1* high And Mid, with deet" water to the very .dg" o1 the tall o11(1.. Thie particular piece of coast lute proven a veritable graveyard fur eceau eruft. \easels by the dogou have gone ashore within u radius of It few mile.. of where the pewit uiha mew less, nod not uvur (MO to a dusso has ever been floated. MUST [AJ' NO FLESH Injunction and Promise of the Vegetarian Congress. WANT NO LiMUOR, EITHER. Iondon cubic ray.: Vegetarianism us a cure for druukeuneer le the theory which leu luteruutlunul Veg- etarian Congress, which upeued le Luetiot on 'Tuesday eight, .insults to the world of tipplers. The anti -- meat tutere uss.•rt that experimneute mode during. the last throe menthe at a home for women Inebriate/I at Torquay' demonstrated that a vege- table diet 1s+ .so abrulule destroyer of the liquor habit. Forty Itunnter el that institution who entered lir confirmed topers have become tutu) abrtriners AO n smelt of a .laity bel - of -lure wherein flesh and kiwi flud uo place. Further testimony along the same One will be presented to the Con- grt.. by Bramwell Booth, (owmander of the Salvation Army's a..clal branch Mr. Buell' ts.erte that inebriety unsung London's slum population Thar declined eteadtly awl permanently wherever It has been weaned from meat. ,Salvatlonlrte henceforth will adopt vegotariaulrtu ee is fixed feature of thole temperance work. Reporse will afro be terulereel to show that the vegetable diet is gafu- iIg favor in the work, of athletes. Professor Eustace 11. Miles head of the pbyrical culture department ,uf i''ambridgo University, and amateur tennis chemplon of great Britain, will lutrudums statistics to prove that the stoutest brawn thrives un the products of the soil. Dr. Kenneth Harris. a Foote physician, 80 years old, will describe a 411U -mile tr4'y'eie ride which be line Just completed from Lattice End to Edinburgh with- out tasting meat, I)r. J. M. Kellogg, of Battle Creek, Mich:, will read a paper to the con- trasts detailing the growth of the "health food" movement in the ('nit - ed States, It. an Intertlew Tuesday Mr. Arnold F. Hills, a Loudon millionaire, and a loader In the International Vegetal' Ian ('moat says : ' "Vegetarianism 1s attaining phe- 'e.mewal proportions' the world over. Such notables as Tolstoi, Sarah Grand, F4 iiiid Annie Bement are types of ou dhereutu. The moves - meet In America, like many other moral reform uchemen ht that coun- try, Is gradually fulling Into the heeds of companies and ayndlcntes. This is likely to result In more gen- eral adoption of our principles" among business people. Still. the ethical side is flourishing, especially lit New York, ('blcago, nen Francisco and Philadel- phia. , e A Y01IN6 RENO'S CRIME. Repaid Motherly Kindness by Cttjninal Assault. JID 1T_ GAUSE. NEP._ DEATH Quebec report tome very ugly cause of death Ln the case of Cath- erine' Breeden, wife or Walter Hob- son, n potter, resiling fn the St Sauseur Suburbs, who died a coup, of duye minae, a coroner's Inquest was begun on batursay-\ fterMxm on the burly of the deceit . 1f the ' nrrent stories are to be -. enured and it_a•sm* that there is little reason to' doubt their /testae tit poor woman fell q victim to the brutality of a young fiend In u man shape named Edward Mahone whom. bang without children of he o e n. sb a ne'opted years ag s wit or hi was an orphan sblkl, treated hien :18 her own eon, and reared to man- hood. and who repabl a mother's .eeit'ius by bsutally assaulting and outraging her In the abrenee of her huubtnrl, breaking one of her legs, and inflicting other injuries Mean her, which left her In a state of lne+ene.iillity on the floor of her home, anal drum the effects of welch .Ile dial after lingering In great Ruin for some days. As weal, intoxicating lieuor was the cause of the dreadful crime. Ise- /mite se- 's ite the excellent ptraining given bin by hie adopted parents, Mahoney, It appears, as he grew up, fell Into dim- .iipated habits, and frequently re- turned home Intoxicated. of which ',ectoderm his conduct wan abusive nett almost unbearable, (N late he be- came etlll inure depraved, and were ...vera! times arrested for creating listurbencs In the locality where hes reedited. About a week or ten days :tiro he came home enraged with dgnor during the absence of Mr. Mob - son, when he had a violent quarrel with els (mother by adoption, and committal the cowardly and crlm- hinl assault npon her already de- scribed, which resulted so. fatally. Thns far the scoundrel has not been arre.tecl, though the authorities are meting diligent search for hint, and It IR feared that he may make good Ill. escape. GROPS-MANITOBA. In consequence of more aa to the • t • e WABASH f IYER WRECKED. Sixteen Killed and About Fitly Injured, MANY OF WHOM MAY DIE. Peru, Intl., report : 8txteett per- sons were killed and about fifty ser- iously injured In a wreak of train Nu, 3, the welt boaud-Wabtah LlntItetl, eine utiles west of this city, at 1::.30 a.m., to -day. The dead are all Italian immigrants en route to Colorado. Mituy t.1 the injured undoubtedly mite die, 'The Casualties. The dead: Sixteen Italian Iwml- grants. The littered: Mrs. William Cotton, wife of Jenerul 4uperintend,'nt of Iron Muutalu hallway, badly bruised. Three cltildreu, named uukuuwn, reverse). brulred. David Agnew, Green Oak, Ind., right are lujured. Juhu O'Mara, Denver, right leg broken. Unknown Italian, New York, right leg and right side mangled. Nicola Peluso., -head and 'shoulder bruised. John peke., New York, head and body bruited. Anna Juber, St. Louie, head badly brute/ed. Joseph Pugin, Trinidad, Col., head and left foot injured. llerbert Menger; "Misdate, Mich., face cut. Joseph Chase, Italian, New York, head, body and /eft leg bruised. Aird. Jos. (ime, head end body bruised; will die. constructiou gave way. The night war iuteneely dark. For it wowent after the fatal plunge, and dread- ful roar of erurhtug Umbers, n deathlike stillness pretulled. Then there broke out the t•rlee of the injured. Trainmen caught up their !en- terer and rosined to the neighboring Pune Minima for asekstattoe• The farmers, with their wives+ and child- ren hearing torches, hastened for th,' scene, and all were fent togIVa first aid to the injured. Telephone weosagete were derpalclud to this city, and every pbyriclue war hur- riedly taken to se epelal car. which tarred them to the scene. The inJurel were placed Aboard the earl and Utke•u to the temples! In this city. octet's,' Out the 1 end, For a time after the rescuers reached the coeur of the wreck nothing eoukl be done in the way .1 removing the dead. Hundred', of taus of twisted Iron and broken timbers rested upon the car where lite unfortunate emigrants were crushed. But by means of wrecking derricks the carr wre gradually evened and by daylighteuoarly ,a 11 the dead had been remove) to this city. .' THE NUMBER 9. . some PeeutleMetes and Krcentrirltte* of Ute of the IIi-Lurk Seizures, It Is said that the longest lease ran for 9,1)01) years. The granting of one for 9110 years war common enough, while we daily hear of the limit of 99 years. AA unfortunate derelict 0t.:Wall street, hanging out nuwadayo in it "Morgue," as a part of New street is called, squeezing now au1 teen a few dolla-r out of a privilege, had made minted: of the HON. HERBERT HENRY ASQUITR, Metl(ined as lhe•Ibsrible New L eater of the British Liberal Party. Cleo. H. Milner, Alton, ill., left leg broken. John F. Wllliamoon. Bowling Green, Ohio, news agent ; both arm*, loth legs and right shoulder blade ruken. P. Clnngh, Toledo, head badly lied, right shoulder blade be( n. Wood, Logansport, Ind:, back • omp*on. Little Rock, Ark.. holy bruised. rode, Angola, Ind„ face Cr J. brulee (t. A. head an I'Uttar cut, Clark Tay . , Logansport, Ind., head and bxt badly cut, Rev, Father Vetch. Logansport, Intl., right foot imbed, John Wilkins, layette, Ind„ right arm and mb Ider broken. Walter Laid, W bn in1., right t leg Injured. Charlie Flanagan, tla\man, body bruised. \\ John Adams, fireman, brand and 'Moulder lacerated. 1. R. Butler, head bruited. J. A. Lecke, L oganeport, "sling .alelnsan, bruised. Twenty others, names not yetkb- tained, severely cut and bruised. How it Ilsppeted. Two emotions of the train, No. 5 - (rte coming from Datrolt, and the either from Toledo -were consolidated In this city into is train of eleven mars, mnktrtg up the flyer for Its Journey to St. Louis. It consletel of n combination baggage and ex- press, comtdnntlon tusggng. and .ritoker, day conch, immigrant coact', three vette' curs, three sleepers end ray - 7 the prlrnlae ear tai f}eeeraritil}IArttf-" rhe Prospects Described is "lil.wlag tendent Willi/on Cotton, of the Iron. Mrendeln Railway. Having left thin city a1. hour late, the train Wan 'speeding weetwtartl nt high speed, when, at n point nine miles west, tete engine rimmed 'Through a Trestle. wide!' had been undermined by the recent heavy ralnm. Tie einhenkment on both Mlles of the little stream dropped nt a sharp degree, n dis- tance of forty feet. Owing to the tnotnentum of the train, the engine Ventral acmes* the abyss, plunged Into the Loft earth on the other side end fell Mack to the htthm. Rneineer Butler and Fireman Adams were thrown from the cab, but not eerl- (nuly hurt. The express car and the first chnlr car were telescoped. The immigrant oar, followed by two chair ears, went down ow the Iotgille of the track, and the first /deeper pitched forwent npon the naso of wreokag., its windows and trin'kvr were broken, hat none of the arra- pants were In)nred. The remnining ears also left their lrtek., lett we're• nett badly damaged. It was in the Immigrant anal In the duty enriches that most of the (tenths and lnJnrle. occurred. 1n a Fns. HPaty lag lined the hanks en Meth Maden of the enlverl, the ap- pxnacll to whi eh wap over n reverse cut. Thyro was no ravens by melee the engine erPw r*tld MPP the Impend i clanger. in fact, the engine.ran Wt upon the trestle before tb. Terme. Winnipeg, report : (crop reports from the Canadian Northern etntlonm received thls ' morning indicate that the ferorable condition of lest week continue. All reports deur•rile the pro.peots In glowing torm,., and runny prophesy a yield from CU to 23 bush- el. per nero. No damage whatever 1n reported from any cause, and the grown Is described as wonderful. The wheat Is saki to be front fifteen to eighteen meies In height ani .tuniltug mit beautifully. Belmont reports n hailstorm me Kan - slay, but no damage. (tatm and barley are reported as besting unnsnnlly well, anal hay 1s the best crop In many years. C. P. R. crop reports eno1l senrrely be improved upon. Conditions at near- ly every print in the Province nee perfect. At Plum Coulee, Misname nisei flurlulde wheat hap headed out on it number of' arms and the growth is exceptionally quick. Building !neglecter itrslger, had up te. noon today given out permit* par battling* to the value of *973,tXK), nasi espeeted other nepeeist lnns which would bring the total vnlnp to neer it million dollar*. Last year the total 'retie of Meetings erected wan feei0,oItt, hit nn thing. are going now It Is likely tint there will be nn inerenee of nt Ica*t $ri(Mi,(1(li) for this yen r. The ('anadlan Northern has ionnel n new pnemenger tnrlff on the Male of three rents for mile on the entire system. , , . • mystical numbers -nine, five and three, the diaparun, diapente and di- lation of the liree'kr-and being of a philusopbleat turd, as well as wise in hIr own conceit, hl. discourse la full of entertainment. Ile speaks of a nine days' wonder, nine tailors mak- ing u nkat, Vulcan falling nine days out of heaven, Milton's loot angels failing nine day'', the nine risers of help, the nine worthies, the nine unseen, Porten. rwewring by nine gods, the eine t;ullieena,', the nine ksvrrigan, the nine heavens, the nine orders of angels, the nine words of Nirtitiem, the nine earths, "rigged to Nle nines," Ueucaliutt's ark tossed alxwit for nine days, a cat's nine lives, nine points of the law, the nine n crowns heraldry. a etc. y. Shakespeare says, "I'11 cavil on the ninth part of n hair," When a man aquitte he looks nine ways. There are nine planets. There are nine ranks of matdarins, with nine buttons of of - lisle' rank, no follow*: I, ruby ; coxal ; 3, 'sapphire ; 4, an opaque hie stone; 5 crystal ; 6, an opaque white shell ; T, wrought gold ; 8, plain gold; 9, sii er. The button le worn on the cap. The whole tsody of the ('trines. Mandarins consist of 27 members -13 times 9. They etre ap Neohtteet fur (1) imperial birth, (2) og service, (3) Illustrious deede, 44) klhevlydg., (Si ability, (6) seal, (7t n( Ity, (8) arl.tteratic birth. The nine !lemonds were the curse of Scotia d. Macbeth's nine witches sang a they danced nroind the cauldron. "Thrice to thine and thrice to Int, and thrice again to make -'up ni " Nine kludge are. made Ju_ a.Llac k s5 ol- atrlug as a charm for a sprained nkir. We give three time. three a re. Odin's ring dropped eight u ter rings every ninth night. -------_---___- Niobe's children 1 nine airy. In their bloom before tit were buried. To tee nine magpleu wnlacky. 11 a servant finds Mee en pea. in a prod she lays them on 'the lintel over the kitchen door, and the first man who enters In to be her 'steady cu.mpany." The (hydra had\ nine heads. There are nine iner u of cadency. The /abracadabra an worn nine dare and then flung in , the river. The in.trnment for pun 'Mang evil dte•rs wan, and Mill Is, cat -o' -nine tall., from the imper.11- teem notion that • n flogging by a "trinity of trinities" ootid be more sacral And more efflcaeloui. Nine diemunde were offered as prises In the "Diamond Joliette" of King Ar- thur. Be order to ten the fatrie. yruumtet put nlnagrains o1 wheal (nt it teem Ieafel (•Inver. The 4t y roc(hnptan.'s the infernal region* in neon circles. 1 melted a inwy(•r what he regard - PI) As "nine pinta of the law," or what 1* meant - by "p sossomlon of nine plats of the law," and Se en- *were.l In title wish: "Mice.** In a law*all rl4ptlrro (I) it gnxl deal of money, (2) a g(sel dent of patience, (A) a germ) ranee, (1) a gonad lawyer, (5) n good manse', (6) goal wit. nemeses, (7) a good )try, (8) a good Indere, (9) g(wxl leek. Mr. White, It. A. nmhutsssitr to Oer- nenny, denier' that he Is going to r resign, HORSEWHIPPED MISS JU LI 1600INGS DIVORCE CASE' I PiHRIMS. SEE Mos. Eo(lY Angry Wife of Prof. Silver Former Wives Named as the 1 wo Harniltontans Among the akes a Scene. Co -Respondents. SHE LASHED HUSBAND ALSO. New York, July 2. -Julia Murrleten war horsewhipped publicly by lire. J. It, Silver hod night. lu eluschen- helm'r Arena cafe, Taw lack lit eu- tente cordiale between Miro Morrl- ruu and Mrs. Silver was due to the presence of the actress' lu Silver's. iiumpany at dinner. It war quite early in the evening when Silver, who Is a professor of hypotism. eutered the rwtauraut, accompanied by Delos Morrison. They went upstairs to the main dining - room, and soon were eugaged lot earliest consultation over the menu. Mire Morrlron lr one of Mr. 1411- aer's pupil's, anal luno been studying hypmothee faithfully fur souse time. Hardly load the professor and hie pupil palmed beyond the first muerte when Mrs. Silver, aecompaulel by her IItth. chill, entered the dining--' room. Derider the child. etre. Sit- ter link) a long. lithe horsewhip, and this rhe clutched fiercely in her haAnd, she sighted Mls. Morrlwn, she made a running Jump and rent tee whip singing around the fare and head of the actress► Mies Morrison ecreanit•d and. ulwang to her feet, but It did not Wale lice much. The whip kept writhing about her in. hong, a iciour raving's and every touch of the lamb wee marked by is rouv'euir in .the Weepy of a wide red welt on the white ekln of Miss Morrison. The actress shielded her face with her hands as best she cuuid, uud rent a merle@ of staccato shrieks iingiug through the restaurant. Naturally, the diner,/ were shocked out of their usual evening calm, and in at minute, the place were In ion up- roar- The waiter's were rushing mad- ly about trying to find a policeman or a detective in Maguire, while Mr. Silver, very witch abashed and hu- miliated by the whole affair, was striving vainly to repress his wife. Tur g front Dura Morrison, she di- rected the whip *ignited Slaver and sent It whiriing around 111, head. She shushed and cut at him desperately alel left a number of welts. Finally Silver caught his wife around the body, and held her long enough to permit Mina Morrlesn to escape. • In the meantime Mr. 811%er was lotting rho fight of him life with him wife. in trying 0, take the whip (runt her they bud both become in- volved In a cltn'h, which apparently was not easily broken. Together they struggled to the head of the steps and tit a moment Mrs. enter had tripped and the- fry, went rolling over and over each other to the bot- tom of the stelecase:: ' A reconciliation was finally- effected between Mrs. Silver end her husband end she left the restaurant holding her husband by the urns with one hand and leading the child with the other. Before taking Mr. Silver away she fetid that who heal suspected for some time past tent he was spending toe much of els time in the company of Masa Morrison, and that last night rho hail tracked _him from heath to the Morrison flat and thence to Mu.- chenbelm's. SCOTTISH NON -CHURCHGOERS Halt a 311111oa People is Glasgow Who 1)o Not Attend, Edinburgh, July 1. -One of the im- portant rubjtctr desalt with by both Presbyterlun Aemennblies In Edin- burgh war the increasing aversion which is shown by the people gen- erally to attending church. The nun -churchgoers are mostly found at bulli ends of the social scale, the wealthy and the working classes tete great supporters of the church. pow am always, are the **skittle classes of the e,matunety. The re - evert government cense' returns have been applied to tide question, anti 'show that none of the eiuurelies IP the lanai are increaeing In mem- bership In the name ratio as the population. and tine church reports dip tt,re a groat decrease° in obnrch atte t dunce and in the number of Sabbath Scheel teachers and schol- ars. Ur. Howie, of Glasgow, the con - varier of the }tome M9olun Commit- tee of the United Free Church, elates Moat the eettntluted beet church at- tendance In all denominations In Glasgow per 10,0(10 of population 1s 1,711; in Dundee, 1,635; In Aber- deen,1,731, Applying lo6itfe to the Pr s- senDt ult trs. Ur.Howie brings out it. Ids report that there are in tilaegnw and ita suburbs at this time no fewer than 462,00(1 peo- ple Who do not go to church ; In Dundee, 82,000; and M Aberdeen, 72,- 000 2,(1(10. Figures of the name kind are not available for Edinburgh. but the propertione would probably be not very dliferent from theme of the other large towns of Scotland. SUED BY 00AT•RIDER. Seek. liege! Redress for 11 • of as laltlatloa. Chicago, .duly t. -Otto Bergman, an architect, did not anticipate the hor- rors of au initiation Into a secret suciety ou the North S1de, and now he has cuueed the artier( of five fer- nier friends', b,ca se Ise nooses they aboanited him when he rebelled at ohs Thr five men have caused counter wnrrar,to to be Wettel, en Hie 'teemed that itergnuan not only remelted In- itiation, lint aluggel &tie Irleadr. ' They didn't say a worl about the rel -hot Mone, (sr the lake of ice, or the trimly bear," saki Bergman. "They've lost them n11, too. becauue they were there the night I was made It member. 4 may have pnnrh- er1 a temple of them when the floor .111 mit and I fell into lee -cold enter. They lad a thing like n plashing beg that came dawn from the ceiling and knocked me out when I wnm delivering a verhner, Apeerh on the 'Brotherhood of Man," Herbert J. Mcrrelan,i, Thesekre 1. UAelttng, ' Frank }fact nen, F. W. ieserner and Frank itnepke were retrace' its Bergntan't eompaint. BETROTHALS RUMORED. 1\ Inston Churchill to Wed 111e See. tond cousin, femrk,n, .inly 1.-nerlety In grently Ihterenterl In the renewed intlw•nding .•t:gngem,•nt ..f Winston t'lnrelll' to ills nrn,eil Nelsen. Lady llrlen Stew art, only rhuglt.er of the Mnrgnla of IwomksMMrry, n wealthy mine own er. Lady Helen IN a fine Snaking glee with a grent Intent for noting There la morel interest In the re- ported engngewent of Mrs f.nngtryet slnught.r Jeanee to the Bon. Icor Olivet, M. f'., 1,ir I Wlmtr.rnees el.lest men f.ndy Wlmth.ree be one of the Int.' Rein %.leis Churchill.* mister* nn.l n grand dame. Her iittih•cnd I* n million- aire ,W.Ish Goal sod iron mine owner. a , ate. i01. GIDDINGS' FIFTH EXPERIENCE. New Yells, July tte -teof the etruuge al egutluur made concern- lag Juun1w J. GWdlag., former tenor uud now a booking ugeut fur Went' crit t uudevllle hot1rer, rtualp lain at u mut. greatly wroegel or extremely lis it'. c $ay. Alum Es atm, of "Casino Girl' fame, who believer she 1s lair fifth wife, he: "Hue had five hum brides. "Divorced twu of thele• "War divorced by two of them. "May be divorced by the fifth. "Har recently been friendly with Noe. 1 and 4, swabbing No. 5 white lu their company. "May be lookiug fur it No 6. 'Ably be ouatearitlsting is re.uatut with No. : of No. 4. ' "Har threatened Nu 5 with vio- l/wee utsiis.s she eonreut,•J to assist him in proeureeg a divorce from her." Miss Evuus-But is her stage name -lute mentitsued two of -Iter hue- bund'r f..rwer wive's' as ao-respond- ente. Threngh Herman L. Ruth. her lawyer, site alle'g'ee that tilkltagei hum do father under charms' which ono@ palled upon him, that he de - Arnie asalo to blunt before is Jostle.. of the peacees+ ubergymau, with one of these east -off mates clinging coy ly to lila left arra She depnees that he. has told her w, himself, adding that If she did not commit such in egtcrrtione as would allow hem te reek freedom from ler or apply fur a .livorce tenet(, he would try upon Iter• the lwrewimt,it Of Monaca' force Giddings; probably Iwlde the mar elate and dh uroe records le one of his years". Though he has 11 h but '!!(Junto lie tam had experience\ with flee of tholes rare but abundant creatures, June brlelee. Ile probably holds It a happy aolnrlcence that IWltaa been through four June .11 voices. Ile might have had the pleas ore of a fifth had Mies Ening not ne- glected to seek Herman L. Roth, th•• attorney, until yeetenay. As the (kseket now '.tands,tte next decree serus fated for a July date mark • SAYS HE WAS IMO Cunningham Awoke to Finr Himself Married. HELD IN $5 FOR TRIAL Philadelphtu, July. E. -Elisabeth Shaw may- nut be a beauty, but rhe• looks capable of Many good things, and Atex every Wut:.ut betokens n woman of actlou. She brought her lutbafd, Thomas, before elagietrate L.'unataghaa4 charging him with be- ing a quitter -financially, of esturee. Why, only- three week's ago. Judge,", she said, pathetically, "ails mala came to my home" and Just made me sit on hie lap. Then he put tette area around me and Odd we he was Just mseeruble because be wattd one+ to love alien tam hard ns+,/ he loved hill. 'Thea wr gut unarrieed, .fudge, and be hasn't 0% 011 no. is cent since•" The rppeetatore all felt sorry for Lassie. Then Thomas teed lila little story, . . "1 can't recognise that woman as my wife, Judge. She Itaa another hurbsnd living and I can prove It." "Why dM you marry her, then?" asked the Magistrate, "Weil, you know how it is+, Judge. I was up there and elle began pet- ting me like, and 1 got all worked up. Theo I guess rite fixed up some dupe for me, because I don't remum- her much after 1 Iwl a glass lir two of beer. While I, team woozy lite took nttr me out and tried mP and the next morning I welke s,, and Num] it out. That's all I katsw atrnst it." The Magistrate axked Elisabeth If site had another untie tel and rhe replied: 1 left Just sM'11 a nuts► as this thing here about it year ago. I iteard he war dead and believed Shaw was held lin *5 halt for court, KILLED BY ELECTRIC CAR. \t'ltilsm John Gee, a Pensioner, the Unfortunate. Toronto. July 2,-Wlillam John Lee, a British army pensioner, about 10 yearn of age, war Instantly Stilet by a large trolley oar, No. 766, ,of ther 1 A .nus1 ruga roses, In trout of the Queen's Motel at a quarter af- ter 11 o'clock yesterday morning. Motorman Beninese applied the emergency brake and brought the ear to a minutiae' within 25 feet, but It wee Immersible to avoid etrlk- leg the unfortunate man. lie mum knocked down and purred beneath Ow truck of the front wheelie, be- ing terribly .yieilntell, and depth being practical, inrtantnneous. The body wan In such a position that the employees had to neeure }atilt from the railway idioms to raise the ear before Ib could be ex- tricated. FELIX RETIRES. Ile Ilad Set the Fashions for Women for 40 Yesrs, Parts, July 1, -Inquiries made re• periling titre report, published in the Enitierietxue7t; Thee Mir tfle'rrr•11C' dressmaker, chew.] his doctor In bankruptcy yesterday show that re. Hy. clotted him wtrkrnom. early In the year. It WAS veneered that he ioit" nontey in financing the Palate de ('o. - turnoff at the Paris Etpxsitign, but nrratlgeel With Ills (-rel ears private- ly. There were no public pr.x'es'dings, When M. Felix was slxn►n the .e - apatite' from New York referring us Ids repwtesi bankruptcy he sairl to a corre.ponelent to -day : "Thio is as I•libtie oaltmlrty, i hale decided to retire from business, atter working loud for forty year's and Immuring a fortune of 6,000.0001, with whirl) 1 Intend to retire 1, the ronntry for life. i wind up my ac count* and clone up the doora of my establishment tonight." - CHAFFEURS TO STRIKE. Weide io Resist Order to sieve OA Mow, *,rhes. Part, July 1, -.The question or wearing ter not wearing nonstaaltes le now troubling ti. t,'ltatfesrs' Un- ion. A tertian tame automobile firm (loitered all the drivers to clip their hlrente adornment.. To op -- pose the order the anion Instantly called a fleeting, where it was der terminer subllflaSIotf *cater DMsee the mens ere to the level of valets, enachmen and (iaaral fatellonnr- Ir.. They determlred, therefore, to fight for the retention of the woes - teethe The c , mp.ny Whets oa6om- pllnnee. wills the rbafftlure shout eVivant lee menet/Ab.el" and threaten to strike, - Throng of Devotees. WAITED FOR HOURS IN THE SUN Oa TueedaY 2,000 pilgrim.' )ourse►y std (0 Contused, N. H., and, after rturd- ing for two hours lu the biasing sun, were rewarded by /teeing In the blurt and hearing the founder of their fnith and the "Mother" of their Church, M1.. Mary Baker Middy. Fur this eoubtry and this century the spectacle was most unusual. Old teen, yuatg mon, little ehtl- siren and richly dressed wouu•n stood for hours in Mohammedan -like ardor of rotlglons entnuelagwn, without remit under circumstances of kereeptersoaal discomfort, and from ail the great crowd not one mummer of dtecuntent, not ono GompIlalot of Iofferiog war hoard. Thecity, aided by it $3,000 gift from 11f1•e. Eddy, has recently great* ly improved the highwuy leading to Pleasant Vlow, but to -day it was nooesrurlly dusty, Anti the Tong walk Ili the run brought the visitor's to Pleasant !lark rather the were, for wear. Upon trrivel limy were war- ehulled Into one big grasp in the nwrthweet corner of the grounds and there they stood patiestly and un- complainingly for two hours,. They had nothing to eat, only lee water to drink. mad no •siata be sit down. yet they talked teorach other of the delight of the day and the In- upiritg Influence of the uocesiou. From one to two o'clock this after- noon the couspany had the liberty of the grounds., which meant r,•uts and Woolf fur perluape the nta)erity of tlwse preseet, ' A few Minutes before two o'efoek Clara, Mrs. Eddy's faithful maid and attendant, appeared upon un npper balcony of the house and motiwed ,to the viritorr to gather at the yurthetwt corner. fere was another wait and then if . Eddy appeared. The crowd rt hushed lu an )nrtaat. All Ovate ed with leneP k nett I lit the mdreuteutm of "Mother." leo is en old wo n a no .one can deny the Sen walknicely, speaks rluwly, the kr newly. Her hands and face un eyes are those of an aged woman. But she dew net seems to be a rick wputan, and she is cer- tainly p oosewr'si of all iter shoots to a degree reudarku.ble for a woman of this age to wltlCl( rhe ons. Her appearance co wmasted inlreset fuel rapt attention- 'Vedas the elr- cewrtnnce•w of tostay pier entrance why a thrilling awl dr elle Went..tette advanced slowly to rail of the balcony and let her e``yxer travel over the human arc of upturn ed Inc..f beueatlt her. She inclined her issue it, Welcome and almuat every head In the great crowd bowed in rerpatue. Then rite spoke, not tremblingly or with the tones of rage, but mo that tamest every one of her hearers could waderettu d, 'Beloved brethren," .he said. "my joy -ill meette(' with you le my-pres- emut telt. When we shoal meet again will ba mar text. I think you wilt all agree with me that you have hears! 'sufficiently from me in my rummage. I tvill (rely look upon your dear facer atsl then return to my studio," That was all Once more the "Mother" bowed her head, (Me t(meln Iarewell, and with- drew. The crowd still lingered, and half an hone later were rewarded by another might of the founder of their faith, as she eteppeei from her front door Into her covered earrlage and rtaeel npon the drive about the city.rt11 Among the Canadians were Mr and lire. Milton Alert in. of Winnippes,gg Manitoba ; Mr. and Mrs. Omand ling - ninth Miss Madge Rieman, Andrew l aa.un, VIis,MBgu nn.I Alis,. lVsMfr..-eh, %of Oettt,aMwars- ; Ja. mlges Sher - Men, of Gannnrelue, Olet.. Mr'. S. 1'. William', of Berlin, Ont ; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wilson, of Baunliton, Ont.; Mrs. Mina Robb, of London, one; 1t. Mo- dest, and Mn. Nellie Lsnghed, of To- ronto. CAR STRUCK A WAGON Loaded With Merry Party of Picnickers. BABY KILLED AND MANY HURT. Chicago, July 1, -Ono chill, a boy baby 2 yearn old, wets killed, and 18 alder persons Injure' more or lose ser- lntsIy yesterday morning itt n c.sihi- leen M an elected(' ear in Trainee !'ark boulevard with two weasels loaded with picnickers. Superintendent A. N. Lenge. of the Dunning Institutions, Wail as peenen- M'ea on, the car. Ills was thrown vio- lently to the floor, int escaped wlfh only n few scratches, Officer& Cramer n)xl Burke, of the Irving Park 1'ollce Station, ocenplesla front neat la the oar, fuel were touted Into a ditch, but suffered no serious hurts The motorman, Dewar Beaten, re- mnlned at his post mei frantically en - dent -ore() to check the .peel of the ears but the brakes would not re- sp re% he nays, -A--&TT'14NOE TRAtbY. A Jlllilonalre's Son Murder, ss Authoress. Warsaw, July 1. -The wife of the well known Youth author i'reebyn- eewky Ornstein met with her Hoath at the hand* of the eon of a million - titre lunsI owtrer named Etaleryk, The Indy, like her heal epi, wagon author, and a great helteger In the insulae of the freedom of the mete* na be was. She wan the hero- ine of hl. famous work, "}fbnse Nn- Lmerit w•ns poly 1'.1 when he trade the nailalutance of )'r+,rbyesewakr'A wlfe, end forthwith fru In Inv,• with her. }ier huslxand, true to his prin- elpl.., on /Poing that hM wife also loved )Smeryk, 1x1111(1141 err over to tihe latter. The young couple seemed to lire very hnppty, t.ttt F,meryk radiants conceived the Idea Biot *ho had got tired of him, and shot her demi and attetprards killed himself He left n charaeterietie letter, In which be deehlrM that he had pre- medltnted the net, and partMnlarle requested that the stabile •h osld heft regnrd it no an ereldent. .l. tiering further that It was no con- cern or anyone. , - fn., murdered women was a Nor - written, end was' 119 yearn old. An effort ite bring mnde to nettle the difficulty between the (', 1' R. anal the striking traekmen by arbi- tration. Several members, of Perna - meet are Interesting themn.lves in the matter, .