HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-4, Page 5-0' 7
W. Acheson & Son
f, a Wash Goods, Silks and Dress Goods.
h' w
ere is • small hat of our new Diem Goods and Mullins fur summer
wear, most correct materials for reliable service or handsome ap.
pearitn.:e. Priem are lower than the rich value of the goods would lead you
id enpeot.
Milk .'rope de Cheat, 42 to 44 inches wide,
n, black and white, at per yard
Ossit DWI" V
saws. es
American printed
are neat waist or
$1.00 to $1.60.
white, black, and plain
15c, 20c, 25c.
cord Muslin, feet colors
dress patterns, at
10c, 12lic, 15c.
W. Acheson & Son
Freuth 1)rgattdies. plain, bl:u k, white +uv
.odor, at
15c, 25c, 30c
20 emcee Atnlereon'. Glasgow I.ittgham.,
stylish plaid. Std checks, warreuted fas
colors, regular 20o, 25c and 30c goods, al
at one prior
36 to 38 inches wide black Ureieailinee,
many patterns, beautiful rich black. a
per yard
r F"�';r,'y(
A New Mcetca). STAR -The following
crttlolem of Ma Annie Tregear will be In-
termits, to Gderfoh people, es the lady Is
the sister e1 Rey. Dr. Dblel, who has been
appointed to the valerian) of North street
Methodist oburob. The ortlole 1. from The
Western Graphic, of Seo Fraeol.00, end I•
but one of many simile: molars whish h.v•
r.oently appeared la the musical prase
"A pew ,ter bas •risen en the modest
horizon, the star of Annie Tregsar. Tr*.
gear oomee te s. 1s the fell perfeotlos of
wombey poetess She brings with tier the
*harm e1 • glorious voice °irefully cherish-
ed and trained, until 1t has retched the
. ammo of moors perfeolloe Tregeer'.
te sot ter well tralsed torr of inedtoorlty,
tet • divert g ft Klett, full. melodious,
dezibl., It rises like the Dotes of the mos.
dow lark, aseodlog higher, olearer and
soul thrilling'. relit It rsaohes • point be
Seed wblob Inman voles has soared.
It I. a song bird prlsoned to t0• th, oat of s
womb. the rage of bet volae 1. almost
stsrtllne. It e • wooderfalty sweet so-
prano of greet volume ; lar rmp•es is frees
K fist ID •l: to C above kith 1. It 1s the
h'gbeet note yet •haled by by lianas
votes, and with It Trsgesr will rival say
slower 1n the world."
WIDICD -The following, •.ksm from a
O.wbrook N, 11.ket.) paper. relates t••
termer resides, of Raton ooenty rind • eta -
dent of t0• Celleei.re inept,$, h•ov,, sed
wtll be real with Interest by moo, : �At
tee Presbyterian obsroh, awed p liars d
•rehm of flowers .ed t■ the nr. •ease of
Lep number of admiring eteetvpre. on
N.do. ley, M.v 8.b, 1901, • very pretty
weadmit wait a.bmerrd when M•.. Frsnoss
0' M m, aide.' deagbter ..1 Mr Fr.nk Sim,
y -woe natal t., Mr. --merge -II Draper,
gr.dusts of Oo'an° (..leg. n1 P iarm•ov,
Toronto, Oat , and • popular seri highly
esteemed drueglst d tole plait The bride
ens attired In • bea••ming iravelling one
tame of grey with silk trimmings and earned
• beautiful bouquet of wblt• rose and ear
sancta M1.. Berths Dees, et Mt. Odes",
Ohio, sod MIN J Stn, sister of the bride,
wile bled u bridesmaids, were also dress-
ed In grey and anted white oraarions
The groom was attended by Mr. A Arm
strong, of Park River, N. D , and Mr. W.
811e, brother el the brkle. After the Derr
.may the yoaag raspier reeelvd 'bower of
eeegntelatle0s .ad beet grebes from their
many friends sod thea all repaired to par.
Mks of nee of the meet s.mptaoae and
marntdoest repasts ever salted to the
most lestidloa. appetites. M•sy were
the beautlfel and useful prostate
received, whioh alone ehow•d the hire
esteem to whloh they were hole. Aller
paraklnr of dosser the happy ample left
es the 3:20 trees ler • trip to Winnipeg
and other Cssedlae points, after whioh
they w111 rets -o asd lmmedlstely en0,
meaa heusekeeploa la the immense and
be•utifel keine fitted up for the bride We,
Along with their many bleeds, e.rneerly
wish Mr. .sd Mr. Draper rosp•tly
Ikrosgh life."
Mr. and Mrs. Humber remained • week at
V,oton•, where there is • large family oee-
eeotloo. A vett to the naval clause at
K•yslmolt wee one of the features of their
stay here. At Ven000ver, • busy, thriving
olty for whioh the (' P. R has dose won.
den, they saw Fred. Keens, Wm. Ralph,
young Mr McIntyre and Mr and Mrs.
Meeker and spent mono days In the city see
ing the sigb'w..mag wblob were the beauti-
ful Stanley Park and one of the palatial
steamers of the C P. R. truer -Paola° lino.
On the return trip they visited Kmenon,
Man. (where Mr. Humber's sister resides),
W Iootpeg and Portage Is Preen At the
latter place Mr Humber's brother lives.
It 1. a good towo, 1a the °onus of • meg
Want oouotry. le Manitoba then was
muoh deoaeelon of the Roblin (.overomest'e
hie railway bargees and then seamed to be
• great deal of epposltloe to the treesectioo.
Of all the oldie whioh they saw Mr. Homs
her admired most Mlnosapolls, whose sub -
'tartlet thnftt.ees .ad great maeaf..otur
log end oommerol.l interests Impressed him
very strongly. Altogether It wog a delight
fol trip ..d Mr. and Mn. Humber derived
• great deal of pleasure and tnetraotlon
from If.
( The above was l.teed,d for pubhoaloe
las. week, but was noa•oldahly emoted.]
Hs L11.11{• TMg ►fear. -IVa w ere pleued
to receive a Ie'trr • moot rias scan from
limbo Morton, el Spok.ne. •Susi. of Wash
Inj'o •, who wee 1.001.117 rocneo'ed mite
TRI dtuNAl. it war not written for pub
dation, bet as some of our retdere .wosld
like to keel" how thieve •re going with
"R.b" we trimbow clinch. Spesk,og
o.1 :he c •v sod riotnot in watch hu lot le
err oast, he nye : • N bas with its se yet
pr0tlI551 y u-.d•vrlepr4 reeouross of
m,e .1, oil, gas and Iners•ro, •grieul'urai
*Stir , tate matfett of the Pardo North
e tc w I r •sl any ether quarter on the
globe. m• of the beet paying mines in
the uooutr are wLhen a radios 01 one
hundred mtlIe ; boring outfit-, are vow test
but for and w and Immense Nm0r re
serves yet sus t the lam be/n1.D'e -ax.
Bods of marble cal •re being exploited
whioh will be • an to menufaturere
Then every week for the put two months
thousands of Immigrant, hays been throng -
Ing through here in • .broil for astern
n ew These homemakers are of • sturdy
stook and will be • big teeter In bundler op
the oo.utry. Spokane nett to .Seattle is
the city of the Northwest end there u no
telling of 111 possibilities, even though .o
inland Ioatles usually piste* a limit epos •
oity'• growth. It I. the natural dlstrlbut-
iog point for • lame and active territory
and with the advent of to nnl proposed
railroads tapping nob mineral regions the
city of the 1.111 is bound to lorgm *head.
In present population Is about 40,000 and
the growth for the peat ten years Ins been
phenomenal. L'ke Chimeric', it hat garb
through the ordeal of • be fire whioh de
restated 10. entire business portion of the
otty and bereft many a mss of he thous-
hourands. However, t0• lnteryeniel years
have seen big strides and now we have •
olty of whioh every Inhabitant is proud
Ten VISITING "I aacl."-Io Lolly Ber• Ne doubt you ere •war• this I• til• home of
card's eelume to The Globe recently many of the minis" kinps and meg001 0
oil a prase" against the Dreamt day syr and they oo.etltote • big Ibtor 10 the
tom teot "oaths"' wheels 1s worth republish- oitya eolldlty sod welter.. Haying .o
tag. "Of Is:• years to Canada • fashion salted their wealth rapidly. perhaps just
kite sept late social curate which is simply no. fortunate investment, they do not stint
ridiculous," asiys the writer, "white viewed In t0• deposing of It, for 1n parnhas'ng, no
Item 10. etendpo!nt o1 common rents and matter what, prioe 1s no o.onder.'
-s000r o.y, Gest of leaving •tdtios aortic Doe amusing feature quite notlos•b1• In
when you hemp found the parson epos this seasoner of shekels by the newly•
whom you have called 'et borne ' It le •I ren ,e the apparent •beenoe of taste and
most tantamount to expressing the belief geed sense le oonvertlog the oote Into forms
that your bost.ss w111 not remember the •n4 Liaise •000rdlrg to their owe orale
fat that .0. bad the pleasure of • welt oonomptlooa. When • man of ordinary
item you. bed It makes ibe 'broe' o1 outline from too towlines% of • oemmes
Medan visiting even more gluing than miner 1. exalted to the dignity and •1
Meal. Again and ►gels Doe Is asked 1f flo•ooe of • mdlloosln there Is apt to ornp
lame I. oe remedy will, which M Nem the out In •pot. an atter deregard of
N OMI•m tide of 'vetting,' whioh 1. absorb- tioo•Ilty whioh I. quite r•freehieg....AI
es N mush time, otherwise t •tier employ present toe oiy is In the throes of • ma•
M A Imod. n oet•reepenelent waree the uiolpel elation. whioh event takes plate
carper that matters In that great metro. every two years, A bitter etrlfe climes b••
pets ere Ie a far better oo dltloo to Wire twee° the selene element sod the upholder"
gard thee In (;.•ed►. After largo fuao of Aeeeeoy. The former element has men-
tions, non se dieser" and bells. or teap- ipal•ted both Republleao and lemonade
Moo., you are not espsoled to 'pall' simply nominations for the m•yyor0lty, so there will
M le•v oorde, and you rarely psi, • visit be • battle royal. Hers 1e jest the one
mare Than ear • year, 0100pt among your °loud whioh envelopes Spokane bed tar.
W et Iollm•N olroll, of soq.SiOtaoose, nlshe0 110 good name •broad. It may be
whioh, after all, is very small. She also to proal of all frontier towns, but i1 1.
tells me that, in leaving Dari•, the Darner shameful hew via and immorality ars per.
el the nerd tented down indioatee that year mined to rat ;imprint and !leant their red
visit Is eo the daughters of the house, u frosts right In the heart of Ib. atty."
will es the 'pother, and thy* relieves you Personally nor young former townsman. we
from ouryla0 about nob an 1mmeOu paok are gld to learn, Is genie" on well, and he
el owls. Why omnot some of the 'lead• is quite e.tlafled with him toast -ion in the
Ws of soolety' leaug.raeo • new Nate of western ply.
affairs In Toronto 1 !t appear, so perfectly A WISE MOTHER.
ddloalone to best on alt sides these nom
.plaints, toil yet to and that no attempt is Holyroed, Opt., Jane 19, 1901.
mad• to remedy toe eel,. 'Davi ere, I Mcleod'. Lohor.rory,
,101.0, • great menace : people eknnld take Uodeelob, Oat.
,101ohalloe of finding theme noes whom DRAB BIR, -W Iib toe greatest of planers
`thk e► have to os11 'at home,' and there 1 write to testify the merit* nl your System
•wM:Id be • greater memos of really 'social
Keenntor and SDw18o 1 aro Not+11h•
latereeness' without the neoee.lty ot the steding good nursing and all that (mold be
seed 'stersotypel,' 'Oh. mast you go ! 1 done for my Loy, he nertalnly would have
have not had • word with you. Yo many dish only tor your remedies. He is now to
people,' oto." perfect health. My bey was at death's
Norte OF A R'awi.aw Tent, -Mr. sad door with Rrlght'a demon and .ome.ym
Mn C. A. Bamber returned Thursday p10m0 of diabetes. His feel sod bonds
algid from • eery lateres►lo`` trip to the swelled •t times. the loal doctors tailed
Rest. ferias the ell wain they were to help him, We had to apply hot salt
•wmy they ped their time to good Odva- oat rectally ever all Ike joints of his body
t0 • in main es mast se passible et the to relieve the pain. Hls jetties often turned
.0main1.4 Det•t of Interest le the great waters bleak. At this time he had • feta Op
eeustrv. They want by why el Chloge petite, • waviest for fed all the time anti
rd Mlsnrpole, tw oos to Spokes*, for on1A water as well. W• h • ra of you
Seattle. V iotorl. and V enosay.r, and beck from a friend who had taken your medloine
by be same root* At Ml.nopnlls they re- ler the same trouble and esu mord Then
11IImed for • d• of two, halt going and re my eldest son went to (anderteh for the
()abbot, seri as my stek boy
and f ellIr. sod Mee. dati who re ver amtlo►rMae beam
ne taking them, Improvement followed
Is belt sew home They have ea for every doss. H• 11 now well, stoat seri se
Seen Melt Gderieh Weeds, however, and settee b ever he war, and going to aerial
we0.4 to he remembered to all. At Bpe• every day.
hawk Mr. Member saw Rea. Mertes, ler 1 am are that yen will have my MN
lowly .f TRI Rm.AL, who holds • reed wishes as sag as you IIS*.
twines then. At this oily Mr. end Mrs I am years truly,
Hembe, were visited by throe sea Henn. Mss. M. Prather.
011winds. winds la British ('olamMs for •
tewsllery arm sad Is dols• well Mr. 1:11.1... Rey. 9 Ptolemy, the retiring
ee'1'•y was .ratty fater.eted la 0h• my motet of fleetest Methodist eharoh, Wood
Meese waterfall ee the Ostensible river 5, stook, war a'1'ueday sf lest week tendered
�T•ha•e, whieb he says es the greatest be • farewell reeptee hy ob.: regregatim .esd
h r New with the istelllein rf Nlarar• prenatal with se •Adreee and • puree el
1 IN Mess te tired le • eseeldenNe $100 la geld. Rs la as stele of Mrs. A. T.
"kit ti the sits .std by smaideetOgen. Deeper.
f3eaforeh : Alma 100 tickets were cold o0
Fndey to persons polos to se, the oircu.
at dtratford.
('llotoa: Lieut. Berner, late of Palmer -it -
ton, 1. asseting the oepeslo of the $.lystwo
Army here for several weeks.
S.alortb . Me. Minnie Dorsey, of 8e•
forth, bet her first year's ea.min.tloos with
honors .t the oollege of muse, Toronto.
Morels : John Wheeler Is pursing • eers
finger eo hie right hand He got It jammed
u•sat blthy. hee barn 00101,1 at Kent. Sddea'e re.
Seafortb : J, J. Mol.turhllo, wile was so
seriously Injured at • barn 'Meta is Ma 1
Klllop reoeoily, is still living, but bis oon-
dplon is not improved,
Morris : Alta Wheeler has been baser
ase -
ful 10 peering his ezemelaatlm before the
M,oh'gau Bard of Parma). at Detroit
He to • coo of Joo. Wheeler's iib 11.., and
Bolds s position In Detroit.
Soefortb : At the rant ezamlostlone to
ueoeeetion with the Uooeervatory of Maio
et Toronto, Mee Beatrice Soolt, daughter
of James Soots, of this town, pasted with
h000rs 10 woad muse end theory,
Kuhr : W. 1. Heam.w, • popular
young hardware merab.n• of town, left for
S'. Paul, Mlooseota, on Tuesday, of last
west, when he was married 00 Saturday
kid, to nae of the belles ot that western
W router : A telognm from Otarytlle,
states that Rev. T J. Sabine, Methodist
wheeler, Is *lowly elokier and there a a•
hops for be reoo►ery. He le • brother-in-
law of Mr.Br•y,Wrea•ter. bed was formerly
stationed oa Uoderloh dl,trlot.
heafortb : At noon on Wedoeday, a
uslt• but pretty wedding was eolomnieed at
tiln residence of Joesph Abel, when his eld
est d•urbter, Maud, sae united to marriage
to N . E, A. Best, of this town, and travel•
er for the Kelly Cigar Company. of London.
Hallett: On Friday, the 21st ult., Henry
Render, as old pioneer of the township,
mimed •way at the sdvasoed age of 90
years. He has Lorre hie Seen well, not-
withstanding that during the past twenty.
flys ys•rn he bee been paralysed Iron being
thrown by • bull, and bas wasted there
from ever since, until his death.
Porter's Hill : W. A. Elliott, the popu
Ise batter of Porter's Hill school, intends
retlrlog from the baldest profession .t the
midsummer holidays. The other evening
the staple presented him with •o address
sod present u • token of their love and
esteem for the efficient m.mer In which he
der:barged hie detlee as tewher.
Clinton : Mr. and lire. W. Doherty
left on Monday afternoon on their
trip to the old ooantry. They go by
boat from Toronto to Montreal, then by rail
to Pentad, from whloh point they soli o0
the etetmer Dominion. Their volt will lo-
o)ode Korl•nd, Sootlaad 1)ermany and Hol-
land end they expect to be away about two
Morro • Ahgea Moi.*. f, wife and oh11d•
ren, of Hollend, Man.,ore visiting the Sber.
ria families and other trlend•. H. notes
a great many Improvements. it is 22 years
,rose Mr. Mcleod moved from Morris
whim they owned tee "last. farm" 4th line.
Fl• as not been bock sinew the family ma
e 1 *r.y. 0:d Mr. McLed, who lies at
t'v pro.,. Map„ Is Quite smart although he is
peat 84 years of are
Grey : A' 11:30 o'clock on Tuesday night
of let week 141 ZS Jane Attwood, the yeast
sit. of II ztus,leck 10, dna 0' the home ..f
her grendf.'b.r, Wm. B✓emao, eon b •t
t i. early age of 24 yeas. A baby moo born
on the Settled.y babe i• left to the care of
relatives. Deceased, tiro slows male her
home with her eranip.ren'e, was merrted
In March 1900 to Mr ,f•oklin and shortly
after they removed to Manitoba, Mrs. lock
I,n ammo book here tut Marsh
S.afortb : St, Jsmri oborob wee the
*seine of intermit no Tassd.y morning of
Int week 000asloo being the mamma of
Petrick Mulcahy, • prosperous young man
o1 town, and M,.. M•rger.t McQuade,
daughter ot John Mot/ads. The bride was
most charmingly attired, and was assisted
by Miss Alta Mulo•hy, of Toronto .mister u1
the groom, while Lou. Devereaux perform.
ed the duties of groomsman. The cNemogy
war performed by Rev, Father Corcoran,
00.tor of the church, and was wasesaed by
• erge number of relatives and friends.
Byfield : It is oar painful duty to record
the eat death by drowning of J. Norman
McGee, til• ten year old an of John Mc -
(1,., R.v3.lil line. Ooderioh township. On
Felday,2lst ul'.,he wee on he way home from
school, le company with his brother or, 1
another email boy, when be decided to have
• bath in the river. Lige himself, b.th of
the other boys were enable to swim, sn
when he west In and bevo,d he depth,
they could do oothng to ern him, and
when help came t• woe too kb However.
hs was taken to the house of Jas Thomsoo
cad 1)r. Stbbury, Woods and ['Allister
were at emote summoned ; they use4 every
available means to restore elm, but found
that life was on •0 extinct.
W ,DY,,nAy, Jane 26.
John King's biro raising took phos on
Alvin Duncan, of Grad Valley, Is visit
log rsletivee here this weak.
Mies Allis McDonald, of Mloblgm, visit-
ed her noels, Frank Roost lam week.
There were .bout ty Mokete sold
here for the excursion to the Moira at M.
141eses Llbble and Ord MoKee, el Moles-
worth, yelled their uncle, Geo MoDonsld,
the week.
Mrs .1 .1. Casemore and 00114,eo, of
Maio.sique, Mloblgeo, are visiting •t (leo.
Wm. Mower and daughter Cora went 10
1'pell.nt'i, Mtehfg•n, last Saturday to nett
Mn. Ire Barkley.
Mr. Morrison and eon, from near Mt.
borest, viand Mn. Merr1os'.brother, Mr,
Patrick, this west.
Tensest, June 2510.
Mr. and Mn. Gavin Green, of (lnderich,
spent Sunday et Mr. Green's father,
Wm. Renentt, of (larlow, was renewing
old •ogaaintsnove In thle neighborhood this
Mn. Rlohardeon and Mn Shaw, of Tor
onto, are ylsitiog the former'..1.ter, Ms
Kdwsrd McLean, of Luokoow, was in oar
village a day or Iwo oombinlop bosloess
with pleasure.
Mr. end Mrs .1. B. t)r•b.m meet •
noaple o1 days tote week, vu111sg friend. in
Manley township
.1es. Gordon hes had he barn rallied and
le hauler 05000 stables 0.110 under M. H.
Hawkins of Port Albert a doing the work.
Mina Mary ()onion and Lege Glidden
ware among the delegates ee the Christian
Redee•or bed Aonday .oeeol ogeve.tlee at
canton lot week.
Like everybody Mee wbe has Gives lacer's
Kerner P111e s Tart Trial.
St kismet, (Joe.,.laly 1 -(Spate') --1...
Penns, nl this plane, bars very high opinion
of 1)d4'. Kldnay Pile. He has tested these
merlin and knows whereof he spooks.
Wherever yeti go without the tweed Dom-
inion you will Lev. • hard teak to fled o. •
ens whn haying given DodiI'e Rldoey Plle
•e henr.l .henna M are him .511111e•
,iean Pevnl says, i think D.AA's Klassy
Pill. are good. They mord me .f kidney
disease, with which 1 enamel anti wheeh at
might brood me t0 ries every bear Trodey
an well 1 deep without hevina to gel
sp 1■ the night You east believe me i as
g od to hews .5ga•ned my health
"Thanks •'beesaed Mme. te I ledd's Kid.
hey ton9 l"
104. Lat. fan. se.Nvtlle, Leekoew.
L the death of Mrs. Somerville, widow
et tn. late Jamb Som•rnlle, •a M P. for
1V .t Bruoe, os Susdsy morning Iu•, thee.
weeed away 1.05 oldest and nae ill toe moot
highly osermed 011011es of the village
The demeaeed lady was .rrlokeo with petal
vete .buut a week No, bed never tally re
gained 000sotou.neee till her death. Mn.
Somerville was burn in Dumfermine, Fife
.hire, Mootl•od, In 1885, and white poly
foot years of age Dame Io Granada web her
parents and settled In Duod•e 1n 1830.
Here .he grew eo womanhood and In 1849
!wee married b James Somerville, They
remained to Dundee 1111 the year 1862,
whoa they removed to the township of
Wee& Wawaoo.b, and sir years later, is
1868, they e•m• to Luokoow. The de
breed sae an teeniest end devout Chr,. ..n
end a Illelong member ut the Presbyter,..
(burol. She always took a koros tuberose
in everything them pertained le the moral
winery of e0o plate, and was a °hatter
member of the W.C.T U. She bad 000u.
Mod the presldeot's ohair and at the tune
of her death wee yloo president of the
.00lety, sod her pleasant lace and kindly
manner will long be remembered by boa
with whom she .scooted. Among the
many beautiful floral offerings soot was •
handsome wreath of white roses, baroatdees
and maiden hair lett from the local W. C.
T. U., and • beautiful wreath from Mit
Kpworth League et the Methodist ohuroh.
She leaves a grown-up family of Ohne eons
and two daughters, below Robert, of the
Soo, Horsoe and itoab, of Superior City ;
and Mrs. R. L. Hsnter, or Superior silty,
Wis., sod Mrs. Wm. Connell, of Luokoow.
The funeral to the Kinloes °amu .ry cm
Monday lest was very largely attended,
the services at the house and greys being
°enduotod by the Key. A. MaK*y -Lusk•
oar Sentinel
Special Iger staples Dot,
Kingsto.: It le • pleasure to announce
toot • Dow 25 Deet else of Cetarrbozae is
now on sale In every store in Uao•d• This
e the only remedy 'het o.n be bmpliolty r. -
Bed upon to ours catarrh, attema and been.
shies It corn quickly, surely, perm■nent-
ly Relief from l'starrbo!uas 1s yawl.
Noss, threat, had and twigs are ob ared at
one breath from the inhaler. Try It today
for 'hot *old. Prep.red 0.y p0000I.ton of
Poloon's Hemline, and guaranteed to ours
or your moose bsok.
The publlo schools and Collegiate Into•
tale are oload, and pupils and tesoher are
having their midsummer rest, ezoept those
won are Interested In the den•rtmenMl ea.
amlootloue now go,ag 00.
"Wkasure twice, cut
but once."
11>Ypernerll till you
And the uniformly good
tasks ot6esoe-the shape,
sot: and width you need.
Then stick to it --
deet speculate.
Yodll k,:ow it always
by the Makers' price
t assp:sprb'on the sok --
"ThCSlater Shoe"
Wm. Sharman, Jr. - Sole Local Agent.
- THE 1.101000 -
untro►\ Vivrectort a+na
Yalu°o. IMt,v.. »oust
40.1100. carefully attended 1• sr all
been. night sr gay.
eotbre *greet.
M Carr
7'1).0 * full line of
Screen Doors and
Lawn flowers,
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
SIll'1ll llllS, OY6fCO1S
The mon pressed In • salt made at
our store always looks trim, as 1t Is tb•
.mbitton of every man of tante to look,
A large
o1 olotha to choose
If you are oontempiating getting •
light overeat for spring wear, give us •
Demos to sone you. Prime rlpht.
west atrset
Mill Wood
The a. Kaye 14 cut Into stove wood
ten, th and will 110 daliveriwi to any
part of the town the same day as
Order. received hy telephone or
left at er.idenort, 128 Cambria .trent,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
Onderk+h. 14ovemher 21st, 1890. b11 -am
"' ?pt -i «;tc4` 3 iii' i+'• -t .
TOUHIDAT, July 4, 1901.
V Urfa Add la the Most
Uniaakiy kidneys ant 1(b
cease of the acid baiaM
tiers. If the klduye
aa they should they would
atralo the Uric eat
of the system and rbeama
tism wouldn't occur. Ries
madam le • Kidney Dia.
ease. Dodd's KIdeey P
Leve made • great past et
their reput•Uom eater
Rheumatism- So [w(
the arm of those faarAd
shooting raise and •tit,
&chitty joints. Than is
bat we 0..r• ttgy--
T AMPER00r,.,;
with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the hest
there is at the same prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
Al. our Drug :>.ore the stock is al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
hue a reputation for promptnew„ and
Me,e1*cal 11.11.
Mckllop Mntaal Fire Iisttrasoe Co.
Value of Property Inaurel op to Jannary,
1901 *3.044.171..0
J. B. Mohnen, Dres.: T. Frailer. vlon-ore.. ;
Jos. Connolly, te. Delo. W. O. Broildtott, J.
Wet t. Jae, Kvaos, J. (1. Grieve, J Beooewel.,
d,rst,.ere, W Bro 4lo rt, deaf° -ti,. Inspec-
tor of losses ; T. IL Hays, Sesturtb, secretary.
J. W, Yee, Holme.vlle • James Cumming
Iiarnondellle ; R. MaM lien. Beafortb ; R
Smith, Bartsch
Polley -hoiden an pay- ass.rmente and get
their cards reoel*terd at Mr. Coate' Clintoo. or
at Mclean Bron' Palace Clothing Store, Gods -
Toe Dame *ands for all that e
reliable le ranting machnery,
intending to purchase anything in our
line should Inspect our goods before
placing their order.
We always carry on Land a full
stock of repairs.
We have the best make of Cream
Separators on the market.
You can get the meet up-to-date
Carriage or Buggy made in Can-
ada at a reasonable price from us.
Massey -Harris Bicycles -New
1901 models -elegant mount,. Call
and see them.
$»RT- P43.1113O1\78,
A Great Snap
e our (Anger Snap, at 50, a
pound, of whioh weal! a barrel • week.
This limit our only soap, u we carry
everything that ao be found In an 00 -
to -der grocery ,tore, end our prices
aro right. The harmers know that they
nen always get from es a snap for their
produce. We draw the I at Do
legitimates trade - nett) - ,r Note :
Glassware or potatoes, mind,.. •lo ' , r
obolothe.mtOhba.table Ohba. We deal in .I.
Redford block, Ilederioh.
Oil Stoves 11 t
Gasoline Stoves
Ice Cream Freezers
Dairy Tinware
Metal Roofing and
J. H. Worsell,
(ta°,176"1". �
xat 'tlaGtin,A" r," 4 myt., i
R. f .Store smith's 117 cKI11�I , S Reld's Old
After a suooeaaful 0easou in two busy stored there is a big lot of desirable
remnants of all kinds.
Starting Tuesday, July '9n 1, we intend waking:quick work of these oddments
by means of remnants of that old prices.
Remnants of Dress Goods lengths for waists, skirts, dresses
and child's dresses. The goods are Aland the prices what you
would expect to pay for rubbish.
Oddments of Clothing.
Remnants of Prints, Muslins and Wash Goods.
Remnants of Laces and Embroideries.
Remnants of Toweling and Table Linen.
Remnants of White Goods and Shirt Waists.
Remnants of all kinds of goods,
ou which you can save good money. It is to your interest to see if we have what
you want and you o'an'tt ell till you *60. They are no use to us now and prioe
,e I'o ubje.ct.
Come July and and Dome every day while they last. tome osn't last long at
the prices.
W_ A_ McK=M.
Hattori Of cnange• must lir left at this
()thee ee trot later than Saturday
noon The ('opy for changes,
test be lett not inter thee Mon-
day noon. Oaseal Advertisements
*coopers' ap to noon Werineads) of
each weak.
Binder Twine
SEASON 1901.
`FAKMENS' MPECIAi,'binder twine
aupolted to 'meows Only at So. per Ib, Int oro
bushel, cotton. 1e oz. grain bags, bound with
two rope snap batmen. and weighing lin lbs.
each, length over SOU feet per pound, quality
end length guaranteed. (.bb with °r,.w s.
purchaser pais freight.
A• dress order* 1 T. GILMOUR, Wallen
Central Pre.nn. Tomato. Further partioulare
addrees J AMPS NOXON,Insp•ot or,l'arliament
Buildings, rorooto.
Toronto June Nth, 1901. Provincial Seentary.
Farmers' Co -Operative
Company, Limited,
Prices for the Beason o
Red Star 600 ft 104c.
Red Star, 550 ft 10 0.
Special Manilla, 500 ft... 91c.
Sisal, old 8 c•
Sisal, standard 7 c.
(Tacos latter. two not oto owe make.)
,� des• .o- .M
lIN6quALl '
Jill Shapes aid Styles.
" King Quality" hs*e' shoes are made in enough shapes
to fit all kinds of ladies' feet, and have an elegant appearance.
Greater variety, better selection, more style, more comfort,
better wear than any other Canadian hullos' shoe.
Gold medalist at Paris Exposition.--..___.. ..-
See that they ari branded-
' Made by The J. D. King Co., Limited, Teasel!.
Our Agent Is Iloderloh 1. St, (.e.uric Prtu.
Shoes that
measure up
to Your
We Furnish Yon Two Comfortable Feet.
Common sense, as well as style, can be purchased reasonably at our
counters. Good well -able shoes for all sorts of occasions.
High grade footwear at prices that you cannot beat.
Don't fail to see our "KING QUALITY" shoes if you want the latest
styles. THEY LEAi).
TRUNKS, GRIPS, Etc. '' ' Repairing neatly done.
Have you tried a gurus on the Pan-American 1 If not, why not t A
guess with every dollar purchase at this store.
Sole Agent for King Quality Shoes.
ottl`,, i eliVT
yet lWi..... i:I
We' rive 0,111 away with each pound -Of Pdte Crean' Baking
Powder pureieaserd from us. 50c a lb. The step -ladder alone is
worth the price.
Try a packag^ of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Notes. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
full acts(- rtment.
STZT'R=Y dr. CO.
Telspheee I a 91. THE GROORRS.
Hat Bargains
Ilattng purchased twelve dozen hats at a great reduction they will tell
soltl at the following lbw prior
Hea(ry-to-wear hat at 25c, worth 60c.
Children's ready-to-wear hats at 15c worth 35c, and at 50c.
worth $1.00.
Leghorna at 35c, worth 50c. ;.,„„,<.,,;,
Leghorns at 75c, worth 81.26
Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat, for 75c.
All millinery rwlerwi Mr the balance of the season.