HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-4, Page 6CEYLON AND INDIA TEA,
Its Virtues are Many; Its Faults None.
Thnl'r *raying n gntml deal. bel it Is n tree stntenent. You can verify
It yourself. A trial will pro%c the troth or (okay of 1Ito above statement.
Ceylon' leas are sold In Sealed Lead Peckete
only. Black, Mixed, Uncolored Ceylon Green.
Free samples sent. Address "Salado," Toronto
! The above well known hotel ha s bM'n a favorite resort for Can-
adians for yearn part. With meex)mmodatkon8 for 'three hundred
guests. It Is lrslsidercd one of tltfl lent located In Atlantic City. Is
open throughout the yfnr ; hue, all mq.Iern e.,n%pnienres, such as elec-
tric lighting. leteraullc elevators running teem el of the pavement. SIM
g.U4wlee and ()covered walk to the ocean Thoroughly warmed with
opt.igrate wrvlfire. and &t•nm!hen t tlui;ughl,it. The Seaside House has,
a fuli'an 1 unobetructd vlewt of the erne.,. with n lawn extending and
eo1)neeting with the femme ocean• promenade.
The "`eeaside" has luxurious 14ur rowllting. equal to any hotel on the
era roast for comfort awl Megnnc e. Wtde',inxsam. fire hundred feet long
sbrronnd the hotel. Drawing, reception; wattling, billiard and emoting
tonna are prettily fornlehel. The t able 1. seppllrl with the beat the
Philadelphia market affords. led neat cola .et water bathe long distance
telephone and tole'grnph eommunien Von to all parts of the world. '
, For terms address •' , n ( i •J .( .r •
• Btenee,le House, ' e
Atlantic ('Ity, N. J.
Their whimpered eonvers:alien wits
over. and the cab was doting .L,a•
1y through the park. Geraldine aka
not cry: but rhe eat tory *tile, am/
ruined the inel.I to (trate IIp-the wee-
Wowr, with a sudden feeling that it
had grown very 001,1. She had for
an Instant debated with herself
whether rhe 'should not nut tuna
haek, Iawtead of rimming herself
trelcasly to the .taunts and unkin•_t•
neva of Misr Elizateth, or even 10
the pn.iibity of than 1tBy'i
It(g given orlerw that n_dmittn_ay'u
elenah1 bde denied in her. --ffii1. -frit
the firm time, 111 OW Oust them watt
all one et the Hall to pr etect her
from the younger Misr Otway's nay-
- ngn tlsntence, tiernlshnr i*tt ter
fear melt away ; and the "roe,Isf to
find out all she cowl., ubeit .lanes'
departure caused her to conquer
etery outwar.l trace nt tier%outwear
before rho arrived at the house.
JObrren's IMIIAI stolidity gave way
when he saw her. Alarm, relief, eel -
bay, *Newel themselves by turtle in
itis face, when, hating ienlenel that
the cab seemed wait, she asked
for Mini -lit way. ea axon as lie had
conducted ler Tor enough 11Cr.10a1 the
halt. to be out of !marine of tial maid,"
1s.+ .tesemet, -meek oeyise --•4* _.
cdrp, ••MIr Jews left Wart hum
Inst night, mu'nm. aa,l hp bar tett
tn.' with thea• letter he Sou, and e I
me ertk•ularl not to 114 It nut ,f
1 Y
my h dint to anyone but y�nu;' h�
handled her n letter uddreened *imply
to "Mew (kereldiffe," oa a
which he had tukch from the hull
table as he premed.
80 great no apprehension did the
butler entert din of Misr Elizabeth's
rumm.uging propen.Ite, tint he Mel
not slept the night lyefore until he
hod pocked Sir James' potter safely
In the plate -cheat.
Geraldine tore it open at once, and
Johnson retreated respectfully Into
the Inner hale. from the nate atelier
of which lir, however, being.quite na
deeply coneerned in the nadir s nf• thp-
eitwnye as the young lardy herself
reed be, watched her to site road
end he saw first that rear wast very
flow -ply moved by it, thongh abs stood
quite *1111 end uttered nu mound ; and,
secondly. that the rmotona ehr let-
ter produce! were, nnt•nit painful
rine*. though err Pyes were full of
heirs long before ant' hail rend to the
end. There wen mere still to read.
when the drawing -noon dos,( sof/Plied
and F'lixab'th rnme out.
If (Jeraldine hail not been eel hitch
excited and aba0rhed by the letter
in her hands, she would have been
more eurprlserl by the Meowed man-
ner of the. lacy, who, after n glance
at the letter, hell oft, her' hands
newt cordially, and andel, with her
bright, artlflotAT mmllf+-'
"Corot.' in. come In, my dear fiernl-
dlue-toss will have to let me call
)can (kernkkm' new. Ateir .arrlvnl could
not pmistbly have been mitre oprp.e-
Hhe led the girl, who slipped her
precious letter meekly Ie'eo • her
pocket, Into ti'e elraawtng-rain,
where, weth A Tittle cert` ale Ctnl1,i
not repress, Geraldine recognised
,lames' wound -be betrayer, Lindley
Fielding. He war sitting beside /ilea -
nor, whom the sorrow ars, cxdtr-
nent of the port few days teemed
to have withered up weed rendered
mown like a witch tease ever.
"That man!" Mie whlep'rwl In ten
low n tone for the redeem/stern to
reach his ear, -
He nay's Ile le your father," maid
Elisabeth,. In a coder Jalwt au low, de-
taining the girl for n moment.
"I will never believe it "'
"Well, my dear dhdld, I happen to
have 1t In my power le pr.,ve that
1l M Dort tray' . tlwrrfere you need
not he afreld of him."
(irrnhatte was beginning to feel be-
wtkMered by the unexpected kind -
11.11.8 ; Mat ,hr nam level forward With -
east time for reflrM1R.
.fust na 1,111.18') ruts. nod crime to-
ward them with outtretched hall*
and n smile of _e(C'lslve nHort,10n spun
lila falx, 1'Iisnl tb ateppol In front
d the. girl and sntd
"One moment, 1Jn.!lsy. Before you
give title young Ind) the heerty oral -
romp whleh 1 mese you Imre prepared
for her, It will be better for her to
know In whet rhnrnet'r she is to he
received among hu."
"(ertnlnly," l% rntn.t Lindley,
hanming with pntl•rnnl tfndrrnese.
"We entre derided, 1;ernldin'," eon.
Monad she, tnrning to the perpteved
girl and taking her hand, "that the
best way in which we can carry out
the wlrlte* both of aur pw/r brother,
Sir Ch arks, and our unfortunate
. ixphew, Sir J. 'r, la by requesting
--you to mike your home with ua." in-
.tduut:arily, Geraldine .hr0uk hack.
'`You cannot refute," Contiiued Etlaa-
Is'th," eke circnuistenc.'$ hate come
to our knowledge which make your
sty' at Waringham a duty as well
u a right." Llodley wee looking sat-,
defied, but rather snrpruird. "Mr.
fleeting, nt �hrr lime ret my late
m'other's Illness made certain
T steterncnts about you whlrh, for
some reason ur other, he, on for
unexpected appearance of our
nephew James, denied, and which he
_.attll dentes-" Lindley .,.looked . lass.
satisfied and more ehtrprined• "Hie
motive 1 lutve not yet discovered.
DM 1D the Mean time I. have madde
tnquirice about its filet statement,
nod have found, to my eurprde. I
confess; that 1t was true."
leaelley fairly darted."
"Elisabeth, take care what you
are wayLeg ! Do you ktknv-"
"1' knew that from the me ent
there b no longer any mystery', any
family secret in your hn.ale. your
interference Inosar affairs mart be, at
np ea, i4Adlei•, she went ow with
c'l,1. ane triumph. ':it, with many
thoiiks to
ft -aur obliging i of ,•
you. ) lgng / r
to take' this emubg Indy off tour hands
in the character of ),.11r .kaughter,
I beg t.. inform you that your offer
of service Is needless, and tint Miss
Uernldlne Otway will rcalde for the
afore In the house of her late guar -
eine. unikr the care of my staler
Eleanor fuel myself, who, In Ina'
meaner of our breather's wish, adopt
her as own Meese."
1 t eras a blow to Lindley, for then
bold *trote had indeed cut the
grouse! (nen nn,kr hie feet. Geraldine
llving at the Hall an hie .L'togltter
-ant to the pride of hie secret he
had atipulated that she shnul,I live
there-w,sdd have given litrn right
�,1 entry', sesael standing ,nnd mere
Mle1 beueftte in the way' of perglis-
item ; en that he st..i amf.rtrwlerl, ad-
miring, In spit;: of himself, the bold
manner IA whlch Elisahetl had snit
nwto preJkllcn in order to outwit
Having resolved open a .lnring
einem, Elisabeth pursued It worthily'
and ended by telling Geraldine that
ns. ss.lh ns pcsalble, after the funeral
Rh.* whold expert the girl to' eo e
and tote, up her essidenee at the hall.
A14 why mese wt*e'ty, to tenet the girl
n little time fax reflection on this
bewildering rolnminlcatfm, Lindley,
who had reroverrd from hl* vomiter -
nation. npprmehrel Ids cousin In hie
urgent airy mnmter, nnd said Inn low
voles., with n (mile whleh hal no Ir
rewhrtlble rhnrm for her -
"So you think it is eheckmnte, my
fnlr cousin? lint you ought to know
better. To,, have met me opening
move well; hat the game le only
joint in nn. Keep .your ey'e out the
1TlllYft;-trots-`yin, may make n Talt
fight of It, as, .with your spirit. 1
am etre yon wonl'l like to do ; but
law enet wet be wR tie mumu,* •
"i dare my yo' think Vett wort
of talk very clever, Lindley ; Imt 1
(rnfrns t nm not ,heft at it myself ;
fav T will onty'tell yeti In rotten Eng-
Ibh, that /eel nen quite nt liberty.
ne far ns i am conss'rned, to play
what gene you Menne," .ani F.11xa-
heth, wtt.heet teking the trouble to
louver her retire, am .Ile lett the room
('IIAI'TF11 XiX.
No runner ha l hie retain left the
drawing-row,m. than Lindley FleI'1-
Ing, forenking Eleanor rend her moan
Mg affection. r•rn.*ed to where lier-
nkhine ant staring net at the oak* In
the park. "('ihe% might of the tnlddle-
nged Adonln who had first dleturned
her peace In ('op.dey church %nrd,
whose III-eoneidered announcement
liw4 #ebbed her gnnrhlten, who use
Jnmr,' enemy, and whom she' fenr'•d
nn she never (enrol it hhmnn being
before, wee extremely elistnntefel tr.
her. But he nppr,aohpd her m0 re
elleettnfy,* rie leigt .,1 for i,htrhfi'ng
himself upon her nncourtennshy, thnt
It wan Impossible to meet his well-
mnnegved esteem's with n rsMlff.
"it ha..he.'n my nllfnrtnnr, MIin
rrrnklise �' he hegnn, i rrsv.ty, "to Ire'
nsw,oletet In your mind with *reread
dint r,'sine elrcnmatnure,; nryeel be•
Irsw. 1 hop* yen will remember ill it
It wan through my feint ns. na*Mming
the happy positbon of father 1n ton
that my eleven Ell BMW 111 su In
Ahmed to fultlt her duty toward you.
No, n), 1 want no thanks; no one
seer think., of thanking me. There
Is hardly a member of the family
wham 1 114%0 not served at sue Uma
or mealier, and you wee law they
(re et ale 1"
"1 mu afruld Sour services tee ard
them must rualetlmer have term mir-
utdt rrtuud, Mr. fielding."
"Perlutp{re so; but it that my
fault 7' Ile &eked, with melt meek -
"I don't know. Ito you think James Utility and rlrprbe without a worth.
Otwe'y hue reasiott to fuel grateful to 'r%ftly turned the handle of the din
yti r bog -room (taw and held it open for
'Meet assuredly he has; and the fes•
time will "."'-I eeknowi0,tge It "Will you step in here, Mew Oeral-
but It Sy new,
who to her that fhb) ■ COb/y�n(1r�T
Mew. ri mss, hall eat by 11+r A C mm RC L
t'harler' deaet wwho WM re
! px,rtert to kiiothwbeesu n1Jwvli, doubtl,ss
that she wae his daughter. and TIIAY�I,LERIS STORY
to any care mart have meet reasons.
fur tib utatne w. afkr examinlnl
the uutrllle of tie p(a'kut•buuk wltlh
much M•sltatken, she was prxooeeding
to usw41 it with strannggeely reluedant
fnlRerr, when the ba r• who bed
watched her tmveuentr of weer.
hum out maw yet. -wises ho will run 'lite? Mrao riynws said you had bet•
fear that be ower 'true t, 141(1 than ter look over It In private"
.,.,yeas In that world."
glee: eurkrl(y war now fully
tkeslt't by any means take round. She west In. holding the
flat view of the obligutiura: to you lewket•bock lightly ngnlwt her, 0s
110W." raid she. rather dryly. R110 'dewed rather timidly rated the
"What eone lie charge me with?" great dark noon. which ehu laid
asked Llndlry. In enquuitoot+ of patient 'weer leen In before, ai l up at Ute
eligImtket to calumny, but with 11 gloomy oll•palntingv 01 vlta(hlr•IM,k
gklesae of incf n
rry. Int; dead Otways lied 14tnred loon
"Hu sp'ali* of you rs hie were, en tett of Leavy, dings gold frames from
01113• ; 1(1x1, indeed, If it be true, nt the w•n11r. She .strew a limy
I have been t.l.l, that you brought to one end of the wilderness to table,
the police here Inst night, 1 can't and sat dere., with, her back to the
think his opinion of your servicer tocunasrvatory into which the root
him text highly ctlored," replied tier• opened, a dreary dime big emmgh
nldlrw., with Melte passion In her for the tropical tree* at Ube Ratan-
kcce.al kcal Gardens, vfthtc h It would have
LHrtlay. who had bwelt unable to been better to leave empty than to
repress all show of eoneternatlon at garnish with a amide of bull., -rubber
her mentktn of the police, quickly re- pinutd, n row of sickly canwlhar, east
eoverel from his act etaincIll, nee et neatgre mhos of gerankums and
Invited it deep thigh. perhaps W gain i.tbt'hor p1:1.^ts •rl Me bedded out later
n little time for Llaiught. In 1[earcan.
"My usual luck !" he exclaimer) at , 1 been.] th'tt 1(u were exlectld
10141. with a shruC. "Yon env.' only yeett•rkty . but 1 del not bee to It'1%e
heard one-half of the story. When 1 tit Ideroitre of nrcttug you ki.41x0
found that the police were after him, --1'11(1 1's.' too!
1 came with theta. in order W delay
caul., fidget n paap-r: Ih)pte you
their movements while 1 found means b u%en't b,ught. thin (111 up, Mr. Barn.
of warning Jaynes to escape."her,"rekt Al, recovering isweelt.
" No. nut yea. 'fhb h eh ell 1 feet
"It was you, then, Mr. o ug, Ger 7(11 ?" be acted, pl•kla,l up 1141)'
1110 sent ward to him that the it+ pndic,• tk•ket. wkk•1t set. head ,lroppetl, a1Ht
were upon ldm!" huudIng.11 to der, Mill1'ilhtui tie
"No," snkl he, frankly,• ,.seeing by h:wt:urprtsa
her tone that it would b:' unwire to Rut her coolness tooled not stand
annum:• the credit of his kinsman'., es- as h a tot; .h: took the ticket with
cape. "ley conte menus or other, he trciubling fingers and (honked kiln.
got wind of their arrlvnl before 1 wittiest meeting bre eyed..
could need word to him; and 1 re- "1 um afraid Sou have Bonne tee,
Jolter' at this for the feet of his hav- 4,41 11 traro:Ie re about;' h' remarked,
Mg token a most unreasonnbie pre-. het to 1t, rims turn but in a rather
judice against HW would have pre.- ower vast. "You duet ti look so well
vended hie hello ing u message from- 1114 w•h v1 'Yoe eft W'ar8lgiuuu. Mri.
me." ,let a ire el."
"You admit that he Is prejudiced Yee. W:' wont td, tele acute palaces
against von t" nnd, raw Ort many 111 ng'." she au
"Anti I sell that the p►foJudior, it a ewer:'d quickly, "and; when res Were
must unjust:one. You shall judge for
In Paris, were at the theatre .eery
yourself." Hu watched her narrow- nightyourself."ly us be continued, speaking slowly eh -and all that tells! But, of
and with grout precision: •'When course, In Paris eel on a honeymoon,
Jame"' was eoiumltted to prison, five it a difficult to be moderate enjoy
s and n -hull ago,meat."
charged, with Her face broke up sae she gate him
fit'. ethers, with the murder of la glance which moved him out of his
!higher, the farmer, I went nil the tr tuqulllity.
Slay from London to see him, beingEnjoyment "' she sobbed, with the
the only one of his relatives who took long -withheld tease rulling town )ter
any trouble about him -with some eheeka
curiosity, I confess, to see whether -Come Into the it•ttlon." sold he. in
it really WAR toy relative, James Ot- exactly the mime soft 50108 se usual;
any, of Waringh(ua, who war in this and he led elle way into the empty
sorry plight ; but 1 weut at the same waiting -teens in such nn unmoved.
ten- prepared to do all in my 'tower rntnte ring fashion, that it attracted
fur him, rltottld us. prove to the 410 rem irk, -nn.I (ieraldine'i tears.
case. But its. dl,ubtfeii -having failing feet beneath 11(' ve1l, a110 111 -
fleapit nothing but (11311s0 01 me all rnpsl notice, as he ceniffued to talk
Ida life from may kind relatives, took eommonplaere nb,ut o%erfatigne and
it into his head that I haat crone to, mo fern r irllltteq for travel, till they
exalt over him -fm .gine n peer stone :lone In the (fusty room.
wretch like me exulting over any- "noel' ere." he std, kindly, taking
hu.Iy!-and .,wallet mo with a Colley Ont his pocket-knife rind cutting the
of hard words, which I bare pretty World. "If any Willingham People
well, no 1 am used to them." were' -to coma in, they would think
"And jou main to say this is the it no 1wl1"
style ground of his mistrust of you Y" •'I don't rare what Wnringhem pet -•
"It N, i amefr, you" plc think!" flashed nut liera/dine.
'`Hid yews meter seen hint Weed?" the very suggestion that .hr should
easel, duce he was at M,y, when 1 c -ern for such a trifle causlag Learn
need to tip him with the half-crowns to °rare. "I rbuldn't care if every
whish were never very plentiful with cottager In W'arIIIgharo were (n the
tae." platform to sae me cry my eyes out
"Whit a very strange antipathy!" ae I go aft. for I shall never see them
-Strange, 1n4..d.-A&ts -Geraldine ; agalAr' . . -
but 1 Intend to overcome it." "Itut these are other people to be
"1 am afraid you will not find that considered beside. the cottager.. You
ells)•," haven't married the cottager's, you
el agree with you; but to rte the know," mattiaued Itegin:aht, •flab cut.
difficulty of an undertaking const,- ting his ieaper.
tete* its rhnrm. Now. the difficulty "What um you trying to feel out•
of mine Dan aceroely be exaggerated; Mr'. itomber :"' slto asked• coldly.
for not only have I set myself the "Why yo, are running away, of
task of °Meeenting James Otway'. trwrse. Mrs. Morrison."
'nearest of me, but I have determined tine stopped hie penknife impatiently
to earn hie gratitude by enabling and mn,o him meet her eyed; but 11114
him to mike it fresh start In life- own were . cult tarsal as. kind ar
out of the .sinner)', of course." 08081. (a
"Sever. to come back. -to .i aglas4," "Why do yea pretend you dou't
she murmured. "It Would be aas bad know :' Awl why dib you try to stop
am being ha prison.' me tow--f.,r you are trying to atop
"1 don't think .lames woald agree inc. though y.st shall not 11111:0041,1 -
WW1 you in that, hard ea it of wisest it wain your duty to have navel
lourwn I. so be cut off forever from mH before, not by giving nae n Ingo.'
ore. relatives. One consolation 1 warning, which two girl could take,
can. however. give you. Mlea Gareldine but be thein lg ne the whole truth)?"
- he if the sort of man to necnntmn• "1 did tell 3"00 all I knew -all I know
date himself easily tet change of elf, nM►."
cumetattres, to pluck what plen(rure ripe pewee and looked penetrating -
pones to hand, to mete himself hap- Iy ft'elm,
py wherer•r wine Is ehenp, and where ".1ro1 that b-"
a flirtation In not altogether ins"That 1[41 in a fanatic, a 'Wali of
t rep Iden• nrwl therefore not likely to
'Yes, that in tint the lmpre..ion he maako any women happy."
gave me,' said Geraldine. coolly.••You did nut know what thou idea
Lindley, who was Imprseoknablr, was? You could nut, or you would
and whose strength lay in his power have told me. You cannot have known
of exacting himself, began W find this either why he mirrled tine."
girl who- mute think for herself ir- • p dldh't tbint that want. l an ex -
and doprr..in.r ; rand, with pdunntoa " said hs, simply,
it feeling that If be remained nny "1f you had known hie reason, you
longer in her scrlrty he might .!w.II would not hire believed it; it .res
to. !mprveelro ike had made, which ton mousarona-to, horrible! He is
wan not wholly insntiafnctory, he not a man ; he is a demon 1"
mem, found. mrwmd to break hp the Reginald hooked at her to rising
k'te•n-tete, newt to rejoin the les nlerm; lie was not mo much afraid
attractive bat more gmpathetle of reme terrible d!.rhlgllre as. afraid
Plenum', who, from the farther end tent elle was losing her wits.
of the long room. had furtively "What would yon any t•, a man who
watched them and wondered what lied devoted his life to hounding an -
they were talking about. other min down• who had deliberate -
Then (le►nlaltne lett 180 1lttfnn In ly chosen for himielf, an n Punnet,pult,
starch d Elisabeth. She wanted to na n pastime, the office of bloo!hound•
ext•haiagw a few more ward. with that to distil .7 his Ingenuity and his keen -
lady cm lite sublet of the asiatbh• note where profrss!onnl dete?tiver
Ing revelation of that afternoon and peed fueled -who began his self -rap•
ten to go beck to Conde) and to polntel teak by sneaking down 10 the
pour out the btrange tale to Miele neighborhood of the home of the man
(Helton; she lyanted, allose all. to look he was hunting, worneng himself into
once more nt the Hen? demi ,face of the confidence of the min's friends,
her father. She went from the outer trying to ferret out from them the
to the inner hall and called "Jeb.- pear wretch's hiding -place ? What
win!" In the hope of his being about. would pm sty If, fnIIine In thin, this
He nppearrd from the dining -room, stay, Seeing found out that. the infer-
rinenpprfnrhed her rather mysterl- oration be wanted was to the handit
rn,sly, with n glance round nt the ver- of a gncl who [mull not be cajoled
free donne 1)114 n glnnen up the Asir- Intel glr!ng It up. had made up hi.
rine.•. Then 110 pmlared n well-worn mint) to mdrry her. In the certainty
man's,' mermen pocket -hook, whish, In that. with the n'thnrity whish only
perfect arllance, he put into her hand. marringe give., he mold sooner nr
with n look of 1408)41 triumph. [Ater wrench the secret from her?"
"What Ie thin?" ante naked, mar- Reginald we* eta:tied at Inst, but
prtnrvl. it, was into °ttlw incredulity.
Johnson ginner -ft .,round mind .,hove "Li.to s, 118(5 l ! What i am tell
ngnln before he answered her, in the Ing you i. true. What would Son
ornrnlar tone which the imperfectly- eny If the newly -married hrlde from
rttnrrrted delight to nwmme at it time her huMo,nd', ev'hhteen14, and from the
of exrltement- prelstenry with whleh he kept t,
"There hove been mnny mtrnnge rite wtlbject, had her m,epiet.eterou.e,t.
greens., nn here lately. ma'nm. thing. an,i found that (mu this. her very
that we meet watt patiently for time w-eylding-Gros., her Imahnnd WAR fol
to rleir up. Mrs. Symea. 1 het, unarm lowing the trek of thin man, n man
to think, known more than nnybeely ; whom *he hal loved ns if lie had
hot she M einem. ns perhaps le Ned been her own neither? What w'mId
tinder the rtrcnmwtnnre.. .ire. Spleen y0/1 lay to that ? What would you
gave this to me. mn'nm Mer picked ,yayw••
It up In my poor /bur mnater'. e'en,. "Why, thnt It erne Impn'Mhte--that
:and elle mild to mem-'(;Ives tele to Mae there we.* anme atrange mlrtakesome
riwrnlahne ; die him the first right..' where!"
Who, g•tvr It to me not ten minute* ('fen be Onw,ttneel.l
ago, mn'am--when she heard yen
were here"
"Who la Mem. Rymer; 7" naked Ger.Celerity.
nkllrrw, kr%king wee nn nneawy feeling F:mpoyer-1'd ewes. you for the
of myate'ry at the pocket Mw.k. wlairh elnee nt 0nee only i meed hn.e
rontnlnerl some lettere. "la It. thnt marrte•I mafl.
ere dleil kw*Ing old woman l" ohm hp eppllennt-Keepthe ranee open for
gun, awl then cheekod herself. nn lour, ler.i'11 pit thnt It's reeler
"Yew, mwa'm; .8. IS thee benes to get mettle, thin to get n 3,h. dud
New York World. "Why you Iowvs your bast
eieraldln was In.Ila".d to fans that - plt►ee "
y ' Mw.fter wee tin sarcastic."
the eelr arny•fnrr.l women heel Telltale ine►M
-Row was that 1"
feat none epee the perket-leek ' Dow well urs, fililwesste lent la her "Wall, 1 betel him 1 erten a *nail
which neutered It n thing with note'" on the garden path, en' 110 *nye 60
which It 18000 Metter to have o.th •'Isn't If wnn.)rrfltl l Ton would not me, You mint have met It."' -Moon-
ing to 'in. Reseed. whoever wee the think Mei warn .lay over :r) H wee,
owner of 1t, It was elearty not hen; dldn't try to act( nal if flit. were 20."
Interview With Mr. J: 11, Ireland,
One of the Old Time Knights
.of the Grip,
ills Plight on a Ret"i t Occasion In
the Maritime Provinces - Huw
1)udd's Kidney Plias Came to His
Help High Words,of Praise fur
That Remedy.
Toronto, Juno 29.-(tepea'inl/-Mr. J.
H. Ireland, the well-kmowu traveller
fur hate and capes, left for the Mari-
time l'ro%Ineer one day last week.
Handily packet) In Mr. lrelaifd'I prl-
cnto grip was u box of loold's Kidney
1911x, the medicine famous throughout
t'uluula am a mweifie for all trouble.
of the kidney's. Wheu asked about his
experience with this remedy Mr. !re-
tried grew quite eutbumiartic.
"I never g" out en n trip of any
length without abox of 1)odd'r Kid-
ney 1'111s," he ur,erterl.
"Are yew afflicted with Kidney
Trouble it great deal, then Y" Mr. Ire-
land was asked.
"Nut it great deal tau*. no," replied
Mr. Ireland, "i take I),aid'r Kldue]
Pills mere as n prere'UJlce than eine-
thing rhe. Put In the winter of 'f1F(
1 urs`` I can tell you. 'J was down}} en
Nova Rooth), what 1 (frit, used iM19d's
Kidney 1111s, I don't know whethttr It
war the water down there, theice-
mate, riding so much in the trail tut
what, but certainty my kidneys were
on the point of a complete break-
down. Backache! It was one menthe-
ual misery. It spoiled my business',
broke my,reit and wore run elowru un-
til the lite was taken right out of
m"yid you used Drd d's Kl tney Pilfs?"
•'I used the only remedy 1 knew of
that was a specific fur the Walleye."
answered 31r. Ireland. "The fret dose
of llnols'r Kidney Pills reemad to go
right to the spot. In a feed days I
was feeling ne well as ever I did In
my life. They are n ngkndld medicine.
I have recommended thud's Kidney
Pills to scores of men on the roads like
myself, and none of them but have
the warmest praise for the medicine,
beteg just exactly what we reseed In
our walk of life, it gate, reliable
strengthening stimulant for the kid-
iiea.'en never helps the man who
will not act. -ewe/ dig.
- -�
Ho --My wife asked; me to stop for,
o pend of Cera.
Greaves. -What doeue she want -
black or green f
lie --Why• It meems to me e a
.light-°reamcokior eliet11'
usel. -
To read without reflecting le like
eating without dlgeeeting.-Burke.
Hoax -You're n (Ina lobster ! !
Joax-What's the matter/
Hoax -You've given your wife a
$2:. bonnet.
Joax-Well, you don't have tapay
for it.
Hoax -No, but I have to peri for
another one Net like It for my wife.
lialewman-Tbke is calked the "ban-
quet vest."
('uetunter-Why doyen, cull It that f
itakeeman-lt has .Iritic gore down
the alder.
He that swells In prosperity will
M. sure to shrink int aedverapjJ;y.-C'oM-
When Torsion is - on the throne
reeves in ort of doors. -Henry.
The most unhappy of all men ie he
who Weeder hltnete'f to tem. -Henry
Friend -What became of yrnlr great
poem called "The Boomerang?"
Poet -it (wale beet.
t' find lined rose., employthe es. part of
their them to make the Inst port
minrrabIP.-La Bruyere.
Wicks -Whet ha- ve you given up thin
Lent, oke fele/el?
DuBreu-The umbrella I loaned you
Met Lent.
He who can hide his joys In greater
than he who can hide his grlrfs.-La-
i' ter. ---
He-An you wanted to knew dump -
thing about my peat. 1 hope you
didn't go to extremes?
:the (adherent of aplrituallem)-No;
I went to a medium.
Mrs...Tones-Does your husband tra-
vel f
Mrs. Brawn -Oh, no; he carries his
drew -milt roup to town every icy to
bring back our meat and vegetable'
in. -Chicago Remelt -Herald.
"Hullo, old boy, lutveo't aeon you
for an age, W11/1,t an• you (Ming now?"
"I'pp book at the old ettampting
"E:hI Where'. that?"
"Poet Office," - Cleveland Plain
Dealer. --
1[!sw Lnory-I don't feel comfort/Gee
In thin waist nt all.
Mise (prarey--Why not ?
Mies Laoey-It makes me feel un-
oomfortaMe herniae 11'e ton ,'nm.
fortable to be a good fit.-Philadrl-
pbta Pre... _
itllllriim -To get merrted In Mny 1.
c)mdApred unlucky.--•-•---.-
('ynirure--Rtllh, If you get merrier!
In Mny you always' hare Mnwething
to Mame it Record.
Hoax x -Horne people are pretty
swift, but they oan't get ahead of
'I'lrmdlx-Pethaw, every band ender
lin the country beats time. -Chicago
Offlrpr-Your 'u.he.ni'. up 1.1w wey,
1jn was no had we sLmply ad to run
6j5n In. He wants you to come up an'
'1M end.
Wile -Bell 'Im end ? W'y, ain't you
got a etnmmirk pomp? -Moonshine,
Mrs. Murphy (t, her humbled et
cit ily)-item• run for the doctor,
Pet. The child IIAR nwnllowerl the half
pennynu gore him M play with,
keep your mend slay, Bridget,"
replied Pat. "It was a bad one, any-
"Tltrre, .,errs. -that's .mm*thlng Ilket
linemen In getting drown to Moines
et last."
et/hetet np?"
"Why. "mmeMoly down at 1n41ana.
mete hen Invented a 'nnl.plese mllk-
maM, ,
444444444444444444+4i+ai ISSUES NO 2'i not.
t' Philosophy.
yas. eimea resist
•f jiiiiii4ii44iiiNiiiiiiiii
One drop 0' rapt ain't muco, but of
11ye glt enough uv 'em together
!they '11 make a foot.
A boy keep. ou n-pretendln' he's a
1mtu1 1111 ho Is one ; then he tries to
, not like a boy aglu, tett he can't foul
1 nobody.
A rich man sometimes envies hes
!poor neighbor, but If he, was to
,14wap place. the (art thing he'd do
!would be to try au' glt rich again.
The mill won't never grind with
;the water ,het 1. pest, but Owl
%don't hinder the wnter from runnel'
a1[ath.'r mill further down the
street m.
A [vetie bit ue pride don't hurt no
Glatt, bu ttuo much a vlt'II cover up
1011 Isla other genal pints.
It's mighty hard sometlmee to tell
_lied where exaggeration ends an'
J,3In' begets.
It's. n mighty minium) thing for a
luau to make mistaken, but a mighty
uucummxi un fur him to owl, up to
Ye can't read "a feller'p thoughts,
but his actions. *peek for 'em.elve14,
1 know us a feller thet was bit
by a rattlernakr twenty years ago,
nm' 1. st111 a-drinklu' whbkey to
cure ll,
flood resedutlonr is easy to keep,
1,110y gelerally, kin be found to the
top ellel1, under a half -Inch o' dust.
(ilttIn' toad's sometime.' like throw -
In' a alone into a hornet's nest. -
+ Trouble'll bring out the good or
the bad thet'r In a feller.
The feller thet stirs up the fires
o' anger gen'rally Bits his awn en -
gem burnt.
It don't take a very strong wind
to Mow over a tree, when the routs
grows ciust to the top u' the
great man's always ready to
'make excuses fer them that ain't
14o great,
It ain't how 'much ye kin elo; bat
how good ye do It, thet counts 1n
the end. • .
A feller kin always git noticed by
raisin' whiskers or by bevin' 'em
ahaverl off.
When n feller hasn't gut confidence
in Melee' nobody etr:v'l! het• either.
There'll many a calf thel'r got its
head ketebi d In the (ears a-tryla' to
remelt the grass on t'uther side.
There sunIP folks that hang lace
curtains at the winders. se's to keep
people frum seem' then the floor Is
baa e
Arn. empty WWI 8001) Bits leaky.
IL's policy, when ye Ilek it feller,
to tell how good a fighter he. 1n.
Minards Liniment Lumberman's
Germany's Greatest tudustrlts.
Thr Intal German cen'ns shows L1D6
work* or rrtablishulent. which em-
ployed tier 1,00 person* each In the
year 1149.1. save U. 5. Deputy Coeval
General Hanauer, of Frankfort -on -
Main, Germany, in n recent commn-
nier[tlun to tiff' Iteeori. Altogether
theme had 5112,82M person. and 885,-
285 hor,te power In use. The imperinl
Stnhullral retreat' gave details it hoe t
the tun largest of the ahoy". 296 resi-
t -erne. They are Kr,ppis works.
steel guns, machinery, rte., employ-
ing 44,1.47 workmen; the linmberg-
Amerlcan rilt'ont*hip Company. enu-
pinying In 1899, t4,14.1 nshore rine 8,-
49e nboarl ship; the Vulcan Hhip-
ynrd* at Stettin, having 7,2O8 em-
ployees anti workmen; theBadIsche
Aniline and JOidie Tactery, at Lud-
wigrhnfen; H. Wen/oche'. Erben tex-
tile factory, In Ehensbach, Saxony;
the Berlin Electrical Work.; the Selo
nethelw Brewery, In Berlin; Roet•-
shelm's department store, In Berlin :
the Berlin Trnmway Company, and
the ik'hteehe Mermen) Bank of Ber-
lin. Of the ten concern. Apeelallted
six represent mnnefnctiring trim,, one retail 1rntln, one b repre-
sentative of the hnnkdng Interert and
two of the transportation *err Ice.
MIN .ARD'S LINIMENT le the only
Liniment aaakeol for at my store and
the only one we keep for sale.
All the people use It.
Pleasant Bay, C. B.
The Suspicion Unfounded.
There 1. n story at preseht current
on the golf links. Gay* the London
Free Lance, that a certain Koff -wid-
ower, who took hat little intermit
In his wife's exploits with the rlubs,
WAR nrouswl from the fog of lila 1/0a1-
nesa by hearing her name continual
ly coupled with n certain colonel.
She ens always playing with tills
colonel, who .111 not seem a very p0 -
lite person, for he never nllowerl lar.
to bent him. Still. the husband did
not like the renptnnt nssoelntlnn. Hp
began to he alarmed with the 1.k'n
tint the enlonet's attrnellnne might
be ns Irreeletible as hie play. He
plunged into the fray, roil taxed 111,
wife with the colonel. Min teemed In•
dlgnnntly, with tears. They tumbled
nb ut In n web of fin ry wnrls till
nt Met light dawned on her and 'rho
buret net laughing. Timm she rt•
pbnlned as well as she coned to her
Amazed Opens. -what gnlf.rwnders
Ihnve nlrendy divined -that the ropo-
nel wne 'Colonel Angry." Anil tint
playing Agalnnt "the colonel" menns
trying to ognnl the reord.
IA.k for Mlnard's and take no
Why Apes Camelot Talk.
Dr. Molamarn, In a lecture re-
cently delivered before the Royal
('allege of redeems In Landon, whlp-
plernentedl the Dnrwinlnn theory of
men'* deeeent from the ape by ex-
pinlning why the hatter cannot talk.
It ban been proved, he maid, that
man and the 'nthropnld ape enrol
from the name mtnr•k, hat the ape
cannot talk, beean.. It lacks the
nerve-efntre thnt In man anntrees
the faculty of mpneeh. The anterior
lobes of the amen brnln, nontalning
the part that centre!. npeech, are
defective. ho'aume the skull le osai-
fled, during the anima,' tlretear,
Into a rl(fId visaed en.w that keep.
the brain from expanding. The
eke)! of man donut not nonsolt4aatn
until the adult ago hal heen rsaeh-
ed, en that the Interior lobe* and
imeeeh nerve (metres can go on de-
veloping until the 20th year.
Km" Mlnerdr Llnimeet le the
There le mem edmIrabie thin` .hent
the leather of an orrhestralr k1e al-
ways face/ the must.. , t ,
The time
to fight consumption, with ~were
Emulsion of cod-liver oil, is Jon
in advance, If It threatens, you tail
resist ; and you may overcotne it)
Don't be afraid; be trave, Ltd
tackle it ; don't waste time,
.614. see a.■ dime... Ne *., ,•
.con a eew,tA 1, ^, •n.,J,, ."6".ser • s ,,Lein
8oloetblug About This World -Palm
ons Corps,
The Oordnna began their foreleg
service at Gibraltar 1n 1794, prosesg-
Leg thence in the next year to tor.
o leo. They were sent to lreleb
during the rebellion of '98, where they,
wen golden opinions from the. peas,
entry on account of their hummer
ootduct ; 1799 found them in Holland,
and here they lust their first mss
"killed In melon." They acquitted
themselves with reedit at 'the betels
off Egmont -op -ler, (Inc.of the few
rsyrage•nw'nts on re'urd where large
bailee of troops' cant- to cross bay.
.,nets. They fought at Ab'alklr, llas-
dexa and Alexandre.. They were roan.
thtneed le der/etches by air Arthur
Wellesley after the battle .4 Mop.
They were with lair John ,Mo„n• at
Corinna, nnd went through the Feu -
hauler Wnr, being prevent, em'upt
utlher battle., nt t11111 rrularkahle ea.
gngtenent .,f Fuentes (more here it
was that Wellington sneer*,tally s1pr-
rl.•d out n nr,et daring manoeuvte,
ehneging hie front to the right Tide
Ire did by swtnglne his army tome '
with hie 141 as n pivot, w'hlrh code
reedy herr been carried through 117
troop. whose steadi d's* nd dlnelpllae
were perfect. At St. nerve the tiny.
I 10410 IAmd0 et spkndbl charge, driving
leek two French regiments amt tak-
ing, meter prisoners. When aarowel
rt+raped from Elba the tetrd.ns,were
agate ('ebbe out, and four w'rgeante
dented n 1301.t(•I11 Mel nt the DMehwa
of Rlehmeael's blrtnrlc hall nt Juin.
15th, 1915, At l,!urttre Bras the Duke
ref Wellington Mewed wan with thele
during n great pert .4 tie
and menttoncJ them nfterearda In
$100 REWARD, $I00..
The readers orf leis paper w111 Weltered te
learn that then is at Inset one dreaded deers
that wienee has been able torero In elite
stage. and that la t'aterrb. Hall's . parte
tore re r the only port tire ears tow known little
medical fraternity f earth, be'nneg a roma
tut Iona] dl....., require. arnnatitnl►dnel trap.
meet- Hall's. catarrh (' Mats taken to le,malty.
arling directly upon the heeded noires'
surfaces ut therms/am. thereby deetrey4gti,
foundation of the dire...', and flying rnr pr
tient etrearth by bn(I4ing up the ron•,uutfna
and aesist ng nature In doing Its wort The
proprietor. have w much faith In Intennllro
power. that ,bey offer One Hundred Pollan
for any re.. tbat It 4.lb to euro. `tend for IIA
d ti stlnannlat,
Address, V.J ('HRNICY ttll., Tol.do,Q
Sold by lora/masts. 70e.
Prosperity In as Iowa Sanctum.
The editor of thin paper 1s soon to
buy a entre. `orange nri'l extrema-
gent am it may *Peen, we (1' ' lle-
terminwl to do no. With this end
in flew, we w•1*lt denier* In .nhntIt
f.enled bis be 1..rP Saturday night,'
ret, that the J.,L may be let 1„ the
iowe at bidder. Quality reel style
bane. ssmn(. Any old tlhinie will ,la.
Send In your b1d4. We meet*, the
right to reject any and all bels.-.
Attica Journal. -
To Cure a Cold In One Dsy
Take Laxative 'Immo Qulsinr Tablet& Al
dreggiets refund the money If It fell. to eery
rbc. Y w, ()rave's signature Woo each bot
As Ile Saw the Case.
"Nhy'aton't you try to earn an ho. -
est llving T'
W eI I, a newerel AllratalPflinf Ylil..
"rye figgrrl•.l on de proposition an'
It don't srelo Illetin es. like. Why
Mould I toll Mr de prion of a Mire
thin' when i kin' ell nil de luxuries
Starof deNewton.enn handed out to me by
m.:rkitcely hen makW' nwtnduw 7 pit" -'s Nreg'avhnPeint gtoa at
leo Afleet leg.
YOU hear about the poetical
way In which the. 'effete runw,uncod
the death of their pet dog 7"
"No. How watt that 7"
"Tlw'y rutL1, 'We regret t' nun"rnr*
that our little P.rlle haw et/r'red Ills
Cork fox the, other shore.". --Cleveland
PIa1n IkeaIPr.
Minard'o Liniment 1s used by I'hy-
inc la as.
A Hough Game.
" I Memel think,' she enM, an her
prelty wny, .that ort earn a rough
Rome .alt,l'kers wooki know letter
than to Intrude epee the field.'
110 I.r,kr,l twtulPd.
e What rho you morin 7' be risked
" Why," eh( nnawerrl "didn't yalt
just rend to m•e thnt some Ingitre -
tive poem name., '. O.,nl was twice
kicked from the field?"-Tit-IIW...
!yeti The Old Scotch Remedy 19e1
Lam. !swim ere nearly al wept .awed by
et rains or It Idny trouble. Hrown'a Doe w111
trimly cure you. Sample bottle nnd domed pt I re
rlr'• ,lar went for 10 cents. to pe pecking and
powers slam slsGent pout paid on receipt of
Prices tar, ser and Shen.
Wet. DROWN. Premien",
esteem Qua
-- t
=mat a.tdonere Gae(gmeets le
Hotel Columbia
Accommodates Apt Send for booklet.
Ilmt... -.1.00 and !Upwards.
utile A11211110AN-f1!AVo7Ot'eNA n-
• semelr lin nrbed moms ter Pan Americas
visitor* In my private mildews located le
Central Park dl■trtet, 6 mingles from main
.atrans to erposltJns : breakfast If desired.
Rate's wippe.r day with bath Address J H.
Brogan, 111 Huntington .yens,, Hnfaln, N. Y.
1d'06 1)AL.1OrodNNi-AIVT ACHIM 4 MILL
a1 frmn rrlrb, lame nrrthar4, enols.. se
311 It aro small fruit, brick brume, outhellding.
tonere and lend, • 1 In l ,nndltlon, sorsa
water. Apply 1t. In
peenenx, O.d.rleh, _
mut depute Cenesast
ur. Jelin C. enema, Rut re
nimik at
r111711` FARM roele they8Al.gers_NI or TWIT
seaIsom", 0 reties from rrynttleeql onl two rsll•
wwaassrt(s). laairs* 1■, IS sr
be wbfret 1. Ie front.
d114dM l ,see of Idlle 1x1 mires to sd la ewey le PAP
This is a deeideg bargain AAarer
01WW11Nw, P. O. bee MIK hew,
Meg, wladew's SneMeelbbtnr appose *bosh. A-
ware be gster (1.tldsea
M■ ?rating !f ls,
gkhd. A.re....04
N•rreaMlVdysee sew.: iweet//